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Shore Angling Map

South Clare

1. SPANISH POINT. Beach fishing for bass and flounder. Spinning from “Black Rock" at northern end of beach.

2. QUILTY. Bass spinning and bottom fishing over half tide reef at western extremity of sea front road, also over
patchy ground at back of Seafield Pier.

3. SEAFIELD. Beach fishing for bass and flatfish.

4. LOUGH DONNELL. Spinning and bottom fishing just below piped outlet from lake for bass and flatfish.

5. DOUGHMORE STRAND. Tope, painted ray, bass, flatfish and dogfish from southern end of beach. Specimen
painted ray recorded here in recent years. Low and high water best as tides are very strong.

6. BALLYWARD. Bottom fishing, spinning and float fishing for mackerel, pollack, garfish, wrasse, spurdog, conger,
dogfish and tope. Both sides of headland can be fished. Fishing over foul bottom. Specimen wrasse recorded
here. Caution: This area can be extremely dangerous in rough conditions.

7. KILKEE PIER. Spinning and bottom fishing for bass and flatfish at high water.

8. KILKEE. Surf fishing from south side of Kilkee Bay for bass and flatfish. Spinning from rocks south of town for

9. CASTLE POINT. Spinning from rocks for mackerel and pollack.

10. BRIDGE OF ROSS. Rock fishing for mackerel, pollack and wrasse.

11. KILBAHA. Night fishing for conger from Kilbaha Pier. Good shelter in stormy conditions.

12. KILCREEDAUN POINT. Spinning for mackerel and pollack.

13. CARRIGAHOLT PIER. Bottom fishing from pier for dab, flounder and dogfish. Spinning and float fishing for
pollack and wrasse. Night fishing for conger.

14. QUERRIN. Bottom fishing for flatfish and occasional bass at high water.

15. MOUTH OF POULNASHERRY BAY. Fishing the Querrin side for bass and flatfish at low water and early flood.
Occasional tope, monkfish and rays.

16. CAPPAGH PIER (KILRUSH). Conger, dogfish on flood tide. Occasional monkfish.

17. KILDYSART PIER. Bottom fishing for flounder.


A. SEAFIELD. Lugworm can be dug near Seafield Pier.

B. RINEVELLA BAY. Some lugworm on beach.
C. CARRIGAHOLT. Soft and peeler crab are plentiful beside the main pier. Lugworm and white rag at inner pier.
D. QUERRIN. Lugworm in estuary near the pier. Crab under weed upstream of pier.
E. POULNASHERRY ESTUARY. Lugworm and razorfish at low tide.

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