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Project Title: Lean Approach Application to Improve Production/Process/Customer Service

Efficiency at XYZ Corporation

Project Instruction:

Objective: The objective of this project is to apply Lean methodologies to identify, analyze, and
resolve a prevalent issue impacting customer service efficiency at XYZ Corporation. By utilizing either
the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) or 7 QC (Quality Control) Tools method, participants will thoroughly
examine the problem, determine its root cause, and propose viable solutions for implementation.

Project Scope: The project will focus specifically on improving production or customer service
efficiency within XYZ Corporation. This encompasses all aspects related to product design,
production issues, customer interaction, complaint resolution, and service delivery processes.

Methodology: Participants are required to select either the PDCA or 7 QC Tools method to guide the
problem-solving process. Both methodologies offer structured approaches to problem identification,
analysis, and solution development.

1. PDCA Method (Plan-Do-Check-Act):

 Plan: Identify the problem, establish objectives, and develop a plan for

 Do: Implement the plan on a small scale to test its effectiveness.

 Check: Assess the results of the implemented plan and compare them against

 Act: Adjust the plan based on feedback, and implement improvements on a larger

2. 7 QC Tools Method:

 Check Sheet: Gather data systematically to identify patterns or trends related to the

 Pareto Chart: Prioritize issues based on frequency or impact to focus efforts on the
most significant areas.

 Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Fishbone Diagram): Analyze potential root causes

categorically to uncover underlying issues.

 Histogram: Visualize data distribution to identify areas for improvement.

 Scatter Diagram: Determine relationships between variables to understand potential


 Control Charts: Monitor process stability over time to identify deviations and areas
for improvement.

 Flow Chart: Map out the customer service process to identify bottlenecks or
Deliverables: Participants are required to submit a comprehensive report outlining the following:

 Problem Statement: Clearly define the issue affecting customer service efficiency.

 Methodology: Explain the chosen approach (PDCA or 7 QC Tools) and rationale behind its

 Analysis: Present findings from problem identification, root cause analysis, and potential

 Proposed Solutions: Provide actionable recommendations for addressing the identified issue.

 Implementation Plan: Outline steps for implementing the proposed solutions, including
timelines and responsibilities.

Submission Deadline: All project submissions must be completed and submitted by April 21, 2024.

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Clarity and accuracy of problem identification.

 Thoroughness and effectiveness of root cause analysis.

 Feasibility and practicality of proposed solutions.

 Comprehensiveness and clarity of the implementation plan.

 Overall presentation and adherence to project guidelines.

Note: Participants are encouraged to collaborate with relevant stakeholders within XYZ Corporation
to gather insights and validate findings throughout the project duration. Additionally, creativity and
critical thinking are encouraged in proposing innovative solutions to enhance customer service

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