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Learning Outcomes
At the end of the topic, you should be able to:
1. State Newton's Laws of Motion.
2. Calculate linear momentum and impulse of a force.
3. Differentiate between forces exerted on the object and forces
exerted by the object.
4. Identify forces acting on the object.
5. Draw free body diagrams using forces and components of
forces acting on objects.
6. Use free body diagrams to apply Newton's third law.
7. Solve equations that result from application of Newton's second
law simultaneously to determine acceleration and/or tension.
Why do objects move the way they do?
Force acting on them.

What is force? Push or pull.

Forces are what cause any change in the velocity of an object
Unit of force is Newton, N
What happens when push an object?
❑Object does not move
❑Object changes velocity
❑The person pushing moves in the direction opposite
the direction in which he is pushing
First Law:
In the absence of external forces, an object remains at
rest or continues to move with constant speed in a
straight line (Constant velocity).
Second Law:
The acceleration of an object is directly proportional
to the net force acting on the object and is in the
direction of the net force.
σ 𝐹Ԧ
𝑎Ԧ = F= m a (A vector equation)
Fx= m ax  Fy= m ay  Fz= m az
1 N = 1 kg m s-2
F3y F3

F1 F2

F = (F2 + F3x - F1) i + F3y j

Fx = F2 + F3x - F1

Fy = F3y
F 0 Therefore, there is acceleration
Sometimes Newton’s second law given in terms of change
in linear momentum
Linear Momentum
P=mv 
F= m a = m
 (mv ) 
The time rate of change of linear momentum of an object is
equal to the net applied force
Conservation of momentum

Isolated system – Constituents of the system interact with

each other, but there is no outside agency that acts on
them in any way.
P mv f − mvi
F= 0 = t =0

The total linear momentum of an isolated system remains

constant in time.
If there is no external force applied to a system, the total
linear momentum of that system remains constant in time
A loaded gun of mass Mg = 5 kg freely suspended is at rest
before being fired. If the mass of the bullet mb = 10 g and
the velocity with which the bullet leaves the nozzle,
vb = 1000 m s-1, what is the recoil velocity of the gun?

System = gun + bullet.

Pi = Pf Pi = 0 Since both gun and bullet at rest
Pf = Pg + Pb = 0 m g v g = − mb v b
− mb vb −1
vg = v g = −2 m s
What would be the recoil velocity if the gun was
tightly held by a person of mass, mp = 95 kg

New System = gun + bullet + person

Pf = Pg + p + Pb = 0 ( mg + m p )v g + p = − mb vb
− mb vb
vg + p = vg + p = −0.1 m s −1
mg + m p

Recoil of tightly held gun much less than that of a

loosely held gun
Impulse of Force
Body of mass m Initial velocity u
Force acts for time t
m(v - u)
Velocity changes from u to v such that F = t
F t = m(v - u)
Impulse. Change in momentum

If force is not always constant during the time of interaction

-Average force and average impulse during time interval
When a 98 kg man jumps into a swimming pool from a
height of 4.9 m, it takes 0.4 s for water to reduce his speed
to zero. What average force is exerted by water on the
m(v - u)
Fav = t
u : Initial velocity at water surface
v : Zero – Water reduce speed of man to zero
First determine u
1.The man experiences free fall up to the water surface, a = -g
2. The water reduces the velocity to zero – force to calculate
Free fall motion
u1 = 0 m s-1, a1 = -g = -9.8 m s-2, S1 = -4.9 m
v1 = u1 + 2 a1 s1
2 2

v1 = 0 + 2 * (−9.8) * (−4.9)  v =  96 .04

2 2

Since velocity is downwards, v1 = -9.8 m s-1

This is the initial velocity of the man at the water surface
Motion in water
u2 = v1 = u = -9.8 m s-1, v2 = v = 0 m s-1, t = 0.4 s
m(v2 - u2) = 98 * (0 − (−9.8)) = 2401 N
Fav = t 0.4
Note that the direction of F is opposite the direction of motion
Newton’s Third Law:
If object 1 exerts a force F12 on object 2, then object 2
exerts an equal and oppositely directed reaction force
F21 on object 1.
F12 = - F21

Will there be acceleration? F12

Distinguish between forces exerted on the object and forces

exerted by the object.
Motion of body depends on forces exerted on the body
No acceleration because gravitational force on body and
F21 are opposite and equal in magnitude
Mass and Weight
Mass – A measure of amount of matter in an object.
Does not depend on place where body is.
Weight – The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted
by the earth (or any large object like moon and other
planets) on the body.
W = mg
Depends on place where body is
The force exerted, at the surface, on the body is called the
Normal Reaction force, N or R

N Always perpendicular to surface

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