Economic Middle Exam

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Economic Middle Exam

Reflective Opinion About Last Project

Farel Christian Novianto X1.A / 9

For my participation in the economic group yesterday, I joined the tiramisu production team. I
was with Nanda, Harry as the production team and assisted by Aurelius as HRD and Clarrissa Gabriel
as the promotion team. My Tiramisu group friends and I worked at Nanda's house. Me, Harry and
Aurel helped bring the ingredients needed to make Tiramisu. I also helped in the process of making
Tiramisu together with others. Then at the end, after the Tiramisu was finished, Harry and I made a
video for the Tiramisu promotional video which was shot by Clarrisa Gabriel as the promotional
team. What I learned from differences of opinion between group members in yesterday's project was
that I realized that everyone has their own opinion so that in one group there must be many opinions.
Therefore, the lesson that can be taken is that we as a group must be able to listen to each other's
opinions and if so, we must determine the opinion that is most agreed upon and best for the smooth
running of the group. Therefore, the role of the group leader is very influential here. The point is,
never assume our own opinion is the most correct and be selfish towards other people. We must be
able to respect other people's opinions too so that all members can work together in one group. Then,
the lesson I learned from all the collaboration in yesterday's project was that without cooperation
between group members, the group would not run smoothly/run according to what we wanted. As in
yesterday's project, the loss of even one position will hamper the progress of the work process carried
out in the group. Collaboration can also lighten the burden on group members, apart from that, group
work can also make it easier to distribute tasks or work that is being done fairly and well. If the tasks
are divided equally and each person in it is able to communicate well, of course the work or
assignment will be completed more quickly. The benefit of working together to complete other tasks
is to lighten the workload and strengthen the value of friendship. Because by being able to
communicate well with our friends, it can also bring us closer to our friends. As for my performance, I
can't determine it myself. However, I have tried to work well and according to the regulations. Lastly,
all the conclusions from what I have gained so far, while carrying out an economics project with my
classmates. I have gained many things, the first of which is responsibility. Where the responsibility of
each member when carrying out this project is really needed. If just one member does not fulfill their
responsibilities when implementing the project, the project will not run optimally. The second is
honesty, with honesty from each member it can make it easier to complete this project, for example if
a member who is the treasurer lies about the amount of fees that must be paid, it will create confusion
within the group and ultimately become a commotion within the group. Then there is humility,
because without humility the group will not be able to succeed. Just imagine if everyone felt they
were right, then no one would give in and end up following other people's opinions. So a humble
attitude is needed from every member of the group. Then there is cooperation to help each other. An
example is if one of your friends is unable to come to do group work, then there is a friend who can
help fill in/replace the task temporarily. So each member has a high sense of concern for his own role
and the roles of other people in the group.I also learned about the structure that exists in a
company/organization that wants to start a business. I learned how an organization can run and how to
manage it. Then I can also learn to develop business ideas and make them happen. Then I also learned
how to promote/introduce our products to other people. Such as ways to attract people to want to buy
our products, attract people to want to watch and enliven the group's social media accounts. I also
learned how to do good time management because in yesterday's project it could be said that the time
given was quite small until the deadline. So you must have good and good time management. The last
thing is to train my thinking skills to solve problems, if there is a problem that occurs in the group, I
can train my mind to choose a good solution to the existing problem.

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