Shiva Purana 1 (Sanskrit Text With English Translation)

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&> чч: fyrara

SIVA m a h a p u r Ana
(Ал Exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text,
E nglish T ranslation with
Photographs o f Archaeological Evidence)

Translated into English by

Shanti Lai N agar
The Puranas are considered to be the pillars of the Vedic dharma comprising of Sruti. Smrti and
Puranas. The Siva-Mahapurana is a famous one amongst the eighteen Mahapuranas. Relatively
bigger in size. This Purana is primarily of a religious tone, dedicated mainly to the glory, various
forms, their importance and valour of lord Siva.

There had been certain deities, who after once appearing over the Indian Religious horizon,
never lost their importance and continue here even to the present times, facing all the political,
religions and other adversities. Lord Siva comes under this category, because his following never
disappeared from the Indian scence after he attained the position of adoration and worship. Lord
Siva has always remained important among all the gods starting from the oldest scriptures-
Vedas, Brahmana literatures and Upanisads to the late poets and writers of Kasmira, he has been
always the mainframe of these literatures. Even various philosophies emerged in the past among
the followers of lord Siva.

Siva-Mahapurana, besides the Mahatmya, is comprised of seven Samhitas:-

(i) Vidyesvara Samhita
(ii) Rudra Samhita-(a) Srsti Khanda, (b) Sati Khanda, (c) Parvati Khanda, (d) Kumara Khanda,
(e) Yuddha Khanda
(iii) Satarudra Samhita
(iv) Koti Rudra Samhita
(v) Uma Samhita
(vi) Kailasa Samhita
(vii) Vayaviya Samhita- (a) First Part, (b) Second Part

While bringing out the English version of the Siva Purana, a new element of correlating the main
events, with the available archaeological evidence in the entire length and breadth of the country
relating to the gods and the goddesses referred to in this Purana, have been illustrated on the
basis of which it makes this work of a unique character.


Л S if t : 1 ? 3 и а щ ич

T fy q W n 3irqit n f e ггдтдтг и
{Alharvaveda, 13.4.4-5)
("Не is Агуаша, Vanina, Rudra, Agni, SCrya MahByama, and is line one who roams about
in die sky, wiih his rays in the form of Indra)

1. P re h is to ric A ge
India happens lo be the sacred land of the gods, where, from Ihe lim e i in mem о На I, several
deities had beer adored, w hile some o f ihcm disappeared from Ihe Indian religious horizon,
as rapidly as they had mushroomed, but some o f them were relegated ro ohlivjan with Ihe
passage o f lim e becoming redundant. S till there had been certain deities, who after once
appearing over lb 2 Indian Religious horizon, never lost their importance and continue here
even to the present times, facing all the political, religions and other adversities. Lord Siva
comes under the last category, because his follow ing never disappeared from Ihe Indian
scene after he attained the position o f adoration and worship Besides the ancient Indian
literature, even the archaeological evidence is quite vocal on the subject, because the
presence Siva has been found in the Harappan culture com m only known as the Indus valley
civilization, which is believed to be the pre-Vedic The name o f the pre-Vedic proto-type o f
Siva is not known to us, but Rudra continued to be the principle name o f Siva The Harappan
sites in the country as w ell as those in Pakistan have produced evidence o f the presence o f
Siva in human as w ell as the sym bolic form. A seal from Harappa displays a homed deity
sealed crass legged in the forest, stretching his arms uptn the knees, which has been
interpreted to represent Siva, in the form o f Pasupati, surrounded by the w ild life. The
inscription over the seal has not been satisfactorily deciphered. But the deity is supposed to
be the prototype o f Siva. Even the pre-Harappan sites o f Namazga, K u li and Zhob in
Afghanistan and Baluchistan, have produced the terracotta images o f Siva artdyOfli, besides a
large number o f bulls. This goes on to establish the antiquity o f Ihe worship o f Siva in the
Indian sub-conlinenL In so far as the historical sites are concerned, enough o f evidence has
been forth coming in the form o f terracotta artefacts, concerning worship o f Siva in the sites
of Ahicchatra, Kausam bi, Raj ghat and many others.

2 . Vedic and posl-Vedic Age

W hile dealing with the presence of Siva in the ancient Indian literature, one has to refer to
the ftgveda, wherein Rudra the violent form o f Siva had been more popular. Indeed Rudra
was the Vedic counterpart o f Siva and the Vedic and BrShm aoic Characterisation o f Rudra
enunciates as many as a hundred names o f Ihe god, i.e. Salarudrlya in tfutda yajurveda The
glimpses of the presence o f Rudra/Siva in the fiigveda are given hereunder •
(I] Pfiveda
!■*■■« ТТЗЙП 5 tg : I ( R g v e d a 6.5 1 .12 )

(M a y Rudra, the lord o f cosm ic v ila lity , the vita l breath, and d ivin e speech, the all
pervading winds send us rains and m ake us happy)

(b‘ v’* ' w n явив? Щ* вагч (ibid.. 8 3.7)

(0 , Resplendent Rudra, men g lo rify you, w ith hym ns, so that yo u m ay cherish, their noble
deeds, the sp iritu ally aw akened sages, in one accord lift up their vo ic e to praise ycu first and
men possessing vital energy also sing forth уm n praises.)

( c) f?3! Я Р » ЯР W IT » W i ЗЦ q^i (ibid 8 7 12)

(О Клее Mem, ch an lab le Rudra. you m ake the enem ies to cry, holding al the weapons, О
Illustrious M aruts, when you being present in the yajna d rink ihe m mti ju ice , you gel fu lly
conscious o f your (un ctio n s.)

( li) Y a ju r v e d a

Rudra has been eulogised w ith a hundred nam es in the Й аш п кМ уа Sam hiifl o f the 4ukla
yajurveda o f VgjavnchT school. In the T a iitirly a Sam hiifl o f the K n n a -y a ju rv e d a . he has been
conceived as h aving я thousand fold v irility . C hapter 16 оГ the Y a ju rve d a co n ceives Rudra in
a variety o f forms w h ich is quite su ip iisin g as w ould he evident from the fo llo w in g -

( i) Hym n-1, I k m akes Others to w cap and suppresses those doing in ju stice to others, he is
the carrier o f the a rro w ', having tw o arms

(ii) Hym n-2, describes him as d w ellin g in the m ountain cave; his peaceful form rem oves
the sins at sight; and in his benevolent form he casts a com passionate look at his devoiees

(iii) Hym n-3, C o n ceives him h aving been dedicated to the protection o f the people w h ile
destroying Ihe enem ies w ith h is arrows

(iv ) Hym n-4, C o n ceives him as the d w eller a f m uim tains w ho can rem ove the ailm ents o f
the w orld. He has been described as the physician o f the w o rld (in hyinn-$) and the destroyer
o f the cruel creatures as w e ll as the degraded persona

(v ) Hym n-7 o f this chapter conceives Rudra w ith blue throat, w tio i i visib le to the ladies
carryin g W ater in the pitchers at daw n and at dusk In the next hym n he has been defined w ith
a thousand eyes. He has also been defined (h ym n -10) as the one h aving the matted locks o f
hair over the head. H e has also been defined as an im m ensely learned preceptor (H ym n - 15).

He is said lo have arms adorned w ith gold ornam ents, being ihe lord o f the a ll the
directions, leader o f Ihe arm y, h aving the green hair resem bling the tender leaves, lord o f
anim als, illu strio u s and having the com plexion o f the Fresh sprouting shoals, lord a f the
pathw ays, w earing a yajn cp avlta (sacred thread) free from old age, and the G rcal god, being
the lord o f all the gods H e m akes the cereals to grow, protector o f the universe, w ho carries
the weapons In subjugate the sin fu l people, preserver o f the fo rcsls as w ell as the regions. He
is Ihc one who cannot he killed (hym ns-17-18). He keeps a watchful eye ever the cheats and
burglars controllers o f die spies, subjugatex the trouble shooters, and punishes I hose who
steal the riches o f others (Hymn-2 I ) wearing a (urban he lives over the mountain, icm fics the
wicked people, with the use o f bow and arrow (Hym n-22) He has mailed locks o f hun over
the head, has the shaven head and carries a hundred bows, having I he form o f V ijru (Hym n
29). He has the body like a child a youngman as w ell as вп old man and possesses all the
excellent qualities (Hymn-30). These as w ell as several ether qualities o f £iva have been
described in Yajurveda (chapter-16). In the Rfivtda Rudra is described as Kyyada-vira,
generally interpreted by the scholars as the rulers over the heroes, and the wise, at the same
time emphasising his irm lic aspect as well, which has also been brought out in the Tailtirlya
SamhilS o f the Krfna-vajurveda in which it is played that. 'O Rudra. do not, out o f anger,
injure our children and descendants, our people, our cattle, our horses, and do not k ill our
men, we invoke you w ith offerings

m ^ 1 4 n i яг ц aquft in qt rrttj чга) n f ri t

«Лrr-^ tfi T W 'llfitfl «•■•‘n s-* gatnrAii
(iii) The text o f the Atharuaveda is said to have sprung up from ihe forehead o f Brah
and then transformed itse lf into h alf male and half female (i.e A rdh an Jn svara) The eleven
Rudras, whose names differ, sprang up from the former’s h alf In an other text Rudras are
represented as children o f Kasyapa and Surabhi of o f Brahm a and Surabtii In one o f the
hymns Rudra has been described in itic Aiharvaveda as Agni at dawn, besides Agnt, Vanina,
M ilra, Aiivirs, Ридипн. Brhaspaii and Soma :■

Imrdii W it «rauiw m ЯТИ: £414(111 {Atkarvaveda, 3.16.1)

Thus, though the epithet o f Rudra was more popular for Siva in the Vedic literature, but
most of his attributes like Mahadeva, Kapardl or having a thousand arms and a hundred eyes
had already gained currency during the Vedic period itself.

(3 ) T he A ge o f B rfth m a n a lite ra tu re

The adoration o f aiva in the form o f Rudra continued during the period o f the Bhlhmana
literature. In the Salapatha RtHhmanu (4 5.7.42), eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, tw elve Adilyas
including the heaven and the earrh were included in the thirty three gods, w hile Praj3pati
happens 1c be Ihe thirty fourth This text also equates Agnt with Rudra ( The
Taiditiya Brflhniara (3 11 4.1 2) describes Siva as Pasupati - the lord o f anim als world This
aspect has been projected in the seals from Harappa and M ohenjodaro as has already been
discussed. The le d also equates Agni with Rudra ( Agni is also described as flic on
earth and the Aditya as Rudra in the sky ( Rudra is also the lord o f Bfiitras. who lakes
care o f beings Rudrs protects the devotees, as a matter o f course without any coerciixi on the
part of his devotees. He is invincible - the active pan o f Agni who guards the health o f the
living beings (2.6 4 .1)
Commenting on the presence o f Siva in the Aitreya Brahmana A В Keith has observed,
"no argument can be either way he drawn, from the prominence o f Siva in (he SamkhyAna
Since Aufrccht has proved that even m Aitreya Siva happens to be the great god in the form
□Г Rudra just, as he is in the Soiapalha, in (he later book o f Vojasneyt Samhita and portions
o f Atharvaveda It must be recognised that the deity later known as Siva, came at an early
period la be (he most prominent o f the Hindu pantheon to represent that striving at
pantheistic monotheism, which is one o f its forms, and is characteristic o f all development o f
Indian religious thought ll is probable that several conceptions have merged in the idea o f
the later Jjiva O riginally the god o f storm, which destroyers, was later amalgamated w ith the
god o f forest, and wood or rather perhaps with (he vegetation spirit, which has been rendered
so fam iliar by the studies follow ing Mannhardi Possibly two traits o f his character are
derived front (be idea o f evil powers o f the spirits o f the dead as suggested by V . Schrocdu.
who regards him as the ch ief o f the spirits o f the dead " (Aitreya Brdhmana by A .B.
Keith, (pp 33-34. Oxford, 1969). The SamkhyOna, Knusilaki and other В rah man as use the
names as £iva, Rurha-Siva, Mahadeva, Mahesvara and T£gna fo r describing the great god.
(fianerjea, J N.. Development o f Hindu iconography, pp. 447-448]. Commenting over the
development of the personality o f Siva, in the BrSbm apa literature W eber has suggested that,
“ long ago such epithets like MahSdeva, IsSna. etc o f Rudra, involving quite a special
prominence o f the deity as compared to the other gods indicated a sectarian w orship*
(Indixhc Sludien, ii, 302]. Taking into account the myths about (he origin and growth o f the
concept o f Rudra. Aufrechi also observed that 'the period o f Brahm anas was the one, when,
Lhc old polytheism was in a condition o f decline and (he new faith, was gaining ground
(K e ilh , A .B . Rgveda Brahmanas, p. 26]. Thus upto the Brahm anas literature, Rudra had been
conceived in his Saum ya (peaceful] as w ell as the ghora (terrific) forms O f these, Rudra,
£arva. LIgra and Asani represented his destructive forms w hile Bhava, Pasupati, M ahideva
and Isana were his ЬепеПсеш forms It is not possible to determine, the exact dale o f the
complete emergence o f (he cu ll centering around Rudra ^iva. because the process o f its
evolution was undoubtedly gradual and enough o f literary data c f the prechristian period,
seem to indicare the stages o f its growth and developmenL

(4) The Upanisadic Literature

Coming to the posl-Vedic literature, the Upanisads. besides the Brahm anas, have their
own importance w hile dealing with the various aspects o f Siva M any o f these Upanisads
have been termed as the Saiva Upani$ads and Siva has been discussed in them in many
forms. The salient features о Г some o f these texts are highlighted as under -

(i) According to the Sveiasvatara Upanisad (3.2.4) Rudra happens to be the one wh
well aware o f Brahm an and does not admit the existence o f a second. H e alone rules rhe
entire universe with his prowess. He is said to be dw elling as the innerself o f ail (he living
beings, alter creating all the worlds H e is their protector, lakes them back into him self at the
end o f the time. H is eyes are everywhere. H is faces are everywhere; his arms are everywhere
and so is the care o f his feet It is he who endows the men w ith arms, birds w ith talons and
wings, and the men likew ise w ith the feel. H aving produced heaven and earth, he remains
Iheif пол-dual mam fesror He is the omniscient Rlldra. Lhe creator o f gods and the heslower
of power 10 them, besides being the support o f the universe. He is the one who in itially gave
birth to Hiranyagarbha and is invoked to b e lo w the clear intellccL
(ii) The Brhaddranyaka Upanisad (3.11.2) describes the eleven Rudras. beside, the ot
gods. On being questioned by Sakalya, YSj naval fcya replied that there were eight Vasus
eleven Rudras. twelve A dilyas b sid es the other gods making a total o f thirty three

(tii) The Kenn Upanisad p .l 2 etc.) preservers a story in w hich the supremacy o f UltiA,
the spouse o f Siva is established. According to the story, once Hrahman obtained the victory
for the gods who fell elated and attributed the victory to themselves. Brahm an understood it
all and appeared before them, but the gods were unaware o f his identity. They asked Agni to
find out the reality about the same He went to Rrahman who asked him, "W h o are yo u ?' He
replied, " I am known as Agni and am also known as lataveda " W hen asked about his
powers, Agni said “ • hunt all, whatever is there on earth " Brahm an then put a straw before
him and said, "Bum this." He rushed towards it w ilh all his strength, but failed to bum it
Then he returned from Lhe spirit and Lold the gods, " I could not know lhe reality about the
sp irit" Then Vayu, when asked 10 find out the truth about lhe spirit was unable to do so and
returned disappointed Then the gods prayed lo India to go and him self find out lhe truth
about the spirit. Bu t the spirit disappeared from that place and instead Um i-H aim avail was
found standing there, who informed Indra, ” 11 is indeed Rrahman through whose victory you
have gained the glory " Thereafter Indra could w ell understand Brahm an.

(iv ) The Kafha Upanisad conceives Rudla as lhe lord o f lapas elements and water

W rt« r V i

T*f i f s i * fn iR «

(Kalha-Upanisad. 4.В 6.77)

Besides the above, lhe Praina Upanisad, (ti l l 9 25) Chdndagya Upanisad (3.7.1),
Brhaddranyaka (1.4.11), Mailrdyanfya (7.2), Jaiminiya ( I 18 3) and other Lpaniijads
describe Siva, in one or the other forms.

(5) The evidence of the epics

(a) The VH Im lki R ttm llyara

The epics o f Valmiici RUmdvana as w ell as the Mahdbhdraia besides lhe Upani$ads have
their own importance in the ancient Sanskrit literature and Siva 9 conspicuously found
present in both these texts, glimpses оГ w hich have been provided hereunder

(i) Chapter 36 o f the BSlakUnda of the K l k l f i Rdmdyana describes Umfl as the daughter
of H im ilaya and МепЯ fin being asked by R3ma, aboul the details o f the episode relating Lo
the birth o f Kartikeya, Visvflm iira narrated the follow ing story to Rflma and Lsksm ana -

"In ancient times, the holy lord Mahadeva was wedded lo Parvatl and charmed wilh het
beauiy, he devoted him self to the delights o f (he connubial hliss. According to the measure o f
limes o f the gods, Lord Mahadeva, passed a hundred years with Parvatt, but remained
without an issue. In this anxiety, (he gods, approached Brahm a and said, "W h o w ill be able to
endure the power and glory o f the offspring produced by the two mighty beings?" They then
look refuge with Mahadeva, saying, “ 0 God o f gods, О M ahadeva. you are alw ays engaged
in doing good lo all livin g beings, we offer our salutation to you, be gracious to us None can
endure your power О foremost among the gods, for the w elfare o f the three worlds, retain
your energy within your body so dial the universe m ay be preserved and may not suffer
rtrsinjcticn " At this, M ahadeva, the ruler o f the world listened lo the prayer o f the gods and
said. “ Be it so. 0 Gods, I shall restrain my power so that all (he regions including the earth
could dw ell in peace, but, О Gods, should my vital fluid overflow , who shall receive it ? ' The
gods replied, "The earth would do so." Then Mahadeva let fall his seed on earth covering, the
mountains, sea and the forests. When the earth could bear il no more, the gods asked the
wind and (ire deities to combine with the creative power and thus was a w hile mountain
created. Later a heavenly forest as resplendent as the light o f the sun was created. From this
fiery light, the glorious KArtikeya was bunt *

Besides the above R3ma is also said lo have established at Sivahnga at RSm esvaram and
adored it before the ctossing o f Ihc Setubandlta by his monkey arm y, for entry into Lanka

Sim ilar types o f accounts of Ihe adoration of Siva by R3ma. are found in other Sanskrit as
w ell other R3m3yana texts, composed in the regional languages o f the country highlighting
Ihe building o f the Siva temple at Ihe start of the bridge over the ocean W hatever may be the
case, it is quite certain lhat, a definite form o f lingo had already gained currency and be had
became в popular deity

(b) The M ah ib h iraiH

In the epic o f the MohabM rata Siva enjoys a prominent place He is. adored in the two
exclusive poems in which be is eulogised as Siva M ahadeva, in itially in the Siva
Sahasrunamosrolra recited by Daksa {Mohdbhdram X lll 2Я5, 10346-10439).
Mahadevosahasranamostotra on (he other hand is said to have been recited by a RrShmana
and then repeated by Tandin (Ibid.. X III. 1144-12661 He is also connected w ith several
episodes in this epic some o f which are detailed as under

(a ) He is described as Nllakantha, having consumed Ihe Kfllakdta emerging from the

churning o f the ocean by Ihe gods and the demons, popularly known as amna-mamhan
{Ibid. 1.66, 2565)
(b) Gandharl was bestowed w ith a boon by Siva lo have a hundred sons. (Ib id , 1 123.

(c) Draupadi prayed to $iva in the former birth, five times to have a husband, as a result
o f which she became Ihe w ife o f Ihe five P&ndavas (Ibid 1.66. 2565)

(d ) Jarasandha worshipped Mahadeva and had imprisoned m any longs in the temple оГ
Pasupali for offering sacrifice to ia iv (Ibid , II, 146. 16431.____________________________________
(c) Siva g n n Led sixty thousand sons to Sagara from one o f his w ives and one son fro
Ac other wife (Ibid ., Ill, 106, 8826).
(f) M ahldeva lived in H im alaya mourn*in and absorbed the GangA over his head (Ib id ,
V.H ],382S)
(g) Siva was visualised by NArAyana as the master the lord o f the universe, lord o f all the
gods, the Supreme deity, sm aller than the smallest and larger than the largest. He has the
matted locks o f hair over the head and is the infuser o f life in every form He has crescent
moon over Ihe forehead, and is clad in Mger's skin. He is surrounded by many ghosts and
spirits. He is unborn and can revet be sighted by the wicked people He is destroyer o f
Andhaka and has three eyes and a blue thioal (Ibid , V H I 201, 603)

(h) K jjn a recited 5>atflrudr1ya in praise of Siva and declared him ю be the creator o f all Ihe
living beings He destroyed the sacrifice o f Daksa as w ell as the Tripuras. (Ibid . X III 161,
(i) Arjuna had been the hero o f the Mahdbhtirata (V I. 219) who performed severe lapas
for getting Paiupata weapon, from £iva for the slaying o f his enemies, w hich was bestowed
by Siva after testing his strength. The episode o f Atjuna receiving the Pasupata weapon from
Siva is popularly known as KTrAIArjunlyam References to the pretence o f Siva in the earlier
sections of the MahUbhOrata over the columns are found. Thus in the KlratSrjunlyam
episode. Arjuna has been described as adoring Siva (Bh ava) with в garland, after making an
carlhen altar (as the divine sym bol) (11,39.625) -

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tjn q t r q W rs tf F * ш е * П п " 1 ' Ч З 4 11

It would thus be evident that driving the terrific form o f Siva, to the background, the
personality o f the lord became more conspicuous as 1 benevolent deity who could remove the
sufferings o f the people and save them from misery. He was a powerful protector o f his
devotes, which aspect would be clear I ram (he episode o f the M nhabhirata in which
A ivath lm l on hia nocturnal journey la the FAndava's camp during the night in order to
murder all the brothers was confronted by a gigantic figure at the gate. He then invoked the
aid o f Siva his patron deity and there appeared before him a huge golden altar with fire
flames spreading on all the sides, obstructing his onward movement. This is the concept o f
sudden appearing o f a flam ing golden altar or ■ p illar before AsvathAnnl in order to protect
Ihe Pipdavas This is a glaring example o f the lord's protecting his devotees However, (his is
clear that by (he time o f the epics, the worship o f Siva had started in many forms, and even
the various types o f s loir as had been composed in his honour Not only could be protect his
devotees but a lio could grant them their desired wishes and the weapons

(6 ) T b t f u r lg i s

The Purloaa have added enorm ously to the development o f the personality of Siva, and in
these texts m tnv of the episodes from the Vedic and the post-Vcdic literature had been
included and further elaborated, highlighting, the benevolent, heroic and the ugта forms o f
£iva The Purtnic literature is so vast that it would be rather im possible to bring in all the
important details presently, but still an effort has been made la highlight the presence o f Siva
in some o f the Puripas in various forms An other aspect that cannot be last sight o f in this
connection is that side by side with Ihe Puranas, the T in tric texts as w ell as the Siipa Sizirax
had also mushroomed over the Indian religious horizon in which the monographic features of
(he deity with his spouse had been developed, which added to the grace o f representing £iva
in various forms in the Indian plastic art

(0 Agm Purdna in its Chapter 53, brings out the essential features o f Lhe phallic emblem
o f Siva including the mode o f sculpturing the same, its dimensions, besides the measures of
the p Ifhas The next Chapter describes the merit o f worshipping the phallic emblem made of
different substances and other related derails

(ii) Chapter-115 o f Ihe Bhavtfya Purdna highlights an episode in which Kr$na, once went
to the Mansarovara lake where he meditated Siva for twelve years. The next Chapter
provides a graphic account o f (be gods who called lhe K n o a during his stay al Kailasa. This
event o f K rjija's visil lo Him alaya for the purpose o f performing tapas for Siva has also been
found in the VAyavIya SarnhitS o f lhe Siva Purdna

(iii) The Chapter 34 o f the Brahmd Purdna nanales the episode o f Siva's destruction of
rhe sacrifice of Daksa in considerable detail According lo this account Sad went to the
sacrifice o f her father, uninvited, much against the wishes o f her husband, where she was
humiliated for arriving without the invitation Even Siva was abused by Daksa, as a result of
which Satl ended her life in the fire altar o f yajna. The concluding part o f the C haplei relates
lo the birth o f Satl as ParvaLT in the house o f Him alaya. P lrv a ll after her birth performed
lapa* for getting Siva as her husband In Chapter-36, Siva's marriage with Parvail is
performed, and the gods praise (he lord as follows

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Chaplcrs-305 306, describe the battle between RAnAsura and Krsna and ultim ate mamage
o f U$3 - the daughter o f BAnAsura w ith Aniruddha. the grand son o f Krsna after a battle
between Siva and Kpsna. The same episode has been included in the Siva Purdna as w ell.

(iv ) In lhe Chapter-5 o f the book-3 of lhe Devi Bhdgavata Purina, Siva eulogises the
goddess alorgw ilh BrahmA and Other gods, calling her the universal mother. According to the
Chapter-17, o f this РигАрв. Vispu once cursed Laksm l that she would never stick to one place
and shall always remain on Lhe move being unstable A fter Lhe curse Lakgmr left Vaikunlha.
and came to stay at ihe confluence o f the rivers Yamunfl and the TamasA in the Form o f a
man* <!lw SB t4 ail tier time in the devotion of Siva having five faces, ten arms and with
Pirvm i as bis spouse Thousands o f years were spent hy her in meditation Thereafter Siva
aod PirvaLl appeared before her and I alts ml apprised them o f her m s fortune because o f (he
«use of Viggu. She then prayed to (he divine couple to rid her o f (he curse Siva then
pronounced dial she would be free o f (he curse after giving birth (□ a son. Laksm l that
pointed out that she could not have a son without Viynu, her husband Siva then promised
that he would send V ijp u in die form o f a horse and a son named FkavTn would be born to
her and she would be relieved o f the curse.

(v ) Chaiper-1ЯЯ o f the Harivaritiu Purina contains the story o f HSnisura who desired to
he a son o f Siva and PSevan and for (his purpose be performed severe lupus which pleased
the divine couple who granted him his desired wish. Thereafter BAnlsura resided at Sonitpun
which was protected by Siva In the meantime U a l the daughter o f B ln ls u ra fell in love with
Aniruddha ■ the ion o f Pradyumna and grandson o f Kr$na l $J a m ud servant abducted
Animddha from D v&rikl and was brought him stealthily to the capital o f BJnAsura, where
both o f then married secretly. Learning about the presence o f Aniruddha in his palace.
Binlsura became furious and starred a war in w hich K rp ia and ether Yadavas also joined.
Since BAnlsura had been declared as the son o f Siva, (he latter also joined the war A great
battle was fought between Siva and Ктзпа in which deadly weapons were used. The conflict
ended at the intervention Brahm a, after which Siva returned to K ailA ia and Lisa was form ally
married to Anim ddha Hut RAniLsura was deprived o f all his arms except the two natural ones
in his fight with Krsna

(vi) The Кйгта P urina (9.50-31) describes S iva having three eyes, one o f which is
lodged in the forehead He is the lord o f the bhOlas having the malted locks o f hair and bolds
a trident Brahmfl and V i;n u also describe him as Mahesvara m anifested as a great Yogi,
having effulgent splendour equal to that o f the ten m illion suns pul together, lie has also been
described as devouring the sky as it were, with a thousand crores o f months and possessed of
a thousand heads and an equal number c f feet, having Ihe sun. (he moon and the fire as his
eyes. The trident bearing lord appears holding (he P tn iia in (he hand dressed in (he tiger's
skin, using a snake to serve as a sacred thread and utlenng sounds as deep as (he rum bling of
the clouds

(v ii) The word tiriga in (he Linga P urina has been used in several w ays, (he most
important and the fundamental meaning o f which could be a mark or a symbol Even in
respect of the meaning o f the marks distinguishing one sex from die other is further derived
from the primary meaning In i(s usage all over the Sanskrit Literature, this prim ary meaning
has already been kept in view even when applied In в form o f Siva . It is thus the primary
meaning that is predominately kept in view as visualised from occurrence in differ cm p lace
in the Kd>v L iigu and the Siva Purina. Chapter 3 o f the first Book o f (he L iig a Purina it
important in as much aa it projects the meaning in which the linga is used in connection with
Siva. The word hiiga и used here in the sense o f a visible symbol The absolute form, which
is beyond all the visible forms, is therefore called a linga (lh ai which has no visible symbol]
and as the basis o f any la le r_i infestations o f any visible form (/irtga) The firsl
manifestation Гог the absolute is Prakrit or Pradhina or a-vyakia as it is called in the
Samkhya The prim ordial m allet from which all these categories evolve is therefore the first
hnga Above that Siva is the ultimate principle with quality, eternal indestructible (saguna
dhnno. aisaya) whereas the hAga the visible mark possesses the qualities o f sm ell etc. and
has come into being from a liAga 6ivt Prakrit as the source o f further lingo or the manifest
forms like the twenty-six principles is the mflyS of Siva in the Hnga (Ib id . 28 7 9)

(v iii) Chapter-49 o f the M irkandeya Purina Speaks o f the birth o f Rudra, according to
which, at the start o f the kalpa, BrahmA was meditating for begetting a son. resembling
him self At once a boy o f red an blue colour was seen sitting in his lap who started crying.
On being asked by Brahm a, the reason for his so crying, Rudra replied that he wanted a name
for himself. Brahm a therefore gave him the name o f Rudra. Since Rudra cried further for
seven rimes, he was given the seven more names viz Bhava, Sarva, IsAna, Pasupali,
Bhim a, Ligra and Mah&dcva After giving them eight names, eight places were also
prescribed for them which were Sdrya W ater. PflbivT, Agni, Vayu, Akasa etc H is consorts
were named as Suvarcala, Urn A, Svadha, Svaha, Dik<ja and R o h irl. A n identical account оГ
the birth o f Rudra is found in the Уцпи Purina The episode o f Sari's ending her life in the
fire alter of Daksa s yajna has also been described.

(ix ) The Maisya P urina contains a reference to eleven Rudras, who are described as the
minas-putras or the mind-bom sons o f Surabhi - the divine cow. From them eighty four
c rotes rtf ganas were created for (he protection o f the w o rld The names o f these eleven
Rudras have been spell out in Chapter-153 19 o f this PurAnas as w ell as in the Lingo Purina
(1.82.40-41), Harivarhia (1 3.49 32). Bhavifya (125.7), and several other le n s The V iyu
Purina speaks of m illions c f emanations c f (he eleven Rudras and conceives them having
fire as their mouth (101, 314-15) The tfiva Purina testifies that Rudras are but the diflfcreni
forms o f the prin as. who had been directed to create many creatures {V A yavIya SamhilA,
12.25-23. The Matsya Purina also includes a graphic account o f (he killing o f Tirnka.
marriage o f Pflrvall with Siva, Siva's gana.i and several other episodes concerning isiva,

(x ) Niradlyo Purina describes ibal NSrSyana is the ultimate reality who is indestructible,
boundless and omnipresent, while Siva is said lo have emerged out o f the middle of his body.
The text testifies that the entire world is pervaded by NArSyatja. (1.3.2) The term MahAvi$nu
is synonym o fN irayan a. He brings into existence BrahmA as creator o f the uni verse from the
right limb, V i;n u as preserver frum his life part and Rudra from the middle

(x i) The firsi chapter o f the Vim ana Purina starts with a dialogue between Siva and Sa il
in which the spouse prays lo £ivs for the building o f an abode in the hot season. Siva,
however, replies that be had been homeless and would like to live in the forest. On the arrival
o f the rainy season. S a il repeated her request for some kind o f shelter, but Siva declined
because o f which they had la use the tiger's skin for seal and the serpents to adore the body
Sad got offended at her husband s attitude and had Lo spend tim e in a homeless condition In
order, however, to provide re lie f to his spouse, he went to a mountain top beyond the clouds
and thus came in he known as JlmQtaketu The PurAna also contains the follow ing episodes -
(a) Destruction o f D a ta 's sacrifice

(b) The EkAmava doctrine

(c) Severing o f one o f Ihe five heads o f Bralm iS by laiva.

(d) Removal of Btahm ahalyS o f iiv a al Knp3lemocahan-lIrtha at K3si

(e) Wrath of Siva or KUmadeva

(f) Powers of Sivalirtga

(g) Different seels o f Saivism like (i) KSIam ukha, (ii) Pa<Supata

(h) AndhakSsuravailha

(i) Marriage o f Siva and Parvatl,

(j) Hari-Hari form o f Siva

(k) Bestowing o f Cakra by Siva to Vi$nu.

(aii) Variha Ригйпа deals w ith the birth of Rudra and other forms o f 3iva according to
which, BrahniA got dissalisfied w ith the progress and started perform ing lapas, as я result of
which a РгЗпаригияа was born o f him, who afler his birth started crying Brahm a then asked
him the cause of his crying, at the seme time asking him not lo cry. Since then he came to be
known as Rudra, Brahm a ihen asked Rudra to spell out the expansion o f world's creation
Thereupon Rudra got him self consigned in water Then Brahm a created Daksa who helped
Brahma in the task o f the creation o f the world. (211.39) In the Chapter-211, o f the A wj

Ригйпа, Siva has been conceived like the rising sun, having Ihe headdress o f the matted lodes
of hair, decorated w ith crescent, having three eyes, thousands o f arms, wearing ihe garland o f
Rudrtksa, holding kamandalu, and wearing die Mger's skin as the garment

(x iii) 5rua РигЛпа on the other deals w ith all the salient features o f ihe life and
philosophical aspects o f £iva, in considerable detail including therein almost all ihe topics
deall wilh in о ihe г Purdnas. The mosl ccnspicious aspect o f the theme o f Ihe Siva Purdna is
that il not only details several types o f the forms o f Siva, 1he different modes o f his worship,
Ihe worship o f lingo and the performing o f ihe several types o f S tva w a ia i but also the rituals
and rites connected w ilh each one o f them.

One a f Ihe important aspect o f ihe Siva Purdna is (hat it highlights not only the life scenes
of the lord bu1 also spells out his various incarnations vi7, : - Gphapati, Yalcsesvara. Sarabha,
EkadJsa Rudras, DurvflsS, Bhairava, HanumUr, Vfsabha, PippalSda, Vaisyanaiha, fJvijesvara,
YalinSlha, Kjspededana. Avadhfllesvara, Bhlksuvarya Suresvate Brahm acSrl, Nalanarlaka
Sfldhu, Vibhu AsvalhBm a and KirSia.

Thus the genesis of £iva, the traces of which arc found in the Rgveda in the form o f Rudra
as a terrific god was in Ihe same texl conceived as M ahadeva as w ell as £iva, remotely
suggesting his benevolent form as w ell. The personality o f Siva further developed in the
Yajurveda wherein he is called the lord o f paths, o f ihe forests and [hose who wander in
them, of thieves and highway robbers who frequent and move about from Ihe usual dwellings
o f [be men. Rudra has also been described as Eka-vratya or (he Vrtuya-par excellence and
(his epilhel characierises in a very interesting manner, the association o f elements in his
composile chamcler not derived from the orthodox Vedic order It is therefore established
lhal by about [he Puramc period, £iva, shedding his ugra or the terrific form in the
background, became more benevolent deity during the Puranic age, and came to be known as
Bhava, Pasupali, MahAdeva TsAna, Siva. Sambhu and Sankara representing the deity o f the
masses, whose adoration was henceforth patronised m ainly hy the recluses, mendicants,
ascetics arid others
Introduction xi

Mahatmyam of Siva Purana 1

The glory of the Purana 1

Glory of the Purana 5

Renunciation of Cancula-a Brahmana window 9

Redemption of Cancula-a Brahmana widow 13

Salvation of Binduga 18

Method of listening to the Purana 23

Description of the worship of the book and orator (speaker) 29

Vidyesvara Samhita 34

Discussion on Sadhya and Sadhana 34

Reply to the question of the sages 38

Discussion on Sadhya-sadhana 43

The glory of listening, recitation and study of Purana for salvation 46

The glory of Siva-linga 48

Fight between Brahma and Visnu 51

Contest between Visnu and Brahma 53

Shattering the pride of Brahma 56

Consecrating of the Siva-linga 58

Discourse on Omkara 62

Worship of Siva-linga and its consecration 66

Description of the Siva-ksetras 72

Description of a righteous person 75

Agni-yajna 83
Description of the country, time and vessel in Deva-yajna 87

Description of the adoration of Parthiva Linga 92

Glory of Pranava-pancaksara-mantra 102

Glory of Sivalinga 115

Glory of the adoration of Parthiva or clay Siva-linga 128

Method of adoring Parthiva-linga 1 31

Parthiva Pujana 1 36

Glory of Siva naivedya and bilva (wood-apple) 1 41

Glory of the names of Siva 144

Process for the application of the ashes 148

The glory of Rudraksa 1 57

Rudra Samhita 1 66

Srsti Khanda or Creation 1 66

Question by the Sages 1 66

Deputing of Kamadeva by Indra to disturb the tapas of Narada 1 69

Svayamvara of Srimati and Narada's humiliation 173

Narada reaches Vaikuntha and curses Visnu 178

Narada's visit to Kasi 184

Mahapralaya and Visnu's origin 1 87

The dispute between Brahma and Visnu 1 92

Description of the body of Sabdabrahman 1 97

Siva-tattva highlighted 201

Parama Siva-tattva 206

Method of worshipping Siva 209

Essentials and non-essentials of Siva's worship 216

Mode of the adoration of Siva 2 23

Directions for Siva's worship 229

Manifestations of Rudra 236

The Creation described 242

The story of Gunanidhi 2 45

Gunanidhi's salvation 250

Friendship of Siva and Kubera 2 55

Departure of Siva for Kailasa 257

Rudra Samhita- Sati Khanda 263

Brief story of Sati 2 63

The appearing of Kamadeva 267

Curse and blessing on Kama 270

Marriage of Kamadeva 276

The story of Sandhya 284

Siva pleased with the worship of Sandhya 284

Sandhya married to Vasistha as Arundhati 289

Features of Vasanta 291

Strength of Kamadeva and his attendants 2 95

Conversation between Brahma and Visnu 300

Brahma worships Durga and gets a boon 305

Receiving a boon by Daksa from Durga 309

Daksa's curse to Narada 313

Birth of Sati and her childhood sports 316

Description of Nandyavrata and eulogy of Siva 320

Brahma and Visnu eulogise Siva 326

Siva grants boon to Sati 331

Marriage of Siva and Sati 336

Sports of Sati 339

Festivities of Sati's marriage 345

Sports of Siva and Sati 349

Love sports of Siva and Sati over the Himalaya 353

Influence of devotion 359

Sati's doubt about Rama's divinity 363

Separation of Siva and Sati 368

Cause of conflict between Daksa and Siva 374

Start of the yajna of Daksa 378

Sati's Travel 383

Declaration of Sati 386

Sati ends her life in fire-altar 391

The divine voice 394

Birth of Virabhadra and Siva's advice to him 396

The march of Vsrabhadra 401

Inauspicious omens witnessed by gods 403

Visnu's speech 406

Talk between Visnu and Virabhadra 409

Destruction of the yajna of Daksa 415

Conflict between Ksuva and Dadhica 420

Fight between Ksuva and Dadhica 425

Audience of gods with Siva 429

The gods offer prayer to Siva 433

Showering of grace on Daksa 437

Performance of Daksa's yajna 441

Rudra Samhita-Parvati Khanda 445

Marriage of Himalaya 445

Sanaka's curse to Menaka and others 447

Visnu and other gods eulogise Siva 451

The assurance of the goddess to the gods 454

Menaka receives a boon 458

Birth of Parvati 462

Childhood sports of Parvati 467

Conversation between Narada and Himalaya 469

Performing of penance of Parvati and appearing of Siva before her 473

Birth of Mars and his status of a planet by the grace of Siva 476

Meeting between Siva and Himvat 478

Conversation between Siva and Himalaya 482

Talk between Siva and Parvati 485

Birth of Taraka and Vaj'ranga-their penance 490

Taraka and his penance 493

Brahma assures gods frightened by Taraka 498

Discussion between Indra and Kamadeva 501

Disturbance created by Kamadeva 505

Destruction of Kamadeva 508

The story of oceanic fire 512

Narada's advice to Parvati 514

Penance of Parvati 517

Himavan dissuades Parvati but the gods go to meet Siva 523

Siva agrees to Marry Parvati 527

Seven sages test the devotion of Parvati 533

Conversation between Jatila and Parvati 539

Talk between Parvati and Brahmacari 543

Witnessing of the real form of Siva by Parvati 546

Talk between Parvati and Brahmacari 550

Return of Parvati and the festivities 553

Illusion of Siva 557

Arrival of Sapta-Rsis 562

Pleasing of Himavan 567

The story of Anaranya 572

The story of Padma and Pippalada 575

Advice of the seven sages 580

Despatch of letter of engagement and other connected celebrations 583

Description of the mandapa 587

Arrival of gods at Kailasa and departure of marriage party of Siva 590

Siva's marriage procession 594

Beauty of the mandapa 599

Meeting between the lord and the mountain 603

Wonderful sport of Siva 606

Mena regains consciousness 611

Siva assumes the pleasant form and people's delight 618

Arrival of the Bridegroom 622

Siva's ceremonious entry into the inner apartments of Himalaya 625

The marriage of Siva and Parvati 629

Delusion of Brahma 633

The fun and jokes 637

Revival of Kamadeva 641

Serving of feast to the marriage party and retiring of Siva to the bed 644

Siva's return after marriage 647

The departure of the marriage party - duties of a chaste wife defined 650

Siva returns to Kailasa 657

Rudra Samhita 1

Kumara Khanda 1

Love sports of Siva and Parvati 1

Birth of Kartikeya: the son of Siva 6

Childhood sports of Kartikeya 12

Search for Kartikeya and dialogue between Kartikeya and Nandi 15

Crowning of Kartikeya 21

Kumara's astonishing performance 26

The starting of the war 29

Battle between the gods and the demons 33

Fight between Tarakasura and the gods 37

Killing of Tarakasura 41

Kumara's victory and the killing of Bana and Pralamba 45

The story of Siva, Parvati and Kartikeya 48

Birth of Ganesa 52

Controversy with the ganas 55

Ganesa's battle with Sivaganas 60

Severing of the head of Ganesa 66

Ganesa brought back to life 68

Crowning of Ganesa as chief of Sivaganas 73

Proposal for the marriage of Ganesa 79

Marriage of Ganesa 83

Rudra Samhita-Yuddha Khanda 87

The demon Tripurasura 87

Prayer by the gods 93

Virtues of Tripura 98

Receiving of Diksa by the lord of Tripura 102

Fascination of Tripuras 108

Prayer of Siva 113

Prayer of Siva by the gods 1 17

Making of a divine chariot by Visvakarma 120

Siva's march for waging the war 123

Burning of Tripura 1 27

Prayer by gods after witnessing the awful of Siva 1 30

Maya's taking refuge with Siva, bestowing of the Vitalaloka to him 133

Punishing of Indra by Siva and restoring him to his original position 1 37

Birth of Jalandhara from the oceanic fire and his marriage with Brnda 1 41

Finding the severed head of Rahu, Jalandhara attacking Indra 144

Fleeing of the gods from the heaven 1 50

Visnu starting living in the abode of Jalandhara with Laksmi 153

Narada highlighting the beauty of Parvati to Jalandhara 1 57

Jalandhara's sending a messenger to Siva for getting Parvati 1 61

Battle between the armies of Siva and Jalandhara 1 66

Special war between the gods and the demons 1 71

Jalandhara's approaching Parvati in the form of Siva 175

Cheating of Vrnda by Visnu who is cursed by her 1 79

Killing of Jalandhara at the hands of Siva 183

God's prayer to Siva 188

Visnu's applying of Vrnda's ashes over his body 1 91

Performing of a tapas by Sambhasura for getting a son 1 96

Performing to tapas by Samkhacuda and his marriage with Tulasi 1 99

Previous birth of Samkhacuda 202

Gods' prayer to Siva for the slaying of Samkhacuda 207

Siva's discourse for gods 210

Siva's deputing Puspadanta as a messenger to Samkhacuda 2 15

Departure of Virabhadra, Nandi, Kali, Asta-Bhairavas and others 218

Samkhacuda proceeds for waging a war 221

Exchange of messengers from both the sides 323

Fight between the gods and the Danavas 227

Samkhacuda's fight with Kartikeya and other warriors 230

Battle between Mahakali and Samkhacuda 2 33

The war between Siva and Samkhacuda 236

Visnu begs for the kavaca from Samkhacuda 240

Tulasi's curse to Visnu 2 43

Slaying of Hiranyaksa 248

Killing of Hirnyakasipu in the form of Narasimha 2 53

Andhaka receives the kingship of his father 258

Battle between Andhakasura and Siva's army 267

Defeat of Virabhadra in the battle 2 73

Bringing back of Daitya to life 278

Swallowing of Sukra by Siva 2 83

Andhaka performs tapas lodged at the tip of Siva's trident 287

Learning of Mrtasanjivani lore by Sukra 291

The story of Usa, the daughter of Banasura 296

The story of Usa-her meeting with Aniruddha 301

The story Banasura and Aniruddha 306

Departure of Krsna to Patala in order to get back Aniruddha 310

Krsna's cutting of the arms of Banasura by the grace of Siva 315

Bestowing the position of Ganapati on Banasura by Siva 319

Killing of Gajasura, the son of Mahisasura by Siva 322

Killing of Dundubhi, Nirhrada by Siva in the from of Vyaghresvara 338

Killing of the Daityas, named Vidala and Utpala by Gauri 332

Sata-Rudra Samhita 336

Saunaka describes the difference between forms of Siva 336

Eight forms of Siva-like Bhava, Sarva and others 340

Appearing of Siva in Ardhanarisvara form before Brahma 341

Incarnation of Siva as Svetamuni or Rsabhadeva 344

Incarnations of Siva during the tenth to twenty eight Dvaparas 347

Performing of tapas by sage Silada for getting a son 352

Bestowing of the position of a gana by Siva to Nandi 357

Incarnation of Bhairava 362

Relieving of the sin of Brahmahatya at Kapalamocana Tirtha 368

Lord Siva's assurance to the gods 374

Removal of Narasimha's pride by Virabhadra 377

Incarnation of Siva as Grhapati 392

Performing of tapas by Visvanara and his wife for getting a son 386

Incarnation of Siva as Grhapati 392

Performing of tapas by Grhapati to ward off untimely death 395

Siva's incarnation as Yaksesvara at the churning of the ocean 401

The ten incarnations of Siva with Sakti 404

Eleven incarnations of Siva for the protection of the gods 406

The tapas of Atri and birth of Candra, Dattatreya and Durvasa 409

Incarnation of Hanuman and the related story 414

Curse of Parvati to Bhairava to be born as a human 417

Visnu's enjoying the company of divine damsels born out of ocean 419

Visnu's fight with the Bull form of Siva 423

Siva's incarnation as Pippalada 426

The story of the Pippalada incarnation of Siva 431

Vaisyanatha incarnation of Siva 433

Dvijesvara incarnation of Siva 438

Yatinatha incarnation of Siva 444

The story of Nabhaga and Krsna-darsana incarnation of Siva 447

Manifestation of Siva as Avadhutesvara 452

Incarnation of Siva as Bhiksuvarya 456

Incarnation of Siva as Suresvara 462

Siva's incarnation as Brahmacari 468

Siva's incarnation as Sunartaka-nata 474

Incarnation of Siva as a Brahmana 477

Siva's incarnation as Asvatthama 480

Arjuna deputed to Indrakila mountain by Vyasa 483

Arjuna's penance 489

Killing of demon Muka and appearing of Siva in the form of Kirata 494

Quarrel between Arjuna and Siva, at the killing of the boar 498

Battle between Siva and Arjuna, Siva bestows boon to Arjuna 502

Siva's incarnations as twelve Jyotirlingas 507

Koti-Rudra Samhita 513

Greatness of Jyotirlinga and Upalingas 513

Sivalingas and their greatness 516

Tapas performed by the sage Atri and emerging of Atrisvara Linga 519

Appearing of Atrisvara linga 522

Death of a Brahmana woman and the glory of Nandikesvara 526

Change of the black colour of a cow to that of white at Nandikesvara 529

Killing of the lustful demon Mudha 535

The glory of Mahakala 537

Liberation of a Candala woman 539

Relieving of the curse by the king Mitrasaha, at Gokrana-tirtha 542

Description of the lingas known as Candrabhala, Pasupati and other 546

Reasons for Siva's taking to the form of linga 548

Origin of Batuka 552

Origin of the Jyotrilinga of Somanatha 558

Discussion on Mallikarjuna -the second Jyotirlinga 563

The glory of Mahakala Jyotirlinga 565

Greatness of the Mahakala Jyotirlinga 569

The glory of Omkaresvara Jyotirlinga 575

Kedaresvara Jyotirlinga's glory 577

The disturbance created by Bhimasura 579

Showering of the grace of Kamarupesvara 584

The glory of Visvesvara at Kasi 589

The greatness of the Jyotirlinga of Kasi Visvesvara 592

Gautama's greatness in relation to Tryambakesvara 596

False allegation on Gautama for killing a cow 599

Siva's grace on Gautama by appearing of Tryambakesvara and Ganga 604

Humiliation of the ascetics envious to Gautama 608

The glory of Vaidyanathesvara Jyotirlinga 612

Disturbance created by the Raksasas of Darukavana 618

Greatness of Nagesvara Jyotirlinga 623

Origin of Ramesvara Jyotirlinga 626

The story of Ghusamesvara - the twelfth Jyotirlinga 630

Regaining of life of the Son of Ghusma by Siva's grace 634

Siva bestows Cakra to Visnu 639

Thousand names of Siva 642

Reward for reciting a thousand names of Siva 656

Adoration of Siva through the sages 659

The glory of Sivaratri 663

Completion of Sivaratri Vrata 670

The glory of Sivaratri 672

Types of Salvation 680

The difference between Siva's Nirguna and Saguna forms 682

The perfect knowledge of Siva 685

Uma Samhita 1

Krsna's meeting with Upamanyu 1

Upamayu's instructions to Krsna, for adoring Siva 6

The glory of Siva 11

Display of Siva's Maya 17

The grave sins 20

The minor sins 23

Path to Yamaloka and form of the messengers of Yama 28

Description of the hell 32

Sufferings in the hell 36

Agonies of the hell 39

The glory of giving away the food in charity 43

Penance and its greatness 48

The glory of the Puranas 52

The glory of charities 55

Description of Patalaloka 58

Achieving the hell and the repentance 61

Description of Jambudvipa 64

The seven continents 67

Position of the planets like Sun and others 73

Achieving of Sivaloka with the performing of tapas 77

Righteous war and its fruits 81

Genesis and evolution of the body 84

The impurity of the body and sufferings in childhood 88

Nature of women as described by the apsara Pancacuda 94

Awareness about the time of death 97

Competence of the Yogis to avert the death 103

Achieving Siva by escaping from death 1 07

The shadowy person 111

Description of primeval creation 114

The Creation 1 16

Daksa pronounces a curse on Narada 120

Kasyapa and his family 123

Creation of Maruts and distribution of kingdoms 1 27

The fourteen Manvantras 1 29

The description of Vaivasvata 134

The nine sons of the race of Manu 138

The race of Iksavaku 1 42

The birth of Satyavrata, Trisunka, Sagara and others 1 47

The king Sagara and the expansion of his family 1 51

Influence of Sraddha for the manes 155

The story of seven hunters 1 60

Redemption of Seven hunters 164

Method of Vyasa puja 1 66

Birth of Vyasa from Satyavati and establishing of Vyasesvara linga 1 67

The story of the goddess and the killing of Madhu and Kaitabha 178

The killing of Mahisasura by the goddess 184

Killing of Dhumralocana, Canda, Munda and Raktabija 188

Manifestation of Sarasvati 194

Manifestation of Uma 1 99

The origin of Mahavidyas 2 03

Consecration of the image of the goddess 207

Kailasa Samhita 214

Conversation among Vyasa and other sages 214

Siva enlightens Parvati over the secret subjects 217

Description of the form of Omkara and Virajahoma 220

The daily performance of a recluse or a Sanyasi 2 25

Preparation of Mandala at the place of worship 228

Procedure for asana and pranayama 231

Method of Siva's worship 236

Mental worship of Siva 242

Interpretation of the eight names of Siva, adoration of linga 2 45

Discourse of Suta 250

Question about Omkara and definition of Skanda stotra 2 53

Procedure of the Nandi Sraddha, Brahmayajna etc. 258

Procedure for embracing Sanyasa (renunciation) 2 65

Pranava in the form of Siva 272

Creation and dissolution of the universe 2 75

Omkara as the cause of creation 279

Advaita (non-dual) prana of Siva 286

Initiation for a disciple 290

The great statements and Yogapatta 2 93

Rules for the removal of hair of an ascetic 298

Ban on the cremation of Yatis and performing of their last rites 301

Rites to be performed on the eleventh day of Yati's death 307

The rites to be performed on the twelfth day for a Yati 310

Vayaviya Samhita 315

Purva-bhaga 315

Genesis of the Vedas, the fourteen lores and the Puranas 315

The complex problems of the ascetics 320

Brahma declares Siva, as the best of all the gods 323

Interpretation of the word Pasupati 328

Reply of the wind god to the sages 330

The principle of Siva faith 335

The description of time in relation to Siva 341

Creation of the universe for the sports of Siva 343

Creation of the universe and sports of Siva 346

Creation of the universe 348

The rescue of the earth from Patala by Varaha 352

Creating of moha, mada, goblins, pisacas, asuras etc. by Brahma 354

Emergence of Brahma, Visnu and Rudra in different Kalpas 360

The manifestation of Rudra 364

Siva's appearing before Brahma in Ardhanarisvara from 365

Manifestation of the divine Sakti 368

Emerging so Satarupa from the body of Brahma 370

Birth of Sati as daughter of Daksa, Daksa's enmity with Siva 375

Origin of Virabhadra 380

Destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa 385

Flight of Visnu and other gods from the place of Yajna 388

Fight between Virabhadra and the supporters of Daksa 392

Prayer of gods and he completion of yajna 397

Controversy between Siva and Siva 402

Performing of tapas by Kai to become Gauri 406

Parvati meets Siva as Gauri 410

Meeting of Siva and Siva, showering of his grace on the tiger by Siva 412

The glory of bhasma or ashes 415

The speech and its meaning 417

Vayudeva's discourse on Sivatattva 419

Description of spotless Sivatattva by Vayudeva 424

Excellent practice for the achieving of moksa 431

The glory of the performing of Pasupata vrata 436

Upamanyu's performance of tapas for Siva 443

Siva's testing the devotion of Upamanyu 448

Uttara-bhaga 454

Instruction by Upamanyu to Sri Krsna to adore Siva 454

Highlighting of the greatness of Pasupata, by Vasudeva to the sages 456

Upamanyu's instruction to Sri Krsna 460

Excellence of Siva and Siva 463

Detailed discussion on Pasu and Pasupati 470

The principle of Siva 473

Principle of Siva 475

The birth of Vyasa 478

Siva's incarnations as Yogacarya 482

Devotion to Siva 484

Knowledge about Siva 490

Glory of the five syllable mantra of Siva 494

The glory of five syllabled mantra 497

The method of performing the five syllabled mantra 502

Procedure for Sivadiksa 508

Initiation of the disciple 514

The types of initiation 520

Purification of the six paths 524

The glory of the mantras 529

Consecration of the disciple by the acarya 531

Nitya and Naimittika rites 533

Different types of Nyasas 537

Method of mental adoration of Siva 542

Ritualistic worship of Siva 543

Adoration of Siva 549

Adoration of Siva with connected rites 554

Performing of Yajna 557

Compulsory and optional rites 563

The Kamya rites 566

Avarana worship of Siva 569

Siva strotra or hymn to Siva 576

Method of achieving the worldly benefits 590

Rites for achieving the worldly benefits 597

Conflict between Visnu and Brahma 598

Chapter 35 Delusion of Brahma and Visnu 602

Chapter 36 Installation of Siva linga 608

Chapter 37 The yogic practices and their usages 613

Chapter 38 Obstructions in the path of Yoga 618

Chapter 39 Sivadhyana yoga and its divisions 625

Chapter 40 Travel of Rsis from Naimisaranya to Kasi 629

Chapter 41 Glory of the Siva Purana 633

ll # r r n t ? I B T 4 4 :1 1

f t ie u ^ iy o u iq

s i v a -m a h a p u r a n a m
CHAPTER-1 $4 ■Щ&гГШЧТ f Ъ $ Ш : 1
The glory of the Purina
Гуш|Гн'4'^Щгт! тг^т М ггеГгГО:11Ч11
ЗЗГЕТ You speak out the method to me, by which
% % -дуг! щ щ ! or with the use of which the persons with
spotless clean mind getting free from all the
amwrfg <ШШ puiRI ЯП
sins, could achieve lord Siva.”
Saunaka said- ” 0 SQta, you are well-aware
of the doctrines of all the Sastras, О Best of ТПТ
the learned people, О Great Lord, you speak
out to me the gist of stories of the Puranas
arat ctfa ттшг ц^ыцц.н $ и
Suta said- “O Best of the sages, you are
^ ta T f^ R T W З Я Г ^ И ? II indeed graceful because a desire in your mind
The persons, getting involved in the has developed to listen to the narration of the
worldly pleasures and passions, travel over the (divine) story, therefore I, quite thoughtfully
noble path, with their minds filled with narrate the best of Siva Ригйпа.
devotion. How does their wisdom keep on ЫРМН(ЧЬЧ!Й *|cirqifccbfeiq4H4J
increasing and how do they overcome their
f¥M dl4«h< % г г cfRT! Т Ш Я Ц 1 В 9 Н
own mental short comings. You kindly deliver
your discourse on these matters. This Ригйпа deals with all the principles,
increases the devotion etc. delights lord Siva,
^leiiarKftdi зпнт: згнгг srft ^тт% 1 possesses all the divine merits, therefore, О
сГЩ W t e f t 4 4 4 R H 4 JI 3 II Son, you listen to it, which is like the nectar
In this immensely sinful age of Kaliyuga, for the ears.
all the creatures have started behaving like the сЬНоМНЧ1ЫЖЙадУ«*<ут1ЧН.1
asuras or demons, what is the best path for
^ Щ Щ Т Щ ТГ f v i^ T h Т ГГ 1^116 \\
their improvement.
This Ригйпа is the best remedy for the
ёп§ щ &шт гзтпчпр[1 biggest danger like the death, which bites like
W T ЩсЦНТ Ъ ш d g ^ 4 lim i the snake and is the biggest danger. The Siva
You speak out the method to me, by which Ригйпа is the best of all the Puranas. О Great
the task could be well established, which is ascetic, initially it was spoken by Lord Siva
best in the welfare padarthas, having the himself.
purifying effect. You kindly speak out the R 4 < 3 > 4 IW ( L l b M ^ l l d H K t l d )

same quite convincingly to me. cqi^Hlrh <T fStRT rTII II

2 Siva-Mahapuranam

Thereafter, the sage Vyasa briefly narrated tM g fa p p rfa fa m T m nri

it at the instance of Sanatkumara, for the р р т гШ ?m T T : c h « i| iM c | u m N d :ii^ ii
benefit of the people of the Kaliyuga.
The merits which cannot be earned with
the performing of the Rdjasuya and other
fera ч chfH'Jii'TTffahm:ii u yajnas, such great merit is achieved with the
Except the Siva Purana, there is no other mere listening of the Siva-Purdna.
remedy in the age of Kali, to purify the minds Ъ яр щ ^ т f a ! f a w it v ir^ m d x rg i
of the people. й т н щ т ч ч -doyi w r :ii^ ii

и р чтчй f a d p t щ ш ц д Ф т г Г :1 О Great sage, such of the people who listen

Ч^ ГЩ сК ТГ f a l l l ^ 11 to this Purana should not be treated as
О Best of the sages, only such of the humans, because they actually become the
intelligent person gets an opportunity to listen form of Siva.
or read it, who has to his credit the noble spJcJdt гГгТТТЩ f| Ш fafacTT Ъ Щ )
deeds of the earlier births. f a f a g fa t ffa :ll \ 6 II
4 d fe c ig < iu i f | т щ т V llM g r W q j Wherever the dust of the persons who
fyr«W4 ffaft f a f a rto щ fasmi ^ u listen to the Siva-Purdna falls, it becomes a
The Siva Purana is admittedly the best of sacred or holy place.
the Sastras and is also the true form of Siva on p T f t lS f t r o W F T f a f f a io * j£ d f a p L I
earth, therefore, it should be read, narrated, gucR T ft ^ T I I W И
listened studied and well thought over.
The persons who become desirous of
visiting the extremely holy place, they should
тег: Гуич^тГн w t i тг#шгсщ11 ^ и instead listen with devotion, the narration of
The best of a person who with the reciting the Siva-Purdna.
or listening of this Purana with devotion, ТЯЗТ « f a
чЭ чГн^ГтТЧ!
чЭ I
achieves Siva-loka quite easily, with all the fn m w farffa g w rsr gffanrii ч ° и
means of pleasure.
O Best of the sages, in case a person is
а ш 1гц 4 яч< ?И cet% t т е г g f a :i unable to listen to the Siva-Purdna always,
Ш & sX<m T T W T T ^ 4 d il4 4 iH M d 4 .ll v * и then he controlling all the senses for just two
Therefore all types of people should recites muhurtas (a few moments only) should listen
it. By listening to Siva-Purdna all the desires to it.
of a person are fulfilled. *fa iffdffa f a ir f a t m far facTI
^ rfa я т :i w rm rm f^w g^! 4W
О Lord of the sages, in case a person is
By listening to the Siva-Purdna with unable to listen to it daily, then he can do so in
devotion, a person is relieved of all the sins the auspicious months.
and enjoying all the pleasure in this world, g fif oft ЗТ $П1Щ 3T|
ultimately achieves the Siva-loka. ^ дШТ cl* fa t f a f f a f a ll 9 ? II
Mahatmyam, Chapter 1 3

Otherwise, such of the persons who listen ТЗ^ГЗЩ ТТЩ : w | ft< # c fn j4 t jr h i

to the Siva-Purana for a muhurta (a few ?т » т г : з г д г р 9 с n

moments), or half of it or further half of it or
for even a moment, they never have to face Such of the people who consume the
the misfortune. nectar, they become eternal but a person who
consumes the nectar of Siva-Purana his entire
family becomes eternal.
ТГ PKdffa ш «ь4ч$1<м1ци 9 3 II ITJT TThtt 'щр' £m i f)oip fq^4u:l
О Great sage, a person who listens to this IJtffecm iU lW <5SJT TR W cR tll 9 9 M
Purana, he, burning the vast thorny forest of
grave sins, crosses the ocean of the universe. The story of Siva-Purana is extremely
auspicious which "should be consumed like
c Ks3
ц 4 ц ?№О cTT TО & \\ nectar, by all the people.” This should be
7ГИТГ: M < |U|yc|U|W r4)H f % H я4 ^ 1 1 9 *И repeated thrice, which removes all the doubt.
О Great sage, the merit one earns by ц а ^ е ^ < |и к < ц д а п я е ) и т ш : |
performing various types of charities or the f% sratfir т а Tmtsmii^oii
merit one earns by performing of various
types of yajnas the same merit is surely earned What could be said about the reward one
by a person with the hearing of the Siva- gets by the reciting of Siva-PuranaS It would
be enough to say that (by doing so) that lord
Siva starts living in the heart of his devotee.
rraf% rfw iw ^t Щ #Г:I
sraf ч !пзч и
4 ч щ щ \ ъ *n
O Great sage, in fact except to the listening
of Siva-Purana in the age of Kali, there is no The Siva-Purana has twenty four thousand
other better dharma, which could make them verses and comprises of seven Samhitas and
achieve moksa. deals with the stories relating to devotion,
g < lu i»H u l НШ1 knowledge (Jnana) and vairag\>a
(renunciation) therefore one should listen to it
c b r4 fW di ч w r : 119^11
quite attentively.
The listening to the story of Siva-Purana
or the reciting of the name of Siva, are like the f a iJjy t w n jd is s in % t o r r

Kalpavrksas for a human being and bestow gtfclT WKIGUI cblfd^l €J§feTII ^ 9 II
the auspicious rewards. There is no doubt The Samhitas included therein are
about it. Vindhyesvarl Samhita, Rudra Sariihita,
^ gifewi ipri y4^rttf^id(rCRT4i Satarudriya Samhita, Koti-Rudra Samhita.
firm f^ s r чшггсэч д а гш ч и 9^11 W ^ T R T % 4 ) t RT UHT 4^ТГО 9 тЩ П 1

Such of the people who have stopped the W it diq-dlui^JI TEtf%rTT Щ П ^ 3 II

religious activities in the age of Kali, lord Uma Samhita, Kailasa Samhita and
Siva, keeping in view the welfare of such Vayavlya Samhita. These are the seven
people, has composed the Siva-Purana. Samhitas included in the Purana.
4 Siva-Mahapuranam

f^ a t R llc l^ ^ c b ^ l equate even the sixteenth ray of recitation of

the Siva-Ригйпа.
с|(Ы 1 я H d T u R u fd H d 'q H ^ I I

This is the divine Ригйпа, including these dWHi yi-оцй qpft

Samhitas and equates with Parbrahman and is q ra% gq rrw f? 4 fjqfrffr TfqfocT:ir*o||
said to be the bestower of the salvation. О Best of sages, a sinner could be called as
such, till such time, he dose not listen to the
U^stKd V 3 ^ 1 1 ^ Ц II
auspicious narration of the story of Siva-
Ригйпа. \
This Siva-Ригйпа comprises of the seven
Samhitas. Whosoever, recites the same with тгртт: W rib j дат дан
devotion daily, is considered to be free from
the worldly bondages. The seven rivers like the Ganga and others,
(Gangs, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati,
Ч Т % 5TM ^ 4 т Т 4 ГЧ ,11 II
Narmada, Sindhu, Kaverl) the seven cities
(Ayodhya, Mathura, Mayapuri, Haridvara,
О Munlsvara, the human wonders in the KasI, KancI, Avantika and Dvarkapurl) and
universe overpowered with the darkness of the region of Gaya, cannot equate with the
ignorance till such time he does not listen to auspiciousness of Siva-Ригйпа.
the stories of Siva-Ригйщ. In other words
after listening to the Siva-Ригйпа all the frei fyidMiTURq «Htoijfci
worldly fetters of a person are automatically F P j ls N Ч& З Е К З Т q f ? n r iu ^ n
removed. In case a person is desirous of achieving of
fife V m t: goffer W 3 | : l the salvation, then he should recite a verse or
q r flw il^ ll
half of it, of the Siva-Ригйпа daily.
What is the use of listening to the other T24%5pjrm qt dW^dlsfdVTPI
Astras or the Purrnas which create confusion qtfddt ¥ 4uqir4l ч 4VBI:irs?ll
in the mind. Therefore, one should listen to A person who recites the Siva-Ригйщ
the Siva-Ригйпа, which always thunders about daily with its meaning, or recites only the
the providing of the salvation. verses of the same, he undoubtedly becomes
i^ d fe b tp u iw Ш 1 qsrfd q ^ i the noble soul.
q W h jft % w '4 i4 d iv iq 4 .il? d ii ЗРд аш f? ^ u jq i^ f r h d : ^ f t : i

The house in which the recitation of Siva- ■ Ш ТО# q O T ||4 0 J||

Ригйпа is carried out, it is turned into a sacred The one who listens to this Ригйпа at the
place and the persons living therein are freed time of death, Lord Siva, getting pleased with
from all the sins. his devotion bestows him his own place.
's w t a K f lF u if u i d w i ^ i d i i q

f v w y t iu iw Ч Т ^ ЕТ q ra V T ^ II ? я II Г$>мч4 <# 411*411

Hundreds of Vajapeya-yajnas and A person, who adores the book of Siva-
thousands of Asvamedha sacrifices, cannot Ригйщ daily with devotion, he after enjoying
Mahatmyam, Chapter 2 5

all the pleasures in this world, ultimately welfare and is loved by Brahma, Visnu, Siva
achieves the place of Siva. and other gods.
с г ^ f v ic t p u i Я Т ^ Ш З ? Я Я Ш Й :1

4gc<fe<lf^4l Ч&Щ ЯШБТЯ ЯТЯТ# % сГ: Ш Ш ^ШТгЯёЩЩГТ T f r q il Ц ^11

Giving up lethargy if a devotee adores the I adore Siva-Ригйпа always with a devoted
book of Siva-Ригйпа wrapping it in a silken mind and pray that let lord Siva be pleased
cloth, he always remains comfortable in the with me and bestow the devotion of his lotus
world. like feet on me.
# r frn n w r i ?f?r sfrpjRR t 4£I4<|U> f?ld 4 tlU |4 T ^ I^ d-nf^Tdofa

ЧШ ^11

The Siva-Ригйпа is completely spotless,

and auspicious. It is everything for the human
life, therefore the people should respect and
recite the same with devotion, which would
bestow comfort in the present as well as the
future world.
чяп л тш w t i
ЯР^Г ЪШ чЕкН faylUdtll'tfdll
The Siva-Ригйпа is the best of all and the
destroyer of the sins, and bestows all the
paddrthas like dharma, artha, кйта and
moksa. Therefore, all the people should listen
to it with devotion, besides reciting it.
# r t jt m ят&гг % ■дд^т: n * %n
The people desirous of salvation, should
consider Siva-Ригйпа to be more auspicious
than the Vedas and the treatises on lustory.
•fci ^<|и|Гц^ГгчГс1<1 ciftg
ЯШГ ЯШ 4<4d*g ЯШ ЯПТ5^1
Ж Т Ш ( ^ 1 O v iУЯзГРГС!011*^11Ц о ||

The Siva-Ригйпа is indeed the best for the

persons engaged on the task of self realisation.
This Ригйпа is a divine padartha and is fit to
be adored by the noble people and removes all
the three types of miseries. It always bestows
Mahatmyam, Chapter 2 5

Glory of the Purana

ш \ ^ т г ! R im m ! ф з щ щ т щ п ^ Ц |

э ж f^ n m fk m f ^ w f| ч ;ц

Saunaka said-
“O Magnanimous one, you are well aware
of the supreme tattva, therefore you are quite
graceful because you have narrated the divine
story to us, which indeed is surprising.

fV T cH T d lb frH T r Ч: Я гП З ^ Т ГИ ^ II

This wonderful story, listened to by us is

bound to destroy all the sins, purifies the mind
and pleases lord Siva at the same time.
чнгадицчн ч Ф ( 1%%чшгсч;|

There is nothing comparable in the

universe with this story. We have surely learnt
about it.
к §j W T t p f r R : g trfri

э к <ттфФЧ1 m \ f r s im i
О SQta, with the mere hearing of this story,
which one of the sinners are not relieved of
their sins? You kindly grace us by telling the
6 Siva-Mahdpuranam

Those who maintain their bodies usurping

the wealth of the Brahmanas, and are always
% 4RcfT: ^тгаттш: 4sFn:l
engaged in incestual practices or adultery,
щ чт№ ш f4?4 bfir ^11ЦII such people also get purified by joining the
Suta said, “Such of the people who always jnana-yajna of Siva-Purana in the age of Kali
remain engaged in sinful ways, and wicked or listening to this Ригйпа.
activities, who are degraded by nature and are
T R T 4 T W T % rT ^
always engaged in worldly passions, even they
are purified with the hearing of this story. В Щ ч Г -d ^ n ^ f u i l ^ | |

^ ^ Irh u IrtiM c t: •M^l l

The people who always perform sinful
deeds, are wicked, and of degraded nature, are
TTfeTC: ^414141 (vi=l^>dlMcbUcH:ll^ll
also purified with jnana-yajna during the age
The recitation of Siva-Purana and listening of Kali.
to it, both are said to by jndna-yajnas. With
these, a person achieves all the pleasures § fsrats?T R T T i

during the present birth and salvation after this oRHIclfqil ^ II

birth or after death. The complete recitation of The people full of blemish, the evil minded
this Ригйпа, destroys all types of sins and ones, who are disturbed by nature, are also
delights lord Siva.
relieved of all the sins, by participating in the
d^il'chdl: Ucil^HI: jnana-yajna in the age of Kali.
«ifw ie b l fp tc fiT % t i l \э||
u n u iw r w W d iT ^ T U T tt^ T T R T T I
The greedy persons, indulging in ^ тщ тчтт^ тм ^ II
falsehood, those denouncing the parents,
deceitful ones and the killers of the human With the listening of this Mahapurana and
beings, are also relieved of all the sins by also by reading it, the terrific sins are washed
listening to the Siva-Purana, getting purified. out and the person enjoying all the pleasures
in this world, achieves salvation ultimately,
wduifawfwr srf^TT чшя|Р*т:1
pleasing lord Siva at the same time.
?ПЧрфт cF^ndfifll с II
Such of the people who have fallen from
their Varnasrama dharma or have fallen from $|c|Tj|U[%4| Ч ГТ Н |Ы с|гЧ (г1 Ч ч11

their race, who are full of jealousy, such In this connection a historical episode is
people also with he performing of the jnana- being narrated; listening to which all the grave
yajna of Siva-Purana are completely purified. sins are washed out.
% rT % r t 4 T f4 ^ tT ;|
Cs •O зщ А ^ ь ш т ф . W&vtr
chHidfmi я и Т у Ш к т ^ n f r n ^ p r : II ^4II
The deceitful people and those who are In the city of Kirata, there was an illiterate
cruel by nature, are also purified in jndna-
Brahmana who was very poor and earned his
yajna in Kaliyuga.
living by selling of juice. He never cared for
т ш о ц ^ п тш д h listening to Puranas or visiting temples, or to
5 П Ч # Ч rlS ^ T «*<Я1е)ГМ11 ? o II perform other religious activities.
MShatmyam, Chapter 2 7

^ ^ Г н м < н и | ;| зтгсй w т п т 'ч т я ч ъ ф cm n

^ T F3 T ffw Т э Ш Г II II d^dld FTfT ^l" ёррпй ? ? II

He never took his bath, performed sandhyd Both of them started behaving like a
or other noble deeds. He was known by the husband and wife while sleeping, eating,
name of Devaraja and he used to cheat drinking and several other types of sports.
everyone including his own faithful people. "ЧТЯТ fe h ТШ ЧТЗТТ cnfTrTtsftT ЧЧ: 44:1
■O s9
4 T 4 W T d r lW r i W < f f % 4 W U I: ll^ | |

3?3T 4 T 4 lf W lW drl& -W 4l3< < lH ^ I I The parents of Devaraja besides his wife
This Devaraja kept on fighting with tried to dissuade Devaraja from following the
Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras, evil path, but he did not listen to them.
and usurped their riches on one pretext or the ЦсЬ ^ 4 с|¥1|*|:Й Т Щ fTRTt Я Я Ч 1
other by beating them.
One Devaraja, snatched away the riches of
ч sra k m ш ц w w t ? ■ q if tR r ii^ n his parents and his wife killing them when
In this way, he collected a lot of money by they were asleep.
evil ways, but that sinful person did not spend ЗТТгЧЧЬТ SR ЩЩ foTRFTt гГСГТ «ГЧЧI
even a small amount for religious works. <ятчт т щ ч т т м п ч н
FT *4 Id W t H ^ I^ C l All the riches Devaraja snatched from his
^ Jt ^ n ^ f 4 T W ^ g T d d lf d id ^ H : ll^ ll
parents and wife were given over by him to
the whore towards whom he had fallen in
Once the said Brahmana went to a tank for love.
taking his bath, finding a. whore named
Sobhavatl there, he was infested with passion 4T4t Ч%1ЧНН1?та:1
and became anxious. Ц сЬЧЫ T T ^ 5 ^ r ^ " T T ^ W w ^ r w T - . i i y s i i

•Щ с^т Ф ч Ы ?г г а т f u s e r
Devaraja ate the things, the use of which
was prohibited for the Brahmanas, which
сП^Н ЬЙ ъ Ш flfdM rUiM Iddll у o il always increased rajoguna (the cause of vice)
Finding that a rich Brahmana had been and tamoguna (property of darkness). He
attracted towards her the whore was very started taking of wine as well and started
much pleased. He also got delighted by eating with her in the same vase.
conversing with her. еЬ<*Т^|с|-Ч|тЫ Я Й В Ы Ч Ч Н Н :1

fw i ¥ ш Ф 4 fw sr t it cTzrri fVNIHd ffstfSFtT ТТЯ FT1f3RTf?f4ll ?V9||

fe r я т з т аг§^1Н As luck would have it, the sinful Brahmana
Devaraja on the other hand intended to once reached a city named Pratisthana, where
take her as his wife and she also wanted to be he found a Siva temple surrounded by the
his wife. Thus having been influenced with ascetics.
the passions, both of them kept on wandering % с Я Т гГЯ Ъ f^ T T lS # 5 W n f7 R P T tflT T :l

for a long time. у т з т ч ът « fJid i4 .ii ? б \ \

8 Siva-Mahapuranam

Reaching the temple, the Brahmana caught ?R R ffT R t 5TWRTR.-I

high fever. Therefore, he was forced to stay 4 WRtjadH. f*fs)^wtl{ril-R^lrm:ll II
there, where he started listening to Sivakatha
ТПЙгГТ# t 4)HIRRhRRc;il
daily from the Brahmanas of that place.
• ^ y rd lH RTUIIil rt R R R lf R W lI 3 $ II
RTRRT 'JcfolNlferil TJR:l
Yamaraja came to know of the factual
W &: AWJ^MHIdll ^ II position by means of his divine sight, but he
Thus listening to the story of Siva, the did not discuss the matter, out of fear with the
Brahmana died in a month’s time. The messengers of Siva. After the adoration of the
messenger of Yama arrived and binding him Siva’s ganas by Yama, they proceed on to
in fetters, carried him to the abode of Yama. Kailasa, where they handed over Devaraja to
dlcifeicHiuu: i the compassionate Siva and ParvatT.
^ о || SR tT f y i W R T R t сЩ Т R T W c R l l

fyid#ebirHermr4 RRjff щ :\ Щ Т : $|c|U|4b|U| R RhTRfn Rf%>RI«II^V9ll

dksfa^l § d^dUd^Rwi R4: ФТ:11^И This story of Siva-Purana is graceful and
^c|<M Ш Й f^RR RTRTtgHl auspicious, listening to which even the sinful
persons achieve salvation.
*ЩТ ^?TT: b u t! <1^14^^1:11 3 УII
R R T f^m R R T R TR srm ЧТПЩЧ1
At the same time the ganas of Siva, clad in
white garments, holding tridents in their ^ R T 5 5 ^ h (f^ IR T : f W R I I 3 6 II

hands, applying ashes over their entire bodies Sadasiva happens to be Mahasthana,
and wearing the garland or rosaries of ParamadMma and Paramapada which is
Rudrdksa arrived from Sivaloka. But without conceived to be the highest place by the
finding the body of the Brahmana, they got learned people well-versed in the Vedas.
angry and proceeded on to the abode of Yama.
W RT: ф т Фш : 3RT5fh R fttR :i
They scolded the messengers of Yama,
beating them at the same time. They got f H w SR R l^R щ £ г Ф RffrRTII } II
DevarSja released from their fetters. They tn g fq g g ^ R rr ъ rra n : i
made the Brahmana board the surprising type Vui'fl) R#SRc(d*IU|m||'«oil
of plane and got ready to take him to Kailasa. The sinful person, who under the influence
г Щ 4 |Ч Ч (1 чы } 4 3 le b )tfl* H lS R c R T I of greed, killed many of the Brahmanas,
enftrrRg t SRR WHillgfltMICRTlI ? 3II K§atriyas, Vais'yas and Sudras, besides his
wife and the parents, who was a drunker, such
^gTSSJ ^dlRTr^l^fRc|l44RI
a sinful Devaraja was purified in the Siva
wifcfci i ^ n temple in a moment.
A tumult arose in the middle of the city,
fftr 4*T4<|U| %9ЧТТЩТЩТ^
hearing which the Dharmaraja himself came
R R f e f h jt 5 E JlR :IR II
out of his abode. Thereafter, Yama, finding
the messengers to resemble Rudra, adored all
the four messengers appropriately.
Mfthatmyam, Chapter 3 9

CHAPTER 3 in the Vedas.

Renunciation of Canicula- a Brahmana ТГПТГ
cw f^ T ^ ш % т ^r t :ii^ ii

There is a village named Vaskala on the

seashore, which is inhabited by the sinful
K i n d l y f s t f K T T y f s ^ T : т р :Н ^ ii people who do not believe in the Vedas.
&aunaka said-
“O resplendent Suta, you are well aware of ф м 'И Н !: W T :ll^ li
everything. By your grace have repeatedly Those people were of evil nature, wicked,
been successful. unfortunate, harsh in their behaviour, lived on
$ fd $ w fu 4 u n i T fSW fa 4 i^ d I farming, were holders of weapons,
misbehaved with the others wives and were
d R r m fh ш M ^ W t r r ii ? и
quite foolish.
My mind feels delighted by listening to the
episode of history, therefore you narrate ч чт fill
another story relating to lord Siva, by which 4 > ch«ii^ c|u ii® il4 ч^М сйУ:И<£11
my devotion at the feet of the lord may go on They were unaware of jnana (knowledge),
increasing. vaimgya (renunciation), besides the dharma
m U d fo W d l 4 % : cRTft which bestowed welfare on the people. They
were evil minded and were devoid of wisdom
«ш^пчгч д^в^гаснцн з и
like the animals and they engaged themselves
The people who consume nectar, can never in listening to the evil stories of their own
achieve salvation, but the people who hear the faith.
nectar like story of lord Siva, their achieving
з г я г c n f e f r f m i: Ш Т :1
of salvation becomes quite conspicious.
The people of other varnas also lived there,
* Ц |е ы Л ч Ч & и | n>M H)eh 11*11
who were also evil minded and did not believe
Graceful is the story of Lord Siva and so is in their own dharma were cruel, degraded and
the case with you О Suta, because one.
were always engaged in the worldly pleasures.
achieves Sivaloka simply by listening to this
story. f^ R T : p re fe r Ч 1 ^ Н !Н Ш :1

o q R w iR O q : <3с^т11г|кс(йп1:11 \ o и
TJET 'icn x j
All the women of the village were of harsh
y^nfir q^iMutdi
temperament who moved at will, always
Т Щ Щ r V M '4 T h H im iU | ) ^ d 4 : ll4 ll
desirous of committing sins, evil minded,
Suta said, “O Resplendent Saunaka, you unchaste, having misconduct, and were averse
please listen to me. Though the story is quite to noble conduct.
secret, still I would like to reveal it before
pet f w P t W m зш т
you, because you happen to be the foremost of
the devotees of lord Siva and are well-versed f^ r^ rrr чрт f e r з щ т ) ^ ю т :1 1 ^ ii
10 Siva-Mah3puraijani

Thus in the habitation of the noble people, -ЗП^Щ ^ т П т й ^ ^ II

in the village of Vaskala, there lived an О Great sage, once Binduga Brahmana,
extremely degraded Brahmana known by the found his wife Cancula becoming lustful,
name of Binduga. enjoying the union with some other man.
ч < p p k :i

3v*ii4fafrg4H chiM i ^ и ЗГтЫ TT^f * ) У 14 ^<;|С( %ПгТ: II II

He had a wicked soul, was extremely The said Brahmana, finding his wife
sinful, followed the evil path inspite of his following an evil path, and sleeping with
having a beautiful wife. Ultimately having another man was enraged and at once rushed
been overpowered with the passions, he towards her.
became the husband of a whore.
ними tj! p p ftpgfr w : i
WTefr Щ гП 4Tfr f ^ r fret yyftuflpi
MHlRldl |RT ^TRt ^ h d W i l c I H t ^11 H II
^ Йрщ т ШУ1и1НчИ*М:11 ^ II
Finding the wicked Binduga arriving in his
The degraded Brahmana, discarding his house, the deceitful lover, ran away from his
chaste Brahmana wife named Cancula, used to house at once.
have union with the whore.
зтгг ^ IsFjpT: Teff *j£wi i
P c i m d t <=iidUn«i 4> cb4ui:i
чЭ TR:
O "S ?o[\
RT J-M-UrlTRl rf xlfHTII r * n
Thereafter the degraded Binduga caught
In this way much of the time of Benduga hold of his wife and beat her with his fists
Brahmana was spent with the whore, enjoying scolding her at the same time and putting her
all the conjugal pleasures. His wife Cancula, in fetters.
getting afraid of falling from her dharma,
inspite of her having been infested with lust, ТГТ 4lft RTlfSRTT frgt rlfP T ЙГ<иП URTI
also fell from her dharma. fftRTT W pt ТП? w # ЯЗЕПТИ ? Ul
ЗТ8Г d W Ijf41 Tnftf y ^ c f i f t c H U Then Cancula who had started moving
freely, after having been beaten by her wicked
atEwawnfryn wenrtfeuw ?и *ч и husband, she was enraged and becoming
But later on as her youthful health and fearless, she spoke to husband thus.
boisterous virility increased, her passion’s
onslaught became extremely unbearable for
her and she fell from her virtuous conduct. я ё п ч й я Е Н т ч ттр г с ^ ч т щ гЕ|

Ff^RTt W f U fr R frHRT: | ш ^ w te ff гг *p=m

чЭ f ч й й й ч Ч ч*чи у ?м
n f^ fg "fw m rii ^ и She said, “О Evil minded one, discarding
Thereafter she escaping from the sight of your young and chaste wife who had been
her husband, destroying her chastity, having a devoted to her husband, you had been daily
union with some other man, she took refuge in enjoying the company of that whore.
the evil way. W PcPT q
eirM tel сЫ Ч|еЬ(г'М
^гН н :1

ch~d;ifar<T rri~ f i r a n t р е ш ! g^i f e lT ч(г|(чб1< Р Ш Щ 3 R ^ II ^ ^

Mahatmyam, Chapter 3 11

I am young, beautiful and remain infested rWfd чфрSR afaaPT? f y a h l l^ l l

with passions. You tell me, what would be my Thus listening to the words of her husband,
condition without enjoying the love sports Cancula, the wife of the Brahmana was very
with my husband. much pleased.
3 T? MsjUcOMdl H d if lc H fa g H II
< p#a W f rft t ^ щ т)- H M ffl I
g w n | g n a g f if ч а ir f f a 4 T s s M : ii
4><*4fa<dT а й Ш ^ Ч дгЕШ ТГИ 3 о ||
I am extremely beautiful and am quite With the development of the above
youthful and remain upset because of my understanding between them, both the
passions. How could I manage without union husband and wife moved on the evil path
with you.” which was quite sinful.
I J 4 * q ia
Pa cfT4r4l^<MKy^-dill:l
Ц^1<ын) oildldld faubH) Чй^<ТН1:11 3 ^11
яГ ата fs r^ rr: a m t : I3 H :IR 4 II
Thus having been engaged in evil ways,
Suta said, “When the wife so spoke to her considerable time of both of them was passed.
husband, then the foolish, wicked and
m fanET: IT fa ftfa ^ a ) <j4Hl4fd:i
degraded Binduga, spoke to her.”
ачФч 1чач ШТТГ эд ш ч та ш : н з у u
d c d rf
Thereafter the husband of the evil and
WmdWTRfi f| chlholllchH^dflll wicked woman died after sometime and fell in
%T ЧТЧТтГ fjth ЧЧЧГ Ч Ч ta a il -Э^ It the hell.
Binduga said, “Having been infested with я а т а т ч т е н и й a ^ i i f t it a s a h i
passions, whatever has been spoken by you is f ^ s a g f a y iia ) frrft' Tmrt а а ^ т : н з з н
correct. Therefore I speak some welfare words
to you, listening to which you shall be The wicked Brahmana after suffering the
fearless. pain of the hell for a long time was bom as a
jvisaca (goblin) in the Vindhya mountain.
1чаг <a ^FTITT 1ч*4^н ^1
аччта^ Tfrat % чтат a»a: arr ifaaii щ Ш afia 4 a g ir a iU a faapti

From today onwards you can freely enjoy за щ ia ^ | gtfgjignar faasah 113*11
the company of your lover without hesitation. After the death of the wicked and sinful
You must receive money, in exchange for husband, the foolish woman Cancula, lived in
your enjoying love-sports with him. her house with her sons for a long time.
p a fa c ia l a i t : itt чтт) а щ а т щ а п
Щ ^ ^РТ1Т1ТтТг1ч1Т:1
ЗТГ#Т 5)14141 ш т Ш д ^ ш ч в й а ч ти зч и
ааач aarfa a amfa an ? 6 и
You give away that money to me, because The said woman Cancula, indulging in
I am attracted to the whore and by doing so, love-sports, kept on roaming about with her
the purpose of both of us would be served. lovers for long and while so enjoying, her
youthful age was over,
1ТЧ 3 4 ia р азт З а ц тч 1 топй yuqii4fuu
а ф та : агат ащ ат agasr ttti пт 4Tit a a f r : it f | ataarf дгаата^пз^и
12 Siva-Mah3puranain

Once as a move of the destiny, the said Therefore, listening to my story, showering
woman went to the Gokarna-tirtha with her your enormous compassion, you kindly
brothers and relatives. redeem me.
rfrg trett ■elRu 414 M ill T W t ll

гГЗГ w r « r a f a :ii^ ii

After taking a bath in a particular tlrtha, О Lord, because of my evil mind, I have
she kept on roaming about with her relatives indulged into enormous sin, having been
quite casually. infested with passion and lust, I have spent my
entire youthful age.
^ ятсг ш т т п э й : m m t y V ifu ie ^ ' ^ ^ m i t-SII

Going to a Deva temple, she listened to a 5 Г Ш T a m ili 'riT S f 'H c h U lw Ie r ^ n ie h lir ^ ll

beautiful Pauranic story relating to Siva from Today, I, listening to your words full of
the mouth of a Brahmana. vairagya I feel extremely fearful. The heart of
the widow, has started shaking.
■sfrferr S f m h b H t * w fe b £ 4 l:l

% т Tjsfor ш ш cb m h lQ d ^ iH .i
According to that story, the women who Rrert gf a r o t f% ta i fg ^эдФт:.ц*чп
enjoy union with other men, neglecting their
w w t f^ n fW ri
husbands, are carried by the messenger of
Yama in the hell who place the burning iron 4*1414 ф гГ ^ II
musalas in their vaginas. Disgrace to me who had been infested with
ff?r 4kifa& 4lTfit с|<1«ю П Й Ч 1 passions and lust. I discarded the path of
chastity, followed the deplorable sinful path. I,
гРЭ ЕЙ Д 5ГИ Т t i l * о II
innocently, destroying dharma and the noble
Thus listening to the story of Siva, from deeds, for petty gains and performed the
the mouth of the Brahmana, well-versed in the enormous sins which are extremely painful
Puranas, which increased vairagya, Cancula, and terrific.
getting terrified started shaking.
driPnfq g t f t Щ eft t m ?T
ЗИ Т И Ч Й Ш 5 1 % ^1
# 4414-ilfd ЧТ cR ch4|jRcnTT44l4ll*^ll
tr im Tedrr м этаз; f i^ n *
Alas! I am going to face distress which
After the narration of the story was over
would be enormously painful, who is going to
and after the departure of the listeners, she
save me from the hell because I had followed
went to the orator when he was lonely and
the evil path?
asked the Brahmana.

сШ ^ CTKPTRT gfw ^11*411

w i Rh frq f ф ^ м н ш Гч и * ? н дат 4T% yugvil I

Cancula said, “O Brahmana, I have Ш Ч \ гГ5Г Щ ^ P c | % d :lU <
? ll

knowingly travelled over the evil path. How would I face the terrific messengers
MSh&tmyam, Chapter 4 13

of Yama, after my death? How should I be Where should I go? With whom should I take
able to keep patience when the messengers of shelter? Who would save me when I am
Yama would bind me by the throat? When the drowning in the ocean of the universe.
messengers of Yama would injure my body,
тг ш <*r ftcrrsfa ъ\
and cause pain by several other means, then
how shall I be able to bear them? s s t e Ttf ф т т ггтгёсГ TTTOt ТЩТТТИ ч $ м
О Brahmana, you are my preceptor, you
are my parents. I have taken refuge at your
т й зет H ire rs ? % r g^srafogarn ц о n feet. Therefore, you redeem a miserable
How could I be able to sleep in the night person like me.”
having been reminded of the misdeeds or
^ t зсгте
sinful activities performed by me during the
IT rT rT| Ш Р Д f iW д а ч : n 1*11 Ч'э»
Suta said- Thus having been influenced
femrsfw TTiftRT Ыттщч;п ч ум
with vairagya, she fell at the feet of the
Alas! I am dead, burnt out, my heart has Brahmana. Then lifting her up the intelligent
burst out, I have been completely destroyed Brahmana said.
and I am extremely sinful.
e f iW iK m m im

тЩгГЙтрчЫ ч ч т gtfcTtsszmt: и? и
згШг чум •kick
$?ПЯТ?Т MdrHd^rl) f e l l
* l f -ДЗ ^ T t Ш 'd W W T lf o p i Т Щ М 4 3 N

Alas! О destiny, what have you done by

making me an evil minded woman? It is
surprising that a person is dragged away from
dharma, which provides all types of pleasures
and comforts. I am facing crores of times
more pain emerging out the piercing of a
thorn, or falling from the peak of the
epccii ТГЦРТ wl^i W ^TRT:l
TtmT ЧгЧТЧ^Ц чА^кспч'яи
1% <тп№т srt w r f a ^ w w m w h

c ^ T r f ЧЯ«П Й Н Ч Ч Н

There could be no repentance to my sins

even with the performing of a hundred
Asvamedha sacrifices, or taking bath in the
Ganga for a hundred years. What should I do?
MSh&tmyam, Chapter 4 13

Redemption of Cancula- the Brahmana
«гщ ттзд щ

ftft fvra4TiuR4
The Brahmana said, “Because of good
fortune, by the grace of Siva, you have woken
up timely by listening to the story of Siva
Purana which enlightens the people with the
feeling of renunciation.
Ш М Щ ч Ш ! W iT T cT PJ W i ^Tl

i^ r a R t i w : 4# 4 n t ^ ra t f w r f m i ? и

O Brahmana’s wife, don’t be afraid and

take refuge with lord Siva. By the grace of
Siva, all your sins would be immediately
14 Siva-Mahapuranam

гГ щ w Гугэ<ЛЕтечйган1 #sqtTR stfoi % т т srafo fW h fi

Л % « y w ^ lll 3 II
I shall narrate to you the story which im f t r f M t ^ J i t R s f o m fe ra > :i
highlights the yogic aspect of Siva, which Ml f^ g T fq r yiMVIWTt: щ W TII II
would lead you to the life of comforts.
As the mirror becomes spotless, after
ur*yjM3uiic|ci wm I 4fdA<£vRi cleaning, similarly with the listening of the
Siva Purana the mind is undoubtedly purified.
щ ш тчтй ги w im i
Both Siva and Parvatl reside in the mind of the
With the listening of the pleasant story of people, when they are completely purified.
lord Siva, there has been such a change in Thereafter, such a person with a spotless soul,
your mind, which has made you repent. Your achieves the highest pada of Siva.
mind has been purified and has renounced the
worldly pleasures. ЗШ: cT«Widfi «W41WI4 W T I
tr^ f ^ 11
Ш Ч T f a i l 'd & Ч Н Ч Ч У 1 f n R 'Jli 4 rl: I
^ r t ctf^RT ^ 11

The best remedy to wash out the sins is the StlRT^TR T t WWRT ItSTrd tra fd gcWII ^ 1 1
repentance. The people with wisdom have Therefore people of all walks of life should
prescribed repentance to get rid of all the sins. listen to this story. Because of this, lord
Mahadeva, due to the extreme insistence of
тщтгпШ e&rlft tr:i
Parvatl, had composed this story. With the
wrof<g y iw ri^ m m ii ^ и listening of this story one’s mind becomes
Such of the people who cannot be freed firm at the feet of Siva, the husband of
with the repentance, they should perform the Parvatl. By meditation one attains knowledge.
penance. The noble people have prescribed After attaining of the knowledge, one surely
penance for all types of sins. gets moksa.
R fa ra f^ n fc r: w r ) сШШсГ sjutTR *T:i
R r R I f # WT: тщТгТРЙЧ W T :ll^ ll ■ц тя w ~Фщ\\ ^ n
A person even after performing penance, is The one who is not allowed to meditate
not mentally freed from fear of the sins nor upon lord Siva, or the one who listens to his
can he achieve salvation, but a person who story alone, he in the next birth is engaged in
performs the penance is freed from the sins the meditation of Siva and then achieves the
undoubtedly, and achieves salvation. highest place in the abode of Siva.
HdfewMtTuiw сщтясщ# m i liq u id : & чм ч*п чг1 :1

Ш ч M l 4 ^ i ) r f : l l 6 II r) h W rfiH : TTTT Щ Щ : ПнПй*4mdl: II ^11

The way in which the mind is purified with With the listening of the story of this
the listening of the story of Siva Ригйпа, such Mahapurana, and then meditating on Siva,
purification cannot be achieved by any other several of the people performing penance
means. achieve the siddhis (success).
Mahatmyam, Chapter 4 15

&Ш Т Ш 't itfh H W c tu l A devotee, who, with a spotless and

^ гГЩ г^ Щ Т Щ еТ %iqq>e)<|C(145*^ll II
devoted mind meditates upon the lotus like
feet of Siva, he achieves salvation in a single
To hear to the story of lord Siva, is the birth. I am speaking the truth to you there is
basic cause for all types of welfare. Therefore no doubt in it.
one should meditate upon Siva, in order to get
rid of all the ailments. a a за та
?^ cR a i a fg s r a fr a r : ^ с г : ф чт$ й :1
дэдкгаш: "^щМччиг rRTf i^ri
a^ ff a a a f^ ia E a R a w a :iR ? n
W l
зга fa ^ a a a f ат ащатщт a a a a t:i
With the listening of the story of Siva, or
thinking about the same, by keeping it in mind ??аат fainn ааш^шщнгачти ч з и
always, the mind is purified in no time. Suta said- The Brahmana, who recited the
Siva Parana in the temple of Siva, with a
ш г <dfrh4?jyi'W gjfiw f^ i
spotless soul and was a param-saiva who
c T ^ g w t f^ o tn ч Ы w ^t : ii ^\9ii showered his grace on the woman, and then
In this way, both the sons of Siva (Ganesa with his mind engrossed in the meditation of
and Karttikeya) are also adored and by their Siva, he became silent. Then the woman
grace the divine devotion is achieved. Cancula, was pleased, at the words spoken by
Thereafter, the salvation is achieved the Brahmana and tears started flowing from
undoubtedly. her eyes.
af|#T: игаттачцты^:! W rTR f g ^ i r fg«ft:l
ftHt «rafa ^ fawn ^ u 11^*11

It is true that a person, without the Then suddenly getting pleased, Cancula
devotion of Siva is himself unable to get freed fell at the feet of the Brahmana, and said, “I
from the bondages of the delusion in the feel beholden at the words spoken by you.”
зтаг f? fsahfar ^
^ «isjt aaaa arw aam ii 44 и ЗТЩТЕТ Щ ф щ ^< |4^.МФНЫ1:11?Ч11

Therefore, О wife of the Brahmana, freeing t f ^ c le K ! Ч<Ч1У5ф*,1

your mind from the worldly attractions, listen
<9 O 'J ч ъ и
ч(1ч<шРка) cju!4Iii: штти
with devotion the story of Siva.
Cancula said- “О Best of the devotee of
*Ц1ФЯ1: viftHi w aR :i Siva, О SvamI, the bestower of the parmartha,
^ sW a ^ай ant ^fd>uaioRrfanч ои О Brahmana, you are graceful. You are
By listening to the story of lord Siva your always engaged in doing good to others,
mind would be purified and you would be therefore you have to be treated as the best of
freed from all the bondages. the noble persons.
япаа: fvN4i$i©si %ашШгга h m -qRT=cTlf w i i

у!ть: w a aaiTEi?4.ii v ^11 ш п -щ тпэгат ГЩ 1Э11

16 Siva-Mahapuranam

О Noble Brahmana, you better redeem a

person like me from falling in the ocean, by
listening to the story of Siva relating to the
Thus getting refuge with a noble preceptor,
she developed in her the noble wisdom for
f a w s t U s 'ЗШ Т I achieving Siva. Thereafter she started
W *т new meditating upon the conscious and blissful
I have started feeling detached from the form of Siva.
worldly pleasures. I have presently developed Ш Т d is ta tf v H iM ^ H y iR u T ll
immense faith for listening to this Purana.”
^ Ц II

She daily took her bath in the tirtha- water,

developed locks of hair over her head, and
гРФ Ж ^dcbimsf?fg?T drfldd TrfTII ? 9 ,\l clad herself in bark garments, applying the
s3 'Э N
ashes over her body and use the Rudraksa
Suta said : Thus speaking the woman
beads as her ornaments.
Cancula, with the compassion of the
Brahmana, with folded hands expressed her fy ic H m w srffil Т О Ш fad'HWldll
desire to listen to the Purana and got ready to ■ g w rf^ sw fn r ttt 4 4 d l4 4 d ji 3511
serve the Brahmana. She engaged herself in the reciting of the
ЗТ8Г v W f t name of Siva, she maintained the vrata of
-m m зи екп чщ rp rn w w m ?o ii
silence, took little food, she started pleasing
lord Siva, as per the path shown by the
Thereafter the Paramamahesvara and preceptor.
intelligent Brahmana, narrated the story of
Siva Purana to her in the same temple. Щ S4H4-d44J

Щ d44h}d r^-dMIdl
O Saunaka, in this way Cancula, meditated
■<ЯЩf?|c)^<|U|^ xfi 1Щ1тШРТ11 3
upon Siva appropriately for a long time.
Thus she heard the auspicious story of Siva
Purana from that Brahmana. m ti# r

ч ^ т т ч Ш т т п т т g fip r ц ^ |й н )н .| Ш # 1 ^ и
t o TP ш щ err T r^ r i щ и 3 ? и In due course of time she was fully
Cancula also listening to the story of Siva endowed with devotion, jnana and vairagya.
Purana, which increased devotion, jnana, Then Cancula, without much effort, met with
vairagya besides bestower of the salvation, her end.
she felt successful in her life. i w i щ т г Р sfaci % ttR tjtti

fJW «Г ТГТ jpPTI f ^ i ^ h u if iu x b гп^чи

fyiclldUlfl: Wdt: ^чьчнчсцм f II ^ ^ II Thereafter, the plane sent by lord Siva
With the grace of that noble preceptor, her arrived there, which was variously decorated.
heart was soon purified and by the grace of the The ganas of Siva having the divine form
lord, she meditated upon the true form of Siva. were seated in the vimana.
Mahatmyam, Chapter 4 17

m гГ5Г Ч Ч И ^1 Ц ^ 1 № г Ш :1 camphor.
%гт этзт эт эттп*оц ? lf t ЧТТ! ЭТТ ЦЧК|Гг1У^Н11
Because of the destruction of all the sins, уин ш 4 R ; ЗЭ Т :1 1 *$ И
Cancula boarded the plane and the messengers The woman Cancula finding Siva in this
of Siva carried her to Sivapurl. form was immensely pleased and she started
offering her salutation to him again and again.
ЭТГТГ f g r W f ^ I W T T I I ^ ^ I I ТЭТ^ГН: ТЭТ 7ЩТ
ЧЭ 4
ЭТ fddldcbll
At that point of time, the body of Cancula Т1ЭТ^ЭТЭТ^Ш И 'й'Э11
was turned into a divine form. She herself also With her heart filled with love, folding her
looked divine. All her limbs were shining. She hands, with pleasing mind, shedding blissful
was adorned with all the ornaments like tears, she felt extremely delighted.
Parvatl and the crescent moon appeared over
her head. m этт t сьыпч1 4i4riii ?i^ ut ЭТ1
W d ld lM c b U d ff ig fc ll ЭТ f g H lf a d ll l ^ C I I
щ m этэт^эт этт ^ (5i# xmh,i
Then both Siva and Parvatl cast a
& 044Н ЭТ Ч Ш ^ нт^ н
compassionate glance over her. Then they
Reaching Sivaloka she found that the gods called her and made her sit in their vicinity.
like Brahma, Visnu and others were serving
the SanStana Mahadeva. этгёгэт эттf«TT ЭТ4ЭТ# fdou^Hiuili
i^ a n f|< 9 4 lP < d l Ш Щ рЭТ
Parvatl on her part, lovingly made Cancula,
the wife of Binduga, as her hand maid and
Ganesa, BhrrigI, Nandlkesvara, Vlrabhadra showered all the divine pleasures on her.
and other ganas were adoring lord Siva with
devotion. Lord Siva had the lustre of crores of
suns, who was being worshipped by gods. с^ Ц Т ^ ГЭ Т Э Т Ы Н ШЗЭТЧЩТТЭТ11 ч о ||

qtenfrcT ТЩЭТЭТ5Г рЩЭТЭТ; tK V U s K H J

Then Cancula in the eternal abode of Siva,
was filled with light, achieving the infallible
abode, started living there enjoying all the
She found that the throat of Siva was of comforts.
blue colour, had five heads, three eyes. The
ff?r « l w , i^ ч щ э т й fv ic i^ iu m ^ ic d i
crescent moon was lodged over the head.
Gauri having the lustre of lightening was этэт этдяЫтт:11*и
lodged to his left.

[ЭТ Н Э Т Э Т И Ц ^ fdd<4€T d ^ l ^ H M I l * 4 II

She found that Siva was adorned with all

types of ornaments and his body was plastered
with white ashes. He was clad in white
garments and his complexion appeared like
18 £iva-MahSpuranam

Not only that even Brahma, Visnu and

CHAPTER 5 other gods also serve you. You have both the
Salvation of Binduga visible and invisible forms. You happen to be
Adi-Prakrti. You have the subtle sat, cita and
vfldeb 'deiW
ananda (bliss) forms.
■^cT! тщщрт! ЧЪШ ft|cuh№l:l

q fg f& ifd rm fl f e w ЕЩ ГНЭД1
«ГТ^гГгТ eW||^lch44dl ^11
#®f4W j4^VIH‘l ^«fdBIcMI tRTII ^ II
Saunaka said, “O Graceful Suta, you are You create, maintain and destroy the
quite magnificent and fortunate, your mind is universe, you are known by Triguna (sattvas,
always devoted to the devotion of lord Siva. rajas and tamas) forms. You are the refuge of
The story of Cancula narrated by you is quite all the three gods, and you also establish
surprising and increases one’s devotion them.” (This eulogy is according to the Sakta
towards Siva. principle).
ТТЛ Щ Ш т ш # : ? 4JrT
Щ P d V l^ l И ЗГО Н И ? II
rri ^ p r r з т г о # :1
In this way, after having been redeemed,
Cancula, proceeded on to Sivaloka and started
Suta said, “Then Cancula who had
living there. О Immensely intelligent Suta,
achieved liberation (became emotional) and
you also tell me what happened to Binduga-
her eyes were filled with tears of love,
her husband?”
lowering her head, she kept quiet after
offering prayer to Parvati.
Ш ri'c fly q JlU j 5 Ж in Ш: Ш *hU||faET Vilify ill I
4<4I-K«u^dlll*ll rll^clW Ч^1У)НП rJ^TT Я|тЬс|гНН111^11
Suta said, “Cancula, once came to Parvati Then Parvati, the beloved of Siva, and
and with folded hands she offered her affectionate to her devotees, spoke to Cancula,
salutation to her and blissfully offered her with compassion and love.
prayer to her.”
тЩ # 9 Т ЕГ
life yyldHill ^ddlfal ^ f t ! l
f% or чтс$ гт^н ^ и
? n s jM ! w ^ RR sfafoT hm i
Parvati said, “O Beautiful handmaid
Cancula said- “O Goddess Girija, you are
Cancula, I am extremely pleased with your
the mother of Skanda- Karttikeya and bestow
all the comforts and pleasures. You are the prayer. You ask for any boon you like. There
beloved of Siva and are the form of Brahman. is nothing which cannot be given to you.”
Therefore all the men and women serve you. Cv

Emjjflgiiiq fa: Ь т тпртт P ijo n ft wi fcftHT RT fqfeRT gfPTT IJMUIWI HT^I

-H l^ fH ^ dM -W cbin ||
M5hatmyain, Chapter 5 19

Siita said- At these words of Girija, ^ тчт ъ f f e m f f a ч т ч т # ?ш ч й г г :1

Cancula offered her salutation to her ^щти ^ П
appropriately and folding her hands with
devotion lowering her head she asked her. The sinful person had to suffer miseries for
many years in the different hells, and then
became a pis'aca (goblin) in the Vindhya
-ЦЦ ^ ЗТТЧТf a c f g f p j
mountain because of the remaining sins. Even
the wicked Binduga suffering from several
fa? pHT W S # t «rarfiT fafT^S4%ll ^11 types of pains inhaling air only, is leading a
tT$Nr cbc^llfui! eh4*ll ^IncirUtrl !i miserable life in the Vindhya mountain.”
4 ^ f d ! U p lift! 4trf ^ p H lu fa :! Cs

ЧтГ: ^ p : 4T4t ч щ д ФТ fair 1ТгГ: и II g fa tM cTEf: ЕЩ гГТ m f W I

Cancula said, “Where is my husband at the ТЩ1 f :feHTS3#4^r f e l l ^vaii

moment? I am unaware of the condition in SOta said, “Thus listening to the words of
which he has been placed at the moment. My Parvatl, Cancula, with noble thoughts, felt
only desire is that I should live with him. You extremely painful (knowing about the
kindly do something for the purpose. О miserable condition of her husband).
Parvatl, you shower welfare on all, are ЖТ9ВТ сТгГ%тГ -р и г а f e r f a )
compassionate on the miserable people and
ФТ: Ш Ш ЧТТТ I p T f^ W T II ^11
you are the best of all the goddesses. My
husband was visiting the whore, but that sinful Then, she, making her mind stable, and
person died ahead of me. I know not in which offering her salutation to Parvatl, with painful
heart asked again.
condition, he is placed.”
m(N з з ш
f e f t ! f e f r i ! fPTt ifafaftl
$rdlchu4 % Mlckfl I
t# f e ТЗЩ11 ^ II
H ip t f f a f e 4ddrHHIII ^ II
Cancula said, “O Goddess Parvatl. О
SOta said- “Thus listening to the words of MahadevI, you kindly redeem my husband
Cancula, the goddess Girija who had always who had been indulging in evil ways since
been graceful to her devotees, lovingly long.
replied. ФЧШГ^Ч ^ Slrtf Ш Ч Ш Щ f g f e p f l
PlfW ldw ^ 5 # Ш р П Г^ г! ^11 Я о II

■ ф\ f^r|T55^t ТЧ1Ч1 5 W U :l О Goddess, you kindly tell me, the way by

^ m r i il w f e ранг тг ч т ф ш -л \ r* n which my sinful and degraded husband with
Girija said, “O Daughter, your husband evil wisdom could be redeemed from the
miserable condition. You tell me.”
Binduga, was extremely sinful, had degraded
thoughts, lover of whores, and was immensely Т ЕГ ЗФ ГсГ

foolish. After his death he fell in the hell. S r tn fe f f e f t ^ T h riW H Il

ЧТФсрТШй fa fe a fa ffiT : W : I Ш Р Т Щ гП Ъ rlTOII ^ *11

ШЧУГ^Шш \т Гмуп-ёйсЬ:11 и SOta said, “Then Parvatl, to whom her
20 Siva-Mahapuranatn

devotees are quite dear, feeling delighted said

to Cancula. Girija said, “O Tumburu, you are loved by
Ч 1 < Ц с)М Siva, therefore you obey my command. You
^Ofrraf? % wrt fvN^yji W{| go to the Vindhya mountain with this woman.
You would be bestowed with welfare.
<pfft ч Л т ф я тя ч тг^ тт ^ и
3 tt# гпт
Parvat! said, “In case your husband can
listen to the story of Siva Purana, which
bestows merits, then he would be relived of A huge and terrible pis'aca lives there. I tell
his miserable condition and would be you his life story from the beginning and you
redeemed. listen to it attentively.
ф e fE I:
Т Т Т Я % f t w ir t : Я - I
ф < И 9 (н 4 *К е В Ч 1 Я Ч И 1 Ч f l :
3TRTT 4raf: u fafgt W W II ^ % II
In earlier birth this pisaca had to been a
^ яий|чга at aani?*n Brahmana named Binduga. He had been the
Thus listening to the nectar like words of husband of my handmaid. He was attracted
the goddess Gaurl, with respect, Cancula towards the whore.
lowered her shoulders with folded hands and
offered her salutation again and again. Then
she prayed to Parvat! that she should do "Ш н М ^ f lil^ c h K < * : ll^ o | |
something for the destruction of her husband’s He never took his bath nor did he perform
sins and move in such a way that her husband sandhya or other noble deeds. He always
is in a position to listen to the story of Siva remained unclean. Because of anger, he had
Purana. lost his wisdom. He consumed the unedible
W ЗЩ гГ things, was inimical with the noble people and
earned his living by evil means.
ш ggjfrifctf STsfaHT tvi^fy^n
ТВ^НТТТТ W 'tT fiR tl
Tftfr $ 4 lfo d l« X * T , W 4 tM <*MTIR4U
Suta said, “The woman Cancula offered ^ Ч Я Т T fteSB: f T : Ч < ^ ¥ Ч Н # Ч '« Ь :1 1 ^ И

prayer to Parvat!, the beloved of Siva, again He killed the creatures, always carried the
and again. Thereafter the goddess Gaurl, weapons with him. He took his food with left
possessing enormous fortunes was pleased hand and always tortured the poor people. He
with Cancula. was cruel and merciless and lighted the houses
of others.
Ц f iiR ^ ^ e n ^ n ^ n * ll< JS ld lR H u l f t t S i ■M^lfsIH: I

Thereafter Parvat! summoned lovingly, адмвПгчвгфнич) p ^ T ctwii 3 ? и

Gandharvaraja Tumburu, who recited the
He loved the degraded people, visited the
glory of lord Siva and said to him.
harlots, was extremely clever, and disowned
filfW l'elM his wife. The sinful person always kept the
| <р$ТГ! f ? l A ! ЯЯ ч г ш д а | company of the wicked people.
Mahatmyam. Chapter 5 21

?R жШ r?ti ■gw Ш Щ

ч^ч! 'Jl(Rofl tfRTTII 3 3II 'f r illf e B I 4%911-OT h - У У ^ Г $ p p : i

He lost all his merits with keeping trrfTT жиж to T o m b ^ il ^ ^ II

company of a harlot and becoming greedy for Suta said, “At these words of the goddess
money he made her own wife as unchaste Parvati spoken by her to Tumburu- the lord of
fearlessly. Gandharvas, then Cancula felt herself to be
quite fortunate in her mind.
3TPJWt: Ж gJT^T ftSFT TlcT;!
Ч1тдт ¥Tt Ф п ч м f | mfiMitjji 3x 11 зтгщ TtfotTR tt tmt а(вгачг ЖЩ\
Till his death he followed the evil ways fcf^irSTH 1TT5t HH^fSBlril^oll
and he died ultimately. Thereafter he fell in Then Tumburu, who was quite dear to
the terrific hell, where the sinful people have Narada, boarded the beautiful plane with the
to reap the reward of their sins. chaste Cancula- the wife of Binduga and
reached Vindhyacala in no time.
<T5T^cR^T Ж р щ Ч<сЫЙ жф Ж\
ф Й Ж fayiWlsfw ЩЧЧртгГ: II
3 lf^ R T r f r i r 'M fe c h d lc h fc lM JI'*
Reaching in the hell, he had to face the Reaching there he found the pisaca having
reward of his sins in several types of hells. He a terrific and gigantic body, vast chin, who
was thrown out of the hell and is now was sometime laughing, sometime weeping,
suffering the agony of his remaining sins in sometimes jumping from one place to another.
the Vindhya mountain, as a terrific pisaca.
«MlaWI* t Ш : ftr^TTcT УТМ|УГ{Ч1
сгстрг w t t -g w «4 ч1 чБн |(Ы )ч,| ^ fe -f^ ncrar^ f ^ iqchgT'4gWgftn,*?ll
f^oqf fyidpuiw ««llfaw W r i l ^ l l The valorous Tumburu, who was always
You better go there and recite before him engaged in reciting the prayer of Siva,
the auspicious story of the divine Siva Purana forcefully caught hold of the pis'dca and bound
which destroys all the sins. him with ropes.
]pT f^fSTJTPJTW cfisrreraunr: тщ^| awl fvidVRlUiW Ж <Pf3:l
«4 Ч 1 Ч Й ^ ^ Ч 1?ТС#5ГШ ^^:11^11 ft f s w 7*RT Ж% ^ V H c |« 4 p M 14 H *3 ll
By hearing the story of the divine Siva Then deciding to perform the parayana
Purana, he would soon be relieved of his form (reading the book from beginning to end of
of pisaca, getting free from all the sins. Siva Purana, he made arrangements with all
the festivities.
ф ж c p frfw i f^ p t щ f4 v iw « H ,i
m faf ^ n : ^тгочт^сд^т:!
ЧЩЯТ fgrn¥l W !tf f ^ l f e ^ l l ^ II
t a r ta g n n i ж TTrifii'^ii
When the pisaca Binduga after listening to At the command of Parvati, Tumburu
the auspicious story of Siva Purana, achieves reached the Vindhya mountain, in order to get
salvation, then you make him board the plane the pis'aca freed by reciting of the Siva
and carry him at my command, to lord Siva.” Ригйпа.
22 S>iva-Mahapuranam

сднгдей Ш*: У4'Н1^3 t ЩЦ) Soon he attained a divine form. He got a

fair complexion and a divine body. He was
ш ^ с п ш к d^chWi |fT4.iumi clad in white garments and was adorned with
The news about the parayana of Siva all the ornaments. He appeared graceful like
Ригйпа was spread in all the three worlds. the three eyed Siva having a crescent over his
Therefore the gods as well the ascetics arrived head.
there in large number for listening to it, and feed- Г<оус|^тд| ш тт PM«Ri±ni
the place was therefore crowded very much.
w^rPu :11ч ч 11
Then with his divine body, and
ctat feicipiJiwmdRf « h p r ^ i i ^ i i accompanied with his wife Cancula, he started
There was a surprising crowd there, which reciting the divine story of Siva and Parvatl.
was for the welfare of all. All of them had
TT^gJT TTf ^1
collected there in order to listen to the
recitation of Siva Ригйпа.
fllVTRW t trr&fcfT t TI
Finding the wife of Binduga with him, all
the gods were surprised and were delighted at
The pis'dca was made to sit there bound
with ropes, then the king of Gandharvas
holding the virid in his hands started singing Ъ Ш 7ШЧТ: TTTfT
the story of lord Siva, playing on vind. Listening to the astonishing life stories of
lord Siva, all the gods started singing the glory
ш P v n p u i f | «4T?irKi
of Siva collectively and retired to their
respective abodes.
Starting from the first Samhitd, ending
upto the seventh Samhita, together with glory faF§*T: RodidTI TjfehRfw:
of the Ригйпа, Gandharva-raja Tumburu sang •щдпчттчтФт: Tifw tim m i
"over the vind quite clearly. Binduga on the other hand, having been
SptT fvWJTlui <J transformed as the auspicious soul, mounted
over a beautiful plane, looked graceful, while
ffSTrafar* TTfarc ТТ5Г %||^<;II
flying in the sky with his wife.
Listening to the story of Siva Ригйпа
comprising of seven samhitds the listeners
became successful in their desires. TT ^*3^1141^ ТШпТ: TTTft
IT Рч¥'1М1 ТЩЩП2Т ?рт PVMhtluicb^l Then Binduga accompanied with his wife
and Tumburu, singing the auspicious merits of
fmesv ш s»ч щфv
t a r t r a щчэ: иц о и lord Siva, soon reached at the highest place of
Listening to the extremely meritorious Siva.
story of Siva Ригйпа, the pis'dca was relieved
of all the sins as a result of which he shed
away his form as pis'dca. T T r e f«T: Я^ТТ W5%rWTiiro#ll 4^911
Reaching there both Siva and Parvatl
f^otTCctfr «г$стщ Tflwtf:
welcomed Binduga, who was then included by
: 114 ^11 lord Siva in his army of ganas, while Cancula
Mahatmyam, Chapter 6 23

was taken by the goddess Parvatl, as her


ё ^ - ТГГСГ 4 CII
Both Binduga and Cancula, by achieving a
place in the blissful, illumining and eternal
abode of Siva, felt extremely comfortable.

Ш 4^11
This historical story, which removes all the
sins has been narrated to you, which increases
the spotless devotion and bliss.

^екс(| 1с(^П1>=н1иМч1 ^ О||

Whosoever, listens to this Purdna with
devotion, or performs its recitation in the form
of parayana, he, after enjoying all the
pleasures in this world, ultimately achieves
?ffr зЬадй ч^гчпиг ^дттгащт?^
ч т wijtjsTra'nmii
Mahatmyam, Chapter 6 23

ям %Trora^ifu
fefsr facPHluiW ЯсЩ* -q^!И^II
Suta said, “O sage Saunaka, I am now
going to tell you the method of the achieving
of the complete reward of the listening of the
Siva Ригйпа.
ъ TThTfS TRTTWw 5R|f$W: I
Summon an astrologer in your house, who
should be pleased by offering the daksina by
all the members of the family and ask him the
auspicious time at which the recitation should
be started for a successful end.
¥fctf згкгг w -rt ^ tti
«rfgtqffr w зи*м«4 ^гШт:11чи
Thereafter the news should be spread in all
the countries, about the recitation of the Siva
Purana and the people desirous of their own
welfare should attend the same.
^ зГгёШТ:
f^RT: % g- cmrewt 47^:115,11
CHAPTER 6 Some of the people remain away from
Method of listening to the Puraita Hari-kath&, while others keep off from the
Sanklrtana of lord Siva. Besides the above, all
the men, women, Sudras and others should
ffr! "гщтщ! Ч*тГ5^т ch also be invited to enable them to gain
gRHR^ ЫчЬЩ|0Т:11 ^11 knowledge. The news should be sent
Saunaka said, “0 SQta, the fortunate one, everywhere.
you are extremely intelligent and are the
^ WWI ^ ёЩЯЗМЧПг^сЫ: I
disciple of the sage Vyasa. Salutation to you.
You are graceful all your virtues are worth dhmr-t^R cbrJ шщЫт^Ш 1Вэи
highlighting. All the devotees of Siva, who might be
«Мэддццдта sienna fgfc anxious to listen to the name of Siva and his
recitation, should be respectfully invited for
Ъч ^ ^ r a f тшдтгац» ^ n the hearing of the Sivakatha.
You kindly tell us the method of listening
to the Siva Purana, by which all the listeners 'hfspzrfd WaTTSsT TTTCS\Rt ТРЧТгТТУ: I
should achieve the best of the fruit.” MRldOt J l W i w n ^ h lld ll
24 Siva-Mah5puranam

The ascetics should also be invited with a WTfWl^rTIl V6II

message that at the completion of the Siva Such of the things which are not of daily
Parana surprising festivities would be
use in the house should be removed and kept
concealed properly in the corner of the house.
9ll4i^c|4tlU||g<WRId тРТПН!
3i&3q) WSUfScdh
fiW к Ш : II II
In order to consume the nectar like juice of
Siva Parana, with respect, you kindly arrive The mandapa should be raised and
here with a devoted heart. decorated with the trunks of the banana trees.
The flowers and fruit should be collected in
large number and the balconies should be
ёш! 5^TT xf $ПлШ?Г:||\o II prepared decorating them with flowers and
In case you have no time to listen to the fruits on all the four sides.
complete Purana, then you should attend £ВД111Ч: tfiidicb: 1Г?тгчч:1
atleast part of it. Whatever might be the case,
you should arrive, because such opportunities wrfo: Tpferr сетгй ^ и
are quite rare in the life.” The mandapa should be decorated with
flags and banners on all the sides (while doing
с№Ш1$Н*Гс| % TT^TI
so,) one should remain devoted at the feet of
ЗШШЯТ гг й щ f f ¥<&1Т ЗПЗТ:11 lord Siva, who bestows all types of bliss.
Such type of invitation should be humbly F ^ m rp R f^osj fi тлеем: i
sent and when the devotees arrive to join the
recitation, they should all be honoured M R°441*H 1ТШТОЧЧ11 УЭII
appropriately. Performing oblation a divine seat should be
rj tftsf ш ^ grftr ^Issran left for lord Siva and a comfortable seat
should be kept for the speaker.
<ы4 f& w rivm y w w m w ii i w n
A beautiful mandapa (pavilion) should be sfrrprt 3Sc*l4)illfd ■yWHlfd WIffrT:l
made in a Siva temple, a sacred place, or in ETЧУНР-М тган.ии-у| T^lli
one’s own home, for the listening of the Siva О Great sage, appropriate seating
Ригйпа. arrangement for the (ascetics or other)
listeners should be made and ordinary
WlSR sri|#tR SHflUUgqpi
C\ s3 "4
listeners should also be provided with the
Ш f^cETT ^ || appropriate seats.
The place at which the mandapa has to be fecTtl farT TT^t cbl4i)^ %l
prepared for the purpose of recitation, the land
of that place should be purified. Then it should
be plastered and decorated with red ochre or The arrangements which are made for the
the powder of the metals. Then auspicious people for the joining of the marriage of the
formations should be made with the red girl, similar arrangement should be made with
colour. the auspicious intentions. О Saunaka, during
that period, one should free himself from the
fafea ГГ^ГПШТ! worldly attachments.
MShatmyam, Chapter 6 25

4^&rh\ $ШГ ЗГПсЩЧ^Ш| After the time of the birth, many of the
фс(у1 ^ R m m w t i i •Ron
people, are like the preceptors, because of
their high merits, out of all of them the one
The Orator should face towards the north, who is well versed in the Purana is indeed the
while the listeners should face towards the best.
east. The listener should sit with legs rolled
round. No controversy should be picked up
during this time. *ТГ ^TfrT TTt 4 % cfrs^TRTTtTWt II R ^ II
задегт тC\^ ф 4т т тC\н щСч^ ч « ш :1 The reason is that the jlvas feel painful
W T cffij: яЦ инчнн ТдгПТН R Rll
situations on earth, having been born in crores
of yonis, therefore the one who showers nectar
The eastern direction has been considered with the reciting of the Ригйпа, which lead to
to be the best between the worshipper and the the salvation, is indeed is the best. There could
worshipped or otherwise the speaker should be no other preceptor better than him.
face the listeners.
ТПТЩТ: 7TRTT fdRld4rtU:l
oMiywR'MhiWi q1-u(uichi f|^T:i
■ ЩГ: «Ь|*и<Чс||*с|ич1 с)^гЧи-ЧсЬЯ1|ГчЧ1ЧII RV9II
зшч1н'| w p s r r t T w r h ' w f e f i i r r i i
Only such of the person deliver discourse
When the Brahmana narrating the Ригйпа on the auspicious Siva Ригйпа, who is well-
occupies the seat of Vyasa, then till such time versed in the Ригйпа, is quite pure, clever,
his narration is completed, no one should peaceful by nature, free from jealousy, should
disturb him till then or offer even salutation to be noble by heart, is compassionate on all the
him. creatures and is a good speaker.
eTIHt §^H:l Ч|4ГйУ*?<.МсЬЧ)
ДТПЩТ: 1RT -SRI: тр Щ ^ d lf^ R r :ll R3 II ш \ f?rav4'iui4-4 слип -дтгщ; w e r t t ii r c i i
The narrator of the Purana, could be of any Since the morning to the end of three and a
age viz. boy, young man or an old man,
halfpraharas, the learned person should recite
irrespective of his being a poor or a rich
person or even a weak person. The people the story of the Siva Ригйпа and speak out the
desirous to gaining merits should extend all same to the listeners.
respect to such a person, adoring him at the ^ araf ^ ъ ^ггт % xir% fgfd«fl4d:i
same time. Ы ФМ>У|Ц|| R II
т 3>чТп 4<|Ult ebdl^Hl This Ригйпа should not be recited before
ЧЩГ cfcMi^dl crroff Vi O R u iim jir ^ ii the people, who are wicked, are ill mannered
The person well-versed in the Purana, and wicked, who are desirous of defeating
should never be looked down upon, because others and are the degraded ones.
the words spoken by him, serve like a
kamadhenu (with fulfilling cow) and fulfils all
the desires. 4 d^dJUdcb«nft4l4,ll 3 о ||
The narration should not be made before
«ЩсГГ TTW tl the wicked people, or the country infested
TJRi: W JT W d t fd¥l4d: IIR4II with thieves and decoits, or in the house of the
26 Siva-Mahapuranam

cunning or the deceitful people.

<wnEuw: ЭкЫг чнгт| % 4£tU h.i MKsiu^cii^ ъ w -етГгГТч тнтгап
Ч Н ^ г Н ^ Ч и Я d ^ C T Ie b l^ 4 iy t:ll^ ? ll The listener whose mind is engaged in
During the noon time the narration of Siva various matters, or is filled with the blemishes
Ригйпа should be stopped for a muhiirta to of kama, krodha (anger) etc., the one who is
enable the orator and the listeners to get attracted towards the woman, who is a cheat,
themselves relieved of motion or easing etc. is not entitled to attaining the merit for the
Even after getting relieved of the same, one listening of this Ригйпа.
should keep on devoting his mind towards the vTtoflRrt «HWKqjrfWi
story of Siva.
сВ«и1%ГгТ: 4T % т ‘ч>Нут1ЧЧН34MI
cRRTT % Щ 1 $ J c H K e riw iH ill A listener who setting aside the worries of
t4 « j^lril % тгаш: II3 ? II the world, the riches, the house, the son and
The orator should have his hair cut a day others, or the devotes with his spotless mind
before the start of the narration. All the daily and concentrates towards the listening of the
routines like sandhya and others should be story, he achieves the best of the reward.
performed quite briefly. vj
4Rleb$4О НМЯМ
3 t•O&: 4 $ qaiqpfrra: ciH4di: ЯШ: jpwiPM:ii3<5
Ф зч: w r^ T h Such of the listeners whose minds are
filled with faith and devotion, detracting their
An other learned person having the similar
minds from other worldly affairs, and listen
type of qualifications, should be designated as quietly with their minds and bodies purified
the helper of the orator. Such a helper orator, the Siva Ригйпа attentively, they achieve
should be able to explain the problems of the enormous merits.
narration as well as remove the doubts of the
sw m Ч зит w ri sjucRTtat тпфтг: i
rfut «гатгпт hwt g u t и
The degraded people who listen to the
эвп#?г ЯсЕ^ГТ Ч Щ Ъ factor!:II 3'«II meritorious story without devotion, they earn
For the removal of the obstructions in the no merit of listening to the SivakatM.
recitation of Siva Ригйпа the lord
Mahaganapati should be adored. Siva, the lord
of the recitation as well as the Book of Siva ш -4st: ч хгщчтш^ои
Purana should also be worshipped. Such of the foolish people, who without
Ш fyOTHliiRq W :l offering the presents according to their
capacity and without worshipping it, listen to
5TtrTT ffarisHl JTCErahii^mi
the Sivakatha, they instead of getting purified,
A person with noble wisdom should become paupers.
particularly listen to the story of Siva Ригйпа
with respect. The listener should also get
himself mentally and bodily purified. ЯНП-НЧ g m f% 4 g :U 1 ^ ll
MShatmyam, Chapter 6 27

Such of the people, who roam about here Such of the people, who, without suffering
and there after the start of the Sivakatha, their from any ailment, listen to the katha, lying
wives, sons, and riches are lost in the next down, they after suffering all the pains in the
birth. hell are bom as python in the next birth.
^ *T sjHcRTfaT gSJt 4TT:I Cfgi: W 1 R M ^ я р щ ^ Т СЬУ|ГЧЧ1Ц|

The listeners who listen to the Sivakatha Such of the people who listen to the katha
wearing turbans over their heads, their sons occupying a place comparable to that of
become sinful and earn blemish for the race. Vyasa, they earn the sin of humiliating the
rtiwivi ^ ЗЭДТ ЯТГ: I
% Ъ сВД %ЛТ Ш1сГСТР1
<дНс{Ф^г11?К^» 44fe>gU:ll'X;$ll
ч Ф з f r a r sraFwrr f?
Such of the persons who listen to
Sivakatha while chewing the betels, after their Such of the people who denounce the
death, the messengers of Yama, force them to orator as well as the katha, they, after
consume their own refuse. suffering all the pains in the hell are bom as
%^ *jUc|^4l gssft ЧТТ: 1
«штат Л О Т ^ %|
W Tftll'S'kll
ЯЧтЗТ % HtebMs 4 t T R IIЦ о II
Such of the people, who listen to the
Sivakatha seated at a place higher than that of When the recitation of the katha is on, one
who denounces the same he, after suffering
Vyasa, they after their death, suffering all the
several severe pains of the hell is reborn as
pains of the hell are reborn as crows. donkey.
Л ejUl0KWI*«SI: *jUeW)4i ЩТ ^TPTI cbdlfoTllfil ЭЗД|*М жтачЬт!
HiebR ^11*411
й -rckh #пч srctfcr cH^cb<(:ii4^ii
Such of the people who listen to the
Such of the people who never listen this
Sivakatha seated in Vlrasana etc. they
suffering all the pains of the hell are auspicious katha, they suffering all the pains
ultimately are bom as the poisonous trees. of the hell are reborn as wild boars.


%» :l
т ?г чтепч; ii ъъ
Such of the people who listen to the Such of the people, who create obstruction
Sivakatha without offering their salutation to in the recitation of the katha, they suffer the
Vyasa, they, in the next birth, after suffering enormous pains in the hell, become the village
several pains of the hell are bom as the arjuna pigs and consume the human refuse.
tree (Terminallia alatagoba). ТП? fetT^r ^T^l Sftm с)-ф^ГлЧЯ1
ЗНЩТТ: wtht % sjtn^rmf <отт чтт:1 cwuwciu^d)^ лМ Ы гш : и и
ЯёКгЗТ ^ qrafiR *13^ It W II1 In this way both the orator and the listener
should recite and listen to the katha, with
1. T e r m i n a l i a A r j u n a . utmost devotion.
28 Siva-MahapurSiiam

тщ т W WTI person like me to cross the ocean of the

frer т е г ^Mid зтта%гт ^wra^im *»
In order to avoid any obstruction in the pci fvTcrciiui %
recitation of the katha, Sr! Ganesa should be WIT этет cRfi: тСч а ТРПгйсП 1^' ОII
О чЭ *ч
adored and after performing daily routine the
repentance should also be made. This Siva Purana is the form of Siva
himself’- reciting these words with devotion,
the Vyasa should be adored.
fVIclMytlThfdllSHI WcR drM4^dll44ll сГтЩ ^ ^MrSd^l
He shall worship the nine planets, and гимн
deities in the Sarvatobhadra style. He shall The orator (Vyasa) should be adored in the
worship the book as per the rites of Siva’s
same way, as Siva is adored, offering the
flowers, cloth, ornaments, incense, lamp, and
TpRRf ТЩГО^ГТ PR5!' ®hs[l fc(41deh:l other materials.
MWctiW •wld ^WIIЦ^И ig&fcMH ё&#5Й fqPWcdl
In addition of Ganesa, the nine planets like зтнтчтй*птт^тт srrrnfhT: t w r l iim ii
Surya and others, gods of Sarvatobhadra, lord
Siva and then Siva Purana should be adored. After the completion of the worship, the
listeners should follow all the regulations
At the end of the adoration, one should
according to his means upto the end of the
humbly, with folded hands, offer prayer to
Siva Purana as follows.
т а и ! шГтзтгг! fpicipn^rfgw^h
Г: ■Щ>ЗГТ:1 w it ми
ssjenmsl ^'«fid'tsftr ттчтрт ^ t ‘Hf^rnцV3и The listeners should adore the orator of the
“You are Siva Purana and represent lord Purana, thus- “You are yourself the form of
Siva himself. I have decided to listen to your Vyasa, bestow the best of knowledge, you are
parayana; therefore be pleased with me. an expert in the Siva Purana with the light of
which you remove the darkness of ignorance
T#sjtS2i ёБ#ат: TTWTWtTl
in us.
fdfdCld W W f еЬУКМсЦДЦта Till h i l l
CS чЭ ' cTCWТЩШТЩ c&pf leKW ^TfYFcT: I
You bestow success to my desire, to enable Wf: cl:
me to listen to the katha without any
For the purpose of performing of japam,
five or one Brahmana should be selected with
w f B iw ТТГw fit whrfciidi devotion. All of them should continue to recite
the Siva-mantra.
ш !и ч ^ и
О Lord Siva, the crocodile in the form of
the bondages of karmas has enslaved me. I am ^?Гг|атт rfc=T fewStpftf^fTTII^hll
your slave and am drowning in the ocean of Suta said, “O Saunaka, I have explained
the universe. You kindly make a miserable the proper method for listening to the Purana
Mahatmyam, Chapter 7 29

with devotion. Now you tell me, what more do

you want to listen from me?”

Mahatmyam, Chapter 7 29

The one who has taken a vrata to listen to

the katha, he must observe a celibacy or vrata
or Brahmacarya, should sleep on the ground,
should consume fruit alone on a leaf-plate.
Such food should be taken daily at the end of
the katha.
чЭ О чЭ -s
Description of the worship of the book : чтил уЫчнччи^п
and the orator (speaker)
Or a listener who is quite healthy, should
keep fast till the end of the katha, getting
^ h! тгщщ! purified. He should listen to the story of-Siva
Purana with devotion. One should listen to
«nfsi^t q^II-S'WlHih'^dl rf ^T4iq$lll ^||
the katha with comfort consuming ghee or the
Saunaka said, “O Intelligent Suta, you are milk.
graceful, foremost of the devotees of the lord,
the story you have narrated is quite surprising Tp P R fKHT cTT
and bestows welfare on all. 4>di^i^ui щ ятсгйсртн» ч нт ft HHiivaii
тщ (vnytiui'W eiciuisifrHl h^ ! i The orator or the speaker should consume
fruit or take food once in a day and recite the
f4H4 HHHЧII Siva Purana.
О Great sage, those who listen to Siva
TJcRcTR ffpSTTii ^ q i^ d d cb«4l5ldll
Purana performing the vrata and for the
welfare of the entire universe, you kindly spell WTTTSH
out the related regulations.” The one who has observed vrata for the
listening of the katha, he should have
7JH ЗёПгГ havisydnna food only once a day or he should
fqqTT 'ЧПТ HPT ^T !I make arrangement by which he could be able
fHPPTrtwrr 1ШятщдтТЧЧ11 з н to listen to the katha appropriately.
SQta said, “O Saunaka, listen to the related ЯЙЯ ■днтт XRT НЯГШЯНТТгаНЧ!
regulations. Because with the listening of this нШшТ щ&н -щт ни <?и
katha appropriately, one achieve the best of Even when one is inclined to listen to the
the reward free from obstructions. katha after his taking food, then he should
РШ ^nfp^HFTt HlRichK: Н5ШТ%| take light food. In case an obstruction is
created while keeping fast, then fasting would
%3Tlfr[Ht НтК^ГГ ЗПр ^T !IIЧII
not be undertaken.
The persons without diksa are not entitled
to listen to this katha. Therefore, О Best of the nffg %hht 4^Rchi4i^
sage, whosoever is desirous of listening to this ягар p§ ph HSTTsTHtn и1
katha must received mantra-diksa from the
acarya who narrates Sivakathd. 1. Й *ЧЙ W T (Ч Т о З Т о й о ) L e b le b
V a lg a r is
9?ra*Tgr:^fH: ритсгнр! w # hrpi
2. Ч^ФЙ 43JT: £HF4fc"4l Я ( ЧТоЗГоЙо)
cwmiwihI •о гт оchH^rti H^nwriiqn L e n t il.
30 Siva-MahSpurflQam

Heavy items of food which digest after repeated to the degraded persons, or to those
long time, all types of pulses, burnt food, who are jealous of the Brahmanas, or those
kidney beans, defiled pulse, the stuff polluted who are not entitled to recite the Vedas. The
by feeling and state food, should not be person listening to the Sivakatha should not
consumed by the listener. talk to such people.
faring* ттнэЛтл ttp Mldni^dfcHAi <wt
$bH|Ug44lfc<%re W TJ5T T O l cb«llsldlll ^11 1Ш 1Й cbyisidlll II
The Brinjal, watermelon, snake gourd, The listener of the Sivakatha should daily
radish, pumpkin, coconut etc. should not be remain truthful, pure, compassionate, silent,
consumed by the listener who listens to the simple, and maintain large heartedness.
katha daily.
TWTtJf f g j д а * зтщё& f? ?pi
ТТсШТ: cblMUIMlfrl 171^414^11 ^ II
cKsyigid^H^ n In case this katha is listened to by a person
Onion, garlic, as asafoetida, carrots and with a desire or by a person without desire
other intoxicating drinks should not be quite regularly, then the desire of the former is
consumed by the person listening to the katha fulfilled, while the latter achieves moksa.
TFTf rmft frq fa l Tier rll
еЫ Ч1^ЕГ^сЩ r l fg3TRT r l f a f ^ T ^ I
3RUt#5ftT f p i : 4r*«llfil4IH.ll ^911
xfeTTSW ^ II
The persons who are poor, suffering from
Indulging into six types of blemishes, like,
consumption and other ailments, sinful,
passions, anger, greed, delusion, arrogance
and cheating are prohibited besides the unfortunate, and those having no sons, should
denouncing of the Brahmanas, the chaste listen to this katha with devotion.
women, and the noble people who are engagedchi^d*t|id4| ; «ihRush P rl% ^:l
in the listening the Sivakatha daily. Щ Я М ЯШ Ш \ WII U II
4 bfdrllV сп^шттп The seven types of shortcomings including
fMggt ^ с | ^ дятдАи having a child only once, usually found in the
One should not look at the women in women or those who have to face abortion
period and the Siva story should not be1 repeatedly, should listen to the Siva Purana.
srarot gtpf Tjf&Tsr i
1. = N 1+ d i u l j ( Ч Т о Я о р о ) | B r in g le . ip f^ c f ip iw i fofiRT ri «шт и^ и
2. W a t e r m e lo m ( C it r u llu s V u lg r a r is ) = ы ( ( г К Ф Ш 1
О Best of the sage, all the men and women
should listen to the story of Siva Purana with
3. (4ToRol4o) devotion appropriately.
S n ake G o u rd .
Ifrffeciu twrw WPjnjf^nfR h
4. fg M M ( 4 I o P o f 4 o ) R a d is h
5. $ ьц |'°'5 F U rJU T O H 4ld^b4
ЗРТтГСТрГ ^SEnfT c& tfo p w ft rill о II
( R T o R o f t o ) P u m p k i n ( B e n i n c a s s a C e r if e r a ) The days whenever the parayana of Siva
6. RtrF HEIT ( RToRofto) Purana is performed, are considered to be the
MfihStmyam, Chapter 7 31

most auspicious days and are like the 3WW«di<Firf % raft? хпгат ^rari
performing of the crores of yajnas.
eRRTtf гг ^ги>нн?ЦЦ
faURT ЗтТ f |l
To cover the book of Siva Purana new and
fi?5|% 3 f % rl^ ll Я*11 fresh and durable cloth would be given and
During these days whatever little is given the silken cord should be given to bind it.
with devotion, appropriately, it bestows
ramraf raresfar Ш щгс rami
unlimited reward which is everlasting.
TTtfTRt гИЧЧиМК*) rarfra 4% 4%ll ? 6 II
tret ЧТЧТ W ^ l
Such of the devotees, who give away the
Ж1Ч^(Т: #ЧЩЭТЧЧЖ1^11 ? * II new cloth and the cord for the covering of the
Performing the vrata in this manner and book of Siva Ригйпа, they enjoy pleasure for
listening to Sivakatha, the performer of the many births and achieves jfiana as well.
vrata should observe udyapana or the
religious rite performed at the end of an ЗДП'ЧдоНпт PdfallfH щ\
observance. dte|N4KU|4Nlfu| fdVlM d:IR* II
ц^а1ЧчГе|{уэд<^1: TPit rar:i The orator should be given several types of
valuables and the best cloth and ornaments.
The complete method for the performing of зтшга£ rarrsfar y<iuiw w t чтт:1
udyCtpana is the same as that of Caturdasi. дпггап^ядщтШ тщ w s ’tlci wn ^ ои
Therefore the noble persons should perform
for achieving of the best reward. ■ w^Hich w w Фтгай%?пч1
arfoiftg 'rata trait ц|<апшгз:1
Such of the people, who give away the
«гыийз t^ ehim: Питчер тгат:и?^и
blankets, deer skin, silken cloth, pedestal,
The devotees of Siva, who are poor, for wooden board, to serve as a seat to the book,
them there is no necessity of performing of they reaching the heaven, enjoy all the divine
udyapana rites. They are purified with the pleasures there, occupy the Brahmapada for a
mere listening of the Sivakatha, because they kalpa and finally achieve Saivapada.
have no desires.
TJcf |йШ fgsn^r ipflchW ЗГФЗЯЧ1
tret 4KNU|4<dWll
crpj gfo *nfer! 3? n
■ran^ f3TT тош: и*чn
By adoring the book in this manner the
After the festive celebration of the sacrifice
orator should be adored with great festivities.
of the discourse on Siva Parana, is conclude
the listener shall perform the worship.
ТП rat!I «341^:113311
The person with similar qualifications who
w mzft ■gfarfiRT crpj d^T-dT^ii 3 ^ n
had been engaged to help the orator, has also
The book of Siva Purana should initially to be adored similarly, but the amount of his
be adored like Siva himself appropriately. daksina has to be a little less than that of the
Thereafter the orator should be adored. orator.
32 Siva-MahSpuranam

q w rfoqt fsra^ft дггщ?г sHiffoftqi of the reciting of the Purana, one should recite
Sivasahasranama himself or should listen to
щ га: чЙ:и^')$11
The Brahmanas arriving at the place of
recitation, should be given charities like food, ?ft ш рш w m mum чт warn
чЭ чЭ

money etc. as well. At the end of the kathd

there should be singing, dancing besides In this way the hearing of the entire Siva
arranging of other festivities. Ригйпа meets with success. There is no doubt
f^Vl4d:l about it, because there is nothing more
important in this world, except this in the
ЧЕТТ cflW m ч^нэчн
three worlds.
О Great sage, in case the listener is an
ascetic then as a special arrangement, on the ijdiidYifhdH fararr i
day next to the ending of the recitation of
Sivakatha, the Sivagita which was spoken by Eleven Brahmanas should be served the
Siva to Rama, should be recited. honey and the payasam, giving them
appropriate daksim for the completion of the
#T: ^FT Wf^crr <*4ui-kf-W ytRmn 3 ЪII
In case the listener is a house holder, then
the wise people should perform homa with fagJFT щ щ р т м * ? II
pure ghee of a cow for the santi of the katha. rlfoci fd tfed ctlftr W M ^rfiRT W T I чЭ *N

frwftjddl Ijfcr: m m4^TT55'c|T?4llgr 4Hd%TJTRII^?ll

ЧИШЕМ1ЧЦ dW .ll^^ll ©* Cs
О Great sage, listen, reciting every mantra
of Rudrasamhita, or the Gayatri as the gist In case the listener is quite well off, then
thereof, or with the reciting of the verses of he should make a lion weighing three palas
Siva Ригйпа, one should perform homa, (twelve tolas) get the important verses of this
appropriately. Ригйпа engraved on it and should be
m m C\ VF=fd:l consecrated appropriately. Then offering the
daksina one should adore the same. The
^IdlVlThl ЩГГ #RT ddll^dll
intelligent listener should adore it offering the
Or otherwise reciting the mantra от namah costumes, ornaments, fragrance, flowers etc.
Sivaya, homa should be performed. In case the and give it to the learned acarva having
host is unable to perform the homa then the controlled all his senses, for the pleasure of
articles kept for offering in the homa should Siva.
be given over to the Brahmana.
йт <(НУшЬ| т о п ш I
ф ш : тг^гтн? ъ ^idifedn^w t:i
WPZTRIlt ^ Rrfi:
^UJitl^ctryr HmmiWcRRII 3 ЯII О Saunaka, in this way, with the influence
For the removal of whatever shortage or of the charities, earning the grace of Siva, a
excess types of blemishes are there at the time person is relieved of all the worldly bondages.
Mahatmyam, Chapter 7 33

The people who have taken birth on earth,

In this way, with the listening of the and those who are devoted to lord Visvanatha
complete Siva Parana appropriately it bestows and offer always prayers to Siva, whose both
the desired reward besides the moksa. ears listen to the praise of Siva, they easily
cross the ocean of the universe.*I
rf cfcfot ^ 1% 45 :
ylhfec)4<iuiw hi^iruj ii
wife ^ чГ^чп
In this way, I have spoken everything to
you. What more do you want to listen from
me? The glory of Siva Purana fulfils all the Ш П ч о II
desires. I take refuge with lord Siva, who pervades
<T4<|U|fcH«h ^pHTI in the universe in the forms of sattva, rajas
TRj ^etilhPcIKUIMII^ill and tamas, who spreads the light of his glory
inside and outside the world, who always
The Siva Purana has been treated to be the
pervades, the mind, the speech, who is blissful
best of all, which is immensely dear to lord
beyond measure and is known as Paramasiva.
§iva. It is quite pleasant, and redeems one
from all the worldly bondages. ff?r 9TTt<hK 4^14(14)
'Я'+гчм: ТЗН

^^ нптшт: fvra^ii
( ? г а ч ? |д ш ч .

Vidyesvara Sarhhita
CHAPTER l all, possessing all the knowledge, who were
Discussion on S5dhya and Sadhani truthful, immensely illustrious, enormously
fortunate started for a long time yajha.
m m oiiiflfvibiji ч^!ц(ч: i
д а зттаптч Ш : 4l{lfui<*bd4:ll3ll

^11 Learning about the performing of a yajna

there, the great sage SQta, the disciple of the
Salutation to Ganes'a; first of all
sage Vyasa, foremost of those knowing about
Vidyesvara Samhita is being started. I
the mysteries of the Puranas, arrived there to
meditate upon Siva the lord of Parvatl who is
meet the ascetics.
the form of welfare in the beginning as well as
at the end of the universe, who has similar
feelings for all which are unprecedented.
Therefore he is always engaged for the Сч чД

Finding the arrival of SQta there, all the

welfare of his devotees for all times to come.
He is the best of all, who is free from the sages present there were delighted. Getting
bondages of the birth and death, who is self pleased, they all adored him appropriately.
illumining, having the five faces, who is
competent enough to remove the five types of ■фЩЯТ 4glc4H: 'qsnfqfini Ч II
grave sins which cause obstructions in the
achieving of the salvation, I adore such a type Then all the sages were happy and with
of lord Siva with my devoted heart. folded hands they praised him appropriately
and submitted to the sage SQta, quite humbly.
sqm запрет
tl4$tfui! Ясггё

злят* итй дтй vgrcitaw ?n

“O Omniscient sage, we all feel beholden
Vyasa said, “In the Mahaksetra of the with your arrival here. Because of the height
Dharmaksetra at the confluence of the GarigS of our fortune, you have been able to attain the
and the Yamuna, there is an auspicious and
knowledge of all the Puranas.
sacred place like the path of Brahmaloka,
known as Prayaga. df4ldia^4dM i ЯЗДНТ r«T % W JR4I
i p i: yifadlcUH: *М4МЧ<шип:| ТШЧРТеЖТЩ <(Я1«ЫЧ $сци1ч:1Рэ||
qfhwt тщттпт читая 911 Therefore you happen to be the treasure of
The great ascetics, who were praised by all the astonishing episodes of the Purdnas, in
Vidyes'vara SaihhitS, Chapter 1 35

the same way as Ratndkara (ocean) happens others. Besides they would torture and even
to be the abode of the diamonds. kill others.
^ТгЧ^уч) TT5T 4ifw<*)T: мадере I
4 faaftll 6 II ebiufbi^T:ii ^11
You are well aware of all the events of They would treat this body as the soul,
present, past and future and nothing is besides being foolish, atheists, having animal
unknown to you. like wisdom in the world shall denounce their
own parents, adoring their wives like the gods,
^ P h 4fii ч: Ы ч ф П щч$Ъ?и ъ и and would be passionate by nature.
Your arrival here is a matter of great
fortune for us and you will not leave this place
y4l^l^4Wtwfclill4c(ft4)(^dl:ll 11
without doing enormous good to us. This is
certain. The Brahmanas would be greedy, would
earn their livings by selling the Vedas, would
rFEcT W Ч: Ы feftcf у р щ щ be devoted to the earning of the wealth, and
4 <jf?T4faira»l4: «ciulresi ^ |: i l ^ o i i feel intoxicated by getting educated.
Even earlier we had listened from you cdTh*cMlfdeh4iui: ШТЦТ; 4<ct*l«hl:l
many of the good and evil stories. But our
mind does not feel satisfied by listening to the fWFWKW ?|^уЙс)Й'Н1:11 ^11
same. We want to listen to those types of the They would fall from their own
stories again and again. Varnas'rama-dharma. Usually they would
$<*R4i)ehi>arrfw «facZT ^ rt! TF4^!l cheat others. They would never perform
sandhyQ, thrice a day and would be deprived of
^ ч&Ц\\ ^11
the knowledge of Brahman.
О Sage SQta, possessing the noble wisdom,
presently we intend to listen from you only ЗТс^ТГГ: dfuirrctRIi: WTtlKtfdHlMehl:!
one story. In case you are graceful on us then фьртии: ^rw4isn чК-мигаин^эи
narrate the same story. They would be merciless, consider
mft Tift ЯТТ: ЧауЙ'с(Йг1|:| themselves as learned inspite of being fools.
1ТТЕПШТ: ^ ^1дш кгсщ ш :11^11 They would never perform Vratas of the noble
conduct, would be engaged in ploughing the
Reaching in this terrific Kaliyuga, the
people would be devoid of the merits, all fields. They would be of harsh temperament
would become wicked and start indulging in and would have deceitful minds.
falsehood. q fo m ш Ttt w4ifc4invi)f5H:i
miMtffdPKHl: m<(etiiftR»nfquT:i STOrHfr: ТПТЩГ oqfiraR4TRniTT:ll \c II
ЧУяАятЬЧчи: 4<f3«l4Wiun:n^n All the Ksatriyas would also be devoid of
They would engage themselves in dharma and the noble deeds. They would
denouncing others, would be desirous of never take the side of the noble people, would
usurping the wives and riches of others. They be engaged in the sinful ways, and would be
would enjoy pleasures with the wives of extremely wicked.
36 Siva-MahSpuraijam

зцдгст зиигсйас чнкншиим:1 сыРччЬтшйчО ш


foJUfrW; ^ raf^ % cW :ii^ n

They would be cowards by nature, would They would enjoy the conjugal pleasures
avoid the battle ground, would take to fleeing with the wives of others as the second
and they would earn their living by stealing husbands and would possess the ugly ideals.
like the thieves. The SQdras would always be They would always be caught in greed and
engaged in passionate designs. delusion. They would discard the meritorious
¥IWI«faa<n ^t4T ЫгЩ1сГГТ%т:1 deeds like the digging of the well, setting up
of gardens etc.
VKUiticH^^ chlfu-^fdyui: ^TIIЯоIt
They would have no knowledge of the use ^ ^%1рГЩШПтПТНгЧТГ:1
of weapons. They would discard the dharma TT5T: T ^ W l¥ ft^ R :lR 4 ll
of serving the cows and the Brahmanas, and Thus those who are Siidras, would conduct
would never save the people seeking refuge like the Brahmanas. They would possess
with them. They would be engaged in sports beautiful complexion become foolish and
with their beloveds, and would look like the would desert their own religion.
deer or animals.
«aUwMflt wit П иш ^ксы :!
рт Ф #тзгп дети я
They would perform the tapas, steel away
They would be deprived of the dharma of
the glory of the Brahmanas, become killers of
serving the people and would always by
the children, and would become the reciters of
engaged in the worldly pleasures. They would
be instrumental in the destruction of the the Vedic hymns.
people. They would be wicked and kill the ¥1МЯ1чГ¥1гП<{1ч1 чМсЫ ^ТЯгГгЧТТ: I
creatures without any reason. . HpIchrlPttJKISr gifdHl Is.'Jl^ehClRia II
They would adore Saligrama-sila and
я ? II Sivalinga, arranging for the homas as well as
The Vaisyas would be deprived of their the yajnas at the same time. They would be of
sarhskaras and would leave their dharma. opposite thoughts, wicked at heart, and would
They would follow the degraded path, would be inimical to the Brahmanas.
always be engaged in earning wealth, by using gRcRT: tfccti'dfall fosilcRTt PcHlPid: l
the evil tricks of the trade.
31КэЧм'1Ч1Шш4'с|тЩ1 ЕпЫЬщТ:Щ<^11
They would become wealthy, would be
STHlfadPfrdl: Ш : fPTUiT engaged in evil deeds, become learned,
They would never be devoted to the develop controversies, would discourse on
preceptor, the gods, or the Brahmanas. They dharma and scriptures, besides destroying the
would always possess evil wisdom and would real dharma.
never serve food to the Brahmanas. Usually
they would be miserly and would never give
away anything in charity. W TRWFTT Ш ЗЩИ Я%II
Vidyesvara SariihitS, Chapter 1 37

They would clad themselves like the kings, The offsprings would not be interested in
would be deceitful, project themselves like the the service of their parents, would be of evil
great donors, extremely proud and would mind, practising the harmful vidyas and would
force Brahmanas and others to be like their suffer from various types of ailments.
servants and themselves project as their
! м Ы Ц и з 4 II
О Suta, thus what could be the position of
Ч^||«1Ч|Р)Ч) 9 ОII the people who discard their own dharma, in
They would be irreligious, foolish, of this as well as in the future world. How would
mixed castes, possessing the wicked wisdom, they, achieve salvation.
extremely arrogant and would devote Rj*diej»ci %тТ l-ffirT 4:1
themselves in the destruction of the dharmas
of all the varnas. smfsTL ТЩ\1 3 Ь И
We always feel worried for the same.
Surely there is no other dharma better than
u4ciuHig«b<i 4F3T: u«*>4«hiRui:ii^n doing good to others.
They would project themselves to be of НУ^Ч Ч%гШГ5ЧЧТ?ТЧЧ1
high caste and make the other people
faithfully following their own dharma, to fall ■HcSfegraRfw % f> w чззтдчти^п
from the righteous path. They would be fools You please tell me presently some easy
and would act like the Brahmanas. method, by which their sins could be
.Tv 1f - - V ,_Г|ГЦ1Г destroyed, because you are well-versed in all
ШШ Ш ¥1Т the Puranas and other scriptures.
The woman would also indulge in
misconduct and would never obey the ^гЧ1«ь'1г4 чи£\ч\ трйчг ш^ рттгЧЧТЧ1
command of their husbands. They would be ччш Tift ш : шчта ш ^ ’ЗчН! |^й н
envious of their parents-in-law. They would Vyasa said- Listening to the words of the
be fearless and would eat the prohibited omniscient sages, Suta, adoring lord Siva in
things. his heart, thus spoke to them.
y«l4l4i faiMtHtifiirliyi
MlK^4dl WWlfafay^^cWII ^ ^ II дГнуЙтиуиЫ qm ягт(5кттч:11 su
They would be of deplorable activities and
temperament. They would be anxious and
passionate. They would enjoy conjugal
pleasures with their lovers (instead of the
husbands). They would move against their
чччт чт^М^г 4fW4i 5iw tt : i
31ЙёЯЧ16<*1 f44T <Rlflf«d^<M :ll9ttll
38 Siva-MahapurSnam

CHAPTER 2 Purana is not started in the world.

Reply to the question of the sages dldftH ff a VllteUfui f d c l ^ 4 < w q i
fcTScnr? % dl^wifd ^Р1гЕЩГ|1\э11
Щ YS WeTT e*^cWfed<*R«PlJ All the sastra quarrel among themselves
^ *11 till the Siva Ригйпа does not rise in the world.
SQta said, “O Great sages, you have put me dlc'^epSctq iggfa fVNW RfdlMfdl
a very good question, which is for the welfare
qidfotfepjiiui % dl^byfa tSHkdttll 6 II
of all the three worlds. Because of the love
you have for me, I, bowing in reverence to my Even the great yogis are unable to
preceptor, give a reply for the same. understand the real form of Siva till the rising
of the Sun like Siva Ригйпа in the world.
Tjrrni ^ tTO^I
didst! ч я г г : ЛC \Ш : f t k :l
R^y)|ul4H«h4 Щ ? II
я II
d l d ^ ^ j t i U f f t dl^bdfd U d d U ^ I I
The Siva Ригйпа happens to be the gist of
the Vedas, which redeems the people of all the The wicked messengers of Yama, wander
sins and bestows moksa after death. hear and there in the world, till the rising of
Siva Ригйпа in the world..

TRfT ЙШ<3<ЭДчнНс(ЧИ 3 II didrtiebjflanft

In this Siva Parana the glory of Siva is f t d l'e ^ fd чг1ЧА1^111 * o ||

contained which removes all the sins in the All other Puranas thunder in the world, till
age of Kali. Therefore, О Brahmanas, it the rising of the story of Siva Ригйпа on earth.
bestows the reward for all the dharma, artha,
dldrHeiffin fd d < % Ч * Ы |
kdma and moksa.
dldfearyiiu'l % qt^Klfd **||
dfqimqWEtur щткаг fa#tWT:l All the holy places pick up the
controversies in the world till the rising of
О Brahmanas, with the study of this Siva Ригйпа on earth.
Ригйпа, a person achieves the best of dldrH^ "gSTT4F# 4#drTl
Sivapada (after death).
dlc|f^^<|U| % ditp3jfd -q^ddlll V II
<Це|Гэд«Й Ш ?ГЩгЕП^:ШЦ1
All the mantras uselessly quarrel among
dldi^dgTTUf Щ ^HMrU^IIчи themselves in the world till the rising of the
It is surprising that the sins like the Siva Ригйпа on earth.
Brahmahatya and others could stand only till
the rising of the Siva Ригйпа in the world. dldriwfftll ^Tlftrr fddd^' "crftrfFti
dldfedy<|Ui ft P^ldHlI ^ II
dlcW>fH4&4iai: wfrzrfcr
All the tirthas, quarrel with one another till
dldfodyiot ft d l^ fd tiFTr^ll 5 II the rising of the story of Siva Ригйпа on earth.
It is surprising that all the horrible
dldriHdfttll fdd<>d 4 ^ d ^ l
disturbances in the age of Kali, move, only
upto the time, the recitationofthe Siva f t dl^byfd T l ^ d ^ l l * * 1 1
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 2 39

All the divine places on earth quarrel T^feadpu'l % -Ц: 3bMg4df%d:l

among themselves till the rising of the story of
'iWIVlfdi 4^< *rt|| '^Ы-ЧтБ 3 ^ 1 1 ? *11
Siva Ригйпа in the world.
The one who recites the Siva Ригйпа
cTre<wsiffui 5Rif? тгЦай| discarding laziness, with devotion, he is freed
Hiqfcu'piul % II from the bondage of the worldly life.
All the charities enter into controversies in
the world, till such time story of Siva Purana
does not rise in the world. Щ yiMlrd^VId^ll ЧЧII
x! ^ ^5|Tf e l^ Ч^1г1Й| The one who adores the Siva Ригйпа with
devotion daily, he undoubtedly achieves the
^ II rewards of an Asvamedha sacrifice.
Upto that time alone the gods enter into
discussion on earth till the rising of the story (JdfeeNtlUi и: TTOHUIM^III
of the Siva Ригйпа. 35RRT: 4 # fEZJH qidcbldjl * 3

dlelcH? rk %5RTT TtTftoetl In case a person listens to the Siva Ригйпа

from others, for achieving an ordinary
illelfecl^ilUi % Ч'^Ыи ^911 position, he, because of my grace is relieved
All the principles clash on earth only upto of all the sins.
the rising of the story of Siva Ригйпа in the
Ij.dt^ei4<iui 4ft 4 4 ^ ) d ^ < d :l
■^■dlrJdihd ЗРГ HIMlfd 4 W T :I R * I I
3FPT eb)^dU||^%JTT:l
The one who offers his salutation to the
tJk* 4 jraftfa «Ы^Ч g fraw i: II II book of Siva Ригйпа from the close quarters,
О BrShmanas, I am not in a position to he achieves the reward for the adoring of all
speak out the reward, one achieves by the gods. There is no doubt about it.
listening to the reciting of the story of Siva I^dfecl^iui ct fafewi трай W^TTTI
^Tt dillfecritrb'UltdW JtmtRpt ^ l l ^ m i
fisnfq- ЩЦШрит 3tS4W:l
The one who presents a copy of this Siva
fd-HMiyid om^nhrfi трт тптп н и Ригйпа writing it with his own hands to the
О Brahmanas with noble souls, still, I devotees of Siva, you listen to the reward he
would like to place before you some of the gets for the same.
glories of the Siva Ригйпа, which had been
spoken to me earlier by the sage Vyasa. You drViri ЗТЧ W % ll ? ^ II
please listen to me attentively.
The reward which is difficult to be
H d fe w jp iu i f ? *<И1<Ы$№ Wl achieved by the study of the sAstras and the
*т: ъ Ч1Ч1-у«чй $ПЩ11 m i Vedas, he also gets the same.
Htffttfciipiui f? ^ j v q iq4lf a r :l
With the reciting of a single verse or half
of it, from Siva Purana, with devotion daily, fW T T fiw w 'qt Hjichitld Ч ЗтПТ:И ■R'ati
by a person, he is relieved of all the sins in a Keeping fast on the fourteenth day of the
moment. fortnight, the one, who, in the assembly of the
40 Siva-Mahapuranam

devotees of Siva, delivers discourse on this All the noble deeds performed by a person
Purana, he becomes the best of the human while reciting or listening to the Siva Purana,
beings. he gets the reward crores of time more (than
the ordinary one).
RM lfed: 4d£IW Ш
<*1ЧМч1 ТЧ'^ОГЯТ sRftTII ^ 6
The reward one gets with the ТГgiMlsfq УШТТ ftW^rTII 3*11
purusacarana of the each one of the letter of The one who recites the Rudra Samhita
the Gayatri-mantra, the same could be with an alert mind, he gets purified even from
achieved with the recitation of this Purana. the sin of Brahmahatya within the three days.
He enjoys all the comforts of this world and m hswflrfi w i-UdyfduifV&i
ultimately achieves salvations. fir: 'Ц^ГТ ТГ ebl4MRsKl!Fft'iftfll ^ ч II
Т Й *1H H U ||pM :i The one who recites Rudra Samhita quietly
■Ц: щгг c r^ fq n ^ ^ и before the image of Bhairava, thrice, he gets
all his desires fulfilled.
Observing fast on the fourteenth day of the
fortnight, keeping himself awake during the
night, the one who recites this Mahapurana or ir^tnrt ydidfui) дЩЩгЕГТftcR^II^II
listens to it (he gets enormous merits) which I The one who recites the Rudra Samhita
am going to tell you. seated under a banyan tree or the wood-apple
tree going round it, he is relieved of the sin of
&lr4d^y4 ^4u*U| y4d)y<sni ^ о ||
fafrgTT ЪтЩ'<1Я>а Ч ^ 1 c^Hi'H'HQdi m rRTfsfq щщ ^ tti
W ^ fqnff Щ||лиЮ|4нёЬ^?Ш11 II
The merit one gets at the time of solar The glory of Kailasa Samhita is far greater
than the Rudra Samhita, which is the form of
eclipse at Kuruksetra, by giving charities is
Brahman and reveals the meaning of omkara.
equal to one’s own weight (tuladana), given
away to the Brahmanas (like Vyasa and 4 l* k « i 7tcFR:l

others), the same reward is received by the fg^STT: II 3£H

aforesaid person. This is true, there is no Only Siva is aware of the complete glory
doubt about it. of the Kailasa Samhita. The half of its glory is
known to me.
U.dfoei^itfr Ц ттш^ ■tfrsuigtfymj
Ш feflRT yd^lfq fioFT Щ 4
зтщт <тст $’*3<ИЧТ:113?11
The one who arranges the singing of the
Therefore whatever I am going to speak
story of Siva Purana throughout the day and
about it could not be taken to be complete, by
night, even the gods like Indra and others, listening to which the minds of the people are
remain anxious to obey his command. purified.
ч divwft ttt ^# ifffdT ferm
Ш ЧУУГКГ6 m^qiUltsfq Тг4^ТИ*о||
Vidyes'vara SarnhitS, Chapter 2 41

О Brahmanas, there is no sin in the world fa<re(4<rl f? 1 4 : ТЩ ПгТТ H

which cannot be destroyed with the recitation Fasting on the fourteenth day of a
of Rudra Samhita, because I have never come fortnight, sitting under the shade of a wood-
across such a type of the sin even after apple tree, one who recites this Samhita, he is
strenuous search. treated like Siva himself and even the gods
43TI adore him.
cbMRrarffai зт $ тгат mwim<1ч^зт1*?и 3 T ER T T : TtQidlTdd Т 4 & Ш Р Ш Я З Г :1
Lord Siva, after churning the ocean in the 3$ f4 ^ H ^ H rf a f l H q R d 1 1 * ^ 1 1
form of Upanisads, had extracted the nectar, The other Samhitas also bestows the
which was given over by him to Kumara desired reward. Both of them should be
Karttikeya, consuming which he became treated as the best; because both of them
eternal. contain the knowledge and the sports of Siva.
*$1$гЧ|1зЧ'1ЧМ1 fabfJd eh£g?M:l 3 f3 3 $ 4 4 Е э Ч И 4 Т М %3TTfnTcT4l
ш и т а T % it m з з :н * ? и d f e ^ ^ d w t W 3 T T r fn T T 4 ll*^ II
For the removal of the sins like the Therefore this Siva Purana has been
Brahmahatya and others, the people should equated with the Vedas, which was initially
recite this Samhita for a month, which is composed by Siva himself.
bound to free them from the sins.
4 3 4T ^ 4 T 4 ^ 4 s frfW T I

Ш Ti|'«f3Vlcb VMK«*44II*<?II
ЩЦ 4%ЗТ TTT f a 4 l^ 3 ll* 3 ll
Because of the inclusion of the twelve
The sin one earns, by accepting the money Samhitas like Vidyesvara, Rudra, Vinayaka,
from prohibited characters, or by the words Uma, Matr Ekadasa, Kailasa, Sata-rudra, Koti-
which should not be spoken or to which one
rudra, Sahasra-koti, Vayaviya and Dharma
should resort to, are all destroyed with the
represent the twelve parts of this Purdna.
reciting of this Samhita.
<*)fc43 З 2Т4 41
fVHIHil fa?dcA ТТ%ТГ ШТЩ 4:1
q iq q id s n f w T jJTTurfirfd * Г З З :П 4 о | |
тт rt^rafsfh ч 4T4Tii** ii
Since it comprises of the twelve Samhitas,
The one who recites this Samhita in a Siva
it is extremely auspicious one. О Brahmanas, I
temple or the forest of wood-apple trees, he
shall now speak about the number of the
achieves he reward which is beyond the
verses in these Samhitas, which you please
description of my speech.
listen with respect.
-q fe m m д а й 4:
TTfgcIT g K JV lftd r 4 ? T W E T T T 4 H T :I
3T4% f43T: ^ 4Tfcr ITT 43411*4 II
Ш ПТ ^ * y i ^ f4 4 T : ^u]dict<ctl^f<gci4ll 4 ?ll
A person, who reciting this Samhita during
д а р 4 3 ^ Ч И е Ь 34TI
the days of Sraddhas, serves food to the
Brahmanas, with devotion, all his moves a fh t я щ т т и т щ т 114^11
achieve the supreme position with Siva. 4 4 t 3 ? r o W % h l ^ l d V I * % Т Т :1
tldjvti'l ftW T t 4 : 4%3 TlftiTT 4 Ш41 ЗгТГрТ 4 IvFTTTT W b i З З Ф Р Т И 4 3 H
42 ^iva-MahSpuriinam

*#«шт чтцягат щ # т Ч^И

7Щ d ^ 4 I H4*|l On the basis of the number of slokas, it is
с||ОД№ mfeiyid Ф? <fa^cb4J conceived to be of twenty four thousand
verses. It contains seven Samhitas which are
tl^cr ^ЩГОЩУТд? ijM' ^•yifq*)qti:ll44ll attributed to Brahman.
оЧГЙЧ Щ ^ffH хЩ^ТгН- f ^ ^ l
ййчгсгедт м ^ ^гат fertfw i
# ж t ^rm щго%птичs и iftftlT VldKKsUI Chlfi^l шйсш ^ Ои
The number is given below :-
W it тщ)
(i) V id y e s v a ra 1 0 ,0 0 0 v e rse s
R u d ra a n d V in a y a k a 1 0 ,0 0 0 v e rs e s
И Й е|1Ч4№НэЧ1 Щ гТТ 4?TT:ll $ ^11
(Hi) These Samhitas are as follows
(iv ) & L im a S a rh h ita a n d 1 6 ,0 0 0 v e rse s
M a tr
( i) * V i d y e s ' v a r a S a r h h it a
(v )
(v i) E k a d a sa R u d ra 1 3 ,0 0 0 v e rse s ( ii) R u d r a S a m h it a
(v ii) K a ila s a S a rh h ita 6 ,0 0 0 v e rs e s ( iii) S a t a - r u d r a S a r h h it a
(v iii) S a ta -ru d ra 3 ,0 0 0 v e rs e s
( iv ) K o t i - r u d r a S a m h it a
(ix ) K o ti-ru d ra 9 ,0 0 0 v e rse s
1 1 ,0 0 0 v e rs e s (v ) U m a S a m h it a
(x ) S a h a s ra K o ti
(x i) V ayavT ya 1 0 ,0 0 0 v e rs e s ( v i) K a i l a s ' a S a m h it a
(x ii) D h a rm a S a rh h ita 1 2 .0 0 0 v e rse s ( v ii) V a y a v T y a S a r h h it a
1 .0 0 .0 0 0
Thus there are seven Samhitas in all.
Thus Siva Parana initially had a lac of
verses Vyasa briefed it reducing the number to w nt
twenty four thousand. This is presently the crMa Trafqfi: ^ ? ii
fourth Siva Purana comprising of the seven These seven Samhitas are included in this
Samhitas. There were three Siva Puranas in divine Purana, which is equated with
between the earliest and the present one, Parabrahman and bestows the best of the
which are not traceable during the present position.
4 d f^ S d 4 < IU i f t « H ^ i^ d 4 l< iB ld l
f^icpT tsfam ^ ttm
TTfrmf чйггст чт sftcprai ssqtn и
VldchlldMmui f t ЧТТ ^ ^ ^ f r l H .4 4 ^11
A person, who recites the seven Samhitas
At the beginning of the creation of the with respect, he achieves salvation during this
universe, the number of the verses of Siva
life itself.
Purana was a hundred crores.
oretegrc^rar ^ w t uurri^i
ifdfeci44iuT'W чгёччгч! сьнмчГмп ^>511
тщс%тг # |шччт^т: ii ч ^и
The Vedas, Smrtis, Purana, history and
The sages like Vyasa and others in the
Dvapara-yuga, distributed the Purana in hundreds of other scriptures, cannot equate or
eighteen parts, briefing them by reducing even slightly compare with the Siva Purana.
them by four lacs of verses. 4IIUI44H fyidehlfdd (T-
Й т Е ^ Г^ ТЩ f t t l d ^ V le H ^ c h ^ l yldydUlq ^ TT|flrmi
Vidyesvara Sarhhita, Chapter 3 43

шчячЧчЬН fald<* ydI %||^ ЦII

This spotless Siva Ригйпа was composed
by Siva himself. Vyasa, the devotee of Siva,
collected it in brief. It, while doing good to all
the men, removes three types of sufferings,
bestows welfare on the noble people.


^с^НЧ^чвснЦтЬНП ^ 5, II
In this Siva Ригйпа dharma has been
described without any sort of deceitfulness.
The mystery of Vedanta based on science is
its main subject. It is to be known by the
spotless learned people. It bestows dharma,
artha, кйта and moksa to the learned people
on the basis of their karmas or performance.
4yutfddt«h TgRJ

It is the best of all the Puranas, therefore it

is also called the Satya Ригйпа. There is a
mention of divine mothers in it like Vedas and
УеййШа. Whosoever listens or reads this
Ригйпа with devotion, such a devotes of Siva,
surely attains the place of Siva.
ff?r даш
чйуйтНсоЛч чтч ^ ii
•k ic k
Vidyesvara Sarhhita, Chapter 3 43

Discussion on Sadhya-sadhana

Vyasa said, “Thus listening to the words of

Suta, the Maharsi said, You better relate to us
the wonderful stories of Siva Purana which
comprise of the gist of Vedanta in totality.”
3' f f T «чЭД Т чЭ H W wО f e r i
Listening to the words of the ascetics, the
delightful Suta, bowing in reverence to lord
Siva, spoke to the Maharsis.
Щ Щ Г: 1 W 4 4 T W T I
4<|UI«c|ui ^ W trt ^ЕТПЗЩН } II
Suta said, “O Sages, you please listen to
me. I am going to recite the story of Siva
Purana which is the gist of the Vedas,
offering my salutation to lord Siva.
vV w ^ f ^ n q f g r r w T i i ^ i i
сТЩ f ^ V I M U ! у с ( [ $ Ш Ц | | ц II '
In this Purana the subjects like devotion,
knowledge and vairagya besides other matters
which are worth knowing have been
^Ucl-d tPRT: ТШТ %^ШТЗПТ1
W «Ы<гЫ d^dl
ЧЧ: ■фТ:м^ и чЭ ЧЭ

R 4 t4 t N d d iH H H I |< 4 d l[4 d ^ R 4 v IL 3 !l
О best of sages! Now you listen to Siva
Purana which is the gist of the Vedas. From
ancient times with the passage of the kalpa
again and again and with the arrival of the
Sveta-varaha-kalpa, and at the beginning of
the creation, the six ascetics of the pure race,
44 Siva-Mahapuritnam

expressed their respective opinions. become desirous of having an audience with

$3 p r a i
WTW HgTOWtyl с II ErfTCtT fepjfFR %% Ш forer^l
“This Purana is great, but not the best.” Ч%теГЕГ:1
This type of great controversy developed.
d&ifl|4Hl «for cfT*Щ|и11
Then all of them went to Brahma the eternal
one, to find out the solution from him. What else could be stated in this
connection. With the devoting of the mind
Tlcf: towards Siva, a person gets redeemed. The
Щft ^4<*KUichUU|tT|| и devotion of the god can be achieved with the
g j; W T Т ^гТ т^зг: ЧТМ : т е г : 4T :l grace of the god and with the devotion of the
All the sages spoke to Brahma with god, he gets pleased.
humble voice folding their hands. They said, dW3>lWcfi^ тш ЧЩf$3TT:i
“O Creator of the Universe, you are the cause <1 ш и
of all the causes. Who is the creator of the five Therefore, О Brahmanas, you go to the
MahdbhUtas, who happens to be the oldest earth and start a yajna to be completed in a
one, and is beyond all the tattvas bom out of thousand years in order to please Siva.
f?TcT$c[ ТШТ^гГ:1
w tre r
In the same yajna the mysteries of the gist
of the vidya propounded in the Vedas, would
'«ЭД&ЙФ: WT n il be revealed by the grace of Siva, besides its
Brahma said, “Wherefrom the speech power, means and the gist.”
returns along with mind not attaining him.
Wherefrom all the gods like Brahma, Visnu
m f% т е г w r f% m ш т щ т е г !
and Siva emerge, together with the gods,
panca-mahabhutas with the organs? ■щт: % 1 Ш теГгТ:11 ^>11
The sages said, “All right, you please tell
тп* cjcit USTclef: Tf#r згпфйГС:!
us as to what is extremely attainable for a
ЗЩ ЩЧТ Ч$Ш ЧЯШ cwfadll ^ || human being and what are the means for it?
He is called lord Mahadeva who is What type of means should be made use of for
omniscient and is the lord of the entire the same? You kindly give us the purposeful
universe. He could be visualised with extreme replies to these questions.”
devotion, otherwise he remains invisible. ЗП^ЭГРёГ
ffr&sNr it ^8RT:I ШЧ Г^МЧЗЯТГн: W тег TTeRTTl
-rRFrtfThTW тег f e f ^H<bl%'UI:ll^ll
Even the gods like Rudra, Hari (Visnu) Brahma said, “The object to be achieved in
Нага and other gods, besides their lord, as this connection is the devotion of lord Siva
well, getting devoted to lord Mahadeva, and the purpose is to always remain devoted
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 3 45

to lord Siva. The devotee should be such, who It has been stated in the Vedas, that one
would be unmindful of the reward or the should initially take care of the soul, then
heaven in the form of everlasting and the listen to it, but this goes against the human
fortuitous (feeds performed by him. behaviour, because the soul cannot be
зп? f«gt 5 visualised easily and no attraction develops
for a padartha without looking at it. Therefore
one should first listen about his caritra
With the performing of the karmas as (conduct) and then engage himself in the other
propounded in the Vedas, the one who activities.
dedicates the reward thereof to lord Siva for
drilh*jHU|ilc||df| sp iT fst: I
the achieving of the Sivapada, such a devotee
gains the sayujya devotion (intimate union) of
the lord. Therefore, after listening to the Purana
initially from the mouth of the preceptor, then
the learned person should resort to its klrtana
4tf4d4ll Яо II or recitation.
With the performing of the same type of
riisFlsfriR шттШп
devotion a devotee earns the same type of "S ЧЭ

reward. Lord Siva has defined several means

for the sake of his devotees. In this sequence, when a person gets the
Я5Г ct: ТГГСWSR l means of understanding, only then he would
be able to achieve Siva-yoga and then the
«Йщ v&m СТТ5Г сгггат ~m\\ ? salvation.
I am going to reveal the gist of the same.
Г: t -sjrt ri ■h <4h*c$j Hludi
You should listen to them with the attentive
ears and recite them with your tongue. зтятшщ;
ЗРШТ ТШ ЩЦ By doing all this, all the worldly ailments
are removed and all types of bliss is also
«fasti: *liildot|gr4RT5q^3%W:IR?ll absorbed in the same. During the initial
To repeat them again and again in the mind stages, one has to face several difficulties, but
is called the means. Therefore one should it ends in enormous comfort.
listen to the merits of lord Siva, recite them in
the form of klrtana, and should keep on w ra i faitwwfjMWi
muttering them always. wmrnfsrmr ч т
?fw ^f?r: ЩЩ ЯГ: "ШЕЙчтЧТ Trill
ЩЦ 9П5ТгГ flc|M^I4Ach4<!ilU|l:IR^||
This s'ruti is authentic in the above passage
and there is no other means. Therefore in
order to collect all the means, the people
should make Siva Purana as the only means.
ш щ дщщ ^gr m jra44i
3 1 Щ f | ТГ&Г Щ Щ STtsTW 4 s 4 l R * l l
46 Siva-Mahapur5nam

CHAPTER 4 By whichever means the words in praise of

The glory of listening, recitation and Siva enter the ears, which are pleasant like the
study of the Purana sports of the women, is called sravana or
listening by the people of wisdom, which is
IF** well-known in the world.
PF gift
FF зет зтз оШ^тгешдзтм
The sages said, “O Brahma, how is the
thinking, listening or the recitation of Siva 41ч1т1Ч ЯчГп d-ЧЧН
Purana resorted to? You kindly tell us vif^rgmdimn
correctly the method of the performing the
First of all with the association of the noble
people, one listens to the merit of the noble
people, then the sound of Pasupati’s qualities
is heard which inculcates deep devotion in the
mind ultimately with the grace of lord Siva.
^fVbfSI^OT ш T|fT#R Щ)
This is the best of means.
м ччччЫцГаггщ
р ч ?и Cs

^TSRWIrU) 3TTf3 F^KT:!

Brahma said, “The adoration, japarn
(muttering), the qualities of Is'vara, pleasure ЗЩ ^ Scl^llfq «nip333R3:ll^ll
and reciting of the name of the lord, purifies Sata said, “O Sages, I am going to relate an
the mind and it is called the thinking, which ancient episode in connection with the means
could be achieved by the grace of the lord. for the devotion of Siva.
This is the best of all the means. чттm m&ifb: wmmR: m :i
s5 \0 -O v3

jfldldM l ^ Г Ч ^ Ч Ъ 4 T W cfT сТЩГЕПТ ТГЩТЧТ: ЯТ*ЗгЗГС<гё ^11^311

In the ancient time Vedavyasa, the son of
сПтГТps9z i ?r the sage Parasara, our preceptor, was
s» л
performing tapas at the bank of the river
ш зШ я ^ т т ш якщя з п Sarasvatl.
The prayer of lord Siva, which is offered
w r 3 ^ 3 1 m йчйн|4)<1Г^чп
with the singing of the Veda-mantras or the
eulogy offered in one’s own language, about чт я тпт си
the adventures of lord Siva, and the praise of At that very moment, my preceptor,
his virtues offered with the sweet voice is Parasurama spotted Sanatkumara, moving on,
called klrtana (recitation with music). This is boarded in a plane illumining like the sun.
treated as the middle of the path.
4 W : Щ ehld^cd pfq:ii^n
33 ^srautf^TJTI
Inspite of having been in deep'meditation
yfuiylud 3- he woke up and offered his salutation to the
я|зЗТ : ^FBffeSJTIUII son of Brahma and then asked him.
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 4 47

^ ra tra щ farsTTTi When Vedavyasa, thus spoke to

Sanatakumara, then Sanatakumara highlighted
?гшг: ш? tt w b ftr a i fnrrn ll
before the Brahmanas present there, the
He offered him arghya-padya and the seat definite cause of salvation.
fit enough to be occupied by the gods.
Thereafter feeling delighted, Lord «га* щ
Sanatakumara spoke to the humble Vedvyasa
with deep voice. Не said, “According to the Vedas, there are
three best means for the achieving of salvation
which include listening to the good qualities
TTctf W ifa! щ пгаготпт^В:1
of Siva, klrtana and recitation and the study of
fara^ST d43SKirl fai ^fall ^ li the same.
Sanatakumara said, “O Great sage, do you
meditate upon the truthful Siva tattval Siva
helps you, who could be visualised by the 3tcl<*l гГОШЩЧТёГТЧИ^V9II
organs of senses. Then what for are you Initially, I too had to wander following
performing the tapas. other means, and started performing tapas
over the Mandaracala mountain,
ттспш: $m )ui stara ш щ ц iifa :i
fani^rai ш : шнт чтгщ я^дт:!
ЧЧЫ«ЫЧЧ)ЗП£Г %3[*TFf фг11«Н1:И ^ II
Tf ^ iTnt^R:ll U\\
At these words of Sanatakumara, the sage
present there started revealing his thoughts. Then Nandlkesvara arrived there at the
You hold in high honour the dharma, artha, command of lord Siva. He was quite
kama and moksa and the path prescribed by compassionate on me, while lord Ganesa
happens to be the witness of all.
the Vedas.
gfTT Wlfadl W ra < * W cWTI
«rant *t*r и
ЦсЦЯсТО ТГсГгГ:11 ^ II
By your grace, I have specifically He lovingly enlightened me about the best
means for achieving the salvation. He told me
consecrated my mind to the lord in the world.
that the listening, reciting and study of the
I happen to be the preceptor of all in this
qualities of Siva are the means propounded by
world. the Vedas for the achieving of the salvation,
fa * Ъ Ш h*: ТЩ MlfadMI
rTOSRTft ^ ЧЩЙШ chKUl^n ^11 «rannfafa* ?T?FT II ? ОII
The supreme knowledge of advaita (non- These means were told to me for the
dualited) fails to develop in my mind. I am achieving of the salvation by Siva himself. He
unaware of the reason for the same. Therefore said to me, “O Brahmana, you should resort to
I am performing tapas for the achieving of the the use of these three methods, again and
salvation.” again,”
gpnft ч т е т оцф т чвчт&я:1 тзспгегат cfat ггтщ -rajfa fafa-кч: i
W h m fafa^r ftgTT «jRbcbKumji и wnm wtttIw t ii ?
48 Siva-Mahapuranam

Thus speaking to Vedavyasa,

Sanatakumara, the son of Brahma, mounted
over his beautiful plane and left the place.

$ГсГи||П*Зга ш 4eh^4W^tilRd:IR^II
О Ascetics, in this way, I have narrated to
you the earlier story.” The sages said, “O Suta,
you have highlighted three methods like
listening etc. for achieving of the salvation.
tXquillc^facb ?1тТ»: 4R;|
зщ ^сгт#к: ччгст ctnftnT ^то %дчти -r^ и
A person who does not resort to these three
methods, how could he be able to achieve
t что TKrofssqrorimi
48 Siva-Mahapuranam

W4 M W cRI
Ш W«gh гГ Я^Ш:11^11
He should build a mandapa, a gopura, a
tirtha, a matha and a ksetra for the sake of
Siva and organise festivities as well and
should offer him costumes, fragrance, flower
garland, incense, lamp, etc.
fafasiRT W ^ Ч Ч Ч с4|зЙ4<НН1
S* ©Ftf if ЩЩЦ t P i RI^-chRJI XII
Besides these, various types of food,
naivedya, fried sweet items, and other edible
stuff should be offered to him, including the
chatra flag, fan, flywhisk, etc.

тещ тег гтеггнч и

For the adoration of Siva in the form of
linga or the body, all the adorable material
should be like those of the kings. After
CHAPTER 5 performing of pradaksina and salutation, one
The glory of Siva-linga should perform the japam (muttering)
according to one’s capacity.
3neng4TG*H‘'ifci д я к ^ r%kT:i
When a person is unable to adopt the three Right from the stage of invocation, to the
means of adoration like the listening and stage of departure, the adoration of Siva
others, he should establish Siva-linga in the should be made daily with devotion. In this
form of the body of lord Siva and adore it way while adoring the Siva-linga or the body
daily. By doing so, he would cross the ocean of Siva.
of the universe.
PRP&frfd Pyicnfletn
aifassi cl^cT
faff^I^dlR'RfFRTbl: ^ 4^F3RT:II^II
Leaving the three means as already
Without cheating the god he should offer
explained above, the people achieve success in
as much riches to Siva-linga as he can. All the
padarthas which are kept for the worship the worship of Siva by his grace. With the
should be offered to the Siva-linga as the form mere adoration of Siva-linga or the body of
of the body of Siva. He should always remain Siva, many people were redeemed in the
devoted to the same. ancient times.”
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 5 49

the image or the body. Except Siva no other

god has been called as s'abda-brahma.
чЭ Сч
Therefore they could never be called as
faf ^ дат ^щ-ягн %cr:iun niskala.
The sages said, “All the gods are adored in RbcbA ятей- ^mgr:i
the form of images, then why is Siva adored in
the form of linga as well as the image?”
This is the reason that no other god is
comparable with him, who could be adored in
a# чшт яуяй?гятщсТН1 the form of nirguna or absolute god, because
m с(ты м^1с|ч1 Hi^lsf^r ФЯ: eKiRidji %n he is not but jlva. Similarly other gods are also
Suta said, “O Sages, this question is quite there.
surprising and increases the merits. Lord Siva
happens to be its speaker and no one else. у|£чйч1 щ mi и
Гу1Уч\ь Being the form of silence and absolute, and
fyicN&t 0 $ * № l f e f c b ' ' ( : u R c b lf d d : II M l
being invisible form, the body or the image is
worshipped. All other gods except Siva, have
I have heard from the tradition of
jlva in them while Siva possesses the form of
preceptors, that this SivamaMpurana was
composed by Siva himself, who himself is the
form of Brahman. Therefore, he is called ^ИНКНГН4 yuidiyf ychiyidldj
niskala. тз=тйг дтт яй^?дт:11 и
Wi-H^irHcbHRbdiH: i НЯТсЬЦКЧрН1 W^rqbl #ETTI
RfiacwifarraiK f a f ггрт W i Because of his having the essence of
Veddnta and because of bringing to light the
He is called saguna because of his being
meaning of Omkara, the Upanisads are the
beautiful, saguna is called sakula spotless and
witness. The same question was asked from
niskala means devoid of art or beauty.
Nandikesvara over the Mandaracala mountain
Because of his being niskala he is called
from Sanatakumara, the intelligent son of
invisible or without form. The formless Siva
takes the form of linga.
HcJiirTrdlHW2TT Т Ш сГР?
Н&ПчГч ТГЙ:11
W : ■утёрта': ЯТ:11^И
Sanatakumara said, “Except Siva, all other
Because of his being saguna, he is
gods, are overpowered by their devotees.
conceived with form. Because of his having
saguna and nirguna form (with form or m m xt wref m
Cs n9
wС '*" Сч

formless), he is called as s'abda-brahma or the fyi^HNW ЯуТШ f a f U II

best of all.
In the adoration of other gods their images
or the bodies only are seen or are heard. But in
дщ^пзп^ dd-^tui я% ewRnrn ^ n the adoration of Siva, linga and the images are
He is always adored in the form of linga or both adored.
50 Siva-MahapurSqiam

cbtr^lUl if У1У«йфТЧ1 Sanatakumara said, “O Auspicious one,

you have mentioned about the worship of
4 f^ 9 T ЗНГЩ
Siva-linga as well as his images.
fVloR^i xt d ^ b i i 4<4l«id:l
Therefore you explain to me the topic in an
easily understandable manner.” Nandikesvara TfTR ^ ц ||
said, “Though your question relates to ^1пГчх»|(ч
Brahman and is of secret nature, as such its You have also mentioned about Siva and
reply cannot be given. other gods. Therefore, you tell me about the
genesis of the great linga as well as the
images of Siva.
fvnw ^^4^lR4b*Hcttril PbchH^II ? О||
Still since you happen to be a noble soul, ЗсПхГ
and a devotee of Siva, therefore, whatever has ^ сгш! тиыдПгот g^nfir
been heard by me from Siva, I am going to О YogTndra, we intend to listen to the
repeat the same to you. Siva is the form of same.” Nandikes'vara said, “O son, you listen
Brahman and is devoid of digit, therefore he is to me. Keeping in view your devotional
treated to be absolute. feelings. I am going to reveal before you the
f a f гГЙ сГ fS T F tt Ы З Д ч ■ H U trfq i factual position.
M ^cbHf^bcbc^li ^ ^|| ТШ Ч$41«Ь1<г1 ЗГЧ% n3

All the Vedas accept the form of the ЗЩЙЩ Т^ТсЧЙ II 3^911
adoration of linga. This is the nirguna form of
Siva. Because of the association of the digit cTWTFt fiTHiif гЕЧЙГ ТПТШ:|
with him, he has the qualities of saguna.
ггггт TJrrat н!<*^одщ| In the first Sveta-Varaha-Kalpa in ancient
times and as is well known in the world, there
Г^|С(ЙЬ|'| хГ ^ г б п я ^chdwtl«l ^cRT:ll ^ ll
had been a great war between Brahma and
As saguna, Siva is adored in the form of Visnu. In order to remove the arrogance of
images. Except Siva, all other gods are adored both of them lord Siva, appeared in between
in saguna form. them in the form of a column.
Pitetwi f^ra:!
хг ^ n t w f g if и^з и
civfciinm sprat fpgnw m iv ^ и
iT тщ\ Thereafter lord Siva, for the welfare of the
The Vedas also admit the image worship. creatures of the world,, of the absolute Siva,
When the gods appear their in their concrete turned himself in the form of linga, which
form. In the s'dstras relating to Siva, both his issued immense lustre.
linga form as well as the images are adored.”
snjfr гагёте ftrarat fra^ rrm
тадгчк згпхт згагат хг ш Гуи^сг зга#чгсп^ц 3оn
3rfc ггат TTfWPT [Н^1Цх1НШ*(113*11 Гу|е|Йч'1 g ЯсЬГгЧНН,!
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 6 51

tRnjtf f ^ R t I
f?iyw (h ^ < ^ ^wtii 3 *11
From that day onwards, the niskala form of
Siva came to be known in the form of linga
and was also established in the form of image
which bestows all the comforts and the
pleasure to the people. But the worship of
Siva-linga as well as his images bestow
welfare to the people, besides the moksa.
fftr негою'!
П>м1в#ч1е!Чс|и№ чтч wrtssimf:1141
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 6 51

arrived before you. You are behaving like an

arrogant person. The one who does so, he has
to repent for the same, being a fool.”
R t f# ^ w m TOR! f # 4ldf4dl f^ T lim i
Listening to the words of Brahma, lord
Visnu was enraged within, but out worldly he
remained peaceful and said, “O Son, let
welfare be ‘ bestowed on you. You are
welcome, you take your seat here.
few % oyiiqgcH fare# fgrmgTJmi
TOR! fro # ! RSI4H4MM «blHc|<ld :ll^ ll
Fight between Brahma and Visnu Presently, you have an upset like face.
Your eyes are curved.” Brahma said, “O Son
JTT «bdlfdapm fawjfromiR4:i Visnu, presently, because of the influence of
the time, you have become proud.
^ Т Ч ТОТ ТОГО ТОНТШ R<pT:ll *11
Nandikesvara said, “О Yoglndra, once in f t m w wm: тш т^тто tortoi

earlier times, lord Visnu was sleeping Тет ш т

gracefully over the serpent bed, surrounded by
Garuda, and other attendants.
О Son, I happen to be your protector, and
«<j4MISS*ldW5l WT W W OR: I the great grandfather of the universe.” Lord
Visnu said, “The entire universe is lodged in
At that point of time, Brahma, well-versed me. You consider it to be our own like a thief.
in the Vedas, arrived there of his own sweet RdlfaeMMIslld: TOT# RTTOR <fRTI
will and questioned the lord Visnu who was
lying in his serpent bed. 4#cf?8T 3TOR

TO# 4h4d^bl ^gT -qniftr ^TTOTI # f t fdddd'lWd TOTOlfT3#WII 6 II

3 # S TOR tit tlTOT TOT 4W%TTOTRII 3 II 3T#R c # Ч ЩЩ W T? Щ : I

He then asked him, “Who are you? You are RTRTt IRTTOPfl Ш : RRTtlTRRII * II
sleeping like an arrogant person even after О Son, you have been born out of the lotus
finding that I have arrived. О Son, you get up emerging from my navel, therefore you are
and meet me. I am your master and have not correct. Thus speaking both of them
arrived here before you. started fighting with each other for the
зптот rw t# ^ sjt # i purpose of killing.
£# uiwrj rsto frofl#imi
Finding the adorable preceptor having ^ ш тто ^ fw r TOjfsrf; гЩТИ *o ||
52 Siva-Mahapuranam

Both the gods then started fighting seated ЗШ ЧЩЩ fc|UJJc|^Rrll

over their respective vehicles viz. Garuda and
ddWgf&d WTlfirefW^II ^э||
the swan.
( Г # т т е т : ^cif t
ш и и
At that point of time all the gods travelling Placed the disastrous Pasupata weapon
in their respective planes, arrived there in over the bow and shot it at the chest of Visnu.
order to witness the astonishing type of war. Thereafter both the weapons shot by Brahma
and Visnu appeared in the sky which were like
the ten thousand of suns, and violent like
thousands of mouths, like the terrific and
forceful wind.
fl4faw ftaifeKftf 5:WR.ll« ll Ш W d^lfelbUeh: ТГТЩГЧ1
The gods, observing the battle the gods
d?rt ^armnr: Ticf Шштгг ^п?тт^п:1
showered flowers, which Visnu shot several
types of weapons and arrows over the chest of 3 ^ : ТЩЧТ Ш ТЩТГЧ ШТ %гГТ:11 « II
Brahma, which were unbearable. Thereafter In this way both Brahma and Visnu fought
Brahma also getting annoyed shot several with each other a terrific war. Finding this,
unbearable arrows and weapon over the chest became all the gods were disgusted and are
of Visnu. The battle of both of them was anxious, in the same way as the minds of the
extremely surprising. Brahmana is upset at the fight of the two
«|и|ННН«1$1¥1Н*9Щ «I^IW^II kings.
agir f qfo w <ptt: wnmharn^ii «11
Brahma shot the arrows like fire and also
TPT sT^rnt ЩfaVjfc-Ап я о II
other weapons, several times. Thus thfc battle
between both of them was quite surprising. Salutation to lord Siva, who happens to be
the cause of creation, preservation,
^eKHimi: ?г?щфгаташ:1 destruction, concealment and grace
ffiTtfginj: <*ШН*$М:11 II
3i¥i*44^4dHii{i flRT
Witnessing the battle between the two of
them all the gods became anxious and started ^TOTEfnSTtS'CZTSr cF^f^IrTII ^ «
discussions among themselves. Then lord Without the permission of lord Siva, no
Visnu was breathing heavily, having suffered one is in a position to destroy even a blade of
from the war. grass.
gf?T ЧЧ fRETT %ё|^ЩТ1
rRft ЧГЩТ ^g: %ll « II зрд: liH lP fw t xi^S R : и 4 ? ll
Then the intelligent lord Visnu, used the Thus all the gods were frightened with that
Mahesvara-astra for the killing of Brahma. battle. There the gods searching for the house
Then Brahma getting immensely enraged, of lord Siva, reached the Kailasa mountain,
making the entire universe to shake. where Siva was lodged.
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 7 53

^ | w r t 1Ш: ^ <КЧПЙВЩ1
тпйд: wrarchu мйй1Ш ^aftii ^^ и
Finding him there, all the gods were
delighted and finding him in the form of
Pranava they offered their salutation to him
and then entered his place.
m ттеггокг
foffj|4H44i|| c'^d^-ciqjH 'rfll
The gods found Siva the best of gods,
seated with Parvatl over the gem studded bed,
in the sabhamaridala (assembly).
wuul: HeJd) Т^ЩЛЛИ^ТгП^И ЧЧII
# н ттт
W44M ТЩТ clcU^«d*ira<4IR^II
He possessed the best of symbols and
whose hearts were filled with devotion,
besides the damsels well-versed in rendering
special service, were moving fans. The Vedas
were eulogising him. Siva looked at the gods
with compassion.

ччщг>%1тготт:11 ^t9ii

згег ^Kd^cii^ci) ^c|fvKslwiui:i

О Son, looking at the crowns of gods,
Mahadeva- the god of all the gods, delighting
all the gods, delivered welfare speech.
Blessing all the gods, he spoke sweet and
pleasant words which bestow welfare.
?f?r *ffi>M4*i!i<iul wrorat f^srrafpret ^апчт
чтч щгзбцт: ii s и
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 7 53

Contest between Visnu
• • and
Brahma,victory of the former
щш: 'w тптокц
*FIW WWeb^fui f% 4 m \ *11
тгц fsrf^ct зг^щщЬ^тт шт:1
ч1чЪтЫ ^ifNdMJI * II
Isvara (Siva) said, “O Sons, who always
obey my command. Do you enjoy the pleasure
always? Are all the gods and the creatures of
the world engaged in this respective
assignments? I have already learnt about the
news relating to the fight between Brahma and
Visnu, observing your pain, it appears to have
been repeated.”
i r f w T J I ТЩКГТ d )4 R h fw ib |d ll

'R MfdWrytd'dH.II } II
Thus О Sanatkumara, speaking such sweet
words, Siva, the lord of Parvatl pleased the
crowd of gods.
aw Tpf ^Ryid)wlw:i
siMNiistulvini W TRrf^imi
Then lord Siva, commanded a hundred of
his ganas to move to the place where Brahma
and Visnu were fighting.
m \ сПЖ щ Ш ydlUIIU q ^ l d : I

Thereafter, at the time of the departure of
Siva, several types of large Kattle drums were
sounded. The GanesVaras, having been
adorned with all the ornaments, and mounted
over the different types of vehicles, got ready
to depart.
HUIctlehKMKLM 43J4U£<rl4fed4l

R ^ luipM^iai: fn :li$ ii
54 Siva-MahapurSnam

Then lord Siva, and his spouse of Parvatl, He appeared himself in between them as
mounted over the chariot named Bhadra-ratha, the form of a horrible burning column, of the
decorated with pancamandala. His son absolute Brahman.
Ganesa and other ganas also went alongwith iJTftr TMIH
him, in addition to Indra and other gods.
$tut^ ^ и
The weapons which were competent
ci|g|c(5f:i enough to destroy the entire universe, fell in
WTfer: 4Wi щ the column of fire produced by Siva and were
rHTt: 4I4WiwilcW#^:ll\9il destroyed in a moment and reduced to ashes.
Various types of flag and banners, of
different colours, the fans, flywhisks, rain of ТГРНТТИ ЩII
flowers, music and dance accompanied with Observing the astonishing and benevolent
various types of musical instruments, both event of the destruction of the weapons, all the
Siva and Parvatl went to the place where gods whispered among themselves, “what is
Brahma and Visnu had been engaged in a this with an astonishing form?
fight, together with army.
з1<Щ±|[ч4 *jW4fq^ci fapfeidMj
$T d4V4<& «4lR«ld:l
appMuftt wra®- эттЫ р ^ т f|n v*n
(Then Brahma and Visnu said,) “What is
Finding them engaged in fight, Siva halted this pillar like formation resembling the fire
concealing himself with Parvatl and the army. flames, which has been raised above? What is
The playing of the music was stopped together there at its top and the bottom. Both of us
with the movement of the army. should find out the same.”
?fd «rafwifl ftfadl 4)<4iPh1i
У1#Щ M 4l^l4rH XTII II drdff HdWIrlSSJ ^ ^ T II II
At that point of time both Brahma and Thus speaking both of them thinking
Vi§nu, in order to kill each other, were using themselves to be extremely valorous, engaged
Mahesvara and Pasupata weapons. themselves to find the truth about the same.
3Tra#f$SPJhST5r «bl44eh Ч I
<T(ЧЙЦЧИ ^ r^ll II $rdeMI ^eh<d4f3wjWWlfc(4lfi|c|MJ| ^ ||
Thereafter with the flames of the weapons “In case both of us go together, it would
shot by Brahma and Visnu, for killing each not be possible to establish this gigantic task.”
other all the three worlds started burning. Siva Thus thinking Visnu taking to the form of a
also observed the destruction which was the boar went downwards towards the root.
cause of great misfortune, and untimely
dissolution of the earth. Ш WSTT ^dHWd-d ddTl
fow 4ldMfdH4 M # :ll ^V9II
Then Brahma, taking to them form of a
Щщ rRtstm# frER?r:ii w i swan, flew up towards the sky in order to
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 7 55

measure its height. Lord Visnu piercing Till date, I have not been able to locate the
through the Patalaloka (nether world) went beginning or the end of it. You also give up
too far. this hope.” Then Brahma said, “I have also
Ч1ЧУЧт№1 arrived here taking to the form of a swan to
know about the same.
STFW: ШЧ 4 $ 4tmf0PTII W H
When Visnu in the form of a boar could ?W: ЧТ ^rclr TteST <WWT
not reach the bottom of the column of fire, тшт w rsm wi^rifewifagr T ri^ h i^ ii
then he felt tired and returned to the battle FWWTTWt £ГШ WW
J wwяинш ия: РЧ;|
m о?т)я т xt fwfsrwTW fe n wwi 3PRc4Wf4 w WKIM<lr4jVIIWH*ill^4M
^ '*Ы<*1чьц 1д^ШсГБд(Щгщ;11 ^ n О Friend, you accomplish my task. You get
О Vedavyasa, Brahma, your father, while alongwith me and speak to Visnu accordingly,
flying in the sky found the ketakl flower “that Brahma had found the end of this
falling. column. You say that you are my witness.”
с^сцЦи warn Thus speaking, Brahma, offered his salutation
to the ketakl flower again and again, because it
WШ : *rwwT^WT^SR:iRo||
is not a sin to speak untruth at the time of
The Ketaki flower had been separated from misfortune. This has been propounded by the
its stem long time back, still it had enough of sastras.
fragrance and had not been faded out. Lord
Siva found that both of them had been
unsuccessful in their respective efforts. з го щ ^ w 44$
Нэш $r wrafasww v9
5 fiwwi^ chuwisifatf f?m i
dfMlTUclj^kj xWW^dchM-dM^II ? ^11
He laughed at them, as a result of which When Brahma found Visnu having been
his head started shaking. Thereafter the exhausted, and with a disturbed mind then he
extending of grace over him, the Ketakl flower started dancing in delight. Talking like a
eunuch, Brahma said to Visnu.
fell down.
f t; щ w fw u^ t! ЧЩПг^РТ t p : i
#c| 44 f^ T T I

Brahma said, “O King of the flowers, why wwtew?^ war f t wjwwj -gwr
are you falling? Who had held you?” Then the w&fw w^jwwTwwfcrwn
flower said, “I had fallen long back, before the SftSJ WrPRwMrW f^PWW-
creation, this pillar appeared without any
W^t fwww WW: wnriRvall
authority, I was lodged in the middle of it and
reached here. w t5 # № n tsr w n w m w ч c 11
“O Hari, I have seen the top of this pillar
4 «utyAUfa tlW M ^ l y i l M - d ^ P l I
and this flower is my witness for the same.”
atWRTPI Wifaref : II ? 3 И At the instance of Brahma the ketakl flower
56 Siva-Mahapuraijam

made a false statement before him. Taking the FfF ЧТГ 4F%4 F ^ ЧТЧ1
words of Brahma to be true, Visnu offered his ^ ЧсГЯНЧЯН!^ Ъ T?Ffril 3 3II
salutation to the form and adored him in
sixteen ways. Lord Siva was pleased with Visnu because
of his truthful conduct and in full view of all
the gods he bestowed on him, equality with
^ f ^ R T : W lfu fa H lc M i^ ЧЧ:

ЯЩ ФПШ : hfHJFT <№ ТП II чгч 4?H4t3sjm :iiv9ii

But Siva appeared suddenly from the pillar 'k’k'k
in order to punish Brahma. Brahma Visnu
touched his feet with his shaking hands.
ЭПВДфЧсЩЙ rtffa й од и л
^ 4iarf?r cFTtRter: i
Ящ 4\
■ gt farflrt ^ jtii ^ ои
He said, “You have a body without a
beginning or the end. Because of his
ignorance, a person is unable to find you
inspite of much efforts. О Compassionate one,
you be pleased with me. By an audience with
you, all my sins have been washed out. You
kindly forgive me. You have done all this
quite playfully.
с1гЯ! JWFtsfo Ft! ?тщ-


Isvara said, “О Son Visnu, I am pleased

with you, because you have spoken the truth
becoming desirous of achieving the form of
Isvara. Therefore you would achieve divinity
in the world and will also earn my grace.
ЯП 3 ? II
From today onwards your images shall be
adored in the different parts with festivities.
56 Siva-Mahapuraijam

Shattering the pride of Brahma

^tcnts4 'mill иv-\

Thereafter, Siva, in order to shatter the
pride of Brahma, produced an astonishing type
of a person from out of his eyebrows.
tt t m v ft ш щ f w r f o ti
f% g j t f cbtdiuitii # w 5 r m T m tlim i
Soon after his emerging, he offered his
salutation to lord Siva in the battle ground
itself and asked him, “O Lord, what have I to
do? You kindly get me the command at once.”
R*|ci dcjrd
чччФ? тщп -щ ^сшт щтгн з и
Siva said, “O Bhairava, you better, adore
Brahma, the primeval lord of the earth, with a
sharp edged sword (or kill him)”.
R ^ (j?Mchch}u| кщ
tH 4p 4НЧ'Уг!4'Ц|[ми|Ч|
f e r w fq -^ a c T :

On hearing this Rudra caught hold of the

hair of Brahma’s head in his hand, and
severed his fifth head which told the untruth
Vidyes'vara SamhitS, Chapter 8 57

and got ready to kill him. deprived of a head, “You played a trick in
4 __ r- . _ order to earn your worship in the world and
becoming its lord.
ЧЧ1П cl Ц11 wrm^r
Then your father- Brahma, shedding away
the costumes and ornaments besides the scarf, TCRTщ 4 %Ш: ЦЧ^ПТИ *o ||
having grey hair, started shaking like the Therefore no one on earth, would adore
banana leaves or the leaves of the creeper and you, honour you or arrange for the festivities
fell down over the feet of Bhairava. in the world in your name.” At this Brahma
said, “O Lord, you always bestow the boons.
dlqf&Rt Ш \
You be pleased with me today. With the
severed head, I consider it to be the salutation
fdlqcq «(|b^tc(ct^ni3lfc7- at your feet.
4ги f?T^T: furtt 5и •О

Looking at the precarious condition of хг ^luiuii i r m ^ w ни

Brahma, shedding tears over the feet of lord 0 Lord, you are the close relative of the
Siva, folding both his hands, he spoke in universe. О Visvayoni, you tolerate the
sweet tongue in the same way a child speaks blemishes. О holder of the great bow, О Siva,
to his father. salutation to you.
гегот щт
N3 % цгт зщзпта4ц| зртгч4 fcH«jfrti
ттг^гг тщрртчШ! щ f a # ! ин и
Siva said, “O Son, the entire universe
v w i f4«r4 im ^n \э и would get destroyed by fighting, without a
Lord Visnu said, “О Lord Siva, by your king. Therefore, you award punishments to the
grace, Brahma had been awarded five heads culprits and carryon the burden of the earth.
by you, out of which one has been destroyed. щ цц|Гч ^ rR njjjW 5^4 UT4i
Therefore you be merciful over Brahma.
ddlfa^U ijilf rT ящзр;:11 н II
1 give you a boon which is difficult to get.
PTchfamw ЧЩ 6 II You should accept it. You would be the
When Siva was so prayed by Visnu, then preceptor for the Vedic yajnas and those
he stopped Bhairava from proceeding further propounded by the Smrtis.
(in cutting of his remaining heads) and said,
“Don’t punish Brahma any further. W: ‘Wf^gF Tf?^hJT:l
ЗМЦ c(cf: farft fa d d ^ i^ l ЗМЩ fd>ciq ^>cicb 0>й*п1$|и1чИ HU
t 7 w p f if T T 5ГЗП
g^iMirfuTTcbTf^ w fw u i и
Then Siva said to Brahma, who had been tmifu 5hr d wr tmtdi'difwd: чтчи и и
>Э C s ©ч N * ’
58 Siva-Mahapuranam

Without you the entire yajna, would of the mandapa for me.
become infructuous.” Thereafter lord Siva ПчВж1*У<ч||
addressing the ketakl flowers who appeared as
a false witness, said, “O wicked ketakl flower, f^RTR ЯГЯТЯ8Т ^4^<R|gd:IR^II
you disappear to a far off place. From today In this way, lord Siva, showering his grace
onwards, I would not like you to be offered at over BrahmS, Visnu and the ketakl flower,
the time of my adoration.” after having been praised by all the gods, was
seated in the assembly.
ТТЯ cbd<i>

ftM H iT fcp jfa Я1Ч1йЧ|збЧТЯ:11<Я1

At these words spoken by Siva, the gods
started removing ketakl flowers and other
related species from their vicinity.

ЯГО ям! % W 4 fTO?T

то m \ атмят яя Шяяяяи ^зп
Then the ketakl flower said, “O Master,
with your present curse on me my birth on
earth would become infructuous. Therefore
you kindly forgive me for my sin and allow
my life to be successful.
cTT^t Mfa ^ ГЯУЯЩГЯ fd t Я^ЯИ II
With the mere reciting of your name all the
sins committed innocently or deliberately are
washed out. Then after having an audience
with you, how could the sin of speaking
untruth remain?”
<MT % R I4 l^ > d ^ 4 W T T T O r i

ЯТГ гЗйДЩ Я1М ^гЧс|Ш^Я1Щ:11^11

When the ketakl flower, thus spoke to Siva
in the assembly, then the lord said, “You have
become unfit to be offered to me because my
words cannot be untrue.

м t ^пяояйя чч!чГ< яймШи Яо II

But Visnu and all other gods would accept
you as their offering and your life would be
successful. You would be used for the making
58 Siva-Mahapuranam

Consecrating of the S iv a -lin g a

WRft ^ А тга w rt fAimraAi

<тнпт швщ^гщчАн ^11
ш ч щ ц A А* т е щ crhA i
>S 44W3
9 vS($t: ir ii
Nandisvara said, “At the same time, both
Brahma and Visnu offering their salutations to
the lord Siva, quietly stood to the right and left
of the lord. Both of them then seated Siva with
his family over a high pedestal and adored
him with auspicious padarthas emerging from
A w mfKT w Asfaranfaqpqj
The things which emerge from the
samkalpa of a purusa should be considered as
long lived or remaining for long. There are
some padarthas in them which could be given
over, and they include garlands, anklets,
armlets, crowns, gem studded kundalas.

чЭ Сч Сч чЭ
: II * II

Yajhopavlta, scarf, garland, silken cloth,

Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 9 59

rosary of Rudmksa, finger ring, flowers, betel, 4drcbl«r> 5 4 : di^drirli q f o ^ H q h i

camphor, sandal paste, aguru-paste, incense,
frqfts WH: R^ft^ftftg; тртгчп
lamp, white umbrella, fan, flag, flywhisk, and
several other divine presents, which are Whosoever would adore Siva’s Image or a
beyond the divine gifts, mind and riches. Siva-linga, he becomes competent to the
creation, maintenance and the destruction of
xrfd4t^: the universe.
ч ш ]т ч сгш f^rfsgrsr!к it rvwidiciftHid RuistKi ftftf%4:i
They also offered things, which were
ЗРЕ^т W 4 T 4 <J«llriH4c|*j<*:ll ^ 1 1
beyond the ideas of the humans to lord Siva.
О Sanatakumara, the best among the well- шш чч чзпчт enfftfc ftwwi
C\ V

wishers, whatever the best padarthas are there FT4^ 4S I: 4 c $ 4 ld ll ^ ll

in the world, they could be offered for the On the occasion of Sivaratri whosoever,
adoration of Siva. controlling his sense-organs, fasting totally for
twenty four hours, shall adore Siva according
to his capacity, without deceitfulness, he shall
WttFTi 3t^l qan*44ji\9ii
earn the merit equal to the performing of my
Lord Siva on his part, in order to maintain worship for a year. The merit equal to my
ancient traditions, distributed to them all those worship for a year shall also be achieved by a
present there. person who performs my adoration on the day
of Sivaratri.
wfgmmrr fm idli
For achieving that thing, there was a great ЧЧ ч тч зй 4 # tf B H :ll ^ 1 1
rumour there. First of all, at that time Brahma As the ocean increases with the rise of the
and Visnu, worshipped Siva. full moon, similarly on that very day my
т я : Щ гЬ чф тйшг dharma also increases. On that very day my
benevolent function is performed.
jJgtSjFTST eft ч ll Ч?дЧ: *d'«№ 4ui w ifcftw q-ji ЧТТ1

Lord Siva, who always increases devotion, ч «етаТ4fW w и

then said to Brahma and Visnu delightfully, O boys, I had earlier appeared in the form
“Let both of your remain happy.” Siva again of a pillar, it was the month of Margas'Irsa and
said, “O Sons, this is the great day and I am the constellation was Ardra.
happy with your worship for me.
3T#4T Ч Ч : тц ^дчдчгщ §41
W j ф(Щft TTfdThl
« ftru fa ч т f f t f ч й fsrar: II ^ II
fticHifaRfa i s m ftRRtrr чч fironi и
In the month of Margaslrsa, during Ardra
Since then, the day is considered to be constellation, whosoever has an audience with
most auspicious and yields merit. This is the me (Umapati) or the one who adores my
date dear to lord Siva and is well known by image or Siva-linga, he becomes dearer to me
the name of Sivaratri. than Karttikeya even.
60 Siva-Mah3puranam

ш ъ&щ&щ тт dfw W Rathaydtrd would be performed here and

згятФт щт ywmiftrK^n уэ и the place would be quite benevolent, fit for
human habitation. The japam, homa, charities,
On that auspicious day, one achieves performed here would yield crore times more
sufficient of merit even by looking at me, but than the ordinary merit.
in case lord Siva is appropriately worshipped
during that day then the reward for the same is
beyond the description from the speech. m w j %4i^ ji glwfaGt ^ П и т м ^ и
fafcpaftJTTI This would be considered to be the best of
f^ d W lfef^ d fiT d Я^И \c II all my ksetras. The person, who, reaching here
In this battle ground of both of you, I had would recite my name, he would attain rapid
appeared in linga therefore the place will be salvation.
known as Linga-sthdna. dWI-ЧЗтНП-К I
SRTSRlfas ’Mfatajfdl Tr4<*Htiuittura! ^ ptii я ч и
f? 4yRlsf % 3^11 ^ II Because of this, the region would be quite
О Sons, this is without beginning or the great and immensely graceful, bestowing
end. This is a huge pillar, but for the sake of welfare to all besides the salvation.
the human beings, it would become smaller. awRicdisd Trrtcf f^ q tw ri
■щяШ шчМ д а т irrfftg- гги ^ н
^4>€RtIII ^ о || The one who would conceive me as
This linga would be the cause of pleasure linges'vara in this linga, he would achieve
as well as the redemption. By having a look at lokva, samipya, sdrupya and sarsti types of
it or by touching it and meditating it, one salvations.
would be freed from the bondage of the birth
and death. чЭ
M^rl feTT^hTT diH Mri41"V

w i m v t ттдатщ ччг^тиу^эп
згсн гащ р т fafgf^jcnri
The sdrupya salvation would be achieved
areuiMdftHta T^nfd^rwfvni я
according to one’s own job. All of you would
This linga appeared at this place like the also get your own desires fulfilled.”
mountain of fire, therefore, this place would
be known in this world by the name of
* q f ? I hfrfTRI ddTtf ^ с # : ф д UTWBtliyill
tjRRT Ш Ш щ Ф т ^11 ^ II
Nandikesvara said, “Thus lord Siva
The place would become an immensely showered his benevolence over Brahma and
sacred tlrtha. Those who would live here and Visnu quite humbly. Such of the soldiers who
meet their death here would be redeemed. had been killed in the war.
isatrHcii^aRwnJi iHiditi <r
cfijfejUT яФтн y^ll ddidfej Щ Ъ oM4^dhdH
s5n3 <fhl Я' <?* И
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 9 61

Were brought back to life with showering The words spoken by me as a preceptor,
of the nectar. Then the lord Siva said to both are quite authentic for you. I am going to
of them in order to remove their ignorance and reveal the Brahma-sattva to you, because of
enmity. my love for you.
ut 9çà ЧгЦч<е\Ч <4irtl=hrl4j
Ш fti
fiFT ^SHUglf^eb^ll ^ ^ II
ч я т ш Ф т ч щ ъ : m fsw ftw : ii ^ oii
I happen to be Para-Brahman, I become
“I have two forms viz. Saguna and Is'vara and I remain compassionate over the
Nirguna (absolute), there is no other Isvara moveable and immovable creatures of the
except me, therefore, they cannot have two world.
tWTK3 ?ll О Brahma and Visnu, because of my being
I initially took to the form of a pillar and of all pervading nature, expanding the
then to the form of a human being. The one universe, I am Brahma. О Boys, since all the
which is niskala of the two is the form of creatures are equal for me and because of my
Brahman and the one having the form of Isa, being omniscient I am also known as
is sakala. Atmarupa.
зН1гчм: ^ 'STfaT 4 iT?RT:i
■ Упм 5PIcfirtf щ q^oR^II 3 6 II
qyifafh 4 ewfadll^? II
The jlva is not completely Atmarupa. It is
My both these forms are established and
jlva alone. There is no doubt about it. From
could not belong to any one. Therefore neither
the beginning to the end of the universe, there
of you or any one else can achieve the stage of
Is'atva. are five deeds in the world.
нздйч eft fTmW R щт^гпт! ТГ far? Ц ehFEffeldl
3TT^ fH^hf^ldHIl 3 ^ II
Hfalkb^ciqf&dlsi TOI%f(ll ^ ^ II
Is'atva (supremacy) is enshrined in me.
Both of you out of ignorance believed Therefore, all these activities can be attributed
yourselves to be Isvara, and the same was the
to me and none else. Initially my absolute
surprising aspect. I have appeared in the battle
ground in order to remove your fallacy. form appeared in order to enlighten you on the
subject of Brahmatva.*I
ЩШ И1ЧЧ1сЯ№ 4f?PTI
czttr tdmfiw ft щц\

Both of you should now shed away your ^ch?llS$4dl HPT". d^uiKill'Sо ||
pride and be devoted to me. Various types of Because of this, I remain in invisible form.
bhavas (feelings) appear in the world by my I took to my saguna form in order to appear
grace. before you.
^ ЯЩПТ Ш ТЧ: h4:l
62 Siva-MahSpurSnam

You should consider my present form as

saguna and the form of my pillar represents

ГнеЧИШг4 З'сПЭДГШ ч=гэйи II

Because of the symptoms of the linga, this
would be my absolute form. О Sons, you
should daily adore it.
4dlc4<*ft4 "ФТ WTf^bDcbR^mi
ii^ ii
This linga is the form of my soul and
bestows my vicinity. Both linga and lingl are
in separable, it should be treated as my form
and should be worshipped daily.
m я Ш ЪЧ
m w fdfyd: < * < ^ 11**11
О Sons, whosoever might have consecrated
the linga at any place, I reside there even
without its consecrating.

As a result of consecrating a linga one

achieves my form and with the consecrating of
a second linga by the devotee of Siva, he gets
absorbed in me.
У1УКМ: ЩЩ 5 jfluiebHj

After consecrating the linga arrangements

for its worship should also be made. The main
task is the consecration of the linga while the
consecration of an image of Siva is
metaphorical, because, even after the
consecration of an image of Siva at a
particular place, it cannot be described as the
sacred place.”
trarwtt fareteRtilgdiui fvww

62 Siva-MahSpurSnam

Discourse on Omkara

^ iwt!l
фщтт gRii ^ii
Brahma and Visnu said, “O Lord, you
kindly speak out the symptoms of
Pancakrtyas, including sarga etc.” Siva said,
“My motive remains extremely sacred. But
being merciful to you. I am going to speak out
the same.

v im ir ^и
O Brahma and О Visnu, the five worldly
krtyas or motives are creation, preservation,
destruction, concealment and grace.
тМ: УУКУWWdtfdgl f^rfd^dTI
w rfr тгфг гнгг fd<l'4lo(^bt)4:ii?ll
The creation of the universe is called
sarga. Its establishment is called preservation,
while its destruction is called samhdra. The
absence of the same is called concealment.
rRTtSTtSTJffRfir фгчЫ % ГЩЩТ1

When a person achieve moksa from the

world, it is called anugraha. These five
activities are attributed to me. The earth etc.
reflect these motives of mine like the
reflection of gopura, quietly.

хщч Ф ( щ ■yfwmii 4 n
The four activities like sarga and others
are used for the expansion of the universe,
while the fifth called grace or anugraha
becomes the cause of salvation, which is
always lodged in me.
Vidyes'vara SamhitS, Chapter 10 63

ЯТЧ^:1 I had awarded equally to Rudra and

Ryfd'W^ Щ : тт& W ll ^ II Mahesa, in' the form, beauty, activities,
vehicles, seats and the weapons.
fritWhq|sf4<^ (Т5ДЯ1Щ
q ^ r n f # T 5 # 3ft^j #j4lhdH;i
■ f# g w ^ зга#иии
4^1*1 « w h W q^ra^ll ^ ll
s i # й*тот w f дтчят
w r# i
О Sons, you had developed ignorance,
cylMIS^jgirl Tlcf ff T^WtMI^II because of your forgetting my adoration. Had
My devotees visualise it with the five you remained conscious about me, this
Mahdbhiitas and creation is in the earth. situation would not have arisen, because my
Preservation is in the water, destruction is in devotee, who meditates upon me, turns like
fire. Concealment in the wind, and anugraha Mahes'a, in wisdom and beauty.
(grace) is in the sky. This should be known by
the people with wisdom. q^4'l|TT4l4«qi
ht згзтщ ШЯсБ qrW>3Rqil ^4II
ч^фгаГч< Щ qmfw ytsNsHhi
Therefore, you in order to achieve success
гЯТКГ ЩРТ Н7§^|| ни in wisdom and beauty should perform japam
То carry the burden of these five krtyas, I of the omkara-mantra, which is sure to
have five faces. Four are for the four destroy the anogance.
directions, while the fifth one is in the centre.
Ш 4<l4l^K4h4^-H4J
7J31W гРТЩ ш 1|
a&g# q^sTT# W t tn#ggj:ii ^ n
■qfMwgjW « ЯтГ: iTldKfd(444,11 II Thus I have delivered discourse to you
О Sons, you have earned the two krtyas about the orhkara-mantra, first of all emerged
with the performing of the tapas, which are out of my mouth. It is my form.
called the creation and preservation. Both of
cfragfrwrt =qW % 4c(lWb:l
them have been delightfully bestowed on you
cTTTHHUi f w 44 l4 t-4 <uj # 4 1 1 ^э||
as boons.
This is the speaker, while I am the
rWT b ^ y i l W h - y фгЧй'У hT4l
indication and this mantra is my soul. To
3R5fwt %Trfh ^ f | yrzmu recite it daily is like reciting my name alone.
Similarly, I have entrusted two jobs to 3l3iК ЗШТгЧсГЯЩТ: ч1й4Н4|Ь1
Cv s
Rudra and Mahesa, but no one is competent to
ЗШТГ ^uiH^ifgg: «l^adW Tll Ull
receive the krtya called anugraha (grace).
From the face towards the north, emerges
cRT? *pnw «hltffeKHdHJ akara (зт) from the face to the west Ikara (1),
4 d|*4{j¥IIW f d # epf rTT^TRII II from the face to the south такйга (ч) and
You have forgotten about the earlier from the mouth to the east emerges the spot
karmas due to the passage of time, but Rudra (or bindu).
and Mahesa have not forgotten them at all.
гГ rf сц{А riT# rMTI
зтттс^ щ q w w r w f w i # ficmn ^ u Nada (sound) emerges from the mouth in
64 Siva-MahSpurfioam

the centre. Thus, omkara appeared in five RЩЩdrtflfwf cb<l*^vrt

ways; with the coming of all the sounds from
Tifwd^fl: wf^ra>:ll?4il
the five mouths, there emerged omkara.
Nandikesvara said, “Thereafter, lord Siva,
HI4*\4lr4d> ^ in order to keep the mantra a secret, placed a
o i| I H ^ 4 TT^TJT fyid V Id td tS T I R о || cloth over their heads, and placing his hands
This omkara because of its form having over their heads, stood facing north with
been related to name and the Vedas, Parvati and spoke the best of mantra for them.
symbolises Siva and Sakti.
-зф dldeh "TOkTOT TOI w Rftii^ ii
By the method of yantra and tantra, the
Omkara of the five letters has emerged mantra was repeated thrice by both of them
from the same, which represents the entire and then they accepted that supreme mantra.
universe. Nakara emerged from akara, Thereafter both the disciples dedicated
makara emerged from икйга, si emerged from themselves to lord Siva in the form daksina.
Makdra va was produced from the spat and ya focT гГГdd[fc&
appeared from nada or the sound. TOdd'4dd< d'h<TO 4ll У>Э||
Both Brahma and Visnu with folded hands,
dWfed^d^eMlidMIfldRRd fill??» spoke to lord Mahadeva- the god of gods and
From the same Pancaksara (five letters) the preceptor of the universe with folded
five Svaras or tunes have emerged. hands.”
Siromantra appeared from the same, besides WTSWTTOPT:
the four faced and three footed Gayatrl.
TOt fdb*-^^L||4f TOf PraiHdTOTl
iTcTWt # TO) ^ M-debldd:! TO: -HcbHdiyiU TO Fl 41chHlr4dll ^ i l l
Ч^ГЩГн) ? ? II Brahma and Visnu said, “O Formless one,
All the Vedas emerged from the same, you are immensely illustrious inspite of your
besides crores of mantras. One meets success having no form. Salutation to you. You are the
with the mantra, but with the Pancaksara- lord of the entire universe. You take to sagana
mantra one achieves all types of success. form, salutation to you.
ЗЙТ ФтГ ftl^frll TO: yuiddMH TO: truidfdffdI
w m UdiMW: РЩГЩГШЩ: yrw:ii?'tn TO: ^gtfrfddJ TO: W f W ^11 ? <?II
With this basic mantra one can achieve all You are Pranavavacya (named by Om)
the pleasure as well as the salvation. All types and are Pranava-linga, (identified by Om)
of the great devotees, are bestowed with all salutation to you. You are the first creator of
the types of pleasures and comforts.” the universe, and have five faces, salutation to
ЗЩтГ you.
fdT: "42 'TO: Ч Щ Г Ш М WfTORT г( TO: I
ЭТгТО 9ГЩПТ } о ||
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 10 65

You are the form of five Brahmas, same like the Ardra constellation and the pQja,
Pancakrtyas, form of atman, Brahman, having homa oblations etc. should be similarly
virtues beyond measures, possessing performed. In the morning or at the time of the
enormous prowess, salutation to you. dawn, its darsana provides enormous merit.
■HehC'tlchVH«\4K4 Ч Й ЧЧ:I rRjc&ft m \ шит ftyfNotuftRl q^cri
У^КГс2лГчч1 ЗсГ trcfrfiT y y i ^ l l ^ ^ l l
You have the virtuous as well as the When the fourteenth tithi fells during the
absolute forms. You are known as Siva and night, it should always be treated as sacred.
the supreme preceptor. Salutation to you. In Some of the acaryas patronise the
this way both of them praised lord Siva with pradosavyapinl Caturdas'I, while others do so
the aforesaid verses and then offered their for the fourteenth tithi combined with other
salutation to him. tithi.
ъ тг Hr? w m fafP-dPuj
щЛ ^ rt щ <m\ ■gjHt' ч ч
im ятлЗ ч ъ ?и The worship of linga as well as the
?ПЗ x( -gf^R Ш Д ЩП11 worship of the image is like my own worship.
3TT#rt w щ & щ traH я^-ти3311 But for the worshippers, the worship of linga
is better than the worship of the images.
Siva said, “О Sons, for the sake of your
Particularly the persons desirous of achieving
welfare, I have spoken to you about all the
moksa, should worship linga only.
tattvas and have also shown you the way like
a guide. Therefore both of you should perform Й ТЩЩГЫ jTI
japam of the divine Pranava mantra, which is PTdilcr f? ^ 6 II
said to be my own form.
The worship of linga should be done with
чзикшсь tftMdjpr 'd^tTi omkara-mantra, while that of the image
p y ilqfclMlf УГРТ: should be done with the Pancdksara-mantra.
With the reciting of the mantra, the wind They should be consecrated by himself or
and the fortunes are stabilised and all the though a priest.
desires are fulfilled for long. Its recitation ъ т ясГгп
' -о *N
should be done on the fourteenth moon day
during the Ardra constellation, as a result of W fyra: 113^11
which the reward of the recitation becomes In case the linga is adored appropriately
everlasting. using the prescribed material for worship, then
it becomes easier for a devotee to achieve my
ЗЦ^ЦЧW fot WSjMlfddfrjll position or the p a d a By thus delivering
т а й з г ш : И#ЧеЫ<г14|):113Ч11 discourse to Brahma and Visnu, lord Siva
In case the recitation of this mantra is disappeared.
started when the Sun is in Ardra constellation,
w w
the reward for the same multiplies to a crore
of times. The effect of Punarvasu and
Mrgasira constellations, also becomes the
66 Siva-MahlipurSQam

CHAPTER 11 w p t ш ош ctr Тзгатгитощт ?mti

Worship of S iv a -lin g a and its (d^'dld ЩШЧЧП ^ II
For the consecration of immovable linga,
the pitha or the pedestal should be of circular
fiqf tr%nzT эяг err чттл щ чпв or triangular type. A khatvdnga in the form of
g»si Ш rJrRWRzf cBI# rl fill ^|| banner should also be installed. The pedestal
of the small linga bestows great merit.
The ascetics said, “How should the linga
be consecrated? What are the symptoms of the ШЧ yfeiHlfawt f a f fKTUI
linga and how should it be worshipped in 1ч ^ f | idfvibtlrlllt9ll
different times and places.
The linga should initially be made of clay,
>dciW stone, iron, or other metals. The material
which is used in the making of the Siva-linga,
the pitha or the pedestal should also be made
3 F Jf& ^ ЗЛ Й W T f f i rWTII 9 II
of the same material or the metal as that of the
fajf-MiTtei m linga. This is the speciality of the making of
У ч ^ii the permanent linga.
Stlta said, “I am going to tell you the f a f d iuiffil f^RTI
method for the same. You please listen to it
fajfH4iui ак¥и^пчт1чч11 с и
carefully. During the time favourable
according to the planets and the constellations, Except the bana-lihga, all other lifigas
during the auspicious time, at the bank of should be made with the pitha or the pedestal.
some river in a sacred place, the linga should The height of linga should be twelve times of
be consecrated. It should be made in clay, the finger of the maker, which is treated to be
stone or of metal etc., where it could be daily the best.
worshipped. $гЧ)гПгеЧ ТЧ7сф& ^сг f t q l i
'ФЭГШЧ УкТ1 «hfUlfjrl-^i ifo fl Ъ r$cf %|| II
ш : fsnwnre^im i In case the height is lesser than the twelve
By adoring the linga by Siva-pUjd-vidhana fingers, then its reward is also reduced. In case
in case the linga is worshipped, one gets its the height of the linga exceeds the twelve
complete reward, because when the worship is fingers, there is no harm in the same. Even if
performed with all the symptoms the height of the linga is lesser by a finger of
methodically, it bestows immediate results. the maker, even then, there is no harm. This
xft fdf^Wrl %| rule is also applicable in case of the moveable
1wq;ii ц и
3 # УТЧ cfilSf ^ T p M r q i
The moveable linga should be smaller in
size and the immovable linga should be bigger Щ У! d^uiufa^ll ||
in size, because such types of lifigas are First of all the artisan well-versed in the
always the best. Such lifigas should have all making of the images should make a vimana
the symptoms besides the lion-thrones. Such with all the gods, which should be quite neat
types of Siva-lifigas should be consecrated. and clean and shining like a mirror.
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 11 67

% r Ttfe хг ym тщдкг ш и \%\i Щ- ^11
yTbiiraiH<il^ci^rfui чсц<чзт| Then the linga should be placed in the pit
and joined with the seat (or pitha). The linga
^ tfl&ll ?? II should be joined with the appropriate material.
It should be decorated with nine gems.
Tier xt TTTOPZT ЙсГ щц T ^ |
Two doors should be provided towards the
east and the west. The nine gems include, g зшагт^г crfpasmi ^ u
sapphire, lapiz-lazuli, emerald, pearl, Similarly the linga with images should also
gomeda,* coral, sardonic and ruby, are called be consecrated. The image should be kept out
the nine-ratnas or nine gems which should be for celebrating it with Pancdksara-mantra.
used in the vimana. ^ y irHT g fa : ч Ш <J dTI
■ЩЦЗЦ f a f W FI ИЩ 1 Щ x[ ^ ъ W %УЧ<«<111 II
3Ffr rf ЩШ xt ЧЩ\[ ^ II The image should be got accepted from the
Thereafter reciting the Sodyojata and other preceptors as well as the great sages. The
mantras, the linga should be adored from all worship of the linga as well as the linga with
the sides (viz. all the four sides) and the top. image should be worshipped, which bestows
Then offering oblations ghee in the fire. the highest position with Siva.

^ЩТТЕТр М : ЩЩЩ1 442J fgfei itm wicR щ ч гташ

Ш f d ^ f t r d l g W j ^ l R * IWTIRo ||
З а 1 ^ ч Е Ы Тщзциряз Ш\\ ^*11
Still they are conceived to be of two types
One should adore me in Saguna form, the
viz. moveable and immovable. The lingas
preceptor an the acarya with riches etc., and
made of wood of trees and shrubs, are called
also honour all the relatives with food etc. permanent or Sthdvaras (immovable).
Then he should offer charities like giving
away of the houses and cows, horses etc. згрт fHfffabUlg: мл
W c fW Ъ xf r tW lll ^ ^11
sifii ЗШ:1
The linga with insects and worms are
w чШм *4 II
moveable. The immovable linga should be
m r f z тщ s u m z ? hr ^гц| served with water, and offering food etc. to it,
гг Ч1ДО'9ПЙ$Ц 4l<uWd4JI w II amounts to its tarpana.
Thereafter one should please all the rH o M tsiM tm u i f v i d w i f d ^ | y i : i
moveable and immovable creatures, reciting ite W M ^ ГумГгТ^ xf f%RFT^U ^ ||
the Sodyojatamantras, in the pit filled with
The people of wisdom should understand
gold and nine types of gems, devoting the that one gets all the pleasures with the
mind to the extremely benevolent Siva, utter adoration of Siva. All the recitations are
the sound of omkdra. natural, and all the lingas are the form of
1. A gem brought from the Himalaya and the W q^rr %f?T 7ffT:l
Indus (being of four sorts- white, pale yellow
red, and dark blue). m %gf?r ^ и
68 Siva-Mah3puranam

As Parvatl is always lodged in the lap of зтот g q l Ц ^n=gfgi

Siva, similarly the linga always remains in the Щ - ^Thrart w garni з о и
The people should make appropriate
offerings with suitable gifts at the Siva-lihgas,
fqffqfsiT gsngift» адг%ь<т]‘| дягтп^хп which are consecrated by the humans, which
In this way after consecrating the linga appeared of their own, or those which are
appropriately one should adore it daily newly consecrated, by appropriate means.
offering presents as per one’s means. The чм1ч«ми| зтГ
banners and other offerings should also be
made to the same. *чтЕотч«*я<эд| з *11
By doing so one achieves some reward.
One achieves the place of Siva, by
зтегат g circumambulating the linga.
By consecrating the linga in this way, Гн^^ччм cjt fqginr %дя^ч.1
which bestows the place of Siva, one should
adore it by sixteen ways. дтд^:н^н
In case a person daily visits the Siva
temple and has an audience with lord Siva,
ЗПЩ^Т Xt ЗГЕ^ w ini ? ^ II one achieves the place of Siva. One could
make Siva-linga by mixing of the cow-dung
w ^ w with dust, flowers of oleander, with several
types of fruits.
Linga should be worshipped appropriately
which bestows the place of Siva. The method ■gig ясй^гч 4FRTs&farc»(gi
of adoration is like this : First is invocation,
offering of the seat, arghya, padya,
With sugarcane cakes (guda), butter, ashes,
invocation, sipping of the water for invitation
or bath, anointing of oil on the body, the various types of cereals, or with any other
costumes, fragrance, incense, lamp etc. should material according to one’s liking.
be offered. зт|Щ1с|(г| ш w ftgsfgr I teri
rf гТТЩ
Cs^Г ЧЩЩТГ *ч fgfrgfcfig ч cbf^fadii3*11
f^rr ^iTRt ggjfgfini ц с и Some of the intellectuals, adore Siva by the
In addition to the above, the light, betel, thumb, because in that case linga worship can
salutation, arghya etc., the naivedya (food) be done anywhere, and there is no prohibition
should also be properly offered. in the same.
зггпШй чщ<$к g rpfargi % wFiggnf
W lftfj W ^ %II згадт faggrc дт fgffgygqgrftr дтпзчи
Then the offering of the naivedya, Based on the efforts of his devotees, lord
abhiseka, salutation and tarpana should be Siva, bestows the reward or otherwise with the
offered regularly according to one’s means. donating of Siva-linga or paying the cost of
All these offerings bestow the place of Siva. making of a linga.
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 11 69

SngFJT ^тТ fVlcfTd[^4J mantra-dlksa and perform matrikanyasa. He

зтггат w r Ъ щ should speak the truth, and should be self­
With great devotion and faith, the devotee
gets the place of Siva or alternatively one x t ч ч : 4 4 4 ^ 4 1 хГ ЧТТТз^Ч.1

should perform the japam of ten thousand wloit xT 4»F4f!jxtffci ar 'Eranfarfeii w и

times of the omkara-mantra. While muttering the mantra the word
wbhHvb ^ f w r^ iT I namah should be prefixed to the mantra, while
4<*KW ^^II^V9II those of the established castes, should add the
word namah at the end of the mantra. (As for
Or one should perform japam of omkdra-
example От namah Sivaya and Orh Sivaya
mantra a thousand times, during the morning namah). Some of the learned woman also
as well as the evening separately, which should use the word namah at the end, which
bestows the place of Siva. At the time of has been ordained.
japam, oih purifies the mind.
l4M«tort ЧЧ: TjffiKfihdPrt lixRi
hWrfehT fKxlT ^Т^тЩщЛГГ Я^сГМ*Э11
fTHMSIdUl xl^ 1^ 5 : II3 6\\
Some of the people with wisdom are of the
Mental japam should be performed at the opinion that the Brahmana women, should
time of meditation, while all the time he
also use the word namah at the beginning of
should perform the japam in a way in which the mantra. In this way by performing the
no one hears it. The Pranava mantra with the japam five crore of times a person is turned
spot is common in all the japams. into the form of Sadasiva.
3W ТЩЩГ ftrh srif<Ud4 T?4 ldl
iTchfefrxW: Ш Т тщ 9 ^ 1
3 Яи an зщщщ
Or otherwise, one should recite the By performing the japam for one, two,
Pahcaksara-mantra with faith and devotion, three and four crores, a devotee receives the
daily ten thousand times in the morning as palace of Brahma, Visnu and Siva
well as the evening; which bestows the place respectively. Otherwise each word should be
of Siva. recited separately a lac of times.
?гщмнт 31Щ5ЩЩ 'art
W iw W IH*)II * о || щ щ 5 щшпт fefrr ftiu m i
While reciting the Pancaksara-mantra, the Or otherwise one should perform ten lakhs
BrShmanas should add omkara before it, and of japam in a thousand days or whatever be
for the achieving the merit, the mantra should the number of letters in the mantra a devotee
be properly received from the preceptor. should perform an equal number of japam, a
fjwrwR 4r<F*wra3l4 an lac for one letter each, to achieve the place of
ЗЩПЛ: fafyibi^ll^H
The Brahmana should resort to kumbha-
snanam (bath by. pitcher) should received З1к1тгсад«) ^ TTrqjff зпгт^г ftirs^ n
70 Siva-Mahapuragam

The merit (dharma) which is achieved with gradually achieves the place of Siva. This
the performing of pilgrimage and with the mantra which delights the heart should be
japam it bestows the everlasting pleasure. recited till death.
Now I shall speak out the method of earning
the riches. The riches or wealth should earned
with justice and carefully. 4«lK!Uff^cf) W# rHT «UII^HlR'eb^ll 4 ? II
gigmuj 5B4'if%ei4^P4j fym v ШТ1
^fa<nwifgM:ii,*v9ii cMT сГЩf=R3T fTtfa ^ rT :|l4 ^ ll
With the reciting of the mantra daily and With the reciting of the omMra-mantra a
serving food to the Brahmana, at the same thousand times all the desires are fulfilled at
time, the task of the devotee is established. the command of Siva. A devotee of Siva who
One should recite the Gayatrl-mantra a plants the flower, sets up a garden, cleans his
thousand and eight times in the morning daily. temple, and does other such jobs for the sake
of Siva, or for his use, he achieves the place of
Siva. One should live in the temple of Siva in
xl TtW =3 f5RT и the abode of Siva (Sivalaya) daily with
The Dasarna-mantra should be recited devotion.
more than a hundred times or as much as
possible. One should not recite less than a
hundred times. Irrespective of the fact that it is ■«■iwsra *dkiM<ui т :и ч * и
recited a thousand or ten thousand times, but The devotion of Siva bestows the
the recitation should never be less than a
conscious as well as the unconscious
hundred times.
pleasures, therefore, one should live in the
ksetra of Siva till death.
w % :l
With the complete recitation of the Vedas
also one achieves the place of Siva. The
several other mantras should also be recited a An area up to a hundred feet on all the
lac of times of the number of letters contained sides of the Siva-linga established by the
therein. people is considered to be quite auspicious.
The area up to a thousand feet around the
Siva-linga consecrated by the sages is
чои considered sacred.
EMksara-mantra should be recited a crore
гГйГГ :l
of times. Thereafter omkara-mantra should be
recited a thousand times. ERiw om w # ^ t^ ii ч ^и
An area of a thousand feet around the Siva-
■qcr a w iR e ^ ^ 3 1
linga consecrated by the gods is considered to
ftrtf bfac&t тМЧ1ЩипЙМ»НИ 4 ^11 be sacred. The land over which the Siva-linga
In this, with the reciting of the Siva’s has itself appeared, the area around it up to
mantra according to one’s capacity, one four thousand feet is treated to be auspicious.
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 11 71

трщй fwT <mt рь*<|Пл

fyicHljjfd fviciw стерт w im va li
In this way, such auspicious places include In case a person adores Siva without a
the step-wells, wells, tanks, and other water desire in his mind, he surely achieves the
reservoirs which are sacred and should be place of Siva. In case a person adores Siva
treated as Sivaganga. This has been thrice (morning, noon and the evening) in a
pronounced by lord Siva. day.
Ш -НТгсСТ ш % iw sfe tl Hwtefaebi *ткгщ cfrtfaj; ш \
w f e s r cr^mrnt гшиц^и VllPdcb INIdfq rf&S % ll^ ll
By taking bath, performing charities, etc., In that case the adoration in the morning is
in that area, a person achieves the place of the part of the daily routine. The adoration in
Siva. A person should live in Siva-ksetra till the noon is meant for the achieving of the
his death. success in the desires, while the adoration in
the evening bestows peace over the devotee.
ST? =ГТ yf4U#cb<ui <т m Similar is the reward for the adoration of Siva
3Tlfe^j cJT f w w f t T WTI14^11 during the night.
Ш : rferi ЗПёТГ M t e r t t fq % |

эгащ ш т я $ои
ЕнЦ^сЬЩ Щ ;b4lfod4< With the passage of the two praharas of
the night it is called midnight. The adoration
^ d u i^ ip t wfe WMKianjtl 4T:il53H of Siva performed at that time bestows special
Whatever rites after death like the burning reward to the devotee.
of the body, or the rites performed up to ten
day after the death of a person, pindadana, fe ЧТ:
srdddha, rites on the twelfth day of the death, Tjrr snfoTTii^ii
rites performed after a month, as well as the When a devotee adores Siva, knowing all
year, in the Siva-ksetra, and by doing so, the these details, he achieves special types of
sins earned by a person are washed out and he reward. Particularly in Kali-yuga, the reward
achieves the place of Siva. Or otherwise, by is achieved on the basis of the deeds
the stay in the Siva-ksetra for five, or seven, performed by a person.
three or one night, one achieves the place of
Siva. The BrShmana and the people of the
other castes, reap the reward according to the
deeds performed by them. A person who performs the adoration of
duif^Aui чарггт ъ ddtiHlfdVH TT:i Siva in any way he likes, he is called the
^ eRT ШЧШ W : $ ? II virtuous person and the one who is afraid of
sins he achieves the reward accordingly.
The varna or the devotion multiplies the
merits of the deeds. Therefore a person who W ЗлГ:чэ
performs the deeds by his own sweet will, he m «МЬт w n f t р щ ш ш 4:i
achieves the reward for the same, quite
quickly. fe h f e w WIT тр* cfefli Ь6\\
72 Siva-Mahapur3nam

The sages said, “O Stxta, now you enlighten

us about the auspicious regions of the earth,
taking refuge in which, all the men and the
women could achieve the place of Siva.

О Stlta, you happen to be the best of the
yogis. You are well-versed on the Saivaganas
as well as the places sacred to Siva.” Suta
said, “You better listen with devotion about
the Saivaganas as well as the places sacred to

72 Siva-Mahapur3nam

чГш^чЪн гг # пчт ri qfwFTi

f tll A II
In order to free the human beings from the
influence of the gods and the sages, lord Siva
has created Svayathbhu as well as the other
ЗТ^МТ 1>К1%^уеЬ^1й1у<ЧЫЧ: II4 II
All the people should take bath, perform
charities as wrell as japam (recitation) at these
places. Failure to do so, a person can attract
ailments, poverty, dumbness and other
Srarfw^T^ cnf HIMlfd ЖЩ 4T:I
Such of the people, who meet with their
death, at the svayathbhu ksetras, or
Bharatavarsa is a holy centre where there is a
Description of the Siva-ksetras
self resin phallic emblem of Siva they are
^ЕГЗсПгГ reborn again as humans.
Щ Т: f#rf#FTi Ш Ф ЗГШ # Г WTT:l
%n чтнщй f # m % PTwgftr чгтетп^и
Suta said, “O wise sages, all of you are the О Brahmanas, such of the people who are
learned ones. For the welfare of the world, I engaged in evil deeds at such sacred laces,
am going to highlight, the Sivaksetras which they have to face miseries. Therefore, no one,
bestow salvation as well as their co-relation should perform the slightest sin, while living
with the Agamas. All of your should listen to at such sacred places.
#Г #ТТОЩ$Ч T O #
ftrert: #Fr ^ гтшрШ гикм
% с1ЩЦТ f t i f e f t F f # «IFF g fagfoll ? II
Some how the men strive to find a
The earth which is spread into fifty crores residence at a holy centre, on the shore of an
of yojanas, at the command of Siva, has been ocean. At the confluence of hundreds of
distributed in mountains, forests, huge forests,
river’s there are many holy centres besides the
and carries the universe.
m ирг ^ cRF ftriiftnmi
H i # # t wtt чГачип тгап
Chr^ddl4l,g :ll^ll
Lord Siva has established several different гТтТтТ^ сГС#П?Г: FT# 11^ II
ksetras for bestowing salvation to the The holy river Sarasvatl, is said to have
concerned people. sixty months or holy centres on its banks.
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 12 73

Therefore an intelligent man should stay over auspicious and destroys all the sins. It has
its banks by which he will attain Brahma’s eighteen mouths and bestows Visnuloka.
region gradually.
TipTSJ dviyisii w ^^iftnrti
fnfen tt^ t w it -yrngnr Trauftnift w it qqutsii w ii ^ n
W aft < * J ^ n ^ y U i|^ 5||U4>ebVI:ll || The river Tungabhadra has ten mouths and
A person should try to live in the sacred bestows Brahmaloka. The Svarnamukharl
place somehow or the other. There are several river has nine mouths and is quite auspicious.
sacred places at the banks of the river Sindhu si^idlebT^diwyiii
as well as the Ganga.
rR Wft Ууltd % gft ^ucj^Wdll fHWdl WW Ъ WIT ^pnn II
cjywisl: ^ in its ^ a L h H M < :ll п н ТЗШШd1<=ll^4 ^HlWciiyqidl
In the month of Magha and when Brhaspati ЩП%ТТТ ТЩГЩЩТ щЩтТ 9<УII
is in Makara-ras'i, the great river Sonabhadra The people who fall from Brahmaloka, are
with a thousand months, becomes auspicious born at this place. The people, who live here
and bestows great merit of one’s own liking. over the banks of Sarasvatl, Pampa, Kanya
and Sveta rivers, achieves the place of Indra.
Kaverl is a Mahanadl and tarts from the Sahya
€jgf3'vi4tsii w it ^ Wи river.
By living over its bank, taking bath in its
waters, besides observing fast, one achieves
the place of Ganesa. The river Narmada with ч#п: 9i'gifdwi4<Mcii:ii
twenty four months is quite sacred and It has twenty seven mouths, fulfils all the
auspicious. desires. Its banks bestow the regions of
ШП тФч cjftftr M ^ШНЦ|Ч^И| Brahma and Visnu.
тптот iKviMTai W dviMidi ч^и ^ n Г у и ч 1 с ь я < 1 : у 1 с П Ш 1 5 ч Ъ ч к Н У < 1 :1

By taking bath in it or by living over its ^ w wft T^ftn ^ о и

bank, one achieves the lace of Visnu. The These places of Siva, bestow Sivaloka,
river Tamasa has twelve mouths, while the besides having all the desires fulfilled. In the
river Reva has ten mouths. Naimesaranya and Badrikasrama, are quite
wt^icid w w tt auspicious and a person should take a bath
there, when Brhaspati and the Sun are in the
^ftymisrr RtrHT ^Н1сЬУ<Йч1|| ^11
Aires Zodiac cycle.
The river Godavari bestows enormous
merits. By having a bath in it a person is f t r a ir f fi: VMftfdrcb «ran

relieved of the sin of Brahmahatya as well as f t R R U T TMT H H ftn> chcbe.*! <ч1|| ^ ^11
that of the killing of a cow. It has twenty one In the Sindhu river one should take bath in
mouths and bestows the place of Siva. the months of Bhadrapada and MargasTrsa,
f WI& uft W F # Allc^ll and by doing so one achieves Brahmaloka.
TnaKVigisiTitm йыун1сьм<|(*н)и и Ъ Ш ^ *TF^ % :l
The river named Krsna-veni, is quite hldHd! FTRTTfftl^wffll ? ^ II
74 Siva-MahSpuranam

To take a bath in the water of Kedara-tirtha фьипйи£|'| ТГ9Ш^Т xfbm rl Tjf) 1^11 3 О||
and to drink the same, increases wisdom. In By taking a bath in the Ganga in the month
the river Godavari, one should take a bath of Magha, and by performing pindadana and
when Brhaspati and the sun are in Leo. sraddha with sesamum and offering oblation
fc Ш Wl in water, his innumerable manes of both the
races, are redeemed. For the river Krsnaveni,
WHiyiluiift: т н т к чтг 7c?hi?3ii when Surya and Brhaspati are in the twelfth
By doing this, one achieves Sivaloka. This sign of Zodiac, they get praiseworthy.
is what had been spoken by Siva earlier. When ITWrftf WIRTrfTT
the sun and Brhaspati are in Virgo. One
Tift Щ H P gift ^ЩТ^ЯЧ cR^<§«T:l|^||
should take bath in the Yamuna and the
Sonabhadra river. By taking bath in those sacred laces during
the prescribed period, one achieves the
cfaoTl* Щ :\ position of Indra. A person with wisdom
эд М w w чЭ it
«О n9^ ii
tj и should reside over the bank of the rivers
% :i Gaiiga and Kaverl.
d^lH<t>U4l4F4 $ПЧ) f4%inri
c[%^ -tnftr тол irani» ^% iiii?4ii
^<Н)еЬМс(ЙеТ ^ЗГТЧЧ^Г: II 3 ? II
In case one takes a bath on the Yamuna
and the Sonabhadra, one achieves the place of By doing so the sins committed at that time
Ganesa. When the Surya and Brhaspati are in are surely lost. There are several regions for
achieving the place of Indra.
Libra Zodiac, one who takes bath in the
Kaver! river, he, with the glory of the words of dlSRTjff ^rrcTift WtflcbibHM^I
Visnu, has all his desires fulfilled. dyfFTt) ^5TrftIT ^11 } } II
ч4<н'| Ч<{1НМ1^Н1ЖЧс|1ЧА||^1 The rivers named TamraparnI and
Wlufrr<s()rWRt ът и V Vegavatl bestow the reward of Brahmaloka.
N9 V9 'Л r Т^ГиУ^||
At the banks of these rivers, there are several
W ^Tt Ш Ч Щ |
regions which bestow the heaven to the
lir f im it : v jc fm people.
By taking a bath in the river Narmada, one -ф[ stenftT ци-ц<|(ч ^
achieves the place of Visnu. When Brhaspati
m ич w тш c^ ttii^ ii
and Surya are in the ninth sign of Zodiac, and
in case one takes a bath in Svarnamukharl, and There are several auspicious regions in
between. By living there the persons achieve
when Brhaspati and Surya are in tenth sign of
the appropriate fruits.
the Zodiac (Capricorn), one achieves the place
of Siva. This has been ordained by Brahma. y<WI>U| ^ T 4lcH-MlfM rn
Such a person enjoys the places of Brahma сП^ЧТёТ: 41# ^ 4 R M гГгЧТсТ ёТ#ТИ ^ ч II
and Visnu and ultimately he achieves wisdom. A person should be noble in approach,
T T fra t 4 i 4 4 i ^ it ш < p rrr^ Tcfh well-behaved and should have the best of
intentions, he should behave with wisdom,
cTT Pm u ^ R anr йеТГс(сЬЧУ|Гч cTTII ^ 1 1 1
and be compassionate to all. Otherwise, he
cj'^feroTt щ % :l would not be able to achieve its fruit.
Vidyesvara Sarhhita, Chapter 13 75

угстф g w cTgqT 5fef^^r«fdl by the performing of the crores of noble

дтщф ятя n^^udffq япФп ? $ii deeds. With the destruction of the sprouting of
the sins or the source of the sprouting of the
The noble deed performed in the
sins, the rest of the sins are washed out by
auspicious place, bestows several types of facing them in life.
rddhis. Similarly even the smallest sin
performed at a sacred place gets increased. фтят ЯуТЯГ Ф «ГЩЩТТЯТ гГ ЗШ:|
Ш ТгГ # ё Н 1 # д и г Ы § т т Ф п пч1{б(Фчим щйя Фг: фг! Ф^яття|
щ : е&тФй сГЯТоЯ
■ qpw Щ w ЯТЯ ЧГ?т4^Щ:1
By adoration of the gods, giving away
charities to the Brahmanas, performing of the
ятяят зФ Ы тт з^яз^ятяя ггатиз 6 и tapas, by experiencing the pains according to
Й |нф % cTW^TRMT ЯТ^ЩТззФ the times, the sins are destroyed. Therefore the
Ф Ф я п я я т ф т э д й ж з т т а ф т я щ и з <? и
person desirous of pleasure should never
commit sins.
For the sake of repentance, one shall have
to perform noble deeds for the same period, 41fti<=i4^uui Jismrat fg^irrfpm ^1е«*ыФч
only then the sin could be washed out. All the ЯТЯ ф ф № Т Т Я :И
fortunes can be achieved by means of merits ■kick

and the sins relating to one’s mind, body and

speech, get destroyed. The mental sins are like
the paste and the sins performed in several
other births get destroyed by meditating upon
lord Siva and not otherwise. The sins of
speech are removed by recitation, the sins of
body are removed by fasting.
gw W fefv r.-l
«WfdcUhH ФПГ Ъ cjfigq^OT Ч^г#||^о||
4Wi¥CgNr <р§фТГ ф щ гг: чи<ччтч4):|
jlH 4 lv4t f | dl^ffvn cj foi^ixb'ycb Kft: 11X ^ 11
By performing charities, the sins relating to
the riches are destroyed. Otherwise the sins
cannot be removed in a hundred crores of
years and with the increase of the sins, even
the merits vanish. The wisdom vanishes with
bijansa and its increase has been discussed
Фщяг Ф?ят?фят ЯТ^Што ш Ш п
фзШТ% Ф ТТ Фш и
Bhogmsa is destroyed with the enjoying of
the pleasures, otherwise it cannot be destroyed
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 13 75

Description of a righteous person

The rsis said, “O Suta, now you quickly

speak out about the righteousness by which a
person could be victorious in the society as
well as in the world or the position of the
heaven or the hell.”
7-jcT dcltei
жтащтГ Игйнтзтй чщ ч ш : \
fast ^l^cbciipg;^:ii
Suta said, “A righteous person who
conducts himself according to the path of the
Vedas, possessing all the virtues is called as a
SWEntr^^T^gr <M$c|cb;I
ftfwf&i^TfrCTII 3 и
The person who conducts himself slightly,
and has studied the Vedas too slightly, and a
76 Siva-MahapurSnarn

Brahmana in the royal service is called as a directions viz.:- life, jealousy, death, sin,
Ksatriya-Brahmana. A person who slightly fortune (based on evil or noble deeds),
follows righteousness and is engaged in tilling ailments, growth and strength. These are the
the land or some business, is called Vaisya- eight fruits of the eight directions.
здрпцпэт Щ Ч З % ъ&эц-л
ftrcbl^ g 7TOWFT ЙиЙ fs^^f|vjT:ll<?ll
ЗГ^ПН: 3 ^ im i
The end of the night is called the dawn;
The one who himself ploughs the field, he half of its prahara is called sandhi or
is called Sudra-Brahmana. The one who combination. A Brahmana should get up at the
indulged in denouncing or back-biting others, same time and free himself from the calls of
a jealous person, the one who has hatred the nature etc.
against others, he is called the Candala- ЩЩгТ: STPpWTI
ттйт ф т т тшт:1 a ^ i s i : wifayq я!?№Т5^г^дп:11 и
One should go far away from his abode
wfoPJEZl^ll ЦII
and covering his head with the cloth, one
The one who rules the earth, is called the should be seated facing the north, and should
king while others are called Ksatriyas. Those not look to other sides.
who are engaged in purchase and sale of
cereals are called the Vaisyas, while others are ^ifatflfdUlldVr ^TRT 4TftWsdd:l
called the traders or the merchants. fof f t p w i чтзпйч nifuuin ^ ii
w M y d H i ^TSSPJ: ^ 3 ^ 1 One should not be seated facing water, fire,
Brahmana or the god. One should hold the
c»»^cbl дчн) |RT ^ с(^Щ:|| ^ II phallus with the left hand and covering the
Those who serves the Brahmanas, face with the right hand.
Ksatriyas and Vaisyas are called the Sudras.
-Ётт ч ^т ц\
The one who is engaged in farming, is called
Vrsala or a Siidra. The rest of the people are ФФ * i< ta ^ :ii ^ и
called Sudra-dasyus. One should drop the refuse. Then he
•Self fcw^cigcieblij should get up and do not look at the refuge.
Carrying water in a vase, one should go out of
d^VHHld S оццй Slfall the tank and then clean himself.
The people of all the varnas should get up 3t2fcfT ^cjRidfddly^dtui fern
early in the morning, meditate upon the gods
facing east. Then they should think about щ д т щ з ! ^ W E m ^ rn ^ n
dharma, artha or the body related pains as Otherwise except the gods, manes or the
well as the income and the expenditure. tlrthas or the rsis, a person getting water from
ЗИд&Щ W t 4FT SFS ё$сГ SI the tank cleaning the rectum with dust three,
five or seven time and wash it with water from
sjnfir: gfgSM the tank.
Facing towards the east and other f a f ebl«hfd4N W тр) ytjfdftuidl
directions, one should get up. There are
different effects of facing the different ш ът ч ттп|щщдрт|| ух и
Vidyes'vara SarhhitSi, Chapter 13 77

For cleaning thp phallus, one should apply O Brahmanas, cleaning the dhoti or the
very small quantity of dust while for the towel, should washed and squeezed them and
cleaning of the rectum half a fist of the dust then the oblation of water should be offered to
should be used. Then cleaning the hands one the names.
should rinse the mouth eight times.
'jmiH<5b)Tt>4^ui w r t g
$4 ?>»Ч 5Г 4l^«l «hi&H rT 'JiHI&lg:!
згч ш чш чА чщ ^ еШ н? ^11
^У1еНЧ) II
Carrying the ash, reciting the mantra
Employing any tree-leaves or wooden prescribed by the sage Jabali, one should draw
material and sitting outside the water, leaving three lines over the forehead. The one who
the little finger, one should brush his or her drops the ashes in the water except this
teeth. method, falls in the hell.
WWEHTTI зтЩ Ш W f я 1 ^ ч п щ !ч ^ 1
a r e : «bUddH cbfedCTua iPg m \ ^ n ч *т(чщ1дшррй|| ч ъ и
Then he should take bath offering his Reciting the mantras dpohista etc. one
salutation to the water god, reciting the should sprinkle water over his head. Reciting
mantra. In case he cannot dip his head in this mantra water should be dropped over
water, then he should have- a dip up to the other limbs of the body and then one should
waist or the neck and take a bath. take his bath.

ЧЧГТЧН % ф гТ :11^11
Entering the thigh deep water, he should The intelligent people resort to mantra-
recite the mantras. A learned person should snana sprinkling water over different parts of
offer oblation to the gods, rsis and the manes the body reciting the mantras, on heart, head,
with the same water of the tlrtha. feet, etc.
sfcrW «чци чшяФт тЩ1 fUrF# W eft: WTPZf ШЩФГзЪ xTI
Wfairer srpf ejnfc||| ^ II эпт^гг Jifdchi^ ъ ччгсчтч Tmrar^Tin-dii
Then he should wear the dhoti in In case per chance a person touches an
pancakaccha manner. In the auspicious unclean thing or when suffering from some
functions, the scarf should also be worn. ailment, when in danger from the king on the
5 тисня! ч т дш country, while travelling or in other such
situations, one should resort to mantra-snana.
WТЧТЧТ^ Ч%^?Г:11^11
Ш : ттаЫт^ч тпщгга(Чсгшт:|
After taking the bath in a river or a sacred
place, the clothes used in bathing should not ЗЕТ: uteri ш UKT U4: ut^umw>dii?4ii
be washed. In case one has to take a bath in a In the morning reciting the Suryanuvdk
well or a step-well, then the clothes should be mantra sipping the water and then the
washed before taking the bath. sprinkling should be done as before.
cnft cTTfa W Tsfu cTTI hRJpill ^ЧЧ-dW шШч%ТЧ1
w Ikt iw r i днй %5iT:iiч о ii u%ui -щ ^ ч ^fi'd riiR ^ii
78 Siva-Mahapuraijam

With the reciting of the Gdyatri mantra, All the gods like Siva, Parvatl, Karttikeya,
one should sprinkle water upwards, thrice. О Visnu, Brahma, Indra and Yamaraja, should
Brahmanas during the mid-day sandhya, all be pleased for the fulfilment of one’s
reciting the mantras, arghya should be offered desires. Thereafter dedicating the entire
to the Sun in the sky. activity to Brahman, one should perform the
ЗТ8Г sipping of the water.
?t9ii ^ттщ; <ip:l
Then in the evening time facing the west, m ^сцн'гг cnfh ^ -m Г-шёп^п ц з и
one should offer oblation with fingers to the A person should recite the mantra to the
sun, in the same way as is done in the morning south of a sacred place, in a matha,
and the noon. consultation room, a temple, in the house or
ЗТ^рЙТТ 4^Rc(|ch<4l any other prescribed place.
Then he should look at the sun through the snug MeiM'WIW 4B#4W^ tRT:II i'YII
cavities of the fingers and performing The person who receives the mantra,
circumambulation, should sip the water. should bow in reverence to all the gods,
■щц g <рт TRztT fgn concentrating his mind, getting firmly seated
over an asana. He should first recite omkara
sichHi^M т г а шп т п и and thereafter the Gdyatri mantra.
In case the sandhya is performed before
time in the evening, it becomes infructuous.
Therefore the discussion on the appropriate or ^HlcW^fychdU R«lfd*dU4^d4JI34ll
the in appropriate time has been made. In case Ш Tb Wy«blVI44W^I
sandhya is performed after the day is over, it
becomes infructuous, and the repentance for зпнаЩшщ! tt 44i^iyqw«ini и
the same has been prescribed.
fg[gTS<fft xf TTRnfr W far? i P l l ^ l ??егщ№щт sq ra w ЧТСШ ftwTII 3^11
зпздщкФпаЙ щ г я т а ^ ||?oii Learning about the union of the jlva and
Brahman, one should recite omkara. Brahma
After the day is over if Gdyatri mantra is is the creator of the universe, Visnu is the
recited, then a hundred times more recitation preserver, and self-illumining lord Siva, who
of Gayatri mantra should be recited. In case destroys the world should be adored. One
this repentance is not done up to ten days, then should concentrate with all the organs of
one has to recite the Gdyatri mantra a lac of knowledge jnandrlya, the movements of the
times more. mind, besides the intelligence, towards
MWIdft cОT % dharma which bestows the comforts and
4 ОTRShm Tjfcn “4
moksa. Thus diverting the mind in this manner
fatujtfgn ^ g r 1 7ТП:!i з ^ii (towards devotion) a person surely achieves
ЧсГ wrisr t Brahman.
ш : fi^T Vj4M444W<dH ? ^ II ifccivi err viftfarii ш р а д щ 4^1
Upanayana should be done after a month.
Vidyesvara Samhitii, Chapter 13 79

The best of Brahmana, for the preservation TR TPJli 3T? TTcT % 4 4 4 lf e f t 4 if e ^ :i

of his position as a Brahmana, should recite
4$ % : n * * l l
fa U h a d iU
omkara mantra at least for a thousand times in
a day. This is the first sequence of the reciting of
зйчт 5Г 3^1 the mantras. The omkara mantra when recited
a thousand times bestows Brahmapada and in
w it^ieb з и case the japam is performed a hundred times,
The people of other castes should recite it bestows the position of Indra.
this mantra in the noon time according to their
capacity or a hundred times. During the
evening, the same mantra should be recited a
thousand times or twenty times (according to By reciting the mantra lesser than the one
his convenience). prescribed above, one is bom in the family of
w w £i<yiiyifewiw«iii a Brahmana. Therefore standing while facing
<R1I *o|| the sun daily, the recitation of the omkara-
Starting from the muladhara-cakra to mantra should be performed.
Brahmarandhra one should perform the тикпрпт fftw.-l
japam in all the cakras, concentrating over
Vidyesa, Brahma, Visnu, Siva, Jlvatma and The reciting of the Gayatri mantra twelve
Paramatma. lakhs of times, is called Рйгпа-Brahman. A
rT ЩЩЧЩ Brahmana who has not performed the Gayatri
mantra a lac of times, he should not be
included in the Vedic rituals.
Involving all with the noble intelligence,
S rm FT W fT T 4
considering them to be equal and taking them
to be like self-soham the reciting should be SMgfcyraw ищет щ^тп*1э11
done. Then conceiving Brahmarandhra and One should spend disciplined life up to
other cakras to be out of the body, one should seventy years and then should embrace
meditate upon them. Sanyasa. After embracing sanyasa one should
Ч^тЫ W T R TRtt g 4^di4J recite omkara mantra twelve thousand times
in the morning.
f a c 4 4 d ihMIsirtdl
Staring from the Prakrti, one should think
of the thousands of the bodies, which one had зтштф f|ll*<SII
achieved due to his karmas, and should then Thus with performing of the japam daily
slowly deviate from each body. regularly, after the passage of a month, a lac
and a half of the japam of the omkara mantra
is completed.
зш да4чПш^ TR: •О вчкГггп“s
The jlva should be united with
Parabrahman. This is the realistic tattva of the PR <|wRT <1чуи(^Н-ЧУ1 fter
japam. This recitation should be made a With this, all the blemishes are washed out.
thousand or a thousand and eight times. When the number of the japam is increased
80 Siva-MahapurSnam

further, then one should receive the sanyasa- wisdom. There is no doubt about it. Earlier in
mantra, otherwise the reciter falls in the hell the Satya-yuga, the tapas was always praised.
called Raurava. But in the age of Kali, earning of the wealth is
g ra to tw t ebifiwbiMl ч ^ tt: i
the only dharma.

1ЩПТГ ^khchlM: ТТ^ГС«Г&ТП Ц о fib кцтчщпчТШ^ттт Ш 1 Ш\

A person desirous of the worldly pleasures gpft «PdMIMydill cRc^ftn44 ll
should learn the method of dharma and artha In the age of Satya-yuga one could achieve
from him and not about any other topic. A jhana (knowledge or wisdom) by meditation.
Brahmana, desirous of salvation, should During the ТгеШ-yuga the same was received
practice only theosophy. with the performing of tapas or yajha. In Kali-
«wkvifesfcr) ЧГПТ yuga, the jnana is achieved with the worship
of the images.

Dharma gives rise to artha, while artha

W ft сГТ ТГНЧсТf|l
gives rise to the pleasure and the pleasures
give rise to the detachment or vairagya or in Whatever evil or noble deeds are
other words the artha and pleasures are earned performed by a person, he reaps the similar
from dharma and one achieves thereafter, type of reward. Because of the dravya or the
detachment of vairagya. body there is the increase or decrease of the
!с*ч(1сн4чтпяг TFT ТТ5Г sins or the merits.
spfer fgfer: irtvfit ^ril4 911 3W4f ftfcrenw ■ \9 T9Ta<etqcR:i

In case the riches are used in a contrary 3 1 « F T ^ :ts l4 l4 lf d « F lf | ^ ^ 1 1 4 ^ 9 1 1

manner, a person feels attracted with the In case one enters into the killing which is
worldly pleasures. Dharma is of two types, prohibited in the scriptures it is against
one is from matter or substance and the other dharma. By behaving in an irreligious
from the body. manner, one has to face the pain, and in case,
44мЫмН|1< ЩсТРП one moves according to dharma the pleasures
are increased.
aifar EFFTFTTfd ЧТЧТ Г<оУ^Чг111143Н
With the riches one earns dharma by тпж f^inrgfi%F:i
performing of the vajhas, while dharma from атМягот:
the body is performed by the visiting of the With the evil behaviour one feels painful
sacred places. One earns wealth from wealth, and with the noble conduct, one achieves the
while with the performing of the tapas one comforts. Therefore the persons desirous of
achieves the divine beauty. pleasures and the moksa, should move on the
f^MJFT; ^lESMIM'lfd ^ng^IT 4 TT?FT:I
path of dharma, earning the merits.
% ЧЧ: ^ iwi 4^tll 4^11 Tfchd^w
\9 9
farars тшфщтц тп чЭ чЭ

With the performing of the karmas without <|f% <T 4 Я II

desires, the heart is purified. With the A donor should provide the means of
purification of the heart, one achieves divine living, wit family to a Brahmana for a hundred
Vidyes'vara Samhiita, Chapter 13 81

years. With the merit of the same the donor farming, protecting the cows, besides earning
achieves Brahmaloka. livelihood by trade. By earning wealth by
judicious means, and giving it in charities, a
fy^:i person achieves success.
щ щц ^гтаг^Ег srfsrasrfcrii $ оn *ПЧ%£гГТ ТТ1^Щ:
ЧТ ^T^rtT <R4lxU^ ЧТ:11^ЯЧ With the achieving of jhana, all achieve
3rlFftltfeHdl4 lfd % :l moksa. By the grace of the preceptor, one
д?#ттщттчфт ?rjtii и achieves the beautiful form after achieving
moksa. Thereafter one achieves the highest
With the performing of a thousand
Candrdyana-vratas, one achieves
Brahmaloka. A Ksatriya, who arranges for the Ч Т Ш tsrrafr Ц зп : !i
livelihood of the ten thousand Brahmanas with tnwi^iiRlcb ^ 1ijsirfiRTii^ii
families he achieves Indraloka. A Ksatriya
О Brahmanas, all these benefits could be
who arranges for the livelihood of ten
thousand Brahmanas achieves Brahmaloka. A achieved by keeping company of the noble
person who donates in the name of a particular people. A householder should give riches and
god, he achieves the place of the same god. cereals in charity to the Brahmanas.
This has been told by the people well-versed ч аш й щ я ш tRot m тъЪщ sn
in the Vedas. A person having been deprived Ш1 w n ta it и$ с и
of riches should earn the riches of tapas.
A householder, desirous of his welfare,
WtetfiT гПШТ ЯТЕГ should give to the Brahmanas, whatever things
зтщЩчггГ -ЩШ: ^4ifs!d:ii^ii (or fruits etc.) are produced in a particular
The merit (dharma) which is achieved with season, including the fruit, cereals, etc.
the performing of pilgrimage but with the
japam it bestows the everlasting pleasure.
Now I shall speak out the method of earning
the riches. The riches or wealth should be For the subsiding of hunger, thirst, ailment,
earned with justice and carefully. the food and water should be given to the
Brahmanas. Besides the land, cereals,
qsanafimgrjta чьяяш uncooked and cooked food, all the four types
of sweets, could also be given to the
The Brahmana should earn his living by Brahmanas.
charities, with the performing of the yajnas, с) ЯУЩОДг! |
by spotless conduct, being large hearted, or dRRfdW дпщгт WT:llt9o||
performing hard labour(?)
■ Г- V _____ rs v N ___ Г- „
With the food and other things given by the
donor to the Brahmanas, whatever noble deeds
«IWirS'clW farTF? ЩЧтШ^Е: ^4 ^1 1 II are performed by the latter, like the listening
The Ksatriya should earn his living with of the recitation of scriptures, and other noble
the strength of his arms, the Vaisya, by deeds performed by him, half of the merit
82 Siva-Mahapur8qam

thereof goes to the donor. The best of the Brahmana should give
f t ijfh T F T ^ r t | \
тгтш ш
away in charity one fourth of his net income.
In case one gets sudden money from
wtwtER sRftrn^ii somewhere, then half of it should be given in
The Brahmana, who receives the donation, charity.
should perform the repentance for the same,
3WrfifrHJjj тг4 w ff %trwi
otherwise he is sure to fall in the terrific hell.
StrarfarTfsrerr fj^S^g3TrR#hrf: I
In case a Brahmana receives charity of
О Т wA fqfcf gnfw:MV3^II illegal wealth, it should be thrown in the ocean
One should divide the wealth earned by and for his own uplift, he should distribute it
him in three parts. One part should be for among the Brahmanas.
dharma, the second should be for
TJg 4*4 w ^П^ТдтЦЧШгТ:1
development and third part should be used for
the pleasure (or the daily life). He should w ft f t ^ 4 4 d (tll^ ll
perform all the auspicious karmas regularly One should give money to the beggars as
daily. per one’s own capacity. In case when one does
not give, the charity after promising it, he
fsrrHZf сг&т ft чтгач;:1 becomes his debtor in the next birth.
4 rWT 4 W^%tynr:i
The donor should utilise the development
<T8it lirsgrt у 4^;ii \э ii
money for the sake of expansion and for that
purpose, he should not trouble any one. He A person with wisdom should not highlight
should not behave in an undesirable manner. the blemishes of others, even when they are
He should consume wealth meant for pleasure well known to him.
slowly and gradually. ч f f t frw i m :\
greidft ft штег ^g4i ^4кГ ч«ы 4 ч 6 ои
ffitr згеш faa 9F^I|V9^II A person with wisdom should not speak
One tenth of the part of the farming anything which could incite others. For the
produce should be donated for the sake of upkeep of one’s own fortunes, one should
purification. With the remaining wealth one perform homa in the morning as well as in the
should perform the religious activities evening.
otherwise one has to go to the terrific hell. чт w miffisn
зтегат Tfrafe: чт uwttofti дргщгзч сГТ^Ш gfaTcWTII 6 ^ll
qE&cnfui-jq^ ч fsra^nfhu^it In case a person is unable to perform the
A person who increases his wealth by homa twice a day, then he should adore the
sinful means, his crops would indeed be sun and the fire once only appropriately,
destroyed. One sixth of the wealth earned in offering oblation of rice, cereals, ghee, fruit,
trade should be donated. roots etc.
wi<Hi4i«t> дат graferarantf w fafai
w - т ^ щ чг ?огттт% жга^тн с \ и
Vidyesvara Sarnhita, Chapter 14 83

He should prepare the offering in the

appropriate manner. In the absence of the
proper offerings one should perform the
ordinary homa.

The fire, which is always consecrated is
known by the name of Ajasra by the learned
people or alternatively one should perform
Surya-namaskara or the japam.
Цсщ|<ч|$н: ^ w fafai
^igrajud'i fret 14*11
In this way the person desirous of knowing
the dtmatattva or the people desirous of
wealth, should perform appropriately Brahma-
yajna or the adoration of the god daily.
дщпттчт Я1рн:пйчи
Such of the people, who adore with
devotion, the fire as well as the preceptor, and
provide food to the Brahmanas, are all entitled
to a place in the heaven.
Vidyesvara Sarnhita, Chapter 14 83

fire for the purpose of yajna, is called the

Agni-yajna. A person in brahmacarya-dsrama
should perform homa daily with pieces of
wood (Samidha).
RfWTt Ш xf ft$44M4lf<«h4J
w rwfinniftci f^ari:n ^ n
O Brahmanas, the fire in which the homa is
performed with Samidhas (pieces of wood) is
the homa which should be performed from the
age of boyhood till the marriage. This is the
duty with a Brahmacdri.
311гТТ^Ш1Тг1НТ1н'| effqqj *rf?RT ff£3TT:l

Hct ^ ftaiNiisI -мусый tfteR

О Brahmanas, those who have consecrated
the fire in their own soul for such forest
dwelling ascetics, are treated to perform the
homa, when they take a little of food. They
should be appropriately protected with
devotion performing homa in the fire. This is
called Agnihotra or homa for them.
цггё дм?! ягс! щ чи
With the performing of homa and
meditation, they should be adequately
protected. The fire should be preserved in a
CHAPTER 14 kunda or a vase appropriately.
Agni-sacrifice 3ii44irtRuuiri ер
3lf4W IW ll^ RRuT^dM^ll^ll
гТ^сГ ГГ1 Because of the fear of the god or the king,
т[5Чу1Т 9^fiT 4: iWtli^li the one who preserves the fire in his own self
or in arani (wooden drill), it is called
R$is said, “О Suta, you kindly narrate to us
the performing of Agni-yajna, Deva-yajna,
Brahma-yajna, Guru-puja and Brahma-trpti.” тпчшЯ мт
fg ^ JT Ш :
O Brahmanas, the offerings made in the
spift ^rf?r r-3 ^ 1
fire during evening time are called
sampatkarl. The offering made to the sun in
SOta said, “The material which is offered in the morning is called ayuskari.
84 Siva-MahSpuranam

3#ТЩГ fRT ifcti %T Then he created Monday- the day for the
moon, which bestowed all the riches and was
~Щ\\ 6 II
the form of his illusion. Thereafter Tuesday
|cPJ?T % Wftdlr№IMl4l«lf^cbl^,d^l was created, which was painful at the birth of
хйн|Г<* тот ^ H lfg ^ A яШгТчи я и the son.
The merging of the sun (rays) into the fire,
is called Agni-yajha. The one who performs
homa for the sake of Indra and others, (it is T^tcFTW то т faw iinfchw i П м сы ьчит ^411
called Deva-yajna) Sthalikpdka and the rest of Then Wednesday was created which
adoration is the worldly type of adoration and destroyed all the sins and laziness. Then with
is established in the fire. the desire of the welfare of the people,
Thursday was created which was also the
cause of its protection.
дат? к
The Brahmanas should perform the
Brahmayajna in order to please the gods daily.
The study of the Vedas is also called the For the purpose of preservation and
Brahmayajna. protection Friday was created. Then Saturday
was created for the bestowing of the long life.
д а т : tiW54:I
3R*f( ^RTSR *|ТГрТ Ж5ЧТ55^Щ;|| Wl
>jPI^2 lfag 3 g f WTt ehf^ddl4lf:ll ^911
It is not to be performed from morning till
the evening or from evening to the night (or it Thereafter Brahma, the creator of the
could be performed during evenings alone). universe who is called ParamesthI as well,
The Deva-yajna is performed without fire, and created these weak days on earth.
you listen to its method with faith and Ш\ UWrA H«bfWll
TFTf: «bsfiwdl ёгн ( 1 | ^ Щ ZPTRT rTII %6 II
First of all Brahma, for the sake of the
Ын1«Я)'Ч«ыЫ «*Ul<hfc^W§:ll ??ll expansion of the three worlds, created Indra
At the beginning of creation, the universal and Yama, who gave rise to the merits and the
knower and kindful Lord Siva, for the welfare sins respectively.
of all the worlds, conceived of the valorous
3tlf|rilKl4d^4l^<slg:TI^i '^crcfiT^II ^ II
In this way the week days like Sunday and
ЗП^ТШТЬчщ gif ф!ОТ*гд:11^11 others came in use according to their own
First of all he created Sunday, which was names, which were indicative of the pleasure
the physician for the ailments of the world, and pains of the people of the world, besides
was omniscient and was Osadhi for all the being the cause of facing the pleasure and pain
opadhis. and destruction of death.
ттщтзгё от* r ^ а з т ш :1 c(UVII<h^Rlrc||^ v^Mdgr*3ffdf8dF(l
ЗРЙ f4KW TFT: ттт^и Г#И wfsr=iA fcrw^rWcfTii я о и
Vidyesvara Samhitii, Chapter 14 85

Conceiving the masters of these week snfsctr fjffefT 3 sn^uiPMI^l-dd: I

days, they were established in the astrological
ЧТШ W с п Ы щ Й cfTII ? ^ II
world. By adoring the respective gods in the
respective week days, one achieves the И Я9Н ^рЦ|ЫЙ^М<1^сЬЧ1
appropriate reward, (it is said that Siva is the ч1мта!чй^1« чгофЛ w % :ii ^19и
lord of Sunday, DurgS is the mistress of The one, who, after worshipping the sun,
Monday, Skanda is lord of Tuesday, Visnu for serves food to a Brahmana for a month and a
Wednesday, Yama for Thursday, Brahma for day, or for three years (he achieves all the
Friday and Indra for Saturday.) merits). In case the luck is favourable, then the
■дтчзйсг ощ£йт TTifofcar та ailments, or untimely old age would vanish.
TjfsrrawT Фтг чйвМ ямччл ? *11 timvn^^Mui wrf^rtr
Health, wealth, removal of ailments, srif^r^g' с(чм1 farf3ia<(HM3 c n
increase in life, achieving of the pleasures,
and destruction of death are the fruits of these One should pacify the sun on the Sunday,
week days respectively. for the pleasure of the gods should also offer
the appropriate wealth. The Sunday bestows
=IK*UibH special merits to the devotees.
зйчтсГч wftt: та?;: %er:ii^n i
The result of the week days for their lords зтгяпйч ш ■4ta$3ii ^ ^ и
is that they please their lords always. Lord
Siva of course bestows the reward for the The goddess LaksmI should be particularly
worship of different gods. adored on Monday for the achieving of the
wealth. The sweets fried in ghee should be
^JR T f3TT ТЩ&1Г ««bfc^dll
specifically served to the Brahmanas as food,
(ItFFtrsPTt ^T*Tt 3R $3 с!ТЩШ11 ? 3 II by the devotee with his wife.
There are five types of worship for
pleasing the gods, which include mantras,
japam, homa, charities and tapas. ШЧЧ<(|<й«БЪЫ ЗГГЩПтШФя^зи Зон
Н(ЯЧ1ЧТ Ъ WnTfetll On Tuesday, one should adore goddess
Kali for the removal of ailments. The
ИЧК1ЮЧГц^с| *Ьз$ЗЧгГн1>:11^11 Brahmanas should be served food with an
Besides the images consecrated over the adhaka (a measure) of cooked rice, black
pedestals, offering oblations in fire, and the gram and green gram.
sixteen types of adorations performed in the
ifto crff Ш fsnnj 3«5q?R
fire or to the Brahmanas are other means of
worship. ^rHil^rraiRMMclfd TI^RJII 3 ^11
A learned person should adore Visnu
offering the curd and cooked rice and by
doing so the sons, friends, wife and other
The above three types of worship when relatives remain happy and healthy.
performed by a person, is the best and
removes eye ailment, headache, besides the 31ИЬеы4) TjTtaft ^9RT
leprosy. тайчг ^Itthr 4^ 339: 113^11
86 Siva-Mahapuranam

The learned person desirous of long life, health, etc. according to the time, the country
for pleasing the gods, adore them offering and the devotee.
sacred thread, costumes, milk and ghee, 9ПЩШПТ ШШТ(Т:1
spprff ^ c T R ^ fe i d rF d ^ tfl^ c IW K 'l^ ld lH I^ frlll ? II
i ^ II The gods bestow the reward taking into
In case one is desirous of enjoying the consideration the material for adoration, the
pleasures, then he should attentively adore the devotee, his faith, his intentions and make him
gods on Fridays. For pleasing the Brahmanas, healthy besides bestowing other rewards.
he should serve sixteen types of dishes to the
^ТМ|^|с|^гч1’г1 ^f?tl
-фщ Ъ dfell^oh ^ q ^ |
The Sun and other planets should be
tl^: II 3 * II worshipped at the start of an auspicious
In order to please the wives of the occasion, at the end of it, and for seeking
Brahmanas, one should give away the welfare for the household, the constellation of
beautiful costumes. To safeguard against the the birth, should be worshipped.
untimely death, one should adore Rudra and
other gods on Saturdays.

In this way the Deva-yajha bestows all

^ Fl^ll i ЧII types of the desired fruits. The adoration in
On Saturdays, one should serve the food the Brahmanas should be performed reciting
with sesame, besides performing homa, and the mantras, while in the house of Sudras and
charities of the same. By thus adoring the of the other varnas, the method prescribed in
gods, one gets the rewards like attaining good the tantras should be followed.
^щгрз^яшпт cfnfei я^;|
^arRt ^ri ш Г ч хт яЧ: тдчч^дРт:М'*?н
^ ^ f tr r W ^ i I R t Ъ crfntll ^ ^ II According to their means, for the purpose
By adoring the gods daily as well as on of achieving the auspicious reward, all the
special occasions, one should resort to taking chiefs of the week days should be adored by
both, recitation, performing of charities, the people.
japam, homa and serving food to the
Brahmanas. ^cna$3i<iwl t m %i
sn¥ «RgqT Tlfil ^ ? II
Ticf^r 5Frefrgrc:ii 3^11 рязи
чЭ О Сч я^1^1
Ш 1 'Jivtl^lii Ф^Щ^ПТН'к'* II
<w| ^ ji ^утчк>А(|Г<и.ия<:1
Ф w ra f^ iri
^ranH iptor ш чшнтг1:11$бн
With the combination of the day as well as ёьт?1ШwmraFt inqfafe w ^ i u m i
Jagadlsvara only (Siva) serves as the lord of The poor person should perform the tapas.
all the days and bestows the rewards like The rich person should adore the gods with
Vidyesvara Sariihiia, Chapter 15 87

riches. Thus whosoever performs these

religious deeds with great devotion, he,
enjoying different types of the heavenly
pleasures, and is reborn on earth. With the
planting of the shady trees, building of wells,
step-wells, setting up of schools, composing
of religious books, are the acts which should
be performed by the wealthy people, for the
sake of enjoying comforts. After sometime
when the merits are this earned one earns
щ ftf symts&rrv 4Zrt m чЬ fg^rr;»

O Brahmanas, a person who listens to this

chapter or reads or recites it for others, he
achieves the fruit of the Deva-yajna.
nut traurm
Vidyesvara Sariihiia, Chapter 15 87

Description of the country, time and
vessel in Deva-yajna

Щ Tjt WKrT II ^11
The sages said, “O Stita, you are well
aware of everything, therefore you kindly
speak about the country and the time suitable
for the adoration.” Suta said, “For the
performing of the good deeds like the Deva-
yajna, in one’s own house, yields equal merit.
nil 'd?mui iTtg tacTdU nil n?i\
mi я II
One achieves ten times more of the reward
by performing so in a cowshed, and ten times
more of it by doing so at the bank of a river or
a tank. Still one earns ten times more the
reward by doing so under a creeper, the Tulasl
plant (holy basil) or a pipala tree.
rRTt fejlTMdH rRlt 3?TI
nil T^TU3 II
Still ten times more of the reward can be
had by doing so in the temple of the god, and
ten times more by doing so in one’s own
house. One can get the reward ten times more
of it, by performing at the river bank and still
times more by doing so over the river bank at
a sacred place.
*?H»lfw4)<M сГЩТ c^PTU'r Я^Т1
TTfr cfrrtft rliyqfuicblll VSII
frppr Ш TTfT: HeFlfci
tETfsfaydT) <^T rl <^П1ЦII
Further ten times of the reward can be
achieved by performing over the banks of the
Saptaganga river, which include, Gangs,
Godavari, Kaverl, TamraparnI, Sindhu, SarayQ
88 Siva-Mahapuranam

and Reva. Still ten time more the reward can because the visayoga of the sun, in the form
be achieved by performing at the seashore. the universe, which causes ailment to the
Still ten times more reward can be had by people.
performing over the mountain peak.
Wt Щ TRF) R4:l Й^П^Ц«5еЫН^1гН ёБТН: тргег; Fgw:ll ^11
fir) vnhH ii^'HiR«h гГйттп$ ii Therefore in order to pacify that poison,
Indeed the best place is where a person is one should take a bath and perform charities
able to concentrate his mind. One gets the as well as the japam. Because of it being the
complete reward for the performing of the period of pacifying the poison, it is considered
yajna, charities etc. in Satyayuga. be the auspicious time.
kF F t fan t W£ПТЫ s p # щ 5ГЕТЙ гг gfoimtm % :i
rTf^RT ddllr^H iffltSi^jlltail '’HfgJIHSr e b W ^ J ^ i % : l l ^ II
In the Tretayuga, the reward is reduced to At the end of the constellation of birth, the
a third of fit, while in Dvapara it is reduced to effect of the charities is like the solar eclipse.
one fourth of it, which is further reduced The keeping of the company of the ascetics is
towards the end of Kaliyuga. comparable to a crore of the solar eclipses.
ед.£1гЧЧ: W W R ri d4fftBI ?'Н(ЧВ1 *rrf*Rt Wd^rCTI
d W 5 V I|p i W : и d ll чгзгтат: % ш ч ч$ч еш щ чн ^ ii
A person with a spotless mind, when Those performing tapas, the learned
performs an auspicious deed on an auspicious people, yogis as well as the yatis are adorable
day, it bestows equal rewards. Further ten and by worshipping them the sins are washed
times of the reward is achieved by a devotee out.
on the Surya-Sankrdnti day.
ddf%lfd<dl$i ЭТ UNsdi 3RTCRJrI:l
%% dffiTjuiqqFl сЩУГ FffifiTI
WpTO «^r4Tt «^Ч^ГО)*ЩЧ,11 ^11
^T|| s; ||
Or a Brahmana having recited the Gayatri
In case the first day of the month falls in mantra by twenty four lakhs of times, he also
Aries and Libra Zodiac signs, one gets ten
is adorable and by adoring him one gets all the
times more the reward. It multiplies to ten
times more, on the day the sun goes in the comforts.
north of equator or in the south of equator, one ЧгНТЬИЧЬ ffo Ш 3WHIHI
gets ten times more reward. On the first day of ЗТрГ l|ld«blrdrtlllblГЯГЧг^Ы)dr) 11 II
Margas'Irsa, one achieves ten times more the
The one, who saves others from falling, is
reward, while on the day of lunar eclipse, the
reward is further increased by ten times. called Patra in the scriptures. One who
protects donor from sins is also called Patra.
dd2J 'q f o g u l Ttif cbTdTfdii f a f : i
Jld«b я ldr) 4idls\i4d)rd-odr) % ТТЛ
w v g m p r fm ftw r n ii
4 4Wf?TII ^ II
The reward is further multiplied to ten
more times when the performance is made on ЗТбЫ% TO*ll«f Tld^fdl
the day of solar eclipse, which is the best W Ц ЧгТТгЧТ4 TRF5nff#ni *\Э11
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 15 89

The one who saves a singer from falling in case the charity is given to him, the donor
the hell is called Gayatri. In other words, the achieves comforts, for ten years on earth. By
one who always recites Gayatri-mantra, the giving the charities to a Brahmana, well-
said mantra protects him. As the penniless versed in the Vedas the donor earns comforts
person cannot give money to the other person, for ten years in the heaven.
and the rich man can give wealth to others,
P d f | p id lfd c fR I
similarly a person, who himself is spotless and
pure, can protect others. fawprhW friMH-J p i fdg.-liy'tfll
The Brahmana who recites Gayatri, and if
the charity is given to him, the donor, as a
dWfFT dft iftir dylldt II
reward thereof, enjoys pleasures in Satyaloka
pd dijf rWT dR for ten years. The one who gives charity to a
SIWTd ^fent dR Ч1'0н1ЧУ1гЧеЬ^|| W II Brahmana, who is devoted to Visnu, the donor
f p йетт^аг -цт?r achieves Vaikuntha (after his death).
%ГРГ p r ctdlTR fapi
p 4jt№K44lg^ii Чо it
A Brahmana who recites the Gayatri- pfdt prfpq^ll*4ll
mantra is considered to be purified. Therefore By giving charity to a Brahmana devoted
in the activities like giving of charities, japam, to Siva, the donor achieves Kailasa, the abode
performing of homa and adoration, for the of Siva. The charity is given for achieving of
receiving of the donations and to protect the those respective places.
host, Brahmana is the appropriate person. He PTipid fallW dRdft PrTT:l
is also the suitable person to receive the food.
Whosoever, be a man or a woman, when TTGRift dirmi pjcpf TTPRHlI УF, II
invites the excellent Brahmana, then he should If a donor gives charity food to the ten
carefully give the charities. His word and its Brahmanas with the incense composed of ten
meaning portrays the intelligence and bestows ingredients (which is used at the time of
the desired reward. worship), he, in the next birth remains healthy
K R WШ Ч Щ Щ : I and without any ailment for ten years.
AK5T!RFRK p T Щ : \ \ ? *11
A Brahmana who is in need, when given crmt w s p fa r рттртшнт11
the charity, it would bestow the complete d fd oq^T 4k HTWR ^RTItHMI
reward. The charity which is given after
begging, bestows half the merit. ddSIRdRsk PR^dRII * 6 II
The das'mga donation of the food includes
чсйэсЫ ч p i ^П тТ Р Т рШ ^ fa g : I
to respect, application of invite, an ointment
sflfddlsW fadTd II ^ ? II over the body, pressing of the feet, adoring
pTPsf f | ЩТШТ Я уГ& picflfdcRT I with costumes, fragrance and then adoring a
Brahmana, offering sweet cakes, six types of
fatrcq w f % piraifeq;ii * 3 и
eatables, betel, offering of money as daksind,
The charity which is given to a servant salutation to see off some one after walking
bestows one fourth of the merit. О Brahmanas, some distance are called the dasdnga-
a Brahmana, whose entire family is poor, in annadana.
90 Siva-Mahapur5nam

fgwrt ^ 3^3R:i A donor by serving food to ten thousand

Brahmanas achieves the Visnuloka, and by
з т ^ й rraTssfH '■нщ'чйн ? я и
serving food to a lakh of Brahmana he
When a donor gives dasanga food to the achieves the Indraloka.
Brahmanas on Sunday, he remains healthy for
a hundred years. qiHui fashiSRi^ii
dTtuium w m ■qpt xT rdUlJdo^l % ^ЩТпШШ-.НЗ^И
зт^ттог fgfRi з ои The persons desirous of achieving wisdom
or knowledge, should serve food to the
The giving away of the food on Sunday
Brahmana boys with Brahmabuddhi. The
and other days is rewarded according to the
persons who are desirous of sons, should serve
quality of the food. By giving away the food, food to the young Brahmanas taking them to
one is reborn as a human being in the next be lord Visnu.
Wsrfb| t'yil^cRqi
ofHJbtj «г£§ЗПтШтТ$:113^11
rn Wt c|tiqK')jq|f<oh4V^II 3 ^11 The people who are desirous of achieving
When the Brahmanas are served dasanga prana or wisdom, should serve food to the old
food on all the seven days of the week, he is Brahmanas taking them to be Siva. The girls
rewarded with health and other benefits. should be served food taking them to be
Sarasvatl, with the intention of achieving
tier f^rsrwr 4iRctft wisdom.
у|<&Т)^ ^VWrtll 3 ? II
Similarly when a donor serves food to a
hundred Brahmanas on Sunday, he remains ъйаЩ 4i<ln\gcg^i :ti3dll

hale and hearty for a thousand years, and then The persons who intend to enjoy comforts,
achieves the place of Siva. should serve food to the young damsels,
taking them to be the form of Laksmi. The
persons desirous of self consciousness, should
44 Иф* ft %q%HTii 3311 serve food to the old Brahmana women taking
By serving food to the ten thousand them to be Parvatl.
Brahmanas, one enjoys all the pleasures for
ten thousand years. Similar is the case with
Monday and, other week days.
ЯИёгй WWW The amount earned with getting of the
grain after harvest, or having livelihood from
3TW WrETtfl* fTTTIwft the gleaning of the field, or the amount earned
By serving food to ten thousand by means of guru-daksina, is considered to be
Brahmanas, who purify themselves with quite pure. One achieves full merits by
reciting of the Gayatrl-mantra, the donor donating the same. .
remains healthy for long in the Satyaloka. дг^га^гащтг w t
ЗШ ЯТ Ш ЪуЩ fowjeTtl» fi4V4rll ^faqifuPrqchmdWT и
ЗЩ тТгЩ jj щ п ш M H li1 •HTT^M^II ЗЧИ The money received from the Brahmana as
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 15 91

the amount of donation is called the dravya of the mind are removed and the merits are
middle rung. The amount earned by forming increased. This should be understood by the
and trade is treated as the inferior. people with wisdom.
^faTiuii far?rt Зет <TSlfrlBiyftilij *rm ^ Прэтт: I
sfHlsf f? w П§:ц*\э||
The money earned by the Ksatriyas by О Brahmanas, with the donation of land, a
means of prowess, the money earned by the person is honoured in this world as well as the
Vaisyas by trade, and the money earned by the future world. With the giving away of
Sudras, by means of serving others, is called sesamum, the strength is increased and one
the best. overcomes the death.
whnt «ntffsRT ^o£t дат тггапЛ^т Ф Н дат
дагтфет д а датшрти^?|| ШЩ TfgcHt fa g :ll* d ll

The amount the women receive from their With the giving away of the gold, the
husbands and the parents is fit for religious power of digestion is increased besides the
purposes. On the month of Caitra, and others, strength. The body becomes stronger with the
one should give away twelve things including giving away of ghee. The age is increased
the cows. with the giving away of the clothes.
TWW сГТЧШЩГРЙ' c^nf^T ^T l
^11 *311 т Н г < т гттитихчп
■ftw <даш1срп1гё дат With the giving away of the cereals, the
TfmMtrcfiTfTnTTiu^ii fortunes are increased, by giving of the guda,
one gets sweet food. By giving away the
ддатРЕтшт^штч!' ^Rdwi fo n w ri silver, strength is increased and by giving
tf ^RdHi <ттт*тй:||*чи away of the salt, all the six rasas are
Or one should give away these things for increased.
the sake of charity during the auspicious time, cbtuius uRjc' i
which include the cow, land, sesamum, gold,
ghi, costumes, cereals, guda, silver, salt, T ^ tT R T fq ? r i m rX fgTTT:ll4oll
pumpkin and the girl. These are the twelve О Brahmanas, the pumpkin, bestows all
dravyas which would be given in charities. types of fortunes, and all the pleasures in both
Giving away of a cow, or the padartha made the worlds.
of cow’s milk, and the cow-dung which does Ч!£М1сРЩтЬ % ch^KR WфгЩНI
good, to remove the pains of the people who
WII4 ^11
are dependants financially on others. With the
use of water, cow’s urine etc., the miseries of ehc;wisj1t(sjlHi ri щт дат
the dependants should be removed. murdMi xx w ?n<sifddi дали ч 4 ii
ттШ Ы чтэтН УГГсЫЧ'Зи'-П дар I
дагт *Г4 fisr R#TP f | farqfSRTTII * ^ и дач^т Rt s % f^4%tTTII 4 3 II
Similarly with the use of the milk, curd and By performing kanyadana a person enjoys
ghee, the sins committed by body, speech and pleasure throughout the life. The jack-fruit,
92 Siva-MahSpuranam

mango, the wood-apple, the fruits of banana tThgRrf Щ ^oiiyw r TT^TI

and other osadhis or those which emerge from
creepers and shrubs besides the black gram, sfiratf wcp^huivnfiih4ii4^H
green gram, green vegetables, black pepper, The charities and the tapas should be
mustard seeds, or whatever vegetables or performed daily. Beautified with one’s own
fruits are grown in whatever season, they varna and the noble qualities, even the house
should be given to the Brahmanas. should be donated.
^ f^rfgRTTI
f^TTcfhTT W rFfg^THЦ^ II ^тщштч
<f>WII M hjIU xrt 5, о ||
The learned people should give to the
Brahmana, such of the things which please the With the charities given for the pleasure of
ears and other organs of the body. By giving the gods, one achieves all types of comforts
away the ten things relating to the sound, all and by doing so, one achieves comforts in the
the ten directions are pleased. present as well as the future life. In case the
сГ^ТЩ УЧЦ|4| «р|Т charities are dedicated to the lord Siva, one
achieves salvation.
gnfnrt w w tf f i ^ 4^sszn4 -ц; 4T:i
The devout people say, by hearing the
Vedas and other scriptures from the preceptor, t УГзттагГп ^ ^ii
one surely gets the reward. A person who listens or reads this chapter,
he attains devotion in dharma as well as the
ЯЩ! -ЩЩ«ЬЧ)*Ш|| spotless wisdom.

By fear of the relatives or friends or the ^|<*мчы|[с(=|и1н чщ v&?yii5&m:v ?ц и

king, the devoutness which develops in a
person, is considered to be a bit lesser than
best of devout wisdom. The poor people in the
absence of all the dravyas noted above should
adore the lord with their sweet voice and
noble deeds.
cnfofc *T3R faai'4^wW4ifdcb4j
cfofam gmir % rtefc w Щ : ич уэи
The reciting of mantras, strotras (eulogy),
japam (muttering) should be treated as the
adoration by the tongue. The vratas (fasting)
and going on pilgrimage is to be treated as the
adoration with the body,
ifr err ^ <?r «ifi
ciddi^uM^i zi fttt ятт ^чгГич^н
Whatever deed is performed in honour of
the god or the slightest dedication to him
bestows comfort to the performer.
92 Siva-MahSpuranam

Description of the adoration of Parthiva
xrrfggRrf?rmwTfg9R w !i
4yllfc|KjMH ^ctMgHcJiwJ^lll ^11
The sages said, “O Suta, you kindly
explain to us the Parthiva(clay idols) type of
adoration, performing which one achieves all
type of success.”

Wt ?ttr sjtjtcTд а ч g:iRH

Suta said, “O Sages, you have asked me
the best question which always bestows the
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 16 93

fulfilment of all the desires and by which all «ЧЧ1ЭД11^ n

the miseries are over, I am going to speak to A Brahmana should adore Ganesa, Surya,
you about the same. Visnu, Parvatl, Siva, besides Sivalinga, with
sixteen types of worship in order to achieve
Ш: fg?5TT:ll ^ II the best results. Then showering the flowers,
he should perform the abhiseka reciting the
зт^тЫШ w if e ^ t: i
Vedic hymns.
стяг gfoim i
O Brahmana, the Parthiva type of
\9 4 4 Wt<:«
adoration, drives away the untimely death, as gt 5 ттпй nwfoKFBi и
well as the natural death and bestows, always, For the Sivalinga consecrated in the house,
the wealth, cereals, wife and the sons. Since the one kudava1 naivedya of fine rice should
all the padarthas like the food, cereals, be offered, while the linga consecrated by the
costumes etc.' emerge out of the earth, people, a prastha (a particular measure) of
therefore the linga made in earth makes one naivedya should be offered.
succeed in all his wishes.
Jwasra т^гататт: "
rT ftfgRmiv тпз g a t e t ^ wmi
ЧШ (l¥Fr # ctf ЦII Besides double or three times of the
Both the men and women can equally naivedya could also be offered.
participate in the same. For (the purpose of
making an earthen linga) the clay from the Щ^ГТЗГЦТ Unit '•ЯА1Н1&H^f| 5r:l
water in the middle of the river, tank, or the %ot ^ rmtsiirasTTii ^ n
well has to be collected.
Cs cftRwi ТТТПЩП 3ra)c{i^<f)d utP fvr=i[4cg-6dcl gt:ii ^ и
3Tf?HTf xf ^Щ^ЯТЕГП * II A thousand prasthas of naivedya when
Then the clay should be purified adding to offered by a Brahmana, he achieves the
it, the fragrant powder. It should then be Satyaloka in reality. The linga when made
carried to a well built mandapa, and milk twenty five fingers in length, and fifteen
should be mixed with it. The image or the fingers in height, in iron or wood, the people
linga should be made of clay using the milk. with wisdom call it Siva.
' TRST: о e TRrPT" l n

TRTRFfiwt <p??T W d’dl^QI % ll^ ll ЪЩШ7 ШЗУ ЩШВЧЙУ ^TII r*ll

All the limbs should be made, while the ^■ ^<riiRh*iHi гг 1тш:1
weapons should be placed in the appropriate ЗКщйп II
О Cs ^ Сч * '
limbs. The image should then be placed over
Its one eighth part is called prastha, and
the lotus seat and then adored with respect. one fourth of it is called kudava. The water,
oil, fragrance and other dravyas, should be
offered to the linga consecrated by a person,

1. One bowl approximately 250 grams.

94 Siva-Mahapuranam

in the aforesaid manner, offering ten prasthas also enjoy all the pleasures of the intervening
of the naivedya. To a linga consecrated by a lokas which I am going to speak out to you.
rsi a hundred prasthas of naivedya should be You please listen to me carefully.
offered and the linga which appeared of its
own should be offered a thousand prasthas of
naivedya adoring it, which is called '!р>с!Г> ШЕЯ! Я Ш «IcfUWI^II ЧЯП
Mahapuja. On the fourth day of the bright fortnights
of he months of Sravana and Bhadrapada, on
IrMCRtUdliXkl I
Friday, Ganesa should be adored
3trf*#sr ^ 11 appropriately. In this way by adoring Ganes'a,
With the offering of abhiseka to the said a person achieves the desired things in the
linga one’s soul gets purified, one achieves world.
merits by offering, the fragrance to it. The fqhTJS? fif&daWdl
offering of naivedya, increases the length of
life and satisfaction, and by offering the same TTct fSTRW rlrWIIffW^TII ЯЧII
one achieves merits. On the day of Satabhisa constellation in the
month of Tausa, Ganes'a should appropriately
adored. Thus adoring Ganesa in a hundred or a
dWTTfH'Mlfecti JRTW&TII ^11 thousand times, a person enjoys comforts for
With the offering of the lamp, one achieves an equivalent number of days.
wisdom, the offering of the betel bestows the ^ ШТТЧ1
worldly pleasures, therefore one should adore
the linga by six types of methods. чз и
By adoring the god or the fire-god daily,
ччш тг
with devotion, a person is relieved of all the
T3TRT Я -Щ1 ШЯТ ^11 pains of the sins.
With the offering of salutation as well as
performing of japam all the desires are
fulfilled. The people desirous of pleasures as •н1,4<ыГч«ь'яч11 ^ 'jj и
well as the moksa, should make use of the By adoring Siva and other gods on their
salutation and the japam at the end of the respective week-days, the soul gets purified on
adoration. the basis of the favourable day, constellations
and the yogas, all the desires are fulfilled.
Cs Cs •О
firaT dri^r<J)'4cri^Tdll W II
In the mental puja as well as in all the six сптг «ngrasjft « 4 u iw n 4 ч и
types of methods of adoration, should also be A day which is free from rise or down fall,
made use of and by doing so, the people is like the Purna-Brahman. In the activities of
achieve the respective places. the Brahmanas, the day of rising and the week
day have been taken into account.
VPgdl fg3TT:ll Ч о II f t Tubirim di ^ rm ri
О Brahmanas, the devotees of this type hc№FT: Гчнп||<| fq% ЯтБ: иЩЯгГп «=u
Vidyes'vara Sarhhita, Chapter 16 95

The adoration of the god which is done at according to the fortnight, month, year
the end of lunar day, it bestows complete respectively.
reward. In case the tithi is in the afternoon, г1т»^ъ41ЬНЯ1%^14сбЧ1Ч^ггг: Т Т Ш 1
then the first part of the same combined with
the night, is considered to be good for V W ; WT II
performing rites for the manes.
tERJgqf W xt fRIT ЧРГШ5ЩТП3 3 II
^otnftR l TtTfrr Tqsnf; By performing adoration, one achieves the
respective fruits. The sins are also destroyed
The next day is considered to be auspicious
in the same sequence. On the fourth day of the
for the performing of the auspicious deeds. In
black fortnight, Mahaganapati is adored,
case the tithi is upto noon, then it should be
which destroys the sins of a fortnight, and
taken to have been the rising one.
bestows pleasures for the same period. On the
fourth moon day of the month of Caitra, when
ИЩffcfTLtr4314K l f c c h 4II II Mahaganapati is adored, its effect lasts for one
The deeds relating to the gods should be month.
performed in the auspicious constellations, сцЫЬ|Ус!1 ^ kTTej[ Пл^Ч|£еЫ
etc. The appropriate week day should also be xi TTFTKTt P W f ^ ll^ ll
taken into consideration, before performing
xt зтт1
the adoration or japam.
xt sra v^ ri
f it t % :l

In this way, the method prescribed in the «Лещ 4 %cTII II

Vedas is also established. Such type of With Leo in the Sun, during the fourth
adoration, also bestows all the pleasures and moon day of the month of Bhadrapada, the
the desired rewards. adoration of Mahaganapati, bestow comforts
for a year. On the seventh moon day of the
month of Sravana, falling on Sunday, during
TTcj f| fen-ft #^%c^7t:||^o|| the Hasta Constellation, and on the seventh
With the achieving of all the desires of the bright day of the month of Magha, one should
mind, one also achieves the desired paddrthas, adore Suryanarayana. During the months of
and this is called the adoration. This Jyestha and Bhadrapada, on the tenth moon
interpretation of adoration is popular with the day, during the Sravana constellation, if Lord
people as well as the Vedas. Visnu is adored bestows the desired reward.
The adoration of Visnu, performed during the
ftctf «В1ШНЯ: ЗГГЩ-RRfeTl
month of Sravana, bestows the desired reward
fosi w ъ xi cnf 3 ^ii besides keeping the healthy body.
The karmas of the casual as well of daily
nature, bestow the reward after sometime,
while the kamya karmas bestow quick results. ■ H U d lH lfa fam jrfq u rra il 3>3II

The karmas of daily nature, bestow awards The person who achieves the reward by
96 Siva-Mahapuranam

giving away in charity the twelve padarthas k lju k w f o n Pvnm^ I farfywr^ l

(see ch. 15.43-44) earning the related reward, It increases the age, destroys the death and
the same reward is achieved by adoring Visnu bestows all the success to the people on the
on the twelfth day of the moon. fourteenth moon day falling in the Ardra
constellation during the month of Jyestha, one
Ч*Ы<1Й(с1Ч1УрЕП?1113 6 II should adore Siva.
On the twelfth moon day when a person
adores the twelve Brahmana, extending Btrtpd ртттп
sixteen modes of worship, with twelve names
of Visnu, the gods feel pleased with the same.
ттсг ц#=пч'г т р
щ -цщ щгг $ 4 1 ^ 4 4 irk'k II
drlrtflfdchi *ktfll ? ЧII
During the Ardra constellation of the
Similarly by serving food to the twelve
month of Margasirsa, one should adore lord
Brahmanas, with the respective names of the
Siva with the sixteen methods, in the form of
gods, the gods feel pleased with the same.
the images. Their feet are worth seeing.
ЗТПТсПТ rt ЧсГр У4?Ш>1
Гугатз ■грзгс ih p r s R p w i
mm : l*o||
эдШ; f? kfyi*4rflU4ll
On the ninth day of the moon when the sun
is in the Cancer cycle of zodiac, during the By adoring Siva, a person achieves the
Mrgasira constellation, a person desirous of pleasures as well as the moksa. On the seven
pleasures, should adore the goddess Amba, week days, when the gods are adored in the
who bestows all the pleasures. month of Kartika, they bestow special merit.
niftr w r a T r a f e r e ^ s i:i
гРШТ ^ № -4 f ^ F T x T II^ II
3TTfpft fnnros* ll^ ll
On the arrival of the month of Kartika the
During the bright ninth day of the month of
learned person, should adore all the gods and
Asvin, in case the goddess Bhagavati is
give away charities, perform puja, tapas,
adored, she bestows the desired rewards,
homa and should lead a disciplined life.
particularly so, during the fourteenth dark day,
falling on Sunday. ч!<;$ьчу1% яГьч1куч<|сЬ:|

зтт#тт w kfyiw i W TITRt ЯкЙ Т

When the image of a particular gods has to
be adored by sixteen methods, it should be
Particularly during the Ardra or Maha- adored by the Brahmanas reciting the mantras
ardra constellation the adoration of Siva
and should serve food to the Brahmanas in a
results in bestowing the best reward. Further
detached manner. By doing so all the pains are
the Siva-puja performed on the fourteenth
dark day of the month of Magha, fulfils all the removed.
desires. p r ткчтр Щ1
■ «mdtoi ^ot
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 16 97

During the month of Kartika, the adoration фГнсЬТЛМйч ЦГОТГ qtiHIcgA: I

of the gods, bestows comforts of all the types.
пгп^й^лтчи ччи
The ailments and goblins also get destroyed.
In case one adores Brahma with riches
during the Krttika constellation, giving at the
rMcfchtfftcJMM :1Г#<?11 same time, honey, and ghee, a person rises in
On a Sunday in the month of Kartika, one heights and there is an increase in the
should adore the sun offering sesamum, and comforts.
cotton and by doing so, leprosy and other фГнсЫ^1*с|Ки ц M4I^I
ailments disappear.
By adoring Ganesa on Friday during the
Krttika constellation, offering the fragrance
and flowers, the homely pleasures of the
By giving away the black myrobalan,
people are increased.
pepper, clothes, and milk, and by honouring
the Brahmanas, the consumption is removed. сПЯТ ЧТрГ rWRf
$чМч$ГЧЫ 3TWTTT^Tt ^f4'chlVlf4c(KU rt ■«^ЧЧИЧ'ЭИ
By giving away in charity the gold and the
silver, even the barren woman gets the son.
т а When the Krttika constellation falls on
^ЯТГсЭДЧ1*1 Jj^efiTUIlfdHUI ч^н Saturday, then the Dikpalas should be adored.
By giving away the lamp and mustard oil, f^TSTHT ВГ ЧШНТ ^ТЧЯГ ВГ 43RTT|
the ailments like epilepsy get removed. In case
one adores lord Siva on Monday in the Krttika ягш яд аг z j fgniTt: 4I4£<W г г и ч ^ и

constellation, his poverty is destroyed and his

house is filled with fortunes. By giving away f)JH4^rd^<ui rIw fn H S n 5 ^ T T f^ [ll ч ЪII
house, fields, and house-hold things, one gets By adoring the elephants of the directions,
all types of riches. the serpents, the protectors of the Setu bridge,
Trayambaka the destroyer of the sins, Rudra
and Visnu, Brahma, the bestower of wisdom,
^ W S lf^ R lt 4 3 II
Dhanvantari and Asvani-kumaras, the
On Tuesday during Krttika constellation, in ailments as well as the untimely death are
case KSrttikeya is adored, giving away a lamp, destroyed and one feels peaceful.
bell, etc., a person achieves excellence in his
speech. twgM вг зш:1
H o R |4 > ^ R R t ^ Т гЛ ф п z j Э Т Ш : II ^ о ||
фГнcfiTWiutciHu fgw if -<щц трцто)
^згпхтг g;fe'4Ri вг щ чгч i
«palSW Htf ВГ UHFdHcbi 4^114* II
In case Visnu is adored on Tuesday during fw: rr w ptii $ ^ii
the Krttika constellation, and with the giving f^r^hrt щ звш| TtifTWi
away of the curd and cooked rice, one ■щтгзщвг ^^»
achieves competent children. By giving away in charity, salt, iron, oil,
98 Siva-Mahapuranam

black gram, ginger, chillies, pepper, long desirous of enjoying pleasure for three days,
pepper, the fragrant stuff, besides the water should adore the gods, but before the start of
and other liquid things, in addition to the hard the month of Pausa, till the next day of the
stuff equivalent to a prastha or sixty four tolas month does not start, upto that time the month
when given in the month of Pausa, and of Pausa remains. By controlling all the senses
adoring them in the early morning, Siva and during this one month, observing fast (without
other gods, when adored appropriately, bestow taking food), one should recite the mantra of
all types of success. The naivedya of superior Gayatrl- the mother of the Vedas. Thereafter
quality of rice, or that of havisya is considered till a person goes to sleep, one should recite
to be the best. the Pancaksara or other mantras.
Иадгегад «rprt M M i *TR Rffii-JT R M l qfrbR R IR dR I
Ч^сТН%3 и згНчт тнггТщт Н-.Мч M r rii ^ ч и
In the month of Pausa, in case several While achieving wisdom in this way, the
types of naivedya are offered to the sun, one Brahmana achieves salvation after his death.
gets excellent reward. A person who gives The woman of other varnas can achieve the
away in charity, the food in the month of same reward by taking bath thrice a day (i.e.
Margaslrsa, all his desires are fulfilled. in the morning, noon and the evening).
riyfafH yuVri spftcr
r H tm t9 о II

PHwPrR-d Hr r тггагптi By reciting of the Pancaksara-mantra

Мти^чи always, one achieves the spotless wisdom. By
the reciting of the favourite mantras the
41'^VH I^TWMTfh m terrific sins are washed out.
Ч^ЩЧТргщТТГ M i l ^ ^ II
dWr^^ebiH § srHrt MHri упГнь^н^от ж М М т r ii ^ ii
ц \ц т
quurgidvi w fh rM tHi
зттчетщ rM ^ w r g i
^ т г о ц ^ ч riivs^ ii
In the month of Pausa, the maha-naivedya
The ritualistic performance for the washing should be offered. A bhara (ninety five kilos)
out of the sins, the success in one’s mission, of superior type of rice, a prastha of black
removal of ailments, achieving of dharma, pepper, and the other padarthas should be
proper knowledge of the Vedas, devotion given, twelve times more in weight, the honey
towards the noble deeds, the gaining of the and the ghee should be given a quarter in
best place in the present as well as the future weight. The queen grain should be given a
world and an increase in the knowledge could drona (sixteen sears) in weight. Besides these
be achieved in case a person gives food in eighteen edible things should be given.
charity in the month of Margaslrsa, or other
wise, if a person, getting up early in the
morning during the month of Margaslrsa, ’cTII^II
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 16 99

The sweet balls fried in ghee, the modaka dgbildll й о ||

besides the twelve padarthas including the The thirty six thousand of Mahanaivedyas
superior type of rice should also be given. are called Janma-naivedyas. To donate
Mahanaivedyas of this member is quite
important and has been called as Mahapurna.
The coconut, the betel nut, should be ■RSTJofcr T9li d^dafabildl
given, each twelve in number. The betel 4 f e f t l l С 411
leaves should be thirty six in number. The naivedya of Siva is called Janma-
чЭ Cs e
tR 43J«-fhpy4i4<14l
чЧ *ч
naivedya and by giving away the same in
ilT+l РЭЧ11 charity, a person has not to be reborn on earth.
C\ ^ o

The fragrant powder, five types of rtRt Tjtrcr ^4"4gmHtdl

fragrances (camphor, cloves, gourd, betel, nut,
nutmeg) should be added in the betel. The
naivedya thus offered is called Mahanaivedya.
On an auspicious day in the month of
Т<Г4%11^|| Kartika, or on (the first day of the said month)
After offering the Mahanaivedya to the in the Vyatipata-yoga, during the constellation
god, the people who are devoted to the said of the birth or on the full moon day, Janma-
god, should distribute the naivedya according naivedya should be got prepared, or otherwise
to the sequence of the varnas. when the constellation of the birthday falls in
ip? TTgufrM^TI any other month, or when the Рйгпа-yoga is
there, one should arrange for the Janma-
ч т: тфЫпгдШ(Т11<э\э|| naivedya.
By giving away the Mahanaivedya in
charity, together with the cooked rice, the
devotee becomes the ruler on earth. -jf-HITfalRi?! ?T$iTII<S'SII
тщятът щ ъ т i Or alternatively when the Saturn is in
combination with the constellation of the
Щ 4|4ч141с||Ч4М11'36 II
Сч чэ чЭ ”s birth, Janma-naivedya should be given and by
О Brahmanas, by giving away the doing so one achieves the fruit of
Mahanaivedya a thousand times, with cooked Janmarpana.
rice, the donor lives full life in this world and ^ p f r n f e c r : tfta: T T t m p i f |i
even in Satyaloka.
ТПЩТЩ! Ъ few® With the performing of Janmarpana Siva
is pleased and he bestows the Sayujya type of
A devotee who donates the Mahanaivedya salvation. This Janma-naivedya should be
three thousand times, he achieves the heaven offered to Siva alone.
and is never born on earth again. f?Tcrr ^fq^4ch:l
Tt^wut xi ydft уГзР114^1MTItTRI w r a f s N H i ftii<^n
100 Siva-Mahapuranam

Because of the form of linga and yoni, Siva ■щ nwi it t^rat wrt: f*ran
give the birth. Therefore, in order to relieve
fa it: f a t f fiv iftc R T % c ts fa i я ^ и
oneself of the rebirth, Siva should be adored.
The goddess happens to be the mother of
the entire universe, while Siva is the father.
ftrart чщ: fvNvr^yirheh ^гптти Such of the people who adore the parents, they
The entire moveable and immovable world remain graceful over their sons.
is the form of the bindu (spot) and nada iJyfchW fa
(sound). The spot stands for sakti, while Siva
stands for nada (sound). Therefore the entire TTfaTfcTT:l^*ll
world has the form of Siva and Sakti. О MunLsvaras, Siva bestows the fortunes
over his devotees by his grace alone and one
has the benefit of the bliss as well.
fac # (f tNFrfari
Nada (sound) is the base of bindu (spot)
and the base of bindu is the world. Both nada yfi: 4W^4l wii ЗГ^РрЕЕ^ПЯЧН
and the bindu have been established as the Taking it to be the form of the parents,
base of the world. Sivalinga should be adored. Siva has the form
of a male, while Prakrti has the form of a
^ebHlcMOTM'4 зтлсятя^ш5РЩ)| CЯII
With the union of the bindu and nada, it 3TS!mrtt% r Tltf: s s fa
units with all the arts. This is the cause of the ^SUrSRRiilSR H$(d-b€zfal ЯS, H
creation. There is no doubt about it. Those who live in it are called unclear
faffiiqidra; f a f ^1г*ы<и|цт2ге11 womb is called the purusa and the one who
clearly lives in the womb in the form of
fM t чщ : <j э в ч й п я о и
Mahat-tattva, is called Prakrti.
Linga is the form of bindu and nada, which
is the cause of creation of the universe. Bindu
is the goddess while linga is the form of Siva. WTBTfvft grfc WT ctsafai я^н
The Adi-garbhapurusa alone because of
his relationship with Prakrti, is conceived
Щ ^ %<?: ftrani я ЯН
with womb. Therefore he is called Janaka.
Therefore in order to escape from the When the Purusa and Prakrti are united, then
rebirth, one should adore Sivalinga, because it is called the first birth.
the bindu in the form of the goddess happens
to be the mother and linga in the form of Siva ~Ш faffa 3>szfa
is the father. щщ ЧЩ1Я'йчй|й|1Я4И
h fem sir 3 чтчр f?i With the emerging of Prakrti, it is called
m s R R T ii я я и the second birth. The jlva therefore gets the
birth and the death from Purusa.
By adoring the parents, one achieves
immense bliss. Therefore in order to achieve 3PRTt -flToSRTScTpr ТШШ ЩЩcfsfatl
the highest bliss, one should adore Sivalinga. ^^ш<Н1гттРЧ1^ igw:iiя ян
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 16 101

Certainly the birth is induced by Мйуй as Ш ^TcTI

an extraneous source. The word jlva means
fc1^l«!hdl4 1с1^1чсч£нч1<4г1|| ^ ||
that which gets decayed even from the time of
birth. Siva should be adored in the form of lihga,
TjcT f ? |
which produces the world. The symbol which
stands for lihga is called Sivalinga.
5prf^if jrwmii о и
Another meaning of the Jlva is that which % WT %cr W P T t^:l
is bom enmeshed and entwined. Hence the fyidyidrdhg % f g s # ii ^о\эи
devotee shall worship the primordial phallic The Purusa, who is revealed by the
image for loosening the knot and the nooses of speaking of the world lihga, he is called Siva.
the birth. The combined form of Siva and Sakti is called

<r ^дтгег farfaffl и qo с и

w m i i i f i yie^wif g w : gw:i
With the adoration of Sivalinga, Siva gets
Mtsdl ящд Hehfw4J|c||(^9<4 <jTsi|rt II 9 II pleased. There is no other purpose for this
The word Bhaga means the primordial lihga. This symbol is the initial cause of birth,
nature because it increases and flourishes. The and by adoring the same, a devotee is freed
Sabda-matras etc. (the cosmic sound principle from the birth.
i.e. all objects of enjoyment) evolved out of Hi«hct: чочгиГч 41^*44(1:1
Prakrti, being enjoyed by the sense organs,
the word Bhaga comes to mean that which 4t3&»4xnUj WiltRlI ||
gives Bhaga. Bhaga is of course the Prakrti Even the foolish (Prakrta) people should
and Bhagavan is Lord Siva himself. adore the lihga by sixteen outer as well inner
f? ЧРЧ) ^PlM<ldd>:l methods.
iJdUlRrddl) % дщ ^fadfdcbll
^ чпадчМ здтлй gfo и \o ^ ti
Bhagavan alone bestows the worldly 3TTf^ WlrTII II
pleasures. No one else except him bestows the By adoring the lihga thus, on Sundays, one
worldly pleasures. Bhagavan is indeed the lord is relieved of the rebirth. On Sunday the
of Bhaga, therefore he is also called Bhaga. Mahalinga should be adored with the orii-
ggrRi mantra.
aiif^nft w r ^ r f ^ w t farfyro^i
sugar ъ ftrsmmrsPra' m
Bhaga is meant for lihga and the lihga is ^ т т ттГзггГ зйт -^ziisRt W Tsqgjgii ш и
meant for bhaga in this world as well as in the On Sunday particularly, Siva should be
paraloka. bathed with pahcagavya which include cow-
WRT Pyidfa# dung, urine, milk, curd, and ghee, which
h UtthRmi згош ^тп ц и should be mixed together and this mixture is
called pahcagavya.
Sivalinga of Mahadeva should be adored
with bhaga. The Sun is the creator of the aftrni W gdcF^d ТО Т % Ш % :1
universe, therefore it is also called as bhaga.
102 Siva-Mahapuranam

The linga should be bathed separately with

milk. The naivedya should be prepared with
payasam made of honey, juice of sugarcane,
and milk and should be offered to Sivalinga
reciting the omkara-mantra.
wra «erfHfa# <r T3*n*rcr: I
<T^ <J m№ thii Ш И
Omkara is the dhvani-linga, while
nddalinga is Svayambhu. Bindulinga is the
form of yantra, in which Макйга is
з ш щ Щ - m ^ i i ььГс^ч)
fto* ^cl^rhl ч w r : i i W H
Ukara is Caralinga (moveable), Akdra is
the body of the guru. In this way the six types
of lingas should be adored, and by doing so
one is freed from the bondage during the life
ft|cR*r WT % ^nTFTl
Adoring Siva with devotion relieves the
people from the cycle of birth and death and
bestows salvation. By wearing the rosaiy of
Rudraksa one earns one fourth of the merit.
By application of the ashes, one earns half the
f t r a f a f гг ЯтН w fH T ^ w и
The reciting of the mantra earns one third
of the merit and with the performing of the
adoration, one earns full merit.
4 W5S£TR ярзртЯ wf|<T:l
гТрЬг %crdVhST fg3TT:ll W l
О Brahmanas, whosoever reads this
chapter with devotion or listens to it, his
devotion in Siva is established and it keeps on

Ч1®с|^|неьнт^е|и1ч ^ и
102 Siva-Mahapuranam

Glory of Pranava-paficiiksara-mantra

ящсгкг щ ч щ гЩ щ т о !|
"Фэтт *r 5Pj?Tt f% яг: smtln
The rsis said, “O Great Muni, О Lord, you
kindly enlighten us on the glory of Pranava
(omkara) Sadalinga and the worship of the
devotee of Siva.
r P r r s i^ f ^ r ш г я ц ч ш <fR:i
Suta said, “You the ascetics, have put me a
very good question, the answer to which is
known only to lord Mahadeva alone and none
trenft cj$ ш $ fvi4'w fprfer %i
Tt тщ тщт trfw ii^ \\
But still I shall speak out the same by the
grace of lord Siva. Let Siva protect you and
me by all means.
f? м$!ач|м« р ш т у w r^ r:i
чщ H taR u fafri W e t ^ % < fe r r :im i
You should be treated as the boat created
by the wise Prakrti, to enable you to cross the
ocean of the universe.
зг: s w r я' я г е Ш над % :i
w for я$ёГТЧ|4|}£ ct; зрщ fag: и 411
The three letters combined in omkara
means thus Pra (ЗгФч)= of Prakrti or the
world devolved out of it, (delusion), na
(ятащ)= no, va (ЖЧ) to you; in other words
with the reciting of the Pranava mantra, you
would be free from delusion.
iltf’ M im

Rcfapfafa g gtRRII ^ II
It is also called Pranava, because it
destroys all the karmas of the yogis reciting it
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 17 103

and bestows the fresh divine wisdom to them. зтзпти Ч с Ы И ? Т : Ч4ч)

f^dTd dri ^cRT^grrdTf^rdbll ^ II
УэДш ЩТгЧЯ Pranava is the combination of akara, a,
Since Pranava is devoid of delusion, it is ukara, u, Makara, m and the bindu or the spot
called new. It particularly bestows on the great which represents nada, besides the words,
sages, new spotless form. time and the rays.
4rR t child ltd W t fhktum g % ^ rt^ ct

ЗПЛёГ fgfoj tfrrfc ^TWHf^'d?d:IUII W t df^ldrci % p w 3 ^ 1 1 tpsil

Because of its bestowing the new, fresh Откйга which comprises of the three short
and spotless form, the intelligent people call it vowels, always resides in the hearts of the
Pranava. The Pranava is of two types viz. : yogis. The tritattva (зт A) (makara) (A^K) is
gross and subtle. known as small Pranava.
^сйс&ЩТТ v m f i % :i f?ra: VlRtrWdrtcW w t H fvidilrhcbdl

if ^oihhlhf ndcTIcTII II jfWTcf % ЩЩ II

The subtle form has a single letter while With the combination of Siva and Sakti,
the gross form comprises of five letters. Its makara combines in itself the three tattvas
subtle form is invisible, while Pancdksara viz.: sattva, rajas and tamas. The people
form is visible. desirous of the removal of all the sins should
recite the Hrasva or small Pranava.
^IcHtTh^q f ? HFT f | l
l?o || ^FTgcfiTcbwiM: укгйщ ш зуп
A person who is free from the worldly 3TT9TT=^ fd: SrffTT ife 45^11
bondages, represents the gist of all the Vedas. There is a link between Prthivi (earth),
The yogis carry on research on this mantra Vayu (wind), teja (light or fire), Sabda or the
throughout their lives. sound, and the ten directions. Therefore all
htrf fyTcf WM'lfd fdSRT.I these ten follow the path of pravrtti (or remain
in attachment with worldly objects). This is
4^14*1 W7TPt the opinion of the great sages,
In this way when the body becomes weak fish e r yfd id t fd^-dRi 5 efcfejyi
while engaged in meditation, then a yogi
<siigcdi<1 ^ ш i
ultimately achieves Siva in the long run. Only
a person who recites the mantra achieves T n m tlftll ^ 1 1
yoga. Tc|<*1^41314^1 H^rfii ^ H

qddyiccRtfeapft <T ^HidlM'dldl Such of the people who are involved in the
worldly affairs, should meditate upon the
tii^ n Hrasva (small) откйга and those who are
A person who recites the mantra thirty six desirous of retirement from the world they
crores of times he surely achieves the yoga. Its should recite dirgha-omkara. In the beginning
subtle form has two types viz.:- short and of the Vyahrtis or the mantras one can use
long. hrasva or dlrgha Pranava according one’s
104 Siva-Mahapuranam

liking. This Pranava should be used on both By achieving of the spotless yoga, a person
the times (morning as well as the evening) in is relieved of all the worldly bondages. There
combination with the Vedic hymns. By is no doubt about it. Therefore, one should
reciting this mantra nine crores of times, a always meditate upon Siva, the form of
person gets purified. Pranava.
tpgr ЧЧсЙаяП jj ^ < ^ d 4 l4 d ld l W f i r # т щ т г М f?p=r Tret q ЩРТ:1
чЭ 4dchWl s3 сГ1ГЩ
^ ^ ЧII
Again by reciting the mantra nine crores of
A MahayogI engaged in meditation
times a person could conquer the entire world. represents the form of Siva himself. Keeping
By further reciting the mantra by nine crores in mind the rsi, meter and the god etc. in his
of times, one can conquer the tattva of the
body, one should them recite the mantra.
44ST qracbtelT 5 rftrar WTT4WI
^ у ^ II
The Pranava, combined with зт and q
3U<*lVW4|4l4lid Чс|сЬ1(г^ЧЧ ^11 ? о || with due ritualistic is lodged in the body
Then by further performing of the japam which turns into the rsi. By invoking the ten
nine crores of times one can conquer the tejas Matrikas and six adhvas (pathas) one achieves
or fire tattva\ by further reciting the mantra the complete reward of the nyasa or the
nine crores of times, one can conquer the pledge.
tattvas of the wind and the sky.
JTfaiqi ъ fimwt еднмииГии|?)|
*Tpbl Td<*lfcr|t)q t l
: f^4tfiiq:ii*uii
3T^fr<w гг ^11 ? *11 The sthula-Pranava should be recited by
Then by further reciting the mantra nine both the types of people, engaged on the
crores of times one can overpower the worldly affairs as well as those who feel
fragrance and arrogance. detached from it. The Siva-yogis are of three
types based on the activities, tapas as well as
the difference in tapas.
Ш: Щ Гf? ffsntll '5^11
О Brahmanas, by reciting this Pranava
mantra by a thousand times daily, one gets fertTT ТЩЩSRfi: foqiqVtlfd <5>0q^|| * 6 II
purified, earning self-consciousness. Such of the people who adore Siva offering
the riches, serving with hands or other parts of
trqq^THyidcblMd П ФГ:1 the body or offering their salutation to the
^ПГТ%=Т ^'Ч Ч Ш Ч Ш Н * 3 II lord, are called the kriya-yogis or yogis with
In this way, by reciting the omkara mantra action.
hundred and eight crores of times a person Wftfisr i
achieves self consciousness and also achieves
the spotless yoga.ч l%ffd«rfltehh!id ^ R l l * II
Those who are engaged in Siva’s
ч# t: i
adoration, taking little food, exercising control
тгщ ^TtRRT адш%сг over the outer organs and those free from the
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 17 105

jealousy of others are called the Tapo-yogis. beautiful garments, should be seated over the
W ^4сЫЦ1^с)йг1:1 ground on the fourteenth day of the bright
fortnight and start the japam of the mantra,
W ?TRTt tT Щ : II 3 о и
which should be ended on the fourteenth day
Those performing the adoration, who of the dark fortnight.
always remain spotless, free from kama
(desire), krodha (anger) etc. always engaged trm sns (j
in recitation, with peaceful mind, are called ЦеЬсШ f4rTT?ft <T cfT4dd) Рггр)Г*Ч:113$П
Japa-yogis. For this purpose the months of Bhadrapada
irrgTTfcr: т уш Д|и4)Пп1Ч1 or Magha are considered to be the best. The
devotee should take small quantity of food
^ I d le W lR ^ u jc i
once a day, should speak little and control his
The one who adores Siva-yogi with sixteen senses.
methods, he getting purified, achieves the
sdlokya type of salvation. pem w ftrhJTi ч ^тзщщ i
W^rwnluT ^#11^1911
34*1)Фта! W : ftyTT:l
He should serve the manes of his king
rPT: ^ II daily, otherwise he remains indebted to them.
О Brahmanas, now I am going to speak on He should recite the Pancaksara mantra,
japa-yoga. You please listen to the same (with atleast for a thousand, times in a day for the
devotion). Only a tapasvl (an ascetic) has the purpose of self purification.
right to perform the japam, and by doing so all
the sins committed by a person, through out ХЩЩН WFfSj ^rf%^|TFR4;i
the life are washed out. XRTRFHSj 4 f N ^ e b H lf e d 4 ll 3 6 II

fycHIH 4*T: ilcf xR■OTSqf 4«Jdxd*4l One should invoke Siva adorned with the
' C\ "4
Ganga and the crescent moon over his head
^ n y u i d ^ i i f t f v r a w i^ r t % jtt: i i ? ^ ii
and seated peacefully over an asana in
О Brahmanas от namah Sivaya is the padmasana posture and should recite the
Siva-mantra of five taltvas and is the original Pancaksara mantra five lacs of times, which
form of Pranava. bestows welfare.
cimi*.feid$»i<*Ati ^ ГсЦкТч) M^Hiuj:i
4U|^4lfd^jjxb Ж1 WWT *Fl<TII3*ll %at ^m rnfurgprii 3 n
A person by reciting this Рапсйктга ^74JT*TcbTlU № (lf?Tc(4^W HI
mantra achieves all the success in his life.
тршт ^ дт ^4чиё^п^оц
Therefore, a person should recite this
Pancaksara-mantra in combination with Siva has Parvatl seated to his left, is
omkara. surrounded by the ganas, who display the
abhaya and varada-mudras in their hands.
т е # 'flfsr Lord Candrasekhara, and all merciful
W W ^mwdld& %ГГ:11^ЧИ Sadasiva should be adored. Then he should
О Brahmanas, according to the command adore Siva in his mind and then in the solar
of the preceptor, one should be clad in disc.
106 Siva-Mahapuranam

font м1^<з: ^ « U ^ d i сЫГчНЧ pMcf f?l

Ш: ф-HJWd^i 1^ч«ь*5 м щ wii^ ii f e i x t , 11'к II
The devotee of Siva then should face east, The host himself should offer in the fire
engage himself in spotless deeds, should get the oblation of the ghee of the white cow and
up early in the morning on the dark fourteenth also make the devotees of Siva to make a
day of the fortnight, and free himself from the hundred and eight offerings in the fire.
daily routine and then should recite the itaRT ■fiftPffTMT iTOTl
Pancaksara mantra.
ш rtnuiii
At the end of homa, the Brahmanas
4 * |I$ K W т г ^ г г -ЩЩ 'gR[9t ^ T I I V ? II representing Tsana and others, besides the
He should be seated at a beautiful and preceptors, and Samba Siva, should be given
auspicious place and with a pure mind recite the daksina and two cows or a cow and a bull.
twelve thousand times, the Pancaksara cfat Tdf?TT: HHP'lrifiTl
• ш : тчтгш ггйгтн * <?и
щщг оттаян i The water which is left after washing the
feet of the Brahmanas, should be sprinkled by
The devotee of Siva with his wife, should the host over his head, and by doing so he
patronise the Brahmanas, and should also earns the merit of having a bath in thirty six
patronise a Brahmana, as the form of Siva and crores of the auspicious places.
ParvatT. Ы i purl 'яТлч4*ц|
| ptr ггет w n ra tt m W f ^ n ■jft: h # W R [f^ rn r m\ ЦOII
^ wg- nm i After giving dasanga food to the
He should also patronise five more Brahmanas, then the wife of the preceptor
Brahmanas devoted to Siva, in order to should also be adored. The Brahmanas should
represent five forms of Siva viz. Is'ana, Purusa, be adored in the form of Is'ana and others.
Aghora, Varna and Sadyojata.
C\ V
^щгга %ci4vjii w h t t i qichi4 Hdi4 r1H.ll 4 ^11
fvidHyli W fafaefrchcqi ffriT 1ТЧИ^Т1ГХЧ11 Offering them the payasam according to
Collecting the material for adoration, Siva one’s ability, they should be adored offering
should be worshipped appropriately, Rudraksa, costumes, sweet balls etc. should
performing the homa at the same time. also be given to them.
■ЩКТпТWЧёПд^ТП фссГТ tW ЖТсЙсТ! «ifrirJR ш: фг^т ^RPTcftrTI
cfTPIcfa cfT ШИ II cRf: i^pt m гттъ|енчт4гП1ц^ и
He should perform homa in the fire At the end, performing the sacrifice, food
according to the Grhyasutras making the should be served to the Brahmanas. Then
offerings of ten hundred or ten thousand offering prayer to Mahadeva, the japam
oblations. should be concluded.
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 17 107

■gwuiiH I ч%т:\ сТШ t ftfiRTT: tPTFTI

p j "9#C[T4^t Я%ТИ4 3 II 4ldlHlf< Щ Urdl-d 4 II
In this way when a repetition is done in a These lokas have been formed with five
properly, the devotee attains success in the mahabhutas including the earth. From Patala-
mantra. Then after reciting the mantra five loka to Satyaloka, there are fourteen lokas.
lacs of times all his sins are destroyed.
w n^sf p i i #
^dleljch qii4fq«J|e[chU^ ЩЧтЙ|| ^ о ||
Ч'к u From Satyaloka to Ksama (Vaikuntha) are
With the performing of the five lacs of fourteen Visnulokas. Vaikuntha, which is the
japam from Atala-loka to Satyaloka, one
best of the place, is also called Ksamaloka,
achieves the fortunes of each one of the five
which is the dwelling place of Visnu.
ЯТГГ dsflMoKl Я^сТI Cfil4nt^41 Ч£1Я)Пк$Л «fi^nsfilfdaldl
"^cZRTt dlchiaiPdVlfd: iw m il^ ll
WW4tWTT4^R!;il 4 4 II
In case the performer dies during the The MahabhogI lives there for the
course ofjapam, then the said devotee of Siva, protection of all. Above that there are twenty-
after enjoying the effect of all his noble deeds, eight lokas upto Suciloka.
is reborn on earth and he again resorts to 5 ^ ^ ЯгщШсТ:!
japam. By performing the japam of five lacs
times, he achieves the Brahma-Sayujya. 4«IIVIcir^WIW^ll:ll^?ll
Kailasa is lodged above the Suciloka,
which is the abode of Rudra who destroys all
ЗТЩпТ ^idel^ui Я^сТИЧ^ II the creatures. Further above, there are fifty six
By further reciting of five lac times, he lokas upto Ahimsaloka.
achieves the Saritpya fortunes. By reciting the 3#Uldl=b4l!VJId Tpl
mantra a crore of times, he is turned like a Щ^^ЧТЯЯТс) ^ ^ II
Brahmana. Residing at Ahimsaloka, Karyesvara
сы4^щ tret щгрт tfwtra t i concealing all, lives at Jnanakailas'apura.
m g ятяятятРт ЯгтатёН&пч'зп
Thus with the use of кйгуа brahman he
achieves Sdyujya and he enjoys all the Above the Ahimsaloka, there is the
pleasures according to his own liking till the Kdlacakraloka and still further is the
end of Brahma’s kalpa. Kdlatltaloka. It happens to be the dwelling
place of Kalacakresvara.
•О АШ'ЧтЬ!
'Л ^fdbnfdll4<ill «Мятязта ^pfri
Again with the arrival of the next
kalpantara, he becomes the son of Brahma,
then with the performing of the severe tapas, STRc^nf^ECTEcrp: wtfyr:
he becomes illustrious and achieves salvation. W II ^ I I
108 Siva-Mahapuranam

щдщ-: fjwrauTf engaged in the adoration qf the bindu (spot),

rTRR'qlW: У)тЬ[^()«П'Шс|^с) %11^П who return to earth according to their karmas.
Getting established in Mahisadharma, he ft Rteblhl 1
unites eveiyone with the time. Falsehood, % elR r§T4ylcbl: H V ^ll
blemish, violence, and shamelessness, are the The devotees of Siva who adore linga
four amsas of Siva, the atheist Laksmi, evil without any desire achieve the still higher
company, Vedabahya (driven out of the Vedic loka. The devotee who adore the gods other
faith), the anger, black colour, Mahamahisa than Siva reach the place lower than that of
forms, have Mahesvara as their lord. By the Siva.
grace of Siva the anger etc. disappear.
R idcbR udi % щ cT^scf ti
gichlfepT: 11^9^11
% 5TR1W d^efcijjl ^ 6 II Those who adore Siva alone, reach the
Thereafter, karmabhoga, jMnabhoga, place still higher than that. Jivakoti is before
karma-maya and jnana-maya are there. The that place and beyond that in Sivakoti.
word Maya represents Laksmi or the
угфв^54тчмсь1: и^эч n
Щ Ч ): dr&yrm t *nft
Prior to that place, the worldly jlvas reside.
t ■mfrf ттггИтг эвяйм $ и Those who attain salvation live beyond that
In other words, Maya is so called because place. Those who adore the natural dravyas
Laksmi makes a person to enjoy all the live in the lowest of the lokas.
pleasures and the knowledge. ft g 1 w £ « ? £ a e b i:i
d^S=f Rrw RtI % ctctcif^ f^ :!
RRtelH 4f| eRR^U'soll In the loka, far from this, there live the
Beyond these bhogas is the nitya-bhoga devotees of Paurusa-dravyas. The sakti-lihga
and before that is nasvara and then precedes them while the Sivalinga follows
concealment, which is not after it.
'd ^ m i f d f t l f f t R m ^ fd l
dttcifeKljRgn ftr^T’ cf T ebfr'4d*jjl\9'3ll
ddcfta4rw£d cbiuichuk-HiRucipa^ii
Saguna linga is lodged before it while the
Before that is pasabandhana (binding in Nirguna-lihga is above it. Ahead of it is, the
fetters), but thereafter, there is no kalpita linga and still further is the akalpita-
pasabandhana. Before that the creatures lihga.
return on the basis of the deeds performed by
dddfeKjRhflld)l f t W ^ 1Щ7П^ШТ11\ЭЙ11
Thereafter, there is the Adhibhautika
d<cticmRd^ Rf^qyTTqTlWiH^II Brahmalinga, after which there is the
After that starts the niskamakarmayoga. In Adhybtmika Antaranga linga and beyond that
the loka earlier to it the people remain are a hundred and twelve Sakti-lokas.
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 17 109

P§PTPI of Brahmacarya is found there. It has the four

РрР^РРп5н1РЯ§ P^S# *1H<HW*>:I|V9<?II
feet like truth and others and is lodged beyond
Beyond them, there are Bindumpa,
Nadarupa, Karmaloka and Jnanaloka.
РРШШ^с? % 4 p l^lH W :l
'itn P W lfprl^np Uc4i<u(u P PT : IIdoll
The best of the bull has forgiveness as the
horns, peace is the ear and is decorated with
Further beyond, there is a loka named the sound of the Vedas. The faith represent his
Namaskara which removes the pride and eyes, and the mind is the preceptor's wisdom
arrogance. Further beyond that, there are Jana in the form of his breath.
and Tirodhana lokas, from where the people
never return. fprarfpipw Irat: ^rpn
PP % p fe n fw snf Pii?nrftPls(yfda(diidV9ii

d<c|f<*4ftc|<Q This is to be known that these all deeds

(dharmas) of bull are lodged always in
The meaning of jnana means, the removal kdrana-Brahma (primary cause). Beyond
of Tirodhana. Beyond that place the people these all kalatita (Siva) is mounted there.
are engaged in adhibhautika type of adoration.
ЗТТад#Ч<ШсЫ рсГ P^sf WPTfpr t l
prat p7tffr^^iTrtripr^%ii d ^ ii P fpP TTfM 'Р’РЩипП'еЬЧП d d II

Those who perform the adhyatmika The day is counted of their own life of
(divine) type of adoration, live above that Brahma, Visnu and Mahesa. Beyond that there
place in the Mahaloka called Atmalihga for a is neither the day nor the night. Further there
long time. is neither the birth nor the death.
ps9p : эд тататагрт:
p ra rfp ra ra fpfppT: w i i ^ m
PcftpT^T ftp TTcf Hlfibch^ftchH.lld^ll
The people living there are aware of the Then till Satyalokas, the cause of the
eight types of the bondages like Prakrti, karana Brahma have been lodged always over
Mahatattva, pride and pahea-tan-matras. the subtle elements smell etc. and other
Thus they have the worldly as well as the Bhittas.
Vedic divisions. т^рррггаррт ft frapT prtPii?jpifvTi
зтатЫггаты «ыетаж pdra %i )JP: p p p p f p w n f f r a p r PT tPraP^T Il ^ OII
wnfpsrfapiT if f^rappmw Glid'd и The fourteen lokas are established with the
Those who are truthful and adore lord Siva, subtle gandha form. The karana-Visnu’s
they cross the kalacakra who rides over the fourteen lokas are lodged beyond that.
buffalo in the form of adharma. PP: cbK U K ^I
П?га<я)<*ш: fraptii dmi Then the twenty eight lokas of karana-
The Vrsabha as dharma taking to the form Rudra are said to be fhere. Still beyond them
110 {Siva-Mahapuranam

are the fifty six lokas of kdrana-livava. whomsoever, the lord Siva casts his
m: щ benevolent sight, he indeed achieves salvation.
There is no doubt about it.
ЙёГ ?ih 4>hi^ и
О V)Wfi4<^cf %l
Ч«Щи.ё'Н^хЬ ^W^Rlf^TTTI
3 n f ^ w n f E 4 i1 ^ 4 f <r m tn ^ 3 и
The bliss of self consciousness is called
Beyond them, there is a brahmacarya-loka
salvation. Such a person is devoted to his
recognised by Siva. There is also the Adilinga
actions, tapas, japam, jndna, meditation and
with Adisakti, in Jnana-Kailasa-loka
combined with Pancavarana (covered from
five ways), five mandalas and the five kalas fe a re r H am f |i
of Brahma.
rvHHilfhc* ЗЙтБ f^raTPi WTlrTR:!
пчутсмтт tr^R:ii^'j{|| 3T5TRfgf4^fr <T f ^ l ^ R ЗГсП% 11 ?o ^||
This place happens to be the Sivalaya or By having a look at Siva, a person achieves
the abode of supreme-souled Siva. It is this self consciousness. As the sun removes the
place, where lord Siva lives with his Sakti. blemish (darkness with its rays, similarly the
immensely compassionate lord Siva removes
the ignorance of the devotees. When the
ignorance is removed duly then the wisdom is
Lord Siva, who creates, preserves, attained.
destroys, conceals and showers his grace, is
lodged there in the form of sat-cit and ananda
(bliss). ЗПгЧТТт^^ fRf^TT ?o^||
eziREnf: W By attaining the knowledge of Siva, a
person achieves his self consciousness, after
: ^сЦгчигч)' fa lle n <^н which a person is deemed to be successful in
The one whose dhyana is the dharma, who his desires.
is always compassionate to the people, the one
who is seated in meditation and is absorbed in TR2J WR^tlT sT^TUT: ТЩЩЯЧШТ1
self, looking graceful. )R3J fatui): 1|с;чс11Ч<ип11 $ и
cfiF? eb4BqWlfc(RT: sPTlrTI Then he, after performing the japam by a
hundred lacs of times achieves the highest
(4r^cb4iW4lRtJel«b^4fd^dll <^11 place of Siva becoming Para-Brahman. Then
One can have audience with him by by performing a hundred lacks of japam one
adoring him. By performing the karmas daily achieves the place of Visnu.
one develops the inclination by adoring Siva.
гГ#ТЩТ: T rifffin ^ 4 W r:il^ < iii By further performing the japam for a
One should attain the knowledge about hundred lacs more, one achieves the place of
Siva by performing his adoration daily. On Rudra. By further continuing japam for a
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 17 111

hundred lacs more, he achieves Aisvarya- There, one would find Rajamandapa, the
pada. best place of Nandi, and the bull in the form of
ШЧ тртчт%1:1 tapas.
f? chlH4*4cil4dldll ц || MtrtaRM r?m r q^micuui ctmi

By performing the similar type of japam €г т а t r : ii ш n

with alertness, he achieves the kalacakra After the five curtains, there is the place of
which is the creation of the Sivaloka. Sadyojata. In the fourth curtain, there is the
5Ьч1тА| place of Vamadeva.
wnrtft- <TI wi^ ii $ II штт1чгг4 ЩЦ\
In the sequence of Шасакга one achieves ЧЪЧнН MWM f^dldlcKUi ^TMIII ШИ
also the panca-cakras. Maha-Bahma-cakra, After the third curtain, there is the place
Bhoga and Moha are Vaisnava cakras. Aghora, and the place of Sambapurusa or
«ь1чЦ\б1 ^ГЧИТ тТ$ГС Ardhanarfsvara is in the second curtain.
fyicra* чцхга ferg^n; и^ovan ч<^<ч ШТЩЩ гГгГ: 1
Кора (anger) and moha (delusion) are MRerfM Xf w w t w i ?!rT: 11ШП
Raudra cakras. The wandering is the Isvara The place of Tsana is in the first curtain.
cakra jnana and moha are the Siva-cakras. Than there is the fifth mandapa which is the
These are called the рапса cakras. place of dharma and dhyarta (meditation).
443J % щтпщшт: WH «riVHMM Щ И Ш
Again by performing japam by ten crores The place of Siva, the lord of Bali bestows
of times, one achieves karana-Brahman. By complete nectar. The fourth mandapa has the
performing ten crores of japam again, one image of Candrasekhara.
achieves Aisvarya of the place.
рт? fawdli*: щ ?щт чтпэт Р1£п(шп:п ш п
4plc44:ll ^o^|| Somo-Skanda is lodged in the third
In this sequence, by attaining the places of mandapa. The place of the believers is in the
Visnu and others, the great and valorous noble second mandapa which is also called the
soul, achieves the Aisvarya pada. dancing hell.
(VI<3Rrfleh4c|l4)fd ТЩЧЩТ1Щ 1|':11^ о 11 rRT: ЧТ m bjt fRfMR ht ^WII
Shedding away the laziness, performing The place of Maya (illusion) is in the first
the japam, by a hundred arid five crore times, mandapa. Then there is the garbhagrha and
the devotee comes out of the five curtains and beyond that is the auspicious lingasthana.
achieves Sivaloka.
qf-dfiWHd: w Щ : %arlwTi
ТГЩТ Ш Ш Mfterrr gf^MSR^rmqra^ii ш п
нчШщ? p fr^ d ii ш и Behind that is the place of Nandi and at the
112 Siva-MahSpuranam

place beyond that no one is aware of the

fortunes of Siva. Remaining outside, f® 41R #4T stimuli 4 % 4 II ^ * 1 1
Nandlsvara always recites the Pancdksara
A Ksatriya should recite this mantra five
lacks of times, then he is freed from duties of
Tjci т т ш й ® 4<h?nu w a Ksatriya. By again reciting the mantra by
ш. щ mu five lacks of times more, he becomes a
In this way I procured the text of the
conversation between Sanatkumara and 4 1 4 F 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 T :I
Nandlsvara, by means of the tradition of the % SR4 ln ? 4 ^ 4 4 ^ b g fd )l ^4411
preceptor and the disciple. The subject beyond By again reciting the same number of the
this is to be known by himself, which could be mantra, one achieves the siddhi in the mantra
attained by the grace of Siva. and one gets free from reciting the japam. By
performing the japam of the mantra five lacs
of times, a Vaisya is freed from Vaisyatya or
?I44cl ^ о It
remaining as Vaisya.
Those who believes in lord Siva, are of the
442J W 4 # 4 4 4 * ^ 4 4 454^1
opinion that the real treasure of Sivaloka
could be known only by the grace of Siva fm ^ $и
himself and there is no other remedy for the By reciting the mantra for five lacs of
same. times, it is called as mantra-Ksatriya. By
tier TPtm ш : ^ргГ^гстт t reciting further by five lacs of times his
Ksatriyahood is removed.
зйчт щ w : ^ ^ii
With this sequence the Brahmanas who 44ЭГ WFRTUT 44ЩЩГОТ 34441

had controlled this senses, were redeemed. 4 4 tS 4 )4 9 у 311

Now I shall speak about the sequence of the 4 4 tf4 4 4 t4 T 4 II 4 9 Т Щ ^ Т 4 ^ 5 4 : 1
other varnas like Ksatriyas and others you
kindly listen to me with devotion. 4l<l4M ЧТТ 414 4 F 4 4 4 4TII m i l
By further reciting the mantra by five lacks
^ W^TRf 4415414141
times more, he is called the mantra-
Brdhmana. In case a Sudra adding namah at
As per the advice of the preceptor, the the end of the mantra, recites the mantra by
Brahmanas should add the word namah (44:) twenty lacs of times, then he achieves the
at the end of the mantra and should recite the position of a mantra-Brahmana. After reciting
mantra five lacs of time. This leads to the the japam by twenty lacs of times again, a
increase of the age. Sudra is turned into a pure Brahmana.
^14144441^ 4 4 1 ^ 41^44:1 Irrespective of the one, being a woman, man, a
Brahmana or anyone else, all are purified with
4^Щ Ш 444 Ж444Ш 44^1:11 m i l the reciting of this mantra.
For the wiping off of woman-hood, one
should recite the mantra five lacs of times. 44Г54Т 4T 4 4 : C\ чЭ
4^4T 4441

After achieving manhood, she gets redeemed. 44 1#4T 4^4tW 44^#^4R4FTH W ^ И

Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 17 113

A sick person using the word namah in the f? fa t

preceding or the following of the mantra, Whatever be the number of the mantras
should recite it always. The preceptor should recited by them, they achieve the nearness of
give the mantra to the women and the SOdras, the goddess Bhagavatl with the same
without откйга. proportion. The learned people who adore
Siva, become entitled to s'abda-гйра
f ^ r «гаш w b i i ^ о n themselves.
After the completion of the five lacks of -щц fm\ щ чтт -?tf%
C\ С' "v

the japam of the mantra five lacs of times, TTIt B Xt fa ^ - Xt in ^ s s r ЧРШ Т IS F ^ II ЪЪЬ II
then he should, in order to please lord Siva, One should adore Para-sakti (Parvatl)
offer to the lord the Mahabhiseka and conceiving, himself to be the form of Siva.
naiveyda and then he should adore the One should adore Sakti and one image of Siva
devotees of Siva. getting free from illusion.
W T fvieWrbTq ШШ\ Я%гТ1 fa fa Htsrr ТсПсЧТЧ V lf^ ^ g ih l
Уу'мад Г?13^ш чт^т faeft % чви ?l№ lf Xt ^ ЩТШ уц fvH^4efi^||^V9ll
Siva feels extremely pleased with the Sivalinga should be treated as the form of
adoration of his devotee. There is hardly any Siva, the soul as the form of Sakti or
difference between Siva and his devotees Saktiliriga, than conceiving the goddess he
because these devotees too become the form should consider himself, as the form of Siva.
of Siva. 4Tc^fa xt
fvicHcHcN4d5H*r yiiunfejci tret %i сu
H %% ddTCMl tfartII ^ RII ЩШ1Г %сг ^ чёттаятчi
By embracing the mantra of Siva, he rvN4Tt)ii^}ci и<^цадй^г^чсьгч1 i ^ и
becomes Siva himself. The body of Siva’s
devotee, turns like of Siva himself.
Зч Гум чт+^ч fa i% 4 :ii ^ o ii
%5ПЧШ: felT: W f e l t fag: I
One should take Sivalinga as form of nada
Ш ^ёРШ11 ^ ? II and Sakti should be treated as the form of
rtral чm i bindu or spot. Then omkara should be taken as
linga with Sakti, then on should adore Siva
The devotees of Siva are aware of and Sakti. One should also adore the devotees
everything including all the methods of Siva who are believed to be the form of
prescribed in the Vedas. Whosoever might Siva’s mantra as well as Siva; and by doing so
have recited the Sivamantra by any number of such adoration is equated with the worship of
times, achieves nearness to Siva with the same Siva by the sixteen methods (upacaras). The
proportion. There is no doubt about it. The same reward can be achieved by adoring the
woman devotees of Siva, achieves the form of Lingayata devotees of Siva.
Devl-liriga. 3TT4fa 3 R $ ftg lf^ c r: jftddfl *facll
7ПЗДЩ f%| Tf? TTcfa drill y t R\\
114 Siva-Mahapuranam

A Brahmana performing the japam is

«й ^ *гчзг *r ятаятатч«щ«:п considered to be more important than a
hundred Brahmanas engaged in tapas. A
By doing so, the learned man feels Brahmana with Siva-jnana is considered to be
comfortable and lord Siva feels pleased. One better than a thousand Brahmanas engaged in
should with his wife offer food to the japam.
Brahmana couples and adore them as well,
who could be five, ten or a hundred in
number. One should preserve the feeling of wnfawt fef?raitii н
Siva in his mind as well as the body, free from
Among a lac of Brahmanas with Siva-
jndna, a meditating Brahmana is considered to
fyicryiRh^iiui ч ч-Mfad gfoi be the best. Out of a crore of Brahmanas
чтйш 41$ч1шч|<*тй farappranrii ^3 и engaged in meditation, one who is engaged in
Then he, getting the form of Siva-sakti is samadhi is considered to be the best.
never bom on earth again. Brahma is lodged
below the navel, while Visnu is lodged above ТШ W *Tffli|fa:ll m i l
the neck.
By these methods, the superiority is
^sT f a f Ш gradually increased and by adoring them
gradually, and the reward achieved for the
same is unknown even to the learned people.
f |l
cTWlt fyicWTb'^ Wc«< c£t 4T:\
%er?rcR*it: 43R ЩflraVrHW ЧуРПТН ?Ч о II
The form of the face of Siva’s devotee is
Because of this, who could be aware of the
the form of linga. Those who are dead or
glory of the devotee of Siva. Indeed the
those who have been cremated or even those
adoration of a Siva’s devotee amounts to the
who have not yet been cremated, for the sake
adoration of Siva and Sakti.
of those, Siva should be adored first of all and
then the eternal mother Sakti should be ^ 4ft щэят тг fym: fw rw ti
adored. The devotees of Siva should be adored Ч И Й з а д Т Ч u m HI 1^4 ^11
thereafter. %^TRt 4 % : Щ 4t^fri
тгчштгг *чмм! я ^ т :1 « l^ fe -^ T b is r fa v M 44t¥TT:ll 4 It
rlhlUrbl fyfvibtr^ll || A person who adores Siva, with devotion,
In this way the person reaching in pitr-loka he is himself turned to the form of Siva and
is redeemed in due course of time. A also achieves Siva. The one who reads with
Brahmana, engaged in tapas is considered to meanings this chapter based on the Vedas,
be greater than the ten Brahmanas engaged in such a Brahmana, becoming a Siva-jnam
remains happy with Siva. О Sages, a
ordinary activities.
Brahmana well-versed in the scriptures should
narrate this chapter to the devotees of Siva.
ДЧсццЦ fqf^|«Jr)|| ^tfiaii %агсшгз!№;: w f c g w fiw r W :ii зи
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 18

О Brahmanas, (by doing so), he achieves

the grace of Siva, as well the success in all the
walks of life.
д а ш fsrilwditidiui
ЧПТ -HH^^TtSSJTRT: it ^11
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 18 115

wisdom is the gunatnaka ahamkdra and the

panca-tanmatras (five subtle rudiments of
five elements). All these eight when combined
are called Prakrti.

4SJ cfpfcit ^ iFqgnf tR;
-Л '

The body is formed by the eight beings.

CHAPTER 18 The activities of the body are called the
karmas. Then the process of karmas from the
Glory of Sivalinga
body and the body from the karmas starts.
о: унН Щад ф* ряй ^ ^ скнигш
% -ф RclMfadMI
w оу|чщ ш ь ^ т Ш ^ т т ^ т и ^ и
T JE T -3 3 W
The body is of three types viz.: gross,
cr wrara <z$si subtle and casual. The gross body relates to
The Rsis said- “0 Suta, you are well- the worldly affairs. The subtle body is meant
versed in all the topics, therefore you speak to for the pleasures of the organs of senses.
us on the subject of the bondage as well as the ШЩ W
W :I
release from the same.” Suta said, “O W ФнргтЧ: w rfb: WHuyddii'aii
чЭ О чЭ
Ascetics, I am going to explain the bondages
The casual body is meant for soul’s
as well as the methods used for the release
performance due to the karmas. The karmas
therefrom or redemption from these bondages.
(deeds) are the cause of pleasure or pain, sins
You better listen to me with respect. and the merits.
dwfig ch4 fwcn f| #ar: tr: 54:1
HforMigfgsrifr tjtF 3 ^ 11 ^ ii
jfHk5Wd>4«Err тг^тнc 11
Because of the remaining in eight types of Therefore, the jlva after having been bound
fetters, the soul is called the jlva. When a with the rope of karmas, again and again,
person is freed from these bondages, the wanders in the three types of bodies like a
person is called redeemed. wheel.
«frrMlRcivfebHl tTT^ Щ йф W .l
cG g # g rS T frfc & t tt c fS E R ii ^ и M^riiifd, ъ ф : W : f?ra:u^ii
The controlling of the bondages of Prakrti In order to avoid the wandering of the jlva
and others is called self-redemption or always like a wheel, one should adore
liberated. The one who is caught in the Jagadisvara who is the creator of the
bondages is called the jlva and the one who is universes. There are the eight mahdcakras
freed of the bondage is called redeemed. including Prakrti. Siva is beyond these
ШТ1 '30llfRcH:l cakras.
Чг1Н-ЦЫГи^НА1фА11€ГЙ'Ф fa§:im i ■d*«bnl u?>vii % y<jhrl: 4<ul ^Ш:1
Prakrti comprises of wisdom. After tsrlcR firafr дт «л# ^ w ii и
116 Siva-Mahapuranam

[?1сГМ«П etV ^ rillR lfriy frll 'jjfJT T $T f ? я ф и : Ч Т Я : f? T 4 :i

cR?t^ t ^ fhitH-miRssci ^f?r * ^ h :i 5ГШ^ fiTtl ТГсЧ firaJW fSrvlutT: ll ^ II

ЦсГ % h R v u fe r R r:T ? ? :ll ^11 Mahesa, who lives beyond Prakrti,
Because Siva, the creator of the cakra of bestows his special grace in his devotee, when
the universe is beyond Prakrti. As a living he adores him.
child drinks water and then vomits it, rynyfflc'Trtfiiiki эйщ «Ш1
similarly, Siva also has overpowered Prakrti.
ЯфА1Я1 T p f ё Щ Я ^ сГИ II
The entire universe has been controlled by
him, therefore he is called Siva. Siva is щщтк ff?r зшт: wirMumi fatM i
omniscient, complete and free from desire. Щ Г : II v II

даГ#Т( сщт t ty ra n t f чш: тш№гатч^1

W T T ttT Rl<44<jH?rRh:l T IT 4 fi4 Я Т % Т Г Я Щ Я г Р Я Й ёТ Я у ) T W II ^ 1 1

With the grace of Siva, one can exercise all

* 1 л м А « 4 ч ^ !г 1 ^ : i i ? y n the control over all the things; when
Because of his being omniscient his is everything from Prakrti to the karmas is
called Anadi-bodha. Because of the freedom controlled, at that very moment the devotee is
possessed by him he is conceived with the freed and he becomes the supreme spirit. By
visible prowess. He is the prowess of the grace of the lord when this karmadeha
Mahesvara beyond measure. His mental comes under control, a person who then lives
fortunes are known only to two Vedas. in Sivaloka, achieves Salokya-mukti. By
exercising control over the tanmdtrds (subtle
Ш: RiMSWlH »ф'гЧ1^ ЯЧН1
essence of five elements) one achieves the
учун^м ^ n closeness of Samba (Ardhanarisvara).
Because of this, Prakrti and other elements
could be controlled by the grace of Siva. For
gaining the grace of Siva, he should be тщЯЯЩНт Tf ffiggjtftr ЩПТ Я%Н11 Уon
adored. Thereafter he achieves closeness of Siva by
means of ayudhas (trident etc.) with the
R t:TJFT4 ТГ w R z r iTW W T Ш achievement of the food offered to the deity,
f ^ T ^ T f K t «mf у ш зчН Ф я^ сти even the wisdom comes under control.
How can one adore, the complete and
without desire lord Siva? Therefore the deeds
which are performed for the sake of Siva, he чч«^1УЯк*ч yfiRr4viWun у
feels pleased with the same. Wisdom is the job of Prakrti which is
called Sarsti (the one having similar place and
tft ятбзй f^rg f^a W fal
power). Then with the maMprasada (cooked
д гг^ т я ч ш mtr ^ m r f h s rfs r^ ii и food offered to the deity) even Prakrti also is
One should adore Siva, in the form of controlled.
linga, image, his devotees take them as Siva. TTFT^rJ Щ[$ш ЯЙЬ£|{?П
Then he should be adored by the speech, body,
mind and with the offering of riches. y i^ ia йт®=гт Wrdfr тгйи ууп
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 18 117

Then the mental fortunes of Siva are % ъфщч <т fatsfKTUi

achieved without much effort. By achieving ft w m я6и
the fortunes of Siva like omniscience, the
devotee looks graceful in himself. Siva is the subtle form (or formless) of
Pranava, whereas the gross linga is associated
with the time. The same is also called
TieTЗЙхгт w fe fR f WIT W :ll? ^ ll Pancaksara.
The same has been termed by the Vedas Т7ГГ tPT: Ш ЩТТгЧТ^ТК Э Т 1
and post Vedic literature as Sayujya salvation. q f w f ^ w r n f r f a f l f t ц щ ф ^ 11У Я h
In the same sequence, by adoring liriga etc.
one achieves salvation automatically. mfq f^mfr Щ; fyrat Ш ч ^тцт: i
ЗКТ: feJTgl: qsrafee^i
^chitifui q^raifq и
The adoration of both of them is called the
fvi^ri4: 1WR5PT: TR(ni ? * II
tapas which bestow moksa. There are several
Therefore for the achieving the pleasure of lingas made by human efforts a well as the
Siva, he should be adored appropriately. By natural ones, their detailed account could be
adoring Siva offering the lotus flowers, a provided by Siva himself and by none else.
devotee achieves Sivaloka. But whatever is known to me about the
Parthiva-linga (or the linga of clay) the same
ЗТЩгНщй: ($ral€RWHR4H is being repeated by me to you.
The knowledge of Siva, meditation of Siva,
should be practised by a devotee regularly qfd fsd tR ^ T h f a f jT 7Щ*Ш11 3 ^11
from morning to the time of sleep or going to The first is Svayambhii-linga the second is
bed. One should always keep Siva in mind.” Bindu-linga, the third category includes the
lingas which are consecrated and the fifth
category comprises of the Guru-linga.

ftffCaft %ЦЦЗТТЦТ fatTR ЯрГсТ! II Я^ II

|2 : ^rfsrezmf <т <тзг ti
The rsis said, “O Suvrata Suta, what is the
process of the adoration of the linga? You With the performing of the tapas by the
kindly speak out the same to us.” ascetics and the gods, lord Siva was pleased to
grant closeness to them. He lives on earth in
the form of the seed and sound (nada).
ftffRi xi qjq twiic^uTd %5TT:i
^ Tt:i
usnt fn^ifteh^n ^\эп
wrrarit qnafqfi wogftfa <f % : II3 3 II
Suta said, “O Brahmanas, I am going to
As the seed sprouts piercing through the
speak out to you, the process of adoring Siva
in the form of linga, in a sequence, which land, similarly the linga which is self bom, is
called Svayambhu.
should be listened by you. You listen to the
same quite attentively (of all the lingas) w t wqfr? qareEri
Pranavalinga happens to be the first. W ifelr# Щ Tjfasqt wfeHSfh cmi^il
118 Siva-MahSpuraiiam

Щ ш Ш faf- ^^M0|cf4^cbqj By daily adoring such a linga one achieves

Ффф mrfcrm vfmm&T Ф у/ $ци courage and fortunes. The intelligent
Brahmanas, the kings or the Ksatriyas, or
With the adoring of such a type of linga wealthy people, when get a linga prepared by
one achieves wisdom automatically. A linga the artisans, and consecrating it with the
made in gold, silver, earth or which is drawn reciting of the mantras is called the
over a pedestal with one’s own hand or Prakratika-linga. By adoring it one achieves
writing the spotless Pranava mantra over a the natural fortunes.
yantra, should be consecrated by invoking.
xXftr? W ftfis iflwpRri
Wert Ъ SRT1
Г?тс|^§ ч w^.-ii ^hii
The one which possesses the prowess,
This happens to be moveable and being everlasting, the same is called Paurusa-
immovable forms of Bindu-linga. This is linga. The one which is weak and
totally emotional and this way one come face impermanent, it is called Prdkrt-linga.
to face with Siva.
Щ- 4TfW8IT foW ЧШПТ Ш1
m fgwifr ьктят.ч
с&г*П% fa$4№4lfrq«h rRTTil'S'iSii
тф wcRTTra^fririi ^V3ii _
The adhyatmika (spiritual), Cara (moving)
зшщг тзт^згщ m#wnr%:i should be consecrated over linga, navel,
36 и tongue, tip of the nose, from the tuft of the
The one who believes in Siva, he is surely waist, heart and the face.
rewarded by him. The yantras written in one’s TlTRq Ш fITfKT
own hand, immovable or at the natural place,
should be adored after invoking the lord. By
doing so, one achieves the fortunes and by Paurusa-linga should be lodged in a
practising the same, one achieves wisdom. mountain, while the Prdkrta-linga should be
lodged on earth. Further the Paurusa-linga
should be lodged in a tree and Prdkrta-linga
should be lodged in a shrub.
Ф ^nfhrt Ш^Чттч1 TTfecfc mfFi
Т Ы MlgWrtlfd(8d3^ll>JoU ttw fciai^rumraar^feqii'jj^n
The linga which is consecrated by the gods The linga in the form of SdthI rice is called
and the ascetics for their own success, reciting Prdkrta-linga and the one made by paddy or
the mantras in the auspicious mandala, with the wheat should be treated as Paurusa. With
the spotless emotions, it is called the Paurasa- the consecrating of the Paurusa-linga one
linga or the consecrated one. achieves fortunes as well as the eight siddhis
w it Ш like anima etc.
S T fn T 'H lg < lR a 4 > l:l

f^ n r m M ъ щ\ ш ч rnfaff зга^згггги и
з Ш 3rrf«T f| The learned people say that by adoring the
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 18 119

Prakrta-linga one achieves a good wife and pedestal of the linga is more beneficial to
enormous riches. Rasa-linga is considered to them.
be the best among the moveable lingas.
Mftftch' 'Hfd'jfl W IxAdl
Tsfnf ?п#ипч'[ чгаЬйкнН Tjlfiftebl-rl ClUW^dJI ЦХ11
§rftgmr ^ПТИ^йИ A devotee having been inspired by the
With the adoring of the Rasa-linga all the preceptor, should perform all types of
desires of the Brahmana are fulfilled. The adoration. At the end of the abhiseka the
Bdna-linga bestows the Ksatriyas with naivedya of best quality of cooked rice should
kingship. be offered.
^ %^FTt Wlft ш ¥ й | ’ P p f t
fvRHffnf 5 ^rnrt ^ rp ii* ,?ii gjTpiftfHFTt TWTft <Tft%^?TII44ll
The gold linga earns enormous riches for After the completion of the linga ’s
the Vaisyas. The linga made in stone, purifies worship, it should be placed in a vase and kept
even the Sudras. separately. The Brahmanas who have become
free from the adoration, should then be served
with food.
тшт ч ftfoguTii цои
ftfH R t Ж f t t f P ftftM fil
The crystal linga as well as the Bana-linga
fulfil the desires of all. In case the linga
prescribed for a particular caste is not Those who have renounced the world, they
available any other linga could worshipped, should adore the subtle linga. It should be
wtrirr ч mftcj- ftr^- w rtp t fg?toT:i adored with ashes which should also be
ftsfcTHT ЗЩхТИТ Bh'lfich TjfT^tfWrrTTII 4 ?ll offered to it.
The Parthiva-linga is more important for
the women whose husbands are alive. The
widows who are engaged in the worldly After adoration, the linga should be placed
activities, the adoration of the crystal linga has
over the head. The vibhiitis (ashes) are of three
been prescribed.
types viz.: Loka, Veda and the one produced
fcl^dMi y^TiMi tufcif}- ftlftreftl by Sivagni.
щ gift gift pTTT.TI 4 ? II
f wlrnt i
WTcpwmnT awwi g отд дич<Я1
p g R T ш т а т « д Ы )у я < т g ftrn ч ? и
ftrnrftt g '«sq'mi gi
The widows who are free from the worldly
тот 44ftdRi g щщч1 ч и
activities, the Rasa-linga is the best. О Sages,
during the childhood, youthful age and the old The ashes of the worldly fire are meant for
age, the spotless and the auspicious linga of the cleaning of the vases. The wcfldly fire
crystal stone, fulfils all their desires. The purifies the dust, iron, cereals, sesame, and
women who are desirous of the worldly other things besides the costumes and the left
pleasures, the adoration of the pitha or the over or weathered things.
120 Siva-Mahapuranam

JgrfefaffelHt ЧТ'WFRT ^jfefezittl Щ trpfe wfesfe rTI

W f e fe ^ v t W *T Ж Ш М <Т % Ц ^ с Т || ^ о || f | fe^: W? rBTTSfl^U5, ^ II
The things polluted by the dog could also This type of ash should be applied over the
be purified with the ashes. It could be used body for the purpose of grace and by doing so
with or without water. a person gains respect and glory. Siva had
^ s tw t w w mM) initially defined the bhasma (ashes) thus.
цч^пт fe w cfptffe s ?и 4Щ WfdM'il TF5TT W 44r*<4J
The ashes of the domestic fire is called w w : и щ И щ ш w ife c tu ^ n
Vedagni-bhasma. It should be collected at the 4Ш ft ЗП«'|Рч»
end of the function. The fire produced by WRT* ^fewfell $ 6 II
mantras and action, is called karmagni which
turns into ashes. Ш iRSRbcrtsfe ЧЯfew WRIT: I
ТПТ (j^lufllijl ^ ЯИ
гг^шгрлтдгя Ш 5 т Ш w ti
As the king accepts taxes for the people as
arafttfiwfeoT few ig u^t^ tii 5, ? ii the gist. As a person takes other gist of it by
With the application of the ashes over the husking of the paddy, as the stomach fire
body one is bestowed with the influence of the which digests food, bums the food consumed
relative karmas. The fire in the wood of the by a person and using its essence keeps the
woodapple trees should with the Vedic body healthy, similarly lord Siva, who creates
aghora-mantra. the entire universe, burning the delusion with
fvraifafifa «ЧЙтЬ&Ч feelliiqy^l him, accepts its essence.
^iffermtWT fe r ctfil $ 3 II ЗПЩ WrW!TRFR)%WI
о£П$Ч WToSTR (j^rfcIRIIlaoll
fecnf^RT Ъ&ЩЩ.rlt fec||f4^4ll^'KII Then he applies the ashes of the delusion
over his body, with the application of the
This is called Sivagni which also produces
ashes over his body, he carries the essence of
pure ashes. With the igniting of the Sivagni
the world with him.
(fire) with the cow-dung of the white or cow
or cow of any other colour, wood of sami W fe W W W W37t% f? T lfe fe l
(thorny shrubs), holy fig tree, Palas'a (Bitea &$>ГЧ1ёЫ¥шйи| WiprfelT t Я7Э1Т1ГЭ?||
fromdosa), banyan, Amaltasa (cassia fistula) He has used his gem in the form of the
and the wood apple trees, when burnt in ashes over his body. With the essence of the
Sivagni and the ashes produced therefrom are sky his hair emerged and with the essence of
treated as pure. the wind, his mouth was formed.
^тЬтГ CTT'^ 1 0 feeing TTUtlTTI ■pF* ^rrffemw w it Trfen D gjfeiri
f e m ^ iiи 43iR riTcifegfejr нрЫ P T f^ n ^ ^ ii
Or otherwise, by burning of wood in the The heart was formed with essence of the
Durbhagni and then refining it should be put it fire, and the essence of the water produced the
in a new pitcher. waist. The thighs were created with the
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 18 121

essence of the earth. All his limbs were thus f % 4T 4T Tfift 4Rt 4ГСГ TTTsftr 3T|
formed. яупг? щщ Rihti^u’id бп%ти^яп
.sigifabuctisr ^m ri Ш ^ Whether it is day or night, irrespective of
яги fa?ra»?ftuT •%rc:iivs>3 ii being a man or a woman, one should mix
Tripundra (three lines drawn over the ashes with water and then place it over the
head) is the essence of Brahma, Visnu and forehead in three horizontal lines.
Siva and tilakam over the head stands for fsprof тгт ч т фщ % <зкШ 4:i
f%4ytT4^T «1-^ fltAd % ^tf4{|j44H С о II
%4сГ% 4 % ryyfuHldill One who adores Siva, with a tripundra
5Г9Т^гПТ11кЭ'Х!1 over his forehead, he achieves the entire
As lord Siva is considered to be all reward of the adoration of Siva.
competent in the expansion of the earth, щщ t фдт fp m ret чщ \
similarly the entire earth has been
overpowered by Siva. FyTeiraulfd «Ц1)тЬ: f^ilchMihl 44:il<i^ii
The one who applies the ashes over his
г г е т ^ г ci9i)cfid^ 4 R rts % p f % : ^ 34:1
body reciting the Siva-mantra he belongs to
w w f| ^ r ii у ч ii the best ds'rama. The one who feels absorbed
OTFI 41% dW I% in Siva, he is called Sivagni.
?T 1р§Щ44%Ш: 4T?Tt4 4 4 «4*41
ё!Ш: y fm q j % T 3% l %T ЯТ4 9Т%^Т116 ЯII
Т=ГЧТ?4Т4 f^ T 5 % ^ q ;ilV 9 t3 ll A person who is engaged in the vrata of
Therefore, there is none else to overpower Siva, he neither attracts impurity nor the
him. Only Siva is there. As a lion is the killer defilement caused by the birth or death. One
of all the wild animals, and there is none else should apply ashes over the forehead and
to kill it. Because of this, it is called Simha = tilakam of the dust.
41 (sarii) stands for eternal pleasure, (i)stands Гу144*«Ц ЩПЩТ1
for blissful Purusa, 4 (v) stands for Sakti and ^f?T м1тъ1 ЩфТЩТЯ felfrll 6 3 II
the nectar. With the combination of all the
This could be done by a person himself or
three letters, the word Siva is formed.
through his preceptor. This is the symptom of
Therefore the soul should be adored in the
the devotee of Siva, gu or (Д) stands for gunas
form of Siva.
or merits and ru (T) stands for planting.
(si4U§ yKddHu) Therefore the preceptor who plants the virtues
Т4ШН % ТГ4Н f% 4 44411 ^11 in the disciples is called guru. This is the
Before the start of the adoration of Siva, formation of the word.
one should apply ashes over his body, draw %ЩЩ1ЩТТ%рТ№9 % W l
tripundra (three horizontal lines over the
s9 к: |дГу(сП' ЧчЭ Щ 4 4 T % :ll< i* ll
forehead). During the time of adoration one
should take ashes with water. One should take The one who himself is without blemish,
ashes without water for self purification. removes the rajogunas of the disciples, he is
122 Siva-Mah5puranam

called gunatita (or the one who is free from all 'JTRT: - q w : fw t
the properties) and Parama-Siva. ftw q fr W t i w i l Я ?ll
т р ш сфтЦпй fate дЫ гШ ТГ:1 Being capable enough the pupil is always
f a w r c T 3 faite Tui'r called the son, because with the tongue as the
Otherwise, when a preceptor, removing all linga, and the semen in the form of mantra is
the three (sattva, rajas and tamas) gunas from poured into the ears like the yoni, the mantra
the trusted pupils, bestows the complete emerges in the form of a son. Therefore he
knowledge of Siva, in them, he could be should always adore the preceptor. The father
called as a preceptor in the true sense of the produces the son in the world.
term. iRTTnjfrt «ЩсК: fq a n
?ilcc|| farfT h<j4*5<)dJI я Я II
ЩЩ\\6 h II The preceptor as a father, with the
Therefore the body of the guru is called bestowing of wisdom and knowledge, makes
Gurulinga. By adoring the same, one achieves the pupil to cross the ocean of the universe.
the reward for serving the guru. Therefore realising the difference between the
two, one should adore the preceptor like the
fit 3 # ЧЧТГТ fw i father.
^ re u u crrsvi«Hii)c( щи^'зи
terfcT SRTlh
% 'ЦГсПгЧТ ж Ы ч ST^rfiTI

rTWli 7ТШТ falte II A pupil should serve the body of the

The one who obeys the spoken command is preceptor, with the wealth earned by him,
called Susrusa, which should be followed by because the body of the preceptor from top to
action, thought and behaviour. Whatever be bottom is considered to be the form of Siva.
the command of the preceptor and whether the
m ^ t: чт$ёы£: qi^^unf^f*T:i
pupil is competent to obey it or not, the one
who with the pure and auspicious soul, V4yf5 d ll ^*11

performs it even at the cost of his life or A pupil should adore his preceptor with the
wealth, he is considered to be a true pupil and sandals in the form of wealth, pressing of the
well disciplined. feet, bathing him, performing of abhiseka,
offering of naivedya and the food.
yitorasfa ^ ^Гу|Ы|сь:|
NS r Cist e fSTT
C\ W % W T W T te R :l
The suitable pupil should give away 'TrrrteT f ^ ч II
something which is useful for the body to the In fact the adoration of the preceptor is the
preceptor, including the eatables. He should adoration of Siva. All the materials which are
then consume it with the permission of the remnants of the service of the preceptor,
preceptor. purify the soul.
fatW: щ ^ 3JTt5: ЩТ fw^ThTT:! UJTT: f^ te t% w rq v n ^ rfq ? te l

g jo f c M t i l <? О || farteunt fateWRt 2Щ и^ ^ и

Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 18 123

The padarthas made of cereals and water зтйечщ^птш щтчтО m\ зи

which are left after the adoration of the w h id лтттггГ xt Twfwi
preceptor are like the left over of Siva.
Therefore, О Brahmanas, they should be W lf ^ ll ^0^11
consumed by the devotees of Siva or the 5:^я^чтащ г w t w r^tf^T:i
pupils. Tie'll 4 II
TTdT^Vl w i t 'hT%:3sTRT 'wrap

The things which are accepted by the The appearing of pisaca, jackal, white ant,
pupils without the consent of the preceptor, it sudden fall of the lizard, tortoise, snake, evil
amounts to stealing. The specialist preceptor woman, observing the birth of a child given by
should be honoured as such with much efforts. a woman, or the littering of a calf by a cow,
ЩТЧЧШТ Щ Ц f | irra<55:i
are indicative of the future misfortune and are
called the material sins. The inauspicious
ЗП^1 ^ ^ 6 II thing, like the falling of vajra or epidemic,
The removal of ignorance is the duty of the deadly fever, cholera, foot disease in cows,
preceptor, which could be done by a special measles, influence of evil planets in the
preceptor. For the successful completion of constellation of birth, exercising of the
the job without interruption one should make influence of the evil planets over the zodiac
efforts for the removal of the obstructions. cycle, witnessing of the evil dreams, are called
the miseries brought by the evil spirit or the
fate. In case one enters the house by touching
cTWlrFtgxwM ^ || the dead body, Candala, and the degraded
A deed performed completely without people, or facing such types of calamities,
obstruction, becomes successful. Therefore, at indicative of misfortune, a person with
the start of all the functions Ganes'a should be wisdom, should perform yajna for the
essentially adored. subsiding of these evils.
^ d lty ra w dT oTTftr TJ^IfUtl

^jTif^iRitMig- ш п wrarrf^t m m ° u JldFllddiyujil t f|FFT ^ Wc-fc^ll ?ot9ll

A learned person should, for the removal One should make square pedestal, two feet
of all the obstructions, adore all the gods and in height in a temple, cowshed, place of yajna
or courtyard of the abode, decorating it at the
by doing this, all the ailments like fever, pain
same time.
of joints, outer and the spiritual diseases, get
removed. WriTTif in
1зщ-€ГЧ^еЫ ^ 1ТТ M l m j fafrTCsd 3PTFT Ш f^T Itfa w til II
m y\ A bhara (a hundred seers) barley should be
spread. In between decoration should be made
with lotus flowers on all the sides.
О -О О 'З С\ "S

«Tift 5 :^ tllMRlfe гГРП% «rrf^T Щ ; I FHT ЩЩ гМТ Й-ЧШП ||

124 £iva-Mahapuranam

The thread should be placed round the ЩТ F ff? cTT 1*ЭТ:11 Ш П

pitcher and incense as well as the gugulu О Intelligent people, after the completion
should be burnt inside the pitcher. Similar of the japam, towards the west of the pitchers,
types of four pitchers should be placed in each one should give the offerings of a crore, a lac,
directions. a thousand or a hundred.
4Ч И 1У Ф *х|Э Д ^Гум £Г <тггшт1
ТТУГТ? <5T cfT cWT qngH fa
х щ ^ о д ^ Т f? ll ||
The mango leaves with branches should be The homa should be performed for a day,
placed in the pitchers reciting the mantras nine days, or collectively according to the
together with the five dravyas (cloves, aguru time and the country.
gourd, nutmeg and camphor).
тп ч у 4 xt m h iv w jj
tp%OT УТ ^FTII ^ 1 1
y s# xi ши
For the purpose of peace, the homa of
Besides the nine gems should also be thorny shrub (Sami), and for livelihood homa
placed in the pitchers. For this purpose the of palasa should be performed. The small
Brahmana with his wife, well versed in the sticks, food and ghee should be poured in the
performance of the yajna should be invoked. homa by the reciting of the mantras.
xr f q ^ r i Н К Й yrjhd dfrsb^l^l 4t4lxAdJ
чйг^ т^ г Гс(Ш)1Пс||^1 fim rn m u w r it сПх|Й<х11ТЙ (Ш: II Ш II
Thereafter the gold images of Visnu and The dravya with which the homa is started,
Indra should be placed in each one of the should be used upto the end. After getting the
pitchers. Over the pitcher in the centre, a
Punyahavacana done, then the water of the
complete or filled vase should be placed.
pitcher should be sprinkled everywhere.
Visnu should be invoked in it and adored
appropriately. У inWTd4diy IЙ11d<lgfd^ЧэЧУТI
я4^УУТ:11 Ш
гТтШЯТ xRjSqf xT Я Й ЗЙ Ч Э Д Щ П Ш II At the end, food should be served to the
In the eastern and other directions, Indra Brahmanas on the basis of the offerings of the
and the respective gods should be adored and fire. The acaryas and the priests should be
adding namah after their the fourth inflexion served with the food.
of their names. 4Tcf|mRr ТГ5Г f|l
44<}4lx||Sflf|4 <*|Й ( 1) Сагитт <3ii7rcR'di тишгч;|| ^ о n
ЗПх1т4 d'4'^и^'Л^х^ги^Ц ^ ' jSII After the completion of the homa Sun and
The invocation and other types of puja the planets should be worshipped besides the
should be performed by the dcarya. One priests, and the daksina of nine gems should
should himself also recite those mantras with be given in due course.
the priest. ЗЖ ТТ cRT: f>*lf-«4ft<R <RT: TPTI
< р т в т 4 % ! 4FT ? ГЧЧ1х1ГН1 yWdFFRtdMI crf^RT SR^II W
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 18 125

Thereafter one should perform ten types of f%rTWT% w rm ^i

charities besides donating of the land. These й гс гщ тт^гцзтт $ d ^ d iR $ ik H lii
charities should be extended to brahmacarls,
A poor person, for want of money, should
the householders as well as those living in the
feed as many Brahmana, as he can. For the
forest. pleasing of the goblins and pretas, Bhairava
rT TPTfnTT 1ЗДёПЧГ tR : XTCtTI should be adored.
fW)44»<u) ft^W II W ? II 4glfS$* f cfiriildl
The charities should be given to the
unmarried girls, the virtuous women and At the end, Mahabhiseka of Siva should be
thereafter the widows. The material offered in performed offering him naivedya at the same
the adoration should entirely be given to the time. Thereafter, the Brahmanas should be
acaryas. fed.
ш т ч\ штМ ^рт: Т?сГ # 4 Щ ГЧ <lhFnPdhc||4drdl
гГЩШТЩ Wd<?R М<*1Ч±Ы|1 ?? } II VllPd^fad <T ^ II
Yama happens to be the lord of epidemics With the performing of the yajna in this
as well as the misfortunes, therefore an image way, all the blemishes are removed. This
of Kala should be given in order to please Santi-yajna should be performed yearly, in the
Yama. month of Phalguna.
yidPn^JT -щ ^ ^ 1 р |^ ,и т w, 34:1 Ш Т # ЧПГЧЧЫ ТПТГЕП7Т1
w iprat зли * 4i^ ^ ^ f 4ui4 ii и
An image weighing a niska{a hundred and With the inauspicious vision one. should
eight tolas) or ten nisks, of the life size, should perform Santi-yajna for a month at once. In
be made, with a noose and an ankusa in his case some grave sin is committed, one should
hands shown as his attributes. adore Bhairava for its removal.
drWuhifrihKM щ\ ЧЗ|оЧ1^дсЧтА 44ririVdl
facdcIH rR: *чЦи|^Ы|нГч<£А||| ??4II <l4dH4viw^ii« ^ii
This image should be given to a Brahmana Because of the disturbance created by
with daksina. Thereafter for the enjoying of some terrific epidemic, one should take a
the full age, sesamum should be given. resolve again. A poor person having little
money with him should give away a lamp in
W ^ T ^ I im H dd^Vlfrb: T4R3T i ^Шщнгтггшт!
Then pouring ghee in a bronze vase one qd^iljvtf^uilgj-di WITH ^ ? II
should look his face therein and give it away
In case one is unable to do even that much,
for the removal of the disease. A person who
then he should give away something as he can
is well off should feed a thousand Brahmanas after taking a bath. He should offer salutation
while a person not so well off should feed a to the sun, reciting the Siva-mantra a hundred
hundred Brahmanas. and eight times.
126 Siva-MahapurSnam

Чр Л РРТ cfT eE T T ^f£T :l % 1ГЩ|Ч1ЧПк<^чШсШ1

H'4W)KR4il^4 fgT : Щ : 4 < ^ t f l : l l srtf: ЧП7Й*Т1^1( яъ R II
Or otherwise he should offer salutations, a The sin is washed out with dharma, which
thousand, ten thousand, a lac, or a crore of has been prescribed in the scriptures. The deed
times to the sun. With this namaskara-yajna which is performed to please Siva, destroys
also the gods are pleased. the sins.
■зткщт fwrifa

Then he should pray, “O Lord Siva, I have In the Saiva-dharma, there is the special
dedicated my intelligence to your Saguna importance for the circumambulation. The
form. Now it does not stick to your nirguna or recitation of Omkara with activity is the sort
absolute form and whatever pride I possessed of the best circumambulation.
has been removed because of an audience with
you. зпч чтщ ш Ч1ЧтгглГч^Г<тч|
Wts? f | к w t!i fyrapy ч в т т % mu
The birth and death are said to be
Мйуйса/cras, but the Мйуасакга is said to be
I offer my salutation at your feet with my the Bali-pitha.
body. О Lord, you are great. My body
happens to be your form only. I am humble. О ^тштш ут^пу^цот <ti
Lord you are great. My body is your form. 4^ TR^T 4fwftS TThlf^iRIII m il
Therefore it is not Sanya. Presently I am your Starting from the Bali-pitha, moving two
slave.” feet forward, reaching close to the Bali-pitha.
т а Н -■HlHW?) ЧЧШ1 ThWt гГгГ: f4?rfR[f^UTf4d)f^T4l
ЗЩТ? Г?1с Г ^ й d lW [H 4 r^ d l!^ ^ ll
W r w t ШН 4 4 A y irU w 5 n iu ll m II
Thus praying, one should complete his One should offer his salutation. This is
atma-yajna, offering his salutation the food called circumambulation which is the cause of
and betel to him.
the birth whereas the salutation amounts to
W4) complete surrender.
РЩТ еЬ1(гЧ ^Ч efiTT^H ^V 9II 3PR WT ^|сП1ТЧ1ЧкЧгГО1
One should go round Siva, a hundred and fwmtTfwir ч тргтятгп&яп m u
eight times and make others to do so, a One should dedicate both his birth and the
thousand ten thousand, a lac or a crore of death of the Maya (illusion) of Siva. When
times. one dedicates this conflict to Siva, then the
4ld«h HV^fri Stulldl soul is freed from both of them.
§ : w t чй щтШ| °yiy4d % чшдртп ^ с n fkymk: tt ifeit «ng Tski
By circumambulating Siva all the sins are fl:li m u
washed out in a moment. Ailment is the root Till such time the body is governed by the
of the pain and the root of ailment is the sin. activity, upto that time, because of its
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 18 127

remaining in he bondage, it is called jlva. closeness of Siva and other noble merits. This
When it overpowers all the three types of the is the result of the such deeds.
bodies, then he achieves salvation.
ЩЯрТ ТШ *nftT сПШ: чГс?ТЧЧТ^1
UWMibHiildl % %5T: 4<4«h№JI4J ^TpRTifacni *ч ? II
одш<я qvara^i
Lord Siva, the creator of Kalacakrn is the
main reason for the same. Therefore when the
ч м т И т »§>4fd *ч з и
conflict of Maya or illusion is offered to Siva With the activity, the ignorance is lost and
himself, then he himself relieves his devotee removing the sins, created by the inspiration
of his Мауй. of Brahman throughout the birth, the devotee
of Siva should engage himself in the activities
suited to time, country, strength of the body
Ш гг?$п^ рж fsmn ?*uii and the riches.
Siva has created the conflict in the т е щ : Rtci^ ^ i
universe. Therefore, the same should be ■^f^fa^rP|ffr^VlRl=l^d4vll *Ч>Л1
dedicated to him. О People with wisdom, Siva
likes circumambulation and the salutation the A person with wisdom should live in the
most. ksetra (region) of Siva with the earnings of
fair means. He should not resort to the killing
fTTcfFT trrw R :i of the jlvas nor should he create trouble for
hfgwraitsj w mkwhi^ ii others.
The mahapujd of lord Siva, performed by хщщг^т r n Ъ W tw % : ЩсРТ1
sixteen methods, circumambulation and *4Чи
salutation, yields auspicious reward. With the reciting of Pancdksara mantra
Ж^*и1|5(еН1Ж f? Mldd» HlRd 4TT<rfl the water and the food are purified. For a
^414 £рЩ>Й<111?*<?11 pauper, the food received in charity has been
There is no sin in the world which cannot said to be the bestower of wisdom and
be removed or destroyed with the knowledge.
circumambulation of Siva. Therefore you
should destroy all the sins by going round
3nfi%i7f $|сгс)|ттч:11 *ч^п
For a devotee of Siva, the food received in
charity increases his devotion in the lord. The
I Ж о II food received by Siva-yogls, compares with
A speechless person engaged in the the prasada received from Siva-yajna.
adoration of Siva, earns the merits or
О -О C\
truthfulness, tapas, wisdom and meditation.
ФтГ TtTW 4 Hcbiyiddll *4^11
Where the devotee of Siva lives on earth
W Я%?Т11 *11 should consume the pure food; he should keep
Besides the superhuman power, divine quiet and should never reveal the secrets of
body, knowledge, removal of ignorance, Siva.
128 Siva-MahUpuranain

чгбят f v r a 4 i? w i) c i f t i

T ^t f t r a t з п ч # чтот: и с и
Не should enlighten the people over the
glory of Siva. In fact no one knows about the
secret of Siva’s mantra except Siva himself.
fVl=WThl s r c t f e r f v r a f ^ f m4lf3RT:l
UfTT: 11^4^11
A devotee of Siva, should always live close
to Siva-linga. О Brahmanas, by taking refuge
in a motionless linga of Siva, his devotee
turns like Siva.
By adoring the moveable linga a devotee is
surely relieved of the cycle of the birth and
death. Thus in this chapter, the best of the
means of devotion as well as attainment of
salvation, have been discussed.
sum ЗТТтТ) Ш f| W u rn

f| stsmirai fwrftvfsismj mrn ^ ^

Whatever had been spoken by Vyasa
earlier, and whatever had been heard by me
from him, the same has been repeated by me
before you in totality. Let you and I meet
welfare with this and let your faith in Siva be
f l f UTJcTSSHTPJ ЯГ; «piTtft ЯТ: Tf^TI

m emit fyrami f r w ^smii ^ ^ и

A person who goes through this chapter or
listens to it, О Great souls, he by the grace of
Siva achieves the jmna of Siva.
Tremrrat faretemiftflisn
fW ^ T W q gu M и ll
128 Siva-Ma№puranain

Glory of the adoration of Parthiva or
clay Siva-liiiga

^ r! ^fT! «ГЗГСЗ fwrfrRRRI

w r a w T feif4ft4i Ti^bw^:ii ?»
Rsis said, “O SQta, you remain alive for
long. You are graceful. You have enlightened
us on the glory of Siva-lihga and the* way it
bestows success, has been well spoken.

You have brought out the glory of

Parthiva-linga, which is the best, briefly. Now
you kindly speak out the same in detail.

w n 3и
Suta said, “O Rsis, all of you should listen
to me. Having been pleased with your
devotion and respect, I am now speaking out
the glory of the Parthiva-linga of lord Siva.

гГ^Т ЩТЧгТГ %ГГ: «Г^Г: fafigTTFRTRimi

Of all the Siva-lingas described earlier,
Parthiva-linga is the best. О Brahmanas, by
adoring the Parthiva-linga several people
have met with success.

О Brahmanas! even Hari, Brahma and Rsis

alongwith Prajapati, adoring the Parthiva-
linga had their desires fulfilled.
сгрг: ftrfe t ттгщ тшт: w t ii h n
By adoring it several of the gods, demons,
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 19 129

human, Gandharvas, serpents, Raksasas, and As KasI is the best of all the towns,
several other people have met with success. similarly the Pdrthiva-linga is said to be the
best of all the lingas.
^ TrFRT ^гттат
ШТ? 3lg m f e f ^tl|V9H 2Щ 4$% PvicKlfdold ЯТЯ1
In the Satyuga, the linga of gold was the зггт "gif tn f e ^ggcz^rii п н
best. In the Dvaparayuga, the linga built in As the Sivaratri-vrata is the best of all the
silver was treated as the best, while in the vratas similarly the Pdrthiva-linga is
Kaliyuga the Parthiva-lihga is treated to be considered to be the best of all the lingas.
the best. W Ч^Щ ? 1 % : ЩТ T^cTTI
a r g * Trafa я Ш h ife t щц
Cs О -О Cn
ш\ g rfe ^gg-sy^u яч ii
атгцШ т n As the goddess Parvatl is considered to be
Of the eight types of the images of Siva, the best of all the goddesses, similarly, of all
the one made of earth is treated to be the best. the lingas, Parthiva-lihga is treated to be the
О Brahmanas, by adoring it with immense best.
devotion, one achieves the best reward.
h lfe faf- JIWTcTI
^ g t я|зГС:1
fOT ят fsiT WHdi4i(d«i> <pmi n ii
ттщ P lfe II The one who adores the other gods leaving
As Mahes'vara is the best of all the gods, aside the Parthiva-lihga which has already
similarly Parthiva-linga happens to be the been made, his entire adoration, bathing, etc.
best of all. becomes infructuous.
W H «=(1^ sslgT Я7ТФТТ1
mfemerc тпщ •О X» "S .

W f a f f h lfe alg^oil^ll ||
flfgt hfg3 ^ ЯТ0Г<5ГЯтЙ:|| n il
As the river Ganga is the best of all the The adoration of Parthiva-lihga is quite
rivers, similarly Pdrthiva-linga is the best of auspicious and the person who performs the
all the lingas. same is indeed graceful. It increases the age,
W 1% Я% % "RgR^T:l health and wealth. Therefore, a devotee should
w ti arwrred WfipJ f|n n il worship the same.
As omkdra mantra is the best of all the
mantras, similarly Pdrthiva-linga is
considered to be the best of all the lingas. Whatever material be available for the
x m япк «tg a ^ i purpose, a devotee should worship the
Parthiva-lihga with devotion and immense
Ш чЩ f ^ f T lfe ^gfoEJ^H n n faith and by doing so all his desires are
As Brahmana is considered to be the best fulfilled.
of all the varnas similarly Pdrthiva-linga is _ _____ ,.,(**<*♦ r- « N
<7: cJvr^T Ч11Щ TRfj- 4yi4^Hqlqeh4j
considered to be the best of all the lingas.
111n il
яигт w f $1внш тдил
A person, who after making the Parthiva-
ш h if e « ig g ^ iin ii lihga adores it placing it over the pedestal, he
130 Siva-MahSpurSnam

achieves the best of riches and grace in the r ^rrfw ч щ git ^nrpwttf R?R»umj i 15 II
same birth and becomes Rudra ultimately.
In case a Brahmana does not adore
f3 R m f w & r m fz rm i Parthiva-linga, he after being pierced with
i(|cWW W T O ЭДИ 9 о II spear, falls in the terrific hell.
aM g -qft^l wraj2r%fgfri4T tw Щ - w < 4 ~d i
4Tht ^4Чгч1н1 ? *11 WттгШч faill^dll ?V9||
A devotee who after making the Parthiva- The Parthiva-linga should be prepared
linga daily adores it thrice (morning, noon and appropriately. The process of panca-sUtra
evening) offering the leaves of the wood apple should not be adopted in the making of
tree, you listen to the related merits, he Parthiva-linga.
achieves in Rudraloka with the same body. зпэтгё wfig ч fgisfus ш ^ 1
The very sight and touch of such a person farems § jrfgfait тага
destroys all the sins. The Parthiva-linga should be made
•■HTt); ^ Ijci 4 ‘I undivided and complete in all respects. In case
to ^ ^ 11 the lihga is made in two parts the devotee is
deprived of the reward of the same.
He is filled with knowledge, is freed from
the worldly bondages, and undoubtedly f?i^' чтгд •Rwlich gem
becomes Siva. The mere sight of such a TTfe WIIPPyrdtsTCrg g JlehR^II 11II
person bestows salvation. In case the Parthiva-linga is made by using
ftp* ЧТ; f qil&nty gems, gold, silver, crystal, topaz, still it should
dra^)ei^4-d g # i?i£mf^<q;ii я ъ и be made complete and undivided.
Such of the people, who making a ЗГ0о£ <J Щ fptf %sTugqyt TtpriTI
Parthiva-linga, adore it throughout life, they ^т*. и ■%о и
ultimately achieve Sivaloka. The moveable lihga is called as Akhanda
while the immovable lihga is called
W it: ФТГГП'АГ ^TcRTII ? ^ I) Dvikhanda. The difference of breaking and
complete is related to the movable and well as
He stays in Sivaloka with Siva for a large
immovable lihgas.
number of years. Thereafter he is born in the
land of Bharata, becomes the best among the <T 4f*[fcl0l f a f f Я?&ГС:1
kings. 3w t f? f a f - т^ггт « 1st f a t m s g i n 3 *11
ftW T : h T ffe (сН даЧ Ц ) The pedestal stands for the Mahavidya.
Linga represents Mahes'vara. Therefore duplex
is not considered to be good in the case of
A person who adores Parthiva-linga,
immovable lihga.
without any desire, he after living in Sivaloka
for long, ultimately achieves the Sayujya type fstant g r a t f a f gpfej % fggppT:i
of salvation. srsrot щ ч я!тб 113 ? 11
t n f e f y r a f a f щ fg y r ч According to the prescribed method, the
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 20 131

immovable linga should be in duplex form.

This is the opinion of the people well-versed
in the Saiva principles.

The people devoid of wisdom make the

moveable linga in duplex form or of two
kharidas, such ascetics could not be treated as
well-versed in the scriptures.
ЗГСЗПt W i t f a f f t j s N t s r c f o *П
^ s3
чтг тC \ а ц w
r e p w r f i R : i i з' '* и
The akhanda-linga is immovable while the
moveable linga has the duplex form. The
person who violates the provisions of the
scriptures, he is deprived of the merit of the
нэтсгс f o f щзгт ^ t u * ч и
Therefore, the akhanda linga should be
immovable, while the caralihga should be
moveable and made in duplex form, which
should be made with devotion.
S> вч вч

fz m k g ^ fjfT 3511
The adoration of akhanda-caralinga
bestows complete reward. The adoration of
caralinga with two parts is extremely harmful.
ЗПзгё ТЗП 4 «TO4»e^rfiR\l

The adoration of akhanda-sthavara-linga

does not yields the desired reward and is
harmful to the contrary. This has been
ordained by those well-versed in the

?<? ii
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 20 131

Method of adoring Parthiva-linga

if^ ^ T tp frn
SQta said, “Now we shall describe about
the Parthiva-piija for the devotees of Siva,
who are well versed in the Vedas, which
bestows the pleasures as well as the salvation,
following the path of the Vedas.
f ^ rbf^fiRTF4WT TRZlt 4|«rii%&l
я it
One should take bath in the manner already
described in the aforesaid Sutra and then
perform the Sandhyavandana appropriately.
Then he should perform the Brahmayajna and
then offer the oblation with water to the gods,
r.sis, and manes.
тшй ш ч Ш ттччн w t i
f? ятщ^щкгтш:и^11
Completing his daily routine pretty well
and after its completion, the devotee of Siva
should, reciting the name of Siva, apply ashes
over his body and then wear the rosary of

For the achieving of the complete success,

performing (the adoration) according to the
method prescribed in the Vedas, with utmost
devotion and then should worship Parthiva-
linga which is considered to be the best.
Гу|угнй tpfl ЦII
The Parthiva-linga can be adored at any
auspicious place like bank of the river or a
tank, mountain top, in a forest, or a Siva
132 Siva'Mahapuratiam

^ЧЩгВГ Ш : 1 strutswrfqft и^щ ^ucPwrurapi

ycb^d '■H'lcWHdiii ftuTT:n^u
О Brahmanas, one should collect the clay Then reciting the mantra apo'smdn, the
or earth from some auspicious place and water should be purified. Then reciting the
should prepare the Parthiva-lihga quite mantra “namaste Rudra ” the door should be
carefully. closed.
fast ’ftTT TfffT WTf% ^{Ге|^сВП ypgratfrfrr гйщ Hchu^i
^i*ii 4i<xtir) цнгат ^ ^тт f^qsmjrrpnftr 4W: ЯЩГ0Щ11 n II
Brahmana should collect the white earth, a Then reciting the mantra “namah
Ksatriya- the red earth, Vaisya should collect Sambhavaya” the ksetra should be purified.
the yellow earth and Sudra should collect the Reciting the mantra “namah Sivaya" the
black earth. pancamrta should be sprinkled.
^f%cRT fafftnforrsf згаш:1 '4ЫЛ«*та пФл чч: u^ ut 'uRkuri
згак w wt^ri'r ■gt cn H % TU4jjflUUII п н
Collecting the appropriate type of clay, a . Reciting the mantra, ’namo-nilagrivaya' a
person of the respective varna should prepare devotee should properly consecrate the linga.
the linga quite carefully and then install it at
an extremely sacred place. TJtt% Wtf?T ^ R^rt:l
w l w sr tf& nfa fauihfW M:I ЗТТОЧ muM t <ёл|^«*ЧМ^11 ПН
U ffe : IIЯII
Then reciting the mantra “Etatte rudrdya",
the devotee should offer the seat of Siva.
Purifying it with water, a small lump
should be made slowly. Thereafter he should URt UfRtfuftt Щ ТГ^ЩЩТЙ xft^l
prepare the Pdrthiva-linga as prescribed in the UR W^U^RTI.11 П И
Vedas. Reciting the mantra “mano-mahdnta” lord
M: C\ ч-o М*oт а т н ^ 1 Siva should be invoked over the linga.
WJI«K4^ ctfet ярпщ ^ЙШЧг1:11 ?o II Reciting the mantra “yate-rudra”, Sivalihga
Thereafter he should adore the linga with should be placed over the seat. The nyasa of
devotion for the sake of pleasure and the Siva should be performed by reciting the
salvation. Now the method of its adoration is mantra yamirum.
being explained by me and you listen to me OTfuufafd Wl
appropriately. sisq#tjf^ frnmfaurci ччч|т^дн пн
Ч Ч : fsr a p i q -d u iiT ^ o ii щ Then reciting the mantra “adhyavocat" the
Ъ TRfar У«Ш*Цп n il devotee should pray the lord to stay.
Then the water should be sprinkled over,
the entire material collected for the purpose of S p ft UtSUW fcftfu U R fc j^ u p il %C »
adoration, reciting the mantra “namah
Sivaya ”. Then reciting the mantra bhurasi the By reciting the mantra “asau-jiva nyasa
siddhi should be done for the region. should be performed and then reciting the
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 20 133

mantra “asau yovasarpati” the god should be ЧЯ: y w йтатт фег ^ шт^ гг ф Л: i
brought closer.
чщгщтт ?f?r ^ци
W WlfAdl Reciting the гей “namah Svabhaya” the
эти? x{ ^jnimdissmrb ят&щ mi n devotee should offer fragrance with devotion
The by reciting the mantra “namostu- and then reciting namastaksabhyah the rice
nilagrivdye ” one should offer water for pddya. should be poured over Siva.
The arghya of Rudra-Gayatri should then be 4R: uraw зт unf ф %щ tu'Jddi
offered. The water should then be sipped чч: Muuik щ (усучзн^ч^щцii ^ n
reciting the mantra of “Trayambakam”. Reciting “namah paryaya, the flower
W. чФш Щ 1 WHMMfdJ should be offered. The leaves of wood-apple
ффп <шфтп ^ о и tree should be offered reciting the mantra
namah parnaya.
Reciting the mantra “payah-prthivyam”
the devotee should pour the milk over Siva for 4d: fit zmrntMbi
bathing. Then the curd should be poured. f ФТ ЗГС?|ёГ ?rfcTTII ЯV8II
P'JRM ТЗёТ With the reciting of the mantra namah
w n?r щт\\ ? w kapardine, the incense should be offered.
Reciting “namah as'ave” the lamp should be
Reciting the mantra “ghrtamyana” the
ghee should be offered, and with the reciting
of the three mantras viz.: ‘madhuvata,
madhunaktam and madhumdnnam'. wt f r n r m тдФти ? с и
тттзизгФтч jftTftfi# тщщй Naivedya should be offered reciting the
зтггат uranArw ttr тщщ^ т xtii ? ? и mantra namo-jyesthaya. With the reciting of
the “trayambakam” mantra the devotee
Siva should be bathed with sugar and
should sip the water.
honey. All these combined make pancamrta or
otherwise reciting the appropriate mantras fUT Wm d»uW)fl4ibl4l
pancamrta bath should be given. ЧПt дГЗщШ Wm ?irer%5%TII ^ II
4w aU ф Ъ т -Ф^от i With the mantra imd-rudmya, fruit should
чФ fwref m ^ ^ u be offered to the lord Siva. By reciting namo-
vrajyaya all the padarthas should be offered
Reciting the mantra “mdnastoka” the
to Siva.
waist band should be bound with devotion.
The reciting the mantra namo-dhrsnave the 4Nl RfRfftrfw ёГ HH^dleb ^ffT HrT:l
upper garment should be offered. УЧу(4№|| ^ о II
m b % f d f i ( d TfTOTT H ^ a R :i Reciting the mantras mano-mahant and
manastoka, other Rudras should be offered the
unbroken rice.
Reciting the four mantras like "yataheti”,
the devotee of Siva should offer costumes to щт ^ n u t % фф ^ 1
Siva with devotion. ^dFl^fd eAd^SI:l|^^||
134 Siva-Mahapur5nam

Reciting the mantra, Hiranyagarbha, the fWfi: fycrPdiur oiiifidt fsrfe: 1

devotee should offer dabina. By reciting the
mantra devasyatva, the abhiseka of the priest T nm w farfirRrmRii 3 c 11
should be performed. The Vedic method of SivapUja has been
explained. Now listen to the same method in
ФЧГЗГн WTT Ъ spmi ^ ^ II
5pTT tfal'rfqfd 5<l^fai4N>di
Then the lamp should be offered to the
deity. By reciting the three mantras uma- cti4^di<i ff?r rt 3 ^ 11
rudraya, the bench of flowers should be Reciting the mantra sadyojatam, the earth
offered to Siva. should be collected. Reciting the mantra
qnVlifwfafa W Я^иич.1 vamadevaya the water should be poured into
чттеШн TTTgif jrarrfcgsft: и9 э u
зшйщ g TRtut faffrafamTcfati
The devotee should go round the deity
reciting “mano-mahanta”. With the M W Ч^итгЦН •«on
“manastoke” one should prostrate before the Reciting the mantra of ’Aghora ’ the
deity. Parthiva-linga should be prepared. With the
tjt? <t ffw ti^ ut fviciM^t
sre;vft<ti mantra of “tatpurusdya” Siva should be
invoked appropriately.
m m зт гт зпчгтг ящ&щ wi ^^11
41У1Wl 14r w Ч4ЯI fTRI
With the mantra “es'a-te” one should
display the Siva-mudra. With yato-yotah the 3t-4<*r4 % T R it ^*Й:11*?11
abhaya-mudrd should be displayed and with The linga should be consecrated in the
Trayambaka mantra jnana-mudra should be pedestal by reciting “Isdn-Sarvo-vidyanam”
displayed. after which a person with wisdom should
repeat the entire process quite briefly.
чч: ^f?r
4&I#U| TRttrT efT M l
Wtg#Ttct^UT Й1«1<*^ч1:11*^11
With the muttering of the mantra ‘‘namah
s'endnye” the mahamudrd should be displayed. Adoration by sixteen methods should be
performed with the reciting of the pancaksara
tnr 55т: msrfm Г?|сит^ч ^ 1 mantra or by the mantra given by the guru.
II35II w t чттттттга q?i^ra «rtofti
The devotee of Siva should make
Sivamudrd, displaying the five mudras. He ш TJRt?mt w fct 11•хзи
should also recite Satarudriya mantra as We meditate upon Mahadeva, who is the
found in the Vedas. destroyer of the universe and who is the form
of the same. Salutation to lord Candrasekhara,
who has the terrific form but is the destroyer
%с|т|Шн тгФит g)^Tgi^i^ f a *{ii3t9ii of the people with terrific form.
Thereafter he should recite the Vedic
зття’ hHHi Wt:i
pancdnga and send off Siva reciting the
mantra of devdgdtu. ъ w t гг^ят srarfo 4^ : f ^ :i i
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 20 135

The people with wisdom should adore Siva Taking bath by six methods, then the
with this mantra with devotion. A devotee devotee, should meditate upon Siva with six
who, with devotion and setting aside the letter mantra,
confusion, adores Siva, the lord rewards him k m r ttm R q m tiw

fg3!T:iumi iч
In this way the Vedic method of the Siva seated in a lion throne at Kailasa and
adoration of Siva has been explained. О is being adored with respect by the devotee.
Brahmanas, the other method of adoration in “Lord Siva is like the forest fire to destroy the
ordinary way is also being explained. sins of his devotees. I therefore meditate upon
T3TT wirhT ftraqimfo: i Siva who is being embraced by Parvatl. He is
the ornament of the universe. I adore him.
The adoration of Parthiva-linga with the
reciting of the names of Siva has been ЗШ7П11
prescribed. О Sages, you please listen to the ч<аг4Ы стая
f e w Ига#зг P rfe rm ft
ffr 4IySR: ^ymfbr: ?гит: ГчЧ1«Ь^ф1 I adore Mahesa daily, who is as beautiful
fW*: ?f?T as the mountain of silver, adorns his head with
These names respectively are Hara, crescent, has the body shining like the gems.
Mahesvara, Sambhu, Sulapani, Pinakadhrk He has a battle-axe, deer, varada and abhaya
and Mahadeva. mudras as his attributes. He has the smiling
face and is seated over padmdsana. He is
surrounded by the gods on all the sides and is
РШ тущ ^fTRcrfd fg^RTTII^ill clad in the tiger skin. He is the eternal god of
The earth should be collected and placing the universe, is the cause of the creation of the
water in it, it should be mixed, preparing a universe, removes all the dangers of the world,
Parthiva-linga with the same, it should be and has three eyes and five heads.
consecrated and then invoked. Offering bath
to it, one should adore it, beg forgiveness and щтщщн тт? wifely n 4 ? ii
then it should be sent off.
Meditating upon Siva in this way, one
should adore the best of Parthiva-linga. Then
fsRsm чтаглт щтщт тртп-а^п he should recite the pancdksara mantra
By combining the name of Siva with received from the preceptor.
omkara-mantra one should adore it reciting
the names of Siva, with devotion following
the entire process. TJ%|
A wise one should pray lord of gods with
f^T ^гшМг cMqlWIII many recitations, О Brahmanas, one should
tf ^ u r тйит «zjr цои recite Satarudrl in several ways.
136 Siva-Mahapuranam

should prostrate before Siva.

TreS^asft ч з^тттг^т: ^т^Ш:11ЧЧИ Ш: W l:l
Then carrying the flowers and unbroken 34: ^tcT ^ g;in f^ :ll $ ? II
rice in his hands, one should offer prayer to Thereafter the person with wisdom should
Siva with devotion. take a round of Siva appropriately. Then with
faith and devotion one should offer prayer to
fTOTfro ?f?T OJcRIST I T # ? ^ 1 1 4 ^ 1 1
the lord.
“O Siva, I belong to you. The reciting of Ш\ тггЕёГ ipen WRgfiRSnat: I
your praise is the base of my life. My mind
remains attracted towards you always. О Then he should produce the sound of a
Ocean of compassion, О Lord of the goblins, goat from the throat quite humbly and offer
you be pleased with me. his salutation to the lord.
зщтчта^ m ?пчт«пт wi frgrTiT yftyn^i: Ttfcraft feiRcT:i
^ !и ч ^ и
Whatever tapas I have performed О Sages, I have explained properly, the
knowingly or unknowingly, let it meet with method of the adoration of Parthiva-linga,
success by your grace. which bestows devotion as well as the
щ тптГ щ гш -цгача ’зтаятщ! salvation besides increasing faith in Siva.
?frr ^fr%! ш и -Ц: q^ujqi<fi||
Presently, I am a grave sinner. You happen iTcnmf^Egrfm' ^^ыя1ч^тч^ми^чи
to be quite great in purifying others. О Lord of A devotee who listens to this Chapter or
Gaurl, realising this, you may do whatever is reads it, his soul is freed from all the sins. All
best for me. his desires are also fulfilled.
зш тттр^ ^<4i|c( Ъ1
Ч -HdlOl^ll Ц ^ И w ft^ T f^ f^ n W 74^ W T II ^11
Even the Vedas, the rsis, Puranas, and This entire story bestows healthy life,
others have not been able to know you increase fame, bestows heaven, besides sons
properly, then О Sadas'iva, О Mahadeva, how and grandsons, as well as the pleasures.
can I know about you.
W rlSfT ^ftr я11?тачв1чт1и) я п м falfcawfeawi
mfSrafe'ffjrifsrfiranfqt qm f^frssETRT: м^ о 11
^ !II ^ о и icic'k •
О Mahesvara, whatever may be the case, I
belong to you. You kindly protect me.”

f^ ra ^ lii^ ii
With this prayer, the flowers and unbroken
rice should be offered to Siva, and then he
136 Siva-Mahapuranam

Worship of Parthiva-linga
зрнт Ш•o:
^cf! w t f t ! ojrref^rGET! %i
w r a тэгат ш \ ч1$=11^Гэыну>чп ?ii
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 21 137

The Rsis said, “O Fortunate one, О Stita, The person desirous of knowledge and
the disciple of Vyasa, salutation to you. You wisdom, should make a thousand lingas with
have explained to us the method of adoring devotion and then adore them, which would
Parthiva-linga in an appropriate manner. surely fulfil his desires.
fote!Mrf:l ЯТ: rtcffol^Rt g i r t zi t r t ^ h l
^ гегг ^rraf W4«ieb4ji 6 n
Because of the difference in desires, you A person desirous of riches should make
please speak out the number of Parthiva- five hundred lingas, a person desirous of son
lihgas to be adored, because you are should make fifteen hundred lingas, while
compassionate to the down-trodden people.” those desirous of then costumes should make
five hundred lingas.

rtn ;:ii3 ii
The people desirous of moksa, should
Suta said, “О Ascetics, you please listen to make a crore of lingas. The one who is
the method of Parthiva-linga's adoration, with desirous of land, should make a thousand
the performing of which a person becomes lingas. The one who seeks compassion of the
successful in his mission. lord, should make three thousand lingas and
the one desirous of going on pilgrimage
should make two thousand lingas.
^rr r t r -щ w fsm m i
A person who adores other gods in fomW ^ ? r t 'yidhychhi
preference to the Pdrthiva-linga, his adoration R ib rt m w i и
becomes infructuous, besides the efforts to One who is desirous of a friend should
control the mind and the giving of the make three thousand lingas, the one desirous
charities. of glamour or conjuration should make eight
^pr w \ chid f t r t i hundred lingas, the one desirous the
destruction of others should make seven
^|яГТ ТШКТ11ЦИ hundred lingas, and the one who intends to
Now I shall speak out the number of the create confusion, should make eight hundred
Parthiva-lihgas to be adored, based on one’s lingas.
desires to be fulfilled. О best of the sages, the <MT344l|fo *r r t w : l
number surely bestows the quick reward.

The one desirous of separation or defection

foreran $и should make one thousand, for creating
Initially the invocation should be done and hindrance one thousand, for creating
then the consecration. All the lingas should be bitterness, five hundred lingas should be
made of the same size separately. made.
fo rt r t r w frtrfS m i
щ с т й ч д а |fo frtnft: и^ n
138 Siva-Mahapuranam

TTlfeHT 7ЩРР1 adore ten thousand Pdrthiva-lihgas. To get

relieved of the danger from sorceress, seven
SrflR nf^r 43)Vrd|jTb rf 4lfw(ll ^ II
thousand Parthivas should be adored.
To get free from the bondage fifteen
hundred, to be free from the danger from the 3PJ3: ЧвЧШЦЩшГЦ! »№КЦ|
king, five hundred, to be relieved from the ^'tfwi*rg^«i r ^ ii и и
danger of thieves, two hundred Parthivas A childless person for seeking a child
should be adored. To be free from the danger should adore fifty five thousand of Parthivas.
of sorceress, five hundred Parthivas should be By adoring ten thousand Pdrthivas one gets a
adored. daughter.

m ftrafaft зРгсмад: и
% fR t Щё1Т % W 4PTdll Ъ о II
To be relieved of poverty, five thousand
and for attaining all round success, ten By adoring ten thousand Pdrthivas one
thousand Parthivas should be adored. О achieves the fortunes of Visnu and others and
Sages, now I am going to speak out the by adoring ten lakhs of Parthiva-lihgas one
method of the performing of the adoration achieves enormous riches beyond measure.
daily, which should be listened by you. %fRT P: скШ РТГ Ф(\
TJcRW fgfclf W lW ^T I tTp' P3cPtsfP ЧТзГ ш р ? f e l l till || ^ ^||
злгспт тгтцНтгГчи и The one who adores a crore of Parthiva-
The adoring of a linga removes the sins, lihgas, he becomes Siva himself. There is no
adoration of a couple of lingas bestows doubt about it.
success in money matters, while the adoration зга! TnfgcrfRfRi cbifeiwibtfU'iii
of three lingas fulfils all the desires. pfoer Ш: рптйчт ^пттри ? ^
Cs R'ral5ri The adoration of Siva, bestows reward
РсП-ЗТШ ^4^cTd:ll ^11 equivalent to the performing a crores of
Thus more the number of lingas are yajnas. The person desirous of pleasures, the
adored, by a person, the more would be the adoration of Parthiva bestows pleasure to him
success achieved by him. Now I world speak in the start and moksa at the end.
out the number of the lingas, because of the fp4T fprft^T -ЦЩ oRIPTt Mrgfd
difference of opinion among the sages.
4$tglPr4eH'H з<1гЦн:11и
fHfMIMPd f^T UlfeRT When the time of a degraded and the
F^ll У&П wicked person, is spent without adoration of a
The people with wisdom surely get linga daily, he has to face considerable harm.
themselves freed of the danger from the king ттэесГ: pticfHift fp fe n fr *n
after adoring ten thousand Parthiva-lihgas.
dWrfp fpppT тртп^и
«bKMJ^lRy-drd^H^d сЫ<гГс^У:1 All types of charities Vratas, tirthas and
m p i wnmarm yajnas are on the one side, and on the other
To get free from the prison, one should side is only the adoration of Parthiva-lihga.
Vidyes'vara Sarhhita, Chapter 21 139

considered to be the lowest.

tWRraifar ynMimiftn fHgRrf^ w;»R4H
The sanctity which has been attached to the tTPrMwRII 3 *11
adoration of Siva-linga in this age of Kali, the The one who adores several types of lingas
same importance is not attached to anything daily, all his desires are fulfilled.
else. This has been decided by the scriptures.
Мщ- fo # ТП? fgftsRT:ii^y II
lis te n Tft M i fVN^I^4(4'!Ildll?^ll According to the four Vedas, there is no
The adoration of linga bestows several other auspicious deed better than the adoration
types of pleasures and salvation. It also of Siva. This is the conclusion of all the
removes several types of misfortunes. setstras.
Therefore, by adoring it daily, one achieves,
Sayujya of Siva or final emancipation.
Discarding all the bondages of the karmas
W TFTTTSi f^IRd tll У<311 one should adore linga along with great
The linga having the form of Siva, should devotion.
be adored by the great sages as has been
prescribed in the Siva-pujd-victhana.
ЗтПТ W t Mm The one who has adored the linga, he has
чш ! cT<rerg4ll adored the entire moveable and the
There are three types of lingas viz.: upper, immovable creatures. This is the best remedy
for the redemption of the people drowning in
middle and the lowest. The size of the
the ocean of the universe.
respective lingas has been prescribed in the
scriptures, which I am going to speak out. You IwmiTRfcraT^i
please listen to it. TRcit 4RTtsfw smffr fafmsRTRrmi 3 411
The people who have been blinded with the
darkness of ignorance and whose minds are
зтгч f&grnmm ■gftfo: attracted towards the worldly pleasures, there
The learned people, well versed in the is no other remedy except that for the
sastras have described that the linga adoration of Siva.
consecrated over the pedestal with the height ww\ m тщшт-.i
of four angulas is the best.
TRraigROTr: fegr ^ ^ 11
ятпт: Тгезтш: wttwti
Ш У Ч 1< ^ И Ч т ^ 1тГ«к TW II ^ о ||
*Я<=(: f^rRT ЯТТ:11^||
The pedestal having half of the aforesaid
fsrfen tt^wch^ i Щ - ц # Щ г ? т |
height is considered to be a middle one. When
the linga is established in a pedestal having шнт: щтгяч^ш^г гП^чгаЦГс; fw R ii 3
the height further half of the above, is By adoring Sivalinga with devotion, Hari,
140 &iva-Mah3pur3nam

Brahma and other gods, besides the sages, The one who disregarding the Vedic of
Raksasas, Gandharvas, Caranas, Daityas, Smarta (of smrtis) method adores Siva by
Danavas, Sesa, serpents, Garuda and other other means, he does achieve he full reward
birds, Prajapati, Manu, kinnars and humans, for the same.
have all the desires of their hearts fulfilled. gjc<4nJ*i f^TRrT:!
н|сГ 11X411
ТГЗТ^ТШ ^- d-d^^ur ^T^TRII^II Thus adoring Siva properly upto the
With the reciting of the respective mantras, offering of the naivedya, one should also
adoring Siva by methods of Vedas and the adore the eight images which represent the
PurSnas, the Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vais'yas, three worlds.
Sudras and the people of mixed generation, %fermits4# згщшгт:
should adore Sivalinga.
^PTR Я&Т: iRdiHddl: 11X^11
ЯЯЯ: •Ы|01ШГЧ cMRPT:l The eight images are the earth, water, fire,
fs s m iix o ii wind, sky, sun, moon and the sacrificer, as
О Sages, what is the use of talking more, О himself defined by Siva.
Brahmanas, besides the above varnas, even
the women have the right to adore Sivalinga.
Rffcl: II X<3II
ctf^nfa w fo riW щч\ Besides the images of Sarva, Bhava,
д й щ # ^R T H W f Я ТР%ШИХ*!11 Rudra, Ugra, Bhlma, Isvara, Mahadeva and
The Vedic Brahmanas can adore Siva as Pasupati should be adored in the form of
prescribed in the Vedas or the Purdnas. For images.
the people of the other varnas, the Puranic вч Щ<TW: ?Т' «ТГ TrnRfi?T:l
way of the adoration of Siva has been IIX6 II
considered to be quite proper.
Thereafter the family of Siva should also
^«hMi fefRi w w be adored with devotion. The sandal paste and
4T^wfaT $cdlg Я4ецГ^е):||Х'?11 unbroken rice etc. should also be offered.
The Vedic Brahmanas should adore Siva ф?ТЯ ёЩЗ 4$I«W rf ^jf^rriT|
by the Vedic method. This has been ordained eh4<^VI «Г rRSR^TRTII X^ II
by lord Siva himself. Thereafter, Isan, Nandi, Canda, Mahakala,
Bhrngl, Vrsa, Skanda, Soma and Sukra,
% jtrt ^ xзи should also be respectively adored.
The Brahmanas whose hearts have been 3RJHf W# chtfHRd cMTI
burnt out because of the curses of Dadhlci, Ш Ш: IIЦо ||
Gautama and other rsis, have usually little Vlrabhadra should be in the fore while
faith in adoring Siva according to the Vedic Klrtimukha should be behind. Thus the eleven
method. Rudras should also be adored appropriately.
2ГГ 3 ^ WfchsnfcT cm M: ЧЩГС s rw tjild^^cf ёГ1
яг r ^ iix x ii 41dl44lfdW. f^T 4fhjf4<JH ЩЦ 4 ^1
Vidyes'vara SamhitS, Chapter 22 141

Thereafter reciting the Pancaksara mantra,

the recitation of Satarudriya should also be
made, followed by the Sivastotra and the
?f?r itw W w f^ra^RWTTii ц? и
Thereafter, one should circumambulates,
offer salutation and rendition should be made
of the linga. In this way the entire adoration of
Siva has been narrated respectfully.

The work of Siva should be performed at

night facing east. Similarly, the adoration of
Siva should also be done, getting purified
facing the north.
ч шФш:
Ч ш М ^JrT: -р щ ! w
One should not sit towards or the east of
Siva nor should anyone sit with his spouse to
the north of Siva, nor in the west. One should
sit towards the north alone.
f^RT 'q^frTToflJT flRT Щ 1ЧЩ 1
fo v e m fg 4 T ^ ър: и ч ч и
The learned devotee should not perform
adoration of Siva, without application of the
ashes on the body, tripundra over the
forehead, without wearing the rosary of
Rudraksa and without the leaves of wood-
apple trees.
srwTsmft Trfrster: nffi fw n j^n
«Ь^оУ HHii ЗГ 4$ II
О Sages, when the ashes are not available,
a devotees should take some dust and apply it
over the forehead in the form of tripundra.

хпШчрйЫч q rto^rtsw i: ir
Vidyes'vara SamhitS, Chapter 22 141

Glory of Siva naivedya and bilva (wood-

^ fa^nisicwwft r r ^ I ii ?n
Rsis said, “O Sage, we have earlier heard
that Siva naivedya should not be consumed.
Then the exact position about the same as well
as the glory of wood-apple may please be


R<f ^nfRr m m srtt rr f^rasrrmiyn
Stita said, “O Sages, you are all graceful
being performers of the vratas of Siva. I shall
lovingly speak out the same. All of you should
listen to the same attentively.
SJlfci: R^RTt ^3f4§TR:l

A devotee of Siva, purifying himself,

undertaking the vrata with a firm mind,
should accept the naivedya of Siva.
^grftr fVTcf^ir RTf% RTtrrfR ^RT:l
r% f «tfisT.-imi
With the very sight of the naivedya of Siva
all the sins disappear in no time and by
consuming it crores of merits automatically
arrive before the devotee.
There is no need for performing the yajnas
in thousands or crores, by consuming the
naivedya of Siva, a devotee achieves the
Sdyujya of Siva.

142 Siva-Mahapuranam

A house is purified with the mere mention wm тФ ^ ii

of the naivedya of Siva. It also becomes the «ЫУЧЙ Ш ^ llfa fr lfg
cause of the purification of the other houses.
• jR p y u ifrt Фа w ^ T t ^ r ^ T n m ii г * и
зтртгт (v w W d f?TTRT f^TI
О Brahmanas, the consuming of the
чадтлНг 1vH44HUI^«hHII ^ II naivedyas of the linga which emerges out of
Finding the arrival of the naivedya it Saligrama, in Rasalinga, stone-liriga, silver-
should be placed over the head and it should linga, gold-linga and the lingas consecrated
be consumed reciting the name of Siva. by the siddhas and the gods, in the crystal
ЗТГПгТ (уМ ^ёГО ^ 1 illglftrM ftl linga of Kasmlra, Ratnalinga, besides all the
f ^ r r a r ьтадш гад ft ч т м и и
Jyotirlingas, rewards like the performing of
the Candrayana-vrata.
When the naivedya arrives in the house (it
should be taken at once) because by delaying sT^rftr yfo^iicir fro M r ТЩ STRATI
it saying that it would be taken subsequently, 'Яф ш стад FTthPT yuivqfdll II
the naivedya is insulted and a person earns a The person committing brahmahatya when
sin. getting purified consumes the offerings made
Ч ТЩШЩТ ш Ф \ to Siva, all his sins are washed out.
ят Tifwrffs: тчшй ш Ф «gcmii яи T*tJ3lfyebR) 4T5nfRT rf^lrfioq 4 ТТЛ^:|
The one who does not feel interested in Tju^liycbli) я) TR ФяЩ ШГ Ф ш : II ^ II
having the naivedya of Siva, he, the grand
The food offered to the goddess Candl
sinner surely falls in the hell. should not be consumed by the human beings.
The place which is out of control of the
Чткнс; 43<(f4dl4i)ll || goddess Canda, should be consumed with
A devotee who wears the small image of
Siva, made in gold, silver or other metals, ^r w r o jfg 'i
with utmost devotion, is entitled to receive the yfduw Traff ч zmirsfer^r Фтп ?\эи
naivedya, it is said. The same Canda has no control over the
fyrci^nf^RTr а д lingas like Вйпа, iron, siddha and SvayambhQ,
TTtfomfufpIfRT ч^^птп ^11 besides the other images of Siva.
A devotee of Siva, having received wmRwi fetRT % f^ T T tR t^ ri
Sivadlksa is entitled
/ to consume the naivedya Hr: НтШш шт надщ f^rWru ii
of all types of Sivalingas. After bathing Sivalinga properly, if the
Ч0|I П>|срн1тЫс11сШ1Ч) said water is sipped thrice, all his three types
frnfa зНад f^ra^imgTutii ^ n of sins are washed out.
Those who have received other dlksas, but ЗШЩ HlcAtfgj xra -дщ TEH ^R (|
are devoted to Siva, the decision about their у11НЧ1чГумш#1ги4 'чтНт ■ ^ гш тч п ^я и
taking the Siva’s naivedya is as follows.
The Siva naivedya which has been termed
WHUImV ^ Ш %jfT:l as not fit for consumption, it gets purified
Vidyes'vara Sarhhita, Chapter 22 143

including the leaves, flowers, fruit, water etc. At the root of the wood-apple tree, if one
coming in touch with the Saligrama sila. pours water in the basin round it, lord Siva
gets leased finding its base filled with water.
•p fa rtЪ ? i# q - И?°н
О Sages, the material placed over the tip of ryidHtchUdl-qrfd у-нЩ Щ ip r c n y ^ ii
the lingo, is not to be consumed. The stuff A person who adores the root of the wood-
which is beyond the touch of the linga apple tree offering fragrance, unbroken rice,
remains auspicious and can be taken. flower etc. he achieves Sivaloka and his
^ -grfqu fc ; Й т К ДТГч-МтТШ: 1 progeny comfortably develops.
d>4frli Ъ: cfi^idfd Ш^ТЧ.1
О Sages, I have spoken before you about ^ M^VU^dl V ^ \\ У6 II
the sanctity of the naivedya. Now you listen to The one who lights lamp at the root of
the glory of wood-apple quite respectfully. wood-apple tree, he after achieving the
fqedl ^jpT:i taltvajnana becomes the form of Siva.
SRgn^ll ^ || faeciymsii fTMicjiu чэдйЭД!
The wood-apple tree is the form of Siva. In T[?ten it it tptf: Tpg^i%iR<?ii
a way it has been praised even by the gods. A devotee, who plucking the uninjured
How can one know about its glory. leaves of^the wood-apple tree and offers them
р•O Л ^Tcrfcr ШЗТС
yfsrdRffti to Siva, he is surely freed from all the sins.
cnft fraffui #qfi4 {эдэдн %n у C\ % срй о Фт-л
The places of pilgrimages which are well TT^i Щ cblfe^foid ЩЧW ТГЗЭДгГИ ? О ||
known in the world, all reside at the roots of The one who making a Brahmana to sit
the wood-apple tree. under the wood-apple tree and serves him
food with devotion, he earns the merit of
~4: Myldfd ЩЩРПТ -Q%cT feeding a crore of Brahmanas.
The one who adores Mahadeva Siva in the
root of the wood-apple tree, he surely achieves TT T 'JlWrlll 3 i>ll
Siva. A devotee of Siva, who serves the food
C\ чч1^ц(ч(ч$|(г11
чЭ C\
prepared in milk and serves it to devotee of
^ Т Т Г ё Ш 'Ш Т : W T :l l ^ 4 l l
Siva, he never becomes poor.
The one who pours water over Siva lodged
in the roots of wood-apple tree, he becomes Щ Щ Щ ftfrJTCT й сШ Щ ЭД ЩйТ:113^11
self purified having himself taken bath in all The adoration of Sivalinga has been stated
the sacred places. He becomes auspicious on
to be complete in all respects and has been
stated to be of two types taking into
tfd 'W fa e « i^ tfW № in d W H d T i4 4 vl consideration the paths of perseverance and
^ g T p r 'Mdrdcd^ll y ^ l l renunciation.
144 Siva-Mahapurariam

yfaRi T te w -qfei
чтЫк зпргет iT^qpfT т-тта^ти 3 з и
Those who are indulging in the worldly
affairs, they should adore the pedestal on
earth, which fulfils all the desires. It should be
adored through a competent Brahmana.
f3TRT W 4% 5f ^ ^
After the Rudrdbhiseka, one should offer
naivedya of the best quality rice. After the end
of the worship, the linga should be placed in
the house at an auspicious place separately.
fopTTCT ЧТ fg f y iW llЗЧИ
After the finishing of the balipuja, food
should be served to devotees of Siva and those
who are detached from the world, they are
required to worship the subtle linga.

W ^ cMT 1?ГШ ШЯ^Гг^Ш1)b II

Worshipping with the ashes, the same
should also be offered to Siva. At the end of
the adoration, the Sadas'iva-linga should be
placed over the head.
submit мигчтч!
rviut’dirauhti ч т im u
144 Siva-Mahapurariam

farcr ff? штттк ? n

Besides you also speak out the glory of
Rudraksa as well as the names of Siva, in
order to delight my heart.”
TTTf YI efrcFRT f^dchRehH.1
■dcRT t ЩШЛ: hfort: f^WTJiT:ii 3 и
Suta said, “You have put me good
questions for the welfare of the world. You
people are great, graceful, auspicious as well
as the gems of your own respective race.
^ tt «raat w n n m
Lord Siva is your Supreme God. Even
otherwise, you always like he life story of
^ SRT13J fcnsfer ТТШ ??ШТТЩТ1
zt cbri г(щ ^ тгФтге^и ц u
Those who adore Siva, are graceful,
successful and their having the human body is
also successful. They have redeemed their
fvicwm f i r
w fr ч тфщггя адти II
The one who always recites the name of
Siva from his mouth, the sins do not touch
him like the fire of the burning coal of
CHAPTER 23 catechu.
Glory of the names of Siva зГ|Г?|с(И чщяязт згщнгТ
TTcR rM -R i^14fa4fyiTfll\3ll
ftr! тдгт! щптат! cirwfvM! When some one recites Srl-Sivaye namah
from his mouth, at that point of time his
d^<4 SJHETf чт^тТТ1ТгЩЧтШ1Т11 ^11
mouth becomes the auspicious place of
The Rsis said, “O Silta, О Virtuous one, О pilgrimage and all his sins are washed out.
Disciple of Vyasa, salutation to you. You
please tell us the best of the glory of the ashes
(of Siva). cftfei щ ята чгг<Ш й ii
?rarr w iw w iw i Whosoever filled with devotion looks at
Vidyes'vara Samhita, Chapter 23 145

his face, he earns the merit of having a bath at Rudraksa as Sarasvati. All of them destroy the
a sacred place. There is no doubt about it. sins.
^ ^ %ЭТ:1 T R ft ^ -ЦХЦ f^RHTl
^TjfTRRTH rR^pTn и frcRrlt g f w w T4FRT $т Щ fltll^ m i
О Brahmanas, wherever a person who The one who has all the three in his body
wears the rosary of Rudraksa as well as the his reward is safely lodged at one place. The
ashes, and the person reciting the name of learned people have equated them with the
Siva live, they earn the reward of having a bath at the Triveni.
bath at Triveni, by a mere took at them.
rrfalT $Г?*ГЩ % ш 1 то т т |
<WT гП
w m Фгг -я ш 'd w & i 4 TfjT ^ h i i ^ и
ттарггг ТЩЩШГ -^ПТП II Brahma, who is desirous of the welfare of
The reciting of the name of Siva, wearing the universe, had weighted both of them
of the rosary of Rudraksa, and applying of the which were found to be equals. Therefore the
ashes over the body, bestow enormous merits. ashes should be applied always.
Therefore they are believed to be rewarding Г", ♦ f"V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — . Г- ^ .
щ т щ RT: i
like Triveni.
ет4 й fd m Нгг ^ ч и ч т ч ^ н с ь ч и ^ э п
V i lA id K fd fa rd V Itl
Since that day, all gods alongwith Brahma,
гП&Щ hlM^Rdidll ^ || and Visnu always make use of these three
In case all the three of them remain in which are destroyer of sins even by their
one’s body, the very sight of him, removes all sight.”
the sins.
W %ЩТ ThTOtort tRT^I
f? w 4 f t ; H id if ^ d iil^ c m i
^ 4 Ъ T T P # Ч ЩЩ:П ^ II
d^M^Irtij f ^ \ m ТрГгП.П^611
There is absolutely no difference by
looking at him or at Triveni. The one who The Rsis said, “You have revealed the
does not believe so, he is surely a sinner. same reward for all the three of them.
Therefore, О Suvrata, you kindly speak out
ferfvpM Ш • ^ШТТЩТI the special glory of the same.”
чгт gwr t ■ггати^ n
wо*. зсгга
One who does not apply ashes over the
Ж^гегГ f? Т Щ Щ Т : щ т :1
head, the body is without Rudraksa, and the
name of Siva is not recited from the mouth, 1Щ11
the company of such a degraded person should Suta said, “O Rsis, you are quite intelligent
be discarded. and devoted to Siva, besides being the best
Tfci чщ 'чш Ш Ы ччт tRTTi among the learned people. О Brahmanas, you
MRT ЗГШ ^TThfelTfTRtll ^11 listen to the special glory of the same.
The name of Siva has been conceived to be wtfdfa TTfutw
the Ganga, the ashes as the Yamuna, and %ГТ: УЖТУТ: %Ж^§ЧТ11 ^ О||
146 Siva-Mahapuranam

Though its glory is unknown even to the tTRefilft faw P d ft|cHI43:l

Vedas, Puranas, as well as Sastras, still, О я% rncfftr 'цмй few ч яШ!м wi
Brahmanas, I am revealing the truth about the
same, because of your devotion. О Munisvaras, the number of sins which
are destroyed with the reciting of the name of
Siva, the equivalent number of sins cannot be
fa4T ^ WTul тетрцтчи ^ ^11 committed by a person in the world.
0 Brahmanas, the real glory of all the
three, except lord MahesVara, who is beyond ftlcRiq ftTTTKfc 4iyrdcdf<sHl7A:ll?<SII
sata and asata, none else knows.
О Munisvara, with the reciting of the name
cRET? ЧТЧЩТсВТ ysrwfai ШТШ:1 of Siva, all the sins including brahmahatya
t^TtftrsfT:! n im W Щ411 ^ n and others are destroyed.
1 am going ,to narrate their glory in brief ftrcRihTff шщ trtftr й|
because of your devotion. О Brahmanas, you vpRMVPmift tnfr и
listen with delight, which removes all types of
Such of the people who cross the ocean of
the universe using the name of Siva as the
ч(ч<таг^4з!чм<*ч<&1:1 boat, all their sins relating to the world are
4 II washed out.
The name of Siva is like the forest fire ЧШЯЧЯШЯТ ТПДеЬ-RT 4T?TO%!l
Cs Cs чЗ
which destroys the mountain of sins and all (?|еН1Ч$аАи| famyrt g^Pii?oii
the sins are reduced to ashes with the same.
О Great Sage, for the destruction of all the
ЩЧЧуЛГй §:T3TfT fa fay R ift # lc B !l sins relating to the world, the battle-axe in the
PyicHiflynyyift di-ywyyrfi form of the name of Siva is quite enough.
О Saunaka, all types of miseries emerge
from the sins and they are destroyed with 4144l4l(RdHHi ftFTT 4 f?II 3 ^11
reciting of the name of Siva. There is no doubt
The people who are suffering from the
about it.
forest fire of sins, should be made to consume
¥ Щ3tnn?4T Ъ SRT: V fyt Щ;1 the nectar like name of Siva. The person who
fticHmdMiwbr # ftrtr ^fa т т т м ^ ч и is suffering from the forest fire of sins, cannot
get peace except with the name of Siva.
The person who always recites the name of
Siva, he is Vedic, is the noble soul, is graceful
and a learned one. 4 #EfftT g^TERII 3 4 II
srafcr fafagfT ydlRMi -ЩГ: W t '^ T : l Such of the devotees who are soaked with
Ы fa^ro: ftra n w r tp rlii^ n stream of nectar in the form of the name of
Siva, they never get worried even after falling
О Sages, he is bestowed with several types into the fire of the universe.
of rewards by dharma at once, the belief of
which could be realised with the reciting of fyjcHlfw ^c&fawffrll ^UTTttflfiRPTI
the name of Siva. rrfgSTRT jj - д а т ^ST T II ^ | |
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 23 147

Such of the noble people who preserve in щ :\

their heart the devotion for the name of Siva,
WRThiflWT чШ Щ итн.и'йоц
such people achieve redemption quite
suddenly. After going through all the Vedas, we have
come to the conclusion, that of all the
trtrw •gfogTli remedies used for the crossing of the universe,
fyicHlf a 74^ПТТЧ?тГ7ТЛ1|1^'й11 the reciting of the name of Siva is the best.
О Munlsvara, those who have performed This is what has been concluded by the
tapas for many births, they achieve the ancient rsis.
adoration of Siva, which destroys all the sins. 1% 4if<*r4i Ф ш : Ф гФ Ф Ф щ щ !
4!-TWfd чГг1«5ц|1 3 ЧII О Sages, what is the use of talking much,
The one who preserves an unwavering the name of Siva destroys all the sins.
devotion towards Siva in his mind, he alone UT4T4T ^ ro t ^ fO T R ^ : -ф ьЩ UTcRtl
can achieve moksa, and none else. This is my
yiSbifcl Minch dN^chji ЧТрГ ЧТ: eHfeldJI ^ ? II
The strength of Siva’s name in the
feTcRfWIER:! destruction of the sins, is extremely
^4ч1чГ^Гч4тЬ1 чФ щ ч auspicious. A person cannot commit as many
The one, who remains devoted to Siva sins as can be destroyed by the reciting of the
even after the committing of the grave sins, he name of Siva.
is relieved of all types of sins. There is no Гу|сн14>гй|е|и| i[dц-d41*^1
doubt about it. 4 # TT^FTTWr T ^ ! i r * 3 ll
'rrcffcr щщтщ^гт щтщ тп Ф \ О Sages, with the influence of the name of
meffcr ^rif^r тгтчтЭг f ^ r o : и ? ^ n Siva, the extremely sinful king named
Indradyumna, had achieved the best place.
As with the single forest fire many trees
are burnt out, similarly with the reciting of the Ш c&rf^felT 4|4lftqtl
name of Siva all the sins are washed out. fvicMT4jrm%tJi u s f a f r w iH ii’a 's u

far* ^гачпгегаг<*с:1 Besides the wife of a Brahmana was

extremely sinful. She also achieved the best
iv W iw rm A !ii 16 и place with the influence of the name of Siva.
О Saunaka, the person whose body gets eft ff^ ^ S T 414"4I R-tq4 rl 4 4J
purified with the ashes, and the one' who
respectfully recites the name of Siva, such a if W ЩЩТЩТгКТ 4<^Ч1с|ЧЧ1сИ^И'1{ЧII
person, even if he be a grave sinner, crosses О Best of the Brahmanas, I have spoken to
the ocean of the Universe.4 you about the best of the glory of the name of
Siva. Now you should listen from me the
importance of the ashes which purify all.
4 fcrcqfr ЧТ: 1Й: f9raTW3PTR[T:ii^^ii
The sinner who kills the Brahmana, or
steals his riches, is relieved of the sins with ry|cr4l'44lgTrRraufc 4m WiflyTtSSEIRmnitl
the reciting of the name of Siva.
148 Siva-Mahapuraiiain

CHAPTER 24 s r fr ^ w r fM чш ^ r i i
Process for the application of the ashes cflft xt ШТО)ц\Э||
Or otherwise, the people with wisdom
fgftsj ЧШТ ТГЩГтБ XRTT1 should collect the ashes after the performing
d^TchRMg щ Ь ^тташчтшт *jotii of the homa. The ashes collected from other
types of yajnas are also used for tripundra.
SQta said, “The ashes are believed to be of
two types. I shall now narrate the process of 3ifHRrMifc(Ri4^'Ji\«iiHl,4f44(4)r^:i
the same, which you should listen attentively. wfmrR cerJ щччт TRtm *гнc n
T?ef) 4? i w fgrRt The mantras quoted in Jabalopanisad
starting from Agni etc. should be recited, and
ч щ чт Ш ттчп я и while doing so the ashes should be soaked in
One of them is called mahd-bhasma (ashes water and applied over the body.
the great) and the other one is called Svalpa-
bhasma (short ash). Several types of ashes put yuiHIfliyUlUti ^ TT^SP^RTTsft iTI
together are called mahd-bhasma. ШтН ^rdlrTflTW ^11 ^ II
W <f 4 (^fdicbhl Jabali, the great sage has explained the
process of respectfully applying of the ashes
} II
over the body with the reciting of the mantras
It is called of three types viz.: Srauta, or without it and the drawing of the tripundra
smarta and the laukika. The ash known as
our the body.
svalpa-bhasma is also of three types.
ЗЙгГ ЧТЩ гГОТ TRftf (g'JlMl^cl ehUdnH,!
441313f t 4 t # f t :ll *o 11
st^rm ft ад
Srauta and the smarta ashes are to be used The application of the ashes and to make
by Brahmanas. The Laukika-bhasma can be the slanting tripundra of Visnu, should not be
used by the people of the remaining varnas. forgotten by a person, desirous of moksa. This
has been ordained by he Vedas.
ЩТТОТ ТГоПТ: 3TTTTJ fgtSfRt * [fttlft:l .
ftl^T ftlWRT xte
трддЩпти ЦII
The sages have allowed the ashes to be 34l^°4T ^ ^ ft^T7T:ll
taken by the Brahmanas. only after the The tripundras of Siva and Visnu are
reciting of the mantras. There is a provision praised by Parvatl and Laksmi every day.
that people of the all other varnas except the
jflfrt: ^ t? ft 4 ^ : i
Brahmanas can apply the bhasma without
reciting of the mantras. Ч Щ ft4UftcJ|HTlrtRTII ^ 11

щц ^ p im ^ w ri The tripundra was patronised by

Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, the people of
4 ? p ft!ll$ ll mixed varnas, and those of the other lowers
O Great sage, the ashes which are prepared castes, applying over their bodies.
with burning of the cow-dung is called the
ftru f 4 S T^ T T 4 T E R ftT % |
Agreya-bhasma. This is the best stuff used for
making tripundra. Ы 4iftrr 41ч га к ) ^ ii
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 24 149

Those, who do not apply ashes over their % т ч й (ч % : fery щ w i i yon

body and do not wear tripundra, they are The one who makes tripundra with the
considered as out castes from the society. white ashes, thrice a day, he getting relieved
of all the sins, always remains happy with
Ы 41% f t f lчЭt f e Siva.
*^ ii

The one who does not apply the ashes over 1тйч чтччт д я Ы ти ч йдщрчтi
his body with devotion, he can never be HlchRIHl Ч^И УУИ
redeemed from the world even after crores of The one who makes tilakam of tripundra
births. with the white ashes over the head, he after his
dtJjjlC'W frjttg Щ ЧГёпИ т t l death, achieves the place of eternal bhdtas.
Ы 4 % feljlR ch^chlfdVl^f^ll II ЧТЧЧТ ТЧТЧ 4 4^441
Those who do not apply ashes and f e n f щ yffetr ч farfsRT w r t ч й <тц у у n
tripundra over their bodies, they cannot know One should not recite the six letter mantra
about Siva in crores of births. without having a bath with the ashes. He can
f e o f ЭГVPgm ЧТгГ% t l recite the mantra appropriately by' applying
I 9н&)Ф<*Ы:п the ashes and making a tripundra.
The one who does not apply the ashes over зтз^г cimr epfa Ы щ щ й й зй mi
the body with faith and devotion, they are ЗЧЧ1Ч|РЙ1 grftT 4 # m qfUtsfq cfTII У 3 1|
surrounded by the sins. This has been revealed
feffe r 4 ffiw tw re:l
by the scriptures.
ч<Щ$г Tnfei f e l l wiiT'rfii
hitiUPu t l
Even the cruel, degraded, extremely sinful,
^rmrEtfw Ы feR fersre f|ii ^11 of the grave as well as light sins, and the
Those who do not apply ashes and foolish person having fallen from grace, when
tripundra quite faithfully, the noble deeds lives in a country, applying the ashes over his
performed by them bestow opposite reward. body, all the sacred places and the yajnas also
reside there.
чгпй gtlll ^11 f e u g q f e i t f a : т а : T it : T m ^ i
О Sages, a sinful person, and the one who ^ jo ^ ird i f% Ч Ч : 5П5ТТТ Ч Ч : I I У Ц
is jealous of all the creatures, is also envious A person who has applied tripundra as
of the ashes and tripundra. well as the ashes with devotion and faith
f^dlfachlt Ъ: f^fB^TWrtTfgrTI becomes adorable by humans, gods as well as
■дай q efefe тд|ч а д т 4T:iim i the ddnavas. Even if he commits the sins,
even then his soul remains purified.
The people who securing the ashes from
Sivagni, apply it over the body by reciting of d fe fe l fe w Ml •qffeTHridd:!
Traydyusam mantra, he, with the touch of the irat dR w M : ттгпчт-.иу^и
said ashes, is relieved of all the sins. All the sacred places arrive at the place
% Ч ЩЧЧГ Д <%Ча|<*Ч| where a person well-versed in the tattvas of
150 Siva-MahapurSiiam

lord Siva arrives, 9ГЩЩ: ТТ1%>Щ^| Я^СТЯП 3311

гттрш strJ w щт ф и
farflrM татТ ТЩ: 1ЩТТ:11^\э|| SRirat f^sicii^iun ^1гШЗрЗЗГ113^П
What is the use of speaking too much, the By reciting the mantra of Trayambaka, a
learned people should always apply the ashes Vais'ya, and with the reciting of Pancaksara
over their bodies, adore the linga as well as mantra by the Sudras the ashes should be
recite the six letter mantra. applied over the body. Other people as well as
the widows should also follow the procedure
ЗПрщг fapnpT gift -^ ot ^ :i of the Sudras.
щ щ тлчщ тм я- qfwifagHji ? с n
The glory of the application of the ashes is
*дчт «Rranfwf:II3 411
unknown completely even to Brahma, Visnu,
Rudra and other gods as well as the sages. Manu has allowed a house-holder to apply
ashes reciting the Pancabrahma-mantras. A
Barhmacari should apply the ashes reciting
mTniFRtsfd ^#11 ^ || the Tryambaka mantra.
A person who has destroyed the activities зшйоттгт чтат faftdWfafa:
as well as the tradition of his race, in case he т а ^ с г franfRTfr w t t r ii 3^11
applies tripundra even once over his body, A vanaprastha should apply ashes reciting
then he is relieved of all the sins. the Aghora-mantra. The Ascetics should apply
% ^WBilRui r*Wc)l w tf eh<5Rd
■o d H d i:l ashes and tripundra reciting omkara mantra.
: II ^ о и
The people, who discarding the use of the *t snr^ii 3 ЧЭ11
ashes, engage themselves in other religious The one who is beyond the traditions of
deeds, they cannot achieve redemption from varnas and ds'ramas he should apply ashes as
the world, even in crores of births. well as the tripundra with the feeling of
TRlSM Т Sivoham (I am Siva) A Sivayogi should apply
ashes, reciting the Tsana mantra.
iR f e k fyRftr Rnpf ятчят cRnrii 3 ?ii
A Brahmana, who has decorated his head 4 Чг4сП% WTmWTrTVtTlчЭ %

with tripundra, he has completed all the тт tt^ t Rrawrarcii 3^11

studies and has done everything. This is the best form of the application of
% SlWirflUT <JgTЯТГ: ГТТЗЧТТ1 the ashes, which should be respected by the
people of all the varnas. Besides the above,
other people should also apply ashes at the
A person who punishes a person with his command of Siva.
head having been decorated with tripundra, he
should be treated to have been born of snsRT: WUT: ^rr^ яЩат:1
Candala. cTTcrRr fyiclfHff# f | «TR^J:ll 3^11
wrcflftR trrt ttRR т а «raWfi The particles of the dust, which stick to be
Vidyes'vara Sarhhita, Chapter 24 151

body after the bath with ashes, are like Those who denounce tripundra, they seem
carrying an equal number of Sivalingas over like denouncing Siva. Those who decorate
the body. themselves with tripundra, they actually carry
д а т : SlfoJT Я TT^TT: l Siva with them.
f^nrrssr fgsraT щ т: wtt: ш # е т ш н
wsrarft я я : iRrml m wnt rtsrri fiPRlW^ filRqam^lcu^rapTlluq ||
TRrTJTЯЯ 4 tiw rtinsw A forehead without the ashes and the
village without the temple of Siva are to be
In case the Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, SQdras
or the people with mixed castes, widows, denounced. Disgrace to a person who has not
children, girls, the cheats, Brahmacdrls, adored Siva. Disgrace to the wisdom devoid
householders, sanyasls (ascetics) and women of the refuge of Siva.
apply the ashes as well as the tripundra over % Р к й T#gi kMUdmrmrflRT
their bodies, and by so doing they would get


^тнщрщсТш чттгау и Those who denounce Siva, who happens to
When a person who touches the fire be the base of the three worlds, and also his
knowingly or unknowingly, it burns in both devotees who apply tripundra over their
the cases, similarly the ashes applied over the bodies, they do so because of the fault of their
body knowingly or unknowingly, purifies the vision because inspite of their being humans
person concerned. they have been born like a person of the mixed
сГТ fg q r races, or pigs, demons, donkeys, dogs, jackals
m m ят ^ ш or the insects. They have been bom only to
wf?r тг ж г ^ proceed to the hell.
ct ^gT $|Г¥МК«м1 ftftr fsft wftsfil ЯЯЯ
Those who do not use the ashes as well as гГЯТ^гГГ: I
Rudrdksa rosary, no one should accept even rtc^RiraWdl Щ faw t'gHrfeH
the slightest food or water in the houses of trjt f t til * ъ к
such people. By consuming the food and water
of a householder, Vdnaprasthl, Brahmacarl or Even after seeing the sun and the moon
throughout the day and night, they are unable
a person of mixed race, one earns the sins and
to visualise them correctly. Can such people,
goes to the hell. By taking food in the houses
be purified with the reciting of Rudrashkta
of such people, the people of all the three
varnas, get purified with the reciting of the with devotion? One has to face the pain of the
hell even after talking to such people. No one
Gdyatrl-mantra, while the ascetics get
should talk about the repentance of such
purified with the reciting of откат mantra.
people. In fact, those who denounce the
frjuf ir fr^f% fywijcr %| people, having applied the ashes and the
a n w fe i я % « i K d f c r я Ъ я % 11't f 't f l l tripundra over their bodies, they are big fools.
152 Siva-Mahapuranam

Ч сИ Й сЬ^Й ф ^ чЫрЗЧ<1 TJ^!l W tfT T T сГТ Ш Т О !»

f? ra # crfpfKT: II х 6 и 9ГЩ ТЯ Щ h f t r n w .im ^ ll

О Great sage, those who introduce tantric % u | 4 t T ^1

practices in Sivayajna, decorating the heads W R t farfsR T IT m g W T n iT T ^иц^и
with upwards tilakam or those having The Brahmacaris, householders,
embossed the conches, cakras, by heating vmaprasthls, yatis, (sages) Brahmanas,
them in fire, such people have no right (to say Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, degraded people,
anything). or the fallen people, by using the ashes or
cdNr <чш cj^MirNlf^dm Tripundra, they get purified getting relieved of
й Rwwh rtcTt WTW TOIIX^II all the sins.
Out of such people, many are influenced
with the magic of the sages. They should щгр) чтт wet : ii44II
apply the ashes after a considerable thought. Especially the devotee of Siva, who applies
the ashes over his body, is relieved of the sins
like killing of woman, cow, horse etc.

ы|4 •нс;! ^Tf <ч!ч цои hif-KI ' ф р ШЧкЧЧНЧ^Н
Those who use only the sandal paste and
mix the ashes in the sandal paste, they are Ч^ II
quite right. An intelligent person, should some ЗТтГУГ-MCqcHldHi ЧТТДЩ Фяц-л
how apply tripundra over his body. хШЧйП
аптаМ тзгтадвт cfrtto fgsram ^ ^ srcti s9 s) "S

v w fgtfifyfiiwt fmwrfd&yi сТсПЛ-чу 41 feTJT:ii4<?ii

Ч&ЧТЧШЧШТ (q^lc^l fq^frl- з и г з а г F T ^ T fT t w R t R r fp n M i

U TU tfr fq fq y ifq ^ 1
The Brahmanas, the virtuous women, and TU T Ticf fc tq y q fid щ Щ Тищ тн ^ о l|
the widows, should apply tripundra over their
The stealing of other’s riches, to keep
foreheads. Similarly the people of all the
illicit relations with other’s wives to denounce
asramas should apply ashes over the body, others, to usurp other’s fields, to torture
because it removes all the sins and bestows others, to usurp the field with crop and the
moksa. garden, to burn other’s houses, or to steal the
ftqtrf скш w
•О А ЧЭ V»
щият fctlitucTchm
Cs -s
cow, buffalo, gold, silver, sesamum, blanket
and other costumes, to accept charities of
food, cereals, water and other things from the
A person who applies tripundra of ashes in
degraded people, to enjoy the company of the
a noble way, he is relieved of sins and the fisher women, a whore, wife of a Candala, the
grave sins. female dancer, to cohabit with a woman in
Vidyesvara Sariihita, Chapter 24 153

period, a girl or a widow, or carry on trade in the one who applies tripundra tilakam over
meat, skin, juice, salt, to indulge in back­ the body, such a person (with tripundra)
biting, to speak deceitful words, to give false redeems a thousand of his ancestors and an
evidence and there are numerous such sins equal number of his future relatives.
which are destroyed with applying of the
tripundra over the body.
^tfcRTW щщ
ryicf£oy|iTf*tui fy[crfq^i ъ
He attains long age during the present
f^TT ЩГ?!сГЧтЬМ'| ^T«Sd'Idll ^ ^11 birth, remaining healthy. After enjoying all the
To steal the riches of Siva, to denounce comforts, he meets with a comfortable death.
Siva or his devotees, are the sins which cannot зп М уоШ я м : f^ratri
be washed out even by repentance.
f^otr fopFPTTW R ^ f a ^ f a d P II $ £ II
i k ш пк <j %gnfgrtr i Thereafter he possessing all the eight
ч ctujc|uifTiddH4:ii $ ^ fortunes, with a benevolent body, he is
The one who wears Rudmksa over his mounted over a divine plane and is served by
person, tripundra over the forehead, even if he the gods.
is bom as a Candala, he is considered to be the fk z im m тщфп
best of all the varnas.
^ if^H l^ d T H K F nTpEf ST *М1ЬЬЧЧ11 ^ II
^ГТ: I He enjoys his stay with all the comforts in
TRmt v&fo TP& 5 ^ з II the places of Vidyadharas, Gandharvas and
Whatever might be the number of the holy immensely valorous Indra, besides the
places on earth, like the Ganga, the person Lokapalas respectively.
whose forehead is adorned with tripundra, he «IcR^T sfrhFT ■ fffchTrHG JRlVHTi
o "v о о *s л '- о
is supposed to have taken bath in all these «Г^ПТТ: тщчтотгг Ш еЬ^|?и Т^1ПЭ0Ц
holy places. Не enjoys all the comforts, the positions
Prajapatis and Brahma. He remains there upto
the age of Brahma and enjoys the company of
Щ ; !^c||)ci^Vd'cl:ll 5,-*II hundreds of divine damsels.
ТРШ ^RT 41<M*sdeb7l TfHl
m um prt ttr чарщ яТ'н^а^г: i
% щгг fei^-jCd [>чи^еь«^ц
-щщ T^rmRt щяИмтч,! There also, he enjoys all the comforts
W?T5TRt ^Id^Wc^til^hU^dll ^ ^ II besides the pleasures of Visnuloka and lives
Pancaksara mantra and several other there upto the age of a hundred Brahmas.
seven crores of Mahamantras are there, in fycHich сШ: ЩЩ <*ld4^u4j
addition to the crores of mantras which
bestow the eternal emancipation or liberation fvicw iq^triM lId ЧЩ w z f t u Ъ ? II
of Siva, О Munlsvara, the mantras of other Then he reaching Sivaloka, getting
gods also bestow many comforts to the people innumerable desires fulfilled, ultimately
but all of them remain under his control. But achieves Siva’s Sayujya liberation. There is no
154 Siva-Mahapuraijam

doubt about it. The ashes represent Siva himself and it

yqfqfasRi ТГН Wc^tcHl purifies all the three worlds.
f f fooffa tR \э 3 II Ч 4 di&JR 4 WfR *TPt 4 TT:l
After referring to the gist of all the fa j^ u i fgRT f g k p ^ fe -d P im ii
upanisads, it has been decided that tripundra - The bath, charities, meditation, and japam
is immensely beneficial and should be applied performed by a Brahmana are of no
over the body. consequence, in case they are performed (by a
fewfcl <Pt ^ 5п?тт: Brahmana), without the application of
tripundra over the body.
The Brahmana, who denounces the ashes, etRtntW 3RJRi ^ n #R O T t tMTI
he could never be treated as a Brahmana. He W t vrtfle|$digi Со II
suffers in the hell till the age of Brahma. A Vanaprasthi, a girl and a person without
^ fTT^I having received diksa should take their bath
firfsnpf: MdirMi -лч1г1 '4Md:ilV94 li before noon time with water. Thereafter they
should have bath in ashes.
The one who applies tripundra over the
body during the performing of Sraddha, pci fpppf rt: tspfftrP fqwtTRF:i
yajna, homa, balivaisvadeva as well as during
the time of the worship of the gods, he
Thus, a person who applies tripundra over
actually overpowers the death.
his body daily, such a devotee of Siva
ШЩЧ PHSTPt WTHR ЖТ achieves all the pleasures besides moksa.
TOFT ITFTRI^ PT PATH'S^11 PTPlf ^CT peRtsft ct§Tpre[:|
After going to toilet, one should take bath ppp pqifaqu^fed) pf^n6?\\
with water, thereafter one should have bath
The one who does not wear a single
with ashes which are quite auspicious. By
bathing with the mantras, the sins are washed Rudraksa over the body, which provides the
out and by having a bath with jmna highest merit and in case he is without
(knowledge) one achieves the highest place. tripundra then his life is of no consequence.
ЧрШ£р faqu|4ijtirr4 щ п Л w i
О 3 n V

РРШ W4<4l4lfa ЯТ:11\3V3ll tpp ppRtpfPt ptptii 6 ъ ii

Whatever merit and reward one gets by In this way I have narrated the glory of
visiting all the holy places, the same merit or mahatmya. This is the sacred of all the people
reward is achieved by a person who bathes and it should be kept as a secret by you all.
himself with ashes. fdW Ъ§Т PcRPP W PP pfppfpl:! I

ЧТЧЯЙ Pt f^T f ^ l II 4*11
tiw bit %=г: тгт^н т М^ртгаччи^эйн О Great sage, there are three lines of
The bath with ashes is the biggest tirtha. tripundra over the forehead or other parts of
One should have a bath in the Gatiga daily. the body.
Vidyesvara Samhitfi, Chapter 24 155

ш я qiqq=dt ritual. The desire is the inner soul.

rfl^rtiqiui гГ?ТЙ q fsl^U|cb^|| й Ц|| тфагщ Ъ зш ftcfanw ^qdTI
Starting from the centre of the eyebrows, fq?TOT qfdFlfdf! % q ^fT 4R T q ^ :ll^i?ll
one should draw tripundra upto the end of О Sages, the devotees having Sivadlksa
both the eyebrows. should know that the god of the second line is
4BiraMlfifcfflg?qT q£ <TJlfdtftqd:! Mahes'vara.

fidT ^TsTT (d^U^KsttlsIqeridrl
II6 ^ II TchKI^cMrifl q ЩЦШ ddlMll
fd^iq^faq udd: I ?n4Vi(rb: q rq ^ d ^ d lii w ш н з и
fqjof чиЛ^скчт qrqii-i^ti Макйга is the invoking fire. Paramatma is
The lines drawn by middle and ring form of tamoguna, jnana-sakti is Samaveda
fingers, with inverted thumb are called and is the form of the third place of sacrifice.
tripundra, carrying the ashes quite carefully in q W r a T ^ q r w ^qrTTI
the three fingers, tripundra should be drawn
fq^dT fvrq^mmqifr:ll4'i$ll
because it bestows the pleasure as well as the
The god of the third line is Siva, which
should be known by the people having
f?npnqfq ^ sht q&qj qq^qdT.-i Sivadlksa.
m q ^ qrqgRdqr *jmti66ii pci fч щ ч ч щ *ц i
In the sequence of three lines, there are % J| qfdi qf% q fq^fdn я Ч II
nine gods, who are lodged in all the limbs.
You listen to me carefully, I am going to Thus, getting purified daily offering
describe the same. salutation to the gods of the three lines, if a
devotee applies tripundra over the body with
зшт! qijMrHif 4 ^ % ~h Ejut: i
devotion, he achieves all the pleasures as well
d f^ r Bhdiviirb: Ш: qqqirq «rn6 %n as the salvation.
Akara is the domestic fire, bhu is rajoguna, q q l| d q % T ! I
Rgveda is the power of activity and
pratahstavan (morning ritual). Ы ‘qtqfeRt qqqq tqidTfa qmidMJI
О Sages, the gods of all the limbs and their
Я51^ВД Ш Щ ^cRTTI places have been defined. Now you listen to
f q ^ qfq^nfdTT: :ll % о и the placed connected therewith.
О Sages, Mahadeva happens to be the god qpdqrs^rerR^isfq q i
of the first time. The devotees of Siva, who
have received Sivadlksa should know about ЗЩЗДЙ Ш w rq q tsfq d H ^ t d ll <^U
the same. They should be grouped either in thirty-
two places, or half of that-sixteen, or in eight
qf§hJnfasr qqwsi qqqran or in five places.
qstrf^T q qqqfWT^rarq^Tqq^ll <?^ll
3 frq $ dTdr£ q -<*u)yY4dqi4dy|ll
L’kcira is the fire of the southern quarters,
akasa (sky) is sattvaguna and the Vedas are dTOiqqqn^Efq ^qrqtoqqtqpT: 11^611
yajuh. Madhyandin is the Savana (the mid-day qpf* qfinqit q fc^f dl$qt£dt:l
156 Siva-MahSpuranam

ЧПЙ •О ^
тЫчзМсй Щ STRfrll <
вч S3 О
ГГ ЧГ«11Ч ^р) M il ?o 5 II
^fig^ 4^g% з#?!^пчдтга^1
щи ?o ои f^ V T l fawfl=r сГГИ ^oiall
The thirty-two limbs include, head, Or otherwise, the ashes should be applied
forehead, both the ears, both the eyes, nose, over sixteen limbs viz.: the head, hair, ears,
mouth, throat, both the hands, both the face, both the arms, heart, navel, both the
elbows, wrists, heart, ribs, navel, testicles, thighs, both the knees, feet and back. The
thighs, ankles, knees, legs and feet which are sixteen places or gods include, Siva, moon,
the best. The fire, water, earth, wind, Rudra, Brahma, Ganesa, Visnu.
directions, Dikapalas and Vasus are the
excellent places.
ЧТЩГ 3^l<i) : II СII
m \ gctu 3*ra^ifrHis4vT:i
WTtsr -RipgJ f% W :l
згйфщ м ш згаШсП:н ^|| ?<%гг ^ ? ш ч р ! г т я т г а ^ || <?и
The eight Vasus are Dhara, Dhruva, Soma,
water, wind, fire, day break and light. LaksmI in the heart, Siva in the navel,
Naga damsels and both the ni-damsels, then
чттпзптт % o | gmir^ET:i in the feet, the pithas or the seashore are the
fTOl% я о
sixteen places. The eight places are further
being described.
Reciting their names, the learned people
should apply tripundra or becoming careful ТГЖГР5ГЯ vTFtrag-
tripundra should be applied over sixteen ^ o ll
limbs. Rectum, forehead, both the ears, both the
shoulders, heart and navel, are the eight
fift -Ф т % ri 4Tfw^?ni ^u
uf?IFM «Nfmhfel^elrl I WT ЩЩЩ: r n ^r?nsr Я<Шн1:1
гШ 4 R ^ WII ?o*||
Brahma and the seven Rsis are their gods.
eilHlf^HeWlrblgr TTfU; 4^1 ^HTtl
О Great sages, this is what has been spoken by
ЧШг$ $ U'cbl^dtll ^оЦ|| the people with wisdom well-versed in the use
These are the head, forehead, neck, both of ashes.
the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, heart,
зтггат т а ; чт^г^г sri
navel, two sides, and the back. After applying
the tripundra over these limbs, one should VT4f3sHI:ll w и
worship Asvanlkumaras. Siva, Sakti, Rudra, Or otherwise (the ashes should be applied
Isa, Narada, and nine Saktis or goddesses like over the) forehead, arms, heart, navel, the five
Vama and others. These are said to be sixteen limbs of the body.
gods, besides these Nasatya and Oasra have
been stated to be Asvanikumaras.
зтгщт Tjfsf ^ Ъ сБТтЬтгё^ ЩТ1 Keeping in view, the time and the place,
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 25 157

one should do whatever is possible. In case it

may not be possible to apply ashes, one should
himself make use of tripundra, or get it used.
famnwR f^nri
"FRsrn: ЦттШ § QiMU^chMJI II
(The devotee of Siva), concentrate on the
three eyed Siva who is the base of three
gunas, the creator of the three gods, and
applies tripundra, reciting the mantra namah-

<f^3TT«Tt ЧЧ^rdeHcll M«hlgd):ll ^Ц||

Reciting the mantra Is'abhyam namah
tripundra should be applied on both the ribs.
Then reciting the mantra bijabhydm namah
tripundra should be applied over the fore­
%ЯТТ Ъ cMtdftl
Ф пШ rRT: f^TTR: W ll ПЪ ll
Then reciting the mantras pitrbhyam
namah and umes'abhyam namah tripundra
should be applied over the upper limbs. Then
uttering Bhlmaya namah back and the back of
the head (should be painted with).
«Ifyietugwtiui wMiui fuitendfiwiut
%|WyKU|e(ofq ЧПТ
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 25 157

This Rudraksa is an extremely auspicious

bead and is extremely dear to Siva. By its
mere sight or by performing japam with the
same, or using it as a rosary, all the sins get
W csfaRTt 11
In earlier times, lord Siva, in the presence
of the goddess Parvatl, for the purpose of the
welfare of the people, had narrated the
importance of Rudraksa.

ffiETt <T H^VITfSr! % % !l

<*aiiiifii qteiT я ш ч т f ^ T w m u n
Siva said, “O Goddess, О MahesanI, for
the sake of your pleasure and for the welfare
of the devotees, I narrate the glory of
f^oqcrcfa^nfaT ЧЧ: TOI
cf*T; StfjfJdfelRi TR: Tiduj ^ трти ц n
О MahesanI, earlier, my mind felt
disturbed after performing tapas for a divine
thousand years.
-q^tq cilcb)4'<t>fdehlRuill
н!нчг 4<Rvirf4! g?gb4lfcrd w i i ^ ii
CHAPTER 25 О Parmesvari, I happen to be the supreme
The glory of Rudraksa lord of the- universe, and being self-possessed,
I then opened my both the eyes.
! чщящ! Г?1сНлЧ! тЩТЧгП w z tf qfaar
ciafraRpgat зттат ^ г г
»JTJT RMIRIceWIUlwr^ll ^11
Suta said, “O sage Saunaka, О Great Soul Then drops of tears fell on the ground from
and highly intelligent one, you please listen to my half-opened eyes, which produced the
the glory of Rudraksa which I am going to trees of Rudraksa.
speak out in brief. ШсГЯ^ЧЧУ1<и ^-rhMU^chKUIIdl
fyicjfircdhl fmt ТОШ:1 %^ tTT ^116 ll
158 Siva-Mahapurfinam

For the welfare of the devotees those drops Rudraksa of the size of Embolic
of tears took to the form of trees. Being myrobalan, is considered to be the best. The
immobile, they were given to the devotees of one of the size of jujube fruit is considered to
lord Visnu, belonging to the four varnas. be the middling one.
ш т=|и|чЫ w rsrfk tw r TRRzkl
-qkk! iratet? Ягшт Цсгапщгтичп
They became the Rudraksa trees in the Rudraksa of the size of a gram is the
Gauda country, which became greatly meanest, but still its processing is being
favourite of Siva. They were also grown in spoken. О Parvati, you, with the desire of the
Mathura, Ayodhya and Malayacala. benefit of the devotees should listen to it with
^ Щ M l
кс;(1ч>пч1я W «icwifkxn кМ тИ
тщд; k tk ^§W Nrr^ra^r^ii ^ ii
They were also grown in the city of KasI,
О Mahesvail, Rudraksa of the size of
for the destruction of the sins at the instance
jujube fruit increases the comforts and
of the Vedas.
fortunes in the world.
$гщп1Т: grfkjT ^зтшт
УЫЧЧхтШЧ ilrHIIrflcljRakmVMMI
g fe jt w dsUdkl: ^ТЩШ:И ^11
РЗЗШТ ilrWIcHdk^H^iydMJI ^11
At my command the Rudraksa beads could
be used by Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya as Rudraksa of the size of Embolic
well as the Sudras. These Rudraksas are of myrobalan, destroys all the misfortunes. Then
Rudraksa of the size of gunja (a poisonous
auspicious nature.
plant’s fruit) fulfils all the desires.
&ГСШ: ifcrifiwil c)U|^i||;
W ■гщ Щ: w |
cink: шщ\\ ^ n
U,^ehd: w ktfe 'd^ri^dirai f l : и \c и
The learned people should know about
their shades as well. They are of white, red, The smaller it becomes in size, the greater
yellow as well as of black colours. The people is the benefit yielded by it. Each one of these
should wear them according to their varnas. is fruitful. Each one bestows one tenth of the
merit than one another. This has been the
dufwО стмк smf у(тЬч!тЬ1ЙЧ1|$т:1
О О О opinion of the learned people.
%сгк: з к к ^ tii ^ ii krfc M m m v R ^ i
The people desirous of the worldly щцщ гшиЫ| ^ traW troi ртти ^ и
pleasures as well as the salvation, should wear
Rudraksa according to their Varnas. The Rudraksa has been prescribed for the
devotees of Siva, particularly, in order to removal of sins. Therefore one should wear
this Rudraksa which fulfils all the desires.
please Siva and ParvatT, should wear
Rudraksa. m \ Ъ kki ^>W:I
УыХНУЧГи'! ^ a ^ d lg d M J ч ?rarr g- m fer tnkgtr! м? о n
ЧЗфчНЧТЯ TTKPT W4Vlfdd4ll ^ II O Paramesvara, as the rosary of Rudraksa
Vidyes'vara Sariihita, Chapter 25 159

has been found to be rewarding in this world, fsfa: ш ip:i

no other rosary can bestow such a reward. 11^^911
ТГЧТ: fFPetr ^sr: ■ wyrii: ^pTT:i A devotee should wear three strings of
three hundred and sixty Rudraksa beads like a
О goddess, Rudraksas of even size, with yajnopavita.
gloss, firm, thick and having thorn like shape fWBft Ъ TTtrH Ml^lUli R e fill
yield desires and bestow worldly pleasures «ьаЫ): чг ^ог сгрщ^тсгтН<Ш11 ^ 6 и
besides salvation for ever.
One should tie six beads on the right and
«ьГи^а chudc^H^ci rii six to the left of the tuft over the head.
WilcbWi efT^rt ^1=51411
The defective Rudraksas which are trftrra^ ш tR :i i ^ n
damaged by worms, or are cut or broken, One should wear a hundred Rudraksa-
without thorn- like prostrations, have cracks beads in the neck, eleven in each one of the
and are not round. arms, elbows and the fore-arms each.
■WiliN <j>dgK ЧВДТ W f^tWTI 34«J№ 3BT 8FT?f f^lcfufrM^: I
Щ ifl'WflcN f«T rRTKPT ^ II itfnrrfR Str^R^II 3 OI)
The bead having the natural hole from one A devotee of Siva should wear three beads
end to the other is the best and the one which in the yajnopavita and five in the waist.
is bored by human efforts is treated to be
ifdbH^Hstu fWT тг^татг: unRjfr!i
middle one.
jj ТГЩЩ% w t п 3 ^11
v^israrm iJtrfe 4siw«4T?R4j
О Parvati, the one who has worn the beads
фЗТ 4%5R:IIЧ'ЙИ this number, his beauty is beyond description
With the wearing of Rudraksa beads, the and he becomes adorable like Siva himself.
grave sins are washed out. By wearing eleven T3^®J?TI ^FTHI
hundred Rudraksa beads, a person is turned
like Rudra himself. %%% otJT^g ^gT тй : 5ШШ11 ^11
hchlc^lclMls Vldlfychfl^y'W Wifhf: UcblPdd: I
^cn% UeblitS^T: ^ T : "WfBlrf TRJTII ^ ^ II
tTrPbFT ^ ^ ^ d 4 iR m i
By thus developing his outward
The merit which is derived with the
appearance, when a devotee, is seated over an
wearing of eleven hundred Rudraksa'beads, asana in meditation, then at the sight of such a
cannot be described in hundreds of years. person, the people get redeemed. Upto this
Vkii^ 4aVi^ ■ЦгШ! stage the method of wearing eleven hundred
of Rudraksa beads has been explained. In the
absence of the same a simple method is being
A person who wears five hundred and fifty highlighted.
Rudraksa beads with devotion, he is called the
crown. He is considered to be the best of the fT?TiT 3^1
devotees. 4WW ^ UT^T ^tl^TII^'kll
160 Siva-MahapurSiiam

Mfawit ffw si ч д а s5

зш ж ? т М ^ т # с т н^ярЦизч»
A Rudraksa should be tied to the tuft, The wise devotee shall wear Rudraksa
thirty in the head, fifty around the neck, around fore-arms, with Ahogra-bija mantra
sixteen in each arm, twelve in each wrist, five and a string of fifteen Rudraksas reciting the
hundred on each shoulder, besides a garland Vamadeva mantra over the stomach.
of a hundred and sixty beads should be worn
w $r#CRfsr fahlHi ТЩШ ^1
like a yajhopavlta.
зтег err w rnqtm т Ш п ъ?п
With the reciting of the five Sadyojata
Brahma mantras, one should wear three five
In this way when a devotee with firm or seven rosaries in the rest of the limbs. Or
resolve wears a thousand beads, all the gods otherwise all the Rudraksas should be worm
offer their salutation to him, because he by reciting of the mula-mantra.
becomes adorable like Siva.
irgi fv w ra i W 3 ;i
«Ньцноъ fegcfrrt сГЙ*Ш: 11*311
5 Э$ГЯЩ1тГС ПгГ^Н ^Vsll
A person wearing Rudraksa beads, shall
A Rudraksa should be tied in the tuft, forty not eat meat, garlic, onion, red garlic, potherb,
of them over the head, thirty-two around the glutinous fruits, pig of rubbish and wine.
neck, hundred and eight in the heart.
cfcuiul: чг gTjgt: 4lsyi
«ьг-чН^чАч %зи1ч lll^ill
One each in the two ears, six each around
the arms, sixteen around both the hands, or m t fjrat ffdTrf^TTFifsw r^!n**n
twenty four of them. О Parvati, the white Rudraksa should be
worn by the Brahmanas, the red by K§atriyas,
И|=гГГ зШярТТ TR:I
yellow by the Vaisyas, while the black should
f^lc(ci^M4tiil f | 3 ЯII be used by the Sudras. This has been
The one who wears the prescribed number propounded by the Vedas.
of Rudraksa beads on his person with
gaff сгтГ ^sett-
devotion, he is considered to be the best of the
devotee of Siva. He is adored like Siva and all ЯГ1%^ГЩЩ<Т1
the people offer their salutation to him.
f^ rW m ^ n r c&of *n гЧЧ^^^«1Я1?1ГеЬ1’ЯУ|1ч1II* ЧII
araftor -Ч& rf\\ t о и Rudraksa should be worn by Brahmacari,
householder or the forest dweller ascetic of
One should wear Rudraksa reciting the
Is'ana-mantra, with Tatpurusa in the ears and any order. This is the extreme secret.
with Aghora mantra, over the heart. Rudraksa Rudraksa is found by great merits. By
should thus be worn. disowning it, one has to fall in the hell.
Vidyesvara SamhitS, Chapter 25 161

3iKie|iMM4»lW3l HPdtl F T O : 444% : those who themselves recite the Pancaksara

mantra, such type of ascetics are always
■ ^ st: $fpf%fi3Huil4i&qT iftqrewii adored.
md ^4 ^^f^juichd^i^oy^dt
aiwi^- 41% 'чгач^п
тщfrr^p^Rpi) я?гс4 4ртп o'^и
4т1г И Щ 4 % 4РТЧ4 W v ^ H JI Ч
The persons desirous of welfare should not
wear Rudraksa of the size of Emblic Yama has commanded his messengers,
myrobalan, or those of lighter weight, but “the one who has no Rudraksa over the body,
depressed with thorne, those eaten by worms, or no tripundra over the forehead, nor
or without holes, or those having other Pancaksara mantra in the mouth, they should
defects, should not be worn. Rudraksa of the be carried to the abode of Yama.
size of a gram should be avoided. О Uma, ?п?4т ?гс4т ттатотег я4*геда|Г<«т:1
Rudraksa is my symbol which should always й fH iT: ^ d R U id i 4Г f e r r : ^ t e r ii ч ^ ll
be worn.
One should well realise the effect of
Udferniuri epjfat f?r*n?r*ni wearing Rudraksa as well as the ashes, which
zmt: т#г 44faf ftirs^u are adorable for us always. They should never
People of all the varnas and asramas, be carried to the abode of Yama.”
besides Siidras and the women should wear p gW TW P R T cRTRTsfh % fa R fT R l
Rudraksa at the command of Siva. The
P4T T li I I ' I' I
ascetics should wear it reciting the orhkara- Сч чЭ

mantra. Yama has also commanded his messenger,

accordingly “that the persons using ashes over
f % f s iw f a # ТТЗЙ the body or wearing Rudraksa are adorable by
чщ ^ Л А : u x tii us.” Thus thinking all the messengers of Yama
By wearing Rudraksa during the day, the cannot carry such people to Yamaloka.
sins committed during the night and by зет pet т щ Сф ! ^T$TteT*iy4ivH:i
wearing it during the night the sins committed rEgfr Р?44: ppitScyilcTHfa m % !il4-«||
during the day, get destroyed. О MahadevI, О Parvatl, Rudraksa destroys
% frpufsnr c=rt%згпЕлТш P4 %i all types of sins. Therefore the one who wears
^ t inn^T 4ii\<4 и the same is dear to me.
Such of the people who wear Rudraksa, % «ЩГГ tWT p fiS 4513т 4:1
locks of hair as well as tripundra, on the 314*4: 4 % T H T 4^411444
forehead, they never have to visit the abode of The one who wears Rudraksa in his hands,
Yama. arms, and the head, no one can kill him. He
wanders in the universe in the form of Siva.
Ш flipnf 4 THRflZPKtl дштттщ -цЫ 4 ^ 4 : 4 tl
% 4 P f4 P 4 PyRhrt f? ^gT4 4ТЩТТ 4 44T fpT4:M45ll
434T 44fi£: T ig й % Billet; im о и He remains always adorable by gods as
The one who wears a Rudraksa over the well as the demons, like Siva, destroyer of
head and tripundra over the forehead, and sins of any one seen by him.
162 &va-Mah3puranam

Rudraksas are said to be of various types,

^4ч1ч(ч(н4тЬ: ^rriw 4<4i -*|Гг1Ч^11ч vsи the divisions of which are going to be related
by me, which should, О Parvatl, be listened by
A person who is devoid of wisdom as well
you with devotion. They bestow pleasure and
as meditation, while wearing Rudraksa, he is
relieved of all the sins and achieves the devotion.
highest position. ЦеКеШ: fyicT:
^[$пт зптятзт тлит cFtfermt Ш 1 WPS eufah& ui o ip ilg fa ll^ ll

<^rchl(d'jui тр? УкиПй'Ш 4T:II44II Rudraksa with a single mouth is indeed the
The performing of japam by the rosary of form of Siva, which bestows the comforts as
Rudraksa beads, multiplies the reward crores well as the salvation. A very look at it relieves
of times. a person of the sin of brahmahatya..
m gfgi
w ^^rg-4t 1щёгга%чччu T i t * 4 ^ 1 4 1 ч Ф < f l u ^411

Till such time, a person wears Rudraksa The place where the said bead is adored,
rosary over his body, upto that time the LaksmI does not leave that place, and all the
untimely death does not bother him. disturbances are removed besides all his
desires are fulfilled.
frgufnr щ
^ГЧчТ ъГ ^gT 11 ^ о II fggsal cidcj^yi:
A person whose body looks fine with fyylhd: ^ ^ II
tripundra and Rudraksa and also who recites The bead with two mouths, fulfils all the
the mantra of Mrtunjaya, the very sight of a desires. This Rudraksa especially washes out
person bestows the reward like that of having the sin of Brahmhatya.
an audience with Siva. fe c R t ^ fg Щ ПШ ТЕЩ : ^ T l
fguT: Traf: я Щ с т т : 1м ^ и
fan'll ^ l l The Rudraksa bead with three mukhas or
О Dear Parvatl, a person who adores the mouths, provides all the means always, with
five gods, or who adores all the gods, he its influence all the lores are firmly
should recite all the mantras with the rosary of established.
Rudraksa. rljjcieM: ТсШ?Tgn 47grHt «Sltflgldl
с;у^1гР4?^1гНй1йт44ч>нмч: и $ <sn
Rudraksa with four mouths represents Siva
Even the devotees of Visnu and other gods himself and the one who wears it, is relieved
should undoubtedly use Rudraksa. It is of the sin of killing of a human. With the mere
essential for the devotee of Siva to wear sight of it, it bestows the four aims of life (i.e.
Rudraksa. dharma, artha, кйта and moksa).
ftffcjyi: зйш^гт
^4 фтЧ1ЬНЯс;:11^'?11
Vidyes'vara Sarhhita, Chapter 25 163

A Rudraksa with five faces, represents dVHeMl Wnf^r! T=TR ^4|£r: i

Rudra himself and is known by the name of ШТШШ RrafonRIRRnftnRII ^ II
Kalagni. It fulfils all the desires, bestows
salvation to the devotees. О Parvatl, Rudraksa of ten faces is
Janardana himself, О Mistress of gods, all the
desires are fulfilled, by wearing the same.
oum ^ fd i i ^ o n
UchKyipjh W
Rudraksa removes the sins of cohabiting
with degraded woman, and eating of forbidden RT ШТЧТТтРРГ fct'Jiiij S^RII^II
food etc. О Parmesvarl, the one who wears
Rudraksa with eleven faces, be becomes
щ зт : еыШггпд етттщ%ттг
Rudra himself and is victorious everywhere.
gJ<VHW f
Rudraksa with six mouths, represents
Karttikeya and should be tied to the right arm, fRORRasmi^ii
which relieves one of the brahmahatya and The one who wears Rudraksa with twelve
other sins. mouths over the head, he becomes illustrious
like the twelve Adityas.
W c TcHl ! IR ^ T RTR RTR?T:I
^ т ! ФЯ5Ч№ТГ y& nim il
О Parvatl, Rudraksa with seven mouths is RfapiiRfH vRTOiim ii
called Ananka, О Mistress of the gods, by Rudraksa of thirteen mouths represents
wearing the same, even the pauper becomes Visvadeva and by wearing it all the desires of
rich. a person are fulfilled, besides gaining
fortunes. The good fortunes always
^TcT: I
overshadow his house.
«ТГртПтГРТ W i^ T t W fo
ш & т# trr: ftrcr:i
A Rudraksa with eight mukhas is called
Vasumurti and is considered to be the form of It RcFdT Ы т Ч HUiyq^TII Со II
Bhairava, by wearing it one enjoys his full A Rudraksa with fourteen faces, resembles
life, and becomes Siva after his death. Sadas'iva, which should be worn over the head
with devotion and all his sins are washed out.
ЧёгдсЕЩ «РН Й Г R f t: RJrT:l
f | ЗТШ t RQ^T.-I
Rudraksa with nine mukhas is called tin-H^lo^tguJ ы)гЧ| ;ЬЧ|^р|*сн1сЧ'л1 111C^11
Bhairava or Kapila the great sage. Its 2& RR: ^ ЗЙэ ^ ЗЙэ ИЧ: ^ afib iff
presiding deity is Navadurga or Mahes'varl. RR: Ч эйь | f f RR: $ э£ь g RR: va afib § RR:

TT£rR%RW ЪЩ Я^ШФГ:1 6 a£b iff t RR: эёь iff RR: iff j; ’TO:

ч к я ч HR RrRf R R W I : l l ^ 4 l l ^ aSo 3>f RR: ^ aSb (iff RR: ^ aSo RR:

This Rudraksa should be worn over the left
arm with devotion and by doing so, he surely Thus the different types of Rudmksas
becomes Sarvesvara like me. based on the different number of mouths, have
164 Siva-Mahapuraifam

been spelt out. О Parvatl, now you listen with distance.

devotion to their respective mantras.
M a n tr a N o .o f fa c e s
^ w rfw : я т# г! и 6 $ II
O th H r ith n a m a h (o b e is a n c e ) S in g le fa c e d
О Parvati, finding a person wearing the
O th n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) T w o fa c e d
Rudraksa rosary all the gods like Siva, Visnu,
(iii) O th k llm n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) T h r e e fa c e d
the goddess, Ganesa, the sun and other deities
(iv ) O th H r im n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) F o u r fa c e d
feel delighted.
(v ) O th H r im n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) F iv e f a c e d

(Vi) O th H rith H u m n a m a h S ix fa c e d РЯ ^ТТгЯТ гГЯ1ЦЯЯ T7%^fr! I

(o b e is a n c e )
"ясштя^: яягят
(v ii) Orh H rirh n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) S e v e n fa c e d

(v iii) Orh H rirh n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) E ig h t fa c e d

О Mahesvari, thus realising about the glory
(ix ) Orh H u m n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) N in e fa c e d
of Rudraksa, a person should wear it with
(X) O th H r ith n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) T e n faced
devotion for the increase of dharma.
(x i) Orh H rith H u m n a m a h E le v e n fa c e d Щ т К frife tm f | f p i t r ЧТЯТЯНТ1
( o b e is a n c e )

( x ii) Orh K sa u r h R a u m n a m a h T w e lv e f a c e d
я1тъч(тьч>ь1У^чН6 6 II
(o b e is a n c e ) In this way, lord Siva narrated before
( x iii) Orh H r im n a m a h ( o b e is a n c e ) T h ir te e n fa c e d Parvatl, the glory of Rudraksa as well as the
(x iv ) O rh n a m a h F o u r te e n f a c e d holy ashes, which bestow the pleasure and
fVHWlfdfaift ^ VTFMTyyrfMl
О Goddess, a person having a great
devotion and faith, for the achievement of all The one who always applies the holy ashes
the desired objects, getting freed from and also wears Rudraksa rosary, he becomes
laziness, should wear Rudraksa. dear to lord Siva. With the influence of
f^RT Я^ТГГ ЯГ 9%- я!я ЯЯЯ:1 wearing the same, one achieves worldly
ТГЯТ1я Ч*Я5 Я1* pleasure and salvation.
A person who, on earth wears Rudraksa я: %ЯЯтН: Я T5q%l
without the reciting of the related mantra, he ЩЩГСЖТОтБ: trfTfofer <? о ||
has to stay in the hell for a kalpa.
The one who always used only ashes as
well as Rudraksa, he becomes the devotee of
Siva. The one who is engaged in the reciting
of Pancaksara mantra, he is said to be a
$§ГЯ xt Щ\
complete person in all respects.
гТгя^ я# vii^dfa^K11<*ч и
1яят ятч%п|пт fgqT ^ т м я п
A person who wears the rosary of
Rudraksa, observing him, all evil spirits,
ghosts, pisacas, witches like Dakinls and The adoration of Siva, performed without
sakunls besides other malignant spirits, evil tripundra, or holy ashes, and Rudraksa,
dreams and spells etc. fly away from a becomes infructuous.
Vidyesvara Samhita, Chapter 25 165

тт$ ъ -HWWti % f%nr!i Such a person, enjoying all the pleasures in

this world, together with sons and grandsons,
чтрт^щтщгщ n4chwngf^:^Rii <?? и
achieves moksa after his death becoming
O Great sage, I have narrated to you dearer to Siva.
whatever had been asked by you. The glory of
3>foTT eft тг%ГСТ:1
the holy ashes as well as Rudraksa, fulfils all
desires. tttfaH&KI 'R%^T fVT^VIl'MHldll <*411
T3jcT?r: sfjpTTfard т щ щ w r О Sages, the Vidyesvara Samhita, has been
^ m w i h ^ g T и^<ычнсичи 1<1И<?3 n narrated to you, which at the command of
Siva, bestows all the success daily on earth
A person who listens to this auspicious and salvation after death.
Mahatmya daily, he, with the glory of the holy
w rra t
ashes and Rudraksa, has all his desires
fulfilled. чтч iwfg#5emi: u 9ц u
w M w tt

fyHWlfrifsm) ,*T%<TII<^II Thus ends the first Vidyesvara Samhita

( V W ^ i p u i ^

f^ l
Rudra Samhita
(1) Sr§ti Khai^da
CHAPTER 1 all in a subtle form, who creates the universe
without the help of anyone else and around
Question by the Sages whom, the universe rotates as the iron rotates
around the magnet.
^<1чШ сЩ ЗсГЩ
-dud: fad< yrwnsFrat tyranri
<у1у^ ^ . чччн f? f m ЧТПЙИ жтшШ ч r^o'Nm^imi
Visnu Prayer :- Vyasa said-
I offer my salutation to lord Siva, the After offering my salutation to Siva- the
spouse of the goddess Gaurl, who happens to father of the universe and Parvatl, the mother
be the sole cause of the creation, maintenance of the universe, besides Ganesa, their son,
and the destruction of the universe, the one now I narrate Rudra Samhita.
who is well aware of all the tattvas, who is of
ЧЧЧ: ^f4qK'uqej|Rtd:l
endless renown and has the refuge in Maya
(illusion), such a lord of Gaurl, possesses WSgafarr ч&Ы Ш гГ#ЧЗКЩ^:11ЦП
endless glory, unthinkable beauty, form of Once all the,sages Saunaka and others of
wisdom, and the spotless one. Nemisaranya, asked Suta, w'ith utmost
р ч Ы %iI
ш тгт тгаэетт -^тп
I offer my salutation to lord Siva, who is The Sages said-
beyond Prakrti, without beginning, extremely “In the Sadhya Sadhcma Khanda of
calm and quiet, the best among the Purusas, Vidyesvara Samhita, there is a story which has
who has created this universe with tOhe help been listened by us with devotion. It happens
of his Maya, and is lodged inside and outside to be the first and delightful compendium,
the same. which is dear to the devotees attracting their
шCv ! шC\ ! w u f t ! farwtcr! w l «ran
f^Tcf W : ftrati vj

тага unit Ч5ШЧ1ИЭП

O Blessed Suta, Let you enjoy your life for
long, quite comfortably because you narrate to
He is the one, who dwells in the hearts of us the best story of Siva.
Rudra Samhita (Snt< Khan(jla), Chapter 1 167

?tHl^d ЩГЧ) How does Siva behave at the end of the

TO: creation. How could Siva, the benevolent one,
could be pleased.
We do not feel satisfied by consuming the
nectar of wisdom. О Sinless one, we intend to f TO# 1% УТОЗ#
ask something more from you.
о тш ~ц ц 1гд<^! uratsftr ф<-гз«Ч1<пч) What type of reward is bestowed by Siva,
чщтгг fit ч&ц щег тон <?n when he gets pleased with his devotees. You
O Omniscient one, by the grace of Vyasa, kindly speak out to us in detail.
you have achieved contentment. No event of ■ЩГ: TO# SjJTelW erdl^^^TI
the three times (past, present and future) г ш и т о ^ r iT ? i? n r N w з т о г с : н ^ и
remains unknown to you.
We have heard that lord Siva is pleased
ШШГ cfPJf ЩЩ1 quickly. Because of the compassion he is
wit w frofanr fc? fitf fR II II unable to bear the labour undertaken by the
With your total devotion towards your devotee for his sake.
preceptor Vyasa, and with his grace you have WT fawjj^yisr sBTt ^ifwraif3TT:i
attained knowledge of everything and have w fyr: f# # S T O Il 5|V9II
known well all the subjects, making your life a
success. All the three gods viz.: Brahma, Visnu and
Mahesa have emerged from the limbs of Siva.
дизт w ! fyrawrcjjTmfi Mahesa is Siva himself possessing all his
fdotnft t gfcnfar fvHi|UUIVl4d:ll ^11 amgas (substrata of elements) distinct from
О Learned one, now you kindly describe Mahesa.
the best form of Siva and the divine events of r l^ lfa^eWtgMlfe TjfidltH fgryUJcT: I
the life of Siva and Parvatl.
a m ^ e iq ito U iQ dfgdlg TOT TOtill ^11
3PTUTt Jjuid'l 'ElTffl ЭйГ 1 4 ^ R :I
О Lord, you kindly enlighten us about his
ГуГТОЕЗ TO 4 'dbfiq) faETOLII ^ II manifestation and his life story. You kindly
Lord Siva has the Nirguna or absolute narrate the same to us. You tell us about the
form, (devoid of attributes). When does he birth of Uma and her marriage with Siva as
take to Saguna form in the world? We are well.
unable to know about the true form of Siva
inspite of serious deliberations. Hsdlwi f^TJT тот Rfam to 3tfrn
f t cfitj : wte^uildfdfckli Ц<1ен4 cR=qir ЗЯГС# TTOTTSTOII ^ II

-ц % ш TO: и?? II On Sinless one, you particularly describe

about their house-hold and narrate other
How was Siva lodged in his own form, at
the start of the universe and how did he sport
in the middle of the creation. Я1Ш ЗЩтГ
cfTO* rf cfisr fagf?T '4%^TT:l ffW yywcll <ГЦ f # ^ ч Г то :1
ЕШ TOTOT v jf k Щ Т Г cd)<^lfT:ll ?*ll ТОГОТЕТ д#%гщп ? о ||
168 Siva-Mah3pur3liani

Vyasa said- ?g t r m fywsfiqim ч 5 n

“Thus listening to the question of the The way you have asked the question to
sages, Suta was pleased, and meditating upon me today, similarly having been inspired by
the lotus like feet of Siva, he spoke to the Siva and Hari, Narada had once asked the
sages.” same question from Brahma.
TgJ ЗЗЩГ Ш1Т f W t W r iWTrK: ЯЧ^:1
8RJT 3RT !i spft fvieiqyi: ЗЙЯТТ gtk^fcR-dMqjl ?\э\[
nf?T:IR?ll Brahma, the devotee of Siva, listening to
Suta said- the words of Narada, which delighted him,
“O Sages, you have put me a very good pleasing Narada narrated the glory of lord
question. Therefore all of your are graceful, by Siva.
your own wisdom, you are always devoted to
the story of Siva.
Rdtrbfilfd d^l«W4l«*u4 %3fW TT:l
одЙ1<шпяя : qw bfcgniffl %i
с ш т *ш п ^ ? и
The listening to the story of Siva, purifies
three types of people viz.: the speaker, the one ^ rt! ■дч!
who enquires, an the listener. Зрегт rR ТЩ 4: щ ^ щ п w n
fao4d :l «гост
Weft rn PlRviWHlHI ^ ОII
О Brahmanas, except for the killer of the w g i щт: i
animals, who could be averse to the hearing of f H ЧТгПгГ! driflcUl сЫсЩЧ1Ч¥КЯ:11 3 ?ll
the glory of Siva, which delights three types of Vyasa said, “The learned Brahmanas, on
people. hearing the words of SQta, became eager to
4temRt f a s t e r f |i know more of the conversation and they asked
tR: i t t w 4 ^li ^*11 him.” The sages said, “O best of the devotees
of Siva, О SQta, the fortunate one, listening to
The glory of lord Siva sung by a person
your pleasant words, our mind has become
without any lust, desire, or greed, is the best
curious. When was this pleasant conversation
remedy for the ailments of the world, which
between Brahma and Narada held, in which
pleases the eyes as well as the ears.
the sports of Siva were narrated? О Dear one,
э>иштГм 4erauHg,y na:i you tell us about the story that emerged from
fVHalHi т а # т 11да'1*jujdTmHji34ii the conversation between Brahma and Narada.
O Brahmanas, I am narrating the sports of What were the questions and how were they
Siva according to my wisdom and your answered? Please enlighten us.”
question. All of you should listen to it with ^ TcETj4 c ^ M i ^iferJIARW)
respect. vm m ^riw re=n c{id«R d:ii 3 ? 11
ti On hearing these words of the sages, of
Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanka), Chapter 2 169

noble wisdom, Suta was very much pleased,

and he spoke out everything about the said
«Ifyiewgipul {«farct sismtsiu^*

Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanka), Chapter 2 169

Brahman” is generated leading to the direct

perception of Brahman.
rFtfa 4TT^ RfawTl
i R i f a s s i t ^ p r a t f t t R : w n r f ^ t : и ^ II
When the great sage Narada was thus
performing the tapas, the mind of Indra was
CHAPTER 2 exceedingly agitated and he started shaking
Deputing of Kamadeva by Indra to with the mental agony.
disturb the tapas of Narada v9
d f iH c h < u u « f f a g f a t f d f if a q ^ T :iiV 9 ii

f a s t i ! ч т т ^ Г g f t v r f 4: i Indra thought that Narada was trying to

usurp his kingdom, therefore the tapas of
Щ Я Щ ) Й Ч )с Г Ш ^11
rT T tS s S T R З Щ & Н
Ш Narada should be disturbed.
SQta said, “O Brahmanas, once Narada the
best of the sages and the brilliant son of
BrahmS, having meek temperament thought of ЗТТ5РТШ 5БШ: ^чбП4(бч1^п:11^и
performing the tapas. Then Indra the lord of the gods,
Йчфнда «infcrVbl ШКУРЯТ! remembered the god of love, who arrived
there in no time with his queen Rati and his
friend- the spring season.
There was an extremely beautiful cave near
the Himalaya mountain, besides which the 3WFFT Wf ^gT ТГТЩ
divine Ganga flowed with great force. З Ц Щ W 3 tW n ^ T f fo # ijfa :ll< * | |

<ШРЙ 4HT#RTmffarT:l At the arrival of the god of love

(Kamadeva), the king of Devas, Indra with
T t ^ < R 4 T # fa °4 3 # T :ll3 ll
selfish and mischievous intelligence, spoke to
There was a charming as'rama which him.
looked quite beautiful, there. The sage Narada
with divine vision went to that place for
performing of tapas. fattens}! ^tefat fadchKehll
t cgt 4fayii{tf-4fa ТГ^jfart Will ^ ЗеТТ ^ Щ ЗЯ5 iTT^RZrWRTII ||
tfr ft h iu im b t r i f f ig s f c im i Indra said, “O Valorous friend, possessing
Observing the place Narada, the best of the immense strength, you always act for my
sages, sat in meditation, maintaining silence, welfare, you lovingly listen to my words and
and started performing tapas after practising then help me.
ргапйуйта. m B r a f fe H if^ ir t :!
4ste Rft: ТШТft d4*m^fa JR Щ\ mamRwwi fa*! trim
й?1н язНтг %эт:!пчи On the basis of your strength, I have
О Brahmanas, Narada performed the shattered the pride of several people
contemplation, wherein the feeling of “I am performing tapas. О Friend, my kingdom has
170 ^iva-MahSpurSqam

been stable by your grace. Because Siva, the enemy of Kamadeva had
also performed tapas there itself. It was this
feMyfcpp q i % gftw4fa чтт?;|
place, where Siva had burnt to ashes the god
^ '133431^ :11 ^ 11 of love who created disturbance in the tapas
The sage Narada is performing severe of the sages.
penance in a cave in Himalaya, controlling all
the senses with firmness and keeping the mind
in the form of Siva, the Lord of universe. RWfvfa 331%? ?Tt^lfT:ll ^11
тнз tt tmfr Ri?i%ri:i Rati prayed to gods to bring back
Kamadeva to life. Thereafter the gods prayed
31^3 W ш Щ d-d4lfd44NTII ^11 to Siva, who said to them.
I am afraid, that, he might beg for my
kingdom from Brahma. I have developed this
з^штзчгапг -щ
о т: w . i
doubt in me. You proceed today itself and 4 3 I9 4 II 'Roll
f4 tV 4 ld & lfa b i|fd

create disturbance in his tapas.” О Gods, Kamadeva would become alive

after some time. But his efforts would never
bear fruit here.
ЗЧТ4 333H *lcrt§4Ttf ЗШсЬН ?ll Г*И
Щ ЗИ с& Ц Й f3Jc3TS4TT: W l
At this command of Indra the god of gods,
Kamadeva, the beloved of Madhu and Rati, злчзтщгшз^з ч з^щгзз^гачн ч \\\
arrogantly, reached the place of Narada and O Gods, the land which is visible before
started making efforts. you (would become auspicious) and the
T33T4RT ЧЗЩ *335RT: 33HT 3Tfal people who would live here would be immune
to the arrows of Kamadeva.”
ззчтЫз тзяшз т а г f3f33 R ^ ll ?ЦII
ffir ЗЧЧТ f443IAHlfa=h3RII
Reaching there he applied all his arts,
while the spring season also arrogantly spread ЧПе( 3 -дНИШ^ fv id fi| ^ 4 )W :ll? ? ll
its different type of prowess. At these words of Siva, Kamadeva, found
Ч343 fofKT hf^WdUT: !l himself incapable to deal with Narada, who at
once returned to the heaven before Indra.
Wt 343 ч^из«^п IK ^ и
3udts4l з=1?тпчт 3413 3 ч^: T4T:i
О Sages, the mind of Narada, felt the least
disturbed. On the other hand his pride was 33) ЗП4 433ЙЗ 3 4gfa3: II Ч3 II
shattered by the grace of Siva. Kamadeva apprised Indra of the prevailing
шщ situation at the place of Narada and also about
the influence of Narada. With the permission
фдтщзфшз ч зготз: w w % ii ^эп of Indra, Kamadeva, returned to his abode
О Saunaka and other sages, you listen from with the spring season.
me the reason for the same. By the grace of
Siva, Kamadeva could exercise no influence jrWmsr чт^ч)
on Narada. % RTffW: ^134133111^11
3nNf ■$nrafTT5efiTft 3rT33J TRTlfWI <^зт тгпзз) чгат mfbi4i% i
3$3 ЗЛ4) ч(ЧсН1)Ч?:11 ^11 4rfc feMlf4dlc4M 33T ^5ПЖ119411
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr§ti Khanka), Chapter 2 171

Listening to the news about Narada, Indra On hearing this, Siva, who is favourably
felt surprised and started praising Narada, disposed towards his devotees, realising that
because, having been overpowered with Narada had been overpowered with his Мйуй
influence of the Мйуй, Siva Is in and was ignorant of the factual position, said
comprehensible in the world. A devotee to him.
having dedicated his soul to Siva, leaving him,
Siva’s Мйуй overpowers every one else. -d'cfW
I 4T4! ЧТТ?! w ! 4 £ 4 :i
4 T # s f l f o r 4# ?i
414#? 4 fS ifl f4 # 4 : li 3 4 li
4U? 4 4 4 4Ч4Т4<Г 4 4 t - ф : Щ S, II
Siva said, “O Dear Narada, you are an
At the insistence of Siva, Narada also
stayed there for long. He completed his tapas immensely learned one, you are graceful, you
there. listen to my words. Whatever have you
spoken to me, don’t, speak it to anyone else.
chmisw f^r чят 'З You should particularly avoid telling it to lord
<#4f#44T4: Гу|4Ш4ТЙч'#4:м^|| Visnu.*I
With his victory against Kamadeva, the 4 f4 T : T 4 f 4 Tf ^ tPTT^I
heart of Narada was filled with pride.
Thereafter with the influence with Мйуй of # 4 # 4 # 4 T f | ^ 4 4144 cF’dWHIl ? ^ II
Siva, he was deprived of the true knowledge. The facts about yourself which you have
4 4 T «гятт 44T4T4T # Г 4 4 4 Т :!|
spoken to me, should not be spoken to anyone
else, even when you are asked to do so. This is
4 # 4 % 4#4T f i l l ? 6\\
extremely secret and should not be revealed to
О Sages, graceful is the Мйуй of Siva and anyone.
its movements, which are beyond the
comprehension of Brahma, Visnu and other Щ Щ ? 44 4 4 f3I444l 441^1
gods. fc|W J4 < # 4 4 4 4 f | 4 3 # S 4 t 4 *1544: II3 * II

44T 4 # f # S 4 t 4 4 1 # # 5 4 4 4 : 1 I am requesting you particularly because

4ёТШ w f t # 4 ^ tT 4 # f 4?ftll 4 V \
you are dear to me and are devotee of Vi§nu,
Having been puffed with delusion, the who happens to be my follower.”
arrogant sage Narada, went to Kailasa to # 4 4 # 4 5 4 § # 45: 4 4 :1
apprise Siva of his own achievement. 41# 4 # % 4 4 1 4 T f 4 4 lf |4 : II ^ Ц II
Щ 444Sgl4lr4f W ^ - ^ l - # : ! Thus Siva advised him variously, because
4x41444 4Ц 4П 4 4 4 4 4 5 W s R l R I I ? o || Rudra remembers all. But Narada, who had
Then Narada having been filled with pride, been overpowered with the Мйуй of Siva,
bowed in reverence at the feet of Siva and could hardly appreciate the words of the lord.
considering himself as a great soul, conqueror М Й Т 4 lf 4 4 f 4 # T f # 4 T f 4 4 $ # : l
of the god of love and a lord, he narrated the
entire story to Siva. 4 f 4 4 # # : # T '?TTfftll 3 5 II
The future course of events could be
4 4 рГ Г Щ 4 # 445c|r1rH:l
known by the people of wisdom. No one can
4этт4тчЙ|4 move against the wishes of lord Siva.
172 Siva-Mahapuranani

<тн: я gpraijf # w # * зрпя ?i realising the cause of his arrival, Visnu

f t # теггсчм')г*1ч^ ^т?т гптг^ип^^и embraced Narada.
Then Narada, the great sage, went to Ч4КЕ1 ицщс|уг| fvi'cNdl^MUl
Brahmaloka, and offering his salutation at the -Щ ЭГЕГОШЧТЩHcFTTFriFTlI-X^II
feet of Brahma, narrated the story of his Then Visnu made Narada to occupy his
performing of tapas and his victory against own seat and with his mind devoted at the
Kamadeva. lotus like feet of Siva, Visnu spoke truthfully,
cTd;raitft ft# : тгрят with the intention of the removal of the pride
ft?ro эдтпт # Ш ег m rRfni 3 c ii of Narada.
Hearing the words of Narada, Brahma, ftwjbSM
mentally offered his salutation to lord Siva frT STFTTtft Ш\ EtFTfT:l
and realising all the causes, prohibited his son
from repeating the story to any one else. SRHft ! rfftfst f driPI4ldirs*ll
Lord Visnu said, “O Dear one, where from
ftapfc # ш :1
have you arrived and is the purpose of your
#w4R«4\#de 3^11 visit? О Lion among the sages, you are
Narada is the foremost of all the learned extremely graceful. Your visit has purified
people, but he could hardly appreciate even me.”
the advice of Brahma, because he had been
overpowered with the Мйуа of Siva and the
чэ яш
о чтр' vfcfflt Ф
ча и

seed of arrogance had sprouted in his heart.

On hearing the words of Visnu, the pride of
Narada was further increased. With his mind
сЩШТ fftH Я<Т:1Г*о||
having been filled with pride and he narrated
Everything moves in the world as per the the story of overpowering Kamadeva in an
desire of Siva. He controls the entire universe. immensely naughty manner.
The entire universe moves at his will.
SRcfT hftcktl ftwt: я*# щ щ dcT:i
4T^t58T ftWTHft ftn rih l
TR^FTT fft Tjftf IIV?ll
Listening to the arrogant words of Narada,
With the loss of wisdom, Narada then Visnu, mentally adored the lotus like feet of
reached Visnuloka at once, because the seed
Siva and could know the factual position.
of the pride of overpowering the god of love,
had already sprouted in his heart. Because of гГЩсГ ftlcJIrMI
the same he had gone to apprise Visnu about ^l3tftlft^yl4y4Web: Wl’SPTTll'tfvall
чЭ *S
the same.
Lord Visnu prayed Lord Siva, with great
StHkeRt tj# <щт ftmjn^TRTI devotion, lowering his head and folded hands.
Finding the arrival of Narada, Visnu
respectfully got up, moved a few steps ^r! ^r! ЩГ&1 w ft ятйят!1
forward to respectfully welcome him. Without « R H ft #1сг! % ЯШТ T ftftftfF T tll^ C II
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 3 173

Visnu said, “O Mahadeva, you are the god ЗЗТтГ

of gods, О Paramesvara, be pleased with me.
1% теш: WT: WiftR fPTt Trafer %Фш
О Lord Siva, you are graceful. Your Maya
infatuating for all.
Narada said “O Master, What is the
Ъ Ф Ь f?rdW М<Ч1гШ: I
influence of Kamadeva? In case I enjoy your
Ч^Г StWT f^TTR ЧсЦЩЗРТП * <?ll grace, then you kindly speak out.” Thus
Offering prayer to lord Siva, thus, Visnu speaking, offering his salutation to lord Visnu,
closing his eyes and meditated upon his lotus Narada, who always moved at will, left the
like feet, and then kept quiet. place.
vif<W ТГ f^ T W ra :l ffit %famn ^ % rra t W4ip^
нтч fgatitssum : n ? n
f^TRTW: ЯТ? -gfSwWTII ц о II
Visnu happens to be he protector the
universe, keeping in his mind the task of Siva,
and at his command, he spoke to Narada, the
best of the sages.

Не said, “О Lion among the sages, the

ocean of tapas, large hearted sage, you are
graceful. О Great sage, the one who 'does not
preserve in his heart, the devotion for three
gods, he is influenced by passions, delusion
f e m w r w t t ^ е ^ Г у н ^ щ т :!
щ рч^<цус|нщт11ч?11
These defects are painful for him. You are
a perpetual brahmacdrl. You are endowed
with supreme knowledge and are devoted to
Ш «Jiinfacbid W hl
ЗгУ1Ятк сГЕр Ф ТГ 4 f4 W T :ll4 ^ H
fefWRT Щ1 ЧЩ1 1
How could you be overpowered with the
passions. You are free from all the defects
since birth.” Hearing such words the great
sage, mentally offering his salutation Narada
said to Hari.
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 3 173

Svayamvara of Srimatl and Narada’s

^ jr ! ш ! зщ ш т! 4u f r S T % ! i
a w ш \ c rfu ra r f s w % ч :ц
The Rsis said, “O Blessed SQta, the
disciple of Vyasa, salutation to you. You
please continue to narrate this interesting story
to us.
^ stRwid! 1% а д Ш: trrtTI
4T#5fcr ^Trf: fjf огщгшч^тп ? II
О Dear one, after the departure of the sage
Narada, what did lord Visnu do? Where did he
go from there, you please speak out to us.”

$гЧ1<ЯП'4 cTcrstat ^?T: cft<ifIj|cKM*T: I

Tldjctra ^frcfT 4HHjfd«M fe t:ll^ ll
Vyasa said, “Suta, well-versed in the
Puranic texts, listening to their words, reciting
the name of Siva internally, spoke many
praiseworthy words.”

РЯГГ U^rtfdl
f v id ^ T d i гш щ trr a f 4id if e ? iK < ! t : im i
174 Siva-Mahapuraiiain

Suta said, “When Narada left of his own Ч Т Щ Щ -щ п ф т ЩРПгШгТМ П И

accord, then honouring the wishes of lord Then the king summcAied his daughter
Siva, Visnu who is past master in illusion, named Srimatl, made her bow at the feet of
atonce displayed his Maya (illusion). Narada.
WT 7T 4hF щvтv drch-Mi Ъф FT hfddUd: Ш? fadw-.i
tm ^ w h ii с&зтг у т о ч и т n ii
He created a great city on the way of the Looking at the girl, Narada felt surprised
sage, which was spread in four hundred miles and said, “O King, who is this girl resembling
and was surprisingly charming. the daughter of gods?
TTW Щ г П FRT ~Щ f5 W fF T :l
XRTTH ^ it
# ц ^ ч л т ч т 1 ш :1 Щ 1 1
It was far more beautiful than even On hearing the words of Narada, the king
Visnuloka, where several beautiful things spoke with folded hands, “She is my daughter,
looked charming. known by the name of Srimatl.
гГЯ' K F T W T ТГШГ cR'CMPd) ^ p n tl
WTwrafraral щ)щсрдгцйн:.11 \э n
•чЭ о fit F^aR Frtm H T ft4 ^ u m ^ rttii П II
A king named Sllanidhi ruled that city The time of her marriage has arrived. She
which was filled were all the fortunes. He was is in search of a suitable match for herself. She
making preparations for the Svayamvara of possesses all the auspicious symptoms.
his daughter.
w m fa FT^it f>TR$:i
ir д т ч ш -yfd ттззп
4R 1 ^: s3 О О Great sage, you please foretell about her
His palace was fully occupied with the destiny and also about the groom my daughter
princes having arrived from all the four is going to achieve ultimately.”
directions. They were all anxious wearing the
ч (ч у н { н т т !|[Ц § : е ш ч % ? т :i
best of costumes for wooing the girl.
F m m M FT FFJTR 4R^T с||фЧЧ$|4Ц|1 n II
drTPj^i 4F чТ? шнКгг чг^:1
FTrfti сщ FTc(R^nTR%TTTI
cffcpt d f w i w rn II ^ ll
SRTT R^JTrtF^ u u ik i ^ i II ^ 1 1
Narada was fascinated at the sight of such
a city. Having his mind filled with passion, he At these words of the king, the sage Narada
went at the royal gate. felt passionate with a desire to achieve her.
Then discussing with the king, Narada said, О
3TFPT T jftcR f t ~sg[ King, your daughter is blessed with all the
cftll Яо || auspicious symbols. She is immensely
Finding the arrival of the sage Narada, the virtuous, is graceful, and is the mine of virtues
king Sllanidhi, seated him over the gem like LaksmI.
studded lion-throne and then adored him. F T % F ts iw r cjfrT fhfftTFT^W % T :I
m щ т тсшт ч ш : sfaraf w t i 3TF4T: О srrat ^ f ^ fftfftfpt
чЭ :и ii
Rudra Sariihita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 3 175

Her husband would be Sarves'vara, ЧТО* -dcfN

infallible, valorous resembling Siva, fortunate
and would conquer even the god of love. Her
husband would be the best among the gods.” cTW cRdfnRtll ЧЧII
$гч«кч! Narada said, “The king Sllanidhi, is always
devoted to you. His daughter Srlmati is in
т а «t»rofaan?i: %*рпчт£гч1%?т:11 search for a husband for herself.
Thus speaking, Narada having the
independent nature, left the place taking leave
of the king. At that point of time Narada had q f t n t p ? fd W T t! ЧТ f e r d ll 4 * II

been overpowered with the Maya of Siva. She is well known to impress the three
farflr-AI ТГ tr f4 T TS434 t o F iteh i Ш Ч*sI
worlds. She is a most beautiful girl in the three
worlds. О Lord Visnu, I intend to marry her
^чннгёеЪ m я° и today itself.
The sage Narada then started thinking in
his mind, how to achieve the girl? He thought, тент rjaim)
“How would she select me alone among so ^gfipwr: WMidf TNTWT: 4Tpn?r:iRV9ii
many kings present there? The king has arranged for a Svayamvara as
Ы тгтлт Ы T f^ n i desired by the girl. Thousands of princes have
arrived from all the four directions, to attend
m m TTT ЧТЧ 7W m :ll ? ^11
the Svayamvara.
All the women are attracted by beauty and
with the same beauty, she could be attracted dfd Ш й сЩТШ
towards me. There is no doubt about it.” csrfb чтт fdRT ч ar^fdii ^<i и
ч чЭ О
In case you bestow your beauty on me,
^гптчщ ч\щ: ??и then I can surely get the girl. Without your
beauty, she would never put the wedding
Thus thinking the sage having been
garland around my neck without your form.
overpowered by the passion atonce went to
Visnuloka in order to achieve the beauty of тдат ч чтят! Ttcrarfst faratcn
Visnu. щ c( #4dt %fdWfdTII ^11
yfumrh f h i^ i -qicPTtr^ctra ?i О Lord, you bestow your form on me. I
tsRt ш ^ra^rrftr ия з и happen to be your dearest slave. You do
Bowing in reverence to Hrsikes'a, the sage something by which the girl should choose
Narada said, “I would like to tell you my me.”
entire story in a lonely place.”
f?l^«3Tebl4ef^Rl ^ ег: зр т 4 g ^ 4 :i
qRnTfi гГ ^ T c n ^ ' S I I шп щ р т z v m m io u
Then lord Visnu, who always acted Suta said, “Listening to the words of the
according to the wishes of Siva, agreed for the sage, and realising about the greatness the
same and asked him to narrate his story. The Maya of Siva, the compassionate lord
sage Narada then said- smilingly said-
176 Siva-Mahapuranam

“Leaving aside me the beautiful damsel

would never choose anyone else, because I am
Tq^! W cfiflbijrft % t Ш
in the form of Visnu.” The poor sage was
fW cfe w r f e l ftqrfesfe Tfll 3 ^ll unaware of the ugliness of his face.
Lord Visnu said, “O Sage, you can go if qcfeq trft ЧТЩТ:1
you so like, but I shall surely do favour to you,
Ч fe 3 T T :ll^ d ll
as the best of the physician, does good to the
patient, because you are dear to me.” The people who had arrived there found
the sage Narada in his old form. О
^ fa*nj4 <si f h l Brahmanas, this secret remained unknown to
^ 4 4 4 ( j g l№ 4 M g f R W m ^T; || ц ? II the princes and others who gathered there.
Thus speaking lord Visnu bestowed on m W T u fr i t сщ п п тг? t r p t t I i
Narada, the face of a monkey (Hari). Thus
fe tw fe ^ ЩЩ: Will 3 II
bestowing grace on Narada, Visnu
disappeared. Two of the ganas of Siva had arrived there
for the protection of Narada in the form of
ЦсПТтЙ TaRctg m ^ : I Brahmanas, who were well aware of the secret
^ chdl^MldTR ш яг <prte явиззи (about Narada).
Then Narada, getting the face of a monkey W
w ufe
cf) imtfenfh
from Visnu, thought himself as having been дгетш г^ш ^ illMMIdfl iBBRMJl'koll
succeeded in his mission, but he could not
understand the intentions of Visnu. Both the ganas finding the sage having
been be fooled, went to him and got
ЗГСГ Я з П И : # 5 * 4 R ^ t 4 f t W T : l themselves seated besides him and started
wddi m TRgt: ж трп ти ^^п joking him.
Thereafter, the Narada, foremost among 4 T T W f ? few Ttfe? 7 # т Г Ф Т I
the sages reached at the place of Svayamvara W <T fecRS Щ s ^ f ^ l l tt* ll
filled with many kings.
They said, “Look at the form of Narada,
tre tw 7Т5Щ5гтщгтт1 which is as graceful as Visnu, but his head is
f ^ r r ! WT 7ШТЧТ5ТШИ ? 4 II as horrible as a monkey.
The assembly created for the purpose of ряргс W < 4 ) f |d : l
Svayamvara was quite divine. The princes
were present there. О Brahmanas, it appeared ЯЩ5Й W W W
like the assembly of Indra. Having been infested with passion, he
uselessly is desirous of wooing the princess.”
д а p w w t ЧПД: w n f^ m i They kept on making such comments; they
few Ш iRroill ^ s II kept on laughing at him.
Narada also seated himself in the said ч w s f 5 d&cpi b h ^ h : i
assembly and sitting there delightfully he
t d fe c q q jf^ rr T jf t:ir * 3 li
The sage Narada who was infested with
■qt clR b q fd 4 R T ЯТТ fe w T W js r i g c R I
passion took no notice of their words. He was
зги чщ ч ^ g f4 w r:ii^ t9 ii only interested in achieving Srlmati.
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 3 177

gggj-гп w d:gng m d m '1 2 H rim f w g Щ Щ : Щ -А

ж щ ш ddw^rm cprafiiRti 1**11 wwi ww\ fedii ч

In the meantime, the princess arrived there Visnu in the form of a king, disappeared
from the inner quarters, having been from that lace with the princess and reached
surrounded by her handmaids. his abode.
mat Quu-Muf tramidra ^тощпгт ТЙ <М$Я1Ш faWT: #4df dfdl
m W4ici> iw T ^ w n*4ii gfdtd fd^tTOdta W q Ч^ЧМ-t: 114^11
The princess possessing all the auspicious All other princes were disappointed,
symbols, carrying the golden garland in her having lost Srimatl. The passionate sage
hands appeared graceful in the place of Narada was extremely upset.
Svayamvara resembling LaksmI.
draw: W f ЧГЩ wfd^dhl
Щ W ^ gWTI
f w w r a r t b ^ i u f i ^ M p feiv iK ^ ii ч ^ и
cK4^4dt m rarrarmlg ^щгггзттн^^и
Then both the Siva ganas who had taken to
The princess holding the garland in her the form of Brahmanas, said to the lustful
hand started wandering in the place of Narada.
Svayamvara in search of her groom.
aR W i fdojjdd gft wtFt тгп Cs О

1 4 K d ! g ^ ! r a 1 ? ^ a rr 4 d d 4 lH id :i
fo-ntf гг dd: TffWTStaTTOTII^^II
d f ^ f : * 5 д ш щ пт c iH t^ c i 7 if f d g ii4 * n
She felt agitated finding Narada in the
form of Visnu, except for the face which Both the ganas said, “O Sage Narada, you
resembled to that of a monkey and turning her are uselessly feeling lustful in the hope of
face from there, she felt painful and left the getting the princess. You first look at your
place. deplorable monkey like face.”
ч ^gr -щсгс ш m зс[щ

3Fd:W fWT d>fw?nJdlttUl 4 W ^ll*dll ггатШ чтт^т farfwrsqwi

Finding no groom suitable for herself the w ^ ^ fvrairrai(diit^d:ii44ii
princes did not offer the wedding garland to
Stlta said, “On hearing the words of the
anyone of the people who assembled there.
ganas Narada felt surprised. Influenced with
the Maya, of Siva, he looked his face in a
d tit f?n*^ n mirror.
In the meantime Visnu arrived there in the dNi^d ^gT Wte Trrargi
form of a king, who was spotted by the
Wh ^ ddlwr duidlMf^ gfd:ii4^H
princess alone.
Finding his face resembling that of a
ЗТ2ГТГТit fWHlcRI UW^TtfSITl monkey, he felt enraged and in a of confusion,
srfcrrom rfr щ 1 щ ^щ ^ичои the sage pronounced a curse on the ganas.
The arrival of Visnu in the form of a w t raw R i t rijRpj^fURd f|i
prince, delighted the princess, and she placed
the garland around his neck. vr^dt TT^rtfr fdMd)4dl t ddjchdlll 4^11
178 Siva-Mahapuranam

He said, “You have laughed at a Brahmana

like me, therefore both of you would be born
of the semen of a Brahmana but would be
turned as Raksasas.
6<<|U||fcl^ W^II4
Ч ft f ^ r Rt%RII 4<SII
The Siva ganas, who were the foremost of
the learned people, hearing the curse
pronounced by Narada, realised that he had
been overpowered by the Maya of Siva and
kept quiet.

i ftiJWi гтцтп ч и
O Brahmana, both of them felt gloomy,
feeling that it was the wish of lord Siva. Thus
thinking they left for their respective abodes,
praising Siva at the same time.
ffh STlfycfugigiiut ^dfldKii wnirnl
178 Siva-Mahapuranam

^ w -щ ¥й PiRvWyTii 3 it
Suta said, “Having been overpowered with
the Maya of Siva, and getting confused,
Narada, after pronouncing a curse over the
ganas of Siva, at the desire of Siva, looked his
face in the water.

ът gfsrai f«grT fawpiich w m wh^ и

Because of the will of Siva, Narada was
unable to understand the trick used by Visnu.
He was overpowered by the unbearable anger
and then he went to Visnuloka.
-dclw сгач ^ 5 : TtfqTg, ^ dNehtl
P R ft Rrt щщ- чщн: Rrrar^mi ч n
His intelligence was lost because of the
wishes of Siva, he started burning in rage,
Narada uttered abusive language blazing like
the fire flames. His intelligence had already
vanished because of the will of Siva.
TKd зецт!
Narada reaches Vaikuntha
• • and curses ЧШЩ 4 RT# dldT-rt 7#РПТ?ВГ:11^11
• •
Narada said, “O Hari, you are extremely
wicked, a cheat, and an enchanter of the
■^ct! ^ rt! щтящ! ^RTT w^rTT w i universe. You are never desirous of the well­
SRTT jj ТПЗГТ 3RM 44JI *1!
being of others. Your intentions are always
The Rsis said, “O Suta, the great intellect.
You have narrated wonderful story. Graceful w ti fKTcjppni
is the Maya of Siva and all the moveable and ЗШШ5Ч1ЧЧЫ wreufhT^t ч Rni^ii
immovable things are dependent on him.
Earlier, you taking to the form of MohinI,
ntfiMuiii): Tmrt: Rmt:i had played a trick and made the demons to
gRr: f ^ r ЧТТЧ: TtufcT^H:ll 4 It consume the wine instead of nectar.
What did the enraged Narada who had эШ тг fed ^rt тфш:: i
been overpowered with passion, do after the
departure of the ganas of Siva?” 4^vrgT5R§Fn чшт сЩ ^ !и^ и
Had Siva, mercifully not consumed the
ш Terra poison, then О Hari, the deceitful one, all your
fctdif^dl yfWt^rcll rRJt: ?rnt iiylRlddl Maya would have been destroyed.
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 4 179

-Ф1: Ud>4di fgrW:i тт^тгг ттчтатаг я з !1

wiwflrai ч ззтаз<гз: 3wht <?и 3331 фНсп-р щ й *p=rj
О Visnu, your are more inclined towards Не said, “О Visnu, your form (monkey) by
deceitfulness. You do not have a noble which you have cheated me, О Hari, you
temperament. The lord has made you free becoming a human in the same form would
from control. face grief. The way you had given me a
Ч|Ц1гччп monkey face, the same monkeys would help
ddruNdH m m ^oii
Siva- the supreme soul has not done well in та гпнз
this way. You behave independently because TRWTf?raF: шзт 4c(i?ii4 f3 4 tf# :ii ^эи
of his influence as well as the prowess. You cause trouble to others, therefore, you
ш чщ т Ъ:1 would also suffer pain from the separation
from your wife. Getting confused with
Ш т ^ зм з^ т ти т ^ || ignorance, you would have to act as a human
Siva repents at your performance. On the being.”
testimony of the Vedas, he has declared the
Brahmanas to be the best of all. W l Ф W3T#55TR7nf|rf: l

т я f&zfzmfk ъ%щ1
Then Narada, having been overpowered by
-m ч f3T4^9t 3nf 3)<w4ii ^ и ignorance, after thus pronouncing a curse to
Knowing this fully well, О Hari, I advise Visnu, kept quiet. Visnu on the other hand,
you today. You never behave like this in praising the Maya of Siva accepted the curse
future. pronounced by Narada.
srarfr 1чФгкз ЩЩ wiFTWifw^n m (чаз^г (з'ч#4)ц|
fsm \\ т а ^'<ranSur:ii^ii щщ3i 3Tf#t 4T#5taw3ir3Tii n и
Even today, you are fearless because your Thereafter Siva- the lord of illusion,
coming in conflict with a person having the withdrew the Maya which confuses the world
terrific temperament. Today, you shall have to and had also overpowered Narada.
reap the reward of your misdeed.”
3E3f#T3T ЗТЗТЗТ ХC\Т ^ З ^ т Я Ш 4!
Cs *


VT5MI4 *1у[чйчи?| 9i^4ii: ^11 With the removal of Siva’s Maya, Narada
Then Narada having been overpowered by reverted to his earlier self as a man of wisdom.
the Maya of Siva, thus speaking to Hari With the regaining of the true wisdom, he felt
displayed the excellence of the power of a extremely surprised and was freed from
Brahmana, feeling painful and pronounced a confusion.
curse on Visnu. W T r a 3 P 3 T f ? r f ^ ^ 3 |^ : i
Wlc# sjlcjivT (cjwii! TTra3#ff3#j3>:l н?г?га щ зтзт woraf ? ^11
spgpgnff: тататт и He started repenting (for his behaviour)
180 Siva-Mahapur9nam

denouncing himself at the same time. Then he «jtjt ш \ rm fw a i

started praising the Maya of Siva, which frtW ч Ф т т?т %fatircafoii^ii
confuses even the people possessing wisdom.
Then lord Visnu lifted up Narada, and
m Tjft: 4KllfaU44l<4H:l spoke truthful words to him. Visnu said, “You
3l4dd4l<(4)fdW|)HUdl II? ЯII are the best of my devotees, no doubt, Don’t
The sage then came to realise that his feel painful at heart. О Dear one, you listen, I
earlier performance had been due to the am surely going to speak out something for
illusion. (Realising this) Narada, the foremost your good. You will not have to go to the hell.
of Vaisnavas, then fell down over the feet of Siva would surely bestow his grace on you.
Visnu. ddchref: fVH=Nl few 4<(4in?d:l
щ cfcR ЧТ ^Ticti^^l % Ч>гТ 4)4<bn«<t: II ? Я4
чт § Ш : ЗГКБТ 4 lf?dd fffi&Hin ^^и You having been overpowered with
Then the lord Visnu, lifted up Narada, who arrogance, did not care for the command of
having been relieved of the twi\ thoughts, Siva, he has therefore punished you in this
spoke to Visnu thus, “I, the evil minded one, way.
having been overpowered by Maya, had 1ч%чт Rfrhi
spoken evil words to you. 7T*r# и WlW:ll?on
^tT: й ям! flmsj ^ згй!i Whatever has happened is because of
MgdllMM^ % w n f a fkw f ^ l l Siva’s will. You should surely understand it.
О Lord, whatever curse has been Paramesvara, removes the arrogance of all.
pronounced by me on you, you better falsify Tt W 'TTTrHTЧТ ^Щ<(-К®|)ЧЧ:1
it. I have committed a grave sin, which would fqr*ftnt ЙЙ«|(1 Ъ T5T: «тсМЧ: 4T:ii 3 *il
surely throw me in the hell. He is supreme Brahman, the supreme soul,
сьччн 5^! fq f dniRvn blissful and the supreme knowledge. He is
Ф 4 l4 f^ Ч Ф щ ЧИ II absolute, without any blemish and is free from
all the three gunas viz.: sattva, rajas and
О Lord, I happen to be your slave. You tamas.
kindly tell me the way out by which my sins
are washed out and I could be saved from щ UciRiii ш w fasn i
falling in the hell.” ^йадт^упсчт ъ: n
frfcKcll Tf MdfaaJl): чк41^1ч^т14:1 With the use of his Maya he takes to the
three forms, of Brahma, Visnu and Siva. He is
nirguna as well as saguna (formless and with
Thus speaking the noble minded Narada, form).
fell at the feet of Visnu with great devotion.
PvicU^l f | ЧТЧ1ЧТТ тфдт: l
He started repenting.
4Wlo44lS44Tt 4^!<^{d Tfa&H ^ ^ II
aw fd^Hdhwrer зптй ^гТёгаг:!
In his absolute form, he appears in the
(qwJJ^ctW forms of Siva- the supreme soul, or
4 % ЧтЬсН^Е? ЧТЯ II ^ И Paramesvara, the Supreme Brahman,
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 4 181

Mahesvara, the undecaying and the endless WT ^ IT тфйГС:1|-*о||

lord. Because of the passions which were
rlrfrcRTTМТ: Щ [ 4IHchl aroused in you and the related arrogance, he
4сГЧ Wft Tf^TII 3*11 had extracted your wisdom and then lord Siva
got the curse pronounced on me from your
While serving he happens to be the
sustainer of the world, besides being the
creator. In the form of Rudra, he himself *srato нсй<рс|н wzmt
destroys the universe. ^rd^l'il: chHebIHl 4hh^£K4IiyUI:ll*^ll
■щй fvicr^cne^ui imnfosT: чг f^nftnr:i In this way lord Siva displayed his conduct
йчэтык! ^тычл^еьксь:11^чп in the world. He is the conqueror of the death,
an the Kala of Kala, always engaged in the
Beyond Maya he is the cosmic witness, rescue of his own devotees.
absolute, the form of Siva, who wanders at
will and indulges in divine sport. He bestows
his grace on the devotees. fcfaT ЧГ TQfgr Ччй$ГС:11*?11
^ ъ щ т There is no benefactor in the world for me,
better than Siva himself or the master. Jhe
и4чго1ч*т№ чт^тиз^п same Paramesvara bestows all types of
O Sage Narada, you listen to the best of the strength for me.
remedy which removes all the sins and
d w ) 4i w i O чs9ч ! ч ш w z\
bestows the pleasure and salvation.
d6i?i: ■ми 1нгм сщФпт;н*ЭII
rtjcRcfT 4Pf ¥1£ЧЯ<Л¥1:1
О Sage, you devote yourself to him besides
W чтч f?ra4dH И<М-ЧЧ(г|4ч113^И adoring him. Listen to his fame, eulogise him
Leaving aside all the doubts, you recite the and worship him daily.
best of the glory of Siva and his stotra of a m $R ч ччтт ч г а т ч : щ р д Ш ч т
hundred names.
чт ?f?r ^ r : чт 3r Z 4t i n f * n
■цфш p чгё ЪЦ Ш fcMVdfdl
The one who achieves the closeness of
^счекч! fowl: чч: дщ II3 £ и Siva with his body, mind and speech, he
With the reciting of which, all your sins becomes the person with wisdom and enjoys
would disappear atonce.” After thus speaking all the pleasures during the life time and is
to Narada, feeling merciful, Visnu again said called a liberated soul living on earth.
to Narada. f ^ f d Ч1Ч<1сщЭД$|ЧМеЬЧ«У:1
Ч! fR i гЧ Щ Щ Ш Щ В Ч 4 % l ^wtacRtRuiwid чтгч -$щ ч чттго: 11*411
4^^ ii ^4II With forest fire in the name of Siva all the
“O Sage, don’t feel painful of heart. You mountains in the form of sins get destroyed
had done no harm. Whatever has been done, is without much effort. There is no doubt above
at the will of lord Siva. There is no doubt it.
about it. Ч1ЧЧН1ГН 3:Tsrrf4 fdfarRjfh 4F44:i
ЗГ?!^ feeti cbl4eh?IVI4<lrH tl f^ldl^cH^lP 4 RT HV^lfd 4TcSemi*$ll
182 Siva-Mahapuranam

There are several types of pains emanating destroyed with the axe in the form of the name
from the sins, which get destroyed with the of Siva.
worship of Siva and not by any other means. fyieHWfa f a Ч1Ч<*МНН|ф:1
filledI ТГЩЩ: ТГ faf fa ll H T 4 ^ ra ffa m R f W f a f a f f a r ч f |i i ч ^ и
я: w сьис)|^: тптгг -snf?r тт^ттгк^эи The persons suffering with the sins in the
О Sage, the one who seeks refuge in Siva form of forest fire, should consume the nectar
is considered to be the real follower of the like name of Siva, because such people can
Vedas, or the supreme soul, a blessed learned never be peaceful without consuming the
person. You must adore him with your body, same.
speech and mind forever. ffa fa d fa fa c lfa u N ffa d l:I
ч ф т fa ffa i fa r f a f a f a t ssDT T : I tiqKddfarsfrf Ц yfapT 4 fa^ liq 'tfll
f a f a n f^ lfa ^ h d e b u fa l^ ll
\9 Cs Those who are drenched with the stream of
There are different types of dharmas of the rain of nectar in the form of the name of
those who worship Siva, (their devotion) Siva are not distressed in the midst of the
yields quick results. conflagration of the worldly existence. There
4ldchlf4 ffailPd dlcfa rvicfMyHilll is no doubt about it.
gfer rafar шчтРг ч ^rafa ra fa iii^ ii 4 f a i: 5Ш flhfadlAHIHI
The number of the sins which are d fa h 4 H 4 M 'l f? f a f a f H f a s iT im m i
destroyed with the adoration of Siva, the same The persons who are drowned in the
number of sins cannot be committed in the attractions and the jealousy, can never be the
world. devotees of Siva, while those with the
opposite performance, surely attain salvation. _
d3kjc4l(<4l4Mi Я Й !I

PHfad f a m i fa w r n ч° ii sRHpraffar r a w f a f a n
O Sage, there are innumerable heaps of r a fa f a f a f ? r w fa r t t r a fa iiq ^ n
sins of the brahmahatya which all get The one who might have performed tapas
destroyed with the mere mention of the name in may births, only he develops the sense of
of Siva. This is the truth whatever has been devotions towards Siva.
spoken by me, r a n f tr y if ^ d f a r a m r n r a f l <рп
( » |< н и т а А я г а i r o m f W n f a h i f f a f a f a f f a T I I 4 ''9 l l
t -.,ичнч1Ч1Рг ra s чуФ^угачич^н
Cs *v The one who has a casual faith in Siva,
A person, who by getting the boat in the would be of no consequence. Therefore one
form of the name of Siva, tries to cross the should be totally devoted to Siva.
ocean of the universe, all his worldly sins h ^ iw k u i) тля?) f a r f a f a f f a i
undoubtedly get destroyed.
H T fa f a r : T R n f a fa rfa ii4 < iii
v Wc H R t 4W«hht r a f aS3 H i
The one who has exclusive and unflinching
fy icH W d x ilfa ЙЧ1УП f a f fHHIl 4 ? II devotion for Siva, can achieve salvation quite
О Great sage, the worldly sins surely get easily and not otherwise.
Rudra SamtiitS (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 4 183

f»rcii'm=rercT4ifo ^ 4rf%n%#i IT&Tftp 458^115,411

41<^Ч1Ч(с|Р)}|тЪ) ^<4г4)с| Я' щ : II ч II After applying the holy ashes from the
After committing innumerable sins, in case head to feet, one should recite the mantra "от
one develops devotion at the feet of lord Siva, namah Sivaya” which is well known in the
even then he is surely freed from all the sins. world.
There is no doubt about it. •Hdiffu ЗПШЯ
'trafcr w cri
Ш ч Ф * ^ T T f T W fT T R T W R T fq 'll $ о || A devotee should wear Rudraksa, which is
As in the wild fire the trees are reduced to dear to Siva, over all the limbs, reciting the
ashes, similarly the sins of the devotees of mantras.
Siva, are burnt out in the fire of the reciting of *ftrr Ttdt 4ИТ Ш 1ЩТ1
the name of Siva. 444W(d<4#4 fvid'ffTbl’hd: 44:118, <311
4Tf^T -MWMdlffl ivid^l^# 4441 Then listen to the story of Siva, himself
it 1тттччттч1вщ1ттт|| t=^i and recite the same to others, adoring the
The one who purifies himself with the devotees of Siva at the same time.
application of holy ashes on all the limbs and ЗПРТТ^Т Ш 441
then adores Siva, he crosses the unending and
% 4Г#Т4 4 W 4 4 W :I I 5 < £ II
the terrific ocean of the universe.
You should remain under the refuge of
Siva quite carefully because by adoring Siva,
Я fcfizR 41: 4 l^ ^ 4 l8 iW ^ i:H ^ ? ll on achieves the everlasting bliss.
A person who steals the wealth of a ЗТТ4ЩТ4 ЩЩЩ4П
Brahmana, and even after killing a Brahmana,
he is devoted to Siva, he does not earn the 14ГЩ42ПТ ЯрТТТтГЧ!II ^ ^ II
relevant sin. One should installs the lotus like feet of
lord Siva in his heart and should travel to the
fatfleKI tp-qi
places holy for Siva.
1ШНЯЩ4*Ш4 ?f?T M^fdfeldhll ^ ^ II
q v d ^ lS I r U lM d H ? lf T T 4 4 Ш Ч Я :1
All the Rsis and great Rsis, after going
through the Vedas, arrived at a conclusion that Мт%9И*^с(н 4$nr^Rf$T4cT4 4^!||\Эо ||
the adoration of Siva is the only remedy for Keeping in view the spotless glory of high-
freeing himself from the worldly bondages. souled lord Siva, you should visit Anandavana
(KasT) which is dearest of Siva.
зшя^тг 4<^r nidyidl wfeferi
ITTW mifVld 4 4 Т 4 Т 4 4 т ф д г я и ^ 'й Н
ш wt Фш-л
From today onwards, getting alert, with ЧШ 4p4T favflui %|fc|bi|fq|| v9^|
efforts and due observance of the rules of Offering your adoration to lord Visvesvara
procedure, always adore great lord Sadasiva there, you should worship him with devotion,
with Parvati with devotion. offer your salutation to him, offer prayer to
ЗШТЩЩГгё» 4ЩТ41 him, you will be freed from all the doubts.
184 Siva-Mahapuranam

ш «таш яя fam тот яя!|

W<*l4l«f ^ттшятаг «rf%irT:ll^ll
О Sage, thereafter, you with my permission
and for the fulfilment of your desire, should
surely go to Brahmaloka.
Ш г T-OF T ! 1

[?ici4^ir»4 ®П|?Т: sftrr^rTHllivs^ и

О Sage, you then offer your prayer and
salutation to your father, and ask him again
and again about the glory of Siva.
циЕм в ^м1гмт ушчин<га ^ftiua-an
Brahma who is immensely devoted to Siva,
will narrate to you the glory of Siva quite
pleasantly besides narrating the satanamas
stotra of Siva.
аш Ы «га # % r a w n n :i
fayl^ui f?ra^ tt
O Sage, from today onward, you become
the devotee of Siva following the Saiva faith.
Siva would bestow welfare on you and your
would be entitled to achieve salvation.

ягат f^ra -дгат

Thus lord Visnu, getting pleased, delivered
discourse to Narada and he himself
remembering, saluting and adoring Siva,
disappeared from the place.
?f?r sTifyicmgiqtnft %fhtw w fp ra t ууцуи!

184 Siva-Mahapuranam

Narada’s visit to Kasl
m зсгггг
3Rrf§t # forc! 4p-Mrt4:i
form r xrff yyq^rafa^ifqr я^ш:и
Suta said, “O Brahmanas, at the
disappearing of Visnu from the site, the sage
Narada, with his mind filled with devotion
kept on visiting the Sivalingas on earth.
TjfaaETT ЗЩ fvicUe\4|U^eHVI:l
тШя# fon! ^RhitRb^iPt
чЭ чЭ
О Brahmanas, by thus wandering over the
earth, he came across several Sivalingas
lovingly, which bestowed pleasure and
salvation to the devotees.
m ct fdririd <£{ ЧТЩ
<TН^1ттЧ1ТТЩ:11 3 II
When the two Siva’s ganas came to know,
that the sage Narada with his divine vision
was so wandering on earth, they went to
Narada having a peaceful mind.
f^RRI nU||cicKl<lc;<ldl
p f o rRoft WW VM Ml^^l ^ rftll ^ II
Being desirous of getting relieved of the
curse, both of then offered their salutation to
him, with folded hands and falling over his
n ^ iu iH rid :
H ip ! f $ ! % 3TfoTSSddl4d:l
^UH m dU ldlcli foft Ч ^ ( Г : II ч II
Siva’s attendants said, “O Sage- the son of
Brahma, you kindly listen to our words quite
lovingly. We are the Brahmanas, and we have
actually not committed a crime against you.
3TT3T fHToft foil! ddlMWilftuft q^||
TRprr Rrafo%foHTTII $ II
О Sage, О Brahmana, in the Svayamvara
Rudra Samhita (Sf§ti Khai^la), Chapter 5 185

of the princess, we jeered at you, when you by me, has to happen and cannot be averted.
had been confuse with the Maya of Siva. Still I am going to speak out the remedy to
^ Щ Ч: - q ^ r f ^ T ?l
escape from the curse. Both of you will please
forgive me for my sin.
m tfrrfrcr Ц 'dlcHHimii
Having been influenced with the Maya of о

Siva, you pronounced a curse on us. Since the Writ faddflWl ^Mdlfitflll ^ II
time was not favourable for us, we kept quiet You would be bom of the semen of a sage,
then. would become demons, but still you would be
W epfol: ТШ Ш Т О Й 4 % ^EfOPTI
quite glorious and famous.
^5Шт(1 Я*=ГЙГ*ТГ! flcWlUSiMNl fvi=w^ ЙтМ^Г!
чЭ s j \Э 4

We have reaped the reward of our actions fVHiM<dTl*Jrd т а W4^4iwar:ii r*n

and no one is therefore at fault. Now you be Both of you would be the kings of the
pleased with us and be compassionate on us.” entire universe, devotees of Siva, and
controlling all your senses, you would be the
Сч 3cur|
form of Siva. After your death you would
аа quiqiR fd ^ fffn rr^ T T tT i achieve the place of Siva.”
мt^ciw T®wi4*raiuj ^ : ii <?ii
^RT зс||т|
Suta said, “Listening to the respectful
frdlcbtM ЧНс^ЯГ М^|гЧЧ: I
words of the attendants of Siva, the sage while
repenting, lovingly said to Sivaganas.”
Suta said, “Listening to the words of the
sage Narada, both the attendants of Siva felt
if iT R trp ft Ш Т Ч 1
immensely pleased and retired to their
сгач *т!^й4тн хг qan^chMii п respective abodes.
Narada said, “O Ganas of Siva- adorable
by the noble people, you please listen tome. Rwc(K 4^1 ^ II
Presently my words are free from confusion,
Narada on the other hand, feeling
pleasant and realistic.
delighted, reciting the name of 6iva with
jrr щ utmost devotion, visiting the places sacred to
VI'dcIWi Wl Siva, kept on wandering on earth.
This is certain that I had acted earlier ■ g ft: з р т а -щ: i r a f q f t й ш й г а щ |
foolishly because of the will of Siva and my f^rafirat
words were devoid of wisdom. Having been The sage Narada had the best of all in the
completely confused, an evil minded person sphere of grace and he ultimately reached the
like me had pronounced a curse on you. city of Kasi which was the form of Siva, was
н т Тйп s n f e cisnftf *jtJjRrr w h comfortable and dear to Siva.
w rn g m ri ^11 w II W
On Siva-ganas, whatever had been spoken 3TR# 4 < 4 H ^d d :ll^ ll
186 Siva-MahSpuranam

Finding the city of Kasi with the lord of О Master, I remained ignorant about Siva-
Kasi, he felt successful and worshipped him tattva. Besides I could not know about the
with great love and pleasure. method of his adoration, therefore you tell me
TPR(: Ь я eft <ST5Tt fiwraf
all about them besides the episodes connected
with his life.
ТИСНИТ f ^ T : l l П 4
f y c K d l d ! T P M : ■ ? f f T : « B ^ P li
Delightfully he stayed at Kasi and he felt
contented. Becoming humble with his f^Wd-d Ц ^Н|Гч RTflrl: fyicmmill ^ q 11
devotion, he extolled the virtues of the lord О Dear one, how could Siva who is
and remembered him with glory. absolute and free from attributes, become full
*Р11Ч1«[ fVldWURMlfrl:
of attributes? Having been overpowered with
the illusion of Siva, I remained unaware of the
fvrcfdt^ f^TMur TT4TT2[:lRo||
tattva of Siva.
With the remembering of lord Siva, Narada
achieved the noble wisdom, but he developed T j t : ije f7Т Щ : P d T d h J I y f r T f l r d : l
a desire to know deeply about the tattva of -Q%<m jhlgHicfcft Щ :II?$||
Siva and for that purpose he went to How did Siva remain in his original form
Brahmaloka. before creation? How did he function in the
ЯгЭ|Тrn № ЯсЦЧТ ЩЩ xf Т1Й:1 middle of the creation?

ТОщГ¥НТ1тЫ Г¥1с|^тЬЧЬН1:|1?5>11 xt ш TTf%f?r *%$R:l

Reaching there, he offered his salutation to Ш Я Т Ш Т ^ n f?r # < * ¥ 1 ^ 4 :1 1 ? \ э | |
Brahma appropriately. Then he eulogised him How does he behave at the end of the
with the reciting of several stotra. Then universe? How does Siva, who is benevolent
feeling immensely devoted to Siva, Narada to all, get pleased.
enquired about the reality of the tattva of Siva. TRTggj чЪзш
f% W w f r fm \ t u r d c fK P T P ? T T l R i l l
f r o ? ! ^praroHi О Brahma, how does Siva reward his own
ridmKI^RII TT^f Я? II as well as the devotees of other gods when
pleased? You kindly speak out all the details
u fo n p f W4)4l4 ^ § « 44.1
to me.
<H4I% cfafat RPf rT ^ II
■ Щ Г : З Г Р Ш * P T c | R 1 c | d T r r d ■o4 '№ ЧЭM d 4"Nl
Narada said, “O Pitamaha (Grand sire) you
are well aware of the form of Brahman, by чталгаго ti щ
your grace, I have learnt about the complete We have heard that lord Siva gets pleased
glory of lord Visnu and the path of his in no time and that the merciful Siva, cannot
devotion, path of knowledge, difficult path of bear the pain of his devotees.
tapas, path of charities, besides the path of the 9П ?ГТ 5РТГ ^ T : f y r a i T R T : I
sacred places.
Mif^T: f^ t: trt:ii^o||
4wt Ъ ^HlfqlsiMd: ЗРШТ1 Brahma, Visnu and Siva- all the three have
Tift* fafei щэг rr тго)!11 я * и been bom of the amsa of Siva. Out of then
Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanda), Chapter 6 187

Mahes'a is the complete form of Siva.

Therefore Siva is the supreme tattva.

d4lfSmfe|<n<sin^ дат fsr^lll Ц'||

О Master, you please tell me about the
origin of Siva and Uma.
d 5y i « « l f e r ^ o i д а т ё й н т : W a rfa i
ifdrn4 дарда тдагзданзуп
How were they married? You please tell
me. You particularly tell me about their
married life as a householder, besides other
sports. О Sinless one, you also narrate other
stories connected with them as well.
dg*4lrl feTT? Щ f?T3TW
T if f l % згзтгд а ! ■ д ^ зят с$ зг гтп
You kindly enlighten me about the birth of
Siva, then the birth of Uma, the marriage of
both of them besides the story about the birth
of Karttikeya.
«qpsej fpr ч згпдатг! i
зщ да Timt ш : fihi grs ч^чГтм^^п
O Lord of the Universe, though I have
listened to the story from several other people,
but I still am not fully satisfied. Therefore I
have taken refuge with you. You kindly be
compassionate on me.”
?ptTT cWWW 4R3Wlf31W %l
датёт сгда да дщт ниПгсИЧ*: и з ч и
Thus listening to the words of Narada- his
son, Brahma, the Pitamaha of the world, said.
9iTvid4^i4Tiu) fgaraiiii wniiui
чщ witsstim : п ч и
Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanda), Chapter 6 187

Mahapralaya and Visnu’s origin

^ГГ £^ЩтПТ!|
C^chl4'eblRoiT Rich ёТТс&ЕГГ f#1ch|UliJ||| ? ||
Brahma said, “O Brahmana- best among
the learned people, you have put me a very
good question, because you are desirous of the
welfare of the people. You have asked this
question for the good of the people.
u w m Ы фсш т w im w zt

The story by listening to which, the sins of

all the people would be washed out, the same
beneficial Siva-tattva is being narrated by me.
frlcWrci w fgnjRifii
w rfd:!
P ? ьтч w i f i гг tRnr 3 и
Truly speaking, I am myself unaware of
Siva-tattva, nor does anyone else know about

When at the time of dissolution the entire

mobile and immobile world had been
destroyed, and in the absence of the sun and
the stars, there was darkness everywhere.

зтяшт f^T*pi4^^fgcii^Ri4ji ц n
There were no moon, day, night, fire, wind,
land, water, or anything else. Even the sky had
been deprived of the lustre.
3Tf§*3Tf^fpt 7i3wfam%rT4i

At that point of time, the word, touch etc.

could no where to be found. The fragrance,
form or beauty, had also vanished.
188 Siva-Mah&puranam

W «дамчй RrcWi or blemish, unparallel, and is the form of

ii^ i HRrogkiii^ii consciousness or the pure knowledge.
Thus, there was the continued darkness ureter TifWdd тц
everywhere, which could not be pierced fg^RTT W зпдч P^dm^si^cifM^ii v*n
through with a needle. Then what is Its names go on changing. After a long
mentioned in the Vedas as existent and time a desire developed in him to get him self
Brahman was only present. multiplied. Or in other words he thought that
-ЯЗТ Ч1Й2гаг*ЦЯ<1гЧёЬЧ,> he was one and he should be multiplied into
<4)Rl4l5”dfj5Uiehl$) Rk-гНЧИ6 II many form.
Sat and asat nowhere could be found, iRlcbfcq W H ltf d ll
which is visualised by the yogis always in W W piftdT «е^1ЧЧ4\ ^pTTII ЯЧII
their minds. The said being, having no form of his own,
s rc q tfte rc щтат 4 ch<ram created an auspicious image, during the course
of his own sport, possessing all the virtues and
awinwwfl dw ч W M . ii Яи
fortunes, besides the power, qualities and
It is beyond the comprehension of mind knowledge.
and speech, it is beyond expression by words.
It has no name or the colour. It is neither gross W m WfrMI Щ^cW^dbtRuRl
nor subtle. W<*»=Nn Wren W^T WW>f?r:ll W II
A form which could move everywhere,
displays all the forms, could visualise
ц 41*11РГО: djUdWT dtwntsft rill II
everything, should be all powerful and
It is neither brief nor vast, neither small not respectable by all, should be the ancient most
big. It neither expands nor does it squeeze. and which could make all the people civilized.
3?fog% y<W lfd # f d : tp i:l
4Rcb<rulfd nt чШ щ !
W4 ?IR44«<i rl 4W^UU(46:II 3lftWtRreRT ТгаЬгШ fWlrndmi
Even the Vedas, getting surprised conceive
w en W n w m ii
it as the truth, knowledge, having the form
beyond measure, blissful and eternal. Then he created the auspicious image of
Isvara, then the original being who was
31У^ШгаНЧ(с|сЬКШ1ф1гП beyond comparison, eternal, beyond measure,

qlRiquiif и4сМ|й)оиад^цц *S
^1 u form of consciousness, which illuminates
It is beyond measure, beyond change, everything, form of pure knowledge, all
formless, having no attributes, who is pervading, indestructible, and supreme
perceptible to the absolute yogis, all pervasive Brahman, disappeared.
and the only cause of the universe. 3EPf ^ nfd: TRjfW:i
Cv C\
ftfnqW fruTcd W h i ftw^trahi 3)<Wt4l W l ? d ^n|«n:ll Ull
3 lfe d lq q q ia ^ 4 fe w i¥ i Rld'lWchhll ^ II The manifest form of formless being is
It is without alternative, without beginning, Sadasiva who is presently called by the people
free from illusion, it is without beginning, end of wisdom as Isvara.
Rudra Samhitfl (S|-$ti Khanka), Chapter 6 189

VlfrhW^ehrNlfil fg^TtTT <R:I also known as Isvara, having no other lord

over him, who holds the Gangs over his head.
w w »i(Uh 4iRi4)i i w i
He has three eyes and a crescent moon on his
The lonely Isvara produced from his own forehead.
body an everlasting Sakti. This Sakti did not
effect his original body in any way. W9TO: WWW ^Т О Т §Ш р^|
TOR Jlffw R ^ trot hWcldt' W4.I
gH&MW 'iH-ftnIg(3<ffvrcrf5dm_IRo.ll Siva is five faced, a pleasant soul, holder of
a trident, having complexion as white as the
The said Sakti is variously known as camphor, keeps on applying holy ashes over
Pradhan-Prakrti, Maya, Gunavati, Para. She the body.
happens to be the creator of the Buddhi-tattva
(cosmic intelligence) and is unblemished.
■ШVlWfw*! ft|c| Н\«Ы(ТО %5TRrfTO ЭПрЩПП'ЭИ
1^5R 4t ^ ^11 The same Parabrahman, in the form of
Kala, in company of that Sakti, collectively
The same Sakti is also called Ambika,
built the Sivaloka.
Prakrti, besides being the mistress of the three
worlds. She is the mother of the three gods. tRfr cblfvi^Aldd ^l^^-dhMI
She is everlasting and the main cause of the ht ЯЩЩШЧ itifqfT M ^nm ii^dil
The best of that place is known as Kasl.
The place bestows salvation, therefore it is
TJeBT cf^t «nsr f4cT?T:ll ? ? II considered as superior to all.
She has eight arms, divine beauty and her xf ^rmuflTOt ?rfrtR TRtT^I
face has the lustre of a thousand full-moons. Ч<ЧН^М1ТОТ ЧТЧН-<Ычи|Ц|| ^ ||
v9 HHHifawfedii The holy place is considered to be the
place of supreme bliss, because the primordial
She has been adorned with various lovers who were extremely blissful, made that
ornaments and holds several attributes and lace as their permanent abode.
weapons. Her eyes resemble the blossoming TOTOSRRtsfa 4 cB^RRI
lotus flowers.
1с(ЧтЬ % f^cfTBIT «IqfqjjTti ^ о ||
Т -MчЭH^IHI1 The city of KasT is called an
ЦсЫПм) -JRT ЩТ tf4tRilluAfa>«TII II Avimuktaksetra, the holy place because
She possesses the lustre beyond Parvatl and Siva can never be separated from
comprehension and creates all the movable each other even at the time of dissolution.
and immovable creatures of the world. She is 3HiU4^cM ч т 4<|ehlR fcRlf^RTI3
the lonely Maya, who takes to many forms.
3 ^11
TT: 44i4lW: ¥ 7l«t<Hh£R:l
In the ancient times, Pinaka-bearing Siva
# 4 Ч<1ЙйЪ|(1 ^IH^fi?ldbH:IR4ll had initially given the name of Anandavana
Thereafter the said Parama-Purusa Siva (Blissful forest) to this place and subsequently
190 Siva-Mahapuranam

it was known as Avimuktaksetra due to the in the three worlds appeared, who was
cause of bliss. peaceful possessing sattvaguna and resembled
ТФТПТРТГ:1 the ocean of immeasurable majesty.
g fe rc r: f e l l II ш ъ p tn ^SH«yl44)3«ra^i
^ ffe r p r ч е т к и й ! T s t f f e n f e i $^41Haft:
PielTuWKUl t e r ^ T f e l f e l l 3 9 II О Sage, he was endowed with patience,
and had the lustre of sapphire. He was beyond
О Narada, the rsi of the gods, both Siva
comparison. His eyes resembled the lotus
and Parvatl, while roaming in the
Anandavana, developed a desire for the
creation of another being, entrusting on ^eiujeblfcl^^agebC't<4hHl^rl: I
whom, the entire responsibility, they could Щ ; m n f e : ll * ОII
move freely in the city of KasI, embracing He had the complexion of gold and two
vairagya (detachment). scarfs were used as upper garment. He had
TJcTtTef ЗГШТгТ ТГTJcf Trfrw rTI two invincible arms.
¥ xjcr 9* и rtfT: 'MWWnst
О N3
Let him perform all the functions always ЧЩift grf MHIlftfdllU^II
create everything and ultimately at my bidding The said Purusa then offered his salutation
he should dissolve the entire universe. at the feet of Siva and said, “O Master, give
fe ra fe v T tfe T I me a name, and also define my duties.”
ЦтсKH <\Ч\Щ <^|ЧЙ(йНН.11^Ч11 fl^pTT cirR
ЩЦ ЯИ1<|1т18М: F^RTF^Tmi ч щ <r h^ vnhI з ш i)yim)wii's?n
Tpm in ^ и On hearing his words, Lord Siva with
Shaking with the waves of anxiety, in the smile spoke to the said Purusa the words
ocean of anxiety, expanding with the tree of thundering like the clouds.
rajoguna, then achieving the games in the fyict ЗЗТсГ
form of sattvaguna which consumes fa w d fe iMchrcii^ чщ w i srfe fri
tamoguna, we might be able to carryout all
our outer worries and live comfortably HlHlPl ^tTh’HliS^ohllfui f 11^^ II
thereafter. Siva said, “Because of your being of all
pervading nature, you would be known as
WWltffd Tf f ev9 m ?I^TT 'q^gRrl Visnu. Besides this you would be known by
several other names, which would please your
Thus thinking, with the consent of Siva, devotees.
the supreme lord, then poured in the tenth cflT: <|T*> <|<si THT
limb, the fluid of nectar.
УПТЧРТпт ^ ^ f e t cRrrll'^'JSII
You better perform tapas conducive to the
7TRT: mi^dii achievements of the assigned task. Thus
Then a person, who was the most beautiful speaking, he produced the Vedas through his
Rudra Samhita (S|-?ti Khanka), Chapter 6 191

breathing (and because of this, it is said Yasya 'JlrdlSIKI % WcTT ЙЙУ|^1с|ЧНАШ1Ц^11

nisvasitam vidah.) With the influence of the Maya of Siva,
■о т а г f ^-оr гпт: i several streams of water emerged from the
щ*1чгс:и*чп body of Siva.
Thereafter lord Visnu, offering his ЗТ^ПЯЩ g Ш ^ Чтяод?)!I
salutation to Siva, performed great penance. 'ilrW'hrWvIdldlNdlVMH.II 4 ? II
Paramesvara, disappeared and proceeded to О Great sage, all the streams of water
his place with his Sakti. merged into the sunya and the water was
ЗТ^таТ^Г dWifa runtfd:l turned into the form of Brahman, the very
Ч ЯРТ Wlfartfad touch of which destroys all the sins.
Lord Visnu then performed tapas for сГс(Г ТОТ! Р$Щ\
twelve thousand divine years, but he could not Ш ITWftdl ^«hlH fgq)% d:ll4^ll
have an audience with Siva, who bestows Then lord Visnu, getting fatigued and
everything. feeling, confused, kept bn sleeping in the
Т Ш f% Mcfnfajfufd fipnT: %сГТ*ГСТП'*\э|| JTHIdUlfd Ч Ш # dWra)c^1d^t4d4,l
Then feeling doubtful in his mind, he kept ЧВ1Ш1Щ #l4)rtnf>d ТОТ %ТТ11Ц^||
on reciting the name of Siva mentally, became At that point of time he was known as
anxious, about the future course of action. Narayana, which was authenticated by the
TJrTfph^TT chill) iThrWr %ЭЩрТ1 Vedas. At that stage, there was nothing except
грт: tt :Hcbi)o4i Purusa and Prakrti.
At the same time he heard the words Pjrf*45Rft <ЖТ£Г rROTOTRF4ITrlR:l
spoken by Siva, which said, “In order to UrtlchK ящ! *щи) ^ ЯШ^!ИЦЧИ
relieve your mind of the doubt you perform О Immensely intelligent one, О great
tapas again.” Intellectual, at that stage several tattvas
сШсГТ сГ гГс|сёГТ dMWH ^ I W ( I appeared, from the great Purusa, the forms of
«IgcBM Щ [ «1рй1НЧм1ч^1 f i l l ^^11
which are being told by me, you kindly listen
to the same.
On hearing these words, Visnu again
performed tapas. After a long time, he could
learn about Brahman, by the path of з т ^ г г ш ) о т я Ш Ы ) ■дит^т:11ч^и
meditation. From Prakrti, came into being the Mahat
м: T Wv3
-O -o
sqr44ifa:i (the cosmic intellect) from Mahat emerged the
^Mld) ТПН: f% *1т1тс|Чб) f ftil Ц о ||
three gunas. Then the cosmic ego arose
therefrom according to the three gunas.
Then Purusottama Visnu, woke up by the
path of meditation and felt surprised OTrTT: M-scWdlfa й гРТ: I
delightfully and said, “Is it the same tattva? гф т dldlf^llfui сПЩ'ЭМ
4fai4e|dW W TJT cfl The subtle form of the nether, the five
192 Siva-Mahapuranam

mahdbhutas (elements) emerged from them.

From there appeared the organs of knowledge
and action.
rW M 'lftfd rf
MlSIrdch^J fsRTII Ц <i II
О Best of the sages, I have counted the
tattvas before you. All these principles
originating from Prakrti, are insentient but not
the Purusa.
The number of all the tattvas combined is
twenty four. Visnu- the Purusa accepted all
the tattvas and went to sleep at the will of Siva
in water as Brahman.

^чиэУЙ (йш|гчFhctubj чт
192 Siva-Mahapuranam

<f«gT Ш ч4с)гН чфдК: I
it й Ъ II
Siva the great lord with Parvat! as his
better half, had produced me from his right
ТГ MUlWl^d Ш -qt?Tt |ft T^!l
П91|Я)Ч^м1[<^|[с(^и1ч4(1Ч('Н НЬтШТН4 II
О Sage, “Mahesa over-shadowed me with
his illusion immediately, and in the course of
his sport, produced me from the umbilical
lotus of Visnu.
тдг ч-iUfld) tw fe I
qdtJtil 4Tt>c|u?fei4U|i^d44dob:ll ll
0 Narada, thus I being Hiranvagarbha was
produced from that lotus, with four mouths,
with red complexion with my foreheads
adorned with tripundra.
CHAPTER 7 d^HIMinSdSri? Tff^ cfTPTf^TTI
The dispute between Brahma and Visnu Ш \ ftpR ?m<|®ki:ll^li
Having been influenced with the illusion of
fFT 4R|i|U) ТПТ) T lfW W I Siva I could recognise none else except the
ЗГтЫ ^ Щ7ТГ ?lf^ nil ?l| lotus. О Dear one, being ignorant I could
hardly recognise the person who produced me.
Brahma said, “After Lord Visnu went to
sleep a huge lotus flower emerged from his сгт зшш: f* <T 44)4* 4,1
navel. 4^4 t¥5dT544TII 6 II
1 could not know about my creator, myself,
ЗИ^^Н14ГЩНЧ1)т^14'У'У<1ЧН ? II the place from where I had arrived, what were
The lotus had an endless stalk. Its pericarp my functions, and about my father, besides,
was full of lustre. It was many yojanas vast the person who had produced me. I could
and similar was its height. know nothing about all these facts.
cblfdt^HdlcblVi rhcRj^lMJ ?f?T 4¥НШЧ?ыМ 4ЩШ1
aiRi^t тщттщ \и 4Г{*Ч14|ГЧ 71^11 II
It had the brilliance of crores of suns, Then having been in doubt, I could realise
possessing the beautiful tattvas, it was quite that I had been ignorant. “It is easy to gain the
surprising and charming besides being knowledge.
Rudra SamhitS (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 7 193

Then four armed lord Visnu, having

beautiful eyes, showering his grace and
tRg^ ^ -q % m чйьчй я ^ ra :ii я° н
appeared before me.
The place of growth of this lotus would be
below, which must have given birth to me. ?1|х|*|^усь<1 Щ-л
There is no doubt about it.” 4ldl*cKy<: ЯТ:11^И
$f?T ffig 44IWRI ^4HI<<=R^J4J He was holding a conch, a wheel, a club
я#Г ^sratoit TRnfc II ^11 and a lotus as attributes in his four hands. His
Thus thinking, I descended below holding limbs had the cloud complexion, and was clad
the lotus stalk, and for doing so it took me in a yellow lower garment.
hundreds of years. i r m m s P ^ r :l
я' щ ячэ т а я снчснчанчччч!
чЭ *ч ^ i(d « K № $ l¥ l: ^ g t Ч^ПЙЧ T T :ll^ ll
Щ ' Ю Ъ Чs)Ч : Ш : w Vm
9N9i c
h u i w‘ i i He was adorned with a crown over the
Still I could not know the place of the head and several other ornaments over the
origin of the lotus. Then becoming doubtful, I body. I having been confused, looked at lord
again tried to reach the same lotus flower. Visnu who had a smiling face.
arrerW ^ iff! i rfijcjgT f a w d я т я я я :1
«b4<rlWil cH««c(l7| f?)4l^d:ll ^ II «Ь|П1Я <*1$игя Н^гЧН ^щ^яян ? о ||
О Sage, when I was about to move up On seeing the beautiful complexion, I was
holding the lotus stalk but I failed to locate the struck with great surprise. He was in four­
blossomed lotus flower, which upset me. armed, shining like Kala, of golden hue, and
soul of all creatures.
HHUlifui STORfr *RT ^9Trf ЯЯ:|
^HITOTt ЯЯ ddfWBp)4l^d:ll ^11 ЯЩГЯЯЯ? Ч^'ЧЧШгЧЧИ
Then by moving up as well downwards, a 4Kiiiui ffwr froct гт^ти ? ^ii
hundred years passed. Then getting upset, I Looking at the four-armed Narayana,
stopped for a moment. depicting sata and asata in himself I felt
ertuft ТПрЩТТ Ш -ЩЧТ1 delighted.
fVlW<4ISW otfart ^ ! l l II Miuui Mlf^dVVl^MtWdl rtl<4lc44: TOT: 1
At that point of time, with the will of Siva, 3Tf^TRT ТсМЧ* ЧЧЗМ Я ^ : II ? ^ II
I heard a divine voice which said, “You Having been overpowered with the illusion
perform tapas” of Siva and failing to recognise my own
rfc0^T oAf)4c|rR м<ч<?м: l father, I spoke to him quite delightfully.
ЧТШ гЩТИ^ II srptam
Listening to the divine voice, I performed ^тйя w r a тгятячт{1
tapas for twelve years in order to know about Я^Т ^Wy^l>U| Я1%Щ f ^ r ЯН ^ 1 1
my father.
Brahma said, “Who are you?" please tell
Яс^Тf? Vietlp4wj£ngql§: me. Thus speaking, I lifted up the
fll^ ll Sanatanapurusa, with my hands, forcefully.
194 Siva-Mahapuranam

тгачтгнчшк: $тат gtfti I happen to be the soul of the universe, the

destiny or the providence, therefore, О Lotus
f%f3%?ratwrai#rR: IR * II
eyed one, how do you call me a child.
The lotus eyed lord who was fast asleep,
woke up, having lotus like eyes, and had ш gfra; piinirW 'M ^cin^ fe w i
enormous self-control. He found Brahma ftdIP? W is t ST ц<11(|нут1ЧЧ,Н 3 *11
there. The Vedas describe me as self bom,
ч ш -$ fm wpisraftrar wcii^R:i without birth, all-pervading, grand-sire, self-
governed, and the excellent supreme being.”
an? щ и т ргачт t i^ ii ч ч и
When lord Hari looked at me illumining
with his lustre, seated before him, then he rirsfa шчга гай <rai cbdUf^fd гагата: n 3 ? n
smilingly spoke the sweet words.” Listening to the words spoken by me lord
Visnu, the lord of Rama, felt enraged and said,
“I am aware of the worlds having been created
W Rt WTrT ftmnrs! 4 H ^ ! |
by you.”
ш trN t w W r : и ? s ii
к артам
Lord Visnu said, “Welcome, welcome to
you dear son, you are Pitamaha of great Щ q f <4eiM$idcirM TWiapjl^l
brilliance, Don’t be afraid, I shall surely f ^ r t s f t r spttiw чгамщ чнгаптргарртцп
bestow on you whatever is desired by you. Visnu said, “For the sake of the creation,
you have emerged from everlasting limb.
Т5ГОТ ЪЧ<*ы 3V9II Have you forgotten me as lord of the universe,
You are the foremost among the gods.” On also known as Narayana and Jagannatha.
hearing these words spoken by Visnu with TPt 4<4kHH n ^ t PPH .I
smile, I feeling inimical to Visnu said to him.” fdujjn^jrmlviM frasnra ’jw ^ op^i i ^ v ii
TRPrat Щ1ш| <Hjo q i4 c b 4 )^ i
ё*щ! w l w r a ^ 1| з г ^ ra s g 'W = i: in ч it
Hlfn^lfdrwd !ll?t || The one who is adored by the supreme
Brahma said, “O Sinless one, I happen to soul, Indra and other gods, the one who is
be the cause of the destruction of all, you known by the name of Visnu, Acyuta and
address me as the child as a preceptor Is'ana; and who creates and preserve the
addresses a disciple. universe, the one who is Narayana, Mahabahu
(Long-armed) and all pervading Is'vara, I
graft sprat Щ1гая#£г w ta n j
happen to be the same, from whose navel a
fcmj fe \ 4 V \ lotus emerged with you. There is no doubt
I am the creator of the universe, I activate about it.
Prakrti, unborn, eternal, all pervading Brahma сгатчшг HKdw ?rafg R R ifra w ri
and am bom of Vi$nu.
wtrrajriteg! 3 $ n
fa w iR fSwrart srraR
You are not at all at fault in this. You have
t o f w rit т й щ гр й т ^ои been overpowered with my illusion. О
Rudra Sarnhita (Sf5ti Khanka), Chapter 7 195

BrahmS, listen, I happen to be the lord of all of the world. Therefore, О Brahma, О Lord of
the gods. the people, you better take refuge in me.
w «rat щ ч w f e ттТ Щ :\ щ ч w *i:i
3T?ifa xrt sf^T TTt ftw ra F! и 3 ^ II
There is none comparable with me as the
creator of the universe, its preserver and the qfr 5T сЗМт Ч1Ц|Йч!ГЗ'Н:||*Э II
destroyer of the same. О Brahma, I happen to
I shall protect you from all the troubles.
be the Supreme Brahman as well as the
There is no doubt about it.” Brahma said, “On
supreme tattva.
hearing these words, I being proud of
щ wrf?r: щ м vs($ Щ :\ becoming Brahma, became angry. Having
srer fci ^ чН1гч№ш<1тК((п з c n been overpowered with the illusion, I shouted
I am the supreme light, the supreme soul, I at him saying “who are you?”
am omnipresent and all pervading, besides
whatever mobile or immobile is found in the
world presently.
Why are you speaking uselessly? Your are
^ u-utifarwi not at all the lord nor the Supreme Brahman.
W 5TT cZTtH T^^VliddTcleb^ll * II There must be some one else who created you.
О Brahma, all this is enveloped in me. I чтт
had in earlier times created this universe with cR t yigrer тг5штТ:11*чи
twenty four tattvas.
Overpowered by the Maya of Siva, the
frer йщщсгГ engr: W : ^ w n ^ r : i supreme lord, I fought a terrific battle with
HlHdllUoll Visnu.
It is connected with the eternal atoms. The ЧЦ ^grcftrHj}4l <l4^ui:i
anger and fear have emerged out of the same.
g ТЯТГГ a g M : 11*511
You have been bom because of my prowess
and all the limbs have been produced because Influenced with rajoguna we became
of my sport. inimical to each other, and fought a fierce
battle in the middle of the vast ocean of the
ЧЕТ jK&frn ТЦИЧ^К^Ш rRT: I time of dissolution.
сРШ ^Tll*411
I have created wisdom in the same as a
result of which three types of pride has been faawvimrf % sratarsf <rencnrr:n*^ii
created. I have evolved the five subtle In the mean time in order to remove the
elements, besides the mind, the body and the controversy between us and in order to
sense-organs. educate us both, a linga appeared between us.
зтш жН ч I 're|IHI4MI4^t?ll<S*i ebHR<H¥ld)444l

I have created the panca-mahabhiitas (five It was beyond the beginning, middle or end
other elements) and all the material padarthas and had thousands of flames resembling the
196 Siva-Mahapuranam

fire of the time of dissolution. 4T&4f gM dliw ) 4$TCT44:l

fe w riw n ri 4 4 riRlH 44t Ш 44Ts-f 4 ^ 4 : W II4 4 II
ЧЧЧ 'jciicHW^ui 444F§R:ir#<?ll I became a vast bird Swan of extremely
It was without comparison, beyond white complexion, with two wings on either
expression, unmanifest universal being. Lord side. Then I flew upwards with the speed of
Visnu, at the sight of its thousand flames wind and mind.
became unconscious. 4KiduiUft fesgtcMi 4$4t *344444
4T? W fewS ЧЧ^Г5§ЧТ1 ^fefeqfe^M VW^'*H4|4ldH.»4^H
зтп ш ч t o t ич о и Narayana, the soul of the universe also
When I too lost my senses, then Brahma became white complexioned boar of gigantic
size of a hundred yojanas.
said, “What for were you praising yourself?
What is this third element before us? Let us
stop quarrelling. <*HiferiiW4i4RT ftiw rot 4gK44»i1l4^ll
fW ТЗёПЗГWBJcT: He had the gigantic body resembling the
Sumeru mountain, possessing the lustre of the
зга! 4 ii ч
time of dissolution and white fangs, long
Let us examine the fire which has suddenly nostrils, creating the terrific sound.
emerged between us? How has it arisen? I
$w4i<j feferaif З ч
shall go down below this pillar.
щ д а я тш ч4чтчч4«й ч ч щ ч ч ^ и
TTTt^f JF3TFTO! ЧЧЧ % 414^44:1
He had small hoofs and surprising limbs.
зга^ч т а # w h ir i ц ? и He took to the form of a charming boar and
О Lord of the people, with the speed of went downwards with great speed.
wind, you better fly upwards in order to ife 4 чч:1
examine its top.
4 ^ fe II4 4 II
Wfera Going downwards, Visnu, kept on
4 4 з п р [ ^ Ш гН Т ^ ^ Ч Ч е Ь < 1 т Ц И wandering for a thousand years. From that
i m z MiHcii^lim^ii time onwards, Sveta-Varaha-Kalpa was
Brahma said, “О Sage, thus speaking,
Visnu, the soul of the universe, took to the 444 qRiurt chM4o^ch:l
form of a boar and I myself took to the form 4WT «l§sil fe«Jj: 3l4feraj44t44:ll4° H
of a swan. О Sage of the gods, this Sveta-Varaha,
Щ JU jfo ЧТЧ1||Щ ЧТГ f e l l f e l t f l
became useful in the counting of the human
times. The all powerful Visnu, kept on
^ 8 T qfqBlf^rimvil wandering in the nether world for long.
From that day onwards, I was called by the
ЧТЧ3444Ф4Щ4 4 H fe lf4 4 ^44:1
name of Hamsa-virSt, all illustrious being.
Therefore the one who recites the name of 4ТЧШ?Г W S f e ^ 4 I 4 4 l f T ^ 4 ! || $ till

Harhsa, shall become the symbol of purity. Visnu in the form of VarSha, could not find
Rudra Sarhhita (Srsti Khanka), Chapter 8 197

even the slightest end of the linga. О ^зттчщг гГ Trrsftr u?nmt!i

Destroyer of the enemies, for the same period,
ччт1з^ ^ ! wi <4<*tji и
I also kept on wandering above.
They said, “We are not at all aware of your
d W W jU d P h T ^ h l! true form, О Great lord, salutation to you.
Please reveal your true form quickly to us.
I tired my best by all the means to find out T?cf ¥ K rtfd W W ?l4 W > K JT f'4'dt:l
the top of the linga but could not succeed.
aiiciiirti4Vii{H! 4d4iR«idd)Wdiii^<?ii
Therefore, I also went back.
О Best of the sages, both of us having been
triNr я*ГсПЙ(ЦчЭЛ: strt: «b4WHi'4M:i infested with pride, continued offering
5 ? II salutation to the linga for hundreds of years.
Similarly the lotus eyed lord Visnu too fftt з1)Гумч?;ж|и| %farrart w nm l
feeling tired, inspite of his having the gigantic ^ ^ 4 lts 4 ;A f% ra p ^ rfg ^ o |tih t ЧТО w rrf5ST O :ll\9ll
body which could accommodate all the gods,
came back from the nether world at the same
time, as I did from the sky.
W H Id ) w M f u iM c t l Я с Г 4 f : l

He arrived with me and offering salutation

to Siva again and again, getting influenced
with his Maya stood there with an upset mind.
■дШ: ttrN N fH?T: Tri^TriTi
Ttftrm^r HUT W& TTriTR fchfddPrildll ^ ЦII
Visnu together with me started offering
salutation to Sivalinga from back side, front,
and both the sides. Then we started thinking.
“What can this be?”
3 T ft< fr d €T d ^ 4 m i 4 e h 4 d f 5 d 4 l
Sffaf- ШН MIM4lfo*mtaK4JI ^ ^
This form cannot be expressed clearly. It is
without action and name. It is without any sex
destination but still appears as a linga and is
beyond the path of meditation.
Ш Ш IWT f^ T H4W»l<4<|i|uft|

Both myself and Hari controlling our

minds started offering our salutations to the
Rudra Samhita (Sr?ti Khanka), Chapter 8 197

Description of the body of
fam^Tter RtTtr: w ^
ТТЙЩТ ar ?IWoqRT:ll ? II
Brahma said, “O Sage, when the pride of
both Brahma and Visnu, desirous of an
audience with Siva, was shattered, then the
lord who shatters the pride of all the proud
people, and the protector of all, felt merciful
on us.
Щ R W ra* 4Tcft t 71c^niT:l
а М Ш ^5tBTrgoERfi: тдЯгЧ^ПТТ:11?11
At that point of time there arose in the
protected accent, the sound of От, От which
could be clearly heard.
Ы щ Штт тшт Гг1й'Ч?14сн:1
fafHj: Tfi^TRPs^Mr^gdrrarii^ii
Together with me, Visnu with a delightful
mind, forgetting the earlier enmity, he who is
198 Siva-Mahapuranam

adorable by all the gods, thought, “What is It was free from the beginning, middle or
this huge sound?” the end. It was cause of bliss, truthful, blissful,
IgtfW rnfr -далцV*lrH4IdHHJ as well as the nectar.
ЗТПГ с|и\цсЬККэЧу<ЬК rNft сТгГ: IIЧ II тгщзг
Then Visnu, to the right of the linga found JrftbillUHH'WWIdhW ^TII wn
the eternal most being’s manifestation. Visnu said, “Where from has it appeared.
Initially he saw akara (31) and ukara (3) We shall examine the column of fire. I shall
towards the north. These were the two go down the column.
syllables he found. eld[VK*Ri foWTH
w t iTKReN чтзчч&т yifufdi йч чтшпт т?ччп ^ и
gubnir § ^и Then he the soul of the universe started
In between them was the syllable такйга thinking about the Vedic word от. At that
(ч) and at the end he found the mystical sound point of time, there arrived a saint, who
in the form of Nada. The entire composition revealed the essence of the truth to him.
stood there in the form of Oth in the end. He
found the akara like the blazing sphere of the
solar disc. ЩГ& ht W xrttii ^ II
It was with the efforts of the said sage, that
ЗтЙ 4MchHl9!W*iR<jftWTl4!I he could recognise Paramesvara or Mahadeva,
т а чтч 4sj?r:ii^ii who happens to be the Supreme Brahman
О excellent Rsi, or the best among the embodied in Sabda-Brahman (or the mystical
sages, he found the ukara (u) standing like the syllable от).
fire towards the north in a dazzling condition
fePTT ч%тт ctrat -грччщ Wl
and found такйга like the lunar disc in the
middle. 3ШЩ dfae^d elM ^cbl^ U I ^T;M?3II
Brahman is the form of Rudra, who is free
from all the anxieties. It is in comprehensive
sjAdid)d44ri fr^ s ra ii с и by the words and the mind. He could be
Above it was seen by him the supreme adored with the single syllable mantra orh.
Brahman, the biggest refuge, like the spotless
crystal gem. It was the pure being beyond the 'ЦёЬТцАщ Ц<ЦеЫ<иЩ|
fourth (Turiya). It was unsullied and T rfhraraw чт ц г ттртгчп u
undisturbed. Thus the supreme Brahman, possessing
f4&S ehetci truth, bliss and the nectar, is greatest of the
great and the ultimate cause, is beyond Para-
It was free from any mutual conflict,
single, void, free from internal and external,
though lodged in interior as well as exterior. ^4»'«y<rgebKK94I^R: 4T W W (II^II
3iifd4btii4R:f|d4M ^^iifdcbKm4,i The syllable akara (3T) is the source of lord

цсччнчодч m w ттттогчгн n Brahma. The single syllable ukara (3) is the
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 8 199

source of Visnu, the source of the ultimate M S R I "Щ р Т f i t З Р П с* ^И

cause. When the golden egg was broken by
Paramesvara, in the water, then half part of it
R t^tll i?V9li flew above and its lid became the upper
With the single syllable makara (R) lord
Siva Акйга (4) is he creator of the universe, # ■щ Tjfsrat
while ukara f5) is the enchanter of the dWKusi^ch <*<*Kii9iia^4tsi:iR'8ii
universe. The lower part became the earth of five
characteristics out of that egg was bom
чськнэч! #зт \c и Brahma with four faces expressed by the
syllable kakara (ka).
Makara (4) is always graceful, all
pervading as well as the progenitor. Акйга (3t) ъ w ¥ ТГ5Г JW :i
is the seed. Цо|4МЙЙ «Kbfardlg’iWl ^TTrii^mi
He is the creator of the entire universe. He
alone takes to three forms. Therefore the
people well-versed in the Yajurveda, call it
Ukara (3) is the yoni of Hari, who is the
source, perceptible, the lord of primordial
nature and primordial being, the progenitor, ШЩ cTER TfmrfT W ^ l
the lord, arose from the seed- the syllable (зт). Ц,С|^С( 95l(9lr4l§aic|4)lw<lll Я^ II
«М f^RTHI rflrRH гГ oUcrfw:l
Listening to the words of the Yajurveda,
зт Wt:IRoll the Rgveda and the Samaveda also started
addressing us Visnu and Brahma.
The progenitor is stationed after dividing
itself, from whose linga, the lord, arose the
seed syllable.
Thus realising about Mahesvara the lord of
dM irm im iaqiSW ач5Щ?щци ^ the gods, appropriately with the mantras, all
the gods started eulogising him.
When the seed was dropped in the yoni
named ukara (u) then it started growing from
all the sides and was turned into a golden egg. ^ w w "mi ir d и
It was beyond the comprehension of every In the meantime, lord Visnu the preserver
body and it had one other symbol. of the universe, witnessed a wonderful and
зй<*|<£< ш *TT4j f^ m u t arafei^ i charming form.
«rat %rr ??и ^ T f 3 f *fl !I
The divine golden egg lay in the water for HMIeblPd^MI^Tb 4l'4mMUmfyd^|| ^ ||
a long time. When it was broken after a He had five faces ten hands, white
thousand years, Brahma emerged out of it. complexion like the camphor, possessing the
Э11Ц Ф З figRt Щ П » П Ч |^ Й и | f I various types of lustre and adorned with
200 Siva-Mah3purSnam

several types of ornaments. The five letters (ka, kha, ga, gha, па) (at,
4*mi4 ttfTwt^nT4i Ш, П, Ч X) stood for his five right hands. The
five letters starting from ca, cha, ja, jha, fia
rf <[gT ЧТ4 WT gKll4fsV+T<u jjfT: II ^ о || X, "8, ат, ?T, X stood for his five left hands.
It had diverse brilliant features. It was
gi<iwif< щ т т щ |,
extremely benevolent, possessing great
prowess and possessed the symbols of the т а з х тт чмтт: ззгйп
great personalities; witnessing his best form Similarly the five letters starting with ta (3)
myself and Visnu felt extremely beholden. and the five letters beginning with ta stand for
the legs. The letter 3 (pa) stands for his belly
and the letter T (Pha) is his right side.
1?[°4 ^ЧЧКэММ ТГр1Й81гГ:11^^11
Thereafter lord Siva, known as Mahesvara «ranft згттп^гсз т а г : ззч?п
as well a Parames'vara, appeared in his divine тшт) 4ffXr:ii3<iii
form embedded in four letters, looking The letter ba (X is his left side and the
delightful. letter bha (4) represents his shoulders. The
letter та (?) stands for his heart.
^ j u i ^ 4 1 « * i() с ц ц н Ь н ч и 3 ? и ilebKI^ebRWI Ц«|М д;|
Akara (зт) was his head, (зт) akara was his ^ТТГ WTf^RctiTt % $МТТГ д м 3 ^ 1 1
forehead, (I) Ikara was his right eye, the letter The letters ya X), ra (T), la (ct), va Car), da
I (t) was his left eye. C?T), sa (4), sa (T F T ) are the seven dhatus (vital
SeKRt УЫЧ<*К1 ЩЦ 35Ц?Т| secretions) of the lord. The letter ha (?) is his
navel and ksa (ST) is his nose.
гГ^т дтчХг xrtWr:ii^^ii
The letter и (3) is his right ear and the letter T7cf VK44 WFMT7 тртГгМ: |
й (зт) is his left ear. The letter г (X) is his right wwtt w £ ?fX и? оu
cheek of the great lord. Thus witnessing the saguna form of the
ЩЧ еЬЧ1н^сЫ<1 Ц Ц ЧШТО* 3*П Nirguna lord with Parvatl, with letters
embedded in them, both myself and Visnu,
TJcFTCSte 3®% #RTTWrft fX4t:!l^ll
felt contented.
(X) Rkara was the left cheek. Both the
nostrils were represented by the letters (cf) Цёг ^gr tritylH VK4I^<H4 f w i l
and (x). Ekara (ч) was his upper lip and Ai м м гд w f^ M : nу
(4) was his lower lip. Finding lord Siva in the form of letters, or
зтмгш vwWfl stmti the form of Sabda-Brahma, both myself and
Visnu offered our salutation to him and started
looking at him again and again.
Okara (ait) Aukara (3ft) stood for both the
lines of the teeth. Am and ah (зт and зт:) stood э&дтшгоаг! тм : дтшч11еЬЧЩгТХ1
for both the palates. ^рщ%Щ$п::11,#?11
^ if < 4 ^ i^ u iu 4 c i ш f w s r g ro w : и Ч ||* |5 П « Ч ^ ^ V ile b K ^ tllV ^ I I
Rudra Samhita (Sr§ti Khanka), Chapter 9 201

The mantra beginning with omkara, syllable mantra (or Pancaksara) and the
comprising of five rays, and composed of tattvamasi mantra, which is the Mahakavya of
thirty-eight syllables, is as pure as the crystal Нага. Lord Visnu used these mantras for the
gem, which bestows intelligence, dharma and performing of the japam.
artha. This mantra has emerged out of Gayatrl
is extremely effective in exercising control m dfHMufyj-ад: wrefaumi
over others. чъчмэч зтшччп ц о n
Then observing the rays in the form of Rk,
Yajuh and Sama, the one who is Isana, the
m wfarfr 'fRf: еьн1Цеьич1д?!:11'*'*11
best of the lords, and the one who, is Purana
The Gayatrl mantra comprises of twenty- Purusa.
four syllables, is best in all the four kalas. The
five syllable mantra of eight kalas consisting зтшт^г fir Ы д е
of thirty syllables, is employed for black
magic. fom : ttc^ t t fw r i
y ^ R y fd ^ ^ H c b H u m n ц ?n
•О о rii'smi p r a giPflRaife: ш
It has been prescribed in the Yajurveda for 4di ^r s9 \3
ч? n * '

incantation and other related rites which could The one who is simple hearted, pleasant,
be of twenty-five or thirty letters and should all pervading Sadasiva, Vamapada, and
be recited by the people. Mahadeva, who adorns his person with the
<»Н1ё«=ЬЦЧ1^тЕ: IJ&T: VIlPdehWTl ornaments of serpents, whose arms, feet and
eyes are spread on all the sides, lord of
Brahma and who is responsible for the
One should recite the mantras with eight creation maintenance and destruction, the
rays, which is white, bestower of peace, and same lord Siva was adored by myself and lord
the mantra beneficial for children having Visnu delightfully, with the pleasing words.
thirteen rays should be recited.

чтч1КчВктг: IIс II
cftnf ЦсЫЙсЫ: WIU^II •kick
The same mantra always became the cause
of creation, expansion and destruction and
there are sixty letters in this mantra.
Ч-^Wd: ТЩПТ 'hcT: I
f^RrmfaiwT т а

w ra tra m ^гзтпт snraFffr: 11*^11

Lord Visnu then secured five mantras :-
Mrtyunjaya mantra, Pancaksara mantra,
Cintamani mantra, Daksimamurti mantra, five
Rudra SamhitS (Sv§ti Khanka), Chapter 9 201

Siva-tattva highlighted

3Wi«tfti4 3ft fgpap^Tt тегрт

TlcTW cb^unfqfytll ^11
Brahma said, “Siva on hearing his praise
from Visnu, felt delighted with his Sakti.

202 &iva-Mah3puranam

He was five faced, three eyed, with his should you be meditated upon? How are you
head adorned with the crescent moon, wearing impressed by anyone?
matted locks of hair over the head, white щ Ы я ^ я ! длятся н я
complexion, vast eyes and had applied the
я а т а д т о я*Г Trteref з г я !и я и
holy ashes over the body.
O Mahadeva, what should we do at your
<дащ4ТняН: wfaturnfad:! command? О Siva, you kindly issue your
command to be followed by us in future for
He had ten arms, blue throat, adorned with our pleasure.
all the ornaments, over all the beautiful limbs яя?я4 щ и ! fRt Зкягсяя*: яят!|
of the body, having applied tripundra over the
forehead. детФт ш я щ Щ т thrill m i
О Lord, taking us to be your slaves, you
t <ЩТ ЯЯТ-? ятйятя! tell us whatever is further required to be told
jjEra’ ^ ii^ ii to us.”
Thus looking at Siva with his Sakti, lord «RjTt^R
Visnu again eulogised him in a charming
з я т я а я ч тйетт ^гстяя: д » Ч 1 Ш :н w i
Rh Hi y i r r ^ w ^ ?T :l
етН^тя з я т я
13ШТ%гП г а ^ Г Ш Tq%^T: cfi^UllcbCimil
ЯЯгЯТ Я Я З Н Ш t f a t S 4f ЯS 3 Т Я Я Л |
Thereafter the compassionate lord, gave to С\

lord Visnu all the four Vedas from his breath. я ? я я ят я ^ я ^ я я я fg p R rn rn ^ и

cTcTT jT R tR T T ^ Щ Я W R l
Brahma said, “The compassionate lord
Siva, getting pleased, said, “I have been
Ч1Ч1гЧ1 ЯЯ% <rlc|l-t»4i|| Я^!||$|| immensely pleased with your devotion. Facing
Thereafter he bestowed the divine Mahadeva, don’t be afraid in any way.
knowledge to Visnu, which, О Sage, was
passed on by Visnu to me gracefully. ЯЯ ■ЯсР ЯЗЯ ST3 ЯЯ1
Я1гетт 31Bf TRT^TrT: II ^ 1 1
тщ щ 1яяя Rf rО : ш яч^я О
You should always adore my linga and the
fRisih tni3ifci4rcil яят я? я^гя^и^и way you have meditated upon me presently,
After receiving the knowledge of Vedas you should do so in future as well.
from Siva, lord Visnu felt extremely beholden,
and with both his hands folded, he enquired h f e l t fR^WTUT ЯЯЯ! f ^ f e r Я*ЯТ1
from Mahes'vara, offering his salutation to d i w r f t Я ^ М ^ Я Т ЯЧ15Я1к1>я4еЬ?1:11 ^ 1 1
him. In case, I am adored in the form of a linga
fgms3rw E T than I bestow all types of rewards to the
зет щ янгй яят w r: зет -jmti people as per their desire.
35Я s i r Mifej дет зя(я я^яатяи 6 и Я^Г яЯтТЗГ <444)1: ■дяяяя^1
Lord Visnu said, “O Lord, how do you get яМ ЯЯ Я ЯЯТ ЯП^гТЭЯТЩ ЯП II
pleased? How could I adore your? How О Best of the gods, whenever you face any
Rudra Saihhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 9 203

type of misery, then by adoring my linga all ЗГдсПг! 4#TR TtfbPM fJrn^fH:ll??ll
the miseries vanish atonce. Brahma said, “Listening to these words of
Siva, with me, Visnu offered his salutation to
^гргоогрштчщт зщ %|| ^ и lord Siva and said to him.”
Both the valorous gods like you are born fqUj|+)C
from my own Prakrti, out of my right and the Щ WRIT Щ #
left side. I am lord of all.
^ fЧЩRtfa giottfiin M ii -Rъ И
SRI ^ tdichfildl4$:l Lord Visnu said, “In case you are really
cpw afa fzm&w
шО ш : 4Tiw.ii y&u '
pleased with us, and in case you intend to
Brahma the grandsire of the world has bestow a boon on us, then let us remain fully
emerged from my right side, and Visnu has devoted at your lotus like feet.
emerged from the left side of the Parmatma. cwwrcRnsr ftjjuasftt %i
4=RTT: « « P e tf ^ fw ri f*5 qfj- cTTtr! щ m: ■qR^R:ll II
#r wiraaRthTzg^Rmi \c и О Dear one, because of your sport, inspite
I am extremely pleased with both of you, of your being formless, you have taken a
therefore, I bestow upon you the desired definite form, О Lord, then help us.
boons. You should be firmly devoted to me. fcTdn?4ft # wti
шШ ! R = # T fasjRT f W W TI ^FPTT #1 II
^ ^ f^Etf Я!# II ^ II О Lord of gods, the controversy developed
О Learned persons, both of you should between us was for good, for the removal of
make a Parthiva image of mine and adore it the same, you graced us with your presence.”
appropriately earning all the pleasures.
RT f t WW 4 4 : ЗГЩ lif t # 4 1
д?тт! д * т ! # ! RT w Ч Н & * T44W<RII ? o || 5ifti4rd f w 4srr фстщШдг: t w t ir ^ ii
О Brahma, the following of my command, Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
you better engage yourself in creation. О Son, Visnu, Siva again said to Visnu, who stood
О Hari, you will feed the mobile and
there with his hands folded.
immobile world.”

t m‘O t s w
WWW mi?\9ii
it# ?ТЩ: Щ d*tfr±#yi:ii 4 V\
Brahma said, “Thus speaking lord Siva Siva said, “Inspite of my being with form
advised us on the method of the best form of and formless, I create the universe, preserve
adoration as a result of which Siva bestows and destroy the same. I am unblemished and
best of results which are auspicious.” supreme Brahman with blissful symbol.
ЩТГсГГЗ' fen ftrat m fawr!
W #11^11
204 Siva-MahapuriSnam

О Visnu, I, because of creation, Therefore there should be no difference

maintenance and destruction am known by the between Siva and Rudra.
names of Brahma, Visnu and Siva. О Hari,
d$eb*4 ciWri
^ «befell
therefore, I am complete in all respects.
^ег! чтч^ ч
Ч терл ^татг! «гщщт
О Lord, as with a single piece of gold
msfat лт ebRbJTifri чдаялсч: ir <?ii several ornaments can be made, and inspite of
О Visnu, the prayer you have recited with the different names of the ornaments, the gold
Brahma, for self defence in the battlefield, I remains the same.
shall make that prayer successful because I am
devoted to my devotees. d$«b'Wl ччг ^ чтчгчй Ч щш-л
Rfd ЛТЛ Лс|^тГ:| ЩТГГТ^Ц cbpf ^ TtferR ^ ^ II
Similarly with the lump of clay several
WfltafcdJ ёТТ%ЧТЯТ Щ: У^ШчТс1:|| ^ о и
pots can be made, with different names, but
О Brahma, my form which would appear there remains no difference in clay.
from your body would be known by the name
of Rudra. gsratfer 1ч*^?пШг: ^::i
$11441 ЧЧ
^T tst 4 f3TTfgrfijferR?T:ll ^ ^11
О Brahma, О Visnu, the learned men
possessing spotless wisdom, think in this way,
Because of his being my part, his strength
and there should not develop any differences.
would not be even slightly reduced. Wherever
am I present, he would also be there. cffdcfd Ъ fVIEi^d flcfUJhl
Therefore there would be no difference ЗЩЧсГТЧ^ГсГ 'гтТЗ'гт ^f^Eyfdll 3 4 ц
between the two of us. The method of
adoration for both remains the same 4 ^ ^ W l 4%4I
w ъ ч ti
tPnfh гг ЦЧГЧЧЧМ3 II
According to my opinion, we should see
стггт ллртттгрттА ч % ii 3 3 и
the form of Siva, as the basic material as
Though the light inspite of coming in myself, you, Brahma and Rudra will be
contact with water cannot touch it, similarly, I manifesting himself, and shall have the same
being formless, cannot be bound by coming in form. There is no difference. In case of
contact with anything else. difference, that would have been bondage, yet
тй ш ^rsftr %crarf^n the eternal form of Siva is mine alone.
Ч m ^ Efirfelgr ч ? л й ! II ц з и Ч#ЧЧ ЧЧТтЬ Ъ ТРЩПЧЧЧЧВ&Ч1
Siva is my original form and Rudra is like $|Ы1 tPTOT dvddtlLko ||
the same. Therefore there is no difference of The pure form of Siva is said to be the
higher and lower in them. main root- the truth, the knowledge and
сГШТ f e t ФШ 1 endless. Knowing this fully well, it must be
ЗШТ ЧЧГ 4 ^ т а ч п ^ 'Х П
meditated upon, truthfully in your mind.
Actually they have the same form but are щ ш m чг щетч to i
known in the world by two different names. «ФЧ-УМГ ЧТЧ ^ 44:11^11
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr^ti Khanka), Chapter 9 205

0 Brahman, you listen to me, I am going to who are quite auspicious.

reveal an other secret to you. Except Rudra, % TIP? TRTi *RI<igci«il
both of you have been born of Prakrti.
Ртгпп: dRjdidi: ^ f r m ! iu ,?ii
These Saktis too would be engaged in the
пиЫГч rm tTEwnm: qrpft ЗТ:11^ц task of creation, maintenance and the
1 have myself been bom because of my destmetion. О Best of the gods, these two
own will from the eyebrow of Brahma. That goddesses are the parts of my dear Prakrti.
Rudra has been said to be possessing tamas Щ Ъ ^qlqillteRST cfcpf
щгёй w Rrct нфгмунчеиз* wn ч о и
You while adoring LaksmI, conduct
ч т й сщртГ тчч: qft«l$Ktll'tf9ii yourself and О Brahma, you get along with
Не is no Vaikarika in reality. He actually the goddess of speech who is the part of my
represents ahamkara (pride) and not tamas. Prakrti.
ccRJTI tjPgcfinS itt Tvf n f^ n f^ rffn i
^fgTJrrf ЧЩ S g R jfesr w r a f r f R : l l 'ttf'ifll зщ grrrft wfarq- nfrrWr ч ш г т и ч
О Brahma, because of this, you function as <*п5п-нчц|
the creator of the universe, while Hari (Visnu)
Ы оМ Тг4Т§Ш^сРП1 ч ч II
will protect it.
TJltf: fH4TTtnra:i
rrats^r # *qf?TI
^ПЧ^ПЧППтЕГ (TlcbMi % ш т:и ч?и
At my command you engage yourself in
dEMI4d ¥|1чНтЦе5) ЕГТ the task of the creation of the universe, while
3RJT viRb: T T K ff^ rfw n 11 on my part I shall have the Kali form of my
My part known as Rudra, would function beloved, linked to Rudra form of mine and
as the creator of dissolution and the goddess engage myself in dissolution of the world. The
Uma, also known as Prakrti, shall produce a loka with all the as'rama and the four varnas,
goddess of speech, who would serve Brahma. and attending to other jobs, you become
The other Saktis would be bom from Prakrti. comfortable. Attaining knowledge and perfect
fgraj -щ щ\\ wisdom, you carry on the welfare activities in
the world.
Taking to the form of LaksmI, she would rRrtkt ЯТНИ ЦЩTT% Ч$\$Щ\
take refuge with Visnu. Another Sakti known Т1Й Чй,т^с| ТЩТ#ИЧ^11
as; Kali would form my part. From today onwards, you bestow salvation
^ i d i ^ u l Ш rfq' cbiq^«f iTRTf^jfTTI to the people in the world. The people would
earn the same merit by meeting you as they
рй t k l : TRfnr: ЩТТТ: ^TT:ll^<t
achieve by meeting me.
She would appear in the universe for
taking up the effective work. Thus I have 444^ SW ЧА1 44гЧ 4 44^1*4*I
explained about the three types of goddesses, WIH44II
206 Siva-Mah3puranam

Thus I have today bestowed a boon on you. from all the gunas.
This is true. This is true. There is no doubt f e w t qfgefii 4%4T ЧМ±Ы f4diwr^4l
about it. Visnu resides in my heart and I reside
in the heart of Visnu. 4ЙьчГн MriJI^qTII ^ ^ ||
О Visnu, you protect Brahma, the creator
344П4ТТ % 4 ^TRTfT TRf 441
of the universe, making all the efforts, quite
clW I^Jl 4 4 lovingly. At my command, you will be
I do not feel any difference between the adorable in all the three worlds.
two, because Brahma has emerged out of my Ш fEfSfcUTfq 43 44 vrfWri
right side and Visnu has emerged from my left
% ЗЧ[а% с|гП % f? й«Н1й*м»к*:115Э11
Rudra will be worshipped by you as well
f a w n f3HiUci:i
as Brahma. The one who destroys the three
ftsiT fow l W t fgHITt! W f ^ P ° T T W l T i m ^ l l worlds, is the complete incarnation of Siva.
Rudra- the soul of the universe has been 41% qf?r w : m f%rm?:i
bom out of my heart. О Visnu, in this way I
43 т ^ i f % 4 f irrsfir 43ГЗТ:11^Н
have been divided into three parts viz.,
Brahma, Visnu and Bhava. In the Padma-kalpa, Pitamaha will be bom
as your son. There you will meet me together
with the lotus born Brahma.”
TpifavT: f?!cr: 'ЩПсЯ^': 4WR4T:ll4<iil
TJciqcRen MjjyiH: frot w .\
I create, maintain and destroy with the
4 4 : % 4T4 41MlAll 4 % T : 44:11^411
three gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas. Lord
Siva has three different gunas (i.e. sattva, After saying this and showering enormous
rajas and tamas) and is beyond Prakrti and mercy, Siva, the Lord of universe, again spoke
Purusa. lovingly to Visnu.
Щ дЗИ&Й f4c4tS44T: 40% f 4 W 4 :l е Ш 4 4 Ш 4 Т П Й % ft4 T 4 t "^ rf% T14t Ж 4 ^

SRHcHTf «T%:^wife'Ji''ic4(nobl ц ^ II ^ Ч И э Е Г Й (VHdTdclul-i 414 4 c l4 t s s n 4 :ll'? ll

I am the Supreme Brahman the eternal one,
endless, perfect, complete and spotless. Visnu,
the protector of the three worlds, has tamas
inside, but Sattva outside. Нага who causes
dissolution of three worlds has sattva within,
but tamas outside.

4% 4лп%%%4 4urfa?r: fym: TgW:ll^^ll

Brahma on the other hand having rajoguna
inside as well outside, creates the three
worlds. Thus all the three gods have their
respective qualities while Siva is different
206 Siva-Mah3puranam

Parama Siva-tattva
wrsrc зсгта
^ ; ! fgw ft! ?TRR ^ 'р ? т ! |
^ sa гтгёге тчта: w сч
it 'цГсО^Гии ^ii

Parmesvara said, “O Hari, О Visnu, О

Suvrata, you better listen to my command.
You will be respected and adored by all the
people at all the times.
13 ПТТТ згзггатП
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr?t* Khanka), Chapter 10 207

When the miseries would spread in the tp p t Щ Ц !I

world created by Brahma, then you should ТЩ Щ Щ qtfgniTT! -Щ Ц r <r q WR:n<?ll
keep yourself ready to remove the same.
О Purusottama, the one who would be
% ebRbillfa Refen# R §:r | | inimical to you would surely fall in the hell. О
cl^ ftTTTKTR Ч<Ч1«*<ИЧ11 3 II Visnu, this is my command. This is true.
I shall always help you in your unbearable There is no doubt about it.
tasks. I shall also destroy the terrible quit f^ to r :i
invincible enemies. к ггг: т н щ R rffiq t f t i i g m i ^ r ^ ii и
fafayHddKUST eblidgrJVTqj О Visnu, in this world, you would bestow
f w r n r w t ! ^ 1% dKUlid xrfr RRI pleasures and salvation to the people. You
jiuncvmi ^ i m з г а тгатп 11 shall be adored and respected.
(HlebHi ddl?ld4 q R??R:II4 II PpFR T Rt Щ W p J T R J R wR r i

О Lord Visnu, you, by incarnating RSIRTRTR § : % RR R ^ l l ^ ||

variously, spread the best of your glory and Thus speaking, holding me, the creator and
get ready to redeem the people of the world. I Visnu by hand, he said to Hari, “Always
being Rudra in saguna form shall perform all render help to the people in distress.
the jobs of the people and those which would T r a f e i ^ r r ^ r у (т ь ч (т ь у < ы < * :1
be beyond your capacity to perform, I shall
RR щ R ^ T и 4 « Ы Ч Н Ш е Ь : || ^ и
accomplish those jobs as well. There is no
doubt about it. You would be the presiding deity of all the
gods, and would bestow pleasures and
*?Ш«111 salvation to all. You would fulfil all their
dddU-dt ^ ста' Ъ&ц felRII $ II desires.
Rudra should take care of you and Brahma RcfRT H'lUlWUST R 3 r a t R 1ПЩШТ1
should take care of Rudra. There is hardly any -r !11 ^ 11
difference between both of you as well as
At my command, you will be the life-force
between you and Rudra. in all the people. О Hari, at the time of
WdSrrfq ^ g ' cppTtsft R&f rtl
distress, I would be adored in the form of
«нЧнапГч R^TfowTl! RrR RRiqR7Rl:iiV9ii Rudra.
In fact you are duly representing the three <RT R : R R lfa c h RR RT*TR R R R lfs P L l

tattvas. О Visnu the visible difference is due 3RTt RSJ vrfNlfd f r ^ T R R fq f c |R I I ^ 1 1

to my divine play as well as the boon. This is One who takes refuge with you, has surely
the truth. There is no doubt about it. taken refuge with me. The one who visualises
ЧТГ W ttcT fretf diRbiifdl any difference between two of us, he surely
falls in the hell.
RRI p R r ftRsM p WT ^fdbdfdll6 II
The one who being the devotee of Rudra anpfcr ijtjiMia Ore^Hi fary№a:i
would denounce Visnu, all his virtues would RR^SR q oRrfait «r^fRHpTRRRTRII II
soon be reduced to ashes. You better listen to the life span of the
208 Siva-Mahapuranam

gods. One should not doubt about the unity of 4 % r e ^ r o i4 :^ : w ic k y q fw d M l

Brahma, Visnu and Siva. WA q fg q p n R tET TIT Щ Т ^ R r f ^ T l i y ^ l l
f t t W W l ^ l R l d R i ъ ttR w TT 4 f e l r T l
TTfej гАЩ ?ll 4b II W d T f ^ H t t M ^ I M h d ' W I r W I S ^ T : T ^ r T : II у II
A day of Brahma comprises of four A pala comprises of six respirations. Sixty
thousand yugas. The period of night is also such pa'las constitute one ghatl. Sixty ghatis
similar. constitute a day and a night (6 x 60 x 60 =
cH &l'3'f a3g w m :\ 21,600). There is no limit to the number of
y i d d & R l u R W T 5 : 4 R c h )fd d 4 JI yV9ll
respiration of Sadasiva and as such he is
In this way there are thirty days in a month,
twelve months in a year and thus Brahma has wr ш ^гаМ w w m \
the age of a hundred years. d Id r o p s ' c R F f ^ Л R r i^ R R f h iiy q ii
9ГрЩГ cHfrn%UT f^ T ^ W T c ffS P tl Therefore at my command, you should
^tsftr iiicidirhhWd ^ f? n i 46 11 protect this form and should engage yourself
for the preservation of the universe .”
A year of Brahma is equivalent to a day of
Visnu, who lives for a hundred years W ^T R l
according to his own calculation. ^ 6 4 lc b u 4 Ш : ^ 'M h d lt j R : !
t w | c | 4 <T c^TTT f t R f t e uftrrarq sr Ш п?1 ш? y^n
# ^ 4Twm W w : 11 ^ 11 Brahma said, “Then I having controlled my
A day of Siva is equivalent to a year of senses, and Visnu, listening to the words of
Visnu. Accordingly Siva in the form of a Siva, offering salutation to Siva quite slowly.
human, lives for a hundred years. fdtJUivtM

dlfl^d R ld 35% ^ iRld ^ R ^ q i ЩТ! г!

w ^ f r b prw4f?r m an you «cjMd^hRfcillRl Г: II у\эн
Till such time Sadasiva breathes and when Visnu said, “О Ocean of mercy, you are
he exhales the breath, it merges into Sakti. the lord of the universe, О Lord Siva, you
kindly listen to me, I shall perform all
xt ц4ч|4с| 4Rj4l4J
whatever has been desired of me, at your
9l^fd«J|^llU|i w l?yn command.
The process of inhaling and exhaling is
tPT Ш : Щ xt 'qfdtqRi 4
found in all the creations, besides Brahma,
Visnu, Siva, serpents, Raksasas and others. черт: тщ w i i у г, 11
You would always remain adorable for me.
There is no doubt about it. I had achieved
3TffTT3fTf&T rilrhlfd ЗЩЩТ FTHWllI у у 11
strength from you earlier.
О Best of the gods, twenty one thousand
^ЩЧЫЧГч w ftp ra SIR щ ~44\
six hundred respirations constitute the period
of a day an i night. 4гГСТГ с[Ш ^ *<N411 У у II
Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanda), Chapter 11 209

О Master, your meditation is everything Then lord Siva, who is favourably inclined
for me. Let it not be removed from my mind towards his devotees, cast a compassionate
even for a moment. glance at us and in our full view he
tm Ч тШ 4 : w f w c t cbRbyfd l
disappeared from the place.
ww tl 1ят%^ттт fra^rii 3 ои RJ?T:l
In case any devotee of mine disregards яЩгГ: :ll ^ ll
you, you will assign constant his residence in The tradition of the adoration of linga
the hell. originated in the world since that time. Siva
^ ^ с м Г ц ^ Ш fa d d il f t TT:I
having been consecrated in linga bestows
pleasures and salvation to his devotees.
ТП* t *ТГ fa ^ H lfd TTRT T f f e f I J c f c m i ^ l l
Only the one who is devoted to you would
be dear to me. The one who knows this the ТтЫ PiRgd ^ЗГПТТП3 6 II
salvation would not be far off for him. The pedestal of the linga is the great
T#4T R Щ*ш fePTI goddess, while linga is Siva himself. Since the
entire universe merges into it, it is called the
^ iR ^ J U T s h ' ^ u id lfilfd ll ^ ^ II
You have surely increased my glory today.
In case there be any omission on my part, you ~щ чйфгчштэчн fefTifsrefti
kindly forgive me for the same.” w rro r% g ^ t i fe n w n 3я и
sRpfarar The one who regularly reads the glory of
the linga, he is turned into Siva in six months.
There is no doubt about it.
dcttet fctw j •uyirUI §ПЧТ % 5 u u id l TRTTII ^ ^ II
W c&pf № r*Tlfd rfl
Brahma said, “Lord Siva listening to the
ъщ тщгрш
о шс; Ч 715ЙРт о !IIъ о ||
best words spoken by Visnu, lovingly spoke,
“I have forgiven you for all your omissions.” The one, who, seated in the vicinity carries
out any activity, О Great sage, I am unable to
tic^cK qi f f f TT щ й е т :1 express the virtues he earns by this.
w M TTebtflf-g fHTOT 5 фЧ|1ч&:113'#И ?fiT«flftiewgrjTufr f&atann w-if^diih wweui
This speaking to Visnu, lord Siva, the ^ЙУЧКэЧЙ 4<4fvicldTdc|u?H ч т ^mt5sn*r:ii II
ocean of mercy, then touched all the limbs of
our bodies with his hands.
3T lf^T ?T :l
cHi4^g)1gra4lf^d^ieblfei и^цn
Siva, who removes all the miseries,
discoursing on several aspects of dharma,
pronounced boons also for our welfare.
гГгГ: IT fW ^ rh q r y ^ t:l
^8г1Т TRqWt: #5T d^HTlsflildll II
Rudra Samhita (Srsti Khanda), Chapter 11 209

Method of worshipping Siva

^ et! ^дгт! -qfwm! eiimfviui!

W fe r r S ir ^ T T сШ Т 4 1 4 4 W 4 l l l ? ll

d sllc^ d l ^ tT T IjW T I

^ cfT Щ Т : im r a rT § : l s R T # Я % % 1 1 ^ II
210 Siva-Mahapuranam

The Rsis said, “O Disciple of Vyasa, О чщ 4 йч с^гагм'1 f^dchi«i«im t n

Stita salutation to you. You have narrated the Vyasa learnt it from Upamanyu. The sage
wonderful and auspicious story of Siva today Vyasa, taught me the same mode of adoration
in which we have learnt about the immensely of Siva, for the benefit of the people.
surprising and divine origin of the linga, with
the influence of which, all the miseries in the #cf
world disappear. <Ш1ЯЫ1Г(Ч W WT5dd^tTII II
The similar details were heard from the
sage Upamanyu by Krsna, which I am going
ГутакЗч&гё! pt зn to repeat to you, as had been spoken by
О Ocean of mercy, following the Brahma earlier.”
conversation between Brahma and Narada,
now speak out the mode of the worship of
Siva, which pleases the lord. ЧТТ?! cfa^T^T v |4 T f^ fT 5 R T fl
щ . 4 It
ЗГТЗЙ: f^ :i
Brahma said, “O Narada, you listen to me,
Siva is adored equally by the Brahmanas, I shall briefly speak out the method for the
Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras. How should adoration of linga. О Sage, it cannot be
that adoration be done, you please tell me, as narrated in a hundred years extensively.
you had heard it from the mouth of Vyasa. ТЗсГ § TTTft 4ИМЧЧ1
d«g?en cT5R Ы М 3 Ч-^сФИ! ЯЗтЭТ НИ
зггга т а iim у1чн¥чу ич и In this way the form of Siva bestows
Listening to the beneficial words based on comforts, who is spotless and eternal. The
the Vedas, SOta lovingly started to answer his adoration of same should be done with
questions. devotion.
^?r зоггаг qiftslJ Я<зГrt qfet
•STg W r l^ T f%TT:l ш ii^fyy f?Tcraii н н
5Б8птрвгаг trarafe w sprii $ n The pains emanating from poverty,
ailments, danger from the enemy and all the
Suta said, “O Sages, you have asked me a
very good question, I am going to reveal its four types of sins, trouble a person till such
secret as has been learnt by me, based on my time he does not adore Siva.
own wisdom.
sTcffe: тр щ й язгтат 0 ЯТГ1 ■■НЩйЙW •O 40 I « II
Щ TnWTTTW сПШ ifW^HTIIVall All types of pains and miseries vanish after
The way you have asked me today, the worship of Siva and a person is endowed
similarly, the same question had been asked with all types of comforts in the world and
by Sanatkumara, and Upanianyu had learnt ultimately he achieves salvation at the end.
from him. ^ ЯГ©* 4 4 Ш :
Mt otmfr 0 fyic ^ if^fc щ Щ\ йч тртГ ЯЦ^г: я4еЫ-иМя1УсЬ:11 ИИ
Rudra Samhita (S|"5t> Khantja), Chapter 11 211

A person, who after attaining the human ^ mj ЭнЫ» ЗВШТ:11 я Я»

life intends to get progeny, he should adore A Sudra should use the earth twice for the
Mahadeva, who bestows all the comforts. purpose of cleaning, or he should clean the
siiiauii: $Нзгат rectum twice and the linga once.
vig4w? nfcNf n strait dingtd
The Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas and sr^i4i<4tWM firaTf tru r ? и
Stidras, should adore Siva appropriately and The earth should be applied ten times with
by doing so all the desires are fulfilled. the left hand and seven times with both the
Ш?Т:^ТгГ snjra^jRfci hands. О Dear one, a person shall wash the
ЖШ w i cfSTT W ill ? $ ll feet seven times and both the hands thrice.
One should get up early in the morning at ^< сы 4
the Brahma-muhurta, remember the preceptor ^ y4q*^^4lg^|| ^ ^ II
and then recite the name of Siva again and
?RT: di^rWciukudl ЯГГ:п ^ kii
The women should apply the earth in the
method prescribed for the Sudras. They shall
w fa fNUiurt $ ш ^ !n ^\9ii first wash the hands and the feet and then
O Sage, remembering the holy places as make use of the earth as before. One should
well as Hari, Brahma and other gods and use the twig as per his caste.
sages. fajT: chd^-qebl^ ai«;vu^Jvt4Mri:l
rRT: -Щ & ?П^ЧПТ (Jebl^ll^lvi TRT ^ T : dvll^VII^IHhll^mi
tWteTRT rf^ f^ T II II The Brahmana should use the twig as
Thereafter the Siva-namastotra should be brush, which is twelve angulas (fingers) in
recited. Thereafter he should go to the south length. A Ksatriya should have it eleven
and relieve himself of the bowels. angulas in length, the Vaisya should use ten
angulas in length.
TJcfiT% <T farfsr dr^dH.1
чсц^-н' шчГч? тднчI
rl^T Щ Щ ^дтЩТЕШТTRt !II ^ II
The bowels should be evacuated in a lonely «blvI'^M TTRgS facF^II II
place. О Sage, I am going to speak out the While the size of the twig for Sudra has
method for the same, which you should listen been prescribed to be of nine angulas. This is
attentively. in accordance with the smrtis. Taking into
consideration the time, the defective twig
^ fau iR w rt f^ T ^ n should be discarded.
% rr m & t ш \\ ъ о и Щ1ШЩ 4=nft sRTW T^f^TI
A Brahmana should use earth five times
ш srngfci ш \ ftfag тщФ» ii
for the purpose of cleaning. A Ksatriya should
do so four times and a Vaisya should do so The brushing of the teeth, should not be
thrice. done, on the sixth moon day, moonless day,
ninth day of the moon, the day of Vrata, after
# ft=TTT Ъ J R ^ n f s f e ^ s ^ i sunset, on Sunday, and the day of performing
212 Siva-Mahapuranam

Sraddha for the manes. rm w^wdi fjwt ж : trt.

WR 5 УТГЩf I ш : ТТЩОГГЩV5RRR^9T4;il ^ ^ II

rr цччм>Ч1Пйп Then he should thrice sip the water and

One should take bath at sacred places, after washing the hands should perform
reciting the mantras, keeping in view the time pranayama, concentrating his mind on Siva
and the place. having five faces, ten arms, having the form
resembling the spotless crystal gem, adorned
зттащ wm tr sfa w ъ strati with all the ornaments, using the scarf of the
TJTTRTTR8FTfWRWTWlfdfyWdTdll ? чII tiger skin, conceiving him in the same form, a
Wearing a dhoti, one should sip water at a person is relieved of all the sins. Then lord
good and lonely place, and then perform the Siva should be adored raising him up from the
Sandhyd-vandana. pedestal.
w 4 № fefe fw3T ^infafinen'^ lqi Ш fKW 4<rl4R -d^rihmdl
TRW T3TFTR rfii ^ о II ^ y y t n ^ c l 4dfS -4l«4W ^II^^II
The worship should be performed entering Then purifying the body, one should recite
the place of worship concentrating the mind, the mula-mantra appropriately. The nyasa of
appropriately. the miila-mantra should be performed with
holy water, and that of the six angas with
f sn fa ft w rrw r ^i
Pranava (othkdra).
4M^ab4vi) iftii 3
<3»r4l TOFT W. ТУТ
Sitting over a proper seat and performing
the nyasa etc. according to the prescribed w ra ferre f xi хтшШ *г м<*гЧ^и ? 6 и
mode of worship, one should worship Siva. After ritualistically touching the heart, the
worship should be started. Different vases
щ ц ъ wnraW IRnTRiW^ in
should be used for the purpose of padya,
fsr«BIIHtsr fWTHT W rT te HebcR^II з ч II
arghya and acamana.
Ganesa and other ganas, the Lokapalas
WIN^fAfdyi-^WINd #TRjsnfyfsn
should be worshipped and thereafter the
pedestals should be arranged. "TTwmznw^r cpRiiini 3 ^ 11

зтггдтзв^т i
^cqiUillRleHl dfeyRII^o ||
сГгГШdl4^Vd щ и 3 3II
Or otherwise, one should get himself A person with wisdom should consecrate
seated close to the material for worship and nine pitchers of different sizes and covering
making the eight petalled lotus, lord Siva them with durva grass, sprinkle water over
should be consecrated over the same. them, and then pour the cool water in them.
Sprinkling water over them, the person with
dddNTR Я$Пс*Г rTTR: dJ^I wisdom should pour the dravyas in then
yfOTIdllRy fa r ТТКГSTRUT ?dWefe^||^^ll reciting the откат mantra.
4^detd ^W3T ^«&*Ч>[*е|»^(я*П^1 iRFT w ir t
оЩЦтЦцЫЦсЬЧII II dWl*^Hcb^d«i4Hd*THd»44ll
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 11 213

#4WWWyi «4WWW: MlcjcbWWRI

<1ч4*К41Й<ч,п*? и учИЫГч dwwf «raw: wrer4 ^ 4 idiudii
The fragrant us'ira plant and the sandal The sun is beneath the moon and under the
paste should be poured in them, together with same is the fire and under them one should
nutmeg, gourd, camphor, roots of the banyan conceive of dharma etc.
tree, and tamalaka should be put in the water ararasifw wwi% ytMWRT wwori
to be u. ed for sipping purpose.

Avvakta etc. should be in all the four

трЩигп wrfegiTIU^II quarters. In the end of moon, the three gunas
Nandisvara should be adored at the back of should be lodged. Reciting the mantras
Siva. Siva should be worshipped offering Sadyojatan praviksami Paramesvara should be
fragrance, unbroken rice, incense, lamp and involved.
other dravyas.
Ш 4<l4fht Ч Щ 1 ?^тгагат згатл ftf^rwu ч ° и
Reciting the mantra Vdmadevaya one
Then a person with a delightful mind should be seated over the asana. Then reciting
should sanctify the linga starting with omkara the Rudra-Gayatri, sannidya rite shall be
mantra adding namah at the end. performed and the rite of nirodha shall be
cbWr<KM w R ^ lfd jjl performed with Aghora-mantra.
w rfw Ф л % ч т чЦ пт warn w rw w rh i щ Штата! ц
ц|1н^41тн m и щ щ цщд^гт rni*$n Then adoration should be done reciting the
mantra, Is'anah Sarvavidyanam, offering
ff?Tra Ш т щ wfarra mWErti padya, arghya and acamana.
Ф щ Щ W&7TRI cbfoicbl 3 ^ 1 1 * 4 1 II
^ iH-ct^raiRum
The linga shall be purified and installed
reciting the various mantras beginning with wrrafwwm wn ч?и
Pranava, and ending with namah. The The sandal paste, fragrance, unbroken rice
pedestal should be in the form of Svastika or should be offered, consecrating Rudra.
lotus shall be assigned with Pranava. In the Carrying pancagavya in a vase and they
eight petals in eight quarters, the eight should be sanctified with mantras.
achievements are identified viz.: the eastern is m ^ c t щ zti Rirawram w щ
Anima (minuteness), the southern is laghima <6IT xl чщчт ^er ш wn ч 3 II
(lightness), the western is mahima (greatness)
the northern is Prapti (power of reaching), the The deity should be bathed with the milk
south-eastern is Ргйкйтуа (sufficiency), the of the cow, reciting omkara mantra, offering
south-western is Isatva (becoming a lord), curd honey and sugar cane juice.
north-western is vasitva (power of control) ф ч w гмт tjht тШ»тч%тга14 I
and pericarp is the moon.
214 Siva-Mahapuranam

Rudra should be bathed with ghee and by тШгГЧТ^Т -q^trr Ш -en^ralrT

doing so all the sins are washed out. One ^DT Ч к т ф т rTII * *11
should bathe Siva with these dravyas reciting
откйга mantra. These include, the mantras which are
taught, the mantras which are remembered by
heart, mantras from Rudra-sukta, Nllasukta,
ЗДИ1Г4 •щггвБгпчч» and the mantras from the sukla-yajurveda.
A devotee should collect this water and jJldfttJT Щ #31ГГ ^RM chlFT *TI
straining it with white cloth, and put it in the Tirjtt errar giibukihfo wn $ * n
sacred vases.
Hotaram mantra from Yajurveda mantras
rTicr^i ч эйН ч %cfcTi from Atharvas'lrsa, santi-mantra, Aruni-
IIII mantra and the mantras from Aruna.
The sprinkling of this holy water should ЗЗДМНН WRT Ъ Ш S T Il^ ll
not be done, till the sandal paste is put on it.
ШЛТ 4*dcH rTI
Thereafter, one should adore Siva offering the
M W ^ U T гП |^ * (|
unbroken rice over him.
d ria n i: 7F$chW)ui Щ|
$'9ПЧ1Ч1^$<ч11<Пг|ЩсЬЧ14Э: I
зй$5щ ^тпГот <jt fT: и $ ч и
qraftfcir& r 4fecblcb4c^«4^:il4V9ll
The desired Rama-mantra, besides the
Devavrata-mantra using Puspa-sukta and
Щ&Т ZfrfflTTTW 11^611 Rathantara-mantras, then by reciting the
Some rare flowers like those of kus'a, Mrtuhjaya mantra, Pancaksara-mantra,
apamarga (medicinal plant), camphor, pouring a thousand streams of water or by a
jasmine, campS, trumpet flowers, white hundred and eight streams of water, according
oleander jasmines and lotus, and several other to the provision of the Vedas should be done,
types of flowers, should be offered to lord with the reciting of the namah-mantras of
Siva, with sandal paste and stream of water, Siva.
adoring him at the same time.
щйаг falSd^l нгчйи <14& яи|^е| ytsH W lfc* T te m i^ ii
т а к т fsiT Л э д п ц <?u Thereafter water should be poured over
Filling water in various types of vases, Siva. Then reciting the omkara-mantra the
Siva should be bathed. All types of worship betel should be offered.
should be done reciting the mantras. Only
rftT: ^
then the adoration is well-rewarding.
cFRW ^«JwlehHI ^4pi)<h4<i ЩТТЦ^'ЗН
R<ri2J fKT rdrencT! tfferariRbjfll
згадряпРт тгс тй т ^га*пч?ш т э д п 5 о и
^rtoRfrrfw ii
O Dear one, I shall speak out the mantras
bestowing all types of success in brief. You
listen to me attentively. fVIdc^filfd ТРШТ о Ч ^ Н Ч ч11?Я11
Rudra Samhita (Sr§ti Khanka), Chapter 11 215

Then Siva-tattva has been conceived and qfertci гг чьц|(и| %4tqft w

worshipped, which is like the spotless crystal,
<KT: gnfyrc) fa fam w ilim m i
the unsullied, undecaying, the cause of all the
world, the supreme lord, identified with the Thus reciting the above mantra one should
created world, the lord who is beyond the offer the said flowers delightfully over Siva.
comprehension of Brahma, Indra, Upendra, Than reciting Svastivacana he should receive
Visnu and other gods, the lord who is blessings from the Brahmanas.
mentioned in the Vedanta, by those who are ят4ч ^ ш: fvH'fqtgR ^ f t и
well-versed in the Vedas, as
incomprehensible, the lord without the Ш: $rrf% ч-нгаччи гпгэ^п
beginning, middle or the end, the medicine of Then he should sprinkle water over Siva,
all the ailments, this Siva-tattva is enshrined offering salutation and should seek
in Siva-linga. forgiveness for his sins. Thereafter, acamana
MUl^d -q^UT W ^ 'fT T # n (sipping) should be offered to Siva.
^ ^ W liv a o ii 3mU4*siy«ii4 ч щ э щ jicjwfcn
qfrisftq тяня адийЕнг зпгй®г f t ш 4 e h icW4fcid:im>v9ii
Reciting the Aghora-mantra salutation
should be offered and then one should bow in
Reciting the omkara mantra one should
reverence to Siva, offering prayer from mind
offer incense, lamp, naivedya, good betel
and body.
leaves, and adore Siva. Then arati should be
offered waving the lights before linga, then %% 4 % : f?T% Ф Б : Я%1
the salutation should be offered, reciting the ЗШТ 4lfer ?rnrt ЧЯНV96 II
stotras and several types of mantras. “Let me remain devoted at the feet of Siva
sraf зтсгг 5 дщтйт w i t : wi in all my births. There is no one else to help
me, you are my only refuge.”
Then offering arghya, the flowers should
be placed at the feet, bowing in reverence at faStwwi w * u »i'c ni3tf§jl4tf:n\9^n
the same time and adore lord Siva, by heart. In this way he should offer prayer to the
^ ■pterc iprfnT irgsM 'fKiT^fci: i lord who bestows all the success, and adore
mkR ^ hOvih яЗттйч Tif^iivs^n
him with utmost devotion, uttering the sound
of a he goat.
Carrying flowers one should fold his
hands. Then getting up from his seat, the 44W< Ш fKcfT 4 f e n 4 : Щ I
devotee should offer prayer to Tsana Siva. rtm t ^ 4 ш щ щ ; || с о и
amwiafi; 5T RHishjijMifcch w i He should then offer salutation to lord
TifT!n и Siva, with all the family members and feeling
delighted, he should engage himself in other
“I, О Lord Siva, whatever adoration has
been performed by me knowingly or
unknowingly, let it be successful by your Я: ^Ji4fsir4 RM4^Rtj4fiihii:i
grace.” t m % w ftt t^ u с я»
216 Siva-Mahapuranam

If a person devoted to Siva, adores the lord

in such a way, he achieves success at every
сгтпт! TTЗГШсГ cTFT gcPTI
fW тг # 3 i щ fifod тати с ч ii
«hifcH tr ^

He becomes a great speaker, gets all the

desired padarthas. All his ailments, miseries,
grief, uneasiness, falsehood, wickedness,
poisoning and everything distressing are
destroyed by the grace of Siva quickly.
скупит ^TRTcT Ш \\
3 # ТГ<*ТПГШ0 Щ{ЫЩ116){11
He always meets with welfare. He grows
daily like the crescent moon of the bright
fortnight. Because of the adoration of Siva, all
his merits keep on growing.
W&: yiTtiW ч(чшч!|
зттт: чт tt ^ spj: Trgrfrr тг ягттц;! и г. ч )i
О Sage Narada, in this way, I have spoken
out the method of the adoration of Siva. Now
what else do you intend to know further.
iflfyicregigTnfr fgdkmi
ц|Асы<^|Вятт:н w i
216 Siva-Mahapuranam

Uehfai-HMil Ш \ spitalfST R ^ T :l
ччж^ч:!!? n
Brahma said, “O Son, I having been bom
out of lotus, invited all the sages from all the
places, besides the gods (from the heaven) and
said to them.
fR^gT «hiy«hl:l
3 IH k |c tj W ^ || ^ ||

“In case you people are desirous of

achieving all comforts and the siddhis, then all
of you should accompany me to the shore of
the ocean of milk.”
Listening to these words of Brahma, all of
them accompanied me to that place (shore of
the ocean of milk) which is the abode of lord
Visnu- who is benevolent to all.
ш s ia ly l

Ш Г Щ : Трт Ч&П ^fK T W R T t ^ l i m n

О Narada, reaching there (we met lord
Visnu) who being the lord of the universe, and
god of gods, stood up with folded hands.
rT rfc(T fdWJ$^lli£IHlHlft«ldHJ
4^<1^чч<;1»;и)'Лчд«ч1о4<ч 3F€T:ll ^ II

CHAPTER 12 Lord Visnu, finding Brahma and other

Essentials and non-essentials of Siva’s gods standing, mentally adored the lotus like
feet of Siva and said,

шт\ ш\ ftraweftn fe4«S4Mldl ц г г а ш ? f p f c :l

^ drifted! fsra%5«RTIIV9ll
Narada said, “O Father, О Brahma, with Visnu said, “O Brahman and other gods,
your mind devoted for Siva, you are graceful. what brings you and other gods here? You
You please speak on the subject quite speak out lovingly, whatever has to be done
exhaustively.” by me?”
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 12 217

You have yourself witnessed the

-ф W W Фт fgw H i r t w ЩТ:1
astonishing event. Therefore the people
desirous of comforts, should never neglect his
тзгт: т г щ т тт ъ т f% 3>Bf fETSRtasRTi
•О V» adoration.
fdfaddfad cFRj ЩоРаГЕН ^ГЩТИc II Ш ФЩ f7%^JTXTI
Brahma said, “At these words of lord
Visnu, all the gods accompanying me, again rfTTMdiw^^l штадт: и ^ч и
offered their salutation to him and spoke out The sons of Tara along with their relatives
the purpose of their arrival in sweet and perished, when he gave up the adoration of
humble words.” Mahes'vara- the lord of the Devas, in the form
of the linga.
фи did:
f t p Ф тс <т щ Ф г сшгг 5 :« iM ^ iR ai)n s и
W Ъ ^ Ч РШ ^[?T: <|kTT:I
The gods said, “O Lord, who should be Ш ЯЕЩгТТ: %Фт Т%ГТ ER[T|| ^ ||
adored for the removal of the miseries daily?” I detracted them from the adoration of
^1|с||'^нтЪс|гУ71:1 Siva, by means of my Maya and when they
were deprived of the worship of Siva, they all
WTTFT ~ЧЧ fiW dleWMtfcftdll ?o ||
Listening to these words, brd Visnu, who
is benevolent to his devotee for the sake of my dHUoHdl 4dHldi 1^ # Ц $ Щ 1 3 ? : 1
pleasure, compassionately said. flddlill f^WTTT 1[ЩШЧ:11 ^911
Therefore Siva in the form of linga should
ЗГЦЗфзт цщ ш hTTi always be adored. Lord Siva, the best of the
gods, should always be worshipped.
d snfa з е т й $ р т ч ч :и н "
?гФ ^тФ тТ ср фгт фгтщ w r r : i
Lord Visnu said, “О Brahma, you had
already heard this, still, I shall repeat the same зр щ щ ётггг ФГ^п^гг d f e f d еещтп и
to you and the gods. It is by the worship of the Siva-linga that
f% т р : all the noble people, gods, daityas, I and you,
О Brahman, are sustained. How is it that you
forgot it?
It has been seen already and whatever is
being seen by you, already, then why are you d fe ^ ^ fa c d $4 |?RTI
asking me about it again? О Brahma, all the rTFR^pRIT: ?тФ 4T&hlW<$4Blllinil
gods usually remain busy in their own tasks. Therefore, О Brahma, the linga form of
TT^T: трг :WTI Siva should be worshipped in one any or the
w fa rR fa$>14d:ll ^ II other. О Brahma, all the gods should worship
All should serve lord Siva, who removes Siva, for the fulfilment of their wishes.
all the miseries. I myself and Brahma, have ТГТ Wl^dl ТП xl M^dll
repeated the same words. §mr cpfo wgipTll ^ о ||
JTSp Ф* cf; ^ <|SfW4'«gd»II When an hour or a moment is spent
Ф* gpiftr -gi=pfh^T:ii v*n without the adoration of Siva, it is treated as a
218 Siva-Mahapuraijam

loss, imperfection, a great blemish, blindness On hearing this, Visnu said to Visvakarma,
and confusion. “O Sage, I always remain engaged for the
w rf^ m % rf
redemption of the people.
чщтшшт %w ч % чтзягг:ir *н fajychiS’W d^dfadT ^ТЧТрГ d l
Those who are engaged in the adoration of [н#|Гн tldcf^4dT dxR R m iR ^ II
Siva, who remain devoted to him, they do not О Visvakarma, at my command, carve the
have to face the miseries. Siva-linga and give them to the gods.
'McHlfa t R W T W : f^R B I ehc^lHl^ciMfsichKI^Md: I
8R хг нГёч4*1 ^4^ifd^(d:ii r ? и fd W d f ^ b z f t f td td R T d dT f t : I R я и
Ш Х Щ ^ ? r f t t W ufd S t Brahma said, “Thereafter, Visvakarma,
% ciio^Pd Mgmmi: Шзг dT fadviiHd4jR3 carved out the lingas, at the command of
myself as well as Visnu, and distributed them
3T% uОfa n ig t rte Ф а d r 4<i|(vM
чЭ :l to the gods.
M(jl|U»Mlfd)^Oi 4Hcflf¥lc|4IR-sl|
defer W P H I *rodP3ftwr!l
Those who are desirous of getting
ТОШ Ы fdstern: ■§d:ii ^ о II
magnificent buildings, beautiful, ornaments
and charming women, wealth, sons and grand О Sage, I am now speaking in the same
sons, health, healthy bodies, supreme status, context and you will please listen. Indra was
heavenly pleasures, final salvation or the given the linga made of ruby. Kubera took the
profound devotion to the lord, should worship linga of gold.
Siva appropriately and by virtue of the merits h fu m d sm f d w . f? i^ i
so accumulated by them they would achieve $ 3 T f a d d f d W J ^ i t w t ddTII э ^11
Dharmaraja received the linga of topaz,
i| ГнгУ ^Rb4<i*i0i:i Varuna got the linga of dark blue stone, Visnu
ЪФ # w m i ц II took a linga of sapphire, Brahma took a linga
The one who adores Siva-linga daily with of gold.
devotion, he meets with success, and is never fd&cfdrcddr 4shzr щ тщ ? d^td d i
overpowered by sins.” ЗШ$ЙЧ4 drfq ■ q ^ lll^ ll
W td T d vfSFter wrfed ^ ^iifdvtiiwryfdfdd^i
ГЩТ С^Т: ф щ щ Ф Tftfd^r d !4 < N l cf е М (н $ fd 4 d cR T :IR 3 ll
Hri*ii4ig : ^m rii^ii The Visvadevas and the Vasus took the
Brahma said, “When Visnu so spoke to the linga of silver. Asvanikumara took the linga
gods, then they bowed in reverence to him and of brass, the crystal linga was given to
for achieving of the success in all the works of LaksmI, the Adityas got the lingas of copper,
the humans, prayed him to describe the types the moon got the linga of jewels, and the linga
of Siva-lingas. of gems was given to the god of fire.
ФфЧ1 d гЩТ ЙШ|{§ЦсЬЧ!тЧ0^1 TjTroRi rter fdif^r! di
щ d ! ^ I 4 KM<nui: n^V9ii d i^ f щ т гчт ч:
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr$ti Khancja), Chapter 12 219

The great Brahmanas and their wives Brahma said, “O Gods and sages, you
selected the earthen lingas, Maya took the listen from me with a devoted heart, the mode
linga of sandal wood, and the serpent Sesa of the worship of Siva lovingly, which
took the linga of Coral. bestows the pleasure and devotion.
Ml Ш 44 W 4 W FHT
Щ - u rn fw m тти ц ч и Mlfir % gw w ЩТ74&ПТ: II * 9II
The goddess took the linga of butter, yogis The human life is most difficult to achieve
of the holy ashes, Yaksas of the curd and the among all the living beings in the world. О
chaya took the linga of beaten flour. Gods, О Sages, it is still difficult to be bom in
Tglfclf Ъ W W wqftT ЩЩ{\ a high race.
4ТЩ Tjrfe cfM: HdJfd ЩИ^И 3T<2tf- % farchf ^ u * id :i

"The goddess BrahmanI, adores the linga fyiqtl-dld^dls' ^ тэта iFTHtcTI115^11

made of precious stone, while Bana and others One behaving well with a noble Brahmana,
adored the linga of mercury. because of the merits accumulated by a person
Hcifayift RTflft ^fnfr fwchtfuill earlier, one should engage himself to please
In this way Visvakarma prepared several ^ I tf lf d W f x y "cffiM lf 4 R f% T I
types of lingas and gave them away to the щ т е •Mhici^dii^^ii
gods, which were adored by the gods and the Whatever method has been prescribed for a
sages. particular caste or a varna, it should not be
fanui<fcir rT t neglected. One should give away charities
TJnfgfsr imrag $r?rut ^ according to his means.
For the benefit of the gods, after giving the fa f^ -ld l
lingas to the gods, Visnu then narrated to
Brahma, the method of the adoration of linga. The Japoyajna is better than a thousand
гТЩ(9Т WM 515115 karmayajnas and a Japayajna is better than a
3TTW rT SIFT thousand tapoyajnas.
О Sage, hearing his words, myself (Visnu) sqHdtf tW 41% SIR У№Щ\
and Brahma besides the other gods went back *14: Т Г 4 Т 4 i r yqf TI U^I I
to their respective places quite happily. There is nothing better than a dhyana-
ш * т w fcw fri %шт£ fstt !i yajna, because meditation is the means of
[уичунШ nuin^cj цсьйа«(Чч11^о 11 jnana. The yogis are able to have an audience
Returning from that place, I revealed to all with their favourite deity through meditation
the gods and the sages, the method of adoring alone.
татр : тгштг: k iM :i 4 % % T f4 4 t ^ ^ S F r i S r T T f ^ T t ^ l l 'f S ^ I I
Г?|С)Ч^ЙЙ %TT l* w Siva resides in the vicinity of such people,
220 Siva-Mahapuranam

who remain engaged in meditating for him.

Such people possessing all the knowledge are
not required to perform the rites of repentance
in order to purify themselves. The people having the spotless heart, can
visualise the subtle linga by means of their
feraT % rx true knowledge, but those who do not possess
HiRd (shdi w Фгт ^ ip r the same, the worship ы the gross linga is
snrfaiff ^ПТГ fnrt sqpt quite important for them.
yp&j fe ra T w < ш щ т :1 п ^ и 3 # f e n # qnfw
О Brahma, the persons with wisdom ^ ^ВРТ11ЧЧ!1
become aware of the Parama-Siva-tattva they It is surprising that according to the
don’t have to bother for the pleasure and the opinion of the people following other tattvas,
pain, virtue or evil, sacrifice or japam, there is no difference, because he lives in the
meditation or the related rules. By virtue of hearts of all in invisible form, and the entire
their learnings they are free from these universe is the form of Siva.
passions, physical changes and the decay. Tier ?Г1чГсШтЫЧ'| 4lfa <lqf^eh^wil
*тФт ф * Ф Р я ! чои In this way the ignorant people earn no
О Gods, this Siva-linga bestows the blemish and for them no method (for
highest bliss, and welfare, auspicious, eternal, adoration) has been prescribed nor is anything
all-pervasive and unsullied and is lodged in prohibited for them.
the hearts of the yogis.
ftfei ш к wnrmwRTt 1%?зтт: i
Ш w ft fH8-=b*5u|| Ц(ЩГК^ИЧ\Э||
As the lotus flower growing in the water is
О Brahmanas, liriga is of two types i.e. not soaked with water, similarly the people
interior and exterior. The exterior is gross and
with wisdom, even after living in the house­
the interior a subtle.
hold always remains free from the bondage of
зФщгГТ й Ъ ТгГГ: | the karmas.
з г н т чл^чтгф т II ч Ч И ?f?r ?t r i r e Ф
Those who are engaged in karma-yajnas г е н *4un ^ Ric(4Ki(4i)^<:ii4<iii
they adore the gross linga. Those who are
unaware of the subtle linga, the gross- linga Till such time this type of knowledge does
has to be used for making them understand the not sprout in the heart of a person, he should
reality or the factual position. continue to worship Mahadeva.
ЭИ&Ч|1гЧ<* <T ТУЩФ я Ф т I
ТТ Ш ^ 'chHJAld Ч *11-^1114311 l^eblsfr elgsil Tjgt Ч^ И
The one who is unable to visualise the A single sun, in order to convince the
spiritual or the subtle linga, he should world, appears in several ways in pitchers
meditate initial upon the gross linga. filled with water.
Rudra Samhita (Sr§fi Khaij<Ja), Chapter 12 221

<Ц!-1гМ<-Ц<кЧ<$Ч1 Siva is the greatest of all the gods and for

г1т1гн4 ■
h<i (ctri tit f^rai^ranrii ^ ° и adoring him, the fragrance sandal paste,
flowers etc. are used, which are of no use
Similarly, whatever Sata and asat is found without the image.
in the world, О Gods, should be taken as the
form of Siva. гттсиг s fr 4 T T jett ш ^ % т ч т г е ^ :1

'JitdHi ?Tt%sf£h4iIcWlclsfc(T4Kri:1 ЧШ ЧЧЧ ъ щ

The adoration of the images should be
4«Wlg4d«ll ^JRT ^ ^<l&h«Pn:ll^ll
continued till the achievement of the true
There is difference in the vases, but not in knowledge. The one who stops worshipping
water they contain. This is what has been the images without attaining the true
conceived by those who can well interpret the knowledge, he is sure to fall.
P r T T b T ^ w fs s rr: w n s k :i
l i f t 'd : ЩПгТО: Чтй*8Т:1
ТгГЗПгЧтН W i f e i d d !4 M d :ll$ < S II
ffw Hi rPPT Mid4lfdfa:ll^ll
О Brahmanas, therefore you listen to my
Lord Siva, remains in the hearts of all
realistic words, the karmas (activities) which
living beings on earth, therefore for those
have been prescribed in the sastras for a
possessing the true knowledge, the images are
particular caste should be performed making
of no consequence.
all the efforts.
yiduicb^Hi ^ tti
Щ' Щ [ Ф б: сБ & з'т w n f^ tri

^чт р ч и $ ^11
Therefore, the one who is deprived of the
true knowledge, he should continue to adore The type of adoration prescribed at
the images. The image worship is the best different stages, the same should be followed
source for reaching the highest stage of accordingly. One surely earns the sin without
worship. worshipping or giving away the charities.
зпгпггт f^RT rTW TRTpl: ЩЩ5ТЧ1 ■snarer ч ш Ф

Ш щ п м ЯПТТ MfrlUHW чй Ъ ХГШ%) сгет Tl<f гг ЧГШ \ЭОII

It is difficult to reach the highest place Till such time the accumulation of the sins
without a support. The image is a source to continues in the body, the success could
achieve the Nirguna Siva. hardly be achieved. With the destruction of all
the sins, he succeeds in his life.
чЭ О
чЭ V
W T ^ T # F T cR& T f f : 4 %l
ф ъ чг4^гпч13jf?mT MrEraicj^Tn $ ц и
It is a fact that Nirguna tattva could be ft # T f:

achieved by worshipping Saguna Siva. This In case the cloth is dirty, it cannot be dyed
belief is further authenticated by worshipping well. In case the cloth is washed before dying
the images of the other gods. it, its colour becomes bright.
crensf fsR f ^ T | ш w ^ ^cfHt чмл^чт
222 Siva-Mah3puranam

Similarly by adoring the gods quite well, О Divine Rsis, after the disappearing of the
the spotless body when dyed with the colour differences, the misery of the mutually
of knowledge, then the true knowledge would clashing of the opposites, a person with
arise. wisdom is freed from any type of the pleasure
and the pain. The rules of do’s and don’t do
not bind him.
f^Tt <J$M4fcie(fjKi:|
The true knowledge bestows the pious
devotion. True knowledge is said to be the real RR? nV9«*II
root of devotion. One seldom comes across a person who
has not entered a household and in case there
is one, all the sins would stand washed out at
the mere sight of such a person.
Noble deeds are the roots of devotion. The
noble deeds and to adore the presiding deity is
the main cause of the same. The root cause of *ргт: чч^ьясь f^nrii г. ои
the same is the noble preceptor, and the root The holy places also praise such a person
of the same is keeping company of the people possessing the true knowledge, as the rsis
with wisdom. praise Siva the form of the Supreme Brahman.
dl^llft 4 (TWft 4
щ яш ш w i з^ттайтэчп %tr r jw r r f^TRt ^TT?fhii <s
The company of the learned people leads Even the holy places, or the images made
to the achieving of the preceptor. With the in clay or stone cannot equate him, which
mantras achieved from the preceptor, the god purify a person after a long time, but a person
is adored, and the said adoration leads to with true knowledge purifies with his sheer
achieving of the true knowledge. vision.
f ^ T R STFKl ^ H !d l< ^ y c h T V I - * 4 l
Щ й Щ d•о i лp ЧШ
^ тЯТ ^ 4sTR WTTII
?ЩТ fo = R % IB 9 $ ll
о so о 6?ll
The true knowledge, leads to the perfect mm r fym-. щггг "Ry#*
knowledge, which in turn leads, to the
realisation of the Supreme Brahman. With the ftlrR Ш V'lFST^HT: TRgfiaRT: f4T:ll
perfect knowledge, the controversies cease to Till such time a person remains in the
exist. household, he should continue worshipping
the images of five gods, or otherwise one
^ S^f:43fo#RTTI should adore only Siva, who happens to be the
fyi3 M? IIV3V
3 It root of all, because when the root is watered,
When a person is relieved of the all the branches are well taken care of.
controversies, and miseries, he takes the form RRsTm R ЧрТГСТ ЯуГ 4 ch^dl
of Siva himself.
PR ЯР|ЧМЯ1rill's II
й^1Я1н1 ^ ^тгггтгт ЧТЧзЕрт1г %5ТШ:1 О Best of the sages, in case the branches
fo^dlfe^ ТГРТЧ ТТОТ rf TTnfc:iH3<iii are watered, it /ould not mean that the root is
Rudra Sarhhita (Sf?ti Khanka), Chapter 13 223

also taken care of. О Ascetics, even when all

the god are adored, it does not mean that Siva
also stands adored with the same.

f?i% rr ^т: ч^шт: ^ тз^ f?u с ч и

Siva cannot be pleased in this way, which
should be understood by the people with sharp
wisdom, that by adoring Siva, all the gods
stand adored.
<ТРШ W tH Н\еЬ¥Щ-ТТ[1
4l4cbl44iHlc||ic£| Td:lli^ll
Therefore a person who is desirous of
doing good to all living beings, shall worship
Siva, the benefactor of the world, for the
fulfilment of all the desires.
ffn 9flfvra43i4<iu| %ihmt ^'Rjarai w rs n l
■уй^ЧКэУЙ UKlWrfiC'UKcfulH чтч
Rudra Sarhhita (Sf?ti Khanija), Chapter 13 223

“O Lord of the Devas, О Lord lodged in

the heart, О Lord of ParvatT, you just rise up
and bestow benevolence over the universe.
snf ч w it щ&-
Ф пщЫ if Щг&: i
f*m ffe fism
m r f^>m9 s fw ш сШчп ъ n
But mind does not attract to that side. I am
aware of the fact that this is sinful, but still I
do not feel inclined to work it up. О Lord, in
whichever way you inspire me seated in my
heart, I perform accordingly.”
cfER ЧЭтЕП Рдй=ГТ xj hb4l^l
In this way, reciting the name of the lord
with devotion, one should devote his mind at
the sandals of the preceptor, then he should
move out of the house, towards the southern
direction to answer the calls of the nature.
cfcT: f^T
чгф Xt И$Пё*Т «t-d>4lcH4W>^ll S, II
Mode of the adoration of Siva
Thereafter purifying the body with the dust
and water, washing his feet brush his teeth.
зет: Щ
RclHW f^TT t ^У1сГЧ4|
ifcr: R<J«hl4^1slMl}4N *11
W MI^VNli <T
Brahma said, “O Sages, О Devas, you
One should brush his teeth before the sun­
listen to me. I shall now explain the mode of
rise and then rinse his mouth, purifying the
worship, which bestows the fulfilment of all
same, sixteen times.
the desires and the comforts.
4gtl№4Uff ferfr TTSTTI
wmf: RTthn си
ЧЩЩ Hl3lfH4d4Rleb:IRII
О Gods and О Rsis, one should not brush
One should rise in the early morning an his teeth on the sixth, ninth and moonless day
hour before the dawn and remember Siva and of the fortnights, besides on the Sundays.
Parvatl both, lowering one’s head offering
адмеыу'| ^ртштжп^щггт'
prayers at the same time.
3fd«lfdB ^ r ! l e p r a 'l l
As per one’s convenience, the bath should
3 m mPTWftR! 1^511 3 II be taken in the river, and tanks etc. No one
224 Siva-Mahapuranam

should take bath against the time country or In case another man’s costumes are worn
the traditions. during the night, the same could not be taken
as impure. One can take bath with them and
Ш 4П& M l
then discard them.
Ц & Ф гМТ Ш d 4 ctl« R £ Ш Н ||
ч widigbuiciiRuiii
d 'Ju i хГ dcT: е ы 4 ^14Гч<3<зГн<;ч1

яш ш ш «п4 чч п хп н xR?tii ^эп

w "yilwgw ч (тьчм<:п wn
The water libation should be performed for
One should take a bath on Sunday, first of the gods, rsis and the manes, after the bath, for
the month, on the Solar or Lunar eclipse, at their pleasure. Thereafter sipping the water he
the time of the performing of the charities, or should wear the pure and washed dhoti or
on the day of the performing of the vrata, one lower garment.
should take bath facing the east with devotion.
During the time of impurity one should not ^jxft riwr тщ т тШ ге п ттй н !
bathe in hot water. зтшч хг ш ТхгяМ fgatri4i:ii и n
ftcTPsqf- xr emhjgi зйщ щ Thereafter, О Brahmanas, one should go to
a place plastered with cow-dung and
F irtlW l^ % SfT%r 3T 4 ^RL*TII ? ? II auspicious asana should be spread over it.
One should apply oil over the body taking -fu f 'w R d d e t Щ |
into consideration the particulars days. Those
who apply the oil daily over their body daily fe fH R rftJT ^ II
should use the oil, because for them it is not The seat should be made of wood or a
prohibited. cloth-cover. The variegated seat fulfils all the
ЩзщиГ ^cjtadld М(г1чП$1
w ra fa i fT E m W ; xt w i
ЗТ8ЩТ Ы я- f^TTII ^ II
dJmfdVd % u| ^ 4 t:ii^ o | i
Except the day of the eclipse, the mustard
oil can be applied over the body. O Brahmanas, one should select the asana
of deer skin, as might be considered
с Ш faxll& i TTR appropriate by him. Seating over that asana an
ddtifaytsigN r У1^Ц{с||5тщщт ^ т : | | ^ ц intelligent devotee should draw tripundra over
Taking into consideration the time and the his body.
country, one should take bath facing north or RmfTrRTvt ЧШ\
the east appropriately. 3W I% S T F F R rR 'dHW lfcIM xbllddH.II ? ^11
4 -HldlpH d ^ M d l With the marking of tripundra the japam,
Щ H ldW ^ci WM^ehMIl ^ 4 1| tapas and charities performed by a person are
A devotee of Siva should never take a bath quite successful. In the absence of the holy
ashes, one should draw tripundra with water.
using the clothes of others. Reciting the name
of Siva, he should take bath wearing the pure цсг <|ксгг Rnpf ^ ^ щтршт4ж :1
costumes. ■щхттгг щ-щъ ууи
4 i w 4 xT TTsfl' xT Ъ Щ I In this way, after drawing the tripundra
ТТГС Ш ^ # R T xf MRrd^ldll ^ I I over the body, one should wear Rudraksa.
Rudra Samhita (Sntf Khanka), Chapter 13 225

After the daily rites are over, the worship of Keeping in his mind a desire to have an
lord Siva should be started. audience v/ith Siva, he should recite the
ччтгачч fm t mantra orh namah Sivaya and several other
ТГёЁ w rfg $g«m ? ^II
-дш ^д 4 4 ptd4J
The performing acamana by sipping of
water thrice, reciting the appropriate mantras, Wtgrcgr ддмт ягщдмт: ич:ц^ом
CS \Э v3 N3 л

or saying that it was the drop of the water of Then he should pray forgiveness, and then
Ganga, one should perform acamana. adore Ganesa with brother Karttikeya,
дат ш (умч-д^ч!^ offering his salutation to them again and
зр ч щ g ч(^Падау|(тЬ ■ мчЪ чн.Щ'йи
Then a devotee should bring food and ЯТЧМ trt nfr % чт g
water for the adoration of Siva, besides other Mylfilcdl rRT: 4SlrU-ddIfK^r|l TTST^II 3^11
things which could be easily available. The gatekeeper Mahodara, who always
fK^T Ф т g М чтмтет g чч:1 guards the gate, should be adored, after which
the chaste Parvatl should be adored.
згйчтд ш ?ч и
g^: f^ f^ ^ T :l
^плш w щщдчдщд д ^ п
TgfegT м : %ддц n
тчтчт сшт дцчдщдга дп ^$ и
Sandal paste, saffron, incense, lamp,
Collecting all these things, one should be
naivedya, should be offered to Siva.
seated with patience. Then he should keep
water vase pouring the water, fragrance and тчтрд ч тш ggfo %ggfw i
unbroken rice in it and keep it to his right for gfg чтШг дт gtgtfrf тгзпт( ш и 3311
the purpose of worship. Then remembering his yid'd-ur ci^gpgt r gr m«*c^ ^ i
own preceptor, he should get his permission.
чч^фскг ччшт g 113*11
[д|дд<ф<д| щцщ g fapr ti Then offering his salutation, he should go
£j|4ldJb4l Ш гШ ^4f<c|Rcfi^||^V9ll to Siva. In case there be the Sivalinga of earth,
With the offering of a samkalpa gold, silver or of any other metal, then the
appropriately, adding his desire with the same, same should be adored with devotion.
one should adore Siva with devotion rrcgi чs3 TfddHi qlgdiwtuu
C\ чЭ C-.
wrcra fggm
"Р1ТГЩ After the adoration of Sivalinga, all the
R l ^ ^ 4 ( ^ l d H , l l ?<ill gods are adored (or otherwise) one should
Then displaying Siva-mudm, offering consecrate the linga in clay appropriately.
vermilion and other things, Ganesa should be g fe i д&гт ш Phwicwjj^ fsnft:i
adored with Siddhi and Buddhi, his consorts.
«luiyidBi ggfa fgsng gn 3$11
m MylfclAJ! 4 ^ 4 4 : 1 Remaining in one’s own house, all the rule
3itrraT^f4:ii?,?ii should be observed, then warding off the
226 Siva-Mah9pur3nam

spirits and goblins, the image should be <Jie4l pT p raieTt eTTTpl

consecrated. ■Ц^ cfT 4 RraRtsfteT rail'Shll
WWfsRctT fvicn^i Thereafter the lamp should be shown. Then
^ p it 4H4,;5lll^4Jlrid:ll^V9ii the homage is to be paid to the preceptor who
A dikpala (god of the quarters) should be should be seated in the yogic postures like,
adored after consecrating his image. Only Siva padmasana, Bhadrasana, uttdna or paryanka,
should be adored in the house-hold, reciting whichever is convenient should be used for
the basic mantra. sitting and one should perform all the rites
once again. After the worship, he shall float it
Ч5Г $TЙКЧМН1 fqzmt qjf^T ra&ITI
along with the cake. These rules are not
faf rt Чёрт ё#ГЧгё ЯШИГН Ц6 II binding when the worship is done in a house.
As per rules the Dvarapala has not to be
consecrated in the house. The Sivalinga which
is adored in the house everything is lodged in згагачтlit р п p ip Rrarra ranъьи
the same. Th<-vafter Sivalinga should be washed
TdlcblH га -Щ ^ MRcffol rapcr| with the water of arghya then the material for
the adoration should be collected carefully.
зтгащ 4yi^<=i Rntnitsra ч fraa^n 3^11
At the time of adoration one should invoke t l S T I i i c ( 4T:l
Siva with his family and adore the same. S ^ u W W W4t<jd)4fdppil*V9ll
There are no rules prescribed for the purpose. The god of gods should then be invoked,
fytcPFh TfR# WR4 4RefcH^<TI reciting the mantra and lord Siva is to be
fea^T ^<N44 га^Т||~Хо || lodged over the peak of the mountain Kailasa,
One should be seated before Siva, facing with the spouse of Parvatl, the excellent one.
north. The sipping of the water should be done Rnfnr
thereafter. чштз p p R m pirgrarami ъб и
Ярёга W t w t M m ЯсЬгЧ^сТ! He has the same form as explained earlier,
рч^и| ёт!га dVUtfrf 4*RR: 11*^11 who is Nirguna as well Saguna-Siva, having
Then salutation should be done washing five faces, ten arms, three eyes, banner of the
the hands. Reciting the mulamantra, the bull.
ргапйуйта should be performed ten times.
fd°4ljf *кч1(н cbhflpi
W p : Я<*&гат: ртзгар eh>fiMdi:i crairararafrHtra га rarararaRrai п
p p : y<$$ra ЧТ:и* 4 ll He has white complexion like the camphor.
Then he should display five mudras and by His limbs are divine, has the crescent moon
doing this the adoration is done by hands. over the head, wearing the matted locks of
cfa рЗТ P era 44WiR hair over the head, uses the tiger skin as the
гарт ш я ёга rasrcrarararfra сГТИ* ЪИ scarf.
ЗёТТЧШР ptT ёМТ1 rarprai%fl?nf Гчн1сый11^ы|рёгач)
ёМТRgJe^T яФт TpRoT rHI'k'kll fra^gratsiff ra rarrara prat? Rrrrapii ч ° и
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 13 227

Vasuki and other serpents are coiled over

the limbs of his body. He holds the bow Щ УГОЯ ТЧН cbKUllij (VHW
Pinaka and other attributes, the eight siddhis
dance before him. Siva should be offered all the desired
things and thereafter he should be bathed with
ЗЩЗТШ itfaRT ЧгЬЧзЙ»:! water.
The crowds of devotees shout the. slogans
of victory, who is possessing the sharp lustre
and served by the gods, crying loudly for his Making all the efforts, the fragrance,
victory. He is of unbearable sight due to the sandal paste and kasturl shall be applied to
excessive splendour. Siva. The water poured over the deity in a
continuous current, shall be rendered fragrant.
41<S«w r t
hsfcrf TPtwt
fawjsiSHd ^ rii4 ? ii
■qtfflclebivi cTT с^тЗТ : || ц <? ||
He is the one, who protects all the jlvas,
has a smiling face, praised by the Vedas as The water ablution shall be made reciting
well the sastras, besides Brahma and Visnu. the Vedic hymns or the six syllabled mantra
eleven times in case that much of time could
Ч Ю Т Щ ГумЧН1^|и^Ц|
be spared. The deity should then be wiped
щ ш f m «ГИУЧ1Ш tiRcbFT^TII ЧЗИ with the cloth.
I invoke lord Siva, who is so blissful and to WSfrarR W НтрШ|
whom the devotees are quite deer. Thus
meditating upon Samba Siva, he should offer ftHlicr cnfir Ч(^ГЧТЧ«Ы: И^ OII
him a seat. зиМтт:
чЭ '
Ttcf чЭ*4ferara»*mi“ч rRT: dWTfnr ^ IT R r W H I T T ТЩТгЦ^И $ H i

Ш: Ч Т Е Т ? 1 |Ч Ы « г п ч ^ и Thereafter acamana has to be offered,

The entire worship of Siva should be done besides the cloth, seeds of sesamum and
with the names ending in the dative case. Then barley grains, wheat, green gram or the black
padya and arghya should be offered to Siva. gram, shall then be offered to Siva with
various mantras. The flowers have then to be
• t w r e r c r <|kcJT T T P q t Ч Ш ^ 1
offered to the five headed Siva.
4Sjnr 4$iRi£ciJ: чзтпццп
HfaeieH э д т е q«lT«rlJq|RlHWd:l
Then Siva the Supreme Soul, should be
offered acaman, a devotee should bathe him, cPI^: VI|-4^: Ч^НМП $ ЧII
with each one of the components of
pancamrta. W У IIS ^ II
^°Ч|и^|^тЦ1Пч^и ill II
Thereafter the offering shall be made with Lotuses, rose flowers, samkha and kus'a-
utmost devotion, reciting the requisite Vedic flowers, thorn-apples, mandaras grown in
mantras or the names ending in dative case. wooden vases, holy basil leaves, or the wood-
228 Siva-Mahflpuranam

apple leave should be offered to each one of of naivedya should be offered to Siva. After
the faces, in accordance with the previous sometime йсатапа should be offered. The
meditation or according to one’s own desire. betel leaf should then be offered with all the
By all means, Siva, who is favourably ingredients.
disposed towards his devotees, should be diilidK lfd*
worshipped with all devotion. In case other
flowers are not available, the leaves of the ШТО&Г чтйчиёйи^и
wood-apple tree should be used for the TOTfTO: T O ^ - Тф f | l
exclusive worship of Siva. тот sjr то)тБ t fTOT tow^ t^ tii ^ ? и
Lighting five wicks, the arati should be
TO: yiwgy! t cTTfw $411 performed, which should reach the feet twice,
twice upto the navel, once at the mouth, and
By offering the leaves of the wood-apple
seven times at all the limbs of the body. Then
tree, the entire adoration of Siva becomes
performing meditation one should recite the
successful. The fragrant powder and the oil
has also to be offered.
w re |= iT w ?t r чт: i
srfofai it fofro f^raFt t o что
м ^ ч й ё Ч |1 (и | ЧЧГЗПТ ^sJt:iiV 9^n
TOTfT: yeh^odt $$11
Thus various sorts should be offered to
3iva with great joy. Then the incense of ЧТ: II ^9^ II
guggulu (the fragrant gum resin) and aguru The mantra should be used by a devotee
(Aloe wood) should be offered to Siva. according to his knowledge and the number.
^htr щ т sydlkjd.-l The mantra should be recited as per the
direction of the preceptor.
ЧЙШЙЧ Ч%?Г:11$\э||
s ta r 3№ =M 4i
A lamp lighted in ghee, shall then be
offered to Siva. Again you should offer TO: y<f^un rt тй': 71^ : 11^4 ll
Arghya by this mantra. One should offer prayer to Siva
gni^iga) того д ф ц 4tsi4i^44j delightfully. Then lord Siva should be
circumambulated quite slowly.
wt 4)4 ?13|?Т11$<SII
TO: U^UIMH 4 t a l l ^ $ l l
TOf ^ t fvidl^cl Што ^pq;il ^ ^ II
vi^-tid ч т т т о f ^ r a ^ r ^ i
щ н т и ^ W ?ГИ1ё1й1гЧу11^<*» TOTIL9t9ll
TOf&lcHil TOfc* fSRTO irilOo ||
With great devotion the water should be fKT ТОкЧ TO !I
sprinkled over the face of Siva, while praying, m ro iT O W i^ T T O fira ts t "тот ! 11vs 6 11
"O Siva, you bestow on me the beauty, fame, Then he should prostrate before Siva
as well as pleasures, besides comforts and appropriately and reciting other mantras, offer
salvation. You please accept my argha. the hand cup filled with flowers, saying, “O
Salutation to you." Thereafter excellent type Lord Siva, whatever worship has been offered
Rudra Samhita (Sf§ti Khanda), Chapter 14 229

knowingly or unknowingly, let it be want to listen from me?”

successful, О Lord by your grace. I belong to
ftatarat W%rmt
you and so is my life. My mind is devoted to
Т Щ Ч Н з Ч Й % с|МГТЧс|и1ч ЧТП jw V v fts 8 q R t:H ^ I|
чтснтег! хп
яхт! «3|ГНЬЧ1<Н'| |^<?||
О Lord of Parvati, О Lord of the spirits, be
pleased with me, taking me to be your slave,
because a person who feels slipped from the
earth, the earth is the only support for him.
ЩЯЖ1ШЧТ teller w i W !l
sqsfa?# fraRew nd:iuoи
Therefore whatever sins have been
committed by me in adoring you, you have to
protect me for the same.” In this way the
prayer should be offered.
tbPHfci ^ T i f d -Rf:l

WH4K w ^ ? t! uRsrrad: wHiid^ii

Then offering the flowers, one should
praise Siva again and again. “O Lord of the
gods, О Master, you now depart for your place
with your family.” In this way, he should be
sent off.

ffd djlyi: ЧтЬчгМсщН 6 ? II

“О Lord you return again at the time of
adoration, with respect.” In this way one
should offer prayer to Siva, who is benevolent
to the devotees.

ф зПтРР^щ тртт: RidgyHHJ

He should be sent off, and one should

lodge him in his own heart. The water of his
feet should be sprinkled over the head. О
Sages, I have thus explained the method of the
adoration of Siva; which bestows the devotion
as well as the salvation. What else do you
Rudra Samhita (Sr§ti Khanda), Chapter 14 229

Directions for Siva’s worship

o iiw fv ib il! W W F T ! Ш Ч Щ M T O : l

«fc: W h tp n sj: f% i l r a f d ^ 4>td4ji

The Rsis said, “O Disciple of Vyasa, О

Fortunate one, you kindly speak out with
examples as to which types of flowers offered
to Siva yield which type of fruits which are
bestowed by Siva?”
FET Sctrar

^ чсьтащ w m :

cbyiiiwjii ircterr ?и
Suta said, “O Saunaka and other sages, you
please listen to me quite respectfully. I am
lovingly going to reveal the method of the
offering of the flowers.
ТЛТТТЩfgfe: д а чт#г h^fwrn
у и ы чччя^ гчI w
■О ^ r f ^ f ^ m “ч
i i 3' и

The divine sage Narada, had (in earlier

times) asked Brahma about the same, who had
lovingly explained the method of offering
flowers to Siva.”

c h q ^ fS rc |M % 4 4 :1

v i| 4 ^ w «n ^ c ^ r t e m t s ^ r f e g R i i 'i j i i

Brahma said, “By offering the lotus, wood-

apple leave, Satapatra (variety of big lotus
flower) and sankha-puspl, bestow riches to the
devotees. A person desirous of wealth should
offer these flowers to Siva.
Т!г&Г c^R I’dlV*
W l f t w r for! m Ш W4:ii4U
230 Siva-Mahapuraijam

In case a devotee offers Siva a lac of тг^ ггспш wифг^|Г ч Rtferii

flowers, he surely achieves fortunes and his The ancient sages have laid special
sins are all destroyed. emphasis for the offering of the flowers of
fayifa: ebMHRi jj samkha-puspi to Siva and by doing so all the
h fw rfem il S, II presents as well as the future desires of a
person are fulfilled.
The bunch of twenty lotus flowers is called
prastha and half of a thousand wood-apple от xi ^ s t m y х т т < й * m i
leaves also make half a prastha. ъф рт чщсвтт ^пччй'Н'^п ^ и
W 'm W 'h trf^Tftrnri -Щ - 4Ш Ш 4 4 'd % % l
4 $ : hW fiT : 3RST: Wi TfpRiitaii тет t if f * т т ^ т : i r ^ r f r х гн

A thousand lotus petals, make half a After the offering of the flowers, incense,
prastha, sixteen palas make a prastha, while lamp, naivedya, argha, (Xratl, pradaksina,
ten tankas make a pala. salutation, begging of forgiveness should be
зд^сг <т ттйч d d m itlM ^ d ii prayed for and thereafter there should be the
ceremonial send off. At the end, other
«=il*cbi4Hcii4lfd ^к devotees should be served with food.
According to this calculation, flowers for
adoration should be weighed. In case the WTRigiRcfiT4t t 4 ^ 4 1^ 4 1414)
adoration is thus performed, it would bestow e fiR H J ^ Id l 4 t t II

all the desires. In case a devotees worships The one who is desirous of an important
without any desire, he is sure to become like position should worship with half the
Siva himself. aforesaid number. A person desirous of his
ITHRST cfiRefit *Tt t MT^cfRt хГ Ш 1 release from the prison, should adore a
О C\
hundred thousand lihgas of Siva.
dVfcfii*ji 4%RT:!tl <?II
О Sages, the one who is desirous of TRnrerT i
achieving a kingdom, he should try to please efi4||efi|4l 4%1ГГ ct 71^4 54:11 ^ II
Siva by adoring a crore of Parthiva-lihgas. A person suffering from ailment should
faf Ш W H P 5 rfOfvT rWTI adore, half of the aforesaid number of Siva-
lihgas (i.e. fifty thousand). The one who is
xlf^rt х й £ } с | *RWKi Ш 44:11 ||
desirous of a girl child, he should adore
The unbroken flowers and rice should be twenty five thousands of lihgas with twenty
offered to Sivalihga. Application of the sandal five thousand flowers.
paste, abhiseka of Siva should be performed
with the drop of water. (e iS J ie b l4 W 3 T 4 : 4 4 lT l< t« s [H lx Ie )fc » c |4 l

e R J l tc h l h ) t ^ $ 4 1 xR | % 4 4 I I ^V9ll
гШ IT# f4v4fcvR4444l
StZRT 71444 xT efi4vt Щ W ^T:ll ^11
A person desirous of higher education
should adore Siva with twelve thousand and
The lotus flower and leaves of wood-apple five hundred lotus flowers. The person
should be offered to the Parthiva-lihga. desirous of god speech, should worship Siva
ЗПтН ftflbltn д щ ^ :1 with ghee.
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 14 231

W TI C\ v
the mantra three lacs of times, all the desires
■RRnt ^ <T ITt^ W II \6 II are fulfilled and by reciting the mantra four
lacks of times, Siva himself appears before the
For the destruction of the enemies, an
equal number of flowers should be offered to
Siva. For the destruction of the enemies for ЧР W ЩТ ЧН d-cardfiyidqj
one lac times, Siva should be adored and for ЗУШ <TЗЩПТ W ^%TIR^II
enchantment, the number should be reduced to By performing the japam, five lacs of
the half. times, one undoubtedly gets the full reward. In
WFtTRT ЩЦ #cl *1|гЧм)Г HVIFiMl
case the said mantra is recited ten lacs of
ЩclvDcbfUleh^fuill ^ || times, one receives further auspicious reward.
For subjugating of the vassal kings, RfrhcblMl
t -ЦЩЦ^ШТ1
' Cs *v

worship of Siva, for a crore of times is ^ И^ ц II

recommended. The persons desirous of salvation should
^ ш с|щч|й: ^i^Rstcbii adore Siva with kusa grass. О Sages, in
y(Thehl4jS-4ilr^*4 4«ebl«ll '*ТО%кГ:11 ? OII relation to the worship of Siva, the number
everywhere is one lac.
For earning fame, the same number has
been prescribed. For obtaining a vehicle a ЗШ;сБТТТ1 t ЩТЩ^Т1
thousand Parthivas should be adored. A О Cs s9 s» *S л

person desirous of salvation should adore five The person desirous of long life should
crores of Parthivas with devotion. adore Siva with the durva grass. The person
^TFmrf Hl«h?l£44J desirous of a son, should adore Siva with
f?|c|<^4chWI rT^#T WH^WII ? ^11 Dhatffira flowers.
The people desirous of higher education Tfb$u3Sr «ТЯГ: Чуй трм
should adore a crore Parthiva-lihgas of Siva,
who is benevolent to all. Those who are The wood-apple flower with red stalk is
desirous of having an audience with Siva, considered to be the best and is said to yield
should adore half the above number.
the best results. The offering of the flower of
гит wm: сычч1'-ьн4с\Мг1: i agastya tree (aeschynomena grandi flora) to
ТЩЯЩТ ЖТ 5 II?? II Siva by a person, it would bestow great fame
For the fulfilment of the other desires, the for him.
Mrtyunjaya mantra should be recited. By • O s »
TFh rFTPTT U^afdl
o CS '

performing japam of this mantra five lacs of 31%^: ШРШ $«lefigR&WII II ?6\\
time, Siva appears before the devotee.
The worldly pleasures as well as the
salvation could be achieved by a person, by
chiqHIHIV^gsf W Ч3 II offering Tulasl leaves (Holy basil) to Siva.
In case a person recites the said mantra a Immense prowess could be achieved by
lac of times and begins a second instalment, offering of the of madara (calotrapis
he would be bom in a higher caste. By reciting gigantea), kubjaka and kalhara flowers.
232 Siva-Mahapuranam

j щ т щ я ^rfTi (Harsigdra) when used in the adoration of

ОиЫ1<ЯсЫ% ehuJHlftl ^ jPTRTH^ U Siva by a devotee increases the comforts and
wealth of the devotee. In case the flowers of
The adoration of Siva with Chinese rose, the season are offered to Siva, a devotee
causes death for the enemies, while oleander surely achieved salvation.
flowers drive away all the ailments.
<lfachl^4Hlg Tlfort m
tint щт зщита fmvk wnrn з ч и
f ^ W J d ^ r l i r i l i l l d l l 3 о ||
The offering of the mustard flowers to
By worshipping Siva with bandhitka Siva, surely brings death to the enemies. By
flowers, the devotee gets ornaments, jasmine offering a lac of mustered flowers to Siva,
flowers would yield good horses or vehicles, would yield enormous reward.
the linseed flowers, shall attain the favour of
Visnu. f e lr f f f i T Ш чЗсГ Fyiclclp-j'qili

У1ч1ч^Ш1 -gfo: згтай w hir gnrai ^тлШи з $ и

Except the campaka and ketaka flowers,
there is no other flower which is not liked by
By offering Sami leaves, to Siva, the Siva, therefore these two types of flowers
devotee achieves the devotion as well as should not be offered to Siva.
salvation. The jasmine flowers, when offered
to Siva, would yield a beautiful women to the Ш : Щ xi q-RTRT W T
devotee. w o t Щw ifcsrT ^ ^ ш ! II ^V9ll

dl5l<*l«h^A: w M t ^ Г о ч ^ |
©ч О v3 « V О
Hereafter, I am going to speak out the
eb(u|cbAw«ll wwwf%^rrr ^ПГПТМ^ ^ II reward of offering the grains and pulses in the
adoration of Siva, which should be listened by
By offering the splendid yitthika (a kind of
you with devotion.
jasmine)1 flowers, the shortage of the cereals
never occurs in the house of a devotee by du^Hlf)4ul w M^lddl
offering the white rose to Siva, he will secure sn a fe d fy m 1% : f^ rq frn ^ iii
plenty of garments. By offering rice to Siva, the riches of a
tRf FnWl sUftfl devotee are increased, but they should be
c# : ^c|j<hmTTdiyi|lctll 3 3 II offered to Siva with utmost devotion.
Using the flowers of Nirgundl (medicinal чгМз it язднт ш чч:\
plant), the mind of the devotee gets purified in ш ър 3^11
the world. By offering a lac of leaves of the
wood-apple tree, all the desires of a devotee There should be six prasthas of unbroken
are fulfilled. rice, or two palas in weight or one lac in
fgnfPT 4 WT:ll ^^ll
■frratqfr ^гшг5г r m ^ n th iif tm ^ ii^ o ii
The flowers of the weeping nyctanthous
Siva should be adored prominently.
Thereafter a beautiful cloth should be offered
1 . J a s m in u m A u r ic u l a t u m .
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 14 233

to Siva. This is the excellent way of offering so, all the miseries emanating from the sins
rice to Siva. disappear.
ЯсГОуТТ Ш JTtrfiT т ф л Щ Щ f?T%l
ttqfzRgnr ’ёГ Ilet феЧ1 'ЦуТТОИ Я%<Т11"S^11 TRSlRm y* ^ Ш Ш Т # ijR:ll'tft9ll
Thereafter a coconut should be offered rTT UHdddHIddqi
with fragrance, unbroken rice flowers, besides
the incense, lamp etc. by which full reward of
О Parvatl, similarly the adoration of Siva
the worship could be derived.
with a lac of barley has been prescribed. Eight
HMI4(4&*i tl 5%ПТТ1 and a half prasthas and two palas of barley
^тт % ^терглт ^гщт ттегги^ и grains constitute a hundred thousand in
Two rupees of silver connected with number, according to the ancient calculation.
Prajapati, besides the black gram should be The sages ordain that the worship of Siva with
given to the priest as daksina, for two the grains of barley, increases the divine
ceremonies. Or daksina. according to one’s pleasures.
capacity should be given to the priest.
m «d$uiijqHiibTri:i ягумт^ уи 'чгзгг s w r t i l 's - ? 11
Г^ТТЗТТ dWT ЗШТ TTTfir The devotees desirous of reaping the best
Thereafter food should be offered to twelve reward of their adoration should feed the
Brahmanas. The entire process then Brahmanas to please Prajapati. Lord Siva is
constitutes the completion of Laksapuja in also pleased with he worship done with wheat.
detail with the requisite mantras. d-m HatwRt:
VldHatrR m №nR5UlcT:l тРлт^т я%р^т ftsiR ftfirotanrii цон
fdHHf rT ЩГ RgRIdcMIVRRIl'k'kll In case Siva is adored with a lac of wheat
The mantras are required to be repeated a grains, then there is an increase in the progeny
hundred and eight times. Thereafter a lack of of devotee. Half a drona has a lac of wheat
sesame seeds are required to be offered to grains. Rest of the process should be carried
Siva, and by doing so, all the sins are out appropriately.
R £ R t Л у й ^cT: t
ЦсЬКЯЧ^Ч thstrt w t t q зпЕШ^ттггат ЛЛ:11Ч?||
fisT ЭкЫ f^debluiqTll^mi In case Siva is adored with the green gram
A lac of sesame seeds are eleven palas (or grains, he bestows all types of comforts over
forty four tolas). A person who is desirous of the devotee.
his own welfare, should adore Siva, as has
ЛЩ гррЙёГ ТТШ :1
been done earlier.
Щ 1 Щ гТгТТ ЯРНТТ К Я |-г11У И |и И :1|Ц ^||
ЯрНГГ ^ <5iraf %l
Seven prasthas or two palas, to seven and
M s iN I d c M ^ U H ^ V d ld g eP T IU ^ Il
a half palas of green gram make a hundred
On this occasion the food should be served thousand in number. This has been ordained
to the Brahmana devotee of Siva and by doing by the ancient Brahmanas. Then eleven
234 Siva-Mahapurilnam

Brahmanas should served with food. •o

tnTrq^TI ■ЩЧЯ WWTUTt *fOT 4FfrSR!ll44ll

к тШ тт сг^чт w О Sages, I have explained to you the
By adoring Siva, the supreme soul, with adoration of Siva, done by means of cereals.
the Priyangu flowers (Panicum-Italicum), Now listen to the calculation of a lac in the
there is an increase in dharma, artha and case of flowers.
kama. This type of adoration is always SWTT
зйrfc 5 о II
xT 4 < ld 3 :l A prastha of samkhapuspi flowers, make a
?rsn «1тьч4»^|^шч|им:114^и lac, according to Vyasa, who is well aware of
A lac of Priyangu make a prastha, all the measurements and calculations.
according to the ancient people with wisdom. Цсь1$ИЧ1
Thereafter twelve Brahmanas should be ■qfem iw r Ш B(^«blilKd<ieb'H,ll ^
served with food. The eleven prasthas make a lac of the
jasmine flowers. The same is the number of
the yuthika or jiihi flowers. The flowers of
mustard seed count half its number.
The enemies are destroyed by adoring Siva
with mustard seeds. Twenty palas of mustard 4fe«bl4Nh-d44J
seeds count for a lac of them. fdH4^W«ll HR ЗГетТ^Ч cRfa WII ^ ^ II
Twenty prasthas of Mallita flowers make
3ti«ohhi a lac, while an equal number .of sesamum
flowers measure a little less then a prastha.
By adoring Siva with them the enemies are
destroyed. Decorating Siva with arahara Н?Ш fjHJu'l TJR ch<cjj^dMl
pulses, (citisus cajam), his adoration should be O s3
wt Л £$:и$зп
S3 1
done. Oleander weighs double than the earlier
^TT Tfm *TI ones. The people with wisdom describe the
same number for Nirgundi flowers.
w »ia1=rf»icb’0 тдтп 4V9ii
A cow and a bull should be given in charity «bfuicbA rTSTTЧТЧ -О О 44:1

for the sake of lord Siva. The adoration of ш ttr зтпч!

Siva with black pepper results in the In the white rose bandhujiva and Siris
destruction of the enemies. flowers too have the same mode of
зттеэйчт calculation. Ten prasthas of bandhujiva
flowers constitute a hundred thousand.
T H Iffc J ch ft 'ЧГЗГГ " Ы щ ^ З Щ Т Н Ч ^ П

Siva should also be adored by colouring <v5*<ч1К«<4|-сУнч1


him with the colour of the arhara leaves. This cbT44lf^RT:ii^4ii

type of adoration bestows all types of rewards Thus taking into consideration the different
besides the pleasures. measures, Siva should be adored for the
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 14 235

fulfilment of all the desires. For achieving dravyas the holy ashes should lovingly be
salvation Siva should be adored shedding applied over the body.
away all the desires. дчштт %ч тотч! чттоточч1>ччтоi
3FT: ш т а т т а чтот! чтоЧ?ТТЧ R^dlil ТОЧ%ЧТО-ТО:I I I I
точ ^letumr^ui w w t точ% ^щг*тп $ $ II By reciting a thousand mantras as stated
Hereafter I shall speak on the subject of above, Siva should be bathed with the dhara
dhdrapuja, listening to which, people face all of ghee, which results in the development of
the welfare. the race. There is no doubt about it.
felHMcJch fiiTO ЧТОЧТ fyiTOw t l Р Ч H ^ T h H ^ U i eJTpf 4 f$T4fTOTO I

W 4FTORT % ТО&ЧТ <4RhddA:ll^ll что того яшчто 4%rl:ii'33ii

Adoring Siva appropriately with devotion, Thus Siva should be adored reciting the
then the stream of water should be poured mantras spoken by me. Ultimately twelve
over Siva. Brahmanas connected with Prajapati, should
be served with food.
ЧНТОТТ ■дточто!
When a person in high fever starts uttering Vi4)<if4Ri4T чч что чсгр'з'&и
useless words. In order to pacify such a In order to bestow wisdom over a person
person, water should be poured over Siva short of wisdom, the milk mixed with sugar
reciting the Satarudriya or Ekddas'a-Rudra should be poured over lord Siva.
mantra. By doing so the patient is sure to get ЧТЧ ТГ3ПЧЧ dfe-ЬтТОП
■bs.'juwta to чч ^тЬн toi
By so doing, the concerned person
чз^чггг то тог tT g r^ ^ T чн $ <?n achieves wisdom comparable to Brhaspati.
One should also recite the Sivanama and The adoration with dhara of milk should be
japam from Purusasukta, Sadanga-Rudrl or continued till the recitation of the ten thousand
Mahamrtyunjaya mantras. mantras is over.
чтчтот to чтоfir: тщгат^то:1 что #тогч ^ точч ччтто fern
Ц^с(ЬнШ1тШ ЧНУШОф M ilfo il ЧЧ froth TO$TOffti Ч hR-df^dfll^ll
Besides these mantras, the Gayatri mantra, In case, without any cause, there develops
om-namah-Siv&ya or Pauranika mantras any crack or lactation in the body, or one
should be recited while pouring water over the develops love in proper or improper person, or
Sivalinga. there is an increase of love and misery
ЧТЧТ^: 4t?4T ^ w a iR u illl^ n FTTfit ТОГО# f4TO ЧТО ^ 4 W IT O li

For the increase in the comforts and the ТОЩТТО f4T4T cf frlsT fdHjilcl 11^*311
progeny dhara-worship has been prescribed to Or the dispute arises in the house, or the
be the best. Making use of the excellent miseries overpower the house, all of them
236 Siva-MahapurSnam

would disappear in no time with the By adoring Siva appropriately together

performing of the d/?<5ra-worship of Siva. with Parvati and Karttikeya, the type of
rTHRlsf ^ ЙсТОШf^TSrtqfri reward which is achieved by a devotee, is
being spoken by me, whatever had been heard
by me.
For causing miseries to the enemies, the .........^ ^ г- Г ' ______
dhara of oil should be poured over Siva and aiw ^ewiltsH wisr ш щ ш : ^proi
by doing so the job is done. Ш\ TOfr vfc* у4 утс| и ^ц|| йц ||
'difa ^ d ттзтгасП A devotee of Siva enjoying all the
pleasures in this world with sons and
grandsons, and after his death he achieves
By pouring the dhara of the fragrant oil, Sivaloka, which bestows all the comforts.
there is an increase in the pleasures. With the
pouring of the dhdrd of mustered oil, the ^cblfdMdlebl^fdtl^: ftdchmA:!
enemy is surely destroyed. II6 $ II
т о т t
He boards the plane having the lustre of
crores of suns, and which moves at will, he
^ci^cbd %%!iuoii joins to singing and dancing of the
By adoring Siva, with the pouring of the Rudrakanyas.
dharn of honey, the danger from Yaksa is
warded off. By pouring the dhara of
sugarcane juice, one gets all types of bliss. Ш TTl^ 4 e||4 lfd % 1Ч ЗШ2Т^roaRTFlU^II ^
ШТТ yfrhyRhlbcTH^II He enjoys sports with the relatives of Siva,
till the time of the dissolution. Thereafter he is
PjTt: tacfew : я)тБТ n 6 %ll redeemed by achieving the perfect knowledge.
By pouring the dhara of the water of the
Gariga, one achieves salvation. One get ?ftr 9)UvN4$iytiui fgatarat уучуи^
success in the process of reciting the чрт
Mrtyunjaya mantra. •«r^yil5ffirRT:ii ^11
dsll^dMMIui % d fellH d : I
9ll^U||4i xt ЧГЩ ^ b*H^-4ll|<^ll
In this case the recitation should be done
ten thousand times and at the end, eleven
Brahmanas should be served with food.
РШТ ^MHsMId TffrgR! I
О Sage, I have spoken to you whatever had
been asked by you. This process shall make all
the efforts successful.
!<b.<mmfijd fdiiRT -Щ|
236 Siva-MahapurSnam

Manifestations of Rudra

fg ^ ! f g ^ ! тщторт ! « ш ч !i

flgt дот чтччтдчтм

гот^тт wf^oirr iKflrqfg: ддт ^jmi
дот дот: w m щ ^и
Narada said, “О Creator, О Brahma- the
fortunate one, foremost among the gods, you
are graceful. You have recited today the
extremely auspicious story of Siva, in which
Rudra Sarhhita (SfSti Khanka), Chapter 15 237

we learnt about the divine and surprising

origin of Sivalinga, with the influence of ШП ЧТО^Г 4glAH:l
which all the miseries in this world disappear.
fyiem^lURWi sfw *uq<R?iq)rtll^II
ЗНЧГС rf ШЩ rlftt Щ |
Sflta said, “Listening to the words of the
Tftlter т а ^ ммг ^ f^ 4 d :n ^ u sage Narada, Brahma, concentrating his mind
Now you speak out the glory and what at the feet of Siva, spoke with respect.”
transpired thereafter, the grandeur of the
created things and particularly the mode of
creation. You kindly speak out the same.” P 4 J ^fSoPTR^ f% R TI
UTclldTqfqcIcblsf^T 'Jlcig<>4tcr4iueiqjl II
Brahma said, “The swan can fly upwards
steadily and has the power to distinguish
<*a|Rn*||Rr 3ET#-qTSW
T c\
W I I * II between falsehood and the truth. Because of
Brahma said, “You have put me a correct this it can separate milk from the water.
question, I had heard about the subsequent
happenings which I shall relate to you briefly.
t w t g?r kr w °tt ^faebiRtmn ^11
сЩТ^ ftfeKKll 1ШВ1
Thus the swan can distinguish between
3 T ? f ^ p r f ^ ! 3Tfefc ^a4IH4TH,ll4 II ignorance and knowledge. Because of this,
After the disappearing of the eternal lord, Brahma, the creator of the universe took to the
О Brahmana, both myself and Visnu felt form of a swan.
immensely comfortable.
Rftcbl Чет нащ ^Tf oii^iwi
w wr ^'yKij^tiwuii
(Vl4'W ^4dTc|fi| WcflWTFT 4TOl!ll ^ 1 1
<т д а м h ii
But О Narada, I failed to find out the
Then myself and Visnu, in the form of the refulgent form of Siva and therefore it was
swan as well as boar, surrounded the earth for
its protection.” absorbed in the same.
^ f u ^ f d c h l h ^ l ЗЯГ ^TR ИЩЧН1
4TR 'Sqin
ш ч тщт twRmmi ^ и
RtSl! Щ ! W W '. W Tt if ЩЩ1
The one who is absorbed in the creation of
ff4t cT
the universe, how could he be blessed with the
Narada said, “O Brahma, possessing
real knowledge? Because of thus, I even after
enormous wisdom, I have developed a great
taking to the form of swan, could not achieve
doubt in my mind you kindly remove the same
with great compassion. the true knowledge.
ш f i w i тг «рт ёВ8щ| МШ£ГГ 9 R R W hfM clfd f% R T t
c i K i ^ t i Rr ЙВЩЧ1 cH riiR um i и
зтацт ър* MTurmi 6 и
Both of you took to the form of swan and A boar can steadily go down deep below,
the boar, but why did you do so? What had therefore lord Visnu took to the form of a wild
been the reason for it ?” boar.
238 Siva-Mah2pur5nam

зш гт ЯЦТ JT^OTrf^l 4i^llUdl*| «rfinf<3T ЯМ ТЛд^ЧЧеПТ!

faw j4l гГ Ж Щ ^Т geHIcHchlftuiTII ^ II % u a q J K ЖгоПГ ctitarm R^TII ^ 9II
Or in other words Visnu took to the form By achieving the grace of Siva, Visnu went
of a white boar in order to start s'veta-varaha- to Vaikuntha, out of Brahrnanda and started
kalpa. living there.
t| Щ Я Г rtfh g r l ^ f t t l Щ f?F=r Ш %qj % ^fgchiRiqi i
rff^T 31% c R ^ s # c r t и^ n qcf gg чтн жт ridi3<fdh<;if^44ji ^311
The date from which Hari took to this In order to resolve for creation, devoting
form, Varaha-kalpa started from that time. my mind at Siva and Visnu, I created the
dfcpsJT Щ dcfl 5ГШ rl'W W IR T elK*J)l water first of all and I poured a hand cup full
irf^T сЩ |^о^«Ь:|| ^ЭП of water in it.
When he first desired to take to that Varaha ЗТсТОизчЧсШ
form, since that time in every kalpa, the
Varaha-kalpa was repeated. О Brahmana, then out of that water an egg
ffir STV^tH ^tTЩЯ ЧТ^! I of twenty four tattvas was formed and it took
тдягт щ ^г gfgferfsr ЖГ! II \ 6 II to gigantic form.
О Narada, in this way I have replied to гГгГ: W mrqggpR^r g^romri
your question. You listen to it. О Sage now, I, Ш fg m p ztp p m m rr:ii?q ii
concentrating my mind at the lotus like feet of
Then I becoming doubtful, meditated upon
Siva, shall narrate the sequence of the
Visnu for a period of twelve years.
SRrfffrr тж с%«Гч<Т1Ч{?:1 ctfgtg w r m \ # : gm i
чтчс|г€| ч$нП«п w ^ mi3,iii ^ ii
ЖГТ ^f^znrnSJTRrWT:)! VKII
After the disappearing of lord Mahadeva, I, О Dear one, at that point of time, lord
being the Grandsire of the lokas, in order to Visnu himself appeared before me and
obey his command, sat in meditation reciting touched my limbs and then delightfully said.”
his name. fa w iM W
TcfT w i ЯТЩ ^ W l ж Ф Ш 5 Й ч й й fea* жп
зттчд тщт щ т gfg Щ mrfe^n ^ о и $ЩГ5ЙГЩЯЖЧ Tnf Щ Tr4tfe>:li ^'ail
Offering my salutation to Siva and gaining Lord Visnu said, “O Brahma, ask for a
wisdom from Visnu, and feeling blissful, I boon. I am pleased with you. There is nothing
mentally decided to start creation of the in the world which cannot be given to you. By
universe. the grace of Siva, I can bestow everything on
f^ p r r ft r rf^T ?TT HfojTJW f^ragi you.”
w m ш ! 1р<те1Ы щш :11? ?n Wtcnw
Lord Visnu, offering his salutation to Siva clrTTSf yTWTT ?T ^1
and bestowing the appropriate enlightenment
to me, disappeared, О Dear one. weft f^porfM qrrtsgr rTiR^ii
Rudra Sariihita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 15 239

Brahma said, “O Visnu, the fortunate one, Lord Hari, who happens to be the preserver
you have spoken truthful words that Siva has of all the seven lokas, himself appeared in his
given me over to you. It is therefore proper gigantic or virat form.
that I should request you. Therefore you give %rlW44t ТЩ wfyR RTTTRRT4I
me whatever Siva has desired to be given to
me. I offer my salutation to you. You give me fdciwi^ Rm ^ ci iii^m i
whatever has been desired by Siva to be given In these seven lokas, the charming Kailasa,
to me. was lodged at the top most position, which
was made by Siva, his own dwelling place.
•Sl^lUiW TMT чту! %ПсГет гг ГТЧЧТ*Г1
4 ^cRT У4 ? ^ II ? II
This gigantic egg in the form of virat ^ iR i^ ^ f ! чтут! 4ifer ггаИт^п ^ ^ и
comprises of twenty four tattvas. There is no О Divine Rsi, even if the whole cosmic egg
life in it in the beginning. Therefore it looks is destroyed Kailasa and Vaikuntha would
lifeless. never be destroyed.
Щ&Ь ТУЭПЧЗТ Г¥МНУ(Й1 # ! l 4f4WT!l

Ш ЦЧЗ ^ о || Ш ! M^l^cfInfill ЩЧИ^Н

О Visnu, you have appeared before me О Sage, I am dwelling in the Satyaloka. О
today by the grace of Siva. Therefore you Dear one, at the command of lord Mahadeva, I
activate this egg with the strength of Siva.” engaged myself in the task of creation.
3TT<TWTTWT dc^USebqji } ^|| fRg^4?m!44:ii^<iii
At these words of Brahma, Visnu who is When I started creation, the sin was created
always ready to obey the command of Siva, first of all in the form of five illusions. It was
took to the infinite form and entered the egg. the nature of darkness endowed with
Щ'а уМ W : -щщг: WOTTrTi
ЧЧ: ^iicKiRmi
ЧТЧЙ ^«Ml TT^ot s u p f t l l 3 -RII
Then Visnu having a thousand heads, ytstKfif ^г:чт^чкп4 yrojyiwm^n 3 я II
thousand eyes and a thousand feet, Thereafter, I feeling delighted created the
encompassed the cosmic egg, touching the immobile beings. At the command of Siva, I
earth everywhere. continued my meditation in an unattached
manner of the conscious beings.
fowRT ^U|cKdrH tf\
ч ^т ч упт^т шгщтт?чч:1
4^d44^ifi5 ^dldyiid^qw il^^ll
Then Visnu was properly praised by me, чвтЫ£т g:T3i<s^fw4g^iIdl ч чтагеигаон
who entered the cosmic egg comprising of the Observing that creation, I, for the success
twenty four tattvas which got activated. of my efforts, started other type of creation,
then the creatures moving in transverse
WHTfe W W ^Hdlehllin: ТЗЩ manner appeared like the cows and others.
TRrf ТЧ ?1ТШ W : Tm:ll3*H They were the form of misery, which could
240 Siva-Mahapuranam

not establish my basic desire. cklMKI w t : Ш ;: mf^Tt ^ :i

<T х|1«1ЧеЬЧ1?Гт *Tl цчтчсц-dtl ^ В г а т с ||^ ?icrk)ii* ^ ii
awq^ nir r a : i ^ ii^ ^ii Kumara-sarga happens to be the ninth,
Treating them to be of no consequence, I which is the combination of Prakrt and
again meditated upon and then the creatures, vaikrta. Their further divisions are beyond my
which could move up and having Sattvaguna capacity to describe.
(or the divine creation) appeared. a ^ i g M o t a w ctfer ч А Г^1В1«ьн.|

^cRFf: nfdisdid : tty ici^ :i згттт: "^ш^чт ш *nrf ■ц^яши'кги

Я<ЗТ£|хк1<4 ЯЯТПгЧТ: II 9 II At the end, I shall now describe the
Brahmanical creation, which is of very little
The creation of the gods was extremely
consequence. It is in this sarga, that the great
pleasant. But I again started thinking, taking
creation of Sanaka and other rsis referred to
them to be an obstruction in the achieving of above as kumara-sarga has taken place.
my goal.
Hdchlill: ^TT ^ % ШЧТГГ 5 l^ ^ fu id l:l
Hi^tttVdd: w rf ТГ5Ш: vi^Ttijraii
q^iq<Hqqu|?il 3 1 W I ^pRTT:ll*<?ll
3ici)cHdldi ф ТэШ) trgw:
Sanaka and others are my mind bom sons,
Then at the command of Siva, the creation who resemble me. All the five of them were
with dominant rajoguna was made which fully detached from the world and were great
moved downwards, like those of the human recluses.
beings, who were the great aspirants.
ТЩЩНТ srfq rt й w r f g w t «ran: t
R|cn*u^cb4H*i) 4 TllrWII Ч о ||
ffo M^-dl fidT TRTTIl'k'kll
They possessed enormous wisdom, and
Then at the command of Siva, the bhutas were detached from the world at my command
(goblins) were created. In this way five types and they always meditated upon Siva. They
of creation also called Vaikrta were set in had declined to engage themselves in the task
motion. of the creation.
sW: ТТПГГ: MfidW 4fc«Nddl:l ЯртТ? xT 4 ftw !i
МШ TRf % rto : 11*411 3T37trf Ч Ш чтр !и ч^и
In this way three types of creations from О Sage Narada, listening to their refusal to
Prakrti, were made by Brahma. Of these the get engaged in the task of creation, I was
first was Mahatsarga, the second was subtle enraged and confused.
^cftlftcB^dliiar MI$dK9TC:l ЛЙн TsTeJ HNrtW^fcKecll q ^ II
ттд insfefT: TFtf: М1ф^фй: W ll^ ll О Sage, having been overpowered with the
The third was the vaikdrika-sarga. Thus anger and confusion, two drops of tears fell
there are three Prakrti-sargas. Combining the from my eyes.
Prakrti and Vaikarika-sargas, eight types of fTTOT tWTI
creations have been defined. % RlWHIII 4^11
Rudra Sariihita (Sr?ti Khanka), Chapter 15 241

Then suddenly I remembered Visnu, who ТП5 Ягэт irgT^t ттрт: сЪ-ьинГнТу:i
arrived there atonce, and advised me suitably Tit ш : чГч'^хСЧ! tt ^
“O Sage, Siva, the ocean of compassion
f?Te|^fd ^fwrr then smiled and said.
v5 “s 114*11
xRit Tri^rawr! ' ■Чрр? -ЩЦ
“You meditate upon Siva.” О Sage, at this
4i-4^ry>iiuf4ai згзтт i
advice of Visnu, I performed severe tapas.
зт# ч ч г: g n h w 1т ф ч т §:i=ranM ii ^ ? и
Mahadeva said, “O Brahma, I shall not
create people, who are afraid of the birth and
зп5тга^щШ«г:1 death besides those who are ugly and remain
зфтт1^Г ЯгЭТ Wf?T: Tl^HW:ll4^ll drowned in the ocean of mercy because of
While performing tapas for the sake of their sins.
creation, from a point in between my Щ ЧЯТ B&Rbdifa ^ ТГ5ТТ:i
eyebrows as well as the nose, called avimukta, 'ИШЦНИЗЙЧ UbMfdqRilpll5311
he manifested himself as half man and half
woman or Ardhanarlsvara. I, in fact, redeem the people drowned in the
ocean of misery and as their preceptor I
bestow knowledge on them.
T l# 4lc^Tt%TW^4,ll4^ll cjftc* з-ддтещ: m \: w rq^'i
ЧШ ^rpcfTSt <J 5f?fW:l ч ъ& т ш т ^ P4 fa « ifa iis * ii
зтФет cjci^vi 'дзг fdfeii: згзтт:ицли O Prajapati, “You better create the people
On seeing the unborn lord Siva, who was who have to suffer for their sins. At my
the heap of lustre, lord of Uma, omniscient, command, you would not be bound in any
the creator of all, well known as Nllalohita, illusion.”
before me, I offered my salutation to lord
Siva, I praised him with great devotion, which
delighted me. Then I said to lord Siva, the god
of gods, “You take up several types of ^FTOT: 4?<id) ^ P : II II
creation yourself.”
Brahma said, “Saying this, the glorious
tm gg; 4TT-S2T lord Siva,, in my full view, disappeared from
^ янщиедпчч11 that place with his attendants.
Then Mahes'vara- the god of gods, listening sftf^TcmfpjTTvr fethiai ^t% rrat wremi
to my words, started creating several beings
like himself and filled with rajoguna.
зтсггэ- g r W nfrc>£
^ ^ 4 llq g i: ЗГЛТ ? m ll ^ о II
Then I said to Mahesvara- the MahSrudra,
“O Deva, you create the people who are afraid
of birth and death.
242 Siva-Mahapuranam

CHAPTER 16 was created out of my conception, which is

The Creation- described meant for the achievement of everything. О
Foremost of the sages, by the grace of Siva
these excellent sadhakas were created, after
V I ^ ( h 4 q p fr Ч^ПфгЯ1^И1гМЧ11
which I felt satisfied.
h z: Ш Щ <3f| т к Ш P lfa ll ^ll
mit тщ тт mu! snf:
хг^ггш т гд д а «ртт^ЫГч чтт^!|
mm* wrrtRT: Trafmr:ii<tii
«ьн1^мч4^1*сЬ1<?пч^1Нс»т^^чч|| ч к Then, О Dear one, at my command, the
Brahma said, “О Narada, I, after Rsis who had been bom of my sankalpa and
performing the pentuplication of the bhatas were the followers of the excellent dharma
elements and other attributes like sound etc., were engaged in the following of dharma.
also evolved the gross Ether, wind, fire, water
and earth out of them and the created rRTf'SlJ'jr f^fasr^sftm^PTRI
mountains, oceans, trees etc. and the period of ^mmmjpfr!ii<?ii
time ending with Kali and other ages. O Sage, then I created several sons, out of
tjifrNiHutiaiPMчщ my body like the gods, demons and several
others, and different types of bodies were
IfiTt ЯТПсГТ I W UHMebHtH 1 ^ ! l l 3 l l
assigned to them.
0 Sage, I created many other things but I
was still dissatisfied. О Sage, then I meditated mrtst vi^uum %i
on Siva, and his consort Amba and the created fssrr ф^1гчн1 ■ g^!n и
aspirants. О Sage, then at the inspiration of Siva, I
p ftfe хг хп divided my body into two parts and I became
of two forms.
W s f p очмгернз gfwmT^imi
1 created the sage Marici from my eyes, mft j w i l i trrt! tj^ ! i
Bhrgu from my heart, Angira from the head,
and from Vydsa, the sage Pulaha. О Sage, I was spread as male from the one
ш ъч f t ттч м А : i half of my body and a female from the other
<«1ЧМ1х*<>1?1РМЦ|^£| xf SllUld:It4 tl part. Lord Siva then created mithuna.
Then Pulastya from the udana-vayu, TcTCrajcfr ЧТШ W : u rw m i
Vasistha from Samana-vdyu, Kratu from mft ht riqRmftii ^ и
арйпа-vdyu, Atri from the ears and Daksa Out of these the excellent sadhaka was the
Prajapati from Prana-vayu. Svayaiiibhu Manu and the yoginl emerged in
3Tf3i щ\ зфт p Pwi the form of the ascetic Satarupa.
Щёчцчъ snf ^ я т е р ш га ч ^ п ^ и *?t зч4дчт fr? # irti
f^m^rfiRT mm^rRjf u%miii ^ и
3W 4 ^ l l f d ! ^ l4 d « R lc!d :ilV 9 ii The beautiful damsel was accepted by
You (Narada) were created from my lap, Manu. О Dear one, thereafter the creation by
Kardama from my shadow. Finally dharma sexual intercourse started.
Rudra SarhhitS (Sr$fi Khan<Ja), Chapter 16 243

04ifri: WT2HWf?f: : rHw: ^гчт <ши

да^-нмчцёг w w o r n чт:н ^ ii Bngl 7Ш1
M^friRfd кзшт:1 ч^ркТ rWT ^fT: IR ? II
3TFg# «1<1^м т <J RbUMI^II II fO T : Walter
3lfMfRRT g f|g r fcpHST ОТШПТ11 у ^11
ОТ Tfcf ШЯ TJ1WT4II ^ II The eleven younger daughters were
He got two sons from her, known as Khyati, Satl, SambhDtT, Smrti, Prlti, Ksama,
Priyavrata and Uttanapada, besides the three Sannati, Anurupa, Uraja, Svaha and Svadha
daughters, who were known by the names of who were respectively married to Bhrgu,
Akuti, Devahuti, and Prasutl. Ruci was Bhava (Siva), Marlci, Angirasa, Pulastya,
married to Akuti, Devahuti was married to Pulaha, Kratu- the excellent one, Atri,
Kardama and Prasutl, the younger sister of Vasistha, fire-god and Pitrs (manes).
Uttanapada was married to Daksa Prajapati. UUIdRdi ЪРЯ ^щ гат: ТШШ ЩТ:1
Out of these, the sons and progeny was spread M : fithRd iTcRTER^II ^'kll
in the mobile and immobile worlds.
These girls were married with the progeny
3TTfOT rT ctf^TTI produced by them the entire mobile or
щ щ sifift w ^%turat гг sr^ tii ^эи immobile universe was filled.
With the union of Akuti and Ruci, yajna т?р «|Гим1чП«|сЫМ^:i
with daksina were bom. With the union of ЗЩШТ 5ШТ ЗЩрПНГ ffj^TT: II ^ ч II
yajna and daksina, twelve sons were bom.
Thus at the command of Siva the lord of
д ф ш ctgifr ЗШТ: WT R^ll Ambika, besides according to ones own
^ п ш ш щ гтагт ^ # : i i ?<sii karmas several best of the Brahmanas were
О Sage, with the union of Devahuti and bom
Kardama, several girls were bom. Daksa еЬг'Ч'йсН ^TFT hfg: gr^IT: Mehl$dl:l
Prajapati too had twenty four daughters. от ъ «гак ^ и
« г а к зттг фит Я'бмщ According to another kalpa Daksa had
^poj Ш Ш tT H l U l f t « и Ш ^ П R ^ R l l I ^ 1 1 sixty daughters, out of when ten were married
О Sage Daksa Prajapati, gave away to Dharma and twenty seven to the moon.
thirteen daughters in marriage to Dharma, k f c n З тТ сп ^г: сизгачга ; к к ? п
including Sraddha. You listen to the names of шщ: щщтч фт щ ч к ч гщ и ^и
the thirteen wives of Dharma.
Thirteen of them were given to Kasyapa
язт тк*кт шт fern appropriately. О Narada, four of the excellent
f f e k r щт: wf^T: kfig: <*1^41^11 Ч° forms were given to Garuda.
These included Sraddha, LaksmI, Dhrti, fTcrfjfU | ' t g k гг 5тЩТТ1
Kriya, Santi, Tusti, Pusti, Medha, Buddhi, w t ?tt^джгатги ^ с и
Lajja, Vasu, Siddhi, and Klrti.
Besides, girls were given each to Bhrgu,
ЩЩТ %gT ddlifwi ТГЗДс;?! ^cTRRT: I Angira and Krsasva and many children were
244 Siva-Mahapuranam

bom to them in the mobile and immobile cnmf t -цщ

world. is# ЩЧГ fd few TgcT:ll?^ll
сЬ'УЦЧШ n'gi^ i Vaikuntha happens to be his left limb, I
^гтт чт: g ^ f 5 r f e c F g f 4 W T ! i R <?ii (Brahma) happens to be his right limb, while
Rudra happens to be his heart. Thus Rudra is
Ш H tjfdftlo^H М Щ 1
conceived to be of three types.
w i 3Tf4 jj % ш п 3 Оn
3Tt fdupj yuiiteiq 3dTfdT:l
О Sage, the thirteen girls who were given
to the sage Kasyapa appropriately, the mobile -ЩЪ ТГ5ГГfrfolSJ
and immobile worlds were filled with their Myself, Visnu and Rudra possess the
progeny, and there were no shortage at all. gunas, while Sadasiva himself is absolute-
without gunas and is infallible.
j p r a s N c fa rg fc jnsrflfti
fcfwJJ: Tfr^ T3TtSe> rT d4t ^ 3^TfcT:l
T l f ч Ф г а Ъ щ ; 11^ 11
Thereafter, the gods, the rsis, daityas, trees ЧТШ 3 6 II
and plants, besides the mountains were Visnu represents- sattvaguna, Brahma-
created. rajoguna and Siva has tamoguna within but of
different nature outside.
^«ьлпя^в' «imiM 47w<4.i
ЗРггепЙ 4%: fewr W:l
4MWdH4iw w w t o i r щ<щ\ ъ ч и
Thus with the progeny of the daughters of 3Pd: «ГЩ?Гтзт)5? ^ я т Ч^!II ^^11
Daksa Prajapati, the entire mobile and Visnu is of tdmasika nature within, but
immobile world was filled from Patala to externally he is Satvika. Rudra is of Satvika
Satyaloka. nature within but Tamasika nature outside. I
on the other hand am of Rajasika nature
shjlIUd °41H ^ ^ g^TERI throughout.
ITcf ficTT TTKtWWT ^ТЩ^ТШЧРТИ 3 9 II TDRTT гГ Ш Rrd^4l f Ш Ш)|
The entire cosmic egg was filled and no f e w ^ f^ T тггн*°п
place remained without creation. Thus at the
ттсг fyrar m \ G rayed и
command of Siva, Brahma created the
universe. ftw # Щ гФМ\ HRdlrt 4^11*^11
fayhHIilld ^ O T T^RITI The goddess of speech is of Rajasic nature,
Sati is of Satvic nature, LaksmI is of tamoguna
d e te st ftftd T ? т а я т ^ f a e y w i 113*11 nature. The supreme Siva taking to the form of
Satl, the daughter of Daksa was always Satl, was married to lord Siva. In the yajna of
protected by Siva, because she had been her father, she ended her life and achieved her
created for the sake of performing tapas. tme place at the instance of Narada.
-§Ц ЗДкЯЯЧЕЕП <гйф*14|Шс| чр&й wm ^е»япйчч1 f^rari
д а т Ч1р>ТГ Ч тЬ )Д О 1& £ |1 3 Ц II Ш fK^T y d f¥ ¥ lc|4 4 H ld lll* ?ll
She was bom from Daksa, for the benefit Then at the prayer of the gods, she was
of the people. He performed several tapas for reborn as Parvatl. After performing severe
the redemption of his devotees. tapas, she again got Siva, as her husband.
Rudra Samhita (Sr§ti Khanda), Chapter 17 245

4 1 4 'M ^ e Flfq W r t f o гГ Я•оЧ Ш И Rudra happens to be his complete and

=hlfcd<*l r)fU s«h l Я З Т тТЩОЗТ 1^3ШТ ЗГЯ Т 1 Г*3
perfect incarnation. Five faced Siva, has built
a blissful abode at Kailasa, which is beyond
w jz ft ^ <^fi ч т г щ г Ш гп
destruction even after the destruction of the
Щ Я П зЯ Т ЗТТЯ^Т Ц Ш Т ■ pT4t я 4 ч ^ г Ш 1 ^ 'Х М universe.
Я 1 ч2 № М Й «ы 1 ч yfd J^ R fiM cIT fw тГ1
?ftr «ftfviei4?npiut %diyrai
g m e h n ^ m P oi x rr^ f?r! п ^ ч м ^К^ЧКэЧЙ URTTB^tctT^ ^Гй<=|иУ чтя
О Sage, the said Siva came to be known by 4te?TtssqT3:ii^ii
several names like Kalika, Candika, Bhadra, link*
Camunda, Vijaya, Jaya, Jayanti, Bhadrakall,
Durga, BhagavtT, Kamaksa, Kamada, Amba,
MrdanI, Sarvamarigala, Parvatl, possessing
several qualities bestows pleasures as well as
tR Z R rm ^ тг '
тщ щ ^ гг:1

Thus the three goddesses possessing all the
virtues, and the three gods possessing all the
virtues performed the best of activities on
v$ tjfeHcbKftl crfftat i j t o n li
% Л ?Г Я Т W 5 f e r r : II^ V 3 ll

О Sage, I have narrated to you the method

of the creation of the world. At the command
of Siva, I created the entire globe.
Щ w JflT h W T il ^ Ч Г К Г Ч : Ш Т :1

3 T t f o n jS J w J j u i^ « y f c 4 d : ll '* 4 ll

Siva is the supreme Brahman, Myself,

Visnu and Rudra are his manifestation.
f w n тяй ячгнп
ч<Ч1гЯ1 % Мит:
Sadasiva is free to take to the visible or
invisible form. He enjoys all the sports with
Siva in the Sivaloka.
(Н гг W r g m t r Ц ж - тр м

язя tw ч«1ч<мдат ?i
Ш ЧТ$Г с П З w r s f a r t я Ц п ц О II
Rudra Samhita (Sr§ti Khanka), Chapter 17 245

The story of Gunanidhi
^nUlcRE‘4 cTERrR^r ъщщ: tT <j 4TT?:i
tR : ct ЧЕЭТ fsR^R 7R^nT:ll ^11
Suta said, “0 Sages, listening to the words
of Brahma, Narada offered his respectful
salutation to him and asked him.”

chdl TRf %
<?сг err r RsR^ d-mrald ^ U f TT^RRTII ^ II
Narada said, “When did Siva, who is
benevolent to his devotees, go to Kailasa, and
when did he develop friendship with Kubera?
а д ? Ш bftWr: fVNI^fd:l
Udrtt4 <г1ЧЫ*^ Щ ehld^fi Rhll ^ II
What did Siva, who is the complete form
of the universe, do there. You please narrate
all this to me because I am too anxious to
know about the same.

*JUT ЧТЩ\ ^ifwAfER:!

W w m liH R trflslrtj SR^TSI xlimi
Brahma said, “O Narada, now I shall
narrate the story of Candrasekhara Siva, the
way he went to Kailas'a and how did he
develop friendship with Kubera? Your please
listen to me.
246 Siva-Mahapuranam

U^-dlGUt ^^gll(^V!K<:ll4ll
In the city of Kampilya, there was a priest He flouted the conventions and in
who was born in the Somyaji family known by functions, of the smrtis and indulged in
the name of Yajnadatta. singing and playing. The actors and the
heretics were quite friendly to him.
ттзтяйзат creiRr: «ьИя'чмч: n ^ u ЗГС^ТГ 1^4 m t rMdiPdebHJ
He was well-versed in the Vedic and post- ^ r a t ^ d iu -ftm i w и

Vedic literature, honoured by the kings ^ m УгтШг: W :i

besides being an excellent orator. 4 «j^d 'ЩТГ^ ehrMlfui! faqsilfd fenill ^ II
ттш t ^ т ^ п ^ т ч ^ п т и ^ ii
Making all the efforts, he maintained the зщЬщб£пнт^ тт fW hl: ш
sacrificial fire, engaged himself in study of the
Ц е Ь ч Ш 7F4T7TT HdK'Ufrl d l f ^ d q i l II
Vedas, possessed beautiful temperament, had
beautiful limbs, and his face resembled the Even at the inspiration of his mother, he
moon. never went to his father. Whenever his father,
who always remained pre-occupied in the
зтт#^ jjuifqiii-rm ffiflcrerrei ^ ш : i house-hold affairs asked his wife about his
<a>dl4«W : ^ 5 ^ f^ T T Ш Щ ^ f r ? T :l son, who could not be seen by him, for long,
m тд н гв ^ Л з ч а ^ и 6 n then she used to say, “He is taking bath, or is
He had a son named Gunanidhi, after his adoring the gods, has just gone out, or after
yajnopavita ceremony was performed, he completing his studies he has gone out with
studied the eight types of lores, pretty well. his friends. Since she had only one son,
After sometime he started gambling stealthily therefore, Gunanidhi’s mother always cheated
from the father. her husband.
зи<гаг<га эт чщ: падуга: i 4 cTrcftf ЩcT^fFT Rhfi&fri 77 ^ jra :i
f f g n W l M % э д и тси и T E T cf ^ У 1 Н с Ь ч Ы c $ S 8 T u te ? T ll ^ ||

He brought enormous wealth from the Dlksita- his father was completely unaware
mother and gave it to the gamblers to make of his son’s activities. Still in the sixteenth
friendship with them. year he performed his hair-cutting ceremony.
^TbqHgluiHK: m t тг гг: tti
Ч |Г и ш 1 ^ ц с ы 7 а д м ^ э и
He discarded all the ways of the Thereafter Yajnadatta Diksita married his
Brahmanas and became averse to the son also according to the provisions of the
performing of the sandhya and the prescribed Grhyasutras.
ablutions. He started denouncing the Vedas,
the sacred texts, the gods as well as the
Brahmanas. YTTfTcT -Щ4T^!ll Ull
Rudra Sariihita (Srsfi Khanka), Chapter 17 247

0 Narada, the mother of Gunanidhi, made with humility. Don’t you feel ashamed by
her son to sit by her side and advised him following the evil path? Shed away the evil
appropriately daily. path.

df? Wfit rdT WTit dhjRMfdll ^ II ТЗШ ^fTJT STdll ? ЦII

She said, “O Son, your father is of harsh You have reached the age of nineteen and
temperament. In case he comes to know of your wife is sixteen years of age. With your
your activities, he would surely beat you and chaste wife, you engage yourself in the service
me both. of your father.
3№s0n$4Jlfir й f r e r ftfS T d l ^ T ls f tr f f й 7TRT: TTcfr dm yfldd:!
#5K4T^sf^T % Ш : ^ |€ T lt3 ^ d^:ll ^ о II 4 TtRT ^-Hdl ^гГ! II ? ^ II
1 daily conceal your evil deeds from your О Son, your father-in-law also is adorable,
father. Your father is respected because of his because of his virtues and humility. Are you
noble character and behaviour, but not due to not ashamed of him? Therefore you discard
his wealth. the evil ways.
fligiuiHi sr гш! чя%гт ттЩсГГСсГзднт: трг! ldaiyTlHdKdlR;RT:l
feqsf Я' gritfu Щ WhRl я1г1441ЧЧ4:11 4 ?ll ^«sJtsfcr 4 fsr^fir r=T ^sfc-*d'Mdciyid:ll 9 'all
О Dear one, the wealth of the Brahmanas О Son, you maternal uncle too is also
lies in the best of wisdom as well as the excellent in studies, race and humility. Are
company of he noble people. Then how do you not afraid of him? You belong to spotless
you not feel interested in such things? races on both sides (both paternal as well as
ф этнштсг 44fvdmsT:ii 4^dl*S ^'7trW l^l^lU |H i d)4l<cbH|
In the race of Diksita Brahmanas, the Tjlsftt fvibij|U4V^dlPld^ RRdtf%RRtl ^ 6 II
people performing the Soma-ydjna, the best of You should observe the Brahmana boys in
scholars well-versed in the scriptures, are your neighbourhood, and also the humble
bom. Your grand father too was well known disciples of your father in your own home.
for the same.
TRTsftr srhzffr cT=r m \i
rtTcFcfT ЯсП
й cTT%Vjfdrdhi cbRbilfdll ? я II
tRt sll$|UIWK4W<||^|| О Son, when the king becomes aware of
Leaving the company of the evil people, your misconduct, he would have no faith in
you make friends with people of nobility your father and shall put an end to his
concentrate your mind in studies and perform livelihood.
the duties of the Brahmanas.
dlH^fgd^d^'rtlgJirM %Ш1-А
dTdRWll ^гщ ТЩЩ -о I
згсчтi ^RbiiPd )oii
The people dismiss your present day
You earn grace, fame and honour misbehaviours as simple childishness,
according to your father and conduct yourself thereafter they would snatch away your
248 Siva-Mahapuranam

position of DTksita. ^ ектет Гчь^Гчеыч!

•НЧ'Л|1^К1'У«4М гГЭГ rlltl rj 4 1*4l4 1

щрШ 444t a%y fatiftldii э *11 Once he took away the gem studded finger
The people would denounce your father ring of his father and gave it to a gambler.
and find fault with him as well, denouncing Ч%ГсГГ 4ftl
me at the same time. They would also say that зчтгг w firr гтт <сгШ*ш113бп
boy has adopted the evil ways of his mother.
Fortunately Diksita found that ring in the
ftTcrrsftr й ч i hand of the gambler and asked him, “Where
^%н1чччц1 чч щ й 4I&R: II3 3 II from did you get this ring?”
Your father is a noble soul and conducts
himself according to the Vedas and Smrtis. I 4T4lf^4ftt fab ric fan ЧЧТ ^4«hTfoilll 3 я II
also remain devoted at his feet. In this When so asked by the Brahmana again and
connection, lord Siva is my only witness. again, then the gambler shouter, “O
Ч гф чШ Р Й ? Brahmana, why are you blaming me? Have I
s# Ш и ^ rtI ччтШи 3 3 и stolen this ring?
I have never seen the face of any wicked сТОТ Ч£Т ч М ч UMfMdll
person, after my menstrual bath. The destiny ЧЧ 4Rlff ^efelf-drqi 4falt f t Vilddi: 11 ^ о 11
чЭ Сч -О

is always powerful, which has given me a son I have purchased this ring from your son,
like you.” by paying its price. On the earlier day he had
won back the sari of his mother.
Ч ЧсЧГЗГ XT c rstf oqiFRt ЧЧ: II 3 * II 4 Ч^гЩ |гМ 4T4f4441
Thus the mother always extended good ЗГС1ЧТ йЧсЦщ'Г 4 f t rfnfhW ЩТ1Г^П
advice to her son, but he never cared for her It is not that he has given me this ring, he
words being evil minded and was absorbed in has given to other gamblers, enormous amount
vices. of wealth.
^ЧЧТЧШ^ЧТ^сМ^Т!^: I {djtjwigehc'iift Wl
ЧТ ^t54 4Hfa54:iii4ll ftftr a r ftn e h iw d iy M d ifH т г н '*? 1 1
Who is the person who is not shattered by He has also given gems, gold, silver,
indulging in hunting, drinking, back-biting, costumes, cosmetics, several types of bronzes,
telling lie, stealing, gambling, visiting whores copper vases, which he lost in gambling.
etc. J f f d f tr еГШ a d e b l R f t l : l
41F4Hpjt Ч^тМ^ссП 4^4fd: I 4 ft? 4^?T: Ч1ЧЧП5^|| \$^ ||
5т4Ц qdcbHUHt ЩЩ The gamblers, make him stark naked and
The evil minded and wicked son, whatever bind him. There is no other gambler in the
valuables like wealth, gold, silver, costumes world comparable to him.
etc. were found by him in the house, he атггга^г щчт ftw! ^<К1^1ТТчГит: i
forcibly carried then and gave them to the
gamblers. 45STЧЩ4ч ^^sfydyN ’MeblRl^: Ifii411
Rudra Sariihita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 17 249

О Brahmana, could you not recognise your ЧсН1ЯсЬ<и|оОДУ! ЩГТ1

son truly, who is the foremost of the gamblers, W ife ! «TTfe g^ifrr f y ^ fd Ч ^ тещч|| ц ^||
and is evil-minded and follows the evil
ways?” I am engaged in cooking my food. I have
kept it somewhere and I fail to remember the
c n w tfrtn
On hearing this the head of Dlksita was
lowered in shame and covering his head with i ?t5Rr4d4HdPi! f e i wnmfBrfnT!i
scarf, he left for his home. У<?Т qqi <УТ гНУ: УУ UclRrcficI II4 Y•I
Щ1 rT%f?TЩ £У1УЙ<н1' ТГ fe d : I
тТ: $fld<*i?W«hJl:ii'S^ll
Reaching his home, Yajnadatta, the Dlksita spoke in anger, “O Woman, giving
sacrificer, well-versed in Vedic rites, spoke to birth to degraded son, whenever, I enquired
his wife who happened to be quite a chaste about your son, you always told me that he
lady. had gone with his two or three friends; for
tend'd -59TET studies outside.
^Н$ктш£г! chaiRfi yfff uuiPtRr: 7JcT: l УШУ УТИУ5: n f e 4l(^al 'Ч^иГчгТ:I
3W feiT cH Щ ТЧ ^ptfw il'tf'sil ШУУ ytsfet snffef УЩ siy rJDTIiq'kll
Yajnadatta said, “O Mistress, where is your О wife, I had given you a silk sari of red
wicked son Gunanidhi or leave him, what colour, which used to hang down in the house
have I to do with him? Where is my beautiful always where is it? You speak out the truth.
finger ring? Don’t be afraid.
чт «агат щи wm ^fpTTt Rferfew:l
щ ^ W (Тгтчк ^ii y: d и Tnfr fe€ t УТ WSf4dTII44ll
You had taken it out while applying paste Now a days, I don’t find the golden vase
over my body. You atonce bring that gem studded with gems and the silken scarf given
studded ring to me.” by me.
ff?T д д г о sfe W cF=r ф ! | Н d^hi-W fftit cliyydl УУ UTI
ЗГШТУ fe lt fen^Ffd5TII^4H 4Н1<ч1Чу1 УУ 114^11
HTCTsfe ^ W%q^TTTfe^ftni Where is bronze vase from south and
where is the copper pot made in Bengal?
On hearing the words of her husband, the Where is the ivory swing?
wife of Dlksita became panicky and said, “O уут ут qyddvrfiqf rK«t>iPdfteii,gdii
Deva, I am engaged in taking bath at noon and
ql4«ho4H5wi4i5^^ini vilH'dfaicbiim^ll
also am collecting the material for adoration.
The time for the arrival of the guests is fast Where is the surprising type of puppet
approaching and you are quite fond of the made in hilly region, shining like the moon.
guests. Where has it gone?
250 Siva-Mah3pur5i)am

f% «if=FPT f j f # ! <р>т

0 Brahmana women born in a high family,
I am uselessly getting angry with you at the
moment. I shall take food only when I shall
marry again.
3H4??Ttefw йчщ дет fHgfwrri
аГнаН'Ч дет PrH i^frrni^ii
1 would have been better without the son
who brought blemish to the race; get up and
fetch me some water. Let me offer libations to
him with sesamum seeds.
зтчет? щ етп зртш^ететтгп
O L -О О чЭ “s

TRIrbftll^ oil
It is better to be issueless than to have a
sinful son, therefore for preserving the
sanctity of the family, I am disowning the
wicked son.
ететт ftriiPcifir грет gf*q^nf|
wPraw w щщ щ№т етщг дНщ:п д
The BrShmana then took his bath
performed his daily prayers and he married a
Brahmana girl on the same day.
250 Siva-Mah3pur5i)am

pf MdYr^ld
Then after going at some distance, wicked
Gunanidhi, the son of Yajnadatta, getting
exhausted sat at a spot.
feFd№)l4 3^ WfJT cbT^lfui fom
TT^WrerfellTsiTfT ч 3 II
He felt extremely worried as to what
should he do next? He thought, “ I am neither
wealthy nor well-read.”
■rpmf^r sti t r a fsPR: T l^ Ic n im i
A person possessing enormous wealth
could be happy in a foreign land, quite
quickly. When one possesses wealth, there is
always danger of its getting stolen. Such an
obstruction could be caused from all the sides.
it оЦШ Щ1 N

I having birth in the house of the performer

of yajna, how was I entangled in this evil
path? It is quite surprising. The destiny is
quite powerful, controlling all our future
fa%priirnWTfil 4 cwforfl
ч sr МШктге w ot e, и
I am unaware of begging. No known
CHAPTER 18 person is available here. I am deprived of
money. With whom should I take refuge now.
Gunanidhi’s salvation

РЩШТзГ T ^H*t) iPTIlva II

Ш Щ^rTRT ШЪЧ -ЩМччг тП
My mother used to serve food to me well
cbif^r^i м д а ^гш^зг:11 ^ii
before the sun rise. From whom shall I beg
Brahma said, “On hearing the news, food. My mother is also not here.”
Gunanidhi the son of Yajnadatta, denouncing
his luck, left that place for an unknown WtaTcr
f e l f l R d d t i R T ±1?Цт1ИТгС 4 f | l 3 t f ^ ' T d t l ^CH
\ 'Ч М
чЭ Ш Ы Н 7TT:ll«ill
Rudra Samhita (Sr$ti Khanda), Chapter 18 251

Brahma said, “O Narada, in this way, i w : iiHT: ^ ti

variously thinking, Gunanidhi sat under the vrfnrrrt f || ||
shade of a tree. In the meantime the sun was
set. When all the devotees went to sleep after
the singing and dancing, he entered the temple
Udiw?H ТШ ЯТ: I for grabbing the naivedya which had been
WtWTRRlBT T W gf^hrdll ^ II offered to Siva.
чшЙУ1^^|(<ощгис|^: 4RciiRd:i tRtW ^JT ‘ST; |
%ЩШ^Щ:11^о|| ф ycblVd Ш ^ II
In the meantime, a Siva’s devotee Finding the light of the lamp quite dim
surrounded by the other devotees of Siva, (and since he could not properly see inside) he
carrying various types of the materials came made a wick of his cloth to improved the light
out of the city, for the adoration of Siva, on of the lamp.
the occasion of Sivaratri festival.
■гЩЦтГГгГГЗГ; ТТГ5Щ f V N ^ O T I ^ l d l
RiNIHd УГУУУМ ЧтБ: "ЩГШ ЗШ1Т h c R ira <dgVIWd:ll ^911
^Rq%4 т а т щ Yif*4Ji w i Ш : MeWNMIdld c^fTct 7Щ5ТТТ ® ff|:|
Overpowered with the devotion of Siva, he ЩЦ 4KdHIUIdl6RJH: ^ T S U I^ d ll II
entered in the temple of Siva and started
Then Gunanidhi, the son of Yajnadatta,
worshipping Siva appropriately with a careful
suddenly lifted up sufficient quantity of Siva’s
naivedya from the temple, while rushing back
in a haste with the sweets in his hands, he
Гч^гЧтЬ) Ъ ^ II struck with his foot against a devotee who had
been sleeping there, who woke up at once.
Gunanidhi, smelt the fragrance of various
types of preparations, having been disowned сБЫ rcKIMvTl TJfRTT (Jfdmilll
by the parents, being hungry, he went to the ^f?r tt 'jR l R rn щга^Тёшги ^ и
temple. He shouted, “Who is moving in a haste?”
ТШТHTgr Pvidldm^d Rl%l Who is he? Catch him.” Thus the sleeping
^ 1ЩП ^ и devotee cried loudly.
He thought, “The devotee has offered the dW^qirUhlhril Шсш ТЩ1%:1
naivedya to lord Siva, which could be Чгттщтнг Rfepr: :iR o ii

consumed by me at night when all the When he fled in panic the city guards
devotees go to sleep.” caught hold of him and be laboured him, as a
$пЧ1¥1Ш=М*®Ч1У Ф result of which he was blinded.
ъ 4$ipi Ьч ГнРцгинн T*u il^K-dId-М) TlRll
With this hope in this mind Gunanidhi, %c|H4g<ff ЧЧ ТП^ЦТЩсГЯЩTT:ll я
kept on sitting outside the Siva temple and О Sage, the son of Yajnadatta, then
observed the adoration performed by the consumed naivedya by the grace of Siva and
devotees in honour of Siva. not by the future merit.
252 ^iva-Mahapuranam

ijat У®: UMHIrd 4l5»iyW4lfuii4T:i What to speak of his other misdeeds, he

has transgressed and outraged the naivedya
1чч№т: М ^ Й : У fyef&4t:ii^ii
offered to Siva. You can see this for yourself.
didrdift4<i: ШНТ: He, infact is not fit enough to be touched by
f ^ r ЙЧМЧК14) У Щ ^ ч т и Е и ^ и the auspicious people like you.”
Thereafter he died. As soon as the (VWp4^’MlThltfV!i1ldf44?<rd^-c|il:l
messengers of Yama, holding club and noose fVldftuVy^idK: FtyrWT ^чпифнп 4 Я II
in their hands, got ready to carry him to Yama, Those who consume the Sivanirmalya (the
in bondage, at the same time, Siva’s offerings of Siva), or show disrespect to the
attendants, boarding a divine plane, holding same, they earn sin by touching such a person.
the spears in their hands, arrived there.”
few^rrsy err tfy m hihi
%=гпщтуу s3
ч шч): Chu<jj|^f4ii ^ОII
P&T fg3T ЧТЩТ W : TThHnfwjl
Even poison is not so dangerous when
■<?osy>4t 4 fyylSTft УУ: Це|Ьш«)У:11?'к11 drunk. Never shall a person make use of Siva
The attendants of Siva said, “O property even if he were to die.
Messengers of Yama, you leave this religious УУ ЯЧШТ yrfyS УУТ Ч У M УУЧ1
Cv n *4
minded Brahmana, who is not to be punished, чп тщ * уучи ^ ^
ЗнГч-г! jtjt
because all his sins have been washed out.
You have been considered to be an
УУЧ) % iUHNJ|U|IWd:l authority on dharma, but we are not so. In
Ч^1с(с|4|и|Н1^^й(«Ь7П ’дТТЧН? ЦII case this Brahmana, has the slightest virtue in
The messengers of Yama were surprised at him, you kindly enlighten us for the same. We
these words of Siva’s attendants and said to would like to hear the same.”
them. dgjddUldM А|цун'| (vidf*^<l:i
ч ^ ут fvid4<imT3t ш чи з 4 11
згет% smit e ffrftra w ! f§ y :ii^ n fvidldi^ft ЗУ:У
WTtrTT З У•O: У УУТ^:!
diHWH Гч^с|1сН1М<|^Ц{с|:| Ш # : УУ ЩУТ УЩУТ 4$4^fgfa:ll33
^*«4H-iHfqqffln:ll 'RV9II Thus listening to the words of the
messengers of Yama, the Attendants of Siva
Getting afraid of the Attendants of Siva, offering salutation at the feet of Siva, said,
the messengers of Yama, meekly said, “This Siva’s Attendants said, “O Messengers of
Brahmana, had discarded his family traditions. Yama, the subtle dharma of Siva could be
He disregarded the words of his parents, and known to the people having the sharp vision."
had forsaken truthfulness and purity. He never
ЗГ^ЧТ^ШТ d>4 drjhfl cftTI
offered Sanclhyd prayers. He even does not
take the ceremonious bath regularly. ЧУ^ЧТгЧУЧУ ЧГШШЧЧУТ 7ТЩТ: и у ^ II
“О Messengers of Yama, the deeds
ЗТШТ ch^fui
performed by the sinless son of Yajnadatta,
ууг^ пчп 4 6 II you listen to the same."
Rudra Samhita (Sr${i Khanka), Chapter 18 253

PcRft ^чщтат PcuRrfTI Brahma said, “O Sage, thus listening to the

term ftfyrn 3411
words of Siva’s Attendants, the messenger of
Yama went back to Yamaloka.
He has removed the shadow of the lamp
falling over the Sivalinga. By tearing out a Thf RrPcTdTOTO: 71ЧЧ1-Ч 7ТЩТP^!l
piece of cloth from his scarf he put a wick in rf^rmf^T: ^ «г4т:11^?и
the lamp at night. О Sage, reaching there, he spoke
aroftsfp trft snrf ш ш м fa|TT:i everything to Yama including the words
spoken by the Siva’s attendants to them.
*jncR: fvmihlfH м-и^кГч дамти^^и
О Attendants, he also derived merit from Т9ГЕТ
by listening to the name of Siva, though Tl=f Ц3.1'HI ТПЭДПгПТТ Mail:I
casually. c i^ pterc wraqPT:
flrfiRT W feldlUII f4Tt%cTTI Then Dharmaraja said, “O Messenger,
зч !^ ч Ялтштчч listen to my words carefully and delightfully
obey my command."
He was also a witness to the worship of
Siva being performed by the devotees. He also ^ fTTTJfSRT f^RcSTTfWTT 1ТПТТ:1
observed a fast and his mind was concentrated ^ Ilf dlTdoUl; chdrEHIU^II
too. “O Messenger, all the people of the world,
IViqHleh4<i ТТчТТСТЧТРТ: I who apply white holy ashes making tripundra,
over their bodies, should all be set free and
m i^cn should never be brought here."
He will surely go to Sivaloka with us
ЗЩ уГС ё Щ % f| f^ T T W :l
today. Serving as a servant of Siva, he would
enjoy great pleasures for some time. ^ Ч1Ч?Г°Ч!: ehc'TcRM^mi
ehfd#4Ml 'dfelT ?Rt Ш?ГЭ>гЧЧ:| “O Messengers, those who apply the white
ashes over their bodies, they should also be
tjp: fg^ertr чч tR:ll^^ll left out and should not be brought here."
Then he getting free from all the sins
would become the king of Kalinga country ^RTftT
because he is the best of the Brahmanas and is rf ^ h f w ^ r i Ч 1 Т С Т : с ь ^ га ч м ^ ^ и
loved by Siva. Whosoever takes to the form of Siva due to
ЗЯ тШ ш Ш PWRWI any reason, and wanders in the world, he
^mfcTT: WRld, w ^гштихоп should also not be brought here.
Don’t speak anything else, you better ^ ^iraiRoi Tjg-
return to the place from where you had % pRgtoqr cb‘<ra4ii^vaii
arrived.” Thereafter the messengers of Yama Those who wear Rudraksa and matted
returned to their abode. locks of hair, they are also not to be brought
щтгзта here.
frpwnj сГЕГШРТ f% R ll
■ггатпет^: R i P4i^g<sii:irk^i Й ЧЙТоЩ; cb^rcIHII'rf^. 11
254 Siva-Mahapur9oam

Such of the people who take to the form of The said king was beyond subjugation by
Siva for the sake of livelihood, should also not other kings, and he did nothing else except
be brought here. lighting of lamps in Siva temples.
fyie^rarr f | h
Ь^ 4 fi& fe li 4M doS||; g ^ T E R iix ^ it ^ftrr ^TT:
Those who take to the form of Siva, He called for the village heads in his
deceitfully, they should also be left out and country, and commanded them that they
should not be brought here. should light lamps in the Siva temples in their
villages and that the defaulters would be
ЧАГГ <T&f?r rt II Цо II
3RWT ■RArir^ В ft ^ТЗгГТ
Thus Yama commanded his servants. They
also kept quiet smiling serenely. djl4<Mlfec|Wg| чщШ
Because by giving lamps in charity, lord
Siva gets pleased, as per the provision of the
qtfa'dfeffd Ъ fg^T: I Vedas.
f^ra#^ ^ЛТЧГ^ Mot: ^PTFW:II4^1I -цщ w n farr тшт fvi^i^n:!
Brahma said, “The Attendants of Siva, <ra era' тгцт gjjd41,4lsfc(^if<ci44ii 4 6 11
saved the Brahmana from the clutches of
Yama and he at once proceeded on to the In the Siva temples around the villages, the
place of Siva. lamps should invariably be lighted.
чч1?1гц^Й0| f^i^cwnraWT^nri

3jfr<4T4 cFRT: сь!н^1(Уч1<ЯсТ11Ц^||

He served Siva and Parvatl there, while The person disobeying the order of the
enjoying all the comforts and in his next birth king, he would be beheaded. The lamps then
started burning in all the Siva temples of those
be became the son of the king of the Kalinga
country known as Arindama.
зтй сг u gjrftrr фтг J4:i
«nffii тгатг щщ irani^oii
c fT ^ sfh f ^ r f a : fyicraR h w t tt : it
The king Dama, following the same
He was known as Dama who was devoted dharma, became the follower of the great
to Siva since his childhood and also made his religion and ultimately met with his end.
childhood friends as the devotees of Siva.
ТГ dl ЧсПtfqTii'l J11 Щh
*4i£Mjqcti4w fad^qtd ^ ti
зйап uar<krai*i fviwifsr w&s: u4 * 11 He had great faith in burning of lamps in
After the death of his father, he accended the temples, therefore, he burning several
to the throne at quite a tender age and started lamps, ultimately became the lord of Alkapurl
various activities dedicated to Siva. where the lamps of gems were lighted.
ЧРТ snf ¥ 'tfHlft Tjra '■bc'tid ёЫ<гЫ
Pyiqi^ %ЗТ!ИЧЧ11 -$m %% щщц 'Wf^[f«rf4:ii^^ii
Rudra SamhitS (Srsfi Khanka), Chapter 19 255

Thus the slightest service rendered to Siva

bestows enormous reward in due course of
time. Thus realising, the people desirous of
pleasures, should always adore Siva.
cRf ТГ ТП&гаШ: ^Tl

On the one hand was Gunanidhi the son of

Dlksita, who was deprived of all the dharmas,
who accidentally went to the Siva temple for
stealing the naivedya and the riches there, who
lighted lamp for his selfish motive, and
removed the darkness at the top of the linga.
e h f a t f M ТГзгг ЗТШТ Л : ^Tl

For this petty thing, he became the king of

the Kalinga country. With the rise of the
earlier Samskaras he made the people to bum
lamps in the Siva temples.

Look here, О Sage, he earned the position

of a Dikpala and now he becoming Kubera, is
ruling the kingdom of Alkapurl.
?f?T 3Ttrfc 1 |l
rtfm HrarRTtt Ы«ыч<*чи^н
Thus the story of Gunanidhi, the son of
Yajnadatta has been narrated, besides the
patience of Siva. By listening to this all the
desires of the people are fulfilled.
ъ mjftrariTi
The way in which he became the foremost
of the gods and the friend of Siva, О Dear one,
you listen to the story carefully, which I am
going to speak out.
fsatarat 'Ktifedisi sspnimt
^ЧНэЧЙ ijuipfaustfaciufa ЧТЩП^?ГГ5атг:11 ^11
Rudra SamhitS (Srsfi Khanka), Chapter 19 255

Friendship of Siva and Kubera

rr тщ MMHir-Hdidi
зф ?ррт oisrauT: ■g?T:ii
Earlier in the Padmakalpa from my mind-
bom son Pulastya, a son named Visrava was
bom. His son was named as Vaisravana.
<ЙУЧ<г1сЫ ftWT PTf fogfKTT f^TTI
ЗПТТКТ зщгй ^стсфЩЦШ пттм ? ||
They lived in Alkapuri built by
Visvakarma. Then performing severe tapas
they adored Siva.
ogwft Ш ^ t t|yc||^|
3 II
After the expiry of that kalpa, the kalpa
named Meghavahana arrived. Then Gunanidhi
the son of Yajnadatta, performed severe tapas.
'Ulrhimici family ¥l«ilw$44iyd:l
дтт чтй: м м ebifviebi fedichifychimmi
fVl^ehKViyilby ГУтН(ИУ^Ч^:1

Realising the importance of Siva, by giving

away lamp in charity, reaching the city of
Kasi, which illumines the heart, under the
lustre of the gem of the mind, he repeated the
mantras of the eleven Rudras with great
devotion and immense concentration of mind.


Щ М ЩЩ<* ^Ny>^mfyd4ll^ll
He could realise his oneness with Siva and
his tapas had very much increased, free from
the fire flies of Кйта, Krodha or the grave
obstructions, stopping the breath, and
consecrating Sivalinga by stopping his breath,
and spotless vision, he adored it with flowers
256 Siva-MahapurSnam

of good ideas and feelings. Then Mahadeva, the spouse of Uma,

touched him with his hands and bestowed
strength in him to have a look at him.
w t i i 6 ii
He continued his tapas till his body was m t$ чФ Тсгатгтд ocrRlcbUdi
©ч чЭ *ч

reduced to skin and bones. Ч1?ц1тнд чшптггкцм gn яь и

cFT: 4? ^cft ТЩШ1 ?пэтГ: ggftr ш
ЗНсЫЧйчЙеН! М-М$ЧкН1сШ111 II зтш 1%гпшн w fa rHTRTtsiirarRii я^ и
While he was so engaged in tapas, Lord When he opened his eyes thereafter, then
Vis'vesvara, accompanied with Parvatl, he first found Uma there. Then achieving the
addressed the devotee himself, who was the strength of Siva darsana, the son of
lord of Alaka, with a pleasant mind. Yajnadatta, thought, “who is the beautiful
fa f tR: д*ШТд Rspt W tp ^ fW T I woman close to Siva? She must have
performed tapas greater than that of mine.
ЗоГГсГ сн^5*ч1(г1 d^l-ciijcmrtchmrl!II \ o II
He was concentrating his mind on 3 # M 4?l Ф чйчвд 'ФРГЧI
Sivalinga and Siva, looking at him said, “O Ft f|n
Lord of Alaka, you ask for a boon you desire.” Her beauty, love, fortune, and grace are all
чФ дтддт rPtlsR: l surprising.” These were the words repeated by
the son of Yajnadatta again and again.
dlc|^rH^HiyW^Tfi|ch^4IH,ll ^11
By the time the lord of Lanka opened his ЧТсГгдЧ: TRftt cRpri
eyes, he found lord Siva, the moon crested дтч gmiRiHlcMidii яч и
lord of Uma, shining with lustre resembling a Thus uttering again and again, he started
thousand suns in front of him. looking at her cruelly. As a result of this his
WN __ f ^IcbUd
^ .. « __ i left eye was burst out.
g%g;ufpfltTT^TrRT: TratRT grrg^ii яч и зга Rhtrcfr 5gmw:i
ШЩ 'tpR&W q4Byt4dlfdUUI зшнрщд gt gfe gg <g й gviwrqii m i
4сьмшу4 ятч5 h \ яъ и зго^^|п1чт^ж чнч1*^ч g^gRri
His eyes dazzled with the lord’s lustre. зщдчтчт ir wi^TRfNpgwg^:iRUi
Then closing his eyes, he said to lord Siva, the Then the goddess spoke to Siva, “Who is
bestower of all the boons, and lord of all the this wicked ascetic? Looking at me he says,
gods, “The only boon I seek for is, to have a “You make, my penance shine and seeing me
look at you. with his right eye, with jealousy, why does he
w v m дтг чга! g*g "щ п Шт1^ г%1 become enjoined at my beauty, love and good
ЧЩгГ Vlf?T?BsR'!ll
О Lord, what shall I do with the boon. О ?fg ‘^ iPk «рдт щ щ m% gf зтп
Moon-crested lord, salutation to you.” з*г <ggter: ggug ч g frgtT дщдти я ч и
ff?T сГЗдч $рдтg g ^ g <WI4fd:l gqtgrc^ft gg jgRgjgguf^gi
# g#WT45sf Mifridvld гПТН n ?fg^ д ч т м д ф т : qgrggtgnч^\\
Rudra Sarilhita (Sr^ti Khanka), Chapter 20 257

Thus listening to the words of the goddess,

Siva said laughingly, “O Uma, he happens to гаш! WfttfctT «rfw?4% «raw irfwTi
be your son. He does not look at you with an
« t ^ d f i f o f l WWTTT c n f R ^ || ^ о ||
evil eye, but thinks that how great is the glory
of your tapas?” Thus speaking to the goddess, The goddess said, “O Son, let your spotless
Siva said to the son of Yajnadatta. devotion in Siva continue forever. You will be
deprived of vour left eye.
cRI^lfa %W^T! WtfoW:l
wwt % g r a wtt: щ wara %i
M to m четы TTgrani «гёщ-.и-rtu
“O Son, getting pleased with your tapas, I graft «га wtrt га чъ w * r r w ! 113^11
want to give you a boon. You would be the The boons granted to you by Siva shall
lord of treasures and the Guhyakas. always be fructuous. You had become jealous
of me because of my beauty and because of
7JBTTTJTT f o r a r m t Xf Т Щ TRT Ъ tp ? T :l
that you would be called Kubera.”
g fa : W RRT4T XT TpfhT s r # «rail II
You would be the king of the kings of
Yaksas and Kinnaras. You will be the lord of щц ^remfwTii 3 я и
auspicious people and will bestow riches on Thus pronouncing boons on him by Siva as
all the people. well as Parvatl, Kubera entered a place named
w ш g- Ь ftra wcrarfa w riciri^ii
зтгтаБт f a m for! itfera ^ft^nrrart: sr?: wti

You will always remain friendly with me. I згнд5#еьчг гщАДнго: 7ifrrwra:ii3 311
shall always reside close to your city of Alaka, This is how Kubera achieved the friendship
and shall keep on increasing your love for me. of Siva. Alaka the abode of Kubera was close
to Kailas'a, the abode of Siva.
sn w w fc rra T : ^ fra tra i
frwwn y^ ii fgateigi WRinl
Come on the son of Yajnadatta, this is
Uma, your mother. You are a great devotee. чт^1н1д?'Г|5кшг:11^11
You delightfully, touch her feet.
w ra ra
$f?r ^rar eKi^ci; ччщ f$rat f?ra:i

Brahma said, “Thus bestowing the boon to

the Brahmana, Siva said to Uma, “O Goddess,
be compassionate on your son.”
^raratnf -щщ: ?тщГ: wwsfragm
зг а ^ Г Щ ^ т Т W ^ r o r i n ч II
Thus listening to the words of lord Siva,
Parvatl, delightfully, spoke to Gunanidhi.
Rudra Sarilhita (Sr$ti Khanka), Chapter 20 257

Departure of Siva for Kailasa

ЯТТ^! Ш f^raTTORfPnjI
cfTHTTi с!ЧЫгИН11 Я11
Brahma said, “O Narada, you listen to the
arrival of Siva at Kailas^ because of the tapas
of Kubera.
fqfyirdTcR Щ Ш О Т т^1
fe ferer fftT f q W : ^<=Ki?RIch: || ? ||
258 Siva-Mah5puranam

Siva, after bestowing the boon of Kubera’s All the gods and demons, also arrived there
becoming the lord of treasures, reaching his with pleasure, besides the attendants of Siva
excellent place started thinking. also arrived from different places.
fgszrfsr: Wr: щ щ M^mini: я ^ д я щ р т т :1
яГцьм|Гя cferim ящяшячи 3 II гГЧТЩШЯ? effect ТГгаШЧгШТ ||
Му form emerging out of the limb of vidhi, The leaders of ganas adored by the entire
can cause destruction. In that form, I could world, possessing the great fortunes, also
reach the abode of Guhyaka at Kailasa? arrived there. I am going to speak out their
f^RTt if 1%^nf^rt ЯсВёТ:| number. You listen to me attentively.
^fwrf^T: iN t f4T3R:imi ящдйгагтяа*9т:|
Rudra bom out of my heart is the only and
complete Brahman, who is served by Brahma, Samkhakarna, the leader of the ganas,
Visnu and other gods. He is inseparable from arrived there with a crore of ganas, Kekaraksa
me being invisible. arrived there with ten crores of ganas. Vikrta
dflawlui ЙсГ arrived with eight crores of ganas.
j&W XTetrWlftT сьГ<Ы
<|Гч ТЩ11Ц11 хПрявят fa ^ n w чФх: 4iRdbW>:i
Therefore, I, in that form, becoming his ЯяЫ в: m ^ it
friend, shall live at Kailasa close to Kubera
and performs severe tapas.” f? fretfifa: <^fafa4uw#c(:i
ян1я: зМят&эг fafrdHd:ii ^ и
?f?T JW4ry<*:l
Visakha arrived with sixty four crores of
Ч Щ (ПГШМ Tflft dl^ftuilHU^II ganas, Pariyatrika arrived with nine crores of
Thus thinking, Rudra with the desire of ganas, Sarvantaka with six crores of ganas,
carrying out the desire of Siva, played upon Dundubhi with eight crores of ganas, JSlanka
the small drum that produced the divine sound the best of the ganas, with twelve crores of
ganas, Samda, with seven crores of ganas,
Ы т ягс% ш ^Гньгет^кен:! while Vikrtanana also had the same member.
ffer: eCTT# % Я%Г: ЯЧН5Е: ^Я:1
Its encouraging sound was filled in the eblfeeblfefcA^ w g ^ iw u i
three worlds, heightening enthusiasm and was
filled with deep sound.
Kapall was accompanied with five crores
язрэт famj$igiia i; дччш и of ganas, while auspicious Sandaraka had six
зпяят ftw щтрг wt h \ 6 и crores of ganas, Kanduka and Kundaka had a
Listening to that sound, all the gods like crore of ganas, each, Vistambha and
Brahma, Vi$nu and others besides the sages, Candratapana, arrived there each with eight
personified dgamas or Sastras, the Vedas, and crores of ganas.
the Siddhas also arrived there. Я1&УГ: gfrsftt тптптГ <pT:ll ^ | |
■дтщттат: ц<*н1Ш яЯтгят:! MahSkesa- the lord of the ganas, was
яадт чид4?1 «pift ^Гяяшшяи accompanied with a thousand crores of ganas.
Rudra Sarhhita (Sr${i Khaiicja), Chapter 20 259

frost 4^dch: i and Svayamprabhu reached each with seven

эпш ч^|оьн:
Kundivaha and Subhaparvataka went there vhcfiRTcfig- ^ p r гмт щ :\
with twelve crores of ganas each. Kala, ? ^ ll
Kalaka and Mahakala are the lord of ganas ШШ: 1
о о
and they reached there with a hundred crores
of ganas. W=bV«rr Щ|сГ<Н:11^ЧП
Lokantaka, Diptatma, the led Daityantaka,
srfacj,: yw«ht*Ji % c h W i f a y y ^ rTi
lord Bhringiriti and the glorious,
щ «гтга?: и u :: Devadevapriya, Asani, Bhanuka, and
Agnika brought a hundred crores, Sanatana, each with sixty four crores;
Abhimukha brought one crores, Adityamurdha Nandlsvara, the supreme chief of ganas and
and Dhanavaha, brought hundred crore each Mahabala were each with a hundred crores.
of the ganas. ^ si w r r этщзгшт ngra^i.-i
T li W b i s w *КП|f)i9 lR u i:i| ^ 1 1
3t%T: cbtf^hH^rar chlfdeh)<M| ^4^ch:ll ^11 These and other leaders of ganas were all
Sannaka and Kumuda brought a hundred powerful and innumerable having thousand
crores each. Amogha, Kokila and Sumantraka hands and matted locks of hair with crowns.
brought one crore each. T i i хНЦс|<ш1£г 4i'hfcbU cii!^H l^4i:i
т а iFTRcF: Щ \ ell > ■(f f i i l ^ 1: 11 W l
ЧЗМёЩ1 fafvT: II ? о II All of them had the crescent moon
Kakapada and Santanaka, brought sixty decorating their heads. They had blue necks,
crores each, Mahabala, Madhupinga and three eyes, adorned with necklaces, ear rings,
Pingala brought nine crores each. crows and other ornaments.
4t?% delГЧ1 ^Vi гП g^^fcfbujiH^ivil 3 T fti4 if^ u 1 4 d !:i

cfitcTtni wracTrii? wЯчну*№ЮТт: II

Purnabhadra and Nila brought ninety The lords of ganas resembling Brahma,
crores each and reached before lord Indra and Visnu and having the lustre of
Mahadeva. The great warrior Caturvaktra, crores of suns, surrounded by Anima and
arrived with seven crores of ganas. other ganas, reached there.
IJcf Р Й Щ Й I
tTSTSFTO h\ 4 ? II
The lord of all reached there ready to go to With their minds having been filled with
Kailasa surrounded by the groups of crores, the anxiety to meet Siva, other Gana-chiefs
thousands, hundreds and twenties. besides other noble souls reached there.
W njSSf :4W fWWVTTI Щ З' f|JT 4<^T W fi: ТШ T lrff l

Hfdl'Vl: W5En5W:li 9^ H fctbQTirqyi

Kasthagudha, Sukesa and Vrsabha, each Visnu and other gods reached there and
arrived with sixty four crores; Citra, Nakullsa offering their salutation to Siva with folded
260 Siva-Mahapuranam

hands, lowering their heads, offered excellent Kubera, he moved towards the Kailasa
prayer to lord Siva. mountain. After blessing Kubera, he entered
femJcnfcfa: Ж&Г: WT«R:i his abode in an auspicious time.
Зкг11«ЧЛ*мПят ЗТЗП^%гГГСЙс2ГГ Ш1«1И1тЬ<МИ:1
Thus Siva accompanied with Visnu and зтгг m f ^ T T ^ rt:i
others lovingly proceeded to the abode of
Kubera at the Kailas'a mountain. Lord Siva, who is favourably disposed
ЧуПТПТШ W^T4.I towards his devotees, graced Visnu and other
gods lovingly, as a result of which all of them
яжж ж яГ ч Л чПс|к^чйг1:щ?11
were immensely pleased. The ascetics and the
Finding the arrival of Siva, Kubera, adored Siddhas performed abhiseka for Siva.
him with great respect with his family,
offering many presents. тгаяф *4iru^ 4w)4iiH4iim4:i
ЖЙ ^W4lf<<*l^e»FT«liSFT=E||4f4 %?Щ\ 4 ) * ? 4 : W T I I >50u
All of them worshipped Siva presenting
f p W W R i f fvMdlMUI^d^ II 3 ЦII
him several types of gifts and offerings. Then
Thereafter, Kubera, in order to please Siva, the drail was performed ceremoniously.
also adored lord Visnu and other gods, the
ganas and followes of Siva.
ЧЭДШ1Ш«Й ЧП<К«Ш:11**11
О Sage, at that point of time there had been
an auspicious shower of flowers, while the
Thereafter Siva, with a delightful heart apsras started singing and dancing.
embraced Kubera, smelt his head and lived
there with his ganas. ^T:Vl<4Wiii4lcw4^^d:i
Ш [УЧ«ЪяЬ1 faff JTg:l
^ци At that point of time the words of victory
and obeisance were heard everywhere. At that
Then Siva commanded Vis'vakarma to
point of time all those present there felt
construct houses for the dwelling of the gods
enthusiastic having been filled with pleasure.
and his devotees.
iw r r fw m 4
fasgcptf ЖТГ т а жг 4RTfW
: ^rf^ T tS ^ir fdHJdlUgr fad 411* Ъ
TrRt ызтчкт fir Tmrtrpmii 3 ^ u
О Sage, at the command of Siva, At that point of time Siva looked extremely
Visvakarma reached there and built the graceful seated over his lion throne. Visnu and
ds'ramas there. other gods served him appropriately again and
m ?rwp w ferto r гщти?v9ii
m f l M WgfFT р ж p ^ i
рж 4>нтач4гг^1
3raWlWTWifiT: Tift ctolfT^IU ^II
W $llr4l ^ Ы сЫ Ч К ^ f ^ : l
Then Siva was delighted at the request of
Visnu. Thus becoming compassionate over
Rudra Samhita (S|-§ti Khanda), Chapter 20 261

Siva was pleased with the prayer of Visnu At the same time, Siva, holding the hand of
and other gods and he fulfilled the desires of Kubera, made him sit beside him and spoke
all of them. Then Siva, the lord of all the pleasant words.
bestowed boon desired by all of them. fra- йтагт f r a i w i Fn§rh
Сч >9

%ёЩГОТ58Г rf TTef FWlft!I ш я щ й ч е г : F T gw tst f r t t o ! i i 4 ^ ii

щ д л ч т : 3 r g f ^ 3 t ? w f e a g r T F R i i 's ^ i i Siva said, “O Friend, getting charmed with
О Sage, at the command of lord Siva, all of your love, I have become your friend. Now
them getting pleased after having their desires you proceed on to your abode without fear. О
fulfilled delightfully went back to their True Friend, I shall always be helpful to you.”
respective abode. I also left the place with
^гШсЬ(г4 Wcf: f% F : # P T F W :l
fo n j W ^mjFWTST f l
Listening to the words of Siva, Kubera
gg Fmrter II ^ И with his delightful heart, retired to his abode
Then myself and Visnu were seated over with the permission of Siva.
the dsanas delightfully. Then sweet words FT Term fu ff ?ТТОГ: MeJdl-dUl
were spoken to us and feeling compassionate
on me, lord Siva said to me. mrort 4Brftud: VZv&Z! «ггштп-.иц'йП
eFcl^l'^fl FcWIcUM eHirfil^HdlS^ratTI
If* ! ттггМ -щп gftgm жтр^гцтщ^тг^ттт:11чч11
Thereafter Siva, stayed at Kailasa which is
the best of the mountains with his ganas,
Siva said, “O Visnu and Brahma, both of practising yoga. Sometime he himself
you are quite dear to me. You are best of all delivered discourses on ancient historical
the gods. You are creator and preserver of the tales.
three worlds.
^ R :l
7Щ5Т ftW Щ Щ Ч<Г$ГОТ1
fosTgH Wh iftWT fefosru f lu te d II4 ^ II
srt g w idi =гт FRTir^u Sometimes Siva, being expert in divine
At my command, both of you may now sports roamed about at the pleasant places of
leave for your respective abodes. I bestow all Kailasa with his ganas.
the comforts on both of you. I continue to take
special care of both of you.”
aWipSfiWfllfl FTtRt TRT m filcA : F T gim ^ll
$гЧ1*и4 ёГЕГ: TTWTt: y y u iu i ? R [ W I
Lord Siva, who had taken to the form of
3tg F«r « u n m 4 ici« V d 4 R ^ii ч о и
Rudra, was engaged, sometimes, in the divine
Listening to the words of Siva and offering sports with his ganas, being a great yogi.
salutation to him properly and with his 4 tw r fe R t u m w r :i
permission both of us returned to our
respective abodes. U SRW T Felt W T ^ n ^ tF lg ^ W T ^ II Ц 6 II
Siva, thus spent his time at Kailasa without
tR R ftc f Fjjjtd: T i f f t
his consort. After sometime he married Sati,
з г ё у д p l w i 1 g * з т т ? ^ т e m :ii4 * ii the daughter of Daksa PrajSpati.
262 Siva-MahiipuraQani

feTfTT гШТ ШП ЪЩЯП Ч |щ ;| I have also narrated the sports of Siva

which enhance the knowledge and fulfils all
#^гапж тащ :пч<?|| the daily desires of the people in this as well
Then Siva started sporting with Satl, the as in the future life.
daughter of Daksa, following the worldly
traditions. О Divine sage, he became happy. ЩПтц%1Щ AjUjif|g:i qr41%T:l

fiST KI'oRTTC^' crfoRTtaT f% R !l ^ ЖШПГ S3

Whosoever reads or listens to this story

efcaHIHNRSrW f t f a w r % || ^ о ||
carefully, he, enjoying all the worldly
О Sage, thus I have explained to you the pleasures on earth and achieves salvation in
incarnation of Rudra, besides the episode of the other world.
Siva’s arrival at Kailasa and his friendship
with Kubera. fertarat Khalil! WTt5nl
crffolT fti'ersT чш ^ ои
гГ Щ ^сЫЧЧкНМ<111 ^ ^11
Rudra Samhita
(2) Satl Khanda
CHAPTER 1 ШЧ ^TWT ТГТШ 1Т ^dlrddri
Brief Story of Sati
chyq'chVKTtUI g^t^nV M dl TRTTII^II
She was the daughter of Daksa Prajapati
fgsr! ^ PcMMlRt f i W TTfTPq *TI earlier and subsequently she was bom as the
daughter of Himalaya. How could there be
Narada said, “O Brahma, you know two girls with a single body?
everything about Siva. You have narrated the -щ О
auspicious stories of Siva and Parvati, which
are surprising.
How was Sat! turned as Parvati and
fficfT PvMcEmi W f l married to Siva? This entire story and also the
% ччш t TmtliRii events connected therewith should be told to
I do not feel satisfied by listening to the me, О Lord Brahma.”
stories of Siva from your lotus like mouth.
Wh?r: *ГГ gfuiw: ТТЛ ^f?r RTW g g ; g<gr 7lj£4H H :l
fgsr! щщ l^rraf4W ^ftii^n ятиярта! т а г щ п дтнчадЦн^и
You have stated that Rudra residing over Suta said, “Thus listening to the words of
Kailasa, is the complete form of Siva, having Narada- the divine saint, Brahma was pleased.
controlled all his senses. W#cflFET
ЧТ m \ Trf?T:t *jnj htct! ттРгегв! cfiarqifq «ШТ
£ г£?5: Wtefd TT3J ftfdchltl Rfra'g:imi Ш ТРШ W4 Ц ^r?ig:u<?i!
Lord Siva, is adorable by Visnu and other Brahma said, “O Son, О Best among the
gods. He is the final goal of the people of Sages, I shall namate to you a beautiful story,
nobility and is free from all controversies. He listening to which your life would surely
is free from blemishes and movement of the become successful.
ascetics. Such a great lord indulges in divine
Ш Ъ f ^ d W I r i ! ebl4e(|U|MM)fgd:ll^o||
fertW W t %!Щ\
In earlier times, on looking at my daughter
gPtHlto ЗЙгЕТТЩгП Wtff^FThq;il Sandhya in the company of my sons, I became
Accepting the request of Lord Visnu, he lustful and became upset.
the bestower of welfare became a house­
ЩрМ Щ: W:i
holder by marrying Parvati, who had been his
wife in the earlier birth. RT '^rlTfUd ! ш м д а п ^ н ^ н
264 Siva-Mahapuranam

Having been reminded of Dharma, Rudra

the great yogi, denouncing me in the presence The same daughter of Daksa Prajapati was
of my sons, and went back to Kailasa. born as Uma, and she, after performing severe
4MJHI4)fed£JI? Ъ ТГЗ*Й:1 penance, became the wife of Siva, for
йчшЗ -H^ich[4 MtiivN уттчтп^п bestowing welfare on his devotees.
Having been influenced with Siva’s Maya, R)Rt R^iehiqTpftivil RTf RR:l
I had developed enmity with Siva, becoming 1тг# щ тгг R t m w fW ^ fw R ft:ii^ ii
foolish. Now Rudra with the unblemished wisdom,
during his married life deluded me and carried
gif R5: fvM'4Wifg4lQd:ii^n on several sports as a house-holder.
Inflicted with the same jealousy, I, in order factnr rti r щчщ тФт
to confuse him, overpowered with the Maya. ^ dgfcIMI^t % WRT: Wdf^T?:IRo||
of Siva, made many efforts. After his marriage with Uma, Siva reached
awreKsj ^ ^ gfwr W t тшпй| at the Kailasa mountain, becoming
ЭТШТ 1ны*Н14^Ч1 RR WlfR RRterUlir* И independent, with the desire of getting
progeny, started roaming about getting
О Sage, all my efforts with sons, made
attracted towards each other.
against Siva were of no use.
w °4d1iira 4?r ^ ! i
r^tstrc ткупт оууТчн: wi
длн: o
ЗЙ К Ш Я * 3 R R rh P y i^ R tH 'd :
With the pleasant company of her, much of
When all my efforts together with my sons
the time of Siva, who was free from all the
were of no avail, then I, remembered Visnu
depraved feelings, was passed.
the lord of Rama, who on his arrival advised
me appropriately. щ\ c$ rt Rraf ^птгг R m pm

HStfart [уигшие^ни r^trotr d^TRTMlQdw Rhfgtrr:iRy и

d^MAM i? 3 4 f w r itd - .u ^ ii Thereafter at the desire of Siva, the feeling

of rivalry between Rudra and Daksa started, as
At the advice of Visnu who is well-versed
in Siva-tattvas, then I who had been a result of which the latter had been
overpowered with the Мауй of Siva, shed overpowered with the Maya of Siva, which
away the jealousy with Siva but I could not made him proud, and foolish.
discard my stubbornness. ddWlc|l<&< d^HIdT faR<ssfl:i
yif%tfftog дшЫтчт^гтш m щи M^iyiH ftfggirt gfR t% r:ii^n
diRu-tri With the effect of the Maya of Siva, the
Then adoring Sakti, in order influence immensely proud and foolish Daksa, started
Siva, I created her as the daughter of Daksa denouncing the immensely peaceful and
and Asiknl (the wife of Daksa). Daksa, you unblemished Siva.
know was my son. Щ\ Ш Щ <^dcH4 Rfims^Thl
r ) rt адт щ -. § :w t i ^ctldld fginj RT
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 1 265

Then the immensely proud Daksa, humiliating all those present there.
organised a yajna, in which Visnu, the lord of ям
the universe, myself and all the gods were
■nwtst ш t w
invited by him, but he totally ignored Siva.
The immensely valorous and strong.
Virabhadra- the lord of ganas, at the
<тт w t чтят ечччт fgfimtf|w:ii?4 ii command of Siva, at once reached the place of
Having been filled with anger, he did not yajna.
invite Rudra, and overpowered with his
enmity, he also failed to invite Sat! his own
At the command of Virabhadra, his ganas
ЧёЦ Ч|сЫ1ТгТТ f w ЬИТчТ^гГШ! created enormous disturbance in the yajna
а д punishing all those present there, without any
When overpowered with the Maya of Siva, exception.
Daksa failed to invite his own daughter, then forot ТГ%гТ 4^4 Ш WfETRtl
the chaste Sati, performed her own sport.
щк ip R XU| } 3 11
зщтш m t гг? m They overpowered all the gods including
3RTffiT5fT 7ЙЩТ ^f43#lTIRV9ll Visnu, and making all the efforts, they severed
Though the arrogant Daksa had not invited the head of Daksa and burnt it in the fire altar.
her, but Sati, at the command of Siva, went to ЩГЕЩТ ^fchT>r?j
the place of her father.
ъ к чрттхг Tcrffify пинт щ
fcTH lcHT ^ Я Р Т ЧТ ЯПУТ'М щ ?тш :1
Virabhadra then after destroying the yajna
fgfrer m шт м кя T£ram4yrchTTdiiy<iii creating enormous disturbance, went back to
In the absence of the ams'a of Siva, having the Kailasa mountain and offered his
been insulted by her father, Sati denounced all salutation to Siva.
those present there, and burnt her body in the vjcfHT^ %
fire of the yajna.
dT*sre(i ЗЙЩ chwil IT
In full view of the gods, Virabhadra, the
-rwi Rи Attendant of Rudra, destroyed Daksa’s yajna.
On hearing this, Siva was immensely
4Fl! 4lfaR4 ^TT TTORITI
enraged. Then he plucked one of the locks of
his hair which was turned into Virabhadra. ^ T& Ш TK3 tlcrflT $ 11
О Sage, with excellent lord Rudra getting
w m ww m 1%
angry, no one could ever be comfortable. This
Цс(Ь(ЧМЧ<| % ЧТ5ТШ fll^oll
has been ordained in the Vedas and the Smrtis.
Emerging out of Siva’s locks of hair with
ЧёТГ H tt^ l5 ^ r t n ld 4 l c h u 4 eft 4TFTI
his ganas, he sought for the command of Siva.
Siva said, “You destroy the yajna of Daksa, f^ffH ^TOHT ТГ^ЧТ (?dc(ryen:ll^t9ll
266 Siva-Mahapuranam

Thereafter Rudra was pleased when he was <Т*ЩГ ЧПТ jrfegT^rarRTII^^II

praised by the gods. The lord who is always Thereafter, the same Sati was reborn as the
compassionate to the down trodden, made daughter of Himalaya and was known by the
their prayer fractious. name of Parvatl.
ч4е)«1 ^ifT срчНгЧ ЩТгРЧТ! ТГГЧЧЗГ ^ПТТПЙТ I
utpvim «гяН (Тош1%г?т('йц 11
Siva, who roamed about, performing
She again performed severe penance and
several types of sports, because of his
got Siva as her husband.
compassionate nature, restored everything to
its original position. W tsW ^Tf4E!l
ft TTr^rJT: I ш ят ЧТ5Гw rtllti^ ll
ЧТ: tt gjiferf щ : щ Ы ^щдчти? <?и О Sage, whatever you had asked me, the
same has been spoken by me. By listening of
Daksa Prajapati was brought back to life.
this story, a person is freed from all the sins,
All were honoured again. The merciful Siva,
there is no doubt about it.
then had the yajha completed.
aftfyMuiti4<iul Пук mi wifoimi %fk
nTusivi ч т wmtssstro': и

О sage, then Visnu and other gods present

there, were immensely delighted and
worshipped Rudra.
■Щ^ПТдсЧтГТ tic'll
^ftcTT 4% Ш TfifPTT W ^ R T lI^ II
The flame emerging out of the body of Sati
fell over the mountain, which bestows
pleasure to the people.
The goddess Sati, has been known by the
name of Jvalamukhl. A mere look at the same,
destroys all the sins and fulfills all the desires.
f2[Rf Hllj Ы<*1ЧЧ>ёПН^1
:тптт|i* 11
Even today the flame is worshipped in
several ways in the form of festivities for the
fulfilling of all the desires.
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 2 267

CHAPTER 2 iia fe тгчта$сг f e f e чт^тнгт! t

The appearing of Kamadeva
fetsfaT feTOrfe «т ч\ 4 fefenrvail
O Immensely learned one, you kindly
^гШеЬи4 ^(чЧК^А|е| jf^H; | speak out all these facts in detail. There is
*ГTjfeB: тш Ч1ЧУииП»1Н)4,11^11 none else comparable with you who could
Suta said, “О Dwellers of Naimasarnya, remove the doubt in this connection.”
after hearing his words, the excellent sage fe w
further asked about the auspicious story which *PJT щ щ f e ! f e f e t f f e r ? T :
destroys the sins.
ШЧ f e f f e h^ll<pirld WTII4II
Brahma said, “O Sage, you listen to the
f e ! f e ! ч^мш! ш T?rfe: ^prafnri most secret and, auspicious glory.
Turgor: f e w w i f e * ffefei
Narada said, “O Brahma, О Excellent one,
f e t t BfeWT f e f e f e f e !11 11
О Great lord, by listening to the story of Siva
which bestows welfare, from your lotus like О Sage, in earlier times, Visnu, for the
mouth, I do not feel satisfied. welfare of the universe, once asked Siva about
this, who replied to the former thus.
3TrT: life r^lciw rtfcr ^nri
fesfr W f e ffe : ffer: fe :i
felT f e TT4wfel faW<lfefe-d4!ll?o||
О Creator of the universe, О Brahma, you
better narrate the entire story of Siva, О Sage, thereafter, when I broached the
including the glory of SatT, I would like to subject with Visnu, then he explained to me in
listen to the same. details.
m \ % «ьучгч?п #ччп fe chfecTT TTrafel
Ш fe rvNifviddvildThi
How was SatT born in the house of Daksa I shall now narrate the ancient story of the
Prajapati? How did Siva consent to make her glory of Siva and Parvati, which fulfills all the
his own wife? desires.
f e сгт ^Th^i m t w i W
ffet fe ffefe ШсЬ<гЧ<*:1
1 чЭ

fecM-W ш и f e ^Т55ЖТ?ГЦВИ111ЧП
In the earlier time how did Sat! end her life зтчщщчж: fesfrffei: fefb4i4T*T:i
because of the anger of Daksa? Then how was fefrffefeafer! ftffeul тнтан:11^и
she bom as the daughter of Himalaya and
risen in the sky? w *щщ$\ ffepfent afenf3T:i
fe w fe fe fe wчЭ C s *ч
When Siva was absolute, without
attributes, having no alternatives, devoid of
How did Parvati perform the severe forms, and beyond existent and non-existent,
penance and how was she married with Siva. the greatest of the great, of changeless form
How could she share half the body of Siva? when united with Sakti, was filled with
268 Siva-Mahapuranam

attributes and had specific forms and divine 4 Ч Т ^Т Г 4 4T *f Ч ТЧТТОП

features. О Brahmana, he was accompanied
with Uma. Visnu emerged out his left limbs <*T<TO4|sf4 с) чтт) 4^u)MU|VllfH4)lR ^11
and I (BrahmS) emerged out of his right side. Such a virtuous woman, could not be found
0 Sages, Rudra was bom out of his heart.) in the heaven, earth or the nether world in all
the three times (past, present and future).
wt fonj: (шчещак:1
^ g T s t чт ч ч а д га f? 4 4 j

4T O T O I3J W T T T Ч ^ а ш п ^ г 4 c T O T : l l ? v II
Inspite of his being one, he was multiplied
into three. As Brahma, he became the creator, On looking at her, I thought in my mind
as Visnu he became the preserver of the together with Daksa and my other sons.
universe and as Rudra he became the ча fererqRTt % w ofr чГнччч!i
ЧТЧ Ч: ЧЧЧ1 Ч Щ Ш ^ сТ Г
ЧЧПМ $П»ГТ О best of sages, when I, Brahma was thus
Ш: ^H lT4Tlf^r:ll^ll thinking an astonishing type of a person,
I, after adoring him, was known as emerged in my mind.
Brahma, the grand sire of the world. I then 4>l£)4l<-hd'JildW: 4t4tTTOi: ^4lf44J:l
created the gods, demons and the people.
He had the lustre of the molten gold, vast
ЗТчШ Ш чЗч?1ШЧ11^11 chest, beautiful nose, thighs, waist, and legs.
By creating the gods, Daksa and Prajapatis, He had curly hair.
1 felt quite happy and I thought myself to be WH’Nytmtril
5>0 4TR4: 4tjfef4tf44T44:l
the greatest of all.
тототтощ§тт " д ч т р 5 Ш ч 1 ч 1 Ч : 1 1 ? ч 1 1
3R341 His both the eyebrows had joined. His face
что; %f?r ч^таччи^п resembled the full moon. He had stout chest
I created from my mind the rsis like which was hairy.
Marlci, Atri, Pulaha, Pulastya, Angirasa, З Ш Ч М ^ с Ы е Ь К : Ч1ЧТ d h d T O W T O I
Kratu, Vasistha, Narada, Daksa and Bhrgu.
3 T r T 4 4 T l f b ? 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 T ^ t № : I R s 11
SWSf ЧТЧЧРрПЧТО? g Щ[ T&\\ He was of the size of a black elephant, and
ТОТчччч) ш п щщчтп^и well built, wearing the blue gannents. He had
О Sage, when I produced my mind-born the hands, feet, face and the eyes of red
sons, -at the same time a beautiful damsel was colour.
also bom from my mind. : 44rm4FRR:l
ЧРЧТ W T f5^:^T4fr ЧПЧЧЧ2Ч q t f e r i Ч Ч ^ ^ Г Ч Щ Г : ^ V K y i ' J I d ^ u C I I ’R ' ^ l l

^ ^ d ' l f^ r^ lR o ll He had the slander waist, charming teeth,

She was quite charming and could win the resembling the intoxicated elephant. He had
beauty of the evening time and was quite eyes resembling the petals of fully blown lotus
beautaful, attracting the minds of all. flowers. His hair was fragrant.
Rudra SamhitS (Safi Khanka), Chapter 2 269

cfcWJjlcfr the universe and the lord of the three worlds.”

%bt цы(сь1^3чГи^:11?<^И sJ^ildW
^RT: еьйи^чкЫ щц cRI: ?рдт ч ш ТЩЩ;|
^чй ттш : ш ! ^?^гшгШ?т:11?Ч11
Не had the neck like the conch, embossed Brahma said, “Listening to the worlds of
with the symbol of fish. He was tall and had the noble-souled person Kama, I (Brahma)
makara-fish as his vehicle. He carried a bow surprised and kept quiet for sometime,
and five flowers for his arrows. When he ЗШ) t R : т р щ щ щ р щ fy w rh l
rolled his eyes here and there his glance
looked quite attractive. О Dear one, his breath
was fragrant wind. He was accompanied with Then convincing himself, and getting free
the feeling of love. from surprise Brahma called that person
(kama) and said.
<TctfeSf UttU ^ПЗГТ Mr^dlSJ
3ER Щ quidiulgr тщИт-л
sfitfcW w t 4nji3wnf4I41-rai:ll^oH
ttR t r ЧЬЬПЧ%Г ^ 5 ^ f g
On seeing that Being, my sons Daksa etc.
became very curious and were struck with Brahma said, using your present form and
wonder. with the arrows of five flowers, captivate the
men and women and carry on the task of
Ы TT^cTRf TRt eternal creation.
Ы ЗсИё^тПА!
The minds of my sons were inflicted wit
the arrows of Kama and they could not gain
patience. No one of the mobile or immobile
creatures in the three worlds, the gods or any
Tit ^tsfg щ тт ^PHPcrfH^i other jiva would be able to stand before you.
5ШЩГ1arm: w fa4dl4d<**y<:ll3 ЧII щ4 щтc ii^ir
o ' m wMcfi
о очтыч:1
wr шъ
3$). fc h h ^ M lui4H «hl:ll^^ll
f% W w fraterci Even Siva- the Purusottama and Visnu
TTFqt5?r ЬШ Wilgf^Id: ^Ttf^TrTt fa^!ll would be overpowered by you, what to speak
The said person then bowed in reverence to of the other beings.
me- the creator of the universe and bowing
^RRT яГсЦ»Н W l
down his head humbly said, that person said,
cR V iR IcR h T ll^o ll
“O Brahma, What should I do? You entrust
such a task to me, by which I might be able to You would stealthily enter the minds of the
earn respect from all. people, and comforting them, you would
indulge in the activities of the creation, which
sifiro w xt w i w t ^ тц 44i
would last forever.
fecH&Vl! W «mdlujfftiO'ttll
<сКЩЩЦигЩ TTcP TTREfS^t T R tS ^T gl
You bestow a place of pride for me. You
tell me who is my wife? You are the creator of ■ # g t R fb R t fa r? Щ Т Mdchtl ^ c T R I I ^ I I
270 Siva-Mah5puraJjam

The aim of your lotus arrow would be

pleasant and surprising for the mind. You
would be the cause for their elation.
Л -gfgHTcnfo TT.i
ЧГОЙй с|Г^Й ^гГГ ^ сГгЗгТ:11'й^11
Thus I have defined you job for the
creation of the universe. My sons shall spell
out your real name.

«yaw l rTI
Brahma said, “Thus speaking and looking
towards the faces of his sons, Brahma
occupied the lotus seat.
?f?r fehqrui v*df?ami fetft
imhiol чт feMsatm-.u ^ \\
270 Siva-Mah5puraJjam

wnanwfl чч* w f ^ :i
dW A H W T O l Щ R # ТэТШ
Rsis said, “Since you have churned the
mind of Brahma, therefore you would be
known in the world as Manmatha.
чЭ c b im s 'iw 4%
ЗШ Ч ? efi|44TOlfi| 75ШТТ ЧЩ t R m n m i
О Spiritual one, there would be no one
more beautiful in the three worlds than you.
Therefore you would be known by the name
of Kama.
rRr4lrch-<i5-rrmfq R # ^H lfiril^ll
Since you would get others intoxicated,
therefore you would be known by the name of

CHAPTER 3 Ш W R # Refill w4oi|IMl Чс|ТШ:IlVdII

Curse and blessing on Kama No god would be more powerful than you
and you would be all pervading, since you
would reside everywhere.
того: Tti ^ ш ц ^ т - л
c^ts^T Ш : FTO cfTO# ctilfmlui
что тгШтгет: ^шт:и^п
31Ш : ^ M R T O .- ll^ ll
Brahma said, “Thereafter, Marlci and other
sons of mine, who were well aware of my О best of men! as you please, first
mind, gave him the appropriate names. Prajapati Daksa himself will give the suitable
wife to you.
p a H H lc M ^ e ) Щ еп f4RTOTO4:l
Ш : Ш 4 # STW^ :ll? II
wm\ что# f^tsuidr
Daksa and others who were engaged in the
creation, getting aware of his story and The girl, having been mind-bom of
looking at his mouth, gave him the proper Brahma would be extremely beautiful in the
place and the appropriate wife. world and would be known by the name of
<rat что# чт#гстошт f£3tT:i
Щ: TI^tI TWTO r: 113 11
О Brahmanas, then Marlci and my other
sons, gave that person the suitable names. This girl has been bom of the mind of
Brahma, like he jasmine flower and would be
W : 3TO
: known as by the name of Sandhya.”
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 3 271

flghdivl Kamadeva- the great archer, standing in

the posture of Alldha,1turned his bow circular
sfajmfr d«!IWlfui ТЩТ5ГПТ
like a bangle and was ready to shoot.
У*Э*№Ч1 fisraqnw i
Brahma said, “Then he holding the five
r)T ^Г?п| щ ® fTRW: I
arrows of flowers, and secretly thought about gfW*rfT%! TWATp^Rumi^ii
the future course of action. As soon as he held the bow in that manner,
at once the pleasant winds which delighted the
тЬнизч хг ттУй ?т1чщ Ш1
minds of people started blowing.
цгрц зНт sh^rir з Э Д здцщТчн^ и
«шанБг «imi^ чмйч ъ Ч1ТЩ1
The five weapons of Kamadeva viz.:
harsana (delight), rocana (appeasing), ущ % t : ii ^ ii
mohana (deluding), sosana (withering) and Thereafter Kamadeva, charmed Brahma
marana (killing) could delude and torment and all other ascetics separately with his
even the sages. flower arrows.
I P I ЦЦ TTTf^y Wl'tRH.! ч-М: TIcf tj^! i
cbRwif4 TTfTi fg sr:ll^ ll TtffTt ЦТЦТ fa&f&chll ШЧЧ1^:11^о||
He thought, “Brahma has desired me to О Sage, thereafter, myself as well as all
follow the eternal dharma and I shall do so other ascetics came under the influence of
here itself in the presence of the sages. Kama’s charm. The minds of all of them were
infested with passion.
tjrmt ir ftsrari 1^*11
The sages and Prajapati himself are present ЗГШТ
here. My job would be accomplished in their Because of the influence of the passions,
very presence. all of them started looking (greedily) at
Sandhya, because a woman is always the
venfcr gfijmn ЗГШ % cTR! yrairg^:l
cause of the increase of the lust.
ЦтМ*Г НЧВ1М4)^1«)§ЧИЗЧ11
TT: *(с|Ц зет 4o;w) iTt^fqrgr ЦТ: ЦТ: l
Sandhya, who has been described by
Brahma, is also present here. Let her speak out iWlRilftchK ^ MI^WRch(lTtaillR?ll
her mind also. I shall test my power here and Kamadeva, charmed all with passion and
then carry it out elsewhere. Every one would he did not stop till all of us lost control over
be charmed by me.” the sense-organs.
ТТШ f q f e ^ ШТГ -г^щ ТГЩ(Ъ ШЦ\
■цищ HttMIcISJ ягштцш TpWhll^ll гфт ч№ч*1Г?ВД'<ЗП ЦПТТ:
Brahma said, “Thus thinking and with a When on looking at her my vital elements
firm resolve in his mind, Kamadeva, placed were displaced, forty nine animal instincts
all the five flow arrows over his bow. Bhavas emerged out of my body.
зи<гП<г^мйж1й1 SRTTfW ■гщг!:!
1. A particular attitude in shooting (the right knee
тй«ЬН ЭДЩК ЦПЦ) S|P*eivW<m^9ll advanced, the left leg drawn back).
272 Siva-Mahapur3nam

cb^iivTWrHwj Observing the sinful way of the father

Brahma, his son Dharma remembered Siva,
the protector of dharma.
Sandhya too after having been
voluptuously gazed by all of then, also began TPWRTTPT SPf ? lft SUiMMebMJ
to display her gestures like side glances, ртаг ?ii
pretence of concealing the feelings etc. as a Then Dharma, the son of Brahma mentally
result of having been hit by the arrows of meditating on Siva, the protector of Dharma,
Kama. offerd many prayers sadly.
i ^ r ! тщ&\ snfaiH!
Sandhya, who was beautiful by nature,
displayed the sentiments sprouting in her ^ГёГ^ГьГсН1^1М1 <$4$ f?ir^yn
mind, like a golden river with slow waves Dharma said, “O God of gods, О
which appeared extremely beautiful. 'Mahadeva, О Dharmapala, salutation to you.
О Siva, you are the creator and the preserver
of the universe.
TJg! sfipT f ^ J : ЗПгГ^
Then Prajapati, whose body had been
overpowered with dharma, looking at WfOwTcmtfwfsnpfkrar: w tfthi^n
Sandhya became desirous of getting her. You yourself function as Brahma, for the
сШ* TO: Ttf UtMPfifisll 3Tfrn purpose of creation, Visnu for the purpose of
О -о
preservation, and Siva at the time of
dissolution. You are beyond the three gimas
О Dear one, thereafter, Marlci, Atri and all viz.: sattva, rajas and tamas.
other ascetics, besides Prajapati, were
overpowered with the sensuous excitement Щ П |% Я # : ЧТ:1
fofuTt РпУсЫВ Щ 4T4ldPvrif^?IT^:ll^^ll
т а ! xj gpfftrr Ш w w ig c ii
О Lord Siva, you are beyond the three
gunas, Prakrti are absolute, unblemished, and
Kamadeva, on the other hand finding
myself and other rsis having been infested perform several sports. You are the Divine
with lust, considered himself to be successful Being.
in his task. Щ 4^i<ct! щщщ\ ^dtifdd:i
ctrtf ччХ^й TPnftr щ \ т# щ ц Ш Ш : 414^44:11^ЧИ
^IcRlfMld fT4T 4Trfet ^ a r r яи О Mahadeva, you kindly save me from this
Kama thought that the task that had been sin. My father and brothers have become evil-
assigned to him by Brahma, he was competent minded.”
enough to perform the same.
^ MltPlfd rf fqpdWTI TEfTl "R^TRt Л Щ: W:l
spf: OTJIW Ш t У‘5'Ц1гЦЧ:Н^5,11
Kudra Samhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 3 273

Brahma said, “At the prayer to Siva,

offered by Dharma, then Brahma himself
Ш звртОвпш Т%"ЩЯШ:И^^И
arrived for the protection of dharma.
How could the mind of Daksa who always
7ЯТ#Гf e w : ^gfT trenfawi looks at the sun, Marlci and others, get
ят strata пятят riii^n attracted towards a woman?
Siva finding me arriving with Daksa and С(Й c&mTsfa 4 < lr4 ! 3nW9TvtTr59^f % l
others, through the sky laughed in his mind at
fa firfR ф ^сц я iixxii
Then how could the evil-minded and
TT Я1У=п4 ШЯ ЯТё^ *r f? : тр:1 degraded soul Kamadeva, with his sharp
arrows, create blemish in them?
Expressing his gratitude to them all and fsTFB Ш TTW TRU T O cfJRTT TprtS^TrTl
laughing again and again, О Sage, putting all
бк^(ф«< ТПЯТЯ^М^ЦЦ
of us to shame,
Disgrace to him and the knowledge of the
R>|c| -icnd Sastras attained by the one whose mind is
captivated by a woman and removing his
patience makes his mind unstable?”
^ w TRTcit ^ ч Ы ч ii
Siva said, “O Brahma, how could the
passions arise in you seeing at your own <тет sprr rn
daughter? A person who is well-versed in the
Vedas, should not feel lustful at the sight of a
gtesT fsTpfNrT: S‘TUTTcfii'^11
girl. Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Siva, the lord of the three worlds, I felt
t r a r w i srfiRl crarr
doubly shameful and my body started
TJrTT: Я -Э йф fgTiferTTIUon perspiring.
As for example, evil eye should not be cast
TTcT: еычйськ % f^njir я^!|
over one’s own mother, sister, wife of the
brother, one’s own daughter. ri^rtii ш w i t gnwfwnfhTii'Yvsii
Thereafter even after my being desirous of
Sandhya- the passionate one, I discarded her
Ш сГ еЫЧЦ&Л' Ъ Tt fawrfWl because of the fear of Siva.
The decision of the Vedic path is very
я щ т Н т я tn r W r Ш И Ш тП Т ! I
much before you. О Brahma, how could you
forget the same at the rising of the lustful зНяЬсПтГ!: %ТЩТТ ТЗШ: Гч^, 1'Л1Ш:11'«^11
thought? fira i^ lfW T : TTcf ^ М ) М Н Ь Н 1 :1
щоттяч!| fTRTRTWT: ЧШ1Т: W TtfW qilT : яЪ|'*<?11
йя тд feifet f5&!ii*?ii At that point of time the drops of
О Brahma, why could you not develop the perspiration fell from my body, which gave
patience, because of which you were birth to the manes known as Agnisvatta and
overtaken by the degraded Kama and became other ascetics who did not perform the
desirous of a union. sacrifices while living on earth. They were
274 Siva-MahapurSriam

shone like the split collyrium, had eyes The were Somapas, Ajyapas, Kalins and
resembling the full blown lotus, were Havisman, who are called also Kavyavahas.
meritorious and averse to the worldly They are their sons.
shdl'fcj TTtW: ^ЭГГ clf^BlVdilfHdWyil
ш ои Somapas was bom as son of Kratu, Kalins
They were sixty three in number, О Sage, to Vasistha, Ajyapas to Pulastya and
and the manes called Barhisads, seated on Havisyamfln of Angiras.
grass were eighty six thousand in number.
згйч зтГчьс|Ы1^ед|
?тЯпчт ftgsFfcf щ тп яя: iщ 6 11
чтщ?ррнгдш чтошп O Best of the Brahmanas, with the birth of
From the body o f Dak§a Prajapati, sweat manes like Agnisvata, etc. they were assigned
fell, from which a beautiful damsel possessing the job of Kavyavahas among the manes.
all the virtues, emerged.
rRjft m w m w vqtrturcft ^ tti
TJSft Чс|сЫа^УЧТГИЦ?ll
Siva then found the faultless Sandhya who
^^amcRun щ tjo^ R d i ^ n was quite religious minded, engaged in her
чтяттШ ч w m gqfamft aim, and the mother of manes.
She was slander waisted and had
symmetrical hips. Her waist was well built,
well shaped, small curly hair decorated her
еп¥ тг^ о ii
head. Her body was soft and her teeth were Thereafter, being graceful on all the
white. She had a complexion of molten gold. Brahmanas, and after protecting the Dharma
Her face was like the full moon and fully appropriately, Lord Siva disappeared.
blossomed lotus flower. She was known as m щ рт & ц formal
Rati and could captivate with her beauty even
the great ascetics.
After the departure of Siva, I (Brahma)
Trfflsrsnpsrr: ЗДЩ[Ч1ЖЧ1:1
curving my eye brows, I was enraged at
Wt afa g x T dSJTim *ll
ЯкЧГфЛ rlfo if zf W *TI
^gJT трзч^тятгт f^ rd l ^TTsftr T O : I
fcqr: ftpun зттатат !ицц и
««ти|1ЧИ1*ГСТд # T : ^TO rT^hl^ll
Excepting Kratu, Va,si|tha, Pulastya, and
At this, Kamadeva, looking at my face and
Angiras the six ksis like Marlci and others
controlled their sense organs. О best of sages! understanding my intentions, О Sage, getting
the semen of Kratu etc. four fell on earth, and afraid of Siva, stopped the shooting of the
other manes were bom from the same. arrows.
#ятт зтгзгптт чтят Ш: eblWHfdi: USHTlfW ^ ! l
^P E tR R ^dT : ^ э в з ц д щ : тга?Н&ТТ:11Ч<*11 зтщя З П Й Н Я Ч Т ^ я д д т : 1153ц
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khantfa), Chapter 3 275

О Sage, then having been bom of the lotus O Brahma, whatever job had been assigned
flower, he started burning with the fire of by you to me, I did the same and nothing else.
anger, as the fire goes in flames to bum Therefore, it would not be proper for you to
others. pronounce a curse on me.
ЧеЙя1нЗД*|: зщ fgmjwn трэд; ^ гащттчггг:1
чз гат mm тчтГч Tdf^dRiivaoii
Then Brahma said, “This Kamadeva, You had spoken that both Brahma and
overpowered with his arrogance, would Visnu would be victims of my arrows. I had
exercise his strength over Mahadeva, and only tested the tmthfulness of your words.
would be reduced to ashes with the fire of his
eyes. tw t ччгвд si^fb тчгт^п
читает w ft
тгачзтч fswm ri
O Brahma, О Deva, О Lord of the
¥4^ ftrp fsw w ^i^rpq;ii^ ч ii Universe, I am quite innocent, what is my
O BrShmana, these words which could not fault? Therefore, the time and the curse are
be forgiven, were spoken by Brahma, before both painful.”
the sages who had controlled all the sense ^
organs, besides the manes. ? kt ггта mET: frar згчт «гм:i
«ftfit 4ld4idWd*IU|Mhh4T4ui:| ^IrfTrRR Черт 5443jg:IH3?ll
Thus listening to the words of Kamadeva,
тп^дг trragjt зттч frarfasre ^H ^ ii
I, the lord of the universe, advised him again
Thus listening to the terrific curse
and again.
pronounced by Brahma, Kamadeva left the
shooting of the arrows, then and there,
appeared at once at the same place. зтгагат «тч чгёлт чччч^тчшчч: i
.... . » N » r* . *S ,

«ram mr: ?rrar «гат fm:ii^?n

^tJoRTT Brahma said, “You looked at my daughter
О Sage, he, becoming free from the named Sandhya with voluptuous eyes. This
arrogances, spoke in presence of my sons has resulted in my pronouncing a curse to you.
Dak$a and others, the manes, as well as 3ifm tmmffrh'st rat ^ifit ч%та!
^дтдга «pit «га «га ra^ii^ttn
ЭЧЧ Зс|ТёГ О Kamadeva, I have now been freed from
foqsf «ram anger. Therefore, I tell you, that getting free
зртгагега rnt^r! from fear and doubt, you be comfortable.
Kamadeva said, “O Brahma, О Lord of the га «гсч чгат «щч!
universe, why have you pronounced such a
чЗгащ «га tmfwftmvaqii
terrific curse on an innocent person like me,
the follower of the path of justice? О Kamadeva, you would be reduced to
ashes with the fire с Г the eyes of Siva, no
ram ratm з «ran doubt, thereafter you would again get your
mr «itrat ч wqf ir mrt ятгаг^кт «гатп^п body back.
276 Siva-MahSpur5nam

W fW 4.i
i n p ? я^гГ: yrftr HNfamfd1119511
After the marriage of Siva, you would
automatically get your body back,”
Цс^скспзгг гщчтт? Н><Ь'ГЧгГГЧ^: I
3Rnbrt yHV^lUIT ЧН-HWi
I being the Grandsire of the universe, after
speaking these words to Kamadeva,
disappeared from that place.
й Ш: ff^T чттет:1
%4 *174:11^11
Thus listening to my words, Kamadeva and
the mind-bom sages, felt comfortable and left
for their respective abodes.
*ftfvi<*4$i3wit %fan«rt Mtifediui
ffiftqroi ehi*4VH4ijgii^t чпт gHhttssiFr:ii^ii
276 Siva-MahSpur5nam

and Brahma disappeared from the scene, then

Daksa Prajapati, having been reminded of my
words, said to Kamadeva.

qqt ~у$щ wrafef «raw: wfqf w ^:im i

Daksa Prajapati said, “O Kamadeva, you
better make this damsel your wife, who is
quite beautiful, possesses all the virtues and
has been bom out of my body. She compares
well with our temperament.
тгсгт ww q?ENi:
qfd^fd W cE14 srfrqt WyrqfrHiliqil
She is quite illustrious, and would always
move along with you. She would always be
under your command as per your will as well
as the dharma.

Marriage of Kamadeva чтч iqtfq qrqii^n
WTiq ЗЗПхГ Brahma said, “Thus speaking, he created a
damsel out of his sweet, and giving her the
faugfvirai q-giHT? ! M i #cK«h<! Troth
name of Rati and presented her before
WKTTt o fvidcflHI^dlPidlll^l Kamadeva.
Narada said, “O Disciple of Visnu, О fw w qt wt: ■qtsfq qqtwnftw qnqh
Immensely intelligent one, О Destiny, and the
q$nat qqqt тгат ччктГч ql^lyiivaii
lord creation of the universe, you have
narrated the surprising story of the sports of O Narada, Kamadeva, after marrying the
Siva, which are like the nectar. daughter of Daksa Prajapati, known as Rati,
was immensely delighted.
Ш: (сьччсым! wftq wgenfmi
зга qt qqwt irarW qtrfraw ^totwi
ЗТГгШ^Ч f ^ r s ^ qqt? II
O Dear one, what happened thereafter?
Thereafter find Rati, his wife to be
You please tell me. I am interested in the
favourable according to his virtues, Kamadeva
listening to the story of Siva.”
became passionate for her.
уф т ^ qqn
q^w qraf w ттЫя ii
т г с щ з ^ w q'l^qq wgw:ii?n She was of fair complexion, tremulous side
Brahma said, “After Siva left for his abode, glances, and eyes resembling the fawns. She
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat? Khancja), Chapter 4 277

admirably suited to his love of pleasure and were riveted to the auspicious necklace with
offered him sufficient sports. eyes of the peacock’s tail suspended over her
ЩЗП 'ЩТ9Г firm protruding plump breasts down to her
umbilical part.
3WI<4 fo jM S W P H ^ kfH ll^ o ll
Looking at her eyebrows, Kamadeva
developed a doubt whether, the destiny had
placed them over her face just to insult his Her navel was quite deep and two eyes
bow? appeared like the two red lotus flowers over
щ ягщпщрпад ГиН ч!i her lotus like face.
ЗТЩ TRj PWKaiUll g f f t Ч Щ qftwwzET ctw fiwiferc<gwT»
O Dear one, her side-glances, moved Txmft % ш м ^ и
swiftly. Looking at her beauty he lost faith in Kamadeva, looked at the slander waisted
the movement of his weapons. damsel, who had the gold complexion by
rPRIT: ^ п щ й т я т «faw w fatf MTI nature, like the golden pedestal.
зщгто sngj гЧтТГсП^тоадййи^и
Enjoying her natural beauty and the ЙЗЦ>гБмТ*1' ^ПТГ щп
fragrant breath, Kamadeva became Her both the thighs resembled the trunks of
disinterested in the wind of the Malaya the banana tree, and were quite pleasant.
mountain. Kamadeva looked at them like his own
cfcRf ^gT strength.
ч fiSsrchra n»fts f ^ T r :ii^ ii ЗТТТйтМчщПТ JTRWFt
She had all the auspicious symbols, her «зппРгайч ft* crwr Rqmcr:ii^ on
face resembled the full moon. Therefore, The heels of the feet of Rati and the fore
looking at her face Kamadeva was unable to parts of her feet, were of red colour, and
distinguish between the moon and her face. looking at them, Kamadeva became friendly
'y^q«*Rra»i§c4 Ш : f^gyqj to them.
rTRTT: Ш Ч7Й: f^T<*W4:l
Like the bud of the golden lotus, her
breasts with nipples appeared like the bees Her both hands resembling the kims'uka
hovering over them. flowers were red and with well rounded
ггечт: -щ чт fonferctoi tapering fingers were quite beautiful.
aiFnfoglfo f f ШНТ ^ iftTdr
f%Tt ТГ^сЬ'ГЧ1гТГё?1ёГТг1^11? ? II
f e w iK тщтшт f r f t ^ ii^ n hI c-mUc^ - ivi: %79ТЧГ9ТГ R4tfT:l
Kamadeva had kept aside and forgotten the
string his flowery bow with tumultuous Both her arms resembled the lotus stalk,
humming sound of the bees because her eyes which were soft and glossy. They resembled
278 Siva-Mah3pur5nam

corals putting forth beams of splendour. Her

hair was black like the clouds or resembled Thus observing Rati in this way,
the tail of the Camar cow and were quite long. Kamadeva, enthusiastically accepted her in
Because of the long hair the beloved of the same way, as lord Visnu had accepted
Kamadeva looked quite beautiful. LaksmI, who had lovingly arrived to him.
тгата гпщт ъ т 'й<ч«(ГтМ:1
тгпт faferri ^rm%T:ii^on
As the Ganga emerging from the Himalaya He, having been overpowered with delight
was housed by Siva (over his head) similarly, forgot the terrific curse pronounced on him by
Kamadeva accepted Rati, quite delightfully. Brahma, Kamadeva did not speak anything to
Daksa Prajapati.
7g^n|fWsl m j f t 4R41pJfd14J r ц 11 wgpr 7рзэфг:1
Her hands were embossed with Cakra and ^ t: тятт т т и з *11
the lotus and her arms resembled the lotus O Narada, at that time a function was
stalk, and both her eye-brows resembled the organised which increased the delight. Daksa
waves of the Ganga.
felt quite happy at that time and same was the
vwu(i4W3i{Hrt case with Rati- his daughter.
1^11 THTfalfM 7|7i ИМ TIT: I
Her eyebrows resembled walvets. Her eyes c$Mlf4 Tf?T: еЫЧ ШЩ гП1т ё>11$ 7 II
resembled the lotus flowers, her curly locks of
Kamadeva also having been filled with
hair falling over the body resembled the
delight, forgot all the pain of his heart. Thus
mossy growth in the river. She could dwell in
the daughter of Dak$a Prajapati was extremely
the mind like a tree.
happy by getting Kamadeva as her husband.
БячйчзФ $rmt
ТГГ5Г ИТГ 7ТП& wSgTRMMT: 7377:1
тттттт 74rfaemwi
She had a deep navel resembling a lake, a
slander waist, all her limbs were beautiful, The sweet tongued Kamadeva, appeared
was the abode of all the beauties and as such unique with Rati at that time, as the clouds
she appeared graceful like LaksmI. appear in the evening time with lightning.

т Ш 77^ra>nt W 3?TIR 6 и fftrfr ^ t Thi^ffcr fain^l

She was adorned with twelve types of ifinft ifm w ям 7TTsnfa ^
ornaments. She was well-versed in the sixteen д а м «rtht t ^ М с т т т т п 13*11
types of amorous gestures and could charm all In this way, Kamadeva, having been
the lokas with her beauty. Besides she could overpowered with the virtues of Rati, gave her
illumine all the directions with her lustre. space in his heart, as the yogis lodge vidya
ctf T3Rt Tft ШЩ 7?1Щав:1 (wisdom) in their hearts. Rati also on the other
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 5 279

hand after having the husband (like

Kamadeva) looked graceful as Kamala having
moon like face feels delighted by getting
?ftr fsrfNrrat fefft
gmfggrpraU чпт п^ n
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 5 279


^riiicbud сщт-тст щат w es 4tw: i

w II
^ ъ ijSt! wtiKiiaRd ^twi
е 4^|ГцдТ; д а : ТЦ: тЙ!||£
Suta said, “Thus listening to the intelligent
CHAPTER 5 son’s words, remembering Siva with devotion,
The story of Sandhya Brahma, to whom all the secrets were known,
1-J7T <J'e|W said, “O Narada, you listen to the complete
story of Sandhya, hearing which all the ladies
cim<m w w t become chaste.
W Щ EESST TpTT *T f t 4 -fN fld l 3 T T S 4 ^ I
Sdta said, “On hearing the words of
Brahma, the excellent sage remembered Siva WETWI Щ ЯЗД1 ЩШ'^Ъ*1ТГ|1Й II
with a delighted heart and spoke with Sandhya was initially been bom out of my
pleasure. mind. Subsequently she performed penance,
and leaving that body, she was reborn in the
next birth as Arundhati.
ЪЩ\ Ш \ WfFT! fdWjfVFd!
fc n ftfr: TJrfT 'Ягёгт g f t j ljppi s ftw ti
3KgcTT srfgffiT effaT
T g f t « y f t y n 4 e |^ d w R d ^ ld lH ^ II
Narada said, “O Brahma, О Exalted one, О
She, the intelligent one then became the
Disciple of Vi$nu, possessing enormous
daughter of the sage Medhatithi. Accepting
intelligence, you have narrated the astonishing
the words of Brahma, Visnu and Siva, she
sports of 3iva.
started performing penance.
3sT T# WTrqR cffag VifeWsM'^
^ Ш ft gjtffrus и Щ Щ г д ф п л т н ^ о ||
She, the beautiful one sought for Vasi§tha
P H f3T WT W ?n§Pj4t f t ^ : 11*11 as her husband and thereafter she became
ft» Ш W i d 's n f ^ d ll adorable by all as a chaste lady.”
T Fsjref^t <ъ\i411
Kamadeva, after getting the wife, and after зй г ш ш н fe g f fjt w ra n
the departure of Dak$a Prajapati to his abode,
T irtt ETT « II
and your mind bom sons to their respective
abodes, where did Sandhya, the daughter of Narada said, “Where did Sandhya perform
Brahma go, and what did she do thereafter. To the penance and for what purpose? How did
whom did she marry? You kindly narrate the she put an end to her body and how did she
entire story of Sandhya?” become the daughter of the Medhatithi?
280 Siva-Mahapuranam

« ш дт W e a f s n n j f t r t : qf?rm ЧЧ ТПЙ Rwi^d SznW TSW TII^II

o rfw 5 ч *к ч м w % BEnwl ^ri qqf^TTl
How did she accept Vasistha as her f a 4 # W IT df?4<bl^ 4WlRld4IR o ll
husband at the advice of Brahma, Visnu and О Sage, then Kama was cursed by me, then
Siva? Siva left the place and I also disappeared from
т г г й gh m u m iK i fe fr A u i Гчап ^ ! the site. Under these circumstances, her
cb1d*d4*>-S|pill&lRd TTtcRT:ll^ll support was totally lost and she became
furious. Sandhya- my daughter, thought about
О Brahma, you kindly speak out the story
all these things and meditated for long on the
of Arundhati, correctly to me because I am recent events. Then, she of great fortitude was
quite anxious to hear about the same.” mused as to what was to be done in the given
чщгшта circumstances?
Щ W dd'Mi W i t ^jjfT ч 4 ч У 1 гЧ Ч :1 WTlcira
зтттгп^т о т m i ** 11 3dt?l4Ni *?t ^grr т а ! 4<£Rd:l
Brahma said, “When I first had a look at
my daughter Sandhya, then my mind became
Sandhya said, “Soon after my birth, finding
lustful, but getting afraid of Siva, I discarded
me quite youthful, my father having been
overpowered with lust, desired to have me as
W l U l g f e id Ш chl4<HIU|f a d lfe d q j his wife.
5*t4luin7ft 4 $ i c w q ;i i ? 4 i i trysrat ЧМ44Н1 ^ чФь
On the other hand the minds of the great Ч1ЧЧЧЦ WTWTcRHllR'R II
sages who had controlled all the senses, had
Besides the sages and the rsis born out of
also been disturbed at the sight of Sandhya.
the mind of Brahma, were also filled with
ЧАЩ cTER ЯгЭГТ *T HT T lftl passions, at my sight, crossing the limits of
t g l 4 4 ^ 4 l - W f r i l l y II decency.
З В ТЩ гТШ ^ W 3 § :l mnfq qfet Ш tr^ t ^ tttcrti
W I T W RT d jf)q iJ4 iq ifd ^ :% r m i^ V 9 ll ^T ^T ЯЧНтзЫШ W4T ^T^ll?^ll
Listening to the words of Siva, filled with Wicked Kamadeva also made my own
mockery about me, she had realised that her mind lustful, as a result of which, on seeing
mental aberration in regard to the sages was the sages my mind became excessively
beyond decency. She had witnessed the shaken.
behaviour of Kamadeva, resulting in the
delusion of the sages, frequently. Sandhya was Ч1Щ w r : wmrnciHi
therefore, exceedingly distressed about her w щ fdqtT: ?ттКтГ Лтпч?:и?^н
marriage. Kamadeva has already achieved the reward
гГгГЩЗГрТТТ# -щТШТ ^ !I of the sin, who has been cursed by Brahma.
^ grftr fwnnRetl 1\C 11 ЯР-ртТ ТТПГРГ wyehlftofil
э т г а ^ ^ п ш ж wtt irRiwr! i FT ?|1учГбГч«3|Гч WFnri|i?4!l
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 5 281

?f?r TtfW rZ 4FTOT TFsqt гГгГ: I

^§т Ш5: я ш т а w r^ rm R S ii 4 ^ H iiM<u зккиэзп
I also being sinful would surely reap the Thus thinking, Sandhya went to a mountain
reward of the sin. I am also desirous of the known as Candrabhaga which is the place of
destruction of this sin, that my father and my origin of the river Candrabhaga.
brothers became desirous of me, at my sight,
therefore, there is no sinner greater than me on aw m w t PTftcri
earth. ?RTT ЙЧгИгЧМ slgllclbmg
w fct m 17% w ^ r f r r n ^ ii 113Ц11
Besides, my own mind crossing all the Thereafter Sandhya started performing
limits looking at my own father and brothers, penance over that mountain. Learning about it,
developed the feeling of a husband for them. I (Brahma) spoke to the sage Vasistha, who
ттш wmi was well-versed in Vedic and post Vedic
literature, who had controlled all his senses,
ЗИгЧН'Ч^ ^ЧН|'мШг1:11?й11 who was omniscient, knowledgeable and a
I shall myself repent for this sin. I shall yogi, who was seated besides me.”
burn my body in the fire as per the provision
of the Vedas. Sl$?Hrc|
f% *Etasi w m f i i w n f i t
cjfas! ТS35Г! W <cf WTt ^rTTcTtTRfwhTl*\
frqrr ^rfehmi w «Rnfafaii^n
д а ш т ч щ т а ч т : трт: vhT iu c ir ^ h
Brahma said, “O Son of Vasistha, you
But I shall establish a tradition on earth by
following which the people would not become bestow proper dlksa (initiate duly) to Sandhya,
lustful. my daughter, approaching her who is
proceeding for the performing of tapas.
TJcRsfat фЯТ гПТ: ЧТЧ<ГЬи|Ц)
ччп$пт*таггсчт: чтт эдд<жн1
ISirafaKnfa ТЩШ I3 о
ЩdSTlrRH W4T 4f4WT!ll^t9ll
For this purpose, I shall perform severe
tapas. I shall establish the tradition and then О great Sage, formerly seeing you all and
end my life. me as her lovers and realising her own lustful
feelings she had blushed.
dfaotffl} fisrT ^ wfavlTb: -ЩЧ ^FT:l
3W-H4R? rfc^nf fcffrj ТГТ1
The body, observing which my father and ^ЩГсШНШifa у 113dll
brothers, became desirous of having me, I Having been overpowered with the
have nothing to do with that body. unprecedented evil conduct, she is presently
desirous of ending her life.
Ш Tlfftor cflrlj ^1
з5Й?т: д а м ч aryfidWH^ii^^n гптат whfwtf?n
My body for which my father and brothers ?RT: 35<f TRTTRTlScf)' ■cl^MIRsd’RS^II^ ^ II
became desirous, no good deed could be By performing penance, she would
performed with the same.” establish a limit among those who observe
282 Siva-Mahapur5i)am

limits and conventions. The chaste lady has sky appears in the dusk with the moon rising
gone to the mount Candrabhaga for the and the twinkling of the stars.
performing of penance. «jfalgfw m м §*w rdi tt cKtacfti
'Э c&iRI
<ТТЧ1ЧМ\Ч^¥1Ш MIHlfelg Ш f^ ll-^ o ll The sage having been filled with anxiety
She is not aware of the method of looked at the red lake filled with the lotus
performing the penance, О Dear, you see that flowers as well as Sandhya.
she attains her goal by means of your
He also saw the river Candrabhaga, on the
сттлт: rrqsraf frc^if-tir^n southern side, flowing towards the ocean.
О Sage, discarding your present form, you
go to her in another form and you display to
ftfra tit ^ tit m\\
her the form of performing the penance. WU TTfT ДЯТ w f tf ТИЛТОН*d II
& тегсгй Ш Г ^ ШЩ <Щ As the Ganga flows towards the ocean,
emerging from the Himalaya, similarly the
ЯТдЛТёШ Tffit WT'RTt fTill'tfT II river Candrabhaga, breaking through the
She is well aware of the present form of western wing of the mountain, flows towards
both of us, therefore, she would never accept the ocean.
one in the present form. Therefore, you better
take to some other form.”
dfT^ frfr
mm ^grar m ss crfw: тпдт ддпг^п
Close to the red lake over the Candrabhaga
чтт^ег gfw r ТГ ^ira?r:i
mountain, Vasistha asked Sandhya
Ъ Ш 3tfEZT w f t TPanPflA RpI:H
respectfully, who had been seated close to the
Brahma said, “O Narada, in this way, the lake.
compassionate Vasistha at my command, said,
“I shall do so,” and then went to Sandhya.
fet^WRTT Щ Л#ЩЛ|
m ^сгщ: щг! лтЫлтш^Щ !
Д5ТЛ ДТ d H d l f% Щ fechllMdMJ IЦ о |
TT crfWTSST TT^Zlt cHhRmfcril'i$')$ll
Vasistha said, “O Lady with simple
Reaching there Vasistha found the divine
temperament, what for have you arrived over
lake filled «vith the virtues like the lake of
the auspicious spot of the mountain? Whose
Manasarovara, besides Sandhya seated there
over its bank. daughter are you? What have you thought?*I

ddl d r l H : ehM dtajcK 'ttjJ

TFR W ll^m i ЛДЛ 1 % g ЛТ Ш ДЛИЧ ^11

The lake was beautified with the lotus I would like to listen to you. In case there
flowers, but because of the presence of be no secret, then tell me how have your moon
Sandhya there, it looked more beautiful, as the like bright face faded out?”
Rudra SarhhitS (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 5 283

Brahma said, “When Vasistha, the

dt^rdl cJxR ЩЦ c(f^BW TT^Ir44:l foremost of the great ascetics, heard the words
of Sandhya, then he put her no more
^gTrT tt 4^1r4H Mlcf«^ll4?H questions, because, everything else was
4i<iifeK4j already well known to him.
y(uwr4i«j ^ттцпч^и ш m ftiwirMH gtrramRi
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of згшт ЧтБ9?ШЧ11ЧЧ11
the sage Vasistha, and finding him like the
Then remembering in his mind, the lord
flames of burning fire, Sandhya, offered her
Siva, who is well disposed towards his
salutation to the brahmacarl, having locks of
devotees who was always engaged in tapas,
hair over his head, an ascetic and then said.
then said to Sandhya.
dcJvtolMdl # r fa g ТЙ f a t a fl
ЖЧ ta FF^T: W i Й W T : i
<Щ<vt441%T3l 'flcWfo 4TfM: 114^11
WT: 444IWI: «Jb Sf T^IIHi OII
Sandhya said, “O Lord, the purpose for
Vasistha said, “Siva possesses the best of
which I had arrived over the mountain, has
lustre, who is known as the biggest tapas, who
been fulfilled by an audience with you.
is supreme and deserves to be adored
tragfaF уЫчьш supremely, you should meditate upon him in
iFTortsF ^ргг ^згггттчтят falfa ^яшпччп your mind.
I have arrived here in this lonely forest for ЙГчЫеЫИЦ|$1|и|'| ^ tU*W(f^ehl<U|t{l
the performing of the tapas. I happen to be the t f a wqmiii чщщ qw-riuttii^ ^11
daughter of Brahma, well known by the name
You should recite the name of the same
of Sandhya.
Purusottama, who is the cause of dharma,
ta? % W Ш ta ugq^vwi artha, kama and moksa besides being the
TJFi ЧТЙ: falR ЙИЙПЧ^П eternal cause of the universe.
In case you don’t feel troubled then you w im ян f t m ! i
kindly deliver some discourse to me. This is
my secret desire. I am not concerned with
anything else. О Damsel with beautiful face, adore lord
Siva, who is the lord of the Devas, with the
з ф ш т Ф щсг г1м)с|ЧФ11Йшт1 following mantra, by which you will surely
ftRRT xrfvgir^F ^ЧсГ ft чй 44II4V9II achieve everything. There is no doubt about it.
I have arrived in this forest unaware of the ^ ЧЧ: Vlf<l2lld 3Ttffafa ЧШ Ч)
method of performing of penance. Because of
this I feel perplexed and my heart is shaking.” ■fa гПТ: w f a
The mantra is- “ow namah Sankardya от”.
Attain Keeping silent, you should recite this mantra
ЗЛЗТНГ rR^TT cTER cdfat щ1^ТЧ:1 in your mind, performing tapas. You listen to
me the special method for the same.
чяя Tffcr gj&zr ift^T
1ЯГ: ipfewigU 3Rnr^cBH4)):ii^-xii
Keeping silent you should take your bath
and worship Siva, t he food taken should
totally comprise of water in the first and the
second sastakalas (i.e. four hours of the day).
On the third sastakala, you should observe
complete fast. (Even water is not to be taken).
This shall continue till the completion of the
penance. The rites shall be performed at the
end of the each of the sastakala.
tier тЛчсРгетпззгт
■нс(М йяс;( ^far! 4
This is called the adoration of silence and
yields all the benefits of the celibate life. О
Damsels, it fulfills all the desires. This is true,
there is no doubt about it.
TTcf Tmf^r щтт &Rm ящттт1

Keeping this goal in your mind, О Damsel,

you worship lord Siva well. The moment he is
pleased he would fulfil all your desires.”
ctftreTssr TTW:
dmwTEq jmww
Brahma said, “Then Vasistha, explained to
Sandhya, the entire method of performing
penance. Thereafter the sage vanished from
the scene.
iT#@n| ЧТПwft5KTFT:ll4ll
284 Siva-Mah9puranam

Siva pleased with the worship of Sandhya
Tprarf! чщ щ ! трапгРЙ тщ |

Brahma said, “О Intelligent one, О Best

son, now you listen to the great tapas
performed by Sandhya, hearing which the
heaps of sins get destroyed.
3tRR cTOtaTcT cdrr& R ijt 7Й1
W n f d Ш 1 ’Ш ?TTRT 4)<44I4 I I I ? II
Listening to the method of the performance
of the penance, and after the departure of
Vasistha to his respective abode, Sandhya,
learning the method of the performing of
tapas felt immensely delighted at heart.
rPT: 3d fKR <Tdl4VI*il
ТГЧТ^ «iSfslfeWuWuil 1^11
Turning to the form of an ascetic, she sat
over the bank of Brhallohita lake, and started
performing the tapas with pleasure.

Rc^cMlI T5RTW *IgT«{imi

The mantra which had been given by
Vasistha, for the success of the penance, (was
patronised by her) and she started adoring
Siva, reciting that mantra.
Ц«ЬН*ШНгГСЦ|: 4 1 4 ^ 4 :1
fcW W k H Id l TRTdcfi Ш ^Ф ТП Ц П
Concentrating her mind at the feet of lord
Siva, Sandhya kept on adoring Siva with a
devoted mind and while doing so, four yugas

3w4QR3Vehl¥) Ш сПТ:1ЩИ
With the performing of her tapas, Siva
displaying his true form to her within, and
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 6 285

outside as well as in the sky, felt immensely R e f R R T fm fc r f t lie b H

pleased. ■ ?ПЧПТИ| ЩУоЩНГс|<ШЧ)

^ 4 R r RRT) ^TT Ясч$Ш1 TRTtlltSII йГТчЛТпкчТЩГ-
The form in which she adored the lord, f* 4RT reft qqrfq TRraqi I« 11
Siva appeared in the same form.
You are peaceful, spotless, unblemished,
m W f%rf^TrT JTWI beyond the (human) knowledge, unblemished
МШеЦЧ RRT 44^1rffc| R|Tqil6ll in your lustre, well-versed in the path leading
Thereafter she found lord Siva, appearing to Para-brahmasn, beyond the path of
before her in his peaceful form, as per her own darkness, and having a delightful mind.
imagination, which delighted her the most. Salutation to you. ~
TRTTSTRtR 3$^ f% -^ frr щ £ТП1 pzm R Rh n i
ffff R rtfht '^nfid-yd дщ ^ м ги Rr r ^ w ? eiiftchiRi...
Becoming nervous, she thought, “What
should I speak? How should I pray to lord ЧЩгГП^П
Siva?” Thus thinking, she closed her eyes.
Your form is solitary, pure, luminous, free
ft4lfrtdl$qPRR4R<T Ф(?ц fT;| from illusion, knowledge-cum-bliss,
fsjsi ^tR «Г xfigq(||^o || undecaying by nature, eternal blissful, you are
Then Siva entered the heart of Sandhya, delighted at the outcome of the truth and
who had closed her eyes and bestowed on her prosperity. You purify even the pure ones. I
the divine knowledge, the divine speech, and offer my salutation to this form of the lord.
the divine vision. fagiiehuVicnH sftrer
RotHlgfddfl cfh-ЩШЧ -fffl 1Й41Ч1гЧ*с|4с\ЧЧ1
p jg щ ш 4 f p [ll^ ll TfR ШТ МИЧМ1 ~Ф я
Then having been bestowed with the divine cR$ RRT M ЧЩ^11 11
knowledge, divine vision and divine speech,
she offered prayer to lord Sivar the spouse of Your form can be imagined with the
Parvatl and the lord of the universe.” application of the true knowledge, which is
different from insentient things. You are the
form of sattva, to be meditated upon, the form
fTW Tt Щ q- of the soul, which is the utmost essence and
$cT 4lfd ЧR ^l which is the holiest of the holy things.
Salutation to you.
3Rf% qq dlPlf'MW'W WT
<r $ <рт qqtS^ fll^II wrrant ^14^4
Sandhya said, “O Lord, you are formless, Cs

could be known only by the true knowledge,

you are neither gross nor subtle, and neither UMIdTtiiq p q q il^ ll
high. Therefore the yogis keep on thinking
about your form. You are the creator of the You are a yogi with pure saguna form,
universe, salutation to you. lovely, bedecked in jewels, as well as the
286 Siva-Mahapuranam

camphor, and which holds in his hands the щ m: щ ч ш ^ щ fe n farfeiT Ftli

attributes of abhayamudra, trident, human Щ5ЩГГ Ъ TR w fdriKUI4<ldUi:ii^^n
head, salutation to such a form of a yogi.
О Siva, you are the greatest of the great,
the supreme soul, besides being the form of
%||^Э|| the various types of knowledge. You are the
You have the forms as the sky, the earth, pure Brahman, the supreme Brahman and the
the directions, water, flames, and eternal time. utmost object of deliberation.
Salutation to you. -ЦЩ dl-ddRd ddild: I
mz №Mi Wlbdlft ct STgiR 311
ЯГ1ТГ44:11^11 How can I fully pray to lord Siva, who is
Salutation to Siva of unmanifest form from beyond beginning, middle or the end, from
whom unmanifest primordial nature and whom the entire universe has emerged and
Purusa issued forth as its effect. who is beyond the mind and speech?
it ФЩТЯМ tfg i t fgwT: fwffriTi OTfERT:!
i t ЫАЛ& <ргятй 44:11^11 4 wnfor с)иЦи: Ш *riR*ll
The one who creates the universe in the Whose form is beyond the description of
form of Brahma, preserves it in the form of Brahma and other gods, the ascetics and the
Visnu and destroys it as Rudra, salutation to sages, how could I be able to describe his
you again and again. form.
44t T R : ebR U IcbK U IN %ггг W H f% ^rirr РнЫад gmi: troth
fdotll^d^H^lddldl ^ зтя1чт %*r sift g4i§TT:iR4ii
tH4WHI<*HWfddld Your form which had been beyond the
comprehension of the gods and the asuras,
Я<М¥И*ЧК1 4<k4<T4IRo|| how could a woman like me know about your
You are the cause of all the causes, form?
bestowers of the divine nectar like wisdom
and prosperity, bestower of the fortunes of the TWSST
т е чЭм <14)щ?!|
people of the world, form of lustre, besides ymrt! ^ут! ggt TTtsgr h \4 $ n
being the greatest of the great, salutation to О Lord, you are the personification of
you. penance, salutation to you. О Lord of the
ilWI4< ЯТ ТЩТ gods, О Siva, salutation to you again and

?riJ|cbu4 Ф-KdWI: ~ЩЯ: WPSR:i
From whose feet, have emerged the earth, : IR'э 11
directions, the sun, the moon, Kamadeva, Brahma said, “The lord who is favourably
Bahirmukha and other gods, the sky from the disposed towards his devotees, Parmesvara,
navel as well as the universe, salutation to lord Siva felt extremely delighted, hearing the
such a lord like you. prayer of Sandhya.
Rudra Samhita (Sail Khaijda), Chapter 6 287

3W ШП: TlfH case you are pleased with my penance, then I

Ф& gjsf TTf^:lR<SII ask for the first boon, which you kindly give
Her body was covered with bark of the
trees and deer-hide and her head was Згчддш 3nfgRtsf^g^^qw<rli
decorated with the matted locks of hair. ч gcRj д^д
1е»чм1 gfggTBTfgg^ST ggg ggri O Lord of the gods, after the birth let no
M §g frogrfgsf ft: gtgrg н|Гч<яи^ ^ и living being bom on earth, be full of lust at the
time of nativity.
Her face resembled the lotus flower that
fades out with the snow fall. Looking at her, gfg Rpgfa Ф ш gam
the compassionate Siva said. gfg^fg w 4Rg gr ggri i^^11
g*jw зсПгг There is another boon desired by me that
gfcitsfw гршт я^! яддд; w m r t i no other woman in the world, shall become
famous in the three worlds as I have become
# г g ^рдщт! or shall become in future.
Mahesvara said, “О Gentle Damsel, your
ддлдт gg ^fggj gafgsr gfgtgfoi
prayer and tapas has delighted me the most.
Now you ask for a boon. gf й чЫ^гм gtsfg ^sRrcjpr
$4 rTfear! e&pf ЩИ||[^ЦДН>МЧ| No creation of mine shall be lustful or
degraded. О Lord, whosoever be my husband,
d^hRbil rr я? ri тгшк? иэг gt:ii^ should be friendly to me.
You ask for the desired boon. I am
gf ^gfgr ggngf gt g w w w grwri
extremely pleased with your tapas. Let you
meet with welfare.” gfmgld гЩтчщтгдд^Ыг gfg«gfdi^dii
Whosoever a person, except my husband,
would cast a passionate glance at me, would
зрдт дддддддтдп fail in all his efforts and become a eunuch.”
дзд1дгд -фгадт шщ д 113 ^ 11 щйдгд
Brahma said, “Listening to the delightful зддг дддпдт: gifff я^ди м :!
words of Siva, Sandhya was pleased and she
offered her salutation to him again and again.” ддгаг ддддтдгт ^щтдтдтдг^пэям
On hearing the words of the woman, who
g^gfgig had been absolved of the sins by Siva, who is
gfg ^gf дт: зйш дтдГщ5нщ gfgi kind to his devotees and was delighted at the
д% ШП д*дкЧ1ЧЬЧ^ЭТ!|133И words spoken by Sandhya, told her.
gfg ^g gggfsfg w m gg grgjggi тфдт здтд
^рдщтд ядд gff gg fggfggrgi i3 * 11 *пп ^fg! g g^zf! ш ё ш ч яддтг gggi
Sandhya said, “O Mahesvara, in case 1 <gfg ддт эйд: дшт дд:дшдц\$о
have been purified from that sin, in case I am “О Damsel, О Sandhya, listen, your sin has
fit to be blessed with a boon, and in case you been reduced to ashes. I have absolved you of
lovingly intend to bestow a boon on me, in my anger towards you. By this penance, you
288 Siva-Mahapuragam

have been purified. H % cRT т ш : SH$idlW fuTT W l

•гггщ0 <сгст щЦ d'<feiH w i ЭРЩГ ^ ЦРШЧ,11*<Я1
фШтЫ W Ш w r ёГ*Щfill* *11 Thus whatever boon has been desired by
О Beautiful Sandhya, whatever boons you you have been granted by me. Besides this, I
have desired, I have given you getting pleased shall narrate the events of your earlier birth.
with your tapas. 3FTf VrftT^W heifer JtfeET: I
to щщ: e^MRUsMl f l s t e : i cf^ifh ш ч w tT:ii^ 4 H
^тшТ ■цЫт dT<i'<*4OTii*4ii It has already been decided that you would
You would enjoy the infancy, childhood, bum your body in fire. I shall speak out the
youthful as well as the old ages like all human method for the same, which should be
beings. followed by you without hesitation.
w th i wY<ui:i ¥ xf
ШШ: Wf|dU!l-d l^^sFfecfll*3il chrHM'Klfc'Kl ^статичен
After reaching the third stage of life, the The sage Medhatithi is performing a
living beings shall become lustful. Sometimes twelve year yajna in which the eternal fire is
it could be at the end of the second stage. burning. You should go and sacrifice your
body in the fire of the yajna.
д а ш srnfo wftlcfT W l
ч W 4T: Tf: ?rctfTnr:ii**ii
This is the new limitation prescribed by me i№i(dfenfenr?i тчшятгпч *11
because of your penance. No living being The sage Medhatithi is performing yajna
shall be lustful at the stage of his nativity. over the bank of the Candrabhaga river at the
foot of the hill.
mщ т№ щ ш^т
rf^ Urm fetd +4fd fii hTmr ' l n i l

You would acquire the type of chastity, MdlEldlY^ldl TF7 Ш %tidbqfdll4 4ll
which could never be achieved by any other Getting rest assured, you go there. By my
woman in the world. grace, no sage would be able to spot you and
you should enter the fire. Thereafter, you
■3: М 1 Ш Mlfumi^ cRl would be bom as the daughter of Medhatithi.
eRdleRTi я м пГцы||нп^^11
Except your husband, whosoever would
look at you with lustful eyes, he would w fqsrRr Prirwi-d aw дт: ^ ё ^ п ч з и
become weak in his body and turned as a Whatever boon you have desired, keep
enunch. them in your mind and enter the fire.
tfreicf 43mmw4i^4wfed:i
ЦНсЬгЧ1чЫ1Й W’Фгщ& ~Щй5ЩТ11*иц 4lcMd4d
iW <щ#Г %6tpT S*Ftll4*ll
Your husband would be a great ascetic О Sandhya, after performing hard penance
with a beautiful body and would remain alive on mountain for four yngas and after the
with you for three kalpas. passing of Satyayuga.
Rudra SariihitS (Satl Khanka), Chapter 7 289

1я11: Ш шп зПгГГ cb^ichm TJipirai w fttt TcichidM чт cPifwfa!i

ШгП: ^C||^dl:ll44( тщ тр Н z n f| ^ |
In the first part of Tretayuga, you would be
bom as the daughter of Daksa Prajapati and О Female ascetic, I have established this
would be married with all humility. place for the success of your task. О
Immensely fortunate one, you go to the yajna
гГ^5^ГГ: UUjRriM t r f |w ТШЧЯ'ЩИЧ^! of the great sage and perform your task
successfully. Thus benefitting her, lord Siva
Out of his daughters, he married twenty
disappeared from that place.
seven of them to moon. The moon on his part,
leaving aside those girls, loved only RohinT.
iW tff W T ^ГЩ ^rf*RTI ire st ягпт ^TBtssqw: н ^ n
гГсГТ Rras^ ^ Ът: w w : i i 4 ^ n
Then the angry Daksa Prajapati, cursed the
moon. Then all the gods came to you.
ч <щпг ^ s r ! гГ щипт щ \

r R t fsRT^PFWT i t «Г ^§7 ^ ^ T : l l 4 d l l
О Sandhya, you did not find Brahma with
those gods. Keeping me in mind, looking at
the sky, you would find him again.
УИЧМ1$П2Г Mprll ?ЩТ1

In order to get the moon relieved of the

curse of Prajapati, Brahma created a river
named Candrabhaga. At that point of time the
sage Medhatithi also arrived there.
гршт rfiimt 4tR?t ч чтг

$R W : RMKoyt 41 Ч£Йй:п$оц
There had been no ascetic comparable to
Medhatithi in the past, nor shall be there in
future. He, with enormous efforts started the
jyotistoma yajna.
<T7T y^fHdl cfT: W<*I4J
fcIRf ^rfetT TPTOTfsif 4UIWcHI^ ^11
The fire is lighted there and you should end
your body in the same. You are extremely
purified at present. Let your desire be
Rudra SariihitS (Satl Khanka), Chapter 7 289

Sandhya married to Vasistha as Arundhatl
eft ZpH R^r! rtf^R ТРЯГснПр! ?R!TI
TRJJTSWTT^Tfe -щ тТшШг^Г:||^||
Brahma said, “After the disappearing of
Siva, granting boons to Sandhya, she went to
the place of Medhatithi.
m ттщт: ч %4TW4R%mi
WTR gf5l4 4 ^ ЙЧс^еЬ* rT4:IRII
By the grace of Siva, no one in the asrama
of the sage could find her. At that time she
remembered the sage who had enlightened her
about the method of the performing of tapas.
erfafcH ЧТТ Ш 4 croft Щ ТЩТН^Г!I
чЭ чЭ Cs чЭ

зч%т ciTj4ir4<rifg4:ii^ii
O Great sage, at the command of Brahma,
the sage Vasistha, taking to the form of a
Brahmacarl, had enlightened about the
performing of the tapas.
fKST тршт 1

The Brahmacarl, who had advised Sandhya

about the method of the performing of tapas
290 Siva-Mahapuranam

was conceived as her husband by Sandhya in At the day break or at sun rise, the time is
her mind. called morning- Sandhya, which delights the
Ц Т ?Т Щ Ш ^ XTT fta : TRTII4II STXaj^ fRT: ТЩТ1
Then in the rising flames of the fire of 3^ W x R m fv ftR^m i 11
yajna, the daughter of Brahma entered, but After the setting of the sun, assuming the
none out of the sages present at the time could colour of a red lotus, the period is called
see her doing so. evening- Sandhya, which delights the manes.
aw: чтищаа a<$njnaa:i д а : яшат aam ^ттчтзгг ddiHdii
foJJTW ТЩ ?ТШТ a c ^ R a il^ ll <J Tlfftor xrfdiT ft yiTlfRT:ii^ii
Her invisible body was reduced to ashes in The compassionate Siva, created embodied
a moment. But it could not be distinguished beings with vital airs, mind and the divine
from the ordinary offerings, and its fragrance body.
was spread in all the four directions. а^ПаТТН $ТШ TfftaT a ТТЛ
qfgKTCIT: w H w Tjtfxa 4U&44J ШНТ wl 3%^!
^ 5 й?1агаш aa:iiv9ii О Sage, at the end of the yajna, the sage
Then at the command of Siva, the fire god, Medhatithi, got a girl with the complexion of
sent forth her body to the solar region. the molten gold.
fq w n s r drtffl'T аат TSTl a t д а т ? rR T д а ! a ft< i4 l< H ^ d :i

-Щ& аашчшага Г ч ^ ч Ь нбп d t jf W M f t a a vt t a s f t

The sun divided her body into two halves О Sage, the sage Medhatithi with great
and kept both the parts in his chariot to please delight took up the daughter, even though she
the gods and the manes. were a sacrifical article and had the girl bathed
and took her in his lap.
а$5$чт*ШГСЧГ^ V'lXllTq *pterc!l
ш:тг5цтчшт а зщ!шт^^эдатпя и згечяШг dwrxd
чщ дат ч?тГн
4 чЭ :1
O Sage, the upper part of her body became, ftM : 4fi<3jdWsl од4)<Че||Ч I I I ^11
the dawn or the pracah-sandhya which is at And gave her the name Arundhatl,
the beginning of the day and night. thereafter suiTOunded by his disciples, he
delightfully celebrated the event.

XTT Гч <ЗуШгсЗ Т XRTliqoll a Rnfig да! snf ХТГ chwi^fM aramai

The rest or the lower part of the body 3tdRdHi^i ftfta чта хпита ада^п^и
became the dusk or the evening Sandhya, The girl did not disturb the sacred rites in
which is in the middle of the day and night. any way therefore she was given the name of
This period always delights the manes. Arundhatl.
Tjaftarg WT дат Щ ТПЧМ XT a f t : <fRfK*mTcT-

d'^fd ^TRT ylfddirRuflll^H ш ш хтщз[аатачдагсдада;|

Rudra Sariihita (Sat? Khanda), Chapter 8 291

ЧГРТГ: трП: ■НЧгМ'511: f e : ^pT:l

4 d fe TFidh'm f e TT$!ll^ll Л <T cRPd чГн-Н-НЧ ! 11^ ч и
The sage at the end of the yajna, felt О Sages, Sakti and other sons were born to
successful in his resolve, getting the wealth of her. She also appeared graceful on getting
a girl and then he started bringing up the girl Vasistha as her husband.
in the as'rama with his pupils. Tjcj ^Fsngfrt % cfrffet ч1ччт1ч!|
ЗЗД тп cPfST h f e ЩЦ f f e Ы*ШЧИН<*ЧИ^П
О Best of the sages, I have thus narrated
The girl started growing up in the as'rama the story of Sandhyd to you, which is
of Medhatithi in the taposaranya located over auspicious, divine, excellent and fulfills all the
the bank of the Candrabhaga river. desires.
тпнтй w r era tEF^rmf ~m:\ Ъ Щ WTT cfT I

dNHKU-уцГч ЧТТ h f e w f e f t l i y o || y c i^ m M d iM ifd чтт s r a f f e n u m i ^ i i

On reaching the age of five years, then she Whosoever men or women listens to it, all
started purifying even the Candrabhaga river their desires are fulfilled. There is no doubt
about it.
with her virtues.
f e l t chKdlhlltW'WI tl %rlW WfWrat 1IM
cfft&T ’ЩГ^Щ ^ ife p t^ R T : IR ?11
Then Brahma, Visnu and Siva, married
Arundhatl with the sage Vasistha- the son of
r f f e t 4 fen fr «Гост
f e Щ Г h4^T: WhTT: Щ TT^! 119 ^ II
чЭ чЭ чЭ чЭ чЭ

A huge function was organised at the time

of her marriage, which increased pleasure of
all. All the gods and the sages felt delighted.
ir^rfenfelRT I
Ш Я И : W dT V l: fe n U T : f 4 f e w : l l ^ ^ l l
With the dropping of the water from the
hands of Brahma, Visnu and Siva, seven
auspicious rivers started including Sipra.
s r e f e f T T ^ f e t 4TT^lRt 5 R T O T I

О Sage, Arundhatl, the daughter of

Medhatithi, had been the best among the
chaste women and became graceful by getting
Vasistha as her husband.
Rudra Sariihita (Sat? Khanda), Chapter 8 291

Features of Vasanta


«W4T4^I ЯТШW5 Ш 4TT^:ll?ll

щ ! Ш \ тсщтрт! fawifyiu!! тщч^г!

SMfd fVHVlTbl ТЩ4Trr^V(??k:IRII
Suta said, “Thus listening to the words of
Brahma- the Prajapati, Narada said, “O
Brahma, you are quite fortunate, are bestowed
with wisdom, О pupil of Visnu and the
devotee of Siva and you can enlighten us
about the supreme tattva.
gnferr тртат f^gTT fvi^fafaein|4i i
зт^рчшггт р п : д а м : tfr
You have narrated the story of Arundhati,
which increases devotion of Siva. You are
292 Siva-Mahapuraijam

well-versed in dharma. Thereafter, I went to the place of Daksa

f f ? sp % ! Ф & xlftw ТПТГ1
Prajapati. Reaching there, finding Kamadeva
with Rati there I became a bit elated.
f^oTFT 4<4I4M M f ^ H ^ - d M ^ im i
^ Ч М |Ь Ц ЯТТЦ! I
Now you tell me the excellent story of Siva
which destroys the sins and bestows welfare. ST^fET cTER %^4l4lRl4lfid:ll^ll
О Narada, under the influence of the Maya
of Siva, I said to Daksa and his other sons.
t r a r a t f% *М1Ч1Ч'Цс|тШ:11Ч11
What happened after the departure of srptare
Kamadeva with his wife and the departure of I | qftemJT:! TfRTT:! R ^ :i
Sandhya, for the performing of tapasT у ^ ч id % тщ «gm^TRfii^ ii
Brahma said, “O Daksa, О Marlci, my
ЩгЩ 4lfa«T<*R:l sons, listen to my words and thereafter you
think of some remedy to remove my distress.
Suta said, “Thus listening to the words of ebWlRtHINMId <ЩТ yiW4<h^4ldJ
Narada, Brahma, spoke, feeling delighted. Ut W ^ b 4 |4 |p i|B ft fi^ T T < t» d c (|< |g ||^ ll
Siva-the great yogin, had utterly denounced
us when I became desirous of a woman.
! fail**! ^ n ji
^:<snfadHlS?> ypJ 4 ehfadj
fyH d lv itfcld ЧТЗЕЧТ Ц ЗЩ Ц $М & кЬ:1№ 11
tj^ % ii ^ ii
BrahmS said, “O Narada, the best of the
Brahmanas, being the devotee of Siva, you are Since that time, I feel painful at heart. I am
quite graceful. You listen to the excellent not at all comfortable since then. You people
story of Siva. should do something by which Siva should
also accept a spouse.
s i t fgdlftdWTTd! dwell'd f id : W l
WT efiRTT ¥ Ш 3:<swfad:l
3lRl-dd cT^Tf d T ^W IeM R lN lfdd:ll< ill
g rfa : f oFPTt Rt 1^x114^:11^4 II
О Dear one, when I disappeared from that
place, having been overpowered with illusion, The moment he accepts a wife, I would be
and then I kept on thinking about the words of free from discomfiture. Though according to
Siva. my mind, this desire of mine is difficult to be
Ri-dRiffii Rrt “ш fyi34raifa«itft?T:i
fyi% f t -dr^TajKf g ^rfir t l l ^ l l «ЬМ|Ри 1ЧШ % ^gT yiWJFlfddl
Overpowered with the Maya of Siva, I R # T t J W : eb^llrH cfiRTT ■ M ^ J^ b q fd ll^ ll
thought over the subject for long and then Siva rebuked me for the simple reason that
became envious of Siva. I am revealing that I desired for a woman, in presence of the
event before you. . sages. Then how would he himself take a wife.
зшиёЧЧЧ Ш m 3$TTc|2t: %ar:i «ВТ c|T hi <1 ^ГГ : fasmil

ITTfWTRtt <|gT■H4«tl3t % RbtMlI^o II ifimpflT^TRT ЕТЩTTft Pfoqfrll^ll

Rudra Sarnhita (Safi Khanka), Chapter 8 293

Who could be a woman in the three world, Brahma said, “O Kamadeva, you happened
who would ever attract his mind, make him to be the best of all my sons. You provide
discard the path of yoga and attract him pleasure to all. О Dear to your father, you
towards her. listen to my words with your wife. О
Kamadeva, with your wife, you look quite
graceful and by getting you as her husband,
ттлщ я т й w f ч your wife too looks graceful.
Even the god of love will not be able to
enamour him, because he always remains W f^RTT f^Ml^yil
absorbed in yoga and cannot tolerate even the $TUR(T%ЧТ WT W ЧЧЧ ЩП ftf:ll?4H
mention of the name of damsel. As Laksmi looks graceful with Visnu as
her husband and as Visnu looks graceful with
flRT ?wraifs[4ii
Laksmi as his wife, as the night looks graceful
dWciiRdiii^ii with the moon and the moon looks graceful
sjfe тщ а д тщщтт with the night.
'em: ^ И п ^ Ч ^ t o m ^ 4 iiid:ll?o|| Mcf w i t : w m ? r e i w
Without marriage, how could Siva the ЗРШ9Г'SPlcT: ny^n
primordial being, indulge in sexual sports, Similarly both of you mutually illuminate
because according to his own words, no one each other and tend your married life.
else could do so. Some of the great asuras Therefore you would be the leader of the
(demons) could be killed at the hands of entire universe.
Visnu, myself as well as Siva.
'dhfedld W ! Щ 4I^W ftRTfeTTlTI
7ПЭДГ) d^ebt-dfcKlPrfuil
-рч: ^rwj: эещ^ ку1?щ$чи?^11
4 gb^bilfd 4 WET:II? 311 Therefore, О Son, you captivate the mind
Siva always remains detached from the of Siva, for the welfare of the universe so that
world and averse to the universe, would do he may marry expeditiously.
nothing except this task. There is no doubt
fWT W4cf^r ТПТЧ *TI
about it.”
m W f M E T tW 4 ЧЧГЧЧТ 4 ? ll? < ill
cHifUSTT? ^Tl^ET rTI
щ W 4 R dftdlklMtsi 1ТЧI
ТГТЧЧрТЧ^ rTcT111 ? II
fwT 4RI: ^ % ^ r f^Mt^ :lR ^ I I
Thus speaking to Daksa Prajapati and my
other sons, and finding Kamadea and Rati Wherever Siva goes in the lonely places,
having arrived there, delightfully I said to beautiful places, over the mountains, tanks,
him.” you should follow him, and captivate him,
who has controlled the sense organs, there is
none also who could be able to captivate him.
! эктч! ^ Л Ч'ЮТ<Я:1 чч ^ irm pt wrfsftr ч т а ! |
Cn s9

TlfcT: ЭД ^jiW'WMr^il fq^cirHRjlR^ii ^|1ч)ч^1|Рп4Гчп1 cH-mqirnfeiri f»^>ll? о и

знзт ^ iR u i i i t r % ^ 4 etE ^ ! i О Kamadeva, when Siva falls in love, you
TJ4T Щ W TT W ^тБТ ^ I ^ I R 'i J I I will then feel redeemed and be free from the
294 Siva-Mahapuranam

curse. Therefore, you do good to yourself. Brahma said, “When Kama put forward the
suggestion, I, the creator and Prajapati
(Daksa) thought over the matter as to who
гЩТ 4№ l4wl ^ tWRfqbilftll^ ^|| could be the lady by whom Siva could be
When lord Siva, having been filled with enchanted? When I was so engrossed in
love, would desert tapas for an excellent thought, the Vasanta emerged out of my
woman, then he would redeem you. breath, with the punch of flowers.
¥1)инм)еЖ£|У1: 5ШЖ^ГОТ:1
f e w t %Щ "trW ^ T тф дТ Р П ЗУ II U^Rditsiu^yifyiyfdMW:
Therefore in order to captivate the mind of He was like the fully blossomed red lotus
Siva, try to get some other woman. By flower, full of shine. His eyes resembled the
enamouring Siva, you would become the blossomed lotus flowers. His face was like the
foremost in the world.” full moon rising at the evening time. He had
beautiful nostrils.

цсдт crat fg -дгез гег зрвтП

w ri'^ lfa ^ V I: $иёНй,<УчП^:11^11
ЗсТТЕТTF^TRW гЩ ш w m ufo^ll^ll
His feet were arched like a bow, the hair
Brahma said, “Listening my words, being was dark and curly. His ears were adorned
the father and the lord of the universe, then with two ear-rings and he looked bright like
KSmadeva, spoke correctly to me- the lord of the morning sun.
the world.
efifozrs? 33 fNr! d3HI^WtU)rf44J His gait (walking) was majestic, like that
f% <J 3tfsF»mH?T ТГ *PTcR 13 •* Ii of an intoxicated elephant, his thighs were
Kamadeva said, “O Master, I at your strong and stout, had developed shoulders, the
command would try to captivate the mind of neck resembling the conch, besides the vast
Siva. But woman is my biggest weapon, who chest. His face was plump and finely shaped.
will have to be created by you. Щ : ТГЩСТГ: тФщргт
w ззт ж ш TTtfnTi T tiw r:
cftferasprr щ All his limbs were beautiful in appearance,
O Creator, arrange for the way how Siva was blue complexioned, possessing all the
has to be further enchanted after He has been auspicious symbols, handsome to look at. He
deluded by me.” was capable of captivating all and would
lighten the feeling of love.
Ifdl^yt TPg?q% 33% gi'HUldjtl
Ijcicnfofr cFc$ "3 y^IMfritl
33s) зтз:
<0 м # ( : зщчт зтРг Tfamii^y
О v9 v3
ЗЯГТ F^d 13314*4)1^ И When Vasanta the abode of flowers was
Rwifaggr *r ctw fttjgrat 3t f^r:^T:i born, the fragrant wind started blowing and
BFn^Frt: Wirt: уы^[з^ГчЗ:11^11 the trees blossomed with flowers.
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat? Khanka), Chapter 9 295

Щ shall be friendly to your wife Rati in the same

згазгФзт + ^ j p ><i:ii'#3 и manner like your own friends.
Hundreds of Cuckoos cooed the note of
pancama, sweetly. The water in the lakes was PT^=T P T P p i0 4 :ll4 °ll
purified. О Kama, in the company of your associates
Wyi-rtMg tCT dlffigiWH» Vasanta and Rati, you make all the efforts, to
charm lord Siva.
w та:1г** н
At the birth of such an excellent being, I p m dnfoffi wrt! Rrafcmifa Ш :1
Brahma (Hiranyagarbha or golden womb) ТРШТ (tfddl^d -щ Ml^RlbLlfdim^ll
spoke sweetly to Kama. О Son, in the mean time I would like to
trace out the damsel who would be able to
P Ъ tRlSyfW: ^STcJTW^ft3«f5RTI captivate the mind of Siva.
3ildqjf*i era' firf Tlef «bRbilfrill'iJmi Р^сГГсГ
“O God, thus a constant companion is bom XlcfljTb) P T ЩТТ: p n t t r ^ Щ ; |
for your help. Lord is therefore sure to help ЧЧТЧГ tn r t ^sftr 4bl)^QdW(illl4 911
you in your efforts. ЯПМ ?fR m
W^T: hoRt f t t ^4^t|chRbyfdi
tWRT W T f45r W tdm^iwfdll'k^ll Brahma said, “Thus at my command,
As the wind being the friend of fire, always Kamadeva, feeling delighted, together with his
helps it, everywhere, similarly, this Vasanta wife offered their salutation at my feet as well
(spring) will always help you. as my other sons like Daksa and went to the
place of Siva.”

«raryw-i ^ ш <н)смдачн11'*1эп fedMiui MRfpiyi %?H)

ш Ьзу| чт1ач1:кгщ: цс и
Being the cause of the internal pleasure, it
would be known by the name of Vasanta from
today onwards. It will follow you for the
delight of all the people.
c^vjffT C t cRT<TT 4HdlRlH:l
«гёд р ^ И ттсг: p r <35?raffrT:ins<sii
Since Malaya breeze is the elegance of
your person, it would be friendly with you and
shall remain under your control.
faeej)cb|0IW«ll ^ I c ^ d f e - R I W I I I
W: tr a ils и
The feminine gestures, like the difference
in amorous poses and the sixty four fine arts,
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 9 295

Strength of Kamadeva and his attendants

тгяж f^rawR ^ tfwii

хртЬдт! ii^ii
Brahma said, “On the arrival of Kamadeva,
with his attendants to the place of Siva, there
happened an astonishing event, which you
may listen.
ТЩ [ Н5Г XFqsrT 4t?etiHch:l
296 Siva-Mahapuranam

Kamadeva, who could captivate all, fvTT Щчнтг?Ч|

extended his influence and overpowered all. MRTlW^fWT! ЧЧИЧИ
crwrsfp m m а д н igrwmj О Brahma, I am going to speak out the
methods applied by us to overpower Siva,
Vasanta too in order to captivate Siva, with which you please listen.
its own influences made all the trees to ■qcJT Ш||УЧ||УсУ f^RT: I
blossom with flowers. 4<?T уГМНЧ11ШчЧТ11^о||
M W :l Having controlled all sences, Siva sat in
mtm: ^ оп?т Ш : ч f|im i meditation over his seat, the fragrant cool
Kamadeva accompanied with Rati, made breeze started blowing.
several attempts, as a result of which he ^ тч fret uifidcbiRoin
overpowered all the creatures, except Ganes'a ЯЧШТ w fin st f5t#ER4||^||
and Siva.
With the same fragrant, cool breeze, I who
yMyl&fHWi+Mwwi 1ньчи1 -g^li captivate all daily, tried my best to disturb
згчтч щ f e w l Щ т fttRWcjnmii Siva from his meditation.
When all the efforts of Vasanta and Wftldchiwyi m W4BT WFRRI
Kamadeva become infractous, then he, was
deprived of all his pride and returned to his
respective abode. Then I lifted up my bow and fitted my
reputed five arrows. Going round him, I tried
зшшт тщ tt^ jt frrai to enchant him.
3^ 4f !11s 11 ТРТ yciyiUblui 4#5RTW:I
Getting sad, having been deprived of his swcil^fidl ^ ?Т|Ч: тптттт: TT4: ii ^ ii
pride, Kamadeva, than offering his salutation
to me (Brahma) said with choked voice. With my mere entry all the creatures come
under my control, but Siva and his attendants,
ёБТЧЗёПтТ remained unaffected with the same.
%4cRT: тт ¥ тптгГ: wraiiro:i
ч ?|(ть4ц чртчч чвт 4t^iit9ii ччгсчтфп? ■ЧЧ§Шг!п^и
Kamadeva said, “O Brahma, it would be
О Brahma, when Siva went to the
difficult to disturb Siva and to enamour him
Himalaya mountain, I also arrived there with
when he is engaged in tapas. No one else or
Rati and Vasanta.
even myself would be able to captivate Siva.
^ ЧЧ) 'Ч# 'ЧЧТ ЗТ ЧТП^ЖЧ.!
4rfWr W fsrfgsiT: fKTT:l
■п^т m Тчы^счт
On Siva’s arrival at the Sumeru mountain
О Brahma I together with my friend
or when he went to the mountains of
Vasanta and Rati have made all the efforts to
Nagakesara or Sumeru, or Kailasa, I followed
captivate Siva variously, but these were of no
him with my friends at all these places.
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 9 297

^TERI (Rottderia tinctoria), ketaka, jasmine, mallika,

tRT <m p g w t T^dciM-gTTii^ii
kurabaka etc., to blossom in the place where
Siva was stationed.
When Siva did not discard his samadhi
then I made two cakravak birds to appear сТм-ЧЧ ЧгГЦ|РЙ:1
before him.
tur fffTH цгт! ^ т г а т т u§:i He filled the lakes with fragrant lotus
flowers in the hermitage of Siva and made the
чтчтшнщШ <iutrii*44Ti4H.n^ii
fragrant Malaya breeze to blow.
O Brahma, those birds displayed diverse
gestures, of amorous dalliance with brows and cffiT: TTerf: WTOl:
other limbs.
ЧТН<*03 щщщ w m fw T :! All the creepers were made full of flowers
ЗТТЗпШ|сТ TfTTSJ Т#ИШМТ||^|| twine round trees as if resting on their laps
with great attachment- Seedlings of Dhattura
Many pairs of deer and birds, were made to were scattered to beautify the place.
appear before Siva exhibiting several gestures
of love making in order to excite him. cfFf^risr :l
'JRHfaaR иЯ[<*1чТчЯ1Ч t'HlrH=hMl c[gT cSTHctvi Ш R4#sfcr TT ^ 11
Cs -o S3 *S
With the trees having developed with the
fe fe lt 4f^r4T^r ЧТ$ T T W I h l II
fragrant breeze and laden with full blown
Many pairs of peacocks displayed before flowers, even the sages were found disturbed
him with their tricks in front of him as well as with passion.
on his sides.
pet HrElfir I t WPT ВДЩ1
ЧН’ЧП^Ч Ш :1
Ш ёТ&?Т! ЧЧ Ttf^T ЧТ^Г||?о||
?f?r тПгагг trei ъ ■
My arrows did not find any weak point in
him. О lord of speech, I tell you the truth, I am fautsflSS ^TWTf^rf^raW % i* £ 11
not competent enough to captivate him. Inspite of all these efforts, I could trace no
symptom in Siva of having been filled with
^rii m w
rt^ i
lust, nor did he display his anger upon me
rfb ^ u p TTfPTFT W d -щц *11
observing all this and realising about his
О Excellent one, I am speaking the truth. intentions, I dissuaded myself from further
You also please listen to the efforts Vasanta influencing Siva. I am going to reveal the
mode in order to lure him. reason for the same.
rR^r аил ч iftnra^i
Vl^iiiTRt m Wit <TЩ fa4l{$djl*-?ll
4Hdl4fe«bl4U^KH *{«<cbiW«lll I thought, “In case he leaving his
Ш fHgfrT t ST: 11* III meditation, looked at me, I would not be able
He caused the various types of flowers like to stand before him. Then who would be the
campaka, kesara (saffron), punnaga, person on earth to think of captivating Siva?
298 Siva-Mahapur3nam

When those ganas got ready to kill me

shouting "Kill-Cut", Kamadeva heard those
*j%ot щ visblfri ffigT:!i?on
words and said to Brahma.
Siva having the eyes burning like the fire
flames, having the terrific locks of hair and трКЯ Ш ТГСГГОМ7TR 1Т^Г W TI
holding a trident, then О Brahma, who is there зшет w n r wsppjtrtom: ^ rc :ii^ n
to face him?” О Brahminical sage, Kamadeva, stopped
W^tcTTEt the ganas and in their presence, he spoke to
ЧЧ>ЧсГсы£м гЩ<НЯ:1
I Щ ! t w m m \ ^^fgycit?ch!i
Brahma said, “O Kamadeva, on hearing
your words, I would like to say something but згсгат: sR-фг^ги йсьтггп 4rafTT:ii^<iii
am unable to speak out. I feel worried. Kamadeva said, “O Brahma, the lord of the
people and creator of the universe, who are
w if ч tRm^:i these horrible and frightening warriors?
crer: *ft!ii3?n стйеТ сьГ<ьуй чЭ
w r Ret cp f^irli
O Sage, when Kamadeva expressed his
inability to captivate Siva, and hearing this my etet fW5r?m^4ii
breathing was stopped. O Brahma, what for are they meant, where
shall they live, you tell me? What is their
й 1? чтчщщ ч ^ к и т name? You better engage them in some work.
ЗГПТТ7ПЛТ clldf^l c^tFn$rrfrnT9^TT:ll^i II rlifvl'jl <ft3T гГ ЧШ rfl
Thereafter several horrible ganas with
ЧЧМ1ЧР f^ T ^fedlhlftfoll
tongues of flames were generated from my
breath; they were of various forms, immensely You better entrust some work to them, give
strong and frightening. them some name and provide some abode to
them. Thereafter, О God of gods, you get me
ЗТсГТ^ТчТ H Tti HMIcllilR^chHj the command.”
Those terrific ganas creating great noise, ijrtEr 1Щ15Ч Щ п4 <rll«b«t»K«h: I
were innumerable in number and started
etocN t ft w Ы cb4?R* i^ ih f iiii
playing on drums and other musical
instruments. PETЗЕЧ5ПШТ ft WTEEJcRfT cTET:l
зтег ^ чтг feyRRmraisr 4?fiiuii:i ч т тШ и
О Excellent sage, listening his words, I the
if ^:1wT:ii^4n
creator of the world directing about his
The ganas emerging out of my breath, activities, Brahma said, “Soon after their birth
stood before me and started shouting to kill or they uttered maraya (to kill), therefore they
to cut off. would be called as Mara.
Ы <т сгз?п m trmi ТУ& fSTET ebRbiird 7ЩТТ^T|
сГЕГ: яестт ртрт: 1газдчтмЛн^и fep РгЫч ЩЦ ЧНШЩЕПЕЦЧТЧИ^^Н
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 9 299

These ganas, if not adored by the Ш?МТ

passionate people, they would create Accompanied with the Mara-ganas make
obstructions in every walk of life. all the efforts, concentrating your mind by
which a desire for a woman develops in the
■ЩТ^РТГ Wcf T W^r:l!^^ll mind of Siva.”
О Kamadeva, they would be bound to ^r4ichu4 'ЗПЧ: qrR iR: I
follow you and there is no doubt that they ^ ТГГЩrp^T WRT fqqipr ТШТПЧ^11
would always help you. О Narada, on hearing these words, gaining
some pride, offering his salutation to Brahma
with humility, Kamadeva again said.
Wherever would you go for the success of ЗЦГ9Г
you mission, these ganas would always follow W -цщ щ W :l
Ф уФ л Kamadeva said, “O Dear One, I had done
5TT4wf ъ TT^mi^ll my best to captivate Siva earlier as well. He
They would create confusion and fear in could not be captivated then, nor would he be
captivated now.
the minds of the people who would be
subjugated by your weapons. They shall r[cT cJFhhcT 1 Ш # 1
always create obstruction in the wise people in ьГчьу|Гч -ф Р Ш FUTTtt с ^ Ш Т И Ч ^ П
the path of knowledge in all possible manner.” But giving importance to your words and
сГсГГтг % TRmcT:i seeing Mara-ganas, I shall go to that festival
Wet уГ^Н-ГгШ!И'^'чЭИ again with your order.
Brahma said, “О best of sages, Listening to TRT гРЩТ ч qfqbqfdl
my words, Kamadeva, born from mind felt ^ Tf Ш !| (Ч 11
delighted with Rati. О Brahma, I firmly believe, that I would
S■ОficfTЫ т трлт: ТЩ Ч Ш ^F&T:l not be able to captivate him. I have a doubt
that he might reduce my body to ashes.”
hftcfpS -щ\<ь\ч щ ш
Listening to my words, all the ganas, sat : cRR:
there in a natural way surrounding me and ^ R W t: f^T ctW t - q % R :!ll4 4 ll
Kama. О Sage, thus speaking Kamadeva,
m sTglTFR ТГШ ЩШ1 accompanied with Vasanta and Rati, getting
frightened, followed by my Mara-ganas went
TJ^T: ^fct W ^ TTST ^НТГ^Тп^п to the place of Siva.
Thereafter Brahma lovingly said to
Kamadeva, you at my command, accompanied
with these ganas, proceed once again in order o(^qTd IT f | TTEjfafeli ^ Ч М ^ Ч И Ч ^ И
to captivate Siva. Kamadeva employed all his wiles as
before. Vasanta too displayed his influence
tr зшвт m f a ^n3 ш М : w i intelligently.
300 Siva-Mahapur3nam

зчгё R W R # tTW MKJIUlIsft? Wl Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Kamadeva,

offering his salutation to me, and
irt^r ч?щ t s ra ftfr сб% ь н 1?ч ч : i щлэ 11
remembering Siva who bestows, the pride and
Mara-ganas too made all the efforts but is favourably disposed towards the down­
lord Siva remained undisturbed. trodden people, retired to his as'rama.
ftdiuwi ^t%rrot
3H4)^JU'IU| TT: fW :H 4<H i
ttdltsful <*1ЧЯЯ|с|ЧНЧ<ЛН[т(с(ий ^TW
Kamadeva again returned to me. The 4cPTtSKfFI:ll4li
Mara-ganas also stood before me with •kick
shattered pride and disappointed.
«бто: ifczm ш m \ w s щ
зщ -tnlsj зтдчт iч ^ 11
Kamadeva, too feeling sad, together with
Vasanta and Mara-ganas sat before me,
offering their salutation and then spoke to me.
<f*r ччЦйеыт: ^ rRtV.4 f ^ ! i
3jfeo£yMtUlc4H*. 11^ о 11
They said, “O Dear one, we made much
more efforts than before to captivate Siva, but
he had been engrossed in meditation and
remained undisturbed. He could not be moved
even slightly.
Ч crpNr Ш сГТ ^ГЩЧТ1
gjRnt Ч^чи4 гг
Сч 49
t TW:ll$ ?ll
v3 *

The compassionate Siva, had also not

reduced my body to ashes because of my
earlier merits and because the lord is
# m$f 'JtfMcfd ЧШ:1
чЪчш 3R5 4ZJ f m i ^ -q%: 11^ ? 11
О Brahma, in case you are still desirous
that Siva should have a woman, then shedding
all the arrogance, make some other efforts.
This is what I feel.”

wftarrr wft тч: w itw ti

Tit RRT ^ 115, 3 11
300 Siva-Mahapuranam

Conversation between Brahma and Visnu

щ ! ftral RfTOFT! «m m Гу|сШтът:1

Narada said, “O Brahma, О Destiny, О

Fortunate one, you are graceful as the devotee
of Siva. You have narrated the beautiful story
of lord Siva.
ftrST?ftr чй Siftr m a t W t SS:I
Пьчт1[с*цсычТ«4 crafts сщтачтп^и
With the departure of Rati and Kamadeva
with Mara-ganas to their respective abodes,
what happened thereafter and what did you do
after that, you tell us the relevant story.”
*P5 чщ ! ч«1гУТ rifts ^|Г?10||Гнч:1
m s mamrsar ftrfmftt ^%ST:ll^ll
Brahma said, “O Narada, you lovingly
listen to the story of. Siva by listening to which
a person is freed from all the desires.
ftrarm тй зчй sftrarmfra^i
Ш trafts ftrate Rimi
After the return of Kamadeva to his abode
with his family, and what happened thereafter,
you listen from me.
4 S f s f i R ^ fm ratsm 4 fftl
ri ftraxRft^imn
Rudra Samhita (Sat? Khanka), Chapter 10 301

0 Narada, my arrogance was shattered that

my plans about Siva remained unrealised. I Щ ! Н1сЬЩ?сЬ!I
felt surprised at heart.
wm ф<т хг jffr: 11^ 11
Lord Hari said, “O Brahma, О Immensely
ftfddfilfl f^ellrMI ? lfft *foiddH:N5N intelligent one, О Creator of the universe, you
1 started thinking in my mind, that Siva, is are graceful. What for have you remembered
unblemished, has conquered himself, and is me today?
devoted to the yogic practices. How can he f% ЗШТ й ЩЗГ г Н Я Ш П
accept a wife?
ViuRjutiR fd x ir flin il^ ll
^ *П|Щ Л^'.| What is the enormous misery that has
# гГ %с||гЯН W^<4,lh9ll befallen on you. You tell me. I shall remove it,
Thus thinking for long, my pride was there is no doubt about it.”
shattered, then 1 remembered Hari, who had WipWET
given me my body, who bestows welfare to
all, with great devotion.
зщ1х? 3xR fqwj ятрв? ^ni3?R i:ii^n
Brahma said, “Hearing the words of lord
ЧТГТоПЧЩ ^ ТТЛIill Visnu, with the pleasing face, I spoke to him
I offered my salutation to him with humble with folded hands offering my salutation to
words and excellent stotras, hearing which the him.
lord Visnu appeared before me.
I ^ ct! trw tsj ! T 5 ^ f r !i
Ш#з?Г5{[сК1^: 9KWKm:l x? fiM iff 5 :ft ^m ic^n^m i
bWdfldMd: V^IUdd^Thfa^ ?ff:ll<*ll Brahma said, “O God of gods, О Lord of
Hari had four arms, lotus like eyes, holding LaksmI, you bestow grace on all, you listen to
the conch and lotus as attributes and clad in my words and removing the pain of my heart,
yellow garments. He had dark complexion, you remove my misery.
and was dear to his devotees.
ft 3TW yftlddR^HI
* <щт rngm sw w ig iH I:i llRdR^d 1^WTt! f!4IC4|dRlc|4ll^ll
З Щ Щ х Г З Т : Sfron c flW T j^ IT fh T T II^ o | |
О Visnu, I had sent Kamadeva with
Observing him in that form again and Vasanta and Mara-ganas etc. in order to
again, I again devotedly offered my prayer to captivate Siva.
the lord who is favourably disposed towards
fdfW TRTR fqKBcdl ffl
his devotees. v9 *S

qmdfTFf Tnm ir ^TffR: ^m ^fiFBll^M i

?fHlefiu4 rFRTTif mr$ ~ш\
All of them made all the efforts but could
i p p r t тщ и^и do nothing against Siva- a great yogi and an
Lord Visnu, who destroys the miseries of ascetic with absolute self control.”
his devotees, listening to the prayer of Brahma
ЗгЕГгаМ чГЛТ ir ^fT ш M w :l
who had taken refuge with him, delightfully
said. rd^fldlffslbldl wft PVHdTxlRlVIKClIUll
302 Siva-Mahapuranam

fawiwra I cast an evil eye on her. Siva suddenly arrived

at that time and denounced me and my sons.
cbwi°tatffit чГш$ ш fere)гчё 11
^ ^Rrar W=T! W fl? FSRII^II f e iR ф гГ -^ Ш FFTT FT: F F :l
Thus listening to my words, lord Visnu, ?TTfFF FtfFF Ш FffFF № |Щ ф ТН ?ЧМ
who was well aware of the Siva-tattva, the He rebuked me claiming himself to be the
omniscient one, felt surprised and spoke thus, sole lord, possessing Supreme knowledge and
Visnu said, “O Great sire, why have you the one who had the complete control over his
started thinking like this? Thinking sensibly, sense organs.
you tell me the truth.” FFf f5 1 F F tb fF F f Ft F ТТОЩ:1
Ф % tlfrfe TFT $ II
5 Щ Ш ! F fc f <TF F F 1P T fgrrrfHtl О Visnu, my discomfiture is that even after
тщ«тй оп manifesting himself as my son, he rebuked me
Brahma said, “O Dear one, you listen to on my face (in presence of all). I have stated it
the story. Your Мауй fascinates all. The world to you, now.
is also attracted by the same, which is also the Fcff tt f F Tpff FEgRsrahi
base of the pleasure and the pain. FFTFTF: FF
ъЫ PfhdSJT? TIFT g«J ИШ:1 In case he could take a wife for himself, I
зтш -щф* Ш wfftfii^ ii would be happy and forget all my
Having been overpowered with the discomfiture. О Kesava, it is for this purpose
influence of your Мауй I indulged in that I have sought refuge in you.”
committing this sin, О Lord of the gods, I am fRTCSUtfr FFt F ft Ftpwt FfpFrl
going to repeat the same at your command. % T F Ft FT? ^rfa^FFcETTFiF| R 6 11
T g fg s ir w n i^ ' (ТЩ J S T ft Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
адггангя^т the creator of the universe, Lord
At the beginning of the creation ten sons Madhustidana, smilingly spoke in order to
including Daksa and others besides a beautiful please me.”
daughter Sandhya were bom to me. О

smf g ^ :w iW 4 t FFFtsFfrsft fait! *FF % F U F F Ы FFfFFTTlJTFI

W f tp ' F F F ^ F F ^ t ! 113 3 11 FTFTgfrr.TI?<?ll
Dharma emerged from my chest, Visnu said, “O Brahma, you listen to my
Kamadeva from the mind, and several others words which will surely relieve you of the
were bom from the body. The girl was born frustration.
from my speech, looking at whom, I felt FjFFtoFftSjra' дат fFSf!
ft <pff?:ll3°H
$ < JgUI F t F F ^ T m FIFT fb )F lft< T :l .
О Brahma, the speaker of the Vedas, and
с и р щ ! 3TTFRI M l h P K r y ^ H r m R ^ l l the creator of the universe, how is it that you
Having been overpowered with your Maya have developed a confused mind?
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 10 303

?ггзт 4-<lc44j tHwiri ^faRwfdfddiviMi f«ft BHiumifTcPT:i

f% ^ т : ш щ m w : nferTii^
You shed away your foolishness, and think He is all pervading, possessing three gunas
of the Vedas and what do they speak on the i.e. sattva, rajas and tamas. He is the cause of
subject. With noble wisdom remember the creation preservation and dissolution as
same. Brahma, Visnu and Siva. He is beyond the
^ '•liHifa ! w+td чт^дтч.1 three gunas.
^<ОтЫГч f^TR !11^ ? II TMlfq# MBS? R^ 4 ldlfa¥IU<:l
О Evil minded one, you treat Rudra- the
Paramesvara as your son? You are the orator He is distinct from Maya, free from
of the Vedas and still you have been deprived desires, creates illusion or is form of illusion.
of your entire knowledge. He is the creator Maya, but he himself
Tift f r o w R ш п iri %1 remains unaffected by it. He is adept. He
possesses attributes, but is free from them. He
^Ignf^rTT $ч1г1ШШЗЗИ is blissful in himself. He is always engaged in
Taking Siva to be an ordinary god you continued meditation.
have developed enmity with him. Your noble
wisdom has disappeared today and has been ЗТРШТЙ % ЯтБгФч:
replaced by the evil wisdom. ^гРтт ufiiwi f4Rt ^<тмЬ^«ь:11?<?11
sjUT He moves in his own soul. He is free from
controversies. He is subservient to his
wref fd^miwd frorfc
devotees, has the well-built body, is a great
Listen to the first principle which had been yogi always engaged in yoga and leads to the
narrated in the ancient times. You should have
path of yoga.
a spotless conscience. It is the true being
which is glorified as the true cause of creation.
This is certain. TTrlT^it f| ^T: W tl RPR TRTO ftrETII^ о||
%ёГ: f| sntf ЩТсФГ:1 He shatters the pride of all and is the lord
iTW xr^isr f^oTt frei т?=г ’ari i3 ц 11 of all the lokas. He is compassionate to the
Siva is the creator of the universe, the down-trodden people. Thus he is the lord, and
preserver and the destroyer. He is greater than you call him as your son.
the greatest, is supreme Brahman, the greatest f<|7i 7RUT sRI cfl
lord without attributes and eternal. ^frRTi 7W w g : 7t
ЗТЭДЙ fateebK: 4TRW5^lt5T|tT:l Shed away your foolishness. Take refuge
згсчтУзчтат: w f t анта: тпй8ГС:и^и with him. Recite the name of Siva in every
He is beyond definition and beyond way. He would bestow welfare on you when
deterioration or decay. He is the Supreme pleased.
soul, without a second, unswerving and ЧёТТ farnfr
endless. He is the cause of dissolution, all
pervasive and the great lord. %d 14^74 Ш : ЪЪ 9ПГ5Т fTR WRll* ? II
304 Siva-Mahapuranam

In case you are of the opinion that Siva f e n t эт=г штгё srtt -щ m ^m i w i
would have a wife then perform hard tapas,
ШП ТИЭТ)П?Н Tpf 5Й М 1 f5RTII^<? 11
keeping Siva in your mind.
Have you forgotten all that? Graceful is the
STR fVNIillW ehl44f<y4 t ff^l Maya of Siva, which overpowers the entire
тэт ^этгттат P w iF if d in ^ n universe. None else except Siva can be aware
For the success of your desire, in case he is of it.
pleased, he would surely fulfil your desires. ЭТсЦ f t TBJWt Щ И: P)ijuifvvic(:i

<2*ciM dK ттэтщт ф W F iR ^ t f f e i щ т ш м т п w ч&унып '§ % R fR im о и

«ЬТч£|тН4|1 f e ТЭТ wmt % ld ^ c ) 4 iu x il T m f f e тзт сцт щи
In case Siva incarnates on earth in the form dcdlrH ol R *.114^11
of a woman, she would surely be the wife of When absolute Siva, at his own will took
Siva. to Saguna form, then he produced both of us,
with his own power with his divine sport.
tfsiWh: w f e lW :l Then lord Siva assigned to you the task of
w r o f e R f m i f f e f Ф кт: тзэтм га ч и creation. The same imperishable Siva
О Brahma, you command Daksa Prajapati entrusted me the task of preserving the world.
that he should perform tapas to have Siva ТТГ eft f e ТШЭТА F W f d d * lW ll
bom in his house as his daughter.
ЧЩTotfe TlfecfdlO tpTWI^IIh^ll
чтьиМ ъ тА ш \ ттАфА fvicuPvieAi Then both of us went to Siva with folded
ife R l w A vSTrA hands lowering our heads and said, “O Lord of
O Dear one, both Siva and Siva are all, you can take to Saguna form.
subservient to their devotees. Both of them are ^ т Б : ЭТЩTTW it chbtrnf^d: I
the form of Supreme Brahman and take to ЧН1гПнЙ?ТТТс;:|1Ч^11
Saguna form at their own desire.”
At the words spoken by us, the
compassionate lord who indulges in various
mm w w i types of sports, looked towards the sky and
spoke lovingly.
^ T W ЭТТЭТ ТЭТЭТТО t f l f e Щ-qt rRT:||yfV3II
RfR тпрт fafOTTt! Hfdt Ш1:1
After saying this, Visnu- the lord of
Laksmi, remembered in his heart lord Siva IMchil^fcfdl HlHl T>5: ««bffddtim'^ll
and getting knowledge by his grace, he said to “Visnu is my form. Similarly Rudra would
me.” be manifested from Brahma and shall be well
known in the world by the same name. He will
fa wоiM M be my form.
ШП FIT RTtrR TrgoR ?i^ ut бп
R efer: TT il TJHT: ТЩТ oft TTfenfKTI
Н|(чсЫ 'Ц^Т9ТЩТЩТ5ГГОТ тАцЩЭТПI'tf6 11
Hdeb-df RUTlfet fdfdVlM: ^fef5?ril44II
Visnu said, “O Brahma, when both of us He is my complete form and lord of all the
were bom at his will, remember his words gunas and is worthy of being worshipped by
which Siva had spoken at our prayer. you. He will fulfil all your desires.
Rudra Sarnhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 11 305

ТГWT W- WT f^4<T:l
ш т srftr ^m foi qfatzjfcr fw r q ^T im ^n
Brahma, Visnu and Siva are my forms.
Нага is especially my complete form.
Similarly Uma shall also have three forms.

■фзЫтг W t ЧРТ W T# q f^ irl 114^)11


As Laksmi, she would be the spouse of

Visnu, as Sarasvati, the spouse of Brahma,
and as Sati- having the complete form, would
be the spouse of Rudra.”
ЭД«ММ1(Й tSTirf: fih t t#8TC:I

зш т qRsHiciicii w^cbi4iHiiiuflii4<iii
Cv s9

Visnua said, “Thus speaking, bestowing his

grace on all, lord Siva disappeared from the
scene. Thereafter, we too feeling comfortable
engaged ourselves in our respective jobs.
W ЩЩ qwlchlcllcrt 9 ^ R T ^ : I
3icrdfaf: Ш w m . &HW*WT:II4<?II
О Brahma, after sometime both of us had
got the spouses, while Siva incarnated at
Kailasa as Rudra.

-ЦЦЗгИ^ О ||
О Lord of the people, Siva too shall
incarnate as Sati. An effort should be made for
her future incarnation.”
fgtnj; fK^rr ТГ w n t W T I

After saying this, lord Visnu, disappeared

after blessing me. Then I felt immensely
delighted and soon my jealousy against Siva
ff?r rgatawi
Rdlyul ?T5ifgTOJRon^t ЯПТ ^|ч15КПЗТ: II ||
Rudra Sarnhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 11 305

Brahma worships Durga and gets a boon
ЯТЯ? dctm
л р и ! щ к щ \ тщ яг сцнтяя! i
ягГ fswft few^oRmff^ M l яспяп^и
Narada said, “O Dear one, О Good
speaker, О Destiny, О Brahma, after the
disappearing of Visnu, what happened
thereafter and what did you do?”

^ ягтащяяягг
f^crff яй яясНя tst^ ii? ii
Brahma said, “O Son of an excellent
Brahmana, whatever was done by me after the
departure of Visnu, you listen to it carefully.
fejifctsj[fr4<*ii ^ § j
ятНя ^rif T^TII^ II
Thereafter I started offering prayers to
Durga, who is the form of Vidya and avidyd,
spotless form of Supreme Brahman, the
support of the universe, and the beloved of
Я&Г anfaff ftrqt PlHldi fall «Ml 41
s9 V

She is the one who is all pervading, eternal,

without support, undistressed, is the mother of
the three deities, who is the grossest of the
gross elements and is still formless.
Щ Шя: ЯТЯ1*К1 Ч<Ч1гЧ1с(^ГчиГ||
ъ т \ яя я яямщп
О Goddess of the gods, you are the
supreme knowledge, supreme soul,
comparable with the supreme soul. Be pleased
with me and fulfil my task. Salutation to you.”
ря яягаятят ят яп^язт яят я^и
ШЯ$Т Tjfu^ebl ЯЯИ^П
306 Siva-Mahapuranam

О Divine Sage, when so worshipped, universe and protect all. You resort to creation
Candika- the Yoganidra or mystic slumber, and becoming Mahes'T, destroy all the three
appeared before me. worlds by your gunas.
ЧТ ^frfTT=rt t 4%4T 4 % T
ШргГТ ^ ЧтЫцГЩёЬ^^П|\Э|| "Ш Ч* Ч Щ ^ ч ш и ш й ! )
She had the complexion of glossy 4 rf4 4 t w
collyrium, beautiful form, she looked divine m ад1чч§ зй ггги ^ и
and had four arms and was seated over a lion,
You are the one who is adored even by the
displayed varada-mudra in one of her hands
yogis, you are present in everything including
and the pearls decorated her dishevelled hair.
the atom. You are perceivable in the hearts of
vk R ^ mhi f^rR R ii the yogis, purified by discipline and the path
гг «ьчн1<1учУ^Гн:11лп of their meditation.
Her face resembled the full moon of the « c b l V I ^ ^ I ^ d l fsRFTT
winter season, she had three eyes; she looked W ЧГ % f e n fdfdyiddWhl
quite beautiful and the nails of her lotus like
feet were shining. Cs

чт$щ Pviciw f|i

You possess light as well as purity, free
ЯЧгЧТ f444jJfT?T: ттц §MU|iq tii^ n from confusion. You assume kbtastha
О Sage, finding Uma, the Sakti of Siva (perpetually immovable), avyakta
before me, I, offering my salutation to her, (unmanifest) and ananta (infinite) forms. You
started praising her. take to many forms.
ЧЧ( ЧЩ?Г зтог: 4ff%- fecbTOtW vcbdfu i4 r4
jjuriPwr ччч)
эгпжготт ш ! ^T fe: ^ ^ uulNi rf %%
ТНТгГЧ\ ^fePTtptfall^oи Рпцм'нгп гг ЧЧ: w sftn i ^ 11
Brahma said, “O Goddess, you are in the О Siva, you are the prime cause of the
form of Pravrti (action), Nivrtti, (salvation), three gunas and are still beyond them. But in
the creation and preservation of the universe. combination with the gunas, you certainly
You are the eternal energy of moveable and infuse the seed of change in every matter.
immeavable beings and are capable of
captivating everyone, salutation to you.
^чч #ч т тгдщчтЬл!
ЧТ miTRt ^Ч^еЬ^Ч
чт ч? 5 tt -q%t?TV
You are free from the deprivity of the three
W М Ш гт w ^ph=r: 11^ 11 gunas viz.: sattva, rajas and tamas. You are
You are manifest as Lak§ml like garland something else beyond them. You entering the
around the image of Vi§nu. You sustain the heart of Brahma, cause the creation, protection
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 11 307

and destruction. TTWrfr ЯсГ?Т ТГёЦ ТГсП^<*ГсБ:|

3TWm>"l РтЙЩГГ 4 fgifat ТПЙ?й||^11
ШЧ TvieiMQl! d jl^ ll He, the lord of the Bhutas is performing
You are the form of seed of the entire the long penance alone. He is without a
universe. You are knowable as well as the spouse, unblemished and is not desirous of a
form of knowledge. You always remain spouse.
benevolent to the world, О Spouse of Siva ч чщъ -m ъ ш
salutation to you.”
чн!б<111^3 II
ffiq|chu4 era: W й ЗЛ# HtoGwiGwll О Satl, you better fascinate him, lest he
ш w rt casts his glance at some other lady. It is you
Brahma said, “Listening to my prayer the alone who could capture his mind.
goddess Kali- who is adorable by the world, ш щ cellar ^ r w тщ %<d4ifMli
lovingly spoke to me. ^§?rr лгат w ^ rrfa ! % % ! im ir ^ ii
Therefore, О Siva, you in this form itself,
fg n is f т а г w r s f w n r s r i becoming the daughter of Daksa, become the
^ 11 ч ч \i spouse of Siva, capturing his mind. Salutation
to you.
The goddess said, “O Brahma, what for
have you praised me? In case it is worth w tyciviiUi щ с ^ т Ы т т 4>уич1
revealing, then speak it out. % гА т w f^ ii? ч и
ШЭД*1ЧРч З И f ? l f e chi4 ^ 7 fq% dT I Just as you, assuming the form of LaksmI,
e llf^ d Ш ehPcEqifir sn fe c T T II^ pleased Visnu, similarly, for the benefit of the
universe, you also do this.
With my appearance, the success is
assured. Therefore, you speak out your desired сйН|||5н1ЧШ ^ ^gTJf4^|WvT:l
task, which shall be performed by me with тг gssi е й ! ч 4 ^ 1 ^ j^ u if d iR ^ ii
your inspiration.” О Goddess, Siva, who finding in me just
the desire of a woman, denounced me, how
TCT%Tnf=r! T p M tl could he accept a spouse?
трт№ш "д# ! гэдатти^ои f t i$d«h'R* 5 ш ^ f g : f W ? T I
Brahma said, “O Goddess, О Mahesani, зге н ч к г M d fo tfcu iP iPum^ i i
you kindly listen to me. О Omniscient Siva is the cause of the universe in the
goddess, I shall speak out my mind, as have beginning middle and end. In case he remains
been directed by you. detached and refuses to take a wife, then now
*Г: -ФГШ ddRI^SWSRJHI could the auspicious beings be created?
fyieTT ^ lOtHfl тМ ТГ ct ^11 kbdiMil чщ тещзт ?гпп |
О Goddess of the Devas, your husband had y ^ c ii^ iw St i r «i i i
been bom out of my head and known as Rudra This thought has tormented me. It would
and is dwelling at Kailasa as Siva. not have been befitting for me to seek for
308 Siva-Mahapuranam

another refuge. Therefore, I pray to you to and he intends to captivate Siva who is
accomplish the task for the benefit of the unblemished.
universe. WRTWt Ш: ■Hfartffd t^tW PTi
ч fawjww ч "ччт :1 «Ft -r foyfdMfgl Рйсьнга;:11зч11
4 W ? t fERTI I ? 11 He desires a boon from me, that I should
О Mahesvarls, you becoming the daughter captivate Siva. What is he going to gain by the
of Daksa, creation delusion for Mahes'vara, same. The great lord Siva is free from
become his wife. delusion and mental aberrations.
^ГЗГГ m d g m sJl я : fq fe rra R i

ddRift ЧсГ TT^cMIT ^TlfTR WfWTII^ o|| тгёп=[т c T R f а д т ^ н п ж г п з $ n

О Mother of the universe, no one else Siva is well known as Supreme Brahman,
except you can accomplish this task, because, absolute and unblemished, I am like a maid
LaksmI, Visnu, Kamadeva and even I myself servant for him always ready to obey his
could not captivate him. command.
4П(^1тП*ЙШ:1 .......... ■R 4 u f * c \i |U |

raigfywi тптегга tn w fa ^3srt: ii^ 3RTfSK:ll3^ll

О Goddess of the gods, seated over the
He is the one who redeems his devotees, is
northern shore of the ocean of milk, Daksa
independent Paramesvara Rudra also known
Prajapati is performing a tapas, with a firm
as Siva.
resolve in order to achieve you.”
tt w rl ч
fWlehu4 «га: W if &ЧПЧ1М f*I4T <ЩТ1
d R ll^ l ^14r a w RRTTT: W : trrrii^iii
зггга rr fafwdT «рцП<яы11^ я и
Brahma again said, “Listening to my words He is the lord of Hari and Brahma- the
Siva felt concerned and said, getting surprised destiny and is supreme. He is a great yogi, free
in her mind. from illusion but is not absorbed in it. He is
the greatest of the great.
R rR T d u i d H i « г и г
3# fspgf^i
The goddess said, “It is a matter of great This Brahma considering him as an
surprise as to what is being spoken by the ordinary god, treats him as his son, himself
reciter of the Vedas, creator of the universe, having been overpowered with ignorance,
and the destiny, overpowered with great intends to captivate him.
ignorance? Ч «ёш Ы ^ d lfd tfg T

fosrgmfa w pti :i Ш ч Щ-. R^gv.msoit

fdfd<SH <T In case I do not bestow the boon, then the
The great confusion has overpowered the Vedic tradition shall be broken. Now what
mind of Brahma which is the cause of pain should I do, not to displease lord Siva?”
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 12 309

5$гзтпщ WlWhJT ?1^ГЯ1

f=HI&4 ТТ{$Т ft WTTT ЗГШТ f^T| Щ TWRftwftr (ЗШт ft f4TTPT?!ll'S<SII
ЯМЩ# fVHWl^iclW l 7^ «Г ЧТ 3^111^11 О Brahma, I shall be born from the womb
Brahma said, “Thus thinking, Siva, of the wife of Daksa Prajapati, by the name of
remembered Siva in her mind and with the Satl, and honour Siva by my sports.
permission of Siva, she said to me.” ^ cn% gftraricrfti
$лкгсг M^cb-yi Я cllinctvradf
чщп д щ ! T w i WTWg- tttti As the other people remain attached to
тхф 4 ftraftllinil their wives, similarly, Siva would remain
Durga said, “O Brahma, whatever has been attached to me because of my devotion.”
spoken by you, is utterly true. There is none ЗГрТЗШ
else in the world to captivate Siva. яятш т f w ят
Tfts'Jglddft T^fg^lT Wfdd) I dl^iuiuii TRJT Ш \ ТТ?Т:11Ц 0 И
STfamrflfa WTT UtdmfcdMH ^ И Brahma said, “O Dear one, thus speaking
You have spoken a great truth that if Siva to me, Siva the mother of the universe,
does not take a wife unto Himself, the creation disappeared in my presence.
cannot continue long. cfWm-d^dRi 5 viUftdWg:!
Tmrftr WT ТЩТТПТГ:1 зятя m ш п ш : ттФшиЬптмч?||
After the disappearing of Durga, from the
I had also not been able to captivate the scene, I also left the place and went to my
great lord, but at your words my mind has mind-bom sons and narrated the sequence of
been filled with double the enthusiasm. events to them.
3Tf Ш ilfdWJlfa WT f&toiyi ^df^diyi %flft
W . cbftmfft ftrft! wftra fftftrftcT:irs4ii
О Brahma, I shall do something by which -
Siva getting captivated would himself accept a •kick
■Hdlhidh^ qtm rafter c(?rafd41i
ч ^ь щ Г ч ТЩШРТТ
As LaksmI is the beloved of Visnu,
similarly, I taking to the form of Satl shall
obey the command of Siva.
w ^rrsfir ctyiciftf w я ^ 1
Э Т Щ chfwirRr n ^ ^ W M l 11^^311
О Brahma, I shall, by his grace make
efforts that he could remain captivated by me.
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 12 309

Receiving a boon by Daksa from Durga
gwrsr! ?ГЩЩ! щг!
faraifviewfu ж W4 Ъ % шти^и
Narada said, “О Brahma, devotee of Siva,
О Sinless one, you have spoken correctly. You
have purified my life by narrating the story of
Siva and Siva.
310 Siva-Mahapuranam

з$тот «пт: ^sgcTu

c&УТ ЯТЧ ^ о ш cfisj w ^TTS^TIR II Daksa performing vrata, devoting his mind
Presently you tell me, what type of boon towards Durga, continued penance for long
was received by Daksa, after performing the and kept on adoring the goddess in many
hard tapas and how did the goddess become ways.
the daughter of Daksa?” rRTt dnii^dThw ^ ro t ч1чтот! i
что;! «RTOcf 4f4iwi%idl5%^:i О Sage, thus adoring Jagadamba- the
■m «Л «тчУ^ щ m *г трч: 11911 mother of the world, Siva the goddess,
appeared in person before Daksa Prajapati.
Brahma said, “O Narada, you are graceful
among the sage, because of your devotion ШТ:
towards Siva. I am going to tell you as to how фг1фгЧЧ8ИгЧМ ^ ^ r: y^l4fd:ll^o II
Daksa performed penance and got the boon as Then finding of the mother of the world
a result thereof. having appeared before him Daksa Prajapati
ЧЗЩН: ТОШТЧ чз#Ч:1 thought himself having become successful.
зщгещ гг чт dw»F4t Тщщх ^ш|т
At my command the wise Daksa, for the cr<mуч\viicy13343wi tR tw rii^ n
accomplishment of his task, went for the She was mounted over a lion and was of
adoration of the mother of the world. black complexion. She had beautiful face, four
arms, displaying varada and abhaya mudrds
a w f w t t s f шз$гаЫтагап^11ч 11 in two hands, besides the sword and lotus
Reaching the northern shore of the ocean flower in the other two hands as attributes.
of milk, reciting the name of the goddess in She attracted the minds of all.
his mind, in order to have an audience with ЗТТОТЯУЧТ У1ЬЧтЬУ
эуП 1РВЩ1Т1
C\ “s
her, he started performing tapas. рту ^ wptii^ ii
fcotidffui i^ETUTT spt TOTT:I With her eyes being red, dishevelled hair,
4W3R f444: Щ Щ ^®§RT:ll*»l the mother of the universe, possessed
Daksa, controlling his sense organs, with a beautiful lustre. Daksa offered his salutation
firm resolve, performed penance for three to the goddess and he started offering his
thousand divine years. prayer to her.
m w iv ft PKItflft УН1*1'А rT 4 1 1 ^ 1
f44m WeRTR W44t4j|V9ll ЧН13И ! w n it! yhcflyl! 4|«fr!l
Consuming the tree leaves, water, fasting ^Уч4Ч11^11
and using the wind as food, he recited the Daksa-Prajapati said, “О Mother of the
name of the mother of the world and he spent world, О Mahamaya, mistress of the universe,
that time. be pleased with me. You have shown me your
зли form gracefully. Salutation to you.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 12 311

«Fra^ntr! Ццс)^ГчГи|!i Siva is my lord, who is Rudra- the son of

Ятнщ^! переп%! ччТлд hn>su Brahma and is the complete incarnation of the
Supreme Soul.
О Eternal Bhagavatl, the form of Siva,
«тсггашТ чт ип?т: ш ш я \ т ^ - л
bestower of boons on the devotees, your are
the illusory form of the universe, be pleased
with me. Salutation to you. Till now you had not incarnated on earth.
Alien'd Then who could be his spouse. Therefore,
incarnating on earth, О Siva, you better
?f?T c $ R ТГгШЧЧТ!
captivate him.
ШЪ -Щ ^TrTOftT -ЩЦ ?Г#ЩсТ т^Нцчи щ я гm f e m ч ^тты-ут^ т а ч 1
Brahma said, “О Sage, thus having been
d W R m ^гтт w m 1 т з г ш ui
praised by Daksa, having the purified soul, the
Goddess spoke to him, though she was well Except you, no one else would be able to
aware of his desire.” captivate him. Therefore you become the
spouse of Siva, after taking birth as my
^oiJdW daughter.
p T S i ^ r ! W tt: !к?тт ■
mhIhi ч щ я wrmfHri
=гт <%m№jcmjtg 4i%4 feint Hctii^ ii TT^rfe
The Goddess said, “O Daksa, I am In this way displaying your sports, you
extremely pleased with your devotion. You captivate Siva. О Goddess, this is the boon
better ask for a boon you desire. There is desired by me, which has been placed by me
nothing, which cannot be granted to you.” truthfully before you.
agrtaiti TcTTsf 4 RSf^T iriht 'jHIdluftl
^ К Ш Г с ГёГ: #^TT rfe t c$T: iR II4 fd :l i ^ prt ЙтттТ 1^311
w чт япт ш f^icn^n^ii In this desire of mine, there is not only my
38J d c (H
own selfish motive, but also that of Brahma,
Visnu and Siva as well. Actually, it is Brahma,
игг^щ! ^ fe cr^tTTtri who inspired me for performing this tapas."
iTgcr: гртё& щ тг^н ^|| ЦТГсТТЕГ
Brahma said, “Daksa Prajapati then
cRR ^pi^fMchl!
listening to the worlds of the mother of the
universe, felt delighted and offering his Mc«pW feffiWfd TpTT tTЗГГЩ- 1?TcRTI|:?'*||
salutation to Siva, again and again and then Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
said to her. Daksa Prajapati said, “O Mother Daksa Prajapati, Durga, adoring lord Siva in
of the Universe, О Mahamaya, in case you are her heart started smiling.
inclined to pronounce a boon on me, then
listening to my prayer lovingly, fulfil my Ш \ ш т \ ^ r ! ^СП[ ТГ Ш сГНГ:1
ЩЦw f t fefet % ТГ ЩШТ «ЩИТ: ^R:l The goddess said, “О Dear one, О Daksa
^R T R д а ^ ч и н к : Prajapati, you listen to my words. I am
312 Siva-Mahapuranam

speaking the truth to you. I can bestow In this way speaking quite nicely to Daksa
everything when pleased. Prajapati, having been so commanded by Siva,
31? TO ^гГГ Ж Ш P?TOll devoting her mind at the lotus like feet of
Siva, the goddess spoke again.

Having been pleased with your devotion, I т очЭ тот 3iiir4t тош % згзггто! i
shall be born as your daughter from your wife. ямйьщГч %w t ^iroir тотН? 4t -gtiTn^ 3 n
There is no doubt about it. “O Daksa Prajapati, you will have to keep
TOT TOT e& fw flT TO: fTOT
in mind my resolve. I am speaking you the
truth. Don’t take it as false.
$ЫШ\ ^ьу|Гц II
ШЙшт1$Г iT^ar: TOf ттщ4Ц|$|е|:||Зб|| ^? TOS4 Ш TOT ТО1гЧ-ЧТОэд4а<ЧТО*И
In case you show disrespect to me, after
I shall make all the efforts to do so,
am born to you as a daughter, then I shall put
performing hard tapas, by which after seeking
an end to my body. This is because I am self­
a boon from Siva to become his spouse, for
the success of our task, because the lord
SadSsiva, is adorable by Brahma and Visnu as ТПТ cfdWd TO: -UfTOPf TOTOrfll
31? WTO TOT f5RT TOUft TOUftl О Prajapati, I have given this boon to you
ж v i ?l I? 4 11 for every creation that, I being your daughter
shall be the wife of Siva.”
I happen to be his dear slave girl in every
birth, and he happens to be my lord always. TOpfaTO
The same lord Siva takes to many forms. РТОТОТОТ Щ TOTOTOTFlfTOl
'яадгаш* о n Brahma said, “Thus speaking to Daksa
With the influence the tapas he emerged Prajapati, Mahesani, at once disappeared from
from the eye brows of Brahma and I also at the scene.
his command, and the boon shall incarnate on 3FWf?TOTt ф Ы TT fWTOPTI
ТОПЧ ^T P ? # 4 ^fdbijfd TOftT ТОПЗ^ЭП
w totoft тот! тощнт тгт After the disappearing of the goddess
?TOTOT чш гГ d T O lfT O Id jl^ ll Durga, Daksa also retired to his own abode.
О Dear one, you better go home. I have He was happy for the simple reason, that
instructed the female messenger. Now, I shall Durga would be born as his daughter in his
be taking birth as your daughter and shall house.
become the wife of Siva.” fftr айГ?ми(пуш1 fefarcri wsrdfiwiwi %fl4
одгеп того 1?rW тпto itafro
TO: ЗТТОТО TIT TtfTOT fyi'c|4dlTO'dqjl^ll
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 13 313

CHAPTER 13 keep on engaging yourself in creating the

Daksa’s curse to Narada universe; Lord Siva would bless you.
w щ iraddwijj^di тщт
w w ! Щ чГ gr!i arfaddf чщ
^ чЙ sTlriH !ch4^4Tlc;H'dt4JI?ll О Prajapati, О Lord of the universe, let
Narada said, “0 Brahma, О Destiny, О Asiknl, the beautiful daughter of Pancajana,
Abode of wisdom, О Best of the speakers, the lord of the five tribes, be taken by you as
after the departure of Daksa Prajapati, to his your spouse.
abode, what happened thereafter, you please qihlcqqjtjSliJ'K'ci дч; I
speak out lovingly.”
trfgmgt g сыГч-м! dTgfgtgfgii<£ii
Indulging into sexual intercourse with her,
d$r: зрятчЫ ^ т -щряч цчтш :1 you can create many people from the beautiful
ш clfUT ЗТЕШтщ дт^гап R 11 woman like her.
Brahma said, “Daksa with a delightful dd: d4dii<Rw
'О ' чЭ
ядт Ttercenfd:i
mind, went back to his abode and resorted to
д(т&гсд ft^yiMi ddi dd:ii^n
the several types of creation.
Then at my instance, he married the
d4<yf^d4IH)cPI ddTTPf М>Й:1 daughter of VlrinT in order to procreate
Рйдагст u n it «гтаго йпзп subjects by way of coitus.
Then finding that the creation was not at all зтгг dTdT widgt g gtfrudt d' згдтчТв:i
increasing, Daksa said to his father (myself).
d4$jRf?TRdRT d^t: Wlddfdddll^o ||
Prajapati Daksa begot sons known as
dfjliwid! Ш\Ш\ g^dTFdT: w tll Haryasvas on his wife Vlrinl.
W fcukidi: -RciVwrarrdl ft ftddT: w -no m i З Г ^ Т О Ш Tpf ЗТШ4 ddT dtll
Daksa Prajapati said, “O Brahma, О Dear fy^ffMdl fddd 5d4l^4<ldU|l:||^||
one, О Lod of the people, the increase in the О Sage, the sons so produced were devoted
people is at a stand still. The number of the to their father who followed the path of the
created beings remain the same. Vedas. They had no separate virtues or
drfifd SMHRf! сфг: «wsiMirmu practices.
dfmg щ з m\: fg f ч w n im i Гч^У)тЫ: WTFpjcRTJT]^ gyfdVTMJ
O Lord of the people, what should I do? Hdj-cJ) dd^f did gsf drsiigw: 'RdT:ll^ II
How can I increase them? Yo tell me the way О Dear one, all the sons of Daksa-
out, to increase the people.
Prajapati, at the desire of their father went to
the western direction, for the performing of
d$r! yd Iid! did! sjuT d w t gg:i the tapas, for the purpose of creation.
dtdjbbd ddfe! ftlddf 7T ehRbtlfdil^ll dd чтдщтшШ тщгтдчч1
Brahma said, “O Dear one, О Daksa dfdT dd -R^Tdt fd^fa^R4£dl:ll^ll
Prajapati, you better listen to my words, you There is an auspicious place of pilgrimage
314 Siva-Mahapuranam

known by the name of Narayana lake at the

confluence of the river Sindhu as well as the
ш щ <t О *Ч ои
Then the sages who had similar types of
thoughts, bowed to you in reverence and
^ farf^m ?nw : 11^ 11 circumambulated you. They therefore moved
With the simple touch of the water of that on a path from which they had never to return.
place, one could achieve the spotless wisdom. 4R^! ret !l
All the impurities of these ascetics possessing
ftfidiHI 4^IM4d)<ffd<**W<flll? ?ll
dharma, were vanished.
О Sage Narada, with your mind devoted to
й el -Н-ПЧ1:1 Siva, and desirous of carrying out his
^щттатггт 4<iir4i4: fqsrr^T дШти^чн command, you proceeded on to the various
Bound with the command of his father, worlds without any mental reservations.
with a firm mind, the sons of Daksa, ergfft ёктй тщ Т5Г:
performed tapas there.
w m t dRdK^d WdlR я и
Щ cTR ЧГЩ ?ilcc|| сТЧгТ: ■yfy^rlci | Thereafter a long time passed and Daksa
Prajapati- my son, learning about Haryas'va
О Narada, then finding them engaged in and his other sons, he became angry with
tapas for the purpose of creation, you went to Narada.
lord Visnu in order to know about his mind. w ti
згцт ft дат ^mgRTr: i gprr c^T: fviy4igifg4t^d:ii^^ii
Йет ^TfRRIT He started saying again and again, “A large
He spoke to Haryasva and other sons of number of sons bring disaster only.” Daksa
Daksa with great respect. How could you who had been overpowered with Maya of
engage yourself in the creation without Siva, bewailed like this in several ways.
knowing or having an idea of the creatures of 3T£4PW ш1ёдт
the world?”
?t Г^ГС£Щ^STTSt ff4£d>4df%dl:l Then I arrived there and consoled my son
Daksa, saying that the moves of the destiny
Brahma said, “Then Haryas'va and others are quite strong.” By saying such words I
carefully listened to your words and started some how pacified him.
thinking about the creation themselves. m ^ r: W2RTT w tt h R ^ fa d :!
4t?iHd'jH«bifiVf ^ ^ RwfRhHj MWIWlWT ¥ R Щ ^ITZTdi'jHdJ 1? Ч11
ТГёШ Tpiferott cfif Thereafter, after having been consoled by
They thought, “How can a person think of me, Daksa produced from Pancajani,
starting the work of the creation, putting faith thousands of sons.
in the gunas alone, in case, he is unaware of
the command of the creator of the sacred ^ггт: ^§ sRtt: i
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 13 315

All of them were of firm mind, those sons, Having been filled with grief, Daksa said
at the command of their father, went to the to you. He is wicked one, fortunately you have
same place where their brothers known as arrived as a move of the destiny.”
Haryas'vas had gone for the creation.
'?Т|сЫЙё: ТГ ft
dd'-JWybtKd Ч5ШТ -зчггщ зтТегт fsRT^PT113 3 11
w fe d W tt W TpRTT:lR'3ll Because of the anger and grief, his lips
With the very touch of the water of that were fluttering and showering disgrace on
lake all their sins were washed out and their you, he denounced you.
hearts became spotless. Then those ascetics,
reciting the name of the Supreme Brahman,
performed penance for a long time. f% T tesnr% ! TTTfrt Trrgf^frT:i

ш т к к ш я й щщттпШг чгщ-.i i^ W rn fsfe rt 1 F T i f s n f r 4: 113*11

Daksa said, “O Foremost of the base
people, disguised as an ascetic, what have you
Realising the moves of Siva, finding them done. О Beggar, you have not done well by
to have been engaged in the creation of the showing my sons the path of mendicants.
people, Narada went there and spoke to them
as he had spoken earlier.
Ш : 4^H4l{c^? Щ -ц^! TTfER^fii tqyid: il’4'HlS4l4i ^Т13ЧП
You are cruel and wicked, you have put
obstacles in the path of their progress in the
О Brother, О Sage of beneficent sight, you present as well as their future world.
showed them the path, followed by their
brothers. Thereafter you went back to the збщтРг эМтгфгУ
heaven and they, the sons of Daksa, went to H B t frirTT
the path of their brothers. A person who discarding his parents,
wrtftg- FT У^ГПТрТ: I without repaying their debts, leaves the house,
and becomes a recluse, he falls in the hell
WwtSWTT *Г c^Tt RqftT с|[:%ТТ:113 о ||
inspite of his being desirous of moksa.
At the same time distressed in mind
Prajapati Daksa- my son witnessed many ill
omens and was filled with surprise.
с$г: xrfem ’pnri You are cruel, shameless and are the
destroyer of the glory. You have shattered the
рчпрг yrfttwfo rf:ii? ?n wisdom of my son. О Fool, you uselessly
Listening to the deeds having been wander among the attendants of Hari.
performed by you earlier. Daksa was
criRriil ^ s m re n r ! 1
surprised, and fainted with the grief of the
death of his sons.
О Worthless and depicable Narada, you
sra&r $рг w w i
have done harm to me, again and again,
анмям therefore, you would never remain stable and
316 Siva-Mahapur3nam

keep on wandering in three lokas. Your feet

will never be steady.
WIT^r tjJcTr ?T^T
«JcTtST %е|ЧГ’Ч1ЙЧ11 ^ : 11^ 11
Getting enamoured with the Мйуа of Siva
and unmindful of the desire of the lord, Daksa,
overpowered with grief pronounced a curse on
?ГРТ Щ TT4^! Plf3«R^:l
13^1^ ^ *TWI^Il'KoH
О Sage, you possessing the spotless
wisdom accepted that cures. All the saintly
persons well-versed in the Brhamajmna
accept the evil designs of others like this.
P^yiui ferret
tidltaug чт^ттг чпт :refe'yi№mt:ii
320 £iva-Mah3puranam

Description of Nandyavrata and eulogy of

з Й эбцт Щ : TJT^ clt

щ чптчж
Brahma said, “O Sage, once I saw Sati,
essence of three worlds, seated with her father,
along with you*
ЧЩ^Т Ъ ЧТ w ti
nuRTO 4cir щ*кт ^чгн1Ч-м|Г^11? и
Finding her father offering his salutation to
Sat! following the worldly conventions, she
offered her salutation to us.
yunqRl Ш)Г Щ ц ЗвмадчиЙ!
fW lst ЧГГг Щ Ъ fd44Tq^4HI^4ll^ll
ъ: щтт 4 ч'О ятцц Ф и
d4(4f| qftT ^cf Т?# ^PT^¥R4;il^ll
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 15 321

After her salutation, when Daksa gave us fe^m rro -$щ wm ii^on
the seats, then I together with you took our Then Daksa- the lord of the universe, felt
seats. Looking at the humble Sat! I said, “The anxious at the sight of the youthful daughter.
one who desires you and the one whom you He thought, “How should the girl be given to
desire, you achieve omniscient lord of the Siva.
universe as your husband.
зга Ф ч Ф
4RTT 4 lf4 4 H gM i
Щ Ч1$Ч«1кШНМИ1^11
ът\ ТГй ^ !ll4 ll
Sat! on the other hand also got anxious to
He is the one who has never accepted achieve Siva. Realising the mental condition
another wife, nor does he do so or would do so of her father, she went to her mother.
in future, he is suitable for you. There is none
else comparable with him. He shall be your ТГЯЩЩТ ¥1^4ИГ Й?пда1:1
husband.” ЧЩ: cftftuyi: Wf
гГТ^ hT:l She said to her mother, “I intend to
perform tapas in order to achieve Siva as my
w f r *йРИ|Ц rft ^ TO^lll^ll
husband, I seek your permission.” These were
Thus speaking, I stayed for long in the the words spoken by Sat! Parmes'varl to her
abode of Dak§a. Thereafter Daksa sent off mother.
both myself and Narada. We went to our
abdes. <T?T: trf^T ИЩ^SsPTTI
W Щ 0 Ш ^ 41^^41111^11
Then getting consent of her mother, Satl,
З Т Т ^ О Т Т Щ <Tt РгЭТ f | 4 < M < i l l ^ l l
with a firm mind, started adoring Siva in her
Daksa, on hearing the words of Brahma, home in order to receive him as her husband.
felt extremely pleased and reassured, and
taking her daughter as Paramesvarl, he ЗТТ&Й шйт foaiMhbJ
honoured her. чъ т 1ччш
% ft Ф А : <*Ы|ЫтЬЗ?*Н11 In the month of Asvin, (September-
October), on the Nanda-tithi (i.e. first, sixth
c^TIT^f &0Ц<И<|фК:Н6Н and the eleventh day of the lunar) fortnight,
Uma- who was favourably disposed she adored Siva with great devotion offering
towards her devotees, had taken to the human the cooked rice with jaggery, and salt, for a
form at her own will, during her childhood, month.
displayed sports and passed that age.
eFTf&hW €щЗ¥У1Ч^: Ч1У«НГЧ1
Ш otrater -щ ШЦ Ш Ы Ш тт Ф \
wraBdf: w n w ttwr
г1ЧШ|ч IRtfTTII*? II
On the fourteenth day of the month of
She then started moving towards her
Karttika, she adored and meditated upon Siva
youthful age, crossing the age of childhood.
She possessed all the beautiful limbs because offering the sweet pies and pudding.
of her tapas.
ft Rrrt
322 Siva-MahSpuranam

On the eighth day of Marga-slrsa February) she consumed throughout the rest of
(November-December) Satl adored Siva with the month the products of the cow’s milk.
cooked barley and sesamum seeds, spending
the days in his devotion.
Tjft 5 ycFWH«ft ЩЩЩ f=rf?Tl Then she adored the lord Siva with the
Ш : 'фТШдч "Ш W t ll^ ll offering of cloths and Brhati flowers on the
On the seventh day of the bright half of the full moon night of the month of Jye§tha (May-
month of Pau$a (December-January) Sat! June) she observed the fast throughout the
remained awake during the night and adored month.
Siva in the morning with cooked rice and
3{|4l<iW фшгашш
Krsara (khicadi).
On the fourteenth day of the bright
зп&геп fortnight of the month of Asadha (June-July),
On the full-moon night of MSgha, she clad herself in a black cloth, and adored
(January-February) she remained awake Rudra, offering Brhati flowers.
during the night, and adored Siva on the banks xTW
of the river wearing wet clothes.
2T Щи On the eighth and the fourteenth days of
the month of (July-August) SrSvana, she
She, on the fourteenth day of the dark half worshipped Siva, offering the yajnopavits and
of the month of Phalguna (February-March) the cloths.
remained awake during the night and
performed special worship of Siva, with wood
apple fruits and leaves in a span of every three
ttoht хг а д ц 11
hours. On the thirteenth day of the dark half of
Bhadrapada, (August-September) she
worshipped Siva, offering various fruits and
iff frrra iз о 11 flowers She took water on the fourteenth day.
On the fourteenth day of the bright half of ЧНтМ:
the month of Caitra (March-April), Siva was
worshipped by her with palcLsa (Butea
frondosa) and damana flowers offered during She kept strict control over her food and
the day and the night. She spent the rest of the reciting various mantras she worshipped Siva,
month reciting his name. offering different fruits, flowers and leaves
which were quite fresh and readily available.
wt щ 1ччгаг <T4)R VI Ычтй Г?те||ткш ш и
After adoring him with cooked rice and
seasmum seeds, on the third day of the bright The goddess took to the human form at
half of the month of Mdgha (January- will and was always engaged in the worship of
Rudra Sariihita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 15 323

Siva for days and months remaining firm in ^гтщщттш ?ТТ^ТЩТ11^К11

her resolve. I (Brahma) accompanied with Sarasvatl,
Visnu with LaksmI, then went to Siva.
ftra w t згтотт щ Ш Щ c[gT -y«U |U | Ш П ¥ Ч Т :1
Thus she completed the fast of ^Ttt: ^ сг^щ Ен11«Ы:11ЭЧП
Nandyavrata concentrating her mind to Siva, Reaching there, we were surprised at the
she was quite firm in her resolve and did not sight of Siva. Then folding our hands with
think of any one else. humility, we started praising Siva, reciting
^rr jjTwfeiHi r^ ! i several stotras."
fawni w ш кч :и ?^и ^cfT щ :
O Sage, thereafter, all the gods and sages
making me to lead them, together with Visnu
went to the place where Sati had been ЧШ ^T F I W rU^II^II
performing tapas. The gods said, “Salutation to you from
whom, the mobile and immobile creatures
have emerged. Salutation to such of Purusa,
Г^|сЦУ41ЧЧ^1ФТГ f e r a w 7ШТ гЩТИ^ о | | who is also known as Mahesa, Paresa and the
Reaching there, the gods found Sat! Great soul.
engaged in the meditation for Siva and STri^efam 1%г|цтаг т а щ\
embodied form of success incarnate and had
fiff^TTRT J T O гП|^\ЭИ
reached the stage of the enlightened seers.
You are the cause of the entire universe,
Щ: TgTT: ТЙ w i t Я%{1 the cause of absolute consciousness, the
ч щ 4d44S*n ftwciidi: нКт[*ш:и^11 excellent one, unblemished, the one beyond
The gods with folded hands, delightfully Purusa and Prakrti and known as the Supreme
offered their respect to Sati, bending down Brahman.
their shoulders in respect. Then Visnu and 4 н(г1ЧУ)с| ^ fcM ch lftd % l
other gods felt delighted.
iiwiftct щ гг чтагг:п^йи
ЗТ8Г-Ri Ш Ш : Йшгпзщ
The one who creates the universe, by
ll^ ll whom the world is illuminated, from whom it
Thereafter Visnu and other divine sages, was originated, by whom it is sustained, to
getting surprised started praising the tapas of whom this belongs and the one who controls
Sati. everything.
ИЩЩnf Tpnft дто: ^TT:l s f r s W d H W W T ift f t f o h lf l W J r g : l
'ЩГ: $к=гш |s#r*T: wic44l41 тат:
Offering their salutation at the feet of Sati, The one who is beyond this, and is beyond
all the gods and sages went to the Kailasa the great things, the one wh<? is without
mountain, which was like by Siva. blemish and observes everyone in his own
ТПШ Щ Щ»ЧТ soul, we offer salutation to the self-bom lord.
324 Siva-Mah5purSnam

3<fq«a<jd|> Щ: ТОЙ
ЗЛТОТОТ: TORT УТТОТ 1ЩТ:11^о и You are the light of the soul, fully
We seek refuge under his feet, who endowed with the bliss of liberation, the form
happens to be the Supreme Brahman, who is of knowledge and all pervasive lord, salutation
the soul of every one, and is the greatest to you.
witness with unrestricted vision, and the one Abh'ffui fcTOTO 3fe4r44di! TO: l
who assumes different forms. 4 W I 4>?IIU т о й йгто* raven
Ч -Ц Щ W : fro g isr 4 ^ 1 Salutation to the lord of salvation, who can
g»: т р а т о й Щ 1 # г 3f3sRii**n be reached only after one’s detachment from
Salutation to you whose region is unknown the worldly activities or attractions. You are a
to the gods, rsis, and even the siddhas. Then great Purusa, the great lord, the bestower of
who also can know about the same. all the boons. Salutation to you.
f ^ r a t TO? ^ ^TOTO:l 114*611
You are Ksetrajna, the form of Soul, cause
of all the perceptions, salutation to you.
The great saints, free from all the
Salutation to you.
attachments, make enormous effort becoming
desirous of seeing your region and your noble tTfrt TO: I
conduct. They take refuge in you. TJTOTOЙ7ТО ТОЙ ТЙТОТ
Mat^ifcl fq«t»ki Й faeni You are the presiding deity of all, you are
great, you are the basic Prakrti, Ригща, the
Supreme Isvara and the bestower of all.
Though you are free from the blemishes of
Salutation to you.
the birth and death, but you still accept them
with the influence of your Maya. IsflsiiSlgeifliaw <щгч!Ч1*1 %тон
<тй TO: fs roia&sfltilt
TOt fTRT P d^im ТОТОг*Й1Г**11
You have three eyes, five faces, always
having the form of lustre, salutation to you.
Being the great Is'a, you perform miracles
Salutation to you. You observer all the sense
salutation to you, you are the Supreme
organs and the guqas, besides being the
Brahman, and the Supreme saint, salutation to
causeless. Salutation to you.
^тй^ттотоптототой ч й to: i
toftotItototo чвтонукЙ!
You are the cause of the three world as
О Lord, you are formless and have the
well as the salvation Salutation to you. You
gigantic form as well, you are Supreme, are the bestower of moksa and redeem the
having prowess beyond measure, the lord of
person who takes refuge in you.
the three worlds witness of all and all
pervading lord. Salutation to you. тотйттттогст й^гй ЧЙПЙ1
то fiefaiquroufli w i t fairct ъ TOtag йщ ? и
Rudra Sariihita (Sat? Khanka), Chapter 15 325

You are the ocean of Vedic and the post- achieved by means of adhydtma (or spiritual)
Vedic literature, you are the supreme lord and knowledge, you are the complete Aksara
the refuge of the devotees as well as the Brahman and we eulogise you.
virtues. Salutation to you.
ЧЧГ JjuiK(uh#'3ifo$b4i5j| тфдт!|
3(441413 «ur4T4lsfisFf?R!im<ill
ЩШЧ^П You are beyond the perception of the
О Lord, the heat of consciousness, is talent strength of the organs, are without any
with the sacrificial churning stick for the support, but you yourself are the support of
production of the fire, you are the form of fire, the universe, without any cause, without
you are Mahesvara, who is beyond the reach beginning or the end, subtle, lord of all, we
of fools, but reside in the hearts of the people offer our obeisance to you.
possessing knowledge or wisdom. We always
offer salutation to you. eTtan2Rrarr:i
4>H«u хг сьну1 и
WM4»I¥IW ПДО11оЧЧИ1М«14|ВД|1Ц'*11
You are the one who shatters the bondages
of the people and provide salvation to your The one who has created Visnu and all
noble devotees, you are self illuminated, other gods, all the lokas, besides the mobile
everlasting, imperishable and are the form of and immobile beings, with the difference of
incessant knowledge. Salutation to you. the name and merits with his smallest digits,
with your invisible influence there appear
sparks from fire and the rays from the sun,
again and again.
4: tTWt гТоГ^ЯТТ:||ЦЦ||
You are the self contemplator, free from all
4 hcyi Irl<3^ 4 : TT4t!I
the deficiencies, possessor of the best of ч "Ф ч w t ч 34r^rt: ж ш Ибэтпз я
fortunes; who is adored by dharma, artha, О Lord, you are neither a god nor the
kama and moksa and by those who desire the demon or asura, neither a human nor the bird
cherished goal. О Lord don’t be harsh on us or animal or even a Brahmana. You are
but be pleased, salutation to you. neither man, nor women nor even a eunuch.
ЦеЬНН: еынчгё ЯтНТ -ЦЩ41 You are neither an evil nor a noble person.
rrfTtt гГ^ М<Ц|г1Ч,ИЧ^И Therefore you are formless.
The true devotees never desire anything for ^ Щ foa$fg>y4iM«h:i
themselves. They are solely desirous of faw n ЗГОШТ; W^dMlW^II^^II
singing the auspicious glory of your
Of all the forms which have been noted
auspicious life.
above, except those, you have the form
ЗЩГСxrtt W d4oq-rt)l^fd whatever remains thereof. You are the creator
ЗТептПРРКТ гЩ ^Щ11Ч\ЭП of the universe besides being its preserver and
You are the imperishable Supreme the destroyer, being soul of the universe. We
Brahman, with unclear form, you could be bow in reverence to you.
326 Siva-MahSpurapam

t «4V4lPd ^TfTR:l
^Tl-114-luHif^d чтТтг^т щ\ ЯгГГ ^ T t T I I ^ ^ I I

You are the lord of yoga. The yogins

having their minds devoted to yoga adore you
in that position. Therefore salutation to you.
VifrbsW! 3RfhTEr! i
4iг: Г о ш ЧЧ&
О Lord your force is unbearable; you have
three Saktis, comparable with the three Vedas.
You posses three gunas, you protect those
who take refuge in you. You possess immense
potentiality. Salutation to you.
ehR i^lUTi 3%RcntZT TTwftl

О Lord of Durga, such of the people who

are involved in the worldly or sensuous
pleasures can hardly reach you. But in case
they happen to be your devotees, you redeem
them as well. Therefore salutation to you
possessing the invisible or secret strength.
Salutation to you.
eRT 4 4S£fhl
4 ЧШ: W TTWW lll^ll
The foolish people are unable to recognise.
You because of your Мйуа, you are the
greatest of the lords whose greatness cannot
be imagined. Salutation to you.”
?f?T ^fcerr 3 # fawelrf^T: f n :i

Brahma said, “All the gods including

Visnu and others, after offering prayer to Siva,
the great lord, silently stood before the lord
bending their shoulders with great devotion.

+)dl(siu^ Hdil5ldf44w(vicI^J^«=lu^*i 'tHT

326 Siva-MahSpurapam

Brahma and Visnu eulogise Siva
?4i\f<^T4T«bu4 -?ifT:i
w A # % f^5TWRT Ъ ^fd^dll^ll
Brahma said, “Listening to the prayer
offered by Visnu and other gods, lord Siva,
the creator of the universe was immensely
g ^gT - f t Ц^еь1 %T:I
ВИГЦ|ЬЦ чя^тм ч tT3t:lRII
Then Siva finding that Brahma and other
gods had arrived with their wives, asked the
cause of their arrival.
! f*! | f ^ ! ^T!
^ чЭ
% шщщ чЭ '

Rudra said, “O Brahma, О Visnu, О Gods,

О Sages, you speak out fearlessly, the purpose
of your arrival here. Tell me correctly.
fowfapim ъч f% fsrarfi
flcWef #)ctf*fc$9lf4
Я^я4Ь 11*11
Having been pleased with your prayer, I
would like to listen from you the purpose of
your visit to this place.
^f?T ^ ^4м1«ьГчшчб:1
tfo ctei TrgT^- йапчт v R ^ c m mn
Brahma said, “I happen to be the grand-sire
of the universe, and when I had been so asked
by Siva, then О Sage, getting inspired by
Visnu, I spoke to Siva.
etcher! Rfi^cr! cbfruiraPK! imth

О God of gods, О Ocean of mercy, О Lord,

Mahadeva, you kindly listen to the purpose of
our arrival here with the gods and the sages.
Rudra Sariihita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 16 327

tjryfjyrU-dcbuffui ч cftraffuT WZJ

■ЩтШ: ТГсГЕТТШТШТГ 4 *Hk$dllV9ll "ттгшд-ч g ^ i i ^ 11
О Bull-bannered god, we are desirous of In case the creation, preservation and the
your help. Therefore, we have purposefully destruction of the universe is not earned out
arrived for your sake. Without your help the simultaneously, then our present forms and
creation of the universe cannot go on. those of Maya could never become
жт адт зфат!| purposeful.
ebfe|.&c|disjllfl| % rR II< $ II
cP-mW'Ml ft fwr: n ^ :\
О Lord Mahesvara, some people desirous 4 11^ 11
of peculiar type of life would be born which Inspite of all three of us being one, but we
could be killed by me. Some of them would be have been separated having individual entity,
killed by Vi$nu, while some of them would be because of respective duties assigned to each
killed by you. one of us. In case the difference in duties is
RgTCWtil not established, then the bifurcation of duties
would be of no avail.
HOTWill: WT ^ tii<?и
О Great Lord, some of the demons have to тзеБi^r firan f e хгшш тфдтм
be killed by the sons bom out of your semen, чташ: ckruii^ ct зт:п^цм
while others could be killed by your Sakti Lord Mahesvara has taken to three forms,
(spouse). because of his own Maya, inspite of his being
rlcta сршт 7ГНЙ: д<5ШтТЧ'Ц| one. Even otherwise, О Lord you are free
because of your sports.
Ч1?1£гш5дпд ylti^Jir^iwi ^WiiMii^oii
О Siva, only by your grace, the gods can 4wifj^ i f t w r fr^ri
lead the life of comfort. You alone can make ft угШ: %^:ll^ll
the world healthy and fearless. Visnu emerged out of the left side of Siva,
чйлдтЬ щ т <Mi^ffciciQi I (Brahma) from the right side, and you
emerged out of his heart.
< У1М |5|еЬЙ ^ 4 'e m Ц 8Ш
spsj m f^sTTOTT w r fiRng^ftpiT:i
When you get yourself absorbed in yogical
practices, getting always free from attachment fviciirvioi^diwf4 f^g; ^тчтегт! n^vaii
or jealousy and you remain compassionate to О Eternal one, in this way, we have been
all, then no one can be killed by you. divided into three separate forms. In one way,
зтшИ% гИфт ш g fg w r ferf?r:i we both are the sons of Siva and Siva (Parvat!)
and this should be well understood.
зщг ч^?тт grt; Ш !11 и 11
O Lord, how could the creation be sit fonpj w ta ft w r f t ^ tg ? r :i
managed with the killing of, the demons and ^cftchl4ch<1 ЙсЧТ утрнчн: Wtlll^ll
how could it be maintained. Therefore, О О Lord, at your command, both of us got
Bull- bannered one, you must daily co-operate the wives and engaged ourselves in the cause
for the purpose of creation. of the universe.
328 Siva-Mahapuranam

ггетй ^тгак ^ттшт are unable to perform it fully. Therefore in

order to perform the tasks relating to the
q r a f f i ' t r a tf o b l ^ Ч И Щ И ^ И
universe, you select a beautiful damsel for
Therefore, you also, for the welfare of the yourself.
universe and for the comfort of the gods, take
a beautiful woman as your spouse. w u чокчт fapsorft: "mMr

H^VIM! f$frT Wl Ш w a rl ?ТЩТ cfTRTt тщЬхГ w fdlR ^II

mr. m: w зшб ттщ f^ra^fw iR oii
As Visnu has Laksm! and myself have
sa чэ
Savitri as spouse, similarly, О Siva, you have
О Mahes'an, I have been reminded of an a spouse for yourself.”
old story, which you will please listen from
me. This had been narrated to us by you ^f?T ?T^T ЗхГГ *T% «Трот: чтттТ
before taking to the form of Siva. TT Я ЗПТЩ HT%?T: ^ Г С Я Ч Ч # I T : l R t 9 l l

ч |ч ьтч srira^ t 4c^fcT:i Brahma said, “Listening to the words of

Brahma, Siva getting pleased, spoke to me in
H e h 'i H t i d d l ЧТЯТ y « b lf d d :IR ^ II
presence of Visnu.”
You had said, “O Brahma, the best of my
form, was bom out of your body and would be f w ЗЗТёГ
known as Rudra in the world. | | *T% ^Tt 4T5fTI
^fg^dfs^ra^TT # : WR9RRgr:i ^gT 3T xT %Tc)r4fdcTn II
Н’Чськ! яйьчтГч <ju[Tfd?T:ii^^ii Siva said, “O Brahma, О Visnu, both of
Then Brahma became the creator, Hari the you are dear to me. I feel delighted on meeting
preserver while I taking to the form of my you.
gunas would become Rudra- the destroyer. felt % Ш щ щ РЙ ferri
f^ R T f e w H ld if S f g rfT E T * |4 ч т Т Щ { 1 д а егт hRafd T:lR<?ll
Ф it ^ R T W trT T 4 0 f Ш W f ll^ ^ ll Both of you are excellent among the gods
Marrying a woman, I shall perform the job and are the lords of the three worlds. Both of
of the universe appropriately.” Getting you are engaged in the task of the universe
reminded of your promise, you now keep up therefore, your words are quite important.
your words. 3f%?T Ч TPTI
€T Miftwg ^Гёсь<1 # : l ТЩ1 fqRdqiri|4:ll^o||
О Best of the gods, both of you should
О Lord, I am engaged in the task of listen to me. It would not be proper for me to
creation, at your command Lord Visnu marry, because I always remain engaged in
preserves the same and you yourself appear as the performing of the penance. I am a
Rudra for the purpose of destruction. detached recluse, besides being a well known
RTT flRT 4 w f t f | s rra t xT W W«h'4fuil
*rt wirMKRi Рнзн: I
Hlchchl4tdi гТТЧЦЩ T j|lW сыГччЧчП^ЧП
arafd'tfpftt cbmcif5d:ii^ *ii
Without you, both of us, inspite of
remaining fully engaged in the respective jobs зтйсыО цчМ хт ^ т ^ Н т щ я :!
Rudra SamhitS (Sati Khanka), Chapter 16 329

сыГч^т Ш % ггл: % Ttftw Fn%qm?T:i

The one who is established in the path of rlt Ffcflg gffiRf «ЫЧ^ЙЕнЦиЗбИ
retired life, who moves in his own soul, is free Suggest a woman with comely features and
from ignorance, shocking and frightful in yogic practices who would be able to receive
form, free from aberrations and a non-reveller. my virile semen in parts.
Besides I am unclean and inauspicious. dBiihte Ф * тггт qfW ?ri
Therefore, I should not have a loving wife and
ч£т тгггг ФтГчйд
what can I do with her.
She must be a yoginl by nature when I
WPTRFT W 4 ^ : -Hc^lRrrl cfl practice yoga and a loving woman when I am
engaged in love sports.
I feel delightful in following yoga. The и чф \ TRtfw:i
persons possessing enough of knowledge have ^ WIcFTOII-tfo ||
no liking for kama. To whom the learned people well-versed in
йенами! cffo fefoi чт4*и ц | the Vedas, call as the imperishable one, they
www й т ч w r дтгкщчиз^и also meditate upon Siva, the form of the
eternal flame.
For me, marriage is the biggest bondage in
the world. Therefore, I feel the least inclined 'dfiwiat ЧЩЧтй Щ <|T®rfq гЛЙЧЙ!
towards that. I am speaking the truth. m чт йч*и4) ч я й ш fars^j i r n ^ i i
Ч Tcfisl ^ О Brahma, when I get absorbed in the
meditation no one should create obstruction in
rrarf^r drcbRbyirn my task, otherwise she would feel miserable.
When I think towards that side, then there
щ err fatnjri i^IcIWT 'il^ fi|u i:i
is no selfish motive involved, nor am I
inclined towards that. Still I shall accept your "Ч^ШРТТ dRd 1^ 9 11
words, which would lead to the benefit of the Both Brahma and Visnu have been bom
world. from the ams'a of Siva of the Supreme
Brahman. So we are exceedingly fortunate. It
тш crt Ф ё -щ Pral1rb4fT4^iliCs is but proper for us to think about him.
cbRmfn йгащ t чт-rheiv^: dfe-ddT W W fir ШТг1ШЧ!|
I taking into consideration, the prestige and
Twrawt тй ? т щ ч<«ьчйм'|
importance of your words, I shall marry
It is this worry that has kept me unmarried.
myself accepting your command. This is
О Brahma, bom of lotus, therefore get a wife
because I am always subservient to my for me who would always follow my
devotee. activities.
ТЩ cERli ugtenft WTWTI*I Wt ^ f l j 9ГЩТЙГ Ш yfdl
О Visnu, О Brahma, you listen to my vow, О Brahma, you accept this condition for
I shall accept only that type of wife for my sake that in case she would disbelieve my
myself. words then I shall disown her.”
330 Siva-Mah3pur3nam

4f PdcH^d m m ЧТ ^тЧТ IT ЧТ^ПТИЦ ^11

ffr чяг чч: ятчШ it fgygfrFT m О Mahesvara, you better proceed to her in
I#T4 4lfcd44tS4t4 Ш ^ЦКЬПГКЧИ order to bestow boon to her. After granting her
the desired boon, you better marry her.
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Siva, I together with Visnu, delightfully IT cfcTHlfaii 4T3®TSfl4 T T flll
spoke with humility. ■qfi4T4 it^ ptt ч^чпйчнччтчтт^мч i ii
sjot чтч! 4^1 r ! miRmi чг^ т! тччп O Lord Siva, this is, what is desired by me,
fq^nftr IT5foqT ЧТ 4T^?ff TTOt!1I*$ 11 Visnu as well as the other gods. You kindly
fulfil the same so that we may be able to
О Master, О Lord, О Mahesan, the type of
witness the marriage ceremony, gracefully.
women you have desired, I would like to
speak about the same type of woman, quite ТЦЧ g<9i4*4,l
lovingly. 1рЬчтГ f44^r| Ц^ЧТ ЧТЧ W 4 :1141II
ш itt farfMOT w r t еьг4и||ён1| This would be a happy and auspicious
1ЩЧЧТ ЧЧТ % n w W Wt! 11*4 II occasion in the three worlds. Let all the
ailments disappear. There would be no doubt
Uma, who establishes all the tasks of the
about it.
world has been bom with difficulty in the
world. She was bom in the same way as 3T44TST414: 44=4 4f4cR:l
LaksmI and Sarasvatl were bom in earlier Н)Ч1М1ф1ччЪ1Н Ud>clrHH*Tx4d:ll4*ll
times. At the end of the speech, Visnu the killer
TRIT Щ^Т5^с|ГйШТ1Ш1 ЧЧ Щ1Ч<Й1 of demon Madhu, spoke to Siva, who assumes
d rta m iT T ^ s^ tfc w ^ f^ u flin ^ n various forms, during his divine sports and to
whom the devotees are quite dear.
LaksmI became the wife of Visnu and
Sarasvatl became the wife of Brahma. Her fswiviM
third form has appeared for the sake of our ^ ч ! ч?т^ч! читоттчтт! T?ifT!i
third form. Ч§4Ч д а т IT^ 4f44 44 ч р : 114Ч11
ЧЧЧГ Я5'ЯТТЧ1 ЧТЯТ Ч ITT f ^ T '. l Visnu said, “О God of gods, О Mahadeva,
О Ocean of mercy, О Lord Siva, whatever has
О Lord, Daksa Prajapati has a daughter been spoken by Brahma, they are undoubtedly
my words.
known by the name of Satl. She happens to be
the wife as desired by you, who will do good ЧТЧТТЯЧ 4^'VIH ! fnrt f5T4T 44I4R 1
to all. ИЧТЧ ЧТЧ Hr&fcNI fScfrfc 1Й44ЦГ ЧТЧ114 $ II
ITT ЧЧТч!ч 1ТЧ7Т! T4c$f <j<o9Wil О Siva, being merciful on me, you kindly
тчт t# М
1у«ыя ^ итйнчои accept the marriage and cast your benevolent
vision over the world.”
О Lord of the gods; she, after having a
harsh vow, is performing severe tapas in order щйчгч
to achieve you as a husband. ччтчтчт чччтч fqan44wi)4Ri чч! т \-л
' -О "ч чЭ Сч -О О

ЩЧ W 41 ъФ ?ГСТ ЧШ I ЧЩрЧч1ч %I4TF IT TWfrH4(ITc4:ll4t9ll

Rudra SamhitS (Satl Khanka), Chapter 17 331

Brahma said, “O Sage! thus speaking, wise

lord Visnu kept quiet.” Then lord Siva,
affectionate towards devotees, said with
smile- “be it so.”
' vO чЭ

Trwmrr w fM liq ^ ll
All of us were pleased at the consent of
Siva, and gladly we returned to our abodes
with our wives and sages.”
igdVqiqi ^ i^ d w i fgafc
RdltsiU^ Йнуу^^ц>1^яи4н|с|и1ч ятч

Rudra SamhitS (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 17 331

U^HHU-yymi rt ^Tfer^TTRFR:l
All his limbs were beautiful, had a fair
complexion, five heads, three eyes, wearing
crescent over the head, delightful face, blue-
neck, four-arms, holding the trident, having
the matted locks of hair over the head,
displaying varada-mudra, with his body
plastered with holy ashes, having beautiful
limbs of the body, abode of enormous grace,
having beautiful face like the crores of suns,
having the lustre of crores of Kamadevas,
having the body which attracted the damsels.
ft wf ЩЧ\,
Siva grants boon to Sati c|c^ щгт ^сИЯ1снаШ1||'Э||
Finding such a type of lord Siva before her,
SatT lowered her face with shyness and offered
^c^Thl Tfcfclc^J fJcTT ?l«H)4fci: Wl her salutation at his feet.
%шг щ ш т 1513 ц щ # три и г
зтгг inf Rfl^=r: WT dffitfenfiuffrll
Brahma said, “O Sage, when all the gods
so spoke to Sati, she with her heart filled with сиГм^Гч srraM и
devotion, and the way she achieved a boon Then lord Siva was desirous of Sat! as his
from Siva, you listen from me. wife who had performed vratas, but still he

Thereafter, Sati again, adored Siva, the ЗГГТГ^ ^ rt!l

lord of all on the eighth bright day of the
month of Asvin.
Mahadeva said, “O Daughter of Daksa
ffr Ч^ТдГгГ 4uf ЧЩХЩ having performed sever tapas. I feel pleased
dwitd sjttwtrit: with your vrata. Therefore you ask for a boon
In this way, after the completion of the which I shall surely give you.”
Nandyavrata, on the navamltithi on the next sifrtara
day, Siva appeared before her when she was
engrossed in meditation. яд а зщда! *HW(d:l
w b m f nrl^fd м
Brahma spoke, “Mahadeva, the lord of the
universe, even after being aware of her
4WTWCI feelings, in order to listen to her words,
fsFrarsM: HehTil^44l?<:ll4ll desired her to ask for a boon.”
332 Siva-Mahapuranam

Tnftr jraraw Щ ft iff ^f^m i She stood before Siva smilingly sweetly,
who was filled with love. She displayed her
to w ~m ccwti 5 4 : 11^ 11
inner-most feelings through several subtle
She too, who was also highly bashful, gestures which increased love.
could not speak out her mind as it was covered
up by shyness. ш 'ЩсгнттцтЕг TW fti
згтгфчт5ч^шт!?г ?m\ fvicicra: 1w ti гЛ Т Н Э гГ =Б Н Г fIcT T ^ j r f f f l f l l ^ l l

Observing the motions, gestures and

: 11^ 11
feelings, the flavour of love, known as
But on hearing the words of Siva, she felt Srngdra entered their hearts.
overwhelmed with love, realising which, lord
Siva, who is well disposed towards his d ^ V n r t ^cpf HlchHlHHfllRuH:i
devotees, felt extremely happy.
gt ff| щ 5n%f?r ¥ gffrrei O Divine saint, following the worldly
sports in the minds of both of them, the
TPyWHlWl Ш1 4Tfrr:ll^ll
Srngar-rasa started flowing and both of them,
Siva, who was well aware of the feelings of appeared graceful like the moon of the Citra
the hearts of the noble people, was constellation.
overpowered with the devotion of Satl and
repeated to ask for boon.” ^ fTft f t ЗГПНТ tU^HJWTI

37ST WT ^ fff W tl
Satl had the complexion of black
^ff ! cuftrilfHclKc^ll^ll
collyrium, after achieving Siva, looked
Having been overpowered with shyness, beautiful like the line of clouds near the moon.
Sat! said to Siva, “O Bestower of boons, you
pronounce a boon for me according to your m -щ ft 4 f:i
own liking. f W cfift ЧтЬскЦНЧН? *11
<щг щг&тттччсг8я фгвЕкги Thereafter Satl, the delighted daughter of
Daksa spoke to Siva who is favourably
КЩ Щ 4 4 snifff W f гГГ ЯтНЗсИН: 11 *411
disposed to His devotees with folded hands.
Then Siva favourably disposed towards his
devotees, said to Satl, before she could д а•од а
complete her sentence. “You become my H f i ^ ! f ^ tf W iR T mrt!
wife.” fqgif МЫОфгУ ЧТГTJfm WTN^hR^II
Urirfficn «WWW Satl said, “O God of gods, О Mahadeva, О
<mf HM^dl «ft ЩЦ ЯЧЬштгм^И Lord of the universe, you better accept me
Thus listening to the words spoken and from my father, after marriage.”
feeling delighted at heart, she kept quiet. She
was highly delighted on obtaining the boon ■ Щ Т ^ сГ : 3% ?T t Ч 1 Ш :1
stationed in her mind.
w sfeerff Trif и щ w m ii^ ^ n
U«bl4W ittHUTJ 1WT ТГТ yR^lffRtl Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
araRtfewraisr <jMi<bi4fac^T^ii^9ii of Satl, Siva, who is well disposed towards his
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 17 333

devotees, accepting her prayer, lovingly I have developed a feeling of possession in

looked at Satl. everything connected with self interest.
tt WTT W m Я^Ш:1 3T?4l<lfcr: wn^i^nwtwT я1шт:1
шнщ TTpif Ж1 WT ?TTt H^l5ldM»i|c(d:ll^ ^11
Satl too, devotedly offering her salutation I have been adored by Satl- the daughter of
to Siva, and with his permission, delightfully Daksa with immense devotion. Because of the
went to his mother. influence of Nandyavrata I have granted her a
# sftr Щf^TTWTI
wf гПВГМТтй <|ТГ:1
ffgj егтржГ5ЧШП^ЧН
ч ч w rf w трН тп& ттп зу и
Siva on the other hand returning to his
О Brahma, she has accepted me as a
asrama could not concentrate his mind in husband and I have delightfully accepted her
separation from Satl. as my wife.
3R: yiojHffib*!’ JlfwfSrT: l зшсцтТс? f l i t Штп
ТРШТ Ш сГЧв^ЗТ: II■R^ 11 ШЗ]р1ТЗГПТЧй!|133П
Thereafter, О Divine saint, accepting the Satl, the daughter of Daksa Prajapati
way of the world, Siva, remembered me in his prayed to me, that I should accept her in the
mind. presence of her parents.
t -q^hr Щ#ЯТ1 ТЩЩ^ТТ 9Г?ЯШ d^fdidfefil
тп ?m т а md^hdihdi fesrh r^n
Siva the holder of a trident, when so О Brahma, I have also accepted her
meditated upon me, I at once, inspired with request, quite delightfully. She has now
his success, reached before him. returned to her parental home and I have
Rrqc)(Src& dfeqflfi Щ : f w : l returned here.
m^dlgdMTd ! clI^^mqfW tlRdll ТТТЧТтЕГW ЧЧ 71ШЧТТТ1
<U*c|d)jjd 4t гг V Щи Tit ^ tsftr w ^apirst twt ^113411
fa ls e r wit ттщ^стте ? i r n Therefore, you at my command, go to the
house of Daksa, and request him to offer
The peak of the Himalaya over which he kanyadana to me.
was seated having been separated from Satl, I
arrived there, in the company of Sarasvati, О w tfN hrof: w arn й тег тгат <psi
divine saint, finding my arrival there with цчныккт tt ^ 4<jfeaifqviird;!ii35ii
Sarasvati lord Siva, having been bound with O Brahma, you are well-versed in all the
the love of Siva, spoke to me. vidyas. You go to Daksa Prajapati and do
^Ч|х1 something by which my separation from Satl
is removed.”
3i? гг w i
сЩТ illrl'Hlfrl ЯГП9ЧТ11^ о 11
Siva said, “O Brahma, I am presently ч?^гг: W # тгзштй:1
engaged in the relpish motive of my marriage.
334 Siva-Mahapuranam

Brahma said, “Thus speaking, finding тф fttssr M w f l -ql^TRfl

Sarasvatl seated besides me, Siva started дшГн: чггсЩЯГ й тгавчЩЧ <T I
feeling his separation from Satl.
The fact of her pleasing Siva and getting
Ъ щ Ф гЩЦ: фгГфЯ! golfed: I the boon in return was conveyed by her to her
m ite w m ч т 4 ятьягняч! 13411 parents through her hand-maid.
Then I, with his permission, felt contented, ■ЩгП fhdT rT <3Til»d ^ ЗрЗТ
and delightful and then spoke to Siva, the lord wr ^ ^
of the universe.”
On hearing the news about SatT’s receiving
wns^rrart! trflrn^ the boon from Siva, her parents felt delighted
трэ!: ^Tsrf Ц Ззят -cpriftr зфтегзт!113^11 and they started celebrating the occasion.
Brahma said, “O Lord, О Siva, whatever
have you spoken presently, there is my own 4Шчт1 3 Я^ТЧЧТ: It
selfishness as well as those of the gods
enshrined in the same. The large hearted Daksa gave away
daksina to the Brahmanas, while Vlrini gave
SgTCpr M M i MSIWfdl away charities to the blind and the poor
Щ gfcjbinft ccCgjcpi Нс*ТЧ$РТ:11'*о || people.
Though Daksa Prajapati, will give has own 3tfMl rTt Wffajf-il WWdT
daughter to you still I would like to speak to
him on your behalf.
Vlrini on the other hand, embraced her
TT%t WTI daughter, smelling her head kept on praising
ЗГФТ 3$4ЧёВГ WS^nf^TRTlI^^II her again and again.
Brahma said, “Thus speaking to Siva, the m c$L f e i H зщ^ 8n$f3rPT:i
lord of all, I reached the house of Daksa with feftpw ^ 4 ^ГШТ <352ПТ1Га4П
the fast moving chariot.”
After the lapse of sometime, Daksa- the
ЧГС5 ШЪ religious soul, thought of ways to give away
ШГ! тп*г! ч^ттч! 4t сщагсгс!! the daughter to Siva.
¥ ^T: amratsfir 3R73: ЧРТШfl
Narada said, “O Destiny, О Intelligent one, чЭ О
О Best among the speakers, what did Daksa “Mahadeva arrived here and then went
do after the return of Sat! to her home.” back, then how shall he arrive to have the
sT#ctra daughter?” He thought.
гЛПтГГЗТ Щ 5M MdlsfMHfNd Wh wralssi *шт
Tjt ШТ fil'd41^: 5ПГГТЩеЬГ>Н<?!11'*311 ^dlTP4 4 f34^n£{[|l4o II
Brahma said, “After receiving the desired “In case I send some one appropriately to
boon performing the tapas, Sat! returned to Siva, and in case of his refusal to accept my
her home and offered her salutation to her daughter, my effort would become
parents. infructuous. Therefore it would not be proper.
Rudra SariihitS (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 17 335

зргат О Creator of the universe, have you arrived

4<*lddddidrt»: w<itra m \ я ^ п ч ^ п
here because of your affection for me or due
to some other reason? Your presence here has
Or otherwise I shall adore Siva with my pleased me very much.”
daughter, as a result of which the task would
automatically be established.
Tpte trf^T: cn<^r4i4srac!(d:i fci^ui ^fuT ур|^гтМ|!|

?Г*ф Ц т ^iTtAur гТёТИЧ ^4 ЩсЩ *DW||d>(ll44ll

When Siva is adored by Satl with devotion, Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, when so
then he would also become desirous to have asked by my son, delighting him, I spoke to
her as his wife. He has already given a boon to him.”
Satl.” ajHT 53Ti
id * d d d W W

3 q fw t5 ^ Щ 14 3 11 Brahma said, “O Daksa, you listen about

While Daksa Prajapati was so thinking, the purpose of my visit here. It is my duty to
then I, at the same time, accompanied with think of the welfare of your progeny.
Sarasvati, reached the place.
ЯТ c[£T fo rt ^ г : зщ щ псш : fw w :i Hlf&HdW WltSWlHld:ll$o||
S3 л

ЗТНГС rt ^ -q f W W A!«ilfcld41l4'tfll Your daughter has pleased lord Siva with

On my arrival, Daksa Prajapati, offering her adoration and received a boon, the time for
which has arrived.
his salutation to me gave me the appropriate
seat. ^mpr ЪЩtpq*f rdrH«hl¥l4<j p ^ l
HWlflld^fW «^TWe^Kdll^ ?ll
с$Г: Я fd-dlftgl5fd^fM d:il44M
Siva has sent me quickly to get your
daughter for him. On this occasion, whatever
Though Daksa had been worried at that has to be done by you, you should do it.
point of time, but still, he feeling delighted on
my arrival and enquired me of the reason of
my arrival there.” 4 ?pJ ? II
38-Г Lord Siva, after blessing your daughter
with a boon returned. But ever since, he has
м ы ш ц } ^$T: ЭБ: Я ^ fa ^ d l not had any mental peace due to separation
ццшГ< тпшр* from your daughter.
Daksa said, “O Preceptor of the universe, ftrora fTR^T Ч Щ}
О Creator of the world, what is the purpose of
^T ftf ^ % : iis ^ ii
your arrival here. You kindly speak out the
same. ТГ cbiHqiuiilctoaisftr 4fepHnrfrf%Pd44l
•щ! fd(d4lddl^ °УГ£хН: ^TfPTT WIIS^II
d l< *«b K 3 > !l
The god of love, who, after making all the
W R P T ■HPIdld'l w ^ тртич^ и
efforts, could not conquer Siva, the same Siva,
336 Siva-MahapuraQam

having been hurt by the arrows of Kama is said, “Whatever has been spoken by you is
presently thinking about Satl, like an ordinary acceptable to me.
iftsi ddHI44riFd?sf4d:l
Щ р т яшт muff ш f k f r a l RiRyil m TtfwMivay n
ЯШ 4^dwf4ll^4ll О Sage, thereafter feeling extremely
Forgetting about his earlier conduct, he is delighted, I delightfully reached the place
feeling the absence of Sati in the presence of where, Siva the lord of the universe was
his attendants. seated.
ЯШ ^й|П*Зс1 сЗШ zf Wl T# ЯЖ1. 4tdKdd4l iritfl

0 Son, whatever had been desired by you О Narada, after my departure from there,
in earlier times with Marfci and others, is Daksa Prajapati felt successful, with his wife,
coming out to be true in my case as well. like the Vase having been filled with nectar.
W%: "HTSfh ffRT f^RRRTI*ч fgdiuiui ^ r% iw
чЭ л %Э

sr ^ eiM ячтсЩ f ^ 4 c tf g ^ iig v 9 ! i

ян^генптг ятч nr:ii wn
Your daughter had adored Siva and now
Siva is residing in the Himalayas thinking of
her and meditating her alone.
wn dwil-ЙЧ <&4 Ъ\
?T*p(li£ld^4 <Йе|П|ЫЙ II
As Sati had adored Siva by performing
various rites with Sattvic feelings, similarly
Siva is adoring her.
ЩЩ cRqt hftchfHtdmj
rM ^?TT ^ fRf5rh?TTII^II
Therefore the daughter, who has been
produced by you for the sake of Siva, be given
to him, feeling successful.
3T£ d 4 H ( i|b d |f i|

1 shall bring him here at your house, with
Narada and you give away your daughter Sat!
to him”
тщ crairf?r ят % uittsfr 4
trcitr^Id Ш ШМ т щ Ш :м ^ ||
Brahma said, “Listening to my words
Daksa, my son, feeling extremely delighted,
336 Siva-MahapuraQam

Marriage of Siva and Sati
ЧТТ? Зсгга
^ RhH'HilRct сГгГ: I
щ ^пташст! f% « it :
Narada said, “O Dear one, on your going to
Siva, then how did Siva conduct himself?
What did he say to you?”
зтш^ % 1|irafsR^fetrT4iii?ii
Brahma said, “Thereafter getting
delightful, I went to Himalaya in order to get
lord Siva from there.
ht н1<ШёКЧ1ШЛ
ТШ Т w t ш 1нш 1 131^1:11^11
At my return, the creator of the universe,
the bull-emblemed Siva developed a doubt
about the acquisition of Sati.
ЗТ8Г ITT Htefi uRlHliSfrET
m i m m ^ ш i^yyciM ш^тг w i m i
Rudra Samhita (Satt Khanka), Chapter 18 337

Thereafter, lord Siva, conducting himself 'CR45TOSTrfeT:

W l 4v43:l
like an ordinary person and influenced with ^ tS iz r f ^ r R r ITT щ ч щ т ^ tt w ! 11и 11
the devotion of Satl, said to me.
My daughter had adored for the same
purpose. Then I would give my daughter, in
O тт 4T4i
case Siva desires her from me.
ч цШ рщ ч %i 1ч и ^ f4frf TTWrW Ш f%41
Siva said, “0 Brahma, what did your son r!44t w t t M h i^ n
Daksa speak to you about the giving away of О Brahma, let him arrive at my place on an
Sat! to me? You tell me lest my heart bursts auspicious time and date, then I shall give
with passion. away my daughter as a charity.
9 М Й fdHdVl 4Т*1а[ r lW f 3rf?TI j^ c |M [ 4 4T f4 4 5 = n r!l
Slfaffa 'АИй! WTEnRnfbTI is 11 ^ 4Т4ТЯ444 5 T ||^ U
О Brahma, my mind is dragging me О Bull-bannered one, these were the words
towards Sat! forcefully and I am not desirous spoken by Daksa to me. Therefore, you reach
of any other wife as well. at his house on an auspicious day, and get Sat!
wtfo ТШ Щ ! 4? сЫ>и^4_1 from there.”
3FT^FT4 ТГГ ЩЩТ nfgsr fedfrt <MTIIV9II 4 4 сгат н 1 Ы 4f44Tf3RT:l
О Brahma, I have an inseparable ЗЩ5Г 4 ^ ! 4Г 4 tH ^ 4 T : I I ^ I I
relationship with Sat!, therefore you do Brahma said, “Thus listening to my words,
something by which, I could get her.” Siva according to the worldly tradition, spoke
to me smilingly.”
Щ . 44T5T
fteiTs? 1?ra4ii<sii 4 f t ^ ЯШТ ЧТТ^Т 5! 4 ^ 4 1
Brahma said, “Listening to the worldly talk m m тгщ 74тп?у n
of Siva, О Sage Narada, I reassured Siva Siva said, “I shall go to his house
appropriately.” accompanied with you and Narada, О Creator
4ДТ4 - ф ^{fdFT ^4«*3r!l of the universe, You better remember Narada.
Шшткт fao&fardc|y|<i|||<?|| 4T M IcfH 4544T2J 4T44T4f4 4T4TI
Brahma said, “О Bull bannered Siva, with ^ ^ ^ f e 4 4 f 4 ^ r w i T t f a n 'l l ^ 1 1
the words spoken by Daksa to me, you think О Brahma, you also remember your mind-
your task to have been established. bom sons like Marlci and others. I shall go to
hRcbfc-dtfll Daksa’s place with, you, Narada and your
«етЗ <dai«wi<$ra; 44:ii^oii mind bom sons besides my ganas''
He had said that the daughter Sat! had been snptarar
produced for the sake of Siva, would be given ? f ^ H ) S ? 4 T 9 R cHl«hNH4>m f l
to him by me but I have a desire in this
Ш 4 Т 4 K i 4 ft x(
338 Siva-MahSpuranam

Brahma said, At the command of Siva, Thereafter the valorous yogi, accompanied
following the worldly traditions, I by Nandlsvara, Lord Siva accompanied with
remembered Narada, Marlca and my other Visnu and others, reached the place of Daksa
mind-bom sons. Prajapati.
ТЩ PUUmiitOl fgT^ w fr т шs9
ттБ :

With my remembering them, all my mind- Then the humble Daksa, feeling delightful,
born sons, with you, reached there quite welcomed them with his family.
respectfully. ^ mfirTT:!
fanj: ЦЧНШЦи?
сьчгн<У1 тз=г Daksa Prajapati welcomed all the gods,
himself. The sages were seated in their due
When remembered by Siva, Visnu-
Parama-Mahesvara, soon arrived there with
his LaksmI and the army, seated over Garuda. 4Rc<l4feHt^dl^j|igr
m чф <I8T: ТОШТЩ ^iwt^HrlfTVia^lR'sil
I R О 11
Accompanied with all the gods and the
sages, Daksa took Siva in his house.
Thereafter on the thirteenth bright day
falling on Sunday, during the Purvaphalgunl m я т п г т чаю тт^ йгс о д
constellation, Siva started the journey. m idtj fsfSTTO d^WHHdTiq^lR^ll
трпА: m i 4('grfytuj^ : ^ : i The delightful Prajapati, observing all the
formalities, adored lord Siva.
w ^ ч Ы ^ ч ; v wA qjsr щ т : ir ^11
ddt font rf -Щf o l^iK rafaqitaWTI
Siva looked graceful travelling with
Brahma, Vi§nu, the gods and other sages.
Thereafter Daksa also adored Brahma,
mA ^T#TT Щ
Visnu, the gods, Brahmanas and the gams
Ш ^lU INi щ ^H444^mfdlR?ll quite appropriately.
Great festivities were arranged by Devas fiW AMlfridi W Aqt
and the attendants of Siva who were in the
а д Tifer? gfqfiruM: р : и з ° н
enthusiastic mood, on their way.
Daksa also adored the respectable mind-
TpinTteqTSrmfer НУ11 bom sons of Brahma, welcoming all of them.
зпд: ^ 4wrai4ti fv i^ q iiR ^ n d<rr m f w w ^ r: sterc % mpT:i
The elephant, the bull-Nandl, tigers, yfrimru ч ш Ф cET*f frat!n^^
serpents, digit of the moon, as well as the
Then Daksa offering his salutation to
matted locks of hair, were turned into Brahma, his father lovingly said, “You better
ornaments, at the instance of Siva. perform this marriage.”
■ячадт ^|4чПз1Я а д и ^ и
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 19 339

Then I delightfully replied to him.” All

right, I shall do this job.” Thus speaking the
entire task was completed by me.
*ld) #ат ^11
Thereafter with the strength of the planets,
in the auspicious lagna and muhiirtta, Daksa
gave away his daughter Sati to Siva.
^rrsftr tnfor щ щ ff^T:i
^ЩТГгптггт firqs=R: 113*11
Siva also received the hand of Sati, with all
the appropriate marriage rites.
Щ Ffhs^TUT # fTOST ^TT W :l

3TR*? ч<ч ^rnj: jjPhiuii;

I myself (Brahma) Visnu and other gods
and sages, offered their salutation to Siva,
praising him at the same time. At that point of
time, huge festivities besides dancing and
singing were celebrated, which delighted the
gods and the sages.
cfrejT c$T % ЧгЦШ1
(TTcnfVIcft TKbfr rj faHsIH
^ fsfhrmr fgaft
Tldlyul сЬ-Ч1<1Жеаги1н 4IRT|!I^Vll5SEmT:IIUII
Rudra Samhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 19 339

зггг vM44Hicu тгджщ i

ri^ grctrRTT -^8^31:11? и
Thereafter lord Visnu together with
LaksmI spoke to Siva with his hands folded.

g j w w r r ! 3Wt!i
^Аттзпшт m \ Rift ’MidiRsiHHi xtii^ ii
Visnu said, “O God of gods, О Mahadeva,
О Ocean of mercy, you happen to be the father
of the entire universe, while Sat! is the mother.
'HMlddul t ^ r i
You incarnate on earth for the punishing of
the wicked people and for the welfare of the
noble ones. This is the eternal truth.
i t !i
?П^ПЩТ jrfdtffor WTTII4II
O Siva, with Sat! having the complexion of
glossy collyrium, you look as graceful as
Lak§ml looks graceful with me (Visnu).
щ ^°rt Wt тггзпзчзэт wnri
RRiTRiRmi R f?r dsm i^ii
Now along with Sat!, protect the good
people and the devas. And bestow auspicous
goodness upon the people of this world.
ЦЧТ RTfSjHiq) <! ^|T «рэтггаг
CHAPTER 19 О Lord, looking at Sat! or the one who
Sports of Sati becomes desirous of him because of her
virtues, you must kill him. This is my request.

ФШ fermfr farf^si sRmi? f f d 9Tr3T Writ fgmrrf%T37 ттй*£ГС:1

Brahma said, “Daksa getting pleased ^«wfwfci Я1ШГ 'CffR-^llill
performed kanyddana of his daughter in Brahma said, “At these words of Visnu, the
favour of Siva and also gave him several types omniscient Siva, smilingly said to Visnu,
of dowry besides daksind to BrShmanas. killer of Madhu demon “Be it so.”
340 Siva-Mahapurfinam

щ й ^Гшчаг fwd зттН ч!ут!i One who intends to do evil to others,

surely he is caught in the ugly situation.
ш з «ькчгош ^Tttr lifter «г d ^ n
Realising this and one should not have evil
О Sage, thereafter Visnu, went to his place designs against the other.
and celebrated the occasion and he did not
reveal his talk to anyone else. tretfattri 4 f^ r r гф тготт:

3 T? ^ ЦЦM W ^ d if ^ 4 T S % d T E [l
3nld*fojd ЩТЧТтТЦЩЩ з ф 11^11
When Satl was going round the fire, I
aifR ^i4 ^ э ^ и ч >Ч°и
sighted both his feet out of the cover of cloth.
Thereafter, together with Satl, I performed
the homa as prescribed in the GrhyavasUtras,
appropriately. 31? ТШ fvic|4li|lf^4lfBd:ll^ll
dafwicn 1угайгг w f e fe зщаэд i О Narada, with the illusion of Siva,
ЗЩ^ПГГ rj% ЗЩ ГсП ^ЗЩ ГО Т Н ^^И
looking at these feet, I became lustful and
started looking at the limbs of Satl.
Then both Siva and Sat! feeling pleased,
performed the circumambulation of fire w w ? w f t n o ^ m ^ rfr
making me to officiate as a priest. <*l41d'f f? Ш ddTII^II
<ЩГ U g l o H d !I Out of anxiety, the more I looked at her
щи ' f i d ^ c ’^ i i ^ i i limbs, the more I became lustful.
О Narada, a grand function was organised 3Tlfcr Ш ^gT ^T 3!t d MfaddWI
with dance and music, observing which all felt w ife y M -ii d d d -g ^ h R o ii
О Sage, thus, I, looking at the chaste
<1^н1ч<§и d d «(fad F r W d f d l daughter of Daksa, becoming lustful, became
d id ! d ^ J d d d ^ T f d ^ l l ^ l l desirous of looking at her face.
At that point of time an astonishing event ч ddd d fdHlfoddl
took place, which I am going to speak out to
dTddTfdgT dTfifd ЧЧЙ W d I R ^11
Feeling shy, I could not look her face in the
g ^ T T ^TTrapdl ЧШТ О Т ТТЩ1%Т d d d l presence of Siva and she also out of shyness,
м ю т ш ^ д щ ттч Ф тн ^м could not remove veil from her face.
No one can ever be aware of the illusion of d'dWSVfaiaifa Ч£Ч1<Ч fa d H d d l
Siva and as such all the gods humans, mobiles

©4 еШ т cblMIdfecfidf d d d d : tn iT> IR ^ II
and immobiles get fascinated.
Thereafter, becoming lustful in order to
d ts t d t d j dd& T II have a look at the face of Satl, I thought of a
Ч Г т Г Й Щ Ш М ! % ЧТЧШ lI c W I I ^ I I way by which huge ball of smoke was created.
Earlier, I had to fascinate Siva, therefore he ftrfuT % W dd fdVTdFTri
then fascinated me and Visnu with his
For this purpose, enough of the wet wood
f d f c d m W T d : ЧГ d T ^ d 4% 3gcH {l was dropped in the fire with the little of ghee
f f d ЧО ТЗЧШ Т ЧТ W fill^ ll poured over the same.
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 19 341

yl^dfdrU 9ТГТ WRRT:l Щ ЗсПтТ

tnrl^ct ^^fafaftf4H4ji?'sii fofcrfgfed trnr! <щгт gnf fg[Tif^cWi
As a result of this enough of smoke was fo jit тпт «BRfrai e m 5 tfft: 113^11
created with the wet stuff poured in the fire, Siva said, “O Sinful one, why have to done
which was spread everywhere. The land this deplorable deed? You have looked at my
surrounding the fire altar, was covered with wife with lustful eye at the time of my
darkness. marriage, why did you do so?
tuft a m f# ^ -q%^r: w r jt : i щ ?TRT4 fo^RI
FCTTW яд:и?чп IcTtaRfsftr ч Ъ ш M rfwi^bvi fo^hi^n
Then Siva, who performing several types Do you think that Siva is unaware of your
of sports, covered his eyes with both his misdeed? Which one of the deed in the world
hands. is unknown to me?
сПТГ ThT%W ^ !i ^TfiT warf w ii
foe* ёШп4: гТ^рЕгщтгкрр its rto
Then, О Sage, I, being lustful removing the Whatever mobile or immobile creatures are
cloth, delightfully looked at the face of Satl. there in the world, I live in all of them as the
oil remains in the sesamum seeds.”

Xl з&ЗсГ?Т:И^\Э1)
О Dear one, I looked at the face of Satl, S^cfwll fsrofgnpf <ЩТfa^ET: WFTI
again and again and found myself helpless in Щ I p m ?J[H<TSrKT
curbing my sensuous desire. Brahma said, “Thus speaking, and getting
трт ^т: згатак flrersfaurr^dqj reminded of the words of Visnu, Siva who
dearly loved Visnu, lifted his trident and was
about to kill Brahma (me).
Four drops of semen virile, got ejected and
fell on the ground like the dew drops, as a
result of my staring at the face of Satl. MfifeUMtslIW ^ 1ЩШТ ar
О Excellent one, at the lifting of the trident
wqfci тМ щтщ Ш тьтг трГ! i by Siva, to kill me, MarTci and others raised
зпгЗ ца) щ ^ wn ^тп^и hue and cry.
О Sage, I was then stunned into silence and
felt surprised. I became suspicious, I covered
the semen drops to conceal them from the I f f : ЩТ
sight of others. Then all the gods and the sages, felt
extremely terrified and started eulogising
Siva, who was burning in anger like the fire.
«hlm^erra 5119 °n 3*T:
But lord Siva detected it with his divine
tfr! ?тщрШгЯН!|
sight. The dropping down of the semen
infuriated him and he uttered.
342 Siva-Mahapuranam

The gods said, “O Lord, О Great Lord, you ш ! щ: rafiratra: TRyftftd ш w raftli
protect those who take refuge under you. О ffw farajcW: тгаг fftft frar ebftra?^irk'*ii
Siva, save us. О Lord Siva, be pleased.
He had stated that whosoever would look
srafrara га зттргггат тпй m i at Sat! with lustful eye, should be killed by
Щ : Tprafthl^li you. Therefore, I shall stand to the truth of the
О Mahesa, you are the creator of the words, I gave to Visnu.
universe, while Sati happens to be the mother rafiranh: щ и ШГ TPrafft^rawi
of the universe. О Lord, Brahma, Visnu and swgraftftfrag frat ffra f^Twri 1*411
other gods are just your slaves. Brahma, looking at Sati with lustful eye,
fra raft! i dropped the semen, therefore, I shall surely
kill him.”
frar fftftW Ы fftrr ra^tfftratejTlii^n
You have an astonishing form and sports. щгага
Your illusion is quite surprising. Those who $r4Tt>dfri
are not devoted to you are overpowered with riebfu^ *rt: ч^егдргадщ: \\
your illusion.” Then Brahma said, “O Mahadeva, you are
fnptara the lord of the gods and at the words thus
fra fftsftr fragr fti spoken by him all the gods, sages and the
humans present started trembling with fear.
fTfrarft 3T£RTftjfft^T#ra ra
Then Brahma said, “In this way all the
gods and the sages prayed to the angered Siva. згага fehfftsftra ъ щ dfeftfed:ii*i9ii
Terrific panic was created there. All felt
M ftcifirfft raftrapira тт%?т:1 gloomy there and I having been overpowered
шгатчш fipftra 3ft*ra:ir^ii with the illusion of Siva, became extremely
Becoming doubtful, Daksa raised his hands nervous.
again and again, went close to Siva and said, зга f^ifonf^w4firaapnr:i
“Don’t do this.”
fTftftralftT fif dfc*lq yuTd:
згай Tifd tftafEr <гат щ i When Siva was so getting ready for the
ц^ёггенГга^ ^:ir*^ n killing of Brahma, Visnu, who had been
Thereafter, when Siva observed Daksa expert in pleasing Siva, offering his salutation
Prajapati to be in front of him, and having to Siva, pleased him.
been reminded of the words of Visnu, then he ^гат v fftfftft: rati: Tift чагаагещ!
spoke unpleasant words to Daksa.” fspjft WKifw f$nJ эдгат: и
He offering several types of prayers to
fwRT ftsfraftto dfd<ifty<{lRvi4i Siva, prevented him from killing Brahma and
fdftlw rasraiftii^^ и
Siva said, “Visnu- my dearest devotee had
just spoken in few words, which had been fftfft ч ч%тт! wtt Mhdt rajuj
accepted by me. Ш ттттгаггаштг!11ч о 11
Rudra Sarhhitii (Satl Khanda), Chapter 19 343

He said, “O Lord Siva, don’t kill Brahma,

the creator of the universe. He has taken 3rihebu4 f^lfH fcju-MHI фН1Я1
refuge with you today, while you love the
people, who take refuge with you. RrJJeiMifisirtiWl» w s tig ^3sRT:ll4\all
Brahma said, “Listening to the prayer of
щ crsfafinir ш :i
Visnu, Siva with a firm resolve, said to him.
ferfn if^ *r t^ t ^ r t imhrlii i4^ti
I am your extremely dear devotee,
therefore, I am called the king of the devotees. ^ штТ! 1Ш Пощ!|
You kindly accept my prayer, be graceful on 4 fadRU щ ш \ TsTrK<cM4H46H
me. Siva said, “O God of the gods, О Lord of
*JUT if ЧТ8Г Rama, О Vi§nu, don’t stop me from killing
this wicked person.
tHljte) зфггя! fptf RRftrffll4?ll
О Master, you listen to another request of ffiqbinPn fg ?# RSTI
mine, which may kindly be accepted by you, ц^1Ч1м«ь< fg
becoming graceful on me. Your earlier request which had been
m t: accepted by me, I shall fulfil the same by
killing this wicked Brahma.
згШч; m t w чтчяг:
O Siva, this four faced Brahma has been зт?*Гсг ТГЗТТ: щ гг w fi: Ш гтегтт atftri
created for the creation of the universe. By
killing him, we can find no other creator. Henceforth, I shall engage myself in the
tjPar^-dcERffui sfeRbiim: tp: зр:| creation of mobile and immobile beings and
shall produce other creator with my own
ifctr сщ ята Pv n m г^ тотпч'йп
О Master, with your command, we the
three gods are engaged in creation, fW rW -ЩЦЩ
preservation and the destruction of the w nfR т Prarw
universe and we shall do so again and again. By killing Brahma, I shall keep up my
?ттатТ ehfi^iPdi words and also create a creator. Excuse me,
please don’t stop me from killing him.
нш ч з т ^Гйф^ф1а*тг!ичч11
After killing him, who is going to attend
the work of creation? Therefore, you being the ът gri: P iO w s w zm u
creator, preserver and the destroyer of the
universe, should not kill him. Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
ЗЙ^сГ ш ! 3RJT €Г %сГТ fefr!l Visnu, about stopping Siva for his action,
Visnu smilingly said, “Don’t do this.”
Rg4l*)4 ^ Mchp4jdill4^ll
О lord, it was by him that Satl, the
daughter of Daksa was fixed up as your wife ЯрЩГТЩ ятгтгт q<f*qa^sfer h
by good means. Pwi<4rw g«zr?r ^g^tirirfr r mrr!11^ ^ 11
344 Siva-Mahapuranam

Visnu said, “O God of destruction,

fulfilling of the promise is but proper in you, О All knowledgeable one, О Paramesvara,
the great being. But think over, О Lord, the О Sadas'iva, you are well aware of everything,
desire to kill cannot be directed by one’s own but you still want to listen from my mouth.
а д п C «I4^I *picRT fqferTT: W T:I
Tdt сщ тушт! <с(^1гчм: hTT
W l t f W * R : l № o ||
Let all the gods and the sages listen to me.
О Siva, we three are not different and are I embracing Siva-tattva, with your permission
one and the same. Therefore you better think am speaking out this.
over this factual position.”
M T O T Ju ret vFrmFTFT i
rRTW aR 3TW fdWT: W fafaW d TT:l
WTT^ ^3T: 5ГОП5РТ:11^11
t 1^41
О Lord, the manifest and unmanifest,
Then listening to the words of Visnu who divisible and indivisible, possessing form and
had been extremely dear to him, Siva making formless brilliance, we are the three parts.
his mental position quite clear, spoke to him.
diW eRtSt ъ 9ГШсгёсГ ЩЧТгФГ:1
Ш ^ fgf^H J= H cbK U 1 44 1|ЧЭ -R 11
| сЬУШгЧТ farfiniqi
Who are you? Who am I, who is Brahma;
y^^JlTJRT: f w r : il^ n these would be useless questions. You are the
Siva said, “O Visnu, you are the master of supreme soul. The universe has been created
all the devotees, how could Brahma become by you, is preserved by you and is destroyed
my soul? He appears to be totally separate by you.
from me.”
w ra ra ТРТОТГ 1П?ГЧШ <W 5RT:l|V9^ll
You better think of your own self through
<TtWT W 3 W S T :II^ II your own self. О Divine one, taking up a
Brahma said, “When Siva spoke thus in the physical body by your own sports, you happen
presence of all, then pleasing him, Visnu to be the sole Brahman, while we three in
spoke to graet lord. attributive forms are your very parts.

fawibdW crafa:l
Ч ЦП W fetf 4 ^ H4-4lr4-l<lf^M!| % ditlVIW rTWWTW ST!llV9*ll
О Siva, as a body has the limbs like the
4 dTF Ш 1 fad! Ч WT ТШ Ш ТП^П
head, neck and others, similarly, we three
Visnu said, “O Lord Parmes'vara, in fact happen to be your limbs.
neither you are separate from Brahma nor
Brahma is separate from you. Similarly Wvait T

neither I am separate from you nor you are

separate from me.
■flcf dHiRt ^т%! щ ^т! TT<3;if^ra!i # 1 fVId^d Ш tjcf ^T%||V94II
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 20 345

О Siva, you happen to be the supreme

lustre, the firmament, having your own body.
You are the primordial being having your own
immovable, the unmanifest, endless forms, the
eternal one and devoid of attributes- length
etc. From this form alone, everything else has

РгГчрГТ сга-щгг FRfwll

«ПТсГ Ч ШЛЯ V Ш rtw:llt9^ II
Brahma said, “О Sage, listening to the
words of Visnu, Siva felt pleased and he did
not kill me.”
%rhtmt MhfffdTui fgdft

щ£|сьЫГс15»|1зет(та: n n
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 20 345

the gods, sages became fearless and


Ш : s ijt t i j ^ r a g^nm i
All of them then lowering their heads,
folding their hands started offering their
salutation, besides shouting the slogans of the
victory of Siva, with devotion.
c&THSf ИШГ зрП I
3 t w ?Tf? ЧЗпЧТ ^ :H 4 II
О Excellent sage, at that point of time, I
feeling fearless and delighted, offered prayers
to Siva with great devotion.
сшрзнт: Tira^HlHlcbL JT$:i
4t 44ctlxld cRTII^II
Then lord Siva who engages himself in
several types of sports, spoke in presence of
CHAPTER 20 all.”
Festivities of Sati’s marriage Щ ЪЩЩ
dltq 39ТЕГ srfRj ш ! v m \s i «гат|чт1
щ ! Шг! wmFr! crorot!i тдтт ттгрщ g^rt^rniivaii
snfet rrirtr ч^-нкн4ji?ii Siva said, “О Dear one, О Brahma, I am
Narada said, “O Brahma, О Lord, you have quite happy, you be fearless now. At my
narrated the surprising type of the benevolent command, you touch your head with your
story of Siva. hands.”
гТгГ: ЩШШ^pftR d’Tri
$rdlebu4 Ш: THTt: 1
О Dear one, what happened thereafter, you E? ^ щит
kindly carry on the narration of the divine
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
story of Siva and Sati, which relieves one of
Siva who performs several types of sports, I
all the sins.”
offered my salutation to Siva, touching my
sRpfaTcT head with my hands.
%% ?ТГС^1^тЫЧсьГи|[Ч| <Ц|с(<с(Ц^ -щ ppilfa ШчтШчп
■RttrftsR: ТПГШШ:11^п ш ш 1 w шг: d^4^4cn^4ii^n
Brahma said, “ Siva, who is always kind to The moment I touched my head with my
his devotees, when failed to kill me, then, all hands, I became the bull- his vehicle.
346 Siva-MahSpurS^am

44Г ^»мгва1бчеЛу'(а:1 here, which is the conduct of the people.

д а : *#4: ft# :iR o || Therefore, becoming a human, you wander on
I felt ashamed. All the gods, who had been
surrounding me looked at this event. Finding 3 # 4 ^ u i <ЩТ 4if fqr(Rlsq(dl
myself with the form of a bull, I felt ashamed Лщ|да1П1тГ чШ oi^r^fd 4<i4T«h:ii^ii
and sat aside, covering my head. A person, who looking at your this form,
ШЩ Ш4Т5#45: yfUNAI # ^ 4 1 will wander on earth, would say, “How has
Rudra’s head been fixed over the head of
4T4l4 # R |f 4 fT<4T ST^FTt §T»4dTf4fdlR?ll
Then I felt ashamed and offering my
salutation to Siva, offered prayer to him 4 4 # # f g 4 TO? ch1d<*lW)bitd)fd
A 4T;l
begging forgiveness. ЧТ<К^1тЧИ1Ь#тЬ ТОГ: 3 dl^fdlRdll
Щ ЧТЩ4 TfroferT 3 4 4 # ! | Whosoever will listen to this event with
surprise, he will discard the company of the
f## 3 чзт что %т ч# ччтч тгп^ и
wife of others and shall achieve salvation.
I said, “O Lord, you kindly tell me some
repetence to free myself from the sin. Even TOT ТОТ чМЙ41(фгЧ# «Й<Шм1г11
killing is justifiable. May my sin be removed 4ЧТ Ш 4I444R 4 « iR lb itfd ll^ ll
thereby." When the people will discuss about your
TOT yuid % 414J misconduct, you shall be relieved of the
ТОГО# Ч?4Т #f#T TO54cTOr:IR3ll related sin.
When I spoke these words, lord Siva was 4 j # 4 f t t щ т ч ! 3TO%4 4 # T d 4 J
pleased with me and spoke to me being the 4 4 <l#«b< ЧТЧI R o l l
one who is benevolent to his devotees.”
О Brahma, this is the repentence
hcH-d prescribed by me for your sin, by which all the
3##? W#U| 4#yfg4^H %l people would laugh at you and talk about your
misdeed, denouncing you at the same time.
44: ЧТОТ4ТТ 4< U № H ddH :IR *H
Siva said, “In this very form of a bull, д а 4 4 4 # f t # 4 4 % # т о ч то 1
which happens to be my vehicle, you perform ЧПТО^Ч TOT -?g # Т ^ # ? # T O # 4 I R ^11
penance, with a delightful heart, and desire for Becoming lustful when your semen fell on
propitiating me. the ground, and had been seen by me, it shall
TOT# 4 IB # B "*#4 ЧТЯТ т ф К : #Т#1 not be retained by anyone.
Ш : ТГ%гЧТЧТ %5ТЧТЧТЧ1 |^ Ц || r l d f ^ f a d Ъ : # 4 4 4 % # 441
You will be known in the world as d P rd lW ld d l ° # f # 4 % : T O T 4fTT:IR ?ll
Rudrasira, and shall bring to success all the The four drops of semen which fell on the
tasks of the Brahmanas. ground, the similar number of clouds, causing
H jw lluilR # fT O Ч Т О Т # # Т4ЧТ5ЧЧТ1 dissolution shall appear in the sky.”
Р 1 И ЧТЧ# Щ f^rlRbilRt TC sO # IR*$ II 4 # T O 4 4 # 4 4 %cnfluii 4 # | 4 Ч I
-О C\

Besides you have dropped your semen 4#TTO W T#T4#T412J44TT?4TT:|R^II

Rudra Sarhhita (Sat? Khanka), Chapter 20 347

In the meantime, at these words of Siva, in T«Trf^f ^гЧЧН1^|

full view of the gods and the sages, an equal ЗЩЯГО%хщ^ ЧТЩ!п^о||
number of clouds emanated from the semen of
Brahma. О Narada, the Apsaras like Rambha and
others started dancing and while doing so they
performed great festivities with the wives of
ч д Й Ч 1 * ш ! TffTTTOT c 4 4 f < l:ii? ^ ! i the gods.
О Dear one, four types of huge clouds 3W ebtSfadblyi: JRTET: ТТТ^ЭТ: I
which caused destruction were known as
Samavartaka the Avarta, the Puskara and the
Drona. Thereafter lord Parmesvara, observing the
people’s traditions, said to me delightfully
with folded hands.”
ib^osiffiq g fo s ts ! t T l s [ ^ < h < K d l:il? 4 ii
О Excellent sage, those clouds were
t Щ ! ^кТ ^ TRf iwifHi W
resembling and roaring with terrific sound
dropped showers at the slightest wish of Siva, ^4wi4f rf ег ^птп
and were burst in the sky. Siva said, “O Brahma, you have well-
г№Т "ЯЩТ^гГ oqrffef performed all the rites of the marriage. Since
you are the priest, what should I give you as
^ ^ I? ^ 11 daksina?
When the clouds started thundering in the
4 W W WT ТгПгЩёЬтП
sky, then lord Siva, with Satl became calm
and peaceful. <1% r?iw t ! чпф *ПТПЗ ^11
О Brahma, though it is beyond the reach of
m w t v i£ < w i?w i гщп
the people, still you will please speak out. О
^ * й !п ^ \э и
Exalted one, there is nothing which cannot be
O Excellent sage, thereafter, I becoming given to you.”
fearless, at the command of Siva, completed
the remaining rites of the marriage.
frdl<*u4 =rer: ^dT^fc-m
W r f W f f e j fvic||fVl«=lfVK4«b<4l: I
P^ScrTET fadldlrMI
ег ! щт ^iuit% ariR<iii
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, when Siva
O Excellent sage, at that point of time, all spoke these words with folded hands, I
the gods having been filled with pleasure, becoming humble said to Siva repeatedly.”
dropped the rain of flowers over Siva and Satl.
TfWt i ^ l ! 9TmrzTt5TRJt
щ ч й чN9 cutra-
q i w i ^ -Oi tta
Щ q^VIM! yylrdl
Ш ЯчЭ fa y e p fa e t ir <? I)
О ' ®s чЭ
Brahma said, “O Lord of gods, in case I am
The musical instruments were sounded at suitable enough to receive a boon, and in case
that time, besides the singing, while the you are pleased with me, О Mahesvara, then
Brahmanas were reciting the hymns from the you do whatever I want you to do with
Vedas with devotion. pleasure.
348 Siva-Mahapu ranam

wчЭ М щ ^rm w r p | w !i
дамт т&т ^mt ttm f^ng^n^n $cm«m i ч д а ш дадай ^гчдазт:|
О Mahesvara, you in this form, remain д а т tf^ s s w r ^fir ф<дау|^Гчи|Цп*э11
present over this pedestal always for the Brahma said, “Thus speaking, lord Siva, in
destruction of the sins of the people. his partial form was seated over the pedestal
M m ^fasfr датдат ?t1>iv1<sk !i with his wife.
Ш fsRWira 71fT!ll^V9ll ?rat щ даттада щтрдт:1
О Siva, О God with crescent moon over дада ттдагт дадант зтдадазядадат: 11**11
\Э Сч

the head, by this, I could be able to perform Thereafter getting leave of Daksa Prajapati,
tapas making an as'rama in your vicinity in Paramesvara- Siva, who is benevolent over his
order to destroy my sins. devotees, got ready to get back to his abode
with his wife.
Ч£$ёЦ> ^Г^адтЦТ^ГсТ^ТТГта:11^й!1 PrrfWjRlT ^§TT fcHMIcHrf: ^ f:l
cf^ <TWMPTlfT Я Щ i t ! yirMi мё1М n
fsnjH w r тРтт да&?Т: 113 <?11 In the meantime the humble and wise
A person who will have an audience with Daksa, prayed to Siva with folded hands, and
you on the bright thirteenth day of the month eulogised Siva in reverence.
of Caitra, with devotion, О Siva, you shall Гмшмгда: дат: T fi датгш W T W I
destroy his sins at the same time. Let his дада д а M m rif^rrcj ■g^n^^ii
virtues be increased and he should be free
Besides Visnu, with gods and sages also
from all the ailments.
offered prayers to Siva, shouting slogans of
да 4Tft cRZTT 37ШТТ WrfocrfiRTn his victory.
■tfrftT c c | ^ ’U^ct fn ^ 4 l II эгида дада: дат! цдадат дар|
A woman who is barren, one eyed, ugly or w m Ададаяда ^датда: дам дат:и*\эи
unfortunate, after her visit to this place be
With the permission of Daksa, both Siva
freed from all the short-comings.
and Sat! were mounted over the bull and
ЗЯЕынЕдагт ft proceeded towards the peak of Himalaya.
%эг: m? дагдарт ^ш ти ^ и m да мщтгдатрг ^тда! да^тГдатЬ
Brahma said, “Listening to my words
fw w t ^ сыГс^сы датт||*<я(
which bestow all types of comforts, Siva said
delightfully, “All right, be it so.” Thereafter Sat! mounted over the bull with
Siva looked as graceful as the black line with
fsicrscrra- the moon.
l t d у4н1<ь*м %srt д а srafw:i fdWMT<?M: дат: датдаттдатгёдаi
датдаг^ ^%т: дагп-^ tt ^ R ift^ !ii'k ? ii
f48JPTT датт:!!**? II
“O Brahma, at your words, and also for the
After their departure, Visnu and other
welfare of all, I shall be seated at this pedestal
gods, the great sages like Marlci and others,
with Satl.
Rudra Samhita (Satl KhaijcJa), C hapter 21 349

besides Daksa were overpowered with pleasures with Sati, the daughter of Daksa, in
illusion. Himalaya.
rtort: r^i TTR: V RcRT RRRT: !I
fyig fyrdRyi; даФрид: f?IR ^ПЩоМ Ш RT RTR R f g : 44dVdRHII4^ll
Some people played on the musical 0 Excellent sage, thereafter, Siva, the
instruments, some people sang the glory of creator of the universe, together with Satl and
Siva and delightfully followed Siva. his attendants, feeling pleased went to his
MfcURHlffelja) % tftedSt! TTWTI abode in Kailasa.
Daksa Prajapati and others saw him off 1WTft RjWl’M^elW^imill
upto the half way and overwhelmed with the 1 have narrated the story of the marriage of
love of Siva, they returned to their respective Siva, during the time of Svayambhuva-Manu
homes together with their attendants. as had happened earlier.
3 # fawchgii: ?twtt чяЬг TTi fRRTFRR^ # RTR^t RT R :l
ftra rwit fTT: rirrt R^Tim^ м RR^nSTTRRWT: t W
Though, Siva had sent off Visnu and other dRIlfdH R^cRe? e rf ^c(Tf6di R Щ
gods, but out of affection, they went with ^TRWTRR? RhJ Ptfqtd R^JT R ^ ll^ o II
The one who listens to the story of Siva’s
If: R ^ : RRift: 7ТЩ:
' \p
W IT R W w i RTT:l
О marriage, quite carefully, adoring him at the
зггч r t rtr w s t same time, at the time of marriage, his
Together with the gods, his attendants, and marriage and all other rites are performed
Satl, his wife, Siva delightfully reached his without any obstruction.
abode in Himalaya. RR1T R «TsI^RHRVliHMIHIUIlpTdll

m mi w in RTSsft R rrffrfft tfrcRT ^TO^II

R^T fdR^RTRTR Щ RTRRT RIRTRII4'*II By listening to this story, a girl achieves
Reaching there, Siva bade farewell to all pleasure of having fortunes, excellent
the gods, and the sages with great respect. humility, noble conduct and chastity, besides
getting a son.
TRRRWPR Ь R f t a r a r Ч^ТТИЧТ:!
Rj -Щщтг т$щ\ rtrt R rrr: RR:N44 и
Np -О nP Sp
ftcftR T R t

« d lts lU ^ R d H d d l g d u i - i 4TR f g ^ tS S I T R : II ? о II
Talking with Siva, bowing in reverence to
him, offering prayer to him, Visnu and other
gods, besides the sages, went to their
respective places.
%RtsfR Rf^TtScR^f WTrRT c^rePJRTI
flR W R S H r^T f | W T R R :II4 ^II
Lord Siva, as well started living with
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khaijda), Chapter 21 349

Sports of Siva and Safi
ЧШ? -dqW

■цщст зрт 4t t ъ М ^vriTii^ii

350 Siva-Mahapuranam

Narada said, “O Dear one, О Sinless one, О Narada, Siva, after entering his place
listening to your appropriate and astonishing with Satl, was immensely delighted, being
types of words, concerning the auspicious well-versed in the worldly practices.
story of Siva and Sat! we feel delighted. TTTTf Й Щ Г шщ
focfW fd : ТТЩсБ ^4ч1^1ЧсЬКсЬ:1
Getting Satl, Siva, asked his attendants and
The marriage of Siva, which removes the Nandi to go to the mountain cave.
confusion of all and is filled with immense
knowledge, which bestows all the
H lfe ^ f (Ifdhlfe^r cHWTTFTT: W :ll<?ll
benevolence, has been heard by us.
Siva, who was well versed with the
W J Pet fefeeHl *T erftit ^W TI
worldly traditions, spoke to Nandi and other
(ЩокгЩТЩ! <ftqt ^T5drri4T4JI^II attendants quite sweatly.
О Immensely learned one, I have VI З^ГсГ
developed a desire to listen to the story of
Siva again, which is beyond comparison.
Therefore you continue to narrate the same.” qqpifeHM den TTdTT^ Tf W |TTTII^o||
Siva said, О my attendants, with minds
respectfully concentrated in thinking upon me,
UUIsfclbfoleh^c) tfel ^ fefekbfotdhl
■О V “You should come to me, whenever, I
W qtfecT: TlW. rviclHl^R^irkll remember you.”
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, О Noble т^ггат: wtuttst %i
one, you have inspired me to speak about the ■RlfehT nirakr ч н ж т T fef:ii^n
story of Siva, further, which I am going to
At these words of Vamadeva, the valorous
narrate. He is extremely compassionate.
ganas retired to their respective places.
f e w ззгзтт rfef w f Ы тчтштт!
d f TTTrTf fesnftl
After the marriage of Siva with Satl, the
After their departure, when Siva was left
mother of the three worlds, he returned to his alone with Satl, Siva felt extremely delighted
place and what happened thereafter, you enjoying many sports with her.
please listen from me.
chdlfa^MbUlfui ТГЧЩгЧ TRTITTEI
rife wrnui; щ и щщ
ш fe«mt Tiruiw im snr tt dVmai 1^311
cferf! ^bCHidciirUdfdfM^iHii^ii
He sometimes collected some sylvan
Then Siva, accompanied with his ganas, flowers and made a beautiful garland out of
reached his blissful place and got down from them and put it around the neck of Satl as a
Nandi. substitute for a necklace.
fe w rc s f w tt wrrmr:i «bdife^ui ffe w -dfeirM d: m m \
g g ^ s ir f e ^ ! ш гш тж : fercf:i№ii 3RTTRI fft
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 21 351

When Sat! was appreciating her face by her breasts, with musk which appeared like
looking into the mirror, Siva arrived from the the golden lotus.
back side and looked at his own face through WHWT: щ ?T:l
the same mirror.
cb^rfy^,o^H ЩЧГГ
Sometimes he would remove the necklace
■ sjsnft -Щ Ц || worn by her and press the breasts with his
At times, he played with her ear-rings. hands.
Sometimes he removed them from the ears of
Sat! and the next moment, he adorned her ears
with the same ear-ornaments. <ТсЗДЙ ^rtral^irdsiR?ii
Sometimes Siva would remove, the
bracelets, bangles as well as the finger-rings
fqtf^TfhT f # ^щ сГ5т:||^ц
from the limbs and then replace then at the
Sometimes Siva made the red feet of Sat! proper places, one by one.
completely red with the application of the red
TTdT sHfl
Even when she was looking on sometimes
cbyyrtIWI d^R4iTII^II
he would touch her lofty breasts saying
The words which could be spoken quite smilingly, “This dark spot on your breast, is
loudly in the presence of others, Siva your companion of the same colour as it
whispered them in her ears with greed to have contains the same letters as are found in your
a look at her face.
ч frofir w p згаши
eh<lfy'4<;dl«*Ud'tld4: ДЧУ1ЙЧ:1
Siva never moved away from Satl, but in
case he did so, he would return suddenly and Sometimes when he was exceedingly
close her eyes from behind and while she was excited with love, he would exchange love
thinking about something, else, he would ask sports with his beloved.
her his name. 3fTfRf ЧЧГЧЩтШTdWTfrTT ^ t : |
3RTffcR<J ЙсГ чштгтт f4W 3T:l Cbilfd W 5^WWTRTTcTIR4ll
HPnfafRf -щ yfecTT Sometimes Siva brought beautiful lotus
With the use of his illusion, Siva would and other flowers and decorated them as
sometimes become invisible, and suddenly ornaments over the body of SatT.
embrace her making her terrified and agitated. PlRch^M ТГгЯТ Щ
чЭ О s9 N

у|У<Лч'УЧ>[НеЫ^ гГС^ГТ: fSRRTT ЧУ>УгУН:11^11

т а ущтщт Siva who is well disposed with his
Sometimes he would draw painting of the devotees, accompanied with Satl, kept on
buds of lotus flowers resembling the bees over sporting in the mountain and bowers.
352 Siva-Mah5puranam

M fsRTRT Ф ■qrrf?r 4lfwT 4 PT чн&¥1Т<деш treats:i

-m faRT ^rrafxr ^ pf ^ Ч Щ К : 11ч ^II TRl^rr: Vl^IlRd^ll^N
Siva never 'went anywhere without Satl, The Nagakesara trees Mesua-roxburgii)
nor did he engage himself in any activity with yellow flowers, resembled the banner of
without her. Why to speak much, he never felt Kamadeva, appeared close to Siva.
comfortable without her.
fclgrd chH чщяичта щтмзчи
эншЕашдий wttt ptptir 6 ii The close creeper issued fragrance that
In this way after roaming about in the filled the air, captivated the passionate people
mountain bowers of Kailasa, remembering the first of all.
god of love, both of them reached the
Himalaya mountain.
: 11^ ^ 11
dfamfal <TЩРТ: The good looking black-wasps, creating
Ш IR ч 11 humming sound over the mango and Sail
With the arrival of Kamadeva before Siva trees, appeared like the open conches.
and coming to know of the desire of Siva, apsrtfa Ът: ^ й *¥И¥№.1
Vasanta too expanded his form.
^ w Фшт fsn Hdrywigr j t a : ! As the minds of the sage become spotless
swiftr "ччгг: w r i p m i i ^ oii with the light of the knowledge, similarly at
All the trees and the creepers were that point of time, the spotless clean water
sprouted and the black wasps started hovering appeared beautiful.
over them. jfTTCT: f4lv4)Hi
m дгЬ --нчнч!
The snow was melting with the fall of the
With the arrival of the spring season, the sun rays, and had started flowing as a result of
pleasing fragrant breeze started flowing. which the water of the lakes was getting
W «ll£eK U £-l¥n : 4dlV iliS fW W tl

сЫЧКсМерчк: зпт1^цщчш:11^?11 ЗНГ5ГТ: Щ ft%KrWe(T54pR|

Like the crescent moon of the evening fkm cri: filirtM cbiftRJ: ■ p % T T :n ^ ^ n
time, the Palds'a- flowers looked beautiful. The dew drops on coming in contact with
The flowers blossoming in the trees, appeared the sun-rays, were turned in vapours, like the
like the arrows of the god of love. hearts of the people, are purified in association
cW: y^W lftn -ЩЩ ЯеЬгПзИН! with the noble people.
fru ity 'дддтБт Ч1$ём 111^ з 11 Щ TIRIT SPPRTI
The blossoming lotus flowers in the lakes ^ Plcb^4 «Г1l>i о 11
looked quite charming. The fragrant wind-god At that point of time, Mahadeva,
was getting ready to captivate all. accompanied with Satl, sported over that
Rudra Sarivhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 22 353

mountain for a long time, among the groves, ЩТгГТ

* o >o
bowers, and streams.
ЗсШТ: W rTRrirutaii
Ш rf4 WT dr^l ^ !l Thus in the bowers and caverns of
m \ ?т: Himalaya, besides the caves, Siva enjoyed
О Excellent sage, the daughter of Daksa conjugal pleasures with Satl- the daughter of
appeared graceful at that point of time, Daksa and while doing so, twenty five divine
roaming with Siva who too could not have years were passed.
mental peace without her even for a moment.
9ttfw43(4<iu\ fiylawl fefft
^ 1 ^PTT сЩГ hT:f5PTTI
fd y id fd Н 5 Ш 1 1'k ^ 11 •kick
The goddess Sat! felt fully satisfied in the
matter of conjugal pleasure and seemed to
have entered the body of Siva.
сГСЯТ: s9 C\
О *s

W ^ W i R i d i f ir c r ^T: 11*3 и
Siva too making the garlands of flowers by
himself decorated the limbs of Sat!.

dWiR^i fnfert ^TWlwTOf^Tii'k'kii

Siva appeared to be displaying his
competence with diverse conversation,
pleasant glances, jovial words, exchange of
smiles, by which he was introducing himself
to Sat!.

d M ic lv tfra ! d < f o r a i w «ьеп^н 11*411

Drinking the nectar from her moon like
face, Siva stabilised his body. Sometimes, he
experienced exhilarating and particularly
pleasing state.

hulRd HKlRk)f|!d:ll*$ll
Siva appeared to have been bound with the
sweet fragrance of the lotus like face of Sat!
besides her beauty and jovial nature, as a huge
elephant is bound with ropes.
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khan da), Chapter 22 353

Love sports of Siva and Sati over the
w rara
p it

Brahma said, “While both Siva and Sati

were dwelling over the ridge of the Kailasa
mountain, Sati, the daughter of Daksa, said to
Siva at the advent of the clouds.

! ?mr! Ш1ишч!1
sfJJ ir стерт чга! ЯгЩ 'СГГЧЗ!и 911
Sati said, “О Lord of gods, О Siva, my
dear husband, О Bestower of honour, you
please listen to my words and do as desired by
УЧНгаЪ^Т W T R : W : 4Tg^:TIF:l
R ^ ld lW K f< cH y :ii?ii
The unbearable rainy season has arrived.
All the ten directions have been covered with
the clouds of rain.
faqiPci did I ^K d-dild d P i4 :l
The winds are blowing forcefully which
are shaking the heart and water drops mixed
with the dust of the kadamba tree have started
354 Siva-Mahfipuranam

falling. O Siva, presently the new plants are

TfaHt %ШШ1
sprouting over Mandracala as well as in the
courtyards of our place, what to speak of the
fal p q d lt* 4 t t f t t : ^TST Ч*Ш*ЧУ 4 t t R : l l 4 l l
other places.
The clouds are thundering. The streams of
water are falling. Whose mind remains ттзтгГ ТтЬйутфгё %чтггв:1
undisturbed with the thundering of the clouds
with banners of lightening? The Himalaya mountain, near the
4 ip f 4Tfh тГвг^тГ ft^rmiri:! Mandaracal mountain has been surrounded by
black, red and white clouds and appears
charming like the ocean of milk surrounded by
Because of the clouds flying in the sky the birds.
neither the sun nor the moon is visible. The
ЗЩ ЧЯ& УЧУЕТ fdb'^|dfiRI
day which is painful for those separated in
love, also looks like the night. 3?ПФ7Н gjrff W OT Ш Щ Ч ^и
ifaT язя*т: 4cH (W !:l
Displaying the various types of beauties
and surrounded by the Kimsuka (Butea
Ш ф dlcbNi frondosa) trees, having flowers without
О Siva, the clouds which are thundering fragrance, in the same way as LaksmI goes to
with the force of the wind, appear like falling evil as well as the noble people in Kaliyuga,
over the heads of the people. without any discrimination.
ciitTTgdi *щп|$тт m wb TRHWHilyiTt W & ffWT У|:1
^ R T Щ Ф т т Ш Щ : * T 4 & fa d l:ll< ill 1гсЫУ^ Trf^T Ш ^84^*411^11
О Siva, with the force of the wind, the Listening to the thundering sound of the
huge trees appear like dancing in the sky. clouds of Mandaracala, the peacocks getting
These trees frighten the cowards and delight delighted start dancing baring their backs.
the passionate people. Their pleasant cackles, and outstretched tails
fewflgllaHWiq n M w TjgtT:l display the delight of their hearts.
ЗДЯТсБЧМЧ ^!Щ ^% ТТр^Я Щ ;11Ч 11 i)yir4*H i TTpgJIdebHi 4 % T :l
The clouds which are black like the qwquvftwrt sid4%dH,n^4ii
collyrium, look graceful with the lines of sky­ The sweet and pleasing sound of cdtaka (a
larks flying in the sky, in the same way as the kind of Cuckoo birds) is being heard
water foams float over the surface of the everywhere. The continuous fall of rain is
Yamuna water. causing trouble to the travellers.
^ r r m cjyzRf m w f m r u
*taHT У7У 4 # «ЫсЙГч*Л:1
3TW T[f^ ? ^ H 4Tc|* l c|^c(|Mid|; | | ^ o | |
% 4^4'fgRr*i4dyiii^ n
О Siva, he gold wristlet of my forearm,
Look at the wickedness displayed by the
looks at night like the blazing submarine fire.
clouds, their dropping the hail stones over the
peacocks and the cataka birds are causing pain
faPRisrlgwn^r! w l ^ r : to them.
Rudra Samhita (Sat; Khan<Ja), Chapter 22 355

Гц^кГч 3R1WIHI house for you, would be beyond the reach of

the clouds.
^ w RcT fTTfT?t Й^Ч'чГч ЧИЧШ1 I 11
On finding the distress from their friend
the sun, the swans leave for the distant place ЯЩЯТЙ*Ш1Я)<Я УЧ^Гч ЯЯ^Н^П
i.e. the lake of Manasa on the mountain top. These clouds reach the middle regions of
MfffapEWfr сБЙ ЧЫ 3Rrail$RStW:l the Himalaya even in the rainy season.
fcffo reft Rr T*lfR <ЗЙ ^llPdUdm^lRtll^l мт ^Rr! w tt : зтга# яяг:1
In the difficult times, even the crows, W T f^T Я гТгГ 3 ^ cbc(M 4IR 4ll
Cakravak (Indian red flagged partridge) also О Goddess, these clouds can never go
make their nests. How could you remain above the middle region of Kailasa. They
peaceful without a home. usually come only upto the foot of Kailasa.
nfrflctia я) Ы ш Гчч;<*^|
4Tf%R адч|дгчи^11
« Ч Н ЩЩГ 4bchfic|riebKil:IR^II
О Siva, I feel extremely frightened today.
The clouds like Puskaravartaka and others
Therefore you please arrange for the building'
can reach upto the roots of the rose-apple tree.
of a house for me.
ПкТ^ч у -wImR Й1
c*T % q # cfT fs^fh
ЧЧ№(Ше1Ш1У % Rll?V9ll
гй ч ч И w ш ^w aF^liR on
You can make a house at Kailasa, Thus I have mentioned about the best of
Himalaya, or Kas'I, for living over the earth.” the mountains. Now you tell me quickly, as to
where do you want to live?

Цс^тШЧТ ^ i p n n Чгп-5ЧТ|ЙТ1
Brahma said, “Having thus been advised
by Satl, Siva laughed again and again and the ■g^twnfr RtR % 4r£m ^n
place was illuminated with the crescent moon The Anilavrnda birds of the Himalaya
lodged over the head of Siva. having golden feathers, living in the
Himalaya, sing with high and sweet tones, will
please you at the time of your sports.
: 11? ? 11
Thereafter, Siva who had been well aware
of all the secrets, said to Sat! in order to please ^Tff% (tchidcbMp
her. nfil|§>fgi) RrR
х|щ% ЧИ1Е&ЬЙ>:11^Н
W riWWcl TRt^ll The Siddhas beauties there, will please you
г)У1ш Я яятп;: offering the gem studded seats at their own
Siva said, “O Beloved, by dwelling in my sweet will. They will also offer you various
heart, the place where I am going to build a types of flowers.
356 Siva-MahSpuranam

Wlfh^9v5nr Г*|П.«Ь'-ЧсыаЙГ and the place having the charms of the spring
w ra t «THi^ H Tgnh u : #?гащсртч;|
imTrrf^Rqgih^$A:iiioii Чйч)уИУ1)ЯтЬЧх|й-*, f?4Md4JI34ll
The damsels of the Nagar, the mountains Or would you like to go to Himalaya, the
and Kinnaries would themselves help you at king of the mountains filled with lakes, of
the time of your roaming about. cool water and the blossoming lotus flowers?
■fl<Stfcl4S$#: 7TTS#: сБ<гЧ^офеЬ:|

^v!T с)ч1ч ^iniulg 1я^Т Reaching there, you would come across
kalpavrksa (wish fulfilling tree), grassy lands,
Чк4т ^(яГч^и|гЩ.^Ч1:11^ *11 several types of flowers, elephants, horses and
The beautiful divine damsels, observing herds of cows quite delightfully.
your beautiful face and beauty, thinking their
own beauty to be of no consequence would
always stare at you. VildJl 4^I4|J|! 4RlffFpf(^II^V91l
ш t e r ч4<нм'*т1 In the Himalaya even the wild and
ferocious animals are calm. It is the place of
ЯэР1Нс|Н1 several sages and ascetics. It is the abode of
^TTгп1ч ^ <ТЧ'ФТ15^н1< the gods and one finds plenty of deer moving
about here and there.
Menaka the wife of Himalaya the king of
mountains, whose beauty is well-known in the : 4ftyilfadRII34ll
three worlds, would delight you very much It has the ramparts of glittering crystals,
with entreaties. gold and silver. It has many lakes like the
Manas and others.
<ёГСГ$: Ч^*к>сЦ<1Ч1
f W ^ r ^ ■щд W^rnfTr сЬтз44«Й: «Б^;||^11
зШ^гт тртй: 11? ? 11 The buds and fully-blown lotuses with
The honourable ladies of the household of golden stalks studded with gems are found in
Himalaya, would cause enormous delight to abundance. Besides crocodiles, sharks and
your gracious self. They would provide you tortoise abound in the lakes.
useful advice, though >ou heardly need any,
with pleasure daily. dw^rl>sr ^ * 4 :ii'x o и

^ fl; Ш !11^ ^ 11
О Beloved one, do you intend to go to a О Goddess of the gods, you can find
place filled with sweet notes of the cuckoos, enough of blue lotuses, emitting sweet
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 22 357

fragrance. There are grassy lands over the ТЕГ ^R sl^d l ^ n u r f r m w l u j d ll

banks of the lakes, besides the trees which are Rfrtf ebRbyid Ш ЩШгТТЧИХ^И
quite big and small. The saffron flowers,
increase the fragrance of the lake waters with The goddess IndranI, with all the apsaras
which the lakes are full. would be at your service daily.
зтггат RR
^R*Rd fcHWciqj
ll^ ll ■адмГчт=зГч
The Apricot trees with their shaking Or would you like to live over Kailasa
branches, appear like dancing or otherwise around which the city of Kubera is lodged?
removing the god of love. These lakes look
beautiful with cranes and intoxicated cRhj TRfT s)^l«h-4l'i4dlR rlll^<?ll
Cakravaka (ruddy-goose) pairs of birds which Or would you like to live at a place where
appear quite fine. the auspicious and clean water of the Ganga
flows, like the full moon, or in caves where
the Brahmana girls sing the beautiful and
sweet songs?
RM I^Hldl^rfe 441l«h<Vldlcjrll
у<1НЧЧ) ЧЩ -§й<иГч f ^ l l 4 o ||
This place is filled with various types of
deer, having hundreds of blossomed lotus
The place is filled with sweet humming flowers, possessing all the virtues and the
sound of the black-wasps which are blissful, padarthas, and which is more beautiful than
increase the passions and the sound of the the Sumeru mountain?
birds is echoing there. The guardian of the
quarters like Indra, Kubera, Yama, Nirriti, RRTfa <TcTRT:cFRUt ^J?TI
Agni and Varuna as well as Marut and the Wp Tf -ЯЧЩсТ cim ftdffiM RR r h l 4 * l l
supreme lord Isa (frequently visit the place). Which place, out of those spoken by me
The abodes of all the devas are located at the above, is liked by you. You tell me. I shall at
peak of the Meru mountain together with the once, build an abode for you there.”
abodes of the guardian of quarters. The
beautiful celestial damsels like Rambha, Saci,
Menaka and other apsaras can also be found ?RT ^ЩШТПТГ ^ ; |
there. P W TETgTetg- ЩПЛ- ^M cb lVMhjm ^11

f% A t 44dni % i Brahma said, “After these words of Siva,

Sat! slowly mentioned about the place where
she wanted to live.”
Do you want to live at Mahagiri, which is
the best of all the mountains, which is ■Чсччгс!
exceedingly beautiful, and seems as the R |4l*l^c| с Ц ^ Ч ^ т ^
essence of all the mountains? Ш Ш t l R ^ c l 4 f lM ll43ll
358 ^iva-MahSpurSnam

Sat! said, “I would like to live with you in

Himalaya, therefore, you kindly have the
house built here.”
The people, with the sweet voice of the
cuckoos, reverberated there. Several types of
m dai«W4i<*u4 4<44lfgd:i semi-divine beings like Asvamukhas, Siddhas,
RjmRPyKsii ^тгцтщт ш Guhyakas and apsaras, roamed about at that
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of place.
SatT, Siva was delighted and he accompanied
with SatT, went to the peak of the Himalaya grsrffir: ьтШтт:
The Vidyadharls and Kinnaris were also
П ^ ч т и |^ачг|щ roaming about at that place, besides the
з п т Ш ш w ^гш^ш^ш^иццп mountain damsels and girls.
ftrisR tdcUtui (^3jidlP|cW4dy<#:4d3 :1
siiHiAwijvi Tmjlmdfc;
The place where the women of the siddhas ^fdcbli^<([(yebl(4J<if*l(5T: ^TWI<2d4J
are lodged which is beyond the reach of the
birds even, where there are enough of lakes
filled with lotus flowers, the place which
looked pleasant with the different types of ■Щ W IT f%rt ^
flowers. Siva having the temperament of the
rising sun sat at that place with SatT. The divine damsels played on their lutes,
tambourine and drums, dancing with
enthusiasm. Thus the mountain had enough of
Щ гГ ||Ц \Э || beautiful women, charming lakes, fragrant
The mountain was bright like the crystal or flowers and the groves of full-blown flowers.
mica, having enough of grassy land besides Trfwt w fa ir WFT Р-оучАч ? i ^ ;|
the trees. There were several types of lakes
and flowers. wtt m чгтп^чп
In the place which was pleasant like the
heaven, Siva dwelt there for ten thousand
divine years delightfully with SatT.
The trees were laden with fruits over which
■q <*dikwd: ^iHi^giarfa twt fT:i
the black wasps were issuing the humming
sound. The white as well as the blue lotus ^dl^cl^d WTII^^n
flowers were blossoming there. Siva sometimes went to some other place
and sometimes at the peak of the Sumeru
mountain, which was surrounded by the gods
and goddesses.
The intoxicated cakra-vaka (ruddy-birds),
kadambas, swans, geese, the intoxicated 1V4UHI ТТЗТШТЧсГТТрТ cfWTT^I
cranes, and peacocks were found there. Tim wrr
Rudra Samhita (Sat? Khaij(Ja), Chapter 23

Sometimes he went to the Islands,

orchards, forest and earth and returning from
there he lived with Satl comfortably roaming
about in the forest.
4 4 ^rgrfbT
ш п % -Фшт ?тщ: wiis^ii
Siva was so much absorbed in the love of
Satl that he discarded yajnas, or Vedas or the
penances. Satl stood into the face of Siva,
throughout the day and night, while lord Siva
did so in the face of Satl.

Thus Satl spent her time by looking at the

face of Siva and Mahadeva also looked the
face of Satl always at everywhere.

<£THirvlcfl 4l4H3^tA:l№o||
Thus with their mutual association
developed the tree of love pouring the water
of emotions.

Rudra Samhita (Sat? Khaij(Ja), Chapter 23 359

р ш щ ятпт i n m\\

ЗПГП Rh3lfc'f4<*T'4l сТгГ: I!^ 11

Finding that lord Siva was quite happy at
that time, she, the daughter of Daksa humbly
folded her hands.
faifar! Rfifar! игептштж! 3nrr!i
##??! f f a f R RUtuftll'XII
Satl said- О God of gods, О Mahadeva, О
Ocean of mercy, О Lord, you redeem the
down trodden besides being a great yogi. You
kindly be compassionate on me.
in hT: ПТ5П: +<ч1ч1 ТЗТ:ТТт5Тт:ит:1
f^pfciT: TRUT: TTI^ faiefifa R?nig:iimi
0 Master, you are the supreme Purusa
beyond sativa, rajas and tamas. You are with
and without gunas, unblemished and the great
srtt? Wfan ш ппГчч! f f a flftu|)|
vrtlrl^rcj % 4 % : Wlfu^MThclIcH^dl IT ! 11^ II
1 am graceful to become your wife sporting
with you. О Lord you became my husband
because you love your devotees.
CHAPTER 23 <р=ёТТ n g R R ЧТИТ f a lT : UTtTWTTI
Influence of devotion TPTSTSt 4*fald! f t f r t ^ 4 4 * d d :l№ ll
О Lord you have enjoyed the conjugal
^ ^ ТГТ Tltftl pleasures with me for long and I am quite
happy about the same. My mind has been
Щ 2 1 ТГГУЧеШ1г1 fafFTT
detached from that side.
Brahma said, “Then Sat! enjoying all the
conjugal pleasures fully, felt extremely ^ r $ W l f o ^9T». T t ЪЩ
satisfied but gradually became disinterested in n ч т1~-ш т'^ :тзт| tfta f a s y q r f t ! 11411
the love-sports. О Lord, О Lord of the gods, I am now
IJchfaf^c^ W l tifR RfrTTI desirous of learning the supreme tattva from
you, by which a person could cross, quite
fan mrixq- ^<£>di3<fa:iRii easily the ocean of the universe.
Once Satl, with devotion and obeisance
when lonely with Siva offered her salutation fa r# #сг: tt rfanrn псЩ|
to him. m rrctnsfarci! п # fmii<?ii
360 Siva-Mahapuraijam

By following which, a person, achieving types. _

the supreme stage need not have to be reborn 4rPl ^TsPTI
on earth, kindly narrate the best of that
There is hardly any difference between
devotion and the perfect knowledge. A person
Зсядэдяч w t -g^li who is engrossed in devotion, enjoys perpetual
^ardPTII?o|| happiness. A person opposing the devotion
Brahma said, О Excellent sage, Sat! asked can never be comfortable.
the question with utmost devotion from Siva ■ЦсМПЗЙ: t ddTdldl^J^tcffMI
for the redemption of the people of the TfcTFTt dlfrli-ICT d W T :ll^ ll
О goddess, I am always obedient to my
devotees, as a result of which I do not hesitate
ЫГЕРФЖкТ: ^Tdf qVlftfanhilW i to visit the abodes of the out-castes or those
Then Siva, who appears in his own fonn at having no caste.
will, and whose mind was engrossed in the ТПТПТТ fPTTI
yogic practices, spoke to Satl. ^ ш М tjr m 5rt ^
ЩсрцЩсд fgfgir Ц
*J1JT «cl^lfq ^TPjfnr !I ЩТТ11^ 11
Siva said, “O Goddess Satl, listen to me. I drщ dfurddIRoll
shall explain the great principle, by which a О goddess, the devotion is of two types,
remorseful person is liberated. viz.: attributive and attributeless. One of them
fsTSTHtf? f^TR WRjfTh is conventional while the other is natural. The
~ww m 4Ti gfrfd ^ s ^ t i i ^ i i first one is excellent, while the latter is the
ordinary one (or in other words perpetual and
О Great Goddess, by your spotless wisdom non-perpetual). The perpetual one is further
you consider Brahman to be the supreme sub-divided into six parts. The people with
tattva. None else is comparable with the same. learnings further classify it into enjoined and
ucyjcto f a c i a s f i n f !I non-enjoined. Thus the devotions are many
difjvfr ъ: ч sprats? ц г fold which have been defined elsewhere.
О Beloved, the said tattva is seldom known cl dcnf 3$ ^ erfft?r -gfqfa: fsr^ll
to the people. I am just a slave and the ■ ciukffii d d lfrlfa f a d : fJtJJ
Brahman is the greatest of the great. О Dear, О Daughter of Daksa, the sages
rt-чМ! 4frhST have defined nine parts of the devotion, which
I am going to speak out and you listen to the
ш п з й чт \ ттт ycbliddiii^n same with devotion.
The devotion bestows the reward of
pleasure and liberation. The devotion also is «rant tfa ТЧТЩf a d rMII
achieved only by my grace, which is of nine гТ8ГГ5г}ч ^fsr чн I^ ^ 11
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khan(Ja), Chapter 23 361

fn s4 4 lc4Tfrit %f?T r e i f f lf r :I with delight, of the lord, is called serving.

OTIfllft f?l% cTW gfff? A l lft ^ ^oETRf^T TTcR rffig Ф Й П
О Goddess, these nine sub-divisions Blil R ^ 11
include listening, eulogising, remembering, With the complete surrender of one self in
serving, complete surrender, worshipping, the service of a deity, who is worthy of being
salutation, friendliness and dedication. О Siva, served, and serving with all the sense organs
their further sub-divisions have also been with the hearty sense of elation, amounts to
stated. surrendering.
*jut чсп^ят ^rtrnfr •^ i f ^ R T ТГ Ч<1гЧЧ1
m W&nt ЪтЩ^%ЧргБ5Гс(|й ftlR'SII зтфт) fjtg^TRt ^ Ч1ё11^Ч1 сщфптп^ои
О Goddess, you better listen to the The one who always serves me like a slave,
characteristics of these nine parts of the with favourable mind, offering the sixteen
devotion separately. By concentrating the types of service to me, in accordance with
mind in my devotion, it provides the pleasures one’s capacity is called worshipping or
as well as liberation. агсапй.
зрщт сГ^ШТ ш ш \

To listen to the recitation of the divine While repeating mantras in the mind and
story, seated with a concentrated mind, touching the earth with eight limbs is called
delightfully, is called s'ravana or listening. vandana or salutation.
'Cfl<=bl¥l4 ^ ЩЩ
■flcf ^ д ш : 'WP^rtrr^ii^'Rii
To remember in one’s mind, the story of The one who feels that whatever good or
my birth and other activities and to repeat bad is done by the lord is for his benefit and
them lovingly, or eulogising me is called this type of feeling is the characteristic sign of
klrtana (or eulogising). friendliness.
041ЧФ Ш ^[gT f^T TTcfa TTcR'l fK^rr chJife^ rm ^ i
О Goddess, considering me always to be When a person dedicates everything to the
an all-pervading and an eternal, when one god-head including the body and all the
becomes fearless, it is called Smarana (or passions, retaining nothing for himself, is
remembering). called dedication (or atmasamarpana).
I^TI 4cn^i41fd зги
dw irurci^ftn# TTcR <г^ Щсгчп ^ и m Riiiifoi ^iHldtlrichfifui rni^-^ii
The servce rendered to the god-head These nine parts of my devotion bestow
starting from the early morning with the perfect knowledge, worldly pleasures as well
concentrating of the mind, becoming fearless as the salvation and are quite pleasing to me.
362 Siva-Mahapuranam

■ АЧ\$\U xl TT5(M|f4 cbfelft Ifl Of all the four yugas, devotion bestows the
^re^iiPr fernymi^qn immediate and visible benefits and because of
its influence, I remain subservient to my
There are several parts to these nine types devotees.
of devotion. The offering of the leaves of
wood-apple tree can be included in the same W ? fir^WfKTI
and should himself be thought about by the f e f i f r t f Д ч Ш У c p t f e l ЯТ5Г Э Г W T : I I > ^ ( I
devotee. The people who are always engaged in my
devotion, I also help them. I am the remover
of the obstructions. I happen to be the enemy
?ih 4<hagh4) gfejuR of the person who causes obstructions. I
O Beloved one, my devotion performed in happen to be the enemy of the person who
this manner with various adjuncts and causes obstruction in the activities of my
subdivisions is treated to be the best. It devotees.
contributes to the increase in the perfect
щ 5RfEmfTcg?r:i
knowledge and detachment. The liberation is
also slave to it. This is the best path. ai5[t fetfer ferc$ra>:ii'^n
О Goddess, for helping my devotee, I,
TT^eb^ibHldlfd: TP^T <clrH4ft±l!l
getting angered, had reduced Kala to ashes
m fern f e i who had been guarding me.
It produces the fruits of all the rites forever
and this devotion is dear to me like you. A
person, whose mind is filled with my 3Tffetsnffer: yj<r1 ЩТИ1£3 II
devotion, he remains extremely dear to me. О Goddess, for the sake of my devotee, I
became furious with sun also once and
?Йей fife^yT: WT fiT% *BslWg:l conquered him as well, holding a trident in my
y fe <T^fcivlMd: 11^<sII hand.
There is no other pleasant path in the ■fifetfet l i f e TRut Ш\\
world, except the devotion. О Goddess of the
rWZfo Tfi
gods, the devotion is quite important in all the
four yugas, but in the age of Kali, it is of О Goddess, for the sake of my devotee, I
disowned Ravana, with his family and also did
special importance.
not help him.
w PibrHefii
^ThejdWs i
^Igehmiqnl ^flr! vfllrtl 'jfjKfllfifdll? ^ II
ё&туут R fife
The knowledge (jnana) and detachment О Goddess for the sake of my devotee, I
(vairagya) have grown old and have lost their had the stubborn Vyasa driven out of KasI
lustre, during kaliyuga, besides having been through Nandi.
decayed and worn out, since the people who
could understand them can rarely be found. ctffe с!У%! q u A : RcfT ЩЧ1

=fer 'fife fifefeim

О Goddess of the gods, what is use of
гВГОТЩ^? ffer rTg^TTЧЩW ^ :ll^ o || speaking more, I am always subservient to the
Rudra Sarnhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 24 363

devotion and the devotees. There is no doubt У<н4№4ч131сЬЧ c|U|jyqU4^Thl

about it.”
ш #^gtsrw Ti!4?n
He also explained the duties of the sons,
m t\ wives etc. and their greatness, the
tronm t^ tii^ ii imperishable system of varnas and asramas,
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the glory the medical and astral lores which are
of the devotion, Satl- the daughter of Daksa beneficial to the worldly people.
feeling immensely delighted in her mind, Trmftck тг ^rrerq^srenftrr ^rfr^T: i
offered her salutation to Siva. tfRT fRcTT t^vrRl ciukww гТт^ГсГгПЧ'ЙП
■O ЧИЩ dt«h|ds(ctb|<lv94^11 Out of compassion for her, he also spoke
out on the science of palmistry and several
O Excellent sage, she again enquired about other lores.
the subject, as explained in the scriptures BlHlcbRO<l Ы ф Ъ ШНЫ^1
which provides comforts to all the liberate cdlcbl4ehRebtuil II
*brw^ ik4 ъ fc i^ :i 3RR9RU xf Щ[ Ч^Чс16лГчи^|1Ч^11
3Rnfr yttawfa % ir^ n In this way, lord Siva and Sati who bestow
She also enquired about the subjects like comforts to all three worlds, and are
yantras, mantras and sdstras, with particular omniscient and appear on the personification
reference to their glory, besides other religious of noble qualities, sported over the mountain
matters. Kailas'a in the Himalaya and other places.
d<|cbu4 tffl#:l
d u jq m w f k ^ d l^ R ld ф г6Г ?1:Н Ч о ||
WhsPlt Ч(тЫТЧИс|и№ 4R ;Ptir4¥lBS!lPT:IR3ll
Siva was also delighted at the question of ‘k'k'k
Satl, who continued discussion for the
liberation of the people.
cT5T7TTWWF* % TRWlf зфэТ:1
W TtfpTR Ъ dd^cRW tim ^ll
Siva then spoke on yantras, s'astras, and
their five adjuncts with sacred bearing on the
subject with greatness and the glory.
Ы w i ?tckto ^i
W lfe w fe !11ч ? 11
О Excellent sage, he told her the ancient
stories, the greatness of the votaries, the duties
of people of the different castes, and stages in
life and the duties of the kings.
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 24 363

Safi’s doubt about Rama’s divinity

fm \ тагтту! тщмщ\ fniraHli

«ifor TT^VI: -HdlVT^4<41:
Narada said, “O Brahma, О Destiny, lord
of the people, О Immensely intelligent one,
you are benevolent to all, you have narrated
the excellent glory of Siva and the beautiful
Satl, which bestows benevolence.
UrtTwi Щ Щ ШЦЩ
fihMcbigf f | ^ xrfrtT fy ra fh m i
364 Siva-MahapurSnam

Now you kindly enlighten us about the Siva as a husband after performing severe
further glory of Siva and Satl. What did Siva tapas.
and Sat! do further, residing on that mountain?
WWBT grt||chu4 citiWVM Ъ 3 ЧЖ:1
rr тг зтот! t^ ! i Wc@ у fgermit W rofwrwvr: 11Ч11
rflfaicbl k lf ttelrt Suta said, “Listening to these words of
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, you Brahma, Narada then enquired about the
lovingly listen from me, the story of Sat! and greatness of Siva and Siva.”
Siva. Both of them sported always like ЧПД •зчМ
f^mrf?TO! тотто! M l ч щ faw wi
TO: ТОЙ H i ! Гс^НШН'М'Ц^!! d^cJWIt ЧТТЧТОН^оП
Narada said, “O Disciple of Visnu, О
О Excellent sage, according to a tradition, Brahma, О Possessor of great fortunes, kindly
it is stated by the wise people, that the great speak out the details of the story of Siva and
goddess Sat! had to face separation from her Siva who followed the worldly traditions.
"ФЩЬ ШЩ ЩЩ xiuici: ftdl4J
cJFlvrtfacf Vltblvfl fTOll
щ щ д ir тот! faferfafo тотогп??н
Ш TO*?! Ъ ddlfSdlhW Tcldl tT^!
•O 11411
' Why did Siva abandon his wife who was
О Sages, Sakti and Isa always remains dear to him than his life even. I consider this
together like the word and its meaning, then event to be unprecedented.
how could they be really separated?
^5ЩТ5ТОПгПЧ!З^Зя1%Щ5Г Й1
TOgTOrfevT w to i
ФИГ rtrdN ITT cjj? Uv4l TO f44: :+>d1ll^ II
«Ul'gtyft *T ТОТЙЙ TOsrctfd*flll^ll How was your son Siva humiliated? How
Or otherwise Siva and Sakti, had sportive did Sat! end her life in the yajna of her father?
interest and all their relative activities would
be quite proper, because these activities were
based over the human behaviour or tradition. TOTT=f ТГ^ТОхЩсГ SUgTOb d ^ d H ^ ll^ ll
What happened thereafter? What did Siva
TO rUrtil Ц^ГЗТТ <££{l ufcHI '5R3RT63f^l do thereafter? You kindly speak out the same,
ТГТОНЧКТОТО Ы гГггТТЭТTO^TTII^II I would like to listen to the same with utmost
Then Sat! who was forsaken by Siva, at the faith.”
time of her father’s yajna, ended her life in her
father’s yajna because of the disrespect shown
TOT! WtetT 4f4fa: ЕП 4TO[!
by her father to Siva.
ТрТсГЙ! 91^14*1^4:11^11
4 4 f f d W $ с ||Г б ф т ЧТО!: TOTTI
Brahma said, “O Narada, you are the best
ЧТ<Уй fm TOT ТОШ Ф . ( ф 4 |^ :1 1 £ 1 1 of the sons as well as the learned people. You
The same Sat! was reborn as Parvat! in the lovingly listen to the story of Siva with other
house of Himalaya. Then she again got back sages.
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 24 365

Once, Siva, who is well versed in sports,

щ г ! mqtnft trafrt 4^i^d4ji^4 и mounted over Nandi with Sati, was roaming
about on earth. After roaming about on earth
After bowing in reverence to other gods, as upto the seashore, he arrived in the
well as Visnu, who serve Siva, I am going to Dandakaranya, where Siva- the lord of truthful
narrate the astonishing story of Siva- the means and actions, pointed to Satl, the beauty
Supreme Brahman. of the surroundings of the place.
TTcfci TvicjHiHi f? «gritakb'C3m:i m ТТЧ ?r:i
ft&hlfl rT WlTITfaft tTfteiTII^II fsrat
This is all the sports of Siva. Because the
Siva at that point of time, found Rama with
lord is engaged in several sports. He is saguna
Laksmana searching for his spouse Slta who
as well as nirguna and same is the case with
Satl. had been stolen away by Ravana.
?T UliR'd f^T?lf%RRFWRI
з& т ъ : w i f ft efrch4cb<at
4<4ir4l ТТЦщ т |щ :м ^ || ЯГсГШйГ W i t
О Excellent sage, otherwise, who else is Sri Rama at that moment was desparately
competent enough to do that act. He alone is crying for Slta, looking here and there.
the supreme soul, Supreme Brahman and the Ч <131# ri#
Supreme Isvara.
ЧЙ&41ЧЯЧ ^(lebfqgrlUjRmi
^ ^nftr fTT:i Searching for her, he was confused and
ЧЧЩГ1W TR: W * lc ^ I:ll^ ll devoid of shame was asking about Slta from
He is the one who is always adored by lord the trees, and was filled with grief.
Visnu, myself, all the sages, gods, mendicants, Ш "44 <VlWR4'*f4«
Sanaka and other siddhas.
#T: ^»Tt Ъ Ф шр Trpif?r fq ^ T :i Having been born in the solar race, Rama
m Ч ёт ай Ш \ -Q W : Щ К : the son of Dasaratha, elder brother of Bharata,
Even the serpent Sesa, always sings his filled with grief and gloom, was seen by them.
glory but never feels exhausted. О Dear one, ци^сЫЧ crcraft WluiUrW т а IT:l
he is the same lord Siva.
Н1п*л ^Tctfoufufct dT«lfclV4:l
The immensely benevolent lord Siva,
rt5T^mt4 <*^Ч|Гч T^foqpA ^3to»:lR o|| bowed in reverence to Rama, wandering in the
The visible expansion of tattva is because forest with Laksmana.
of his sports alone. No one is at fault in this
case. He is all pervading and inspires all.
ЩЩ Tlfft ЧтБЭгШ: IR 6 11
tJcbfa-HUi) Щ: W4T f^rarfr Wt:\
Siva, who is well-disposed towards his
fa w ibgl devotees had an audience with Rama who was
^UgchKU-M tnfcr 4rlMKIUcKIHJ moving in the other side of the forest uttering
w nm i: 3T*J:n^ll the word jaya (victory) for him.
366 Siva-MahapurSnam

Brahma said, “The goddess Satl is the

eternal force, being Parames'vari. Having been
^fefwn fyra ш? l>NHHi^M)Qrtni?^ii
overpowered with the illusion of Siva, she put
Then observing the sports of Siva, which up this question.
captivates all, Satl, getting influenced with the
illusion of Siva, felt surprised. п<1«ьи4 щг: wm:
ft^T 'R ЗГЩ ftd l
Listening to the words of Satl, lord Siva,
%ц\ ^r! w i r ! ^т%! rtSpstc!
who was well-versed in the divine sports
replied to Satl smilingly.”
Satl said, “O God of gods, О Supreme
Brahman, О Lord of all, all the gods including ЩТР9Т ЗсГПЕГ
Hari and Brahma serve you. ^rf?r! pfrhT ЧЩ И Р1

щ m v ft % ^ r t ^Ыг ^ ti ЦЩ ^ п т ^ щ и ^ П
Paramesvara said, “O Goddess Satl, you
listen to me lovingly. I am revealing before
They serve you as well meditate upon you.
You are known through the science of you the factual position. There is no trick in it.
metaphysics after making strenuous efforts. With the influence of the boon, I offered my
You are the undecaying great lord. salutation to him with respect.
giifatft wrt чт\ <1Ч<г1$ИиН|Щч1 ^Щ П Й |

fepRft ^ ferfEt frft Wtft

О Lord, these two persons appear to be О Goddess, both of them were Rama and
grief stricken, because of their separation who Laksmana, the sons of king Dasaratha, having
were wandering in the forest in a gloomy state been born in the solar race.
of mind? They were looking miserable. TjfacnJTf ^тГ щфш 1я «г:1
w p ^gT t %дчп T P T lfw t f%WT: 4U |fvil
^ T : p ra M JM ЧтБ Out of them the fair complexioned one is
Out of the two, the one having the the younger brother Laksmana- the
complexion of the blue lotus flowers, looking incarnation of the serpent Sesa, while the elder
at him, why did you feel delighted like a one is Rama himself. He the complete form of
devotee? Visnu and is incapable of being harassed.
?f?T й зиМ : ч:\
■ ^сгщг ягй 3Ttnirr: w t!ii^n f^ R T R R fr 7ГВД: w fd c b t: j r g : l l * o | |
О Siva, О Master, you remove my doubt, They, for the protection of the noble people
because it would not be proper for the master and for our benefit, have incarnated on earth.”
to bow in reverence to the servant.” Thus speaking, Siva, the creator of the
universe kept quiet.
3TTf^?l%: w f f w ч WParh с|тй: yiwt)4 d-ЧЧ: I
щ гет f^ ra w rr
Rudra Samhita (Sat? Khan<Ja), Chapter 24 367

Listening to the words of Siva, Sat! could Thus thinking, she, under the influence of
not believe them because the illusion of Siva illusion, of Siva, took to the form of Slta and
is quite powerful and captivates the three went to RSma.
worlds. tftm w то! ^gT отторг fyr%fR an
fRt *ттот д а : тогач: i
On realising this, Siva, the eternal one, TPTcTTO 'P fp ! TOT T O :l
understood that Sat! had not believed his
TT^rr^f chf4l?lTOl TfTOT faRTII^II
words, then he, who was well-versed in the
divine sports, said to her. Sri Rama said, “O Satl, salutation to you.
You speak out lovingly, where has Siva gone
ftlcl TORT today? How could you arrive in the forest
tto ft to v m fTOTII*3ll гЧеГОТ TORtf T#!l
Siva said, “O Goddess, in case you have no dRbHUi %fsrl <fTOTfTOT ЧЧ\Ч$ПЧ°И
belief in my words then you can test Rama Why have you taken to this form,
with your own wisdom. discarding your own form? You kindly speak
out the reason for the same.”
E n y q fd TOT 'q l ^ l f TS RT ^ fft! f& \ \
О Satl, О beloved one, you act in a way by ff?T TITOcT: #RTT ТОП
which your confusion could be removed. In TPpafT frolrfe 7TOT anfqro RT%rTT *11
the meantime Siva went from that place and Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
rested under the shade of a banyan tree. Rama, Satl was taken aback at that moment
and taking the words of Siva to be true felt
WWfaTET shameful.
ant froro fowl
-o w тоато arfropr an
*dfdH>TT ar TITO cHrJTftucil'ifqil
a*TOT faRt TOJclW ЗГТОУ1:11Ч?М
Brahma said, “The great goddess Satl, at
Taking Rama to be the form of Visnu and
the command of Siva, started thinking as to
reverting to her original form of Satl, devoting
how the forest dweller Rama could be put to her mind at the feet of lord Siva, she
test? delightfully said.
т к щ ? «pap т о Н u ra M ti tro t TOT TO: I
qft TTOt ф : ^ faflT-wfa 4 атгТОТ1Г&511 Mtpr ТОТОГ: qr^R :ll4?ll
I shall take to the form of Slta and then go “Lord Siva, accompanied with me and his
to Rama. In case Rama is lord himself then he attendants, roaming over the entire earth has
would understand everything otherwise not.” reached in this forest.
?RT fronf ТШТ W TOR ТТЧТОЬТсГ: I 3TTO*TTOaT m % ^dl^4HTrldj<^l
дттож1ут8$ то! ч1зц<иитпг*\э|| TOTE^JT fdtf^ui aftTOT ШЩЧРГОЧИЧ'ХН
368 Siva-Mahapuranam

He spotted you engaged in search of Slta.

He found you and Laksmana painful, without
O Sage, Sat! also did not return to Siva,
ЯгЕГГ reft TPTHf Я Н W X H f w ХГЩ f?l without the permission of Rama. Highlighting
tiwt ч^'чн %frora щтт *ртпчч11 the glory of Siva, Rama said to Satl.
Offering his salutation to you and praising SllftldUgNUUl f s i p i fetft
your Vaisnavi illusion, is delightfully resting
under a banyan tree. •kifk
ф: ш 4t ^§сг

He felt pleased without looking at your

four-armed form. He felt blissful at the sight
of your spotless form.
msjcqi <чгн -с)пПнI
^ fjdci^Rit w!ii4V9ii
Listening to the words of Siva, I felt
confused. О Rama, I therefore at his
command, have tested you.
if TTR fabUl^d ^gT H WtsferlTI
£г:щшт flsnfa ^ ^ ш тщчгГ!11ц 6 11
О Rama, I have come to realise that you
are Visnu. I have also witnessed your
greatness. Though my doubt has been
removed, still О Intelligent one, you listen,
what I intend to speak out to you.
дат WPRRd ъфгцщ ^ft; wtrt. i
ш Rt mcjfs |сщнч ъ и
How have you become adorable by Siva?
You tell me correctly. You remove the doubt
from me and by doing so, welfare would soon
be bestowed on you.”
$гЧ1«ьи4 cwwwi T m # ^ # E R :i
З Р Ш jnj cnfsjcfiTTII^oll
Brahma said, 'Thus listening to the words
of Satl, the eyes of Rama were blossomed. He
remembered lord Siva, which increased the
devotion of Siva in his heart.
368 Siva-Mahapuranam

Separation of Siva and Sat!
тз^т % utt трот: w re rf^ ri

йч ^ёИтттгггат ш ш т Г<щш
тщ w язч trtor m 1%h r ЩТТН9И
Sri Rama said, “O Goddess, in earlier
times lord Siva, the creator of the universe,
once summoned Vis'vakarma, the best
architect in the universe, and got a gigantic
and charming building built near his cow­
shed. A beautiful lion throne was placed
csrwrm ferref Tiffr fejcbiiumi^n
Lord Siva also got a beautiful and vast
umbrella made which was hung over the lion
throne, for the sake of Ganesa.

He also invited all the gods including Indra

and others, besides siddhas, Gandharvas,
Nagas and the acaryas, upadesas and Agamas,
Brahma with his sons, the sages and the
celestial goddesses and nymphs arrived there
with various presents.
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 25 369

^ёпчт ёг rrenfftrrr f^ S R t 1ьГим!чГч| performed in the Brahmanda-mandapa by

3TR3R gr^fT: W3?T m^?TII^II
Siva himself.
Sixteen virgins each of the devas, sages,
siddhas and serpents were also brought for the ddWHld Й ?nST:
auspicious ceremony. Siva then conferred all his fortunes on
Visnu, which could not be given to anyone
else, by Siva, who is well disposed towards
his devotees, offering prayer to Visnu.
О Sages, different musical instruments like
lute tabours, etc. were played, upon, and songs 9ПРТЧГ vil«h4KlU4citagtH fk<*4j
were sung. There was thus a great pomp and 5 W R 4 ЩТШТ 'fdd-di 4rb'cfdPRd:ll^ll
show at the festivities. Siva who is favourably disposed towards
his devotees, displaying independent but
(Mifw>eh4№iEt sotnffrr
subservient, to the boon granted by him, spoke
чщ рящ г 4ftdRii<tii these words to Brahma, the creator of the
The articles and herbs which were universe.
considered necessary for the festivities were
brought. Five pots were filled with the sacred
water from all the flowing holy rivers. Ш: injfd 4 ^ V II<4 # : i
ЩЦЪЫ: -ЩЧ fanubdk: sjnWd %ll^4il
dSJRTT f^oCTT aH AIH ^nllw dll
Siva said, “O Lord of the world, from
wsraW '^ rh «bK'Umi'M today onwards, lord Visnu, what to speak of
The attendants made all other necessary the entire universe, would be adorable by me
arrangements. The Vedic hymns were recited even. All should listen to this.
U^dlRftHdld! 5РЭГЧгЗ«ТЧ ffT^I
%тщя\стчшт:1 dufiRT Ф Rlfad1?T4lil^ll
чпкт ^flr t% a T :ii?o ii О Dear one, together with all the gods, you
With the mind filled with delight, lord also offer your salutation to lord Hari. At my
Siva, called Visnu from Vaikuntha. О command the Vedas shall also excel him in
goddess, lord Siva was immensely pleased at the same way as they do for me.”
the devotion of Visnu. ТТЧ
TjTOfcf cRl $c^«Kdl52T UtiSsq'flhJ
?fr ЗЙгЕГТ W T T W ^ ch ?T:ll^ll cT# Vd>3cWrf:ll^3ll
During the auspicious time, lord Visnu was Sri Rama said, “Thus speaking, Siva
made to occupy the unique throne and himself offered his salutation to Visnu.
decorated him delightfully, in various ways. Thereafter Siva, getting pleased with the
ehflehta<*>4^-d4J devotion of Visnu, bestowed further boons on
^ f 4 3 F r%¥Rg ^ таюэттаИ 11^ 11
A beautiful crown was placed over the гПТГ RiwrgtRMi
head of Visnu an the abhiseka of Visnu was gf^TTS^Rwdlll^ll
370 Siva-MahSpurSQam

Thereafter, Brahma and other gods, the and by which the entire world can be
sages, siddhas and others offered their captivated or made unconscious.
salutation to Visnu. тпт ftrfii^ i
arwTfh ч fm: чтит ^ ftd ifa s rfg s jfa iR m i
KSIcHli ^T9rr$Rfi9R^r:ll^ll О Hari, you are actually my form. This
Thereafter, Siva praised Visnu in the Brahma is my right arm. You are the creator
presence of all and getting pleased, he of Brahma and would become his sustainer as
bestowed several other boons on him. well.
3%УГ ЗоГТёГ щ ч ЧЧ 7П ТГ TTcTTf ч W T : I
Ч«Ш с| Tfftsfcr 41^11<^Гч g^PTlI? ^11
ттш т ^ c h iR u iT ^ iR o и Of course, I happen to be Rudra, who
Siva said, “You at my command, would be adored by you and Brahma. There is
henceforth, would become the creator, no doubt about it.
preserver and the destroyer of the world, you ЗТЗГ f^ T T fa$)4d:l
will chastise the evil people and become the
bestower of dharma, artha and kama. HMi4tn^^ST ^ 1 4TRtfd45^f^T111^ 11
Living here, you protect the entire world
чН1с№|| smcfsqt Ч31«ич<1*ч:1
by incarnating on earth variously and in
Ш sFifr w fh% diverse ways of protection.
You will be the lord of the universe,
adorable in the world, immensely valorous,
besides being invincible in the battle, even by ?f?r fo w l'd
me. Your place in my loka would be of great
детиг W l prosperity and glory, which would be known
as Goloka.”
You accept the three Saktis conferred by nfcmPd ^ Щ :1
me on you. You will engage yourself in Ч ^ т Ш Ш Ч ; 4VdPdT4 f d ^ l ^ ld J R 4 l
several types of sports and your glory would О Visnu! your incarnations for the
spread in all the three lokas. protection of all beings on the earth, my
«лф лй ттгечт: Ш : 1 devotees will behold these with pleasure
гс|«ЛтЬИ'| W fgwfr P l^ U iy d 4 \|R ^ II
through my blessings.
О Visnu, whosoever would be jealous of TPT ЗЭГГёГ
you, I shall punish him making, all the efforts. ЗП§п|«ФгТОТ1Г Wr?Ei Щ'- Щ 1
О Vi§nu, I shall bestow the excellent moksa 5hfery4l4fd:ll^o||
(liberation) to your devotees.
Sri Rama said, “In this way, lord Visnu,
qrat rnfq qgiulni gwuitelt received from Siva, the imperishable fortunes.
7ШТ ¥fgmfdll?*ll Siva, the lord of Uma, on the other hand
You accept this Maya from me which can getting free, started living over the Kailasa
hardly be withstood by the gods and others mountain with his attendants.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 25 371

By having a meeting with you it would

ЗШ#Я5Г ТТПРТПТГТЩТtffa :||^ || result into a boon in getting back Slta. By your
grace, I am sure to kill the wicked demon.
Since then, the lord of LaksmI, took to the There is no doubt about it.
form of a cowherd and lovingly going to the
Goloka, became the lord of cows, Murlld ^racsrgf fibT w ? i
cowherdesses and the cowherds, wandering TrfwFT щ щ тш\ ТГ SRL Ш Щ: 113г II
there with pleasure. It is a matter of great fortune for me today,
4Ы4 feraiT: ш и ^Tttr М Ш w m that I could have an audience with both of
you. when both of you are graceful on
someone, he is sure to become the excellent
ТГ Ш^кт^ШТ5ЩТ5ШТ1 one.”
Twtei m ш г щ т : щ Ш
«lf3T TTdf %сГТЧ1
Then Visnu, getting pleased, started
eft ftw r fat-rau т р ? : ii^ ii
protecting the entire world. He incarnated
several times, at the command of Siva and Thus speaking repeatedly offering his
became the protector of the world. At that salutation to chaste Siva, with utmost
point of time, Visnu at the command of Siva, devotion, and with her permission, Rama kept
incarnated four times on earth, viz. : as Rama, on wandering in the forest.
Laksmana, Bharata and Satrughna. згаг«п4 ^ рт ш надмя:1
m шт!?пгг^тпт: i to r t fviawfrbTd ||
smmtst ^ ш г g 13*11 Then the goddess Satl, listening to the
O Goddess Satl, I had arrived in the forest words of Rama who had controlled his sense
with Slta and Laksmana, at the command of organs, started praising Rama, who was
my father and had to face miseries here engaged in the devotion of Siva and felt
because of luck. delighted at heart.
ftynW frjl тг Ш Л fcTT З я Ш
ЗЙШ|рЦ ^11^411 ■ ЯТФТЩ^Щ^ГТ fdduil f^|c(«f«eiln^^||

^ %ufc, m ^ jt чч\ She felt painful at heart at her

performance. With her gloomy and faded face,
ч тгш^ !11^ S11 she returned to Siva.
Some demon has stolen away my wife
trf£r c^t hR: 34:1
known as Slta. Getting separated from her, I,
in the company of my brother, am searching Ш f t ТШ Jfft fitTTII*?ll
for her. О Mother Satl, I could have an While walking on the way back she was
audience with you and by your grace, I am thinking again and again. "I did not believe in
sure to meet with welfare. the words of Siva, and thought ill of Rama.
fldlHlfiart Щ HTfdbafd ч Щ : !
t зйт §дяЗ m тщгст ffft yfgv-i wgsrr WHifts^eiTT^i 1*311
372 Siva-Mahsipiiranam

Now what reply shall I give to Siva?” Thus ну*1-чч w : н1сьн)нн«гГ<от:мцо||

thinking, she felt extremely painful. Siva said, “In case I love Satl as I did
т т ЗТТЭртЙТ *T trURTtr % сг earlier, then my vow would be shattered, since
faMdSWTII'S'tf II I happen to be the follower of the worldly
She was feeling painful and her appearance traditions.”
faded out and feeling depressed, she shatdid
ultimately went to Siva and offered her д р т f?T г1ш^гнч1н,|
salutation to him.
w t ч чттвтгчт %^4jniweb:ii4^i
m m <|г?тн ц-л Brahma said, “Thus thinking variously,
TjfaTrr wsr item <|ш w t i i* ц ii Siva, the follower of the Vedic traditions,
Finding her so depressed, Siva enquired discarded Sat! from his mind and saved his
about her welfare and asked her lovingly, vow.
“How did you put him to test?”
rRTt ЗЩТГ ШГ dt Ч Ш :1
ЯЯТ ftleieM') ЧЩ уимнчм ^РТРТ WfiTfr ^ ТГ f? W J :II4 ? II
-щ\ vil^yuun w treft m ^ 4 d :ii^ ^ u Thereafter, Parmesvara, disowning Satl
Listening to these words of Siva, she went from his mind, moved towards Himalaya. This
to him and said, “I have not put him to test. secret was not revealed by Siva.
Then she stood there having been depressed.
tIFRT hftsr <T cdThdlUddM
^ ~v
зтгг т ш «рИ' rifet f^ri
т я з г к ш м - ч ш ^T3ft ?r f^)tR T :im ^ii
^ T F tT 4Mlc4№lfcl¥IP!3:ir*V9ll
At the time of their departure, divine
Thereafter, Siva the great yogi, well versed speech rose in the sky telling Siva with in the
in the various types of sports, resorted to hearing of everyone, particularly Satl- the
dhyanam or yogic power and learnt about the daughter of Daksa.
entire story of Satl.

SRT^ w № ! ТГ2ГТw r:i

He was reminded of his vow at the time of

the anger of Hari, which was desired to be The divine voice said, “O Great lord, you
fulfilled by Rudra- the one who honoured the are graceful no doubt. There is no other great
vow. yogi comparable with you. No one can fulfil
the vow.”
4H^d4c|M fl
srfaxtn q4<Wi «гч^снат: w h ^ ii
At that point of time Siva felt painful that tgrTT оч)чс(г(1 tp t M!Jt=w f^JWTI
he the creator, spokesperson and the protector W фН<=|1Я1«1! ^
of Dharma spoke like that. Brahma said, “On hearing the divine voice,
dent) the goddess Satl, was extremely faded out and
fTqf f| ^ M TTfR|
asked Siva, “Kindly tell me the vow
undertaken by you?”
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 25 373

WIT ftflcFT: TW:I О Sage, in this way, Siva, who followed

7Т ^Т Г5*^Ч Ш Ч ^П
the worldly traditions, and maintained his
body at well, spent some time.
Inspite of the question raised by Sati, Siva,
who had been benevolent to all, did not ЩЯ WTT5TRlRyiWd: TTMTRlfdficTI
disclose the vow, undertaken by him at the w \^ m ft wr тгегзгптч tttii^bii
time of marriage in presence of Visnu. Thereafter, Siva, who removes the miseries
tt^tw t%cr swtt w # wrra^mi of others, finished his smadhir knowing about
«Щ^Т^TTTTfHWITWT 3^!||Ц\ЭИ which Sati, the mother of the world arrived
«О s3 v3
О Excellent sage, then Sati, meditating for
his beloved Siva, came to know everything, ЧЧТЧМfyicf fq^dll
about her disowning by Siva.
MfsTfar «гзщт w riimmr44:i She offered her salutation to lord Siva with
a painful heart. The large hearted Siva then
?twtt ^гзтт щ^:мчлп
gave her a seat in front of himself.
Sat! then, realising that she had been
discarded by Siva, took deep sighs again and WTTWT TTWTTдатт щЬШчт:!
again and was plunged in grief. £г:#да фЛс|1Н Wf c%T ^ T Ъ dl^nlHIl
fy ic R d W : ТИЩТ1Ч TTH ^ Then he lovingly spoke out some charming
stories. Then he relieved her of all the
тй w ft датт ^^5Ч;зт:ичч11
sufferings by his sports.
Siva on the other hand realised that Safi
had known about his vow, therefore in order чЗЧсШ W # r WTR WPJT ч TT: I
C\ о

to divert her attention, he started narrating WTTSRf Ш \ WT^T T T ^ I I ^ I I

several auspicious stories in order to appease Sati thereafter enjoyed all the comforts as
her. before, but Siva did not discard his vow. О
wnr ш it ^ trt9sret даэт:1 Dear one, this performance of Siva should be
considered as an ordinary one.
Rwtt Ш ^ ои
Thus narrating the auspicious story, Siva TWTt W ll
accompanied with Sati, went to the Kailasa f e r ^ТсЙЖТШ ferEru дат ТШТ:1Щ'^11
mountain. Reaching there, Siva, sat in his real О Sage, the story of Siva and Siva is being
form in meditation in yogasana. naiTated by the sages like this. But some
foolish people take it to be the separation
m crcsft udtaifa Msibqifrwi^rari
between Siva and Siva. But how could they be
4 !115 я11 separated?
Thereafter Sati continued to live their with FyictiryicwRd *TR# TTWJcT:l
an extremely disturbed mind. But О Sage, no
one came to know about such performance of ТЗ^ТТ % ^iRrt fiW:
Siva and Siva. Who could actually know the performance
of Siva and Siva? Both of them roam about at
4gR ftlH T oqd)*IN tretfiW will while sporting and make their own lives
Й ттта^ тТ: : 115 ч 11 forever.
374 Siva-MahSpuranam

gFraffe Tig ш ^ Ш |
ТТКПЩ: TTWtf^qpJT TTlt:!|^^||
Sati and Siva are always united together
like the words and their meanings. Siva cannot
be separated from Sati, without his wish.

ш п т ! тгаИууЬП чт
374 Siva-MahSpuranam

О Sage, in the meantime, lord Siva

together with his ganas and Sat! arrived there.
He was the creator of the three worlds, besides
being bestower of the benefits to the three
^fT f?icr шт: Tff Ъщ т тргошт
With the arrival of Siva, the gods, the
CHAPTER 26 siddhas sages, and even myself offered there
Cause of conflict between Daksa and salutation to him, besides praising him.
S lfld ltl

дточщг fsriijFTT w t i All the people present there took their

ЯЗР) PRRT rT ТЩТгЦЧПТИ^И seats, at the indication of Siva and started
Brahma said, “In the ancient times, the praising their fortunes (for having a look at
great sages collected in the holy place of Siva).
Prayaga and performed an auspicious yajna ^T: TT'SfRfdFfd: Щ: I
there, appropriately.
зтртчтТ? «y^yiiiiii
m fegr: Hmwdi: «т«вгаг: Rifo.-i At the same time, suddenly Daksa, the lord
^ЯЗЦЧаЛ fTf^TT <|ЗД$И:11311 of the illustrious Prajapatis arrived there
The siddhas, Sanaka and other divine delightfully.
sages, besides Prajapati, the gods and the Ш ш щ TT
ascetics who had audience with Brahma also
arrived there.
The arrogant and devoid of Dak§a offered
щ чгочтаця his salutation to me and took his seat at my
I also arrived there with my disciples, MfuiTl&sr ^T: ^ rfa :i
together with Agamas, Nigama in the shining bfwT fddy^iii^oii
embodied forms.
All the gods, quite humbly, with folded
% cfoigwrtga: I hands offered their salutation to Daksa,
Ч Т Ч Щ Ш Щ ^ о Г :Iftfll
eulogising him at the same time.
Several people participated in the Ч1ЧТЙ£Кф‘?Н«1: ШЛЯ: VFT)f?l<£dl
festivities having diverse character. Щ W R R W T % g ? : l l ^ ||
Ч Н Ч т Т гЩТ
Discussions were carried out on different But lord Siva who engaged himself in
subjects enshrined in different sacred texts. diverse sports, freely, continued sitting over
dtebld^A ТП^ТФГЩ; -Щ-А his seat. He failed to offer his salutation to
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 26 375

Daksa Prajapati. of the Brahmanas and the one who has the lust
<[gTSS4<T RTWЗЯ' ^ ^^tSH ^w sIhl for his wife alone. He is always interested in
the love-sports and therefore I am going to
З р р |г Н З Ш ^ RTc(T ^ r : 3 T jrrq f?r:ll^ll
pronounce a curse on him.”
Then Daksa Prajapati- my son, when found
this, he was suddenly enraged over Siva. AijiiriW

fr^g?n w r a f W ^4
w f^ rr
11^ 11
j^ud-rciMi Шгжгеш шт
Daksa on the other hand, who was
immensely arrogant and short of wisdom, з к т f? m&r cb ^d ^ n ^n
cruelly looked at Siva and spoke words which Brahma said, “Thus speaking the
could be heard by all.” immensely wicked Daksa, started talking
about Siva- О gods and Brahmanas, listen, he
is due to be killed by me now.”
W'tTWTT 'p t
Ч 1Й ш Г«1ТО 5Л :1
Ш urft ^4e|41^HRl
dufbddtdl58r I
Daksa said, “All the gods, demons, rsis,
and others are offering their salutation to me. VMVIHdKtl feT3F4#r:ll^ll
How is it that this immensely arrogant person, Daksa said, “I expel Rudra from the yajna.
surrounded by the goblins sand ghosts, He is an out-caste from all the varanas, having
behaves like a wicked person? an ugly shape, dweller of the cremation
WHctTOt f4T4W fPT ground. He is devoid of race and birth. From
today onwards, he would not receive his part
eRj ЗЩТТЧ 4 cBtlfjT ^SSRTI
(of the yajna) with other gods.”*

*rt: i
He always lives in the cremation ground, is
shameless, inactive, always served by the зрфпт Щ ЯИТлА:
ghosts and the goblins, intoxicated being Brahma said, “Listening to the degraded
ignorant of the correct practices, and spoiling words of Daksa, and considering Siva to be
the old tradition has not offered his salutation comparable with other gods, other sages and
to me. rsis like Bhrgu and others denounced Siva.

c[gT %5T y )4 d P K < H 0 l ЗТИ ^Ш ?ТЩ <ld<-MI TTW:ll? о и

wm «<Wrb<friydiui Listening to the words of Daksa,

Nandlsvara the attendant of Siva, felt enraged
and became ready to pronounce a curse on
He is deceitful, wicked, sinful, denouncer Dak$a.”
376 Siva-Mahapuranam

^ ?ra! qqnrs! sgr! <^гчй! t^mri uitiNMpHdl T:iit?V9II
тщш# ft *f wqf q t# ft f«T: *i You would be engaged in the deceitfiil or
useless talk, devoid of good manners, engaged
Nandlsvara said, “O Deceitful one,
in drinking wine, wearing .the matted locks of
immensely foolish, evil minded, Daksa, how hair, the ashes on the body, as well the bones
could you expel my lord Mahesa from the as ornaments.”
7PRT WfORl^tn qgfqr RWI W : l
ff?r w w qq fvid{4if<i:i
q qfadlfui ?THt tR: ЧИЦН^Н
How could you pronounce a curse on Siva,
who makes all the sacrifices fruitful and Brahma said, “When Daksa so pronounced
a curse over the attendants of Siva,
successful and even the holy places are
Nandlsvara- the dear attendant of Siva, was
purified by him?
immensely enraged.
HrtjcfMp qfqq q m^rshmi
q?TJrg:liq^ll Pvirnqqqql ч^г tqqft
О Evil minded Daksa, you have cursed Then Nandlsvara the son of Silada, who
lord Siva, in vain, with your inconsiderate was quite illustrious said to the extremely
rashness, as a Brahmana and you have laughed arrogant Daksa.”
at him.
q#SR заптг
^ fsRTf^RPTI
} ^ r! ?ra! f?raf«h£4i:i
TTHttq R сШ 9ГТрЛТЕПТ!|1?'к11
О Degraded Brahmana, he is the one who
creates, preserves and ultimately destroys the Nandlsvara said, “O Evil minded and
universe, such a type of Siva has been made wicked Daksa, you have uselessly pronounced
the curse, unaware of the importance of Siva-
by you the target of your curse. Why have you
tattva, over the ganas of Siva, because of the
done so?”
rashness of your mind possessing petty
qfqjqT ft knowledge.
qfcq ?теггш (Vranfca tiu m i
When Daksa was thus rebuked by Nandi as
well then Daksa filled with anger, cursed Bhrgu and others having been filled with
Nandi also. the pride of being Brahmanas and having evil
minds laughed at Siva, the great lord.
qq Tli WTT ^сГЩГТ WRl h ?HtfullW(|yil: W :l
q#5T: ягЧ1скс||%щ -ym и
Daksa said, “You- all the attendants of Such of the degraded people present here
Siva are also expelled from the Vedic rituals who are against Siva, I pronounce a curse on
besides being discarded by the rsis. them with the influence of Rudra.
Rudra Sarnhita (Satl Khunda), Chapter 26 377

lustful pleasures besides the evil ways. He will

4 3 ^ trldd foTTT dl^^w lfrt C (|f^d:||^^||
lay down rules for rituals perpetually
discussing the Vedic hymns. His bright face
“You would not be able to understand the will fade out and he would be strayed away
meaning of the Vedas, even after deep from his goal. He will fall from his holy place
discussion on the subject. You would always and indulge in wicked deeds.”
say that there is nothing else.
« h lftm m 4 f^ T T 5ГЩШТТ 7ЩТ1
«ЫЧ1гЧМ: Т ^ к г г : 5Fl8IHl'4R<ll^dl:l
•«cRTW fetT Рттчя41:11^^ и
Filled with anger, when Nandlsvara cursed
Having been overpowered with kama the Brahmanas and Daksa, there was a huge
(desires), krodha (anger), lobha (greed) and uproar at the place.
mada (arrogance), you would always be
desirous of the heaven and become shameless dcjlcbUil^R^'dRfH^ W4|hfg:l
beggars. iarafer
^T Pf ?гщщт: $n^dikR:i Then I, (Brahma) the spokes-person of the
Vedas, and well-versed in Siva-tattva,
e( Slfdil$<dl: 'ЩТ11^Ч11 listening to the same, denounced several times
These Brahmanas will officiate in the Bhrgu and other Brahmanas present there.
sacrifices of the Sudras following the Vedic
fsfteftr «тег: я т ч^Т :
path. They would actually be paupers eager to
receive money through any source. ЪЗ[Щugt Щер* «ifaw ^ifclcf: II* ? 11
Siva on his part, listening to the words of
Nandi, spoke sweatly to him trying to
convince him.
Because of their receiving riches through
the undeserving sources, they would fall in
»jtjt qf^r! щшщ\ ч
hell while some of them would turn as
Brahmaraksasas. <|щ w т а ш гг ш и
Sadasiva said, “О Nandi, the great
intellect, don’t be angry. You have cursed the
piftTcTt ganfafcM d) fdhisll Я^Т||^1Э11 Brahmanas uselessly.
A person, who, taking Siva to be an 7РЩПТГЦ: ЩТ1'г^тКЧЧ1 ^?ПТ1
ordinary person, becomes inimical to him,
such on evil-minded person, would be ■gyF уЩчТ WIT gfg4T4ll'«'tf II
deprived ofjnana-tattva. Vedas are composed in the form of
syllables and are in the form of the Siiktas,
Сч n9 4 О ' О there lives the souls of all the living beings.
fad^dl ^ ТПШЧВЗ 6 II
dFnic;ir4(cl<l Pled Щ Ш wf^RT:l
fa d a H ^ c b p lt fd^dlchhfd: tpg:i
?тщт ч IrRiftr
Therefore you do not pronounce any curse
Soon- this Daksa would become goat faced in anger. The Vedas lead to self realisation
and would indulge in worldly vulgar and and as such, they should not be cursed.
378 Siva-MahapurSnam

щ ■?# ч wmr -щw ssf^ g ^ W t: xrf<cirf4ri: i

^TRTf ^ Ч^1У1ЧЯ -НЧсЫ[<Й®ЬусЬl l l ^ ll т г г с ш щ-q ^ 11ч ? 11
0 wise NandT, you have imparted Daksa Prajapati, on the other hand was
knowledge to Sanaka etc. the sons of Brahma, surrounded by the enraged Brahmanas, filled
be calm and quiet. I have not at all been with rage and feeling inimical to Siva left for
cursed. his abode.

Щ Ш q^iPHdl ^TcfTffts^ ^11^1311 ъщ щ c^r: WTT w sf^w :i

1 am myself the yajna, the performer of the
yajna besides being the part of yajna. I am
also the soul of the yajna, the performance of At that point of time Daksa pronouncing
the yajna, and an exterior to the same. the curse, and shedding away his devotion for
«Ь^чГн*1 ^ Нт^гТ: I Siva, started denouncing Siva.
?TWn 4<4ir4HiI
Who are they? Who are you? Who are all w gf^Muii fjoj ирг! ^ т щ ^ и ч ’хн
these? I represent them all in reality. You I have narrated the crooked wisdom of
better think from this angle. You have cursed Daksa in relation to Siva- the Supreme Soul.
the Brahmanas in vain. О Dear one, now I shall narrate the
d ^ l^ T H4HMR) ЧЩ\ humiliation extended to him by Siva.
«pgt^Wl нГ^! 3>tenf^3ft5KT:irtf ^
О Immensely wise one, О Nandi, you, п^ ц|(эуы ^rf^frut чт
shedding away the anger, realising the
fundamental basis of the formation of the •k’k'k
universe, through the factual position, get
enlightened and re-assured.”
fcl^eb4T4l ?Ш ?ПЧТ15^Ш№ЙгГ:11Чо||
Brahma said, “When so advised by Siva,
Nandlsvara shed away the anger, achieving
the supreme knowledge and he became calm.
fMtsfa t ш атщ w rot ymiq^'qni
W : тг wfr dWrW^aM мч^|йг1:11цяп
Thus convincing Nandi who was the
closest and dearest of Siva’s ganas and
accompanied with all the ganas left for their
own abode.
378 Siva-MahapurSnam

Start of Daksa’s sacrifice
$T ЩТ: jrrcfraRt WRi
rRTffTTW ^ <t%^4 f^ T :ll?ll
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, once
Daksa Prajapati, organised a huge sacrifice.
Receiving the diksa for yajna he invited in
that yajna all the divine sages.
WfctrsfisMIRU ЖРШТ: I

Influenced with the illusion of Siva, the

gods and rsis also arrived for the performing
of the yajna.
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 27 379

s r w i: эд : i Daksa allotted all of them the vast

o E ir e t W g R T t S S T
buildings built by Vis'vakarma- the divine
architect for them.
fcr: w w t Tprf w fa: cJvfTP: farm
\3 т т v5 f a w f a\Э
t w u f a i щ -н ПаугП: i
% щ п и тщ *nmi
З Н М 'к ) Т Ш Ъ Й а л щ Т Щ П ^ П
The sages who arrived there in Daksa’s
sacrifice included Agastya, Kasyapa, Atri, All the places, the gods, myself and Visnu
Vamadeva, Bhrgu, Dadhlci, lord Vyasa, were lodged gracefully, who looked fine.
Bhardvaja, Gautama, Paila, Parasara, Garga, <ЫУН Щ[\
Bhargava, Kakubha, Slta, Sumantu, Trika and фгТШ)Ч Ч $ Щ \Ш rPTfSHT: 1 1 ^ 1 1
Vaisampayana and many others.
At the bank of the holy places of
TJ%gfar ^ -tprr Щ: I Kanakhala, the yajna, was organised in which
-цц Tjsrer W fi: ш§ч,мчп Bhrgu and other great sages were appointed as
In this way several other sages together priests.
with their wives, arrived in the yajna of my з т % ш т T R i f f a n j: Щ т г Ф т е ^ Г :1
son Daksa.
ш T i i fTJTtflT HUt»4HT Visnu, himself was the presiding deity
d sfrc rffa fa : W )4 c b R e M lfo d l:ll^ ll along with the Maruts. I myself (Brahma)
All the gods, Lokapalas and Ganadevatas functioned as the chief priest for the Vedic
arrived there with their respective vehicles and rituals.
the ganas. dfa* faf ffaPlMT STTWriSJ Щ : 1
*tc4<rll«fcic^44l41dl H
s5dlSj} (cW=hk«*i:l шдш: ejjdgHdkl:
ШТгТ: w fa tfa ^ < l R ^ d : l l V 9 l l Similarly the Lokapalas (guardians of the
I, the creator of the universe, was also quarters) functioned as the gate-keepers or the
invited with prayers from Satyaloka. I also, watchmen. They were well-equipped with
together with my sons, family and the Vedas arms and were assisted by their attendants
arrived there. who were quite enthusiastic.
Ш fawit: w f a f fdfdyKtldl 3 tR T # W T Щ : W W W ^ n ss fa

w Triwiidii ^ ■RfrgfastBT: % 5 ^ m s q c R ii^ 4 ii

Lord Visnu was also invited respectfully The yajnadeva also appeared in that
from Vaikuntha with his family and attendants sacrifice The excellent sages held the Vedas.
for participating in the yajna. нччч«Г ч ffa r ^ w i и щ :1
w rnrn MMifedm ЗЩ Щ Т^Т d f a R f a t
qcftdk^H ^ fa §Т1сШ11к>11 The sacred fire of the yajna took to diverse
Thus the wicked Daksa, invited all and forms in several ways, in order to receive the
honoured them all appropriately. sacrificial offerings of Daksa.
STcRlfa 4flfar rTI 3 re r$ ftf? ro p n fn r Щ Ж ^ Т :1

^ f if llf a fa<=4l(d rfarf ^ т Г Г р Г ^ Т tn^oll 3 W R ^ : ’Q ffgT r^T ftrr f p h f : i i ^ n

380 Siva-Mahapuranam

^ d K W Ic k it ЧК<ЩУ:I ЧТ^ЯТ ?il

ш $ч: w n чш : ъФ чт Since Daksa had the faults-finding nature
Eighty six thousand (Rtviks) priests he did not invite, his dearest daughter Satl,
collectively made the offerings in the fire. because of her being the wife of Siva, in the
Sixty four udgatrs participated in as yajna.
Adhvaryus and Hotrs. Their number was the ф 3ra#4FT f | щ гф \
same. The seven sages recited jointly as well Wefil^MGIWdWd ^5£cH^«ldT:ll?'kll
as severally, Saman hymns.
Thus with the start of the yajna of Daksa,
all the people were engaged in their respective
% ярз=й it тЦ ччш т:
Daksa extended his invitation to participate In the meantime the sage DadhTci, finding
in the sacrifice to Gandharvas, Vidyadharas, Siva absent from the yajna became nervous
Siddhas, Adityas, the innumerable Nagas, and spoke.
along with their followers and the ritualists. ^Sftt!pF3T5T
Ф ЩЧЧ ^с|(чмц{§| Я^Т|
fj\: Ф т : Я%сГТ: Ш^ТТ:1 cbWI^HW: Ф з#Ш%11?$11
трл^гш Dadhlci said, “O all the celestial sages and
tpTT#T 4 i s h 4 ^ d l : I R o || others, listen to my words. Why has Siva not
The Brahmanical, royal divine sages, arrived in the yajna?
besides the kings, their ministers, friends and Erf TTT?TT я ч я т WFRT:
army, the eight Vasus and the Ganadevatas,
besides the security guards for the yajna were
rMifh ч '?ттяй
all invited by Daksa.
ftRlfgPTT ?PT 4 P R T f^ 4 T IR 'a il
^ IT frH W фнеь1неьч#н:1
Though the best of the gods, the sages, and
ЯР^ТТ <£сКсГСоЧ4Н) *Г?ТЯ11? ?ll the lokapalas have arrived but the yajna has
The yajna-mandapa was decorated, with no grace without Siva.
proper initiative, Daksa with his wife after
performing Svaslivacana, and receiving dlksa itornrqfq ■q^rnfq
for yajna looked quite graceful. ясгРя тгаРя I
cfihlHlfT ЯЯЯ q ^ d i 4 f t l l ^ l l 4 'H h H : *ft?T:ii?<sil

The wicked Daksa, taking Siva to be the The people with wisdom are of the
carrier of skull, did not consider him fit for opinion, that the eternal Purusa, because of
invitation. whom, all the works face success, the same
Purana-purusa, Supreme lord, blue-throated
ehM lfcw iiffil Т Р Й w w ifa Ъ \
one known as Bull-bannered one, is absent
Rudra Sariihita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 27 381

from here and is no more visible. arrival of Siva here, otherwise it would remain
31Ч#<ЯЙс( Щ incomplete. I am speaking the truth.”
^ rh stW R f

foчг&шад ц^гпР cTFT ^ 3 R TtWR^RTtl

Яо|^Т W . W . ^TTfxrrn^ ^ II зэтгг ^ 4%: wwf^ici p ^ h i i ^ n
О Daksa, with the presence of three eyed Brahma said, “Listening to these words,
and five faced Siva, all the inauspicious things the foolish and evil-minded Daksa, at once
become auspicious. spoke laughingly.
HWr=r^r ч<чГ?и: i ttft m «rtf; <мчмч: i

-&Ш cnfo fawjm зтй и у ч т^ on ■HMnlul W Ч У Щ f c f T U^ch4fu|||^\3ll

Therefore, yourself, Brahma, and all Visnu happens to be the base of the gods,
competent Visnu, should at once summon in whom is enshrined the Eternal Dharma. I
Siva. have invited him in the yajna. What is the
deficiency now in the yajna.
f%nT йзпгййг ^ iw ii
•ц Г в й да ъ ш <яч№| fa fe n ft xfi
*т4ш5Ч*й1Ч|5^Г ^11
^ 5 ^ ^ajf^TRT: 11^ 11
For the completion of the yajna, with
Indra, Lokapala, Brahmanas and the Siddhas, Visnu in whom, all the Vedas, yajnas and
Siva should be brought here. all the noble deeds are enshrined, is already
present here.
*1сМс|П&4ч1°ч чф&ГС:|
ttrOvTictiTbHdrairii щит
^ШТШТТ r^rrf^cTT: 11^ ^ II
All of you should go at once, where lord
resides and bring here Siva and Sati. Brahma- the Grand Sire of all the lokas,
Brahma from Satyaloka with the Vedas,
'$ of 4fcls( Щ Т Щ Щn9Ч Т 4 < M k m il
Agamas Upanisads and other scriptures have
ЗЩТШ ^1T: ШЙЯ- 1Г<Ц1гЧЯШ^^И already arrived here.
О Gods, with the arrival of Siva- the 7Щ w m l: BIcbhFId: ЩЩ. -ЩЩХn
\9 чЭ *\ V
Supreme, Soul, with Sati, the yajna would be
U f i W lT з Р Й ctidcbrWl-.ll^oll
Besides Indra has also arrived here with all
w чтч№п w r ijfvT ^rarri the gods. In addition to these, the sinless sages
w fiz m ^rs^5T:ii^'un have also arrived here.
The one with the reciting of whose name, ^ 'ST ^ 1 % г Г Г : '5 T R T T : m is t h t ii: Ш ТРМ Г: I
or by remembering whom, all the tasks are
established, such a lord Siva should be сГ<^и5'Дтё|?П: ^ ^S?RTT:1IU^I
brought here making all the efforts. Such of the people who are suitable or all
worthy of being included in the sacrifice and
чтзй f? я^чязг:! deserve honour have arrived. All of you are
well aware of the Vedas and their
The yajna could be purified only on the interpretation and are steady in your rites.
382 Siva-Mahapuranam

зтЬг гг fgjuwra; ^rtRfhti place of yajna alone, and went to his asrama.
c R R ^TT ТЩТ f e t ! 9П1ЩТ -ilfck H % I I X 9 I I rrfofo ^nfTT й ч у ifvvi<4чнr лi: i
Then what is the use of getting Rudra here? fqfor: TcTBPTR Ш : W * чущ rfo* siiii^ ii
■O V

О Brahmana, I had given my daughter to Siva All other people devoted to Siva also left
at the advice of Brahma. the place pronouncing curse on Daksa.
f o r ! f 4 p r i^ c | i^ :l трГГ чШ ч 4t3l<M4 рШ:1
y d ild f a y iM H i 4id4<*l < р л *Г?:и *3 1 1 Tffrr c^f: 3Tprfo[4$gfol4°N
О Brahmana, Siva does not belong to a With the departure of Dadhlci and other
noble race and his parents are unknown. He is sages like this, the evil-minded Daksa laughed
the lord of goblins, ghosts and spirits and is and said.
incorrigible. тапргг
3TRmwnfofr чта: TPSit iTTHt ЖгЩ:1
Сч ш: fort ~ф т чт ч т -л
ч гЫ % WSSJ4T1UXI э й dsrrforr % *r трш tm гпетгртиц ^11
Не is haughty, self-conceited, foolish with Daksa said, “The Brahmana Dadhlci and
false prestige and is proud. He is unfit for this similar types of sage have left my place of
task, therefore he has not been invited by me. yajna.
rfWTcT трс?Ы 4 f| sRf%rrfl •ЦгТа^Ш W44 R % ^ T l
cFifor fot *Г ТРШГ ■CT^FTIIV54и чт sfofa ^%?r! ynsr f r a w r i i 4 ? i i
Therefore you should not speak such words This has been well-done and I desired the
again. All of you should make my yajna a same. О Gods and the sages, I am speaking
success.” the truth.
sRptarcT fcRgforr ЧЧЩ fowidRfdT: W T:l
•d cWWW ^frfoeR4<Sl4Wll cRaiign зщдпЯптич^и
ъ Ы ytJcffit ШГ^1Ч1Гк^11 The people who are slow-witted, senseless,
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of rogues, indulging in false deliberations and
Daksa in the presence of all the gods and rsis, discussions, are considered to be out of the
supported with arguments, the sage Dadhlci Vedic circle. Such people with evil conduct
said. are not fit enough to participate in the
sacrificial rites.
RpSt# f^FTT tR f?for f|l ddclKfdl ЧЧ 4% fWPTTtW:l
fSRT?T?5fT folW Щ T f? Sffosifortftsil ^ fithH fo l: ШТ: 4>е5ч1 Ш ^ТЧМЧ'кИ
Dadhlci said, “With Siva, this yajna would О Brahmanas, sages and the gods, all of
be termed as a yajna. Particularly your you with Visnu should make my yajna
destruction is sure to happen in this yajna ” fruitful.”
iTcptcfwn чч fo4%:iI
II ^[cbir4 стереть %gnraifwf|Tr:i
Thus speaking the sage Dadhlci, left the dR # чт: R i Ш^гг.-ПЧЧН
s3 -O
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khag^la), Chapter 28 383

cFreRFimt f | effort % g ^ R ll
^rfgegirahTtsfir ш гй ^ тгщт^пч ^ n
Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
Daksa, the divine sages overpowered with the
Мйуй of Siva, worshipped the deities in
sacrifice. О Sage, I have this explained the
event of the cursing of the sacrifice of Daksa.
Now I shall speak about the destruction of the

«tosToi y^Twt чщ
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khag^a), Chapter 28 383

w raferfd f e f e l frfpff II
Sat! said, “O beloved friend Vijaya, where
is this moon going in the company of Rohini
in such hurry, after taking leave of us?

гагш ferar w m rara raferefr §rat i

w wrafd rara? tt эдШггати^ и
Brahma said, “At these words of Satl,
Vijaya herself went to the moon and asked
him appropriately.” Where are you going at
the moment.
feraferanraraJ ^гагата hferrerara
CHAPTER 28 rafej гаг rafe IV9II
Satl’s Travel
Listening to the words of Vijaya, the moon
WtcffiET respectfully told her about the purpose of his
>9 journey as well as the festivities in the house
dfetgirarai' ife tfe) TRTRfell^ll of Daksa in the form of a yajna.
ептг«3% f e f e W i f e 'Mffelftrili нщтат
'S feraT fe l raftra i w w i
^rraort ярБ^шгагт fefem w Iir ii дягататга rarad Tfera radfei^ u
Brahma said, “When the gods and rsis Listening to the words of the moon, Vijaya
delightfully went to the Daksa’s yajna, SatT at at once returned to the Satl and apprised her of
the same time was surrounded by her the factual position, as ascertained by her from
handmaids in the fountain house, under a the moon
canopy over the Gandhamadana mountain.
ггаргт сыйоы tfe fferarararadt tr^ri
afelW TгЩТife тр(Т dratl
fej?ra rarrat гагг5?пгат ferrafarararn,?ii
^ t f e ranraf га tifeyis-stre^ гагантпзл
O hearing this, Satl- the goddess Kalika
She was engaged in several types of sports. was immensely surprised. Then failing to
At the same time, she saw Rohini with Moon
understand the reason for it, she started
who was proceeding to attend the yajna of
Daksa. thinking.
c ^ r: f o r a i f r a r a ra ra tfro fr d t г а г : ra d li
<|gfT#чгага яга feral rar radii
зтщпт ч rarafd rat ferijra ra feral 35mm 1^01
^ w f e rra rarafirai ra f? feraetgiqjmi
Seeing thus couple (Rohini and Moon), “Both Daksa and Vlrinl are my parents.
Satl asked Vijaya her chief maiden and her How is it that they have failed to invite me?
beloved friend, wishing her all welfare. Have they forgotten their dear daughter?
rararara (fe d ? ift rat rarral гаФттзгаст1
t r a # f e ! rarafe! ra fe fe ! ran fefetfed rarrali гаг яга ^ feran i^ ii
384 Siva-Mahapu ranam

m wm offering her salutation to him with folded

|?t m w r c s f ^ r f ^ q ; i i\ ч 11
I shall ask the reason for it from Siva.” v3
Thus thinking, Sat! decided to go to Siva. Гчн4ч M writfir w т ц\
Thereafter, Sat!, making her friend Vijaya to 1Г#ЫТ тщиШ ЖЙсТТ:
wait at that place, at once went to Siva.
Satl said, “I have come to know that a great
ct W W t yajna with festivities is being held in the
house of my father, in which the gods and the
Reaching the court of Siva, she found him rsis are present.
surrounded by several attendants, Nandi and foffa ЗТЭДТтТёТ 4 M l
other great warriors.
W M ^ ? l! ITrMf ЗЯТЯ TWtllRoll
^gT ITW W R W f l Ш1 ^nrri О Lord of the Devas, why are you not
TTg d r*T< u i ТГПТ attending the yajna in the house of my father?
Thus finding her husband Siva, so seated in You tell me?
his court, the daughter of Daksa went to Siva,
^ snf: I J f f M Щ щ & :1
to know about the reason.
fWR ^nftcTT w f -wfadii
To meet the friends by the friends is the
Mtfa: ТГГ ®1|'ЧНМЧ:ШЗТ11^Ч11 sacred dharma. О Mahadeva, ' you also
Siva took Satl, lovingly in his lap and with increase the practice mutual love (with
great respect, he pleased her with his words. friends).
3W т?ттар%МёТ: T(%: fncT: Writi
ттрпгМ яМ ч wr w w 3mt!i
щ ш г fM fa ir я М w u^yii
Thereafter Siva, who could perform several
O Master, you accept my request, making
types of sports, was the lord of. all and who
could bestow pleasure to all, spoke to Satl all the efforts, you accompany me to the yajna
with honour in the presence of his ganas. of my parent’s house to day itself.”
щ м ч й nfsrwrri imtTMg^R wit w n щ т :\
дптщ ITFt ШМт w Щ ТГлМг!||^П « тй ^ дгт: и? 3i I
Siva said, “O Slender waisted one, feeling Brahma said, “Listening to the aforesaid
surprised, why have you arrived in my court? words of Satl, Mahesvara spoke out the words,
You tell me at once the reason for the same.” which had pierced into his heart and spoken
wreriT by Daksa.
ЦУdrill cf^T rfiTM M r M k ’i М ят тэта
Rl^fdf: riiWri Щ f^raTIIUII гаттта fw r M RR M
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, at these Siva said, “O Goddess, your father Daksa
words of Siva, Satl said to the lord Siva, is particularly inimical to me.
Rudra Sariihita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 28 385

spoke to Siva, who was foremost of the fluent

гГ RST ШНТ: f q f ^ r
Those who are present there today, those
gods and the rsis are not my own and are Щ: ТЧШШГ $4 TR5T WWsftsFm'l
ignorant. 3T4T^Ttsf4T г!ЧТ€Г fosT ir p ^ lf r u n il ^ y I!
Sat! said, “O Siva, lord of all, by your
31Щ STRcffcf rW TIR ^II presence the sacrifice of my father would ha /e
О Goddess, those who go to the house of become successful. But my evil-minded fathe-
others without invitation, they have to face has failed to invite you today.
humiliation worse than death. TcRcf 'W3 fTTcH4:l
g- ^чтпггпч! gcir4dr^ii^?n
ёБТ Ш \ rT t f f e T W f ? r!%9TII W l О Lord Siva, I would like to know the
In case when Indra goes to any one trend of thoughts of the evil minded people
uninvited, he also gets humiliated, what to today as well as those of the divine sages and
speak of the others? Therefore, such a journey all other wicked persons assembled there.
should not be undertaken. H W liirlk W l f a TcffhT#3f4 w rit
trwm jsm w xnft ЩЩ *F3R sfai зд щ ^й чм ! ш Щ
ч ir m w m a; w fittliR dii Therefore, О Lord, I would like to go to the
О My beloved, therefore, both of us should sacrifice of my father. О Lord Siva, kindly
not attend the yajna of Daksa. I am speaking grant me permission to do so.”
the truth.
tmrftfcrf ir f ^ s fr ?тЫт:1 W tR ЩП5Т fm : Щ 1
WRT grfofrnW Tlfer: Ъ tMT 44:11^11
A person troubled by the enemies does not
feel so painful as he is hurt with the evil Brahma said, “Then lord Siva, possessing
words. the perfect wisdom, realising everything and
foreseeing all, being the cause of protection, at
the request of the goddess, spoke to her.”
^rtrat ^ ra t щщ ч ч ^ ч т ш : 1тй!пз°п
O Beloved, the noble people, possessing
the six virtues like vidya and others, are ■цЫ Ь !Ш
humiliated by the wicked people, because they f s i^ ! с ы ч й щ
are themselves deprived of those virtues.” Siva said, “О Goddess, in case this is what
is desired by you and if you think it needful to
go, О Righteous one, you can immediately go
to your father’s sacrifice with my permission.
Зогггг <|штчты circw^<i =гсчпз w
Brahma said, “At these words spoken by
Siva- the supreme soul, Sat! felt enraged and 4i*KMl4r|Rlfil| firctT tfg jJU IlP idlll^ll
386 Siva-MahSpuranam

You can proceed with royal grace

mounting the bull Nandi which is profusely
яМ -^от ТГТшГ|

Sat! was then commanded to mount the

caparisoned bull, and proceeded on her
journey towards the house of her father.

^ ^ гГ Т Ч Т Т ^ Г тЦ1?<?11
The great lord Siva also gave her the royal
paraphernalia like umbrella, flywhisks, silken
clothes and ornaments, for proceeding on
W: % ^ f^ id i^ ii
# ! T Ч$сЫёШ ч£с|гН:11'8о||
Sixty thousand of Siva’s attendants,
delightfully accompanied her enthusiastically.
ddlrWcjl щптгаЫ^ Ш Л : 1
«<*llfvVlelBl*lWM3 dl4^4|(?l: ctfT:ll'^ii
At that point of time great festivities were
being performed at the place, of yajna. The
attendants of Vamadeva also celebrated the
festivities of Sati, the spouse of Siva.
Ш *
*131% ЗЙгЧТ q?l^'Tlf?vrafsraT:ll^?ll
Singing the glory of Siva and £iva, the
valorous warriors of Siva, started dancing and
jumping here and there.
тпй р г <(ч ^ |
^игосг Tfrti 'ЧсНЯЧЧ11'й?П
The journey of the mother of the universe
was looking extremely graceful. All the three
worlds were filled with the sound of victory.

wftmi чтш1д?т^етггг1: u ? c n
386 Siva-MahSpuranam

Declaration of Satl
W fara
УШН ЧЧ1**£1 dRc|d:ll^l!
The influential yajna in which the gods and
demons had participated delightfully, Sat!
suddenly reached there, being the daughter of
О “s

fjm wre
She found her father’s abode, filled with
people with various moods. Who were quite
beautiful, illustrious, including the gods and
the rsis.
aiRfewi гщт Щ fddmqidi
The goddess Satl got down from her mount
Nandi and stood at the gate. Then she went
alone at the place of yajna.
зтш! ъ ш ! ш -dVTfwdli
ctwt srfrrasr iw)Ri<rcjmi
■тшМк* ^ ^gT rrmfr f w r i
4FZTTsf4 гЩгПШ Fi>l^41nMfB'd:H4ll
At the arrival of Satl, her mother Asiknl as
well as her sisters welcomed her properly. But
her father Daksa, having been influenced with
the illusion of Siva, ignored her even after
spotting her there and showed no respect for
her. Terrified from Daksa, others too did not
extend any respect to her.
зга тгш frri гг w f teHi

О Excellent sage, thus, having been

immensely insulted and surprised, Satl,
offered her salutation to her parents.
*птпчч¥«№гм1 ri^ :i
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 29 387

She observed the shares of Hari and other Did you insult him taking him to be like
gods having been displayed in the yajna. other ordinary gods? You have lost your
Finding that no part of yajna had been wisdom and you are quite mean inspite of
assigned for Siva, she could not control her your being my father.
W 4 [a if m \ W 4 ) Ш: <т ч ^turfa t! ■?rq;ii^ii
You are not aware of the prowess of Siva,
Thus having been humiliated by all, by whose grace, Brahma, Visnu and other
burning Daksa with the fire of her looks, she gods have attained their present positions.
started gazing at him quite cruelly.
w v i^ :i How could Brahma, Visnu, the gods as
^ Ш im t ^гЕтж!т 11ч 11 well as the sages arrive in your yajna without
Sat! said, “Why have you not invited Siva Siva- their master?”
who is highly auspicious and by whom the
entire mobile and immobile universe is TTT%Rl
7ЩТ Щrf^t Brahma said, “Paramesvari, who was the
?nw F E tfg 4T xT ^r3n sr:ii?o ii form of Siva, thus speaking, even rebuked
How can a yajna be performed, without Visnu and other gods, separately.
Siva, who is the form of yajna himself, the WI'cIItI
best among those who know about the yajna,
^ fg u irr! Щ ч 4 M l f t( rfr^RT:I
is the part of yajna, besides being the
performer of yajna! ■^njot f^nftrr ^nftr sprat ^ cfc^f^T f i i ^ n
ЯГРГ W nhW TT FEf ТгГ чтеГг^П Sat! said, “O Visnu, Siva, whose nirguna
and saguna forms are described by the Vedas,
^ ^ d g H t f w i I^ 11 you are well aware of the same Mahadeva.
With the mere remembering of whom
everything is purified, and without him the Tjufrr ТЭТЩ' сЩЩТ :I
entire performance is polluted. Vtl ^yl l l ^dl l
гг ъщщ) О Visnu, though Siva, educated you,
saving you several times from the attack of the
?тачт % fgqT rFT з к г Щ : king Salva and others.
The articles of offerings, the mantras,
rrerftr *1нщчта ч й !i
besides the havya and kavya are identical with
Siva. How is this yajna being performed 'tmraf WJ^nfiw faRTM^n
without him? О Evil minded one, still there had been no
enlightenment in your heart and you
f?Tcr ^Щ ТГРГ Чгс||<ш7{ТЩЧН.1
participated in this yajna, of Daksa, without
the presence of your master.
388 Siva-Mahapuranam

t p g w f t l # T f ^ T t s f a c^^pTRI I ? 0 11 g ^ ch fetr enaiUn^l^fwieWI
Do you know, Brahma had become ^ mf^cTTWt Ш f^PTTIR^II
arrogant because of his five heads, then Siva Brahma said, “Thus feeling painful at
reduced his heads to four. Have you forgotten heart, the mother of the universe, then calmly
that incident? feeling free from anger spoke variously.
1%ч зпчт% foprqi faroaMt'qtefigFTT ^ cjt tro t it щ r ^ : i
wwtpr: чГсг^ч ^ii r:iR<*n
О Indra, you are well aware of the prowess Listening to her furious words all the gods
of Siva. The lord- performer of the difficult like Visnu and others, besides the sages kept
tasks, reduced your vajra to ashes. quiet getting frightened.
| ittt: ! f e r m WtTSEdr ^^sqiwi^Vt 4?T:i
з й ! =<Гщчн4*! 3 * n fsr: f% fdvil«KI $*£В5П ?ft Wf II
О Gods, you are not aware of the prowess Thereafter Daksa listening to the words of
of Siva. О Atri, О Vasistha, what is all this, his daughter, looking at her cruelly spoke.
that has been done by you?
фг1=ПЧ ЧТГ f^T:l
Wt ччБ$ч15гет«111?эн W cfT fd S сГТ 4 # ! cbWI'vd f | ^ f l P I d l l l ^ o l l
When Siva was begging alms in the Daksa said, “Presently, you have no
Darukavana, you people had pronounced a business to talk much. It is immaterial whether
curse on him. you stay or go away. What for have you
viitoift w ipfut f^cT arrived here?
ттай «|t:i
At the pronouncing of the curse, Siva 3 R # it ^г<ат# ^ii
reduced to ashes all the mobile and immobile Siva, your husband is inauspicious and
living beings of the world. How could you devoid of the graceful lineage and has been
forget that incident so easily? discarded by the Vedas. He is the king of
goblins, ghosts and spirits. This aspect is well
^ TJSIST WKTT fanprsn^: ^TT:i
known to the learned people.
■ g ro ta p t f^RT ?гвдчт*тт 11^ ц 11
dWIrtl^rfad'l l i t Щ1$ - ^ ^ 1
Brahma, Visnu and other gods have turned
as fools, to arrive here to participate in the W jffigTgfr! fsrqlljdTI I^ ^ 11
yajria, without the presence of Siva. Therefore, О Daughter, knowing fully well
about Rudra’s being shabily dressed and
^ ^ is r тгедгтт ттщг '^TT^ifoi д р щ :i
indecent features, I did not invite him to this
^ R P T : ?TBT: ckfSF3?fTd Ч Ш # | | ^ | | sacrifice attended to by the gods and the sages.
Siva, by whose grace, all the Vedas with fofiRT Ш ЦтТТ р ф - tnftRTI
their parts were created and Siva, cannot be
known even by the knowledge of Vedanta.” ^Tc^l I^ i 11
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 29 389

At the advice of the foolish and sinful contemptuous words about my husband,
Brahma, without any deep thought I married remaining alive would be of no consequence.
you with that evil person. af^ таа f^№ :i
dtrMMKWч^адт татат aa !i Rs*tlldvWfT TTRT ^ViaillUo II
qflPiaifir a^fw ? WR:ll^^ll In case a person himself is powerful
Therefore shedding away the anger, you be enough, then he should cut off the tongue of
calm. Since you have arrived in the yajna, you the person who rebukes Siva and then purify
better receive your share of the same.” himself.
я#ата qayiThi « и ш Рка1гмРчша
№ h
^TTWf ^RTt МааЧ#Ш «wf aar атт:п'*?п
■ИРЧгВ ^jTTSSTflffiaT ^4,11^41 In case he is not so strong enough, then he
Brahma said, “At these words of Daksa, should cover his both the ears with his hands
the daughter of Daksa, who is adorable in the and leave the place. This is what the people of
three worlds, looking at her father with learning speak.”
contempt, felt further enraged. «Пр)ата
sferqrt^r Ш Ш W i ?TfTai ^qeM I ф Ш ЧХИтИЧЧсЦЧ ТТЛ
ЗЩТТЩЩТ Ш ^44144 ШШ1и?П
Then she thought in her mind, “How can I Brahma said, “Sat! then started repenting,
now return to Siva. I would like to meet Siva, stating the dictum of virtue. Then with a
but in case he asks me (about the events which painful heart she remembered the advices
took place here), what reply shall I give?” given to her by Siva her husband.
зга stairT fiat c$t w p tiR p i аа: ттт ^ ms fmfai
Лс|)рс|Шс||р'сЬ|^с|Нч1ч(ч w t рт*н'*зп
Thereafter full of wrath and breathing hard Then becoming furious, she spoke to
Sati, the mother of the three worlds, spoke to Daksa- her father, Visnu as well as the sages
her evil minded father. quite frankly.”

at ч&кщ Ртзшн «ртИа ап ата! щ Ргаап ana): ашато afoafai

ara*ft чай airft SS ^атат nsif arrafa атачтаихкн
Sati said, “The one who rebukes Siva and Sat! said, “О Dear one, by rebuking Siva
the one who listens to such rebukes, both of now, you are sure to repent later. You will
them fall in the hell and they remain there till suffer in this world, you are bound to face
the sun and the moon last. further torture.
cTPTRT гЦЩЩЦ Ы fd l¥ R 4 l ата art^isfiat arfia fia^a аттсчч: i
fit атРш Ъ ш \ ^ uci^ mhich зтТ:м^^n dfw i^ тат firm«: утгГчсь:п^ч i
Therefore, I shall get rid of this body, There is no other person in the world, who
entering the fire. О Dear one, listening to the hates Siva or is not well-disposed towards
390 Siva-Mahapuranam

him. Who else could be inimical to Siva,

except you? cpqrpww щ ^iK4i м1гМ1син^<;к41':11Ч^ii
He lives in the cremation ground, with
-fa ^n dishevelled locks of hair, with ghosts and
There is no doubt that the degraded people, goblins, wearing the garland of skulls,
always denounce the noble people, but the applying ashes over his body.
greatness lies in the fact, in case one is able to
remove his ignorance, with the application of frraW -дччгг ^ т : ^ % сГ: тргйщ:ичзи
the dust of the feet of such noble people.
But the gods and the sages, place the dust
faapt ^лт чщ ПкПг1Ч1 of his feet over their heads. This is the nature
Чфй1^1гИ<*<г1ЧЗЧ1^1 Щ\ 1*^11 of lord Siva, the great god.
A person who recites the name of Siva щъ щ sr ffcM g d dtf^mi
comprising of two letters even once, all his ^ fafcbH frT qq№ffa:ll4*ll
sins are washed out.
йА й^чч й«ь«1»$Ь ъ ггатг ъщ\
Tjfet ehl(dd‘4c4 f?T^TT:l
T w fd ?mfr т ebWfid ч йлгсиччи
3iHf3r?rre4 Tiwrit ncTtn^^ii Two types of deeds have been prescribed
It is surprising that though the dictum of in the Vedas- direct and renunciatory. The
Siva cannot be transgressed, who is the holiest learned people, differentiate between the two
of the holy persons, you have been so wicked and hold that they cannot be simultaneous and
as to preserve an ill feeling against him. you cannot occur in a single entity. But Siva is the
are surely the enemy of Siva. great Brahman and these actions have no
effect on him.
■safefe 9пгт^: ТГГ ct: тщщ: W fortf 3TW<rfWT: ЖП
The lotus like feet of Siva are served by the AWHI^ eft yydd'dTkt%di: чт^ич^и
minds of the noble people like the bees. He is О Father, the paths of egoism which has
the one who bestows the appropriate rewards been selected by you for travelling, should not
to his devotees quite gracefully. be followed by you let the smoke of your
'«I'fttfwlSW: eTteTFT f w * ЗТЩТПТ1 yajnas'dla is not way laid.
Oi l

He is the one who showers fulfilment of ЗТрцчмчп! Ч гсГ «h+i rlld ! ch^f(ig*ychl 14 11
the desires of his devotees, including the This is the path followed by the AvadhUtas.
realising of the self. О Evil minded father, you should not be
5Пfw s m fW ч fa^yi:i arrogant and conceited.
■дЖщШ^тгг: ^яздшачт щпч^п fg; cram тгсгш
Except you no one else including Brahma, 4 if №l?5T#3R^II4<ill
Sanaka and other sages consider him to be What more should I speak with my
inauspicious. tongue? You are wicked and evil minded. My
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 30 391

body, which is bom of you is of no use to me

risRT f i r o t t n p t т г & г т щ ш ъ : i
lifted M l fdV l^ol ^Ш Т П Ч ^И
Disgrace to the birth in which the great
people are denounced and rebuked. A person
with wisdom, should cut off such a
to w Ч 416 i

Siva calls me DaksyayanI, because of your

gotra and hearing it, I would feel painful
rfWtT ^>и|ч Tlfftt ^ T l
ЧЧЧ9ЧТ v rf^ rrfif
Therefore, discarding this corpse and
despised body, produced from your body, I
shall gain happiness.
t ШТ! T O : ! T l i Ш
N чЭ О Cv c О
ctrf зд & к щ п ы п
О Gods, О Sages, all of you should listen
to my words. All of you having evil minds
have conducted yourself improperly.
f^TST % fy ic rfr^ l: «hfafil4l:l
МИШ^Т ftd a R R sM rT
All of you are fools, quarrel-some as well
as re-approach Siva. All of you are surely to
be punished by Siva.”

c^n re^S S E fr oSRtlrHT W f ?ЩТ1

Brahma said, “Thus speaking to Daksa,

Sat! kept quiet and started reciting the name of
Siva in her heart.

ШПЖТГ! «dledeWOUiq 4T^efil4Tf^?Tt5SqT?T: II ‘R^ II

Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 30 391

Satl ends her life in fire-altar

rrirt (гЬЧ'Чтга fell *пзщняи

Narada said, “O Brahma, when Satl, the
beloved of lord Siva, became silent, what
happened thereafter? You please speak out the
W M ТПЙ W 4(d4l«ldl
f^ d i^ w n щ п w?iRrat:ii?ii
Brahma said, “Satl then remembered her
husband respectfully and then kept silent.
Then becoming calm, she sat in the northern
direction on the ground.
адчтЕгкт fofydd TfcpTT дншт
WTRpf RHlfcl?rdll
Sipping the water appropriately, she clad
herself in the auspicious clothes, closing her
eyes, she entered the yogic trance.
fir^T ЯЧН1ЧЙ<»Й Wunqrft RtdHdll
аадш^1чщг па к и чт^епш мт!
Ш WGTTtRt fen ffet ebU6(<fgt: mt\
srfefeTTSWtTKT ?1^ЧМП1|с|рйЯТ11Ч11
She kept her face steady balancing the
prdna and арапа winds. Then she raised up
the wind udana from the umbilical region and
established it in the cardiac region, then taking
it through the throat, finally she fixed it in the
centre of the eyebrows.
net *<4 ^$ "щ ш <щгайш%ё>гап1:1
cft^ f e d f t d fel4H fd:ll5tt
fedibd* Ч ПТТШ1
ш ? п гш m t nn 4MidrffdfcigaT:iiv9ii
Then she desired to cast off her body
because of her anger with Daksa. By yogic
392 Siva-MahapuraQam

practices she desired to bum off her body and -gat 7n=5fgz -ЧЬ|УгН11йс11^1
retain the pure wind. In this position she
ТГ fcf^r 4tSWPT:ll^ll
devoted her mind towards her lord and
nothing else. Daksa is the one who humiliated the girl
bom of his own body simply for the sake of
ЗГГТ rRT гкцГчнИ his enmity with Siva. He, after his death,
would fall in the terrific hell.”
Her body, which was free from all the sins, clq^lq WIT
fell in the yogic fire and was reduced to ashes.
О Excellent sage, she did so as per her own
wish. When the people indulged in such a type to
talk, and observing the surprising end of Satl’s
ш у т ir # life, suddenly all the attendants of Siva, rose
w ra f:ii<?n up holding their weapons.
On observing this terrific disturbance was irfr ftraT mm: штФш ш i
created on the earth as well as the sky, which
frightened even the gods.
All attendants of Siva filled with anger
fsrar w ^ а г а ч '« % i
situated on the gate were great mighty and
%ЯГ Tgg&T MeblPjrlfll^o || through the favour of Siva they became
It is a pity, that having been antagonised by furious.
a wicked person, the beloved of Siva, cast off iir>T finT HT < n % :i
her life.
3 # ЩЩЦ xr?w.i The attendants of Siva, shouted loudly ha,
fie, no, no, repeatedly. The sound of the cries
“The foolishness of Daksa is quite of Siva’s attendants was spread everywhere.
surprising, who happens to be the son of The gods and the sages who collected there,
Brahma, having the mobile and immobile were terror stricken who said repeatedly,
living beings as his subjects. “Disgrace to us.”
ЭЩГЛГ Wt ЧЯ^Ч1| ЩШТЩ Щ ^ th w W rrtti
Ин4\«П W t W II^ H ^ %Ш11 11
Alas! Sati, the noble beloved of the bull- The tumultuous cries of those people
bannered Siva, became dispirited and echoed in all the four directions and all the
disgusted. She should have been appropriately gods and the sages gathered there were
honoured. frightened.
mm: ц т щ й TT?fs4TcR C\ N v5 v
3?iw :i
' чЭ

'язАччсьЖ? fg зпяя й ^iRsivl я% п^н 5 >4ч Г: ш mil:

The wicked Daksa Prajapati, has an evil The enraged attendants of Siva, after
mind and is inimical to Brahman. His defame confabulations among themselves, took up
will surely spread in the entire universe. their arms and creating the scene of the time
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 30 393

of dissolution, raised tumultuous sound, which same the pramathas or Siva’s ganas were
was spread in all the directions. destroyed in large number.
TRf fyicmunw t ?dT fd^lfddl |d d l
^ f! manif^TURoii fvm ^rgr гагат d ^ d f a d m c i d i i ^ i i
O Narada, some of the ganas having been In this way with the enormous force some
overpowered with grief, cut off their own of the attendants of Siva were killed and
limbs with sharp weapons. routed quickly, while others fled away from
й ford яшт ^щтташтт: тгч d^n the scene. This was a great surprise.
| Xl гЩТ ^11 d ^ g T sp rat ^dT: p r a t : TT4^an:i
In this way twenty thousand ganas of Siva
died with Satl, which was a surprising event. Observing this, Indra and other gods,
W T Hiyifclftlgl ^ 4shA H :l Maruta-ganas, rsis, Visvedevas, Asvini-
kumaras and the lokapalas kept silent at that
^ d и? ? и
Such of the ganas of Siva, who escaped
death, they got up to kill Daksa with their Щ щ TTTsfcRT: TT*ndd:l
weapons. 3f§?4T "R^Rigr fdsrmra
ctemiOddl t d £п?ТЩ^Г1ЩТ^^ТТ:| Some of the people surrounded lord Visnu
and started eulogising him. Feeling disturbed,
О Excellent sage, thus learning about they thought that no obstruction in any form
attack by the ganas of Siva, some of the sages should be caused.
with the use of the mantras meant for the vrWFTr: ТМ<4'У: I
destruction of the obstacles in the yajna : 113 о 11
performed homo in the sacrificial fire.
The gods of noble wisdom like Visnu and
others then started thinking, “What shall
sprat чгц iradiT # т г ш w m r : IIWII happen further? All of them became upset
Soon after the pouring of the offerings in because they were unable to remove the
the fire-altar by Bhrgu, thousands Rbhu misfortune.
warriors rose up from the fire of yajna. 4TTdt (jTldH: l
^ ш тггга ^ ш у чу Hi
чЭ s9
!i s^ra^rtsr т^Ип^и
зптгт^; iifdcfis »fradt fm ^uipnym i О Excellent sage, in this way a disturbance
O Excellent sage, those warriors holding was created in the yajna of the wicked Daksa-
the fire as the weapon, fought a terrific war the son of Brahma, who was inimical to Siva.
with the ganas of Siva.
w ten t члчиэчй чтч
f^ftssErra': ii ^ о и
The powerful Rbhus had the Brahmateja
with them and with the application of the
394 Siva-MahapurSnam

The divine voice Satl should always be adored, because she
bestows reward for all the merits. She is the
ттйнгей* m яй срй *Rten:!i mother of the three worlds. She bestows
welfare on all and is lodged to the left of Siva.
3i4l-dt^uc)d( ^гжт^ч! П2пФт:н^п
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, at the TIT ^^qifcidi Pird
same time, a divine voice was heard in TaWrRHt Tf^vRn^Rflldll
presence of Daksa and the gods. Sat!, the bestower of the fortunes should
always be worshipped, she is Mahesvarl, and
brings fortunes on all her devotees.
з$т! firem! ^NKMiiduili
ITT *Йеийсп (нгч ITWTWFTfftRfl
iRTS^ftej^T ITifb^TfMlI^II
The divine voice declared, “O Wicked,
evil-minded and immensely foolish Daksa, With her daily adoration, she removes the
fear of the universe. She fulfills all the desires,
why have you committed the unfortunate
and removes all the disturbances.
1П ftrtr ^ гШ ещт^ Й 1
ч fnr $екмш ffi
чтпгчнйм) ^Гн>и^ьм^|Пн1и?о||
ТПТТЩTTcf^T TTS! Rctk^chi ^пти^м
With her adoration daily she bestows fame
О Fool, you did not listen even to the and riches. She is the great goddess,
blissful Dadhlci, the Supreme follower of Paramesvarl who bestows pleasures as well as
Siva. salvation.
ЫгП<Г 4<sllf%5r: 7ГПТ SfitTT 1Щ:1Т^Т1 ITT ТТЙЗ
rimsftr fgdwt ^тт йч itofiTimi
Ш: fKT: m 4t t 134*11WKI: 41:1 Sat! is the mother of universe and protects
R4HMWI: 1ТТЗЩтщгт\ W :II4II the same. She is the eternal force. She
The Brahmanas left your yajna, destroys the universe at the end of the kalpa.
pronouncing the unbearable curse, still your ITT 1 Й П ЗРТДТШ fgmmRTT
о f^HlflETfl
foolish heart was unable to understand the I^cTTII^II
factual position. Then you showed no respect
The same Sat! is the mother of the world,
to your own daughter, who arrived at your mother of Visnu, has the diverse shining
place of your own accord. features, besides being the mother of Brahma,
wtvrerr чтШг f | М Ц ^ H ^ r ! i Indra, the moon, the sun and the gods.
9ГЩ 5Г! fatT nf^TtsfiT fd 4 lftd :ii^ ll ITT !Тс£ГсГ
О Ignorant one, you did not adore Siva and ЧВгЧПП^П
Satl. О Fool, you have uselessly become Sat! alone is the bestower of the fruits of
arrogant, thinking yourself to be the son of penance, dharma, charity etc. She is Siva’s
Brahma. Sakti, MahadevI, destroyer of the wicked
itt 1Й з я^гсткл people besides being the Supreme deity.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 31 395

^ m t тщг fsRTii By ignoring the adoration of the adorable

?r# чт\ ч -ч%ч ^•ciiRuini^M people, one invites misfortune for himself.
Was the most adorable Siva, not worthy of
Thus you have failed to offer the due share adoration?
of Siva, who happens to be the husband of
Sat!. You are a fool and an evil minded one. щ#пцГч Ttht T3T:i
u4 wi 4) ттптот: i ЩгЕЩТ?: f^raT w Iir ^11
Гс|Ш151^пГ<tidbit: «^cbtrETRJichr^b:и и The dust of whose feet is applied by the
serpent Sesa over his thousand heads, Siva
Siva is the supreme lord, is the master of happens to be the Sakti of the same lord.
all, the greatest of the great, worthy of being
served by Visnu. He bestows welfare to all. 44r4K4<|J4fHVi атрдт Щ2ТТ1
di4f) f? гПТ: :i
41'Лк! :ii^ n It is due to the meditation at the feet of
Siva, that Visnu has achieved his exalted
The Siddhas perform penance in order to position. Sat! had been the dear wife of the
have an audience with him. the yogis perform same Siva.
meditation and yogic exercises, in order to
have a look at him. &1Ш WT54! TTT^RTI
4JIUI<l4i ^T| WT ?!#!:
By meditating at whose lotus like feet,
Brahma attained his present form, Sat! was the
With the mere audience with Siva, one beloved wife of the same Siva.
achieves enormous fruits, endless wealth and
cereals besides the reward for performing of 41гЧГ^1Ч1ЧЗД SSTrcfT W*gZS TfTcfRTI
yajna. ^ ШЧ: ^ щ 11у * 11
f?P? 'dho&ldl ^4fdgnq(d: W:l з п # т т f?R : viPffc^wMi ^ w ti
snf^fannsn:: w # ^ ^ ^ 4^ : 11^11 4 <cRT! TTS! Ш ^lfc|bi|(dll^mi
Siva happens to be the creator of the By adoring whose lotus like feet, Indra and
universe and is the possessor of all the vidyas other Lokapalas, achieved their respective
positions, the same Siva is the creator of the
(lores). He is the upholder of the primordial
universe and Sat! is the mother of the
knowledge and is the most auspicious of all
universe. О Foolish one, you could not
the auspicious beings.
welcome her. Then how could you gain
<j>dl isurt!I welfare.
3!W ^ is c K W iw Пэч1У1) % q f ^ d f d l l ^ l l <$^4| tgfli ^ 14^:1
О Wicked person, you have disregarded his # шцкгёкй «га^тт # 11^11
Sakti today. Therefore, your yajna is going to Because you failed to adore Siva and Sat!,
be destroyed. enormous misfortunes have befallen on you.
3TO|rT W tcf 1фа1|^и||ЦЧу|41|| ЗТТЩ# cb<rMlui УТЯ4||ГчГг11
ЧкпЧЧН! xf ТНГ) % ФЩШ f?Mliyo||
396 Siva-Mahapuranam

Your pride that would not achieve welfare О Lord Visnu, you also leave the place of
without adoring Siva, has been shattered yajna, otherwise you will also face
today. destruction.
! ?ily*ld<;ec(<4us4iqj
cbRbyfd Щ w 4 ^ М^|Гч ■^^STTIR^II ЗГЗЩ «raw! # Т1#ЯТ11^ЦП
By becoming inimical to Siva, the lord of О Brahma, you also leave the place of
all, which one of the gods would come to your yajna at once, otherwise you will also perish
rescue? I don’t find anyone in the world. today.”
^ c^T: «Rbiifa wrrawg4T гта
rTcfT Ч Щ W i f e ^ W T ?ct ^ f |p T ll^ ^ II
In case the gods would come to your srm t t-i4di^yiuicbiRuilii^^ ii
rescue, they would meet with destruction in Brahma said, “Thus addressing all the
the same way as the fire fly is destroyed by people present in the yajna the divine voice,
the fire flame. which meant welfare for all, stopped.
гщргт с4)ЧФЦЧ т й •дтт: I
srd H ^ g l ^ T t T l l ^ ° l l з ш Ш ш ш \ yrasr
Let your face be burnt today. Let your О Dear one, listening to the divine voice,
yajna be destroyed. Whosoever comes to your Visnu and other gods, besides the sages,
rescue today, he would surely be burnt alive. disappeared.
гттсплт гг тйьт h
(^ftby^ngi ТЩ{Щ <£ВгЧЯ:113 ^11 :ll?i> ll
All the gods are placed under an oath, that
they should cause misfortune for you because
of your being wicked.

зтзщ щ ! чт# ^fguirara tr& jtii} ? ii

All the gods should leave for their
respective abodes, keeping themselves away
from the yajna, otherwise all of them are sure
to meet with destruction.
РнЬачс|Ч> T t f W R TI
3RWT « Ш ЧЩТ ^& I TI I 33 II
The sages, Nagas and others should leave
the yajna-mandapa otherwise, they would also
face destruction.
Rpfej rd Ft!
ЗРЭДТ т а ! чг?т1 ^ cwtii^ h
396 Siva-Mahapuranam

Birth of VIrabhadra and Siva’s advice
to him
^ Г Т с-УШПк ctat:
Ъ ficTeRT: f% Щ
Narada said, “What did the foolish Daksa
Prajapati do with other people (present there)
tffter learning of the words of the divine voice.
dnfadl: h
f r e r f : ёБЗГ OdHdtci ^ щ тоГ!и?и

W W et
oqlMpii ^ Ш трти
Rudra SamhitS (Satl Khaiida), Chapter 32 397

After the defeat of the Siva’s ganas with UU||^ddfl|-Ulchl l^dlfdd fcHtfUII
the strength of the mantras of the sage Bhrgu, *efl#l«4lfigSr fSTHT fPFf WTII^oll
(all kept mum) and no one spoke a word to
anyone else. All of them stood perplexed and Feeling shameful, then thousands of ganas
stunned. ended their lives there itself, while many
others severed their limbs there itself.
ЧН1ЧЧН1 ^ сйтт %i
гтщт сВнгуя<&
1^ щ ^1:1
зта%ЕТ: fwrnrr: ?rw rm :M ’kii
frfiF^dl % 4JW T^n^fgTrfsRTII^II
Some of the ganas of Siva, escaped the
force of mantras of the sage Bhrgu and took When we got ready to destroy the yajna,
refuge with Siva. then Bhrgu, your enemy, drove us out from
that place.
T m t w r u m rw f m m ! m r!i
ilftt ^ rTSTWyt гГПЧи
They apprised Siva of the factual position
about the yajna of Daksa, with respect.” О Lord of the universe, О Master, now we
have arrived here to take refuge with you,
hun 37ЕчЭГ: therefore you free us from the fear. We are
ч: wuipmri grieved and stricken with terror.
трргагеш ч т ! 44dl<=nrif fawtidiieji 3TWT f^Vt^OTcrfgR # щ ю т)!I
The ganas said, “O Mahadeva, you are c^rrarersfeRT <^т hfsRT
superior to the gods, therefore you kindly О Lord of Lord! the wicked Daksa and
protect us since we have taken refuge with others showered enormous insults on you in
you. О Lord, you kindly listen to the episode that sacrifice.
of Sat! in detail.
ттШт hejyiH! ^<idwn
О Bestower of boons, in this way, we
<pj *гт*1Ч<Ы: ¥ conveyed the entire news about Satl and
^taM dddil^al ^ r: fnficT:li<sii ourselves to you. Now you can move against
О Siva, the arrogant and wicked Daksa and those fools as you deem fit.”
the gods, insulted Satl. They did not display inaWtt
your share of the yajna, though they did so for friti-*u4 cRTFTFd wnuiHi mi: m :i
the other gods. The same wicked Daksa
m m щ nirirw Rfii^mi
abused you.
Brahma said, “Thus lord Siva, listened to
TPTf ч %'щтт mrtl i the words of his ganas and he remembered
faPni dgviwidMyi^lrtarad H^TII^II Narada in order to know the factual position
Finding your share absent in the yajna, Satl from him.
felt enraged and she burnt herself jumping in ЗТРЩгсГ р Ш 3(cpf! f<oU<^4:1
the fire alter. зтпщт т кт rjf^raRii^ii
398 Siva-Mahapuranam

Then the divine sage arrived there at once time of dissolution, having two thousand
and offering his salutation to Siva he stood hands. He enveloped the world all around and
there with his hands folded. towered over it ten inches more.
уукящ тагптг м т girtf щ i cRRft-.ymTRR TitIKW %%сГ:1
t trt ^ Ф я ш и ^ и ^ Т П Т Г Г T R tcR

Then praising you, Siva asked you about At that time with the enraged breathing of
the news of Satl, who had gone to the yajna of Siva, a hundred types of fevers, and thirteen
Daksa. types of mental humours came out,
тйг ЗТВРТТ ш fywic^dll R it lc b lc ’f t ТПТАГЭТ d s ) d l 4 T 4 I T d : l

fit зшт dgregt % tRWtfrr Ш \ ^^rfefWTfdTII?4ll

О Son, when thus asked by Siva, then you, From the other part of the matted lock of
being the devotee of Siva, at once, revealed hair, Mahakali was bom. О Dear one, she was
the true happenings in the yajna of Daksa. terrible to look at, and was surrounded by
crores of goblins.
сЦТсЬиЩТГ сПсРТ TpH ^ ^ iP d rfd l
TjfirarcT: fTT щчт tfWwftT:!
de&t4Tft|d Ti# W ^tR R R :ll^4ll
О sage! Listening to your words, the ТэЬшТ «--cfid-dT ЩЧТ Ч?Фг:11?^11
immensely valorous Siva was enraged. All the fevers were frightening to look at,
cruel, and appeared like burning all round.
dcdTdaiWi ^
зтгрттттяш w H^mfrii^oii m ищщ тпгйдтт
Then Rudra, the destroyer of the universe, fiiTl^f^d: W ‘ d|ewfdyrTT<L4R'3ii
plucked a lock of hair from his head and threw Thereafter Vlrabhadra, offered his
it over the mountain. salutation to Siva with folded hands and said.
т^ЧТЕГ %ГТ ЯгГГ ^ ^ R T ! WTt!l Terra
d^KIdl Ц^ТМсН'Ч'Ч1ЧЩ:|р^|| wres! wwfRFTraRii
О Master, with the throwing of the lock of {% w <m у т Ь т щ т jmHiRdii
hair, it was turned into two pieces and the Vlrabhadra said, “O Maharudra, О Rudra
deafening sound resembling the sound of the of terrific appearance, having the sun, moon
time of dissolution was heard.
and the fire as your eyes, О Lord, get me your
11ШТ: fW^di command, what have I to do?
TgwR ^ щ м ц \ Tpumtniy yn уттпТтт: PcfiFlyTR ^Uii^d I
O Divine sage, from the fore-part of the Ш п и г: fcfTRlyTR ^ U ll^ d TT^cTT:ll-R t!
matted lock of hair, the immensely terrific and
great warrior who was the leader of his force, О Lord, you tell me, should I dry up the
known as Vlrabhadra was bom. ocean in the fraction of a moment, or reduce
the mountain to powder.
3Tt5Rt eft: ЩШТЧ11?^|| Ш ^т!i
He looked like the flames of the fire of the e t t r it y-faSRHIl}oil
Rudra Sariihita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 32 399

О Siva, tell me, should I reduce the entire f ^ R T ? f # F ^ o b W lf q

globe into ashes in a moment'? I can reduce to О Lord Siva, I possess this strength by
ashes all gods and sages. your grace only. None without your grace will
сЦТШТ: з я ф т ш ч т fe>4ctiiqf Щ have the same strength and enthusiasm.
зйЫ Еыйупн щгч:\
г е г г е та д f s r c r g f r s f t ^ и ц ^ ч Г ч
О Siva, should I stop the breathing of the ^ шфщ wAdvt N36\\
universe or should I kill all the living beings This is true and there is no doubt about it
of the world? that without your command and permission no
WiyieRj Ц cRSnftT one would be able to move even the blade of
4<l*bU| qfozrfall^H grass.
О Mahesvara, with your grace, nothing is P iiiu ii: ^ c iia i^ т ф я т!|

impossible for me. A person more valorous Ркпш Р) Ргаят: ч 4 4 Р н 1 Ч И ^ 1 1

than me has neither appeared on earth m the О Siva, all the gods and others are under
past, nor shall be appear in future. command. I am also subject to your command
issued by you. You are the controller of all the
ткзт ь^Шс^г:113311 living beings.
O Lord, what ever task is entrusted to me
at any place, I shall perform it in no time by шч зщ п г f t ! T K ^ q m o ii
your grace.
О Siva, I offer my salutation to you again
gsrcrcfa нгатГш hi and again. You kindly depute me today for the
irrafs? ч af щтчёшж $пт:из'* и success of your task.
О Siva, by your grace even the degraded зттагГ T fc z n ^ H t
people cross the ocean of the universe, can I P t^ tt trm tr: i m зп тт !п ^ и
not cross the ocean of misfortunes?
O Siva, my right limbs are throbbing
^b)p4'd<jdi4Tfq 4ekthl4n<4dd:i repeatedly, therefore my victory is certain.
$rdtq стегай w r:ii3 4 ii Therefore, О Lord, you please send me.
О Lord, even a blade of grass sent by you F s f a r r F fM 'W s f h 4*T <EgR I
would accomplish enormous task, without any
difficulty in moment. There is no doubt above
it.” There is special types of delight and
enthusiasm in my mind. My mind is devoted
й ?тщу itraftr Гн^Рп to your lotus like feet. ■
rwroi y tw h ro ig m it f ra ^ ii^ n
^ P lW J f P f Я р р щ ^ T R T R W P r : l l ' « ? l l
Though all the tasks, О Siva, get
Therefore, auspicious thing are going to
established by your grace only, but you still
happen at every step.
send me with your grace. О Lord Siva. I
possess this strength by your grace. гГЙсГ Ъщ сГЙаг I
400 Siva-Mahapuranatn

Indeed, he alone is victorious forever, he to ashes. Even if Visnu, Brahma, Indra or

alone meets with welfare as well, daily, who is Yama are present there, fell them to the
firmly devoted to you and whose mind is ground making all the stremous efforts.
immensely devoted to you.” yPRj -qfa Ш
Wtarer fdHfcr й wm? iqT^RhlTWrr §m il4^ll
Яссгт 4f}rfRfd: l Disobeying the command of the sage
Dadhlci, whosoever is found in the yajna,
yhw#: W <Tтр:11*Ч11
should be burnt by you alone.
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Vlrabhadra, Lord Siva, the spouse of Sati, fquicnpt W dl
felt delighted and said, “O Vlrabhadra, by 4Hlcht5um^|U| WTHII4^II
victorious.” In case Visnu and other gods arrive with
the pramathas, then reciting several types of
the attractive mantras, burn them out.
TgER ш ! # T 4 S ! 'fc ld ffll
dhTTRlii ^ ydtncbUJIX^II qfqqr: fisrrfT:i
You listen to me, whatever has to be done ^1Н±1М?Ш1сН*Ш1Ч'*11
by you there, which would delight me. Whosoever be present there disobeying my
oath, feeling proud, would be inimical to me
■m wrarfit М гш : w : i and you should burn them with fire flames.
■qfgM 4?Nrafspr3fTni^^ii
Presently, Daksa Prajapati, the son of
зг5сп?ет TTimf? тшпгпччп
Brahma, is getting ready to perform a yajha.
He is my adversary besides being a wicked, сГ ЗГ < q f q # f ^ r r a T 3 # T T T ip q i
unwise and conceited person. Wlbyfld cqt dcflcqfid ^IriqT qpm
rfiTRsT I The people present in the yajna of Daksa,
ЧТТГЦ# TTvWR тщ ш ?П 1!||^й11
should be reduced to ashes with their riches
and wives as well. Then you return to me.
You reduce his yajna as well as those Though on your arrival Visnu and other gods
present there to ashes. Thereafter, О would praise you respectfully, but you should
Vlrabhadra, the best of my ganas, you return burn them all.
to me quickly.
^сПЧГч -*)МЧ1НИ4М1^:1
ШТ -qcRT TRJ# q^TT 31# Ъ %T5RI
*41Н±1 sq*#;
TRcyld тщтгг w m r p ; тг^ ттп'й^ п
All the gods inimical to me be burnt in fire
Ш Щ f e w i - s h d l -Щ ? ! # # c tf q q t s f q e m flames. Have no worry at that time of any sort.
3#Г 5 T O : l l H o 11 Т#<*741с|1-УЗЯ1
trt *icrt TRraf ^ it q i # q I teiti
y m w #T! TT## fwil46ll
О Great warrior, you should bum Daksa,
The gods, Gandharvas, Yaksas and others, with his wife and relatives and thereafter
whosoever be present there should be reduced delightfully drink water.”
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 33

w r m t «*m i R : ' ? r a 5 r l W : i i 4 <? i i

Brahma said- Siva the slayer of Kala, the

protector of the Vedic conventions, after thus
speaking to Vlrabhadra, the great hero,
stopped talking, with his eyes burning like the
copper (in anger).
fefcrrat ferft
gifeyiissam.-ii^ vii
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 33 401

TJTlfer: cblHchlH-W S i JbT'W^ruu|:nmi

The ganas accompanying Virabhadra, were
the warriors of Siva, who happened to be the
death for the god of death.

_ *4, , \ V --
ТГ crtTw

3 # чгщаг:
The terrific Virabhadra, had the same dress
as well as the features, besides the
establishments like Siva and he moved ahead
in a chariot. He had a thousand arms each one
of which resembled the hood of the serpent
king. He looked horrible and terrifying.
The march of Vsrabhadra
W H 'l | WOT %l
ЗЩТ^сГ 1%Rt ёЩНМ! ^l^T:IIV9l|
The chariot was four hundred hands in
«fft^rsffra'^g: ЗЮНШ зфдт*ш^| length and ten thousand lions were yoked in it.
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Siva, respectfully, Virabhadra was pleased
and he offered his salutation to the lord. w $mt штт ш щ т ш ш w *m :ii6ii
His guards included several lions, tigers,
7ТШЧ %TTTT qtm ^П#Н:1
crocodiles, fishes and the elephants in
ifcIxiM Ш: W sf?rimi thousands.
Accepting the command of Siva- the god
Trafact ш гщ
of gods he marched towards the — -............... r- ..
yajnamandapa of Daksa.
fNtssr т о щ tutri
At the start of Virabhadra for the
destruction of Daksa, the flowers of
rtT II kalpavrksa were showered at that time.
For the purpose of his grace, Siva made
crores of his terrific ganas, who were terrific
like the fire of the time of dissolution. зтззн Tri nfrhsj w i W ^ n ^ o i i
Having he same features and costumes as
ЗТ8Г^ <J)T45lW T7W: ШгП ЛШ:1
Siva, the ganas of the great warrior, offered
тщге# зззТн: w :im i prayers at the time of start and they displayed
Thereafter the valorous ganas, anxiously their enthusiasm.
marched on in front of and behind Virabhadra.
371# ЗПгШЗ%П# 3l4U-gI UUgq^ll
$ W : VldR^vi:! ш щг <фт %wmt <татп^п
402 Siva-Mahapuranam

ёктшГуг: ^^R«bi тщт: i

chTfe<^fiMT% WIRoll
The goddesses like Kali, KatyayanI, Isani, c^fdMuw-ri4:i
Camunda, Mundamardinl, Bhadrakali, W^cbifdRRTtPt! WR;: fWRrraTlR^II
Bhadra, Tvarita, Vaisnavl, Mahakall,
Bhairava, and Ksetrapalas, at the command of 3TI^RWTmfir^TlWWR: I
Siva, quickly marched on for the destruction ЧШ^5П: ТГ?ГШТ gBlfen'miFTt
of the yajna of Daksa. Vis'akha had sixty four crores, Pariyatraka
-SlfcR t ^cT ^ j r a w y ^ e f i l f l
had nine crores. Sarvankaka had six crores,
Vlra Vikrtana six crores, Jvalakesa, the best of
^щтзт: tnfei^cr хггщ ^щпдт:м^11 the ganas had twelve crores, Dhiman, seven
crores, Dudrabha eight crores, Kapallsa five
М гщ аШ cfal: (VMWM(d4M«W:ll**ll crores, Sandaraka six crores, Kotikunta one
Besides the Dakinls, Saklnis, crore, Vistambha, the best of ganas- eight
pramathaganas, Guhyakas, KUsmmdas, crores, Sannad and Pippala with a thousand
Parpatas, Catakas, Brahmardksas, Bhairvas crores each, Avesana went with eight crores
and Ksetrapalas, obeying the command of and Candratapana with the same number.
Siva started for the destruction of Daksa’s Mahavesa the leader of ganas was surrounded
sacrifice. by a thousand crores of ganas.
Ш 5ПТ:Ч%<!иц^н^1 чД

RpRfi щ fSpnfyig^i 1^411 RRTfVId 33m? WIKM4:11? Э11

Similarly the .-ixty four yoginls marched on О Excellent sage, Kundl and Pavataka- had
for the destructions of the yajna of Daksa. twelve crores each. All of them accompanied
with their respective ganas marched on for the
Ы w r t Л т u j ^th destruction of the yajna of Daksa.
q^idriddi mohm’i H4^iiIhhi^ i1^ 11
сш$г ^1
O Narada, listen to the number of the
oRtsrqt уиачс) Wr sfFm^i!
ganas of Siva of various groups.
Kala, Kalaka and Mahakala accompanied
сгугатггэт ■фйит:1 with hundred crores of ganas each went to
3$rf*T: f^TrsiiRR=c wi i 11 destroy the yajna of Daksa.
The Ganadhis'varas named Sankukarna and w <=к1йг1|1яя<з1m
Kekaraksa, had ten crores of ganas each,
s n f^ r o g ^ gitesiT гг стагг 11?411
while Vikrta was accompanied by eight crore
of ganas. Agnikrta had a hundred crores, while
Agnimukha with a crore, Adityamurdha and
4iRinQ«h:i Ghanavaha had a hundred crores of ganas
йф^ГЧЧ:И^11 with them.
меПрй;^ eblfeM ui^:i Щ : ¥M«teiT xt 4ТЩ;1
w fo : тпт?г # tr gstfrsmRfai w n 11 ЗЕШ: эййкчфаг 4iunRiM:ll?^ll
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 34 403

Sannaha had twenty five crores; Kumuda, зтШ?тШтфт:1

Amogha and Kokila- the lords of the ganas,
^TSTT liw nfrrt ШцТзТЩП^ЧН
had a hundred crores with each one of them.
The Vlrabhadra the leader of the great
warriors, at the command of Siva, surrounded
т т п т т т ^ щ ш m ?t! ■ g f t & f r i i ^ i i by crores of ganas, reached there.
Kasthagudha, SukesI, Vrsabha and w f r gTrfWWm
Ganadhipa Sumantra were accompanied with Tftt: гЩ #TT ^ |TtTII^^II
sixty four crores of ganas each.
The hero was accompanied by thousand of
q>i«h4iqlq<: qfeeblfdftafaltH'dh:I crores of goblins and three crores of canine
species born from the hair of Siva. He went
Kokapadodara and Santanaka, foremost ahead quite quickly.
among the ganas had sixty crore ganas each. cTSJ (dfdSI4d4l:l
Ч Р Ш Л c&fefii: jjjf4«aqm?SII fafoaift ^ll^vall
The Ganadhipa named Mahabala was Trumpets and drums were sounded aloud;
accompanied with nine crores of ganas. The conches were blown in diverse ways,
таЙртЭТ Ш ! % fofcftl besides the horns of several kinds.
d c |riit chldl^'i 4 o b )5 i,^ i4 W о || й l^ddi^d cRRifr w
о ft
Madhupinga and POrnabhadra, the lords of c f r f ^ d lf o i f g ^ r g s r f d f e n f r 4 f t c ^ l l ^ < i l l
the ganas marched with ninety crores of ganas In such a pleasing atmosphere, several of
each. the musical instalments were played upon
1 ч Ф тг TyniTfircr: I
c f W W T I l ? ’ ll
4НЩН1 Ш Ш H I W ^T4^!l
fcf^gi^gj cFEht ш pipin’ ШЩ:1 ^ftfuT jp^ifa ^113 •Hi
d trl'c fid : Ч Э Т Р Щ T T fT T W W r r iin T :ll^ ^ ll
While the march of Vlrabhadra was in
progress, О Great sage, several auspicious and
Caturvaktra had a hundred crore ganas,
while Kasthagodha, Sukesa, Vrsabha, pleasing omens occuaed.
Virupaksa, Talaketu, Pancasya, Sadasya, were f^dluiui w fp ra t
accompanied by sixty four crores each. чтч 94rf^TtsEzmt:ii^iii
f R h n s r w r 3 m :i 'k'k'k
cfaitMig <£нтсцт ш 4^113311
w t ^ ftfe: smiR
^ И :Ч р ^ Г ё Б : 113'*11
Samvartaka, Kulisa, Lokantaka, Diptatma,
Daityantaka, Bhrgniriti, Devadeapriya, As'ani
and Bhalaka arrived with sixty four crores of
ganas each.
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 34 403

Inauspicious omens witnessed by those
present at the place of Daksa’s sacrifice
ТТсГ infwq J|U||fek)|
^ГЩ fsr^rftri 1?11
404 Siva-Mahapuranam

Brahma said, “Thus with the departure of mandapa was covered with shade of the wings
Vlrabhadra with innumerable ganas, Daksa spreaded by the vultures.
Prajapati as well as the gods, rsis, sages and cWlfyB AlyifT
the Brahmanas present at the place of yajna
witnessed several inauspicious omens.
In the place of yajna of Daksa jackals and
'|и||Гсй| the owls started howling. The rain of white
scorpions and comets started falling.
At the time of the start of Vlrabhadra with Ш *ШТ UT^fwhfetTT: I
the ganas, three types of disturbances W W TTO<£dl ЙсмИиНеь(иш:11<*11
indicative of he destruction of the yajna
The winds carrying the dust or dust storms
started blowing with great force, in which the
: TTCF3fmwi locusts and the moths were carried in the
HMiebgyd'Wifl! Ж^8гт5'^П^сге;:11^|| whirlwind.
The left eye, arm and leg of Daksa started
throbbing. О Dear one, these symptoms were ^r: fKlt qRHts^T:ii^oii
indicative of some evil and inauspiciousness, With the blowing of the forceful winds, the
which caused harassment to him. yajna-mandapa of Daksa started flying in t he
air with the force of the wind. This was a new
surprise in the yajna of Daksa, in which the
gods were present.
The place of the yajna of Daksa was
shaken by earthquakes. Daksa also witnessed
the astonishing types of constellations in the qiwsiudiid
sky at noon. Daksa and all others present at that site
started vomiting blood, with pieces of flesh
and bones, quite frequently.
The directions became dusty and the sun
disc was faded out and spotted and thousands f:ferTisrm ^ii yiw m gdi n
of horrible circles appeared around it. All of them started shaking as the lamp
qpnfoT ~Wf^f4$m rfnr rTI flickers with the blowing of wind. All those
^ lUIIM^jhl гЩТП^ II present there felt painful like a person who is
injured with a weapon.
The stars which were bright like the
lightening or fire started falling from the sky. pRI^Idlfd «ИЬЧсиЛПл гТЩШВ
The constellations started moving on the Я Н ^ П'^ЧШИ ЧЧ11Ч)Э g R R ^ I I ^ I I
opposite direction and downwards. Because of the crying and weeping the rain
ТЦГГ3§ff?TT:W: H*Hdl: of tears started falling like the fall of frost in
the morning over the forest of lotus flowers.
Hundreds of vultures started flying
touching the head of Daksa. The yajna- fq^rrat chU H i^g
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 34 405

Sometimes the eyes of Daksa were shone fa? fcjVl4d: 11'R^11

like the blossoming lotus flowers during the In the meantime the divine voice from the
day and sometimes like the flowers at night. sky was heard aiming at Daksa particularly
frinAuiicjdi f^r: i besides the other gods.
TlcbtfTsRH1H>4 П
Showers of blood started falling from the fipi ;зят ttct crttst щ -mstefa rrrwt:i
sky. The directions were covered with
darkness. All the directions went in flames,
which disturbed all. The divine voice said, “O Daksa, you are
foolish and sinful. Disgrace to your birth. You
will have to face many painful situations,
*|^! fgrooRf^TWII^II because of Siva.
Observing the obstructions, Visnu and the ft ^ftr 4te5T Sr iTSRdd fardT:i
gods, the sages, the Brahmanas and others felt rtawft TT?Tf:isr ^bijfd 4 -щтгт:п^||
extremely frightened.
It is pity that all the god present here will
also have to face miseries, because of you.
гц щ ки да ^rn^vaii There is no doubt about it.”
All of them while fainting cried, “We are цгГзтгг
dead” and fell on the ground, as the trees с7Щс9Т55Щ?Т5Г5Я (jgiRgiPi mfr iTl
standing at the bank of the river fall with the
force of water. ШЧ^Г rnfa tft dcir^ITSfq-
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
tjfacfT ^ 1WT fTT: Thtf ??ТГ
Akasavam (divine voice) and witnessing the
ф и we. disturbances in the yajna all the gods felt
All of them fell down over the ground like panicky.
the one having been bitten by a snake like the WTT4W 3§TT faffal
ball and then again got up.
зтёдщтп) fawrT: :IR4II
3<far ЯПКИНТъщ: ftefr ?ari With his body shaking and feeling nervous,
Daksa took refuge with Visnu, the lord of
Then feeling miserable, they cried like the Indra.
sparrow. Their groaning and cries got mingled ■ЩЩ1Щwrrfag: w Счj g fafaR:i
with one another. O w

if farnj
Ц%>цатш : TTf rf^T *fajdyTfti4l:l Feeling frightened, praising Visnu, he
WWi4cbU(it|l«bUc4 «hddl ?^IR o|| offered his salutation to Visnu, who is the god
At that point of time the strength of all of gods and is merciful to all. He said to the
including Visnu, was faded out. All of them lord.”
started rolling and dashing with one another
faftarat ferfr
like the tortoise.
"Rtffaui 3:?TfR^bt ЯТЧWfat^5S£mt:ll3'SII
i<dfwreA ш щ ш т
406 Siva-Mahapuranam

CHAPTER 35 y if w тпгчч.-п'эп
Visnu’s speech O Daksa, being unaware of the Siva-tattva,
you have insulted Siva, the lord of all.
f^ort! фдтта^гщ т й 4rafd Thfem
rr wt femrsiT *таш тгтещтгт stii^ii f^ T ^ f^rfr® 4^ 4efn<i II
Daksa Prajapati said, “O Hari, the god of By showing disregard to Siva not only the
gods, О Visnu, О Friend of the poor, О Ocean task is spoilt, but one has to face misfortunes
of mercy, you protect me as well as the yajna. at every moment.
TRigmf 4 tsire :i зптнп- m v*zRt ttihI-ui ч wmbi
С- Сч Сч C\

fnrr fsfcm щ щ ч щ т згаНну n tflffrr m «rfeiRr a f w w i wwii*? и

You are the form of yajna, performer of втгИсгяши чтччГчтцттч: i
the yajna besides being the protector of yajna. amrfddi-fltviw ^.uuijfeidwii^oii
О Lord you shower your compassion over me The place where the unadorable ones are
in such a way that my yajna is not destroyed.” worshipped, and those adorable are not
ggtaw adored, the poverty, fear and death are
commonly found there. Therefore you should
5T|fw oftfcrr
show honour to Siva in all respects. The
ЧШ Я^оЦГ«рГОЕШ:11311 present calamity has been due to your
Brahma said, “Thus Daksa Prajapati, insulting him.
respectfully offering prayer to lord Visnu, 3Tsnftr ч <w -Ref t o : tmarmti
feeling frightened, fell at his feet.
щш w w m ^ n i^ u
Presently because of your misconduct, all
«гат хг rrw
cbm U w f^r4im i
sa n
of us have lost our grace. This is the truth.”
The evil minded Daksa with painful heart, sTpWcT
was lifted up by Visnu and listening to his
words remembered lord Siva.
dmlim p id f w : i i ^ n
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Visnu, Daksa felt worried. His face was faded
Remembering his lord Siva, Visnu being out. He sat there keeping silent.
well-versed in the Siva-tattva, then spoke to PrffwtTOT чй'НЧрм:!
ffrwrar In the meantime Vlrabhadra- the leader of
^ r! ч ш : *joj *r crem the ganas of Siva, who had been specifically
deputed by Siva, arrived there at the place of
Lord Visnu said, “O Daksa, I, for the sake yajna.
of your welfare, speak out a mantra. Щ Pel c4 4 |i|ld I w f ^ f% r< H idT: I

sraw ft f*rr 4 $ ^TT f^lST fsrf^T: TRi TTRIfW rrarrs-q^ii^ii

Rudra Saihhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 35 407

чщтт: -5ПТТffitfsrr 1 О Visnu, you are the witness of all the

deeds, besides being the protector of the
зш|ягт: Гщнцй frf r f ^ттшш:п^чм
yajiias. You are also the protector of Brahma
Some of the ganas followed him, some of as well as the Vedic religion.
them flew in the sky, while others arrived
from the different directions and sub­ flwssTT fersrracsiT щпятет тщ Troth
directions. At the instance of Siva, these г5^ц: <u: ^rtfosffo ш ш ^=Efinro:ii^ii
innumerable valorous, fearless, ganas arrived Therefore, О Lord, you protect my yajna.
roaring like the lions. Who else except you, can protect this yajna,
r f rfrf 4$til lift'd because you happen to be the lord of all.”
ТЩП EjppT щ т сПШТ ^TFpT feT: 11^ 11
With the terrific sound which echoed in the ЪЩЩ СТЕРТЯссТТ fdWjdf-idi ТЩТ1
three worlds, all the quarters were filled with зг^ГЕщтттт t
darkness. Brahma said, “Listening to the piteous
HHglMlfcldl TMMtfd4qif»rni words of Daksa, Visnu tried to enlighten him.
ШНсШТГ fifi ^ T : fooTficTTO

The earth containing the seven continents, щгт forifioarr его щ ^ r! h

was shaken with terror, the earth with Esmrf -щт w : ifo t r f m
mountains and forests, started shaking and all Lord Visnu said, “O Daksa, I shall protect
the oceans felt agitated. your yajna because I have taken a truthful
vow that I protect the dharma.
ш т гг f i r f f o f 4t f o его го < f o d * 4 : i
In this way seeing that large army of Siva, Щ ЩЕТ? Е$Г! flffig гЕГЗТТ§ЧТ||^Ц||
ready for destruction, all the gods and others The words thus spoken by me are true and
became surprised. cannot be otherwise. О Daksa, I tell you, that
ArfsrfiwiHlcRJ you shed away your cruel thoughts.
d.Udddlfddl font tfor fo rfeit irm^PTi
Finding the destructive efforts of the army crffo 4 w £ r Zgf! forrf fo fjgfffTfl l ^ l l
of Vlrabhadra, Daksa, vomiting blood, fell at О Evil minded Daksa, have you forgotten
the feet of Visnu with his wife and said. the surprising type of incident that occurred in
cRT the Naimasaranya forest?
w щ : m r f rffit щ я \ ■b*ch)4ld fiTt flfi TPraf fieri
n<*rfRi<# fo r f w o t щ w w tliR o ii ч iiwiRtMd rotrof ftffi:iRV3H
Daksa Prajapati said, “O Lord Visnu, I had Who is the person on earth to protect you
started this yajna depending on you and the from the wrath of Siva. Only an evil minded
success of the same lies in your hands. person would ever try to protect you.
forf! fo erftrtT тщрр yfd4H<*:i f o e r f f o q firfffi fiST i ^ f f i <pfffi;i

arfoq- л гощд itTOH e r f 4 tTfofiffi T r f ^ T l l ^ i l l

408 Siva-MahapurSnam

What is beyond an evil minded person? He The immensely powerful (Vlrabhadra)

only becomes desirous of establishing his would feel peaceful at heart after burning out
task. all of us. There is no doubt about it.
ttyrtfd f r e i
чдят: Л ^шт ттафагс: foqriR^ii ^RT: iW M: ЩЩ w T*:ii щщ ^ ii^ ii
You think it as your deed which is within In utter confusion I transgressed the oath of
the competence of a person. Without Siva no Mahadeva by siding with you. Because of that
one else would be able to bestow on you the I also shall have to face the agony.
reward of your deeds. Vlfdihtf 4 41
фэтег xTЧТ ЯёГгЭТ VII-dW£ri4H4t:l
зчЬтт Щт а ъщ y ^ f? t fsicp.ti^oii I am not at all competent to remove the
The one who devotes his mind towards the calamity that has befallen on you. I have also
lord with a peaceful mind, only he achieves revolted against Siva, by siding with you.
reward for the same from Siva. ebMdiisftr 4 *mt ^141
pFTRTfWT ftfbsphTT ЧТТ: I ччтсёцгст щп шн §:Tsrtra w n ^ d ii
1ЧТ4 I xT T l^ s fa ebc^chlfeVIfllft xTII? ?ll A person who is inimical to lord Siva, can
Those, who, depending on their learnings, never feel comfortable. Therefore I shall also
insult the lord they have to live in the hell for have to face the misery with you today.
hundreds of crores of kalpas in the hell. dPl^Irt I
ТТЧ: сЬ»Ы: 4T$^ScfT
f4T4h tlUxARf The Suclarsana-cakra will be ineffective
Then, having been caught in the bondages on him because it is a weapon of Siva and a
of the deeds they are rotten in the hell for person not devoted to Siva can only be killed
many births. with it.

WMIdlS^'JffUTII3 3ll О
The lord of Rudra, born out of the fire of In case I use this Cakra against
Siva’s anger, and destroyer of the enemies, is Vlrabhadra, it would return to Siva, without
arriving in the place of the yajna. harming him in any way.
зтгрцf-MfenIVIitfaPTcfofer ч WET: i i w ЧТ
4Rrfe 4 сПШ:113ХП
чэ >a s5 '
ЗШ^сГ ЩТГТ fert trnrnv
He has surely arrived here for our It is because of the grace of lord Siva that
destruction. Actually there is nothing beyond this Cakra still remains with me even after my
his capacity. violating the vow of Siva.
ШПёШЧШ Ш: чФк, xiahft 4 W ^frl fcWI
ш: Ф т $( ч чГцьчгЭДЧТ
Rudra Samhita (Safi Khanka), Chapter 36 409

Thereafter, this Cakra cannot remain with Vlrabhadra, the devotee of Siva, will drag and
me. With the flames of fire emerging out of it, pull us back with his tiller weapons.
it will leave me just now. f e ер f e p if e m gfetr щ ш : i
-о о

TER Р% gefelim о ||
1 ,ё Г * 1 « Ш Ч Ш 5 й 4 T F T R ^ f e q f t l l ^ l l Wherever we might stay in the heaven,
In case we adore Vlrabhadra respectfully earth and the nether world, the weapons of
but because of his being in angry mood, he Vlrabhadra would surely reach there.
would never protect us. R crt*J W : f e r §Enfer:i
5Г! SSi! maRimfcr refe fe re p fe r цщцнч
^t! ?r! cRTЬТТГЧ) 4feST4l&44fenT:ll'tf'tf II Such is the power of all the ganas
It is a matter of great pity that we are (attendants) of the trident holder Rudra.
facing untimely destruction and I shall also be f e f e f e : sn fe p fe rfe H fe n
destroyed with you.
PTT f e g T f a f e Щ W °T f fT P N 4 ? H
щ тг Г 5 ^ |< # ц у ч 1 p r e f e r f |
Kalabhairava at KasI had cut off Brahma’s
fe» W W fe f e n i* 4 ll head even by scratching with the nails.”
Presently, there is no one in the three TTHScRtgr ff e f feaJIlfddWRyiTf'd:!
worlds to save us. Who is the shelter of the f e f e f h ТГШРТ rfepEI{ЧЩРР1 14^11
enemy of Siva in this world?
Pcf f f e T T t f f e ЗТРТгТ fe r e T F T T P I

4ln#T ЗЗДЗГ TgTTepT: 114X11

Thus speaking, the extremely nervous
Even after death, we shall have to face Visnu, kept quiet. In the meantime Vlrabhadra
terrific torture of Yama. Who will be able to also reached the vajncimandapa with his army.
bear them? All the gods looked at Vlrabhadra.
ryic^ftumHfcw m : *=renri fta fe ii P fR ffe n fg fe
dHriH<*drtg 4R4'fe PROTII'Stall whsmi Ргччеэчй famrarapciufa яте
•о о

Finding an enemy of Siva, Yama, grinding WfertSszTR: II i ч II

his teeth, throws such sinners in the pan filled Ji'k'k
with boiling oil.
fesrr vmfemj
dsnftrTTRT: f e pW^TFEmiKdii
I am prepared to go against the oath, but
how shall I be absolved of the sin of siding
with a wicked person?
trit f e f e w f a : 4HI4RfiwW4ll
f e t PT g f e : V l f e w R I e b f e f e i 11^9 II
Even in case we flee from this place
Rudra Samhita (Safi Khanda)- Chapter 36 409

Talk between Visnu and VIrabhadra

W*Vr fawpilrUcll^d TTcHI

ё^ЧтГит: ^rb ^t^nTrsmTT^rii^ii
Brahma said, “Indra holding the Vajra in
his hand laughed at Visnu listening to his talk,
and got ready to wage a war on behalf of the
410 Siv a-M ah apu r a n a m

rF^fr *nUu<w£) cRfTRS5t54^nRMTI illusion of Siva, Indra, Lokapalas besides

other valorous gods started fighting with the
srtfr чП^гч1*кй) я т т wirii ganas of Siva. !
Ш# щ H«b<№<Sl W ^ : w ^ : !
^TFrt Б -TCTTqt r^mtrOTTt ЧЩ\
f%T: ЧВЧсЫ^й: F t^ S ^ rf% h im i
At that point of time Indra was mounted
Then the gods as well as the Siva ganas
over the elephant, Agni over the ram, Yama
over the he-buffalo, Nirrti over the ghost, started fighting with one another using the
sharp spears and arrows.
Vanina over crocodile, Vayu over the deer,
Kubera over the Puspaka plane and got ready frfwR fW ^ lcfl
for waging a war. H2?Tl%fa3Wr:ii^oii
tMRT ФГЩЩ The war instruments like the conches were
зтгещ MdlflH Il l' ll I blown, drums were beaten, big and small
battle drums were sounded.
Besides the glorious groups of gods,
Yaksas, Caranas and Guhyakas, were mounted FR ?!ёЗЧ ЩШ *HIWWwr£k!,f Wl:l
over their respective vehicles. Hfeb4i^gr ^Tf%rn I^II
ddiysaHraiHlcHi ^jr^ p T R raT i Getting encouraged by that sound, the gods
ж р м т га^5 « ттщ и ч п together with the lokapalas, hit and thrashed
Observing the efforts of the gods, vomiting the ganas of Siva.
blood from his mouth, Daksa together with his wm: ЧП^ЗТ-Л
wife went to those gods and spoke. oFcT®r 4fd!j>ll{cd! - f R ^ c R R r T I I ^ II
О Excellent sage, on account of the
wn щ : mf&mr чщ1 incantations of Bhrgu, the ganas of Siva were
driven out by Indra and other lokapalas.
m зщштт: Tj«%mfiii^ii
Daksa Prajapati said, “I had started this vidldH rid I ^uuil w h i ddTI

huge yajna with your strength. All of you ггзятг? rt ^T4t p4Rf 911*311
possessing the immense prowess are The sacrificial priest Bhrgu caused the
competent to protect the same.” defeat of the ganas of Siva, to continue the
shdicfra proceedings of the yajna, besides pleasing
ъщ Daksa.
3т softer ^=гт: жтосгт:1
tTWtnj cd ЦЩтТЛЬЭП 4<l(^d'Rc|chl-4gl bdlf^WU
о чэ -о

Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words frm 75сГЛ1^П

of Daksa, all the gods moved on for waging a Finding his ganas having been defeated,
war. Virabhadra felt defeated. Therefore he set the
m wifnii: ш cRni^TT:i goblins, ghosts and spirits after them.
л S3 v 5 \5

fdicbwi irrfldT: fW rm riidii fWSfFT -ЩЦ i q Ч?Ш:1

Then having been overpowered with the чтгвтго W{Rsii»m i
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 36 411

Mounted over the bull, the ganas were Brahma said, “On hearing these words of
deputed in the, front. Together with his forces the Lokapalas, Brhaspati, remembering in his
Virabhadra holding a trident in his hand felled heart lord Siva, said to the foolish Indra.
the god.
-д^рт тгткртштт Timrimfbi ■щЗп fgraRT f f RcRtf ti
тггаднсшт ^jajirR ^ n
He killed all the gods, Yaksas, Sadhyas, Brhaspati said, “Whatever had been stated
Guhyakas, Caranas with his trident. by lord Visnu earlier, it is happening today. О
%f^fgerT <pTT: ЫГЙ?ТГ:1 Indra, I repeat his words again and you listen
ТГТТTpft^?ir^i5^TII^II to me attentively.
Some of then were cut off with his sword
and the others with clubs. Rest of the devas "RTSftl 4 RJefif: w f f T&:|R'#II
were attacked with the other weapons. The one who is Is'vara is the bestower of
тгщ Milf^TrlT: 4 $ wmRqrraW:! the reward of all the karmas. He does so with
tPTWt Lifted Ш reference to the performer. He himself is
unable to do anything.
The gods, thus having been defeated in the
war, deserting their other associates fled away RW OT: ^ RTftram 4 cflfcf3T:i
to the heaven. ч qrq^fui ч ч Ф тщщу rWTiRmi
%cf?r HTchhrHIW ЩП1ГГШ^грП':1 3IRTRrfqr Ъ 9TTWrfur 31
^ ld *1^1 4 < .lrH l: I R ^ II

Only mighty Indra and other Lokapalas Neither mantras nor the medicinal herbs,
stood there courageously in the great war. nor the black magic, nor the worldly activities,
nor the Vedas, nor the two systems of
■Rif fafairR Щ ( Т ^ Т Ш TJTTWtl
mlmmhsas nor other sacred texts, based on
Vedic hymns, are able to know Siva. This has
All the gods then collectively went to been declared by the ancient acaryas.
Brhaspati- the preceptor of the gods and 4 4??IR: TT:I
enquired of him.
^4)41^11 Even a person well-versed in all the Vedas
ш \ ч щ щ \ 31*пШг'.1 would not be able to know well about Siva.
The Vedas declare that he could be known
c(z ч: ш п т я m r фщ п ? ?н
only to the people who are totally devoted to
The lokapalas said, “O Intelligent him.
preceptor Brhaspati, you tell us the way to be
victorious? ■?трят з trwr Шсытггп
ЯЧ Щ(Щ\ % R^lfvWlIRCII
Lord Siva could be known only by the
f rdiebtrer ст ш \ peaceful and umblemished vision or by his
grace alone.
412 Siva-Mahapuranam

3T ^R 3TFR0TT U m PdcbU JI^hll

tii^ n | I ^%! шчт! ^ prfpR! t SFrrfinTh
Inspite of that, О Indra, in the matter of I I p p ! pip
what should be done and what not, I shall I ттчтчтоцт! #t?r! wr f£ra$mrr:!i
explain this aspect of the fulfilment of one’s
desire. You listen to the same in your own ar^Rifp ^ичлГч зтт^ггагтш! щ ип^и
interest. Vlrabhadra said, “All of you out of
foolishness have arrived here for getting
wrfips oiifHvil ЧгЭТ HlcbMIrl: W IT t l
honoured. You come to me and I shall bestow
STFPTt Ц f% cbftbqfq (ФЬЧЧПЗ о n honour on you, О Indra, Agni, Sun, Moon,
Out of foolishness, О Indra, you have Kubera, Varuna, Vayu, Niriti, Yama, Serpent
participated in the yajna of Daksa with Sesa, groups of gods and demons.
Lokapalas out of ignorance. What type of sRJTlWcr
prowess are you going to display
ЦсЩсмт 1ртМщткпчм wrf^PT:i
bSthhAJigr WIT: чтччЛччш
ftflsMiRIG W f ^TIJT cftLWT w r m t:l
зтрш V\
cfTWHT: ^ W r l l ^ d l l
These ganas with the help of Siva, getting
MHliHMtl 4WIT Wfgpfr ^pri
enraged are participating in the war for the
purpose of total destruction and they shall Ш О Ш Ш \9 cr \9 ТОГРТ О гП

return after doing so. *l^tc||(il4ebu^ % qH'4&lS'44S\u|: 11^ Я11

TT?&rr 4 fhRTDTT rTr^RT: I Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Vlrabhadra,
the best among the ganas of Siva getting
Tied -ЩЦ enraged, shot arrows at all the gods, who
No one’s efforts here for the protection of getting injured, fled away to all the ten
the yajna would prove successful.” direction. After the fleeing of the Lokapalas
WtWET and the gods Vlrabhadra went to the place of
P<? ^gpqMoRi fwIT Ь f| yajna with his ganas.
^ НГскчк?т: щ и т :1 1 ^ н %ЖРРТ THef ТТОТГТГ% RT?%K4j
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words £)?ЩсЫИ1: Щ уАучЫсИ ^Rll'iJoli
of Brhaspati, Indra and other Lokapalas from All the frightened sages then started
the heaven felt worried. praying to lord Visnu quickly bowing down
ттЫ чШ ж г w re W t# : I
^idl^lchMidiwh щ т w fe ^Ч'Ч ЗлГ:

Then Vlrabhadra who had been surrounded ^<?! тчтчтгг! wfert! wnrtfth
by the powerful ganas, remembering Siva said т§т w ft c^ipsr й? ч
to Indra and other Lokapalas. The Rsis said, “O God of gods, О Lord of
Rama, О Lord of all, О Supreme Lord, protect
the yajna of Daksa, you are yourself the form
^ WT ^#Г?1сШ^ЯтФтТПгГТ:1 of yajna.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 36 413

dfTT|ft ЩГ^ГЗ>:1 Vlrabhadra, said, “O Visnu, how could you

ТЩЩЧШ T$T dTdfS^dt Я1%T^:II^VII dare to disregard the pledge of lord Siva? Are
you feeling proud at heart?
You are the performer of yajna, the form
of yajna, part of yajna. Protect it. Because
none else can do so. сБТёП d p fe T$fesHd ddrdfl'rf'H
Have you strength enough to transgress the
^r41'chu4 ciri^Mi^luii -ЩЩfft:i vow of Siva? Who are you? Who is your
protector in the three worlds?
ш Amwid: cbfHiid fei?i
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of rsis, lord Visnu got ready to fight with <ч?1ЧК11 r d ^ 2 1 ^TRTtsf^T d U d liq о II

Vlrabhadra. Why did you arrive here? Am I not aware

of it? You tell me, how could you be the
ddtfd: Т О Ш : dll: l
protector of the yajna of Daksa.
4^I«TH\S4<iTtl14^c)lilVH fefcfhl'S'Sll
^ГШШТТ fid d d d d ^ f e r dldTI
Holding Cakra and other weapons in his
four hands, he moved out of the yajna- yirti d d c^Ejfer 3|d d d 14)4 tddTIiq ^11
mandapa with all the gods. rdWlfr :i
3TdfH dddjrfd d d drfd d ?T d d !ll4? II
d # fe j 4Ц«ЫЧ dfTJWTIl'tfhll Did you not notice the performance of
Vlrabhadra on the other hand holding a Satl? Did you not listen to the words of
trident in his hand, accompanied with Dadhlci? You have arrived in the yajna of
inriumerable ganas found Visnu ready for Daksa in order to receive honour? О Long
waging a war. armed one, I shall bestow reward on you (by
cutting you to pieces).
Щ t f e r c f e n f a fejV H | t ! ddl
fJdRT ? d -ФЩ f f e ? d clinnTII'U^II
cbWdlfw ddTdldt W f^ d d id llh ill
Looking at Visnu, Vlrabhadra frowned at
him in the same way as the lion frowns at the О Visnu, I shall tear out your chest with
sight of the elephant or Yama gets enraged at the attack of a trident. Who is there to protect
the sight of a sinner. you? Let him come to me.
d fd fe d fd d f t irclMfeillfq d%4TI
l l f e i # fgT с&ТЯ^1гчфт:1
тргШ: TnTTfdtii'tf'sil dw dci*dчуdr xmfemfd ddrnri 14*11
Finding Visnu in that position, the enraged I shall, after felling you on earth, bum you
Vlrabhadra, the killer of the enemies, quickly with fire and shall pound you thereafter.
said to Visnu. I I I * ! рёПТ! d|?rfd J0 m !l
$4lh$i*)&4i$ic«i fd>d dFnfd hTdddI1ЧЧ11
1 1 Ц! ЧЗйе|¥1Ч*Ч1й|Ч ЩШ1 srarrfd щ t^Tdilr! 4Ц«ыч)5Ш: Hdd:i
ддаш fid f4% d4: fewcracm'Siii ddtlffd df| id|wndRTII4^ll
414 Siva-Mahapuranam

0 Wicked, Visnu, the worst hater of Siva, W tara

are you unaware of the auspicious greatness of ^Tb d fd JJfra 7T 4 fr4 R :l
Siva? О Long armed one, in case you are
standing before me for a fight, then be steady, 33T }I
I shall despatch you to the place of no return.” Brahma said, “Hearing these words of
Visnu, the long armed Vlrabhadra laughed and
said, “I feel delighted to know that you are
dear to my lord.”
З с Ш f e ^ t R ТЙЗЯТ f e o T W ^ W J l I V a i l 3I3Tt HUHiiuTt: I
о fW cR d ^ ctl^ fg R f f f гТт^ТТ: IЩ 11
Щ rc|<Jld:l Then laughing loudly Vlrabhadra, the best
ч шщ 11ц 6 11 of the ganas, spoke humbly to Visnu, with
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of delight.
Vlrabhadra, Visnu said, laughingly, “O dclirl
Vlrabhadra, you listen from me today. I am
зга чтгачт^тт^чзгазк тг ufi3rat!i
the servant of Siva. Don’t call me ante-Rudra.
ffRf чгатг gfer *RT щ
зйч ягёязт: 4cf ra tr : RT:i
Vlrabhadra said, “О Supreme lord, I had
spoken the words in order to test your
Daksa- the performer of the religious rites feelings. I shall now speak right earnestly.
daily, requested me repeatedly for the You listen to me attentively.
performing of the yajna. But out of ignorance,
w fvraraan ra % w га га згат f?ra:i
he is unaware of the related secret.
ffr enfafra f^ra^iHrrat f H n ^ n
at? ЯхБЧшЬшггт m f a ЩШ: i
Vlrabhadra said, “As is Siva, so are you, О
шг If й зш! riwi^nml thI h^ oii Supreme lord, and as are you, so is Siva. О
1 am subservient to my devotees and same Visnu, this has been ordained by the Vedas, at
is the case with Siva. Daksa is a devotee of the command of Siva.
mine. That is why I have arrived in the yajna.
%сщтат <ra чгащ; щ т h
^«hWg^e(!i 3rarftr га тч н та ! тга#1узгагаттзт11^^||
At the command of Siva, all happen to be
0 Warrior, you have been bom out of his servants. We work at the command of
Siva’s anger, you listen to my vow. You are Siva. Still out of respect we argue and speak
the form of the tejas of Rudra, therefore, О like this.”
Lord, you are quite glorious. зщгагсг
3Tf ftcTKiirfa 33T ref rf ЯТ fa f tc m y i 1 з?щгат сгач зтга cflwrra 43
4 fr a ягага #т«з% зт сте л и в и
1 shall withstand you. You can try to stop Brahma said, “Thus Sri Visnu listening to
me. Whatever is destined, let it happen. I shall the words of Vlrabhadra, said to him
surely display my strength.’ smilingly.
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 37

4dNH! тшт i
trant: tiftwifa адчннчнн ^ н
Visnu said, “0 Valorous one, you can fight
with me without any hesitation. Having been
wounded by your arrows all over the body, I
shall return to my place.

liv so и

Brahma said, “Thus speaking, lord Visnu

kept quiet, getting ready for the battle. The
immensely powerful Virabhadra also got
ready for the battle with the support of his
afifv icm ^m iu i K tiH id iiii f t a f t
•RcOtsml fqajjcilwjtddldl ?ПТ Ч<1Г^?15КГРТ:1[?^11
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 37 415

ТчрГТ 7T|fT^ Ъ rr'45TTfiraT:l

тит чтн: W Tprcrafrimi
Listening to the sound of the conch, the
gods who had fled away from the battle field
returned to the same place.
ciU'd^io^Mi д>сьчм1: ттаттгат:1
^51Щ Тггггт Гщчг4 fTfan ш тй стг:м ч и
Mighty Indra and other Lokapalas then
started fighting with the ganas of Vlrabhadra
roaring like a lion.
зщ еш дчёт ттФтг Гн$чцн:и^п
Roaring like the lion, the Sivaganas fought
a terrific battle with Indra and Lokapalas.
ч!^тт i т\\учч\ тип
ofiirftsftTf| ehUTIUgyfcMI Ш с(#1ЬЭ||
Indra, Agni and Kubera fought with Nandi,
Asman and Kubera with Kusmandapati,
CHAPTER 37 respectively.
Destruction of the yajna of Daksa TI^UT lilt 4 ^t сг|щ урщ^ПТП^И
«srgrrara TrRRHII^II
$ foropn tt Nandi was hit hard by Indra, with his
ТТ^гЧ ?Tft Re|^f^(4e)KUl^ ||^|| thunderbolt having a hundred spikes. Indra
The immensely powerful Vlrabhadra, was wounded in the middle of the chest, with
mentally adoring Siva, the remover of all the the trident by Nandi.
misfortunes, got ready to fight with Visnu. «rfMt sraft ч т ш й чтгатн.!
TTRTSS^iflfT f^pftwil^oll
TjfteT iKHi'MiRn w v$ ? i r i i In this way both the warriors started
Being the destroyer of all the enemies, he fighting enthusiastically with each other. They
mounted over the excellent chariot, carrying fought with each other variously with the
the best of weapons, and started roaring like a desire of victory.
lion. утстгтт ш г1Т?чт4 ^ г: 4TR«hlm:i
firepift nsraW w sra ifW fianp тЫ и t im!%TrafN
sr# Ч&Щ WchliUT. Then the fire god, getting immensely
Visnu on the other hand, blew the conch enraged, hit Asman with his spear, who in
Pancajanya, which delighted the people on his turn, having been filled with anger, attacked
side. the fire god with a trident.
416 Siva-Mahapuranam

У3414 fiunnuihl
а д т jjgr* ■
f r ^ tii^ ii The exceedingly brilliant Visnu, then
Mahaloka the chief of his ganas, started fighting and shot his cakra on them,
meditating on Siva in his mind, delightfully which could bum all the ten directions.
fought a horrible battle with Yama. ^rawr: ж ттч т 4 * 4 ih)«hi %pw: i
МЩ «Н4тН:1 'd~rfPRg|Hld1 efcftlRo||
^ 11^ 11 When Ksetrapala found the cakra fast
The valorous Canda, attacking Nirrti with approaching him he ran towards it and bravely
his astonishing types of weapons, fought with caught hold of it and swallowed it.
him. t i j 4fad4lH)cRj fgmj: жчщгт;|
cR>uU ^PT cftft 4fiyvril d4AlfddclHR4ll^^ll
WW 7RFETT frHlcfcl f^rwqfyЧ11W 11 Then Visnu- the conqueror of the enemy
The immensely strong Munda, carrying the cities, finding his Cakra having been
divine weapons, fought with Varuna, carrying swallowed, caught hold of his neck and made
the huge spear. him vomit out the cakra.
сгррт wr ^ w w r wfnrmi
rt ciiqfoivj^q SIrlTfq4TII^4H ^ f t r iTTHtg ^ 7 4 x ^ 1
Bhrngl the glorious one, attacked over the тщш # Ш m ft:
wind god, with his trident, while the wind god 41^)44 ИIWI IfchlS"^: ия ? и
wounded Bhmg! with his weapons. The valorous lord Visnu who is the sole
protector of the world, carrying his cakra,
w r dHctwltl кщщт started fighting with several of the Sivaganas.
The valorous, Kusmandapati, with his Ъ% Щ Щ - p n l ^ £ T f?TI
mind devoted to Mahesvara, started fighting чттттРг д а т Ф ^ ^ ррт11?^п
with Kubera. Lord Visnu started fighting with demons,
PfHI who were attacking him with several weapons.
о sd«d cs
The leader Bhairavl in association with the чтчвшШ firpRT: ц {4 зш т и ^ н
yoginls, tore out the bodies of the gods and Bhairava and other Sivaganas, on the other
drank their blood. hand, started fighting, quite enthusiastically
^Ш ТЩ Т m зящ: carrying several weapons, getting furious.
« N ♦ _. . .. N .
cfiMt wfh fo^fcf cTFhfl ТЙТ ctfll^ll сШТIW ^|{4||ЗпНп'Л^11
Ksetrapalas, devoured the gods. Mahakall (ciPl^rtl iPTPTRT cTR^f clcftlRqil
on the other tore out several gods and drank Thus witnessing the terrific war, Visnu,
their blood. possessing enormous prowess, again started
m fauytfiPcMl % ?Щ?Т1 fighting with them.
Rudra Samhita (Satt Khanda), Chapter 37 417

Then a wonderful lustre, terrible like the

gm щгашТч 4U*ftui inw :ii^n fire, of the time of dissolution emerged at that
place, which looked like burning all the three
Thereafter splendid lord Visnu, who was worlds. It was quite severe and frightened
blinded in anger, holding his disc fought with even the great warriors.
дчшго it w : i
Tift: w ra fg Ш llM^uiMi
W$ ^[dgTgfr4&T:ll3*ll
чн 1Ш<у1 ^ ! п?\эм
The glorious lord Visnu with his eyes
O sage, a terrible fight provoking becoming red in anger, got up again and
harripilation took place between Mahavlra and started fighting again holding the Cakra.
Varuna with various weapons.
тнд эпггг%щтчттзт1
ftrgg: fticr: 31^ : 11^411
His cakra, which had the lustre of the sun
With the yogic power of Visnu, of the time of dissolution, was made inactive
innumerable four-armed warriors were created by Siva, which Visnu was about to shoot at
holding conch, Cakra and clubs in their hands. Virabhadra.
й gift дчаг&ч gfatftxn щ ш ftr! тратт: зтгаттт Ruryrcg
% dHIfyKHi W : l l ? <?ll ц ддт^г ftsrfc щ щ gcpjii^ii
All of them were as strong as Visnu The great sage Siva, the lord of illusion,
himself, they started fighting with Virabhadra. because of his influence, the cakra held by
nHicfaft fttrsifT чшчпгезшпч1 Visnu in his hand, became totally inactive.
зпнт gr4i тдтдт ftrg згфт1i^ oii зтгг gtoftui w r i
Virabhadra, on the other hand, with his ЭДЙВсмП»М^ч qffctlFid ftgi?:ii^V9ii
mind devoted to Siva, he attacked them all Then Visnu, stood before Virabhadra, the
with a trident, killing them at the same time. lord of the ganas like a mountain and started
тшК^т it fftft wiftfti talking.
gtiR ft fasyvfir чдоейиэ y\ Tift ftnnj; Tsftwrft ft tr^ ! i

Thereafter in the battlefield, the powerful q ^ g q ^ u iM-j ft:^mHcbi ^ 1 1 3 4

Virabhadra, attacked Visnu at his chest with О Narada when Virabhadra, made Visnu
his trident. inactive and stunned, then the lord started
reciting the mantra for his redemption from
ft? tnftr щ ywViHT:i
With that attack Visnu, suddenly fell over
the battle ground getting fainted. vn^ 'JtJti? ^T gieg: TgBR: пун ipt! 113 ^ 11
_v N__ • N - r-.... О Narada, after his stupefaction was
rffit пЗТ:
removed, Visnu- the lord of Rama, took up his
3>pft*Ri<i'gch Ш jUmrmft bow and arrow in rage.
418 Siva-Mahapuranam

srf^rT ё|[ЦГ^Ч Finding that the yajfia taking to the form of

cliw^UI НтШ! f5№S^Tl^niTF^!ll^o|| a deer, flying towards the sky, Virabhadra
caught hold of him and cut off its head.
О Narada, Virabhadra, shooting three
arrows, humiliated the Saranga bow by н и : тгзгп # snf н j p jw ft : i
breaking it into three pieces. Hlrt н |гд й 4 4 =№rnru'^v3H
3TSJ f g w p ^ H i u i j i w r f c r ^ t u ^ m u iq j тЬг н 4^Mlui:i
3t w ^ t ?птнт iRrafj ^sTii^ ii ИНГС hT^T ^T H нГч4^-0411^61|
Thereafter at the advice of the divine voice Thereafter the heroic Mahagana
from the sky, Visnu took Virabhadra to be Virabhadra caught hold of Prajapati, Dharma,
invincible, therefore he decided to disappear Kasyapa, Aristanemi the sage with many sons,
from the battlefield. the sages Angira and Krsasva and the great
sage Datta and kicked all of them on their
tW i I
7Ш: WHH W Jiifcw i^
f?lW ЫчЙ ТНТГ5ПТ11*?-П
The nose of Sarasvatl the mother of the
Having been reminded of the evil effect of gods, was cut off by glorious Virabhadra with
the self-burning of Sat!, besides the greatness his own hands.
of Siva, the lord of all, Visnu together with his
ganas, went back to his own abode. ^сГГ<^

«rMHfcMMgTt ^¥1&Ч тШгГ:1 нш тш ^ ^1тщ нт1н#сЯ : 114 о 11

3iRi*dd w f e сы4 чй ^ iiv ? ii Thereafter, all other gods were thrown on
the ground, and their bellies were torn out.
I, feeling, concerned about the condition of
my son Daksa, feeling extremely painful, H frq# fddl^PM ^М ^М ^1 ч Г ч 1
returned to Satyaloka and started thinking ЧТОН5ТИ1 fHHTIH: 4»filR|fgc| TrftrgH:ll4 ^11
about the future course of action. The anger of Virabhadra could not subside,
fnwft Ffa чт%3cf ^cnsr Щ\ even after the killing of the prominent gods
and the sages and he kept on hissing like the
When myself and Visnu left the place, then snake.
the ganas of Siva conquered the gods as well : снГйЧ141
as the sages. f^TTl Hi: II
dy4*cWMl£T f e w H Ч*1ЧЩ| Like the lion which kills the wild animals,
p g # gg^nxmi Virabhadra, even after destroying his enemies,
They desecrated the yajfia. Finding this, was looking on all the sides with anger to find
yajna-deva, taking to the form of a deer, fled out who was lodged where?
away from that place. оФТКпге^Т qiq-qfuro^: шчнтч!
Thereafter the famous Manibhadra,
Rudra Sariihita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 37 419

pressing the sage Bhrgu under his feet, pulled Thinking that his head could not be
his beard up. severed with his weapons, Virabhadra jumped
over his chest and tore out his chest with his
M lk lS ll
Canda on the other hand quickly removed
the teeth of Pusan, because when the curse cfjrs# чиЩптТ.П^И
was pronounced on Siva, he had been Thereafter Virabhadra- the leader of the
laughing showing his teeth. ganas, dropped the head of the inimical Daksa
in the sacred fire of the fire-altar.
4 $ WTW ^ % htfHrTPT W
ddT 'yiMd-chH
ШЩ ^ТО?1ГГ ^Fn^ERTliqqil
Nandi on the other hand, removed the three Tuii^ficidb i m m ч4я1чч1:11^?н
eyes of Bhaga- because it was he who At that point of time Virabhadra, looked
indicated with the winking of the eye. graceful wielding the trident in his hand. The
Samvarta fire of the war, started burning with
ftJSf^RTT ТЕЭИТ гГ5Г РГТ W ?T <1^1UH rTSTTl anger like the mountain of fire.
srer гшггт w rra ^ :ii4 ^ n
The gana’s leaders then attacked over
Svadha, Svaha, Daksina, mantra, tantra and
Thus Virabhadra, getting enraged, threw
all others who had been present there.
all of them in the burning flames, who were
ijflmfui rdHMl4w W : l burnt like the fire flies.
cpsn^gT ^mrrimRi
The ganas of Siva, getting enraged, WTtfmjiis'xn
showered filth and rubbish, over the sacrificial When Virabhadra found that all including
fire. The heroic ganas absolutely polluted the Daksa had been bum tout, then he laughed
sacrifice. aloud, the sound of which echoed in the three
Тч^гГм d^TgcTTrJJ worlds.
3TTf44RT fldMIil ^J:WlTII4<ill cftrfsrqT ddt Ч^щитап
The valorous Virabhadra, frightened цьч^<ч^оч| мииШп^ци
Daksa, who had hid himself behind the fire Thereafter, the flowers of he Nandanavana
altar. Finding this, Virabhadra forcibly were showered over Virabhadra because of his
dragged him. prowess.
згстйз'щ t f?R:i
ЗтйаЧШчТС! dH ЧР1М'Ч1ёГг1:11Ч,?П W F* гТсТ:
He was caught by his cheeks and he tried The cool, slow and fragrant winds started
to cut off his head with the sword, which blowing and divine drums were beaten in the
could not be severed due to his yogic power. heaven.
з й и d% fr w w b I sj <T ИЩТ cffT: <£>Цеы4ш: ЧТЧ1
420 Siva-MahSpuranam

As the darkness is removed by the sun,

similarly Vlrabhadra, getting successful in his
mission, went back to Kailasa.

Finding that Virabhadra, has performed his

duty faithfully, Siva was delighted and he
declared him the leader of the valorous
fftr fedluiui

420 Siva-MahSpuranam

gfct ff? ТГтатНгГ fy4lcWg«B4 TWlllIXII

О Merciful lord, this is the biggest doubt in
my mind. Removing that doubt, you kindly
continue to narrate the story of lord Siva,
which is quite enthusiastic for the mind.”
fg ^ 4 ! щ t e gftfT vifvm'feq:!
epfoST W&iVWgKchqnkll
Brahma said, “O Excellent Brahmana, you
listen to the excellent story of lord Siva, quite
lovingly, which removes all the doubts of the
person putting the question.
CHAPTER 38 caterer t^ ! yilMKftlHjlHl Wft: ТТЛ
Conflict between Ksuva and Dadhica
TJiT dc|N 39TW
$Hllchu4 ^ 4 d ^ 1 ^4f4d4l4fl:l %nsf ^IHenPlWj cl^rfr ЧРШт1Ч:1
Ч[Щ: ЗЙоЭТ fa fw S T f£dlrl4:IRII ifrnTT drHglfcHIlimi
SQta said, “After hearing the words of W^TTET
Brahma, of enormous wisdom, Narada- the imrtrat тщйщ т ш §рт ф t?w: i
Brahmana, felt surprised and he lovingly зтчрй* stfterw ччЦзд Ч1штг:|1йп
asked him.” In earlier times the wisdom of Visnu was
once lost due to the curse of the sage Dadhica.
ifHrT: I He therefore went to the sacrifice of Daksa
along with gods to help Ksuva.” Narada said,
^dHI 4j4 r f ^ r ildiq^trS^ernd.'IR II
“There was a king named Ksema, who
Narada said, “Please tell me the reason for possessed great splendour, who was quite
Visnu’s participation in the yajna of Dalcsa friendly to Dadhica- the great sage with
along with the gods, because in the absence of enormous spiritual power.
Siva, a lot of discomfiture was in store for
fcHIrN: зга^г! gi^: ЩЗц4ЫН|
4^w4ehT: 434ldfWHl4iWc|r4<||R||
srrerfrT f% TTTroj 4t ffr ЯДЧЙ’ЖЧЦ!
In earlier times a great dispute arose
int ^ ^ f R m tw k p t W IRII between Ksuva and Dadhica, relating to the
Was it not known to Visnu, that Siva had penance, which resulted in a great disaster.
the power of dissolution with him. Then why гГ5Г liquid: Sfc&I f^JT 4 W ^ ;|
did he fight with Sivaganas, like a foolish
person devoid of wisdom? ?f?I w ^fSRTIRo II
Dadhica had been a great devotee of Siva,
тяг fefer chwuffii 11 besides being well-versed in the Vedas, once
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanda), Chapter 38 421

observed that the Brahmana happened to be Thereafter, О Sage, Dadhlca getting

the best of all the varnas. enraged struck by the sage, Ksuva- the king,
сгач щц shot the vajra at the sage Dadhlca. The lord of
the universe then thundered aloud.
^cT Tn%f?T fcl4l^d:H^II
чш f% rt Ь ч с& щ чвк: I
On hearing the words of Dadhlca, the king
Ksuva- who had been intoxicated because of
his riches, spoke. Dadhlca- Bhargava, having been struck
<Jc(lxJ with vajra, fell down on the ground and then
he remembered Sukra- one of his ancestors.
зщят cpjsqfa^ ^pbi
Ю ТПТШ Htfet xt
dWf Ml olftgt Щ сРЦ^ПТЧЙ: '5T$:II^II
^ x W СТ5ГГ '^ Ч 1ЧЬЧ ТГ JjTW II^ II
K§uva said, “The king is born with the
amsas (parts) of the eight Lokapalas, Sukra arrived there at once and with the
therefore, he indeed is the best. application of his yogic knowledge, rejoined
the limbs broken by the king Ksuva with the
^<Де(ЧЧ) ТПЗТТ^T: t1r4<l I attack of vajra.
-щ tht-sTtsfifa Tmt чй!11^ и тгавт ’фЗДг? ^ТГЕГ^Щ Я Р к :1
It has been ordained in the Vedas that the
: 1 1 о 11
king is the form of all the gods. Therefore, О
Excellent Sage, I happen to be the excellent Sukra, who was the foremost of the
one. devotees of Siva, with the use of Mrtyunjaya
vidya, restored the body of Dadhlca to his
original position.”
(МЛ 39ГГсГ
Therefore, the king happens to be nobler
than the Brahmanas. Take the case of ^ )хг! Шгг! v h th t ! т г% т m i
Cyavana. Therefore, I am not to be ттъ ш ф у ^ rfh h \? ъ
disrespected by you and am to be honoured Sukra said, “О Dear Dadhlca, I, after
always.” worshipping Siva, shall speak out to you the
highly potential Vedic hymn of
Ш 4<T ^ щщз* ^ 1 Ш : 1 Mah&mrtyunjaya.
a3gcfil41diar я в к : 11^чп sqraraj xr M lcBtftdt W\54 I
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage listening idhtrg-HBJ ftirR 'Я%^ГГГТiI■=?'R11
to the words of Ksuva, which were contrary to We worship lord Siva having three eyes,
the Vedas and the smrtis the sage Bhrgu was who is the lord of the three worlds and the
immensely enraged. master of the three gunas.
ЗТ0Г 4*k)^T ift«WR44> g^!l fMfxrpq- fe fis r fem jdFt зафг:|
^ftxTt <4l4yfad:ll^ll fsraTftej fejw T R i TT^rf.iR^u
g#ur w xT rTTfscf: §p:i Siva is the essence and the fragrance of the
«Hl'wfiald '<H*IIU£Tfil4fa: three tattvas, three fires, three lokas, three
422 ^iva-MahapurSijiam

arms and always has trimurti. In my opinion, this Mrtyunjaya mantra is

ЗДсгец ч?т^г: чС|гz^Hqi the excellent of all. Repeat the mantra
regularly with your mind devoted to Siva.
чгёчнч Сч
f w r r a f^rr чщтнч>ш
S3 s3 чЭ e After, japam, homa and recitation of the
He is Mahadeva among the three gods. He mantra, observe the fast but you can drink
has the trigunatmik form. He is the essence of water during the day and night. In case the
the fragrance of flower and happens to be the penance is done in the presence of Siva, there
lord of the devas. could be no danger from any quarter.
4 4% *TI f*E4T ЧТГОТ^Ч) -Ref ЧИМТ fctfadfecJUl
4ifr '^ТЙ ТЦ >«Т:11?Ч П fto S H T : Ч тН Ч гЧ гЩ 11^11
As the fragrance is enshrined in the ещчччч wn щ ш ^ччч1
flowers, similarly he is found present in all the
sense organs, the gods, gunas, in a very strong 11^ ^ 11
manner. Similarly he is the lord of the gods. Nyasa and other ritualistic rites shall be
observed daily worshipping Siva, who is
Мфг)4*Ч1<уЭД|! Ы*тТЧ!1 favourably disposed towards his devotees. I
wfcRbW STfa ^ T l l R ^ I I shall also talk about meditation. It is only after
О Suvrata, О Dear Brahmana, he the meditation that the mantra shall be
establishes the union of Purusa and Prakrti, repeated till the purpose for which the
besides Mahat to different sense organs. adoration is made.
ferart: ftd lW W lfil 4 4 ta t Ъ 4 fT 4 ^ !l ш ч f?rc:i

•jEjWWll Ъ 4Wf| 4fg^»|H':lR^ll falRT сЬ<4|44ч ^SRt efifh

О Excellent sage, he happens to be зщга^гщщч^гп^ ч ^ гег^ гач
Brahma, Visnu and other gods, who derive 4tW ^R 4% 4plfr4 >4$T rf
their nourishment from him.
I adore the three eyed lord Siva the
<т^сгчдй чп^отт 4 4 w f 4 m conqueror of the death, accompanied with
rf 41*14 e j m щ ТГЗПЧгГИЧбИ (Parvatl), who pours water on his head from
the two pitchers held in his lotus like hands,
^ 4 l4 l4jrijMI! i> 4 ^ : W 4 4 I
by means of the other pair of hands. He has
®|4УЧЭДеЬ{1 ilW l^ h " c b f4 c l 3 T 4 :IR ^ II placed the two hands with the pots over the
О Prajapati, you worship with sacred rites, lap. He usually holds the Rudraksa rosary and
penance, self-learning of the Vedas, yogic a deer in his hands, and whose body is
practices, meditation, remaining truthful and rendered cool, wet with the nectar falling from
by other means and you will be surely freed the crescent adorning his head.
from the noose of Yama. The lord is the cause w ra ra
of bondage and freedom.
ЧЧ 4= tfrr4: 4 ^ : 1
W W 4 4 W rfld 4^11^411
Чет wm: #чт frafo f^r ччя.11? ом Brahma said, “Thus advising the sage
*P<4T Ш ftrsr Dadhlca- the excellent sage, Sukra, reciting
f v n ^ t TErf^fgft- Ж Ш 4TftcT TR 444 ^11 the name of Siva, returned to his abode.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 38 423

r m rT^cR s w g g tg f f t M^igfHn to him.

gq cTTOТЩШТТ f?tg W tril^ ll
Listening to his words, the great sage ^ д ! д^щд! w 3ft g rw n
Dadhlca, reciting the name with devotion of ggifw gw gw r^q?g %
Siva, went to the forest.
Dadhlca said, “O Great lord of the gods,
kindly bestow three boons one me. First my
<r 45 ядтгя; jfcsrr %g wrrii^'aii bones should be strong like vajra. No one
Reaching there he started repeating the should be able to kill me I should never face
Mahamrtyunjaya mantra and continued to distress.”
perform penance for Siva. • Wtgrg
rFER ^W НЧШМ 7ЩЩ1 qfrwarc зрдт ш : w lw .i
% g w Iw r r t f t ^r: 113 c 11 g w t 3^ ggfgrg gsrof^gfgiix'tfii
He continued reciting that mantra for a Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
long time and performing penance for Siva, he Dadhlca, Siva was pleased and he bestowed
pleased the lord in the form of three boons on him.
Mahamrtyunjaya. д ш %дщтд w g ft: 1
зтгг W $ ‘. тпгсшсчт ^ g w t *нич1зд Mfdfedtii'ami
зпЫ ^д д и ш д !11^ ^ 11 Having been thus bestowed with the three
O Excellent sage, Siva who is favourably boons from Siva, the great sage who always
disposed towards his devotees, was pleased followed the path of bliss, at once reached at
with his tapas and he appeared before him. the place of the king Ksuva.
t ^fJT М Ч qr т $$т :\ ятатдкпдзрпш ggrftgwigfqgnii
згщщ farfiig^cMi pra ^ 1^ : 11* оn зш§дд Ч1дчнч т т # т х з н
Finding the lord Siva appearing before Having achieved the three boons of being
him, the excellent sage was delighted, and he indestructible, possessing of Vajra like bones
appropriately offered his prayer to him with and becoming free from distress, he kicked the
folded hands. king on his head with his foot.
m t o fvnww! trwsmgfq g th щдг ggw ggH U w t ^r:i
щ fttfg ч щ f w fd^ui fgwfkggfggiii'd^ii
O Excellent sage, thereafter, lord Siva, Getting enraged, the king Ksuva, then with
feeling pleased, asked Dadhlca, the son of his mind devoted at the glory of Visnu,
Cyavana for seeking a boon. attacked Dadhlca at his chest with vajra.
g g p n trswer gsflrat 4 tHWT:i чщ дщд дцд зд^агсд qgirm:i
>Hi^(H4deb: w Tift Чтьддя^||^?11
Thus listening to the words of Siva, By the grace of Siva, the attack of vajra
Dadhlca as the most excellent devotee of the could cause no harm to Dadhlca, which
lord, with folded hands offering his salutation surprised the son of Brahma.
424 Siva-Mahapuranam

great friend who was the noble soul and

humble, known by the name of Dadhlca, who
q-ftW x||r44l4<iT4lc|4j
is a famous Brahmana.
§pt <ЛгКЧ Tf^grP-
згакт: яЗр ; yigrw wcnr:i
ШШ^Г inrRr дщэг: ira^n
тщщщ ■gt^rtRTwrimmi
Ksuva, the son of Brahma, also finding that
the attack of vajra had become infructuous, He worshipped Mrtyunjaya-Mahadeva,
and became free from death and sickness.
felt extremely surprised.
тгга?т enчч1^ч m яШ
зптгещтятя Ф
шрпяж йтрт я рЫт ТЩШТ:11Ч5,И
длчятгщ Tpgrri
The said sage Dadhlca kicked me in my
«Ч5РЦГ«ВГ Mllfirdl % Court at the head with his right foot,
Iч о 11 showering an insult on me.
Then Ksuva, who had been defeated by <j«4Wtit xt ueRn Я Rc^ hUti чяФт:1
Dadhlci- the devotee of Mrtyunjaya, Brahma
Чгргстя дчй яйяТ цяй f *!11ч 11
felt surprised.
In arrogance he openly declared that he
WtT tfiFST ТРТ^Я I had achieved a boon from Mrtyunjaya and
JR^t p f r ic^oii ct Jl*iSb=M:ll4 ^11 therefore he was not afraid of any one.”
Garuda- bannered Visnu, having been зр р та
pleased with his tapas appeared before him, aw pf^T $мы1г<3 тщряч:!
because of his tapas.
шятшя m^viw тгягатщет ?R:ii4<iii
Hiafr ^gT рг згсф ч i
i p тдрт ф : щ щз М т ш |?wi
p p cjifwiRgiRr: ящиг ^гез^зптнч^м
fayiuff ЧТ% ТТР^! ЯРПЩЙГ f^fecfll4^ll
Looking at the lord Janardhana with his
divine sight, he bowed in reverence to him and Brahma said, Lord Vi$nu, then
eulogised him. remembered the enormous prowess of Siva
and realising the invincibility of Dadhlca, said
to Ksuva the son of Brahma. О Best of the
kings, the Brahmanas are least afraid of
rd#iwim« RrO^T я^ гг anyone.
MfUNrM Tjstfll43ll Ri^4I§ri4t1jHI ЯЯ 4TR<T xTЯЧг1I
After adoring and offering prayer to the f:yicb<lfd RTPST^ThTlsf Я'■ртг Tripoli
invincible lord, praised by Indra and others, he О King, the devotees of Siva are
bowed his head in reverence to him and particularly free from any danger. I am myself
submitted to him.” suffering presently because of the curse from
тптгата a Brahmana.
w r !i p : ф fasprn «ifpfT ЩЯ p rR ^8ГШ1
RnldWI Ш ЯЧ ЯТГЗЯ^НЧ'кИ RHI# ТЩn ^ ! 44bM!44d xTII^ ^11
The king Ksuva said, “O Lord, I had a Because of that curse, I shall the destroyed
Rudra Sariihita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 39

and then brought back to life by Siva.

trt^! ч
^trfir ш ? h i^ i
Therefore, О Leader of the kings, I shall
try to get you victorious over Dadhica. But the
yajna can never be completed.”
cJTeRTf5T: ШЩd«llfwfd #*T:I

Listening to the words of Visnu, king

Ksuva accepted them. But he remained there
to have his desire fulfilled.
^ctdtolrlcllddU^ чтчщВДГзбцш: ll ^ c ll
'k’k ' k
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanda), Chapter 39 425

Brahma said, “In this way, Visnu, in order

to establish the task of the king Ksuva,
deceitfully asked for a boon from the sage
who was a great devotee of Siva.
pw tetete fter! щ<4еьгаМчмм:1
ятгат i
The sage Dadhlca said, “O Visnu, you have
changed your form with your illusion, in order
to establish the task of the king Ksuva and
have arrived here. I have known the purpose
of your arrival here.
я?! яtete etenn щчтфг!|
?пч w debited t r ir ii
O Visnu, by the grace of Siva, I am well
CHAPTER 39 aware of the happenings of the past, present
Fight between Visnu and Dadhlca and future.
tte # fdMJj ЗрГгП
armfetete т ч щгаит w ^ tiii^ ii
fgWTWWq1ЯПЗН ЯтН^гН^Г:11^И erte ятщт! «таиягаа! tell
^qte -щ йнЙмРтазд ^ i<w . i ite w tte f? te te s r h RfTtrii^ii
^ с(еЫУ^у^тЬ: ftte£*5?{tnfa<T:lRII I know you in the form of Hari or Visnu.
Brahma said, “Lord Visnu, who is You therefore shed away this form of a
favourably disposed towards his devotees, Brahmana. The evil minded king Ksuva had
with the aim of doing some god to the king adored you. Discarding the deceitful form,
Ksuva, taking to the form of a Brahmana, you better recite the name of Siva. I am well
arrived at the abode of the sage Dadhlca. aware of your devotion towards the lord.

te яг tere! ^ с)|т5ншочу!
ertegi You better speak out the truth to me. Can
there be any danger to a devotee of Siva like
Visnu said, “О sage Dadhlca, engaged in me?
the adoration of Siva, I have arrived to ask for
a boon from you. Can you give it to me? cRTte ч tjr ite r f?idWTrryiTtet:i
4 ^ЛгЦ|^Ч^с|^!Гс1сЫ<ГЧ11^о||
inkwl s^te: ^NRrm:i While reciting the name of Siva, I am the
least afraid of the gods, demons or others. I
am speaking the truth.”
426 Siva-Mahapuranam

<[gTd difuddlE-i Ж ?l
w i ?#сг! т&и 4 t ш 4prd!i
^dlx^Hirh TJcf «ИЩИ When Visnu found his Cakra becoming
Visnu said, “О Dadhlca, you are not afraid infructuous, then Dadhlca the great sage,
of anyone from any source, because you are a possessing the knowledge of the cause of
devotee of Siva and are omniscient. discrimination between existent and non­
existent, smilingly said to Visnu.”
ct HdWdl

I bow in reverence to you. At my command *ч

о О ^

you first tell the king Ksuva once that you are ^dfilfd 4sdTd чга fount! ТГОШ:11^И
afraid of him.” Dadhlca said, “О Lord Visnu, formerly, the
great Cakra was obtained from Siva by you
making great efforts. Thus is the auspicious
-ц$ tgddftr Щ(ФЦ fgwTT: ЧТ <J cakra of Siva. Therefore, it cannot harm me at
Щгг: # rw r:ll^ n all.”
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, Dadhlca, чщщ чгж ч foramfo dTftsi
the supreme devotee of Siva, listening to the
words of Visnu, then fearlessly spoke while d)hlcgf<: i
smiling.” ОД1Ы)£: ^Я Й т^Ч И
ЗфсТЗсПтТ Then lord Visnu getting enraged used
various other weapons (which were of no
ч Hmfa Ж ! w fh iw r i avail). Then Dadhlca said, “You can attack me
Гг ^и^п1гч^|1«ы: II II with Bahmastra as well.”
Dadhlca said, “By the grace of Siva, the flriilciM
holder of the Pinaka bow, I am, the least afraid
ЧТd ^ C&R ^rj Ш Ш я т !
from anyone at any place.”
ш Ф г ШТ dT^ ЧЩШгШ*4l^f<:lRo|l
Brahma said, “Hearing these words of the
1 W те
Г: Ш
cfifodt fft:l
v5 sage Dadhlca, and thinking him to be quite
№ weak, Visnu, getting enraged, shot all the
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words weapons at him.
of the sage, lord Visnu getting enraged, tried
to reduce the sage to ashes with the use of his
fodc£M:IR *
Then all the foolish kings respectfully
arMc^fucM m f^r i ^ twti joining with Visnu, started fighting with the
Ш Ш Гd({l¥W ^ : ^(?И£Пё(ГЧ11^11 Brahmana.
The Cakra shot at by lord Visnu, in the 4dTfr WRTT^I 4fod:l
presence of the king Ksuva, became
d$MtrR VldilUl ?fT4T%diT:ll4 4ll
Rudra Saihhita (Safi Khanka), Chapter 39 427

Indra and other gods fighting on the side of Weft fabuji'i«iiwi4 f o p r y p n tuTi
Visnu, started shooting their weapons on т р т -*Tcfa ^R fm :ii^oii
DadhTca the devotee of Siva, reduced all of
Ц#ЕГ: them to ashes while fighting with them.
т г$ Ы & щ г waiFw: тгсгттг cWTdf&WWk PTWRT
Then DadhTca, who had controlled all his
senses, remembering the name of Siva in his
mind, holding Kusa grass in his hand created Thereafter, Visnu well-versed in illusion in
the bones of vajra for all the gods. order to surprise DadhTca, took to his
universal form.
щ & ц щ щ щ фушГуЯЩ Ш1
^ T n ^ n ^ J ^ 3 T W T :l

O Excellent sage, with the influence of -

Siva, the fewd-grass held by Ksuva in his At this DadhTca then had a look in the body
hands was turned into tridents emitting fire of of Visnu, with thousands of mobiles and
the time of dissolution. immobiles, besides the gods.
Щ ТП^Т ^ RsT WЩ} ш н т grtersicT rjtrt « td iiw in
srtR R t у тш тгт TRT113311

Then the sharp-edged trident issuing There were crores of bhutas, crores of
burning the gods from all the sides. ganas and crores of universes which could be
seen in the body of the univeral form of
Ч Л РТпГ^Щ с^ %HTfT Wl Visnu.
UHWlft W rRTII^ ^ 11
(j^dctRgn TR тли^Гн; find TRTi
All the weapons shot by the gods at the
trident started offering their salutation to it. f w w ЦЧИЩ WTTT^TDT %рТ113*П
DadhTca, the son of Cyavana, looking at all
^cngr gff: Tri sgw fdf MU4LI the things so spread there, spoke to the all
Ш ffw fcT: 4lf*Mi Щ : п ^ п universe.
All the gods were deprived of their
strength and getting frightened, they fled away
m n T^T ЗЩТсГЩТ! yf^TT# fcHIW:l
from the scene. Only the frightened lord
Visnu, the illusory one stayed there. Rqnriifr TWTfbT ттега-!п^чи
DadhTca said, “O Long armed one, squeeze
'ЩЩТЧ fonT: «^Tc4W Tri4:i
your illusion. In case one thinks it deeply, it is
3TTrtR: ^ T R f^ T R R$TR$?ERR W i l l only a fallacy. О Madhava I am also aware of
Thereafter lord Visnu produced out of his thousands of such practices, which are
body lakhs of valorous warriors. unknown to others.
й infer о n3 s 3
■qfy w m $ w r % t: i
'ф&Ч fvie)Tr44TIR ^ II WpR f^otrt $||
О Divine sage, the warriors of Visnu, О Visnu, I bestow the divine sight on you
started fighting with lonely DadhTca. and you carefully look at me and you will find
428 Siva-Mahapuranam

thousands of Brahmas, Visnus, Mahesas as from that place.

besides the entire world. You look at me M W cfcR i t % 5ПШГГ Ч ШчЙ<Т:1
f e ЪЩ М 1 Д Ч 1 Ч R f 4 ^ f r : I l ' i S ^ I I
Learning from me that the Brahmana,
i^eWI ■Щгй PrffsIM Rft:l could not be defeated, then lord Visnu went to
him and offered his salutation to him.
Brahma said, “The sage who had become tgctr ^тяжт ?г5г •mfrwtj
fearless because of the brilliance of Siva,
displayed the entire globe in his body. ^1€1Ч&сп1М Mct-c^Tcl: Il'iS'iSII
The king Ksuva became more humble, and
cT^t W O T :l
going to the sage offered prayer to him.
RWT Tift M rs: ^ : u ^ 6 l l
Remembering Siva in his mind, Dadhlca, ЗсГШ
the Supreme Saiva, becoming fearless trtM чГн^тг^н! Г^гаять^тиг!i
antagonised Visnu.” и # ? 4W r ! 1 ^ : tt^riiumi
Ksuva said, “O Excellent sage, О Foremost
f^!l of the devotees of Siva, you are beyond the
sight of the wicked people. Only the devotees
^ T 4 4 lf w <pt?T ^ r f : 11} 11
of Siva can recognise you.”
Dadhlci said, “O Lord Visnu, why are you
displaying the prowess of your illusion or the WtarcT
strength of the mantras. You better discard ■$o4lcfiu4 c|€|-kfW ТЩ: ttthuiEM %|
this illusion and fight straight away.”
-ю ш ? tt M t цшущчтт M t: ii' ^ ii
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
IJCUSgCCII 4*14d4*4 cfcH f^fzTRT^TI of gods. With the king, the ascetic Dadhlca,
ЙШ|^сь1Ч1п1с| тт ц1чч,11^о 11 became graceful on them.
Brahma said, “On hearing the words of the зтгг ч^гг<$ч Rfr:i
sage, spoken fearlessly, filled with the f^cf font -ЩПЧ IT -gTFrfini^^ll
brilliance of Siva, Visnu was immensely
enraged at him. Thereafter looking at Visnu and other gods
and feeling enraged, the sage Dadhlca,
^спзг яттгащ гг гПТ1 concentrating his mind on Siva, pronounced a
curse on them.”
Finding that Visnu was sure to fight with
Dadhlca, all the gods fled away from the
place. ^cblTiifHqt ■gMRT:i
TrafFRRTt ЩЩ:I «ЩПТ ЯЗчТ ^ 4 fdOJMI rT ТРТ TTUl.-ll^ill
О ' чэ

ЗЩЩЩ M i ЧЧпШ: # fn ^ ll* ? II Dadhlca said, “Let the gods, the ascetics,
In the meantime the king Ksuva came to and Visnu with his attendants be destroyed in
me. Then I removed the fainted gods as well the fire of the anger of Siva.
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 40 429

TJ^ 5 M {§с(ЧЩ rRTt The one who hearing this story, enters the
f3?it TFxT^! (1 ^ ^ :1 1 ^ 4 1 1
battlefield, he becomes eternal and victorious.
Brahma said, “Thus pronouncing a curse ?Te(4?pjnul fswVimji ^чй^тат
on the gods, the sage then said to Ksuva, “O
Best of the kings, Brahmana is more adorable 4lftd»l44«dlf<vil584ra: ||^4lt
than the gods and the kings.
ЩПЛТ her srf^R: wfawid;i
J t 4452 farST: h f ^ h r f q ^ T 5 W q ;il4 o | |

О Leader among the kings, only the

Brahmanas are powerful and influential. Thus
speaking DadhTca retired to his hermitage.
f=F5Pji 7Ш:1
fawj^NM -щ #ck -щ здятещвч *11
The king Ksuva too returned to his abode,
offering his salutation the Dadhlca, while
Vi$nu, accompanied with the gods retired to
his abode.

Since that time this place was known as

Sthanesvara. Having an audience with Siva
here, a person, who visits this place attains the
Sayujya devotion of Siva.
difad Щ<^у1га*ГГ:1
j d iHViiM d ^ i d ! $rwrfawit:
Thus I have narrated the story of the
conflict between Ksuva and Dadhlca, in brief.
Leaving Siva, Dadhlca had cursed Brahma
and Visnu.

w fa 4 T :ii4 ^ ii

A person who recites the story of Ksuva

and Dadhlca daily, he overcomes the untimely
death and achieves Brahmaloka after his
■ptt tr: dMfafatj
Rudra Sarhhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 40 429

Audience of gods with Siva

f^r! тщ$гщ! '^ c r d w ^ * »i

snfam TcmftwTT 431^111411
Narada said, О Brahma, the displayer of
Siva-tattva, you have narrated the astonishing
sports of Siva.
ёйттгг #t^xrr h
Now you tell me as to what happened after
the return of Vlrabhadra to Kailasa, destroying
the yajna of Daksa.

m R f m m wf^TTri
M nU fifidiff m ётfrfc v m m ju v i
Brahma said, “All the gods at that time,
besides the sages, having been wounded by
the army of Siva and getting defeated, arrived
at my place.
RfT m m i I
drW^?T f^MTIT chlcH$d
Offering their salutation to me, and several
types of prayers to me, they started speaking
their tales of suffering.
d<lchu4 ^ 4dVll4»H

^ 5 - ^ TRST: Wtf *йсдП:11$ II

430 Siva-Mahapuranam

Learning about the news, I feeling painful Lord Vi$nu said, “In case a sin is
at heart with the death of my son, started committed against a powerful person, then the
thinking in my mind, as to what should ue apology could be the only remedy.
done by me to relieve the gods of their
f^TOFTT: 4 4 : 4 4 f?T% f t w i m i
sufferings? And also bring Daksa back to life,
completing his yajna at the same time. 4<i<g%4T4 <rer 44: 11^ 11
ёпрт 4Т4Г4 4^ ! i О Brahma, since the share of lord Siva in
this yajna was not set aside, therefore all of us
f*m 4?г Щ sicrtt *K444i 44)f444insii are the sinners before Siva.
O Sage, I never felt comfortable while thus
thinking. Then I remembered Visnu and was 5Г Ш с^ 4 ^ f | 5 5 %54TI
given the proper guideline. зтгпжяж 4 w r?rT^m f^am ii^ii
You try to appease Siva with a spotless
mind and offer salutation to him holding his
ЧгШ1554 4 M m : ^I^nT llill
Thereafter, I went to Visnuloka
accompanied with the gods and the sages. • 4 - 0
Reaching there, I offered my salutation to the <l<4l<*4M ±l?K4 ¥ II4 4 l« fH 4 4 | 4 5 I I ^ 4 H
lord, and after praising him I narrated to him At the command of the protector of the
the tale of my agony. world, whose fury destroys everything and
WSScR: w rf: 4:1 with his grace the resuscitation is sure and
nfeR: "Щ: W . I t i 445SI Щ 4ГБИЯ H quick.
I said to him, “O Lord, you kindly make trt^t i w ftftq 4
efforts, by which, yajna of Daksa could be 8T5T55S5 ^m r ^ ГД Ч ТП ^ М
completed, Daksa is brought back to life and
the gods as well as the sages feel comfortable. You with your wife, must apologise to
You kindly do something. Siva, for the evil words spoken by the wicked
^ с г ! <чии! t^oTt! ^mtsTTcTit!i
54 Ът&щ Ш Т : 4 4 5 4 4 5 1 g g ^ i i ^ o i i 344Г5 5?15Т55Т544^ %155Г ftstll
О Visnu, you always please the gods, О тттг: trt w m W щ ц ^ и
Lord of Rama, all the gods and the sages have О Brahma, this is the biggest remedy for
arrived here to take refuge under your feet.” the atoning of that sin. He would surely be
^UlcEwS с Ш i t f | i p i T : 4 l pleased with it. I am speaking the truth.
%5 4P5T fvidirhi <144M4: iiwii 41? 4 <5 TfTWFZf 4d<j)sftT 4^4:1
Listening to the words of Brahma, Visnu, 5 T 5 4 т 5 3TOTO 4 4 %611 : 11
remembering lord Siva in his mind, spoke Neither I, myself, nor the gods nor the
with a painful heart. sages with human bodies, could be aware of
fqtuitidM his tattva, his prowess, and the limitations.
5 5 fa f4 4 4 T 45T 5455T4I 3 4 5 1 4 4 4 5 5 < 4 1f t 5 П 5 4 < 4 14 4 4 :1
55 $чщ fe w i t < ^ 1441411^ п ch44l'4 Щ 4 5 f4 < lfa 4 4 ll^ ll
Rudra Saihhita (Sat! Khanka), Chapter 40 431

By becoming inimical to the supreme Several deer and birds roamed about there.
independent soul, who can lay down a remedy There were numerous springs there. The wives
to quell his delusion. of the gods and the siddhas used to visit the
h f t ! ^Tef: 'H i mountain caves with their husbands. The
mountain of snow was decorated with several
I also have antagonised Siva. I shall also
come to the abode of Siva with you. Let us all
beg forgiveness from him. q^lfawlebHebHJI^II
The lions and other creatures, shedding
aside their natural enmity lived there. All sorts
fcraj qf Hnw чгош%«кЧ1 of the divine splendour could be found there.
Hi Ш) rrfsfr w rra
щгш шп
Brahma said, “With this command, of
4$4lcRUg%il Гышщцл
Visnu, Brahma and other gods, got ready to
proceed on to Himalaya,. The auspicious river Gariga, originating
from the holy abode of Sat! and also known as
wft 4d|fc|Wi|pHd %cTWf|^T ^THI Visnu-padI, flowed there and as such the place
11? Я11 was quite clean.
At that point of time, lord Visnu,
accompanied with other gods, the sages, and
HT# fsRH ^srr ЙШс)1Я1: ТИЙ<£ГСТ:11?<?11
the Prajapatis, reached the Himalaya
mountain. Thus looking at the Kailasa mountain
which is dear to Siva, all the gods, the sages as
ЗтШзт JWrfrei ^ЗЩ well as lord Visnu felt surprised.
11ч ^ 11 rfrHftscHT R ft ^ T * T ft gffrl
The place is quite dear to Siva, which is
inhabited by the Kinnaras, gods, apsaras, ^ ifc ^ i Kfadw feSrT.Mi^oii
yogis, siddhas besides being the highest place. Close to the mount Himalaya, they also
There were several types of springs. spotted the divine city of Alaka, the dwelling
place of Kubera, a friend of Siva.
ЧНтРпч$ : # W R HRR:i
SR xnfr
The wives of the gods and the siddhas were
also found there, who roamed about with their A forest of lotus flowers was also found by
husbands in the mountain caves. The them close by, around which birds of several
mountain of snow was decorated with several species were chirping.
types of trees.
^Rrudfct W&\
€)TrldR<i rT
4RT5IRWgxfhmt: fV&dlfadlRIRMII Two rivers named Nanda and Alakananda
were flowing around it, at the sight of which
^4'*flIdRu-4T*5V TTftR TFSPWPTIR^II all the sins are washed out.
432 Siva-Mahapuranam

о О Os'- Woijebd: I
The Guhyakas, Kubera- the lord of demons
The divine damsels daily descended from and friend of Siva, besides the Sivaganas,
the heaven and drank their waters. For the were also serving him.
enjoyment of their sexual sports with their
men folks, they entered in those waters. Оп
^FPITf cR ЩЩ[ Siva had taken to the form of a yogi, with
w i i l ТПТ ЭТТЩ^Т: ?TIft сГСЗТИЗ*Н the ashes applied over his body. He was
After passing through the city of Alaka and friendly to the entire world.
the lotus forest, they found on the way the ■q^! <pi MfERi
banyan tree of Siva. fVii^ qqfqy qriht ш и ти к и
4i<h(=ki4luu4J О Narada, at your instance, when he was
¥ldJtef4c|fc&i fqqfg dNc)fcld4JI34H discoursing on the divine knowledge, then all
The immobile shade surrounded it. It had a the people present there listened to the same.
large number of suspended branches without He was seated over the kusa grass.
hanging roots. It was a hundred yojanas in #cf HRfri
height and had no nests on it. It protected the FT f w Цтп£чЗ*ТТ11*^11
people from the heat.
He had placed left foot over right thigh and
the knee. The Rudraksa rosary was suspended
f ^ i dlfrrycd from his wrist. He was displaying tarkamudra.
It was the place where Siva had been qcifei %=r СЩТ
engaged in yogic exercises. It was excellent Flf ^ сЩЩТ fsR W :in^H
and quite gigantic. It was visible to the
Looking at Siva, all the gods including
exceedingly meritorious people, besides being
Visnu, offered their salutation to him with
beautiful and auspicious.
folded hands.
ijqigyRUl wfelT c£l
34F1WFT ^ 1 W fawj fldT^fd: I
srmft fdujdidii: ^тт:п^\эп
ЗТеШТ W:ll'rf'«ll
It was the abode for the people desirous of
Lord Siva- the refuge of the saintly
moksa. Visnu and other gods found Siva
persons, stood up and welcomed Visnu and
seated in meditation under the shade of that
myself and offered his salutation lowering his

ччш 1«1 т т f^crr: ^ n t ё тШ т# г:п хч и
Sanaka, Sanadana and other great yogis
Then Visnu and other gods, bowed in
and the devotee of Siva, were found by them,
reference to Siva, touching his feet, while
serving the lord delightfully.
Visnu the goal of the world bowed to
Ш WIT МТЩ Kasyapa.
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 41 433

цШ шТ ffif4l9lfrf4lcP.TtTN-&511
Visnu and the gods, performed obeisance
to Siva and spoke to him, who was revered by
the lords of the gods, Siddhas, ganas and the
feflilWT Mdfedlili
Rdltsldl 4W т4<е)|Г{уЬаШ:11'«о||
Rudra Samhita (Satl Khanka), Chapter 41 433

ш ж тЙ 5т ^ r m : i
firm ! ■ ^ г а т ^ ж т А и ч м
O Siva, you, being merciful, have created
the yajna and have protected Vedatrayi
through Daksa.
wh? rarars^rar: Tprat -m
f e n % 5 P T p tf ^ m r :iis ii
The religious limitations which are
followed by Brahmanas devoted to the path of
the Vedas, have been created by you.
ч#тинт % w i t <т m tlr flrm li
The gods offer prayer to Siva
amfrarat ^ fast m i f^npfcramn
O Lord you bestow welfare on your own as
RfT^cT! cAf4<hMK$amt!l well as the other people. The people having
9Г^ГТWtfrSR Ш4ГЧ: cPTII^II good and bad nature have good and bad results
Visnu and other gods said, “O God of respectively.
gods, О Mahadeva, you are the one who ц с Ш ч и н ! f t щ т згат w r a f%i
prescribes the worldly conventions, by your
H ^ f t Я Ш % *JVIWdlfd4d g ftg rr:ll< ill
grace, О Lord, we know you as Isvara as well
You bestow the reward of all the good and
as the Supreme Brahman.
the bad deeds. You are the lord of all the
f% rW H ЯТгГТгГ! ЗТНШТ WTT Wl auspicious things. This has been prescribed by
w W Riflin' WPST!11? 11 the Vedas.
О Lord Siva, why do you always confuse
us with your divine and inscrutable illusion? fajfdtfra ЩН PTST 3*Д4 ш |РЗс11:11,?11
я # : чьч^Рч sprat 4lPrtefr:i The evil minded people who consider
хщ ^ тщ ^ ^ iratmwm^ER: 11i 11 karmas to be supreme, talking of heart­
You are the Supreme Brahman or even rending things, having evil mind, speaking
beyond that. You are greater than Prakrti and foolish and harsh words, inflict pain on others.
Purusa. You are the material and activating Ы ^<4ЗУ H I ЯЧТТтЩТ ctm f^TT'.l
cause the universe. You are beyond тщртПи^ои
Parabrahman and imperceivable. О Lord, let not the destruction of these
WfcT Рщ ftspRra: I gods be carried out by you since you are quite
W IT W im i merciful.
You alone can with your own influence m гг щ ^гщпт m pm m ti
create, sustain and destroy the universe. You
sport about with your- your own manifestation Salutation to Siva, who is peaceful,
like a spider weaving its web. Supreme Brahman, the highest soul, having
434 Siva-Mahapuranam

matted locks of hair, the great lord, and the

illustrious one.
<er f | fsrar^psrt W T 8 Ш ^ Salutation to you, О Lord, having the
Eqmwt f o j w sfifr: tprcTRT:ii^ii splendour of innumerable suns; salutation to
You are the creator of the Prajapatis you, О Bhava, Deva, and the lord in the form
of fragrance and fluid.
(creators) of the world. You are the preserver,
the grand father and inspite of possessing the ?rate trt ^fteruT чч-.\
three gunas, you are nirguna or the one w n te w ^ r n i Rtr:ii^n
without attributes. You are beyond the Salutation to you, О Siva, you are the form
primordial nature and the supreme being, of earth, always fragrant, you have the form of
salutation to you. ' Agni and are great splendour.
h)H<4»U6I4| tete f«i tester чч) чч:\
feare ftwdto w 11^ 11 uter ii^tuHid te m n ^ ii
You are blue throated, the creator, the Salutation to Siva, who is wind in the
supreme soul, form of the universe, seed of subtle form of the principle of touch.
the universe, and the cause of bliss of the Salutation to you, who are lord of animals,
universe, salutation to you. and the priest presiding over the yajna.
3 T t f l T ^ cWicbK: Ф м otitosww н 4R:i
M^T^clld Ф т в т Щ Ч Ш 4lR °ll

You are omkara, vasatkara, initiator of all Salutation to you, the terrible one in the
form of the sky, the principle of sound;
the things, Hantakara, svadMkara and are the
salutation to the great lord of the moon or the
consumer of all the havya and kavya offering one accompanied by Uma- the form of
of yajna. Prakrti.
fKT: cftf trf4 tl4 D i!i
щщ eMteiHtii
щ ш щ д - !11 H 4 te t chiricRiHid Rtte
О Religious minded one, how is it that the Salutation to you in the form of ugra and
Daksa’s sacrifice has been destroyed by you? the sun; salutation to you being a karmayogl
О Lord, you are the benefactors of the (performer of actions), the slayer of the god of
Brahmanas. How is it that you have become death, and the enraged Rudra.
the destroyer of the yajnas. чч: fteirc чтт ^ifTRr h
f l g WlHt W t e t e n te r u f a w ie b ll fteren dfescfcte 4 : i r ^ ii
T n re fo te w ru ^ ii Salutation to the one who is he the form of
You happen to be the protector of the welfare, Bhlma, Sankara and Siva. You
Brahmanas, cows, besides those who take control all the living beings and you bestow
shelter with you and are the protector of welfare on us.
Dharma, you are to protector of all the living w p jr f t fte jrtr s r p i t w ifte rfite i
beings. RtLIR^II
Rudra Samhita (Sat! Khanda), Chapter 41 435

Salutation to you, since you bestow ^TWWi-9

pleasure on all, are the form of Universe, the 4 4 i $ 4 4 4 s t e f a спччьч 4 Ш 4 Т r i i i ^ o i i
Supreme Brahman, lord of Ambika, and Uma.
Salutation to the one, whose body is
цс(ш т ym m m m $i smeared with ashes, adorned with Rudraksa,
W f£5jf% >#4T4 4 ? 4 : «ГСЩТ4 % I R **I! and who takes to long, short and dwarfish
Salutation to the one who is form of mobile form.
and immobile, the great soul which is free с^сгеггч % 44T 4 4 : i
from the form of Sata and Asata. You are the
ЗЙ 4 4*4 4f^4 44:113*11
cause of grandeur.
Salutation to you, who can kill anyone at a
ётй) 4 4 Ш 4 4 4 i 4 4 : i distance, at front and in front, the one who
чтш д а е т тНЫпичп carries the bow, a trident, a club and a plough
Salutation to the one who is bom in the share.
universe in several forms, and who is Nila,
Nlla-rudra, Kadrudra and Pracetus.
■щгга щгещщ я а м м и t 44: 113*11
%ВЧ1*1 ^4 1 4 f?tfqf4gT4 Ь 4 4 :1 Salutation to the one who holds several
4 $ 4 $ 444рТ types of weapons, destroyer of the daityas and
Salutation to the most bounteous lord who the dclnavas] who is sadhya, scidyanipa and
fulfills numerous Desires of the devotees, who sadyojata.
is the greatest and is the destroyer of the ciw m c rm ^ tw й 4 4 : i
enemies of the gods.
згаТтт4 т ут fehzra 44744:113311
m m 4 штат
N9 wnrcr тд
тгзг^п Salutation to the one, who is beautiful,
i d ^ ira зщ тт 44t 44:iR4ii vamampa, vamanetra, Aghora, the great lord
Salutation to you since you make people to and Vikata.
cross the ocean of the universe with the vpgwy чмт nTTamwq 4i
reciting of the Taraka mantra, always young,
the illustrious one, and the lord known as
Hrsikesa. Salutation to Tatpurusa, Natha, Ригйпа-
purusa, bestower of the four aims of life, vrati
^Щ4Т ? Р 4 4 < рт ЧТ4ТгЧ^1
and Paramesthi.
47414 4 4 4 p i гынгьосЛЧ b 4 4 : n ? <j i i
f^TRW 4 4 4 р ч 4 1 щ т 4 44Г чч:1
You bestow welfare on gods, the great
soul, the great one, having dark throat, 9Г М 4 T fP £ 4 I4 4 4 : 4 Щ 1 4 В Ж ^|1 ^ Ч Н
salutation to you. Salutation to you as Tsana, Brahman, form
%4J4T4 % ттнг<ещЬ 4 4 : I
of Brahman, and the supreme soul.
f4 4 4 T lf4 4 :1
Ф п4 чАшашч ч1ч<*4чатч « и щ и
Salutation to the golden complexioned one, • cblH^lRii^ 4*4 ^cITricRcblftolll^h II
the supreme lord, having the complexion of You are horrible for the wicked people for
the molten gold, Bhlma, the form of Bhlma us you are the bestower of welfare, consumer
and always engaged in horrible deeds. of the kalakiita poison, for the protection of
436 Siva-Mah9puranam

the gods, salutation to you. О MahesVara, Brahma, Visnu, Indra, moon

and other prominent gods have been bom of
Ц^Т W t 44:11^11
You are Vira, Vlrabhadra, protector of the TOt frofii то** fspiror ттччтоп
warriors, holder of the trident, the great lord, ТТОПГ: ^TTTOTTTRTtll'^^H
the best among the Pas'upatis, salutation to Because, by dividing your body in eight
you. parts, you are called as the compassionate
ffaara ^ёвизта fwifl&i Astamurti lord.
totstoto ччЗ 1 11 TOTtS-#
Salutation to you possessing the best of t «йто fsjgfaf# ттФт:и*ч n
knowledge, Srikantha, holder of the Pinaka The wind blows getting afraid of you, the
bow, the endless one, the subtle one, besides fire bums, the sun shines, and the deaths
the form of death and anger. wanders on all the sides.
T O T<^$TO т о щ и h ^nfrroT! чтг?гн! TT^JT!l
тттгчто fro% ттеТ и 7ST Щ 4TRTTOTC P : 11*^ 11
Salutation to you- the great lord who is О Ocean of mercy, О Mahesana, О
grater than the greatest, the greatest of the Pramesvara, be pleased with us and always
great, all pervading and form of the universe. protect us, because we have been fainted.
тот рдщщтто y^fboj^rantu T^PTT: ш to! cellar
VRU^ia литого feglfrulll^oll 4HN<^ TO 19ТЩТ TPTlft 4:11^11
For whom, Visnu happens to be the pelvic О Ocean of mercy, you have always saved
region, who has Visnu as his spouse, who is us from several misfortunes, in the past.
the sun, Bhairava, protector of all, Tryaihbaka Similarly you protect us presently as well.
and the sportive one, salutation to you.
TO! ejR5 TTTOfKfl
зррггто # r o r ftpwro литой 1 3W41HR |% ! ^TTO rf ЗГЗГГЧ^гН^Л11
О Lord, you kindly complete the
Salutation to Mrtyunjaya, the cause of unfinished yajna of Daksa Prajapati.
grief, Triguna, having the sun, moon and fire
to Ts^ tot)- wtpr а д ч щ ^rroi
as his eyes and happens to be the bridge for
every cause. Wt ■q^TO4ll's^||
Let Bhaga be bestowed with eyes, the
TO?fT f t sm p y tf t o #
performer should be brought back to life and
TOTfT f t f c f f Pusan should get back his teeth. Bhrgu should
You pervade the entire universe, with your get back his beard and moustaches.
own brilliance, being unblemished
consciousness, bliss and the light. •
зщ1то торттзгтип т?щт! <TOgsnrofa:ii4 oii
The gods whose limbs have been cut off
т р щ й <TO: тф а ти ^ и should be restored to them. All should become
Rudra Sarhhita (Sat? Khan(Ja), Chapter 42 437

hale and hearty.

<«#чиЫ «btc^nl TRMT аЛтщПЦ ?ll
О Lord, you will surely receive the share
of the yajna. Vasistha will officiate in the
sacrifice, the sacrifice will have the share of
Rudra, not otherwise.

<U3cH4fddl 'flTtft $Я1чГ*ТсЩйг1:11Ч^!|

Thus speaking both Brahma and Visnu
with folded hands prostrated over the ground,
and begged forgiveness.
eftf^r^TT^T^TTdt %rtam w fp ra t %тгёг
^epgffratjft 4rten^rfr?itssjmr:irit^i
. 'k ’k 'k
Rudra Sarhhita (Satl Khan(Ja), Chapter 42 437

■щт sprr w i m i
These foolish persons were overpowered
with my illusion and therefore, I do not find
them guilty, still I have punished them.
c^PPT щ щ к -ц Ч W eR%<fl
Щ %fg XT^t 4 td lr R 4 R l^ b t|f d l l 4 1
The yajna of Daksa was not destroyed by
me in any way. The one who becomes jealous
of others, he has to reap the reward.
tfoft «РЙсРТ 4 сРЧЩТЕЯ!
Щ |f g ^ r4 4 W < tfte b q fd ll^ ll
Therefore, one should not cause pain to
others. The type of feelings one has against
others, the same will recoil on him alone.
W # n t f f? f? R :l

CHAPTER 42 Г ч^Ь| m : ^т:п\эп

Showering of grace on Daksa Yajna is my head, therefore Daksa should
now have the head of a he-goat. Let the god
Bhaga, witness the yajna with the eyes of the
wfasr: | Ш !
Brahma said, “On being conciliated by зтзтттг «n4cR:
Vi$nu, Brahma and other sages, Lord Siva felt О Dear one, while performing the yajna, as
delighted. usual. I speak the truth.
зттатрт ^ ctr (чшадфч. srswiftfa: i ЩЩГСТЗпЩд Ч£Ч$Ц fcHW^dl
зш уф А^тя: м<чз?цц|1?11 ^T: JfyfaRdfffi % 4 ^5:11^11
Then Siva, the ocean of mercy, smilingly My opponent- the sage Bhrgu will have the
re-assured the gods and said to them. beard resembling the he-goat. All the gods,
.*4 N - . whose limbs have been broken by Vlrabhadra,
would be restored to them and they would
чч д а т frRnfh
appear quite beautiful as before.
ч е й сШ чт ш ! чт jfitsr ч й з о д п э к
^ап|«пчШ TJBOTt 3W4T ^pcn?cfi:i
Mahadeva said, “О Excellent gods, you
listen to me attentively. О Dear ones, I shall ччяЛгщ тойП^низои
bear the anger of all of you. I am speaking Let AsvanI Kumaras regain their arms and
correctly. Pusan the performer of the yajna regain the
hands. Let all the participants of the yajna
ЧЩ <T4T <T eTFTHT c u t f i ) c |M f ^ |
become healthy. I have ordained this now.
438 Siva-Mahapuranam

щ c[gr тпщггг qanfemj

WWHt ^ТШ ERnfHcT:l Rtwj ргаНдгггЕг
rKixHqfd^ci: Finding the desecration of the yajna, he
Brahma said, “Thus speaking the merciful summoned the chief of the ganas- Vlrabhadra
lord of the mobiles and immobiles, left for possessing immense prowess, and spoke to
having rest. him.
щг w f f r ra r# ?ifWTft<Tq;i спт^! misdit! H; ^ ^ H pn
rtst fflfefd •нздЫ: чПгШ1: Т1Нящзтт:11?у i P R p tt f « ! *MRjn*<*ll
Thereafter Brahma, Visnu and other gods Siva said, “What is all this that has been
listening to the words of Siva, felt delighted done by you. You have heavily punished the
and uttered repeatedly, “Well done.” gods and the rsis.
гГгТ: W Щшт: rtj i
' О \3 HH: i
-О tr

erAw таг ^rii^ ii w f HH^luiRTlrl! er^ h^tfl^FTIRoii

Thereafter, Visnu, together with the divine You immediately are responsible for the
sages, delightfully completed the yajna performing of this evil deed and this happens
inviting Siva. to be the result of the same.”
Wl «JRtslH7Ry%ciii jfstoH: 11**11
Thus according to the prayer of Visnu and TRET *
other gods, Siva reached int he region of Brahma said, “At these words of Siva,
Kanakhala, where the yajna of Daksa was Vlrabhadra at once brought the headless body
being performed. of Daksa and placed it before Siva.
ЩЯф 41ТЯ>1 EJopRI HPVIW» if TT^fT c%ebVrfT:l
WERT^ *dlWil <H»Jfuii f%V14d:ll^4ll g ^ ^ T E n ir !IR ? 11
Siva witnessed the destruction caused to Lord Siva, who bestows welfare on the
the yajna, the gods and the sages. people, looking at the headless body of Daksa,
W cMT W said to Vlrabhadra.
W Hr ! p W R t d < il4 im Щ Т I I I ? m
jfrfcIT ip " : “Where is his head?” Vlrabhadra said, “I
The gods and goddesses like Svaha, had burnt his head in the burning fire-altar.”
Svadha, Pu§an, Tusti, Dhrti, Sarasvatl, the ^ЕГШ
sages, the manes, Agnis, and several others
like the Yaksas, Gandahrvas, and Raksasas,
ттгщтаяНтт рттт щ :и^* 11
whose bodies had been mutilated and injured, Listening to these words of Vlrabhadra, he
or killed in the battlefield, were seen by Siva lovingly reminded the gods about the word
laughingly. spoken by him earlier.
Rudra Saihhita (Sati Khanka), Chapter 42 439

fm m rj ч т е ягг:1 cgr Ш Ъ

W fw ^ ir: y?5RWII?4ll Чтфг с cI7t ^знт

m IWTMrlMgT ЯсГС^РЩГ: fy rr:i ЩШ ?I4fq# W d ^ l
WW :7ПЧГ: ЗП^ЧГС ^т?тш=п^11? ^ и Tqrfa ^Ч1Й«Ttftet #
Then Virabhadra said, “After doing in W р Т И >j|<l^cb<t||4McHT||^^||
accordance with the command of Siva, Visnu, Daksa said, “O Bestower of the boon, the
the other gods and I acquainted Bhrgu with store house of knowledge, the eternal one, I
the same quickly. At the command of Siva, bow to Siva the great being and the chief of
they at once rejoined the head of the sacrificial the gods and the sole relative of the universe. I
animal- the goat, with the body of Daksa. bow in reverence to the great lord.
ЧЛЧТ) чщ^г Штат! f e w r
ШГ: ЯН гттт: wmfo:lR&n 4< lcH $Гёр£м1сЧ*\ЧЧ,1
After the joining of the head when Siva ЯЧТЙГ ^ ящягаяга
looked at it, Daksa, was brought back to life as
Ч Т Ш Щ -WHdlsfwiI? 3 II
if woken up from sleep.
Salutation to the lord of the universe,
А » : ^ r r щплтШч! having cosmic form, the primordial being, and
iftrmfd: # Я Т у й ш : TgHTRrahiRd II the form of Brahman itself. I offer my
On regaining life, he saw Siva, the salutation to Siva, who bestows happiness to
merciful one, before him. Daksa stood there the world and is greater than the greatest.
delightfully. f>4t fTR й|
^TT ?T! -4:1 зртш smwiar яя тттг! чрп£&!пз * п

(VWWciftcMIrtW: |ЧТЧ9Г:11?ЧН 0 Mahadeva, adorable by the gods, be

merciful on me. О Ocean of compassion, О
Earlier he was extremely inimical to Daksa
Siva, you kindly forgive me for my sin.
but having an audience with him on that day,
he became spotless like the moon of the ЗНЩГ: f | q u s o q i^ 7ЩТ!|
winter season. W t 5 t 4 5 9 ^ ! ЗШТ гГИЗЦИ
чщ fdlgmi: H m 4WsbV^<rJRT:i You have exercised you compassion on me
by punishing me. О Deva, I am quite foolish, I
<W>U6lft|cbH<ell«| W4\<ll ТрПГТЩ^ИЗ°И
had not been able to understand your tattva.
He delightfully intended to offer prayer to
lord Siva, but having been reminded of the З Щ Щ Ш М Ы М т ЯЗТЯсТ:1
death of his daughter in the yajna, he could ТТЩГ z&crzrt T||:«R:II3^II
not do so. 1 have understood your tattva today, you
ЗГ8Г tra w rr Ш Ш Ч ^ ?Г :1
are the best of all and are to be served by
Brahma and Visnu as well. You are
$ргг ип# Яг=гс Щ* яШЩрЧ!13 VI Mahesvara to be known through the Vedas.
Thereafter feeling shameful of his deeds,
¥W4i HSRT q9^ej> TR[TI
but having been delighted at the sight of Siva,
he started offering prayer to lord Siva.” TiWrMI % ЯтЫЯ1ае1Ч«<: 113^э11
440 &va-Mahapur5nam

You are like the wishfulfilling tree for the Thereafter, Visnu with his voice choked
noble people and always punish the wicked with emotions, offering salutation to Siva,
people. You are independent and the supreme started eulogising him.”
soul, and bestow the desired boons to your fqUJjt><4w
4?T^cf! 4 ^ 5 |IH ! Hlehl^il^chHeh! 1
faglM4lsld*KM^: Ш fg^TRI
3TC4drg 4'4l^d p i : WlW:ll?<ill Visnu said, “You are Mahadeva, Mahesan,
0 Siva, It is you who created the compassionate to the universe, Supreme
Brahmanas who possessing divine knowledge Brahman, friend of the poor, and the ocean of
perform penance as well as the vratas and are mercy.
well-versed in the Atma-tattva. ■ pcfelFTt t4fddf W :l
dlHfadl JTTpfd'W f i r R ^ T ^ Т Щ Т Р ^ к Т Т ЗРГЧ1Г# Ц II
ggi wrismfwiяч»: ii3 я 11 You are all pervading, roam about freely,
As the cowherd protects his cows, and are the lord with fame, to be known
similarly you protect all the living beings from through the Vedas. You have been so gracious
all the misfortunes, holding a staff in your on us. This Yaksa had turned us sinful.
hand. You are the protector of all the ЧЧ W : ЧТТ1
limitations or the traditions.
Idf^chltl ^Tdt 'R c T R I I '^ l l
jrfsns: WKR:l The foolish Daksa happens to be my
devotee. He denounced you earlier very much
1 had injured you speaking harsh words, but you are unblemished, therefore you kindly
still you showered your compassion on me as forgive him.
well as the gods. f^TT WTriSTTsfcT TlfT! W : l
^ -ЧсП^ Wdlo^WTt! ^ r e r r ! TTTTcCR: I fK T и щ ; ц х ^ ||

-y^gt ЯтЬс1гЧН!||'г^11 О Siva, I have also committee a sin by

foolishly fighting with Virabhadra- your gana.
You are lord Sambhu, the friend of the
poor, the Supreme one and well disposed ^ ir w f t ж и г W Т Щ # ^ !1
towards your devotees, because you get TTt^Snftr гГ % с=Г ftdT ЭсТ:ir#<S II
pleased with your precious deeds.” О Supreme Brahman, О Sadasiva, you
happen to be my lord and I happen to be your
Ш t^ I R Hlchyi^qj slave and have to be protected by you. You are
our supporter.”
М1Ч(г1Йч1ШсЧ1 fERTPT
Brahma said, “By so eulogising Siva, who
showers his blessings of all, the humble Daksa ^ c t ! тщ&\ сьш гарк! 3mt!i
Prajapati then kept quiet. TR4R4I Tnrtt?Tt5^!Tt5c!RT:ll'!<4ll
m foraj: i t w w p p ^ w ^ pti w w r i f i f^ rt ja g !i

щпттщ^тт дтщр ^$ртгщ <£dl#fH:ll*3ll W T4R ч wm щ мц о и

Rudra Samhita (SatT Khanda), Chapter 43 441

Brahma said, “O God of gods, О

Mahadeva, О Ocean of mercy, О Lord free
from all the bondages, the supreme soul,
Parmesvara, unchanging, О Pearless one, you
are indestructible, О Isvara, you have
protected the body of my son, without caring
for the insult, he showered on you. Now you
kindly redeem his yajna.

WfeT: y<ch4d ^ (ctR'cTRcbrim^ll

О Lord of the gods, be pleased and relieve
all the people of your curse, because by
possessing the divine knowledge, it is you
who can aspire and function as a restrainer.
щ еп ч^?ттн тгщ ъ
О Sage of excellence, lord Visnu praised
lord Siva, quite humbly with folded hands.
aw cd)eb4idi: fcldM:i
H I : T ift ¥ 3R rafa4fsjni 14 ? 11
Thereafter Indra and other gods besides the
Lokapalas calmly but delightfully eulogised
lord Siva.
Ш: 1 Ш Ш : tfti

After that all the gods, Prajapati, Siddhas,

and the rsis also, eulogised lord Siva with a
delighted heart.
<тгЬт^ггст*тш wpnPRWTi
w rw WTT 4eRTT H < P 14 4 11
Similarly the demi-gods, ndgas, the
Brahmana members of the assembly, bowed in
devotion and eulogised lord Siva variously.

«altsiui ЧПТ
Rudra Sariihita (SatT Khanda), Chapter 43 441

Performance of Daksa’s yajna
wW tet

tf8rr% r ? li? n
Brahma said, “When I myself, Visnu , the
divine saints, and all other people eulogised
Siva, he felt pleased.

Thereafter with the compassionate sight of

Siva, he consoled Brahma, Visnu, the sages
and the gods with his benign glance, and then
spoke to Daksa.
-Щ Щ

Ч тШ к: t W d4t5TH TRsl% T:ll^ll

Siva said, “Though I am the independent
lord of all, still О Daksa Prajapati, you listen
to my words which I am going to speak to
you. I am always subservient to my devotees.
тЩЙдТ VRPrt Ш 4RT: TRfil
d-dtlxHd: stelWdi С^г! II^II
О Daksa Prajapati, four types of devotees
having auspicious souls always serve me. The
latter are greater than the former.
3TTHf ?t r 1
wm % M ^ w tt4 u
They are the distressed, discoverers or the
researchers, those desirous of riches, and the
wise. In preference to them, the first three
ordinary ones and the fourth type is of extra
ordinary nature.
T ? ?1Hl fSWdTt ЧТР WTSJ 'R t-*jd: I
dfMlfdBldil 4RI: -щ ц -ЦЩ
Out of them all, the wise people are more
dear to me. No one else is dearer to me than
442 Siva-Mahapura^am

them. I speak the truth. -ф W T: f*dl(drfl:ll^ll

# R T 8 J # r r # l O Sage, I enter in my virtuous illusion, and
fl4 T PT ЗЩ | d d 4 i d lc '4 « J < i{ B i: llt9 ll
then create the universe, besides preserving
and destroying it. I earn my title according to
I am the knower of self. People can know my karmas.
me by means of the divine knowledge. The
people with little wisdom intend to achieve 3rfpft ifptR sFpHTTrtrfT # #
me by means of Vedas and Vedanta. ЭЩ: # 4 Ч #Г ЩЦ %W1II^!I
4 ^ S S 4 4 # 4 1 IR feT I
The ignorant person finds different living
beings, viz., Brahman, Isvara etc. in that
4 ?lfcrf4T i t ш д TOT: cKifcivn 4 TT:ii <s ii
supreme soul, the universal god, which is pure
The people who are engrossed in the self.
karmas can never find me through the Vedas,
nor the yajnas, nor the charities, nor with the Ч ЭДТ PPF[1
performing of the penance. PHU^rgif snfp ft щ : 11 11
Even as an ordinary person does not
cbdvi c*j 4 u i i Я ' T P TRTTT чЭ
consider the limbs like the head, hands etc.
separate from the body, similarly my devotee
You intended to free yourself from the does not have the separation among the living
worldly bondages simply by means of the beings.
karmas. This was the reason for my becoming
angry, resulting in the destruction of your
fim rnt fwr^t i
The one who does not find any difference
TT# яй ЗЗГ! тш i t among the three deities viz. Brahma, Visnu
l^ rr ЧШ # w # : 11^01| and Siva, who represent the soul of all living
Hereafter, О Daksa, taking me to be the beings, he becomes peaceful.
supreme lord, becoming careful with your 1: <STtfrT f5T#| 4Tm:l
wisdom, now you perform the yajna.
w ix ji xt w m b h Such of the degraded person who
e # T T p r s p % lt: Ш 1Щ 11 differentiates in the three gods, he surely falls
0 Prajapati, you listen to my words with into the hell and remains there till the moon
noble wisdom. I, taking to a saguna form, and the stars shine.
reveal to you something secret, for the
protection of dharma. 1 W4 e l# %4 WSFcftll^ll
a t W T i fa a p r З Т Щ Т 1 Ч (I The person with wisdom should, having
3T T#JT 4 c i4 # d # t J l: ii^ il
faith in me, adore other gods as well and by
1 happen to be Brahma, Visnu, the supreme doing so, one attains knowledge resulting in
soul being the sole cause of the universe. I am the achieving of the everlasting salvation.
the soul, the witness and without attributes. farfsmffH fi4T # ra fi
зтгсччкп #51 lom if i^ !i fdWjlfrfi fl4T Tf 4 lf%>: eFtfl MUrfH^II
Rudra SamhitS (Satl Khanka), Chapter 43 443

Without the devotion of Brahma, the ^ ТПЫТЧ f$M<4(<4 ^:l

devotion of Visnu cannot be achieved, while
ctR ш:
no one can worship me, without the devotion
to Visnu He earmarked the full share for Siva,
besides giving the other gods their respective
w ft ФГФдт:1 shares. Then he secured the blessings of Siva,
fieftll ^Udd! cl^grar cIluTJ о || by giving away the due share of the
Thus speaking Siva, the lord of all, Brahmanas and the other gods.
mercifully started speaking in the presence of
all those assembled there. m fafa«jeN>4i
cRT: тгчтщ TFsntlft:ii?\3ii
Thereafter, with the grace of Siva, Daksa,
tint Щи? я in association with the priests of the yajna,
“Whosoever denounces me being the completed all the rites of the gods in
devotee of Visnu , or being a devotee of Siva accordance with the sacred traditions.
denounces Visnu , for both of them there is a
curse that they can never achieve the чщ ^ i w : hnrfs'trarR 4 % t ! i
knowledge of tattvas.” 4 W W ^ f4 o i:ii^ d ii
О Excellent sage, thus the yajna of Daksa
was completed by the grace of Siva.
$r4lc*>a4 cRR ytsIcbITebMI
m ^спк: т й ?tert : ? n ft щт:1
^еЬН1Ш ■дтд^пс^ Ч^!||^||
Brahma said, “Listening to the pleasant ^ЕГТОТ1Ч df'tdyi: ч Ы т ^ a d ^ R U R ^ II
words of Siva, all the sages, the gods, and Thereafter, all the gods and the sages,
others felt delighted. besides the other people, were delighted at the
completion of the yajna, and praised Siva
reciting his glory Thereafter feeling pleased,
*tehdU>C f^lcT 3 II they returned to their respective abodes.
Daksa with his family having been filled 3R fgrargr ifld ld ft V i V i T t TRTI
with delight, was engrossed in the devotion of
Siva. Besides the gods also recognised Siva as ^EITT: WRt: ^ t ii^ о ii
the lord of the universe. Getting immensely pleased, myself and
Visnu , reciting the glory of Siva, returned to
our abodes.
W ж ! ^тТ: '?тачт dg^RTWIR'SH
^RTWFRT: JllrMI ЩГ^Т5мТ ^sOd:l
The way the people adored Siva, who
getting delighted in his mind, granted the ЧТ ТПЙгГ: ^hui^r fa^^ll^ ^1
desired boons to all as he received reverence Then Daksa, lovingly honouring Siva, the
to his great self. abode of virtues, who returned to Kailas'a,
with his ganas, fully delighted.
Щ: Шчт^Т ^ f: ШШ\:\
э т о E # ifr t p r : tfw h v f im W fal
ЗДТ -ятччо? fvidHJJ^dl iR!lR4ll чЭ V

■ фЗ^Т: i W i r a Нгдашти^^и
Then Daksa- the devotee of Siva, with the
permission of the lord, completed his yajna. Siva, after his return to Kailasa,
444 Siva-MahapurSnam

remembered Sat! too much and narrated her achieve the unique divine position and also
stories to the prominent ganas. enjoy the best of comforts on earth.
<р5Г fjWi 47: l
s flfo flf T[f?nTTf%TrEr 'Jfclftdl 44:113311 # fttraRp. frnmfoia Ш$<теизчи
Lord Siva, possessing the supreme Thus Sat!, the daughter of Daksa, putting
knowledge, displaying the worldly conduct, an end to her life was reborn from the womb
feeling painful at heart, spent a long time by of Menaka, the wife of Himalaya. This is well
narrating the stories of Sat!. known.
4HlfaoET4cfi: W h t T T W TRTTffwi 47: с1Ч4гс1я 4% 4 ^ rT 77TI
w STTTTtai: w (еклк: ^ !n f^rani'koii
How could the blemish of grief attract the She again performed the penance and had
mind of Siva, who was the protector of the Siva as her husband. Then Gauri, after
noble people, the Supreme Brahman, the lord becoming the better half of Siva performed
of all, who had never indulged in astonishing sports.
^ 1 Ш 4i4l^rl4l
щ fgwrgr ч ch<WHi 4£byRhy<i f^si Ч4^сЫЧМ«ТЧсЬЧ11^411
i p it ^rr 4y4'iarar4rf*R:n^4ii Thus I have narrated the surprising life
Myself and Visnu can never be aware of story of Sat!, which fulfills all the desires and
his secrets then what to speak of the gods, the bestows comforts as well as the salvation.
sages, the yogis as well the humans?
^ЧТЖЯГЦЧЧ ir f a t Ч<Ч(сНЧ1
? n ffts 4 ^ T t ч ч Ш т :1

rftSRTT^lfSFfT 3474113511 The story is auspicious by itself, which

The glory of Siva is beyond limits, which purifies others and bestows, heaven, fame,
is unknown even to the learned people. By his long-life, the sons and the grandsons.
grace, the devotees, can know about him
without much efforts.
^rTRT Ш 4ГЧТ <|(г1*^1Гк^||
4 f^ T T t ft 4T41r4R:l
ч: w i m y f h ^W4i
ч ^п з^эн
Siva, the supreme lord is one and without
blemish. He displays his sports to the people A person, who getting devoted, reads it or
of the world appropriately. teaches it, he after enjoying all the comforts
on earth ultimately achieves moksa.
s3 S3 О
fgHliinr ^'«fsarai %rfr
■Mdltaol ятт
O Sage, by reading or listening to the life
й'ёГгяпПу^вгпч: иъ з ii
stories of Siva, the people with wisdom
Rudra Sanihita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 1 445

s iv a -m a h a p u r An a m
Rudra Samhita
(3) Parvatl Khanda
CHAPTER 1 But when Satl, having been humiliated by
Marriage of Himalaya her father, burnt her body in the fire of yajfia,
the goddess ParamesVarl achieved the abode
of Siva.
((ItyMbT) TTdt c(^ rtlth^l
rT^ iR«hi Ш TTT ^ чтп Гя ч! 4^!i
Ш filfi^dl ^к(ив|сЫП?||
Narada said, “O Brahma, how was the
О Sage, Menaka, the wife of Himalaya at
daughter of Daksa Prajapati, known as Satl-
the same time adored Sat! in the Sivaloka.
the mother of the universe, putting an end to
her body in the yajna of her father, was reborn dwm^ fdT tznfucdcmfa m \ f^n
as the daughter of Himalaya? rUrh^I TRt Ф щ %Щг§Ш114П
Э Й f*3T tTOtSrgTT 4fif4l4 % c f Щ TTTI Then it came into the mind of Sat! that she
should be bom as the daughter of Himalaya.
And how did she, after performing the T O ШЩm ^ 44:1
severe penance, regain Siva, as her husband. Чп! сч-dxij: $гч1 II
You kindly narrate the story in detail.” Sat! who had ended her life in the yajna of
W f c tr a Daksa, was reborn delightfully as the daughter
эд я ! ^MMRdh-d4H,i of Menaka.
чгач чпт чйшчзз ^ тч н з n чтят тгт ясрй гтч: fu^T
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, you listen 4H ^T t4^n| X# 1ПТТf H ^4:11^о 11
to the auspicious and the excellent story of She was known by the name of Parvatl. At
Parvatl, which destroys the sins. the advice of Narada, she performed severe
^T8[TTSTTjfi ^trr l 4^11 penance and she again got Siva as her
^jfir w ts r h m i
irngr Tnggrhmi
дщч! first! ч щ щ ! if !i
At the time when the Supreme goddess *РШЧТ: TWrhfir f i^ ir f w rW TII^II
Sat! was roaming about over Himalaya with Narada said, “O Brahma, О Destiny, О
her husband, at the same time Menaka, the Immensely intelligent one and best among the
wife of Himalaya was completely satisfied people with wisdom, you first tell me the story
with all the rddhis and the siddhis, taking her of the birth of Menaka and her marriage.
to be her own daughter and she used to serve SRTT 1? ^41 ЧИП 'didI Thll fidlI
srjt t>ai чг^сТТ Graceful is the chaste Menaka, who gave
fe l ЧЩГ ^тТТ WRjflll^ll birth to a daughter named Parvatl. Therefore
446 Siva-Mahapuranam

she the chaste lady is quite graceful and is the gods, sages siddhas, and ascetics serving
adorable by all.” as an abode for them.
щйзтег т п с р щ Ц*5|с*Я1Ч1

ccj tjft! Л и Ц е | Ц | '4 iH W W c h 4 :

fen? *rfr?r *Nr ч ш «rfrh'ef^^ii^ii He has the pure soul and happens to be the
Brahma said, “O Sage Narada, you listen abode of austerities, besides being the treasure
from me the story of the birth of Parvatl. How of several metals.
was she married and what was her conduct? ¥ ТПЗГ f e a w x f t f | Т Щ ;
All these auspicious details increase the fe u rc jy fts fftfttr: C h i m i n : w T f f t r c : i R o i i
He has the divine form, is charming and
3HrgrKWt t ftTfeft %hcTPT?RI beautiful in all forms, is the part of Visnu ,
hcftft f? g ftS te ! Щ1^5ГТ: unblemished and is dear to the noble people.
Out of all the mountains, in the north,
Himalaya indeed is the highest one. О
Afferent с Ь Й \\ЧЯ
Excellent sage, this mountain is extremely
illustrious, filled with splendour and For the expansion of his race and the
prosperity. dharma the king of the mountains, desired to
marry himself, by means of which the gods as
fe ra festrm i well as the manes could be served.
d f o w w * ftcfT: * 4 B f n if lR 4 ? щ : 1
Because of his mobile and immobile
fM^s«4Mlr4 |<*4||-4Йс^1
nature, he has two aspects. I briefly describe
about his subtle form For the establishment of their task, all the
gods, О Excellent sage, went to the manes
Ф зМ tERTf^refr ffetTgr f%SRTf % ^:i living in the celestial places, and said to them.
T^ft 4H?ng 1^:11^11
Extending from east to west, it serves as
the measuring rod. It is the abode of several ^ ftt errant faff: ylrfUR4h:i
types of gems and serves as a measuring rod g r f e j rTrf^ciT^ *rfftiR3ii
for the earth. The gods said, “Getting delighted, all of
ч н д а ч г а э т 4Н1^^"уЫыг1:1 you should listen to our words. In case you
intend to perform the task of the gods, then do
: ^fer: Ijfefa: ^ЩТП^эи as we pray to you.
Several species of the trees are grown over ft^T Ч Ш Ш Т Ш eft
it and it has many peaks. The animals like
lions, tigers and others besides the ascetics eft fen?T Xt fem fef TfiffemR'tfll
surround the same. You have a divine girl named Menaka.
wrf¥iRr!Pit 4RTsrifafafad:i You lovingly marry that girl to Himalaya- the
v5 S3
lord of the mountains.
ЦсГ ttc W fJ H W : W *rfezrf?TI
This happens to be the largest abode of
snow, having several surprises and is dear to ^ ь ц |с ь ч ч ^ и |'| хг tift t j f t i R q n
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 2 447

By doing so, all would be immensely

benefited and the miseries of the gods would fostT f | flW IF T 4tfdcn^t 4 4 m ! l
also be removed.”

Brahma said, “I have narrated the pleasant

ft4|W>0<fou«l4; rtl story of the marriage of Menaka with
W4 ШТЧ1 Ъ H^ilftfcl 4^:11^11 Himalaya, what more do you want to listen
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words from me?
of the gods, thinking deeply, keeping in view
the curse of the daughter, the manes accepted 1|щ ^ 5|огщс|т*т чтч wnrtsaim:ii \\\
the words of the gods. 'k’k'k

^ Ч*н4ЫПг^ -p^riR van

Thereafter the manes gave away their
daughter to Himalaya appropriately. In the
auspicious occasion of the marriage enormous
festivities were held.

limri r ^ 11
All the gods including Visnu and others,
reciting the name of Siva in their minds also
participated in the same.
Зг^ТсГ qi41^bta»¥l:l
The manes gave away their daughter to
Himalaya appropriately. They praised the
manes as well as Himalaya.

Щ : "ЩЩЧТ: rvicurvicftii^ ОII

Thereafter all the gods and the sages,
delightfully, getting reminded of Siva and
Parvatl, returned to their respective abodes
щ w ra fasti ъ шц\
зш гш w r a r ■д^шг f^flw : ir ^11
Thus observing the function and
performing the marriage appropriately,
Himalaya delightfully returned to his abode.”
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 2 447

Sanaka’s curse to MenakS and others
ЧШ? 34Т5Г
fast! щ \ \ d ^ i4 1 ' тг*ттзгшт1
srftr 7ШТ 7Т4ГсЩсГ 4 ^4 ^ 4 1 1 1 1 * 1 1
Narada said, “O Brahma, you kindly
narrate the birth of Menaka and the curse on
her, removing our doubt.
W to
ЧЩ \ 4У Н | fa ^ T :l
4 f4 fr: щ 4 4 e f tn u s r a s r l i m i
Brahma said, “O Narada, О Excellent son
possessing noble wisdom, you listen to the
episode of the birth of Menaka, which I am
going to narrate.
4 4 Tgtit 4 : 4TT cfcfsKTt 4 ^ ! I
ГГС43П4Т: 4f»af4di: ^fg4nw:ii?n
О Sage, there is a son of mine named
Daksa, about whom I have already stated. He
had sixty daughters, for expanding the
4ШТ fe w ra rtto eft: eh¥44lf<(4:l
rt 4 4 4 T 4 5 R 4 4 ^ 4 T T ^ !im i
They were married to Kasyapa and other
sages, and the related details are well-known
to you. Now you listen to the story in detail.
448 Siva-Mahapuranam

ШШ ТЩГW Rnqf ^dl^d'IMI Offering their salutation to Lord Visnu,

they started eulogising him with devotion.
f^ S srm jd H d W T : W IT еп5^#гт:11ЧИ
They took their seats at the instance of lord
Out of them, the daughter named Svadha Visnu. In the mean time several people arrived
was married to the manes, who produced from there.
her three virtuous daughters.
d^d tm iaK d f ^ i ^гщтт ww!i
dTOT 4 M i4 % 4lc(dlf4 f f t m ! I
UdTfdd ф dWT WWT d ^ d d lfR in ^ ll
W dTlldll
О Sage, at that very moment, Siddhas the
О Excellent sage, you listen to their sons of BrahmS- Sanaka and others also
auspicious names which remove the obstacles reached there and took their seats with the
and bestow welfare. permission of Brahma.
*ЫН|й) W о TT dsftjT ЩТ SRIT chdiqflli тршшч -дФт m&rr p d i
3TWIT рш: ijdT: W i: ft<pTwm it^:i№ ii ddWTd difWdldWT ^miwNidfWdTdll^ll
The eldest daughter was known as Mena, On seeing those sages, Sanaka and others,
the middle one was known as Dhanya, and the and the people who had arrived there stood up.
youngest one was known as Kalavati. All When the elders of the gods, respected by the
these three were the mind-bom daughters of people sat down, they all bowed down to
the manes. them.
ЗГОНЯЗТТ: W T O Hl<*dWrydl ddT:l
fd^t vrfrRRdTWd 4Hty4%dl d^r!l
зтгат ¥гат w i wfldiidii т ш Ы т?Т Т : d I T d T d :ll^ ll
All the three daughters were bom as О Sage, having been confused with the
Ayonija and not from the womb of Svadha but illusion of Siva, the three sisters did not stand
are known to be her daughters. With the
reciting of their names, all the desires of a
person are fulfilled. drffdt fvicmwi
dFTgWT: ~Щ1 vilchUldt: dddtd ddAtcf %cfcgIT W
W tfMft4MltdlfoH)«t>dl:ll<? II The illusion of Siva confuses every one,
because the entire universe is controlled by
They are the mothers of the three worlds,
and are adorable by all besides bestowing the same.
benevolence to all. They are the yoginls being mad Ф т dmnfd -$Ffch¥i:i
the store house of knowledge and pervade the WAld dTd fd m w ii^ n
three worlds. It is also called the destiny. It has many
уеьГ^Ч-НЧ^ fdWt srf*RRdT WTtWil names. It is activated with the will of Siva.
£dgW fawjtfld; There is no doubt about it.
О Excellent sage, once all the three sisters 'dWT dggimdT t d d j lf t ddfddl
went to Svetadvipa- the abode of Visnu . fdfWT: dlfWRdd t e n ill^ ll
cfWTT ЯЩПТ fgWTtgr m d f d 4 f e r g d T : l Having been overpowered with the same
dtg4d<l?ldl dd VWTWt dfH^dllHN illusion the girls did not bow his reverence.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khancja), Chapter 2 449

They looking at them, feeling surprised, kept the sages.

on sitting. % гетт щ :
m ^ rf 4U«hiai retejTT:i
Tjftref! rerfreft! srwt чщ ^nreri
trt aif: ar% n^ii ЮТТО r e TTST: щ 4 ^TcRTlIRIill
Sanaka and other wise sages, were The daughters of the manes said, “O Best
immensely enraged at their indiscreet of the sages, О Ocean of mercy, be pleased
behaviours. with us. Out of foolishness, we did not bow in
reverence to you.
чтге>чгд ^ттТ^т: vre ^ c h t ^ T i i ^ n ш at ш яй fre! =r ^ ^ t тщгд^»1
Having been influenced with illusion of ЗГТЗЩfW U ге’Ш 4T:IR4II
Siva, Sanatakumara and other sages, getting O Brahmana, О Great sage, we have
enraged, pronounced a curse on the girls. reaped the reward for the same. You are not at
all to be blamed in this case. Now you be
merciful on us to enable us to regain the
r e fref h ir e s ’ TJST:
3r^TH^fHrlTclf % f^ch^Tarfir greiR On
Sanatakumara said, “All the three of you
are the daughters of manes, but are still «сегт m?R ш \ jrtrer тг ч£ш<п
foolish, and are deprived of the noble v n угетгчг fvire7reTii?sn
knowledge, and the tattvas of the Vedas. Brahma said, “O Dear one, listening to
ffET 4f ■srt MTTWTtsftr ■nf%:l their words, influenced with the illusion of
Siva, the sage said, “I shall now speak out the
тЩш Ч&Щf|lR *11 way to free yourself of the effect of the curse.”
Because of your arrogance, you did not get
up nor did you bow in reverence to us. You 4Hif 4R rerar
have been fascinated, witnessing the human fq^rni renftre: # п ш :1
form, leave the heaven at once. г е т r e vi)«M ar.-n^ii
гечгет frets Sanatkumara said, “O three daughters of
w<*t5ui: гет%щня®=г the manes, be pleased and listen to my words
which will destroy the grief.
Because of the ignorance of all the three of
you, you will become the wives of the freiityrm Гзчшге сыГчч\|
humans. You will reap the reward of your n3
deeds.” You will be bom as Parvatl, from
$r#rer Himalaya, as his eldest daughter.
frsremf w w reT iftrersfr art^rr rerr frer fldhtT g arrfret an
Фт 4t«^4'd4Trei:iR^n гегт: згет ^ftarr яi
Brahma said, “Hearing this, all the three of The second daughter named Dhanya who
them were terrified as well as surprised and is also called the yoginl, would be the wife of
lowering their heads they fell over the feet of the king Janaka. She will, (in due course of
450 Siva-MahSpuriityaiii

time) have Slta as her daughter, like ЗПТ я!гЧ1 TTgET: ^ 'ЗЕЩ
SRTT f d RRIT WTT 11^^311
3>f%T W Sanatkumara said, “You listen to a few
fsrar Т Ш гТгрГ 'ftlW d tT: 113o i l more words lovingly. My words always
The youngest one, at the end of Dvapara, bestow comforts. With your minds devoted to
shall be the wife of Vrsabhana- a merchant Siva, you are repeatedly graceful, honourable,
and will be known as Radha. as well as adorable.

c&T $>сТПЕТTlfabAlft Tft ТТ^ПЗ *11 Rfirafr firm !<|:Wi;M3<iii

The yogini named Menaka, getting the The goddess Jagdambika, the daughter of
boons from her husband and Parvatl shall MenakS, known as Parvatl, will perform
achieve the supreme position over Kailasa. severe tapas and become the wife of Siva.
«RgJ #Ь£ГЗТГ 3H4i<4?RI:I SRTT frTT -#TT Ч1ИЧ(вП 4 ^ b y fd l
qguM W4lfiwfaH3 3 11
Dhanya, then giving birth to the daughter The girl known as Dhanya will give birth
named Slta, shall take the king Siradhvaja to to Slta who shall be the wife of Rama.
Vaikuntha. Following the worldly traditions, she would
chHIOdl ehldchl^h«^4|| Щ I marry Rama.
чД«|^ тбтъ ^iFMbMfd q -ayrer:n33ii cFTrtimfr ШГ ТЩ
Kalavatl, on the other hand, after marrying ttt фдичоП ^ r d t a fim ^ o i i
Vr$abhana shall give birth to a girl named Radha, the daughter of Kalavatl, would be
Radha, and shall undoubtedly proceed on to the wife of Krsna, having been bound with the
Goloka. secret bondage of love and will dwell in
R rt fgtrfw b i t $зг Goloka.
fobftjuiT"Ptf :*§T щ н ^п ^RjTtaTtf
fqguit d W ТЩ ^ fe n fw :l $#i4Wibii Rfiryfgfir: щ
g^lch I134II
Who achieves the glory without suffering? Brahma said, “Thus speaking, the excellent
When the sufferings of a noble person comes sage Sanatkumara, disappeared with his
to an end, then he enjoys all the comforts in brothers from that place.
the heaven. Having an audience with Visnu,
all your karmas will be washed out.” fNrt fiifJii Trmfi: ^jm:i
ffrsrc:l <M4Ni: щщ ■щщтч у ^ ч и ^ п
О Dear one, the three sisters- the daughters
fipT ■Н^гЧ 1RW
of manes, getting relieved of the sins, returned
Thus speaking and having been relieved of to their abodes.
the anger, remembering Siva who bestows
comforts as well as the salvation. He again f g a t a r a t * > se 1 |d i4 f p f t

said. 4l4dfisni^ f^lfddubj qrm%fcitSS5rm:l|!?ll

Rudra Sanihita (P3rvati Khanda), Chapter 3 451

CHAPTER 3 observed throughout the world.

Visnu and other gods eulogise Siva f f e l f e f a |t e F T T w f e ^ l
W ife RfigUTII\9ll
f e ! w ! R pJfer ^ ^ =цшсг<!i Himalaya, possessing noble wisdom,
cRT: ut fe^cfuftd invited the Brahmanas as well as the relatives
Narada said, “O Brahma, you are well- and adequately welcomed them.
versed in all the scriptures. You tell me, what f e felST IRST •$?ЗТУ11<&Ы cRTTI
happened thereafter? II
т ш я ш i m ^ i f a : ^trti Thereafter, pleasing all the Brahmanas as
f e w $ p i: rjfrcT gcfiRii well as the relatives, getting pleased blessed
You have narrated to me the astonishing him in many ways before returning to their
type of the story relating to the rebirth of respective abodes.
Menaka. You have also narrated about her f f e f e s f h in f e im r wgb f e
marriage, now you tell us about her story.
ъ ipfer
felW ТГ f e : гГгГ: ТГГЧ1 Himalaya also quite delightfully, lived
with Menaka at his home, besides roaming
What did Himalaya do after his marriage about in the Nandanavana and other forests.
with Menaka? How was Parvatl, the mother of dfalvtcnA f e fe! fciaiciifes fe m i
the universe born to her?
TJRW lT5F4^rnffe)ll^0 и
гРТ: Щ:Т1^ 5E5T ЯТО Rfw fT^I
О Sage, at that point of time, lord Visnu
Т$НгЫ ffcHdTbsSTf* * № i m i and other gods also besides the sages went to
How did Parvatl performed penance and the abode of Himalaya.
how could she get Siva as her husband? You
шчтлшч^иплтт -д^т f e : i
speak out all these details.
w r ф^|Д1сьу| pfeR srfer R fR n^n
Finding the arrival of the gods, Himalaya
RT! TTift Шф: was delighted and he offered his salutation to
W IT UdfeblMI^ diW 'i^nm i them, and praising his own fortunes honoured
Brahma said, “O Sage, you lovingly listen them.
to the auspicious glory of Siva, by listening to w f o f e M ft ТГ р т е ^vrfer:i
which even a person suffering from the sin of
Brahmahatya is also redeemed, getting all his T Pfefe fefefSTcRII^II
desires fulfilled. Then he bowed his head in reverence to
him with folded hands, eulogised them with
TftT f e l t f ф^Шт$$П|Ги^Ч1
devotion. The hair of Himacala stood at end,
ri^T TWcfe чтт^!11^ 11 and tears of love fell from his eyes.
When Himalaya, the lord of the mountains,
reached his abode after his marriage, with rfrT: W*T fefct f f e f e Jrafehl
Menaka, then О Narada, great festivities were TO l fe! fed iffeH B H ji^ii
452 Siva-Mahapurfinam

О Sage, thereafter, Himacala, bowing Satl, the daughter of Daksa and the wife of
himself in reverence, spoke to Visnu and other Siva in earlier times, had been enjoying sports
gods. on earth in the form of Uma.
fajrftS^T^T ttP2T W4U| w ti
аш ^ ш д эта w i ^FTOT -ЩЧЪ ЪЩ Щ [ d < lfw te h llR o ||

ант й w i ^TRtra- ^ -wmv. %гп:н?* и Having been insulted by her father,

Himalaya said, “My birth has been remembering her pledge, getting rid of her
successful today. The penance performed by human body, she achieved the supreme
me has also been successful. The knowledge position.
possessed by me besides all the activities have W Ш\ ftte te i f|4WC i I
been successful today.
«RTTSf^r W K T t SRIT i t %f?T:l «4*4 WdSlfil rf оГ?ГГ: fT m i^ ll
«Pi «рг ггат зттг: Ttcf srt ч щга'гн^чи The relevant story, О Himacala is well
Today my race, my land, and my wife feel known to you. The gods too will be under
graceful. There is no doubt about it. your control.”
Ш: ЖШТ ЧЧ f i t t e r тфЪН
ttt f t ^ iq d t t ^ r w Um >4IH5M $Я1<*|/4 ctri^lNi fh fte R :l

Because all of you have arrived danfwfd roitm зггсгггг ч зтщш! r 3 11

collectively in my abode. I am your humble Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
servant anxious to have your command.” Visnu and other gods, the delighted lord
Himacala said, “Be it so.” Then he adored
them with respect.
ff?r й f i w i
m й €г i m t e afsfft 4tm«idi
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Himacala, Visnu and other gods, felt Thereafter all the gods quite respectfully,
thus speaking to Himalaya, and then went to
delighted, expecting the success of their
Uma, the beloved of Siva.
mission and they spoke.
ЧЧШfte rr
WW чяр1Ш jjgf: $ns*TT^TT:lR4li
П5ЧНН! ^ 1ЯЩ! % 4I
Having been seated at an appropriate place,
сгорби they started reciting the name of Jagadamba in
The gods said, “O immensely wise their minds. They offered their salutation to
Himacala, listen to our benevolent words. We the goddess, and the gods with utmost
shall now reveal the purpose for which we devotion eulogised her.
have arrived here. ft^T ЗлГ:
w p чР14ч1чт ^raRtTs^a^fr^ii ftajif! 'SPTdiflrwi!
f? 45ЯТ f e f t s -ф п : и W t e M l <pf!
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 3 453

The gods said, “O Goddess Uma. the Tr.sna (lust), kanti (lustre), chavi (reflection),
mother of the universe, dweller of Sivaloka, and Tusti (contentment). You delight every
beloved of Sadasiva, Mahesvarl, Durga, all of one, forever.
us offer our salutation to you. гсГ гГ^ТТ: qtlilcb^Uli Щ trrftRT ^ T l
«tyiRh w r t ^trtt 5^ w ram m i ц&нм! щ sreft muihifbiuDii^^n
щт ччрщ ч^сТсггтЬ^ГмиПчизш i Among the noble souls, you are the form
You are Srlsakti, purifier, Santa, the form of LaksmT and you are the foremost to punish
of holy nourishment, and the one having the the sinners. You are the form of calmness in
form of Mahat and Avyakta, salutation to you. all the living beings, you are the mother for
f^Tcti fyiicfchit ^FTf ^4T WtUTRI the protection of all the people.
гЗГТЯГЧТЧ%11^ II rcTfiwIW ЯгГНТ тщятГч ШфЯ1
О Siva, cause of welfare, pure, gross,
subtle, the great goal and the one who is You remain as tattva in the
delighted with the inner and auspicious Pancamahabhutas. You are justice among
learnings. those who uphold justice and you are the
щ щ tgflrcd ^hrtwm personification of the efforts.
hi fold
You are the faith, fortitude and prosperity;
you alone control everything. You are the In the Sdmaveda you are the form of song,
splendour and energy of the sun brightening in Yajurveda you happen to be granthl
your own universe. (blending knot), in the Rgveda you are the
*ГТгГ -ЩWH\ invocation, in the Samaveda you are the song,
while in the Atharvan you are the measure of
anwiKwfd 9i^ii^uiw я т ° и time.
We offer salutation to the goddess who UhWhlclfuFIOIW -фк-
pervades in the globe as well as in the living
beings and who feeds from Brahma to the Ш 1ч'4\
blade of gross, salutation to you. T5T: ЯЧЩтТ

w f щ -^4im щ Ш II
cTTctf «<Wiat d sRft \ You are the force behind all the gods, you
You are Gayatrl, mother of the Vedas, are Tamo-mayl sakti, you have the virtues of a
Savitrl and SarasvatT. You are the only source mother, you are visible in the Rajasika quality
of life of the universe and you are also of the creator, you are the benefactress of the
Vedatrayl the form of dharma. form of Siva.
f%r d ifcbwq %i
^шп sfgRgfs: ^11 frw<chiftd<rui xT
In all the living beings, you live as Nidra
(sleep), ksudha (hunger), Trpti (satisfaction), Й4^иим4рнн1 яишш ят^пзцп
454 Siva-Mah9puraiiam

You are the protector from the miseries of

the ocean of the universe. You are the boat
without the sail. You are well-versed in the
practices of Astdngayoga, you are the dweller
of the Vindhya mountain, salutation to you.

фЩ ftsllft foH fsfa -qfa ^RTT:l

f^f?T 'ЗГПгТ! 4oTRt
You bestow comforts in the nose, eyes,
mouth, arms, chest and the mind, always with
patience. For the welfare of the people. You
appear in them as sleep. Let the same goddess
Bhagvatl, who is engaged in creation and
preservation of the universe, be pleased with
^arr Mflyn-fi w fai
^ P pfto:
Brahma said, “Thus eulogising Jagadamba,
Uma, Mahesani, and Satl, all the gods stood
there in order to have a look at the goddess.
tsIUvicm^trol %<fanai ■■ълрЩнгот
uriabsml gtfartsHmi: и3 n
454 Siva-Mah9puraiiam

She was mounted over the divine chariot

studded with gems, over which a soft cushion
had been spread and decorated with shining

Her limbs had the brilliance more then

crores of suns. She had the best limbs on her
body. She was surrounded by a halo, created
by her own splendour. She had the astonishing
type of shine.
з ш 4314141 -н<1^м£м|Гн4)|
farrUTT Ы щ f e n fvi4H)ehf44lRn1ll^ll
She was away from the worldly
comprehension. She was Mahamaya, the
spouse of lord Sadasiva, possessing the three
gunas for the performing of the worldly
activities and deprived of the three gunas for
the performance of the divine functions. She
was everlasting, and dweller of the Sivaloka.
Ш[сГ5ГЧЧ) rPJSt f?TcTT 4te|ffd4lf¥Mll
R«j4ldl Uglfligl R j w 4 d lRuflH4H
She was the mother of Brahma, Visnu and
Mahesa, she was known as Candi and Siva,
who removed the miseries of all, the mother
of all Mahanidrd, and the redeemer of all the
noble people.
The assurance of the goddess to the gods ичтсПтТ 'RT w ^gT
•О о i O
t ^rr iis 11

Ш §»rf The goddess was sighted by the gods

through the huge column of lustre. The gods
^c)|4l 'J!*l^f*qchl| 1^11 desirous of having an audience with her,
When the gods so eulogised the goddess, praised her.
Durga, the mother of the universe, the
m ^CHIUII: ^ fabUcnai
destroyer of the distress and misfortunes, she
appeared before them. HT ЯМ Ш %l№ll
Thereafter, Visnu and other gods desirous
# f ^ r itfrawr XRUI^ I
of having a look at her, witnessed the mother
of the universe, by her grace.
Rudra SarhhitS (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 4 455

ЭГрЛдГ cTT 4l?|ihc|4«h T T ^ T H ^ ii

34: iff: huV
jjwI fay№d:ii<iii You ended your life in the yajna of fire
Gods, the dwellers of the heaven, feeling fulfilling your vow. Thereafter you proceeded
delighted, offered their salutation to her, and to your loka. As a result of this, the pride and
then offered special prayer to her. arrogance of Brahma and other gods was
ятипизг: miiciyiirHifi
f ^ ! ?t# t! t h r ift i ! im ^ r! тфд1т!|

Having been insulted by the father, you

The gods said, “O Siva, О Sarvani, according to your own vow, ended your life in
KalyanI, Jagadamba, Mahesvarl, remover of the fire. Thereafter you left for your abode. At
all the misfortunes, all the gods offer their that point of time Siva too felt painful at heart.
salutation to you.
4f? Ш мл! dV|ehl4
4% STRfcr ^ r : vilWlfwT f i W : i
snf^T ^T: ЩЩ ?5ГТЩ
Л т # ч г щ я гтаг cd^jwt: f ^ h i^ o n
О Mahesvarl, the task of the gods therefore
О Goddess of the gods, your glory is could not be fulfilled. Therefore we the gods
unknown fully even to the Vedas, nor the and the sages have arrived here to take refuge
other scriptures. Your glory is beyond with you.
comprehension, meditation or the mind or
speech. h r f fR ! i^ v ilP f! M tiui 'i tR R ap^i
«чфчкеыч т о wavii %%!ii^ ii
О Spouse of Siva, you fulfil the desire of
я М т tr^t m w i i ^ ii
the gods. О Siva, make the words of
Being unable to describe your glory fully, Sanatkumara fruitful.
the Vedatrayl, tremble at your name getting
surprised, then what to speak of the other
'ЛйРн Я1Щ^Irhd:l О Goddess, incarnating on earth, you again
become the wife of Siva. Perform your divine
'VUUimdWbTlt 4 farffr
plays in a befitting manner, and make the gods
Your devotees can know fully about you happy.
by your grace. Such of the devotees who take
refuge with you have to face no miseries.
ЗД н ■гтетт ^wr: ЩЩ 11w 11
Make lord Siva, dwelling over KailSsa
?Тсг^г! c ju k r^ n ^ ii
happy. Let all the living beings he happy and
О Mother, you lovingly listen to the prayer there should be the end of miseries.”
of your devotees. О MahadevI, we are all your
slaves forever. Listen to our prayer which we язйчы
are going to explain. ?f?r V R zm m : ^ (ушсНёЛ: 3>4«4g>rlT:i
w ra t jf tw r w r q ^ ^ R h 4 y i c 4 ^ : i p o i i
456 Siva-Mahapuranam

Brahma said, thus speaking Visnu and йчт RlVlMdWd ЯГТВГW ^:ll?^ll
other gods, with their minds filled with loving Even presently both of them are serving
devotion, waited there silently with humility. me with utmost devotion. Out of both of them,
Menaka, serves me particularly as a daughter.
TTWd f d TJldldli f e u d a l
ъят т щ[ cthi зщ11с1Н^К1'||ц fffeHiyii <4fabi|fdiR<iii
Ч1Ч(нуиИЦ4Г1 ЧтБё(гН<гГШ??|| All of you including Rudra can leave now.
Siva, also felt delighted at the god’s prayer, I shall incarnate in the house of Himacala, in
and ascertaining the course of the prayer, she order to relieve you of your sufferings.
remembered lord Siva, and then the merciful j(t*$d шч щ ■щэг ^гщтт Rum
•О N

goddess Uma, smilingly addressed Visnu and

зщгМ ш \ ’щщ ччртт ъ т
other gods. The goddess favourably disposed
towards her devotees spoke.” All of you can now retire to your
respective abodes, and be comfortable. On the
3 4 lc fk J other hand, I, incarnating as the daughter of
^ ^ сгт! f r a s r h d °t l« li:i Menaka, will make you all comfortable.
^ *ng?T Т П Е Ш ^ ч Tfcpro: 11я Ц 11 ITWf ttRraifa LBTH 4d4lr44:l
ч р ЧЭ

Uma said, “O Visnu, О Brahma, О other зт^гтт fyracftai ft iHifddmftr оn

gods, let all of you be comfortable. Listen to Thereafter, I shall become the wife of Siva.
my words. I am undoubtedly pleased with all This my be a secret thought. The sports of
of you. Siva are always surprising, which can confuse
^TteRFRI ^OrraiiTI even the minds of the people with wisdom.
fKt -е^гаЫ ^ xr rRTiR^ii dldrtt^fd <Ч1тЫ fTT:l
My performance always provides comforts ^gT t<nft4Wrd>cft ?
to all the three worlds. The sport relating to О Gods, when I, as the daughter of Daksa,
the yajha of Daksa, was performed by me. witnessed the insult of my husband, then with
ЗЩШТ ehRbarrfq %?ff W f 4 grace of my husband, I ended my life there in
enpfr Itrm stzra - d g,< ifa щ т с г щ и ^ ч и the fire of the yajna. '
I shall surely appear on earth, with full т о й щ:
incarnation. There are several reasons for the fcpiwtl с№Щ>Т dflfidThlldth: 11? ? 11
same, which I am going to highlight with Since that time, my husband, lord Rudra,
respect. getting relieved of all the costumes, taking to
1JTT H t h N H ) ^TT ^ lld ^ t r lir t :l the form of Kalagni Rudra, is absorbed in
Ь Я *Г r l * d W l d ! 'd d d ic Ir H d ld H lM R ^ II
thoughts about me.
О Gods, earlier when I was bom as Satl, ^gT fadWd Udl
then both Himalaya and Mena had severed me зт^тгтдгя зifen sr#fd ^гаш :и зэи
lovingly as parents. Sat! who had gone to the place of the yajna
f w : йэт тщ Rfrar?r:i of her father, and witnessing the insult of her
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 4 457

husband there, she ended her body because of wrm-.i

her love for her husband. trfrgtf: %ёГ: 4 id i^ f o % ^ a T :ii* o ii
But in reality, Akhilesvara, the lord of
4 ^ fait WIT 4gWTT тф8ГС; 113 Ъ11 Maya, the complete Siva, and Paramesvara is
Since then, Siva taking to the divine form, without any blemish or misfortune. Therefore
felt painful in separation from me, because he is invincible.
Mahesvara could not tolerate his separation зрэдт w .dw w fk W3T44I
from Satl.
ЧЧ Ъ ЩЦ fWgtTl Otherwise what has he to do with illusion,
atciMcH щщт ^зттшни^чи or of what avail are the illusion, love and other
He witnessed my anger at the place of emotions for him.
yajna. Thinking that the virtuous lady has cast f^T: ^
off her body out of love for him, he became a
yogin, discarding the domestic life.
Lord Siva is desirous of marrying me.
SHiNguH ^farafti ччч:! Therefore, О Gods, I shall incarnate on earth
in the house of Menaka and Himacala.
О Visnu, О Brahma, О gods and sages, you
listen to me further, the divine sports of lord it w w R ii Yrrat ^flfebeh) hfOTTiwTii^^ii
Siva, protect the universe.
Therefore, I in order to please Siva, shall
fetm w it m m \ w tw i faR?rwr:i
чЭ О be bom from the womb of Menaka, the wife
4 7rrt% чтч f^nfu Tif^rstzra; tjct ят: и of Himacala.
Oppressed by the pangs of bereavement, he
made the garland of my bones, and wore it
^c(cbl4 М М Я ^?Fi:ll'S'*il
around his neck, but still he could not be
peaceful. He always remains lonely, without I shall achieve Siva as my husband, by
sleep. performing severe tapas and then undoubtedly
perform the task of the gods.
?Ш 1 4 W :l
W54 w j? ТГi m WRT iwr?T:i
dYdldM 4 '9ЧЧ TR&
d ^ T Id ts fw i 4 W 4 : ll^ 4 ll
Like a helpless person, he wanders here
and there and cries loudly. He keeps on Now you can revert to your respective
wandering and is unable to distinguish abodes and adore Siva daily. By his grace, all
between good and bad. the miseries will be removed. There is no
doubt about it.
Hfaft fTTSch!4(s$*H сыГчЯГ ЯЧ:1
’Mfabijfa фЧННЯ f i W WTI
3fcf gilUchcisiuft f^o9fT^nfWM^4ll
Thus he behaves like a lustful or a love­ тз&п ТЗЧТfYYYsf dal1'Ш Щ^44:11^^11
lorn person. He behaves like a person, in By the compassion of the merciful Siva, all
despair due to separation. shall gain comforts. In the form of the wife of
458 Siva-Mahapuranam

Siva, I shall become adorable by all the three

worlds, and shall be worshipped always.”

здакчт TIT ^cTRT ТЩГЯТ cP^TI

3RT^r f^raT ш \ тЗ Hlcbwm t grn?rn^ii
Brahma said, “Thus speaking Siva, the
mother of the universe, in full view of all the
gods disappeared and left for her abode.
fawdU'it: ITT: TTtf 44W |f<rf^TT:l
fK^T ш тч wwymifa Trarjiirsdii
Visnu and other gods, besides the sages,
offering their salutation towards that side,
returned to their respective abodes.
^ST gJlffaftd A f% T !

О Excellent sage, thus I have repeated the

story of Durga, which bestows on the people,
all the comforts, pleasure and the salvation.
*r ^ujraiRH twiRmm
4%gT M idw ife T l<4?< bl4H cll4^ldll4oil
The one who listens to this story or recites
it to others, or reads it himself, he gets all his
desires fulfilled.

m4d)tau^ чтч x^5SEmt:ii>{ii

458 Siva-Mahapuranam

How did Himacala and Menaka performed

severe penance? О Dear one, how was a girl
bom out of the womb of Menaka. You please
speak out.”

Brahma said, “O Excellent Brahmana,

listen to the great story. I, after bowing in
reverence to Siva, narrated the story with
utmost devotion.

теш *nf*r йчтй 4Wfl4:imi

О Dear one, after delivering of the
discourse, and departure of Visnu and other
gods, Himacala and Mena, started performing
the severe penance.

Both the man and the woman, reciting the
names of Siva and Siva throughout the day
and night, started propitiating on them with

3[R НЦТ d-dl4^11^ll

Mena, used to adore Siva and Siva with
devotion. She gave away charities to the
Brahmanas, regularly in order to please them.
•сЫчга w i w тш Ш Ш гтн !
Menaka receives a boon
HKti; deun
With the desire of getting a child she daily
worshipped Siva, for twenty seven years
starting from the month of Caitra (March-
Narada said, “What happened after the April).
disappearing of the goddess and the departure
of the gods to their respective abodes?
efiST Ъ ^П?г 4<44i4:l Observing a fast on the eighth day of the
дат WTS'McWHI ТГЧШМШ! lunar fortnight she offered charitable gifts of
Rudra Sarilhita (Parvati Khanija), Chapter 5 459

sweets, oblation of rice cakes, puddings and

fragrant flowers on the ninth day.
■дятш тптт !11 11
: tf^cfT Tjfif t#44tlnj The goddess said, “O Enormously Chaste
ШЩ: WilTRre ЦMGKprfdl: 11 11
Cs О *
lady, you ask for a boon you desire. О wife of
She made the clay idols of the goddess, Himacala, I am extremely happy with you.
and adored her offering various items of food, щщ TR thtWwfiRTI
over the banks of the Ganga in
dlQdtd -гЦЩТ II
О Mena, the way you have adored me by
1ЧТЩШ SpTsRTTI means of tapas, vratas, meditation etc., I shall
«hqifodteHlSUI «hqifriaH4*1ЙШ|I П bestow everything to you which is desired by
On certain days she observed complete you.”
fast, while on a few days she observed the Ш : ttt т ш л ^ <зтт^ш
sacred rites. On some days she observed
^gT Ъ yURUTWj -grR ^<4?JdldJI^||
vratas inhaling the wind alone, while on
certain days she consumed water alone. Thereafter Menaka, finding the goddess
Kalika standing before her, offering her
Гу|спГсГ-Щ^Н*еМ salutation to her said.”
fomt ТЙгЧТ Щ W ^W^TTIinil
With her mind devoted to Siva, Mena
performed tapas with utmost devotion for ^ r! ш щ г ш rrms&4Ti
twenty seven years. шщ тгтгат m <wfH*!n^u
Menaka said, “O Goddess Kalika, your
form has been perceived by me directly, just
now. Be pleased with me. I intend to offer
At the end of twenty seven years, the prayer to you.”
mother of the universe, Uma-the beloved of
Siva, was immensely pleased with Mena. WtcflxT
тгяшт: tjttt:
тгт ^ тгрт r1rp(xhd:ll^ll «njpit ТТЯТШТИТ
Showering her compassion over Mena, and Brahma said, “When so requested by
getting pleased with her devotion, Mena, the goddess, Uma- the enchantress of
Paramesvaii appeared before her. all, embraced Mena, who was immensely
Ш: ЯШТЩЩЯТ cbifkchi Щшч.1
SdN TTT ЧН1 xc^t^dl h d lin j'tfll
рта TETWIRoll
She possessed the body with divine limbs,
surrounded with the lustrous zone, the goddess Achieving great knowledge, Mena,
spoke to Mena smilingly.” eulogised Siva, who had appeared in person
before her, speaking sweet words which
pleased her.
460 Siva-MahSpuranam

$1ч1чга nature. But you happen to be the eternal force

of all. You are the eternal force. When the
tr^mrat ^rrr^raf ^lu^chi
time comes you are associated with yoga and
yumifij ч<й4|' згёсячрМчЗчизз become the woman of great ability.
Mena said, “I bow in reverence to the great
goddess, who fulfils all the desires. She is
Mahamaya, sustainer of the universe, cefilcr ftrtrr ЧЩ 1
Candika, preserver of all the lokas, salutation m \ cftf fern
to you. ТГТ Щ ^ Я-Н1<ТЙ1 W : l l ? ^ l l
You are the cause of the creation of the
W flfa ftngT ^Ш«Ч||НЧ|ЧМ? ЯII world besides being its sustainer. You are the
eternal, the great Prakrti, and even Brahman is
She is always blissful, Maya, Yoganidrd,
brought under control by you. You are of
mother of the universe, decorated with the
noble nature, О mother, be pleased with me.
garland of flowers, and having the siddha
form, salutation to you. Щ 'Jnd^hdVlfrhhill
wrarff W R i Щ $|П5еы
cifHdui w MifbRi 3n|(f<eh[ rS( ёЩт^еЫ
I bow in reverence to the grandmother, ш ччФ;
who bestows delight always, who destroys the You are the strength of burning in the fire,
miseries of all her devotees, you are the you are the force of the sun rays, besides
bestower of wisdom to the women and the being the pleasing rays of the moon.
living beings upto the end of the kalpa. Therefore, О powerful one, salutation to you. I
offer prayer to Candl.
ЩгГ т|ф WTcf:l iiiMiuii Штат гг cel ftrUT щ
^ГТ -Ш сГГЗЗТ Щ ^3TOTt -ЧШ гг щ ЭДТ ft: 11? 6 11
с=Гftri ШЧ R -к11 You are the form of love among the
You are the cause of shattering all the women, to the person of the perfect self
bondages of ascetics. How can the persons control, you manifest yourself as eternal. You
with little wisdom like me, describe your pervade in the universe as desire, with Visnu
influence? You are the violence mentioned in you are his Мйуа, and the same with Siva.
the Atharvaveda. You possess powerful W %5WnfuT f^IRT ^
means. Fulfil my desire.
■yfaRyifd4tyi44) *r ^ f i

О Goddess, you take to any form at will

and engage your self in creation, sustaining as
You bestow the living beings with the well as destruction. You are the cause in the
prowess of permanent and impermanent gods to appear as Brahma, Visnu and Siva.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 5 461

Therefore, you be pleased with me. I offer my pleasing both the races, and adorable by all the
salutation to you.’ three lokas.
Wicrra мигачиН т% ! ^сгсшШсгHi
TTrT chlfcdchl ЧчНг Hi ъ ?ц<
а\ «га <wt vTtvft <р; %|с||Гм^>!и з ^ II
3cfMTftcfiT сПЙг§гП13°М О Siva, this daughter of mine, should be
Brahma said, “Thus Mena, praised Kalika- able to establish all the tasks of the gods, and
Durga and thereafter the goddess said, “You should be the wife of Siva. О Mother of the
ask for a boon.” ^ universe, you perform such a type of divine
& sport.”
Miuifiiiii чч щ H feuMHfadiRtft!i
Ччзтаг ТИёНтБ TTCT?Rft:l
чНт HrsH ччпз ^11
Гтчг1ч4 cixiwwi: w ra i ччНгщ113^11
The goddess Uma said, “O wife of
Himacala, you are dearer to me than my life. I Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
shall surely grant you whatever is desired by Mena, the delightful goddess spoke, fulfilling
you. There is nothing with me which I cannot her desire.”
give you. You ask for a boon.”
ff?T ftSIT q^yiHII: Ш:\
зщгг чП§вт тгг Нш R'lRebifinhi? ? и
Listening to the words of MahesanI, Mena, The goddess said, “You will have a
the wife of Himacala was pleased and said. hundred powerful sons, but one of them shall
■i|4tew be immensely powerful.
Нт%! TR%^fr! %tc)ifuidF;!i cRTяНкТ:1
cHiilJiiisTRit ^ ^с|сы4 еь(чн|гГч TTfetT PRslA: ^ I I ^ H
Mena said, “O Wise Siva, О Mahesvarl, О Getting pleased with your devotion I shall
Jagadambika, in case I am suitable enough to myself be born as your daughter. Having been
ask for a boon, then I ask for a boon. adored and served by the gods, I shall
accomplish all their tasks.”
шц *r 4 =rt
О Mother of the universe, first of all, I lieWeMI 'Sm&wl ЗЛИ|еЫ WPSTCtl
should have a thousand virtuous, powerful WR4T t e r e d^ciM^ f ^ ni ^ oi i
sons with long life. Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Siva-Kalika,
ЩЛтЙсЫгПтаТI9WnTTTT?T#Rtl who is the base of the universe, disappeared
from the place in full view of Mena.
ччсыГч щ 3mtfwq;i
Thereafter I would desire to have a
daughter who should be virtuous, beautiful, У1Ч|ГчаТ Ш \ 34:cFH7frs'ZH74flll'!^ll
462 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

О Dear one, Mena too getting the desired the flying mountains, Mainaka was saved
boons from Mahes'anI, felt immensely from the attack from the Vajra of Indra.
delighted as a result of which her pain for the tjcft ^ПТЧШЩ
performing of tapas was removed.
"trftwnt MfdfyrRII^dll
faftr сПИТ ЧШфгЧ WfFHT: ш \\ Out of the hundred mountain sons born to
зг|щчг1 511^11 MenS, Mainaka was the most powerful one.
Offering her salutation to that direction, ЗТТФщГгЯёГШ ЦчШ^5ЩгГ:1
feeling pleased, reciting the word Java, she
returned to her abode. STffiiiicR ёГ^ cR^ym|p : i i * <Oi
At that point of time huge festivities were
m Щ ^ Щ1 celebrated in the city of Himacala, as a result
^вщд4ч<4 t f^TcfT 44bWIII|-*3l) of which the couple was extremely pleased
By looking at the delightful face of Mena, and their miseries were over.
Himalaya well realised the truth, still she
repeated the news of her achieving the boons
from the goddess.
^гт f? m \
Then they distributed charities to the
beggars and the Brahmana. Then the devotion
jw rt firat tfterr fvwPMKwrii w wiroii^^u of Mena and Himacala, at the feet of Siva and
The lord of mountains felt pleased Siva kept on growing.
listening to the news from Mena and praised
his wife who was engaged in the devotion of ffit sflftlcWglMififr fjyUllili KtiQdwi gttft
Siva. i)qicKc4TOciu?4 ч т wrriKiFrtiiqii
скн-^uiiy ‘ФТ!I
7wf т а ^ЧШТ ^T: ||*Ц II
О Sage, in due course of time, Mena,
conceived and the pregnancy went on
зшч ш чтш ^

In due course of time she produced the

mountain Mainaka who in due course of time
became the beloved of the Naga damsels and
subsequently became friendly with the lord of

О Divine sage, when Indra, the slayer of
Vrtra, became angry and cut off the wings of
462 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

Birth of Parvati
siф т
зтгг s3 '
rft г|с^|(щсыт

m ^cbiqHni«idii^ii
Brahma said, “Thus, both the husband and
wife with their minds filled with devotion and
reverence, started reciting the names of Siva
and Siva, for the establishment of the task of
the gods.
cffl: ТГТ-cito^ebl <чЦ|М с*4тЫ^1ТГГft?T:i
*4 ' ^ О N3

f^rr ЧЩ: тт^5Щгс1ШТ:11?||

Then Candika who had laid down her life
in the yajna of her father, desired to be bom
from the womb of the wife of Himalaya.
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanqia), Chapter 6 463

f e n w -Щ ст : M4l?i7i4si^obmdil like the lodhara flowers. She looked like the

night with scanty stars and the moon on the
М[и|^п4н^ w Ег^утта тфагЛпзп
In order to prove the truth of her words,
MShesvari who fulfils all the desires, entered гЩНЧ ЧШ f*rfa3R:l
the mind of the king of mountains in her full ■g^! frnfacra згдегщи^оп
form. Kissing her face in seclusion, emitting the
fragrance of the earth, the king of mountains
was never satisfied and his love kept on
Soon thereafter, he appeared quite
charming. Then Himacala possessed the lustre ^ЧТ Ч й vi^fd 4«d4l
of the fire and great joy, with resplendent w№lfT: 11^ 11
brilliance, had the lofty mind. Since she did not reveal her desired things
Ш M r: Taftryrai чГртй %шутзэт| to the king, therefore he enquired about the
W lfe q -^ IrW i) W T tT
same from her handmaids again and again.
During the auspicious time Himacala dtlrd Ji'lrd drTI
established the amsa of Siva by means of a Л ЧШТЕГ f?l I ^ 11
samadhi in the womb of his beloved. Whatever things of the mountain were
WRT: fTf^: ш \ ^гт: desired by her, she suddenly found them
fe iffld l: ч гш тзгтгат: fn ^ rii^ n
present before her. Because there was nothing
in the three worlds which the lord of
mountains could not procure for her even from
Т рШ Ч Ч Т М ц ч З ё Р Т Т ТГЩ 11Ч Э П the heaven.
Then Mena, the wife of Himacala, also trafa^HTcRTcrr dlg'd°q«H4l
with the grace of the compassionate goddess,
*l4T «ilHeiriMcg^MlRlehl ЗДГГПЗЗII
established the tejas of her husband to be the
abode of the universe, gaining resplendence, Passing through the early stage of
which looked more graceful. pregnancy, her limbs developed more and
more. Thereafter Mena appeared like the fresh
ТЗчфг т|чт cfe^TOT^I creeper with tender leaves.
f43[R ^pTT||<J ||
f n f t: TPTttf qfedtMMw Е п ч Ш т
Delighting her husband, she bore the signs
fty i4i mk^-#qctf^vi4tf4^ 11г* 11
of pregnancy, which was indicative of the
delight of her husband and served as an Himacala considered that his pregnant wife
auspicious cause for the future bliss of the carried a treasure in her womb hidden like the
gods. fire hidden under the earth.
с%НТДШП fodiylrtgr 4441: wif^ddfeurpy
f a x t e # f o m c r f h i^ ii тячэй: ЯгГ: ЩТ: ш Ншт : н^чм

She was so weak that she could not adorn The love he had with his beloved, the way
herself with ornaments. Her face faded out he had earned the riches, besides gaining the
464 Siva-Mahapuranam

knowledge of the scriptures, he performed all О Mahesani- the beloved of Siva, you are
the ceremonies of her conception. the remover of the miseries of the gods, you
are the mother of the three worlds, О SarvanI,
all pervading and well disposed towards the
He found his beloved reaching the tenth
этйг&т fa<Htb>f?i! ъят ?i
month of pregnancy, like the clouds about to
drop the rain. The physicians were present in FRMT: % % CRT t% « fr!lR ^ II
the labour room. О Mahesvarl, manifest yourself and
perform the task of the gods, О goddess, by
<j|JTf m tpTff 4 44l^fd fflftW:!
your grace, all of us shall feel protected.
rcRT: T li ^ FtftsRI гГЧЙ WWTTTII
Finding his beloved with auspicious limbs, •O О *\

the king of the mountains was immensely СЕГТ^ГСТЧ% fa&gll # 4 % f ^ t ^ f t t l R ^ I I

pleased, since the goddess with immense The people desirous of comforts always
splendour had been lodged in her womb. achieve the best of comforts from you.
Nothing in the three worlds looks so graceful
dfWcTOt *Ft! fgm^T^TFMTI as you are.”
О Sage, at that point of time Visnu and
Ц%^ГГ^П сГ^ГтЦ|
other gods, besides the sages offered prayer to
goddess who was lodged in the womb of ТПЖФГШ с^сГГ: ЧЦ -ЩШЧ *jfW^|R*il
Menaka. Brahma said, “Thus the gods eulogised
Mahesani variously who was lodged in the
^^ Т И S3: womb. Thereafter they went back to this
^f! ш \ щц\ тп?П 'dddw! тфдйП respective abodes.
^rii^f4fui!n^u оЩТЙ ЧЗЧ ЧТ^Г ш йт W rt: I
The gods said, “O Durga, О Virtuous one, ч ф е г т gnfacw зртс^щщи^чи
О Intelligent one, О Mother of the universe, О
After the passing of the ninth month, and at
Mahesvarl, Observer of truthful vratas, the end of the tenth month, Kalika- Jagadamba
engaged in truth, speaking the tenth in all the became desirous of coming out of the womb.
three times, the form of birth, victory to you.
WR&! Ш о# ! W tjtFT! ъ
ЧЩ: WiFTT Ш W ?T : % ll^ ll
ТТгЕ|с4сЙ! Ш ! ТОТ: Ъ Ъи? О||
All the constellations, planets, and stars,
You are always truthful, lover of truth, were quite peaceful at that time. The sky was
born of truth, having the truthful mouth and quite clear all the directions were illuminated.
true eyes, all of us have arrived to take refuge
with you. чф ттачзщщтп
Ш: ШЧЙсГТЙЧ тащ: ■qf^nfr c h il l i
The forests, villages and the entire land
Ы|сН1Ч1с11 -?rabft oyrfh-tl ■
r a ci^ m ^ ii with the ocean became calm and auspicious.
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khaiula). Chapter 6 465

The lotuses were blossoming in the tanks, sHfirii ddfr дщтгщгтт

rivers and the step-wells were filled with the Siva felt pleased at his birth. The
blossoming lotus flowers. auspicious and fragrant wind started blowing
cra^j farfep Зит:
•O vO
m m ’.i
slowly at that time.
ч ^ 411^^ 11 щщ mrffgsr 'А^Гёч< :шч1
О Excellent sage, the cool and fragrant 4rf59f^TFni: W:ll^4ll
winds started blowing slowly. The noble At that point of time the rain of water and
people were delighted while the wicked flowers, fell and the clouds started thundering.
people felt panicky.

П|Чсьш> d d ^ ^ T s rg n id d d ii^ ii
With her birth the city of Himacala was
The gods arriving in the sky started playing filled with all the riches and all the miseries
on the big drums. The Gandharvas started were removed.
singing, besides raining the flowers.
dd ftHJdiiil: ткТГ: ШТ:1
faaiHuferat czitfR чдргтч4«ащ|
зтгзтт: ■ to < 4 ^ 4 |^ еЫ 1(11^^11
Visnu and other gods reached there on that
The Vidyadhara damsels, and the apsams occasion, and had an audience with the mother
started dancing with delight, the gods at that of the universe, which delighted them all.
point of time celebrated a huge festival.
dggwi f w r a chiRddii rvidchiPudlhi
dfwtfcrat ijcft yeiviirh: f?RT m ti
3nfd®№T ЩсТГ Т1ЧШТ Р^^Чг1:11?
All of them eulogised the goddess as Siva,
At that point of time Siva, having the form АтЬй, Kalika, beloved of Siva, having the
of supreme sakti, manifested herself before divine form, Макйтйуа as well as the one,
Menaka in her true form. who is the dweller of the Sivaloka.
cRRTdf m l ЧЩЩГ
3 ^ ^ UMdWI тфг VlfrraujJrtldll^ll
It was the spring season, the month of
Щ ^TSdW тгч|||^<?11
Caitra (March-April) ninth day of the moon,
Mrgasira constellation, at the time of The gods said, “O Mother of the universe,
Midnight, she appeared like the Ganga in the О Great goddess, bestower of all types of
lunar region. success, you perform all the tasks of the gods.
Therefore, we offer our salutation to you.
did efimwi ^dldt !I
щщр -щ щ Ш ц ш гщ мз 3 и ччтчнНу : ml: fid: did dd*d wn^oii
From the womb of Mena, she was born in
You are compassionate on the devotees,
the same way, as LaksmI emerged out of the bestow welfare on the gods. You have
ocean. fulfilled the desire of Mena. Now you also
dd«dddT d d ld ld i *P d :l fulfil the desire of Siva.”
466 Siva-Mahapuranam


щгеш ГмГ<Гу±ичн*^и
чЭ *4

фй ^ eit fw fi йш<41ё|1: ^яи|щ щ^| Brahma said, “Listening to the words of

the wife of Himacala, Siva was pleased and
^ ^ «шт -гщ: tftaT: WdW<dfd W T H ^
she said to Mena.
Brahma said, “Then Visnu and other gods
offering prayer to the goddess and bowing in
reverence to her, besides immensely praising I <4 5TMTI m\
her returned to their respective abodes.
Ж Щ Mdlfa«h'4H*<bll
? lt ^ < & T г Ш ШП The goddess said, “O Mena, in earlier
WTf H ^Traif?r 41T^!11)$4 11 times you had served me with devotion.
О Narada, then having an audience with Getting pleased with your devotion, I have
the goddess Bhagavatl also known as Syama, arrived here to grant a boon to you.
Mena was very much pleased. Щ f f lf w ft W t ^ T :l
flHMN ТТсГГ tT^T^fsr! ТГТ ТГ
tR^TRf <TgTgTSfa^fadl 11*311 When I desired you to ask for a boon, then
Thereafter witnessing the divine form of listening to my words, you asked for a boon
the goddess, the wife of Himacala was and said, “O MahadevI, you become my
bestowed with divine knowledge. Learning daughter for the benefit of the gods."
about the truth of the Supreme goddess,
feeling delighted she started eulogising her.” ш Зтсгг cfi щ
W T T IM fT T f w f t^ r im o ll
By giving the boon accordingly, I left for
<fdlfdcb*U|| r^rTI my place. О Beloved of Himacala, I became
ЗТТМНТ tpr TJTt ЙНУ-dl i|<fwi^!ll**ll your daughter suiting to the times.
Mena said, “O Jagadamba, О MahesanI, фт irsir nowui sr^ri
you have been quite merciful by appearing in
my house. 5RH T ЧёФпЙЧ delMM
In case I took to the divine form, it was just
гФТПГТ fdHldwHdl f?T%!l
to remind you of the earlier event, otherwise
f^rafsraT w nxm i you would not have been able even to
О Siva, you are the foremost of all the recognise me.
Saktis, you are mother of the three worlds,
f5JT *rt yfsWIeU fcjotwielq
beloved of Siva and adored by the gods.
£ d ^ 1 W H S lt 4< jlfdW R I4N 4?ll
fret *ПТ WHfaldl ЯёП
Both of you, treating me as Bhagavatl or
U.d^UI WT 4% ^dW4H,M^^ M your daughter, lovingly, would achieve my
О MahesanI, you better get yourself supreme position.
established on my dhydnam in this form. Now
diR utifq «Ftfat f l ^ d ' l
you take to the simple form of my daughter.”
TirapKsft ^fdbitlfq dKfqbqifq
I shall perform the tasks of the gods, with
$r4lebu4 cItJWWT ^l<fWJI:l my divine sports. I shall redeem the noble
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 7 467

people, becoming the wife of Siva.”

Thus speaking, Siva- the mother of the
universe, kept quiet. Thereafter in full view of
her mother, she became an infant.
ffcfarrai hwQdmi gtfft
4l4dltsl«^ Ч|4лТч(>Чс|и?ц 48t3®mr:ll^ll
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 7 467

The messenger of the inner apartment who

conveyed the news of the birth of Parvatl, was
entitled to receive everything except the royal
frift: R4<li|rd4ffrd:l
ШT 1^11
The mountain king accompanied with the
priest as well as the Brahmanas went to see
the girl who was self illumining.
щЕт яччВшц|
: MV3ll
CHAPTER 7 She had the reflection of the blue lotus
Childhood sports of Parvatl flowers, looking quite charming with beautiful
snatarer complexion. The mountain king was
m ячттс tit ^ 4gtTT ятят immensely pleased by looking at her.
cJchK ffi cd1fcb«ftl ч!г|Ч|13ЩТ1М>11 Ъ ifiw 3W : fw r:i
Brahma said, “The goddess of immense
lustre assumed the form of a baby child in The men and the women of the town were
front of Mena and began to cry in accordance also delighted by looking at her. Great
with the ways of the world. festivities were held at that time.
3tRavi^i lifter: ■RtW r^jran ЩсГRfcT ЯТТ чщяЫгШ:!
fiyfteifoi fegdfem a n w t ^ ! n Ig.'jilfd’^ 'iimch4 fciil ^TII^ 11
O Sage, with the lustre of the goddess The welfare songs were sung and the
emerging out of her body, the lights of the female dancers started dancing. The lord of
lamps burning in the chamber, were faded out. mountains performed the post-natal sacred
rites and distributed charities among the
SpTT ТЩ 'QIW: Brahmanas.
W R R lw m T : зШ д т: T R T :ll3 ll aw n r w r e r е т т
Listening to her cries, all the women of the
f|WBr: MRshcHI #Г0Т^1||*о||
household, feeling delighted arrived there.
Reaching the royal gate, Himacala
tPspg’RraR': yfftr ?(yiR rf^n celebrated great festivities. With a delightful
Ч1<& Ы -Ч ^C|ehl4ch< ' ^ m i l ' i n i mind he distributed charities to the beggars in
The messenger of the inner apartment, form of riches.
went to the king and conveyed the news of the : 1
birth of Parvatl, who had incarnated for the
HI4|cb<lrydl<4l^ «blHlrdlft ftsTO^TII^II
purpose of the gods.
Thereafter in the auspicious time,
Himacala, in the company of the sages, gave
ftRTT?m чт&шФгт я^ т.-п ц n the daughter the pleasant name of Kali.
468 Siva-Mahsipuranam

гЩТ ^ 1ЙсЩ ftS p eft 4 § TTT^TRI TRfTTrawrpq 4 4 f t 4*-НмГн:1

3 ? 4 4 сЩ4Г4Г4 f g f ^ 4 4 4 ^ * 4 1 1 ^ 1 1 44ft
Then he lovingly gave away to the О Excellent sage, inspite of there being
Brahmanas, enormous riches in charities. enough of flowers during the spring season,
Several festivities with music were performed. the group of black wasps has a special
attraction for mango blossom.
^ 4 4 # ^ t 4f4atsftf 44Г 4 444 44T ftlft: I
After holding the celebrations, looking at 4WT4r^4 f*RT 44ftt4 ft4TR4:liy o||
Kali again and again, Himacala, the father of With the birth of the daughter, Himalaya
many sons, felt delighted looking at his was purified looking graceful as a learned man
daughter. is purified with the auspicious speech looking
ш 4T 4pr ^ ftrftrRpft ftran graceful.
7i|^r gf%5FTi i ^ 11 H4T4fc4T ftUsRftf 4 4 4 4 1 41
Then Siva started growing in the house of ftgpftg 44pftg?ftft44T ftiftni? ?n
Himalaya, as the river Ganga grows in the As the lamp of the house is appreciated
rainy season, or the moon light in the winter with the rising flames of light, as the path of
season. nobility is adored by the Ganga, similarly the
tjct 41 ^4t чгегрйчп lord of mountains was praised because of his
^ ткгт ri^tg«bHif4ciii^mi daughter Parvati.
Thus the goddess Kalika, with her limbs 4P§&: Tjt: 4#4StPMT 4 4TI
resembling the moon daily looked charming h^l^«firI^cO(46lW ^ 4 f % :ll^ ll
like the digit of the moon.
During her childhood, the goddess often
g>cillxirh 4TRT ffl 4i<W)r4i'jj5iq f l played over the sandy banks of the Ganga,
4 * |ft4 T cF f3 R : with her playmates with dolls and the balls.
The relatives, out of family tradition called m ^ 4 t ftl4T 4T 4 P ft?T 44% 4 4 ! I
her Parvati. She possessed the qualities like
W 3 farm : 45П4Т 4tff4rU 4 4 ^ T T t : l l ^ H
good conduct and behaviour.
О Sage, thereafter, the goddess, at the time
s i f f t 4 Ш 4 4 Й f tf f t g l 4 4TI
of studies devoted herself for the same task,
qHigMHWl ^ # 4 4 T 4 45ft getting education from her preceptor.
When the mother disapproved of her ШЯТ «Rfaarwl ?R^4
performing tapas, she came to be known as
Kalika. О Sage, the same Kalika subsequently i 4 l f t r : 4T o fft ЧткЧ1с44Т4 1
came to be known as Uma. She achieved the lores of the earlier birth
in the same way as if all the learnings of her
3%: 4414 ч \ previous birth had returned to her, or as the
зтч4Г flock of swans, returns to the Ganga during
Thus Himalaya never felt satisfied by the autumn season or the brilliant lustre
looking at the virtuous Parvati, inspite of his manifests itself in the medicinal herbs during
having many sons. the night.
Rudra Sarhhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 8 469

^dfuidl fvicirai: chlf^cl %1

зятяЫ ' ira$-si ®jot щ штстг т й и р ч и
О Sage, in this way I have narrated the
divine sports of the goddess Siva. Now I shall
narrate another one of her divine play. You
listen to the same, quite lovingly.
tsflfyicmgiytiul fedtomi gtffr
4i4d)yu^ чпт wm5smr:ic3ii
Rudra Sarhhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 8 469

Lord, you are omniscient, always anxious in

doing good to others, besides being merciful.

щгг f w tp r a f t «rfeqfd ш
s3 г тщ\ щ 1
You kindly speak out, reading her
horoscope about her good and bad things of
future. To whom shall my daughter marry in
CHAPTER 8 gftcrf! щ f W t r %mf^uin
Conversations between Narada and ЙН1ФМ chlfdchl^4d Traff W fciV)Md:ll^II
Himalaya Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, when so
questioned by Himacala, then you read the
rvidcTlHifeKi =R:i hand of Kalika and also looked at her limbs.
ptoprwr fvidjlRd:ii^ii зщГгщг? ш\ ^ifevTHci
Brahma said, “Once, you, having been ^TRt 1^1^?^тТЕ<т1 ЧГГ^: я1пчм«:1№Н
well-versed about the knowledge of Siva, best О Dear one, then you said to the lord of
among those knowing about the sports of mountains, because you are learned, good in
Siva, having been inspired by Siva, lovingly speech and possessed all the knowledge.”
went to the house of Himacala.
^тррГ! Piflviwl ЯГЙШЯЗ ТГ4R^!l РШ ft гГСРТ ift! ■HdiVIlRq cff^TTi
щ и g ш ач\ зтгат 'e m #пт*т! t f ^ u i v i ifH ^ ii^n
O Sage Narada, the mountain king, finding Narada said, “O Mena, your daughter, is
you there, offered his salutation to you, going to grow like the digit of the moon. О
adoring you at the same time. Then he Lord of the mountains, she possesses all the
summoned his daughter and made her bow in auspicious symptoms and resembles the first
reverence to you. digit of the moon.
Ш З?ГШ fart: с ь Ш с Ш |
Щ1 '«<gR9ld4Wch:H^II xT W r T ^[1111II
О Excellent sage, then Himacala, with She would provide comfort to her husband,
folded hands, bowing his head, offering his and add to the glory of her parents. She would
salutation to you said. be the greatest of the chaste ladies and would
f|4№R 35ПгТ be always blissful.
% 4toi! ^nf^FTl цгазгат! w r!i ■ Reriftn ^cfdRh: <зй i
’Hch’bUi 4<|4cRTJl TrT: ll^ll 13^ЙЩ П1ТткТ(Ш Pt^TMI^o II
Himalaya said, “O Sage Narada- the best О Himalaya, all the auspicious symbols are
among the sons of Brahma, О Learned one, О found in the hand of your daughter, but one
470 Siva-Mahapuranam

line is quite abnormal. Listen to the effect of auspicious.

the same.
4l<3dldfac|ftd:I fm ! =tt<rt щт w d f |i
qfdfwi: ftithgvnilwi tbAtsii -рт
Her husband would be an ascetic, naked, Narada said, “O Lord of the mountain,
nirgunct (having no qualities), free from lust listen to my words which cannot be otherwise.
without parents, deprived of honour, and his The lines of the palm are drawn by Brahma,
dress and his manners would be inauspicious.” which are always permanent.
i^hdra m^TtSTUT: 4f?t: # т ! ч # 1 :1
*jut ^ r r Tt НЧ4Й т р и т и е м
^ ?fir 9 ^ 5 : 11 11 О Mountain lord, her husband would be
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words exactly as has been described by me. There is
of Narada, they took them to be true as a result no doubt about it. You listen to the remedy
of which both Himalaya and Mena felt lovingly which would make you comfortable.
distressed. cTT^Tlrsfw Щ: Tr§:i
f ? <TT$?T

This type of groom is none else than lord

On the other hand, Siva-Jagadambika, Siva. All the evil symptoms pointed out by
listening to the words of Narada felt pleased me, are found in Siva alone and are treated as
and said, “O Sage, finding Siva with these the auspicious ones.
symptoms, she felt pleased at heart. ЗПТГ ч ^tisTFT f I
4 ТГТ i^qidebM^Hi m fq^hTIRoll
dchUlfd f ^ T ^ T I I ^ I I The all powerful lord’s blemishes are not
Thinking that the words of Narada can the cause for misery, but the same in an
never be false, she devoted her mind at the incompetent person, turn pleasant. The sun,
feet of Siva. the moon, the fire and the Ganga could be
quoted as examples.
Зсгта 5:feRT: ч тт ^ !|
ёБЧЧШ iftl ^qf?rg:ta4^idll^41l rHUlRsMId WW W MeFrT:l
О Narada, then the lord of mountains,
feeling distressed, said to you.” What should I Therefore you should give away Siva to
do. I have been extremely distressed on Siva alone. This is because Siva is the god of
hearing your words.” gods, and has to be served always. He is
tftgpTCr t ijfti Ш q^d<*<*Keh!I unblemished, lord and indestructible.
VTlyy-HIcf: 7T ЩЗГЩ
On hearing the words of Himvan, you ТеГГШЗД) fdyltlUl $<tfecn rPTtirR311
having the eloquent speech, pleased Himvan Siva can be pleased quickly, who would
with your sweet words which were quite surely accept Siva. In case Siva, performs
Rudra Sarhhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 8 471

penance in order to get him, that would be the

best. О Himacala, with this daughter of yours,
ТГ&гт f w r f % ^ f? ic r: д а ^ а т : ! the lord Siva would be known as
Ardhanarlsvara. This would not be their first
union, but it is being repeated again.
Siva, who is the lord of all, is competent
enough to do everything. He can even destroy V t(H l4 FT^WT *fibi|fd WSTI
vajra. Brahma is also subservient to him. He да: там1гдагда
is the god of destruction.” With the influence of her tapas, she would
wmrET become half the body of Siva with delight,
д а 4 4 * d l d ! q fc jq ft !I wuRflfl даптЬтт
s3 д а дай fbti s V
fa^fUdUl Ы да Hfebufdll^ qil
snRrct зтвтГ: ун*Н1 тда ^ !i By performing tapas for Siva, she will
д а ш д а ! т р щ щ fu m : achieve the lustre of gold, earning the title of
Svarna-gauri. Your daughter will become
Brahma said, “O Knower of Brahman, О
more beautiful like the lightening.
Excellent sage, О Dear one, thus speaking,
you pleased the lord of mountains, and said to чдат «дал гг
О tsMifd*lui ufumfai
him again, “O Lord of the mountains, she is
about to become the wife of Siva, and would Your daughter will be adored by Brahma,
be favourite to him. She is immensely chaste, Visnu and all the gods, and will be known by
of simple nature and is the one who increases the name of Gauri as well.
the pleasure of the parents.
•y ir a r tig t д а т rteT chR byfd d 4 fw 4 1 i
fF ^ R t чгяеыИ даданиэзп
•^r TTM 4 ^ 4 l{ j& ftW fd l R 5 l l
О Lord of mountains, you cannot give this
She will attract the mind of Siva towards girl in marriage to anyone else. This is a secret
herself with the performing of tapas. Siva too which should not be disclosed by you even to
will marry ParvatT and no one else. the gods.
ТтдаГ: Ъч Ч d1^14,1 ff?r ггрэг дат: ?|да да чгщ! i
efT qforTT orrfxT 4TERT гГ
S» дата Цдагапдаг да 'enfl^¥iKd:M3 -*ii
The love comparable to these two had О Divine sage Narada, thus listening to
never happened in the past, nor is it found your words, Himalaya, who was quite
presently, nor would it be in future. efficient in speech, said to you.”
3 R 4 t : jy ie b w ffin fam w дата
■гпРг■£Гт1ч4TPSTS! 'jf lf a d l f t fT :il? < ill I лй! w ! fM fr g n fW %i
О Lord of the mountain, both of them ш зйдазчда лддатда! i3 ч 11
would perform the spoilt tasks of the gods Himalaya said, “O Learned Narada, I have
again and again. a humble request for you, which you hear
ЗНЧТ eFW ^ зфтТ^ГС! ?T:l lovingly.
472 Siva-Mahapuranam

Я4гГ (ЧтЯЩ-: 4 4^1%сГТ 4|dlc43RI $fd 4?4T 4-14 rl4 4^3 4 4 4 : fRT: I
^сЦЧЩиН|Ы<:И31=|| 4 4 4 TJ4T4T 4 4Rj W P R t il^ K r f f lll^ ll
It is heard that Siva, controlling all his "In this way he had taken a vow before
senses, getting out of the sight of gods, Satl. How can he take another wife after her
performs severe penance. death?”
4 зет е п ч т т Ы : т щ щ п Ш 4 4 : i seafarer
ш xr 4?птг ттщиз'зп ^ckrdi я nrftTdwrl-qiq 44т 4Ш41
Having fixed his mind in the supreme ddlctiU^y ^cpf <4 4Т4Г4 4 d T ^ d :llx ^ li
Brahma, how would he be able to divert his
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Himacala
mind from the path of meditation? О Divine
kept silent before you. О Divine sage, then
sage, I have this serious doubt in my mind.
you revealed the secret to him.”
3T$R ЩТТ w Udl4<fcfHehl44H.I
HKd 34Г4
437^14424 44 Ш 1df3«WWim4ll3<ill
4 t c&raf fe n ТчГнм! 4зтч4>1
The Supreme Brahman, which is great and
imperishable, resembles and streak of the TJ4T 44 7741 с&ТгЙ ^DTT 11Я4г441ГкЧ11
lamp. It is known as Sadasiva and is Narada said, “O Immensely intelligent lord
unblemished. It is beyond Brahma, How shall of mountains, have no worry. Your daughter
be discord his form? presently known as Kali in her earlier birth
was the daughter of Daksa.
frfar ш m
4?Й4Т4ТЯ4тТ41Т: 4^4]pT^T ТГЗГТ1

It is both full and devoid qualities. It has 4lft 4T cl ^ teh ^l W ^ m ctq JI'jS^ 11
no special traits or desires. It sees everything She was the known as Satl, who was
within but not the outwardly. always auspicious and the wife of Siva.
4 Cv
fret fedtiuii v3 -O
!i f a jj# 4Ш Я1Щ1ЧЩ} 41
^глтпчт f% Мятгггга^Г g crq ;ir* o ii 4 ^gT ehlЧЧЮ1Ч1ГЧ1$П^5 4 4Г 44 h l'k'3ll
This is what the kinnaras tell me about Having found her own as well as the
him, who come here often. How could there humiliation of Siva at the yajna of Daksa,
words be false? getting enraged, Satl ended her life.
f^ R T : 24RT щтгатчт ттат j??:i 44: i k и т е т 44 % 4П
444 $dcii4<f ю т 4f^i ^ ii'k ^ n FTW BT ^ftbqfd ч 4 ?T 4 :ll* < ill
He is particularly known by the name of The same Sat! has been bom in your house
Нага, who had taken a pledge with Satl, which known as Parvati, who will become the wife
you please listen from me. of Siva, undoubtedly.
4 ^TRrf& r! 4 f r ! fq%!i 44H l4 f44T4r4 ЯГтБсП Л ^ 44! I
ягаМ 4 чяпЧ^<9|41Г ч 4 ii ^ ii 4 ^ 4 4fT4 4 4l4<4l: II
He had pledged before Satl, that except О Sage, in this way you narrated to
you, I shall not accept anyone else as my wife. Himacala, the story of the earlier birth of
I am speaking the truth. Parvati, which is quite delightful.”
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 9 473

Brahma said, “O Narada, thus you, after

ядящ : ъ ric^r f^r:^rat5«rawii4oii going to Himalaya and speaking benevolent
words, you at once returned to the heaven.
On hearing the story of the earlier birth of Himalaya also getting pleased, returned to his
Parvatl, his daughter, from the mouth of abode which was filled with all types of
Narada, the doubts in the minds of Himacala riches.
and Mena were removed.
«Afyicrasrgtiul fefumfi
tfcT: ehlHl 9S3T 4 КС H i 419 MCI I
mcialtsiu^ dTidflnwAWoiiddolH ч(Я1цч|58пя:11бн
d u ld iy lh tjf fw fw if7 m 4 4 T II4 ^ il
Listening to the story of her earlier birth
from the mouth of Narada, Parvatl, lowering
her head in shyness, started smiling serenely.
dt d tg d d ш Ш ff[fr:l

ниши '^унш чзн
Then the parents, touching their daughter
with their hands, kissing her head, made her
sit by their side.
ddH 4 rft J j d ^ l S q i -снпя fe ld l Я ^ ! I
ф н PiRtfS ^ трш ?R^: нгицэп
О Sage, then looking at Kali who was
seated there both Giriraja and Mena, pleasing
their sons you again said.
KfgUH jj #ГШГ щ ф :\
H ^dH IT 3 T R R d

“О Lord of the mountains, the lion throne

of this girl would be the left thigh of the lord.
ШЩ dddT d d TRTddl

чm яйщ^пччп
By achieving the left thigh of Siva as her
permanent seat, your daughter will reach
where no eye or mind of anyone can reach.”
g f d сЫ Ч Я З К ЧТТ?! c d frr% T

fd fd d d d d detwll yicdll

n iR 'M fdtfd Ш
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 9 473

Performing of penance of Parvatl at the
advice of her parents and appearing of
Siva before her

fm \ ш ! ^0 iti
orfaTcTT w n t <4nidifyehW il^ll
Narada said, “0 Brahma, О Dear one, О
Fortunate among the devotees of Siva, О
Intelligent one, being merciful on me, you
have narrated the wonderful story of Sat! to
me, thereby enhancing my pleasure.
fair TKt -ЩЩЩЦ Rfa t !I
Ш: RhWcHId! rllSIfmRll
О Brahma, when, I, having the divine
vision, had gone to my abode, what happened
thereafter? Please narrate the same to me.”

тт хФ( tft'. W f Trfwi

Mi^cbdi $ёт(ч«г уинш шп?н
Brahma said, “О Sage, after your departure
for the heaven, some time passed. Then Mena
once went to the lord of mountains and
offered her salutation to him.
f ^ T RfsRd ШЩ-*cFTO frrfwfvRll
Then she seated besides Himacala and
spoke to him with all humility.
474 Siva-Mahslpuranani

TRWcT In case you really love your daughter, then

you tell her lovingly that she should, with a
MpcIlcHi Ч Ж&
■О О ^
concentrated mind perform worship for
fen? fM «ьмшт: gfe?H 4ll achieving Siva.
Mena said, “O Lord, because of the nature fer: Ш?т: mfe fe%!i
of a woman, I could not well understand the
talk of Narada. Therefore, you better marry чйш^трт^д!Т11^11
Parvatl to a beautiful groom. О MenS, in case Siva gets pleased, then he
will marry Kali and the auspicious marriage
will be performed. The inauspicious feature
Щ8Г Plfelldl'^ which had been pointed out by Narada would
For PSrvatl, a groom of a high family, also disappear.
possessing best of the symptom will be 3 1 4 ^ r n f4 -R c tT fo i ЧЩ Т f e % ! l
required. The marriage performed with such a
groom will bestow all the pleasures. dwic^ii fferaM cfer f^ ra g p n ^ n
When Siva is there all the inauspicious
m fim trtt -ff f vt TS3r f w r *чтш1Г f e r n
things would become auspicious. Therefore
тт ДМ W fe cMT Duvall you advise your daughter to perform tapas,
This daughter of mine is dearer to me them urgently.”
my life even. Therefore you search for a W feer
suitable groom for her. I offer my salutation to
fe'ctfcW iR\ УЫсН15ЯсЩ1
you. After a suitable match, she will also be
comfortable.” ^iMchUdmiM^g d4l^iFdH.II^II
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Himalaya, Mena delightfully went to her
fel WrfSyl: nfefT rfcTTI daughter, and advised her to perform tapas.
шдММ frrfT: ИТ? iMlcJHII?H1d4:lldll % cJgTSfefM ^Ш1
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, the eyes of f e q ^ ^ R p T |г Т Ч ^ 1 1 ^ И
Mena were filled with tears and she fell over
Looking at the tender limbs of her
the feet of her husband, who lifting her up
daughter, the heart of Mena, felt painful and
said. the tears started flowing from her eyes.
ftW M 3cfR p i FR4^| Ш Щ и
Pj щ wref crffe ?гм?г:1 ^ Щ ср т! d | ^ F R t f p p i Ч Т Т Щ Ч И

ЧЛТMM nfecRI feM ч cbc?W4ll<? || Still, Mena, could not advise her daughter
Himalaya said, “O Goddess Mena, I am to perform tapas. On the other hand Parvatl
going to speak out the reality to you, You could well understand the feelings of her
better free your mind from the confusion, mother.
because the words of Narada cannot be Ш FTT c b l f d c h l p t ^T% T W T ^ ffl
шг: жрдгмг тч: т ч :и ^ и
Tjf^ WRTTM felt f^ M Щ 1
Thereafter the omniscient Paramesvarl,
сПТ: ЧТТ Ш#гШТ)1^о || Kalika, assuring her mother, started saying
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 9 475

again and again. W W: Ъt W tlR^II

ш&зргтаг I also went there with my daughter. I
чшт:! realised that the groom for my daughter, as
pointed out by Narada was Siva alone.
тй тщт grafifir f?4t fTSii^n
ifaref trer гНШЧЧвцш d4feFT:l
Parvatl said, “O Intelligent mother, you
better listen to me. To night, in the early <Tc) «liaidcliwWl ч (ТсП^ШЯ ^T:lfR>SII
hours, I witnessed a dream, which I am going I asked my daughter to serve that sage, but
to speak out to you. he refused to accept her in his service.
fa e N cTwft ш тгщт: MlldMcSchnj 3w fg^:
34iR&yi *»} Ш : friw i f n u n гШТЯ^ГРТ Ш 3fWTSS#r§rTT 4TTIR4II
An ascetic Brahmana, lovingly with A great debate took place (between her and
compassion, advised me to perform severe Siva) over the Sdnkhya and Vedanata
penance for Siva.” philosophies. Thereafter at his command, my
«sRjrtara daughter started serving him there.
ггарт Ъчт Ш Ttfwftr m wi
ctcW4 cbvi'Mmi'H ^di<4anvl4d:ii^ii ife ihxbcii^ crre^hR^n
Brahma said, “On learning about the dream She started serving him, with a desire in
of Parvatl, Mena, called for her husband and her mind to achieve Siva. О Mena, I have
repeated to him, the details of the dream of her repeated to you whatever had been witnessed
daughter. by me.
■HdlW44«llchu4 iHebldl frT%R:l <rat ^ fd>d^bM rfidivT Ш \I
ш ы ч<цу1н: f w wiWqfBmii^oii Щ ТЩ|cR{|R\9ll
Learning from his wife about the dream of О Dear one let us wait for the result of this
her daughter, Himacala happily spoke to his dream. You better accept my advice if you
wife. think it proper

frR^R ЗЩтГ WfaTcf

| МзтгпЫг ^u rt ^gt ТЩ\ft- %l $c4eWI П|Г«маг ^ TffogTll
w ш nsnftwi гГWK^rdlR ^11
Giriraja said, “О Beloved, at the end of last Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, “Thus
night, I had also witnessed a dream, which I speaking, Himalaya with a spotless heart, with
am going to speak out. You better listen to me. Mena, patiently started waiting for the result
of the dream.
ЦёШЧ'РЙ ТШ) HH^UcKI'^ohl
WT^T: H d lffd :l
чттпи wftcZT Ш: cfitf WTTRT:ll^^ll

A great ascetic, resembling Narada, arrived

for performing tapas near my town. шпзгптч тшштт
Ж Ш Ш[*т MlddtlStq^TTl шг:
476 Siva-Mahapuranam

After the above discussion, some time A huge function was organised at that time.
passed. In the meantime, lord Siva, the goal of Thus, О Dear one, I have narrated the divine
the saintly people, the cause of the protection story of the Supreme Brahman Siva, what
and pleasure, wandering here and there in his more do you want to listen from me?
flutter and excitement due to his separation
from Sati, pleasantly arrived there with a few fstftarat ^iftcrrat gttft
of his ganas, for the purpose of the performing 4ic5diyu^ "щяуиЬргё* что 4TOTt5CTTO:ii4ii
of penance. Lord Siva was immensely agitated
because of his love for Sati, who had been
separated from him.
-g%TT Rfcd ^
He performed his tapas there, Parvatl
engaged herself in his service continuously
together with two of her maids.
fegfrfcrpfW: чточмго.ч
JlftRfafh tn ^ ii
For the establishment of their tasks, the
gods had deputed Kamadeva to overpower
Siva, with his arrows, but the lord remained
unaffected and could not be swayed by Кйта.
^ trife TT:I

ТфЩ ЧЧ era: fJgt гГгТ:11^ ^ 11

He burnt Kamadeva with his third eye,
remembering my words, he himself
disappeared from the place.
rRT: crt# t f^TT fz& m fiiR^m'^i
: М Ш II
After sometime lord Siva, shattered the
pride of Girija, but was adored by her again,
performing great tapas.

But according to the worldly practices, lord

Visnu pleasing Siva, performed his marriage
with Kali.
ш \ wftidfrri Rrat:i
476 Siva-Mahapuranam

Birth of Mars and his raising to the
status of a planet by the grace of Siva.

•o w l тщшрт! f^ET! w r!i
f ^ c W r r f w oMWirtjlrMI *T
Narada said, “O Brahma, the disciple of
Visnu and devotee of Siva, you kindly narrate
the story of the sports of Siva in detail.
^ gftct стгт
<ПТ: cF^midl (^Чс(ЛН«1Чт1ЩТ11?11
What was the performance of Siva in
separation from Satl. When did he reach the
Himalaya mountain for the sake of the
performing of tapas.
Гу|с|1^ЩЙсИ^5ЧТс5Ш cET4$roSf t l
<ПТ: fK*TT ёщ Ш fы xt tn ^ tll^ ll
What was the cause of a discussion
between Siva and Siva and how was the god
of love destroyed? How did Parvatl achieves
Siva after performing of the tapas.
dcHcJtprt gifd PvicWdRd Щ7Т1
ef$4^T ^ ^W Timi
Besides these, there are other several
blissful stories of Siva, which, О Brahma. You
please tell me.”
W ddfSf
?f?T ЯЯТ ТГ^Т ё?1«ЫЙЧ11тПТ:1
Ш л: i terra т ш fw i^h f5 m u 4 H
Rudra SamhitS (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 10 477

Siita said, “Listening to these words of the miseries, displaying his imperishable
Narada, Brahma, concentrating his mind at the nature.
feet of Siva, lovingly said to Narada.” Urcwt «dWhUNyri
T s3 s3

fnf^cbifi Tt -Щ! irrawt?T: т ч w : ii ^ ii

^ щ : *jut -ciKtidi In this way Siva, the lord of Maya, who is
beyond the three gunas was established in the
Brahma said, “O Best of the devotees of samadhi, being the Supreme Brahman.
Siva, О Divine sage Narada, Siva, who is 7ПТ: sqwff^ftRTT: W :l
auspicious, best in increasing the devotion. vzj wrr^T Ф я dgcTffd гг: 114311
You listen to the glory of Siva, respectfully.
I am now going to tell you the way the
3TFRT WplR samadhi was given up after the hundreds of
m m wiM ^ w f Miunfijebi f^ni^n years.
Having been grieved with the separation of
his beloved Satl. Feeling painful at the g m srccrfr m ^ щщ rv i^ d d ii^ n
separation of his beloved Satl, who was dearer
While performing the tapas a drop of
to him than his life, was continuously
sweat fell from the head of Siva on earth, from
remembered by him.
which a child was bom.

.efljfam w ^ п т п г . it

While so remembering her, he started

О Sage, the child had four arms and red
highlighting the virtues of Satl to his ganas,
complexion. He was quite beautiful to look at,
displaying his worldly form. possessed the divine beauty, illustrious and
was unbearable for the enemies.
Then he, shedding his household position, У1фЬ|гЧ^с|т1> WWIUdW % ll^ ll
discarded clothes, Then lord Siva, who was He started crying like an ordinary child
the best in divine sports wandered in the before Siva.
rTc!Tf^ETp} ^fSTETT 1 ^ 3 ^ :l
4 m s F lf r
3TTfg%g c^cT WTRfq Vl^fldll^ll
The goddess earth, getting frightened from
When he could not find her, then lord Siva, Siva, taking to the form of a woman, appeared
who bestows welfare over his devotees, there.
returned to Himalaya.
m шц ш w w f:tsHivH4i
She at once lifted up the child, placed it in
He controlled his mind making enormous her lap and started feeding the child with her
efforts, took to meditation which destroys all own as well as the cow’s milk.
478 Siva-Mahapuranam

чщгг с1-ц<з *1в’ч^(гМ'4Чч1 separation, because, inspite of his being

unblemished, and because of his being dear to
Mrn-q m^d тггат wr7i%Tra^Tii^n
the noble people, he practiced the worldly
She kissed his face out of affection, she traditions.
started fondling him like her own son. In
reality the mother earth, started doing good to
Siva. WIT ш -HtsWIcqfcTcfi rt ^IRqil
cTS^gT ФсТ ?ГЩ: <*Wl I Thereafter the goddess Earth, at the advice
of Siva, returned to her abode, feeling
(d ^ 'W lSflc n W ?Тг5ПГ Ш W . 119 о 11
extremely comfortable.
Siva was well aware of the fact, that she
was earth, then the lord who is the cause of Фт ^ATEsUi шщ т а г I
protection, enjoyment and playful, witnessing д а w i t fat TTgT 5WI11? $ 11
her activities, felt pleased and pleasingly said The child of the earth in due course of time
to her. came to be known by the name of Bhauma
£(■*41 ctj «ГСЙт! iilrMl bET^fcT 7ET (Mars). When he came of age, he went to KasI
and propitiated for Siva for long.
Siva said, “O Earth, you are graceful, you ябчч JTTO
bring up this son of mine, who has been born
from you with the drop of my sweat. By the grace of the lord of the universe, the
Therefore, he shall be the most illustrious one, son of the Earth, found a place among the nine
out of all the illustrious people. planets and he proceed on to the divine loka,
beyond the region of Venus.

О Earth, though this child born out of my dHThbHU'l W T:

sweat would be quite dear to me, still he will О Sage, thus I have told you the story of
be known by your name and shall be free from Siva and his separation from Satl. Now listen
all the three types of distresses. to the story of his performing the tapas.
areft «пи : f^ m T f ? *ifabtifd трт) m i
чтгФзгё ^4id4(rif¥HdT«ieiulH чт*т
W fa ^'tSKIdl % TJIhfW
Your child will be the bestower of lands,
and shall possess all the good qualities and
shall also make me happy. Therefore, you
accept him with pleasure.”

dYebraucbti Rf^chid m i f5ro:ii?,!fii

Brahma said, “After saying this, he stopped
and he was somewhat relieved of the pangs of
478 Siva-Mahapuranam

Meeting between Siva and Himvat

сгфпч frft: HT VliTbctfeb^TvHdll

Brahma said, “The daughter of the

mountain, lord, who was adored by the entire
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 11 479

world, kept on growing in the abode of % йкч1: ^ ri^ r ^ ii

Himalaya, reaching the age of eight years. When Siva, started performing his tapas,
the Pramathas also started their meditation
f^TT d4^dl4*dl|4><?ld)c) 4R^!ll?ll together with other ganas, Nandi, Bhrngi and
others. Some of the ganas, served Siva, the
Then Narada communicated the news to supreme lord. Some of them served as the
Siva, who had been suffering from the pangs gate-keepers, observing silence. The did not
of separation from Satl, which delighted the shout at all.
<R 5ПТО ^ T O i:l
h1?I4i1^rt: i
ЖТЕПсТ tR: w o rn : •H ^dii^n
jftiHW от тъ ад ш :1
Thereafter, according to the world!'/
tradition, Siva desired to perform tapcis for tiie ■MMHtS xf yyld^daw -Q ^dialled:ll^ll
concentration of his mind. In the meantime Himacala, accompanied
with his ganas. Learning about the arrival of
iTI Siva at the mountain of Osadhiprastha also
arrived there and offered his salutation to Siva
Accompanied with Nandi and other best of adoring him delightfully at the same time.
the gana, Siva reached the peak of the
Himalaya where the Ganga had descended.
^c(or! 4£id<4! < * ч й ^ ч ! зптТ!i
rdtef tfldRT&d -щШ ^cHdilH.11^11
ЩсПТ UTRT 4^! 114II Himalaya said, “O god of gods, О
О Sage, the Ganga, which destroys all the Mahadeva, О Siva having the matted locks of
sins, had fallen at that place from Brahmaloka. hair, О Lord of the universe, you are the
dT: feitdi ?R fT: i sustainer of the three worlds.
TJdRR Fddiimm ^4lr4HlTd(^d:ll^ll 4WT qtPlfr4KRId in
^dftbwcr эдШ кч PrciHdHj fdjuiH чщ^гт 4PjUM fii^iRulii^ ii
ад ?! | d # t frtTW tllVall О Lord, you have taken to the form of yogi.
You are nirguna, saguna and roam about
Seated there, devoid of laziness, Siva, everywhere. Salutation to you.
concentrating his mind, started performing
tapas. With full concentration and alertness, '^HWcllRl^ 'McicHldilidlAI iTI
he brooded on his own self, the cause of the ЧТШ cdtHIcbHIil ^ f ^ | | ^ | |
mental knowledge, the eternal, the luminous, О Siva, you indulge in various types of
free from affection, resembling the universe, sports and are holder of the trident, salutation
consciousness and bliss, without a second, and to you.
having no support.
4R^JU||K|H(dd>IU^dld Wl
STRtfr dfeHiqgn Ш Ш : 1

You are the mine of all the virtues,

%{%ЮТТ: ?ЩТГ: xRRR:i unblemished, having desires inspite, of being
480 Siva-MahSpurSnam

free from all the desires. You are calm and the distress, because you are known to be the
supreme soul. Salutation to you. bestower of your grace over the distressed.
You put me under your patronage.
f^njureftyr! trmyr фщт чтчтгч^и^н зги xr чпш W4 чтан tmi
O Lord of the three gunas, you are well
disposed towards your devotees, lord of the My birth and my life both have become
three gunas, as well as Maya, you are fruitful I have met with total success today,
Brahman and the supreme soul, salutation to with your arrival here.
щ щ m з га ч о гтщ т щ ш \\

гзтщ гг Ц^|у1г41
rT^TtHfSRT! ЧЧ*Л<Т?*11^Э||
Taking me to be your slave, you get me
You are served by Brahma and Visnu and your command. I intend to serve you
are the form of Brahma and Visnu, you are the attentively.”
creator of Brahma and Visnu besides being
dear to the devotees; salutation to you. sriitorer
^rUi<*u4 а д ш fuffw r тфят:1
RLtswrar уттчтвт w irefw iiu n ^ щ твм ftrfbTiR-xn
O Lord, you are engaged in performing Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
tapas, you are the place of penance, bestower the lord of mountains, Siva opened his eyes
of the fruit of the penance, the penance is dear and found him present there with his
to you, being calm, and form of the Supreme servants.”
Brahman, salutation to you. •HUOI ct гГ2ГТ <J|J( P l(< < N t oj4«c)'Ji:l
o4c(?Rcht'Rta н1«ьганешч hi ЗЗТЕГ Й Т Р Ш В Т М : W l f a e l 'J l h d t f d l l R m i
WIUIR 4>VIH ЧЧГШ ЧЧ'ЧиАи^Н Thus looking at lord, Siva, the lord of the
You prescribe the name of the worldly three worlds, with a serene smile on his face,
traditions, are saguna, the Supreme lord, said to the lord of mountains.
salutation to you.
vftvfT dct Щ Ш ?1|
ЧхЮЦЧН? ^ % kTIRo || ч ^rsfq feiH м ш о ш -о
О Mahadeva, your sports are unknown to Mahadeva said, “I have arrived here for
all, which bestow comforts to the noble performing tapas over the top of your peak.
people, your form is subservient to your You arrange things in such a way that no one
devotees, you are subservient to the devotees, comes here to disturb me.
and you are the performer of the karmas.
Щ ТЩТсЧТ dMiyiMI gqft rT W W ;I
чч <чMilledK* reftmn ^ w tli ^ИГ ЧЩШГСТ ЩЦ\ rt M^Irmi^IRtslI
You are the refuge of the great peak, the
О Lord, because of my great fortune, you ascetics, sages, the gods, the demons as well
have arrived here. You relieve me of the as the noble souls.
Rudra Samhita (P3rvatl Khanda), Chapter 11 481

WJMKlI 1Чг^ЩТ1 ттщт гПТШter %

ч<1ч«ы<1 тт^гг PifluimJEw: зт:
■о и? 4 м
ч ч^пч! чт щ : u^>f п
You are also the abode of the Brahmanas. О Lord, you are beyond the reach of the
You have been purified by the Ganga, do good gods, who make enormous efforts to achieve
to others, besides being the king of the you. But presently you are yourself present
mountain. here.
ЗЩ гПШТЩрГ ilfratuul WTl T^STZRKPTr 4lfar ЯГ Wl^RI s5 *S

3ii&dWci PiR<m «икчвп^и^и ^ 1 Ч11

О Excellent mountain, who has controlled There is none as auspicious and virtuous
all the senses, I am performing tapas at the than me in the world today, since you have
place where the Ganga had descended, arrived to perform tapas here.
delightfully taking refuge with you. ^ w ?rr wrgrh
fqfet тг ^ pt!i 44U|4
ЧТОёГ <p ЧТТШЧН30 Ц O Paramesvara, I consider myself to be
more fortunate than Indra, because you have
О King of the mountains, you make such
graced me with your presence with your
efforts that, I may be able to perform tapas
here without any disturbance.
fqfsfa tsjfar! ч<ч cT4:i
ТЩТЩ TRTi -&5R TT*Tfim!l
gifasrs? ш fair grates й чтдт зтИп^'эп
^ flaw ing ЧШ:113 я
O Lord of the gods, you perform your
This is the biggest service for me. tapas quite freely. I am your slave and shall
Establishing my task, you return to your abode always serve you.”
with pleasure.”
^ C W I Г ч Р ч 'м Ъ ч Т ! Ч5Г |d 4 M ld :l
wm ТГ
cfrlRT <T441x1*941 xT'44lcHldll3<ill
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Himalaya at
Brahma said, “Then Siva, the creator of the once returned to his abode and conveyed the
universe, and the lord of all, kept quiet, thus news lovingly to his wife.
speaking. Thereafter, the lord of mountains
lovingly spoke to Siva.
4~|il4MI*q0dKMv WhUIiqft ЧГЩ1
жщчтйэ^пз^тчРг: timm дтхге:изяп
О Narada, Himalaya then summoned his
inrarar wn ш w i^ i servants and the relatives and spoke to them.
^ нйчы Rnrer fare ш fa^ii33n П$ЧНЧ
Himalaya said, “O Lord of the universe, I згая^рг 4t ■qjf gfrsft h^TddRUH^i
have adored you with welcome words. You
happen to be the Supreme lord. What can I ask ЧхЩЧЕТЧ 4 ^ 4 ^ 1 ^ 4 1 1 * 0 11
from you when you are lodged in my own Himalaya said, “I am speaking truthfully.
kingdom? At my command, no one will go henceforth to
482 Siva-Mahapuranam

the place where Ganga had descended.

TTfWtt ^5R: Ы ЩПШ1Т1
fcl^ldw TP^rF^Ttf^TJTlU^ll
In case some wicked person still goes to
that place, he will indeed will be severely
punished. This is the truth.”

<t>dcj|^4d4d ЭД с«Г cTSlfiT^ll'tf^ll

Thus commanding his relatives, the people
of the town, and the servants, Himalaya made
the adequate arrangements, which I am going
to tell you.”
fftt alfvNugNtiul fedterra! Kdfgaiui gtffc
HlAchK?»il5STO:ll ^11
482 Siva-Mahapuranam

Himacala said, “O Lord, this is my

daughter, who is anxious to serve you.
Therefore I have brought her to you.
w m rt w fret Wditrg
SH^IHlfg ШЧТгг! ■ЧрТ^ ^Щ2Щ:11Ч11
O Lord, in case you are compassionate on
me, then, give her your command. She will
always serve you with two of her maids.”
зтгг ?Tt

Brahma said, “Thereafter, Siva looked at

Parvatl who was in first flush of her youth.
She had the complexion of the blue lotus
flower and her face appeared like the full
Conversation between Siva and fg?riHi^r ^bebuf^iWHiMnuii
Her auspicious dress and features were the
abodes of all the beautiful charms. Her neck
зтгг resembled the conch-shell. She had wide eyes
and her ears were beautiful.
Brahma said, “Thereafter, Himalaya,
feeling delighted, carrying some fresh flowers
and fruits, went to Siva, with his daughter.
She had long and round arms, resembling
tt щ Ew n w зштщ ятгшгпт1 the lotus stalk which were shining beautifully.
Her breasts resembled the lotus buds, which
The lord of the three worlds was engaged were plump, stout and firm.
in his mediation and he offered his daughter srtomit ^ facHl4&y<ifadi4i
possessing the divine qualities, to Siva.
О Narada, “She had the slender waist curly
ЗПГ «рЭТ WT Щ$WTZII3II locks of hair, which were shining. She had
Placing the flowers, fruits as well as his three lines over the belly and her feet
daughter before Siva, he spoke to him. resembled the red lotus flowers, with comely
feMpiftbclW appearance.
« т а ю т тг r=rr €гза>№<ч,| ад1ЧМзиГ4^цГ4Цм^цсунч1
ишч1гП ^i<nsH«bi^imr«u т п '^(bi^ui(vi4lufuiH,ii^° и
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 12 483

She could disturb even the minds of the Himacala said, “O Great lord of the gods,
sages deeply engrossed in meditation even at О Compassionate Siva, I take refuge with you.
the first sight. She was the best of all the О Lord, you open your eyes and have a look at
damsels in the world. me, who have sought refuge in you.
^gT tti ш \ btiipRi щ f?iw! TlcM Rf$TR! !i
ШЦ^Гча^ПНП tetf ^4№ d^d)H ,ll^ll
On seeing her, О Narada, she could О Siva, О Great lord, О Great God, I bow
fascinate the minds of the sages, who could in reverence to you, who delights the entire
increase the tantras and the mantras and could universe. You remove all the miseries, О
take to any form at will. Mahadeva, I offer my salutation to you.
^ ^\ччтт^1 Ч гЩ ЗПЧ^Г ^ T ! ^ T : VH^lfur f v W : l
PWT T p M R|iJUHdUTRot|i|^n^|| чГ^Ч1адн ^нтг^ти ^и
Siva closed his eyes at once and meditated О Lord of the gods, you are not fully
upon his own real form- the great principle, known even to the Vedas as well as the
which is beyond the three gunas, besides scriptures. Your glory is beyond description
being imperishable. by the speech as well as the mind.
^T |
гПТГРТРШfgrf44lfa^U|t{l Ф&& $jfw: ш «ш пятили
r)*5,ebcrllfc(144ui Unable to find your end, the Sastras
f^pPTii^n always feel surprised. This is also the opinion
of the Vedas, then what to speak of others?
cjcj-^ тГ 44ff4TcRT:
Щ 1
dell■cl c(|cHt WirnWrERf 4 %l4lfd«b4,Hnil
Earning your grace, several of your
frrfajTt с1|ёМЙ^ devotees, have realised about your true form;
At that point of time, Siva, the lord of all because the devotees who take refuge in you
and omniscient, meditating closing his eyes, can never develop any confusion.
wearing the crown of the matted locks of hair,
decorating his head with the crescent moon, f^ fn ^jut iraiW m m i
who could be known by Veddnta alone, and m \ ^чтсц^к|Гч %ii? oh
was seated over an excellent seat and looking Being compassionate on me, you kindly
at him, the mind of Himalaya developed some listen to the prayer of a slave like me. With
doubt and he lowering his head offered his your kind permission I intend to submit
salutation to him. Then the lord of mountain humbly to you.
who was quite good in speech said.
Щчгагя зящ т ш ш ч т \ f iu t f r s TtrtsTg p ig ? ii
^=r! сьъик<5н! sifTli I offer my salutation to you. Taking me to
TT^ Щ !11^411 be your slave, you be compassionate on me.
484 Siva-Mahapuranam

xtmfcnznfa ctcT ЗТ^ТГ!I Brahma said, “Then the bull-bannered Siva

зрш -grRTT •rii smilingly, pointing out particularly the
worldly conduct of the fake ascetics, said to
О Lord, I would like to come daily with Himalaya.”
this girl to have an audience with you. You
kindly give me the permission”. ■щтарйГГЕГ
Wtcira- ЪД cprrft ■gstuft ^ tF^FRT t^TTI
$r4l«hu4 ^ di^doOi д ш Ф w n fir тр: ip:iR<iii
Siva said, “This auspicious and slender
bodied maiden of comely hips and the face
Brahma said, Listening to the words of the
resembling the moon, should not be brought
lord of the mountain thus spoken by him,
near me. I forbid you again and again.
Siva, the god of gods, shedding away his
meditation, spoke to him. 4WKS4I TfrTT 4Tft
tortt <r fayi^ui d M R c H m jR ^ u
тфагс з ^ гег
эiMHed щщ f e t 4MW<ri!i The people well-versed in the Vedas and
the scriptures have termed the woman as a
firnf у ф щ щ ЧРШ TO hindrance to ascetics.
Mahes'vara said, “O Lord of mountains,
you can arrive here daily for having an
audience with me, leaving the virgin at home, TOterc толп % % it f% тот!11ц о 11
otherwise, I cannot meet.” О Mountain, I am a yogi who is never
affected by illusion. Therefore a woman thirst
on me, would be of no avail to me.
TJcf Ф dUlwdTTtfiTdU
ят : Щчгаягс:н?чн
Ф ^ifdcfLT ТО:11ЭЯ11
Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
Siva, Giriraja, the father of Siva, bowed his О Himvan, you are the refuge of the great
head in reverence and said again.” ascetics, don’t insist on this, again. You are
yourself well-versed in the Vedic religion and
% тга?г зсгта- the foremost among the learned people.
сМ-ЧЬТОНЗТ ЧПТгГогТ d ^ d d lljj
чщ chUUIH,IR^4 fa T y d ft Д e h r o rmt W lf^T T O h : 113 У 11
Himacala said, “ Siva, why should I not О Lord of the mountain, with her
come with this girl? Is she not fit enough to association, my mind would soon become
serve you? I am unaware of the reason for the lustful, resulting in the destruction of my
same. You kindly tell me.” vairagya or detachment, besides the perishing
of my penance.
гТ^УАсЩГ* THf: ТО^ргов=гзт:1 3idW hfrcHI # Г ! Ч T % TTffd:l
HlebWU ^ fa f% f4lPHl'^IRV9ll MglfaHTOH TIT ?1ЬЙТН4Н1Гун)|1Э311
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 13 485

Therefore, О Lord of the mountains, the

ascetics should not come in contact with the
women, who are the roots of all the passions
and result in the destruction of the divine
knowledge as well as vairagya
$гЧ1ё|еРЗТ ёпртт ngrafrft 4^«8R:I
foRTR Й ЩТчШщ: яд:пэ*ц
Brahma said, “Thereafter, Siva, speaking
many such things with Himalaya, kept quiet.
rl'W ?ТЩ1-

Сч О

On hearing the blunt words of Siva, which

were deprived of the desires, Giriraja, the
father of Kali, felt surprised and upset at the
same time and then kept quiet.

м тзШ fsitiri^i
3R: мийе| f^Tcf
Listening to the words of ascetic Siva, and
finding her father getting surprised, BhavanI,
offering salutation to Siva, then spoke clear

mjdltgul Гу1с)^Чтг1Йс|Ч?е1и!н 4R

Rudra Sarhhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 13 485

Lord, О Wise one, you listen to the reply from

me of what you have spoken to the lord of
thT: $щгГ: эяЙЧ' fowl wtr:i
^ flfigfrd ш п ггтещ tW R :ii?n
О Siva, having been equipped with the
strength of your tapas, you have engaged
yourself in the enormous penance. Because of
that strength you developed a desire to
perform the penance again.
tit Tifo: и^чшГч Ыитлт!
rRTT ^ tfT ^ Ъ fg4TWll^ll
It happens to be the strength of all the
karmas known by the name of Prakrti, which
is instrumental in all the activities like the
creation, sustaining and the destruction.
эягсгm 33Tfjf?r: w w fip iO T i

fa4T ЩШW '4%»SR:ll'efll

О Lord, please think over as to who you
are? What is that subtle Prakrti. Think over it
a little. Without Prakrti how could the linga
form of Mahesvara exist?
cRitsfa Kfatsfa ЗПЙГСТ
Because of Prakrti you have become
adorable by the living beings and derive
respect and meditation from them. You kindly
speak out thus thinking in your mind.”
U T < fcn w r: д д т ш :1

ЗГОЖЩ tT^Tt ^(cW4'3l^Xll^4

CHAPTER 13 Brahma said, Listening to the words of
Talk between Siva and Parvatl Parvatl, the great lord who was engaged in the
UcU^cJ|€J divine sports, smiled and said,”

s5 jjpRaqfelHIl зфят 35ГЩ

rip* *poj fort! *rat ^ h (^vik^! ii^ii гПШТ 4iyW|U^4J
Bhavan! said, “O Best of the Yogis, О UffrErr т%т: W r ^Гт^ГгГ:и\з||
486 £iva-Mahapuranam

Mahesvara said, “I destroy Prakrti with my Whatever you listen, eat, look and perform,
sever tapas. Actually in my true form I remain is all due to Prakrti. To call anything as
without Prakrti, as Siva. meaningless is of no consequence.
31#: sF# l 3#: fgrqsf 44:\

Wldotj H^chMnfdc|^:||<tll с^ГТ 3 W t!n ^ ll

Therefore the noble people should not In case you are beyond Prakrti, then О
aspire for Prakrti. They should remain Lord Siva, why are you performing tapas over
unaffected or unblemished disowning all the this Himalaya mountain?
worldly performance.” 3Pf^TT f r r f # s f a Щ 4 'dHlfa Ш ?T!l
?T#TcI Ш ^ H if q # ? г ! M:M44N
З’ттарт Шст! О Siva, even after having been absorbed by
-qft дчг: 11Ч11 Prakrti, you are unable to recognise your own
form and in case you truly know yourself, then
Brahma said, “O Dear, this was spoken by why are you performing tapas.
Siva according the worldly practices, to
Bhavanl. Then smiling Parvatl spoke to Siva dHell^H ^ar f% ЧЧ ^ rfrrw rr w i
with sweet words.” 31# 4 3WM f d ^ k l l ^ n
О Yoglsvara, what is the use of my
entering into arguments with you. The people
2 # STctfTT 4lPl«c(rH ?IfT! 3Wlr!l with wisdom say that without perception,
Яф(г|4 WKdldWi W^RSPTII^oll inference has no authority at all.
Parvatl said, “O Yogi, О Lord Siva, In the $tediuii TTlWW qid^dfd
background of whatever has been spoken by
you, you tell me, how can the Prakrti cease to сТМсЫ fdM^doц ЗП #'?1|1ч(ч1Й*1111^11
exist? How can you be considered beyong As long as the living beings know about
Prakrti? something by means of their sense organs,
then everything should be treated as Prakrti.
^Г%т! *ГЩUfER
Щ&П ц4*Ы «tT^q^d
ЧТТ 'ai? ^ 4 ls ftT <4 УгЧ 4Hri4 Ч ¥?ТЕГ:11^М
You think over correctly and then tell me,
О Lord of the Yogis, what is the use of
because the entire universe is bound with
speaking much, you listen to my excellent
words. I happen to be your Prakrti while you
ч зтвзг ч %i are Purusa. I am speaking the truth, there is no
ш ч ter з п # fgfg; %гтшп^н doubt about it.
Therefore you cannot say anything or do % TPpit wraRtd:i
anything. You just think over in your mind Ж fgRT чк M g t s f i r Ч
because by so speaking, doing the other
By my grace, you become virtuous and
activities etc. are nothing but Prakrti.
beautiful. Without me, you are incompetent
гцушПт ddwfil ^1 and devoid of attributes. You cannot perform
any activity.
Rudra Sariihita (P3rvatl Khanka), Chapter 13 487

tmgfa: щ % чм1еьйь<1
(4f5g>rft «Ш c* % 4 fFTHST W ^arq^M^ ОII ?пш
Since you are always subservient to
Prakrti, you remain active and perform all the wft
activities. How can you be separated from me.
■^441^441 ^bffcra^iR^n
Я # TRiTtefa tET^ ^ З^ГШсП Siva said, “O Lord of mountains, I shall
riff t3RTT Ч W l f t ЯЧ Щ П 1 ? ^11 perform my penance showing to the world my
You are beyond Prakrti and in case this is true blissful form and nature, here itself over
true, then in case I remain close to you, then the charming and excellent ridge.
you should not be afraid of me.” d4Wp4?ll ^ ^ШоЦТ Ч&п1«ТО!|
Wtarer ЗРрЩТ f^RT MlRPI: 4
cHETBW: ni|-dVMWlRd f?R:i О Lord of mountain, you permit me to
^ и ч < тцад1 f ? ciicHujxl f^ ra t iff r r iR ? и perform the tapas because without your
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words permission, no penance of any kind can be
of Kali, based on the Samkhya philosophy, performed.”
Siva basing his view over the Vedanta, said to Wtsrra
Siva.” Qciw|cdl dT4^lfi| c^q*it ^rf^R':l
^qiq yu(U| q-q^Md^^lRill
ф&ц ^ yr^yiRfui!i Brahma said, “Listening to the word of
^ тг ^rftrfur!ir ^ 11 Mahadeva, the lord of gods, Himalaya,
Siva said, “O Sweet tongued Girija, in case offering his reverence at the feet of Siva, said
your argument is based on the sankhya to him.
philosophy, then you can serve me daily. fe^lfSTW
т ш ur^ar.i % т<м£
1% tT5TIR*ll t o z r t чц^сг! з щ Г ^ т ^ ч ^ н ? <?11
In case, I happen to be the Brahman and Himalaya said, “О Mahadeva, the entire
am free from Maya, I am Paramesvara to be universe including the gods, demons, humans
known by means of Vedanta and am the lord and others, belong to you, what can an
of Maya, then what would you do?” insignificant person like me speak to you.”

frrfcsit сИФччй frrfT tm:i IJelJjTEt ^traiTT TIfTt HlehVr^ C I

^Thl3^chl4«:ll^4U Ъщщ fdfcjyt it -щ тттаргчпз 011
Brahma said, “The lord, who is Brahma said, “When Himalaya thus spoke
compassionate to the devotees besides being to Siva who bestows welfare to all the three
delightful to them, thus speaking, then spoke worlds, then he smilingly said to Himalaya.
to the lord of mountains. You can go home.”
488 Siva-Mahapur3nam

yrf frtra gjnrT: -ЩТЩ%ТЩ=5Й| speaking, took Parvati in his service.

тга| PifeRii ^ тг ш щ ^ fw :ii3 qn ^TTOTt
At the command of Siva, Himalaya fferaRufa 'w pzt ufeW
returned home with his daughter Girija. Then This displayed the supreme courage of the
he continued visiting Siva daily. great ascetics, that they, inspite of having been
f e lT f e r f e Ш u f e t W f e r t ЧЩ f e u ? T : I surrounded by obstructions, are never
иПТРТ V I^T M iy 'r ^ R b d d H I I I } я II
influenced by them.
Kali on the other hand with her heart filled Ш: ■WMtmdidt PifUid чГыг^:1
s3 ■n

with devotion went to Siva to serve him. fe fe fe r xpife ?rfer:

f e t f e l 4 ПТ c f e f t TTOTt I О Excellent sage, thereafter, Himalaya,
ч^Щ1Г«Ч1т1ш! <Щ0'ГОЧ<*я: ^ % : ii^ ^ ii accompanied by his kinsmen, and the
At the command of Siva, Nandi and other servants, returned to his abode.
ganas of Siva never prevented her from enWTR ТШ?ЩЧЧТ^П;1
approaching him. fe § fe r W4TET ^RTlRr-dfiRT РШ:11Хо||

ffe rat: fe re ;: p n Siva then getting free from all the

obstacles, respectfully started meditating for
The discussion of Siva and Siva, who the supreme Brahman.
represented the principles of sankhya and urrfe w f e i f e f e ш р ^ fe srn ii
Vedanta, who if thoughtfully considered do Ь м TTgfeu WTFlfe ffeTTIIX^I
not seem different from each other, was quite
Parvati on the other hand accompanied
happy and pleasing.
with her maids, daily served lord
fnfeHHU cW ItW 'i ЩЗТ ?IfT:l Candrasekhara moving between her home and
fef Thfe jjUcIRtfd TTfPT:м^чи the peak (over which Siva was lodged).
At the request of the lord of mountains, rrrofr цтщГ: m \ d?Huir^chq;i
Siva permitted Parvati to remain with him, «refer f e tr^mrifeTiix^ii
being true to his words, though with all
gravity and seriousness. She was washing the feet of Siva, sipped
the water of his feet and with an auspicious
3cn%? =ru: •щзНггт W f e # : l cloth, she wiped out his body.
fed Ш fefe UET f^TfrTT flU ffeiTII^II 4lfe4 >M lfe W H T
Once, the lord of individual souls, said to
Parvati, in presence of his maids, “While p : p : "purer f e feu fere^qiix^n
serving me daily you can remain here or go Parvati, after offering Siva, with sixteen
home.” types of adoration, and bowing in reverence to
him repeatedly, returned to her father’s abode.
feuunrt p fefe 4T4TcfencR: Trg:ii^t9ii f e ThfeuRer uifT адннечнп
The unblemished and great yogi, who oqfeira 4^l<hrll: fe rE JI gfeFFrW'.IIXXII
performed several types of sports, thus О Excellent sage, while Siva, was so
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 13 489

engrossed in meditation, Siva served him for a “When this Kali would perform tapas for
long time. me shedding all the pride, only then I shall
НПНЙW tW ^Tf-TTSTOI accept her.”
Once, Kali, accompanied with her maids ^ |ct едтч^ чт1ш : I
sang a passionate song, which increased love, d^ldHll^RTS^t 4^HlHI<*<: TW:II4?II
in the mind of Siva. Brahma said, “Thus thinking, Siva again
<*dlfclt«bVI4b4lfill H f 4 H qtrfw W W I started his meditation. The lord who could
indulge in great sports, became a great yogi.
W^Elt Ш Ш
Sometimes she herself brought the kusa- KRHrEHH rTCHW Fvicl-W LKhlrm.-l
grass, and the twigs of sacrifice and 1 ^ н т# ч й ! cbifdd-yi Urtt ^f^R P im ^n
sometimes she cleaned the as'rama with О Sage, when Siva was engaged in
broom. meditation, no other thought entered his mind.
cfe5ifafa4rTT^ ftsmi *г?тчi hurt ragf^i т?тщ ч^ннп hhhhhi
нт$пнГ ч<Ш1 i-i$till fafeWAWl ЧНН НЧН HH Ч^1гЧЧ:11Ч^П
Sometimes she stayed in the abode of On the other hand Parvatl, with his form
Candrasekhara lord who was pure and holy and beauty devoted her mind and engaged
and at times she gazed at the lord lovingly herself in serving him.
with surprise. lift Ьунчс chivil 1нгЧ *tR«icli4J
ннш ч ^ wt W wmi faRTRZI HT w ? rfr Ч П?н!н11ЧЧ11
hh^ I fernR ^ii'xdii Inspite of his having been engaged in
: шнт! Iw thi meditation, Siva daily observed the service
rendered to him by Kali. Forgetting the earlier
worries, he did not see her although he saw
Thereafter, Siva- the lord of all the living her.
beings, found Parvatl, having the body of the
five bhittas, lonely engaged in serving him xjrtfrtRR^ ^ т : чнчзг h i
and he kept on thinking. Siva found that д а л нчт ш нннттж1НШ11чц||
Parvatl, who could attract the minds of the In the meantime Indra, the gods and the
sages, and was extremely beautiful, but he did sages, then deputed Kamadeva to that place at
not look at her as his wife. the command of Brahma.
HH^gT гИТ HI riddRtHIHI Ь ч cb itR id h W htihht h ^ ot н л ч н : i

THt fr-H trh : ^mf%RTOTH4oii HHT^ifwrWT HR%HT ЗПтН%гГГ: M4ti и

Mahadeva, again had a compassionate look Because they had been terrorised by the
at Parvatl, who was serving him controlling all powerful demon Tarakasura. Therefore they
her senses. Then he thought. intended both Siva and Parvatl to marry early.
HWlfsIH НПНЙ cHRkiR i инп m ти с Ынтгнчн111^мч|
О "V

HHTrfHt Jl^biiiR i|<^j|RctftHT4ll4^ll н *>т: RifwH ^ii4<sn

490 Siva-MahSpuranam

Reaching there, Kamadeva made all the

efforts, but Siva remained undisturbed. On the
other hand he reduced Kamadeva to ashes.
4l<felf4 :I
dd^TMl WJ
О Narada, the pride of Parvat! was also
shattered. Then she performing severe tapas
achieved Siva as a boon.
■HMldl Ч|4и1ч*^и1|
\9 О

«|*дфи»|4 Щ ч{1ч«ь^о| т^1Щоц

Then Parvat! and Paramesvara were
immensely delighted. Engrossed in helping
others, they carried out the work of the gods.

490 Siva-MahSpuranam

О Brahma, you narrate the relevant story to

f^raT «IcbK

For achieving which Parvatl, performed the

tapas. How could Parvatl, the eternal force,
achieve Siva as her husband?

fft iargwRT f ^ T f q ^ n q n
0 Immensely learned one, you kindly
narrate the entire story to your son who is
extremely faithful.”

тшп?! щшщ\ viH^dsid!i

ё& щ Тф т ^ rRlf^T ^ h l l h l l
Brahma said, “O Excellent son, О Learned
one, having controlled all your senses, I
concentrating my mind on Siva shall narrate
CHAPTER 14 the story to you, which you please listen.
Birth of Taraka and Vajranga- their wm щц wjuj я н з !
щ щ щ : f^ rl f ? p r o $ :ii\9 ii
First of all О Narada, you listen about the
feajjfvim! 4^<=t! <5гатМ!| birth of Tarakasura, for killing whom the
gftrT ЧЩ STII^II gods, taking shelter under Siva, made all the
Narada said, “ О Disciple of Visnu and the efforts.
great devotee of Siva, О Brahma, you have ЧЧ w t n(lfci4: ^ПгЩТ:1
correctly stated that the life story of Siva and d d ^ V lftd K d W f w t tm ildll
Siva which is quite an excellent one. 1 had a son named Marlci, who had thirteen
c b W H ehl^tl Ъ ч ^cIT: H 4 l f e d l : l wives and were the daughters of Daksa
щгт w i ш т ri fsraresrappRи
O Brahma, who was Tarakasura who f ? -щ % щ

tortured the gods? Whose son was he, whose

story is connected with Siva? You please tell His eldest wife was Diti, who gave birth to
me the same story. two sons. The elder was named as Hiranya-
ш Tiftar w kasipu, while the younger one was
How did Siva who had controlled all the ^ ?гГГ fqu^TT
organs of senses, reduced Kamadeva to ashes.
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 14 491

Both the horrible Daityas were killed By after which an immensely strong son would be
Visnu, incarnating as Narasimha and Varaha, bom to you.
as a result of which the gods became fearless ттягг гТтРТ: i
and comfortable.
TFT: Mry: я м ni^i
Brahma said, “Then Aditi with enormous
^Т%оЕГ гТ тТ^ТШГтТ ^9ГгТТ11^^П faith, performed and completed the tapas.
Diti felt painful and distressed at the death Then after her union with her husband, she
of both of them and she took refuge with gave birth to a powerful son.
Kasyapa. Then serving her husband with cMI$4WI fdjd4dI5irfpPr: 1
devotion, the chaste lady was conceived.
ttfnnfli That son of Diti resembled the gods and
was known as Vajranga. Ever since his birth,
Learning about it, the powerful Indra, he had a body akin to his own name. He was
availing of an opportunity, he entered her quite strong and glorious.
womb, cut off her womb into pieces. ^ЯЧ^ТШЯТгЩГ: IT ШТ M n fW T I
ffiSjjMW W%nr 4 rl^qf Щ f I «ГсТТ^ТТ ^ cjnt МШ Ы тнГчи^н
At the command of his mother, he captured
But with the influence of vrata, Diti was Indra and punished him and tortured the gods.
performing, the pregnancy could not be
destroyed. On the other hand when Diti was ЗТЧТТ 3Tfq Р Т Ш W < *4d:IR o||
asleep forty nine sons were born to her.
Diti felt pleased at the miserable condition
Ф ^ ЧТОТГ W tsiW T:l of Indra. The gods like Indra and others had to
wf ^dRNIr44H^idr:ll^ll bear the fruit of their activities.
All these sons were known as Martus, who,
soon after their birth went to the heaven. All
of them were then owned by Indra. Then I at once went to Kasyapa and
trcfffa: i # *1%5ЯТтт r+sicM$d: I
О чЭ
speaking sweet words, freed the gods from the
Ш <ТЧЙ П^ЦII bondages.
Feeling painful of her performance, Diti ^ctlJtcWI ТТгаТЕТTTT^HTI
again went to her husband, and by rendering (VI^Tblsfrng^Irm ftfSebR: T l W r h l l ^ l l
again her service to him, she pleased Kasyapa Vajranga having extremely auspicious
again. wisdom, who was spotless, delightful at heart
and a devotee of Siva, releasing the gods
spoke respectfully.
cpt: 'здЕгфят эдгащгдй w : i
^fqtqfd Ф т d ■ydw^n^n
Kasyapa said, “Purifying yourself, you 55 : И Й w f тш4тттега?:1
meditate for Brahma for ten thousand years, TTФ MIHdMSl W4H ft *T:lR3ll
492 Siva-Mahapuranam

Vajranga said, “The selfish Indra is quit ч cWcf cRTfsrr % 'чттогг qifw3i:i
wicked and killer of the sons of my mother. ^«ьтчт w #
He has today reaped the reward of his
But Varangl could not develop the Sdttvik
misdeeds. Let him rule his own kingdom.
feeling in her mind. She, becoming passionate,
quite faithfully served her husband variously.
aw i
О Brahma, I have done all this at the ^ 39TET И^ТИ^оЦ
command of my mother. 1 am not at all Thus with the service rendered by her so
interested in the comforts of any loka. faithfully with devotion, Mahaprabhu
Wrcmrc Шг! ff? чщ % ^ т а т !| Vajranga was pleased and said to her.
W s 9 v3
1чггт JTCErahlRqil aciw
О Brahma, you are well-versed in the Шг! ^ f| ITtRftr
knowledge of Vedas and sastras. Bestow the
Нт^<с|НЩ Щ 1 # WRtWWII^ ?
knowledge of the tattvas to me as a result of
which I could become unblemished, and Vajranga said, “O beloved, what do you
want?” On hearing this, she lowering her head
delightful with spotless wisdom.
expressed her desire to her husband.”
*и(тчеь1 <JT*idl
dT^44K ^TT
tSTWtSSTcRW t тг w t i \i
О Narada, on hearing this, I told him,
“Your thoughts are quite sattvika which Чб1«Н >j|dK 6Rg:<9q»i.ll3 ^ Ч
constitute, the essence of the philosophy, I Varang! said, “O Dear husband, in case
shall lovingly create a lady with exquisite you are pleased with me, then let me have a
son, who could trouble Indra, after conquering
beauty for you.
the three worlds.”
спт^г чщ ht № w
ЗШТЗШШрк: ehV'MMwfdldlfil ^ll?V9ll
«fa srwT й здспчЗ Rriwrs'tpr згштп
sj C\ О
A woman was then created by me, and
giving her the name of Varangl, I gave her to зщта if? тг iR t wfwtst 113 3 11
Vajranga as his wife. Thereafter Vajranga and Brahma said, “On hearing the words of his
beloved, Vajranga was surprised and getting
his father Kas'yapa delightfully left for their
upset, he being a well-read person, Sattvika by
abodes. nature, devoid of enmity against anyone,
к ЪЩ-: ШГЩ&1сТ:1 thought in his mind.
ЗТ Ш Т y tsIc riH clH ll^ ill ч % fra^i
Thereafter the demon Vajranga shedding 1% =prf % W ^ W :ii3*ll
away the demonic ways embracing the “My wife wants to pick up a row with the
Sattvika traditions, doing away with the gods, which is not liked by me. What should I
feelings of enmity against anyone, became do? Where should I go? What should I do to
comfortable. save my honour and reputation?
Rudra Saihhita (Parvatt KhaijcJa), C hapter IS 493

^4: wSrspfi^v^i bowing in reverence to me, he asked for a

boon which was desired by his wife.”
^=nsr з здзм ш эчн
In case the desire of my wife is fulfilled,
then all the three lokas would be in distress, wnytf 4'*iftH*b< w th
including the gods and the sages.
ч ii
4 WlidWI ^ 4T=Rt Vajranga said, “O Lord, you bless me with
a boon of getting a son, who should be faithful
On the other hand in case the desire of my to his mother, besides being glorious,
wife is not fulfilled I am sure to be consigned powerful fully competent and ocean of
to the hell. In both the cases righteousness will penance.
be lost. I am well aware of it.” 4^eUr|
srarf fw щ ч тг t^! snfa^i 5сЕПаьи4 гГ ЗЦЗЗf ^ !l
'4IHI8Fi g^WsI fgfafSRT ^ < T :||^УЭИ з щ -щ ш fe w :
О Narada, thus the mind of Vajranga was Brahma said, “O Narada, on hearing his
confused and using his wisdom, he started words, I spoke -out. “Be it so”, and then
thinking as to what would be proper or devoting my mind to Siva, returned to my
improper. abode..
f^T^PTT ч ft ottcr^ ^er:i yYsMUMsmiut f&thimi gtfer
лт? frrat тг и 9i4al<au^ tTR9ih4xtNwi^h4l%tT4lm44 -чч
O Narada, with the will of Siva, he ^11
accepted the words of his wife and said to her, ***
“Be it so.”

tit ^ Я Т З(|^ Й^^:Н?^Н

For that purpose, he performed another
very severe tapas with enormous efforts,
propiating for me for a number of years.
Щ <dg4«ii tJgJTS TRT'Jt '4^1
i f t il^ET ^ ^ШТИ'йо ||
Observing his hard tapas, I went to him for
bestowing a boon on him. With a delightful
mind I told him to “ask for a boon.”
r T ^ n s f c r U t f w ЩЦ)
qg ШТ Щ
Vajranga saw me in the sky in a pleasant
mood. Then offering prayer to me, and
Rudra Saihhita (Parvatt KhaijcJa), C hapter IS 493

TSraka and his penance
m ГГТтЫш<Чт1 grift HdjlltUHJ
rr g g ^ r r f t % g§gtf: <tAgrmi?n
Brahma said, “Thereafter, in aAcient times,
Varangl became pregnant. With its lustre, the
pregnancy developed in her womb for many
crt: m rm$ gof grift п гё u r n
Cs 41 < O s9 nS “S

щ ш ц ч^та1'4 згзд^ггт f^TT g^mrii

Then after completion of the period a son,
having a huge body, possessing enormous
strength, illumining the directions was bom to
494 Siva-Mahapuranam

фщ xt MitWidi ct^f:43*Sdcti At that point of time, the terrible sound

resembling the rumbling sound of the chariot
^ crfw^Ofar: n
was heard from creeks and the caves in the
With the birth of the son to Varangl who mountains.
was inimical to the gods, several evil omens
and disturbance’s started appearing on earth.
if « j?l)qw<4£4i: I SRTJifajfora f?raT:n^oii
The jackals and the owls, started howling,
3tH«S^chiwld! HffetTWR IcffcTfmmi
vomiting fire from their mouths. The she
О Narada, the phenomena of the three jackals were howling in the villages in an
types indicative of the great calamity, inauspicious manner which was indicative of
terrifying the earth, occurred in the sky, earth misfortune.
and the nether world. I shall explain them all.
*иш1 т Гщ \ зэдеят r^ifrarmj
ttjp%T?T^T 'frafTT:!
41fldc|^^e|4ot|4^ т ен и л и
The dogs lifting up their mouths, were
With the thundering sound, thunderbolts barking here and there in diverse manner
fell on earth with comets; shooting meteors producing lamenting sound.
rose up causing miseries to the world.
IjilcbUwRT W T: ТШ 4sRT:l
’ЕГЕПгТ 44lf^Wl: ^тгГТ ИтТ:1
ЩсЩгеЦГ Ш 44yicjBld4dd:ll^ll
TrfTT: Щ Щ ЙуГЧгСИ^и
The sun besides the planets like Mars as
The earth started shaking with mountains well as the Saturn became furious. The herds
and the directions started burning. All the of mad asses, scratching the earth with their
oceans and the rivers were agitated. hoofs ran here and there, braying loudly.
T’4Hd^l^WIAII4lchl ТШ«^Г:1ЬЭ11 diiyi-d) щ ф ш ш fkf?rmg4 «jiftrdii^ii
The thundering and terrific sounds were Terrified from the braying asses, the birds
heard. The wind with biting touch started flew from their nests in panic. In their
blowing. The dust storms started blowing with excitement they fluttered honked and cranked.
forceful winds causing the uprooting of the They could not find peace anywhere.
ЖТ#: Щ: Tfcr%*lcRi
W g : ferfd4TJff: UVIdWlfedl ^ a r i l ^ l l
fail**! 4^dcbi: 44<ззк«Ы;Пб II
The animals in their sheds and the beasts in
О Great Brahmana, Rahu and Ketu started the forest, rushed about here and there in
attacking the sun and the moon again and fright as if they were beaten and driven out,
again. О Narada, horrible symptoms indicative passing urine and dung.
of danger and vanishing of pleasures,
Ф т т о щ m m : u^rgfw:ii^4ii
4ifiyfacA'«® fortm ш т а : 1 The cows were also frightened, dropping
м :1 1 Я П blood instead of the milk from their udders.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 15 495

Due to fright, they started dropping tears from тщгёщщтщ JJc|^IMld4Heh:l

their eyes. The horrible clouds started
dropping the rain of puss.
Taraka who had been obedient to his
c* c|H iyd4 frlU JH :l
preceptor, reached Madhubana and addressing
fsRTSftH |4 T : w r ^ril^ll Brahma, he started severe tapas.
The images of the gods desirous of flying
started crying. The trees began uprooting
д а; ^ ssR : i r ^
without the wind, the planets started fighting
in the sky. Standing on one foot, raising up his hand
fixing his gaze at the sun, with a concentrated
mind, he performed penance for a hundred
зщт^тг ш г ш Ш гоу^ч. 11^11 years.
О Narada, many calamities started falling
at that time, which were taken by the ignorant
йй <тй щ<^т§ттгг щ : ir ъ ii
people as the destruction at the time of
dissolution. Thereafter for a hundred years, the lord of
the demons, known as Taraka performed the
■o penance resting on a single big toe.
dKefcifd % Ч^1«Ш:11*611
Thereafter Prajapati Kasyapa thought over
щг Щ зея ^ w fe^5troriR 4ii
the matter and gave the enormously strong
demon the name of Taraka. Then for a hundred years he performed the
penance, consuming the water and for a
4 * i4 U : -щ щ o t i^ ii4 H ir 4 4 lb 4 :i
further hundred years he lived without water
c b i^ 4 i^ 4 f d 4 « in i^ ii even. For another hundred years, he lived on
The immensely strong warrior, displaying inhaling the air, alone. For another hundred
his strength and prowess, like the solid years, he spent time standing in the water
mountain of stone, kept on growing. while for an other hundred years, he
performed tapas standing on the ground.
3 W t ЧТ Щ е й 4 ^ N H 4 t lj f T 4 : l

Щ : 4 ^ 1 4 4 1 :I R о и
Ш ЩТГ VMc|44iy^<sl:l
Thereafter possessing enormous strength I i w r яйч WЯсГ f w :I R ^ II
and prowess, Taraka begged of his mother Then he spent a hundred years standing in
permission to perform penance. the fire flames, for a hundred years he
performed tapas lowering his head and for
ШНЩ: tt Ч|ЯмшГч Щ : 1
another hundred years he stood on palm of the
щ Ы ir зтщйп^ ^ii hand.
Thereafter confusing even the illusory
?mcpf <J t ■g^ll
people, Taraka possessing enormous illusion,
getting permission from his mother, started щщщт щтт % ftwai4l4tsiw«iiiR^ii
performing penance, for the conquering of all О Narada, for a hundred he held the branch
the gods. of a tree with his food, hanging himself upside
496 Siva-MahapurStyam

down and inhaling the smoke of yajna by the They bowed to me, eulogising me, with
mouth. folded hands, in reverence and explained
T f f trtTTTZI
everything to me being distressed in their
fafactajucid w fil
3Tf ^RTTOt rPRT qfigqTI
By his own sweet will, the lord of the
demons, for the fulfilment of his desire Щ Щ qdWd qq?pqi?rqty§T:ll34N
performed hard tapas, which was painful even With my thinking deeply over their plight,
to the listeners. I reached at a definite conclusion, on the
h( dMHWW qfMT fq fq ;-^ | subject. I visited the place where the demon
was performing penance with the intention of
'Н^'Й'НГч granting him a boon.
Thus performing the tapas a huge mass of
зг-Nt т а <т ^ eft f f W ^ ! i
light emerged out of his head and spread all
round, causing great havoc. q q w < q q r^ q i^ q fq iirl m i 13^11
rfcr ^HlchKd ^erarai enrfcfti O Narada, I asked him, “You ask for a
boon. You have performed a hard penance.
§:УЧ1Ч?П: q i i ^ c p j q t ^ h i ^ o i i
Therefore, you can be granted everything.”
With the said mass of light, the entire
heaven, started burning to ashes. О Narada, all ^ q q?q: m%: q W f h l
the gods and the sages, around felt miserable. qt W q f t f f Щ q ^ f ^ T W r il^ ll
w n ^ sfirai Thus listening to my words, Tarakasura,
offered his salutation to me and offering
гРГИгЛ?Г tTrh^ ytfcnqfall^ll prayer to me, asked for a very harsh boon.”
Indra, the lord of the gods was much more
frightened with the same. He thought, “The dK«b M R T
one who is performing penance today would <qfq qq% faqqiai q^qqi
surely usurp my kingdom. 3RTT q r % Щ r M : *P JJ Гч н ш ^ !н ^ й 11
з щ п | х ( ц з г р и з q g fq q q r q jto : i Tarakasura said, “O Brahma, you are the
ff?r ^ртплчяг f% q ?и granter of the boon. When you are pleased,
with me ready to grant a boon, then there is
This master mind shall in a moment nothing that cannot be achieved by me.
destroy the entire cosmos.” All those who Therefore, I ask for a boon from you.
thought similarly could not decide about the
future course of action. qf^ qqqt qf^ ^qt qff qqi
^q qrgq q # fTOT <|МТ UMImR ii^ H
qrti«WBI4*fldl c fa T q f
О Lord of the gods, in case you are really
pleased with me, and intend to grant me a
All the gods and the sages consulted
among themselves, and getting immensely boon, then, you kindly give me two boons.
agitated they came to me, with their plight. <qqT q ГнГчг! pTt^i qq^sfqFqenqqt!I
■qt JPJpzr WtM ТЙ %l£RHa^d^:l qgcqt oFrarqq 4 q^aFtsfq t тртт^И^оИ
fJcTCqWHqt qgr <pi ^ ^ ^ F T II^ ^ II О Lord in the universe created by you,
Rudra Samhita (PSrvatT Khanka), Chapter 15 497

there should be no one comparable to my themselves offered by them.

strength and power. ^гагтг^ TT4fhrT:i
f^froT rTcfT^tTTfSrSRTt ЧеЩ|-УеЫ:1|*4М
м w isrfcrix ттц й жпт Getting frightened, Indra, handed over the
When Karttikeya, bom out of the semen of elephant Airavata to the demon lord, while
Siva, shoots the arrows at me only then I Kubera handed over all the treasures.
should meet my death.” sreoft ^[T -gfafo: сЬНЩяМИ
ТЩГйяг Tffoj?!I f^Tt Wlhwft TRlf^TT: Il* S11
wh Icmhw З'пцг*?п Varuna gave away the white horses. The
О NSrada, the said Daitya, thus spoke to ascetics gave away the auspicious cow
me. Granting him his desired boon, I returned Kamadhenu. Frightened from the Daitya Indra
to my abode quickly. also gave away the Uccaisrava horse to him.
1Щ-цщ cR§ НЧЩ^тг ifi
ЧШ VllfuidKatmi TTW:ll^^|| штт 14о 11
The demon also getting the favourable Whatever a precious article was found by
boons, delightfully went to Sonitapur. Taraka he seized it at once. In this way all the
arfafarbW TT3%3c%«HR4R$: Щ\ three worlds were deprived of the valuables
^ tj» u ii55^raT % tt тщ^т: 11**11 and previous things.
At my command, Sukracarya- the тгдщг ттат 4<*r i ^ h4
preceptor of the Daityas, established him as з»фйЧ1=у|5541^М1 w r: сьгч^ут5%нт:мч S
the lord of the three worlds. О Sage, the ocean gave away the precious
сТ?Ш| IT gems out of fear. In his kingdom the earth
Wlijti НУ&ИЧИТ TTte*RTeRT3R^II*4ll produced the crops without tilling. The desires
Then the great Daitya became the lord of of all the people were fulfilled.
the three worlds and started ruling them, d&r^iTsT 4 Ш *T^[I
causing pain to all the mobile and immobile
living beings.
The sun caused that much of the heart
ТГЩа д fafaclfeeTtefifTT ТГ rTR^:l which did not harm anyone. The moon always
rengr чмзташ appeared with lustre and the wind always blew
Then Tarakasura started ruling the three favourably.
worlds appropriately. He sustained the people ^пчт -ц^рц щ тщ=л wi
causing misery to the gods.
The wicked demon had usurped the entire
^ifdHlcbtnvIlWt W t ЪтФ ?T^TT^II^V9|| riches of the gods as well as the manes.
Then Tarakasura, accepted the gems given
TT «Г*7=Гfl
to him by the panicky Indra and Lokapalas
getting frightened from him, which were imgrRTiiFRi cr?ftii4*ii
498 Siva-Mahapura^am

Exercising his control over all the lokas he

himself became Indra. He then became the
undisputed lord and ruled the universe with
complete self control.
и«М1^е||ДгЧН*«11Ч'ЧтН: I
w d F t4 taw m re ^ 4 f u i ii4 4 ii

All the gods were removed from the

important positions and in their places, the
demons were established.
m d tf f o d l ^ T : ^ уодйччш

m ?П[ЩsD^mri 3ifd(d^HI:ll4^ll
56. О Narada, then the gods finding
themselves in miserable condition, arrived to
take refuge with me.
?f?r зМумчодцо! fedUimi ^ i ^ d idi
dl<ebl^<d4UMJe|uf.i ЧРТ
498 Siva-Mahapura^am

obstruction? You better speak out the purpose

of your visit.”
^TT %%ЯТЗТ Tit
Ч!Ч^4п<*1 dldl'kiK^iui ЗГцН%тГГ: IIX11
Thus listening to my words, the gods
having been frightened by Taraka, bowed their
heads in reverence to me and spoke.

cdl«b?l! dk«hl ^rUt t^JT Tra' с^ЦТТ:1

P u w iW R d ir n a H H ii^ <a<riioWdH,H4ii
The gods said, “O Brahma, Tarakasura, has
become proud, after achieving the boons from
you. He has forcibly removed us from our
position, and has usurped them for himself.
Ч Ш : f t n j Ч ?TCT ТГ5Г dMfeldHJ
<Щ§:Т£ ЧГРРТ ЯНТ: 11^ II
Are you not aware of it? You kindly
remove the miseries faced by us urgently. We
CHAPTER 16 take refuge in you.
BrahmS assures gods frightened by ЗТ^Я?Т вП«Й5ТЧТ*ПТ ddlfW TRl t l
TSraka MdldMRI: W Tmt -Щ dTW TII^II
ЩЙгПтГ He troubles us throughout the day and
зтгг t fttrr: Tit "porcEr ytwqj night wherever we live. Wherever we rush for
f g f : w it c tu ^ u i yqif3dl:ii^M rescue, we find Taraka there.
Brahma said, “Thereafter the gods having dKehMJSr TTW Tre>^8R!l
been tortured by the Tarakasura, went to T it ЩТ ТШ! яШГсТТ fcicbHI 3T% lli II
Brahma and started eulogising him with
О Lord of the universe, the trouble we had
to face from Taraka, has made our position
щ тгешг? isufm qr quite miserable and we are upset.
ysKMdft УгЧЧЫ sifwW tssr cppiTt wi
I, on my part, listening to the realistic 3RT T it dS¥Rrf*R:II^H
prayer of the gods, spoke to them delightfully. All the gods including Agni, Yama,
W T c t tctlfotbUI t fdfdMI TTf^T W: TTTT:I Varuna, Yayu, besides the lords of all the
foqtwmT W Tit c [ ^ tll9 || directions have been overpowered by him.
"All of you are most welcome, are you T it -qgwrofoT: T it: 4Rebb^l:i
performing your duty without any я тзяш : дщгаям^оп
Rudra SariihitS (P3rvati Khanka), Chapter 16 499

Kuber, together with all his attendants is You are our guide, ruler, sustainer as well
serving the great Daitya. They (the gods) are as the protector. Burning from the fire of
not at all free. Taraka’s anger, we have been upset.
к ж г ш ш 4: к *d«wi: cRm:i
Н ^ |сы4ГшП: к г1^1М^ГсН:11ПП f k k -Mif^TMirT-щ к с к о д |£ г ^tiium
In this way torturing the gods he has The harsh steps taken by us against him
overpowered them. All are in service with him have been made infructuous by him as the
dancing to his tune. medicinal herbs of high potency are rendered
чигч| Ф гк гг: к г % riim mm j w : i ineffective in serious ailments.

All the beautiful damsels and the apsaras

have been abducted by the powerful Taraka. We had hoped for victory from the
Ч Щ \ : Ц 4icnfc> 4 ШЧШ: I
Sudarsana cakra of Visnu, which touching his
neck was turned into a flower, becoming
«зздчЙИф k r e зг а # 1 1 ^ п useless.”
Presently, neither the yajnas are being
W tare
performed, nor are the ascetics performing the
tapas. No charitable or virtuous activities are fHid&feH k rh
being performed in the universe. ЗГсЧЭк fTH4<4fWcchlH^4Vi ^ET:IRo ||
Щ Ц flnrqfd: 4fT4Ttzrfk ^RcT:l Brahma said, “O Narada, listening to these
words of the gods, I spoke to them, the words
п чиш И ш Ь Ф я ячгт:п w n
which sun 4the occasion.
Kraunca-Danava, his army commander is
extremely sinful. He has now gone to the k k сптет k f e r :i
nether worlds and is harassing the people Ч Чгштргт 1ЧЧ f s k % f < k W f : I R *11
there. Taraka has become powerful because of
Ь 44dl&uV<? ТРШ my words. Therefore, it would not be proper
for me to kill him.
fW IS ire jtT : чАчКМиЦ'ЧЧШЗЦИ
О Brahma, the merciless Tarakasura has к к k k t k t f%4WRT:l
forcibly usurped the three worlds from us.
CRT Щ ТТЭГyiW ffl чдапч к The one who had been instrumental in
making him so powerful, it would not be
wwKH&ifidref r ёк я и ! ^ iiR o iiii^ n
proper for him to kill Taraka. Because even
О Lord of the universe, we have been the poisonous tree planted by a person, cannot
turned out of the heaven by Tarakasura. Now be cut and felled by the same person.
we shall go to the place which you may
xiiftsiH ч к Щ k k t f? ?щт:1
к ч т г к Ш k k f k lfk :iR 3 ii
сЗ' 4 t ?iKdl хТ Ш Г aidi л к ffri
Siva is the most suitable person to
cRT к dHchlM ^ ^TT: :ll^9ll accomplish your task. But even he will not be
500 Siva-MahapurSijam

able to do anything remedial in this case

without inspiration. g*f r W tчрпРи гит аыигаст *n
WET TEctqfrKTfo -R f^l Because Siva is a great yogi, who makes
W ^5 R * 11 his semen to flow upwards. There is no other
TSrakSsura would himself be destroyed woman in the world, except Parvatl, who can
because of his own sins. The way it would be make him discharge the semen downwards out
done, shall be spoken by me. of the body. No other woman can do so.

ч w g*zft ffw sfa ф щ 5П

dHWd fprfrrfr ^ПТИ^И
Tarakasura is invincible because of my The daughter of Giriraja is quite youthful
boon, from myself, Visnu or even Siva. No presently and is engaged in the service of
other god can also kill him. Siva.

frldcMtfgeHjft ^ ШЧЧЧ: чрт:1 дл # %m\

Ж ШЯЛУЕПРЦ ^ В Г ЯТЧ1:lR S11 w tert $дй & ячт

О Gods, only a son bom of the semen of The said Siva or Kali, at the command of
Siva can kill Taraka and none else. her father is forcibly engaged in the service of
Siva with two of her maids, who is performing
iiyiKWj =tfs4 Ч fRisg ■gtlrWT:l penance.
RlQi^cqfd R f j g ^ I R f c l l
нпшЫчит t t#g% cucifuRi^i
О Gods, you follow the remedy being
suggested by me. This task would be «пягатй % vrarfv ч
established shortly by the grace of Siva. Siva, inspite of Parvatl, the beauty of the
three worlds serving him, is engaged in
ЗЩПЯЩ) TJe? jj ^TTS^I penance and his mind is not at all shaken even
Ъ ят ЛЯ^сИТШ \ № тт % ВТ:IR 6 11 for a moment.
Satl, the daughter of Dak§a Prajapati, after яга? я я ^ т ш я дли!
putting an end to her body, has been reborn
from the womb of Mena. This fact is well ш fgg^sg fggyn ч Rui^<a дщд-.и^чи
known to you all. You should all make efforts by which, Siva
should be able to accept her as his wife. You
gsfoqfg щ ^ 1
should do so quite quickly.
xf rRnfq fef<e|YebW:IR^II
fSIR TRgiSg ^cd'W <146 ditch gg: I
6iva is surely going to marry her. О Gods,
all of you should make efforts in that f^gRf^r wgTOTT: 113 ^ 11
direction. On the other hand, I shall go to the place of
m § Ч^ЯШ:1 Taraka and stop him forcibly (from following
the evil path). О Gods, you can now go back
W&K тршч! ^ Y*: yftPmitAll} о ||
to your respective places.”
You do something to ensure the discharge
of the semen of 3iva into Parvatl, the daughter
ofMenaka. 4Ш{рч ^яйят цшя|цр<цдд^ 11^^11
Rudra Samhita (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 17 501

Thus speaking to the gods, I at once went rf 4 * f 4 4 4 : у)гЧ1 4444T 4 4 fS ^ 4 ^ ll'tf'tfll

to Tarakasura and lovingly spoke to him.” Reaching there and consulting each other,
the gods in a body lovingly spoke to Indra.
Ьг: 4Kfiui 44*f TT5JTЩ qftqifo 4:1
4J44 w h g i s s f a <4 ■?TWTNfelT f?MT4 t % 4444:1
Brahma said, “You are ruling over the 4 4 4 4 1 Я 4 й Ы 4 # т 4 4 е ^ 4 4 ^1 1 ^ Ч II
heaven, which is the abode of all the lustre.
The gods said, “O Lord you should do
Now you are becoming desirous of much
more, than what you had sought for from me something to carryout the suggestions of
at the time of penance. Brahma and see that Siva is attracted towards
4ШТЩ4Т1 cftTt 4 W <сн1<№1<П1
44ITr4<f ф щ щ 434 ж гЕ гт зч и
4% 4 rt fgfttu ^этч;|
I never granted you the boon to become the
lord of the heaven. Therefore, you giving up 4 4 J 4 ! 4 ^ 4 1 ^4T: 4 * 4 * 4JT4 Т^ТЙ4Т:11*5
the heaven should concentrate on earth. Brahma said, “After explaining everything
to the lord, all the gods returned to their
a t? 4П4^1| ГчГСэГёН I
respective abodes quite delightfully.”
4Т5Г 4 4 4 f f44H 4T T II*o||
ffw 4tf?I44?TgTrot ftcfarat 45Г4%П4Т 44ft
0 Lord of the Daityas, all the performance
4 T * t h s m l ^ 4 4 T 4 R 4 T j f a 4 1 4 4 1 3 4 4 8 1 1 4 : II ^ II
in the heaven is suited to the gods. There is no
* * *
doubt about it.
4 4W f«4T 4t 4 44>Й:’ЭТ:1
f^rat 4 4f?i4 dykMfa4m4:ir«4i
1 being the lord of all, advising the demon,
devoting my mind at Siva and Siva,
mrgfrsfh 44f
fw < 4 T 4З 434 а д 4 : i i '* ? i i
As a result of this Tarakasura on the other
hand, leaving the heaven, then started living in
the city of Sonitpura, on earth, ruling his
l^cfT: 4 f s f 4 4 r s p l l 4 S J 4 4 ' ^ y u i u t т щ

# 4 т тт^т
Listening to my words, all the gods,
bowing in reverence to me, accompanied with
Indra, lovingly went to the heaven.
m щ f tf e r r 4 fgerM щ
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 17 501

Discussion between Indra and

vtf3WR^4Tf?r xf §НгЧЯТИ?П
After the gods left the place of Indra, he
who had been terrorised by Tarakasura,
remembered Kamadeva.
amidRhqfuiittbin: TT^RTf тШпг:1
ттш^тг s9 тщ\ smiimi
чЭ '

At once the god of love, beloved of Rati,

conqueror of the three worlds, filled with
arrogance, reached there with Rati.
мОпч ^ гТгГ: фгч1 felcqi drUici: fMt: I
502 Siva-Mahapuranam

0 Narada, he stood before Indra, offering 2Ш1 fttf

v НЗП&ТHrT: w чо fm : щ: i
his salutation to him and enthusiastically дф т^гп?о||
spoke to him.
Who can be dearer than the person, from
whom one derives benefit. Therefore, being
^ Wdra к ч %54TI my great friend you must accomplish my task.
ч щ э т %сгуг! ^iniPT?T:imi ЧЧ И Ч ^Ч Ш тПf t ehIНУrfI
Kamadeva said, “What is the task you ^Rlft ^ drtfZPi щщ %ТТ11ПП
intend to get performed by me? What for have Due to the move of the times an enormous
you remembered me? You tell me correctly. I misery has be fallen on me, which cannot be
have arrived here to perform the same.” removed by any one except you.
Wtsrrer Щ: Tft УКЩ sn^fti
ФЕ6^9ГЧ1 cWH rfFT cFv^VT о I зшт^т^ ч ftraw^TThl f |n ^ i
ШЪ WZR ЙгЩ 2ГЙ 'SpRjlhll A donor can be tested at the time of
Brahma said, “Indra, the god of gods, famine, the warrior’s test is the battle field,
listening to the words of Kamadeva, praising the test of a friend is at the time of adversity
him lovingly said to him, “You have done and the test of the woman is at the time of
well.” poverty or the financial crises.
fsrft тгф. mftsfad«iw
era тптттвд! *r£r cbi«5yqfwd4i W& Z W M Ш \ 4 F W ^ n ftfT H ^ II^ II

\3 «Rjtsftr 11^ II Truth and humility can be tested at the
Indra said, “O Kama, you are indeed time of calamity. A real friend can be tested at
blessed, because you are ready to perform the the time of distress and also is based on what
job which is on hand with me. Therefore you he does in the absence. This is not otherwise.
are graceful. It is the truth.
щ ч *jot g>sraifq w : i ШШШ t tf f tr % |
тт^т ^ А|^ы 4 ; rRT xTRIWTII'311 «^snsirr ! ^ftreifan^n
You listen to my words, which I am going О Friend, your friendship is going to be put
to speak out to you. My job is equally your job to test, since an adversity has be fallen on me
as well. which cannot be removed by any one else.
fwrfOT ТПТ ^т^сГ вП§£г rn
Ч Ъ т * # q - Ч e b l^ h f w
ш тетЭ щ ч f| и ft; f *i4*ldi?( ^гёге:п?чи
1 have many great friends, but none of This task is not for the sake of my pleasure,
them is comparable with you. but it would undoubtedly be the task of all the
im ref irs s ? i ш \ ftfh w <тачгтчтт1 gods.
Ш гг fqpKIwT^ п | Щ $T *<W4II^II
There are two ways of my victory viz.:
•« fojd^cl& IcK f Ч ЧГсЫад:1
yourself and my vajra. The vajra has become
useless, but you can never become useless.
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 17 503

Brahma said, “On listening to the words of The five flowery sweet arrows are of mine,
Indra, Kamadeva smiled and lovingly spoke.” my bow is of three types and its string is
covered with the black wasps.
faqsjfror ЧГтТТ сГЕЕЩ Ш1 Ш ^ f u d l *T if ЩТчТ: f o f o : 7PjcT:i

^ «ят ч ^ii?i9ii 3Tt ifo fo r tut f l i i : i r * 11

Kamadeva said, “Why do you speak like The army of damsels, and the spring
this. I give you no reply, the fake as well as season, my friend, are the five great forces of
real benefactors can be well understood. One mine, while the moon is my friend.
has not to speak anything here. fo rfim gicwraigr f c : i
^ fit ч f% m r: 4>R«i(di ?ra>! Щ rnfiT7Tanfer:iR4H
tTenffr^T qguisiT! jwHii ^ ii The love sentiment is the chief of my
One who speaks much at the time of forces. The gestures and emotions are my
misery, what can he do in reality? О Master, soldiers. All of them are soft and gentle О
still, I am going to speak out something, Indra, I am also of the same sort.
which you please listen. zrar hfot qkiw rH
тпг 5 Zjr*|i4 TT^ rfo f o f o n r i R ^ I I
mdfcimimg t ъ тщ ftrsr ^г&ти^н Whosoever is useful for a particular
The one who is performing severe tapas to purpose, he should be entrusted with the same
pull your leg, irrespective of his being friend job. You should therefore entrust me with the
or a foe, I am sure to destroy his penance. job which is suitable for me.”
свгфтг с«Гму|:| w ta iri
^ П ^ И сП ^ В1ЧТШ W IT 4 frlR о II
With the side glance of the best of damsels, яи|Ч^М| ш I? V911
I shall destroy the same in a moment, whether Vbb dciN
he is a god, a rsi or a Daitya. The humans are
of no consequence for me. Zlret»|i4 44^1 R a W Jl Ш \ T R fo r!l

fagjj ^ ^ ¥1«ИИИ1ИЙЧ»¥1:| cftcr w ra fs fo IR 6 11

qflzf cfiREqfe -qf? for aqfaflll^ ll Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
Kamadeva, Indra was immensely pleased and
With a friend like me with you, Vajra and he bowing in reverence to Kamadeva, who
other weapons are of no use for you.
delights the damsels, said to him.” Indra said,
ЭДИЛ щ ш W Ч Щ : i “O Dear Kamadeva, you are surely competent
3lfolt tturt 4 l f o ШгГСГгГ I t ^ II to carryout the task which is engaging my
I can, undoubtedly, make Brahma, Visnu mind. It is beyond the capacity of anyone else
and Siva to go astray and others are of no to do so.
consequence. сш ! w ref fo re R fo i
4#ST ЭДЩНЙWw rw tmi Zf# rt ^t[3T ЩШ Ш ^TTSTfofor! ir <?и
rrmfwrr p m : O Kamadeva, my friend, I am speaking to
504 Siva-Mahfipur5gam

you truthfully, the reason for which I intended I think this task is beneficial to all.
to meet you. Therefore, keeping the dharma of a friend in
ТОЙ! your mind, carryout this job.

чинш ц&ичГч g:H5:ii3°H ?FT: ТГ HllTTI^ f | ТПТ: W FlfW lI

A great demon named Taraka, after getting t t TrgqtfiT зтгтгт tcifs T: trt P8T: i i ^ ii

the boons from Brahma, has become Siva is presently engaged in performing
invincible and is troubling one and all. tapas over the Himalaya mountain. He is free
Paramesvara and has no desires for anything.
HPeT «ПЙ 9^ebVI:l
T R f A W ^ontf ^ R R gf r pTTI
§:% яг Ы т т : m v s сТШ%р1Т:11? ?
^ с|Ч1Ч1 f d g TTl f d У м э 1 1 ^ н т
He had distressed all the living beings. The
gods and the rsis are feeling painful because I have come to know that Parvatl, with the
of him. permission of her father, along with her two
maids, is serving Siva.
All the gods have fought with him
according to the capacity of each one of them. О Kamadeva, you therefore move in such a
The weapons of all of them have proved way that Siva develops a desire in him to get
Parvatl as his wife. You act quickly.
useless on him.
ffif fK^TT cpfr W F t F f f
«FT: W t 'Я^ТТУ fferar
г Т Т % Т w y t Ш 1Ш « T f ^ y f r r Ч r T P J S m i ' t f o l l
rK3>fu<3d4^Tl^4 1$THЛГ fqoJjdlll^ ^11
You would, by so doing become successful
The noose of Varuna, broke while fighting
in your life and you will be free from all the
with him. The Sudars'ana-cakra when used by miseries. You will surely gain everlasting
Vi$nu on him over his neck, was blunted. glory in the world.”
Щ Я: r f g rro t % я $ е д и ч |з т : 1
According to Brahma, the death of the
Т|Ш|1ё(Т^ e ^ ?t ebRbillfa Л ■R7RT:ll'l{^ll
wicked Taraka has been destined by the child
bom out of the semen of Siva.
BrahmS said, “At these words of Indra, the
delighted Kamadeva, assured Indra that he
Ud<y>u4 rsm RTf -фпаш:! would surely do the job.”
?rt: тЕУтЭтзгатаШ ^тчт ч: щ ^пт^и^цц ^rgcRr-TT cR R TR$ t r f t T M t ?щгг:|
This task has to be well-done by you and
ЗЩ#тТТШ ЛТТТТ: fvtcW F lR l 4 i r ^ : l l ^ ? l l
only then you would be known as my best
friend. By performing this task of mine by Thus speaking to him and having been
you, I myself as well as the gods would overpowered by the illusion of Siva,
become pleased and comfortable. Kamadeva said, “I shall obey your command.”

fra n t ттрут ё ф £ $ Т ^ T O I f l ^ l l ^ l l w m ТТЛ trr: TRRFRR-.irs^n

Rudra SamhitS (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 18 505

Thereafter accompanied with his wife and

Vasanta (spring season) Kamadeva reached
the place where the Yogesvara Siva was
engaged in the great penance.

VI*W4Rc||<c(ui4 ЧРТ FRc^Tt5EZM:ll Wl

Rudra SamhitS (PSrvatT Khanka), Chapter 18 505

атш ^г шхгг %
The sweet cooing of the Cuckoo birds
heightened the emotions, of love. They were
unique and pleasing to the mind.
w r u ri ш M m i зт* щ ^ !i
trWw ча4|фч«М1arfhii^n
CHAPTER 18 O Sage, the blackwasps started issuing
Disturbance created by Kamadeva humming sound, attracting the minds of all
WTcTlrT towards themselves, increasing the passions at
m W Wtr TRf fyici4Hllf44N&l:l the same time.
"491^ enf 11^11
Brahma said, “Influenced with the illusion ehrfaqi зпГчнй щ и
of Siva, the arrogant Kamadeva, started The beautiful moonlight was spread on all
spreading first of all the spring season which the four comers. It served as a female
attracts the minds of all. messenger between the male and female
■qifqqt cbld^tftehTI
rTOfSjft TfThSTC!IR11
О Narada, the place where Siva was чшаг Ш1: # ! fd4l?uii5f^r:ii<?n
performing tapas was overpowered with the The moonlight appeared to be inspiring the
enchanting beauty of the spring season and the people and was inducing the reticent haughty
medicinal plants were found everywhere. persons to love. It pleased the persons, who
had been separated from their beloveds.
STClft Ъ MjyiRlft 4I<4RT
Tier cw-dfawifi
h i^ 11
eHl'chHi Ш ТЙЧТ 5:H?t5r£I^ll^o II
O Great sage, with the influence of
Kamadeva, all the trees and creepers in the In this way the spreading of the spring
season, which increased the passions, became
forest, blossomed.
unbearable for the forest dwelling sages.
jpifuT ■H^cbKiuimvii'bci^«bi^ eh
ЗЙёШЩА! ^ сЫЧШЕи1*Cv >^0 !!
v d r r o t % 41cnqj f% c n n ft ч и г и р и
The mango trees started sprouting, besides
O Sage, even the insentient beings were
the As'oka trees. Their fragrance was
filled with love, then what to speak of the
increasing the passions.
condition of the sentiment ones?
efcwfar rf W
О fut Щ\
тп? т а г -r R f : ^ ш п сг
гг1^Щ:11Ц11 ^ <rtlc(Ri cbl4l^m<3f>Keb:ll^||
The lotus flowers were surrounded by In this way the spring season displayed the
black wasps, increasing the passions. unbearable influence on all the living beings.
506 Siva-Mahapuranam

As a result of this passions were aroused in the Failing to get an entry into the body of
minds of all the living beings. Siva, he was distressed and frightened.
зд а Л ш\ щ п
3nSR*f тгпт WHlrtHftq: и*Г:ПЯЗН Ецтчта ?Tft нй нт ^пт-.и^ои
Observing the untimely influence of the Who can gain access to Siva, having three
spring season, Siva, who had taken to the eyes, issuing the flames of fire and engrossed
human body by sports alone, felt surprised. in meditation.
m w t e r i ^ifcTT % hti
( Ш *r c r e d it f ? # g :W : w j:in*n иршт OldMMI^ ^|U ^ chV I:IR ?ll
Siva, who removed the miseries of all, In the meantime, Parvatl with her maids
controlled himself, started performing more carrying several types of flowers arrived there
hard penance. for adoring Siva.
yfacili ■гп^Т НГ%: сЩ #
хПТШЩ «ТПфЬУ R«tdWil4MI^RT:li^mi drtfcrtfo* ш т Ч|4гЧ!ЧПн ft%cnriR^II
With the spread of the spring season, The type of great beauty as is mentioned in
everywhere, Kamadeva, accompanied with the world, Parvatl surely possessed much
Rati who stood on his left side, with the arrow more beauty then that.
of mango blossom, in his hand.
3n k f t ttMUilfui щ ф rt W ННП
■ЩТГОТёГ ЁКЛМПЧ 4l^dritcbHl3t4RI
drH ^4 cfisj qu& lft с |^ ч Г ч и ? 3 II
W Hrfe НЦТHiTR cRt HT 4 4lf^u:ll^ II
When she adorned her body with the
Exercising his control he started spreading seasonal flowers, then her beauty could not be
his influence. Finding Rati with Kamadeva, described even in a hundred years.
who would not be enchanted.
HHT Г?ИЦЦ1Ч f ЧШ Ш McSdlcM-dll
г$Ц ? lfft SfFT rilHrril ^TJrqgfw:IR1$ll
3lcWNqd5rd 3<|РнсЬЦ||уэ||
On reaching of Parvatl before Siva, then
Thus they started their dalliance. The for a moment he sat there leaving the tapas.
sentiments of love and the appealing gestures
too accompanied him and he reached before ЯТО W : Я2РТ I^otqr HI
Siva. сГТОЕт HPSM- П^Щ ^||1?Ц ||
Finding the weak point, Kamadeva who
4 4gciiW 4ч нЕцийЩбИ was present in the vicinity, shot an arrow
Kama who usually remains in the mind, named Harsana which delighted Siva.
manifested himself outside. However, he H3[T Ф : ф ы HF&ft ITRI
could not find out a weak spot whereby he НШН ^Г1 W IR^II
could enter the body of Siva.
At that point of time Parvatl went to Siva
T||MiHfad{wft4«MlPlcA -m:\ with emotions of love accompanied with
4*i^eKd<i '#5^'4i^mu^4li^d:ii^ii spring.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 18 507

mm vH^lRui:! What could be said about her gait and

|tt f w dfe wfrS4$RyU4ld:ll?V9ll beauty? What can be said about the flowers
and the costumes worn on the body.
In order to make the desire of Siva vigilant,
Kamadeva, carefully shot a flowery arrow h i frie d w s d ^ c iN fr rfq fn tm i
over Siva. ТП&П iqniiqifr ч ll^vsil
m \ Rtrr Pv44Hir^fd ш f^rairi The entire beauty of the universe has been
ct H4t<£xd ftfcTT <T?PR<T: I w r iR ill placed at one place. All her limbs are
As per the usual practice, of Parvatl’s extremely beautiful, there is no doubt about it.
coming to Siva, similarly, she arrived on that щ у SRttm f e qich^d^fw ri
day too and adoring him, offering her PTTrW ч 1нЫг чтт! v # r # ii? 4 ii
salutation to Siva, she took her seat before
him. Parvatl with astonishing beauty is quite
graceful. A damsel comparable with her
■ЯТifgT tTTcJrft Ш twnn RlRvld %l beauty cannot be found in the three worlds.
fr^Uddl ^Hlduqfrlii^lqq^dl^lPl frfWll
For the first time Siva, had a careful look
Iddlfrd) fT B til 4gl^<slfddl2M)ll?$ll
at her limbs, while Parvatl, feeling shy started
squeezing her limbs out of the womanly She, possessing the astonishing limbs is the
modesty. treasure of beauty, she can enchant even the
sages and increases the comforts.”
w pjctr nw qn m :\
d u k w i f l rr^ffR r r^ ! i i ? oi i
Remembering the boon granted to her
earlier by Brahma, О Sage, Siva also started friuw fii?v9ii
praising her limbs’ beauty.” Brahma said, “Praising the beauty of her
f?Tcr загта limbs, again and again, then recollecting the
f% ^ rtlcMvl feiR I boon of Brahma, he stopped.
'gfSEifi' Ч Р 7 : 113 ?11
Siva said, “Is it the face or the moon? Are Ш гГТ vifrfdl hdll I ? 6 11
these the eyes or the blue lotus flowers? Are When Siva put her hand within her
these the eyebrows or the bow of Kamadeva? garment, then Parvatl, because of woman’s
3wt: faun f%i%чшт ^эвэщщ| modesty, went away.
Ш W сЬ)БьНТ?ТГС: 1% -ЦЩtTO ^cfiTII? ? frrfTJcRTT f r u n f l f r r h ^ R T t W R j r f g : l
Has she the lips or the wood-apple fruit? Is f d l ^ i t f l I r y f e d 15Ч%Щ II? ^11
it the nose or the beak of the parrot. Her voice
resembles the cooing by the Cuckoo. What to О Sage, then Parvatl, observing her own
speak of the waist, it looks like the altar of limbs, lovingly looking at Siva, Parvatl, felt
yajna. delighted in her mind.
f% fTW: Ш cpnft g§:i P d ' % gt сЩТ

^bMifuT ъ cpnf% d^ufui ъ тр:М??Н З^ТЭГ ЭтРТ ^cf q^THlHt *#9T:ll*o ||

508 Siva-MahSpurSqain

Observing these movements and gestures

of Parvatl, Siva felt fascinated. Then Lord
Siva, indulging in the great divine sport and
3TRT %4d<?4H4J
m: ^ii
“When I feel so much delighted, merely by
looking at her, then how much pleasure shall I
derive by embracing her?”
(«wiufai w z m fnfw m i i

f% *m xtftrT Ш fe w 4l^4Htd:i

Thus thinking for a moment, praising

PSrvati, the enlightened Siva, woke up and he
said, “What is this surprising and wonderful
situation? How is it that I have been deluded
and fascinated. Though I happen to be the lord
and master, still I have been overpowered by

1% ^ grfpajfrni'tf'k
When I being a lord would be desirous of
touching the limbs of others, then what would
be beyond the petty people.
•ЦсГ чЦ§Ш1«Й ^
dK-yihW TraW T^T: ТЙ%ПЧ{Ц11
Thus developing vairagya, Siva stopped
sitting over a couch. Because the lord Siva
cannot have a down fall.

4l4dlyu^ еЫЧфя1э«КЕГо|Ц 4T4TW$?ilSS5Tro:ll*<JII

508 Siva-MahSpurSqain

Destruction of Kamadeva
9ГЩ! f^r! rstoft! ш
дата- щ згш^т rft <m Ki44rf7r4t4ii*n
Narada said, “O Fortunate Brahma, what
happened thereafter, you kindly narrate the
story which relieves one of all the sins.

srarft ■RT 3i$JT сШ! W ГЩЧЖ41

^wieBturfii fvNdlHi 331441411911
Brahma said, “I am going to narrate the
delightful sports of Siva who is blissful,
because of my love for you.
sfcfer Щ Ч Ч тщ пМ
farf%rf%T^T и ч Ш f o f w t s f t r cfcT: 47411^ II
Finding the obstruction in the patience,
Mahesvara, the great yogi, thought in his mind
and then felt immensely surprised.
f^nrar затгт

f^T T : «ЧсЧ5П:
v s3

Siva said, “While performing the excellent

tapas, why has the obstruction been created.
Who, the degraded person has, perturbed my
3>4u h щгт rfteIT TOSgKft % ^ 4 1
tsrrat « M fa rtu tsa « П вД щ f a r r f f r m m n
I have praised the other man’s woman and
this act is deplorable. I have thus spoilt the
rules of the virtues and transgressed the limits
prescribed in the Vedas.”
т щ т г М W l?T : W 4if?r:i
f^?Tt ftdlcbUlWH ■
Brahma said, “Siva the great yogi, is the
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 19 509

refuge of the noblepeople, therefore, thus Ф f % Щ %|

thinking, becoming doubtful, hestarted
fT:TRTR Ш ТЩГТ119^ 11
looking here and there.
chwij) ш
^W cdViPyitsll НН*пРч«Ч>т:1ЦЧИ
Ш % ЧЙгТ U^dWH.I|V9ll
While the gods were so eulogising, Siva
Then he spotted to his left the arrogant and opened his third eye, which had been fixed in
foolish Kamadeva, who placing the arrow the middle of the forehead. At once the fire
over the bow was about to shoot the arrow. flame emerged from the same, which started
t <jgT ш ч HiRviw 4<irU4:i rising up words like the fire of the time of
щш: 4R^!iidii dissolution.
Witnessing Kamadeva in that condition, О w m tfr cTuf Rrow muHdAi

Narada, Siva, at once was enraged.

ШЧ: чт sr -.i It first rose to the sky and then fell down
т^Пичн rolling on earth all around.
О Narada, Kamadeva, while staying in the w m r^T cT R T T ert! t r r f |i
sky, shot his infallible arrow over Siva. ЧТЩЦ ТГШ1 ЩЭГ: qreidlfafdl l ^ l l
Сч s9
W 1ТШ VidKhVrhfdl Before the gods could beg forgiveness
w iT ^T trerfrq R ^g wr«Rii?oii from Siva, for Kama, the fire reduced
The infallible arrow, shot at Siva, became Kamadeva to ashes.(PI 30)
futile, without displaying its might. It calmed ^ rifruHiA ctft ^ : tsi44m di:i
down. At this Siva was enraged. ^ fy ^ H iaifd sh lv w : f ^ q ^ R f d i i^ n
%% Т О Щ TRW : I In this way, the valorous Kamadeva, was
burnt out as a result of which all the gods felt
Finding the arrow shot by Kamadeva, grieved and started crying getting upset. They
getting infructuous, Kamadeva was terrified lamented saying, “What has happened.” Then
and started shaking looking at Siva. they cried loudly.
£m fi % йтт?щ щ RtRtrtott ws^i
tt w f ufdvn^H! чспгатчг Rrs^ jh^ h wm -щ w зг#5яттнп11
Getting frightened, and becoming Feeling grieved Parvatl, together with her
unsuccessful in his efforts, he started maids, lost the lustre of her body. Then she,
remembering Indra and other gods. together with her maids returned to her abode.
STfTR ЧГВР' ^T: ?ТЖШТ^ 4% R 'l $рцтшг ч й ш f e w чтт5^гачтгт1
&Щ: ч ш ъ g gf ;п ^ и ^ 4 ^ § : 3 s F T qf?RTT ЧТГ TJrTT о II

О Narada, having been remembered by After some time, Rati, the wife of
Kama, Indra and other gods arrived there and Kamadeva, fell down there unconscious. With
bowed in reverence to Siva, eulogising him at the grief of the death of her husband, she fell
the same time. down on the ground like a dead person.
510 Siva-Mahapuranam

tt w r I надй w j t : fsnnrii?^ii
fac-wm dshsu-^ft farfaj стели? ?n The gods said, “Keep some ashes of Kama
After regaining her senses, Rati was carefully. Shed away the panic. You will
extremely upset, she started lamenting surely regain your husband.
variously. 4 ^TSTzrf^r fftSRTiTT 4 ?ШЧ1
ifa w tr
f% е&тИч w w rftr i% t^ f^ i There is none in the world to give the
happiness and misery. One has to face all this
HvWlfHH <M41^I *H ¥ N I4 l^4 d 4 ll??ll
because of his deeds. Don’t think the gods to
Rati said, “What should I do? Where be the cause of the death of your husband.”
should I go? The gods have killed my husband
after calling him.
$ciinaiw ifr %m: THSf fvwjJMHWI:!
1 V W fsni! 3ETII?3II
Alas, О My lord Kamadeva, you are dearer Brahma said, “In this way consoling Rati,
to me than my life. О Bestower of happiness, all the gods then went to Siva. Pleasing Siva
what is it that has happened here. О My dear?” they spoke with devotion.”
tftihcN'd ^ ЗлГ:
фЦ fadMdl ТП f efjETT ёГсГ:1
^VIHdldd-ddllR^II <£Щ 4^VIH ! TTTOTFRra^lll^oll
Brahma said, “Thus Rati, lamenting The gods said, “O Siva, О Lord, you are
variously and crying at the same time, uttering favourably disposed towards the people who
pitious words, she beat her head with her take refuge with you, О Lord, kindly listen to
hands, kicked with her legs and pulled up her our auspicious words.
hair. ^ФйК-Ч fSftenr frfr ШЧЩ ?lfT!l
dfsiHN TT^T Ш c|^ERT:i g5Th^rRfKt m Ч tFRf3R!ll3 ?
этчсГ§:%?тт: arfxr ятщ!H?чи You kindly think of the job of Kamadeva.
Listening to her lamenting, all the forest О Mahesvara, he did not do this for his own
dwellers present there, felt grieved, besides selfish end in view.
the trees and the plants.
Uflfrw-rA m ^cTT: w r r f c :l grf d^iRii чтят! ч я т M g 7Tfr!ii3 ?ii
W r R T t^ y iR I R S I I O Lord, the god have been troubled by the
In the mean time Indra and other gods, wicked Tarakasura and as such the gods were
arrived there and remembering the name of instrumental in the present activity of
Siva, started consoling Rati. Kamadeva.
<fiftehlGh4l ^:fW T W ll
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 19 511

О Lord, this lonely Rati, is presently Ш Ш ^ It ^ Tt i f t ^ n i ^ o i i

lamenting. You kindly console her. He would surely be known by the name of
Cb^CblHlS'ftT ^1^4 !I Pradyumna. Soon after his birth that son
would be kidnapped by Sambhasura.
О Siva, by thus getting enraged do you fR T ЯТР7 t ^ P ra R l d H d ld d n
intend to create dissolution? By killing T JW Щ З Т с т а л f S t T f R R
Kamadeva, you have killed the gods. Sambhara, the best of Danavas, after
гГ^тт kidnapping Krsna’s son and foolishly taking
cTCRIWRRT Щcb^ciji w : ЧИ him to be dead, would throw him in the ocean
and then return to his abode.
Witnessing the grief of Rati, all the gods,
are behaving as if dead. Therefore, you Ш Ш ЧЛТ H R TvT! -&Ц ilT O W I
remove the grief of Rati.” нЬг WRL RlfR:
Wiptalir О Rati, you shall stay in the city till then,
fr£ir$)Ol} ЩГ&Щ 3TFrat RRed15&ci:| where you will get back your husband.
^ R t ^HcHcHUi ЩcRR ^4Ч44Ц|1Э $11 m R I T R t f iq r f ^ T r c T T W ^ a r r V I R R I ^ I

Brahma said, “Thus hearing the words of ЯЙЙК9Ч:

^ ЧЭ -N

the gods, lord Siva felt pleased and started Then Kamadeva, killing Sambhasura in the
saying to all the gods. battle, shall achieve his wife Rati and get
delighted. The gods too will rejoice.
H p fa 3 m R - 4 R T R R :l

R ^ R гг 1 Ш RtMT 4RRT T lf llb ilf d гП 1Т ^ T : B r d c P 3 t R R I l 'k 'k l l

Siva said, “O Gods and Rsis, you listen to О Gods, carrying the riches of Sambhasura
my words carefully with respect. Whatever and his wife, Pradyumna shall return to his
has happened out of my fury cannot be abode, My words are true.”
3R£Wc^cf -Щ1ШФ ifrlMfd: Щ :I ffo fR T cR : Щ: W T R H R
dlcRNd>^W|l «BW b0Ruft4fd:il3<OI f* i^ ^ ra w R td lli3 % Н П 5!' e f ^ R T Ч Ш ^ Щ : М ^ Ч Н
The lord Kamadeva shall remain, without a Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
body till lord Krsna- the husband of RukminI, Siva, the gods heaved a sigh of relief and
incarnates on earth. lowering their heads, folding their hands, they
£Kchldi R3T fRRT MdHdlKfdbufdl offered their salutation to the lord and spoke.”
сЩТ $WIW cbWRVdl^Rlbiffdll^^ll
Living in Dvaraka, when Krsna, shall ^ ф г ! щ г о т ш т т ! im t!i
produce the sons, then RukminI would give •#5T nftcRl щ ц щ ЗШ1ТН, !11* $ 11
birth to Kama. The gods said, “O God of gods, О
тгерт ЧПТ dT^N Ч Щ :1 Mahadeva, О Ocean of mercy, О Lord, you
512 Siva-Mahapur3nam

save the life of Rati, by brining back proceeded on the town of Sambhara and О
Kamadeva to life.” Sage, kept on waiting there for the time
indicated by Siva.
Tnfdltsrvi дтяиттЫч 4iAcbHtevilssgFT:ii^ii
ЧЧ<^Ч-||ЬГ ^ПТГОТЖ: ■Hcbc^JSR:ll'^V9II
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of the gods, Siva, the ocean of mercy, the lord
of all, Paramesvara, felt delighted and said.
| i-tciT: FnwrsfFT 41с|(чьа|Гц rjRT^i
IT tT^JTr f4W:M^«iil
Siva said, “O Gods, I now feel pleased.
During the intervening period, I shall bring
Kamadeva back to life. He turning as my gam
shall roam about on earth.
4 l ^ f i r < 4 U s 4 H eh W ^lrq ru : f R : l

r^ t: ii* 11
О Gods, don’t reveal this episode to
anyone else. All of you should go back to your
respective places and I shall remove the
miseries of all.”

^1 ^ R t rT^TI
' sj CS-O II *

Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Siva,

disappeared from the place while the gods
were eulogising him. All the gods were
pleased and were relieved of the surprise.
rTrTTrft *T RMiyiW ^ fk?TT:l

О Sage, then the gods, assuring Rati with

the words of Siva, getting permission from
Siva, returned to their respective places.
еЫЧЧрП W r i R h t ТГТ RrfT flc^l
Hdl^MIUII t W Ъ’Ф ® f% T !ll4^ll
Rati, the wife of Kamadeva, then
512 Siva-Mahapur3nam

The story of oceanic fire
Ч К ^ ЗоГТсГ

M l ^нго^т! itrt oti

ТЩТ ^ ^ Щг1ТёТ VliVIM!l # R : l l ^ l l
Narada said, “O Brahma, where did the
flame of fire emerging from the eye of lord
Siva, vanish? You kindly narrate the relevant
story of Siva.
Tmit: дот ш щ щ RcfdT few w w im i
Brahma said, “When Kamadeva was burnt
out with the fire flames emerging out of the
third eye of Siva, then the fire uselessly spread
on four sides.
?Т?ШТГ чщНШкЫЫ! RrUlrftj
^ TRW hf ggjOTii^ и
All the mobile and immobile beings of the
three worlds, created hue and cry. О Narada,
all the gods and the sages rushed to take
refuge with me.
^ wwjprT: i
f m fiflwii grrl HdFHmmi
Getting upset and distressed, all of them
started eulogising me with folded hands. They
narrated the pain of their sufferings to me.

тттш йни1гш !Ыгдотч%отпчн

Listening to their words, concentrating my
Rudra Sarnhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 20 513

mind on Siva, understanding the reason зтгщ WRcrar: зШ ^:ттгт

therefore, I went to that place in order to
wrra ?щт twit nlfoch % w ^ T ii^ n
protect the three worlds.
Thereafter, listening to the words of the
TT ^wc<Vl4iHifa<?r4d:i ocean, reciting the name of Siva, I spoke to
Тайшет wt и him for the welfare of the people.”
The fire which burnt Kamadeva, was W talil
spreading with great force. By the grace of
Siva, I extinguished that fire. m \ ч^у|ц-н4н1сь^1с|^!i
Ш ы fw ri! PyicM lMRdl 11
зтгг jRtem erf| w t w ii
Brahma said, 'O Dear one, О Immensely
•O s3
intelligent one, О Ocean, doing good to the
The flame that had emerged out of the entire universe, inspired by the grace of Siva, I
anger of Siva, which was ready to bum the am talking to you lovingly.
three lokas, О Intelligent one was subsided by
ЗГЕГ jR te jt W W T 4 I 3 4 R 4 T W T W : l
С^ЩТ w i р тгё ^pjTOt5Wrlrr:ll^ll
This the enormous anger of Siva, known as
W it W it Ht«f*dl*l W M xrf?T:ll<SII
marine fire, after burning Kamadeva, is
At the desire of Siva, I carried that presently engaged in the destruction of the
submarine fire to the ocean for the welfare of universe.
the universe.
Hindis? Tit: tfHdrl: yi^T»qn
aimw w w tvt № t w r : w f c n f t li
d^BIril |W rt i гПгГ! Tnfww3^fw;il?4ll
фт tfrw twtwt: W 11411 At the desire of Siva, these painful gods
О Sage, finding my arrival there, the ocean have requested me. I at once arrived there and
took to a human form and with folded hands suppressed the fire.
he appeared before me.
cfTSWw r a dmdiyihdl^ ц
ЦЯШШ1Ц Ш ftRT: Ш И ^ ж № |
s9 -O <N
fdfdvnfa чннпак! <wii уьиисы:11^п
TT HI4 jd l£f ^ 4 c d ld > ft|d W g iT l l ^ o ||
Then it took to the form of a mare and I
The said human offered his salutation to have arrived here with the same. Ocean of
me with folded hands, eulogising me at the mercy, the base of all the waters, I therefore
same time, he said to me. give you a command.
W IT З Ш W jRtefr ТТ^ГТУ ЪШ TWnf«I:l
[chM^HMIdlsftT Щ g^RRrrf^nfirT!I w fh ^ w w it wrf 1^11
dfac^W W tW Ш Ш *T This is the rage of Siva, in the form of a
The ocean said, “O Brahma, the lord of the mare, issuing the flames of fire, should be
universe, what for have your arrived here? borne by you till the time of dissolution.
You get me your command taking me to be W tW w m gRwfrr Tifw w ri
our servant.” WTWITiftWHl: ?Blgt5^TTfTt3^T:ll^ll
514 Siva-Mahapuranam

О Ocean, you can free the astonishing

lustre of Siva, after I return and start living

It will live on, daily consuming your water.

You rear it well, lest it drowns or is

^133 ^ f | 4IVI«W4=yTd:ll^ о П
These were the words spoken by me to the
ocean, who atonce accepted them, though in
fact none else could contain the fire emerging
out of the rage of Siva.
гГсГ; it сЛЗ^Щ:

Therefore the fire in the form of a mare

entered the ocean and started consuming the
ocean itself. It started blazing with all its
shooting flames.
rRT: ^a£ldw>: ** 9TW *rat g^!i

О Sage, then, with my mind filled with

delight, I returned to my abode. On the other
hand, the ocean in a divine form also
disappeared from the scene.
ш т ш wm$

The entire universe felt comfortable by

this, getting free from the terror of Siva. О
Great sage, all the gods and the ascetics, felt
comfortable thereafter.

4l<^d)yo| ЧПТИг?ТГ5«гШТ:11T?о ||
’k 'k 'k
514 Siva-Mahapuranam

Narada’s advice to Parvatl

fg^! дм! ч?тщ! fgohfyitg! Бй ф *4 !

31^1 Ш ITtxCT Tifrer gpf*R: 11?11
Narada said, “O Dear Brahma, О Disciple
of Visnu, О Great intellect, О Creator of the
three worlds, there is a wonderful story of
Siva that has been narrated.

ggreft gg <g Igwjgg-.ii? n

When Kama had been so reduced to ashes
with the opening of the third eye of Siva, and
after the said fire entered the ocean, what
happened thereafter? You kindly tell me.
щ и m ^gt дтгШ $екмми
ш ш w l w in gggra д ч г^!п зн
What did Parvatl, the daughter of
Himalaya do? О Ocean of mercy, where did
she go with her maids?
*jijj дм! щшщ\ gfrg
M^trigiugi^lg t#if44l gg g igugim i
Brahma said, “O Dear one, О Immensely
intelligent one, Candras'ekhara Siva, who
indulged in enormous sports, kindly listen to
this story respectfully.
ggrsgijWB^g^g! % ggg i
■q^i^icgts^gts^l n^ftg: 11ц 11
When the fire flames merging out of the
third eye of Siva, burnt to death, the god of
love, at that particular time an astonishing
sound was heard, which echoed in the sky.
<vT ?l®q4 Щ1 ШЧ ТГЧТ^Г хП
w h g t щ чтгдт w w ^ i^ H iiig n
Listening to the great sound, and finding
the god of love having been burnt, the
Rudra Saihhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 21 515

frightened Parvatl, accompanied with her of mountain, could not be pacified by maids
maids returned to her abode. even.
igtRit ъ гг ТГГш ! w i f t fyran
fe re : ш ! w м:и^эп f t s # rT w t w r ч fii^sii
Feeling surprised with that sound, all the She never felt the least comfortable, while
kins of Himalaya, anticipating trouble for her sleeping, bathing, walking, or standing inspite
daughter went to that place. the company of her maids.
wm frit <£gl(dfagHI4j (iichwM tt^ tъ ттггт гг <ят? sri
:ncu ffr f^ T t ^R t ^ % T ^ I! 11
Finding his daughter distressed, Giriraja She kept on thinking, “Disgrace to my
felt painful at heart and went to his daughter, beauty, dharma, activities,” and then always
who was crying in separation from Siva. remained absorbed in the memories of Siva.
ЗТШПГ Ш^ТЧТ ТНЧТ ЧыЫ-ШАШ! ТТёТ -Щ ^raf^ T fev T S tT F W T I
ш fsnrrff Гуйт1<1Г<^сы1 <тт ^ hi^ tii^h ^ т^ wi i^ 11
He, then holding her hands, wiping out Thus Parvatl felt painful at heart with the
tears from her eyes, said, “O Parvatl, don’t separation from Siva and finding no comfort
cry. Don’t be afraid.” Thus speaking he anywhere, she always recited the name of
pacified her. Siva.
ftcKhdl 1 w f|
yyil^TM f^FTT Ш \ " y rtf ^
He took distressed Parvatl in his lap, Inspite of her staying in her parental home,
Giriraja Himalaya consoled her variously and her mind remained devoted to Siva. О Dear
took her home atonce. one, she reciting the name of Siva repeatedly
3&0{ ш фЩТ f t г|Ц?^1%Щ1 fainted.
TTT ^ M M T fp rfiP T II^ II vI h i Rr m 'I s w t -fagTrsftr
When Siva disappeared after the burning of ^4T9F5Ts$IRfRW i l i l
Kamadeva, Parvatl getting separated from ft
Siva felt uneasy everywhere.
f t Й Ш Т ?i5nftr Ф T JT II^II
fhjpjf тщ *т^т fiifcircd ttrtt fyrari Himalaya, Mena, Mainaka and others kept
tprafa щ \ wifMH on consoling Parvatl and advising her to forget
Parvatl, after her return to the abode of her Siva, but she did not listen to anyone.
parents, felt as if she had been reborn. m ylnf% 4cirtiw > TTfn
rT Ш IT ^dl441rt|«ll9lc^l fadlfafll д тттгдш :11^11
О Narada, then Indra deputed you for the
Denouncing her beauty, she uttered, “I am purpose and you roaming about at will
unfortunate.” Parvatl the daughter of the lord reached the mountain Himalaya.
516 Siva-iYIahSpuriiijam

-Щ & qe sf c l d f r l T f Csf k *Щ Т сФ Т Т 1 *Г4ЯГЯ1 ^&d4)^4yH^«hKcb:IR^II

^ ddlfagt ЩТ^И^оМ You, without performing tapas, getting
Himalaya, the great soul, adored you and proud of your beauty, went to serve Siva, who
enquired of our welfare, providing you a high is compassionate on the down-trodden people
seat to be seated. and has shattered your pride.
fftT: зтГ^тег #Г?г: ch-4MRd4ifad:i ТГ %w i t тщггМ тфдт:1
^t'tlclAd <hl4d(H Wf f e SIR ?ll Й^Ус||ЩН фЩ1 t5TT %lThc|rWH:IRt9ll
Thereafter, Giriraja narrated the story of Siva, your lord is a recluse and a great
his daughter Parvatl, right from the beginning yogi, О Siva, the devotees are dear to the lord,
and said, “In this way my daughter was and he has discarded you burning Kamadeva.
engaged in service of Siva, but in the mean ш ш гщ 1 ш ш Гы<чтпшйгнт1
N "в *N

time Siva, burnt out Kamadeva.” сПЩТ Щ:

^ IdbJl $ fe l f e f ЧТЗТ1 Therefore you perform tapas for him for a
d4l4^Jldtd8^ ^ R q ^ 4 W fel4 1 R ^ II long time. When you are purified by
On hearing this, you said to the lord of performing tapas, Siva would surely accept
mountains, that he should adore Siva, the lord you.
of Kailasa. Thus speaking recalling the сЗ' -41fa ?ГОД Я' <*c;i^hi
memories of Siva, you left the place. 4RI t# stdl^fal fen^TlR^II
t c&THf dWIh^HII You cannot leave Siva, who is the cause of
HleblMebKehl ^TRl Щ ^T! feW TS:IR3ll benevolence. О Goddess, because of your
Leaving that place, О Sage, you again went stubbornness never accept anyone else as your
to Kali, when she was alone. husband, except Siva.”
a i r a r e r e R ic ff w f e n fe it f w зп ^ п т i
«raftPRei c raw i n iq t ?ttRrt erc:iR-#n ^rdi<*u4 % -g^! ш шшсч^м
О Sage, you ‘are the best of all the sages,
you reached before Kali and advising her Brahma said, “O Sage, Listening to your
properly for her welfare, you spoke the words, the daughter Kali, of Giriraja, having a
beneficial words. deep sigh spoke to you with folded hands.”
ЧПД 34 I'd fai4lciw
cblfat! З^ГГ if % ^TrST erf^T qdKri:l <пз%! *Hidi44d>iwi jmt!
О л s9

ТГ&ГТ H ftfellR ^«*,|q<^|Rmi ЯЯ1 ^fi? Tfl! ft % ll^l|

Narada said, “O Kali, you listen to my Siva said, “O Lord, you are omniscient,
compassionate words, which will be beneficial you do good to the world, therefore you give
for you, besides being unblemished and shall me mantra-diksa for the adoration of Siva.
surely fulfill your desire. ч fe n cfnftt ^ r p i fern
SSPfefelS cPTOT felTI W fUT gn W 44rrRtll??ll
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 22 517

Because no task can be established without Tier f r e ITT: TlTfe! ?PT:Tnret

a competent preceptor. I had earlier learnt Т Ш T p f; ЧРЭДТ g h id d l 1^ II
about this eternal truth.”
Thus О Parvati, you perform penance
because Siva could be achieved by tapas
alone. This is true that all the devotees achieve
the reward of tapas.”

Brahma said, “Listening to these words of

Parvati, the sage Narada appropriately gave цс(ч«м( rf^T chiHi чпд! гё (vn(m<4:i
diksa of the Pancaksara-mantra to Parvati. W ТгГ: 1 о и
sratasj сгегш !i Brahma said, “О Narada, dear to Siva,
rare изгсадад rrre i r a f a ч ^ '.н ^ и engaged for the welfare of the gods, you, thus
speaking to Kali, left for the heaven.
O Sage, developing her faith in the mantra,
highlighting on the best influence of the great ut^ ti ^ ягет сгач m ятщ ! i
mantra, you said to her. Ш7Ш гГсГГWJ 4&IJ*K4+d44m?ll
ЧГЩЗсГГЕГ О Narada, listening to your words,
receiving the Pancaksara mantra which
*jijj тнттге rare urar^rai indeed is the best of mantras, Parvati, at that
reresiwrolui ?rgr: ^нЭДнпзчп time felt extremely happy.
Narada said, “O Goddess, you listen to the # «П1¥1е|ч$|у<|и| Q .dlui^ i * $ r e t |r i w
astonishing effect of this mantra. With the 4K<l4^i) н|АеьЙ¥тГ5геге:и7?н
mere listening of the same, lord Siva, would •kick
be pleased.
4 siftd :ll^ll
This mantra is the king of all the mantras,
and is instrumental in fulfilling of all the
desires. It bestows the pleasures as well as the
salvation and is quite dear to Siva.
31ЙЧ ftrfiRT |H4;i
ЗШ1Й<Т^ qW r g ^ ll^ ll
О Beautiful one, with the appropriate
recitation of this mantra, Siva, would appear
before you without delay.
flrcprRft rl clfh ftiTOWI WT^TPI
тря % % г ё f ? я и г е й f? re t
Concentrating your mind on his form, you
recite the said mantra of Siva comprising of
five letters, the lord would be pleased.
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 22 517

Penance of Parvat!

iqfa ш -qr^ft iFm m n

гП:-ЩеТ it tPfrrf 7R ЗТЩ£Г||*П
Brahma said, “O Divine sage, after your
departure, the delighted Parvati, thinking that
Siva could be achieved only with the
performing of penance, got ready for the
performance of tapas.
HU: w f t WI<I4 ЗГОТ ^ fanra нащ
ТТШ fait йн wfalT
Then accompanied with her maids named
Jaya and Vijaya, she consulted her parents.
лапт fart т а fiw -й чптч1
u4ij-^>rgamui fafar Trafanm^n
518 Siva-Mah5puraijam

She, first of all went to the Giriraja it?”

Himalaya offered her salutation to him with
all humility and then enquired of him.
<ЧтН (чЯ1 ы1тЬ <T^ ?ЩТ1
Щ ТцрЫ w f t ЧШ Щ | | ^ о | |
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
W Ш ЗсГ WTWrftT tRrimi of her father, Parvatl then went to her mother.
WXTt % fFTPUPT eb^filT^fdl
W jj Ш tW T: Ч1$гЧ14^ rT 4TC3[!l
wrar wwtertaft 4Rraт д^тпц и
The maids said, О Himalaya, you please
О Narada, when the maids, with Parvatl
listen, we are speaking out the words of your
daughter. She intends to purify her body, went to her mother, then they, offering their
beauty and your race, which is possible only respectful salutation to her, said to her.”
with the penance of Siva. Except this, it ■«теитггаа:
Сч чЗ

cannot be achieved by any other means. ш з м <тч w : «JOT qrotSTg h

ЧЩЩ 4^% ! srarlTSfTTI «UMrMf rf| ЯгЗТ «b<fc£fall^ll
rPT: gjfm fh fw or ч ^ ч TTRprqr11^ 11 The maids said, “O Goddess, salutation to
Therefore, О Lord of the mountains, you you. You better listen to the words of your
kindly permit Girija to proceed to the forest daughter, listening to which you can do so
for the performing of tapas.” accordingly.
wmrar гЩЗБГОТ <T%m t ЩЧ гПТ: I
шнящ чщ vr 4 R ^ f d ii^ n
Ш#ТТ PirUwVfc^cf-qjIvall Your daughter intends to perform tapas.
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, when so She is now asking for your permission after
asked by the maids of Parvatl, Himalaya having sought the permission of her father.
thought over the matter and said. She intends to perform tapas for achieving
^£Т -^ТТШЧ^ ёфиЧТ tfWsRHl
тщг TtarfSntrsf 441$ ti-oiidi 4R: I
чччт «brnfor чщ& ч дат <et:ii^ ii
<фщщ rf ЩЧтТЩТИйИ
О Chaste lady, Parvatl intends to purify her
Himalaya said, “This is a good idea which
present form. In case she is permitted by your
I like, you better consult Mena as well. What
to do so, then she would start tapas."
could be better than this, in case it is
accomplished. Wtern=r
f ir^wr щ ч w r :i ■£Яёкдт xt cTcT: w f l awfimwi ffteTli
ТЩГ5 ^ гГгГ: ^RTt 4 lf|i|efiH Tf4T -Щ WgrW Г<з1?1ЧНШ1*Ч11
With this the success of myself any my Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, thus
race is established. What could be a better speaking, both the maids, kept quiet. Feeling
idea than this, in case her mother also likes painful, Mena did not agree to the request.
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 22 519

Ш: W Upfat ИТ? Patera Щ 1 Ца*Ч1^ <зт cRTlf ahT-Sh 4 <яП^ТИ? я и

qcjsdl fqd)dlr*JI *^<сЦ ^Г9 Ч5ТЩ5Т^1^Ц О Daughter, your body is quite tender and
Then ParvatT, folding her hands, meekly, the tapas is quite hard. Therefore you perform
remembering the lotus-feet of Siva in her the tapas here itself and don’t go out.
mind, spoke to her mother. safari ш апшйчЬ
о awiragfa! m д и Т щ Ы w afan? 311
Hldwy аГчш|Рч та: imf We have not heard of a woman’s going to
SPpTRtft *Rj аЧ%5И rPTtcR^II^II perform tapas in the forest for the achieving
of her success. Therefore, О Daughter, don’t
ParvatT said, “O mother, I shall go to the
go out for tapas.”
forest in the morning to perform tapas for
Siva. You kindly permit me to go.” wtaTrr
afeiT gat азиат fafamfran
$гШсьч4 era; w туги м и ч "уэ fa>%fgamsa Щ&ГС411 ^*11
a^T fachHl Brahma said, “Thus the mother of ParvatT
tried to stop ParvatT from going to forest,
Brahma said, “Listening to these words of
variously, but she could not feel comfortable,
her daughter, Mena felt painful at heart.
without adoring Siva.’
Getting upset, she moved closer to the
daughter and said to her.” aatfafagr aa ma ta ^aan
T>dHI tta 4lMЗГГЧ%ат nqill^qII
§:RsMifa f?r^! jfa! ятещ gm *ifai Because of the preventing of ParvatT’s
departure to forest for the performing of the
ТТЧЩ! losing 4 erf|^Tn^f?r!IIПН tapas by Mena, she is called Uma.
Mena said, “In case you intend to perform
the tapas, you can do so in your house itself О
m at §:feat ?пгат йат #rfaaT fw ri
ParvatT, don’t go out. f% t ал аалт: тЗатаааагдтг!||^м
When Mena observed that ParvatT had been
mfa ah: "^Pa три feeling uncomfortable because of her
Tftsrffrr гг unwift ^nftrrfsiW H ^IROII preventing ParvatT to do so, then she permitted
Where are you going for the performance her to do so.
of tapasl All the gods and the holy places are ЛЩЩТТ W W TCT apraT g ftflriq ! I
lodged in my own abode.
aa: aaaa арз M ariat agasifariR'an
asHt a gfa TRTctf ч 4%: ifif^i O Excellent sage, receiving the permission
^TfsRT f% a^hT hT: Hi wf^qftTIR^II from her mother, the ascetic ParvatT, recalling
О Daughter, don’t be stubborn. Don’t go Siva in her mind felt comfortable.
out. What did you achieve by going out anat faaa ш yfthica gar fyran
earlier? What are you going to achieve arafrat л % a тдтлт aaaag атарапr c ii
ParvatT then bowed in reverence to her
Л сШра Эс*Г! a w TJ^I parents delightfully and accompanied with her
520 &va-Mahapur3nam

maids proceeded on for the performance of Himvan, got herself initiated for the
penance. performing of the ritualistic activity.
%3T «TdW’Wfq ci^snfoi fgfgsnfH sri сТОЭёщ; w m q ftrfq i
«рящ 3^S3T H ?Tt*RT4)l ^Ш штчтт#агРт: ehtunfe hhji ^ ^ n
f^ T Ut Ш ^TRT ЩЦ frT^I She started performing penance in the -
mI-414 сПТЙ гТаГ h '^ l d d i u j T|f?T||^ о | | Srngl-tlrtha, which subsequently came to be
Leaving aside several thoughts and known as Gaurl sikhara.
numerous garments, and wearing the bark зчгем TlfeT: R f li
garments and the girdle with munja rope, she snftftciT: qft^nsf с р ш : 4>'ew iPH :ii^v9ii
removed the garland from her neck, she clad О Sage, several beautiful and the
herself in the deer skin, went to the place auspicious plants were planted at that place by
where the Ganga had descended, for the Parvatl, for testing the success of her penance.
performing of tapas.
HIT: IfjRT ftq fa ^ f l |
тттарт <кФтт mrA m я т т :!
Ш ITT: М Щ VTtTrafq 3 6 II
M^lddtuil HR ИЗДГ ^ €TII3 ?ll
The exquisite beauty (Parvatl) purifying
*Г ЯШ the'ground, preparing a pedestal (and sitting
сБТЯТТ r&FT 'ШНТН! hlcfcn ^m^RTTII^?ll over it), started performing penance, which
With her mind devoted towards Siva, she was beyond the reach of even the great sages.
reached the place, where Siva had burnt farj^ r ЧТТШ H c |W ifu lfill ТТЛ
Kamadeva. The said peak of Himalaya О
4H^tnsnfq% ш Ъ Ш ХПТТ «ПТ:II3 И
Narada, was without Siva and the same was
then occupied by Parvatl or Kali, the mother Controlling her mind with all the organs of
of the universe who arrived there. senses, Parvatl started performing the
excellent tapas over that place.
# £ r xT ч М erf| fcRlfayn^l
fJrHT гггарт ^ HR^T FHH ^Hhcft ■tR^II'Xoll
Siva had performed severe tapas here in
earlier times. For sometime she sat there with She, in the summer season, performed
the feeling of separation, getting upset. tapas by lighting fire all round, reciting the
___ Nr-, r- _ _________ Г- N ____ Pancaksara-mantra.
1>ГёГшТ Т^гат НИ Ш FR: 41d11
чзнн cte erafa
О qyfeb) Ffermrm
fdHrfT4ltd^:4snctf Rl-dl^TlehWi^cmi^^ll
f v w i ^ Ъ ТчГНтБ! cR ct H<rWTTtiril>$^ll
The daughter of Himalaya, crying aloud
for Нага-Siva, lamented there sorrowfully, During the rainy season she performed
having been filled with anxiety. tapas over the open ground (without any
coverage) seated over the stone rock, and was
cfcT^fror ТГТ Til# TTT^cffl
drenched by the down pour of the rains.
fTO41WcTHi* Щ%ТТ %ЧНс§НТ113Ч11
yilcl щ н г я й y i-y n w i w ч^штщти
After a long time, suppressing her anxiety
with fortitude, Parvatl, the daughter of 3Я Щ П Г З гР Ш % % fn^TTf *П1*^11
Rudra Samhita (P3rvatT Khanka), Chapter 22 521

During the winter season, she remained in In due course of time Siva, the daughter of
water with great devotion throughout the day Himalaya, stopped consumption of leaves
and night. During snowfall and in nights too even and continued her tapas, by completely
she continued the penance, observing fast. fasting without taking anything.
TTcj rPT: ST$crfuiT тщщгсзй 4ТТГ1 snfft гЦ-тЬч>ьЦг1*М|П&Цс(с1; шт|
c^zfl m ti чч Ttm fa te n чтчч: ft e ii^ ii
Thus Parvati, meditated upon Siva- the Since the daughter of Himalaya, stopped
bestower of fruits of cherished desires, event the taking of leaves, she was called as
performing severe austerities, getting Aparna by the gods.
engrossed in the recitation of the Pancaksara- qchuiqfeidl ■Hlfecj ЧТ>рЧ HT^TTTl
: fWrft TJ3J! Thereafter Parvati, uttering the name of
HrElt '«McblVl TIT d * lld m c h < W d ! l'im i Siva, performed tapas standing over one leg,
During the leisure time, daily she used to reciting the Pancaksara-mantra.
water the trees and plants, which had been '4 te ^ 4 e fld l sHdlHfrdyiRuhl
planted by her, herself. In this task her maids
also helped her. She also extended hospitality f^PTPT ctwr 4414114 ^||
to others, whenever she found time. Adorned with the bark garments, matted
locks of hair, Siva was engaged in the
#rPffsgi Мадт Ш1 penance, by which, she conquered even the
3 tsstaft ш * 4 II great ascetics.
With a peaceful mind she could bear the TT<t *#8T4I
severe cold, gusts of wind, cool showers of
rain and unbearable heat of the summer
season. Thus by recalling Siva in her mind,
Parvati, spent three thousand years in the
<|:Ti ^ Ш itftm ч Tmsswri tapovana.
te r чч зтгатгг !n* 5 n
чГу<^ЩМ|Пл ЧЧ йч ЧЧТ 4T:I
She was never worried even in extreme
calamities. О Sage, she always remained гПТ^TJTWrfrRgr fteTTPTO 44 fW II4^ll
engrossed in the devotion of Siva. The place where, Siva had performed
penance for sixty thousand years, sitting over
that place for a moment, Parvati, thought.
ЧЧ: ттятгн'йчэп
fenrrat 4t ЧТ§ЧТ1
Initially she consumed fruits for sometime,
then she consumed the leaves while $4Tf4 \a Ьч ЧГЧШТ
о ЧЧНсГТ11Ч'*11
performing tapas. In this way she spent “О Mahadeva, are you not still pleased
several years. with me, who is performing tapas since long?
Because he has not appeared before me even
crt: quiUifu f t e f t e r % ччч§чп
after performing of my tapas for such a long
522 Siva-Mah5pur5nam

^ *r frrfr?Tt wi % ТТЧМ^аг Ыг§Г?1Т:1

The Sastras and the Vedas, praise Siva, All the sages reached there in order to
besides the sages, as the bestower of the observe the tapas performed by Parvati and by
welfare omniscient, all pervading and viewer doing so they thought themselves to be
of everything. graceful.”

*гтьт%и<1 f e t тт4стй?1^га1чо|:|1ч^11 W Ot cTWT ЧТ^Г TTRTt Sltf:

He bestows fortunes on all, the moulder of The greatness lies in following the
the five emotions, and fulfills the desires of all standards of the virtuous people. There is no
the devotees, besides removing the distress. delimitation in penance. Therefore the virtue
should be honoured by the people with
V cteithH uftrtM t g i f с [щ д ^ !| wisdom.
n q tsw T f fe jit nq.-i
In case I am really devoted to the bull- ЗЩТПРТГ5Ш; Ч ЧН 4 рл^и
homed lord, discarding all my desires, then,
let him be pleased with me. After observing or listening about the
performing of the penance by this lady, what
3IH: 'ЩЩГТ:1 type of penance could be pursued by a man? A
^тЦ Г fSrfiRT f^T T lfT M Ih d ll penance higher than this has never been seen
In case Pancaksra-mantra given to me by before nor would it be seen in future.”
Narada, has been recited by me with devotion, 4R*RT ?f?I ^ ^ fJHCITq Гу|с|Ш:
then let Siva, be pleased with me. ЗРЧ: -Щ qw ilf^ T cBfeqi^lgr $ u fa ll $411
Щ ЧЩтЩfW4T? 1ЯЙ5БШ ^Wtf^TtTI Thus saying the ascetics praised the
т т^ п тгт ёП^ГТТ Ч И
penance of Parvati and then they returned to
their respective places with delight.
I have adored Siva, by the method
prescribed by the scriptures, then let Siva be ЗГ=£Щ|Щ 4 # ! ccf Ш TTWrSfTTI
pleased with me.” ГПФТТ ЧРГсРЗЩ : TO ?4ch'i 4 ^ l l $ $ l l
tjct HRfZRft f4^i rht ttt Tjfar ttt: i Listen further to the influence of the tapas
of Jagadamba- the mother of the universe,
ЗГЯЙдТеЙ PlfSchRl 'JldlcIrcbHHnfTUllll^oll
which, of course is surprising.
Thus thinking, Parvati, lowering her head,
becoming free from all the blemishes, tT^TWPTT й гг тгрщ^ч fgfrf£R:i
performed tapas for long.
сМГ Ш ТРШН q^nqftl <^сГГТЧ1 The living beings who were inimical to one
on other; also reached there, and with the
тдтдт x t трггстпт ч т ч f e w i w ii ^ ii
influence of her tapas they shed away their
She performed tapas in a way, which was enmity.
beyond the reach of even the great yogis.
fm \ ттгадг т ш ттт^тгатртг:1
Observing the tapas of Parvati, all the people,
got surprised. d-ч^чт xt й ш чг«гогм tRvrrqii $<sn
Rudra Samhita (Parvatt Khanda), Chapter 23 523

The lions and the cows which are inimical

by nature, also because of her tapas never
tortured one an other.

ШтЩтпТ ш w ч ^forii
О Excellent sage, even the cat and mouse
are traditionally inimical to each other, even
they developed no blemish among themselves.
щ т "mwfrw ^tmfq fgfenf?
4^1(fui xf f^ferf^T W^FCrfriTRRhl'aoll
si s3

О Excellent sage the trees were laden with

fruits, and the land was decorated with various
types of grass.
Ш «г
tiw : ъ т : f^f^vwrf<Tiit9
The place where Parvat! had achieved
success in tapas, the forest of the place had
become as beautiful as the forest of Kailasa.

TTTi&ffcnftcPifr ЧПТIlWt5SEmr:ll ч ч II
Rudra Samhita (Parvatt Khanda), Chapter 23 523

m ferarrt ш г т tn^fwli
^ 4 ^ 9# ^ТТ#Г ЧН Щ : IIЦII
Himalaya said, “О Fortunate Parvatl, why
are you causing so much of pain to your body,
when Siva is not appearing. He is indeed a
recluse detached from the world.

^fapeqfR 4 Ti%: m im i rlimi

You are quite slim with tender limbs and
with this type of hard tapas undertaken by
you, you would be fainted. I am speaking the
truth to you.
rfWI^RlB r=TTSPJf Щ<^Щр|!|
f% ifcr ricj qtT t*tt: ii ц и
О Beautiful one, you better get up and go
home. What have you now to do with Siva,
who has actually burnt out Kamadeva.
3HTt % ШЭеЩгсИ^ rm4l<lci =Щ IT: I

Therefore the umblemished Siva shall

never come to take you with himself. Why do
CHAPTER 23 you still feel fascinated to him?
Himavan dissuades Parvatl but the gods m \ TF# Tf%
go to meet Siva
cT^r ?тщ щ Щ ^ % я ^ !п \эи
snpfara О Damsel with an auspicious conduct, as
pci r i w fsimrnfft -q^tejr!i the moon in the sky cannot be caught, you
ITT 4 %ll *11 think of Siva like that.
Brahma said, “While thus propitiating so
hard for Siva by Parvatl, long time passed but I&T йтат #тКТ rim WT%TT TTrffl
Siva did not appear before her.
bni tttii ii
Brahma said, “Mena, Sahyadri, Meru
s5 *4
mountain as well as Mainaka also advised her
Parvatl with a firm resolve, while still in similarly.
the forest, was then visited by her parents with TugrRh ^Ы Ужчщ тп
the courtiers and said to her. ffirm чншт5Йт!Ш:11 * и
524 Siva-Mahapuraijam

Rraunca and other mountains, also spoke f?raT

to her similarly with various types of ^ ii
Thus speaking to her mother Menaka and
•Qcf ъ т ТЩТ r F # W fw n brothers Mainaka and Mandara and also her
ззщ ^Ш чт» n father Himalaya, the daughter of king of
When all of them so spoke to Parvatl, who mountain kept quiet.
was performing penance, smilingly said to ^Tnj^rtW: fSTcHJT % TpfrTT
Himalaya. тгутяятГч fcf^UII^I
4 i4 w ciifj WimRi fnR^it
ч п м м ш ! w . ! RrHjrt c5rti |n=Frwian:ii ?\эн
3Tprfa P% t Ъ яртрГ ВЧ 5TPSRT:ll ^ || All of them, who were quite intelligent, felt
Parvatl said, “O My mother, О My father, I surprised. Therefore, Himalaya, Sumeru and
had earlier told you on the subject. Have you other mountains, listening to the words of
forgotten my words? О My brother you also Parvatl and praising her, went back to their
please listen. respective abodes.
|ЩтЙ5ТГГ P ^cft W :i rPf TR§ffa: Mfwiftdll
nttrarfiT спшт ? ift ЧтБсг^п^и ^ n Я6Н
Mahadeva is a recluse and detached who After the departure of all of them, she, with
has even burnt Kamadeva. I shall surely bring the firm resolve, in the great truth, started
round Siva who is dear to his devotees. performing more severe penance.
T lf '« c R t 3 ? fe l cpwt w r йя шштгттатгг|
рктгг ятя «шй (аднипн ^ и Ы т т % Trft&g! ^rqr^TWTMPji яя n
Now you can go delightfully to your O Excellent sage, with the severe penance
respective abodes. He will surely be pleased. performed by Parvatl, the gods, asuras
Don’t think it otherwise. humans, mobile and immobile beings started
fm * m i suffering.
ШЯТЯрр^ r l T ^ TTWT &с)<ЙЧ f? n v a n Щ[ ШТОТТ:
The one who burnt Kamadeva and also the %5T: TfTSTEU : IIЯ o il
mountain forest, I shall call him with the
power of my tapas. OTPRl
chUIrl chticli УТЯТr e h lilll Я fdrf • W ridII
rPOT^FT Щ m te n f t I
Then the gods, the demons, Yaksas,
Ж 5 % Ч^ГОПТГ: W Ш g ^ lfir sr:ll * ч и Kinnaras, Caranas, siddhas, sadhyas, sages,
One can serve Siva with the great force of Vidyadharas, Nagas, Prajapatis, Guhyakas and
tapas. You must know this. I am speaking to others started suffering immensely but no one
you truthfully.” could know the reason for the same.
fiRTt f l w p m Ni dHU%f ?ТТЩТП1:11ЯЯ11
Rudra SamhitS (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 23 525

All the gods, including Indra consulted Reaching there they found that lord Vi$nu
Brhaspati, the preceptor of the gods and then was comfortably seated over the lion-throne.
came to me to take refuge. Finding him there, they bowed in reverence to
гГ5ГTR3T fagtrtl da^fn34:l him and offered prayer to the lord. Then all
the spoke to him.
Щ : ТЙ Ъ itcm iR -qt % гГН^^11
3Tff 3nft гШШ: ?HU|HldHI
The upset gods having lost their lustre,
atonce arrived and offered their salutation to HwnhrT ■ цт^дтщччУТ: wnrr fgn ^ n
me. Then offering prayer to me, they spoke О Mahavisnu, with the severe penance of
collectively. Parvatl, the gods have suffered and have
arrived here to take refuge with you. You
kindly protect us all.
^ ftt | ч ?ттгт дщхгт
ttIsr :и^ оii
The gods said, “O Lord, the whole of the
universe including the mobile and immobile Listening to the words of all the gods,
have been created by you. Then why is it Visnu- the lord of LaksmI, while seated over
suffering so much? We are unable to the serpent bed said to us.”
understand it. fabUJ-MM
дэттпт ч: 3wt!i ЩЧ 4 4(<$d\d4«lsir tl
^ in ч и тФ *: sRifir w pst ^ ii 3
О Brahma, О Lord, you tell us the reason Visnu said, “I have today understood the
for the same. Because it is you alone who can cause of the tapas of Parvatl. I shall go to
know about it. О Lord, no one else can protect Siva, with you today.
these people with scorched bodies.” УТ5Й1Ч1 filfwiymuild Щ)
ётШтт ^a% sw :ii и
О Gods, let us pray to Siva, that for the
welfare of the universe, he should go to
Brahma said, “Listening to their words, I Parvatl and seek her hand in marriage.
recalled Siva in my mind and found that it was щ f?raT& % ftRRR^I
the effect of the tapas of Parvatl. mi с^вг дЛкггчЪдтт % ?ци
фц fogfi# щ щ h All of us shall try that Mahadeva the holder
Ф& p tr in ^ u of the Pinaka bow, should grant a boon to
In this way the entire universe would be Parvatl today itself.
burnt out. Thus thinking, all of them went to dWTT&ii лГчьу|ц| m ?&$ p ?tw : i
the ocean of milk to apprise Visnu of the
d44lli|U| ^тК Г ЗШ Т ^ 4 4 4 * ^ : 1 1 3 ’# И
factual position of their sufferings.
Therefore, we shall all go there to the place
f!3r ЧЩ1 # farPFcT where- Rudra- the great lord, the form of
extreme benevolence, is performing penance.
526 Siva-Mahapur5nam

fyicr ЩЩ трл? fratapt cftuqfrij f | 4<^iui4j

«рт тгё зкр |W f : i ^ППТ ЧШгЧ^Ч 3 IRTWlIl
TTgpfclT53Щ; 3чu Siva is the Purana-Purusa, the lord of all,
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of has excellent features, a great ascetic, greater
Visnu, all the gods said with one voice, “We than the greatest, the supreme self, let us take
are afraid of the angry, the burner Siva, who refuge with him.”
causes the dissolution.” WfaTET
ЬЯЩ : т я я г ш щ г b m f o r o p r m fd w j- fii

W4: c P P H g 'ftg4>l4l : Г ч Ч 1 ^ Ч Н .Н ^ ? П
4 ' * I K 4 l 4 l = P T T T ^ f o W P S T ч ц я з д | 3 ^ II Brahma said, “When the immensely
The gods said, “ Siva is like the terrific fire influential Visnu, thus spoke to the gods, then
of the time of dissolution. He is full of anger all the gods followed him to meet Siva.
and is Virupaksa (having three eyes). Ш V(^4^IWtI4I HcTRJWqj
Therefore we shall not go to him.
fW M : Tl^jd^rrirk^ll
W hit 34 т^ТГ ^3*4:1 All the gods accompanying Visnu, first
3&? 4: Щ 4 ТТ?ГО: 113 vail went to the hermitage of Parvatl, since the
The way he had earlier burnt the invincible road to Siva’s place was the same.
Kamadeva, similarly he would also burn us TTcfclT: Ш <[gT ^JT O T a n y d l ' ^ f l
out with his anger.”
Wtarer Observing the penance of Parvatl, the
?I*T(?Ri 7*Ш:1 illustrious gods bowed in reverence to the
mother of the universe, who was engaged in
^|^j«I^T(4TclWlctl€l TT !II 3 6 II
tapas having brilliant features.
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of the gods, О Sage, Visnu spoke in order to яVl'dti'PmW'Hli: : TRT: I
console all the gods. 'Зррзз ЗЗ^Г ^ ^T ^ФТЕЭ^:11^Ч11
(jfTC^Ter After praising the penance of Parvatl,
whose body was the personified tapas, the
I I ^ t! w . step ^ u ra i^ s % w :i gods moved on to the place, where the bull-
Ч Ф SI^lfT w r t ^T4t WHIVH:ll 3 <?II bannered lord was present.
Lord Visnu said, “O Gods, you better listen m mm ?т %г д а г fe iw i
to my words with respect. Siva is the lord of
all of us. He makes all fearless. He will never wrtt fim ii^ ii
bum you. After reaching there the gods sent you
inside and they themselves stood at a distance
'ЩИ fclri^ul:l
from Siva, who had reduced Kama to ashes.
■ytm^prart тшт тгтщ щгг шчтТш'йо n They were just watching.
Therefore all of you people with wisdom, 4R^! c3 ЗЗГ TRJI
should get along with me to take refuge with
him, because he (Siva) is compassionate to all. f^lcTHTbl Ш W hll^^n
Rudra SaihhitS (P3rvat! Khanka), Chapter 24 527

О NSrada, you are the devotee of Siva and

fearless at the same time. You approached
Siva who was extremely pleased.
yilWcM ^ 4
t e r yig- т н гтат fttucjifd-cbi^iii-^dii
О Sage, then you making all the efforts,
called for Visnu and other gods and took them
to Siva.
m fawdf^: ^ m щ %сг tnjm

^ T R x t Ц { Ц Ш ^ Г ч и | ^ 1 ! Ч О II

Thereafter, reaching there, all the gods

including Visnu, found Siva who is well
disposed towards his devotees, comfortably
seated there. He was seated on Yogapatta,
surrounded by his ganas and was in the form
of penance and Paramesvara.
TirTt (qwy4<4iS^ rt
WZT 4 ^11
Then Visnu alongwith gods, Siddhas and
great Rsis, eulogised Siva, with the hymns
from the Veda and Upanisads.

Rudra SaihhitS (P3rvat! Khanka), Chapter 24 527

Wqf^FRT Фттгг Флагга Ф г лч:1

TrglcTcflV у ф ftfogUtfl 44:11^11
О Lord, clad in deer skin, О Bhlma,
Bhlmaksa, Mahadeva, and lord of the three
worlds, salutation to you.
t* ттаг: Фн)ЗДЧТ ftnrr W I TgrfogT:i
f ^ G L il 3 II
You are the lord of all the worlds, you are
the father as well as the mother, you are
Isvara, Sambhu, Isa, and are particularly
Щ щщ v4«PMl Щ Ч Й T: ТПТГ11
R?t foTT <$: W tfcftcT §*sRT?t i^ S R h m i
You are the lord of the worlds, О Lord you
protect us. О Mahesvara, who else is there to
relieve us from the miseries?”
W taw
^грщг4 адчйч! ftw it Я ^ Ш :1
<fiW W IT W t Т?Т1^1ЩШ11 ц II
Brahma said, “Listening to such worlds,
Nandlsvara, (the vehicle of Siva) feeling
extremely merciful, said.

w щтщ faytoiiftii
. . ^ Г* . . . _ C
зтгатш птгтзт:
чЭ 4tWrW4i4i:
w r a 44W^Tc? W T тпгат: II $ II
Siva agrees to Marry Parvatl Nandlsvara said to Siva, “O Lord of all,
Visnu and the crowd of the gods, the sages,
groups of siddhas, are especially interested in
44t w щчтчгаггга' in having an audience with you. Having been
w rm 1Шнг ччt 4R:II ^11 disgraced by the demons, these gods, desirous
The gods said, “0 Lord Siva, destroyer of of achieving protection, have arrived here to
Kama, worthy of eulogy, possessing enormous take refuge with you.
splendour, О Three eyed lord, salutation to WTfiT nSRIT% 43%! SftToUl WT: ^TT:i
you. ctthrbl ЯтКс1?Л9Г:11\з11
528 Siva-Mahapuraoam

Therefore, you kindly arrange for the Visnu said, “О Siva, Tarakasura, has been
protection of the gods as well as the sages. troubling the gods immensely, therefore they
You have been specially known as Kinsman all have arrived here to narrate the extent of
of the down-trodden as well as compassionate their sufferings.
on the devotees.” | Trap! rra чзо?|<йч f? «rfatzrfiri
^ чгош ■ roforoii ^ ii
•цсг с^гёгяг ч^ят •pro i O Siva, the demon can be killed by your
€П%ЩТ|| c II son. I am speaking quite truthfully.
Brahma said, “When the compassionate frot 44tsT<$ m
Nandi, thus submitted to Siva, then he slowly <с|1-+ГЗЗУ ’^cnftR! diaWKchPlfMrU^II ЯЧИ
opened his eyes. О Mahadeva, thus thinking, you kindly
fsfoafrw: 4T4cRlf^:| extend your mercy on us. You kindly relieve
*roi£r: TTWirtTRfr fTHrafapra f и ^ n the gods from the sufferings caused to them
The lord possessing the supreme wisdom, by Tarakasura.
the supreme soul, lord Siva, ended his гсРТТМмТ ! ^ттатГ
samddhi and spoke to the gods. tlfldoqi xnfoRT
4lfuiil^ij|ct q^Niliqi
C\ V»
W fit eh'WII ^ II
wfwR^: ^ ffr щтпгащ щ;н n And for that purpose, О Lord, Parvati
Siva said, “O Gods like Brahma and Visnu, should be accepted by you in marriage, with
what for have all of you arrived here before your right hand. Giriraja also intends to give
me? You immediately speak out the reason for away Girija in marriage to you.”
the same.” fabuil^SfcH ?ргт тгш* fy 4 lfed :i
ъф т А ^ к щ * .1 1 фэн
ff?r Wet: w ti: J^Tsf^RlT:l Listening to these words of Visnu, Siva,
who had been engaged in yogic practices
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of indicating the auspicious movement, spoke
Siva, all the delightful gods, looked at Visnu with pleasure.”
for speaking to Siva, in reply to his words. ЗсГта
д а fawpfertTrft ТЩ *1 ^ frfetT 4i4y<fii
wfro^ii w ii ^51Sr f W l l ^ ||
Then Visnu- the great devotee of Siva дадаш' ■ qfatyf-d ч 4t qfoi
besides being beneficial for the gods, spoke to ^ciRitqjvr |T|f "ШxnftrraftJTcT: ^ n
Siva, revealing the great purpose of the visit
of the gods to that place.” Siva said, “The moment I accept the
immensely beautiful Girija, then all the sages,
■fflR^ur <pr ?TWTt! ^TRt PW-gHVI rsis and munis, would be filled with passions
<*ai<«hg'd4 Ы д а г а т :1 1 ^ и or lust. No one would then proceed towards
Rudra SamhitS (P5rvatl Khanda), Chapter 24 529

the path of moksa. Soon after, my accepting been forgotten by you, then it should again be
the hand of Girija, she would bring back remembered by you.
Kamadeva to life. TRFt4 ?3lr§TT:l
u # f t w r epsr: i ^ a ri кпчйкщ*. дшжт: ir it
чо и
ц щ т ! g x R rfg ro rt! ятзг eBraf (щгптщти О Gods, in earlier times Kamadeva, had
О Vi$nu, I had burnt Kamadeva, for the spoiled the mediation of everyone, who was a
success of my mission, at the advice of good archer besides being stubborn.
Brahma. There is no doubt about it. зтетг f? гтвтпт
TTcj fg ^ r a r ГРШТ ¥4>?1 гпт: u
■pf: ' Л ^ «h^q^Rill 4 *11 Kama is the path to hell, it results in anger.
О Lord of gods, О Intelligent one, I, From anger emerges delusion and delusions
keeping in mind what was proper and what destroys the penance.
was improper, had done everything. You а&гозкЙ h few ff srafe: w ^ : i
should therefore not at all be stubborn in your N>

approach. Т$$Ц XKtRTSf qRMT eF^TII 4 6 II

О Best of the gods, all of you at my advice
should get free from the lust and anger.”
^ f t ^ fteRTOT W Щ ^ft%cr^ll ? ? II
w ra ra
О Vi§nu, by burning Kamadeva, I had done
immense good to the gods. Therefore all of ТТсГfenog SPTcrr^
you should live with me, getting free from the ш тгатхгашш f W ^ - ш w r i t
desires. At this Brahma said “The lord Vrsavahana,
W 5 t гг -ф[Т: Ш O T IW :l thus speaking, intended the sages and the gods
to speak out something.
chRbiisg ^ г к т т т н ^ ^ и
You, endued with great penance should M инi ru ^ jj*!•i
also perform hard tapas like me and all other з ш щт щгт wunful# vRdifcf-.ii 3 о и
•О N3 1

gods. Thereafter lord Siva, keeping quiet was

■ m wfeTCT r t t fsTCT fT T :l
again engrossed in meditation and was then
surrounded by his ganas.
fa&hKTsraFf t n и
^ПгЧНЧГгЧШ ?таяГгЧ^ ■otlKlWdJ
О Gods, getting free from Kama, you can
be endowed with the supreme bliss, and be f4W4 ftrrora ftferarrt ftwr^n 3 ^11
relieved from blemish by means of spiritual q<ir4wi ftcd Рнзязч,!
contemplation. 71Ч1ЙУДfafot Ъ WFBTGf -ЧЧГгЧТЧП3ЯII
WfirT foPJH ?*! -ЦЦ -Щ*ЩTRlt fgwr<6qR4ir^rT:l
О Gods like Brahma, Visnu, Indra besides Siva then thought within himself, his own
the sages, whatever had been done by soul, the form that was unsullied, free from
Kamadeva earlier, in case the said event had blemish, aberrations and ailments. The said
530 Siva-Mah3pur5nam

form was grater than the greatest, eternal, free Nandlsvara said, “O Gods like Brahma,
from the sense of possession, free from Visnu, Indra and others besides the sages, you
obsession, beyond the sound and words, was listen to the words by which Siva could be
devoid of attributes and which could be pleased.
known by means of perfect wisdom. Thus ^ F3 ттщзг
thinking about his own features in his
meditation, lord Siva, the cause of great зг^фтгат ^яи
pleasure and protection, then was engrossed in In case you today insist that Siva should
the supreme bliss. marry, you should eulogise the lord with
respect and piteous prayer.
нпчГш «Г ^ ;|
vt^RTl q ^гвгптщ: TgTT: 1
On finding that Siva was again engrossed з1«ы4чГч g>ftfw4Tft>sR:ii'*oii
in meditation, all the gods of the heaven, О Gods, Siva, ordinarily is subservient to
besides Visnu, Indra and others spoke humbly the devotion. Finding the best of devotion, the
lord, even does extraordinary things.
to Nandi.
fj^tT % fftfftfctujffaf:
qpfnTPqsn т?Ш пт
1% cnt ebwmia f^rRT
Brahma, Visnu and all other gods should
perform in the same way, otherwise all of you
The gods said, “The detached Siva, has can return by the same way by which you had
again been engrossed in tapas. You happen to arrived here.”
be the friend of Siva, besides being the best of
his servant and omniscient.
£<414,0-4 cwwwgft! ^T:i
firfryr: «Il3?lri«l4!l
nftfa тдзтУ^тт щ к <jg§ff *?u
гт^чтЗ ттщэ ыгц-щ *mr: и и Brahma said, “O Sage, thus listening to the
O Lord of the ganas, you kindly tell us the words of Nandi, which appealed to all, who
way by which lord Siva could be pleased. We started praising Siva, with utmost devotion.”
take refuge in you.”
ftgftsr! чщ^гг! ш ш п к ! JWt!i
witaw ■*rgs§S тщта^п?шт% ч:
ffw The gods said, “О God of gods, О
ИЩ9ТЕГ ^ W ill ?\эп Mahadeva, О Ocean of mercy, we have
Brahma said, “O Sage, when the gods so arrived here to take refuge with you. You
kindly redeem us from the misery.”
spoke to Nandi with delight, then Nandi, the
dear gana of Siva, spoke to the gods.” *S#fr**T 3 R : 1TT:I
Brahma said, “In this way the gods
^ IftiH Мтт! р ш и
eulogised Siva using piteous words. Getting
ггез ft % Awwihubiw u iэ c\\ upset with love, all of them started crying.
Rudra Sarhhita (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 24 531

ifb fc tT ^T3TH т е Ц For achieving you Siva has been born as

тгщ «га?Егт wmT5f^RT:u^mi the daughter of Himalaya. He (Tarakasura)
can be killed by your son bom of Siva alone.
Visnu too speaking quite humble words,
devoting his mind to Siva, submitted to the ifq iq t WhT ff щ си
lord with devotion.”
ЧГW <ЧЩ1 Brahma has given such a boon to Taraka.
sMcrwrert щ : 11^ 11 Since then unmindful of his death, he is
torturing the entire universe.
Brahma said, “When so eulogised by lord
Vi§nu and others, lord Siva, who was well csfeq и п
disposed towards his devotees, put a stop to r^ W S fisFt iHlcHi ЗЧЯЧЗГ<Ч.НЧЭН
his meditation. ParvatT, at the advice of NSrada is
ззта iqf^h#EFiT:i performing hard tapas. With her refulgence,
all the mobile and immobile beings, are
«Ь'^ии^гш зщй
Feeling himself delighted, lord Siva
pleased even the gods, looked at all of them щ u f f^Tcn^ % w щ т й я т !i
with compassion.” srfl '^Tfqiwrai fa q ra iim ^ ll
O Supreme lord, you go to Siva and grant
her the desired boon to her. О Lord, relieving
I it! fafr! 3(сгт:! ?шат! f r a i l the gods of all the miseries, make them
tawhTFTdl ^rii fcT WRT:ll^dll comfortable.
Siva said, “O Brahma, Visnu, Indra and
% 4$lfWlt gifer TlfTll
other gods, why have you arrived here
collectively? You speak out truthfully to me.”
О Siva, we have developed a great desire
< fw w
in our minds to witness your marriage, let the
same be performed in an appropriate manner.
faRq ЩРПШHrRS* Ш a-cUlfq gitw ^ u*^ 7c& d4t<NrII l i t Щ Щ hTTrdTh
riRtfei gral itor fafat tji !i япйзщтт idtR "щттт fiiim ^n
q ^ s f f | JHHltegnfT t ^ : l l Ч о II О Excellent one, the time for the fulfilment
Vi§nu said, “O Siva, you are omniscient, of the boon you had granted to Rati, has
you are the immanent being and lord of all. arrived. Therefore you kindly complete your
Are you not aware of what is there in our pledge immediately.”
minds? Still, I shall speak out at your
command. О Lord Ssiva, innumerable miseries WtaTET
have befallen on us due to the terror of the I rffiren i fsiwjffgi qitfc:i
demon Тйгака. It is due to the same, that the
# 1 : ^ ^ W j f o %plT:il4ttH
gods have arrived here to eulogise you.
Brahma said, “Visnu and other gods,
%4T W Л т fl ffaw-WflJ besides the sages, thus speaking, offered their
<R4t *п*гати 4 *11 salutation to lord Siva and eulogising him,
532 Siva-Mahapurilnam

with several stotras, they took their seats in fafacffgqyiWiHl

front of Siva. fawfeyd М1|ЙЧ^Ш(*-!1г1 II ^ VII
ЯтШ^Т: ^ГЩ 11 A person desirous of pleasure, should
fe p z r ii4 d il appropriately detach himself from the worldly
Listening to the words of the gods, Siva, pleasures, because the worldly pleasures have
the protector of the Vedic traditions and who been equated with the poison, which serves as
was subservient to his devotees, smiled and the killer of the human beings.
spoke. :3Rt faqfaun "шд; gidfn: w fl $РПТс(|
faura згщтщМ: ^чи
11*! I ! ^igar<*M3HT:i A person who talks to a person involved in
the enjoyment of the worldly pleasures or a
yvflfaagg ^ c h 'd :H4^ll
sensuous person, his down fall is imminent.
Siva said, “O Brahma, Visnu and other
gods, all of you should listen to me with •ygrefa % grcTfa ^ ?tr factor: i
respect. I am going to speak out correct words dsaruil cfiRKiTfa pisjqrt ъ сп u $ %и
in a suitable manner. Though I am well aware of all these things,
ч1£пт % fgsjR i f e i p w ^nrRi still I shall grant your prayer, making it a
II $ О|| success.
Marriage is not the appropriate thing for гГ^ПгИс5у>1%Л1
men, which is a great bondage, which binds srasteraRrtf % sftngft sjeRj^rii
family. I am always subservient to my devotees
fflfT ^ 1 ^ ife l and act accordingly. Therefore I am known in
the world as the one who performs ill-fitting
wist тпш: «FT:i
ч «гЦгГСII ^ | |
fin ^ 6 и
There are several type of the evil
companies in the world, and the company of a I made the vow of the king of Kamampa a
woman is the worst of all. A person can success. I saved the king Sudaksina, who had
shatter all other bondages of iron or wood, but been taken prisoner by the king Bhimaraja.
he cannot be freed from the bondage of a JI>d4<#^VT<ahdf| 5ЧЩ-<Ж1гЩ
woman. H?9Fg3^pT4t ТГГОс!^ IIS ЧИ
fatlyc (Sudaksina was the son of the king
fawiaBRW>W: *rt$rsftr g#»T: II $ 3 II Paundraka and was related to Jarasandha. He
The enjoyment of the worldly pleasures had been entrusted with the responsibility of
tighten the bondage. Salvation is beyond the guarding the southern gate of the yajna.
reach of a person even in dream, who is Bhimaraja had imprisoned him after defeating
involved in the enjoying of the worldly him (Bhdgavata Purana 10.60). I am surely
pleasures. subservient to my devotees, therefore I may
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 25 533

have to do everything. I am known the world O Gods, now all of you should go happily
over as the performer of ill fitting things. to your abodes getting free from danger. 1
f e d d fe t r is ? f t
shall fulfil my task. There is no doubt about
fd w n оn
О Gods, I have relieved you of all the sngifera
miseries. Because of my endearment towards здаит tfamiwra i
my devotees, I drank poison, for the benefit of fewcu^ft ^T: твдгчтй 4^ ! iiv9Vsu
the gods. I have always been instrumental in Brahma said, Thus speaking, keeping
the removing of the miseries of the gods. quiet, Siva was again absorbed in the tapas. О
Sage, Visnu and other gods, then proceeded
f e w r ^ : w Id on to their respective homes.
On several occasions, I had to suffer «ilftrangigtiul feharai ^ f|tn y i
variously for the sake of my devotees. Taking Ttrikfhsrol 4i4dl(^y^wlchitt
to the form of Grhapati, I removed the хщМ^5ИггаГ:11 ^Ш1
sufferings of the sage Vis'vanara. ikick

1% srptR *r t*! fesf!

"ttrdWlJWlfe cf "Sfe сГЯсГ: II я II
0 Brahma, О Visnu, what more shall I
speak, I am indeed speaking the truth. All of
you are well aware of my pledge in a realistic
f e q f e f f ЯШТГ ^ f e eRf%n^l
rT^T ЩЛЛГгН<5?1: ^TIIV9^II
Whenever my devotees are in trouble, then
I always remove their sufferings.

1 am fully aware of your sufferings at the

hands of TSrakasura. Now I shall shortly
remove your suffering caused by that demon.

feciiafeu) fefrat 53fen^#rfenv94i

Though I am least interested in the
marriage, still I shall marry Girija for the sake
of begetting a son.
j cpjirrefe frtfcT: ^ra^=rr: ^TT:i
w f e s n f a чтзг fearRW ii^^n
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 25 533

Seven sages test the devotion of Parvatl
414Д ЗШтТ
p ftf TTfr^TTf% Щ ? Wfll ?ll
NSrada said, “After the departure of
Brahma, Visnu and other gods from that place,
what happened thereafter?
f% f?T ?TWRT гГТгГi Щ Щ о т и т :I
ет дет ggg MifdftWiii я и
О Dear one, what did Siva do? At what
time Siva went to bestow boon on Parvatl.
You kindly speak out the story with pleasure.

дтПТ:ОТТ^Ш? OTlfiR$Tt5OT5^:ll } II
ОТгЧТОТТсЧЧТ f^cIT oqfilOTdl
тшш ftsfa ft-tcR^im i
Brahma said, “After the departure of the
gods like Brahma and other, to their respective
abodes, Siva in order to test the tapas of
534 Siva-MahapurSnam

Parvati, who was engrossed in meditation, The seven sages said, “O Mahadeva, the
started thinking about the atma-tattva by lord of the gods, О Ocean of mercy, О Lord,
means of his own soul. Who is greater than we people feel graceful today, by your
the greatest, free from illusion and obsessions, remembering us.
and lodged within itself. farotf ч-цли ятгг! y rw i Ш wfig 4 :i

^rti Wi
^f?r: щ: tr^SR:hц fi What is the purpose of your calling us
The bull-bannered lord Siva, was then here. Kindly get us the command. Be merciful
turned in the form which, no one could on us like your own devotees. Salutation to
understand his movements, because he you.”
happened to be the creator and the Supreme
-frZWJ Tffat f e # Ш 1 Ш :1
ЗТНТёГ ^ ^ 4 1 ^ : 1 1 *7II
HlR'Jil rHJTш ! гТгТПТ M<4 <Щ:1 Brahma said, “ Siva, the ocean o f
ШП 4 7 f a W 4 4 H ld :ll $ II compassion, having been thus addressed by
Brahma said, “О Narada, at that point of the sages, the lord with blossoming lotus like
time, Parvati was performing hard tapas, eyes said.
observing which even Siva felt surprised.
шШ нсТ: 4Fm i I WlJblWidl:! *J4JdR WT ЧЧ1
siRtoi^ ^ h wttt
37Wfi&d3RT 471 Ч-Г^^мГ^Ц^ПТТТ: II ^ II
Being subservient to the devotee, he ended Mahesvara said, “O My dear seven sages,
his samddhi. Then Siva- the creator, recalled listen to my words urgently. You are my best
Vasi?tha and other sages in his mind. well-wisher and are all knowledgeable.
Traifa трг: Щ ш
— ^ N . Л— p-Л Г4 ^

fgf& q p 6 II т Ш у га р ге # f t ч # ^еттчшн
All the seven sages, delightfully praising
Presently, Parvati, the daughter of
Siva arrived there.
Himalaya, is performing tapas with a
concentrated mind.
дрптт ттЗйЗТ ^НН«*4У<|:|| n Ш t# ЯЩЩЧТ f | TIT w H fR ffiT fff3TT:l
Feeling pleased, they offered their 4T5iN»i4i^iiiRR< R^mFiriTii n
salutation to lord Siva, and started eulogising
О Brahmanas, she, together with her
him with choked voice, folded hands and
maids, is engaged in tapas to achieve me as
lowering their heads.
her husband, leaving all her other desires.
w f a 3RJ: ш w ? r qtf 4€areNi-gPwTi4:i
wwiuuik ! я*тГ!| ^SdRri*d<f5d im d w :ll« ll
ж fSRTT f ? ^ f T T т р т ; | | * o || О Sages, all of you at my command, go
Rudra SariihitS (Parvati KhaijiJa), Chapter 25 535

there and lovingly put to test her firmness in f % R T : ! f f f r T RSTcRi StfffiTt 13TI
her resolve.
sratfa t kifadl *тГfinrr w m i ? э n
Parvati said, “O Excellent sages, you listen
тгай Ы : W3TCF4R f a i m i i ?V3ii to my words with your heart full of love. I am
О Ascetics, at my command you can utter going to reveal the truth, whatever has been
deceitful words, shedding all the doubt.” thought by me.
di'ftbtW xf grrat lR P » R r:l

frW H W f t % %l w fa rffrii gjftfxr fg jfii 1**11

Щ -Щ ^tHT 5FFTTWT сРШ*Ш11 ^ 1 1 Listening to my impossible words, you

people will laugh at me. О Brahmanas, I am
Brahma said, “Thus, at the command of
feeling shy to speak out. What should I do?
^iva, all the seven sages went to the place
where Parvati was performing tapas being the ХРТГ % ч д а ч сц й ЧЧЧ«ь4ф^1
mother of the universe. 5 rT№ft q g lM l fa c M fl Ugljldl4.ll 3 Ч П
a* w f t r a i щ п т р т : Ш Ш ш цтп My stable mind is helplessly attempting at
fo re st f^ ra n i и a great task and intends to raise a huge wall
over the water.
Reaching there, the sage found Parvati, the
image incarnate of the penance and was f$ : W ЯМ gjflfa гПТ: l
illumining with her own glory. % fdnur^ f?! PdUviHji ^ i i
f ^ I ЗПЛЩ Ш rf § ЩФТ: Ш f s R T :l I am performing tapas at the command of
W rU с р г г с % : u ^ W j f a n ? № T : i n o i i the divine sage Narada. The desire of my heart
is that Lord Siva should be my husband.
All the seven ascetics then offered their
hearty salutation to the goddess. Having been ЗЩТГ t R R : U ^ otfrfR
honoured by the goddess Bhagavatl, they said. rR n w v i g w w l f r o f s r b - u iT f tf a :ii^ ii
The featherless bird in the form of my
^ r l t o t цщй 3 S :i mind, is stubbornly flying in the sky. The
hope of mine can be fulfilled only by Lord
ft 5ГИПЕс* ai^lf^Tii ? w Siva and none else.”*ч
The R$is said, “O Daughter of Giriraja,
what for are you performing the penance.
Who is the god of your liking? You tell us.” $p4i<*)u4 д у щ г г г f r a s r tfi
«ХШ-Ч fhfrSTT

ш fyrar f h t o q m f g $ :i Brahma said, “Listening to these words of

Parvati, the sages smilingly honoured Girija,
sifsra ггег: д а ч (ч sfT:ii ^ ч » but spoke false and deceitful words.”
Brahma said, “When the sages so spoke to
her, Siva, the daughter of Giriraja, inspite of
being secret, she spoke truthfully before them. ч гтщ rrfttf ^ r m f b 3 3 * T : i
f W W : f 5 H f t3 r r s icsRTr4%!il9<?ii
536 Siva-Mahapuranam

The Rsis said, “You are not aware of the fteftr гГ5Г TRTT: ТрГГС<ТЧЫ f a f T W I
cruel mind of Narada having a stone like rn ^Wbwl4^vr<t>'dll ^ ^ II
heart, inspite of your possessing enormous
^ rlwt ^ q s j -щи
зттадЗ fajift ^ « jfd id iff йи
At the command of their father, they also
гГСЗТOlrt^ciuldl ^iPr4q(ct ■Metal II ^ о II
proceeded for tapas. Narada again went to
Narada also tells the falsehood, and them for rendering advice, who also followed
indulges in the churning of others minds. By, the path of their brothers. They also became
listening to his words, one has to face all the Bhiksus, and never returned to their abode.
round misery.
<RT ref M <^£ill ^T tf4cR I
3 R jf *JTJT % d ^ f r l с|<МУсБЧиП: У Щ П 3 £11
stTCl^ reft yV'ERTT % зЗ^гт w r c m i i 3 *11
О Parvati, this type of the behaviour of
With your noble wisdom you better listen Narada is well known in the world. He makes
to this beautiful story, which I am going to the people like recluses.
narrate quite lovingly. You better lodge it in
your mind. Щ’Яр TJTTSchtldJ
^rm ^ rf БЩ 11 3 <?II
tsgf: ^ Гчям#ш
There was a Vidyadhara named CitraketQ,
in earlier times. The sages advised him and he
Daksa Prajapati. at the command of his deserted his home.
father achieved ten thousand sons from his
wife and made them to perform tapas. Ц%ГЗЕ1 ^Ч^НГ%<иЦсыГуПТ1: WTI
<$[ -щц ч^Пйя^1(?сн:1ио||
Ь fcTT: ч | # г Ч1ЖПГОТГ *iwr:i
By advising Prahlada, he made him suffer
cTqtssf rT«fd^TT^T t ^ffll $ 3 II badly at the hands of his father. He is in the
All those sons went to the western ocean habit of spoiling the wisdom of others.
for the performing of the tapas. Narada also
reached there. ■ gftFTT farffasiT il^ lfd d l cbuUVdri
MTW it ЯРТ?Т:1Г**11
m ягапф pfr.i
To whomsoever, advice was rendered by
rT rt faff Narada, he deserting his house usually lived
He rendered them deceitful advice, as a on begging.
result of which, they never returned to their
abode. Tlfrfflrqr ff Цj«frwcM%3c»4>l
ejiftdl ^ r: fasll^aifMdMHMM
Narada is deceitful at heart and is beautiful
II^ч II to look at. All of us know him pretty well
On hearing thus, Daksa was annoyed. being his companions.
Brahma advised them properly, then he giving
birth to another thousand sons, who were Sfa Ш enfafa TT HdWMftf TP^TI
again sent for the performing of tapas.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 25 537

The skylark is called to be a devotee or a &qR-F<FF^frehRttviH4F4c^yi IIч о II

gentle bird from a distance, but does he not eat Raising some blemish in her, he deserted
the fish? In fact an associate knows the her after sometime. The lord then went on
conduct of an associate. meditating on his own form, free from stains,
ггсщт f | <r=raftr щ ш д ш п sorrows and sported happily.
фц щ гщдт^ htfrdbii ira fts^ r tjtf =eti
You are respected by the people with йт Traf: gsf Twf^biildim^n
wisdom and you also at his advice, becoming He is single without a second and without
foolish are performing the hard tapas. attachment. He is after salvation, О Gentle
Чс$«)с£>Т ШгГ fetTH сПТ:1 lady, how can a woman put up with him?
frfiwTT ЗГЦЧтМ ■ЩТОШ'йЧИ ШГ$Ч WH4 шщ ijiw nH
3 fr^ R c T w ffI ТЦЩЩЩ T^rtTFt qfanqfa Д Ц 7Щ|| Ч^ II
TRt ft II Even now, О Fortunate one, leaving aside
О Girl, the one for whom you are the evil ideas, you go home and you will
performing the hard tapas is perpetually surely meet welfare.
indifferent, unblemished and the enemy of cchaVyf f? g f f f^crr: :l
Kamadeva. He has inauspicious body, is
shameless has no home or the pedigree. He %иаяга1 ё т^ т г •лч1зб)з ^ 1 К < : иц ?11
remains naked and is ill-featured. He is The groom suitable to you is the one
associated with ghosts and goblins. He possessing all the virtues, who lives in
remains naked and carries a trident. Vaikuntha, who is the lord of LaksmI and is
well-versed in all the sports.
FT f f o r r a f ^ T R fe q R R ^ЯЧ|4|4|11
qfgqww wrtmrm t сш:и^^п
?<тт$?т дш чщ ш^ ш ч 'йп
The rogue of the sage Narada, has
destroyed your wisdom with your illusion and We shall arrange for your marriage with
confusing you has made you to perform the him. He can make you comfortable in all
tapas. respects. You leave the stubbornness and О
Parvatl, be comfortable.”
f t ч * д а э т f% FTTI F W k M f o l
Ttj*fcT P lf ^ lr4 ^ ! ll'tf < ill
■фд ДДЦ ЯТЩTfT^ft
What type of comfort are you going to
enjoy by getting such a type of husband. О fsr?EF ъ RI: ЯТ? ЧчЪ^%ПЧ'ЗМ11 ЧЧII
Girija, you just think over it. Brahma said, “Parvatl, the mother of the
w i F neff f ^ n r ft1«r t - щ Ц | universe, listening to such types of words, she
laughed and spoke to the omniscient sages
frg ft тд<*: f ^ W t n f q f t n ^ n thus.”
Earlier, he married the virtuous daughter of
Daksa named Satl, and could not maintain her 1 Й оШ
even for a few days. FTT^i vigf^;: eb&d F3?IFfcT RTf*9TT:i
clt FT of ^ tfrc(ir4iifftcW4 ОТ: I TRT ОТТ <43% ^ %3TT:! II4 $ II
538 ^iva-MahSpurSnam

PSrvat! said, “O Sages, whatever has been О Sages, whatever has been spoken by you
spoken by you could be correct from your is improper. I shall point out in brief the real
point of view, but О Brahmanas, I am unable meaning of the same.
to discard my stubbornness. ’juriflftt f#Tft xr fgtnj: W4
w ft: ww *T#S#s*pr: #тгщ - chKUi^^H н
feraift -gfinn 4 t ч 4 i$ n i4 v » n You have described Visnu as the above all
I have been bom of the mountain. and having all the noble virtues, who roams
Therefore, the hardness is quite natural with about everywhere, and that is true, and for the
me. Therefore, you kindly don’t dissuade me vices pointed out by you in Siva, I am going to
from my path. give the reason for the same.
42ZT ^ cb{feMI <sRPT (ft«hk: ЧТЯтБ^^$с1Щ#:1
TpvOlt c|rR W ifi# % : II4 CII JRpTT dlfchehl ^3 ^^11
The words of the divine sage Narada are Siva is the Supreme Brahman, is the
quite beneficial for me, which will never be unblemished one. He takes to many forms for
neglected by me, because according to the the sake of his devotees. He is not interested
people well-versed in the Vedas, the words of in displaying his worldly splendour.
the preceptors are always beneficial. SR: WTpTHT «П# ffiTOT t# : I
3 3 T 4 ic h fi# # T ^3T * # : l sicifaw ^ur irh ^-t RWTii^qii
r№llftf>iq> 'ТТПГ ТТЧ ЧТТТТзГ shfcidjl ч я и Siva moves in the form of an Avadhut
The words of the preceptors are always remains engrossed in the bliss and is the
beneficial and those who believe in them personified supreme bliss.
firmly, they never face misery in this as well
as the future worlds.
*r 11e, ^ n
T jw nt T R ## 4 «ft: I
To adorn one’s body with the ornaments is
S h r i f t # T Ц §:T 3 4 ST 3^11 || a matter of illusion. He is Brahman, and he
Those who feel that the words of the keeps himself away from the illusion. He is
preceptor are not true, they can never be the lord, Nirguna, unborn, free from illusion,
comfortable in this world nor in the world of invisible movement, and a cosmic Being.
after death. They always feel miserable.
* %tt:i
4 T tf r c w r WOTT 3cT t % tT :l # 3 'JlHllM cfRRT:II^V9||
# SR# w f t f5: fER : WH ^ W О Brahmanas, Siva does not shower his
О Brahmanas, one should not neglect the blessings on the ground of faith, caste etc. I
words of the preceptors either in the house or know Siva only, through the blessings of the
in the forest. Therefore my stubbornness will preceptor.
surely provide comfort to me. IT % f t f t r n ffte n i 4 chflfet#!
т$Фт щгч дРтончг: I w ? Ttrt m i 5t и
ricRraT dfgft3> c i o f a # w i r : i i ^ ? ii О Brahmanas, in case Siva fails to marry
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 26 539

me, I shall ever remain a virgin. I am speaking

the truth.
33*lf?r Щ Щ :
TRl?# ^ ire: 0Ш \ ^nf?Tgf|:l
3% T^r tr^TT^ fjMWl
ч f? ^ й ^ сч*№4<й4№т11$ ii
In case the sun rises from the west, or the
Meru mountain becomes mobile, even if the
fire becomes cool, or the lotuses bloom over
the rock at the top of the mountain, my
stubbornness cannot be removed. I am
speaking the truth.”
w re re

foTTUT fnfy^UI %ЧШП^ о ||

Brahma said, “Thus speaking and then
bowing to the sages, the daughter of the
mountain kept quiet and remembered Siva
with a devoted mind.
ГлГ^шт: ^jfqEBqqi

The sages on realising the firmness of

Parvatl, appreciated her and bestowed the
excellent blessings on her.
m w t f ЧТ Ч Ч ^Т Г f g 4 ( 4 f l l : i
The sages who had arrived to test the faith
of Parvatl, felt delighted after bowing to
Parvatl and at once returned to the place of
Ш ЧЩТ ^ fffi4T 4^1
^snut 5рча <т1^1вэ?11
Reaching the place of Siva, they apprised
him of the factual position and then taking
leave of him with respect, went back to the
Пукгчт чт^т1-
чтч тщй?т15«гтг:11^mi
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 26 539

Conversation between Jatila and

tro t T n j:ii? n

Brahma said, “After the departure of the

sages, Siva the creator of the universe, himself
resolved to put Parvati to test.
ч О ф д о ь л j p g i g Ht p r f h t : i

^ rm w R i ti ^ x n iA g q trii j n

On the pretext of testing her, Siva took to a

form with matted locks of hair, he proceeded
on to the peak of Gaurl Sankara.
^sjfE R t f t y ^ T d ЧЭЙЧНШ

f g t ^ S l Ш \ Щ Ц ^ T :l l^ l l

Taking to the form of an old Brahmana,

shining with brilliance, he was delighted in his
mind. He carried an umbrella and a staff to
support him.
c ra rc rW ^ B t b i t w tf v r : ^ fR T fw ri

ITT f e s r t: g r v r n f i m i

He found the goddess seated over a

pedestal surrounded by the maids. She looked
like the digit of the moon.
0 3 w ifiw fc 4 « ii4 i
УЧеЬиЗ wff 4-Tbcf?WH:ll ц II
Siva- who is well disposed towards his
devotees, having the form of a Brahmacarl,
finding Uma there, lovingly went to her.
3TFTIT IT cf^T <£gT ^W T^fTR Tl

3 T W lf % g T ^ II ^ II

Finding a Brahmana’s arrival to her place,

Siva called for the material and adored him.
fWfrd чШ щщ чзп
я к т чящ %ггчщти11'э11
540 Siva-Mahapuranam

She lovingly observing all the formalities, You tell me in which race are you born?
welcomed him, and respectfully enquired of Who is your father? What is your name? You
his welfare.” seem to be extremely fortunate and are
uselessly performing tapas.
f% rET TpHT V T W tl
clqfq^i H7!IICIt РНПТ ТГЕГ ш ctf i t чщ ?XII
Parvatl said, “Who are you arriving here in Are your Savitrl, who gave birth to the
the form of a Brahmacarl? Where from have Vedas or are you LaksmI or Sarasvatl, or
you arrived? You are well-versed in the Vedas either one of them? I would like to know
and the entire forest is illumining with your about you.”
чщ ^ э д й я ! 4 HPCHIHfi
Щ %4WH^dl 1 Ш ЧТИ ЧТ<Ш II
4 WT:II <?II Parvatl said, “O Brahmana, I am neither
Savitrl, nor LaksmI, nor Sarasvatl. I am
Brahmana said, “I am an old Brahmana
Parvatl, the daughter of Himalaya.
roaming about at will. I am intelligent ascetic
who bestows happiness helping others. итт э д и т ш т m \ 4TORT3RTfHi
m щ * ни Гм нчнт ф\ HTfa HiVh^lSf qf?T:ii^ii
Tjftfa: яч^Гчи || In my earlier birth, I had been the daughter
named Sat! of Daksa Prajapati. My father
Who are you? Who is your father? What denounced my husband then I burnt my body
for are you performing the hard tapas in this with the yogic fire.
lonely forest, which is beyond the reach of
even the sages. зги sraft ЩЩ: f^ratsfcr flife&rai^ i
ит тершт trht ^т трлн i и фэн
ч ли ч or HTfa # я ч п
As luck would have it, then I became the
ЪЙ T# flRT ^ =ft|| ^11 daughter of Himalaya and got Siva
You are neither a small girl nor an old fortunately, but he burnt Kamadeva to ashes,
woman, you are the beautiful damsel. What then he left me and went away.
for are you performing the tapas without your
3TFTHT f%t! TJfST \6 II
1% ич(нн1
After his departure, due to my mental
нчнй и ч duirifd itfer! гЩ ^ ^ agony, I was upset and resolved to perform
О Beautiful ascetic, are you the wife of hard tapas and with that end in view. I
some one, who does not take care of you? Or reached over the bank of Svarganga.
has he deserted you? !кнт m : свил et Tjflri ЩЩЕПЭД1
cfct c&HT «БН tITTHT <Я: fcRTT НсГ Щ 5 ^ Щ | чш 4 сэт ^gr тШит дштни
hWrefmrrcRcm ^wt нчШ:и ^ и After performing tapas for a long time,
Rudra Samhita (PSrvati Khanda), Chapter 26 541

unable to find my husband, I thought to Therefore, you express your desire

entering the fire, but in the mean time I found correctly before the blissful Brahmana like
you and have stopped here for sometime. me.
W г* fy^TffffTcTT 4% l Wlf^fit ЯШ Щ eflrtfdt в4У1гЧЧ11
m m cjRbqift сгщп ^ о n rT ёКг4 TTPZT T %|| ^
You can go, because I intend to enter in the О Goddess, you express the thoughts of
fire, because Siva has not accepted me. your mind before me, a Brahmana,
Wherever shall I take birth, I shall get Siva as appropriately. I have become friendly with
my husband.” you. Therefore do not conceal anything from

f i r a i ш&й ^ rifJT: Ш Щ c(fo! HgfattflUM: ЧТЦ1

f^fwtRT j d t 9ГЩПЙчт: ? \\\
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Parvatl in О goddess, what type of boon is required
full view of Siva, entered the fire inspite of his by you. I want to ask you. Because it is in you
preventing her from doing so. that the fruit of the penance can be seen.
T O rl^fOT ч ъ II W ЖЧЩРТ f|<9fT ЭДгГЩTriw.-ii ^ d II
But due to the influence of Siva, the fire, In case you are performing tapas for some
for Parvatl, became cool like the sandal paste. one else, then you can do so. The gem is in
your hand, leaving that, the collection of glass
$pjf fw m %5T:l pieces is of no use.
JT: чящ ir эn
ч1*^4 oq4T<^d r^m
Remaining in the fire for sometime when
ci^mq^cblfq ЗЧЙЙ zf 0 cERTTII ? я II
she found that the fire was unable to bum her,
she then got ready to leap towards the sky, Why have you covered your beauty with
then Siva- in the form of a Brahmana again the bark garments or the animal hide instead
asked her. of the costumes.

fg3T -dcnxi
сщят щ ш т о WPT:i
щ & п f4si<d4fst w 3° и
ЗЩГ 4 f?l
You speak out the real purpose of the
tapas, hearing which a Brahmana like me
The Brahmana said, 'O Beautiful one, what could be pleased.
type of tapas is being performed by you?
Because of that you are unable to understand
anything. Neither has the fire consumed your
body, nor has your wish been fulfilled. d-hts^d сТёЯ4 dWWWW ^pdTII 3 ^ll
ЗТгГ: ^ ^ R4toPTl Brahma said, “When so asked by the
ТРПЙ f o p p f e r H lR4ll Brahmana, then Parvatl, indicated her maid,
542 Siva-Mahapuranam

for giving an answer and he made her to speak If W FT fffjr!ll3 < ill
out the factual position. О Brahmana, the trees which had been
гГЧТ ЕГ })Rdl Ш 4ieir4l f q ^ 41 fa till planted by Parvatl earlier, are now sprouting
Hiurfirai '§5ЩТ w it 3?n and yielding fruits.
Then at the instance of Parvatl, Vijaya- the WHTTafa 'jR«f^T<^Ta[T3 Wl
dearest maid spoke to the Brahmacarl. Ч Ч Г ^Т T||?TR щ щ щ чтщ тгт g n }<? ||

w ra rg w w it gi-biiHi
If ^ 4W : ^ щ ^ frn E Sfy il 3 3 u My friend has been performing severe
penance at the advice of Narada, to make her
The maid said, “O Ascetic, I shall narrate beauty fruitful and to establish her father’s
the excellent story of Parvatl, together with race, besides blessing Kama. She has directed
the reason for her performing the tapas, in her penance towards lord Siva. О Holy
case you be interested in the listening of the ascetic, it is strange that her desire is not being
same. fulfilled.
w it *r PiftiTifw %cm^rT:i чч y i f r t ? ! m tm r -trmfwmi
ИШсТТt TTEftTt чвчг ш w ife ЧУМ^ЦГа Щdrtflcqi ich4^J^)dPf^fHTrU^II
4 rT cb*uPt Ч Ч |о»р| O Excellent Brahmana, I have first told
Мл ЧЧ2ПЩ7ТрЙ11^Ч11 you everything out of my love for her. What
This friend of mine is the daughter of more do you want to ask.”
Giriraja Himalaya, known by the name of
Parvatl. Mena is the name of her mother. She
жгс ш п fersmrr цщ$ч:1
has not yet been married. She does not desire
anyone else except Siva to be her husband. f l ! g sifeft w t faf^i<W4tf4)<fii*?ii
For that purpose she has performed tapas for Brahma said, “On hearing the true words
three thousand years. of Vijaya, О Sage Narada, Siva, who had
arrived there disguised as an ascetic
4 # Ч5ЧЧТ W I T HTCW гПТ f ^ P T I
laughingly said.”
ЩЯ ЩТИТ TfWr! р£ЗТ)тРТ1113^11
My friend had started tapas for the same 'jiliH зшд
purpose. О ascetic О Brahmana, I shall speak WT4 Л ш Ф ^тш ч чт1|
out the reason for the same, which you please n
listen. The ascetic said, “The words spoken by the
maid look like a big joke. In case it is true
t# fiR I*4 lfo i ^ Ч Г< £ т1Т 1^ 11
then she should speak out from her own
Parvatl, in reference to Brahma, Visnu,
Indra or other gods, would like to have Siva, sRPtaTET
in the form of a husband. g чзт ЧЧ g f o rtt fg5FtRTI
w f w n t ж \ i t it
Rudra SarhhitS (PSirvatl KhaijeJa), Chapter 27 543

Brahma said, “At these words of the

Brahmana with the matted locks of hair, the
goddess Parvatl, repeated the words spoken by
her maid, from her own mouth to the
fs s fa m ri
4i4dl«u^ Г?1е|м(г^уч1^
Rudra SarhhitS (PSlrvatl KhaijeJa), Chapter 27 543

f% c R f < p ^ ^тГ С :1 1 Ч 1 1
гГ^трдт faftstri
# w i»zii адшдаыГи ш frsn^n
The Brahmana said, “For so long, I had
desired that I should leave for my place after
knowing from the goddess, the purpose for
which she had been performing the tapas, and
thereafter I could go to my place. You can do
whatever you like.
Talk between Parvatl and Brahmacari Ч rSRII ТЩ fqnb-H ^trfl
ЗДГГ (T8IT 'ШЙГ 958Rht s9
Had you not spoken to me, the friendship
f g ^ ! зтйн! ti^ tT fiffW ta g i
would have become infructuous. As is the
ш •oе irra ч mzmn ?n ' karma as well as the destiny, one should speak
Parvatl said, “0 Excellent sage with the it out.”
matted locks of hair, listen to my entire story.
Whatever my friend has stated, the things are
exactly like that, there is not an iota of cR R rRZT tT:l
falsehood in it. ЩЩГ HTsfrff ^iqRjlc(W t %ЗЕТ116 II
тггат дщтт ятщт:1 Brahma said, “Speaking these words to
Ш ЗПЙРг fift ^ TRTI1I ^ II
her, as soon as the Brahmana intended to go,
then Parvati offering her reverence spoke to
Siva, has been accepted by me in my mind the Brahmana again.”
speech and action as well as by the means of
my ascetic feelings. чгёщгПтТ
^Rlfa cRf ЗЭТ -RPZf 7RJT 47^1 1% '« iftu ifa f W t У Д ffct <=R|

rwiftr 7R ■o гптГ w n 3' n ъ гт т spgspp 11

I am well aware of the fact that it is quite Parvati said, “O Excellent Brahmana,
an inaccessible object. How can I attain it? where are you going? You stay here for some
But still out of my anxiety I am performing more time and talk of my welfare.” At these
this tapas. words of Parvati, the staff bearer stopped and
3[tR feldl ^TT PlR'Jll ?T^TI
Щ ?7tf44T Ш W lT d ftf Ч ^Ш :1
ззга gigjDiw-J a ^ i tn^a^€j:ii,«ii
Brahma said, “After thus speaking to the <Trcf гГсТгё Ь{ й dqqui^dll II
old Brahmana, Siva kept quiet. Listening to The Brahmana said, “By stopping me with
the words of Parvati the Brahmana said. devotion, do you want to listen something
from me. I am therefore going to talk on the
зщ тзгпгг tattva, which would bestow the divine
knowledge on you.
544 Siva-Mahilpuraijam

Ъ&П 1рЕ5ЕГ*Т:1 daughter of Daksa Prajapati, had married Siva.

But what was the pleasure enjoyed her?
т ф * •ггат^ % ш т а т *?тр
Mahadeva is quite well known to me. He is eh^felilld WT ф п Фэ$М11
the preceptor of dharma. I am speaking out # ЯРПЩ НРТ £ r a f $ R T :H ^ 1 1
correctly. You listen to me attentively. Learning that Satl was the wife of the
TTgT^ t ^CTR:l skull-bearing Siva, Daksa discarded her. He
deprived Siva of his share of the yajna.
a i W k w C 'tfeftTt ЧТЗ^НТП ^11
Ш гЙ сИ Ч Ч Й Ч « R f in f r T T W l l
Mahadeva has a bull for his mount and
applies ashes over his body. He has matted M rJ T tR g T ^ II
locks of hair over the head. The tiger or the Then Satl, realising her own insult as well
deer skin is worn by him. as that of her husband, got enraged she
deserted Siva by ending her own life.
гьчнУнЧ ъШ : о
гЗ ' W k p T ftd T
f^wrr^t M thw: n ^ it
He holds a skull in his hand, the serpents rfmfer чй ^oii
crawl over his body. He consumes poison and You are the gem of the woman and your
the forbidden food. He has three eyes and is father happens to be the king of the
quite horrible to look at. mountains. Then why do you want to achieve
such a husband by performing such a hard
зМтЫЬЧ! тш penance.

No one is aware about his birth. He has no Ц ^ т rf ^ ^ 11

home and is deprived of all the pleasures. He
is without robes, having ten hands, and is In exchange for a precious diamond you
intend to get a piece of glass. You intend to
always surrounded by the ghosts and goblins.
apply the mud over your body, discarding the
m cHHulq щ w «raft sandal-paste.
■^ЗГ; irf<r9FK|
What for do you desire him as your vJUi^Tefc ??n
husband? Where has your intelligence Discarding the sun-shine, you are desirous
disappeared. О Goddess, you just think over of the light of the fire-fly. Disowning the
and tell me. silken cloth, you intend to wear the leather.
4$ ЩЩЩ ^ 9RRTW я-и^^н.1
^ ftwzfST ^ ^ «crot Я5%:11 ^ftpcgftr ! гЧскч!
I had earlier learnt about his terrific vrata. I Shedding away the comfortable living in
can speak out the same, in case you are really the house, you intend to be a forest dweller.
interested to listen to it. Discarding the excellent treasure, you intend
38F4 fftttT т д \ tttft to collect the iron.
cf%г й ftT ^M^WTPT: ^э|| P v ic ) 4 4 d h ll
Due to the move of destiny, Satl, the
Rudra SaitihitS (Parvatl KhaijfJa), Chapter 27 545

Leaving aside Indra and other Lokapalas, IF U Я т : 71# w n c f : IF ищ*Г:1

you aspire to get Siva as your husband. This is язгщг f p w 4 т в mnrmmii?oii
not at all proper. It is also against the worldly •о n3 '

conventions. On the one hand is the sound of double

drum, and on the other is the sound of the
W>ей ЗЭТрРЩй IFT# ^ throats ghosts and goblins. Therefore there is
V i ей «Г тдёГ:и ^ q t i no matching beauty between the two of you.
On the one hand, you have the eyes # 53d ёщ Ш Tf^TtSTT: i
resembling the lotus petals, whereas Siva has UT?T U 'ёГ?f t c # W # cHU Til 9 *11
three eyes while you are moon-faced, and on
In case he had possessed the riches he
the other hand Siva has five faces.
would never have remained naked. Bull is his
%afr f m f u й feczrr T i f w k Im n fu F T i vehicle. Therefore it appears that he possesses
игстг u fm g u f r a ^ i i nothing.
On your head, you have a beautiful and m u % W : UtrFT TTffali Tjt s P tN ^ I-.l
divine plaited hair, resembling a she-§erpent, TRHZT % T # ts f h 4 W : тдёГ:113*И
while Siva wears the well-known matted locks The virtues of the grooms, who could
of hair. provide comforts to the ladies have to be taken
m rr w H iw m FT fv ic rw xii into consideration Virupaksa Siva, has no
Ш ё З ^ й t TTTf? w 'М Й Т Ч Н ^ЧЭН
virtues absolutely.
While the sandal paste has been applied Tenth ?Fmt # # Ul
over your body but the limbs of Siva have зттттжт f#rr curmurr mi: n 3311
been plastered with ashes of the cremation On the other hand, Kamadeva, who is quite
ground. While you are clad in silken garments, dear to you has also been burnt out by him. He
but Siva is clad in elephant hide. after honouring you, left for some other place,
eF Uplift Roqift gF VlfTPT Щ deserting you at the same time.
Ш Ж Г^Т Т : li U it я6II 7 Й c[?Uet m u f u m Щ Ч c # T U l

While your body is adorned with divine W ldia fw u r % f # cfc# %

ornaments, on the other hand serpents are No one is av/are of his caste. He education
entwined over the body of Siva. While you are is also unknown. The ghosts assist him and he
served by the gods, but Siva is served by the has the poison in his throat.
goblins and ghosts. ЦсЬТсь! и f e r f m # U f^VeCI
IF UT W U d f 4FW ni тчттй % ? ^ и ч 1 и ^ ч х п ^ т г 1 1 ? ч 1 1
з? и frfoFrTiusra> и n3 9, 11 w и ^ w ч T ^ u s m f^ e m i
While cymbals are played in your home, STjfTFT: sF rl f^oU: ИШТЯТТ Ш rRFftll ^^11
and on the other hand Siva has the double He always remains alone and is
drum damaru in his possession. You have the particularly unattached. Therefore you do not
auspicious sound of the drums, while Siva has get attracted towards Siva. You have the
the inauspicious horn to serve as a sound. beautiful garland around your neck, while
546 Siva-Mahapur5nam

Siva wears the garland of skull. Your body has

been applied with cosmetics of sandal wood,
whereas the body of Siva is smeared with
ashes of the cremation ground.
тщ ч йей ш 3 vsи
О Goddess, the features and beauties of
yourself as well as Siva, are of opposite
direction. Atleast it does not appeal me. You
may, however, do whatever you like.

All, whatever has to be discarded is now

being desired by you. You may now detract
your mind from him, otherwise you can do
whatever you like.”
ёЩЧ ?fc3T ?R3T TTTcpTtl
Ш f^ T O T f ^ w r t %ЗП{11 з <?II
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
the Brahmana denouncing Siva, Parvati felt
enraged and she spoke to him.
546 Siva-Mahapur5nam

гсгатй fgf^r Зрт! 4 tiO Ti

^ г^ТТШ w t f ^ g ЧГёгЙ m ill ? II
О Lord, whatever has been spoken by you
is false. In case you know him well, then how
could you speak against his performance.
ttr^T тфат-.i
Wc^Hill W ?rr
Have you ever found Mahesvara in this
form? He happens to be the Supreme
Brahman, and can take to any form due to his

Taking to the form a Brahmacari, you

intend to cheat me? Taking to the deceitful
form, you are speaking foul words.
ЩШ Ш <т ^шГц -gf^w ri
^1ИГТ#гГ: II4 II
I am quite well aware of the form of Siva.
Therefore I place before you the Siva-tattva
quite thoughtfully.
Ы s9щ г W4 Ws9T : «ITufa R :l
fKtt fojform трп?чч: иs n
tt % fasiRmiiiSR
f% Иигот 3>nf ттщ?чч:11\э||
In fact he is the nirguna Brahman. For
CHAPTER 28 specific reason he take to the Saguna form.
Witnessing of the real form of Siva by How could there be some one who being of
Parvatl nirguna nature could take to saguna form at
will? The said Sadas'iva is the central place of
tpSfig w ЩТ ^%^!TrsWfTrT:l all the lores. Then what has the Supreme soul
to do with the ordinary lore.
^3[Hf fay№<T:ll *11
Parvatl said, “For so long, I had thought
%3tr зщегт а ^ тчтт ЗтГСёгfo*n%i
that someone else had come. But now УТЩЧТ frr eErgTcft ШД: ^tsfRT tpT$:ll6 II
everything has become clear. You are a person At the beginning of the kalpa all the Vedas
who cannot be killed. emerged from the breath of Siva, which were
Rudra SamhitS (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 28 547

given to Visnu initially. Then who is the lord m f o s f a чгс|1%с|:п ? ч п

comparable with Visnu. What can a person not achieve by serving
cfyfUN ШШ:1
lord Siva who is the form of benevolence.
ЗЛЯТ f o T lr fc W W eb K U I^ II ^ ||
There is no shortage with Sadasiva, that he
would be desirous of me?
How could he be measured, in age, who is
primordial to everything and in everyone? '«wa-4«sR*: R T T ^fo it T ifn ri
Even the primordial nature Prakrti, was bom W ^ r n f o r t l l ^ II
out of him. Therefore, how could that Sakti, A person who had been a pauper for seven
be of any avail to him. births, when serves Siva, he achieves he
^ *гзг% XTcTTfor ТГСЙТТTift W l fortunes which last for long.
T ito r тт§: ^Tf?r n 7Щ2Г f o g q t s # R f a m TJRlfcf d lf o m i

Such of the people who always adore Siva, згащргт: tr[t m dfer дкт:п ^эи
the lord of the Saktis, he bestows on them All the eight nidhis (treasures) dance
three types of everlasting energies. before him daily lowering their heads.
Therefore what is beyond him?
dttjci WRisfteif -Jidlri fo fo i
Ш Щ T T f W 41
dRn-д ^ г г а т sfa g «рдаяйи w i
By adoring him, a person, overcomes the W fh 'R^rRTRT RUUII^ Я6II
death fearlessly. His name as Mrtyunjaya is Though the costumes of Siva are not
well known throughout the world. auspicious, but still his devotees meet with
welfare, by adoring him.
tret wramfon О т : fangsifar i
щ т ъ щ [ ?^ it с^сгт ifocrite хги ^ и
ЭйТГ fo b lttd H IlR d fa fo & T W ^fojTII ^ 1 1
By his favour Visnu retains his Visnuhood,
Brahma the Brahmahood, and the gods their He is the one, by adoring whom, all the
godhoods. desires of his devotees are fulfilled. How
could a blemish appear in the unblemished
c^farsf fvicivn^ m \ TRsiw ^гстг i Siva?
ЦТЧМТ: <JII« II Mffrism f t l w d faw<4J
As Indra goes first of all to meet lord Siva, с!$41<Й tffoTT: R far TT^TII ? о II
similarly the other living beings as well as the
A person who always recites the name of
gatekeepers also go to him for the same
Siva, all other people get purified simply by
purpose. looking at him.
f o g Щ ^arf?r r & t-.i
sfogR T fajdl- Ш td'illR dlfl
f% dRT W i g тщтя^:11 r*n far44fiir^i c$: PyitlfogHfr д а т 11? ^11
When the bottom of the Sivaganas falls You have stated that the ashes of the
over the crown of Indra, then it starts cremation ground are inauspicious, in case
glittering. What else can I speak in his favour? this be true then why do the ashes from the
He himself is the great lord. body of Siva are applied by the gods over their
548 Siva-Mahapur5nam

qt w m cSctf frfi ■ntnrf^d.-l eternal Siva.

4 q^TII ? ^ II ЗДГТ cWT W сП dp!4^R|
The lord, who taking to the saguna form 9, II
M M W lg wqt f4 ^ T P fd c fiR ) W T flH T :ll ?
performs as a creator, sustainer and the Whatever form might be possessed by
destroyer, how could the same Siva be called Siva, and irrespective of his being of several
as nirguna? forms, but he is surely dear to the noble
3FJUT щит* fvraw Ш Ш :1 people, and unblemished, besides being my
rR Ssift fosiRfitf
Siva- the supreme soul, has the form of rdW jqfenftl 4 W R T fC T IR lftr Ч?1гЧЧ:1

Brahman, devoid of attributes. How can the M n w «Ы(г11Щ1Ч1: т ф г t i l ^ О II

people like you know him who speak against Even Brahma and Visnu could not be
him? compared with him who is the great soul, then
grrarogr ШЩГ ^ йЫ стт:| what to speak of the other gods who are
subservient .to the times.
ТИЗ t ^TTqrf^fT f¥HW|JjUU*ri(U|:|| t?*||
The one who is wicked, sinful and opposes f^gSTT Ц Ч 1Н1ФМ ^TJTT ТГТгТТ ^ T 9 r f : l

the Vedas, he is ignorant of the nirguna-tattva £ R q m w g jflfq f t u R rpt: i i 3 ^ ii

of Siva. Thus thinking with my truthful wisdom, I
ъМ щ гТт^ЩТГгг ^41^1 am performing the hard penance in order to
achieve Siva.
a n w TrdRT q q frra ft ъ щ цn
RT Т П * W T ? I R : T f% T T q T h 'd ^ R :l
A person being ignorant of Siva-tattva,
denounces the lord, all the merits earned by w i g t s t a q r ft ^ n g u ^ iw r ii ц ч и
him throughout his life, get destroyed. He is the supreme lord, lord of all and dear
to the devotees. He is compassionate over the
down trodden people, and I am desirous of
r=R£>TT xT f*TT Щ ЧШ ^ 5 II achieving him.”
You have denounced here the illustrious
Siva, and I have adored you- the denouncer of
Siva, therefore, I have also earned the sin. fqfen rettft g t !i
f d u m f?ici ^ f q f lw N tiw rii з 3 n
fvrdffc&fapi cjgr
Brahma said, “O Sage, thus speaking,
fyrafgtfaoT5gr ртч%тг qqraVriiiqmi Girija, the daughter of Giriraja, kept quiet and
After having a look at the person who started adoring the unblemished Siva in her
denounces Siva, one should take bath with mind.
clothes, performing repentance at the same
H<l<*ir4 ggt W^riff ¥ i fg3T:l
д ч ^ Ч Ч П З Е щ w t s i VEI5 fA ii i-k ll
гггат xfrtW SIR lft
fqfelT «Wdw’t fdf f^rqf |<Tgi
ft r a t ^ W cR:)>?<sii
О Wicked one, you told me that you knew ftraw iRiffg: fH fv^m i^gdtii^qii
Siva well. But surely you are unaware of the Listening to the words of Girija, as soon as
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 28 549

the Brahmcarl Brahmana, was about to say Parvati was about to step forward, the
anything, Girija who was fully devoted to Brahmana, held the hand of Parvati.
Siva, was averse to the denouncement of Siva, W T H rm s jR wn IW TI
then spoke to her maid.
3$Hn3i Нгат$ diMdWNi^jyl' HTct:ii'*^n
He then displayed his beautiful form,
сгвпт^: ячНч H fp m ;i which was adored by Parvati. Siva then
lowered her head with shyness.”
Girija said, “You better stop this wicked Нтсг <Jcdn
Brahmana, making all the efforts. He is about Ш * I I W f a ЧТ H ^ T 4 ЩЩ\ 3 = r :l
to speak out something more, denouncing and
rebuking Siva. ятгаЬНч щ ff? яНч HiH ИЩ 41 3 и
Siva then said to Parvati, “Where are you
ч b m v& m э ф f w m Hi going leaving me alone here? Now I shall not
H t чт щ ъ ц \a и leave you. I am pleased with you. Ask for a
It is not the one who denounces Siva, who boon. You can be bestowed with everything.
earns the sin, but the one who listens to the ЗШЧ3Н гГЗШ*ЯЧЙ5т: h
rebuke of Siva, also earns the sin.
:RtHsfw fnra itii'tf'tf 11
Г$Из£Ц|сЬ<1 ЧВТ: Л From today onwards,! am your slave, you
1ЩРЛ^г?Г % сЭТзИ 44TST ЯёИ?П^ТЧ;113<£ll have indeed purchased me with your penance.
It is the duty with the devotees of Siva, that I am attracted towards your beauty as well.
they should destroy those who rebuke Siva. In Without you even a moment is like a yuga for
case he is a Brahmana, he should be spared or me.
the hearer should leave that place without AFtfldt rf ЯГСТ Ш ЧЧ Wlddll
delay, at once. ННзП щ H Hrn^f т#эНlium i
m p; Нтщгг H i You better shed away your shyness. You
tp&itii^ ii
had been my spouse since many births. О
Girija you better think yourself with your own
The wicked man will again denounce Siva. noble wisdom.
Since he is a Brahmana, he is not to be killed
and should be abandoned. Ш тГЙНшНт Щ ggsrr <j^4l4l !I
fejrSricttawMsh 4 1 * 4 1 4 ) Ш НГТЧ^1
О Damsel with firm wisdom, I put you to
sw тпздфд ч 34: 11^ о II
test in many ways. You forgive me for my
He should not be seen again at all. Let us behaviour, which I displayed because of the
leave this place and go else where. Let us not worldly traditions.
look at him.”
4 rEn^ff TPJlfoff Ч^УТГч vf Hcdtchiil
0@|)с|Ы FF&nt ЩТЧ: jefat Нт^!н'*\эи
ОДсНёЦ rftw lH!l No one in the three worlds is dearer to me
them you are. I am subservient to you by all
Brahma said, “Saying this, О Sage, when means. О Siva, you fulfill my desire.
550 Siva-Mah&puranam

щщ m §*т ^ n jt гёййточ» * 6 и
О Dear, you come to me. You are my wife
and I am your husband. Now I shall go to my
abode in Himalaya with you.”

xn^fTt fcJTrrtf 1TTI

тТ<ТГЗШТ g ^ R g уШ Ц ПЩ II
Brahma said, “At these word of Mahadeva,
Parvatl was pleased and she forgot all the pain
she had to face during the time of tapas.
«пй тд£штгсг:1
^ ^ SW: ^^¥T44|i)«nqil 4° И
О Excellent sage, all the sufferings of the
chaste Parvatl were over, because, the pain in
the efforts performed is forgotten, after the
receipt of the reward.

•k irk
550 Siva-Mah&puranam

4l«5fllcteM tgTOT Ч4Ч1Г*НГ|

4§ к ^ сь ( ш xr f^ r! и 3 it
О BrShmana, on hearing the words of Siva-
the great soul, and witnessing his true and
pleasant form, Parvatl felt very much
HrSjcnvj f^wti
srofa ^ «ТгУг^ йнш f^rorimi
The immensely chaste lady, goddess
Parvat!, replied to the lord, standing close to
him with great delight with her face beaming
with love.


<$jpf34ryi % psf ЧII
Parvatl said, “O Lord of the gods, you
happen to be my master. Have you forgotten
the one for whom you had destroyed the yajna
of Daksa?
ТГTORTSf "ЯрШ ^4TOt «fcrffwgitl
^ R T ^ ^ r ! Я№ПНЗЪГМНП{11*11
You are the same and I also happen to be
CHAPTER 29 the same. Presently I have been bom of the
Talk between Siva and Parvatl womb of Mena, to make the task of the gods
что? 3TOW who have been terrified of Taraka, a success.
9ГЩ! f ^ ! R?WPT! Ч р РЧЧТЩ1 «srrftr xf p i t tif^i
чч зтсвг p ; tw ilit и
NSrada said, “O Brahma, О Fortunate one, О Master, in case you are really happy
what happened thereafter, I would like to hear with me, and are kind to me, then you become
everything. my husband.
fa p d ттот Ч|щи|икЕтоецзтои

зтош w n f n чтот pTI t a l t cl| ЧТЧ PT:ll<S II

With your permission I shall now proceed
to the abode of my parents and you display
Brahma said, “O Divine sage, you can your glory in the form of your marriage.
listen from me what happened next. I shall
start the story which destroys all the sins and
ЧЧ1НГ чтачт что! %гтощ^ч: 3mt!i
enhances devotion towards Siva. стерто чт fa^roT r^eifai?n^:ii я II
Rudra Samhita (PSrvatl Khanda), Chapter 29 551

О Lord, you go to my father Himalaya and The traditional procedure of the marriage
ask for my hand since you are clever in the must be followed. Let Himavan realise that his
divine sports. daughter has well performed the auspicious
ш tSRT тей Ы w ra r, i penance” (for seeking Siva in marriage).
1П Ш Ы T^TW TII ?o ||
By spreading you glory in the world, you SJHT 4%Vllf41 ЧТО ТПТ1
make my father successful as a householder. Wtfad ■H'tn^rd'MfadilR Ш f5 ll ^V9II
jfcfafaulted: Ш Т <«nwvRciifT?T:i
s9 Siva said, “You better listen to my words.
cfiflKlfd Ч Ш f tr n *WII ^11 You move in such a way, which provides
With the advice of the sages, my father, welfare and by which no obstruction of any
together with his kins, will accept your kind is caused.
proposal delightfully. W if^iRr •fffTTft TOftrorfr сгпяй!|
ЧТО? ^ ft?! ^тГГ rtc^T^ 1 чтоогйсш ч т fafig; 'rnfafthi ^ 11
m facn?t ч firtw n ii ^ it О Beautiful one, all the moveable and
Earlier, I had been the daughter of Dak§a, immovable beings starting from Brahma, are
when I was given over to you by my father, all perishable.
then did you not marry me appropriately? fVfnTt f|v тгппЙГЕТ:1
•о sa
ч 1щт: Mfadi^ta ^i ТО^ШТОГ Ej) fwrfd
upnt ЧЕРТОГИ ^ II The one who is standing before you (Siva)
Since my father Daksa did not adore the is one but takes to many forms. I become
planets, therefore such type of hindrance was Saguna inspite of being nirguna. I am
created in the married life. illumined with my own brilliance. Presently
■яотдаЫчйчг Tf зтН i you own lustre has been added to it.
fsrai? г=ГТЩ&\ ebl^fa^ll ^11 то?рч : 4Tcfiasr тзчт c(fa! f*Tt ?r?4i
О Lord, Mahadeva, this time, for the toN # ^ щЫщчгот Toiler f|u ^ о и
establishment of the task of the gods, you get О Goddess, though I had always been free,
the marriage performed in an appropriate but I have been made subservient to you. You
manner. happen to be Prakrti, who performs
fecfTFW m r Ш : ttt rWT fP T i everything, besides being the great illusion or
ш щ %чсц^ точе$ f*i дят ?пт:и ячи Mahamaya.
You therefore marry me surely observing ШШ zf ЗЕТгЦЩ
all the rites of the marriage and in accordance -Hdlvmi % fafiT чтот торчал
with the rules, for the fulfilment of the task of
Т^Ы^Г: MTOlWTlt:
the gods.
О Goddess, the entire universe has been
стерт made of the illusion. It is held by the supreme
Hterr fnfcirt ^ u soul with great wisdom. It is united and
552 Siva-MahSpurSnam

covered by the ganas of nature of the Souls fW р Я Т tT 9EFSnfnT cl^WT!

akin to the nature of the Supreme Soul.
^ ЩГГ: ^ ждлщ: % гдат After knowing all this О Virtuous lady,
ferrgrH гп^тт ttfer ftrerro ^T=rf$[f4!ii??ii what type of task do you intend to be
О Excellent godess, what have you performed by me. О Beautiful one, you can do
spoken? For Siva, except you what else are the anything you like except this.”
planets? What are the seasons, О Fair
complexioned lady? ЩТГегггг
(■ V f __ cFfrrhTft TTffRfcft ^TT TTTSgt даТН$ШТТ1
пи|ГсЫ-чЯ'ч^чИ1,щт ш^да: f«T:i
ЩТ щ пда ЛЛ:
Brahma said, Inspite of thus speaking the
With the difference of attributes and
actions, because of our favourable disposition lotus eyed Parvatl, bowed in reverence to Siva
towards the devotees, the universe has been and spoke to him again and again.
created. ч|гЦ dw
t«r f? ^ т*Г:-«твМ«ЙЧ<Й1 сзпепгЧт ‘я ^ д т ? ш erneft f e n w i
ощттк ^ п т ъ ^тфлт foforaft я э т ^ и -ygUTTcrfini ^ 0 11
You are indeed the subtle primordial nature дайл щщ тттг! gjpf егтда щц ш \ \
comprising of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. You
лтлда лт Qdfrfl: ^РЬтгггт
are capable of the perpetual activity. You
possess the attributes and are also without Parvatl said, “You are the soul, while I am
them. Prakrti. There is no doubt about it. Inspite of
our being independent, we are subservient to
ф Ш щ ш ч тщ ч ш m rn n u
the devotees, whether we are with or without
ftl&hlfl .ftftesr II ? ч II attributes. О Lord, О Sambhu, making all the
O Slender wasited Parvatl, I happen to be efforts, you agree to my words, you ask for me
the form of the soul for all the living beings of from Himalaya, making me fortunate at the
the world. Becoming unblemished and same time.
without having any desire, I take to different
forms as per the desire of my devotees.
ч теН згда; да # f*Hi д а Лей ЖТ 4 W \ Щ ^jRTfTIl 3 ^ II
dcK<3i fasgcfit ЧгЭТ ч -ц&ц ЗДШН^|1 О Siva, I am always your devoted servant.
О Parvatl, daughter of the mountain, I shall Be compassionate on me. I have been your
not go to your father Himavat as a mendicant, wife in all the births.
begging for you. ter W ЛПТТсЧТ % fr jfiJT : H f5 tl: Ж : 1

P i d ^ li дадаг: Л * й щ :1 1 ^ Н
^Г^ПТгЩГ: ^TTffr Hty^dll ?V9II You are Brahman, the supreme soul,
О Parvatl, when the immensely noble without attributes, beyond Prakrti,
people also, beg with spreading of palms, then unblemished, without desires, independent
they feel the inferiority complex. and Paramesvara.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 30 553

?fT mm dej^iwl ТГ SifqqMj

Wimfa Tdt 4HIH)Hlfyvn^:ll^>{U ^TRT TR*T сГ^ ЧТЩЧ^ч4тТ:1|^о||
Inspite of that taking to the Saguna form, Reaching there, he conveyed the news to
you are engaged in the redeeming of your Nandi and others, who also felt delighted.
devotees. You sport about in your own soul,
rlsftr p w . йттищг m%:i
engrossed in it and you are quite familiar in all
your sports. Ш : ilfeRT5m4T 414^411^11
mferr remit Thereafter, Bhairava and other ganas, also
felt happy on learning the news and they
famW щ т р т % ц т mmi^mi celebrated huge festival.
О Mahesvara, О Mahadeva, I know you
ч р р р г ТТЛ m jeffifor Ч7Т5Г! I
fully well. О Omniscient one, what is the use
of talking more. You kindly be compassionate mrnfq vhr^ ii^ ^ ii
on me. О Narada, everything went on in an
fawHii ттт firm гшчт auspicious manner. The miseries were ended
ттт ч и т ^ -dlui? m=mfiinTii ^^и and Siva himself was in a pleasant mood.
Performing the astonishing sport, expand fetfrurai тгй
your glory in the universe, singing which
appropriately, a person should cross the ocean :ICRЧи
of the universe.”

$^<bnjeMi f h i r m ш ш т гг т р : m r:i

fatim т$пч mrcmm ^кттз#т:п^и

Brahma said, “Thus speaking to Siva,
Parvat! offered her salutation to him lowering
her head and with folded hands and then she
mirfo mm згттч mm
Ц'<1ЙИ: з c\\
At this prayer of Parvatl, Siva, the great
soul, in order to uphold the worldly tradition,
agreed to do so and got ready for the purpose.
mfr iFdSr: рд&тег p f e : i
turret w f r тптт Гск^1фуцн''И:11^^11
Thereafter, Siva, disappearing from the
scene, went to Kailasa with the attraction for
Kali preserved in his mind.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 30 553

Return of Parvatl and the festivities

fa ir! Ш \ RIW FT! «РГСЙ 4t4IS % hl

ismssnfo r^tgugalf w n
Narada said, “O Brahma, you are the
bestower of the salvation, and are therefore
graceful. I was able to listen to this
astonishing story by your grace.
trt % ■tncNft
О Intelligent one after the departure of
Siva to Himalaya, where did Parvatl, the
bestower of welfare, go and what did she do?
You kindly tell me.”

ItylfadWId !
^ 7Й PWWIH HTHtll 3 II
554 Siva-Mah3pur9nam

чтгЫч wl^rfiT w i it 1 Ц 1 sages, the female dancers and the sages

reciting the Vedas went along, mounted over
зптт parfvgifg щ т^тг crrf^frimi
the elephants in order to welcome Parvatl. The
Brahma said, “O Dear one, you listen to road was decorated with the trunks of the
me attentively, what happened thereafter, with banana trees, the damsels with their husbands
delight. After the proceeding of Siva to his and sons, stood on the way carrying the
abode, Parvatl also, recalling his name in her burning lamps in their hands.
mind, thinking her beauty to be successful,
reciting the name of Mahadeva, returned to
her parents’ place.
Чг4сЧТ»ШЧ ЯгЗГГ TRT гГТГ The Brahmanas were reciting the Vedic
%ЯТ 3TR W W ЗТгГЧрГ IIЦII hymns, the conches were blown, and several
types of musical instruments were being
Listening to the news about the return of played upon.
Parvatl, Mena and Himalaya were filled with
delight, they boarded the divine plane and fhfcsSRTO ^4<lfacf)4l
proceeded towards that side. Tht ftRTft JT:ll ^ 11
In the meantime Durga, reached near the
city and was spotted by her parents, while she
was entering the city.
He was accompanied by his family priest,
the people of the place, several maids, and WcRfl
other kinsmen, who also went with him. ^gT дли! Ш?§Т WIIhPt: ТШНРТiftll « II
W : WHT Becoming anxious with delight, Kali on
the other hand, rushed towards them and she
offered her salutation to her parents with her
With their minds having been filled with maids.
delight, they shouted the slogans of victory
including Mainaka and other brothers, who cff w m ifW ’« t d l *era$rfln
also went there. I ^ fr ran
т т т ч|ггаг Wcjrtfft Bleating her, they said, “O Daughter.”
Thus speaking they embraced her and
c 11 becoming emotional with affection, they
The auspicious water pots, decorated with started crying.
sandal paste, agaru, musk the branches of гТгГ: ЧЗсЙУЧГ ЗЩГРЕП 3RfT qrafaft ^ТЩс^П
trees besides the fruits were placed on the both
sides of the road. yigWt^ftr 11*411
Thereafter the other related women
together with the wives of her brothers also
t:ll<DI embraced her.
irfet: Tjfcrr тгтШ% f^ITTWTI
чйм^141(чгмд;|'<Гч^^4}:11 *011 dNrW<ftRiJMlfv| UTfgtTT: WlRdHI W ill *$ II
The priests, Brahmanas, the auspicious They said, “You have performed the task
Rudra Sariihita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 30 555

for redemption of the entire family, pretty effepsr: м4г1^1 SR <?<^l

well. With your tapas all of us have been
ЧИЧ1ЧШ тт W F m ii ^ и
Giriraja then distributed monetary gifts to
^ TRtfTcTT TTgfWT-.l the Brahmanas and the lords. He made the
W T R f : f^ ra t *рти ?van Brahmanas and others to recite auspicious
Praising her, all of them bowed in hymns as the part of festivities.
reverence to her. They offering the flowers, T?ci fw r r Ш Ш 1
sandal paste, adored Siva. зщ тАсчт 4 ^ ! i i 3*11
dfWdfl* ^сгг Й'ЧШЯГ О Sage, thus the parents were quit happy
y iq fg m cjgf: ^ : I I ?<in with their daughter. All the brothers,
At the same time the gods arrived in the daughters-in-law, close kinsmen and the
sky, boarding their respective planes and woman, delightfully sat in the courtyard of
Himalaya's house, with ParvatT.
showered the rain of flowers on her, besides
eulogising her variously. cRT: ТГ Ц Ч З Ш Ш : f & f g :

rT?T cetT гГ T& W 2 T T’frm fecf' =frl Ч«ЬН1’4ПгЧ1 ТЩ UfT 3PTR SIIR4II
5? я^ татщ : ^ ^ n Then, О Dear one, Himalaya honoured
with pleasure, all the people who had arrived
Then all the Brahmanas, made her mount there and thereafter he left the place for taking
over the decorated chariot and allowed her to a bath in the Ganga.
enter the city.
Ш fsrcrT: •O f?RT4l
sCr\ctt т а ш
Ш 4^11^11
ijt 'Roll In the meantime, Siva, who is favourably
At that point of time, the Brahmanas, the disposed towards his devotees, and well-
maids and several other damsels were of versed in divine sports, assuming the guise of
course present, who made her enter the house a dancer, reached before Menaka.
cnit c R fccTT
■O v S O \9
TI&gRit "щшш ivtmRfgw^Bi^on
w gqtgifc чФдт!п ^ qit
О Excellent sage, the damsels, showered
the fried paddy over as the ceremonial fgfgsj 3tr rnfgtRt?T4ii ч с и
ablution. The Brahmanas showered their He held the blowing horn in the left hand
blessings on her, both Himalaya and Mena, and the small double drum in his right hand.
were extremely happy at that time. He was wearing a red cloth and a sack was
hanging behind his back. Disguised as a
ш яч w m тег е&тшчШт
О N9 >9
щ\\ dancer, well-versed in dancing, Siva danced
{ р д щ ? ш з Ш стзч ^ w fe fg ii ^ и well and sang several sweet songs in sweet
They felt that their household life to be voice.
quite fruitful, because a virtuous daughter is ir CRT с п ги т ч ш
better than an evil son. Then Himalaya,
щ fg fg g t m ^ д щ ir W t ii ^ ii
praising Narada said, “You are graceful.”
556 Siva-Mahapuraijam

He blew the horns and played on the little mendicant continued to dance.
drum in sweet tunes. Everything was quite ш *чт д а ш й wihBfeTcTTfq xti
cfi$ Щ a t?4T d4fd«lfd4Wmil^V3ll
cTT f g ЧЕШ : ч ш Ш гем п
Then Mena feeling pleased with his
ЗТГЗТЩ; Щ Ш ®ПНТ Sfftr fcT ^ II 3 о || fortunes carried the gems in a golden vase in
To witness the performance of the dancer, order to give them to Siva.
all the men and women of the city besides all enf? ч ■wVdcbKi'rfl xf дач
the children and old people collected there.
да: д а ? ТТЕШ*fa?TW^gacT:ll3<DI
3WT д а й дащт д а * * 4%TTTI He did not accept the gems but in place of
д а т д а |: Tfiraf? xT д а 113*11 the gems, he asked the hand of ParvatT and
О Sage, listening to his pleasant song and then he started dancing and singing.
the charming dance, Mena and all others д а ffxR яда xrafrnft TrfMwn
■о О о
present there were filled with ecstasy.
четктчш тгтиз * и
fegf чт щ -Щ PdHlcHi if f тщтлi Mena was surprised and enraged at his
f^ w хиИгдан,» Э^ к words. She rebuked the mendicant and
C\ Сч v
intended to drives him out.
Pcffw^ft ш датТ ftfrw fh
Щ ^fuq'^Tb^f-tT РТИ-ГНТ1 W ( f*T8f HTI^fd^ll^o ||
д ай д а^'* !! At the same time Himalaya arrived there
Finding Siva in her heart holding trident after having his bath in the Ganga. He found
etc. in his hand and extremely handsome, the mendicant in human form in his courtyard.
Durga was fainted. The ashes were applied д а т йдаттзтдат д ат* д а р й т ^ t: i
over his body, wearing the garland of skulls,
ЗТЩТ xTW T R xnrgfN ^ir сТ 4 z t t iu * ii
having three eyes over the face, wearing the
yajnopavita of snake, Siva said, “Ask for the Learning of the news from the mouth of
boon you desire.” Siva had the fair Mena, he was enraged and asked the servants
complexion, who was friendly to the poor, to drive out the dancer.
ocean of mercy and beautiful in all respects.”
ft ТТТ Ш Ч Щ сШI ч дада ^tsf? ct й ч датдада
crt e f t чттта f f с* щ Ш m 3 ч и О Excellent sage, no one could drive out
Finding Siva in her heart in this form, Siva the dancer, who could not be touched like the
offered her salutation to him in reverence and burning fire and was filled with lustre. No one
asked for a boon from him to become her could drive him out.
husband. cTcT: TT С:I
ett д а т ^ШТ cTT^t Я Ш ! ffRTI «vtomw # rm 1*311
3Rrak д а т ? д а й ?т Щаь: n 3 $ и О Dear one, the mendicant who was well-
Lovingly, bestowing a boon to Siva, from versed in various types of sports, displayed
his heart, Siva disappeared, while the before Himalaya, his endless great power.
Rudra Samhita (P3rvati Khancja), Chapter 31 557

d d d fd W d rc g ? g d d I fa^ri WET dT dWsHTIg f^R^FTII Ц

(ebOfdH fn s fm qtrm m Thereafter the best of the mendicant, then
Himalaya then found him in the form of begged for the hand of his daughter and he
Visnu, adorned with the Klrlta crown, accepted nothing else.
Kundalas, yellow garments, and four hands. 4 drf|d: fprddiwi
dd ■n^T^I
4уТШ ^ №r?r dtdTd^ dd: IIЧ*II
ш ^ ?ir*4ti Having been confused with the illusion of
Whatever flowers had been offered by him Siva Giriraja did not accept that proposal.
to Visnu at the time of his worship, were all Thereafter, the mendicant disappeared from
found in his body. that place, without accepting anything at all.
tTtTt dFIdT W i t Щ d d ^ s T d l т а ^ tr ^drvIb^ralRfdi
<Vb«3u1 46ЧГЦ 3ddt fpidt diffdtdT WWI-i 4ddBPT:ll4 3H
Thereafter, Giriraja found him in the form After his departure, both Mena and Giriraja
of four headed Brahma of red complexion, came to realise that both of them had been
reciting the Vedic hymns. cheated by Siva.
dd: ddtfdfodd dstd %% sqfdiT^dmi
^ M tm : 4 qm '<3%cfTchTfitiT4ii и 43Wtych() fd^TT ^ 4^ 1^ 114*11
Thereafter Giriraja saw him in the form of Thus thinking both of them developed in
the sun which happens to be the eye of the their minds devotion towards Siva, which
universe, in a moment. bestowed moksa and bliss.
ddt d гПгГ! 4 ^ l< ^ d 4 l did 9ftfVi44Fig3iu) fiwtowi «st-Hf^ni’Ui ddft
4Т&тЬ§и%tn^fhldnn4d4#4ddtlf4 dT4
O Dear one, thereafter, Himalaya, saw him
in the form of Siva with ParvatT, illumining at
the same time.
cwreto: Гнг*ц
fwnUr 'РгОщ 4^1^4^4*4,11 * я и
Then he saw him as a mass of splendour
without any specific form. It was unsullied,
free from peculiar attributes, and desires. It
was wonderful and formless.
TJd сЩ1Я' W flftH d W d d d ^ $ I

§ f d f * 4 d t ё п т а щ 4 < 4 l 4 ^ « ^ d : IIЧ о II
Thus he found him in many forms and with
many features, which surprised him pleasing
him at the same time.
f | dWdTdlSJ flfdfidl
Rudra Samhita (Parvafi Khancja), Chapter 31 557

Illusion of Siva

N fP * * r* *\ _ _ _ P4 f *
diimtTh flr^T ЧТШат№тП№ПЧ.1

Brahma said, “O Narada, realising about

the undisturbed and great devotion of both
Himalaya and Mena, towards Siva, Indra and
all other gods felt immensely concerned.
~ n3

f щ fqgfiidr Rir: r ртсщ% чщйн ^ it

558 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

The gods said, “In case Himalaya gives

away his daughter with utmost devotion to
Siva, then surely he will achieve moksa,
disappearing from Bharata. m тТгсГГ «R5 fe^TW ^#FT:ll^ll
The gods said, “O Preceptor, for the
сЧёКёГГ W S lfa l
success of our task, you kindly go to the abode
wwrffewT 'hfefefew qfferr spqii 3 к of Himalaya and denounce Siva, making all
The mountain is the abode of enormous the efforts.
gems. In case he leaves the earth, the name of ftRlfeRT ffelT Wt WRT clRbiffcll
the earth as the abode of gems would become
Slfe^WT "ШТ Uxrl clfe6*!frill ?o II
Durga is not going to marry anyone else
■ адтщссг fe s R T f e w ^T:l except Siva. By giving away his daughter half
WRIT feWHtfe *lfebi|fdimi heartedly to Siva, he will not earn full merit.
He will assume his divine form casting off 'gfe fe s f i
his immobile aspect and giving away his
daughter to Siva, taking to the divine form, he
will go to the place of Siva. Himalaya is presently lodged on earth.
Since it is the abode of innumerable gems,
M gl^w W f e H t f e Ш W : l therefore, you establish him on earth.”
T? ЩТ^ВТТЩгТГ ч!^Мч1ц<ЧfrillЧ II fl^ljcun
Reaching there he will surely merge into ^cicR: Яссгт ^ wrcfrfe: wmii
the form of Siva and enjoying the best of
pleasures, he will surely achieve moksa. т -ЩШХТ. ip;: w m r ferafe wn w n
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
w raM of the gods, the preceptor did not agree with
frfll^ lsi Ш : ^ rmraui few: i them and reciting the name of Siva, he placed
TR TW T ffe fw r:ll^ ll both his hands over his ears.
Brahma said, “Thus consulting among ЗШ Ulfew ^ 4 f e ^ R # : l
themselves, all the gods, thought of deputing зсгта ^ tt : 37:113311
their preceptor to Himalaya. The preceptor, with a benevolent mind,
rPT: recalling Siva in his mind, rebuked the gods
again and again and said.
W 4: tfean Ttffefe тпд! w i^ № H :ii's ii
О Narada, Indra, who is of selfish nature,
accompanied with other gods went to the ■Ri clWT: W$SWiRRR5RT:l
place of his preceptor. % ilRWlfe gcj^ll 3*11
hrWT TW 4cWT ^ ^WT: fidfilcu:l Brhaspati said, “All the gods are selfish in
hT% ffThHITTII i II nature and sabotage the interest of others. By
denouncing Siva, I shall surely fall in hell.
Indra and other gods, reaching the abode of
his preceptor, respectfully narrated their WrfgRRZT^ •О

feelings to him. TTnTTcfe^WTfw Tlfewfet rf|| 34II
Rudra Samhita (Pflrvatl Khanda), Chapter 31 559

Let some one among you go to Himalaya, дат w fern в-dluqd

and do good to himself by advising him.
Ш Ш t #5r irfpll ? ? II
дат дар даз RrgcT *ГНгГ| О Gods, you should go to Kailasa and
*T3?PT д а ! даЭТ ЧТЩТ HH-Wfe fqferFTII please Siva and send him to the place of
In case he gives the daughter unwillingly, Himalaya.
he will remain on earth and in case he gives
зет Птдда|^¥Ш1гчРк'| gjftf $i
away the daughter with devotion, then he is
sure to achieve moksa. 4TRr TfsRWT Wf^T даНГ Щ || II
^ citefabqfti ТТ&ГЧ1 Let him go and denounce himself before
Himalaya, because the denouncement of
f t R ! % ? T f^ 4 T c R 4 F T clRbqfdll 3V9II
others leads to destruction, while one’s own
зтягат wtt дат дагнда ш гат :1 denouncement earns glory.”
дат адэд -щ ег: cbRtyfHn ^ и
Afterwards the seven divine sages will
^ Ш Щ Щ д а т ъ %|
advise Himalaya that Durga is not going, you
accompanying Indra, go to Brahmaloka and ^ШЯдаТ. m i sWlFlfim fnfHIIR'kll
convey the news to Brahma. He will be able to Brahma said, “The gods listening to my
do your job.” words, offering their salutation to me, went to
wmrra Kailasa- the chief of the mountains.
й «чйадандФ т w дат:1 ТТЯЗЩТ <£gTТРЦЩHd4Wdil:l
ir i датпдащп ^ ii I f W i 4$ w ^ 11
Brahma said, “Hearing this, all the gods Finding Siva there, the gods, lowering their
made consultations among themselves and heads, bowed in reverence to him and started
then they reached in my court and they eulogising him with folded hands.”
discussed the matter with me quite
^ciHt дада здаг дал дадаг! сьъ'сгпсьт! ?ifT!i
<m m rrw r: дачт йпдап
^d[c|Thl f a m i f <THWfa i l l ? О II
О Sage, listening to the words of the gods The gods said, “O God of gods, О Siva, all
about denouncing of Siva, I, the reciter of the of us take refuge in you and you remove the
Vedas lamented and said. miseries of your devotees.”
щ зттндада: wifa^+bcbittai: дан
да ^ntr даит: M W дадатда '^1^даЬь1чЩтйдак: и ?V9и
W fff4IVHyi4l^ 1здат c f t^ f q u ih r ii 3 ^11 О Lord, you are favourably disposed
towards your devotees, always engaged in
Brahma said, “O My sons, I am unable to
perform the task of the unbearable denouncing their tasks, you are the uplifter of the
of the lord Siva, which is the cause of distressed and ocean of mercy. You remove
misfortunes and the destruction of fortunes. our miseries and distress.
560 Siva-Mahapur3i}am

W№r dw wgrRuft тгтшНг flm<rra:i

dfo qlyiR ^ с!=гт: ш гат :1 ячпт ч ^ т 5 Ш ч ч ^ н м ^чн
dd ЗТЩТШИ3 6 II Finding him there, Himalaya got up with
Brahma said, “Thus eulogising Siva, Indra his kinsmen. Finding a unique guest he
and other gods, placed the entire news prostrated before him.
respectfully before Siva.” ччщ hicpfl 'm r t
dr^WI *4Ь(«ЬК *ф9Т: I ?IIWl d 44WI d^W ТЩТ Mdlll ^d и
^ р т т ш mm^TFT ^ ii Parvatl also offered her salutation with
Listening to the words of the gods, lord devotion to the lord of her life. Recognising
Siva, accepted their request with a smile. him Parvatl, delightfully offered her prayer to
^cTT dcdT WTf^Thl
sn fv tH fe d : s tfd d : fv w :i
RidT f| 3T9RRT: WdlfvWH.ll 3° И O \5

fvrctw T 3 tf c & ш \ T R f s f w R f e r f d n i ^ n
All the gods, reaching their respective
abodes thought that the task was done and Siva in the form of a Brahmana, blessed
started praising Sadasiva. all. О Dear one, he praised heartly the goddess
Siva, blessing her at the same time.
dd: -WWdcrioaw^vi) 4rficivWcT:i
WJ&rfdcji ШТ? «ГЦЮТТ RdTI
w ft fn^VTt ftidcfciWRii ?
dd #nfiR]^4 f^RFR "ГЩТ5НТН113 6 II
Thereafter Siva- the lord of illusion, who is
The king of mountains Himalaya
favourably disposed towards his devotees,
respectfully offered him madhuparka etc.
being unblemished, went to Giriraja.
which was accepted by Brahmana with
ddT#r: tw rw W4=nw 4d^d:i • pleasure.
SRraff: trf^rr: 4(<ftfari|d: ^ганн^И xrargf drvTdf d W fpnfd: 44dlrf4:l
At that point of time Giriraja was seated d f|£5Fd RfnfcdT -Япр* !II3 <?II
over the lion throne, surrounded by his
Then great mountain Himalaya adoring the
kinsmen and Parvatl in the assembly.
Brahmana appropriately and enquired about
Pdfwvl'd> Ш Wl^TWTl^lf^W:I his welfare delightfully.
d^df ш \ fd’oq-qrai 3n dd: f i ^ v r t d d d : d i t dcrrfdfw i
At that every moment Sadasvia arrived ddTcr VTHi f d f t d TTTdt d d i l l ^ o l l
there wearing the shining tilakam over the
Then Giriraja enquired the Brahmana
forehead, carrying a beautiful umbrella and a
about his identity with all respect. Brahmana
danda. He was clad in beautiful clothes.
also replied soon with due respect.
diT WSfsdRMUr Vd^iUM dH d^FTI
fd S F d d d T d
^f4i?n»TdHdtdT Wldtwt ffd: II d't II
W ifts d d w ra t f w r e : i
He was holding a rosary of crystal beads,
wearing Salagrama around his neck, reciting d f e s t cffddT ftlcd w f d d w A d ^ i r k ^ l l

the name of Hari with devotion. Taking to the The Brahmana said, “O foremost among
form of a Brahmana ascetic, arrived there. the mountains! I am a learned Vaisnava-
Rudra Samhita (PSrvati Khanda), Chapter 31 561

Brahmana. I roam about on earth living on ^ Гигант ч % -g ^ T n g i

astrology and match making.
РЧтвЙ g<£j|T4t hiliHHI О Mountain, your present inclination is not
Ч-ПЧсЫ<1 ?T<£RgT at all auspicious, О Best of the learned people
By the grace of my preceptor, I move like bom in the race of Narayana, you should be
the speed of mind, can move everywhere, am sensible.
omniscient, simple minded and help others. I 4 % 4MI4WST trr^fl^lTchTjfbll
have an auspicious soul, besides being the
ocean of mercy and the remover of all the
blemishes. Siva is not at all the deserving person. On
hearing this the people at large will laugh at
ш fTBT you with disdain.
f4T tRTW f^oqj cRW ftfsyuinjji'^ii щц $Hif«ro! ^ ъ ч ggttafcfgt щжгам
I am aware of the fact that you are inclined rTRf 1% % ^ ч ftn ч о и
to give away this daughter with divine beauty
to Siva. О Giriraja, look here, he is devoid of
kinsmen, you are the enormous abode of
РТЧДО*Г1£1Ж#Ш гГ1 gems, while Siva is a pauper.
?Ч?ПТсГГЙТЧ gtfrftll'tf'tfll
fare* #$r wdiwm
Не is helpless having no shelter, has no
*мЦ^> qfirgdRi4dli tBRTiiц^и
association, is ugly, devoid of virtues, dweller
of the cremation ground, wearers of snakes. O lord of mountains! you, leaving Parvati,
consult your other relatives like sons, wife and
eb'dww otncwqmarrf^Jli the wise courtiers.
ftfw r ЯЫ TOHfcpT fTTfTWT!l
He remains naked; has a dirty body, is
adorned with the ornaments of snakes. His froezr ттшгт&рт g^rn ц^u
pedigree is unknown. His conduct is bad and O wise mountain, the patient does not like
he always remains wandering. the medicine and on the contrary, he likes the
harmful diet that increases the sickness,
appeals him the most.”
His body is smeared with ashes, he remains
furious always, he lacks wisdom, his age is ^rgcR^T shfviui: ТГ doKcti 43^3:1
unknown and always wears the crown of the tiPTiiT т а ш -рттчтг чят^дтдя:
matted locks of hair over his head. Brahma said, “Thus speaking the
Brahmana stopped. Thereafter he took the
g itp ^ d TdTVJ ^la^^nfrR ^ЗЩ)1 food and left the place delightfully for his
He supports all those who roam about, he abode.
is adorned with the garlands of snakes, is a fgatorai ^ d f ^ d i q i д нЙ
mendicant, is the follower of the wrong path fviytnuiciui^ 4iA«%fts«qra: li 3 W
and stubbornly discards the path of the Vedas.
562 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

CHAPTER 32 her in the ocean. But I shall never, give my

Arrival of Sapta-Rsis daughter to Siva.”
WtaFcT |rg«RdTy гГгтт *t4T ъ т т ^ d ll
Silgiuiw Ш: Sp4T TTWW f |w m i rddrdT ffR ТГТ■с|сЫ< ?ШЧ !IIII
?1&Ч ЧТЯЧЧЧТ ]fc$4 f^Trmi ?l) Thus speaking, Mena, with her mind filled
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of with grief, retired to the chamber of anger,
discarding food and lay down over the bare
the Brahmana, feeling painful at heart and
dropping tears, Mena, said to Himalaya.
<Ш! 444ЧТTfH 44 ^1
ЧЧ4ЯТ ?PF4: ТПГТ fd^otn^n?44TII СII
^ Ч5ТЧ4 MRuil^
О Dear one, Siva on the other hand, who
^Icidil^^f^bMfh W5I4t4 p ЧII was upset with the pangs of separation, at
Mena said, “O Giriraja, you listen to my once recalled the seven sages.
words which are going to ultimately result in
t 4 $ 7ТЩЧТ ЧТ5ЧТ d^TI
comfort. You better ask the opinion over the
words of the Brahmana, from the devotees of -ЩЧ ЧШ: diPTfP fdT4^ll <?II
Siva. At the recalling of Siva, the Saptarsis, at
once arrived there like the kalpavrksa.
f4^T 5^4 <PT ЗТ Щ ^ш гёч fg4R4TI
зтчзрй ч ш зч ш т т г щ т Ш ^ ч т т !
Ф * m * JRtsrfa Ш т ft ч%ч! u*11
The Brahmana who had been the devotee T94PT ?Т:1Цо II
of Visnu has denounced Siva. О Lord of Arundhatl, also herself accompanied them.
mountains, listening to the same, I feel On the arrival of the seven sages illumining
extremely painful at heart. like the rays of the sun, Siva discarded
performing the tapas.
чтй чяч # № ч frrrqi^i
f ?49flcT4T^ f| &Щ11){11 fcRW* w t : 4*dT f?ra i*U
0 Lord of mountains, I shall not give my 4 d^ir4i4 ?*nsf ft d4f^4:ii wn
daughter to that Siva, because of his being О Sage, the seven sages, offered their
ugly, devoid of humility and virtues, because salutation to Siva, in reverence and standing
my daughter is quite beautiful and possesses before him they eulogised him, considering
all the virtues. themselves to be quite fortunate and spoke to
4 Rfrartffr ч w n
rq^nfir ^ Tjt ШТГ ^fqbqifiT ЧТ fd44.ll 4 H ddt faw m iw r ЧЧЩЧЧ f w i: 44:1
In case you do not agree to my words, then JTlf: WFRT# t f m Ф яччщ щ н w II
I shall end my life or consume poison. Thereafter feeling surprised, they again
offered their salutation to Siva the lord of the
Ч& T33dT dlWlft Ч?Ч 4441
three lokas and then spoke.
гщрЫг «IWlfa ^ 4ЧТ4 И^ II
1 shall bind a rope around the neck of sd

Parvati and drag her to the forest and drown 4 fR R ! Ч тМ ч !

Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 32 563

ъш щ f% t p : ^ K ^ r w r i i ^ 1 1 The lame person cannot reach the

The sages said, О Best of all the lords, you mountain top a barren woman cannot produce
are a Cakravart! among the gods, we consider child.
ourselves to be extremely fortunate. anra^fw h & j 3TRCT: i
?ПШН I drd('^ ^arg^: тщчт151гГГ:11^о||
зп ч т < Ы Ъ R rfe n ft Similarly, О Lord, we could get an
In earlier times we had performed the audience with you, which is beyond the reach
tapas thrice and had studied the Vedas, had of an ordinary person.
performed homas offering the three types of ш ei^dl^d rn^rft 'лш-.i
oblations, had visited several holy places, and щ f |u ^
performed all the noble deeds.
What more can we speak on the subject? О
FRxjmwmi God of gods, you are the lord of all the gods.
"drl<4 ^TfpT rTIST || By an audience with you we have become
Whatever was possible with our minds, worthy of great respect.
speech and the body, we have been successful WRT fRTI
with your simply remembering us. <T ёШТЩЩ ^ P j-Ця 1 1!
^ f ^ r wit You are complete in all respects. What are
f% тцщ c p n ft M Ы Щ WPJT cTcTil ^ II we required to do? In case you are really kind
A person, who daily adores you, he gains to us, then command as a task to be performed
success in his desires. What could be said by the slaves like us.”
about the merits of the people who are srgiVra
remembered by you. зрея fof ?W#W.i
■gcffcfigT СЩ5ТШ: WUIIVf ЩгШё|!| vfU^chWKqif^t тт cuchsmr^u n
v rh w r ^ w f tr щ m rn n w i Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
O Sadasiva, with you remembering us of the sages, Siva, depending over the worldly
today, we have become the best, usually, you traditions, spoke very pleasing words.
never come across the path of desires and f?Ter ШЪ
aspirations of the ordinary people.
ЩЧЩ1 TRT ТНГТ ttcRTSJ fd^lhd: I
зт т ет щ гг&ил-чад ^ ЩП1
gRTWfbrr: W*T *1 WfxT^II?'SII
Siva said, “The rsis are always respectable,
As the fruit grown at height is beyond the and out of the rsis you are more respectable О
reach of a dwarf, the one who is blind by Brahmanas, I have remembered you for a
birth, is deprived of eye-sight, the dumb particular job.
person cannot gain speech, or a pauper can tfuraw ^ w fw i
never have the sight of the treasures.
тпзгёгшт My intentions are to do favour to others
WldW&dd 4t Wt! II ^ II and you are well aware of the same. I have to
564 Siva-Mahapur5nam

be specially benevolent to the people. • гте^'ЯГ rfr tjfafeufi

^cTRi § carafe srrj w f?
STURTгГ ггй ?тТ: f% ЗТТЙЯ щ ^И Then at the instance of the gods, I taking to
The gods are frightened from the wicked the form of Visnu’s devotee went to the abode
Tarakasura. He has become invincible because of Himavan and denouncing myself. I have
of the boon granted to him by Brahma, what shattered their devotion in me as a result of
shall I do? which they have become averse to me and do
not feel like giving away their daughter to me.
гг m зтш TRtaT; TTRfei
crwwRir w r gERI
ш: зч*гсга ч т fcrrafci <гд$гцн
0 Sages, the eight cosmic bodies possessed m щзт friffe cartel
by me, are not for my self-interest, but are Therefore, all of you should go to the
meant for the welfare of the others and this is abode of Himalaya and advise him
well known appropriately.
ш it <sfq>wts? fen? ferai tt?i cRgRt? 2TER
ш t garaatf ч<ч(ч(я:и^и zfeiT chiuftd ттагтт дччч,и ? ц и
Still I would like to marry Siva. She on her Making all the efforts, you should speak to
part has performed very hard tapas which is them the words as per the provision of the
beyond the reach of the sages, in order to Vedas. You should establish this noble cause,
achieve me. by whatever means, it is possible to do so.
щ Rtf 3SI? giffegnfq rRJizn TT? Ш :1
WT *Tf? ЯтЫЧ^Ж: ч ЯИ ^$a^fgcn?l й sd 31391:113*11
1 have also to bestow the desired reward to О Best of the sages, I would like to marry
her for her benefit. This is my clear vow, their daughter and I have already granted her a
which delights my devotees. boon for that purpose.
ш ^|?t%R ytgfert %rrzt:i
at? 4ifec*|.cbw7 irat bfeifeiR3:ii 3 оit tHT frlT Ъ ^ ^ oqr ^RT *WTH?teU
At the instance of Parvatl, I had gone to the What more shall I speak on the subject? By
abode of Himalaya as a mendicant. I purified visiting that place, you convince Himalaya
Kali with my divine sport. and Mena in such a way that the task of the
gods could be established.
ЯТ tfR^T tft Щ ЗПр 4Wfrhn:l
sfe?: cbfRTdl zfr <1 fgfe едг<&м>Ш:1
Taking me to be the Supreme Brahman, ччап&я urzf 5 sjsrt: 4iPJ»TipR:n?dii
both Mena and Himalaya, agreed to give their In case you have to go beyond, then
daughter to me with Vedic rites. whatever method could be thought by you, it
can be applied by you. This is your own task
%efemgrs? t fRcfRfw and has to be done to receive the credit for the
<RT ^cRZI rt tT^ItF f e ^ ^URRRTII ? ? II same.”
Rudra Samhita (P5rvati Khanka), Chapter 32 565

The Rsisi said, “We are very fortunate

today, besides being auspicious that we have
RER fRT 'Tra^tSRHRRT: I been able to visit the capital city of Himalaya
sir R идщт5^^1фг11:11^яи and more so because Siva has deputed us
Brahma said, “Listening to these words, himself for the purpose.
the rsis with the spotless mind, having been
SRRraiST W ife ^ > R R I5 R 1 tR :l
thus graced by the lord, felt delighted.
cR ertt -ф^фгута- r e r t i
This is better than Alaka, the city of
егзгт згшзг ^ r t w rirr fsr^Rziixon Kubera or of Bhagavatl, the city of the Nagas
We became opulent and felt successful in or Amaravatl of Indra.
all respects. We became adorable among all
Rf&lfacjf ftfesITfui TfefR IfR TfT RIUV9II
s^ pjtt fe u p r ci c r i :
There are beautiful houses for living here,
^5W*RER 3lRRFl^ which have the courtyards studded with
Who is adorable by Brahma and Visnu and crystals and gems.
bestows success in all the tasks, was
entrusting the rsis for a particular task.
-ife ftrfw^rsr д а wftnpRT:ll'*4ll
3R t » ftdT W R T R ТШГ1 The slabs of solar or moon stones are
m RffigT ^TRR) R^RRRTimil found in every house; different kinds of divine
He happens to be the father and mother of trees are also growing there.
the universe, let this relationship remain ever uktiiHi rKTT R
growing like the moon (of the bright fefesift ferferarfur
There are toranas in every house. In the
fr ^ R T f^ r r R H fR T 1Ы rRTI balconies over the roof-tops, the swans as well
ш 3u as the parrots are found carved on the walls of
Brahma said, “Thus speaking the divine the palaces.
sages, offering there salutation to Siva, fedRift feferaifiil Щ\
reached the capital of Himalaya through the ^ ^ T?RiR^cbif t ffisrai M m \: f^ n rm m o ii
sky way. The beauty of the festoons is found in
3gT w ijff fERTPJwWsfo fefTRmi every house which are of different types and
RofcRlSJ -щ дагпт^ёй RTWTqjl'tf'tfll shapes. There are several lakes, step-wells and
tanks spread everywhere.
Reaching the divine city, the sages were
immensely surprised and they started talking TURTft fefemifiT то й : hCsfa d R R I
to one another about their merits.” Щ ERdT: ^ 4 ^11
зБФТ The gardens and the parks are of various
types and are visited by the people with
циадчй c r агат ^dngtRrg< 4,i pleasure. The men are like gods while the
ilWlifefeill pRlfadlril'Shll women resemble the apsards.
566 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

Ыгай iii^ebia- uUiuii: Trafarararri all are arriving here.”

f ^ T I <рЭТ^ f^Hd^l^ll Ц? II
The comforts which are achieved by the dctmyifcru Ф г feumi
performers of the yajnas and the followers of Trail raft шчд7:ттнт11Чйп
the Puranas, the same comforts can be
achieved in the Himalaya without much Brahma said, “Soon after the descending of
the sage on earth, Himalaya finding them
before him respectfully went to honour them.
гаггег p t o n чтгм
тщ#гашга тг: i
4ё^г1'ё15[1 f e n : f% w f t r r t r a r a w i l Ц 3 II
f5Tf ш Ira $ 4g4MJJWU4.» ч * »
The people preserve the desire of the
Lowering his head, folding his hands, he
heaven till such time they do not visit this
bowed in reverence to the seven sages and
place. О Ascetics, after looking at this place,
then adored them with great honours.
the desire for the heaven vanishes or the
heaven looks of no consequence for them.” fftm: тщФн! ri чганга
Ш М cR H M ^ T H H d h l l $ о II

mitiRT: ЧШ cFTI Accepting his adoration, the seven sages

with delightful minds, spoke beneficial words
ТРП |Ш Н Ч *1? 114^11
to Himavan.”
Brahma said, “In this way the best of the
sages, praising the beauty of the city, went to ЭД1Щ «raft rar
the abode of Himalaya, possessing enormous ^<ШНГЧЧ1Ч)г| ^ ^11
riches. Himalaya said, “O Sages, with your arrival
here, my house-hold has been purified.” Thus
rarrat: ii ц 4 i speaking, he, with utmost devotion provided
seats to them for sitting.
Finding the sages, with the resplendence of
the sun, who were arriving by the sky way, aiwftrafftyu rftflfw: -ЩЦ fW :l
HimavSn felt surprised at the sight of the
illustrious sages.”
Making them occupy their seats, he, with
ftrairprer their permission, himself took his seats and
Л raJrifTW: f l l A 4<ffcllii than spoke to the sages.
CN j r a ^ r raft^T
О W W 58R
'■ЭT I I ч $ II %чгёта зёпгг
Himalaya said, “The seven sages «raftst гаш ran
illumining like the sun are arriving here. I
should therefore adore them.
?ftl?j ^Wtefts? «^<№5raft rar: и и
Himalaya said, “I have become fortunate,
eRi «TOTTJffsrej besides having all my desires fulfilled. My life
ifclt ^ rararfct ?Щ^?ГТ:11 V3II is successful today. I am the best person
Graceful are the house-holders like me, worthy of being seen in the world, besides
because the ascetics, who provide comforts to becoming like several sacred places.
Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 33

W rt ч=шт fiTnmqt ^ f e n i ^ i i
This is because you in the form of Visnu
have arrived in my abode. You are the perfect
ones, what could be the special purpose of
your visiting a poor person like me?
tWTfo faifeW5|tf xf h
Still I am your servant. There might be
some task with you to be entrusted to me. You
kindly speak it out, to make my life a success.

qTefcfltau! ttHuihi44dufH giGr?itaznsr:ii ц ч и

Rudra Sariihita (Parvatl Khaij^la), Chapter 33 567

Himalaya said, “O Seven sages of great

enlightenment, whatever has been spoken by
you, has already been cherished by me by the
grace of Siva.
3 T F T H T f e l t c l w |c |y 4 e ( H _ J
( V N 4 ( |? 4 ^ Г Ш гЦ Т ^ t S l ^ c l I I Ч II
Then a Brahmana, belonging to the
Vaisnava cult arrived here and had spoken
much against Siva quite lovingly.
с т ^ т т я г f^ r a m r d i ?t r w t
^'dlfy^T? ТТГФИ г1ЧtwfTII ^ II
Since then the mother of Siva, having been
overpowered by ignorance, is not inclined for
the marriage of her daughter with Siva.
Pleasing of Himavan f K ^ T 1 7 1 Щ З f% T T c fo s m T R T S fb 4 T ^ R T ||^ ||
Feeling painful, wearing dirty cloths
stubbornly she retired to the chamber of anger.
f^r: TtrRT *р р ш ftrar m i
She remains unconvinced inspite of the
dw i^i zfpzn щтт щ пт и repeated arguments.
The Rsis said, “Siva is called the father and
Siva the mother of the universe. Therefore, art zf Tfffirtet Rrii'41^1
you should give away your daughter to Siva. Щ - § Ш ЩЩД 1 я ^ р щ Ц | с II

tael I am speaking the truth, even I have been

overpowered with ignorance. Therefore I am
ft ufampR ч w^r:n ? n also not at all inclined to give away my
daughter to a beggar.”
dr|d4fcbTj4 THHVfOTt f% T !l srsrmrar
SJUIUI ilcjscil fhiTTRt5«ratf^TII $ II З г П э т с н v Ih i m w f9 ic im « rrfa r* T lt% c i: i
О Himalaya, by doing so, your life would
^ R \ R S ffit ! I I я II
be successful and in that case, you would
become the preceptor of the preceptors of the Brahma said, “O Sage, having been
world.” Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, then influenced with the illusion of Siva, Himalaya
listening to the words of Saptarsis, Giriraja, kept quiet and then sat among the sages.
with folded hands, spoke to them. Tri % fvrdflWl TT9T7RTt i
f r q v m r c r a r c it т е ш н гч ззд й ч » и
■щт^тт чцгонтт Then all the rsis praising Sivamaya then
ddlWuftfTd if f | frrf^cgrami^ll sent Arundhatl to Mena.
568 Siva- IYlahapuranai.i

3W ЧЩ: ЦЧ15ТО % P7I ^SRSn TRcST HTScft WЯТ elfl

<Plf Ш TRl Ъ 41<£ft|| ^ || w n w ш 1атт Ш Pjpfcftsfft ftll ^911
Thereafter Arundhatl, the bestower of Brahma said, “At these words of Mena,
knowledge at the command of her husband, Arundhatl convinced her variously, she took
went to the place of Mena and Parvati at once. Mena with her and arrived at the place where
дат TPTt 3t ?тант i Saptarsis were seated.
здаг w t дашчт ёгаг:ii ^ n зтгг #P 8t %% msrarqrawTfri
Reaching there, she found Mena, sleeping, TfdPT Trft c|l<wFc)?IRclT:ll \6 II
after getting fainted. Making her conscious, Thereafter, the Saptarsis, who were well
Arundhatl spoke the sweet words to her. versed in speech, with their minds devoted in
Siva, respectfully convinced Giriraja.”

3f%g № ! wfer! •PRT 3*J:

зтшгтт gqztarffir интатат: frarH?r:ii ^ » yr<rl'^! ^RTrlt cf№U4f4l<* ^gBtRTJPTI
Arundhatl said, “O Chaste Mena, devoted fyraw mepff ftfft : «r^ft Pern n
to your husband, you get up because, I, The Rsis said, “O Giriraja, you listen to our
Arundhatl and the compassionate Saptarsis benevolent worlds. By giving your daughter
have arrived.” Parvati to Siva, you become the father-in-law
of the destroyer of the world.
датт W w m Ъчт\ ЗГ-qiRjcfR Tlftyt УГяктРТО « I

зггга Ш чтагг ят рчнГрз Ьгети ЯТТ«№Г PdPIVIIP WT WWWnff&ni ? о||

Brahma said, “Listening to the voice of You should pray to the lord of all, making
Arundhatl, with her beaming face, Mena got all the efforts. Brahma is desirous of uniting
up and offered her salutation to her.” Siva and Parvati, for the destruction of Taraka.
fftft УтгРТРТ <дат 4j||K|ffm?
3TfTS?r MP3 wrrrwr* WTSFtRTRI
Though Siva, the great yogin, is
тщУ h \ t>4 и disinterested in marriage, but still he will
Mena said, “Which one of my merit has marry your daughter at the request of Brahma.
risen today, that the wife of Vasistha and the
daughter-in-law of the creator of the universe 3PW yf^R W TT:I
has arrived here in our abode. I p i R P P lP # fftcfTt Ъ cbRbilfdll Я ? II

й >чу$цци1 <r Tff? Wtor.-i Your daughter has performed tapas in

order to achieve him for which Siva has
Щ ^ r o tim r ft fft ЩТЯТ CRWT f * i l l ^ il bestowed a boon on Parvati. Siva will marry
О Goddess, what for have you arrived here. her because of these two reasons.
You tell me particularly. I happen to be your
slave girl with my daughter. Be graceful on W tara
me.” jgphnt cfcR дар TT ftWTP:l
ЗдаГ Щ f^RUU^ehUII ъ ^ и
Rudra Sarhhita (FSrvati Khanka), Chapter 33 569

Brahma said, “Listening to the words of Vasistha said, “O Lord of the mountains,
the sages, Himalaya, who had been feeling listen to my words. An action which is
panicky, smiled and spoke quite humbly. according to the dharma, provides comfort in
this as well as the other world.
Цчгнч ззга
ш ч fsrfgtj ^ t!
ЧР5ИЯ1*ПДУ4 f? 4Vdlfd
W 4jf4 w # f i ^ R x i a tmi 3 о и
Himalaya said, 'I don’t find any property О Mountain, three types of words are
with Siva. He does not have any house or a stated to be in the world. A learned person
relative. knowing all the lores, can well understand
them by means of his pure vision of
^drsnpr щт ?чи зшсч'чПИ tgjiwrerd %frtg « 4 i
He is detached besides being a mendicant.
?raff ^ cfr<RHii 3 ^ii
Therefore, I do not intend to give away my
daughter to him. You are the sons of Brahma, Some of the words which are initially
you tell me the future course of action. pleasing, but subsequently prove to be false
and painful. Such words are spoken by the
eH|<4Mj*e\4M ftcTT ch^ll qqild ^tTI enemies alone.
сЬ1Ч1"Ч1б1<ЙЧ1Р*Ьн1си 5(%TII ? ^ II 3<iqic)i<liu'JHch qftuiii)
In case a father gives his daughter to an
unsuitable person in marriage, out of love, «П^: II i ? II
delusion fear or covetousness, he is doomed There are some words, which appear harsh
and is sure to fall in hell. in the beginning but are found pleasant
subsequently. Such words are spoken by the
compassionate and religious minded kinsmen.
qfgelH II? van
At my own free will, I shall never give
Parvatl to Siva, the holder of a trident. О Ш! шт <тч цз и
Sages, whatever arrangement suits the The words which are as sweet as the nectar
occasion, should be carried out.” and bestow pleasure being essence of the
truth, besides being beneficial, are considered
to be the best.
$wicbu4 «wwftf fifrww iptorit Т1сщ W m qtfdviHshRd ^ r:i
яьгага cmf eiiewfayiKcuii?4.ii ЪШЧ\ % TTK* f% 1% gfigRT <e|$lfa<WII3*l
Brahma said, “O Excellent sages, on О Mountain, these are the three types of
hearing the words of Himavan, Vasistha, the words, which have been prescribed in the
most eloquent in speech, among he sages, treatises on polity. You therefore tell me
said. which type of behaviour should be adopted by
me to please you.
f^ rr! TrgjcBT w&n й %rrarftri
siuffaW u^ig^Tii ? ? и
570 Siva-Mahapuranam

Siva is no doubt devoid of the riches

created by Brahma. But his mind is engrossed : II
in the ocean of the true knowledge.
Sarasvatl , born out of his mouth is the
presiding deity of speech. LaksmI bom out of
Uft Ш 11 WWthfir?rrf^'ll 3 ^ II his chest bestows all types of riches.
The one who is in possession of the blissful f^IctT ^3T:TJ c^c(Nimfc|^c( TjchB Ш1
knowledge, how could he be desirous of the f#^r ira k Tm sefhi^u
outward things. A house-holder gives his
daughter away to the one having country, Parvatl was manifested out of the lustre of
kingdom and the riches. the gods. Then after killing all the demons she
bestows all the fortunes on the gods.
wr W4 згсй
# ^ TIffr 5 : # ffflRt Ч& ^V9ll
4PRT T # w ЗЗГПТ ^ Ъ ЩП^'гЗИ
By giving away the daughter to a grieved
husband, a father earns the sin of the killing of In another kalpa, she was bom from the
the daughter. Who says Siva is grieved, when womb of the wife of Daksa and was known by
the name of Satl, who was married to Siva by
Kubera happens to be his servant.
Tjfs щ ^ % ^T:i
# # 9wlT ТГГ
ЧЧЧ1гЧ1 Ъ h^T: i r # : 4T:ii?<iii
ШИ ШЩ #ШТ ^ ^RrT: fW IU 4ll
With the mere movement he can create or
destroy the universe, he happens to be the She, listening to the denouncement of her
nirguna supreme lord and is beyond Prakrti. husband, ended her life in the fire of yoga. She
has presently been bom out of the womb of
•цщ g Шадт ч Ш т о : ^fa«h4fuii Mena.
f$TcjT f w m # t! ^r # i
For creation etc. there are three types of
images viz. Brahma for creation, Visnu for
O Mountain, this Siva will remain the wife
preservation and Siva for destruction.
of Siva in all the birth and provide the best of
ЩТ Ъ f#JT: wisdom to the best of the learned people.
ST: ттеГГ: fyrafa4j<i*i:ii'soii ЗП# W -щ\ fTTSSTfrfeT
Brahma is lodged in Brahmaloka, Visnu in тют я=кггт агтГ it : twtii
the ocean of milk, and Siva lives in Kailas'a.
She is always victorious, who bestows
All the three are the Vibhutis of Siva.
success being the form of success herself. Siva
q% *r Шэдт w f: 311#: applies the ashes of the bones of Sat! always
3$rc с!|щт з# п t ?n on hisvbody.
The primordial Prakrti emerging out of З Ш 'ЙЧй'4П 3T# <P£T 3TFI Wl
Siva, takes to three forms in the creative зтггат w -щ$ адчп# w #
activity partially out of support with diverse Therefore you give away Parvatl- your
digits. beautiful daughter to Siva, otherwise, she
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 33 571

herself would go to the abode of her husband. О Dear one, Siva had bestowed a boon on
ФЙ¥Ш^**1сЬН.1 Parvatl at the time of her performing the
penance and the words of Siva cannot be
(Щ -.таН Щ ЗП ТП Т % in r 4 c fi: I I Ъ 9, II
Mahadeva observed that Parvatl, after
taking a pledge, had to bear many pains while gc% dl 'ОТрч1?1<?$ЧТЦ|
performing the tapas. Siva, then taking to the TFicfi w r fotThm
form of a Brahmana, arrived at the place О Himalaya, even the pledge of the
where she had been performing the tapas. devotees of Siva, cannot be broken, then what
ШЧТШЗТ т ЗтЗТ 'ЭГПРТ to speak of the pledge of Siva, taken by him
Ш f?PJT frfr!IIЧо ||
рщ #TT4t hI h ^ ti
Assuring her and bestowing the desired
boon on her, he returned to his place. О ш грй H in d i tlf r : т а г rfim ^ n
Himalaya, being subservient to the prayer of Indra had once playfully cut off the wings
Parvati, he is asking for her hand. of the mountains, while Parvatl had destroyed
3Tflfrft ■gcti'di the peak of the Sumeru mountain.
йтйнчйзЛят щ !iiy^ii ттскт&т %#Г?т! дат: ft 7ТЩ^:1
O Giriraja, you had also accepted the same IT* 7P fT rR tll46ll
getting devoted to Siva. How have you О Lord of mountains, it would not be
changed your mind, you tell me? advisable to destroy your entire riches for the
ЯЯЙЭТTOWT ^ т ! '^c^TefiMI sake of one person. You better disown one, for
the sake of one person. These are the eternal
JTWffeTT dd ^ words of the Vedas.
Returning from there, Siva has sent us
Зтсгт f a t m w g m T m w ^ № r:i
together with Arundhatt and the Rsis to you
with prayer. dl^luri^ddNdl тщ Шшщ^чнччи
f^PTPTt cRT <dt ft ЦхЕГГТ$ГЦ The king Anaranya had protected his
wealth, by giving away his daughter to a
TJcjcRt frf! iRII4?ll
Brahmana, being afraid of him.
О Himalaya, we would like to convince
you. You give away Parvatl to Siva and by fPTT^T ^d !4 I^ 4 ffd V II-W (d d l 3RT:l
doing so you would earn enormous bliss. d$VH4lfs*>ftdsl ^iifd-HTiHi: II ^ о и
%ait f?rara His preceptors and the kinsmen well-
versed in the lores of polity had advised the
Ф к \ 'dfS=UBl3jr <4Rd'5E|«t#T ЗЛЩ* II
king who had been panicky of the curse of the
О Giriraja, in case you do not give Siva to
Siva, of your own sweet will, then she would
be married with him due to the moves of the $ h<m ! wrowlej шт ftrera *n
destiny. tst ш и Р г и $ t>n
eft ^ 7T cPref сПст! ?ifr:i Therefore, О King of the mountains, you
4 faiRtara <3*4^114411 also protect your kinsmen besides ruling over
572 Siva-MahapurSpam

the gods by giving away your daughter to

$г9|дин} gsrc тт зг^т in
чид? p # fg^mni
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Vasistha, Himalaya, while painful at heart
but smiling outwardly, enquired about the
story of the king Anaranya.”

и$ * к
Himalaya said, “О Brahmana, in which
race was the king Anaranya bom. How did he
save his property by giving away his

зрдт дЩ н !^rar«ra згаядЫ

зггдтггfiirg ?n^ ^щтщтчи^хи
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Himalaya, Vasistha feeling delighted, narrated
the relevant story to Himalaya.
^ fsHlrarai gafr
wfrfrmk ni(44W4i ятч Trafwtsssmt-.u^^n
572 Siva-MahapurSpam

Anaranya was a great devotee of Siva and

the son of Mangalaranya and he ruled the
seven island of earth.
TfTtenj f^TT w T^ ljjJcER R:l
ч ц Ш й ■fhft'ii э и
He appointed Bhrgu as his priest and
performed a hundred Asvamedha sacrifices.
Though he was offered the position of Indra
by the gods, but he declined the offer.
®Wcp WWW %Ч15ГЧ!I
О Himalaya, the king had a hundred sons
and a daughter named Padma, who was as
beautiful as LaksmI.
71: ^ r a r <fiTtsiSRt>:l
ft ш jr r r w ! it ц и
О Himalaya, as compared to the amount of
love the king had with his hundred sons, he
loved his daughter much more than all the
yrtrnfefiT: fsRPTOT p ft^ : ^cpTtfBRT:i
4c*I: ^Ыг^гатрТТ:11^|1
The king had five chief queens, who were
quite dear to him. They were therefore quite
ТГГЗГЯГТ ^IcHWI xT «ПТ=Г wrfofijtl
CHAPTER 34 Щ зггагрщтто 'Rfc|<H*HN TP.II^n
The story of Anaranya The daughter was grown up in the palace
of her father. He sent letters in search of a
suitable mach for her.
Ц^4ут1^Ш TRT TTtS4irrqT ^ R : l TT^T S3 О

^ R lc lfo m ^ f? ll ^11 ЖГ-75ГО тшё T T 3 J T f f 7 ? ll У II

Vasistha said, “The king Anaranya hailed Once the sage Pippalada was about to
from the race of IndrasavarnI, the fourteenth move towards his hermitage, when he spotted
Manu. a Gandharva in the secluded orchard.
знрнгг ^ 5 : Tmihn#qf?f:i ч ч Ш xt wmrrti
^RftRKt f^ytbrur of^Vii ? || Mgliluiii 'eblUVIHWfavIHcJMII ^ II
Rudra Samhita (Parvati K hai^a), Chapter 34 573

He was well-versed in the science of of that girl, listening to the truthful words of
erotics and in the company of his wife, he was the people became upset.
completely engrossed in the ocean of passions ■ gft: тгятнт fafadfeqni
and lust.
5gT W mm: О Himalaya, then the sage took hit bath,
and then adored Siva, his family god.
Finding the couple in that erotic position, T R T # g Ч Й ^JT HURI4 я ш д г н ;|
his passions were aroused. Neglecting his
penance, he thought of his marriage. nrfm:\\ ^эи
Thereafter the lustful sage, went to the king
цсг^тпя tr ^ : i
who in panic bowed in reverence to him,
ЕьЧЛТсЙ тТгГШ ^11 offering madhuparka besides adoring him
Thus suffering from the lustful passions, with devotion.
Pippalada the best of the sages spent much of з>1Ч1сн4 Tjifrm sr gft:i
his time (wandering uselessly).
drWt fqfd: || II
Ц<Ь^1 Ч^Ч'Ч^1'Ч1 ТЧЙ
Accepting his adoration, the sage asked for
^ tRIT ЧЧКЧ1ЧН ^ II the hand of his daughter. The king who was
Once the excellent sage was going to the unable to speak out anything, kept quiet.
river Puspabhadra for taking a bath when he IT Ш W ?r !I
suddenly spotted the princess Padma,
3RP2TT ЯетШ гЫ chR«nf4 ^11 ^ II
resembling LaksmI in beauty.
The sage said, “O King, you give your
3rd cFdfd i daughter to me, otherwise, I shall reduce you
WJT ¥H4ftdpMI:ll ^11 to ashes in no t;me.”
The sage asked the people of the vicinity «WHILST I
about the girl. The people who were afraid of
a curse of the sage, told him.
О Sage, all the servants of the king felt
'«Hi disturbed with the brilliance of the sage.
с г т ч т m sw r i Looking at the old Brahmana, the king started
omtiFT зпШит crying with his kiths and kins.
The people said, “This girl is Padma, the W2U 7 ^ : ШГ
daughter of the king Anaranya. She is з щ щ ) <4>«4l4ldl ^anf^TTII 4 V\
extremely virtuous and is desired by several The queens too, who were also unable to
kings.” do so, started crying. The chief queen and the
mother of the girl also became upset with
dRrafed нзд^1^чгч| grief.
ТГ:11 II зчщзчзт:
СчО ^ vDchi«i»i?tri4M«(:i

Brahma said, “The sage who was desirous Vcf *ПгТ $ЗРГ!|Г??11
574 Siva-Mahapuranam

О Himalaya his sons too felt extremely O King, today or after sometime or a year,
painful. What more to speak, all the relatives you have to give away the girl in marriage.
of the king felt sad. 4HIW 4 ^dra^l
4Ttf%'dEST ЧЙЧ'ННЙ дЧЯтМ£рГ11 Я * II We do not find a groom better than the
In the meantime, the learned Brahmanas, Brahmana. By giving away the girl in
the excellent preceptor, and the priests came marriage to the sage, you protect your entire
to the king. kingdom and the riches.
TTjTTWRT тятфЩCs ^
гГ гГгтТ: 4?:l

{ч^1$Й> cR^ll Я*11 Tpf <TгУсНЩf^T rt ^ о П

The king offering his salutation to them When the entire kingdom and riches are
adored them and started crying before them. bound to the destroyed for the sake of one
He apprised them of the entire situation and person, then giving her, you protect your
enquired from them about the future course of kingdom unless it is an object which had taken
action. refuge with you.”

з т w l h-fifSti: irfugd^r ччйгт:1 cif^B зэгта

ай ^ qldiiiniwd|wii^4ii trt fmr f e r n ъ ■g|^:i
Thereafter, the preceptor of the king, the ч-тЦи fe rn 3
Brahmana, Pandita and the priest and two Vasistha said, “On hearing the words of the
scholars well-versed in polity convinced the wise people, the king lamented again and
king. again, but ultimately offered his daughter,
completely adorned with ornaments to the
excellent sage.
3rT4t ТТЙТ f^dcblRuTlfMII ^11
СБТЙ TjftelT rf чШс||?1 fafa=rf^!l
The king, the queens, the boys, and the girl
чщп cRifimi ш ^ ■gf^: 4^irfd ?w \\\ ъ ч и
were all feeling painful at heart. Observing
them, the preceptor as well as the priest spoke О Himalaya, the sage married the girl
the words for the welfare of all. appropriately and he went home with Padma,
who was as beautiful as Laksml.
trt ^err cngm w t ^ i
*pjt crat ^
R f# f%F%ЖТЕМ гРНГ =14411 3 3 II
ЧТ ТРГГШ: ТТШГ fR 7 # 7РШТ11 ?vall By giving away his daughter to the old
The preceptor and the priest said, “O Brahmana, and feeling painful at heart,
Intelligent king, you listen to the benevolent deserting his kiths and kins, he went to the
words of both of us. Don’t be grief stricken forest for the performing of the tapas.
with your kiths and kins. You divert your
cFt тш яюгчгё fin !i
wisdom towards the scriptures
^|)сШ1Шшттзт 7RTflll3*l!
ЗЩ c|T ^b!l
О Himalaya, after the departure of her
husband, his wife also died in grief.
Rudra Sarhhita (P3rvatl Khanda). Chapter 35 575

fHiT: p ® -цщЬтфт Игсп

Without the king, the priest, and other

respectable people were all fainted. All the
other people were overpowered with grief and
they were breathing heavily.
3t4Wr ёГСЧТЯТ dhWWTft
wastr чшп 3 $u
Anaranya on the other hand performed
hard tapas in the forest and adoring Siva, he
achieved the best place in Sivaloka.
f W -«ffifXtRTFHr €ITftra>:l
j w w w m i тт а д т
Kirtiman was the eldest son of the king,
who ruled the people like his own son?
?frr й srRrt ^w t i
riiujftsM «rwii^ ii
О Himalaya, at your instance, I have
narrated the excellent story of Anaranya, who
saved his entire kingdom by giving away his
TgrTT drdl fviclld rTI
78jT dVIld, 3*^ ^<и(Ч11 ^ ^ II
О Giriraja, you may similarly give away
your daughter to Siva and protect your race.
By doing so you will make the gods even
subservient to yourself.

tJl^dldU^S-ftDUxlRHdU^ ч т гщШ?Т^58Цт: II? ■#II

Rudra Sarhhita (P3rvatl Khalifa), Chapter 35 575

Giriraja do, after listening to the story of

Anaranya? You please tell me.”
W tairr
SHPJdgl ^fPT ch^l(?RWfelrl4J
ЯШ W53 ^ ? f r crfpg щ\ф[: тр:н ^ II
Brahma said, “Listen to the story of the
king Anaranya including that of his
kanycidana, Himalaya asked Vasistha with
folded hands.”
-ctfml ? ч Й !|
WfUilrlPd %Л тЩТЩгТЧИ3 II
Himalaya said, “O Excellent sage, О
Ocean of mercy and the son of Brahma, you
have narrated the astonishing story of
ЗГСРЯ|§сП Щ ftuHIcj pft bf?PTI
w m ^1Щ1Т1пя|
What did the daughter of Anaranya, known
as Padma do, after her marriage with
Pippalada. It would be quite a blissful story.”
Фт ш ъ
iW H I< t q p d l l ЩГОГ ^ f r s 1 i|e B :i
Ш pRBTtT wnu ЦII
Vasistha said, “The sage Pippalada was too
old but he went with his wife Padma, the
daughter of Anaranya to his hermitage.
ЗёЩТ ?T3TptfHl т ф 4lfdH«ti:l
^ f^jra%^ii ^ ii
He started lovingly living there. He was
CHAPTER 35 not sensuous and he engaged himself daily in
The story of Padma and Pippalada the performance of religious rites.
зпззщга PT -qPpTI
xrfpT ТЕШТ щ ц Щ щ щ W ill vail
(mRckRiw ! f?R tRFTT xl d&c^ll ^11 Padma, the daughter of Anaranya, served
Narada said, “O Dear one, what did her husband with devotion, mentally, by
576 Siva-Mahapuranam

speech and her actions, like LaksmI serving trPPtfo РШШТ Р<ЬРРР:1
Visnu. ТГШ WII ^11
TJcfi^r W PW nfr rT PTPI One attains beauty because of the merits of
P fa P1PPT t II the earlier birth and with the passionate
Once, when she was going for a bath in the embrace of both of us, it would be successful.
divine river, wearing a serene smile on her rW PW foRT ch|4¥ll^fon4'<4.l
face, she was spotted by Dharmaraja, who had f o f t ЪЯ PT =KRt! fUpRriMf t Pffoll ?4II
taken to the form of a man.
О Beautiful one, I am husband of
щ щ г г щ чгчн|1яя(у?т:1 thousands of beautiful damsels, and am well-
TriMdlcR: «1ЧГ<ЫЧ^ЧУЧТ:||<?|| versed in the science of love, Leaving that old
He was mounted over the beautiful gem- husband, you take me as your servant.
studded chariot. He was adorned with various ebH’j HC^mil
ornaments, was quite young, and was beaming PPT TfPwT ftfdl ^ II
like Kamadeva.
You make your life successful by roaming
fgT cTT ч<ццс(Ы fP t fo j:l about with me in the lonely forests, beautiful
fo n r tm m pfoilfor:ii %a u mountains and river banks.”
Looking at beautiful Padma, the wife of the crfrre НЩтТ
sage, he intended to test her inner feelings.”
w xii
РРЩЕг pfoiPTii ^эи
3lfp TTfft! r^Ptf TRPpp ppjftl Vasistha said, “Thus speaking, he- got
a p f o q t a q # rT chlfqfq! (рочр Ш м ^11 down from the chariot and when he was about
Dharmaraja said, “O Beautiful one, you are to catch hold of her, the chaste girl said to
charming and youthful and are fit to be him.”
enjoyed by the king. w rara
t P^:l P r® f t ТЩ5 5* H lfo jT d 4TTfot!l
PrP PprfP clfof! ^ TRT&II U II PT Ш \ T?T p f o p f p i l ^ l l
О Slender waisted one, you are not at all Padma said, “Away, Away you go, О
suitable for the old sage Pippalada. I am Sinful king. In case you cast your lustful eyes
speaking the truth. on me, you are sure to be destroyed in no
for fort 4<ufrg<sT4i time.
ш ppp Tfos ifont w 15r4.11 ^ 11 ftiP H K P fo itg ТГЩТ P d fo r^ P I
The cruel Brahmana, always remains TPPtcTTШ P%P fo fo fo t 4fdcHUR.41I ^ II
engaged in the performing the tapas and is on How can I resort to you since you are
the death’s door. Leaving him, you look at me, lecherous and mad after women, forsaking the
who happens to be the king. I am well-versed sage Pippalada whose body has been
in erotic exercises, besides, being lustful. sanctified by the penance?
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 35 577

Dharmaraja, the preceptor of the learned

preceptors. О Chaste lady, I always treat the
3TT4T4V W Щ $ Ч Ш 1 Щ Ч 1 1 R o l l
others’ wives as mothers.
With the mere touch of a person under the
influence of women, all the merits are art «таяв щятгггГетсг ^fafsnri
destroyed. Such a person is a great sinner and tfcrria 7ЕП ^ dsrrftr fajSWtf^d: IIR ь II
his sight alone earns sins. Though I had been fully aware of the
yfctiVt gtyfeitfcei ТГ т а j feelings of your heart, still, I, in order to know
your feelings, moved by the destiny had come
T ftRRt ШЧШ: Щ Н R *11
to you.
Even when the holy rites are performed by
a person who is lustful for women, he remains f it ^ i n i т W rfcrddi
impure. The manes, the gods and all the wfet: W W ^RTtrlW r fgfdfMTlii *tsii
people hate him. О Chaste lady, you have subjugated me
гГЕЧ ? 1 Н ^ Ч Ы ч ^ Ч У 'Ч у $ : 1 and this has been quite appropriate. The lord
has prescribed punishment for those who do
fag]*n ^RrT: % ^TT not follow the path of righteousness.
A person whose has been overpowered by
a woman, his divine wisdom, penance,
recitation, performing of homa, worship, f m i Ф f? я ч ш й f w m m r с ii
education and the charities are of no use to I bow in reverence to Siva, who is
him. competent enough, bestows pleasure and pain,
Ш Ш Ш5Г fcST $R 9 # II besides fortunes and misfortunes.
u f a g l fo ^ Г # Т З Д Й Ч ~ Т О У 1 Ш :1 1 ? ^ 1 1
щ f t ! -tffgsrcj Ш щ $rar:i
I am like your mother and you are talking zf igfg fyraBT fin r r ii
to me like a beloved. Because of this, in due He is competentenough to develop love
time, you will have to face destruction with the friends and enmity with the enemies,
because of my curse.” who is competent enough for the creation and
the destruction of the universe. Salutation to
ciRitet зщтг such a type of Siva.
зргг spf: шЪич %ггт in
$r фт fdWMi
^?Т: сьщчя 5еПгГ^:П?*11
f f t f i r r % n ? o n
Vasistha said, “At these words of Padma,
He is the one who has bestowed whiteness
Dharmaraja, the lord of the gods, shedding
to milk, made the water as a cool, and the fire
away the form of a king took to his original
has been given the power of burning,
form of Dharmaraja, shaking at the same
salutation to such a type of Siva.
йт HrcTTft
ччы ф %дрт %n ? *11
-si sn¥ ?гт£ящ TTTripfrqj
He is the one who, with the performing of
ш ^rfw!ii?mi tapas, created Mahat and Prakrti and the one
Dharmaraja said, “O Mother, I am who created Brahma, Visnu, Siva and others,
578 Siva-MahapurSnam

salutation to such Siva.”

Vieira ^ra«fecTTfST ^snftr тг g^rrarf^n з <?n
^«Rcfi snrf ЭНИДОМ You were complete with all the four feet in
fafejvileira rjferf^4ifdsf^f4d:ii??ii Satyayuga, like the full moon. Similarly О
Dharmaraja you will always be there. With
BrahmS said, “Thus speaking, Dharmaraja
your destruction the entire creation would be
the preceptor of the universe, silently stood
destroyed and I am keeping on talking
before her getting surprised by her chastity
and devotion to her husband.
'flfen Itrraf 4ftlrwi
tnnftt f W T ТГГfinJMHIcrfSRir rRTI
'SPT^ «Г !II о ||
■mHt ^ и ^ ^ ii
ebfH¥hlsRgc'llf¥tS?ll STfgEI^r Н9П^ПТ:1
О Himalaya, the princess being the wife of
Pippalada, the chaste Padma looking at tR: Tiwnrf -qfrcpnf
Dharmaraja felt surprised and spoke.” О Best of the gods, in Tretayuga you will
lose one foot, two feet in Dvapara, three feet
тщ та
in Kaliyuga, and at the arrival of Satyayuga,
щЪц «nf Ш§г?гагФшч;| you would again be completed.
ЭЯГ TRt Ш foflt!II3 * II
Padma said, “O Dharmaraja, you happen to f Т64ГсШГШ ТГ <3 ч й « 1 ^ 1 m rr rMTII )S ? II
be the witness of all the people, why are you
trying to test my mind? During the period of Satyayuga you would
become all pervading, while in the rest of the
f it sTWHj ТРГШТ «ТО ^1 yugas, your domination shall remain in
<ецг w t ^ г а г ! иii selected pockets.
ferr ш t n 3 $ ii 7ТРЩ 71Щ W !II ^ II
О Brahman, whatever was done by me, I Let my words be pleasant for you. Now I
am not at all at fault. О Dharma, I had cursed shall leave to serve my husband. You also go
you because of the nature of a woman, or by to your abode.
ignorance, how could it be removed? I feel
concerned about it. Let me get that knowledge
to enable me to feel peaceful. эдш т: ^ ti
з т ш # ^ fs[?r: ^ щт-л ddridifafi тгЫк^ТЕТ fg fiw ^!iu * ii
Tisnftr •ЩЕ*йТТтет 4 g^RRII ^ V9II Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
of Padma Dharmaraja felt pleased. О Narada,
The directions, the sky, the wind, could get
he spoke to Padma, who had been so talking.
destroyed, but the words of curse pronounced
by a chaste woman can never be otherwise. sr^ Зсграг
tM ittW щ ?n?Ttl «RTTftr vfrW-dirfri ТсГ% I
fsrcrsrct ^гшт ^гаяёт i<«nPi¥i4n 3<iii Щ ^rWI4l rrirdRwuicblTVndflUMI
Rudra SariihitS (PSrvati Khanka), Chapter 35 579

^ ctt g g g f Tf^TTgr «nfrre>:i Dharmaraja kept quiet. Then Padma

circumambulated him and returned to her
пшдьдрч! ^refaferefcsR:ii~*sn abode.
Dharmaraja said, “O Chaste lady. You are
graceful, let you meet with welfare. Because ддзт ддге £кнчР<нч1
of the protection from you, let your husband, зцтшт д ш item ддт чЫд ^mfgimsn
be youthful and become powerful for the Dharmaraja also left the place, showering
conjugal pleasure, besides being religious blessing over Padma and since then he praised
minded, virtuous, clever in speech, and let his Padma in every gathering.
youthfulness remain eternal.
ЧТТ4*j чдтйпт ЧПдчт тгчртчi
щ ад: 7т^Г:11ц^н
She used to enjoy the conjugal pleasures
fVWftgt ffWT: ШЗЩ 3>Йс>ТИ1Ч:1 with her husband daily in a lonely place. In
«pplT 414^4 fe&: 4PT:!l'*<Jll due course of time she gave birth to the sons
who were more intelligent them their father.
О Padma, he shall enjoy long life like
Marakandeya, wealthy like Kubera, possess т а чгаёётт "дщщёдГ: I
fortunes like Indra, devotee of Siva like Visnu
besides possessing wisdom comparable to Then her abode was filled with all types of
Brahma and Brhaspati. riches, which increase the pleasures of the
•о husband and wife, and the cause of comforts
ggrgf4*H ^fg! <g m Ш т^тги'хчн in both the lokas.
You will always enjoy the fortune of your grfgg g<ffgfggm TOrRui
husband throughout your life and your gngglsrggl: Tfcgr m 4 irctugTigii4^11
youthfulness shall be everlasting.
О Giriraja, I have thus spoken out the
тш gr <vi^^Turi gftrRt ancient history of both of them, which you
чдд^чйгапчт g srfgizrfg ч wg.-imoii listen with respect.
You will be the mother of ten sons having ддщт gt-g ■gdi чт^ётШуттд gi
long life, each one of whom would be more czm egg ггчдт чдШтт щпч^эп
virtuous than your husband.
Thinking on these lines, you better give
4jj}Tядчт g 4nfer! ,«^чичгнчй,Я1:1 away your daughter Parvatl to Siva. Don’t be
angry with Mena on this account.
Your abode will remain filled with all ШЩ ёТОТТ^ jj j ^ s f g ^ l ^TOtl
types of riches and would be more illustrious дрч#^ g W4& g% чадчгпЭйн 4 6 11
then Kubera even.”
An auspicious combination of planets is
gfgg зшд approaching after a week which is rarely
w w r gtf: тг PiRatw!i found.
чтг g iR[%tjflf5r5r зпщд graft»ц ? n ufgrr TtfstjftjrS fgp j д^ёггш
Vasi§tha said, “O Himalaya, thus speaking g^cir> -И^ддШ иччи
580 £iva-Mahapuraijam

4КЧс«1И«* 4fd^%ibdctl(d{-lU ^ о ||
srFI^Wlt ЗТ'ТЙ'* 1^(14,1
ffirat ffift <g SR -q#! || $ ^11
The presiding planet of the lagna is in
lagna itself. The moon is in conjunction with
his son, Mercury as well as the constellation
Rohinl. The moon and the stars occupy pure
positions. The month is Margas'lrsa and the
day is Monday free from all the blemishes. All
the planets are in auspicious conjunction.
They are not influenced by the evil planets.
The Jupiter is in a position, which is
conducive to the birth of a fortunate child and
all the good fortunes to the groom. О Lord of
mountain, give away your daughter Parvatl-
the mother of the universe, the primordial
being, to Siva- the father of the universe. Then
you become peaceful and contented.”
gfiynffil cffast #|РГЦтШ:1
forrm 4NiHlHi<*i twtii ii
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, then the
sage Vasistha who was the foremost among
the learned people, reciting the name of Siva
in his mind, kept quiet.
#Wom?TTjTrut fertarai

580 £iva-Mahapuraijam

mountain relatives.

I ^Tt! ftifuid! w ! лягодрт! w !

! ^*Jtg?TRSEr:inn
cffRHT % f% % fsTETT^t
M M t t д а ftoffa *RRTS%H^II 3 II
Himalaya said, “O Sumeru,
Gandhamadana, Mandara, Mainaka, Vindhya
and other mountains, you listen to my words.
What should I do in view of the words of the
sage Vasistha. You give the subject a hearty
thought and then speak out to me.”

rl^gr^ll Щ21 ^1
У|У$ЧНУ ЗЙгЕТТ «fluffy ■q^mrll'ini
Brahma said, “All the mountains like
Sumeru and others, decisively but lovingly
said to Himalaya.

щ щ fife fst <$cr tfi

ЗгЧ^ГУ Т1?трт! ^угьтчШу ffenmi
The mountains said, “O Adorable one,
what have we to think about? The task has
already been established. She has been bom
for the establishment of the task of the gods.
«dtdoiii fvniilfri f?ra^n?fsycnfttifti
Therefore you give away Parvatl to Siva.
She has been bom for the sake of Siva alone.
CHAPTER 36 She performed tapas to achieve Siva, who has
already consulted for the same.”
Advice of the seven sages

yfRB'W cR: «ЯТ WJTtsfh f|4T€W:l

fM w t vrpzfyt ^ fiRterc:n 1ЯТШТ15^| filfelT if^ll VSII
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Vasistha with his wife and the servants, Meru and other mountains, Himalaya felt
Himalaya felt surprised and then spoke to his delighted, while Girija started laughing in her
Rudra Samhita (PSrvati Khanda), Chapter 36 581

mind. the ornaments, put her into the lap of the sage,
3 R R R t R R i R t ^ Э Д Т Щ 'chHUII^I зсцтд R ЗЙадТ ^RTFST I
6 ti зад штг тадт задад
Arundhatl on the other hand narrated Then Sailaraja lovingly spoke to the sages,
several types of historical events to Mena and “I have taken a firm decision to marry Parvati
convinced her. to Siva.”
з а д -а д щ ад а^: i
v9 E R l # т 'q f e f e a T ^n5т г з т хШ 9, и TUfTt -щч ^тш w r ^ ’•>
Thereafter Mena, the wife of Himalaya felt RERt ^ f e w : T R g w rn II
pleased, and convinced over the cause of the The sages said, “О Giriraja, you are the
marriage. Then she served food to the sages, donor, the goddess Parvati is the alms, while
Arundhatl and Sailaraja and thereafter took Siva happens to be a beggar. What could be
the food herself. the better combination than this?
зад T fa c m ^ т % а д w f e cthti f|P cR ! fW TRTRr ад^ТГ: T%:l
зй ад т W sU c W w t : ii ? o n уадЫ и#гНН1ч1уч: ?ferr щ:п
Then the learned Sailaraja, serving well all О Himalaya, the reason for which your
the sages, spoke to them with folded hands, peaks are adored is because of your being the
the appropriate words, which were free from lord of the mountains. Therefore you are quite
confusion.” graceful.”
адрЫт щ м т w$: шщ\ ттспададт f R s f e w a t f r e t w r a i : i

fewar %rt : feyaisfrd w 3TTfed cf-HdR^ 1?адад w ii ^ » ii

Himalaya said, “O Saptarsis, you please Brahma said, “Thus speaking the Saptarsis
listen to my words. I have been relieved of the with a spotless heart, blessed the girl that she
confusion, listening to the story of Siva and should provide the best of comforts to Siva.”
Siva. Щ Т g f fe Ht rR <3RRJT ^ ^felKlfdl
T R fa Щ T R tt t W f *RT fr f r y d ! :l w rrt ад^улгеадтп \6 и
isfe: fa fe s хпад| fyieR&t ч xtRram w Touching her with their hands, they said,
My body, wife, Mainaka and other sons, “You will earn fortunes and the virtues in you
the daughter and all the rddhis as well as the would increase like the moon of the bright
siddhis belong to Siva. There is no doubt fortnight.”
about it.” ^адзадт тад: ^адт й tr^ri
w i f e ihH fH iift задад R f e r w i n ^ n
U P faltT
tfojcK€n R rRT Tpff ^JT R R R t rf ЯЩ1
Thus speaking all the seven sages
showered flowers over her, blessing her.
w fe a T ^ ^ iw ii ^ n
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, he with
great honour, adorning his daughter with all гтпададге (ум-ад щ а д w i n ? o i i
582 Siva-MahapurSnam

At that point of time Arundhatl with her lord of mountains. It is not otherwise. Now
noble face, narrated the virtues of Siva. you please start with your attendants and the
gods, for the marriage.
гГГ^ФШТЯТШЯ Ч£Н1-ШШт1ЧЧИ ^ *11 w # jr язт^ёг! %чга<я! ^ w ill
The beard and the moustaches of Himalaya f e r a WTtft II У^ЭИ
were smeared with the powder of turmeric and О Great god, О Lord, you should now go
saffron, according to the worldly conventions, to the house of Himalaya and marry Parvatl,
as an auspicious custom. for the birth of Kumara Karttikeya.”
ТЩЧТ WTRjW ? * II я щ т а т сГЕГЯ ЯЯТ '^ f s b c h W K d r M C I

After settling about the auspicious time of ЗЩВТЯТГ Я^ПТЯ: -Q: u*ill
lagna for the marriage, besides congratulating Brahma said, “The delightful Siva, who
and complementing one another the sages was well-versed in the people’s tradition
returned to the abode of Siva on the fourth listened to the words of the sages quite
day. delightfully and then spoke to them smilingly.
?Г5Гт а f?ra ятат fcifay^fThl$i:i я|?Т sqrq
3 Jf: ^ g fw a r ЯЯ Я : W IW T II чз и [q d l^ l % R fm F IT Я ^ g t Я Я Я Т W l
Reaching Kailasa, the abode of Siva, Я 2П ЯТТ штат fgfrERT:ii?<?ii
Vasistha together with other sages, bowed in Siva said, “O Sages, I have neither heard
reverence to Siva and offered prayer to him nor seen a marriage. The way you have done
reciting hymns. Thereafter they spoke to earlier, you do it now similarly.”
ЖШ? :
d^icbu4 я^тта cTER T^TTTi
^ c f! W W ! RfT5Wt!l
ятаЕТ: щт%=гяи ^ о и
sjraWg?R Mlrill ^ic||| II
Brahma said, “On hearing the auspicious
The sages said, “O God of gods, О common words of Siva they spoke smilingly
Mahadeva, О Supreme Lord, you kindly listen to lord of lord Sadasiva.
to our performance (with Himalaya).

сГИшТ frriwj® *ГЯТ
fqujjm^y ^ щЬ? тшята Wrrar:l
ht?TR! Я -W?R:ll^mi
WPh ЯГШ t o - ЕШ ^ 3 *11
We narrated to Mena and Giriraja several
types of statements and examples from the
ancient scriptures, as a result of which they
have been enlightened. The Rsis said, “You please invite, the
ciicra^r hTcRTl й ft яттагш entire community, besides Visnu with his
retinue, Brahma with his sons, Indra- the lord
зязя w m та ия^и of gods, all the sages, Yaksas Gandharvas,
PSrvatl has been engaged with you by the Kinnaras, Siddhas, Vidyadharas and apsards.
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 37 583

flWiPqRifci t^r*i4 ч 1т?пт: и ^ ^ и

Besides them, all others should be
respectfully invited. All of them would
establish your task. There is no doubt about


^TT4f WW: ^^R R T :
Brahma said, “Thus speaking, all the
Saptarsis at the command of Siva, praising the
lord for his divine ways, returned to their

4T4dV<3«£ «Нзб1?Гс|ёИ ЧТО

Rudra Samhita (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 37 583

^RsRPTO ш1гЧТ ^FfoT Wlitereiimi
О n9

m yW P W W W e f t f ? r i T O Ч Т M f ^ e h l H ,!
Ч1Ч|(ЧУ1« WRT: W'j^ff^tfT?RRT:ll4ll
Delightfully he made his priest Garga to
write down the lagna-patrika and sent the
same to Siva together with fruits, fried
eatables besides the sweets, with a pleasant
ш я f e r a Ф т щ rni^n
The carriers of the sweets etc. reaching
Kailasa met Siva and handed him over the
letter of engagement, with fruits and sweets
etc. performing the tilakam of Siva.
W lftdl WHT ЗГ Ч5ШРТЧ1
CHAPTER 37 St silfri44R зтгзрч: #rafafm pit9ii
Despatch of the letter of engagement Siva also honoured them appropriately and
and other connected celebrations then they all returned to Himalaya with
чт^загга pleasure.
ш\ w ! w f% чйч m ч|?ТчтЧЩЧТЧ1
[фЧсЫЧТП&чГ||1ч ^ Й f r e t 3mT!ll ?ll ^rrfRii 6\\
Narada said, “O Dear wise father, what did When Himalaya came to know that his
Himalaya do after the departure of the seven people, who went to Siva were immensely
sages. You kindly tell me. honoured, he was very much pleased.
теЬчга m fqwnt щк чзсгзот
ТЙП rtn чШ
v5 0 - 0 '■Э
"R^R!I чд
RRI^rfWRTW fqfWRT -yisrrVM^MJI ^ II
RWOrftg У<сЫЧ\^Гч ^11 у II Thereafter he sent the invitation letters
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage after the pleasantly to his relatives in his country.
departure of the sages with Arundhatl, the CRT: v ш ш т
performance of Himalaya is being stated by
R R lftW 4imj1fde|^dbTU||(^dl: II II
Then he collected several types of eatables
?ТгГ 3TFT5T i)crf<)4 W i f f t r a 1:1
suiting to the occasion of the marriage.
ТЮ ТТ: tT ^ % tra i^ 4 ^ p g R :ii^ n
du^ni ЮШ m
Thereafter, Himalaya, inviting his sons and
ЧЗТЧТ ^ТГОТЩ FFamRt зги ^11
the brothers like Meru and others, felt
delighted. атНтотт зт тдчтчщъ&й тт
584 Siva-Mahapuranam

RipTRt ггёк *П| ^ II The damsels themselves, adorned with all

the ornaments, started the welfare ceremonies.
УРЭ»# ЧТW^cRFRT VT^TUli 4$ef rTI
The wives of the Brahmanas also joined the
зррг^ггшч! ^ ш grotswr 4T:ll^ll welfare ceremonies.
4 ^ ^ P l g $НЦЗН1 4&f ^1 ^TtaTcr fafosr m
qRTOsfjRRTfiSr Ч^1М1£НН1ГШ111 Г* П W II
^ 4 l( H d l5 f h Щ Ч Т < £ < d H R f 4 f r n i l l
The mountainous masses of rice, beaten Himalaya too joined the welfare
rice, jagarry, sugar candies, and salt were ceremonies, according to the local traditions.
collected in heaps. He caused huge tanks and
receptacles built for the storage of ghee, curd,
as well as fried flour cakes of barley and other ■ Q c r iF R R r t T r i T ш ч щ т а г 1 ч ч Ш т : Н ? o | |
grains and the ball-like sweets. Big tanks and Himalaya was pleased at the arrival of his
receptacles were made for the nectar, relations. In the meantime he also invited his
sugarcane juice, baked cakes and the sugar other relations as well.
candies. Tanks were built for the storage of 3TT3R4: y W t fg T : ш р : 4 # T ^ T :i
butter, spirituous beverages, sweet juice of
sjtjt Pi^i444i<|d:iR^ii
various kinds, besides the various kinds of rice
preparations. All of them arrived with their sons, wives,
servants and others. О celestial sage, listen to
4Mio43RcR%fi jmifrciftaTfr wi a detailed narration of the arrival of those
3l|yflrnfa^TfT^II?4ll mountains.
In addition various types of pickles and c lt f in f a т г ч т й ч F y id H lf a f d ^ c ^ ll
side dishes were prepared, which might be to ^ d iH 'd P if w f f t ч^тчи ^ я n
the likes of the ganas of Siva and the gods.
ч тч н ?гч % 1^ ш ч тзт: 4 4 f r ^ :i
Various types of valuable costumes purified in
fire, were kept ready. ч т ч т ч Ш т щ н ё п т ч щ т 4 < 5 R T :II? 3 II
I am narrating the story in brief in order to
please Siva. The great mountain known by the
name of Devalaya, taking to a divine form,
Gems and jewels of various kinds besides decorating the body with several of the
the gold, silver and other articles were also precious gems, arrived with his wife and his
duly collected. people, carrying several of the jewels and the
■щ«ктт «biHiraip ьт#4т: irfafeifrii #414 згчтч ¥ f t w r n i
Himalaya started the auspicious rites 44R : 4 R # c R # f 4 f T :in ^ ll
during the auspicious muhurta. The mountain The graceful Mandaracala, clad in
damsels then started decorating Parvati with beautiful costumes, arrived in the house of
cosmetics. Himalaya with his wife and sons.
ht pr p # : w n ri p r iH lf a 4RTT4 хП
fgr Н Ш 1 И & )|| II 3 H d W H l s f 4 f ^ o iH r H I # 4 1 4 4 3 3 H a t : i R 4 H
Rudra Samhita (Parvatt Khancja), Chapter 37 585

Astacala, having divine wisdom and The Pariyatra mountain accompanied with
benevolent mind, carrying several types of the his wife, son and the servants, also arrived
best of presents arrived there. there.
зтнвттч w m : Tnftgn: arm t ftw rcPj
^ 1 T : 4<fdtTd! f t 4 ^ ld H 4 R '^ < :l

Udayacala, possessing enormous glory, ЗТТ5РГТТЧRlRslH: зп^т:|| V3 II

arrived there carrying enormous gems and Kraunca- the king of mountains,
valuable jewels. accompanied with his family the servants and
army, also arrived in the abode of Himalaya.
TR^qf f t l f r n i t Щ ш ^ т 3TTc[d:lR>all 3h^T:i
The highly comfortable mountain of ^i^HnidiiyiiiiiiM ifTTwor^ii^^ii
Malaya, and having the best of kinsmen, A mountain named Purusottama, carrying
reached there respectfully. several types of presents, respectfully arrived
in the house of Himalaya.
■^fgoERrRTra STRRtl «ПрПЗр:!
Ш \ <^ГЧ1 ^ 4 % : «сЬ^'ГсЬ.-И^бН ^TgrT: W t^T ^ora^d :l
The mountain named Durdara, with a ЗИ^ПТЧ r^HIW JJ^H^¥dd:ll^4ll
pleasant mind accompanied with the huge The blue mountain, accompanied with his
army and his wife, arrived there. son and wife, carrying enormous riches,
arrived in the house of Himalaya.
«^VlWlfcldWd! TTtfj Г^цВД^Н.1
Rnmtsfa TWWW 3TRl4ll ? <?II
^ r g i i i чтт^г П?ч^ччнши^ ^ и
О Dear one, the Nisada mountain,
variously decorated, arrived there with a In addition to the above, the mountains
delightful heart, in the abode of Himalaya. Trikuta, Citrakuta, Venkata, Srlgiri,
Gokamukha also arrived in the house of
ТГШ: 1#Фтт: a m m \ Himalaya.
ЗТНТТТПГ 4 f W T ^ W T T t W m ^ T :ll 3 о ||
Ti^TSt 4HWmAtnPtd:l
The lord Gandhamadana mountain also 3THRT4 ЯЩгШ F5[rom: ■^Т:||^\э|1
accompanied with his wife and sons, arrived
Vindyacala- the king of mountains,
in the abode of Himalaya.
carrying delightfully, many presents, arrived
4glRwcrtffd:l there with his wife and sons.
Т | ^ : ГГсШВ Щ Щ Ц f^TFRPTII 3 ^ ||
The mountain, Karavlra, carrying several 4§fa: w m : %nwrtrn 3 6 II
types of riches, reached there. Besides The great mountain named Kalanjara
Mahendra- the king of mountains, also arrived feeling extremely pleased, arrived in the house
at the invitation of Himalaya. of Himalaya with several of his ganas.
'%vtraw "h^rwr PitT ^W ^d: I
mRmdt ft Igirfft 4ftiiWc^'^t:ii^^ii ЗТТЗГПТТТfmt и
586 Siva-Mahapuranam

Kailasa the lord of mountains also, with a and Siva.

pleasant mind, showering his grace on all <T 4Rg<ll
reached there. All of them were delighted. All
of them were the family deities of those Ч^1к1гЧ155'ЛЧ1Ч|^1 fvici4)ftfrt4'*^ll
mountains. The rivers like Narmada, Mahamoda,
Rudrakanya, Saridvara, adorning themselves
SFfrsft я у й if % -gtriwi tTErfu fgst!|
with the best of ornaments, lovingly arrived to
i r i зтга^г ftwKdqji'Soii attend the marriage of Siva and Siva.
О Narada, such of the mountain which 3TFT^W: Tit: *тФтГ ftwsnrri
were located in other islands, all of them
reached the abode of Himalaya. fqcqi n^TlWTOTrf^iTii'ijvaii
With the arrival of the invitees from all the
(чч й а г Ч Ч Ш rPT 4 ^ ТЩТ тЙ!|
Сч чЭ \5
four quarters, the graceful Himapuri was
з т в щ Ш з н т : зт^с^тт f e n : f ^ M r i i ^ ^ i i crowded from all the sides.
O Sage, all the mountains which had been RglHJcll HU<^b*j||dUu|eblfaebll
invited by Himalaya, delightfully reached
there to witness the marriage of Siva and fgdiqfgfqfTir^ ш 4RTHWfTTiuiii
Parvatl. The enthusiasm prevailed all-round in the
city, which was decorated with the flags and
cTSfr P M : isRJi
the toranas. Because of the pitching of tents,
®Г§#ЧТ Ч$|1ЙНИ for the invitees, the sun shine had been faded
At that point of time Sonabhadra and other out and the glamour of the city was increased.
rivers also arrived there lovingly in order to
witness the marriage of Siva and Siva.
4 3: W M 4RTfl3gR«t,g ai:i Himalaya also on his part, honoured the
f^oERSWT: IjtefT fe T ? : % cfq'ifrfall*3M guests and invitees who had arrived in his
All the other rivers taking to the divine abode.
forms, arrived there to observe the marriage of «с|Шгс1Ш411чш уадАз f r a
Siva and Siva.
114 о II
*r w згзге&Йогат ш \ Separate arrangements had been made for
зпЫг i Ш щ: the lodging of each one of them. They were
The rivers like Godavari, Yamuna, fully satisfied with the supply of all the
Brahmaputra, TrivenI, also arrived there to essential commodities.
witness the marriage of Siva and Siva, in the ferbimi
abode of Himalaya.
fecg fru isragfr s t e f f f e i f : f ^ s W r u - « m i kick
The river Ganga, having been adorned with
all the ornaments, taking to an excellent form,
arrived to participate in the marriage of Siva
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 38 587

CHAPTER 38 beautiful altar in the centre.

Description of the m a n d a p a ЗШгГТ Tjpf cTETRRETt zj Гаг^НЦ!

О Narada, the divine sage, the canopy was

тага? тлшгого fttftrs xrm trR ^n *11 spread in a area of ten thousand yojanas with
Brahma said, “O Excellent sage, thereafter numerous auspicious symbols, and looked
Himalaya the lord of the mountains, astonishing.
celebrated a huge festival in the city. w m щ ъ тгё №4441
ft^Mfif ч щ я щ tftftRt чячШ * т:1
lift u ft if TWITft -qfcT * II The mandapa was equally pleasant both
The water was sprinkled over all the sides for the mobile and immobile beings and
of the roads. The roads were decorated on looked beautiful from all the sides.
both the sides with the trunks of the banana
and other trees, decorating them at the same
time. SIffa rl %|| II
The mobile objects displayed their
HTfot тчтш
excellent glory, while the immobile one
surpassed the mobile one in excellence.
The pillars were erected in the courtyard
T^TOT ?T ftffiT cl? тТРЭДП
which were covered with the silken cloth. The C\

mango leaves decorated all the sides. f% f t W f ft» f t Я- f t § : cb lftl^:ll

4Mdi4lc*!R4Th ?rarTftWWWI
The watery places excelled the beauty of
the solid ground. Even the experts could not
TTtftRT ftsirT: ig$:im i distinguish between water and the ground.
The toranas were decorated with jasmine
flowers beside other auspicious materials. shftilwgl: ер&ЧкЗ sbftirtlK*»45Th<j:i
iRft(%^fa34W fftrasr R4^ tt: ii
<T&cr тгё ra w
At places the images of artificial lions were
placed, at places, there were the lines of
cranes, while at places the (artificial) peacocks
% n ч и attracted the minds of the people.
In this way the lord of the mountains, made
all the arrangements for the pleasure of his
daughter. Thereafter, the material for
adoration was procured before the immensely At places one could find artificial (images)
influential Garga- the royal priest. of women dancers dancing with artificial men
casting wistful glances at them and enchanting
3TTf2t fa^eb'flfui ebUHlMIR R I«4I
w i ?r ^и
сШ fqfiETT IRTTHT 4 % l l : l
Then he summoned Visvakarma and made
him build a beautiful and vast mandapa with a адтан 4ffq)4*n:ll ^ II
588 Siva-Mahapuranam

In this way, the beautiful images of gate­

keepers had been installed at the entrance ufgqqT л р й н г о II
gates, carrying the bows in their hands. These
images of the gate-keepers looked like the real To the left were two elephants as if having
ones. been bom in the country of Kashmere. They
had four tusks each. They were of sixty years
■gift if^di^nil of age, possessing immense lustre and were
The images of MahalaksmI, possessing all
the auspicious symbols, appeared as if she had
just emerged out of the ocean of milk.
Similarly, the images of two horses
decorated with flywhisks, having the
^snsr w n f ^ m i и resplendence of the sun, and adorned with
The images of elephants appeared ornaments were also made.
attractive decorated with ornaments, like the gfjm сгтштетт djchLIRTTC^cf tJI
real ones. Similarly the horses appeared ^ ^clT t ^тт t fcwh&inil ЧЯII
charming with the horse-riders, while the
elephants so appeared with the elephant riders. The Lokapalas were adorned with the best
of Kavacas ands the gems. The gods too were
w ч$на4«яйш:1 shown in the images in a realistic manner.
сН^ЯГТч rfSTRUfr UrRI: ■ф’ЩчШШН ^ II ш ft w w : ^ jM iaisr гттгачт:|
The images of the chariots driven by the З Й ^4^<IW gfHI=gliyi^3fq't IR 3 It
charioteers, looked quite surprising. The
images of the foot soldiers had also been The images of Bhrgu and other ascetics,
beautifully made. besides the siddhas, gods, were also made.
fspn^T V M ^d:l
^4 illdlHGl Tj^! II ^3|| ф(4ч! Rf4uw&r4<iiua4^4cu^iR^ii
O Sage, all these images had been made by The image of lord Visnu had been made in
VisVakarma, delightfully, in order to give a a surprising manner, together with his
surprise to the gods and the sages. attendants and Garuda.
■t^jgrfr f w ! ^ -ф т я fnit u^.'i й ш ? 4 fi« riR d :i

w ъ&ц ^:ii \c и f£ptr RrfMdWidld-yrblfH 4TTc0lR4l

О Sage, the statue of Nandi, at the portals, Narada was shown reciting the Vedas. My
of crystalline beauty and brilliance, appeared image also was there in the company of my
like a prototype of the real Nandi. sons.
d^iluR uitifrod w ra W4fcwi
тШ ^-IlftdHN ЯЯII ^fsnqr fqfh'dw ledRч : i rsi i
Above Nandi, was the divine Puspaka- Indra resembling the full moon was shown
plane decorated with sprouts and was shining with his family, mounted over the elephant
with the flywhisks. Airavata.
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khaij<Ja), Chapter 38 589

fa> ^ t fg«ranfam T Jflfar H to W T R T f ^ E T f ^ n f b T ET|

ЦщлМШпд 5R3H: f W M 4:ll^ll Щ Я I ^ I R T ^ T l P l тщтРгГ ЕП1 3 *11

What else could be stated, О Divine sage, Similarly he also built beautiful and the
with the inspiration of the Himalaya, vast houses for the Lokapalas.
Visvakarma had projected the entire зр^щщпжт et ^riqt зргргстгт
community of gods in the paintings (and
W lP r ftfe n ftr ЕГ t i l 3 ч II
He also built the mansions for others gods
of various kinds which were quite beautiful.
in г и
fEpg^iqf Ч?>1«|П&: Wwnp?iaR:i
Thus Visvakarma built the divine
f^ E T f t r d ^ f N ^ c i W l l ^ ^ ll
mandapa, which attracted the minds of the
gods, reflecting several acaryas as well. Visvakarma who had achieved boon from -
Siva, and who was immensely learned, made a
зтгтщн) ftijlfrr fgw tf t^TRpr.l beautiful house in order to please Siva, in a
Pram ti Чт1?#|д>1^ft ^ш:п ? ^и moment.
Thereafter, Giriraja Himalaya commanded i i t e f e w t цфздй
the competent architect-Visvakarma to build
the houses for the dwelling of the gods,
resembling their respective abodes in their
own lokas. •?пдр ^егалтп ^V9ii
сЙёГегтщлщт: рчт: ЧТЧТ^Ш:1 Similarly he also built an abode for Siva,
Tf%FTT: i<«s4i^4t ^HraranfoiTii)on which was quite surprising and had the
symbols like small double drum, trident etc. in
Those houses were provided with the high,
neat and clean beds by Visvakarma.
ртаат <|«п rR tert fEPsranfam
^ f^ET $ПЩГ5^рГСГ1
fofER T I v ic ip 5 H i Ч & ЗД Я Ш 3 £ ll
t f w щщр •pi Prami^' 3 ^ii
This type of the astonishing construction
Visvakarma, built the seven lokas for the
work, which was well illumined was
residence of Brahma in a moment, which were
undertaken by Visvakarma for the pleasure of
quite resplendent.
tT^cT faujfTW H %Д5Г<53 q'^'wcj^H.I
P «^ifisIH M оЧсГ^Н xt гЙЙГсЬЧ!
f^er snxnrt тнщФртйкти ^? и чЩ® р т ftprraR: и 3 я II
Similarly, he created a new Vaikuntha, a
Thus observing all the worldly formalities,
brilliant abode of Visnu with wonderful
Himalaya delightfully waited for the arrival of
Siva with the marriage party.
ЗЛТ^тр? У)тЬЧ¥1йл <frTRt
f e p : s f t j T f a E g f a n * o ||
Visvakarma also built the house for Indra .
О Divine sage, thus I have narrated the
with many surprises as well as the fortunes.
590 Siva-Mahapur5nam

blissful story of Himalaya to you. Now you

tell me what more do you intend to listen from
?f?r fefhmrt
590 Siva-Mahapur5nam

the letter to the lord.

Щm RcqcF#x|«K fa«IRd:l
d'NHRjnM^IMIR «rgfWW rtT^T:ll^ll
After the letter was read, the date of
marriage was appropriately accepted and those
people were given a respectful and a hearty
CHAPTER 39 send off.
Arrival of the gods at Kailasa and ЗсГГсГ *jP(c(U?'Wl’<hl<4 ТЩГФ
departure of the marriage party of Siva STFRT^T % fecfT?: W l'fidt WIIV9II
Then Siva prayed to the sages, “You have
f # ! ?шт! тщгацг! h performed pretty well. All of you should
cBSTTSnfe ^#STtnf*T: fiTTf#» ^11 attend my marriage, since I have accepted this
Narada said, “O Dear one, О Destiny, О marriage.” This is what Siva, told those sages
Immensely learned one, О Disciple of Visnu, (who had arrived with the letter).
О Ocean of mercy, you have narrated the CfcT: yrrart: ЗЩЩТ^ ! Р И Щ
astonishing story to me. ц^гст ftrt : тц f # i Тигпен
Listening to these words of Siva, the sages
? II were delighted. They, offering their salutation
Now I would like to listen to the auspicious to Siva and circumambulating him returned
/ praising their fortunes.
event of the marriage of Siva, which bestows
welfare. m 7TЩ : TTTOTW # ! |d R I
f% *галт W l ^ : штат cdlfgicfnviKdifer яд:ичи
clt SfTcRT U5SJT f^oqt 9щттгг 4TlrM4:ll 3 II ЯЧТО: Щ«1г4П т ф Ш № ЩЦ\
What did lord Siva, after receiving the ЯПТЩГ TdT<JR0t ЙЧ)ШгЧ1 fidl3lfR:ll II
lagna-patrika do? Now you narrate the same
О Sage, Siva, the lord of the gods,
performs many sports, together with the gods,
W tara following the worldly traditions, and you
*piT ^гТГ! щпщт! tjtr "q?r:l yourself quite lovingly, praising your fortunes,
w t штаг Rfvntf^T4 ;iuii arrived there, with all humility, lowering your
head, you offered your salutation to the lord
Brahma said, “O Intelligent son, listen to
the great fame of Siva. After receiving the with folded hands.
letter of Himalaya, what did Siva do, you з т # : T D W K l f t T T fc E # :l
better listen from me. f#yr яУнйЫ wi
зтег rft r?t ч$ггч£гёыч) Then you offered prayer to him shouting
favour ygyw чн^ч'[ sraifg^-.imn slogans of victory to the lord, О Sage,
Lord Siva, after receiving that letter, thereafter, praising and eulogising the lord,
honoured all those persons, who had carried you sought permission from Siva to return.
Rudra SamhitS (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 39 591

Ш ЗЩШгЯТ ^Tf?rq;i ъ «теш 9.6 it

ЗЭТёГ g f 4 ^ 5 l ЯТ ТЙИЩГЗ^ЩТ fnTTII w II Narada said, “This is your Vrata that you
Displaying the worldly behaviour and always remain subservient to your devotees.
heightening your pleasure with sweet speech, You have acted appropriately according to the
the delighted Siva, pleasantly said to you. desire of Parvatl.
eflRf Wdtfi ЯЧТ fa«t!i
Ляг ^ Юттйга «rsrifir ^1 ЩГ -Щ % f f a Ъ Ъ Ч$1Щ ^11 9,9. II
О Lord, taking me as your humble servant,
<1тЛТfait Tf i|^Th<Mfvi<l4fui:ll^ll
you kindly get me your command for any
Siva said, “O Excellent sage, you listen
service, I am fit for.”
from me today. I speak to you, because you
are the foremost of my devotees and quite
dear to me. ЯЛТ ?ТЩ: ЧтНЛг9?Т:1
fut WvTTt ^оЛТ fa fa l ъщ w n ^ i hhisw стелят TRtejrliRoii
<гсЗг W Щ: fllfarH til V*ll Brahma said, “О Excellent sage, after you
At your command, Parvatl performed thus spoke to Siva, lord Siva, who is well-
severe tapas for me. Getting delighted, I have disposed towards his devotees, delightfully
promised to be her husband. spoke to you with respect.”
folT? xT?TRT 4?^ % я1ш:1 fact ЩЩ
-mfimir ~тч $:ii и
I am subservient to her devotion. Therefore Я "RHW TTefall * *11
I am going to marry her. The Saptarsis have Siva said, “O Sage, you, on my behalf
fixed the date of marriage. invite, Visnu and other gods besides the sages,
ЗТШ: 1РГ d^ujfd ЧТТСГ!I the siddhas, and all others, located in all the
four quarters.
тфт chfiKTlfif л(г1Ч||ш:11 ^11
О Narada, the marriage will the performed, ^ зттаят f a w : "Ы?тШтШт:1
just after a week. I shall celebrate the ТЙгЛТТТЛWTT^IrTII ^ 1 1
marriage, following the worldly tradition.” At my command all of them should arrive
ъф т with their wives and children, well-decorated.
ff?f ЯЯТ сгагщ гт УЩЧТЦ TPlftwfa ^ Я5Г
JHFrerat: зтд яят гш! я euewhgclhii^эп It ТЛёВкгт Ч "ЦЧТоЛТтшт 43^:11*311
Brahma said, “O Dear one, listening to the Those of the gods who would not attend
words of Siva, the supreme soul, feeling my marriage ceremony, I shall not consider
delighted, you bowed in reverence to the lord such gods as my own. This is sure.”
and said. W tUR
ЧШ? ЗШтГ ^ rh w t <rat дят г|Щ од|т^т:1
wdfiUMflWW WсТ*1гЛТ|*Т^!|1**11
592 Siva-Mahapuranam

Brahma said, “Listening to the pleasing The sages, the Nagas, siddhas,
words of Siva, you accepted his command, Gandharvas, and other people also arrived
moved at once and communicated the with pleasure, after receiving the invitation.
invitation to all. <WI*TflHl r f ^> 1

-щадт oq^gn^Tli ^ ^ II
TR TR ift ЗШ2Г 4 T T ? ! l R 4 l ) Siva welcomed delightfully, all the gods
0 Narada, then, performing the function of and others, severally.
a messenger, you delivered the message to all.
Coming back you took your seat with his
?RT ^ i ^ : » ^ ^ ||
A surprising type of festival was organised
over Kailasa, in which the divine damsels
W P l: fs tfm ii ^ $ ll performed the dance.
Siva too was anxiously waiting for the Ш ш ш и Т % J H '4 n id l:l
return of Narada, while dancing with his
^ rra t c b i ^ d
О Sage, Visnu and other gods, who had
Ш <т»{чЫ1 ■Wct4cH4l arrived there, had come to participate in the
зттзттгттЕдгГ: «14(4^ : 11^11 marriage party of Siva.
At the same time lord Visnu, together with 4 l i 4 < l # 4 f d 4 Й 4 Г :1
his entire family arrived there, suitably
dressed. ($|сш4$Ц ^
All of them had been invited by Siva and
inspired by me. All of them engaged
ddl?iuaiuj jfid4M«T: II ч 6 II themselves in the service of Siva.
He, together with LaksmI and his family Щ : ТГН dlW W T vN 444lf4Iil 4 T 4 I
members, offered his salutation to lord Siva.
All of them took their seats with the дВй ч ггаг4Н ш чч-.и^и
permission of the lord. The seven mothers (Sapta-matrikas)
engaged themselves in decorating Siva
■ЩMumjiIdB t 4ТН^: 43wfcm:ii?<?u W n W iR W rT T ri
1 also reached Kailasa with my ganas. I
4T5T5S4T tОr i e r s ! тщГ^ГРТ 4v9m t : l l i < 9 l l
took my seat bowing in reverence to Siva.
О Excellent sage, at the desire of Siva, he
H tow n з т т : ж 1т^т:1 was decorated with his natural attire and
Indra and the other Lokapalas also arrived
there with their wives and sons, well dressed.
# E R 4 fp C 1 Г Г # д # 4 ^ W T II 3 6 II
4Ч 4Т 4 F IT : f w ЗХЩ ТПШ Т)
The crescent moon decorated the head. His
third eye looked like the tilakam.
Rudra Samhita (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 39 593

WGT 7ЩТ ЯЧтЦТ f^TT4?ftrWR?t:ll^4ll

щгг ^ ! и^ ч и Then Visnu, bowing in reverence to Siva,
O sage! two snakes appeared as ear delightfully spoke the words befitting the
ornaments or as gem-studded kundalas. occasion.
3Rnf#|8RtT: rTI fy b U

ЧНРСёГЧШЙ *ПГ*о|| cjd^ci! R^l^q! yKUiHwdrRd!

The serpents coiled over the other limbs ёЬт4«<4 W T rS R t f o ? # *piT T( W t l l l 'u ^ l l
appeared like the ornaments studded with Visnu said, “O God of gods, О Mahadeva,
gems. dear to those taking refuge with you, you
:l perform the tasks of your devotees. You listen
to my words.
«гаччИч ^ T ^ ii'i^ ii
(JiJlT fife ftR T 7 1 ^ т!|
The ashes mixed with sandal paste were w w \

applied over his body like the cosmetic. The ^огтт э г 4

elephant skin as well as the tiger-skin were О Siva, according to the method prescribed
like the excellent silken garments for him. in the Grhyasutras you perform your marriage
фрт W -ли gtnff^^T^I with the daughter of Himalaya.
fsrrrsfq- -щц ттщп%п4 иъ ц и xj f e h T in l <r IT ll

At that point of time, Siva looked quite т п т а г % ?гат н гё к "ИоГ: ^ R 5 n f? m T 4 4 i^ ii$ ^ i

charming and his beauty was beyond О Siva, when you perform this the
description. At that time Siva appeared as marriage appropriately then this tradition
possessing all the fortunes. would be established everywhere.
Щ ^ 31ЧВДП4Т ■ФЩФРТЯ ffi$ijwfd:l
4FTT: чтгг! # 4 ; -щ
О Lord, according to your own traditional
гф т г: ягш:it 11*311 dharma, you first established the mandapa,
perform the Nandlmukha-sraddha with
Then all the gods, Danavas, serpents, birds, devotion and establish your fame in the
apsaras, and the sages getting fully pleased world.”
and belonging to the side of the gods (bride),
came close to Siva and said. чзйчга
?тойулч| w r jt : i
H l(« h « h ld K f^ K d l fd lt H I d d < * K ^Г: I I Ц о II
W W 4 # ! "4%4SR! I
щ ir a f i? r ^ T y ^ H ^ d u lf c id H i
P lW W T Щ Т^ОЕГТ: W W l f a : fTOT ^ ^ l l X X l l
3 ^ 4 gfqrfiT: ЯШ m *1ЩЩ|| Ц*li
All of them said, “O Mahesvara, О
Brahma said, “When Siva- the Parmesvara
Mahadeva, you kindly show your grace on us,
was so addressed by Visnu, then Siva, who
by marrying Girija.”
was the follower of the worldly traditions, did
cTETt fginjWE^ so. Siva entrusted the responsibility of
594 Si va-MahSpu rSnam

performing all the rites to me, which I instructions. They worshipped the gods lodged
respectfully carried out with the help of the in the altar.
Ш: %ci: Ы ф Шщ 1
!<♦>«♦) сКч<*> «ь4 нн1ч га1 fg3TRii ц ^ и
After appropriately performing the social
Tniin^r: WTTHrs^cTSPT: i and Vedic rites, Siva was pleased and
aprrwaRFTf f^n^tssi тщч^!ич^и delightfully bowed in reverence to the

ftftq^sar ffarai: sfait В5Ш: ^#пищ:ц m tjt^ettri

ЯШ$ГйШ1<Ч'1в)т1Ч1<];П $ о II
ъ *rpr зтптт: f?^R#iirtTi
The lord of all- Siva, started from the
w |% 1 Ш
excellent mountain Kailas'a, keeping the
The sages like Kasyapa, Atri, Vasistha, Brahmanas and the gods ahead.
Gautama, Bhagurl, Kanva, Brhaspati, Sakti,
Jamadagni, Parasara, Marakandeya- the great ®ri%: g^ifeti:i
sage, sllapaka, Arunapala, Akrtasrama, ~Щ%$iNr ЯЯГн1н1сИ: TT*j;ii^n
Agastya, Cyavana, Garga, SUada, Dadhlci, Crossing the mountain Kailasa, Siva
Upamanyu, Bhardvaja, Akrtvrana, Pippalada, stopped for a while, along with the gods and
Kusika, Kautsa and Vyasa with his disciples, the Brahmanas, receiving different ovations.
having been aspired by me, besides other
flo ra l щтчгеШ ^ifdfir: f^r-.i
ascetics, reached before Siva and they
performed all the ceremonies concerning the tr^?lPl ЧЯЧТЯедгВД»:II ^ ^ II
marriage. At that point of time, the gods, resorted to
singing and dancing in order to please Siva.

W 4 $ II ?ftr «tforcwgigciut ffeflqrai ^«ffripri p f r

The Rsis well-versed in the Vedas and ^srf445s|U|^|l|m(vie|i|Wlerul4
other connected literature, following the Vedic чi u^ я u
traditions, performed the safety rites of Siva, 'k'kif
and tied the safety thread around his wrist.
isnrcj: WTffojT Ш чгстМ: tjt:i
rj Щ : to fc^ W IT :ll4 ^ll
Reciting the hymns from the Rgveda,
Samaveda and Yajurveda, besides various
stotras from the Puranas, the sages, performed
the auspicious rites.
n?nm Tjsrc зйгвгт toi

To ward off the obstructions, the adoration

of the planets was performed under my
594 Si va-MahSpu rSnam

Siva’s marriage procession

w$'. ^ЧТ§Ч ЧЧП^ТЧ ^Щсчяптч!

ЗТЩТЩШТШ ^ if сТЗ ^11 ^11
Brahma said, “Siva then called Nandi and
other ganas delightfully and commanded them
to accompany the marriage party.
Rudra SarhhitS (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 40 595

f a c ia l (ft? WHT ? I! Kapala- the lord of ganas had five crore

Siva said, “Leaving some of the ganas ganas with him, the warrior named Sandaraka
here, the rest of them should accompany me to had six crores ganas with him.
the city of Himalaya.” eh^cb:
fogwrr TTupTTsnfipfaiMi ^и
m %тгорнт тттт^тт ft% ^ ri Kanduka and Kunduka moved one with a
crore of ganas each. Ganesvara and
P? Td <FHJtfTc[rc rfFT BS?fW55TRT?q;il 3 II
Vistambha on the other hand had seight crores
Brahma said, “At the command of Siva, each.
the lords of the ganas leading their respective
armies, marched on with pleasure. Some of ■^cblihJI ¥14: fani# ^1
them are described here. Ш 4ftydH!II ||
huichten тртрдт:! The leader named Pippalada was
delightfully marching with a thousand crores
of ganas. The Ganesvara, known as
Samkhakama- the lord of the ganas Saunadaka, moved with the similar number of
marched on with a crore of ganas to ganas.
accompany Siva towards the abode of \ ^Г*Г- T—
тщт^?т: cftsftt W ht ^ ii
The Ganesvara, known as Avesana, had the
зт^ал W 4 t тлторьгичп
army of eight crores of ganas,while
The delightful Kekaraksa was Mahakesa was accompanied by a thousand
accompanied with ten crores of ganas, while crores of ganas.
Ganesvara named Vikrta had eight crores of
ganas with him. f n # зддейад ft тт ч<Шг gt! i
idyntshu huiRi i|URiqch:i зщтвт: «IfefMfc WlHR[?r44:li^ll
О Sage, Kunda and Parbata had twelve
Tifftrw 4crfft:
crores each, the great warrior Candratapana
Vis'akha- the leader of the ganas had four had eight crores each.
crores of ganas with him, while the gana-
leader named Parijata had nine crores of ganas шт щ т ? г: #i
with him. eftsftt ¥ R W % -.11^11
зПй'|<*1$с| ftl^vtTPR:! Kala, kalaka, Mahakala and Agnika had a
hundred crores each.
TTUTRt ^tftfftlftRlW.-ILSIl
^dillfftdlsl ТТсПШ^тТЩ¥ UTJRmcK:l
Sarvantaka and Vikrtantaka had sixty
crores each. The leader named Dundubha had ччщ?:и van
eight crores of ganas with him. Agnimukha- the leader of ganas, was
accompanied with a crore of garias, while
hWftlST efcMMHsdl hat?l : cKtfeftRrRITI
Adityamurdha and GhanSvaha each had a
4^lbT: ^WTRT (, II crore of ganas.
596 Siva-Mahapuranam

Ш Т?: TTUPTWII Pancamukha, Sanatana, Samvartaka, Caitra,

зп го : ahifa^sN ^raefiten ■ ntnrisn: 11^411
Lakullsa, Svayamprabhu, Lokantaka,
Dlptatma, Daityantaka, Devabhrrigarltl,
Sannaha and Kumuda, the leaders of the Devapriya- the great, As'anl and Bhanuka
ganas had a hundred crores of ganas, while moved with sixty four thousand ganas each
Amogha and Kokila had also the same number moved with Siva to attend his marriage.
with them.
w it : chlfefoferftr: i
■дт^г: ЩTmiRt Wn^cF-.l
дкч^кт-дгат т \ч ш \ ? *11
'cRM W I^: «hlfi4»3l iMW MiMTII ^11
There were a thousand crores of goblins
Sumantra had one crores, Kakapadodara and three crores of Pramathas, sixty crores of
and Santanaka had sixty crores each. Virabhadras, and three crores of Romajas.
ehtficblfdfl^lUIT УтШутШ^фЧ:!
m тепит ттпгчт: yi|-<irtraii?4 n
Mahabala had nine crores, while Besides, the others ganas, like Nandi,
Madhupingala, Kokila, Nila and Pflrnabhadra joined the marriage procession of Siva by
were leading ninety crores of the ganas. hundreds and twenties crores of ganas.
ЩсБШт ЩОТГ ->Мзг cfi1ficblfdMu14ri:l
■ 5Й ЯэГсТсЬ^гП <т »|01?11Ч1зГг^ч«:и ?ЙИ
Caturvaktra had seven crores, Karana had The Ksetrapala-Bhairava, arrived with
twenty crores, Ahiromaka had ninety crores, crores of ganas, getting enthusiastic to join the
of ganas marching with them. marriage of Siva.
w r r З Ц Щ гГ Щ 4{>l<slc'll:l
чд: m tw ff ^ n m ^гпт^т^тг w w . yif(iw^mv9ii
^iBi^ |8Sif:4ggT cbHiMi w m rai:i These as well as several other warriors
^ТЩГ: ^ H4IrR:IRo|| delightfully arrived to joint he marriage of
агаЗБц: чзгсчзг эзЕцррш чипям Siva.
liddiSWI ёЫт Hftflyi: ^•&V4chaenftui:i
e l t e w %1сЧТ IMT trU R l^ r Ч^! I 4)'H<?iUdlfWHl^R||| ^ с II
^ ^ II Many of them had a thousand hands each,
3iyiP w i4ch ^ iw y i : i
having the crowns of the matted locks of hair
over the heads, besides the crescent moon,
fyi^T щ 4!bM3t:ii blue necks and three eyes.
О Narada, Yaj vaksa, Satamanyu,
Meghamanyu, had ninety crores of ganas ^ЩТРТГЩ: 4^waifofT:l
moving with them. Kasthangustha- the leader : IIЯ II
of the ganas, was accompanied with sixty four They were wearing Rudrdksa, garlands,
cores of ganas, while VirupSksa, Sukes'a, kundalas, crowns and keyuras. Their bodies
Sanatana, Vrsabha, Talaketu, Sadasya, were plastered with ashes.
Rudra SamhitS (PSrvatT Khanka), Chapter 40 597

3jrai4lRyffl4di: i sftinft 441? ^ тщт^ти^оп

^4*Мгу<?1«1¥ПШ )ffa>gTT:и ? о n She was shining with her family, with a
Many other Ganesvaras having the lustre beaming face, looking jovial. Besides her,
of crores of suns, were present there. valorous other goddess also arrived there
gfaeftriiRw: ^f€R4i?ncHWirbir: i
Ш щ т о feom fgwTT: cttfe?TT r3! i
%f^t^oZThtRRT: %filoWT^cRT^!ll^?ll
О Sage, some of them could move in the w «щзтегггг 4HTfenwii 3 <s11
terrestrial world, some in the sky and some O Sage, crores of the goblins in divine
over the earth. form, were present there.
olgrtH ! 4(<Mehfdetlftid: I 'dhm ПчфЧННИ
sirof: T3W: steiT ^ }? fj^dll^ldl ЗЙШArgq^^riM lI 3^11
О Divine sage, what more could be stated Accompanied with all of them the goddess
in this connection, all the ganas of Siva, living with deformed face moved ahead of all, quite
in all the lokas, arrived there well-pleased. joyfully. She could cause love as well as
^ 3W:i
гтз5гт Trf ^quii : р ш < p rw i
^ fp rfh frjt tn и
ЧК1МГУЧШ %|)*o||
Thus Siva accompanied with the gods and
others, marched towards the city of Himalaya, Candl- relegated all the Rudraganas to the
for his marriage. background. All the Rudraganas were dear to
Siva, who were eleven crore in number.
*ЩГ *РШ Ш Т ^:1
гЩТЩ гЩ?ПТ Щ Tpft>8R1113*11
When Siva departed for his marriage
accompanied with the gods, then listen to their At that point of time, the sound of double
activities on the way. drum, kettle-drums, and the blowing of the
conches, echoed in the sky.
ЩЧ ЧсШ rroft
гЩТ 7T®?: cR W ^ts^Tl
rl^l^n iTq §И\гЧГ x f a t f Md|crg rH 3 4 ll
The goddess Candl, officiating as the sister dlVl^’4^TlrHdsirk^ 11
of Siva, arrived there well decorating herself, Huge turmoil was created with the beating
who frightened the opponents. of the big drums, which destroyed misfortunes
and created welfare.
ftdKPW4№«l wfaiawftHT Сч I
W Rt 'HHR^cbl: I
fif t»i ijfsf nfRw^u 3 ^ 11
She was seated over the pretasana (seat of 3F3rj: ^<S4Wifa[«f>r 11*311
a ghost), adorned with the ornaments of О Sage, all the gods, stddhas, Lokapalas
snakes carrying in the gold pitcher filled with and others, followed the ganas.
water and looked quite shining. 9Г^ПТ ч|^тЧЧ|1Ш:1
vmflgm tgtw <3hi*hi фна^чп
598 Siva-Mahapuranam

0 Sage, Visnu mounted over Garuda WHt ЧШ: wb?l-A

moved in the middle, who looked graceful
mmt wf zf t щтт^п: тттШщ:нч?п
with the chatra carried over his head.
All the mothers of the universe, all the
divine damsels, Gayatrl, Laksmi, and the
4l^f3c4«f^T ТгП£пШгГЧ^:1|-*Ц11 wives of the other gods (also joined the
He was surrounded by his attendants, who marriage procession).
were moving the flywhisks over him and he tjtttsjrjtsj ^ trt адщ а
was adorned with all the ornaments.
згпт: 4<lPc*dl:im^ii
WSpnzr?TftT ^ ^3RTPf IcHlfad:! The wives of the gods and the mothers of
the universe, went to the marriage of Siva,
1 also moving with them, following the quite delightfully.
path of Vedas and Agamas appeared graceful.
Wchil<4^Rl4: WsmRfRr: ^ : i *1) srtf з э й
^ T t f | Pvrcl^ciTdbH:ll^V9ii
TT^it f w «п^гМеГ:!
I had been engaged in the service of Siva,
together with Sanaka and others, ^ra^Nr^ii цчii
Mahasiddhas, sons of Prajapati and other kiths Vrsabha, resembling the pure and beautiful
and kins. crystal, which is believed by the Vedas,
besides the sastras, siddhas and the great
*d&ii4SEPl: ym ^T=RPT5ifw:l
sages, as dharma, over which lord Mahadeva-
C*- *v О to whom dharma is quite dear, was mounted,
Indra, adorned with all the ornaments, was moving in the marriage procession
mounted over the elephant, looked quite surrounded by the divine sages.
rRT <T sfSTORHcT ^1
^ТГ xr%?Tt
ftnwn^RT srnpt W3FT
The Rsis having been filled with
enthusiasm had joined the marriage
procession. Accompanied with all the great sages,
Siva, while moving for his marriage with Siva,
yilRh^l ЧТЩШЧШ^cTTRT 9Г?ГЩШТ:1 looked quite graceful.

r<4K4l ЩТ:1
^ чтт^! 11 ч^ 11
TRraf: few5pggfgi4iamr?fwr:ii4^i Thus the story of the grand marriage
Sakini, Yatudhan, Betalas, procession of Siva has been narrated to you.
Brahmaraksasas, spirits, goblins, pis'acas and Now listen to the pleasant incidents happening
pramathas, besides, Tumburu, Narada, Huha, in the city of Himavat.
Huhu, the best of the Gandharvas, and the
Kinnaras were happy, playing on the musical
instruments. qraroufa ?пт ^irfvtl5«zrra:iixoii
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 41 599

Beauty of the m a n d a p a O Sage Narada, you felt confused at that
w m ra point of time and you lost your wisdom.
Ш: тгорзт ^ fm : ятещ ?тщт1г^fr:i Feeling surprised you spoke to Himalaya.
■ g^! щт к ш w i яи згргстти Мтдтт ^ ^mmthm:i
Brahmfl aid, О Sage, thereafter, making Ш P # ! I : ТЕ? f e g T OTfTTFFTTII 6 II
consultations among themselves, at the “Have Visnu and other gods, besides the
command of Siva, lord Vi§nu, first of all sent siddhas, and ascetics arrived already?
you to the house of Himalaya.
Pgifeft fqwal suffer uRc|jRd:i
m w s 41Т<ш:1 зтртгТ: f% М п?М щ чпщ : и? u
gfrw q f e иМг trfwii ? it О Lord of mountains, you tell me
O Narada, at the instance of Visnu, you truthfully, whether Mahadeva, mounted over
bowing in reverence to Siva, moved towards his bull has already arrived with his ganas.”
the house of Himalaya.
f£ m т М cTsr fM w r fsRjcb*Sumi э n
зсггаг <str шс этМ тг Ш?:и
О Sage, you by looking at your image
Brahma said, “Listening to your words
made by Visvakarma, you felt shy and
having been filled with surprise, Giriraja
Himalaya spoke the truth to you.
ЙЧ fd W r !I
M rapfornm i
I 4TTg! ^cnspr f*IcT:l
О Excellent sage, by looking at your
image, you felt tired and kept on looking at fara^f ъ т*Ш: терт: terreumi w i
the proficiency of the art of Vis'vakarma. Himalaya said, “О Wise Narada, Siva,
together with the people of the marriage party
иМГ TW34 cR^T ТЯМГсВ]Ч has not yet arrived for marriage with Parvati.
Ш M g 4TTg! Mgtrn
М пт ч<чг<§грТ1
M et e f ? fe=$! f?Ft w n i ^ n
v m rq g r fkrm ш ш ! ?raT:ii$ii
ч ^ п f e w M k : fm tp M ti
Then you entered the mandapa of
Himalaya which had been beautifully painted M o ffe tt: m $ w et щМ ётдр^и ^ it
like the gems, which had the golden pitchers, O Narada, look carefully. These are the
and the apsards like Rambha had been paintings made by Vis'vakarma. О divine sage,
painted. The mandapa had a thousand pillars free yourself from the confusion, remember
and was quite astonishing in nature. Finding Siva, and be healthy. After eating something,
the pedestal or altar made therein you were you have some rest. Be graceful on me
surprised. delightfully and you go back to Siva with
dgwtasj тт -цй! чтгз; m Mainaka and other mountains.
600 Siva-MahapuraQam

xrfa: П|Г<Ы<*1чй! 4Tcf^TT5i% % Ч Р к f% Ч ctf Щ fMrTCTWII II

wM тчч\ The gods said, “О Narada, О Intelligent

Trtw W" R ^ rf: one, you appear to be bewildered. Have you
been treated well by Himalaya or not? Speak
r*n out everything at length.
O Immensely wise sage, going back to
Siva, with the mountains, praying on my
behalf, bring all the gods, Rsis, demons, ■^ng^iiMirT: "ршчт: w ^ kTT:ii ? oii
besides Siva whose feet are adored by all, Why have the excellent mountains like
here.” Mainaka, Sakya and others richly adorned
with ornaments, possessing immense strength
arrived here?
rt&fr зтт^т f | Щ
rfi w fd ЗТ Ч ЯНД! I
fipnrnyb ш ] f% т ш г wg?n ? ?ii
O Narada, does Himalaya really intend to
fvN^RwHH,» <411 give away his daughter to Siva or not? What
Brahma said, “Taking the food, and having has taken place in the abode of Himavan now?
some rest, in the abode of Himalaya, you Please speak out.
returned to Siva, together with the sons of
Щ y^4H R i ч р п т ! I R я II
rfit ^gt ^ir<4ftc(Tffd:l
We are having doubts in our minds. Hence
4R4^dWh ^ll ^ II we, the heaven-dwellers, ask you to say
Finding Siva having been surrounded by everything, О righteous one, and rectify our
the gods, you and the sons of Himalaya doubts.
offered your salutation at the feet of lord Siva.
гЩТW W4 $ ^T: 41511W . I
4ih*g4<c|i ^911
aralWRpI! i^flM w PRgm w niTin^ii
Then О Sage, all the gods including Indra,
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Visnu and myself, besides the attendants
the gods and others, О Sage, you having been
asked you.
confused with the illusion of Vis'vakarma,
faRflrfT: R^dl^gl 4i^lgi«4H«l:i spoke to them.
t|4leb41^)^e[klNI4l^l4W dHII II QcfcWRlfarq- ^ tTt f | fonj-
They had been struck with surprise, and trnm r ^icHifR^ c^ ti
suspicion, on finding the mountains Mainaka,
Sakya, Meru and others, adorned with all
types of ornaments. ^frg^Riwi^ii ^'kii
О Sage, you took me and Visnu aside you
spoke these words to me to Visnu and also to
I ЧТТ^! тщпщ! % ^ГЧП Indra who is lord of gods and by the severing
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 41 601

of the wings of the mountains, he was their Brahma said, “On hearing your words lord
earlier enemy. Indra, who was completely frightened at once
spoke to Visnu.”
r J f t f*T rrfgffti М Ш ddW
ffcl4l?H f|l ТИШ?! PgT ЯТ fq#4tqRri
^айт fattier iRR
v s5 -О
tmtsifl тайней читан ^ *11
fawt^-gcFraiRhii Indra said, “O Lord of LaksmI and the lord
of gods, Tvastr who is agitated over the grief
Narada said, “In order to confuse all the
of his own, will surely kill me under this
gods, Visvakarma had made such images, by pretext and not otherwise.”
which he tends to confuse all the gods
appropriately. WtaFET
ЩТfirt ?TRI Id41 сЗЯТ щ»тат зтта тат#г:1
щ w m yi4iq<l!i зшёг я р и ciTcRi яшщшпгещтн ? ? и
Brahma said, “Listening to his words,
та fafrartf^
Janardana, the god of gods, spoke to Indra
^ Referral: i i w smilingly, assuring him at the same time.”
O Indra, earlier, you had defeated
Himalaya. Have you forgotten it, therefore, he
is sitting in his house in order to defeat you. ftdldebclrh й ят%тГ5Й !i
щ 1йт1%г#ч yfawfti ш щ т|
Visnu said, “Earlier Nivata- Kavaca, the
BUTfqtuj; ф<14^ИЩЯТ^IsFtsfh dl<^l:ll ?^9ll
daityas, on the basis of Mahavidyas had
I, finding my false image, was confused. confused you, О Indra.
He has similarly made the images of Brahma,
Visnu and Indra.
f^TOSTT% ft4T: Я^ЯЯ dlcHlIsI ^ra^lll^UII
(«ь»<4|тЬн ! ^Tef ^q<iun:
Then, О Indra, at my instance, you had cut
4 MlR[d#firaTii ^ 6 II off the wings of Himalaya and other
О God of gods, what more could be said in mountains.
this connection. No one has been left out. ^тчтута W^ Ч М Rtt# IRTI
O S3
% чет ч йгтагсга^гпэчи
Cv '

fra ятат trarral uffgHtfehiRufln In case the mountain recalling the earlier
He had made the images for the enchanting enmity because of his illusion, would try to
of the gods and the spell has been made use of subjugate us, even then you should not be
by means of this projection.” afraid of the enemy.
#8T C t ЧТ f g Й Й ? lf T T ! I
гт^сш т а trer Й # cnpmsratoi ЯЙТ ЯТЯ)! gdW ?r4iW :ll^S II
Lord Siva, who is well-disposed towards
3rfrTёТ^Т ЯЯтаЩТ#ёЯ11 ^ ОII his devotees, will surely protect us.”
602 Siva-MahSpura^am

^tr t o 4 W : II* ? II
gftuitagr fiiftyfl <rftf5K<3Kt' 3ч(?1М|1ш :(1 Giriraja is sure to give away his daughter
to you. In fact these mountains have arrived
#8R ЗЩтТ
here to welcome you.
I I i% ^susn TTTFTnTI
ЦГФПЙёП^ 4ldl fq<fc(dlS<^dll
?WcK3l rft "RtwRT Tff! <3t ядш у Fll^ill
fp R ltf Tf#! 4
Finding Indra thus talking getting panicky,
Siva said, “O Visnu, О Indra, what type of But in order to confuse the gods,
conversation is going on between the two of astonishing types of paintings (or creations)
you?” О Sage, Siva, while thus asking both of have been made, О Omniscient one, they are
them spoke to you. only for the sake of curiosity. There is no
possibility of any obstruction.
H ille d ) ^snsf
fofof ТПЩТГTttramTrlW rRT^fTI
frTRT f % Ч 1Ы сЬ“^Ч^ПгГ11 3 <?ll
f a w tf W 4 i# чтчш*М t o !11* ч 11
О Narada, tell what had Himalaya told
you? Speak out truthfully. Don’t conceal О Lord, at the command of Himalaya the
illusory Visvakarma, had made a beautiful
mandapa with many surprises.
^сшшчнаг f R w t o ^ r t i
*<toi ^ ш tflwji
W t o w STHtst IRTRltoflrT: II * $11
to f% cRRIiT 7Tc^T The paintings of all the gods have been
^ гщ^гагпш! и^ о и drawn, just to confuse them, looking at which
O Dear one, tell me whether Himalaya is I was confused and overpowered with
ready to give away his daughter to me or not? illusion.”
Speak out quickly. What did you observe, snjrfaRT
after reaching there? What did you do? You
d^rfcii аренам! ? к г а т щ : згд:1
lovingly speak out everything.”
SlfiTldM Brahma said, “O Dear one, listening to the
тгщчт wsr трг! щ ^ v k : i words of Narada, Siva, who was well-versed
^ -qqg^ll * qn in the worldly sports, spoke to the gods
Brahma said, “At these words of Siva, you smilingly.
revealed everything to him in seclusion.” фатзсгщ
4TT^ <jc|W ctRit ч£я\ % ^щт1Н:1
C ^ ! to * * ! ^pm i шчщт tm 1% ejtnf сц fguuTt! wrsptii^ ^ ii
4tf^r t o чт\ %%^г%и>5?11 Siva said, “O Visnu, in case Himalaya
Narada said, О God of gods, О Mahadeva, gives away his daughter to me, then what have
О Lord, you listen to my words. There is no we to do with his illusion.
danger or obstruction in the marriage. I «гщ! 1рт:! t o frT2Ercfo:i
c f T t o ch^cfiiu i Т112Щж 1% ^ ^ eit W t : ll S 11
Rudra Samhita (P3rvatl Khanda), Chapter 42 603

О Brahma, О Indra, О Sages and О gods,

you also tell me, in case Himalaya gives away
his daughter to me, then what have we to do
with his illusion.
згтм тгт щ f| д а -

The people well-versed in polity say, that
the task should be established by any means,
therefore, all of you making Visnu as your
leader, move on for the establishment of the
TJef ■ЦсЦЧ1Ч13тй
fKT: -щ ЯРртГ HT: П4^11
Brahma said, “When Siva was so talking
with the gods, then, he like an ordinary person
became lustful.
m тттесгщщ ^ fgw rar W n w i
jpragr w rfe wwsftii ц ч и
Thereafter at the command of Siva, the
gods like Visnu and others, the Rsis, the sages
and others were relieved of the confusion.
ЧНфгЧ ЩТ Ъ 44d'KdKlfawU:l
*rnj#s[t щчт^пти ч 3 n
Then all them making you and the
mountain as the leaders, went to the house of
Himalaya and felt surprised.
Ш wirf4d:i
ЗП5РТПТ1ц|с[РЩТ ygfd[dl 51:114*11
Thereafter, accompanied with Visnu and
other gods, besides the leaders of the ganas, as
well as the army, the delightful Siva reached
the city of Himalaya with the marriage party.

4l<Jd)(slu£ nrrsrrrEPWrht 11*^11

Rudra Samhita (P3rvatl Khanda), Chapter 42 603

Meeting between the lord and the

sw rarcrf f r r f t w (я ^ ч\э4ом * и а г т :|
ш ф т t ТПр(51?Г %4TcTO:ll1?ll
Brahma said, “On coming to know that
Siva (with the marriage party) has reached
near the city, he felt pleased.
3W 'т я р н ттеп т: trw n n t
jMmwnrawHSTзпдипчГч ^ % : ii ? ii
Then he carrying all the necessary material
sent the Brahmanas to welcome them, with all
his relatives.
-Щ Ч w m R ^clrtll ТГПТГЧТ
^«кУ^ТЧТТ: WR4 ^ Ш ^ 1 1 ^ II
Himalaya himself, praising his own
fortunes, went towards that side with
^агйчт ёгеп *и:1
ЧГЧТЧt l t p w «RJtSlftrfw f^RTRRII * II
I, finding the army of the gods there,
feeling graceful and surprised, confronted
^cfT f? f w Ч Щ Ш :\
з т п ^ тщ т y i4 '4 d iu frT T W sm i ц u
The gods, then observing the community
of the lord of mountain- Himalaya, were
extremely surprised. Actually both the
communities of the gods as well as the
mountain were please.
ч Ф тн т 4 fi^ H i c(c*rci ^ w Tfh
ГчГёИГ f^TTT3rar 4^4% tT O Frf)ll $ II
О Sage, the armies of the gods as well as
the mountains were shining like the eastern as
well as the western oceans.
604 Siva-MahSpur&pam

TOR? иРчРадг TlimWTI gods. He looked kind to the people. He was

frdfj?4 ятогто? itPft т о т трпиэи the one having assumed different physical
forms for his own reasons. He was Brahman
With the mutual meeting of the gods and
himself, the lord of all and the bestower of the
mountains, both of them felt delighted.
З Т 2Г Щ ТО Г < |g T M U R I 4 % Ш г П Т :1
торт frfo i торг тош Рт фЧ1<*гтч1
it# : тототоРг то
Placing Siva in the fore-front, Himalaya
adored him offering his salutation to him. All Не was both with or without attributes,
the Brahmanas as well as the mountains subservient to the devotees, merciful, greater
followed him. than the primordial being and of the
primordial nature, existence, knowledge and
^тогТО тошто чтчтщлт№гач1 bliss itself.
i^b4t|cJ4JRTcnJitMehirVldfc{JW<4ll %II
тотГ^пттоГ <j ^ ^ft4«Triifi
The lustre of Siva, mounted over the bull,
with delightful face, adorned with all the ЧТЧГТОРЩЙТОГМ *4 II
ornaments, displaying heavenly beauty over Visnu appeared mounted over Garuda, to
his limbs, became resplendent on all the four the right of the lord, who was adorned with all
sides. the ornaments.
TOMr^rTgc^V'rlfaTfeif?4J jroter TOTOTOt f топ то to^ fi
Рт^тогт ^гРгатотп\o n тото^ш ш ч;|1 ^ n
He wore costumes of the fine silken yam, O Sage, I with four heads was found with
over the body, adorning his head with the my kiths and kins to the right of Siva.
gem-studded crown. He was smiling with ■pft irProl ^gT f?TcTTO(fdfira1 тогп
bright resplendence.
Finding both the lords, who were dear to
f^rafir «S?TO4t:ll Wli Siva. Giriraja bowed in reverence to them also
The ornaments of snakes were found on all with his kiths and kins.
his limbs. He was being served by the gods,
ш praro -щ ^frorf^TRi
holding the flywhisks in their hands.
^ЩрфТГЧТЧНр ^gT Plftcp#?: II U II
Then mountain-king bowed in reverence to
the gods, who was standing at the back of lord
He was flanked by Visnu on the left and Siva.
Brahma on the right. Indra the god of gods
was at the back. рггстщто тгГ того того? того frofr: I
M fd W ? : тдРгРтШ тт^Рт:)1П»
4R|cffip§rrtsr TOTOT RtcbiiTfСЦ1
Then at the command of Siva, Giriraja,
тф дш ят TO^TTOP^II ^ II moving forward entered his city, followed by
He was eulogised by Brahma and other rest of the gods including, Hari, Sesa, Brahma,
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 42 605

sages, and all other gods, Receiving his consent all the sons, returned
r t i ^ f r g r r s n g r TTceRT: JWUTT 4T?I
to their abode and delightfully told his father,
about the arrival of Siva.
jjt 4TT^!iro ii
aw %m: jnsfat rft f r f r : S R e r r f ^ f c i
All the gods and the sages after entering
the city after Siva, started praising the same *pt! йшщ^гг: ^ fg^l*Tli?V9ii
very much. On the other hand the gods listening to the
fTTCsfr T^T -HWIbq ^ r n f ^ r t l
request to Giriraja, О Sage, all gods, including
Siva and Visnu, felt extremely delighted.
Wm f | W W rt5ITf^T f g l W ^ T i i ? ^11
W<i *mT:i
c F R ft^ T fsr# O T w M ?m i
W T 4 ||v R ts ft Ш fh frn ^ 4 IR < ill
T T R T tR lf ^ чА}*
**ПЧЭ>дтЩ111 ччи
All the gods, clad in beautiful costumes,
The gods and others were lodged over a together with Siva and sages reached the
beautiful mountain peak, where all the abode of Himalaya.
arrangements had already been made.
Thereafter, they went to the place of mandapa,
which was square in shape, and was decorated И ^ Ч 1ё 1Ч Ч 1'ЧШ 4 ^ ! 4 P W t I4 ^ II ? II
with torana on all the sides. Himavan then О Sage, at that point of time, Mena desired
performed the ceremonial ablusion, gave to have a look at Siva and for that purpose she
charitable gifts and inspected everything. sent for you for the purpose.
W 4 d l* il4 4 l4 W f w cTcfri srtTwf r t ! m w tt
%TTt f q u j c i I r ^ t Ф)gxlR q yfvRIdll ? 3 ll хпгат ^ 'd fir ^ r tiii 3о и
Giriraja Himalaya, then sent his sons to O Sage, at the instance of Siva, you went
Siva, who was seated in the company of Visnu there and you desired to fulfill the desire of
and other gods. Siva, mentally.
h iW c f4 T :W ll щ W ZT R4T ffe tfa W K H R II

Ш \ Ш ? l f T W 4 < r4 ^ 4 JI
*g «T 4 T
Himalaya- the lord of the mountains, О Sage, Mena, with an astonishing mind,
delightfully, with great enthusiasm intended to with a desire for looking at the form of Siva,
welcome Siva, with all his relatives. who shattered the pride of all, said to you.”
m %fnfasnsr rTsf щ щ щ гПТ1 *s ffh fa a to w i K h fe m m g tfft
TRcrthf in ^ T R T T ff: 4)1 ? Ц II 4 T = h f h s n i |: чти
The sons of Himalaya, reaching there, f g ^ l r c I l f i ^ T l S K r r a : и t ? II
offered the salutation to lord Siva, with his ***
companions, and conveyed the request of his
Ш 1 #ш ш ^гат1
V IvH N iy ^ lld l'd lfd ffhdT : II ^ II
606 Siva-Mahapuranam

CHAPTER 43 O Sage, Mena who was seated over the

Wonderful sport of Siva terrace, you pointed out Siva to her in such a
way, which could confuse her mind.
3ISW IT f^lfwmfdRI lTdfWT WT tRT fo t Wri ^pPTl
зтг^т f? и г ЗтТфти ян )Е Г ! i r m R t ^f^cTTS^raRTIlV9It

Mena said, “О Sage, first of fall 1 would О Sage, at that time she looking at the
like to see Siva, the lord of Girija, for beautiful army of the gods, was simply
achieving whom, she performed such a hard pleased.
tapas.” w 4 xm О w
-о ir e w i

Wterer зтш гат: 4 H T E I ^ R 4 4 fo t T :|| d ll

4 R T W T O W T TR T9TgnTTR Pirr:l

c^ jt чч тптртши я n II я II
Brahma said, “O Sage, thus, having been There were the Gandharvas moving first of
confused with ignorance, she with a desire to all with beautiful bodies, clad in the best of
have a look at Siva, reached the terrace along costumes and adorned with all the ornaments.
with you. They arrived mounted over the various types
of vehicles, decorated with various types of
f ^ ts f h щ ж ! ?TR^T?fmnrtR:i
flags, playing on various types of musical
“ Щ font xt -Щяш! cfoiT 3W:II3II instruments and accompanied with the
Siva on his part realising about the pride of apsaras.
her mind, thought of displaying an astonishing
sport and then said to Visnu.” 3151 W Щ ш wfow ТПТ Ш )
XRT d ld d ld ll Я ° II
On seeing Vasu, the lord of Vasus, Mena
- p t rTTrft rT y a ic f ^ l felt delighted and uttered, “Is this Siva?”
W et f | ftifrgR m тргш ч fyfore fyramfoi
Siva said, “At my command, both of you f f o i f o rltffo 4 3l4to 5gfqWT!ll ЯЯН
(Brahma and Visnu) should move to the
О Excellent Sage, you told her, “These are
entrance gate of Himalaya. We shall follow
only the attendants of Siva. This is not the
groom Siva.”
Wtcrra Ticf 9Jrc|i ЯЩТ 4н1 dc4<l5^|c|cU
?ft: <EW:i 4nl ^ ^ gifo^foarffo яя и
ЯТП: fof rf o ^ r W d * ^ c h i:ii ч it On hearing this, Mena thought, “Siva could
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words be a person greater then them! How will he
of Siva, calling for all the gods asked them to look like?”
move on. ^ T T 4fui4ldlc(iusr 4 l
feffit Гукт>й fo t TEt! fo&SRWTTI fo r fo T W ^ S T TlHlTftr fo ju rfo d T II ЯЗ II
<yfoqra ff^ w t ~mr ifoni я ii In the meantime she saw Manigriva- the
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 43 607

lord of Yaksas, with other Yaksas and their fiifiqrcciwt cT^t ? ои

vast army with double the splendour of a Finding that he was more graceful than the
Vasus. others she asked, “Is he Rudra- the lord of
cTrUft x{ hfunjlcj ^|T % Wl Girija? But you said “no”. Then arrived
ш fyraTwrt far 3n%irr ^fifarii ran Vasudeva, who had much more splendour that
the earlier ones. But you replied in the
On looking at the resplendent Manigriva- negative.
the lord of Yaksas, Mena felt delighted and
said, “Is he Siva- the bridegroom of Parvatl? flragw: «RWWWdlsfa fs*pm :i
чщ щ: fsitfiwml ti cT W ПЯТ ffUrhll *11
Then arrived the wind god, having a
TT ЗТРШ: il II splendour greater than others. Mena felt
Then you replied to Mena, “This is not delighted taking him to Rudra.
Siva, but is an attendant of Siva only.” By
about the same time the fire-god passed by ^?r гщтНжт t зтрш
that way. rRTtsfrr f t y n t iwmTT -р |с Ы Й Ч :|| ^ ^ II

fgTTTJTT ^ § т щ гт rf W ^ i T I You again negativated her assumption.

Then arrived Kubera, the lord of Guhyakas,
1чfoil w 141 4f?r who was still more beautiful.
On seeing the splendour double to that as
<T^jfT Щ W т»ЯТ WfdiTTI
compared with Yaksa, looking at him, Mena
asked you whether he was Siva- the Ш ^ iflcft&VIM ЗТГПгГ:II *311
bridegroom of Parvatl, but you said no to her. Looking at him Mena thought him to be
Siva, but you told her that he was not Siva. By
нтсг^ ъч: riqryidWdisfu- fgmiTW: i the same time Isana also arrived.
i t f | T З П ? T I T T f a T ^ T S - q f x r f d Ц ш \\ \\э\\
emtsftr f g w ?ттт ^§т
In the meantime Yama passed having the
splendour double than that of Agni. On seeing Rifwiwwl тзт ^f?r iWsicfh 11**11
him the delighted Mena exclaimed, “This is Mena finding him to be more beautiful
Siva.” than others said, “Is he Rudra, the groom of
Girija? But your reply was in the negative.
o P lH M ^ dl46ri$rKHM:l
drafts: iTwmremtsfii fs>jonra:i
ИгщитТ i t w # ч т ^*T: чииз-ШТ:11 ?<iii
Traturgft и*411
But you said “no”. At the same time Ninriti
the lord of Punyajanas arrived there. He Then arrived Indra, who happened to be
much more beautiful than others, who was the
looked more graceful.
most beautiful than all the gods, being the lord
it HTf ^TT ^ rh l of heaven.
^fif r=t49l4) WI et сТЩ^ЩЗЩ ЗГГПгГ: II ^11 it Щ Р. ITTSTjfr# уп щ? трш|
Looking at him, Mena felt happy, taking ?I5K: ^rqfdsrra Ш d? r[^T5irat:lR^II
him to be Siva. But you told her that he was Looking at him, Mena enquired, “Is he
not Siva. Then arrived Varuna. Siva?” But you told her that he was Indra, the
cRTTsfa flynt # fft ^gT iTPI W lord of the heaven but not Siva.
608 Siva-Mahapuranam

T O ?: Ш И : # # ^Ti #f#^#dTctmT: тЯштепж: wozi

^g T ct Ш ? # f c 4 rrt 3 # 4 < c U W h ll ^V9I1 Ti4##= R : ?TRr: til^ n
Then there arrived the moon, who was the He had the resplendence comparable with
most beautiful of all and Mena took him to be the crores of the gods of love, and with clad in
Rudra. But you told her that he was not Siva. yellow costumes. He had the lotus like eyes
and was mounted over Garuda.
dHVt#: w m : c[qwi
Tf ТГЩ TTT # 3 4 # <T 4 f4 ■^’4 1 # : II ^ 6 II
Then arrived the sun who was more sffcR^ragTT <r!8## $#Ун 1тРчп:113Ч11
illustrious than others. When Mena tried to In his hands, he held Samkha, cakra, gada,
ascertain whether he illustrious than others. as attributes and was wearing a crown. He had
When Mena tried to ascertain whether he was Srivatsa over the chest. The immense lustre
Siva, or not, your reply was no to her. issued from the body of the lord of Laksmi.

« д а » ^ciraisr r% rt: i 4 xlRhdl^wl^l^tfui rildrildl

rpsr# TWRT: w fvw iuw ydm m n #54 TTipfe# t #Г*Т:11^
Thereafter Bhrgu and other illustrious Mena looking at him, felt surprised and
delightfully said, “He is the lord of Siva
sages arrived, accompanied with their
incarnate on earth. There is no doubt about it.”
зтгг <4 1)чсыс||ски11сьи#с<1г| ^fa^di
ёП # ?Т c[j*T -щ ЗП? # Ш 1
чг4 fycfhfrHri ?fT:ii^V9ii
# ts 4 fhfen w rt щ \ 4f4 <*PJ4#:ii ^ о и
Finding Brhaspati among them, Mena гг <44^1:1
asked whether he was the husband of Girija 3#5fii# <# 4 ftlcf: tn##rf4:il?<iii
but your reply was in the negative. w i# # тшт # f|
' d l ' c l ^ r ЯЧВПсГСгЫШ #УГСЙГС:1 tt (J,ciiRsicHsi^ii^4fd:
^т%т: тггстги з <?n
Listening to the curious words of Mena,
Then arrived Brahma, having enormous you said, “He is not the lord of Siva , but is
resplendence with him, accompanied with his lord Visnu instead. He is incharge of all the
marriage party of Siva, besides being his great
sons and the sages. They appeared like the
favourite. The bride-groom Siva is far better
group of Dharmas.
than him and it is impossible to describe his
<[gT # 4 H2J #TT # !l beauty, О Mena. He is the lord of the entire
#54 universe and the lord of all.
m fdujjd4 W T t f : l WFanrar
Т?#ТГш Э?<т: # Ш # 1 ? г 1 Т Щ Г д # Т :1 П ^ 1 1 fctnH# cTriRtBI #TT # ^ clt IjWnTI
Looking at them, the delighted Mena asked RpCT гШУсНЧ * ( ^ § ^ N 31*111* о ||
whether he was the husband of Girija? But Brahma said, “Listening to your words,
your replied in the negative. In the meantime, Mena thought that her daughter was quite
there arrived cloud complexioned, four armed, auspicious, rich, fortunate, abode of
looking graceful, lord Visnu. happiness, for the three families.
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khaiula). Chapter 43 609

гага ъ тгаэтгат зШзгая

\Э %ггат1 O Sage Narada, at the sight of Siva, so
ramrahfira; *nftr Ы чрА Rjnf§:irx?ii arriving, you lovingly pointed out to her the
bridegroom Siva, and spoke to her.
With her mind filled with affection, Mena
praised her fortunes again and again. 4U3 ЗсЦг|
з г а TT ? T f T : Щ Т Т ^ Щ г Т Т ТЧЧТ1
■гг# f?rara щ rartefa farfrat
Narada said, “This is Siva, О Comely
sirar fnfterforaii ^ raniч ч и
damsel, you look at him. it was for him that
Mena said, “I have become graceful with Parvatl performed hard tapas in the forest.”
the birth of Parvatl. Girija too has become
graceful and all my belongings have become ST^cfW
graceful. ^cWI ?ЙгГТ TRT <TT # 5 fll
W Ь я ЧРШ: yyraPidl:l 3T^ra^fdql?IIЧЯ^d iraWogdraIX<?II
4%: WS? ЧЙтгат srfefrafall'k} II Brahma said, “At these words of Narada,
Whatever the best of gods have been Mena looked delightfully at Siva appearing in
witnessed by me, their lord will be the lord of an astonishing form with his ganas.
my daughter. ranraifli ъ*йч1 зщт5^тт|
ЗГШ: cPJ# raraqfa ■ara^nf^ram raramrrariraraii4oii
'daranfiR ^raii^ii At the same time the immensely surprising
Can the fortunes of my daughter be army of Siva’s ganas also arrived, comprising
described in a hundred years? When she has a of the ghosts, goblins and several others.
look at her master then what is to be spoken спгаГСлФШ: ^rtld4dlchl44<4cHI:l
about her?” чэвячзтш rami ч га
Some of them had the form of storm, some
-^сп^га га *гчт Mrafrarcrai of them resembled the banners, creating
hissing sound, some had crooked faces, while
щдшчтА raj:ii'*4ii others were deformed.
Brahma said, “When Mena spoke so
lovingly, by that time, Rudra with a terrific ЗГПгаТ: FTfrrr: ^RT lifecW W №T: I
form arrived there. Т°гатагапт: ^frar ^frara*rarura: и ч Ч и
зт^шгФтщгеш! Some of them looked awful with
overgrown beards and moustaches. Some were
3TTfhR гашШЙга ШсЬК<*ЧП * ЧЧ lame, blind while others were holding danda
О Dear one, his ganas, were also of and pasa. Some of them carried clubs in their
astonishing types and could shatter the pride hands.
of Mena. Because of his illusion he displayed fb№&cH34i: ^Ш ^чтц1ччт^:|
his umblemished and unconnected form.
sral'ctffdH: lrf%R%if^4<sl<slifcH: ll 4 3 II
r a m r a f r a ir a чтт^! г а *ra!
Some rode over the Vehicles facing
tirarara: raftrat тфШ f?rarqf?mii*v8ii backwards, some of them were blowing horns,
610 Siva-Mahapuraijam

some played on small double drums and the head, ten hands, carrying a skull, clad in
Gomukhas. tiger skin over the body, carrying the excellent
3PJ43T fg p tf: W :l
bow- Pinaka.
srajgfgcRTT: 47UTT:ll4^ll
Some of them had no faces at all, some of w f cTCTR f ? Гу1<5ПЯЧ£:11$ *11
them had many faces, some of them had no He held a trident, was having odd eyes,
hands, some had deformed hands while others ugly features utterly dishevelled hair and was
had many hands. untidy. He was wearing the elephant hide,
3^gT fdfVRI: $ГуН1Ш11
looking at whom the mother of Siva was
31g>a^ g§«urfsr ЯТЧТ^ЧЩТ gW:ll4 4 II
gfgjat gumijrfti fg^at
Some had no eyes, some had many eyes,
some were without heads, some had deformed twsgfirfg g i ^ g i <эщг41:п^и
heads. Some had no ears, some had many ears. She was taken a back, and while shaking,
Some of them could take to many forms. confused, Mena was told by you, “This is
Siva,” pointing out towards him.
frOlfc EiydltbKr Ш Т W :l
сШ! 4gr<fcf WIfTT:im^ll ?pgT g P W W T ? g l

Thus the deformed type of gams, who gT что |rt 'rorf ^чт f :4smg Tfiftn $ 3 и
were immensely valorous, were beyond Listening to your words, Mena, felt painful
counting and terrible at the same time. and fell down on earth, like the creeper
W T a rfw :i shattered by the wind storm.
FTCg f t gift gTPFT!II4V9II f g f g <jg7 g % T T 5 t fgtrfTl

О Sage, you while pointing out towards the "оШ^гТТ rig gTSgg^miTrfll § tf1|
ganas, said to Mena, “O Beautiful one, these Then she uttered, “What is all this? I have
are the ganas of Siva.” been cheated for being too ambitious. This
deformity is of what use to me?” Saying this,
Menaka fell down on earth, unconsciousness.
Щиг^еГгШ t Т1ЯЩ p(IR¥^f>HIII4<SII
S i g g g ^ I g M : w r f w r^ fg g Tl
О Sage, looking at the innumerable ghosts
and goblins, Mena felt frightened. Щ ^ r f q r r f ¥ W $ l g T rTgTII g Ч II

ITTOSg ? I f t 3 g 1JU | cTtRTT|

Her maids tried in various ways (to bring
her back to consciousness) and kept on
Wggg ^wfBRT^II Ц<?II attending on her. Then slowly, the beloved of
<яч& <*Ч|ГННЧ1 the mountains, regained consciousness.
otllVIrlrffdOga РМ№еКЧ||иГЧЯ.11 о II
These deformed ganas were surrounding что
Siva from all the sides, who was seated over
the virtuous Nandi, having five faces, three 'k'k'k
eyes, applying ashes over the body, having the
matted locks of hair, with crescent moon over
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 44 611

CHAPTER 44 тптгачп
Mena regains consciousness гг "дшч^тЕг стерт дяп ^ и
Where have the divine sages gone? I would
W t нзш a?r: тгт щ Ы w ti like to pull out their beards and moustaches.
fycrarorfa %rwTW5Rtm;ii *11 Where is the mischievous woman Arundhatl,
Brahma said, “Mena, the beloved of who had herself arrived here, by the crim of
Himalaya, after regaining her senses, started whom, my everything has been lost.” Thus
lamenting, rebuking everyone. speaking, she scolded and rebuked her
daughter using harsh words.
m {ЛйГеИЧ^аГ T@fHdl R | : l
ft» д.ТЭсБТ WU
WT rRT: еЬУГОТЧШ ^ x f t l R I l
Зтэт iw-fte: aim ^ ggrcrr tecrrii n
Becoming upset she denounced her sons,
then her daughter, showering abuses on them. She said, “O Wicked daughter, why did
you indulge in activities, which have caused
WfaTEI pain to me. О Wicked girl you have got glass
g^! дтг щщ k m crfwfa fm m in exchange for gold.
4aifedc(d: дзш? f^fW ^nrii з ii fp=rr a ri^t wnfiifl: афтаепт
Mena said, “O Sage you had earlier stated Wgfhtr апай i gsfcfr р щ ^ н и
that Siva will marry Siva. Thereafter she was You have plastered mud discarding the
assigned job of to perform tapas by Himavat. sandal paste. Making the swan to fly away you
ШГ TFIr^T have reared the crow.
g^ssmr? тг^ггг сг%т ^ m u i i (^rdl арЯН ^ Ч1г1 rc|i((|
Its disastrous fruit has become visible. О f%c^Tg w lar g#ar щ ш и w i
Evil minded sage and the degraded one, you You have consumed the water of the well
have completely cheated me. leaving the sacred river water. Setting aside
дтегат о т ш *eti the sun, you have achieved the fire fly,
making all the efforts.
rTW ГГЖГ ф т ? Ш З -.Щ Т Ц Щ П ЦII
Then she performed the tapas which was ашращ ш i%c^Tfta к <ртщгщ)
harder than the one performed by the sages. Tjfqmm ш Iter алтчз дтвцгсншнw n
The result has been achieved which is painful Leaving the rice you have eaten the husk.
even to the onlookers. Throwing away the ghee you have consumed
the caster oil.
farg ^ f^rp ЧЩ\b II f%3 at Ш gaa?T «JW. f a w i
What should I do? Where should I go? afrfant ш -д^гопт аатш яат оз^ггн^ и
Who would remove the pain of my heart. My
Stopping the serving of the lion, you
race and life have been destroyed.
served a jackal. Leaving the listening of the
шш f^cqT: Fraf&i шгшщрт! sacred lore of the Supreme Brahman, you
■fT4%4t rf -Щ TJeft -Ш С\ •Wd41|,|rlTII *311 have heard the base ballards.
612 Siva-Mahapuranam

щшт^: <5ЙГЧТ cfT 'Ч%ЧТ W t 44:ii?5>il

■jjtor Ишпщт <щгт m егч^щн г*h Otherwise, why have I or my daughter not
O Daughter, throwing away the auspicious died? Why was she not been eaten by the
ashes of the yajna, you have picked up the demons?
unholy ashes of the funeral pyre. fyrretaT 1% cRTtfa ^ m t:l
fcfr W ЗЩТ ^ W4II
*§<§*л ^ тш ^ ptii и I shall cut off your head. What is the use of
Leaving aside the best gods like Visnu and this body? Where shall I go leaving you here?
others, you have made such enormous efforts 9^сПтГ
just to achieve the evil minded Siva.
^cgcftcfTtrfHrTT Щ Ъ ^ЧТ fcwfi&UI
fSre^err xf ягг f f ^ fenr rif^r чгп angwr WrrlmM ччт
iiif *йч%¥1Ч>т№ fira^Rsorraftr й м н ^ ii Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Mena fell
Disgrace to your wisdom, beauty, conduct, down fainted on the ground. Getting upset by
your advice as well as your maids. grief and anger, she did not return to her
ЗГЩТ Щ t a l T gfar! % ^FqFc^ ^ l husband.
farR 4TT^! ffigS 1 1 % ^ II щтэдтг ч?тчт#г#рдчй чч\щ!|
О Daughter, disgrace to both of us who ^тчтччгш жчтчгя^т шт: 11^*11
have given birth to you. Disgrace to you, О О Excellent sage, at that point of time
Narada, besides the seven sages. tumultuous sound of distress was heard. All
1£шрЧ Tfff fanicpT r^OTI the gods reached there one after the other.
f е(%*т я к щ § ir^r %n ч,б и дтт ч15чри^ чщ1
Disgrace to your race, the performance, ^ шсгЬег *[тетпт!цзчи
and whatever has been done by you. You have О Divine sage, first of all, I myself reached
burnt the house. Only I have now to meet my there. Looking at me you addressed me thus.
end. ЧП^ Relief
iriflHimi ТШчшщ ТПТ1 wt ч #i
wfo: Ш ^ ччи ^ ii <ч1сЧ^ «рТ 4 ■qsnsj f ^ R xni я $ II
The lord of Parvati should not come to me, Narada said, “You have not witnessed the
nor should the seven sages show their faces to beautiful and real form of Siva. He had taken
to this form only playfully.
^ТШ fafatfll tnfet f ^ l
сГСЧШБЙ qftwwt ЯсГ n t ^ l l
врнщ: ч ш ^тшт *m? ч чИш: эвщи ^ ftrat rrii w
What has been done by all of them, why
Therefore, О Chaste lady, shedding the
did I not remain barren? Or why did I not
abort? anger, be healthy. Setting aside stubbornness,
engage yourself for arranging of the marriage
згегг ч вгг13m ъщ gfsrasTч -рт and give Siva to Siva.”
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 44 613

Vasistha and other sages arrived who said.

ш йчт гэт ra^4$ral<fi ranfcsra:
ifdidt w fgTsnraTt ? dи cET?f wyfdd шнт: fh1WT!l
Brahma said, “Listening to your words, ашг ffsref ш чгап% з*ган ?ч и
Mena said, “O Wicked and degraded one, you
get up and leave the place.” Saptarsis said, “O Daughter of the manes,
wife of Giriraja, we have arrived for the
ЩгЬ 5 Щ c^T Wc=TT: * 1 performing of the marriage whatever has been
w r ^ f^ramr ggq ^ч ^сн и ^ n spoken by you cannot be taken to be
At these words of Mend, Indra and other otherwise.”
Dikpalas arrived there and said. snjTfaTcf
зга t щттГ итог с^ч щ ш
| ift! Г ^^Г ! % ^Ti tt % w ^ 11
зга t щц: щ п !^ : 4<^tsricr^:ii^oii Brahma said, “The biggest gain is that we
The gods said, “O Mena, the daughter of could have an audience with Siva.
Pitrs, be pleased and listen to my words. He is згазгат йшУ ччг 4frara4
Siva himself, who bestows the greatest
happiness to others. yrrdeIN Ч Щ Ч Т ЧГ ^ 5^Ч^<ЧШ^11
At these words of Brahma, she negativated
fnrar *Г «гасдгатшГ -?gT%:T^l him, because she was overpowered by
«^да1ШёТ:11 з *11 ignorance. Therefore she is anger said to the
Observing the hard tapas of your daughter, sages.”
Siva, who is well-disposed towards his
devotees granted a boon to her.” тгчгага
ч уг^тн mra
aiylciw tui-iRi feeranfa 4f^|:i h-c^n "raf % чтччгат н<Пт1сЫ1^ и
Mena said, “I can kill my daughter with a
ч ^ it <j w э>гат ^n weapon than give her to Siva and never try to
Brahma said, “Thereafter Mena lamented come near me.”
for long and said to the gods, “I do not have to
give my daughter in marriage to Siva, who is ж фпъ
in hostile form. ?га<?гат Гщтшщ га
faRHsf f «raw ^ eletT: 3t*TT:l gl^lcRItl тй! 113^ 11
W M : ЩШ rasrfajf ТГЧ?ШТ:11^11 Brahma said, О Sage, thus speaking, she
Why have you all conspired to spoil the kept quiet and became completely upset,
beauty of my daughter? lamenting at the same time. With this news,
there was a complete disturbance everywhere.
згатга ctfogiar дч*ят! 113*11
O Excellent sage, when she thus spoke, щг зйгат w ^ Ь ^ п'йоц
614 Siva-Mahapuraijam

Then Himalaya becoming nervous, arrived

to reveal, lovingly a secret to her.
од«кчг f? faum t o ^ ! i
Огчгяя ш *г rldTIcbTnJ ГумтчИ!
э д 44! t o fto ro ftr q srto !i Brahma said, “Thus speaking mountai-king
I » 4» 4 ? SRSj ^ d l f e P K R u i ' S W kept quiet. On hearing thus, Mena, the mother
Himalaya said, “O Dear, you listen to my of Siva said, to Himalaya.
words. Why are you getting i nset with those to lP J
who have come in our house. Then why are
^ t : « t o чтгг! «тат g if « to fa i
you denouncing those who have arrived here
(at our own invitation)? ijfpgT щзп t o t o r н qrtofir-riii
зтаг: 4id<4 <5(to crt 4 IjTBI %l
4 silRTfa w
«ЙЧ11ИЧ1 чтгг! Лс^Т 4 Ш ^ T R II^ II
fera ctpt t o t e j чпикчНчвгет %n * ч и
You are not aware of Siva. You have f t o tr t o to s to ! to r ^ 1
become upset looking at his horrible face. He t o «(rctor ggf щ щ f t o i t o i
actually takes to many forms. rtf? t o t o g t o totTHii ч о 11
ТГTIffr W W : t o t aftodcfi:! Mena said, “Listening to my words, you do
Фгщчт w r what I want you to do. Tying a noose around
her neck, throw Parvatl downwards. I am not
I am aware of Siva pretty-well. He feeds
all. He is more respectable of the respected at all inclined to give away Parvatl to Нага. Or
people. He can shower mercy as well as О Lord you mercifully drown her in the ocean.
О Giriraja you would be happy thereafter. О
punish the people.
Lord in case you give away Parvatl to terrific
fj 4 'P ' с? ШЩЙгЬяйи Siva, then I shall surely end my life.”
3 f% g lt rlSTT t o ^ p r T lllin ill
О Mena, with auspicious character, О
гг «щт «га t o t o r f3T(Ti
Beloved, don’t be stubborn. Stop grieving. О
Damsel with auspicious vrata, you get up at ззга t o t o t o r t wwmdm ц
once and do your job. Brahma said, “When Mena stubbornly
spoke these words, then Parvatl herself arrived
■gjHTrT: T W ; W fd *d ^ 4 ty « i
there and spoke the pleasant words.”
«nHlpftgng $ d 3 (j)dto rT cTTfW4U~d4ll
In case Siva has arrived at the gate in a
terrific form, then he must be teasing you with t o to rto % ffe to r
the hideous form. sraw w pT f | t o ei4 4ii4^u
p ip i m Щ щщ w i Parvatl said, “0 Mother, your thoughts
have been perverted. You depend on virtue
vkshw «p; t o ! 11^ 1 1
alone. Then why are you forsaking virtue.
We had agreed to give away our daughter
to him keeping in view his great glory. О t o t o sm: w p i t o f«T:l
Dear, you move accordingly.” О
щ :чЭ чЭ
t o t o l tonr:ii43ii
' О чЭ '
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 44 615

This Siva has none else greater than him. actions, I have accepted Siva as my husband.
He is the one who has been described in the Now you can do whatever you like.”
Vedas, where his form is quite pleasant. WT3T3
<Id i ^ггТГеКиЗ f?T3T3T33 Tl4T # m f w i
ЗгёБ^ЗТЧИ ^ ^11
Siva is Mahesa, the lord of all the gods, 4 fg fa : 3 ^ # 3 3 3TI
self-illumining and can take to many forms. О
Mother, Even Brahma and Visnu serve him. зтззгчтз m чя! f^rtfireyifeicm i и
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words
3TfagR 3 Л ! <5Rdf Itrf 3 3 Щ:\
of Parvati, Mena, the wife of Giriraja,
fifStfilfl P*j%vft frf34l?ft ЗЧШПЩЧП lamenting variously, getting enraged, caught
He is the support of all. He is the creator hold of Parvati, and thrashed her with fists,
and the destroyer of all. He is free from elbows, grinding her teeth. She was greatly
blemish, the lord of the three gods. He is agitated and furious.
indestructible and eternal. й m wrPTirT! щцтатдтй t^TIi
^сшт: 33f зштГгГТ: d<^wiTii«iRf%a d 4 :ii^ ^ n
flft ^ ЗРЗЗЩТЭТ f®4ll 45,11 O Dear one, О Sage, you and other sages
He is the one for whose sake all the gods who were there, separated Parvati from her
have arrived. What could be more pleasing mother, and took her away.
than this?
tw ifaw ^gi чзШ кзт чч: 44:i
dfaa'M: яз#4 Ш зч*т «pi 3313 ЗТЗЗЧЙ ЗГ f4feHF44:ll S'*»
чт m fvi^idri-vA ш f w w & b q iiq ^ ii Mena then rebuked them all, again and
Making all the efforts, you should get up again and hurled harsh abuses on them.”
and make your life a success. Give me away
to Siva and make you household purposeful. йчгзтз
gara^dlf f?T3T4l
Щ чт ■фйятта vif<w зч=аг?1|
ЧТ ЗЧГ %T3lf4 3T §3411 3 ЧII
чз^р» <з!чч чмгёмчи* ззШт йнцлн
О Mother, you give me to Siva, the Mena said, “You will see how shall I treat
supreme lord. О Mother, I am speaking to Parvati having evil designs. I shall either give
you. You must accept my request. her the deadly poison or push her down in the
deep well.
$5T rafa cR^I
&33Tfa з п # ч з з т щ и ф ЗГПЗ?Г:1
зтч v to a r ^ ФГ<Щ<*:|1Ч<?|1
In case you do not give me over to Siva, f a f f 'd Ы} 3T ftRtT T3§3T 4T^rff ЯЩЧII ^ 5 II
then I shall not marry any one else. The share Or I shall cut her into many pieces, with
of a lion cannot be usurped by a jackal. weapons and the arrows, or shall drown her in
ч ш з з з т щ ; ! зп$тт з ш : з гз ч 1 the deep ocean.
W W 9Г611s о и 3I33T 43VHH f | <3$3P3T$F33T § 3 4 1
O Mother, with my mind, speech an ч зтег 3F3 T54f faeK^fqtftll^ll
616 Siva-Mahapuranam

Or other wise I shall put an end to my 4 P д а й : f tp T 4 P % f t ) f5Rpf4IIV345ll

body, but I shall never give away my daughter Brahma said, “O Mena, you listen to my
Durga to that terrible Sambhu. auspicious words lovingly, listening to which
4т)р <£r^Tt ppi your evil wisdom would disappear.
fh ^ s iftr p %n ^ 6 и ?||>ч1 4 4 4 : 454) 9Rl) 1 4 ) 4& 4 41
What a terrific groom has been achieved 4 P 414Т% 4 f 4 Ш § -M 4 4 ftftllV 9 4 II
by the wicked girl. She has made a fun of Siva is the creator of the world, preserver
myself as well as the race of Himalaya. and the destroyer. You are unaware of his
4 ЧТШТ 4 f t p %llui 4 4 3 J 4 f tjf ) s f t f t l form. Then why do you feel grieved.
ft 4 4 1 P f 4 T jt 4 T S P f tilR I I 5 II 3t44J4\44T4T 4 4T4T<ftp44: ОТ: I
He (Siva) has no kith and kinds, gotra or P& 4T4) P44ST 4T414ln?Tt3f445p4i: IIV9$ II
the parents. He has no house to live in, neither He has many forms and many names. The
the beauty nor cleverness. lord always is engaged in his sports. He is the
4 4 P 4 T P P fT 4 : W T : ^ t f f t r l P 41 lord of all the master of Мйуй and he himself
4Т?4 4 V9о ||
f T P 4 441 4 4 4 M i l
is free from doubtful alternatives.
He has no costumes, no ornaments, no f f 4 % Т 4 i f t ! p ftl4T f tl4 I 4 t l
associates, nor a good vehicle. He has not the 4 ^ 4 P 4 <£^П4 u4< *l4fa4l?H 4J|\9\9ll
youthful age, nor the riches. О Mena, thus thinking, you should shed
4 qifcW 4 fpTT 4 c h l^ i: 9П 4 3 llfd ^:l away the stubbornness of ignorance which is
f% f t f t 4 4 44T 4 4 ) P T P 4 fP IIV 9 ^ ll going to destroy the entire task, give away
Siva to Siva.”
He possesses no wisdom, nor purity. He
has a body which teases others. On what f P 4 P T m 44 1 T14T f t l c p f t )
grounds should I give away my auspicious 4 Ш № Г Щ % Р 4 Р Т f t l ! 41 4 1 4 4 4 9 ^ 1 1
daughter to him?” When I thus spoke to her, she lamenting
vgitara again and again, leaving aside shame, then
ffePITSJ 4 f f t 4pl said to me.”
p % $яи %Tt4T4

Brahma said, “At that point of time, having Й 4 Р Ц 441 p ?T 4 W T 4 P 4 ? P T 4 1

been overpowered with anger and grief, she P 4 f 4 itr f 4 ) Ш 4 ? P 4 T 4 P 4 %Г4Т11 4 II
started crying aloud. Mena said, “O Brahma, why are you
ЗРЩ IcWmWTcWP f t p ) 4 4T4I making the beauty of Parvatl as useless? It
i p p 4 4 P p!T4Pf44qril la? II would be better to kill Siva yourself.
Then I at once reached before her and 4 4 4 > P 4 4 4 4 1 f$T4T4 4 f tf t4 4 l4 l
recited the Supreme tattva of Siva, which 4 p f t s ? f t p f t p Р 4 4 Т 4 4 4 4 ^4 1 4 1 1 6 о II
could remove the ignorance at once. Don’t repeat the word that Siva should be
4 l P 4 f t f t f t t f t ! 4 ^ 4 4 4 4 ^T44l given to Siva. Nor shall I give Siva to Siva,
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 44 617

since my daughter is dearer to me than my чш t: W T ^ ru i:

life.” Lord Visnu said, “You are the dearest and
the most virtuous daughter of the manes,
besides being the wife of Himalaya and you
it тщт яч«гат i belong to the excellent Brahmana race.
Ч$1Н)?У1 cTER ffKRfcHII 6 ^11
щтугшт^ тт irftr fairi
Brahma said, “0 Excellent sage, when she
spoke like this, the siddhas like Sanaka
suddenly arrived there and spoke to her.” Accordingly you have the helpers in the
world. You are graceful no doubt about *it.
fWl , What can I speak to you. You are the base of
dharma. Then why do you intend to shed
sw % щтт: щ п % ^ : ттн!га?:1
away the dharmal
ф т у ticRbtl: :ild?li
The Siddha said, “Lord Siva who provides
comforts to all, very kindly appeared before ч сег&сг ■ •gfy^rfmn
-О -O "s *

your daughter.” The gods, Rsis, Brahma and myself, in case

have spoken any improper words, then you
can blame us. (otherwise think over these
srytyra <тm ^ ttfo?nzr ъ i words).
ч Ът w w tWtjPiRviwtaafini) ii 6 3 u %5f ^ ч Ъ trfFnfa ftifur; WIT: TTf?l
Brahma said, “Then lamenting again and f ^ T : Tt w r r % т т ^ щ : w t 1 # : и ои
again, Mena said to the Siddhas, “I shall not You are not aware of Siva, he is with and
give my daughter to Siva with a terrific form. without attributes. He is with and without
fon&g Ш fegj: TPT%q;i form. In whatever form, he might appear, he
serves the noble people being their only
ЩГЧШ: Щчщ TTOUHTtlli'kll
О 's t
All of you- the siddhas, are bent upon
spoiling her beauty.” ?$cF ftfiLTT
W r U Ijif VI 77P T Q ftM
^ TLJT гГ5Г4^5? :ErfeTT5^mi
Parvati- who is Is'varl, or the Miila-Prakrti
fawmraw ^Rtcif44R^:ii<i4ii has been created by him alone. Near her the
О Sage, when she so spoke to the siddhas, primordial being has also been created.
I myself, the gods, the siddhas and the humans
limit гЩ? гГУТщ л HrKj w w t : i
were all surprised.
ЗГУтМ WT cdt^wr ll<^ll
циГг-Н-НЧ^ ЩУТ tT^rTI
At the same time, myself and Brahma,
|tr f?rafirat fyraj: d^ и incarnated on earth. With our virtues, Siva,
Listening about her stubbornness lord who is benevolent to the people has also
Visnu at once arrived there and spoke to her. incarnated.
fyWR^rra ТШГ ^ Т Ш '3TTRTI

ftrguTt у i w w t TTrrot gui^dri wrat ^ clrTT<f 71Ц Щ Н <?3 II

618 Siva-Mah3pura^am

Thereafter, all that is visible like gods and Then Mena, the wife of Himalaya and
the Vedas were created including the mobiles mother of Giriraja said to Visnu.
and immobiles, were created by Siva himself. •qfe M R : Tt ЩПтЩТ Ь п Ш\ ШП
flfg cffuRt rn ^T:l ЧМУЛ cKtfd^ Щгт ^r:ll %о ?ц
Mena said, “In case Siva takes to beautiful
Who can describe about his form? Who form, then I shall give away my daughter to
knows him also? I myself and even Brahma is him otherwise not. This is my firm resolve.
not truly aware of him.
$rgefwTI 2PER тртт щ фтш
эдщ даЛ WK\ SRIT гтггт 5>o?ll
tit ^Wr fci^um i ^411 Brahma said, “Mena, with her firm resolve,
Whatever from Brahman to the pillar is kept quiet after thus speaking, because she had
visible in the world, has the form of Siva. been overpowered with the illusion of Siva.
There is no doubt about it.
fefkrat wftHRri
4jcf<fi<3ir| il-HviciteciuTH) rtr
srfr w nw : и <?5 n ggat^Tfr^ftiSEiR: и и
Thus he has incarnated in the world in this
form. In case he has arrived at your door it is
all because of the penance of Siva.
ufaaifa tTfFR: ЗгП?ТГ 11^^11
Therefore, О Wifeof Himalaya, you
should shed away the grief and be devoted to
Siva. By doing so, you will feel blissful and
all your miseries will be removed.”

ТЗёГWlfenm^r трщггт 3W4^!l

V o Cs 'A

hwst ^ с ii
Brahma said, “O Sage, at the words of
Visnu, Mena’s mind calmed down a bit.
ш ш cfi^rt Щ f m щ
гЩТ*RT fWlTtnfwWTII ^ II
But she did not agree to give away her
daughterto Siva, because she was
overpowered with the illusion of Siva.
Ш ^ # T&1 fhffiwi
тщ fhfeTriTTTt f | щи
618 Siva-Mah3pura^am

Siva assumes the pleasant form and
people’s delight

IJrffWTRH % fabUHl |?ПТI

чЭ e \ ' о
r^ ! ii ^ii
о *

Brahma said, “О Sage, in the meantime, at

the instance of lord Visnu, you went to lord
Siva to appease him.
Я5Гт а tr t т а ipcrtfcr:i
t: щ з п ^ c i c h i 4 f t i c b l ^ m ^ и

Reaching there, you, with a desire to

perform the task of the gods, eulogised Siva
and convinced him.
2trar тай’ЯЧ yirin i?rwfT Щгтчщгтпi
fm gra ^ ^Ггпти з n
Listening to the words of Narada, he took
to his divine form, displayed his compassion
for all. •
Rudra Sarhhita (PSrvati Khanka), Chapter 45 619

rt^ T т о т ‘tpcrarriwTi crescent moon.

d^! Щ ■%tfldUiiqTdld^imi ц-Щ еЩ и): dfcdT fdOTdT^: Ш TTSJTI
Then finding Siva having a body more ТПТЩ т?Ш ^ ф г т d fd^TlfacWII ^11
beautiful than the god of love, you felt All the gods like Visnu, Surya, the moon
immensely delighted. and others were holding umbrella over his
м М ч т М : dddT хщ пч^Ш -.l head.
3TTWdd dT!v5
fld dd ^TT fWT%#:H4l| TTddT W Ttei d ■ gfU'cRd fd d W Li
Feeling delighted, you eulogised Siva with W Tid FWWtTT dfdTtJ ^d Frdddll ^ II
several stotras. Then you returned from that He was adorned with all the ornaments. -
place where Mena and the people of his Siva looked charming in all respects and the
community were seated.
glamour of his vehicle- the bull, was beyond
ddFTid ■HM'Hdl description.
ф Ш <d d |e R T 4 9 ld l:ll^ ll d^T d dddT ^ d fddd: ТЧ ddTdTl
Having been filled with love and delight, ftrsgdts^ Ч Т Ш f t f f o -Щ ^4xhd(ll ^ II
you said to Mena- the wife of Himalaya.”
The Ganga and the Yamuna were moving
4TO(3dTd the fly-whisks over Siva. All the siddhis were
WZ fd?TWr%! rvid^wg-duhl dancing before him.
^?TT ^ d g p i «Ш тгЧЧШ 'ЭИ ddT r f t ТЩТ fddgfr^nn Щ Ш 1
Narada said, “O Broad eyed one, look at Td Td dd W
О d dвчT fi|fi^4W t-ddi:ll
О *
the best form of Siva. The compassionate Visnu, Indra and other gods, besides
Siva, has become merciful on us.” myself (Brahma), appeared clad in the best of
dtPtdRT costumes. Thereafter we engaged ourselves, in
the service of Siva.
drdT TIT tdfdt ЧТГ fMWT FTHdilPhTfl
Ш W tfo Ш Ш ЧНТТОТ Щ Т Щ 1
f?|cHs\4 dtdidH^Iddidll 6 II
Brahma said, “Listening to these words, Td<dfdd?mTdT Р|Л'Щ'ТЯ15ЩЧ11 ЯЧII
Mena, the wife of Himalaya, feeling surprised Thereafter we engaged ourselves, in the
looked at that form of Siva with delight. service of Siva. At that point of time, the
delighted gams of Siva, adorned with all the
сй(ЙТвЫ)еЬ1!|П 4 d l d d d ^ « ^ l
ornaments, shouting the slogans of victory,
fdfddd'4Td d i d 4M mс ч4U mСЧi4i14JI^II
" s ’ were moving ahead.
He looked resplendent like the crores of fe§12JTW»T: TTd dddSJ Ч^ЩШТ:1
suns, with beautiful limbs, excellent costumes
and adorned with several ornaments. dd: TWldT: FtdiHT?JT44 ш п я^и
The siddhas, sages the gods and the other
Ш Ш Щ Ш d TRHIdUd d % T d l
people also, moved along Siva, delightfully, in
ШРгФТтБ d^Hflfd^fferiTII II the marriage party.
He had a delightful heart, smiling face, Pd ^dl^d:
looking extremely beautiful, fair
complexioned, illustrious and decorated with a m d?r ipR W wTdHwr^TT: и
620 Siva-MahSpuraQam

All of them were moving on along with of Himalaya, started adoring Candrasekhara,
their wives, filled with anxiety, reciting the with folded hands. Then she felt shameful and
name of Siva, with the marriage party. offered her salutation to him.
чЭ О ^
efrafer: cbmwfoiyi:i
Ш ^nft ^Т;|| \c II cf^RtTT: t r w r f ^ r : f T O # T R T r r a T :lR 4 ll

They, together with apsards like The damsels of the city, leaving aside their
Vis'vavasu, were moving on reciting the glory household work, came out to have a look at
of Siva. Siva.
MglrBdfeM WcT Чр1Чтт!| а д fifot *lfi|Tl^u^^dl foil
ЧТЧТ^ГГ % у т ф ГГ ^ II Sg $Я£ё1Г5У1 *T? lft ГчГОисНЧН^11
О Great sage, when Siva arrived at the Some woman was carrying the powder for
entrance gate of Himalaya, huge festivities taking bath, in her hand, some out of curiosity,
were created. were out to have a look at Siva, the husband of
tffw W T c R ^Щ ТТ Ш T T O fiR :l
eft f^vr^U T g j ; w i i f a T p ¥ i m ] n ? o i i
cFTffer «erifiW: fort
О чЭ
Ifom ^ l

О Sage, who can describe the exquisite тегтщещ я^5чтщ т1#ятгт t n ^ и

splendour of the supreme lord at that time. Some woman was serving her husband, she
leaving that, accompanied with a maid, came
dmifasr гг <r for fy^FTTT fg-t
out to have a look at Siva, carrying the fly-
^umifora: fom tfora а д ^ ! n ^ ?n whisk in her hand.
0 Sage, looking at Siva in this manner, g n f e f ctTRck f f o h f tc R t
Mena, for moment was non-plussed. Then she
spoke lovingly. зтдн ? ifi Щ ^^Tdr<H^Tii?<Hi
Some one else suckling her child with the
fo fa r a breast, left him dissatisfied and eagerly came
srit fot fo fo *г чт fo щ адн out, to have a look at the lord.
drM ^ld H rf o l R ! -Щ ш iT ^ # ll Ч 4 H T?RT ctsffit c b lR lT l^ TftfoT fo ftl
Mena said, “Quite graceful is my daughter, а д ffofo ^ ш:и^<?||
who performed hard tapas, as a result of
Some one moved out adorning herself with
which, О Siva you have arrived at my house.
the waist band, while the other put on the
щ ^jcTT stt ^ f^ ra ifo jT clothes in the reverse manner.
Щ PvicHWlfM^y^^ ^Tf^TII ? ^ II fojRTsfr f w <?JRT qqR israt f f o n
1 had earlier denounced Siva, let the lord of ■щ ffojTeR зтУадт ^о и
Siva forgive me and be pleased with me.” The other left her husband who was eating
food and rushed to have a look at Siva with
фЦ tTT fot tifd^HHrdcbMI enthusiasm and greed.
ШЩТ # t f w H t f N W c l d l l ^ * II TTrflcb! W Щ кНзНсВи fjRTTI

Brahma said, “Thus speaking, the beloved f o l #ГСТЩёГП*|| 3 ?ll

Rudra Sarnhita (P3rvati Khanda), Chapter 45 621

A damsel applied collyrium in one eye, and T O WT 4 ^ R lfe c R t^ n

rushed to have a look at the groom of Parvatl, Щ1 R S T R f r u M d l f i R I d H 3 6 II
carrying the collyrium in her hand.
Had Brahma not united Siva and Siva, his
cfirfre W ^ :l effort for the creation of the universe would
SIRT 4 ft R dfewll 3 4 II have become infructuous.
A damsel applying paint at his feet, but R E R i f R rRT RT? yRU-d'WI
learning about the arrival of the marriage
party, leaving the painting of her feet, rushed
to see the lord of Parvatl. He, by uniting this couple, has done a good
job. With this all the tasks have been
?Rif^ огш f^rat щ :\ established.
wTiift m ^ yiHiWdis^n ? 7 и f34T WcPTOT TTBTt^t gcfot ftirPTI
Thus many of the women arrived there
^ Щ Т: ^ d l^ ih ii^ o ii
leaving their house-hold jobs for looking at
Siva and were greatly fascinated. It is beyond the reach of an ordinary person
to have an audience with Siva, without
RTRT: yPTifcPTT: f$4cf<yfa?f4dT:l
performing of tapas.
*r t ^ w ifa d ч ти
Thereafter, all of them were disturbed with
love and felt delighted with the look at Siva датяй шФй p: яга wrfgcTnrk^n чЭ Сч '

and carrying his image in their hearts said. But we have become graceful today, by
Щ: having an audience with Siva. As LaksmI
achieved Narayana earlier, similarly Parvatl
^nfhr looked graceful by achieving Siva.
cTR ^ 4Igfe^R:ll^4ll ip i t BTWtl
Damsels of the city said, “The eyes of the rRTSTfl и п й f t 5TTR RTfacTTII* ? II
women living in the city of Himalaya have As Sarasvatl achieved Brahma, similarly,
become successful. Whosoever has looked at
Parvatl after achieving Siva, has become
his face, her life has become successful.
ъф з 3PT гГЙсГ ТРШТ: %Ш:1
cR SORT: feR: TRh WTT:
•O TRirTf сПТ:1
f? R : R ^ lrH ^ I4 W !i> R i: II 3 5 II
if if w f a 7 1 f t ftfW T q fd R )*3 h
Only her life and the performance has been
All of us- the men and the women are
successful, whosoever, has looked at the lord
blessed, by having a look at Siva, the lord of
who is the destroyer of the sins.
HTcfRT ^nfiPT f t f t Ш Ч: ^?ПТ1
f?RT 3fTR f^ R 4td^U^V9II
Parvatl has achieved all the success, by
performing penance for Siva. By achieving f?R * * II
Siva as her husband she has become graceful Brahma said, “Thus speaking, all the
and fully contented. people adored Siva, with sandal paste and the
622 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

raw rice grains. They also showered the fried

rice grain on him.
few: TTctf xm i ЧЩ<ТГё§еЫ:1
с|и?^ЧУ151а^ ЯТЩ PAt'fqnvmi
All the ladies felt delighted with Mena and
were seated there, praising the fortunes of
both Mena and Himalaya.
ewrrcdiillfrisrr : ^p4T:l
Щ: i r t ^ !
О Sage, listening to the stories of the
damsels, lord Siva with Brahma were pleased.
f g a ta r a t g tfft

wranft^frssmr: иъ цII
622 Siva-Mahapuraiiam

Then Mena lovingly looked at Siva, who

was being served by all the gods, and was the
lord of Girija.
^I^UlcMUlbt ЩЗШ %TfEFnri

He had five beautiful faces of the

complexion of Campaka flowers. He had three
eyes, and wore a serene smile over the face.
He was adorned with the gold ornaments
studded with gems.
>2» ' s SO >•

He was wearing a garland of jasmine

flowers besides the gem studded crown. His
neck was adorned with the necklace and the
arms with the armlets.
Arrival of the Bridegroom зд агащ тад ШЫплг(?т^гсПТ11<э11
Cs чЭ ^

Wfalrf He was bedecked in bangles. He was

m ^р=*т: ш ш п w M : 'fb i shining well with the two clothes of great
value, fine texture and unrivalled beauty and
5ГГТТЧ ^11 purified in fire.
Brahma said, “Siva moved on delightfully
in the company of his goblins and the ganas
besides the gods and others, and reached the djsurll'i^ciHHlddRII 6 il
abode of Himalaya, quite enthusiastically. Iiis body was applied with sandal and
aguru pastes, besides musk and saffron. The
fa rfa т я п и Ы ® f & m r n r f m i
mirror of gems was held by him in his hands
ш щ ttt w m ?ц ^ и while the eyes were painted with collyrium.
•Mena the unique beloved of Himalaya, got
up from her seat and went into the inner
apartments along with other women. 3ETtar TOW TRt sqfenfa- ^TfeThll ЯII
Siva thus had such a resplendence, and
чТшнг4 ^ццщпт w h appeared extremely beautiful and youthful,
ililw N d t: REb4h^SH4i«(^H з и besides having been adorned with all the
She is the company of the other ladies, ornaments.
carried the plate of dratl in order to perform chlftdlcbTdMotra c b lf d d ^ H d d l^ W j
the aratl of Siva with the lights.
ehlfewifaebd;p*»'ft II
шш 'Fift М ш ж ч;| He appeared beautiful to the ladies. His
^ RTT ШгГ ^ :im i faces had the resplendence of crores of moons,
Rudra Samhita (PSrvatl Khaiida), Chapter 46 623

having a body far better than the crores of The damsels praised Parvatl saying, “She
Kamadevas besides the beautiful limbs. is quite fortunate. Some of the ladies called
fterfT 454Ш : 4441 her as a goddess Bhagavti.
<[gfT 4П414Т *I4T 44TSpc)<llll ^?ll 4 Щ ^ < 4 4 f4 l(4 ^ 4 h b H :l
Seeing the lord thus, as her son-in-law, the SF4T % f i r a сКЩ4 Cb^<*l:ll^ll
grief of Mena’s mind disappeared and she felt “We have never seen such a groom at the
delightful. time of kanyadana. Therefore the goddess
w in wtf4 ш fJifert m i Girija is quite graceful.” These were the words
spoken by some of the girls.
4^ '#41^44414 гг ЧЧ: 44:11 ^?ll
She praised her fortunes and felicitated 4^4ЭТШТ14ЩТ:1
herself, Parvatl, her husband and the other ЗДТ ?1^Ч^Ч хГ зщет: 4 ^ 4 4 T :ll^ ll
kiths and kins. She felt delighted again and At that point of time, the Gandharvas
again. started singing and the apsaras started
hI tfjh ricwmft лд>$д?и1 ш п dancing. All the gods felt delighted looking at
such a face of Siva.
ЗЩсЧШТТ m ТГ4ГЩТ4Щ 4^111^ и
Looking at her son-in-law, delightfully 4T4T5f^R4TUTf4 4T ^T 4|ТЩГС41
with his beaming face, the chaste lady 4I4TW#<^4 4Т^4Т4ЩТТ^П4И ? о II
performed his aratl (Nlrajana) she kept on The musicians started sweetly playing on
gazing at her son-in-law for long. the sweet tunes displaying their proficiency
М Ы т44Г4^г4 if4T |йГШ4ЧМ1гП1
with respect.
44^4 ^4j^I44n^31TII ?*ll 1*!4lx|<Hlsf4 4f^4T ^К14Т<ЧУГсь(14|

Having been reminded of the words spoken 44lf4 41^ к1144^1гУс|3<:Ш411 ^ *11
by Girija, she felt surprised and she started Himalaya performed jubilantly the same
thinking. rites accompanied with the other women.
4Ttrfc хГ 44T 4T<&4T 4 4 44 xTl xTebRral 4 % T W j t 4 ^ 1
rRTtsfe^ w n f 4 q^fyitf: II ^4II f ^ t ftclfijd 4 4 4 4РТГ4 4 U l f t ^ : II? * II

Whatever Parvatl had spoken about the At the same time the maid servants, took
beauty of Siva, I find him far more beautiful Parvatl out in order to worship the family
than that. deity.
ТГ&т 4 4 П 4 0 4 4 4 4 Г ^ Т 1 UdfatTMt ^4f #П4Т:4ТШ^Щ:1
Ticf ( Щ 4 4 4 Г Ш 4 4 T f4 3 F 4 T 4 4 T ll ^ II crf|^4: 441414 4^14 fiH<c|dmjl * 3 II
Presently, the beauty of Siva is beyond In the mean time the ladies of the inner
apartment of Himalaya, took Durga for the
description. Thus feeling surprised, Mena,
adoration of the family deity, out side the
went to her abode. house.
4 ? W # 4 4 4 r £RTT SRIT f 4 T : W T l
44 4T 4^j<&T f444T%4T 44П
: 4ПЭ4 chichi: 11*311 ^4)dl3<Hc|uil4f 4ffT4f44T4ll * ‘ail
624 £iva-MahapiirSiiam

The gods stared at her who had the limbs others bowed down their heads in reverence.
like blue collyrium and appeared graceful with Т Ф я 44<*lut4 rlt 4 < lf e d :l
her limbs bedecked with ornaments.
f?ra: ^TrETFfjfw f e t # fERpcTn^il 3 ? II
The delightful Siva looked at her with side
glances. Siva at that time looking at the figure
She respectfully looked at the three eyed of Parvatl, was relieved of the fever of
lord, escaping the eyes of others. She appeared separation.
quite beautiful with a serene smile worn over f?rar: fsRTWR
her face. He plaits of hair were thickly grown
and looked beautiful. р Щ М х н : ii ^ ^ ii
By fixing gaze over Siva, he forgot
everything. His hair stood an ends all over the
1^11 body, since he continued to gaze at her with
<pKfiHf?Aui сщшг ttPcKif^rimj delight.
Та&ЩЗгШТ та ch^u|qfugdT41 11 зга з я # «if|: W f "лгатФнт ^ rfra ^ ra i
чщц тга
ч(и1там^|у[§<^<|Г11Й<|Г1|ШЧ11 ? 6 и Parvatl then went out of the town to
«г тргатаарячгпчп worship the family deity and returned to her
parent’s home, together with the Brahmana
таг^^щм w 5^шчч1^^тпт11 ъ я и woman.
х1Ч}ЧId $eh W AfkSjb ЧЧrfdх| f§fH 41
6 f itrF 4 # T W xT tV hl^% dtf?Tfadl4ll Ц о II
She had exquisite decorative lines over her
body. She wore a tilakam of musk and saffron. Siva on his part, accompanied with
A necklace studded with gems adorned her Brahma, Visnu and other gods went to their
breast. The bangles and bracelets of gems respective places as prescribed by Himalaya.
were shining brilliantly. The lines of her teeth ЧТ ■ Htsi cHSj; ■ Wct-rl: ^rari
sparkled like the diamonds. Her lips which wifAdi RiAvIh
were naturally red like the wood-apple fruit
and red lac was applied over the same. She Reaching there, all of them were engaged
held a mirror made of gems in her hand. A toy in serving Siva. Himalaya on his part
lotus also adorned her. Her body was smeared honoured Siva, offering various types of
with the paste of sandal wood, agiiru, musk fortunes to him.
and saffron. Her feet and soles were naturally f s tf a r r a t
red. The anklets which issued the tinkling Ltidditsrog cKPimR'cjofq чтч 43?tratfT?rrjsTra:iiK^ii
sound, enhanced her beauty. •klilc
•О ' О
тгАчфтч! "v


Looking at the primordial goddess, the
mother of the Universe with the gods and
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 47 625


Siva’s ceremonious entry into the inner 'dH-uiP R ^ftrr -^gafmNmftrT гпвэи
apartments of Himalaya
A necklace studded with divine gems, was
щйсПгГ worn by her, besides the precious gold
аынцщц ■HlHHitj fyidw «m 1WT Tltcf f*I*TT SETRFTTt TFRTT f№4)
Brahma said, “Thereafter, Himalaya, h6iv1rteh-d4>l II C II
performed the yajnopavlt, ceremony of Siva The lovely lady, the daughter of mountain
and Durga, enthusiastically, with the reciting and the mother of the three worlds, while
of the Vedic hymns. staying there meditated on Siva alone, shining
at the same time.
fg4raHHrf~4'tn fht:ii ? n nqlrficii 4$Mi4l<£44|> 44i4^:l
Then at the request of Giriraja Himalaya, щщ fe fs R fg ^ fu iT T F li ^ n
Visnu, the gods and the sages entered the Both the sides, having been filled with
place. delight, celebrated the occasion and the gifts
eirUWli чщтетн fepm ъ were distributed by them to the Brahmanas
О cannot be described.
3R(4T fefesj 7ЩТ
Following the traditional as well as the
Vedic path, Siva was adorned with the TTW rrarrR:wm n
ornaments given by Siva. On that occasion, others were also
bestowed with the gifts. The festivities
и гр т w t f e f T ш т т ^ т :1
included the playing of the musical
ч№<тт w t % йячйИч^ег snm i instruments.
She was first made to take her bath, then э й fd b u jc ^ ш ттт зп ш тгггт
the wives of Brahmanas as well as her maids, d ^ iy lA ii f tf is M i: Ш т о ттгти
performed her arati.
Thereafter, I myself, Visnu and other gods
^ R T T c R c ffu w )| started celebrating the occasion.
faura чn т щ щ ftrai щеящ ттрзт f w R h f r o i
She was made to wear two new garments, TimiUI ftqfil4??T -Щ-ЩTSJR THTTf^RTT: II ^
which beautified her. At that point of time, the Bowing in reverence with devotion to Siva,
daughter of Himalaya appeared as the wife of and devoting the mind at the lotus like feet of
Siva. Siva, with the permission of Himakaya, all
скщсй щщ f^ocrr чгакёпРюкнрт those present there took their respective seats.
r t ттат ^ it f ^ r w if ir a i ^ lii^ n TJrrfWvRTt ТТ5Г ^TtfTT: ^H4tfc|^IKc[: I
Then she wore a divine bodice decorated Q h c T ^ i f r i r f ^ tt T n tf д т щ л щ и ^ n
with various gems. The goddess then started In the meantime, Garga, who was well-
shining more and more. versed in astrology, said to Himalaya.
626 £iva-Mahapuraqam

arriving to get Siva back with them,

ЦчыёТ! snwtTT! wrftpH efiTflffiw:! iwtli tnfrrasiirajrcft % яч Ш: W'lcLi
infimB'lgf ^TR2I n? ftirqf^TTII ^ |l ч^и-ti f| ^rihf 'wimfa? tfh| ii ^ 5>n
Garga said, “O Himacala, О King, О Lord, It appears, that because of our great
О Father of Kali, get Siva inside for the fortune, the time of panigrahana is arriving.
performing of the kanyadana ceremony.” £RTT far^TIT f^ f a f ^ T I
SlfflldN Miuifteu ^рш! ufrnrfdRH ^ ^ и
m tt w r ch'^r-fiffcid fhfr.-i All of us are especially graceful to have an
W Tpbr ircTftril 9Ц II
opportunity to witness the marriage of Siva
and Siva.
Brahma said, “Giriraja, learning about the
time of the performing of kanyadana, from the tr<j ^i'(prai
sage Garga, was delighted. w m if WIPTET: ЧЙ0Т:11^П
w rftr PlfT:l Brahma said, “ While this type of talk was
going on, the courtiers of Parvataraja, arrived
frrermre wfcyi Шдгргочщщдгтм ^ ц
there respectfully.
The mountains, the Brahmanas and others
were lovingly deputed to get Siva at the place I 7Р5ГТ HI«Sill4)*: ftra Й шщ (^сйнГч 1
(of marriage). сЬ-ЧТсЦЧГГЫгГ: сБТНТ TTTqmfrrfHIR'iill
I tf^ n % n ^ a r тг^ггсти гаг: i After reaching there they prayed to Visnu
and other gods, to move, because the time for
^ ^Iw .ll *\э» performing of the kanyaddna ceremony had
The mountains and the Brahmanas, reached.
carrying the welfare- materials in their hands,
reached the place where Siva was lodged. ^ ^TT: TJcf fq«Jq|^5f<SKdl:l
сц(ф|уйи| ^гга^щ ^топ g^n чч u
О Sage, Listening to their words, Visnu
Ч?1ЬШ?Т5ШПЗГ <Пг1^ЯТ(^Ч f i l l \ 6 II
and other gods feeling delightful shouting the
At that point of time the musical slogans of victory, reached the abode of
instruments were played upon, accompanied Himalaya.
with dancing and great festivities were held.
ЗТгёГГ с |[^ 3 |(М ч ?T|4Ftcfchl:l
)TR TjebK 4H*<)q|<^dl<£iIdll ? ^ II
^ e lf^ tuil TJ^TII ^ II They felt delightful at the marriage of Kali,
Listening to the sound of the music, all the but they did not reveal their happiness.
devotees of Siva as well the gods and the зтгг^пч firT
sages, got up.
H l* lji|geRlfiw ll?\3ll
The trident bearer lord Siva, the carrier of
fTR^T: %Ш ЩФЩ ЩТ11 ? о и trident, who bestowed welfare to the universe,
Feeling delighted, they talked among took his bath with the application of the
themselves, “Possibly the mountains are auspicious material over his body.
Rudra Samhita (Parvafi Khanka), Chapter 47 627

Ш : НО ч Ш Н Т ■гга»:
h R c u R d ti Н/&ЗТЧН: Tft#-
dTTTTfqm с^сЬЧТЙ: 4 < R R ld :ll^ ll
Then he was clad in beautiful garments, by Accompanied with all of them, lord Siva,
all, while the lokapalas, made him amount the supreme soul, and well wisher of the
over his bull Nandi. universe, assuming the entire strength, being
served by all the gods with devotion,
accepting showering of the flowers, reached
grarfq- d ie ^ -d s r ^ f r a < r : Щ у Щ Ц \ \ ? я и
Making Siva to move in the fore-front, all
of them moved anxiously with delight towards H^RtrlW ТТЩ: Ф т t p n s w i
the house of Himalaya. ТШ Ч Й WfiRr: HjRrRr; ^ ^ II
% Ч ТЧ з№ ш Г э д ц щ т й 4^dN|'d W :l f ^ K d l4l4t4%!i>i 1|4ШМ1:1
Y r°T T fT € R T 1 ГШ Т ^ e i< H H h i^ fd l:ll ^ O li ШТГ #^гаНТ:ШЧ11?\Э11
The Brahmanas sent by Himavat and the Lord Siva, entered the yajna-mandapa with
other excellent mountains taking to divine honour, where he was eulogised variously.
forms, enthusiastically went ahead of Siva. The best of the mountains, made Siva descend
W l щит Щ RtWTWT % from the bull and took him to his abode with
great pomp and show.
A Chatra was held over the head of Siva fgHTcWTsfir WTH H^TWyTRI
and fly-whisks were being moved on him and w rt f i r a ^ r ч1<гзяц«п^Н11^сп
as such, Siva looked quite graceful. At the arrival of Siva, with gods at his
Щ fd b U I^ I с Ч Ш Т г Г Ш т iTI home, Himalaya appropriately offered his
salutation to him, performing his aratl.
3 W : f4lfdVfRr% RsfHT TRW RffiT: II 3 ? II
At that point of time, I (Brahma) Visnu, H'4^Rra:i
Indra and Lokapalas, looked graceful while ■sr^RR wfaRr H^ril 3 II
moving ahead. Himalaya, then bowing in reverence with
CRT: Stefer 4 ^ H d > u m t l l : l great enthusiasm, praising his fortunes,
Ч Т : U4<e|ra>d с П % # Г q ^ R T d l l ^ ^ II
honoured all.
At the time of those celebrations, the HtSH: HWd4>IR HUlillbiJuLWri
О >Э чЭ *v

conches were blown, while the kettle drums, H^WtsScpf ^ RRIH WRTRRHII^oll
big drums, double drums, gomukhas and other Himalaya, offering padya and arghya etc.
musical instruments were played upon. to the chief gods like Visnu, Siva and others,
a&r W : *пт: took them inside his abode.
d H i d T H H '4 f ^ i d i :i i ^ ^ i i Rfifr WTCTOH Щ1
The singers were singing the welfare Л я п хт ш%г fW itgr f^mw:ii^^i
songs. The damsels were dancing variously.
Brahma, Visnu, Siva and other prominent
TJRT: gods were made to occupy the gem-studded
M W5[Hf ТЩГ9ТЫНТ1 thrones.
628 Siva-MahSpurSnam

WsHfatf-rar ЗЙгЧТ rTI

ЗТОТ^Щ ■JWrt^SRK ЧкГЗГта5П1Ч!^|1
Then Mena, together with her maids, the Then Garga- the priest, reciting the
Brahmana women, and the women whose punyaka-mantra, lifted the hand full of rice
husbands were alive, delightfully, performed grains and handing them over to Parvatl and
arati of Siva. made her shower them over Siva.
hfterw ЩТШ Ч£ТсЧЦ|
W l^T f^ -ЧйГгфгЧ t tisr чгёсчт ^Rrrrwmi ч°и
The necessary rites like the offering of the Then Siva was appropriately adored by
madhuparka etc. to Siva, the Supreme Soul, sweet faced Parvatl delightfully with the
were pleasantly performed by the priests, who offering of the rice grains mixed with curd and
were well-versed in the science of rituals. darbhd water.
w v чНграш чт№: ф м т ж п RiHlchd-dl й 7ГЩ w r i ччч-нч: i

^ згсатщт^т ^llU 'SU •jwWM 4^rtrTT fc\{{Щ LTThMlI

O Sage, then I inspired the priest to Siva, for gaining whom, She had
perform the welfare ceremony, who did so performed hard tapas, looking at him while
accordingly. performing his adoration, appeared extremely
3 t^ u t h?iyl^rr femRimi
~m ш «зЬниг^гтгачп тгат tj^! ddf^RT
О ^ чЭ
f? ra i и ц ? ii
4f<cbmR draff Tifwrr ^RmforTi
О Sage, then I spoke to the priest Garga
m 4 \i\ fawra щ w щ \\
and other sages. “Let Siva also adore Siva
Then Himalaya lovingly entered his abode according to the worldly tradition.
and took myself Visnu and Siva to the place
where Parvatl, adorned with all the ornaments, pcf TTTTPR dt t
having slender waist was gracefully seated. 3j*Rn ?щтчШ д а м п ц^и
гГПТ^ТТ^ШТЩШ cJTy4Ufd4tHIUI:l In this way both Parvatl and Paramesvara
looked graceful by adoring each other.
ctraidNlfe i rn W f: ЩЧ>ёНШ:11*'з11
Waiting for the appropriate lagna, best
ritual to the marriage, Brhaspati and others rf^T dUif'dul ц>Н1
became delightful. Then both of them displaying the glory of
the three worlds, and looking at each other,
*T% tjfeRTrmi
were offered arati by LaksmI and other ladies.
iny^MI Ш^сфсГ
гтшитг t f e p itf w
Garga- the priest, was seated in the place
where the water clock was placed. The ЧЭ ЧТ%Ч:1

Omkara-mantra was repeated during the (victim w p r

intervals before the lagna. ScfPT^ ш: U ^ cTPJIцци
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 48 629

The Brahmana women as well as the

women of the city performed the aratl with
pleasure, looking at both Siva and Parvati.”*

Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 48 629

proper time, announced about the time and

date etc.
rRTT HFTTcTFf: Mlcd! ?Птат ijRrl) fc?ll

At the inspiration from the heart of Siva,

Himalaya smilingly said to Siva, the creator of
the universe.
CHAPTER 48 W i t дацш p rat: т о щ 3TFT fWTi
The marriage of Siva and Parvatl TR TMT W S t Rchipf: W ffiTO m i\9ll
“O Siva, you kindly reveal your gotra,
T J c ffrq g -tr} Ш Ф |к г 4 я л М ^ : 1 race, name, Veda and sastra etc. Don’t delay.”
Огцэйчш m i згззктгн WtaTET
Brahma said, “At that time, having been elxlRIW fp n ^:
inspired by Gargacarya- the priest, both ТПГШТ f e w : R 3tSR#cZT: # ezrt R C IU
Himalaya and Mena got ready for the
performing of the kanyadana ceremony. Brahma said, “Listening to these words of
Himalaya, Siva having a charming face,
1 И c h f l y r a K R T 4 ч т T fls & fffm fg n n i became sad and turned his face away. Siva
-Rwmmt gw R Tiw feT:ii ? и who is devoid of sorrow, attained a pitiable
The virtuous Mena, carrying the golden look.
pitcher filled with water arrived and stood to PciRm: ж<^4?ч1чтнспт1
the left of Himalaya. T R I^ ^ d U lfH ^ llu l^ d I
T tn n f ^ T W : 7TFT: ■h 4 < | R ? H : i
tT Щ ^ и sdiwf: to Ti r r ttoii я ii
Then the delightful Himalaya, together When lord Siva, was unable to speak out
with the priest, wooed the groom, offering anything as was witnessed by the gods, sages,
padya, costumes, sandal paste and ornaments. Gandharvas, Yaksas, Siddhas, О Narada, you
м fg 5 n fe m T f^ h ^ :i acted in a jovial manner, to help him.
t o r t ч т о а т ттгас^рчтато 3 r m im i 4li/|Rdfr<«r-k4 % ЩЙЩШЯГ RRI
Then at the arrival of the due time, Rtot т а рптагрш-.и и
Himalaya asked the Brahmanas to start О Narada, you had been well-versed in the
speaking out the Samkalpa-mantra, narrating Brahma-tattva and you, at the inspiration of
the time tithi and constellation etc.” Siva, played on your flute.
rtalft тГШ гГ^ ФЩТ f$5RRmr:l TOT ftdlRdl 4l4w 4vi^ui 4 ^ Щ \
Щ : ЯТ^Ттщт{чфтт:11411 й тят tsr тот ^MfrfwRi^RTarTii ЯЯИ
After saying, “Be it so.” The excellent But Giriraja stubbornly stopped you from
Brahmanas, who were well aware of the doing so. Besides Brahma, Visnu, the gods,
630 Siva-Mahapuranam

sages and others also stopped you from doing unblemished, lord of Мйуй, and greater than
so. the greatest.
q TI 'ЧЦТ з т Шо г я т т %v щ т \ mcwtH-.i
Ш^Г5%1Т wff cfruTt Ш ^11 %тптпт:
But because of the will of Siva, you did not He is independent, well-disposed towards
stop, Then Himalaya asked you not to play on his devotees. He is without gotra, race and
the vina. name. By his own will he is with attributes,
TrftfagT I3T%q having beautiful body and having many
VcW EIt i M t p T#8T^U %-%tl
О Well-versed divine sage, they stopped TfTl# ’Ifajfasr «SHIR: fwTtacR:!
you forcibly, then recalling the name of Siva 4fc5djrT4fl! TTtSIT Щ1ШТ ^ Ч ТТЖ:11?о11
in your mind, you spoke. Irrespective of his being v/ith or without
qTTI d<4iTj gotra, with or without race, but he has become
your son-in-law, from today onwards, because
Щ % ЧЙССЩ1ЧЯ1 4 vilRlfw rT felRI
of the tapas performed by Parvati.
щф Щ erff^r: II ^ II
RlHifoiiftuu jfq щ жгсгщ|
Narada said, “You are a big fool. You are
not aware of anything. You are absolutely q t ЭТТЙ W H fir f h f r w t l l Я Я

ignorant about Siva. With this divine sport, Siva has deluded the
<5RT IT: Я%| entire universe comprising of mobile and
immobile creatures. О Excellent mountain,
even the wisest of the men are not fully aware
You have asked Siva about his gotral To of him.
ask this question at the moment would be like
joking. tUdeKhi
3TW 3icT 1ПТ ^cf WFTf=rT T^Til fg rn jiW % w i h H e ft я т ч Ш т е т : i r ? И

•qrfui Щ дал T^HTII ^11 The top of the phallic column of lord Siva
could not be visualised by Brahma. His foot
No one, even Brahma, Visnu and others are
could not be visualised by Visnu who went to
aware about his gotra, race and name etc., О
the nether world and he was immensely
Mountain, what to speak of others.
# t! si<actiifcte m \
fifi cffar^TT qqsrg! gw ni
TT ^g: «lc^d4l®lvTI^II ^3II
тйс&т ifw ti^T sfh ^rii з з n
О Mountain, Siva, in whom crores of
Brahmas are absorbed in a day is being О Giriraja, what else has to be spoken in
witnessed by you because of the tapas of Siva. this regard? It is quite difficult to know about
the illusion of Siva. He controls all the three
lokas, besides, Brahma, Visnu and other gods.
ftlTfrTll fofcreilf j ■cRWTMIUn
qWT %ЩШ! ЦЗШ.-1
He is the Supreme Brahman, formless,
without attributes, beyond Prakrti, Ч щ Ы Т { щ щ Ы ^cffq y er) P R l^ ll ? *11
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanda), Chapter 48 631

О Father of Siva, you carefully think over

the matter. Do not think anything otherwise
TJWpfT Tft! fhrfw:l
about a groom like this.”
f^4lf^'Wl44l4^ hdfowmiW:ll^ll
sTgrrara Brahma said, “O Sage Giriraja felt happy
■^eWI Щ zpr! ijTRt on listening to your words and the doubt of his
W F 3 fo: tw in 411 mind was cleared.
Brahma said, “O Sage, as desired by Siva, дат йшртдач; ^ дч^тшп
you again, pleased Himalaya with you talk wr T n f^ %it i irafgiRfwmT: и^' ? ii
and spoke again. Thereafter, Visnu and other gods
surprisingly uttered, “Well-done, well-done.”
^ 5 mwi
f|n *%и h^mtcjlPjTI: s t f : crrw^ii з ц 11
Narada said, “O Dear one, О Great All the learned people who had assembled
mountain, О Father of Siva, you listen to my there, feeling delighted said, “Look here, how
words, listening by which you give over your deep is lord Siva?
daughter to lord Siva.
VpW RfaTOT WnfTR:) щй xmwiTf fwitwr:!
fH Ш яШ чгф з % ^гПТП ?^ll ?pf: w ^rfrifd jw em ei:
Lord Siva, actually speaking, has the gotra W # fiTH>cfrafrra гг 4: '*p[g:ii3'sii
in the form of a divine sound (nada) and the
At his command the vast universe was
family of Siva is his divine form, who created, who is greater than the greatest, has
assumes forms in his divine sports. an independent movement and who could be
f^Tcft чцц4|: ЧТ?: fyw iw w i known with the utmost devotion. We have
чт% чтсррт fvragi ггщ с n today been able to have a look at such a type
of Siva.
Siva is identical with nada while ndda is
identical with Siva. There is no difference m й тгёггёгат М э г 1 щ ч т : 1
between nada and Siva. f|W rf 4^14,11^4 II
At that point of time Meru and other
mountains were agitated and at the same time
feiaiwre;^ ^ 5 ! flm II they spoke to Himavat, the lord of the
О Lord of mountains, nada is prior to Siva mountains.”
in his sportive or attributive form. Nada is the
most excellent of all. 4<^di
3FTT f? cnf^cTT #ЛТ йШт WTH tl «кчщй 'WtTdT em jt&-
nSfaftni чтш %чмч ill 11 ЯЖШГТ f% chl4dl?lfdddl
Therefore, О Himacala, I have played upon ftft ЧПТ fw$f-
my Vlnd, as mentally desired by Siva. ■klWIreh^l d)«ld(4)4J<BJII ^^ II
632 Siva-Mahapuranam

The mountains said, “O Giriraja, be firm О Sage, Siva, while touching the earth,
on your words to give away your daughter to displayed the worldly tradition, saying the
Siva, otherwise the appropriate time would be hymn Kamasya kodcika.
lost in controversies. We are speaking the Fgfrtre) 4gHi4flru<bi yp<icfii:i
truth. Give away you daughter in marriage to
At that point of time huge celebrations
WfaTET were made, besides the shouting of the
^ сггн Hhi 43 ft flw ra :i slogans of victory over the earth and the sky.
TTTf?T^ Ч Ч : TTO? rR J: l
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of his w t f : f3Pj: p Ppt ч^ртсщИщ: 11**11
friends, and inspired by the destiny Himalaya
Feeling delightful all started saying “Well-
gave away his daughter to Siva.
done, well-done.” Some people offered their
^TT cFPT ^cTlfh THP8R!l salutation, the Gandharvas were singing, and
the aspards were dancing.
He said, “O Lord of all, О Parames'vara, I fgMWH-w h h r f t PP<pjTfpT
give away my daughter to you, you kindly PfrT Fj5?14Ti£ Ч‘^гНс1Ч<:ШР11^Ц11
accept her as the form of Maya.
All the people of Himalaya felt delighted
<HrA ЦхТЩЧ! in their minds and the welfare celebrations
Шггегртг frat дррт рр Ш Штудгадм з n were organised everywhere.
Thus Parvati- the mother of the three Щ Wf23 М л PPPt3%RT:l
worlds, was given away by Himalaya, with the ii 5, ii
reciting of the mantras to Siva. I myself, Visnu, Indra, all the gods, were
fvi<3i«t # r : f w # from wi immensely delighted and the faces of all of
PPtcfiilta PPftr dlufelPWIutcLIUoll them (blossomed like the lotus flowers).
Thereafter, Himalaya, placed the hand of sm #fcR: fpRTR:l
Siva, over the hand of Siva and was so радЖш|Ц||*\эи
delighted, as if he had crossed the ocean of his Thereafter Himalaya, the lord of mountains
desire. feeling pleased gave away the articles of gifts
fhfr?Tt to Siva in a befitting manner.
W=b4un^| ЗПЯтГ: ЧтйяТ:1Г*^И f t r a t p w h t p fo r.i
Himalaya, reciting the Vedic hymns, gave
away the lotus like of Siva to lord Siva, who Then all the kiths and kins of Himalaya,
was pleasantly and gracefully accepted by with utmost devotion, gave away several
Siva. articles in dowry.
f§# -Щ^гаг вьгчргт fR F^! I
wra Ptr4T d^Pf^lRhchl' Ffa^ll'tf^ll PRifgmfp ^Tifor ^ ш ряЫ !и ^ ii
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 49 633

О Excellent sage, Himalaya also gave to They also started sprinkling of water,
the newly weds, monetary presents as mentioned the name of each and every god. At
prescribed in the scriptures. that point of time, О Sage, great celebration
ifidehlfa ^fr ТШЙ fgfenfq ^1
was being made which delighted all.”
w fa T fctf^yiPr WII ч о и ftatarot MwfiMiyr ^ 1
Several types of gems, besides the gem 4i4d1tg^ :1П£йИ
studded costumes and ornaments were also
given to them.
Jldl гЩТ £UMl W fliatclMI 'Щ dSIIl
^Т#ТШЧТгБЯТ Щ y^otwftlrfUII Ц ^11
They were also given a lakh of cows,
caparisoned horses, a lakh of slave girls, well­
decorated with the best of ornaments and
costumes, who loved Parvatl.
чщ т % W it Щ Ш ^ “!I
lk f e r n t гГ Яй«к1МчЙ?ПТ11
Ц ? II
A crore each of elephants and horses were
given, which were decorated with gold and
tsrttt fTifert fyrarnri
ЧТР7М f^iRTss-q- ц^ u
In this way, by giving his daughter Girija
to Siva, appropriately, Himalaya felt
successful in his life.
wsra ЧЯ*^1ТЧ ^фг11з|[Н:11Ц^И
Thereafter Himalaya, eulogised Siva, with
folded hands and all humility, reciting the
Mahyandina stotra from Yajurveda.
rETT^f^[T гЕЩТНГ ^ r n w w i
f ^ M : qrgtrW:ii44ii
Then Himalaya, who had been well-versed
in the Vedas, spoke to the excellent sages,
who started performing abhiseka of Siva
reciting the Vedic hymns.
' \3 чЭ '

T iitv F R W и II
Rudra Samhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 49 633

Delusion of Brahma
змт ччм-41 M : :i
ш ятгегтщчШЬтц
Brahma said, “Thereafter, at my command,
the Brahmanas consecrated the fire. The
making Parvatl to sit in the lap of Siva and the
lord started performing homa.
Siva was making offerings in the sacred
fire with the reciting of the hymns from the
Rgveda, Yajurvecla and Samaveda. Mainaka-
the brother of Kali was giving handfuls of
fried grains.

ф # п ш ! й с ш в fw m WII 3 II
Thereafter both Siva and Kali, following
the worldly tradition went round the sacred
fire altar.
-ciftti П|Г^1чГн:1
sjuj M
At that point of time, the lord of Girija
played an astonishing sport, which is being
spoken by me, О Sage, because of my love for


634 Siva-Mahapuraipam

At that point of time, I, having been ^T3Sf:

influenced with the delusion of Siva, could
^ ф г ! ^FTgurf^! WT?t! !i
witness the reflection of the beautiful moon
like face of the goddess.
The gods said, “О Lord of the gods, О
4е*у^ ! ?Г?Ч^1
pervader of the universe, О Sadasiva, you are
the lord of the universe, О Lord of the world,
0 Divine sage, with the mere sight of the or the very world itself be pleased with me.
same, I became lustful.
TpfhThfh Я1ЧМ1 cdhlrhl ^4Tl9I:l
i ^ F T n W :l 1чсЧ) 1чШ^тГ5^Г: rar:ii n
'ddW^IWBt % ЯМг1^11\Э|1 You are the supreme soul, the supreme lord
Having been thus filled with passion, I and the cause of all the emotions. You are fee
started gazing at her limbs again and again as from malice, free from wastage, eternal, free
a result of which my semen ejected and fell on from suspicions and doubt. You are undying
the ground. and the great lord.
Ъ ш rR rffe rT st f M 4 ? : l 3Ti'gRtT'cfW «f%:i
^ r ! офТ^ Щ Щ М % 4 tW T II< ill ШЗсфТ: ^TTf4 -ЩЩ Щ! feg^RII ^11
1 (Brahma) with the fall of my semen on Your origin, middle and the end is
the ground, felt ashamed. О Sage, I pressed unknown. You are beyond the inside and out.
my penis secretly with my feet hiding the You are imperishable, truth, Brahma and form
semen at the same time. of consciousness.
d^lvdl nT h^<4^cbl4ld)c| ЧТЩН
#5Г 4t fefa chmhlQdhll ^ II fcn p yW W : Щ f r a : V fq ra^ li II
О Narada, when Siva came to know about The sages desirous of salvation, having the
it he became furious and in rage, got ready to firm resolve, meditate and adore your lotus
kill me (Brahma). like feet. You disown attachments on both the
д а й зщ чгаш чтт^!|
r? w fohrgw f^Tlch f4j]u|UUUI
■vSRTgrafnft m i w n f 4 f^ g rg tfii n
ЭДЧЧ1ЧЫЧо1|1|цй|д1п.цЧ1гЦ<*Чч11^ ii
O Narada, at that point of time, a great
disturbance was created. All those present You are the Supreme Brahman. You are
there started shaking. Visnu also was upset the nectar, devoid of grief, totally without
and frightened. attributes, blissful, stable, free from
blemishes, and even beyond the soul.
f g f : TTraj Ш щ щ т ЧЧ! |
fe w t fgi
ш ч надячт ^ йзтот
Т5Й^ФТГЗЗгС|ЖГЗЧх^Т: W & [ fe»T:ll ^>11
О Sage, then Visnu and other gods, offered
You alone are the cause of the creation,
prayer to lord Siva, who was blazing and who
sustenance and the destruction of the universe.
was ready to kill me.
You are indifferent. Everyone has
Rudra Samhita (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 49 635

expectations from you. You are pervading W b Rpt ^dlfdWRWTUftf^Tfbl

everywhere. ! з#ят!||^11
p*WTct rtl О Lord of the form of the universe, the
w r f фН1ф?тТч^ ч #<эг % ii \ c и manifest, the supreme principle, the five
You alone are both sat and asat, you are elements, the tanmatras and all the sense
both dual and non-dual. As the gold is one, organs are lodged in you.
whether it is in the form of the basic metal or т^пч! cbWcb*! ?if?!i
the ornaments, there is no basic or the intrinsic ЗШ1^ ^% vr! Щ 111^411
difference in the same.
О Mahadeva, О Compassionate god, О
f g f ^ 3RT:( Sankara, the god of gods, Purusottama, you
H f d l < d M M d f c it R l i w i T s r f f t W : l l ^ 1 1 kindly be pleased.
The people, because of their ignorance cmtiffi 'ШЧТТ: W зщто^Т:!
have developed doubts in you. You are the
supreme soul without any attributes, therefore
the above controversy is automatically solved. O Omnipresent one, all the seven oceans
are your costumes, the ten directions are your
srtt W R i BcT arms, the firmament is your head, the sky is
ггш згатчч^: ^пгтатг! f^ iR o ii your navel and the wind is your nose.
О Mahesan, we have become graceful only T fe: 0 X 4 : W R T 5f 3W t!l
by having a look at you. Therefore, О Lord
Siva, be merciful on your devotees.
О Lord, the fire, sun and the moon are your
tic h rlw t r : M4HJ
eyes. The clouds are your hair. The stars and
fgmrfr f t f w c чш тси^!1 constellations are your ornaments.
You are Primordial Being, having no 3Rsj TSTtenft ^сПут! ?3T fa tfr W W . l
beginning. You are the Purusa beyond
г=Г "ФШТ rnftT ^ I f T l l R ^ I I
Prakrti. You are the lord of the world and
greater than the greatest. О Omnipresent one, О Lord of the gods,
how can we eulogise you, since you are
beyond the mind and the speech.
^ЯЖТгЯЯГ! T&R WfW4:iiy ^11
w w r a «г щ cr^iyirrwfei^di
You appear as Brahma in your rajoguna
form, by your grace, Visnu functions in his ?Omm Ф ш fciaidwuu н чстшуяи
sattvaguna form as Purusottama. You are the five faced Rudra, and have five
cbMlf4b£RWLU hTUTcPT Щ;| crores of images. You are the lord of the three
worlds. You are the best of all, and are the
^ T R : T ^m rr II ? ц II lord of Vidyatattva. Therefore salutation to
Rudra the fire of time, represents you.
tamoguna. You are the supreme soul, beyond
all the giinas. You are indeed Sadasiva, 3Tf4^TRT ftrtrra fsighrjcflRl<t| ^ft|U)|
Mahesan and all-pervading Mahesvara. 3 # t w k f^TET ЧЧГ 44:11^0 и
636 Siva-Mahapur5nam

You are beyond description. You are Ч1дП§г<«пяд й ну < * i гКтшнз'эи

eternal and have the form of the electric Influenced with the desire of the lord Siva,
flames. Salutation to lord Siva who is the god Narada, spoke in anger to the sages named
of Agni-varna. Balakhilyas.
fa a^fey ato i»iч
W TiW r 44:11 ^ ^11 тгъ т f d усгн
You have resplendence of crores of ч <yiH=4 ч f | cftsy мчьнчп з 6 и
lightenings. You have eight images and are
Narada said, “All of you should go to the
always present in this world. Salutation to
Gandhamadana mountain, don’t stop here,
because you people are no more required here.
Ш HW WtrgJTfo srfaHRt TRlgrr:
v9 I
^ Ichu^ сы^ц) ЩТ5Г: 4T^SR:i
дцй й ^ ЭДГтБдтЯИ:II 3? И Going there, you perform penances and by
Brahma said, “Listening to the words of so doing you would become excellent sages
the gods, lord Siva, who is graceful to his and pupils of Surya. I am thus, speaking at the
devotees, felt pleased and made me fearless, command of Siva.
granting protection to me.
ЭТТ ^ Ш Ш fatudlgjl ЧЧА1ШП
чЭ <>9

чЭ ! гЩ® Ч<Ч1оМс['Н,Ч3 3 II тгнтг yyyfer теЩ Т^|Г*о||

О Dear one, thereafter Visnu besides other
Brahma said, “At these words of the sage
gods and sages smilingly celebrated the
Narada, all the Balakhilyas, proceed on
towards the Gandhamadana mountain, bowing
тщ г^ШТ m \ in reverence to Siva.
зтяс)х*и1овгш ч< ч№ н т: 113*11 fatnctcfafat^i'qd snfw tst ■grlw!i
шт шн%^тг: щ щ т -.i
<*U[%$gr -Wrt'jWIII3 4 II О Excellent sage, thereafter Visnu and
О Dear one, with the rubbing of my semen other gods reassured me and at the inspiration
again and again, it was reduced into several of the great sages I was rid of the panic.
particles, which gave birth to the sages known 3TW¥rfT ЧИСТИЛ! I
as Balakhilyas. They were illuming with the
ЩШ pH cfa^IW Iim il
own lustre.
At that point of time, I offered prayer to
3IST Ь I Siva, who is well-disposed towards his
MUlf^rdi LRUlrUI гПгГ! TTIrriwУТ|сГСИЗ^П devotees, lord of all, who establishes the tasks
О Sage, all those sages, came to me of all and shatters the pride of the wicked
lovingly calling me, “O Dear one, О Dear people.
one” ^ с г ! ч^сг! удагтштж! 3Wt!i
mVh»i$ ЧШ^Т f?l щ тг&гтп*зн
Rudra Sarhhita (P3rvatT Khanka), Chapter 50 637

I prayed, “O God of gods, О Mahadeva, О

Ocean of compassion, О Lord you are the
creator of all, you are feeder of all besides
being the destroyer.
ft fw f| М Щ 1
cfW W ЩсТ fkytm:U>iXU
As the bulls are tied with the rope,
similarly, at your will, this mobile and
immobile world is maintained. I have fully
realised this.”
mtst i mum m
3rm5fd mi fmnrnsrrmr ^t^srmrn и
Thus speaking I offered my salutation to
him with folded hands. Thereafter, Visnu and
all other gods also eulogised Siva.
SWWti 4fif mr cflTcRh t^TI
midi mmfrsmmtmr: и*ъ n
Listening to my humble prayer as well as
that of Visnu and other gods, lord Siva was
^ m tsfir ert т щ т я т tfUmmm:i

mi ytsTddtcugtriiiMl^H ui!ii'tf^n
O Sage, getting pleased, he freed me from
fear as a result of which all were pleased and
?f?r gtfli
4l4dlyut Party mrr II
Rudra Sarhhita (Parvati Khanka), Chapter 50 637

§сГЩ ftr5TT: ? l|
The Abhiseka of his head was
ceremoniously performed and both of them
were made to see the Pole Star Dhruva, with
^ т т ч cfrf т щ гцччнч)
Thereafter the ceremony of the
hrdayalambhana was performed, followed by

At the command of the Brahmanas, Siva

applied Vermillion over the head of Parvati, as
a result of which she attained the divine lustre.
rwirt t o ! ?rmt ^f%RTP^rafRii ч n
Then at the command of Brahmanas, both
Siva and Parvati were seated over a single
asana, displaying the divine grace which
delighted their devotees.
ТТгГ: WfyRMHIAl i W W 4^TI
чзврЛ ^ !n ^ ii
O Sage, then both of them having been
seated over their respective asanas, at my
command, performed the ceremony of
Samsrava-pras'ana (licking of the remains of
The fun and jokes
fW if W:ll v9H
^Tt^PT im :i
Ш2Щ UpPlift: TtUfioit f w n i тщ цр Ш w ^ tt *nfr *r#H?lfa t il 6 II
зm # чгщ! я ш fvi=rrfvrafyci^fi:!i ?ii In this way the marriage according to the
Brahma said, “O Narada, then I completed yajfia-vidhi was completed, he gave away in
the remaining ceremonies of the marriage of charity cows to the acarya appropriately and
Siva and Siva, in association with the sages. gave away to others, several articles as the
638 Siva-Mahapuranam

charities for welfare. Then all the ladies took the newly weds
ШТ: щ ^ ^ fra i Siva and Parvati to a decorated house, where
they performed all the worldly rites.
«Tgwt Ч'Н15Ь!ГПКЙс5?1:11 <? II
The Brahmana priests were thereafter зш тттчтчсз ?гн^ттяШчл
given a hundred gold coins each. He also gave Й ф з Ч^гТ 3Pf ТЩЧП у!= ||
away to the people, crores of gems and several Thereafter the damsels of the city of
other articles in charity. Giriraja, getting free from the welfare
ч* зйчш таттл
ceremonies took the bride and groom to their
д Ч р М Ш ) Ч 4 4 3 # ^ £ c j f a : l l ?o II
At that point of time, all the gods, besides f5?3T faille If#i4l
the mobile and immobile beings were 4frnm: чщгтатщг у^эн
delighted at heart and the slogans of victory Shouting the slogans of victory, they
were shouted. untied the knot of the garments of the bride
4fH*3pPTI4Sr 3 4 3 Щ 1 Ш : I
and the bridegroom. They were smiling at that
time looking with side glances, and the hair of
their bodies stood at ends.
Welfare sounds were produced on all the
sides. Various types of the musical з т т # yw faw m § : сы!тг41щтл
instruments were played upon, the pleasant 5l?iWf: 434F3# 4 W . WlWRII У411
sound of which delighted all. Reaching their own respective houses, all
the ladies looking at lord Siva, were extremely
f r a s m f ts f e v tT : I
fascinated, praising their fortunes, thinking of
Мтщтрят ч # з т ^WTOBrgfaTTii yy и Siva.
Visnu, together with me, besides the gods, ЧЕТЧШ^ЕЦГ ч4ёПс|иг|ЧЧНЧ,1
sages and other people, with the permission of
Himalaya then left for their respective abodes. ^f44tfemWT4.ii yy и
Siva looked extremely beautiful with the
3c#f f w s r -gf^rTT з т ч i
best of costumes, and could fascinate the
Ivraifvicft ч ч й з щ : з^зтгазчи уз u minds of young damsels, besides being
Then the ladies of the city of mountain, youthful.
took Siva and Parvati to the place of Kubera
or Kokabara.
4483fc||JHl f^rmt ЯННйЙч(вдЧ|| yoll
Hlfq>ehirik4Nig'Wi: f433Tr[3 ЗТ^ЗТЛ He was wearing a smile over the delightful
4 ? t r 4 # 3 4 3 M 4 # : Я Ч О Т Л ! У^Н face, looked beautiful with his side glances,
All the damsels reaching there, adored the and was clad in gem-studded silken clothes.
family deity with reverence and blissful ddT4lf^c£|4l% birsviK 4ЧГЗЗЛ
festivities were celebrated all-round, with
r ff 3 й# 3 4 ? R .< q t : 4 T 4 ll у yil
At that point of time, sixteen divine
m зтчтг "щ чФт damsels arrived there in order to have a look
3 1 4 H 3 ЗЩ ^сЧ ЧЗГЗН оЕЩ ^Ш уЦ || at Siva and Parvati.
Rudra Sarhhita (ParvatT Khanda), Chapter 50 639

g wrfggl жщдг ш i Where is the shyness now, when your life was
going to depart without her.”
StfgfggT дГШt g г%Щ!р5Т2Щ8Ш^|| ^ ||
jJ5Rft W?T frfltrfr g gggrri yifas^cng

У тШш: ^тШц-.И^^Н Rtafacgr ш т д тй ! <g R ^ g rt% ? : i

They included Sarasvatl, Laksmi, Savitrl, d^wK» m f t дрддт tuttrii я <?n
Ganga, Aditi, IndranI, Lopamudra, Savitrl said, “O Siva, you should
ArundhatI,Ahalya, TulasI, Svaha, RohinI, henceforth, take your food, after feeding Satl.
Sanjana, Vasundhara and Rati. Don’t make her suffer in any way. You offer
her the betel respectfully, after washing your
ct^FtJT ЧГП^ГГ чТчсЬ-iJI 3RTfTT:l
gg дт дт: feM W t gif g д»: $пт:и
щ ^ д гд
Besides these there were charming and
attractive virgins of the gods, Nagas, and the wufebifrwi ^дт д^дтрЫд gtfgg:i
sages, who could count them? диГт-дт: igrfiR flw gw яж: m r^ tii з о i
чЭ V

g ro t ш ш а 3% g g r g m f M t r ^ ti
Ganga said, “You decorate the hair of your
wife with the comb of gold. There is no
ggg: gntfr fotr: RfTR W gg:ii?4ll greater pleasure for a damsel, than this.”
Siva was seated over the gem-studded seat
a rfffg w g
provided by them. Then all the damsels,
jokingly spoke sweet words to Siva. RtaRR* % g i
ggi R^nfcgr дщШпг fgfaiRii 3
w r w t w fg ifR rtti
Aditi said, “O Siva, you give wafer to
Parvatl for rinsing her mouth, after she
^ |T f i P T R W ^ m TRTFT t?T5T c F T R g illR ^ II
finishes her food because it is difficult to
Sarasvatl said, “O Mahadeva, you have achieve the love of the husband and wife.”
achieve the chaste Sat! who is dearer to you
than your life. О Passionate one, you better
forget all the miseries, by looking at her lotus 3 *дт fggrpr gi^gt: 1дтдт ^ д т g g^rfgri
like face. gt w iR iftyi % тд gg д ш й fg g ro ifg ii^ ii
ША WT дГГЙ¥Г IndranI said, “The one for whom you had
been lamenting, wandered here and there,
fg?f)iref ч Rfggr д^длдт RRifagrii ^ 1 1 getting confused, now you embrace your
Spend your time by embracing Satl. beloved Siva against ”your chest. Where lies
Thanks to my fervent wish, there will be no the shyness in it?”
separation at any time between you both.
g itR p p N g
оцдщтЫ^т д w rit чд^дт дгфрг f^rar! i
дш fg^rg ^ т ! m i ^дт Tgg^fRi д^дт fyigrt ддддт ?тая g ^ g ffg u ^ ^ u
% grafg gg шт rfjtt r t Irt ддт fgrFii ? ^ Lopamudra said, “O Siva, this is the
Laksmi said, “Discarding shyness, you tradition. After finishing dinner, one should go
better always hold Satl against your chest. to bed after offering a betel to the wife.”
640 Siva-Mahapuraijam

зттяпдятя Ч Я Т Я ■HlftR ?РЯГ! XT#

яят дят шйчт яят ^ ro tfw m i PrthvI said, “O Lord, you are well-versed
in reading the feelings of the passionate
faring дЪ1яйят yrfai<f4|f«ii3*ii
women. О Siva, who does not always protect,
Arundhatl said, “Mena did not want to give one’s own lord?”
Parvatl to you. It is I who could convince her
in the matter and you have got her. You better Vld^MtcTW
get united with her.”
ЯР! fgqr 4 % nwltfgsddf :l
зщтя1яы $R d o f f e d ^ТЯПП^оИ
чЭ О О

чГ<г*м дгягя tw t яя1 Satampa said, “The hungry man does not
%т йтсчя% тят янйЗачиятн з ч n
О \Э л
feel satisfied without eating the sweet and
Ahalya said, “Shedding away the old age, hearty food. О Siva, you better do everything
you become extremely youthful, to enable to please a woman.”
Mena to respect you.” W tarer
ТргП д ЯТЯ
gof зштая яРят ят^ятт -щ ят^тя!
m \ щщ чП.гУтКГ ялят зтя: ятт fsr-.i ТШдГЯ 3TWT Ргчк f^pTII^II
ш гтцтя^ш ляг! щгпМг5дчтн з g и Sanjana said, “Now Siva and Parvatl
TulasI said, “O Lord, initially you should be sent to a lonely place. After making
disowned Satl, then burnt Kamadeva. Then the bed for them. Then giving betel to them
why did you send Vasistha to the abode of keep the lamp of gems, close by.”
Рятг яд я?т^я! wPm яя1тг ятаяя!
fgcr% oiragntsf^T jraluTi тгпяяятпз^п Brahma said, “On hearing the words of the
Svaha said, “O Mahadeva, don’t feel divine women, lord Siva, who was free from
disturbed. This is the usual conduct of the all the blemishes, was the preceptor of the best
women during the time of marriage and they of the yogis, spoke himself to them.”
keep on joking.”
для щц
Сч лтфдт: cbm?iiwfgvn«!i
яязт w : W5T: трГяяшг ятяяи-ади

ЯТТ ^ Я Я дляУ сы Гм ч1«Ы ЧЯН1ЧЧ11^ЙИ
*ч '
Siva said, “Don’t talk like this, you are the
RohinI said, “О Lord well-versed in the art
mothers of the universe. How could your son
of making love, you fulfil the desire of
Parvatl. О Passionate one, you yourself cross be so fickle minded?”
the ocean of love of your beloved.” я^Ьятя
ЯЩТТЯяя: зрят rrfsPTT: ЯГЯТШ:!
NjlHlRl ятя ятя? ялятзРтт я яИщгяI яяя ящяншт! (ядця^дл яяп1**н
сч ©Ч ч»
Rudra Sarhhita (P3rvati Khanka), Chapter 51

Brahma said, “Hearing the words of Siva,

the wives of the gods felt ashamed. They
became excited and looked like painted
figures in the pictures.
(чамчъич и%?тг щ чш тп
w ft ^ w ii и
Then lord Siva, consuming the sweets and
performing acamana felt extremely delighted
in the company of his wife. Both of then
chewed the betel with camphor.
4 l& f)ls lo i ЧПТ Ч*ГЦ)|тТчЪЕгтГО:11 ц о II
Rudra Sarhhita (P3rvati Khanka), Chapter 51 641

All the people are happy in the celebration

of this marriage. О Siva, I happen to be the
only exception, having been deprived of my
TRMT fTR Ш %Ц\ Ш ЧЩ ? T f l! l

O God, О Siva, be pleased with me and

restore my husband to me. О Friend of the
down trodden, О Supreme lord, you make
your words truthful.
Й ЙЧТ eR: w f o r t^TtcRT RxRIr ^ l
ФТ f i’S'W «h^ull 5jvbll ^ II

CHAPTER 51 фтгшшчй m чт\ ars fl^4i<*0.iiv9ii

Revival of Kamadeva Who is there in this mobile and immobile
world, to relieve me of my misery? Realising
this be compassionate on me. О Lord, on the
*TTc<TO4fH Ш ТЙ:1
occasion of the blissful marriage ceremony,
Ъ it Щ ^11
being compassionate over the depressed
Brahma said, “At that point of time Rati, people, you kindly provide me also an
finding the appropriate moment, spoke to lord opportunity to be happy.
Siva, who is compassionate on the miserable
тщ чтег % шош fim r -щ\
people, with a delightful heart.”
w fe r ЧЙК1Й 4 W*T:iidil
It is only after the bringing back to life my
ijfltgT ш TrMwtf^c^TtTi husband, that you can purposefully enjoy the
company of your beloved Parvatl.
fare? wnrRrat й fr^aisf w w r^T :ii я n
Rati said, “O Lord, after accepting Parvatl, ■Rtf aaf w rfeftr THTlSR: !l
you have achieved the fortune, which is 1% «1£< *г315а - R % ! t # Ч Ч П <? II
difficult to achieve. You reduced my husband You are the Supreme Lord, therefore, you
to ashes uselessly. are competent enough to do everything. О
зйзаш t# % «ычоЧ1чктгч(ц| Lord of all, what more can I speak, you bring
my husband back to life again.”
3*5 f t тГ TH4TFT R4firv^4^<*4,ll Э<1
Kindly restore my husband back to me who WfaTET
had been the lord of my life. Please remove ЩЩЩГ Rtlf^RR^I
my distress, caused by separation. jitf: чтгГг^Ы wn n
ЙсЩ)гШ gfeRt f4% rTT 5НП1 Brahma said, “Thus speaking, she placed
зщтгал r|? tr! w # feqnmi the ashes of Kamadeva, bound is a cloth,
642 Siva-Mahapuranam

before Siva. Then she started crying before the husband of Rati, who feeling successful in
Siva saying, “O Lord, О Lord.” her desire, offered with folded hands, her
prayer to lord Siva.
tfTTWncfiTHf ш татам :
chfW-l 4dfd4(cbu4 М 1Й Я '9ЩТ:!
-Щ: WRT ^ar: aer:ii Wl
Listening to the cries of Rati all the <*4>gii&i): ii
goddesses like Sarasvatl and others also' Listening to the prayer of Kamadeva and
started weeping. Feeling painful they said. Rati, Siva was pleased with his heart melting
with pity and said.
^тъчгУГИ1Ч1 |
ШЧ W W Tft ЯТТТЗ^Т all ^ II
w p w щ | f | спйкт сщ^тПт йн и
The goddesses said, “You are known to be
well-disposed towards your devotees. You are Siva said, “О Self bom Kama, I am pleased
friendly to the depressed people, you are the with the prayer of both of you. You better ask
ocean of compassion. Salutation to you. You for a boon. I shall grant you whatever is
kindly please Rati by bringing Kama back to desired by you.”
life. w ra ra
ё£г ттврГЕГ: тщтч^: адшя:1
3<w f^mii ^ и
ricbKi^ ehtiuii'HMK: 5RJ:ll ^11 Brahma said, “Listening to the words of
Brahma said, “On hearing this, Siva, the Siva, Kamadeva felt delightful and with
Ocean of mercy, was pleased and he at once folded hands, he spoke in choked voice.”
showered his compassion, on her. ЩЧ 3c|N
c [^ ! cfiTOTHTHR! TWtll
[II ^11
Ш W?TT qtlR^ehfl WII Roll
With the casting of the gaze of Siva over
the ashes, Kamadeva, having the same form, Kamadeva said, “O Mahadeva- the god of
costumes, symptums, and beauty appeared gods, the ocean of mercy, of Lord, in case you
from the ashes. are really pleased with me, then make me
arrant TTfw
irsTtra % ттт sroth
^gT trfw Tfret *Г ТГОЯТЧ тфуТТП II
ТУ-4ЧУ STT Sift WJT3Rlt:H?^ll
He had the same smile over his face, the
same size, holding a bow and arrow in his О Lord, you kindly forgive me for my
hands, looking at her husband in that form, earlier fault. Let me have love for your
Rati bowed in reverence to Siva. devotees as well as devotion to you.”
ehdl«llS44fcsici Wgra g>dl3<(ci:l
тинюнН т а ^ i tp: rt: ii ^ и ^гагате? w rra : Ш : щ ^ : 1
Siva, who restored the life of Kamadeva ^ in ? II
Rudra SamhitS (ParvatT Khanka), Chapter 51 643

Brahma said, “Listening to the words of д$)с(|т4

Kamadeva, Siva- the ocean of mercy
smilingly accepted his prayer.”
4 $ <MRTtW:IRdll
фагс ш т
Brahma said, “Thus speaking and
I шчщ s w ts f k щц rtriT honouring him, Visnu and all the gods who
ttw i w f 'm ii were successful in their task, stayed there with
Siva said, “O Intelligent Kama, I am pleasure.
pleased with you. Don’t be afraid. You go and ЖШ4Т f e w i
stand besides Visnu.”
WAWbi! ЧЧ:?Т5?: Triplet «Tf? III II
Kamadeva also feeling pleased, lived there.
м ртт чсэгг uRsbwi At that point of time the words like victory,
ifr 44чч1ЧггГ 4T:II II salutation and well-done, were heard.
Brahma said, “On hearing these words of гтсг: crm ш т ш^тш1
Siva, Kamadeva, offering his salutation to the Ч кпщ t гг 4TT Ъ TJ^lPwril 3 ОII
lord, circumambulating him, offered prayer to
Then Siva reaching his abode, making
him. Then he went to Visnu and offering his
ParvatT to take her seat to her left, made her
salutation to him as well as the other gods
with folded hands and then he took his seat. eat the sweets.
aw ir o k ra ift м fiR mi
шц p im ijefTgj
fc lR R M # T XT 5ТМШ ^PTR 4T:ll Ц ?ll
ih f: щ т if^n ? 4
Talking to Kamadeva, all the gods blessed Then Siva who was engaged in performing
him. Besides Visnu and other gods, with their the local traditions, completing the formalities
minds devoted to Siva said to Kama. there, then taking permission from Mena and
Himalaya, went to the place of the bride’s
ЗлГ: house.
r-iiw W ! 4RT^r:
4iTdivi^4,i4gyi5%^®T:ii ? 5 и влетит rT II??ll
The gods said, “You were burnt by Siva, O Sage, reaching there, huge celebrations
who with his compassion has brought you
were made. With the reciting of the Vedic
back to life.
mantras four types of musical instruments
were played upon.
дмг т$гг f ^ W fMcfc: ^R-cTT^II^II ттртм г WA£(R дм* ъ grfwc'ii
There is none in the world to cause ?fr Ъ 4t :ii33H
pleasure or pain to anyone, because a person
Reaching from there at his own place,
has to reap the reward of his own actions. A
Siva, offered his salutation to Brahma, Visnu
person is (bom), brought up, married and
and the sages, while the gods reciprocated to
enters into the mother’s womb. Who can stop
the lord Siva.
644 Siva-Mahapur5nam

чтчщ^г er^grar ччг^т^т^г the distressed and, abode of mercy, О Lord of

illusion, free from blemishes, your body is
сЩ«*И% ■яйчяйцнщ»э'*н beyond the speech and the mind.”
The Vedic hymns, relating to victory,
salutation, removal of obstructions, were
recited there. ffw filfTdHIiTcb ЗГЩТ1
m ?1зв: Trfa:i TOiVll fcJUIcddlfrT Ч5ШгГГТ||Х^11
fagr тщттт и? ц и Brahma said, “Visnu and other gods, thus
At that point of time, Brahma, Visnu, lovingly offered prayer to Siva- the lord of
Indra, all the gods, besides the siddhas, demi­ Parvati.
gods, and the Nagas eulogised Siva separately. ЗТ8Г?rW%yiRt c^HI-dddOW:!

?TBTtsRslHI4U! ^ггг чпт rI st !I О Narada, Siva, who had assumed the

snrщ \ R^=r! ^T fg w rr! згчНн^н human body playfully, showered boons and
honoured to all those present there.
The gods said, “O Lord, you are the base of
all the lokas, having the name victory (Jaya), fa'rogisn^5f<3HPWIrl! ШЩЩ 4Tvtf?Tg:l
Mahesvara, Rudra, Mahadeva, VisVambhara, arfdfgi: u w w : 11*311
and О Lord, victory to you. О Dear one, then Visnu and other gods,
^птсстяШ! !i took leave of Siva delightfully, and returned to
щц izpcrai! T[%t! W* Ultimo! f i t ' l l ^^311 their respective abodes. All of them were duly
О Husband of Kali, О Lord, Increaser of honoured and their faces beamed with
bliss, Tryambaka, the lord of Maya, О pleasure.”
Omniscient one, victory to you. ?ftr «Yyrsmgiytiul fehwji ^flfgdrai gtrft
^ггг^фп! [чадч! сыpilled! - ^ ! i Tjiitfhaul <W4'd'dldHe)u^
^HlftsItf'iyR! ^TRSTT! чйгет ^n^dii 4iAeb4«ii^d4l3Kjm:ii ц v\
You are without attributes, selfless, devoid
of cause, О Omnipresent, О Playful sport of
all, the one who can assume all the forms,
salutation to you.

WJ Ш iqrinjju^ill^^ll
^зшРт! ■p! ^rfoR! ^Fra^I! ^rfq^!i
41^1! cn^dlSclldfqilg !lUo ||
О Lord, granter of the noble desires to your
devotees, О Merciful one, О form of bliss, the
one who could assume any form at will, you
can assume any form, be victorious, be
victorious. О Kind, О All souled one, friend of
644 Siva-Mahapur5nam

Serving of feast to the marriage party
and retiring of Siva to the bed

tnfot тгпттчта ч тзя # fo3$pjT:ii

1. Brahma said, “O Dear one, the
extremely and fortunate and intelligent
Giriraja Himalaya, decorated his courtyard for
serving food to the people of the marriage
Rudra Sariihita (P3rvafi Khanka), Chapter 52 645

т т Ш wgwwrm wft it: i food individually.

The place was broomed and cleaned and Щ ТО Т: ^ H « 4 f^ ld l:ll^ ll

plastered (with cow dung). Several types of Nandi, Bhrhgl, Vlrabhadra and their ganas
fragrances were sprinkled there, for making it were seated separately. All of them kept on
attractive. taking their food with great curiosity.
m # r : ^TRT^Rmfir *r N У Ч
(: xr^ftni ^ и ТЩТЧГПТЧТЧЩТМТ^: ТЩИ ||
Thereafter, Himalaya invited all the gods Indra and other gods, besides the
and others who had accompanied Siva, Lokapalas, appeared well-decorated and kept
delightfully for the taking of food, through his on taking food cutting jokes mutually.
sons and the mountains.
^ ri forc чрдщт щптмгт
^ gsM 4(J^Tdl«f<lll^ll
ч ш т wft Minmi All the sages, Brahmanas, and the Rsis like
Listening to the invitation of Himalaya, all Bhrgu, sat in separate lines and started
the gods including Visnu and other gods, consuming food lovingly.
besides Siva went for taking food.
rWT rinsVltni: l i t fK fflV qi:l
f t f l : Щ xt ira ifd fe l
TTfi^TT чнщщгаш g^ni ^ и
чи Thereafter, the ganas of Candl, after
Himalaya, feeling overjoyed made special finishing their food started joking with one
seating arrangements for Siva, Visnu and another joyfully.
other gods, quite respectfully, inside the house tjct й fTbcrquawwi
and made them occupy the excellent seats.
felTOTSf ТЩГ: jf c w fdbUcllgrT: щ wrcsm qii
xrR^Ef tf гТгФТ: I
In this way Visnu and other gods after
41-Ип: II ^ II taking food, rinsing the mouths and washing
Several types of dishes were served and the hands, lovingly retired to their respective
then Himalaya, with folded hands, spoke in asramas.
humble tone. “You kindly have your food.” Трщгщ ТГГ85ЕГ: fyra w ra 4 q f^T:i
aw wmfrimw ^ i
W ftrt f f f : M O T Silvan At the command of Mena, the chaste
When the gods like Visnu and others were women, offering prayers to Siva with
so honoured, then they started taking their devotion, led him to a decorated apartment.
food, placing Siva in the forefront. wRttfrcA TR t^ i
tJ^qinr ^фт:1 «fWIW •jaj ^ сЦ«щЦ<^|| ^ ||
Getting seated over the decorated gem-
Then all of them collectively, having been studded lion-throne, Siva glanced at the
seated in lines, smilingly started taking their charming beauty of the place.
646 Siva-MahapurSqam

<<*Н«{1ЧУМ^Н^^НН feton places besides the cities for Lokaplas had also
M4Uyd|eb)u? ЧтЫИ(и|[у<|(^г1Ц|| ^ И been made.
The palace was illumined by hundreds of
burning lamps of gems. All the vases kept d)dfyfecTHlcb a HcifqR RniRldqjl ^11
therein were studded with gems and the place At places, the mount Kailasa, the abode of
was decorated with jewels and the diamonds. Indra and Sivaloka at the top were shown.
PrTT^t Tji I
4fW4fui^4THiRi^fgti ^\3ii WTR fW l^T ifftygl cWcf ^|| MU
The house looked charming with mirrors of Observing the surprising types of abode in
gems. The white fly-whisks had been placed this way, Siva was pleased, praising Giriraja
there. It was decorated with the garlands of Himalaya.
jewels and diamonds.
ddlfdl'40^ Ъ ЗтТ^П
apfhPRT fgfatt жчг^тт!
swRn Wf WIW: II ^ 4 II
Then Lord Siva went to sleep with pleasure
It was quite charming, beautiful, decorated over the comfortable gem-studded bed.
with numerous paintings made with enormous
ЗГЧ|сГОЬН ЩТТ1 тгаЫпд ffften ш ? ii м и
Himalaya arranged for the food of all his
relative and friends, who had been invited by
The influence of that place had increased
after the boon of Siva. It appeared like the him, and then he finished the other tasks.
Sivaloka itself. in* W hfW
■§ЯсЫ^1«=ЬН.1 oildfdl Md) ШсТ:«1П^Т1' ?ll Mil
4b4viiyra4pid^ii m i On the one hand Himalaya was engaged in
The place issued several types of old jobs in the palace while on the other hand
fragrance. The sandal and aguru pastes were Siva was sleeping. In this way the night was
kept there. The bed of the flowers had been over, and the time of dawn arrived.
arranged. m томски rt ^rdrtn^4tiiiun:i
qHikiafafenay fapgcRtfam т а # *FIT:l)MII
тШ ВиЫ1:11 ? ^11 All the people, with enthusiasm and
Visvakarma had arranged several paintings courage, played on several types of musical
in the same. Several diamond garlands had instruments.
been arranged therein. ■oi f a : "ОЧтЩЙшатг: fO^rf^rr: I
shdkiduPprfui Усьтпй ttr W ti
ЧЭ <0 О 4 W tffp a ш ш :н яяи
fairer gf%ttii ^ ii All the gods including Visnu and others
At that place the pleasant Vaikuntha had woke up. Reciting the names of their family
been built there. At places Brahmaloka and at deities, all of them got ready.
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khaijda), Chapter 53 647

minds devoted at the feet of Siva, they started

w r m p q r ^ f rw^*4i4d:ll?oli
singing the welfare songs.
Keeping their vehicles ready all of them ЗТ8Ц^nwftwi'0 RlWlfft ftyiil rai
got ready to proceed on journey to Kailasa. femmwBr f t га гачгатга w m га-.из'эи
Then they deputed Dharma to Siva. Then Siva, who had been well-versed with
spjf ЖШПЩШТ1 the tradition, performing the essentials of the
early morning, went to the inner apartment,
щт; TTTht 3 ^ii
with the permission of Himalaya.
At the command of lord Visnu, the yogi
arrived in the cottage of Siva, spoke to him,
who was the lord of yogis. emrrft ra n ^ n
«rtf Зсгге O Sage, huge celebrations were held at that
time, in which besides the reciting of the
aft gifts m ^ m \ 4: w ife ! Vedic hymns, the four types of musical
ШЩШ ЩТТЧЩ fcTTsf fPR Ш TFT11 3 ЧII instruments were also played upon.
Dharma said, О Lord of the Pramathas. трпгагапгт гагаан га rartrarfri
You may face welfare. You get up, get up, and # га s i rarararaf raffttftsraF§raftft: и э я к
grace all the people in the inner- apartment.”
Reaching his place Siva, offered his
salutation to sages, Brahma and Visnu. Other
f f t snftrT: ftsrgm
gods bowed before him in reverence.
^ fl^TT f£jJT dddf^IslcbH III 3 3 и » i m T ^rerat& ra rail

Brahma said, “Thus listening to the words И о )|

of Dharmaraja, Siva laughed. He looked at At that point of time, slogans of victory,

Dharmaraja with a compassionate eye and left and the auspicious sound of the Vedic mantras
the bed. was heard. There was a huge tumult.
aYywq^tiui fgaliiiiri ^ря%нтат gtfitfl
3TfSTznTTftKnft ffltfcT 4 3*171:113*11 Tntftftari utdjftftHryrayramufa чт
Then he spoke to Dharmaraja, smilingly.
“You can go. I shall follow you shortly”.
TifftTM зя terra w m ran
W ч^тнг зтш1ш y^:ii ^ч и
At these words of Siva, Dharmaraja went
back to the inner- apartments. Lord Siva was
also ready to go there.
ЪЩШ raftmi: ratsraV ddHNjra*trtfei:i
xik ^^ и
On learning this, the entire group of ladies
reached there with enthusiasm and with their
Rudra Samhita (Parvati Khaijda), Chapter 53 647

Siva’s return after marriage
w ra m
m critsi4T:i
f^cn?y««R4ffirr TTTTt ftt'll ?||
Brahma said, “Thereafter all the gods like
Visnu and others, besides the sages, finishing
their essential assignments, got ready to go to
the house of Himalaya.
648 Siva-Mahapurapam

<етт fatten:: ш т tfai тгпрд- щ -.i and the one who is well-disposed towards his
т^т^чтот^ щчшш -g^rn t?и devotees, has kindly arrived with his devotees.
Then Himalaya, after taking bath, adored '«мгаиМтяиг ттанг fafag: tpr:i
his family god, called the relatives in the city, тж т!ч ?сгт4Ги| ч ^rufafa fatten!II <?II
delightfully went to the inner apartment. O Giriraja, you got a place for us to stay
•О Сч
v3 '
which is quite beautiful. You honoured us all
appropriately and served us the unique type of
farnffruft -Ф т тип з н
food which was beyond description.
Adoring Siva, he, they said, “You stay here
in my abode with the members of the marriage Ш ч firR f^TcnfefiTi
party for a few more days. £RTT q^R«T:|| ||
н w w fRisfo? ч щ щ -л 10. Such type of hospitality would not be a
surprise at a place, where the goddess Siva-
фщ armmfsfaT w im i
Ambika is present. Everything has been
With my meeting with you, I have become completed and we are graceful today, by
graceful as well as successful, because you arriving here.”
arrived in my abode with all the gods.”
g^rercn Щ #r?T: eFTtT ef^T w zr rTI
т т п ш Ttwrrs^frmri
йч<кпчгс< w - fawjful<fa:ii4ii
In this way Himalaya spoke variously and fafam %2tmf3nisgf^:ii n n
offering his salutation with folded hands, he Brahmd said, “In this way, they started
invited them as well as Siva. praising one another. Several types of
celebrations were made. Sound of the shouting
m %ттш ? m fafa fatmrRwj of victory as well as the reciting the Vedic
w t Г^«лщ|№:11 s и mantras was heard.
Thereafter Siva accompanied with Visnu ffliW T fli Rrr:l
and other gods, besides the sages they reached
in the abode of Himalaya and said. # S f* ra n n T isR R w ggn ^ и
The welfare songs were sung. The apsaras
started dancing. The bards started singing the
sRrtrj faffan^rr! гш <*l(ti4^d^i praises. All of them were well rewarded with
reRffat 4 efitsfa tpffifa 3R:llt9ll riches.
The gods said, “O Excellent mountain, you гГсТЗШЕЯТ ^fa^WTfafal
are graceful, you possess great glory. There is R4lferfirfWR:ll ^ II
no auspicious person, comparable to you in Then Himalaya took Siva to his home,
the three worlds. various types of food was served and jubilant
HfT T^TR: Ш ¥ Ш TTfrr:I celebrations were held.
WTW: f i w ^Tficir^R: IIОII 4“T3RFsf Щ ЗППГШЧАПЧШ wrf%r?rqjl
Because, lord Siva, who is the only support ЩTRRWlWTII Г*Н
s9 C\ N *

of the noble people, the Supreme Brahman For the purpose of serving food,
Rudra SaiiihitS (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 53 649

delightfully Siva was made to accompany performed the ceremony of Caturthl-karma in

them with his kiths and kins. an appropriate manner without which the
marriage ceremony would have been
Цс(ч1ЧЩ|ЩТа Wifa:ll II
The feet of Siva, Visnu, myself (Brahma)
and other gods besides the sages were washed. «п|3тч f i R i М ч M m тати ^ n
At that point of time several types of
celebrations, shouts of appreciation, slogans
31КВНЧК4 фПгЧ1 di4dM^(*Rp*d:ll^ll of victory, the dance and the musical
Besides the feet of those people, present in performances were held.
the mandapa were also washed and they were WT fsfcn) ш Tli 4(*ifckii:i
made to sit at the appropriate places.
# T 41NI^4fdJl4d:lR^II
■§тШ^п!г§г rhkmw гпЭтТт: i
On the fifth day, all the gods delightfully,
ттедчт fawpi тати и went to Himalaya and prayed him for the
The juicy items of food were then served grant of leave.
by Himalaya to them. Then Brahma, Visnu,
d<;i«hu<S PlO^ualcn^ <jidi3iPi:i
and all others took food with Siva.
Rbiif^diPi irnsFf дттт cpfcr ш ^тг: и и
гЩГЯг 3^41% hlefVgH o d ^ ll
On hearing this, Himalaya spoke to the
Щ сП ОШ 4V«T^ гП Г ^ П II gods with folded hands, “You stay here with
Then the ladies of the city indulged in the me, for some time more.”
customary utterance of foul and abusive
#jidWlter Щ fawi«l TfTW=T|
words, while laughing, jingling and peeping at
all of them. щ^готчш татдтш учи
Thus speaking, Himalaya made, the gods,
Siva, Visnu and myself (Brahma) to keep on
TERSR 3RI^: 4fddI^f№4TjrrdT:ll U H staying there for several days.
О Narada, they took their food and water,
^ н р М д г щ т Щ З ) ЩТгГТ гГ Щ
washed the hands, rinsed the mouths, taking
leave of Himalaya, went back to their ■■ннчйтатчIдРтО?trI та: ^ttt: i r $ ii
respective places. In this way when they lived there for long,
gwft tmsfb !i then the gods sent Saptarsis to Himalaya.
T :ll^ o || rt t и*4М<У1Ч1^1Йя1 ^^ifcldHJ
О Sage, in this way, even on the third day, fVIddfcT Щ HVtofefae^t'in^ll
Giriraja, honoured all by presenting them with Talking appropriately to Mena and
gifts etc. Himalaya, they convinced them and praising
r ljji ЗПЙ I Siva, they explained the Siva-tattva to him.
cWcf fcfmzfr MjT I l f e c T Т Г .Ч 1 ? ? l l STftfKT hT?!4 drl£t*Trat g^!i
On the arrival of the fourth day, they iiu i^ i^ w j: ui*uifra;:ii^ii
650 Siva-Mahapur3nam

О Sage, with their arguments, Siva agreed enormous celebrations, accompanied with the
to proceed on the journey. Then Siva went to gods, Siva started for the journey.
Giriraja accompanied with Siva. Ш %M n ЗГ•ФЛТ w M : Щ\
zrntf ^TT4t fyiti тш тг fr r ir y ftr
w *гчт д а т а fpnfqrfawii Wishing well of Himalaya, all the gods
When Siva, the lord of the gods was about making Siva as the leader, proceeded on the
to leave, then Mena started crying aloud and journey, silently.
she spoke to the lord of compassion. йчмнд(1«П®?1Ф$ Л т : fT T :l
MdldM ■&8ТГ: Гуишччп^и
cFnftsr! In the orchard outside the city of Himalaya
хпфчтг зтт^етРт: ^rRMiTTII ? o || all the gods waited for the arrival of Siva and
Mena said, “O Compassionate one, kindly Parvati.
protect my Siva. You kindly ignore a thousand Гу|с){ПШ1 Щ !1
faults of Parvati. I^V9ll
TTgrfTt 'jHTSMtPu O Excellent sage, the journey of the
WR -Щ 1Т?ТсГ4 3W f^TTII^N marriage party of Siva has been described.
This daughter of mine' is devoted at your Now you listen to the separation as well as the
feet for many births. Except you, she does not celebration of the journey of Siva.
think of any one else while sleeping or awake.

rctfo^TT gcptq ^?rr ? ii

О Conqueror of the death, getting absorbed
in your devotion, delightfully shedding tears
from her eyes, she becomes emotional. On
hearing your denouncement, she becomes
silent as though dead.”

fl^t <ETf: TT:ii 3 3 it

Brahma said, “Thus speaking, Menaka,
dedicating her daughter to Siva, became
unconscious in his presence.
aw iftt otltuRireit trmnpsq- fair tran
а д щш ^ s r щгш^т:жрм^'х11
Thereafter advising Mena appropriately,
taking leave from her and Himalaya, holding
650 Siva-Mahapur3nam

The departure of the marriage party-
duties of a chaste wife defined

chR4W Tf4^TcfSE|| ^ П Т Е Ш Г гГТ f r f t ! l l ? |l

Brahma said, “Then the seven sages spoke

to the lord of the mountain, “Make
arrangements for the departure of your
daughter today itself.”
fin з р т Piflyil % tpti

P)fctuuil5^-4^iilwii !ii ii
О Great sage, on hearing this, Himalaya,
realising the separation of Siva from her
parents, felt painful for a long time, realising
Rudra Saiiihita (Parvati Khanda), Chapter 54 651

the separation of Parvati from them. sr tt 4Wrii ЧТТГ ч ш w m

ттгат! и
RHihcpgi fot "9%гащ^ти з 11 A chaste lady is always graceful, no other
After some time he became conscious, and woman is adored before her. She purifies all
accepting the proposal, he sent a message to the lokas and destroys all the sins.
Mena. тгай t# ЗГИГГГ w t r a f e a ! i
f f Vdr4lfffcHWHII4-rl Т Ш fy rat ^Tf?nTII ^ о II
йтт w r a r w дг#щ#щцшг11Х11
о O Siva, a damsel who serves her husband
О Sage, listening to the message of like the god, she, enjoying all the comforts in
Himalaya, Mena, who was engrossed in the this world and ultimately achieves moksa with
thought of the pleasure and the pain, got ready her husband.
to send off Parvati. 4 fN a i ъ ire ^ p fri

о v n f u ^ l W W R f l T ^ R T : -ЩЩ W ill ^11

rich<4 felted T? TRT tjdl fSjffl^rf^PJTII ЦII W T ^ Ijqfft: SrigT Т1ЧТ W g T c$cT ^1
О Sage, Mena the wife of Himalaya
observed all the formalities prescribed in the m fH s irU ^ u lc i ht -гшт: ^ т % щ щ т т |
Vedas as well as the family traditions, holding
celebrations. ч ш зщ т и ^ и
Savitrl, Lopamudra, Arundhatl, Saridilya,
fh fe rt я щ т т т а ч н ш * г ^ М Ь |
Satarapa, Anusuya, LaksmI, Svadha, Satl,
^9тгй1гаг Sanjna, Sumatl, Sraddha, Mena and Svaha, are
Girija was with the permission of the king all the chaste ladies. There are many others
decorated with gem-studded gold ornaments the names of whom have not been mentioned
and the silken garments of twelve types. for fear of making lengthy the list of their
R 4 T d d lh td ^ T T S ^ T f$ jR S lfIw )|
f^T fe it f ^ r a i '4 T f l 4lfaglc£|glrf TTR IIV a il -frsiw n RfanRTWrR^T щт: Щ: i
As per the desire of Mena, each and every W ‘Rrft RfR:ll ^11
chaste Brahmana woman, instructed Parvati in Lord Siva is compassionate to the
the duties of the chaste wife. depressed, worthy of adoration and the goal of
the good, should be served by you always.

fhfct! m at sriMynri frigidly*5: 9jfd*^fd4 dlf^dll

впхг^ «(st ч fh % rm il ^ 4 II
-уСз1Я<НИc II
The duties of the chaste lady are very vast,
The Brahmana lady said, “O Parvati, listen
which have been defined in the Vedas and
to my words, with love, which are the cause of other scriptures. There is no other vrata so
righteousness being blissful in this as well as admirable than this.
the other world. It makes the listener
comfortable. Therefore you lovingly listen to
my world. 4Tft w&n ^rf?r %%ll ^ II
652 Siva-Mahapuranam

A chaste woman would take food after her

husband has taken food. She should stand up ш18[ГЩЩ5сГШ flrrit 11Я3 II
when Siva is standing.
The material for adoration should be kept
-дт otdftt щ ц
O sS ready without being asked to do so. She
•mfe fdfcr%<T=rilfa: fw n ^>ll should wait for the time, what is to be done
She should go to sleep after her husband and what is not to be done.
does so but she has to wake up before her 4 t Ч?ЕГЩТ 4 f^TT sFferi
husband wakes up. She should always work ^ritt cTifeftl % nhlllrnndvfTMin^ll
for the welfare of her husband.
Without the permission of the husband, she
3Hd3«hd4lr4N gnfcifrbc) 11 should not proceed on pilgrimage. The
эдзМ mfer dfa^mug’icrfSidiii n cultural celebrations should not proceed from
О Siva, you should never go before Siva a distance.
without adorning yourself with ornaments. c f e f f e f t П П Т 4 T T f 4 (d m < lc ;e h Г ч ^ 1
She should not wear the ornaments when the alrM-Mriffe nfefn rf 4 w : ПЯ4 II
husband is away (or is out of town).
A woman desirous of proceeding on
Ч <ЗГ<|ЪН H%cTTI pilgrimage should sip the water with which
arnpifl ч ^r^w^rTTfenfxr the feet of her husband are washed, because
^aiP4fd ^ frat ^ и the said water represents the water of all the
tlrthas and holy spots. There is no doubt about
A chaste lady should never call the name
of her husband. She should not be angry when
the husband is annoyed and even when she is язяпгпт w n^ i
belaboured, she should express happiness n? IУfil'd «TriJeWI n fe fd nflsRTTII Я* II
saying, “O Lord, beat me, beat me more.” The chaste woman should consume the left
ЗТЩ5ТТ(jjicRptffur fT#dcfPd^4l overs of food of her husband besides the
■щзгс m sfa: t o r ш щ erlfelii я о и sweets etc. taking them to be the auspicious
prasada of the lord.
ЩЩгТТчтгг! 4 TTCTTctf felfecTmi
arfe n tn 4 ^ iv4fdi|cipM^PiRibciPgi
^ wtii я ^11
When she is called, she should at once nferunfein nff wii ^ t911
attend on him leaving aside all the jobs, and She should not take food, without serving
should come to her husband with folded the gods, Pitrs, the guests, the servants, cows
hands, offering her salutation to him. and saintly mendicants.
fetfofef W# Ilxd^ef trtTrRti ffeTfeniTT d§n fgT ^ЩЧТЩт#1
nfem n ^ r I # ьЩ гттп щ щ й 11
She should not stand at the gate for long She should be efficient in collecting the
and should not visit the house of others material for use in the house-hold. She should
(alone). She should not reveal the secrets of always be pleasing in her mind, should not
the house-hold to others. spend more than the income and should
Rudra Sarhhita (PSrvatl Khanka), Chapter 54 653

always be engaged in the service of her She should always use and should not
husband. Such a type of woman is indeed a forsake turmeric, vermilion, saffron,
goddess. collyrium, a blouse, the betel, the ornaments,
brushing and plaiting the hair, bangles and the
S R JS T T Я Я Ш ЧТ% ТГС5Г Ч * * sTCfiTII ^ II
4 TSfcRT 4 6p99RTr Ш 9РТЩЗГГ 4 Wl
4 4| с| ч 4 ТЧЧТЩ i f ^ V l l
*T щ ^ ftr Ф з щ STRZRsRf^ll 3 ^ II
ЗЛ^Аъс|Гч ЗП% 3 # 4l«|4^ffiK(Vdll ^ ОII
A chaste woman will never associate
A chaste women should not perform any
vrata, fasting etc. without the permission of herself intimately with washer woman, a
her husband, because if she does not do so, harlot, female ascetic and a fallen woman.
she cannot earn the auspicious reward and she Tfafesfanff 4Rf Ч -ЩWSSKcFfsKfl
falls in the hell after her death. While the щ г а гг uu
husband is engaged sportively or is
comfortably seated, she should not disturb She should never talk to a woman, who is
him or ask him to get up for attending some inimical to her husband. She should never
house-hold work. remain alone, nor should she take bath naked.
3?Tt®T m 5ТЩ8Т CTT arfiR T гП Я1сТТ§<Й 4 ЩТЯГ ч ъ ф я ^nftri
f f e R T |: % < T ctrftr d f a t c h 4 ? *11
ч ч wr ^ шдч sFf%Fru3411
Irrespective of the husband being A chaste lady shall never sleep over a
impatient, distressed, sick or senile, happy or mortar, thrashing rod, a broom, a grinding
unhappy, the husband should never be stone, near the door, a machine or a threshold.
transgressed. f^FTT °4ch<y*t«hh ebfeldj
font ъ w s f ^cr i ss sr JiMcinl ^ ^ ii
^сп«га ткттт yt&iftni з?ч Except at the time of sexual intercourse,
When a woman is in period, she should not she should not display her strength or
show her face to anyone for three nights and initiative. She will like what her husband is
should not shout till she is purified after her interested in.
bath. 1ST famuli Wlf^uunptl f i t fasti
■рпят 4 efifeTI 4fflsffil E1T 4fd^f4U|llU0||
» imqRr ЩШ trfl Щ ^ II A chaste lady shall be happy when her
After taking her bath, she should first of all husband is happy and shall be sorry, when her
have a look at her husband alone or otherwise, husband is sorry.
she should look at the sun, thinking about her
TTcKWTT 'USdtaur ЪЩЩ XT Ъщ щ гП
WrrtH: eBTftr 4 fS^N n frtlT tlU ^ II
The chaste lady who remains equanimous
f y in M h i^i^tm fccb sii 3*11 in the time of pleasure and pain. Her mind
should remain unblemished and she should
Ч%ЯТН ? ч II keep patience always.
654 6iva-Mahapuranam

тГТГ^ЩгГП riidcra^: 4^:1

■щfro Ш т го ти к и
When ghee, oil, salt and other articles are Finding the husband coming from outside,
exhausted in the house-hold, the chaste lady she should please her husband with food,
should not trouble her husband informing that water, betel, costumes, pressing of feet, sweet
the things have exhausted. talk, wiping out the sweat, and other noble
Ш З т 1 # Г&|(ч 4id№ teM m : I actions. A woman who pleases her husband
thus, she earns the merit of pleasing all the
qfdsTdTitl ^ T ! Wrfr: ЗГИ^И three worlds.
О Celestial goddess, for a chaste lady, her
M ftc t W T f a t ^ r f :l
husband is for better than even Brahma, Visnu
and Siva. But you have Siva as your husband. arfroro f? ^rart ч ^ гн з ш ч о и

Sdlw uft’irt # n p f * r mssrrfcri The father, brother and the son, bring up or
feed the daughter, sister or mother
зтщщ ^ respectively for sometime, while the husband
The lady who disregarding the desire of has to maintain her wife forever, therefore,
her husband performs vratas, fasting etc. she she should adore him always.
actually reduces the life of her husband, and
тряМ «пШдш^г rTI
falls in the hell after her death.
ШШгЫ ФхЧЩ УЧтйсН!Ц ^11
Згнт wffTT ззтап ттт1 эйчаотт
For a woman, the husband is a god, besides
ЩТ ЩТГ #11*4» being the preceptor, Dharmatlrthas and vrata.
A woman who gets enraged at the words of Therefore a woman leaving everything, should
her husband, and gives reply in return, she is adore her husband.
reborn as a bitch in the village or a she-jackal
in the lonely forest.
ззгай wzfo гот 4?H
An evil minded woman, who leaving her
ч щ cbWtcucHiifq «фагд # r husband, unites herself with others, she
A chaste lady should not be seated over the becomes an owl in the next birth living in the
high pedestal of husband. She should not keep cavity of a tree.
company of the wicked people. She should not
talk to her husband in panic. яЫ&ЩТ <54# ?ч4$1Ч>П
ЗТЧсГЩЦ g ^<urch<rt^ l <*dl^4fd TITO t Ь г о # 5 ГО #^114^11
w n t itfM ^ #31П*\эп A woman, who, after having been beaten
She should not denounce her husband. She by her husband, tries to beat back, she in her
should not quarrel. She should not shout in the next birth becomes a tigress or a cat. A
presence of the preceptors nor should she woman who looks at other persons with side
laugh before them. glance, she becomes squint eyed.
i# eft i j r o f 4*»
Rudra SamhitS (Pfirvatl Khanka), Chapter 54 655

A woman who in the absence of her hfasivnwpJTt *5г m

husband, consumes the sweets alone, she is
reborn as a she-pig in the village consuming
the refuse. Wherever the feet of the chaste woman fall
on earth, the land gets purified and the sins are
■щд а * ш wm washed out,
*T * 4 ^ Ш 3 ЧГ: 3*:11ЦЦП
fa j: hfojim -w?f *T44Rftri
A woman who talks to her husband with
disrespect, she becomes dumb in her next Tfort w ife*** ч ге щ п ^ к
birth. The one who becomes jealous of the co­ ЗП Ч :
wife of her husband, she is always reborn as Ш Tf sHTdfn=raWI4lci4T :ll^^ ll
an unfortunate woman.
There is no doubt that the all-pervading
lord, the Sun, the moon, and even the wind,
*пщ т * *T f* f ^ q r f i r * ч п * й н ч $ it remain desirous of touching the body of a
A woman, who escaping the eye of chaste woman in order to purify themselves.
husband looks greedily at other person, she The one who purifies others also feels that he
becomes one-eyed, and ugly. has been purified today.
41*^41 *err ^тщ^тИтт *1*1 fot *T*f *?Г ТрЭТ* *1

Я#ЧТ <WT W llh^ll ш*г «гёч>?»|с||й -tmtf

As the dead body becomes inauspicious The wife is the base of the household,
after sometime, similarly a woman without a besides that of the comforts. With the co­
husband cannot be purified even after the operation of the wife dharma is achieved and
bath. there is the increase in the progeny.
^TT 9-9T '5R4t cileb IT У-У1 \JHcb; Гчпп ^ 4 4i*f wvnwmf*m:i
«RT: Л * *%£** ^ ufojTdm4 6 И 4t дай u te n s il
Graceful are the mothers and the fathers in One finds women with exquisite beauty
the world in which there is a chaste lady and comely nature, in almost every house, but
living. a chaste woman can be had by the grace of
Siva alone.
*Tf*?*r: i
HtcFt ЗЙ*Й *г£*Т
дтнГС w f T ta f a 'prill ЧЯИ
Because of the merits of the chaste woman,
the manes of the father, the mother and the The present and the future could be
husband’s races upto three generations enjoy overcome by means of the wife alone. The
all the pleasures in the heaven. auspicious deeds concerning the gods, manes,
guests, cannot be performed without a wife.
§<5tii: * kT4**i
TJZW: *• f | f*$*f *T* vf^ydll
ч^Г^гчшГсг 5:ferar:ii 5 оn
ТЩП*Т *П*Т **TII^V9ll
The wicked women, by their evil ways,
make three generations of their parents and He is the householder in reality in which
husband to suffer for long. there is a chaste lady. The other people are
656 Siva-Mahapuraijam

overpowered by the women, like an old T ^ r s f h ^r r t f ^ t w # т п Л p rq ;i

demoness. RRT ХПТ# Щ\ ЗтПТТ ^TT
*гат iiffW'TTeH w tt т а i The woman who witnesses her own
RfdsTflt 4%tTIIЪ6\\ husband even in dream, and never looks at the
As the body is purified by having a bath in other’s husbands, she is treated as the best of
the Ganga, similarly the chaste woman, the chaste ladies.
purifies everyone whosoever has a look at her. Ш T lf ^ T l
4 *TfST гГОТ Щ 4Tft hPk(cldll ■RSJTIT W % ^ R T T $ 3 $ t RfffsRTTII^ЭЦII
<5-ц|Г?МУчЧ : II $ ^ II О Parvatl, the one who because of her
On the other hand a woman who has a god noble wisdom looks at other men like her
as her husband, both the husband and wife are father, brother or the son, she is called
treated to be like Siva and Siva. Therefore middling type of the chaste woman.
both of them should be adored. «13ЩТ 4FTOT o t t f e n t 41
Ш: xrfw: ЗГОТТТТ V ^ rTCll Л п "Щ1 ? Tt Ы й! IIV9SII
ibH thfd: 'Hfbhin W <ff 2[WRTl f?T%!ll О Parvatl, the woman with noble character,
О Paravtl, such a husband is the form of who possessing the knowledge of her dharma
omkdra. The wife is Sruti, the husband is the does not fall in evil way, she is known as the
penance the woman is Ksama (forgiveness); chaste woman of the degraded type.
the husband is the reward, while the woman is тщ: fprw g mnsafoent ч\
the noble action, therefore both the husband
and the wife are graceful. ч%гТГ5Етт тгт % Л тт ^ ri^ :u t9 t9 ii
A woman who does not involve herself in
U crcqf^tfW Tf cjfurdtrt f h f l ^ ! I
adultery, because of the fear of her race, she is
^ ЧИЭДПНШга Till ts 5?ll called degraded one by the ancient acdryas.
О Parvatl, in this way I have narrated the
гЩЙШ Л %%! 4fdsidl:l
dharma of a chaste woman. Now you listen
from me their divisions and classifications. W TT: ffhrtT ;IIta^ii

гщйеггеп: Л и О Siva, thus these four types of chaste

women, remove all the sins and purify all the
STWTfefM tf o w t a t TP^ rReRT :nva?n
people in this as well as the future world.
О Goddess, the chaste woman are of four
types, the mention of whom is always remover
of the sins. f? ^ ^ur^Tlhd:llvs<?||
ЗтГОТ 4S4R! 1чфё(^[НфЦ><*11 With the influence of the chaste woman,
the wife of the sage Atri, at the prayer of the
гТШТ s jijliv a ^ li
three gods brought back to life a Brahmana,
There are the best, the middle ones, the who was killed because of the curse of
inferior and the very inferior. The Varaha.
characteristics of each one of them is being
explained by me and you listen to me Pcf ^ггят f?!% ЛфПтМдЧЧ;1
Rudra Saihhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 55 657

О Siva, О Girija, leaning about all this, you

should always serve your husband, who
fulfills all the desires.
щ faicr:
wromt <craf^T ■qf^tnn c
You are the mother of the universe, besides
being the great goddess. You are the wife of
Siva. By remembering you the women
become chaste.

tMlftr i f e t 'ShtJI'dlTd:
О Parvatl, О Gentle lady, for you, the
words spoken are of no avail. Still I have
spoken out these words following the worldly
Зкдэтзт fgn w rcft шптщ hpti

Brahma said, “Thus speaking the

Brahmana lady, stopped, bowing to her in
reverence. On the other hand Parvatl- the
beloved of Siva was very much pleased.”

Rudra Saihhita (Parvatl Khanka), Chapter 55 657

ftsrrfoafw Ъ W t e r Uncivil! «WcT 7TTI

cRcft Й?Йч£н^НГ111 * II
Accepting the command of the Brahmana
woman, she was overpowered with the
affection of her daughter getting upset at the
same time, with the separation of Kali, she
some how composed herself and called her.

ттг4 я (ч '$ 4 lc M : II311

Embracing her, she cried aloud, Parvatl too
speaking humble words started weeping.
f^rar rn fa T R ^sW r ^ rn f^ fT i
rfim i
Overpowered with the grief of separation
both the mother and the daughter fainted.
With the cries of Parvatl, the wives of the
gods too were fainted.
T i4 4 ({ fk 4 d 4 4 J
W vtisTTpWt "ПЩ^ГЗ^Т: Щ: W:ll4ll
All the woman fainted while crying. What
to speak of others even Yogesvara Siva also
started crying.
tf)9W *HII4 f | 4 ] ^ : l

iT Ш : чЪи*н
In the meantime Himalaya also reached
there with his sons, courtiers, Brahmanas and
the relatives.
Siva returns to Kailasa Si у р ц ftS T ^ f : i i ^ l l
Pressing the daughter against his chest,
while crying, he said, “Where are you going?”
ЗТ8ГW c(o0 rftfl Thus speaking he kept on crying again and
зттга тгчтщч^т Ш 1 ч щ дптгтм *11 again.
After thus instructing the goddess Parvatl <r : gfr%rt MiHmufgsm ъ т \
in the conducting of a chaste lady, the ydhiafowum фШ jTH«W<:H6U
Brahmana woman, while taking leave of Mena
Then the Brahmanas, together with the
told her to make preparations for the journey learned priest, delivering discourse on
of Parvatl. dtmavidya appropriately advised everyone.
658 Siva-Mahapur3ijam

ятет 4i<fdl ягет1 f re rr я^эт r■Оe r e f t r r e £ r e f t r e m i

тдогат чсгощ . rel<\i!4§4g: ii я и reftrelw^iire reft gfthi
With utmost devotion, Parvati, bowed in O Sage, Parvati offered her salutation to
reverence to her parents, following the her mother, her father, the preceptors, the
worldly tradition, Mahamaya- Parvati, again Brahmanas, the priests, the sisters and other
started crying aloud. woman, and then departed from the house of
Ш^ГТ ТГЩ: reefed : I Himalaya.
freer reft r e ятгест WTWTII ||
At the cries of Parvati, all the woman, УТНШ rrreftr « : rftfftresgn ^ II
sisters and brothers, also started crying. Having been overpowered with affection,
тр: дя: f a ire r reftteresr ftTfftd: i Himalaya accompanied with his sons, went to
the place where Siva was seated with the gods.
w ftf геак: ftiUTT ^11
rftcmsftftfftt я#ге1дт:гея|
Then the mother of Siva, sisters, brother,
father started crying out of affection. jrqreftgrft ягеге rrftire^ftsfayHftrei Я6II
rer fm: гепгет All of them then started celebrating the
occasion. All of them offered their salutation
w i fftft^rercprfaraT: тр^щтяп яч и with devotion to lord Siva, and then returned
At that point of time, the Brahmana arrived to Kailasa, the abode of Siva, praising him.
there and apprised them of the auspicious time
snfftreR t re re re fft f r e t re rrfft # s ? i
for the departure on journey, cautioning them
at the same time. r e ta r e щ ftftfftr! w r f s r a r ЧЯ» ii

reft fftre re ft ftя t fgren ftft f^ c firf:i

Then Siva spoke to Parvati, “I am going to
remind you although, you are well aware of
{уТЙеБГЩЯЯТЧШ ividlilguild^ll ЯЪII your previous birth. In case you remember it,
Then Mena and Himalaya some how then you should speak out the same. In my
composed themselves and got the palanquin divine sports, you have always been my
for the seating of Parvati. beloved.”
fflqmifrgdTqigw d fayin g - req;i
anfwf self: reft: fare гет %тшти •$fUTcbu4 Я15ПСТ TJisfcftl
The wives of the Brahmanas, made Slta to yi$< w fre u f r e t r e re ftii ? o i i
be seated in the palanquin. At that point of
Brahma said, “On hearing the words of
time, the parents and the Brahmanas, blessed
Siva, Parvati, the beloved of Siva, then spoke
ЧНЦеЦЯ^ Wftftft ^4,11 34 11
r e f re m fft renter rfftftgre я% % r e
The chief queen Mena and Himalaya
presented to Parvati, such of the articles and rerefttfrerer^T rerft яягзте ftn ? 311
ornaments, which were beyond the reach of Parvati said, “O Lord, I am silently
the ordinary people. remembering everything. But presently you
Rudra Sarhhita (PSrvat? Khanka), Chapter 55 659

perform all the essential duties today. I bow in I blessed Siva, embracing him at the same
reverence to you.” time and he in turn eulogised me as the
Supreme Brahman.
гРТРРЯГ W faraj: Ulslfrt: f?ra4^Tl
я Ш ш ? P Т З Т ё П Т Т Г Ц Ц ? ^ II
HlRbcbwi<HW:ii я ? и
Brahma said, “Thus listening to the nectar Then both myself and Visnu, bowed in
like words of Parvatl, engaged in the worldly reverence to both Siva and Siva, and with their
traditions, Siva was extremely pleased. permission, praising the marriage returned to
our abodes.
f^ : 4RT9^RWTI
fNtsfa ^crfrrft rtWt Tpfrtrr
W : Ш
о ЁГ yiMidW
-a ^ о II
Making all the materials ready, Siva made
several types of eatables and served them to Siva too together with Parvatl, engaged
Narayana and others for eating. themselves in the divine sports, in the
mountains delightfully. The ganas of Siva too
■wfacU^qpidW.J were happy, who adored the married couple.
! f H W : ^T#tf:l
Those who had joined his marriage and the
others, were served by Siva the delicious ?l)eb4l ?4*НеЬЧ1^ЬЧ1 (ЦЧс|.|Ч:11^ | |
articles of food, quite lovingly. О Dear one, I have thus narrated the
auspicious story of the marriage of Siva,
rftft tjcWI ^ нмк<и[чч1чш:1
which removes all the grief, bestows
щу1сьт: трплт : ?Чи happiness and increases the life, and riches.
All the gods with their spouses, getting
tl ^4 sfJjqiRlcd yifdWstf4R4:l
adorned with all the gem-studded ornaments,
bowed in reverence to Siva. %||c|4|gj*J Р|ЧН|1ч9с1Н1«ЬЧс(|Ч<41^|| ^ ^ II

шдщ crfrqftgifa: чГоыч Ч^ТЙ<Р:1 A person, who purifying himself and with
a devoted mind will listen to this story, or
MVWt?) fac|l&*i ТЗШШЙГ dd^d:IR^II regularly recites the same to others, he surely
He eulogised him with the best of the achieves Sivaloka.
stotras. Then circumambulating him, praising
the marriage ceremony, they went back to tT^vTBRPI
their respective abodes. 4t4o£nfsifgRivR4ii з 3 n
qmqui O
TTf щ яимгч f?ra: ^ m i *N
This story is quite surprising, it bestows
welfare, besides removing all the obstructions
mi <syqr 4.11зш» and ailments.-
O Sage, Siva, then according to the worldly
tradition, bowed in reverence to me (Brahma) Щ ГЩ ^ T ^ q iqОy j sqmftpfcM
Щ Ч1
and Visnu as lord Visnu had offered his v4chmy< w h ^ ii
salutation to the sage Kasyapa. It bestows the glory, long life, sons and
4aiP4btnf? i4 ^ i %сгег f r a : i grandsons, fulfills all the desires, grants
ЩТ ct Tt w ^ ^ + dta4lll я СII comforts as well as moksa.
660 Siva-Mahapuranam

зтгщшдтт v^iynPflch'i ^wti *jnpr&i ^i% 4 ^ i fw r i

^ци ftngsiftf ^cbFrif&i w v # r : и q 6 II
It removes the danger of untimely death, is Getting purified, the story of Siva- Siva
the cause of immense peace, is auspicious and should be heard, because by listening to the
the remover of all the sufferings. same, all the desires of a person are fulfilled.
fVItjW^d ^ ufejsi № : i There is no doubt about it.
s9 О

tft?^%4^4ebKU|4||qi=|| f&farrari witeanri q-aft

In all the functions relating to the adoration ant
of Siva, the person desirous of his welfare, Г: II ц Ч ll
should recite the same making all the efforts, Here ends the third Parvatl Khanda of
because it pleases Siva. second Rudra Samhita of Siva
<T^ciic'Hi fg?m :i Mahapurana.
'««S'cbriw зтт^г ^ ^jft%d:iiqv9ii
Especially at the time of the consecration
of the gods or at the time of the start of all the
functions relating to Siva, recitation of this
story should be made.

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