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Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

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Investigation of electrochemical performance of MgNiO2 prepared by sol-gel T

synthesis route for aqueous-based supercapacitor application
S. Maitraa, R. Mitraa,b, T.K. Natha,c,∗
School of Nano-Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W.B, India
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W.B, India
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W.B, India


Keywords: In this work, we have successfully synthesized MgNiO2 using a sol-gel wet chemical synthesis technique named
Sol-gel MNO - 3. Electrochemical measurements in the presence of aqueous 1 M Li2SO4 electrolyte indicate that MNO - 3
Aqueous electrolyte samples exhibit a capacitance value of about 30 F/g and an energy density of about 20 Wh/kg. Subsequently, in
Supercapacitor the experiment involving aqueous 0.5 M Na2SO4 electrolyte system, it has been found that the capacitance for
MNO - 3 sample is about 34 F/g and the energy density is about 23 Wh/kg for MNO - 3 sample. Finally, in the
Energy density
presence of aqueous-based 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 electrolyte, MNO - 3 sample is found to exhibit a capacitance of about
26 F/g and an energy density of about 17 Wh/kg, respectively. In all three electrolyte systems, the MNO -3
sample exhibit a long cycle capacitance retention of greater than 85% for 1000 charge-discharge cycles.

1. Introduction drawbacks include less earth abundance, high material cost, less volu-
metric capacity, formation of dendritic morphology which results in
The modern-day world is driven by new-age technology. The shorting of anode and cathode, formation of solid electrolyte interphase
driving force behind this new technology revolution of the twenty-first (SEI) layer near the anode surface, use of organic-based electrolytes
century is our ability to generate, store, and utilize energy resources. (requiring expensive glove box set-up), the inability to use pure lithium
Renewable sources like solar, hydrothermal, wind, etc. are being in- metal as an anode due to safety concerns, etc. among other factors
creasingly looked upon as a suitable alternative to fossil fuels like coal, [4–6]. While there was a concerted effort to address some of these
petroleum, and other forms of hydrocarbon. This new focus on re- difficulties associated with LIBs using different electrode, electrolyte
newable energy sources is being pursued as a means of sustainable combinations [7–9], beginning of work on similar rechargeable battery
development, protecting the interest of future generations as well as a systems such as Sodium-ion batteries (SIB) [10,11], Magnesium ion
pollution-free green energy harvesting option to preserve the environ- batteries (MIB) [12–14], Aluminum ion batteries (AIB) [15–19], etc., it
ment [1–3]. has been possible to address some of these difficulties. However, since
Since the introduction of commercial Lithium-ion batteries in the they work on similar ionic intercalation based charge storage me-
early 90s, scientists and engineers from academia and industries have chanisms like LIBs, they also suffer from similar drawbacks like slow
invested a considerable amount of money and manpower in improving charge-discharge processes, low cycle lifetime, etc. among others. In
the efficiency of lithium-ion batteries using different combinations of this context, research on supercapacitor devices gained momentum,
cathode, anode and electrolyte combination. One of the techniques of which is based on a radically different charge storage mechanism to
achieving high-performance battery characteristics that have gained overcome the drawbacks of LIBs.
widespread attention is the use of nanostructured materials having Supercapacitors are a major class of energy storage devices where
large surface areas compared to their bulk counterparts. It is used as energy is stored as a mechanism of charge storage between two elec-
cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. While the research towards trodes of a capacitor device, separated by an electrolyte medium. In
the improvement of the performance of lithium-ion battery (LIB) by other words, it works as an electrochemical capacitor device and holds
using different materials gained momentum in the last two decades, it some advantages over a traditional lithium-ion battery in terms of
also became clear that the lithium-based energy storage system suffered performance. These advantages include fast charging-discharging,
from certain drawbacks, which were difficult to overcome. These longer cycle lifetime (sometimes up to 105), high power density, use of

Corresponding author. School of Nano-Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W.B, India.
E-mail address: (T.K. Nath).
Received 16 November 2019; Received in revised form 31 January 2020; Accepted 19 February 2020
Available online 21 February 2020
1567-1739/ © 2020 Korean Physical Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

aqueous-based electrolytes, use of cheaper materials like metal oxides In this work, our primary objective is to develop Magnesium Nickel
and carbon-based materials and finally, it possesses an electro- Oxide (MgNiO2) compound using a sol-gel synthesis route. Three
chemically fully reversible charging process. There are two broad ca- electrode-based electrochemical measurements performed in 1 M
tegories of supercapacitor based devices. First is an electric double- Li2SO4, 0.5 M Na2SO4 and 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 based aqueous electrolyte
layer capacitor (EDLC) materials, where charges are stored as an elec- systems, revealed a maximum capacitance value of 34 F/g, an energy
tric double-layer or Helmholtz layer near the electrode's surfaces. It is density of about 23 Wh/kg, a power density of about 550W/kg, a wide
mainly found in materials derived from carbon like activated carbon, electrochemical voltage window of 2.2 V, and finally a capacitance
carbon nanotube, graphene, hard carbon, charcoal, biochar, etc. These retention of 87.38% after 1000 charge-discharge cycles. The novelty of
materials exhibit a smooth cyclic voltammetry profile, which is rec- our work lies in the low-cost synthesis of Magnesium Nickel Oxide
tangular in shape. The charge-discharge plot tends to be triangular with nanoparticles for use aqueous lithium, sodium, and magnesium ion-
equal charging and discharging times. The second major type of su- based supercapacitor applications, demonstrating a wide voltage
percapacitor material consists of pseudocapacitor type materials where window and respectable energy and power density in comparison with
charge storage is in the form of a redox reaction at the surface of the other reported supercapacitor materials which are based on acidic, al-
electrode. The presence of redox centers in electrode materials like kaline and neutral based aqueous electrolyte systems.MgNiO2 can be
metal oxides initiates a faradaic reaction at the surface of the electrode, considered as potential electrode materials for futuristic environment-
which acts as a charge storage mechanism. The examples include metal friendly energy storage applications.
oxides like Ruthenium oxides (RuO2), Manganese oxide (MnO2), among
others. The CV profile, in this case, is non-rectangular fish-shaped, 2. Experimental details
which may include some redox peaks. The charge-discharge profile is
non-linear and has different charging and discharging times. Then we 2.1. Chemicals reagents
find a third category of devices which exhibit battery like character-
istics featuring an intercalation type charge storage mechanism and are Magnesium Oxide (MgO) was procured from Merck, India. Nickel
sometimes classified under pseudocapacitor type materials in the sci- Nitrate Hexahydrate (Ni(NO3)2·6H2O), Nitric acid (HNO3),
entific literature. These materials also show a fish-shaped CV profile Triethanolamine (C6H15NO3) were procured from Merck India.
and a non-linear charge-discharge graph [20–23]. Electrolytes used in these experiments: Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate
There are various techniques adopted to improve the performance (Li2SO4·H2O), Sodium Perchlorate Monohydrate (NaClO4·H2O) were
of a supercapacitor device. Firstly, one can increase the surface area of purchased from Merck, India and Magnesium Perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2
the electrode material by using nanomaterials instead of bulk materials, was purchased from Sigma Aldrich, USA. All the chemicals used in the
and this can facilitate access of mobile ions from the electrolyte solution synthesis process has a purity greater than 99.9%. De-ionized water
to a large number of surface atoms [24]. Secondly, one can tune the used was obtained from a DI water plant of Merck Millipore in the lab.
morphology of the nanomaterial so as to maximize the surface area
[25]. The surface area in contact with the electrolyte has to be en- 2.2. Characterization tools
gineered to attain the maximum electrochemical performance. Here we
also find several reports that porous nanomaterials exhibit better High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction (HRXRD) patterns were recorded
electrochemical performance over rigid nanostructures owing to their by a diffractometer manufactured by Philips Pan-Analytical X'pert PRO
porous structure which allows mobile electrolyte ions to penetrate the using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.542 Å). Field Emission Scanning Electron
surface and reach deeper into the core of the electrode material parti- Microscopy (FESEM) microstructure imaging was carried out by a
cles [26]. Thirdly, there is also an effort to put into the use of organic- Merlin FESEM instrument manufactured by Carl Zeiss (Germany) for
based electrolyte instead of aqueous electrolytes, so as to increase the imaging the morphology of the sample. High-Resolution Transmission
voltage window of operation [27]. Fourthly, people are also trying to Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) with Selected Area Electron Diffraction
merge the chemistry of operation of a battery and a supercapacitor (SAED) attachment (JEM-2100F Field Emission Electron Microscope)
device. This hybrid device is called supercapattery functions by com- manufactured by Jeol (Japan) was used for microstructural analysis.
bining a battery-type electrode and a supercapacitor type electrode to Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy was carried out using a
obtain a powerful device that exhibits a high energy density in addition Nicolet 6700 FTIR machine manufactured by Thermo Fischer Scientific
to a high power density [28]. Finally, there is also a proposal to mix (USA). X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was performed using a
redox additive into the electrolyte to improve the electrochemical Ulvac Phi 5000 Versaprobe 2 instrument (Japan). Raman Spectroscopy
performance [29]. These are some of the research directions which are was carried out using the T6400 instrument by Jovin Y von Horiba
being pursued, in addition to searching novel materials and electrolyte (USA), employing an Argon laser (λ = 514 nm). Electrochemical
combinations. measurements were carried out using an Electrochemical workstation
While there is a huge effort being focused on the improvement of and different electrodes, manufactured by CHI Instruments (USA).
supercapacitor performance in general, especially with the use of var-
ious metal oxides and metal chalcogenides for electrode materials, we 2.3. Synthesis of MgNiO2 by chemical sol-gel technique
find that less attention is paid into the application of magnesium-based
oxides and sulfides for energy storage devices. They have been used on Here, 0.2015 g of MgO was dissolved in 10 ml HNO3 solution. After
a few occasions for magnesium-ion battery (MIB) applications. For in- some time, 1.454 g of Ni(NO3)2·6H2O was dissolved in the above
stance, Zheng et al. [30] made a magnesium ion battery using Mag- mixture along with the addition of 40 ml of DI water. 1.33 ml of
nesium Cobalt Silicate (MgCoSiO4) as cathode material and magnesium Triethanolamine (C6H15NO3) was then added as a chelating agent drop
ribbon as an anode. Huang et al. [31] used Magnesium Iron Fluor- by drop to the above mixture to initiate a sol-gel mechanism. The
ophosphates MgFePO4F as a suitable cathode in Magnesium ion battery. mixture was stirred overnight for 180 °C and allowed to dry for another
NuLi et al. [32] used Magnesium manganese silicate Mg1·03Mn0·97SiO4 24 h. The dried gel was collected and ground to a fine powder in a
as a cathode and magnesium ribbon anode for magnesium battery ap- mortar pestle and calcined at 900 °C for 4 h in a muffle furnace. After
plication. Orikasa et al. [33] used magnesium ribbon as an anode and that, the sample was allowed to cool to room temperature, and the final
MgFeSiO4 as cathode in a magnesium battery. However, there are very product was collected. The resultant sample was named as MgNiO2 – 3
few instances where these types of magnesium-based oxides, sulfides, or MNO- 3.
phosphates, etc., are being used for aqueous-based supercapacitor ap- The growth mechanism is proposed as the following: Magnesium
plications. Here in this work, we have tried to address this issue. oxide in the presence of nitric acid (HNO3) dissociates into Mg2+ions

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 1. Sol-gel growth mechanism of MNO – 3 sample.

and nitrate ions (NO32−). Nickel nitrate, on the other hand, dissociates has a structural resemblance to the Rock Salt structure of NaCl.
into Nickel ions (Ni2+) and nitrate ions (NO32−). Triethanolamine The FTIR Spectroscopy measurement was performed on our sample
(C6H15NO3) hydrolyzes into C6H12NO33− free radicals and H+ ions. MNO - 3 as shown in Fig. 2(b) in order to identify the chemical bonds
Magnesium ions, Nickel ions, and Triethanolamine ions present in the present in them. For MNO - 3 sample, the peak found at 3433 cm−1 is
solution, under the application of 180 °C heat, forms a metal-organic attributed to –OH vibrational frequency, the peak at 519 cm−1 is be-
based oligomeric precursor complex, thus forming the gel which is lieved to originate from Mg–O vibrational bond frequency, and the peak
dried. After calcining the sample at 900 °C, this complex breaks down at 443 cm−1 is attributed to that of Ni–O vibrational bond frequency.
into MgNiO2 seeds. These seed particles grow into larger particles, and The peak, which is attributed to –OH bond, is believed to originate from
the final product obtained is named MNO – 3. This process is depicted the surface water molecules, which are present due to absorbed
in Fig. 1. moisture on the sample surface. The peaks observed from sample are in
good agreement with the standard values reported in the literature
3. Results and discussions Morphological analysis of our samples was carried out using FESEM
based characterization. The FESEM image of MNO- 3 are shown in
3.1. Structural characterization Fig. 3(a). The MNO - 3 sample exhibited spherical shaped particle
morphology with an average diameter of 40–50 nm. We also find a
High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXRD) studies were conducted certain degree of agglomeration, which may be the result of calcination
on our sample MNO – 3, and the recorded diffraction pattern is shown at a high temperature. This type of morphology exhibits an enhanced
in Fig. 2(a). The recorded pattern shows well-defined peaks and a high surface area that is suitable for electrochemical applications. The cor-
level of crystallinity. The peaks in the XRD spectra are believed to responding EDX map of the MNO - 3 sample is shown in Fig. 3(b), and it
originate from (111), (200), (220), (311), and (222) crystallographic indicates the presence of Mg, Ni, and O in an approximate atomic
planes. The MgNiO2 samples have a cubic structure with space group percentage ratio of close to 1:1:2.
Fm-3m (225), and the spectra matches well with the standard XRD We have also recorded HRTEM images of MNO – 3, as shown in
powder diffraction data of JCPDS card no.: 00-024-0712 [34]. MgNiO2

Fig. 2. (a) HRXRD pattern and (b) FTIR spectra of MNO -3 sample.

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 3. (a) FESEM image; (b) EDX Spectra; (inset) Elemental map; (c) HRTEM image; (d) Lattice resolution image; (inset) SAED pattern; (e) Fitted Raman
Spectroscopy measurement results of MNO- 3 sample.

Fig. 3(c). MNO - 3 sample exhibited particles of diameter 30–50 nm. But 3.2. Electrochemical measurements
it showed some degree of agglomeration (forming bigger particles of
size greater than 100 nm), which is common among samples synthe- 3.2.1. MgNiO2 based electrode for lithium-ion supercapacitor application
sized at high temperature. We found a clear SAED pattern, which is Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) is an important electrochemical mea-
attributed to the presence of a high degree of crystallinity, as shown in surement apparatus, which is used to measure the amount of charge
the inset of 3(d). MNO- 3 sample showed a ring pattern. Lattice re- stored in a material during electrochemical cycling. In CV measure-
solution image of MNO - 3 sample, as shown in Fig. 3(d) has an inter- ments recorded in a three-electrode set-up, a voltage is applied between
planar spacing 2.04 Å, and it matches closely with the d spacing of the the working electrode (W.E) and the reference electrode (R.E) having a
characteristics peak of (220) plane, as given in (JCPDS card no.: 00- triangular type waveform with respect to time varied between an initial
024-0712) where d = 2.09 Å. and final voltage, and the corresponding current is recorded between
Raman Spectroscopy measurements were carried on MNO – 3, as the working electrode (W.E) and counter electrode (C.E). It is a pow-
shown in Fig. 3(e). We have also resolved the obtained spectroscopic erful tool that can easily record minute electrochemical phenomenon
data and fitted it into four peaks. The peak obtained at 435 cm−1 is like charge storage on the electrode surface, a faradaic reaction in the
attributed to one phonon(1P) TO mode, and the peak obtained at electrode, the reaction of electrolyte, etc. The CV profile is used to
532 cm−1 is attributed to LO mode. The peak found at 924 cm−1 is distinguish between Electrically Double Layered Capacitor (EDLC) type
believed to originate from (2P)TO + LO modes, whereas the peak materials, which tends to possess a rectangular-shaped CV profile and
found at 1073 cm−1originates due to 2 LO modes. The Raman modes pseudocapacitor materials. This has a non-rectangular CV profile re-
found in our samples originate mostly due to the presence of NiO since sembling a fish-shaped loop, and sometimes it has some well-defined
MgO does not exhibit any Raman modes [37]. The data obtained from redox peaks. The capacitance of the material can be calculated from the
our sample broadly match the data found elsewhere in the literature CV profile using the formula:
[37]. The Raman data positively confirms the phase purity of our
samples. 1
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic (XPS) measurements were per-
∬ I dV
formed on MNO - 3 sample, as shown in Fig. 4. From the XPS data, the
Mg 2p peak is identified at 48.913 eV (shown in Fig. 4(b)) [38]. The O where m is the active mass of the electrode material; v is the scan speed
1s spectra (shown in (d)) is fitted and resolved into two peaks: one peak (mV/sec), I is the current, and ΔV is the voltage window. The nu-
identified at 529.349 eV belongs to metal-oxygen bond, and the other merator integral gives us the area under the CV curve. Vi is the initial
peak found at 531.08 eV originates due to organic C–O bond. This may voltage, and Vf is the final voltage [40].
be attributed to the remnants of hydrolyzed Triethanolamine In this experiment, we have used MNO - 3 sample as the active
C6H12NO33− free radicals. The Ni 2p spectra (shown in Fig. 4 (c)) is electrode material coated on a glassy carbon-based working electrode
fitted and resolved into four separate peaks: Ni 2p3/2 peaks is identified and saturated calomel electrode (S·C.E) as reference electrode and
at 854.71 eV; Ni 2p3/2 satellite peak is found at 860.858 eV; Ni 2p1/2 is platinum wire as the counter electrode. The electrolyte used was 1 M
identified at 872.801 eV, and Ni 2p1/2peak is found at 879.613 eV. Here Lithium Sulphate (Li2SO4) dissolved in water. The applied voltages
also, the Ni 2p peak position matches well with the standard Binding were scanned at (25, 50, 75,100,125 and 150) mV/sec. MNO - 3 sample
energy values of Nickel in NiO form [39]. The different XPS peaks and exhibited a fish-shaped CV profile (shown in Fig. 5(a)), which indicates
their corresponding binding energies of MNO - 3 sample are listed in a pseudocapacitor type underlying electrochemical mechanism of these
Table 1. types of electrodes. Mobile lithium ions (Li+) from the aqueous elec-
trolyte solution get access to the electrode surface area and initiates
redox reactions at the surface, as well as some amount of intercalation,
occurs in between the interatomic layers of MgNiO2 crystal structure
during electrochemical cycling operation [41]. The lithium ions initiate

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 4. XPS Spectra MNO- 3 sample: (a) Full Spectrum; (b) Fitted Mg 2p spectra; (c) Fitted Ni 2p spectra and (d) Fitted O 1s spectra.

a faradaic redox chemical reaction, which is displacive in nature. The cycle, the polarity of the constant current is reversed to allow the dis-
chemical reaction involving oxidation and reduction of Mg (+2)/Mg charge to take place. The voltage waveform is generally triangular in
(0) and Ni (+2)/Ni (0) redox couple at the surface of the electrode is nature with respect to time and can be used to differentiate between an
given as follows: Electrical Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) material, which possesses a
near-linear triangular-shaped charge-discharge profile and a pseudo-
MgNiO2 + 4 Li+ + 4e− ↔ Mg + Ni + 2Li2O
capacitor material which exhibits a non-linear triangular-shaped po-
2 Li2O + Mg + Ni ↔ MgO + NiO + 4 Li tential profile. The capacitance of the electrode material can be calcu-
lated from the discharge curve as:
The reduction peaks of Mg and Ni associated with the first equation
is a broad overlapped peak, which is obtained at −0.08V for MNO - 3. C=
Similarly, the oxidation peak overlaps at 0.2V for MNO – 3. The peaks mdV
indicate that a faradaic redox reaction indeed takes place, and confirms
where C is the capacitance in (F/g), I is the constant applied current in
the pseudocapacitive nature of our samples. Some lithium ions might
(A/g), dt is the discharge time, m is the active mass of electrode ma-
also get trapped in the interstitial and voids of the samples during cy-
terial in (g) and dV is the change in voltage during the discharge pro-
cling. The capacitance recorded for MNO - 3 is about 20 F/g (at 25 mV/
cess or the voltage window [43].
s). From the Capacitance vs. Scan speed plot (shown in Fig. 5(b)), we
In this experiment, we have used MNO - 3 sample as the electrode
clearly observe that with an increase in scan speed, the corresponding
material on which we performed three electrode-based electrochemical
capacitance decreases. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that
charge-discharge measurements. The charge-discharge profiles of MNO
ions present in the electrolyte, which constitutes the electrochemical
- 3 sample and the Capacitance (F/g) vs. Current (A/g) are shown in
current, are heavier than electrons and cannot follow the rapidly
Fig. 5(c). MNO - 3 sample was subjected to a constant current of
varying voltages applied at the external circuit between the working
(0.5,0.75,0.85, 1, 1.25,1.5 and 1.75) A/g. MNO - 3 sample exhibited a
electrode and the reference electrode [42].
capacitance of about 30 F/g (at 0.5 A/g). We also observe that the
Galvanostatic charge-discharge or Chronopotentiometry is an im-
capacitance decreases with increasing current since an increasing con-
portant technique for electrochemical analysis of an energy storage
stant current tends to make the discharge process faster [41]. This is
device like supercapacitors, batteries, and fuel cells. Here the change in
evident from the Capacitance (F/g) vs. Current (A/g) plot, as shown in
potential or voltage of a device is recorded corresponding to change in
Fig. 5(d). Non-linear nature of the charge-discharge curve indicates
time in response to an applied constant current. After the charging
pseudocapacitor type charge storage with an underlying mechanism

Table 1
XPS analysis results MNO – 3 sample showing all the resolved peaks obtained by fitting.
Name of Sample Mg 2p peak O 1s peak (eV) Ni 2p3/2 peak Ni 2p3/2 satellite peak Ni 2p1/2 peak Ni 2p1/2 satellite peak
(eV) (eV) (eV) (eV) (eV)

MgNiO2 -3 (MNO -3) 48.913 529.349 (metal-oxide 531.08 (organic C–O 854.71 860.858 872.801 879.613
bond) bond)

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 5. Electrochemical measurements in 1 M Li2SO4 aqueous electrolyte: (a) Cyclic Voltammetry profile; (b) Capacitance (F/g) vs Scan speed (mV/sec); (c) Charge-
discharge profile; (d) Capacitance (F/g) vs Current (A/g); (e) Nyquist Plot; (inset) Fitting equivalent circuit; (f) Fitting parameter table.

consisting of a redox reaction involving Mg (+2)/Mg (0) and Ni (+2)/ microstructure. The capacitance in this experiment also decreases with
Ni (0) as evident from the peaks obtained in the CV profile. increasing voltage scan rates, as is evident from Fig. 6(b).
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) based AC impedance Charge-discharge measurements were performed on the MNO - 3
measurements were performed on the MNO - 3 sample in a three sample in the presence of 0.5 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution, and the
electrode-based set-up as described previously. A small ac voltage of potential vs. time profiles are shown in Fig. 6(c). Using the capacitance
5 mV amplitude was applied for a frequency range between 1 Hz and formula described previously, we have calculated the capacitance of
1 MHz, and the corresponding real and imaginary impedances were about 34 F/g (at 0.5 A/g). The capacitance here, too, decreases with an
recorded. The obtained Nyquist plot of MNO - 3 sample, in this case, is increase in current, as observed previously, and is shown in Fig. 6(d).
shown in Fig. 5(e). The recorded impedance data from the Nyquist plot AC impedance studies were performed using the same three elec-
are fitted using an electrochemical equivalent circuit: Rs(CdlRct)W, as trodes set up. The electrolyte used in this study was an aqueous solution
shown in the inset of Fig. 5(e), where Rs is the series resistance in (Ω), of 0.5 M Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4). The real and imaginary part of the
Cdl is the double layer capacitance in (F), Rct is the charge transfer re- impedance data obtained is plotted as a Nyquist plot and shown in
sistance in (Ω), and W is the Warburg impedance term in (Ω). Warburg Fig. 6(e). The data is subsequently fitted to an electrochemical
impedance involves the ion diffusion resistance factor, which plays a equivalent circuit: Rs(Q(RctW)), and it is shown in the inset of Fig. 6(e),
major role in the ionic diffusion. The high-frequency semicircle portion where Rs is the series resistance in Ω, Rct is the charge transfer re-
of the impedance data is related to the formation of solid electrolyte sistance in Ω. W is the Warburg Impedance associated with ion diffu-
interphase (SEI) film formed at the surface of the electrode, which in- sion resistance and Q is the constant phase element that is associated
hibits further ionic movement. The extracted parameters are shown in with admittance Yo and power n. The high-frequency semicircle is
Fig. 5(f). From the fit, the obtained series resistance, Rs, value is closely associated with the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) film, si-
28.49 Ω, and the Warburg impedance is 3.143 × 10−4 Ω. milar to the previous case. From the extracted parameters, the series
resistance Rs is found to be 35.2 Ω, and the n factor of constant phase
3.2.2. MgNiO2 based electrode for sodium-ion supercapacitor application element is 0.8013. These parameters are shown in Fig. 6(f).
In this experiment, we have performed Cyclic Voltammetry MNO - 3
sample in the presence of an aqueous solution of 0.5 M Sodium 3.2.3. MgNiO2 based electrode for magnesium ion supercapacitor
Sulphate (Na2SO4) using the same three-electrode set-up, as described application
previously. The Voltage scans applied in this case was (25, 50, 75, 100, In this experiment, the MNO – 3 sample was subjected to the Cyclic
125, and 150) mV/sec. The observed CV profile of MNO - 3 sample in Voltammetry test in presence of a water-based 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 elec-
this experiment (shown in Fig. 6(a)) indicates pseudocapacitor type trolyte solution using the three-electrode set-up. The voltages were
behavior. Using the capacitance formula described previously, we have scanned at the rate of (25, 50, 75,100,125 and 150) mV/sec. The CV
calculated that the capacitance of MNO - 3 sample is about 15 F/g (at profile obtained in this experiment is shown in Fig. 7(a). The capaci-
25 mV/s). It seems that the charge storage mechanism is a redox-based tance is calculated using the previously described formula. The capa-
oxidation/reduction reaction at the electrode surface, initiated by mo- citance value is about 13 F/g (at 25 mV/s). Charge storage in this ex-
bile Na+ ions present in the solution, given as: periment is also a pseudocapacitive one which proceeds via initiation of
redox reaction by mobile Magnesium (Mg+2) ions at the surface of the
MgNiO2 + 4Na+ +4e− ↔ Mg + Ni + 2Na2O
electrode material. We have obtained a broad reduction peak at
2Na2O + Mg + Ni ↔ MgO + NiO + 4Na −0.58V and a broad oxidation peak at 0.02V. The redox chemical re-
action involving Mg (+2)/Mg (0) and Ni (+2)/Ni (0) redox pairs is
Here a broad reduction overlapped peak was obtained at −0.53V, given as the following:
and a broad overlapped oxidation peak was obtained at 0.24V. Also,
there is some intercalation of mobile Sodium ions (Na+) from the MgNiO2 + Mg+2 +2e− ↔ Mg + Ni + MgO
electrolyte into the crystal lattice structure of MgNiO2 [43], in addition
MgO + Mg + Ni ↔ MgO + NiO + Mg
to some Na+ ions from the electrolyte accumulates on the electrode
surface and gets trapped into the interstitials and voids present in the Also, some amount of intercalation into the crystal structure of

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 6. Electrochemical measurements in 0.5 M Na2SO4 aqueous electrolyte: (a) Cyclic Voltammetry profile; (b) Capacitance (F/g) vs Scan speed (mV/sec); (c)
Charge-discharge profile; (d) Capacitance (F/g) vs Current (A/g); (e) AC Impedance Nyquist Plot; (inset) Fitting equivalent circuit; (f) Fitting parameter table.

MgNiO2 by mobile Mg+2 ions happens apart from ions getting trapped 3.2.4. Long term cyclic stability test
into interstitials and voids present at electrode surface similar to the Long cycle stability test is an important electrochemical test to
previous cases [44,45]. The Capacitance vs. Scan speed plot is shown in measure the performance of an energy storage device, in a real-world
Fig. 7(b), which indicates that the capacitance decreases with in- like operating conditions. It includes multiple cycles of charging and
creasing scan speed, as observed previously. discharging, which mimics the operation of the energy storage devices
Charge-discharge measurements were conducted in the presence of throughout its service life and also measures its performance change
aqueous solution of 1 M Magnesium Perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2) electro- over this time period. Here in this experiment, we have performed long
lyte. The charge-discharge profile is shown in Fig. 7(c). The calculated cycle stability MNO - 3 samples for the different electrolyte systems, as
capacitance is about 26 F/g (at 0.5 A/g). The capacitance value de- shown in Fig. 8. In the case of 1 M Li2SO4 aqueous electrolyte system,
creases with increasing current applied (shown in Fig. 7(d)) owing to we have found that the MNO - 3 sample, under the application of 1.5 A/
faster discharge rates at high current similar to previous cases. g current, showed a capacitance retention of 88.12% after 1000 cycles,
AC impedance studies were conducted in the presence of 1 M Mg as evident from Fig. 8(a). In the case of 0.5 M Na2SO4 aqueous elec-
(ClO4)2 aqueous electrolyte solution. The Nyquist plot obtained on the trolyte systems, MNO - 3 sample retained 87.38% capacitance after
basis of the real and imaginary part of impedance values, in this case, is 1000 cycles, for 2A/g applied current, as shown in Fig. 8(b). In the third
shown in Fig. 7(e). The inset picture shows the electrochemical experiment performed in the presence of 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 aqueous
equivalent circuit: Rs(Q(RctW)), to which the Nyquist data for both of electrolyte, the MNO - 3 sample retained 87.43% capacitance under 2
our sample are fitted. These notations are already defined in the pre- A/g applied current for 1000 charge-discharge cycles, as depicted in
vious experiment. The series resistance is found 20.83 Ω, as shown in Fig. 8(c). The inset picture of each of these three plot shows some of the
Fig. 7(f). recorded charge-discharge cycles. The loss in capacitance is attributed
to several factors like changes occurring in the microstructure at

Fig. 7. Electrochemical measurements in 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 aqueous electrolyte: (a) Cyclic Voltammetry profile; (b) Capacitance (F/g) vs Scan speed (mV/sec); (c)
Charge-discharge profile; (d) Capacitance (F/g) vs Current (A/g); (e) EIS based Nyquist Plot; (inset) Fitting equivalent circuit; (f) Fitting parameter table.

S. Maitra, et al. Current Applied Physics 20 (2020) 628–637

Fig. 8. Long term stability test showing (a)

Capacitance retention (%) vs cycle number (a) In
presence of 1 M Li2SO4 (at 1.5A/g); (b) In presence of
0.5 M Na2SO4 (at 2A/g); (c) In presence of 1 M Mg
(ClO4)2 (at 2A/g); the inset pictures in each figure
shows some of the corresponding charge-discharge
cycles; (d) Ragone plot of MNO - 3 sample for dif-
ferent aqueous electrolyte systems.

electrode-electrolyte interphase, residual immobile changes at the We have compared these values with the results found in the literature
electrode surface, leaching of electrode material into the electrolyte, the for other supercapacitor devices based on acidic, alkaline, and neutral
formation of surface passivation layers, etc. However, the capacitance based aqueous electrolyte systems. The energy density tends to decrease
retention in each case was greater than 85%, after 1000 charge-dis- with a decrease in capacitance at higher current, whereas the power
charge cycles. density increases. The corresponding Ragone plot showing the energy
density and power density relation is shown in Fig. 8(d).
3.2.5. Energy density and power density
Energy density and power density are important figures of merit 3.3. Discussion
which quantify the performance of an energy storage system. The en-
ergy density (E) is normally expressed in Wh/kg and can be calculated From the experimental results, we can conclude that MgNiO2 ex-
from the charge-discharge plot using the formula: hibits good structural stability towards repeated electrochemical cy-
1 cling. The microstructure found in our samples has sufficient porosity,
E= Wh/kg which allows for easy diffusion of ions, and networked structure offers
3.6 efficient conduction of electrons. Thus, it allows low charge transfer
where C is the capacitance in (F/g) and ΔV is the voltage window in resistance and a large number of electrochemically active sites.
volts [46]. However, we observe capacitance loss upon long cycle charge-dis-
On the other hand, power density (P) can be calculated from the charge experiments due to change in the microstructure at the elec-
charge-discharge plot using the following formula: trode-electrolyte interface and other factors discussed previously. Also,
electrochemically inactive species are produced during the surface
P= E× W/kg redox reactions like Li2O and Na2O, which degrades the overall elec-
trochemical performance. Again, the larger surface area of the electrode
where E is the energy density in Wh/kg, and Δt is the discharge time in material sometimes also attracts a bigger surface electrolyte interface
secs [47]. (SEI) passivating films, which may impede the smooth intercalation
In Table 2, we have shown the selected energy density and power kinetics of mobile Li+, Na+, and Mg+2 from the electrolyte towards
density, which is calculated from the charge-discharge plot for three electrode surface [47,48]. Nonetheless, MNO - 3 sample exhibited good
different electrolyte systems at a particular applied constant current. electrochemical performance in terms of capacitance, energy and power

Table 2
Energy density and power density comparison of MNO– 3 sample for different aqueous electrolyte systems in comparison with some known results, available in
scientific literature.
Name of the electrode material Aqueous electrolyte system Energy density (Wh/kg) Power density (W/kg) Reference

Phosphorous enriched carbon 1M H2SO4 16.3 33 [49]

Nitrogen and oxygen containing hierarchical porous carbon frameworks 1M H2SO4 37.4 197 [50]
Porous NiCo2O4 nanotubes 2M KOH 38.5 205 [51]
Mesoporous MnO2 1M Li2SO4 28.8 70 [52]
MNO - 3 1 M Li2SO4 19.938 549.988 This work
MNO - 3 1 M NaClO4 22.913 549.996 This work
MNO - 3 1 M Mg(ClO4)2 17.280 549.978 This work

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