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Project Title:- AR Based POS System using Blockchain
Experiment no: - 02
Aim: - To demonstrate the Abstract with reference to the problem statement given in
experiment 1.

What is Abstract?
● An abstract is a concise summary of a longer work, such as a research paper, thesis,
article, or report.
● It provides a quick overview of the main points, including the purpose,
methodology, key findings, and conclusions.
● Abstracts are typically placed at the beginning of the work and are used by readers to
quickly determine if the full work is relevant to their interests.

Importance of Abstract:

1. Grabs Reader Interest: It acts like a mini-advertisement for your research, enticing
potential readers to delve deeper into your work. A well-written abstract highlights
the significance of your research question, the methods used, and the key findings,
piquing the reader's curiosity and encouraging them to explore the full paper.
2. Saves Time for Busy Readers: In today's information overload, researchers often
have limited time to sift through vast amounts of literature. A strong abstract allows
them to quickly assess if your paper aligns with their specific research interests. By
summarizing the core aspects of your research, the abstract helps them decide
whether to invest time in reading the entire paper.
3. Improves Search Visibility: Abstracts are indexed by academic databases, making
your research discoverable by a wider audience. When your abstract includes
relevant keywords, it increases the chances of your paper showing up in search
results for researchers interested in that specific topic. This can significantly boost the
visibility and impact of your work.
4. Provides Context for Reviewers: During the peer-review process, reviewers often
rely on the abstract to grasp the essence of your research before diving into the full
paper. A clear and concise abstract helps them understand the context of your work
and assess its significance within the broader field.
5. Enhances Overall Communication: Writing a strong abstract forces you to clearly
articulate the core message of your research. This process of condensing complex
information into a concise summary improves your overall communication skills and
strengthens the clarity of your entire research paper.


● Increased Readership: A strong abstract acts as a captivating introduction, grabbing

the reader's attention and making them interested in learning more. This can
significantly increase the number of people who read your full work.
● Improved Efficiency: Busy readers can quickly grasp the key points of your work
through the abstract. This saves them time and allows them to decide if the full
content aligns with their needs.
● Enhanced Discoverability: Abstracts are indexed by search engines and academic
databases. When you include relevant keywords, your abstract increases the chances
of your work being found by people searching for that specific topic.
● Stronger Communication: Writing a concise and informative abstract requires you to
clearly articulate the essence of your work. This process refines your communication
skills and strengthens the overall clarity of your entire paper.

1. Informative Abstract:
● This is the most common type of abstract, typically used in research papers, reports,
and theses.
● It provides a comprehensive overview of the work, including:
○ The research question or problem being addressed
○ The methodology used to conduct the research
○ The key findings and results of the study
○ The main conclusions and significance of the research
● Informative abstracts are usually 150-250 words long and written in a factual and
objective style.
2. Descriptive Abstract:
● This type of abstract is shorter and more general than an informative abstract,
typically around 100 words long.
● It focuses on providing a basic overview of the work, including:
○ The topic of the work
○ The main points covered
○ The research methods used (optional)
● Descriptive abstracts are often used for conference proceedings, presentations, or
creative works like novels or plays.
● Their purpose is to give readers a general idea of the content without going into the
details of the findings or conclusions.
3. Critical Abstract:
● Less common than informative or descriptive abstracts, critical abstracts are used to
evaluate and analyze existing research.
● They typically include:
○ A summary of the original work's key points
○ An evaluation of the methodology used
○ A critique of the findings and conclusions
○ The reviewer's insights or interpretations of the research
● Critical abstracts are helpful for researchers who want to compare and contrast
different studies on a particular topic.
4. Highlight Abstract:
● This type of abstract is a concise summary, usually just a few sentences long, that
emphasizes the most important aspects of the work.
● It focuses on the key findings and their significance, often used for marketing
purposes or to quickly grab a reader's attention.
● Highlight abstracts are often used in press releases, grant proposals, or on websites to
showcase the most impactful results of a research study.

In the dynamic landscape of retail and point-of-sale (POS) systems, traditional methods
cannot often provide immersive and secure shopping experiences while efficiently managing
transactions. As the retail industry evolves, there is a growing demand for innovative
solutions that combine cutting-edge technologies to address these challenges. One such
solution is the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) based Point of Sale (POS) system
that seamlessly integrates with QR code scanning technology. This system aims to provide
users with an immersive AR view of a POS, enabling them to interact with products in a
virtual environment and make purchases directly through the AR interface. The integration
of blockchain technology further enhances security and transparency in financial
transactions. However, the absence of a comprehensive POS solution that seamlessly
integrates AR technology with blockchain poses a significant challenge. This project seeks to
address this challenge by developing an AR-based POS system that not only enhances the
retail experience but also revolutionises transaction management through the convergence of
AR technology and blockchain.

Key challenges include the integration of AR technology, blockchain

implementation, scalability, flexibility, and user adoption. The successful development and
implementation of this multifaceted solution have significant implications for the retail
industry, driving efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.
The successful development and deployment of an AR-based POS system using blockchain
technology bear significant implications for the retail industry. It furnishes retailers with an
opportunity to distinguish themselves in a competitive market by offering a unique and
immersive shopping experience that elevates customer engagement and satisfaction.
Additionally, blockchain integration ensures secure and transparent financial transactions,
nurturing trust and loyalty among consumers. From an industrial perspective, this project
endeavours to address the critical need for innovative POS solutions that leverage emerging
technologies to foster efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction in the retail sector.

Conclusion:- Successfully implemented the experiment.

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