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Behaviour questions

Intro: Please use simple English and avoid use of unnecessary Jargons.

1. Tell me about a time when you solved a complex problem with a simple

There was a customer whose account was locked and he was very angry and wanted me
to unlock the account. I initiated the conversation with an apology and let the
customer lash his anger out. And then I empathized with him and made him understand
that we have to follow a process. And I escalated the case and asked for supporting
documents after consulting that from my team lead.

2. Describe a time when you have to manage a conflict.

There was no such conflict that happened with the stakeholders. Most conflict
happened between the colleagues, team lead or QA team.

There was an incident where I faced a technical issue due to which there were
multiple chat disconnects and actions were taken on me for chat avoidance. However,
by the time I had faced this issue I informed my team leader along with the
screenshots for the same. Me and my supervisor coordinated and he was supportive.
As the actions were taken by the higher management and later on it got rectified.

3. Give me an example of a time when you received criticism and how you
reacted to it.

When I started working with Joylamp and Co, within a month looking at my tenure and
my performance I was given an opportunity to be an SME and the team did not take it
well as they have been working the company for a longer duration. They started
criticizing me about the same and so rather than telling or complaining the manager
I started helping the team out with their performances and groomed them and earned
their trust that I was suitable for the responsibility.

4. Tell me about a skill that you have recently learned and why did you
learn it?

I am currently learning Excel and GSheet, I feel its extremally important to learn
the reporting skills for future growthBehaviour .

*Some more behaviour question*

A. Did you ever have any conflict with your Manager or QA or Colleague?

B. Did you ever have any issues with the Client and how did you handle it?

Ans: i had an issue with a client which i can remember is that client was angry at
my coworker related to account being blocked which was then transferred to me i
took customer's frustration seriously, but not personally. Remain calm and actively
listen to what was customer saying. I thanked him for communicating it, and assured
him to get back to with a fast solution. Customer was satisfied.

C. Have you ever handled Criticism in your Previous Company? By boss

Ans: Criticism is beneficial. If you’re doing something wrong, it will point you in
the right way. My boss used to criticize alot about my way of handling things,
emotional touch, friendly nature etc and i never interpret it in the wrong way. But
i needed a lot of feedback in my early career, which was safe to accept criticism
and gain from it to be professional at that point.
D. Why do you wish to join revolut?

Ans: I want to work at Revolut because I am passionate about financial inclusion.

Your company has made international money transfers more accessible than ever
before, which is especially important in developing countries like India where many
people don’t have access and understand traditional banking services. I think this
technology could help so many people around the world.

E. How do you manage your daily tasks and work?

Ans: I follow a routine and everyday i make a check list for that day's work and
also check if i have completed other work or not. I do not like pending work it is
like a burden for me.

F. Can you tell us about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you
overcame it?

Ans: In my most recent role, a former coworker left her job unexpectedly. During
this time, she was the team leader on an important new project. When she left, my
manager asked me to take it over.
While I had never performed her job duties in the past, I had previous leadership
experience. Using my leadership and problem-solving skills, I pushed the project
forward, encouraged the rest of the team and completed her responsibilities as well
as mine. We were able to complete this project successfully and on deadline."

G. How do you prioritize and manage your workload when faced with multiple
Ans: I will solve this with time management and worload distribution and team
effort. Prioritize the most important task at first and with full efficiency
complete in the first round, they allocate different work effectively to complete
before deadline.

H. Can you give an example of how you have improved a process or system in a
previous role?

Ans: I can definitely think of an example when i trained my coworkers anf improved
the outcome of the process. So i used to on call after office hours talk with my
coworkers understand their issue and help them to gain knowledge about the process.

I. What skills make you a perfect match for this position?

Ans: My work history and experience itself says that i wanted to be a part of fin
tech company from the beginning. I am dedicated and inclined towards Revolut. My
work ethics and smart work makes me a catch for the company.

J. Tell me about the time when you solved a complex problem with a simple solution.

K. Tell me about a skill that you recently learned and why?

Ans: I have developed interpersonal skill and customer service skills such as
active listening, teamwork, time management and communication. The reason is that
such skills will be beneficial for me in career specially revolut.

L. What will you do if assigned with a challenging complex project which has a
deadline which seems to be unrealistic to meet and you don't understand part of the

Ans: I am an honest employee so if i realise that deadline is unrealistic then i

will ask to extend it. And I will never hesitate to understand the part which I
don't know. I will surely repeatedly ask the questions untill I understand the
problem. To the senior or teammate whomsoever.

M. Could you tell me what motivates you at work?

Ans: My motivation at work is achieving targets before deadline. That satisfaction

of achievement is my motivation also when i see my seniors do the same it motivates

N. How will you manage if your working pattern does not match your manager’s way of

Ans: I am very adaptive in that sense, but if something comes in between i will
talk to the manager about the pattern and may be we could modify it a bit.

O. Let's say while dealing with a case you find a quicker and more efficient
solution, however, current procedure does not include this way of handling, what
would you do in such situations?

Ans: Well if that happens that's a victory for the team. In such situation i will
coordinate with my team and manager about my efficiencient time saving way and will
make them agree to follow this way of handling for the benefit of us.

5. What is KYC and why is it important?

KYC is Know your customer. It is a process to verify any individual identity.

The Information that we collect are:
Government issues identification documents
In some cases we ask for occupation and transaction history. KYC is important to
avoid any financial crime like Money Laundering and terrorist financing and to
verify the potential risk associated with doing business with them.

6. What is the difference between tax evasion and avoidance?

Tax evasion is an illegal process to avoid paying taxes by not reporting or under-
reporting of the business profits or gain.

Tax Avoidance is a legal activity in which we take help from CA and tax consultants
who help us with strategic investment which help us reduce the tax to be paid.

Ex: Corporate moving to a country with a low tax rate.

7. Can you explain Money Laundering?

Money Laundering is a process of converting the illegal funds to legitimate funds.

8. Can you help me with the steps of Money Laundering?

There are 3 stages of Money Laundering:

1. Placement: In this step illegal funds are introduced in the financial

institution. For example smuggling bulk cash, investment in real estate, purchase
of luxury goods.
2. Layering: This step involves multiple transactions to hide the original source
of the funds. For example multiple transactions in different bank accounts and
different countries.

3. Integration: This is the final stage of converting the illegal fund into a
legitimate fund where the illegal fund is reintroduced in the economy as a
legitimate fund. For example use of front companies, purchase of real estate in
cash and sale it to show a legitimate transaction.

9. Can you explain what are predicate offences in money laundering?

Predicate financial crime like frauds, insider trading, terrorist funding,


10. Who are peps and their type?

Political Exposed Person are individual who are a government, politics or

international organizations and also family members and close associate of PEPs.
They are prone to corruption and bribery. Types of PEPs.

1. International
2. Domestic
3. Family members of PEPs
4. Close Associate of PEPs

11. What are the risks associated while onboarding a PEP

They are more prone to bribery, corruption and other frauds. Because of their easy
access to funds, public influence, power and resources. They can easily be involved
in money laundering. and terrorist activities.

12. I will give you a list, sort in order basis risk - sanction, pep,
terrorism and adverse media

Adverse Media

13. What are sanctions and types?

Sanctions are the restrictions imposed by the government, international

organisation, regional organization, financial institution, NGOs to maintain
economic balance and peace.
5 types of sanctions:
1. Political
2. Economic
3. Diplomatic
4. Military
5. Targeted

14. Why do you think these sanctions are imposed?

To avoid terrorism, illegal weapon trade, drug trafficking, human rights abuse,
cyber attacking.

15. What will happen when any bank institution does business with a
sanctioned entity?
They have to suffer heavy penalties, high risk of getting sanctioned which could
result in ban of import and export, business expansion, economic exchange, pose in
customer base.

16. Who is a money mule and what are the types of money mule?

Money mule are individual who participate in transferring illegal funds into legal
funds for third party in return of commission.
Complicit are those who are aware of being a part of illegal transaction.
Non complicit are those who are not aware of being part of illegal transaction.

17. What is the source of Wealth and Source of Fund?

SOW refers to the origin of an individuals worth and net worth.

EX: Royalty, gifts, inheritance
SOF refers to the origin of any particular transaction.
EX: bank loans, employment income, sale of asset

18. Red Flags in Money Laundering?

the red flags for ML are:

1. Suspicious Behavior
2. Unusual transaction
3. Unusual Source of Fund
4. Complex Ownership Structure
5. high risk customers

Red Flags in Terrorist Financing?

The red flags in TF are:
1. Unusual transaction
2. Suspicious Behavior
3. Unusual Source of Fund
4. Non Transparent Transaction
5. Suspicious Geographic Factor

Red Flags in KYC CDD?

1. Collect customer Data
2. Verify Customer Identity
3. Access risk
4. Ongoing monitoring and follow ups
5. Documentation for compliance purpose

19. What are predictable and unpredictable offences?

Predicted offence are those which frequently happens and can be predicted. Like ML
and TF
Unpredictable offences are those that does not happens frequently and can not be
predicted. Like Cyber attacking and crypto currency frauds

20. Can you tell me how your normal day in office is like in your current

So first I login and go through with the game plan which I prepare for the day. And
finish my pending task. And then I focus on completing my targets and supporting
the team.

21. What are your targets here in terms of productivity and quality?
Productivity targets assigned to us are 80 cases and Quality is nothing less than

22. What was your quality for the last 6 months?

It is 95% I have been consistent with the targets assigned to me.

23. How much incentive are you getting to base your quality?

The incentive structure is 20% of the CTC that we have.

24. Why do you want to leave?

I am seeking a switch for skill enhancement and growth opportunities.

25. Do you have any questions?

Please tell me your experience with Revolut till now.

Also I would like to know more about the minimum criteria to apply for the next

26. How to manage conflicts?

Here are some tips for managing conflicts in a professional environment:

Identify the root cause of the conflict: To resolve a conflict, you must first
understand its underlying cause. Is it a misunderstanding? Personality clash?
Difference in opinion? Understanding the root cause will help you find the right

Listen actively: Listening is an essential skill when it comes to conflict

management. Hear out both parties involved and try to understand their perspective.
Show empathy and acknowledge their feelings.

Communicate clearly and calmly: Communication is key to resolving any conflict.

Make sure to communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly and calmly. Avoid
blaming and name-calling, and instead focus on finding a solution.

Collaborate on a solution: Work with both parties to find a solution that works for
everyone. Brainstorm ideas and come up with a plan that addresses the root cause of
the conflict.

Follow-up: Once a solution has been reached, it’s important to follow up to ensure
that it’s being implemented effectively. Check-in with both parties to make sure
that they’re satisfied with the outcome.

Learn from the conflict: Use the conflict as an opportunity to learn and improve.
Identify what could have been done differently and how to prevent similar conflicts
from arising in the future.

Remember, conflict is a natural part of any workplace, but by managing it

effectively, you can turn it into an opportunity for growth and improvement.

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