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Panopio, Justine Chile M.

1AR10 THY 2

My dad graduated early than my mom. Because of his height instead of being a nursery student,
the elementary teacher shifted him to grade 1 despite of his age. They met when my dad got his
first job as a instructor in a computer college in Manila. However, my mom was not able to
graduate on time because their parents couldn’t afford to send their 8 children to school. So, she
had to work as a sales clerk at the age of 19. By that time, she was dedicated to earn money so
that she can send herself to a 2 year computer program. She wanted to go to school so bad that’s
why she became a working student. My dad became my mom’s teacher. By the way, they were at
the same age. I guess my dad fell in love with my mom because she was really pretty and family-
oriented. My dad was a computer master ( this is what I call him) and was really kind. I consider
him ‘galante’ at some point. But he does ask for money to anyone and works hard to earn it.
After 4 years of being together, they had me before they were married. My mom was decided
that my dad is the person whom she’s going to spend her life with.

I remember when I was 6 yrs old, I saw my parents fighting. I just stared at them and ran away.
My brother wasn’t conceived yet and I was the only child. I was really scared because it was the
first time I saw my mom crying and my dad was really angry. There were broken things around
the living room and my favorite chair was destroyed. I locked myself in the restroom for a few
minutes and cried. The looked for me then forcefully opened the door. They hugged me and
comforted me. I guess I was the reason why they made up. It’s true that the child can bring the
parents back together.

Our family is a typical average filipino family. My dad was only a minimum a
wage earner so we have to be mindful on what we spend on. My mom is a housewife because
she had to leave her job to take care of me. We lived in a small apartment with few appliances
and furniture. We do not have assets such as house, car, jewelry etc. and since my dad’s salary
was low, we do not have savings. My dad has to look for job up until he found a stable job. His
office was very far but he had to endure his tiredness due to walking and commuting.
Sometimes, he can’t eat to fast food chains because he wanted to save his allowance so that I
won’t ran out formula milk. Even though he doesn’t have money, he would still buy me
expensive toys because I cry when I don’t get what I want. I guess the passion and friendship is
what kept my parents’ relationship strong. They always had each other’s back.

I will never get tired of sharing this story to my friends. I wanted a love story like theirs.
Someday, I want to meet the person who is like my dad. Someone who can sacrifice everything
for family. I learned that love is gradual and a promise of forever. My parents never separated
and I also want to have what they have. They always shower me with love and tells me I can be
what I want to be. My parents spoil me with special things that is a little over the price. Despite
that, they don’t mind because they see that I work very hard in my studies but the truth is, all of
my this sacrifice is for them.

Here is my short prayer dedicated to our family.

Lord, giver of life, you showered me with wisdom, love, gave me the beautiful gift of family. I’m
grateful of your blessings and we raise our highest praise only to you. We humbly ask for your
guidance to keep our home safe and sound. Lord, cast away all the darkness and give us the
grace to overcome our problems. Help us to forgive and lead us on the right path. Protect us so
that no illness will come our way. In jesus name, Amen.

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