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Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites
Thrust Setting and EGT Limitations
• TakeOff thrust (TOGA): maximum thrust available for takeoff. It is
certified for a maximum time of 10 minutes, in case of engine
failure at takeoff, or 5 minutes with all engines operative.
• Go Around thrust (TOGA): maximum thrust available for
goaround. The time limits are the same as for takeoff.
• Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT): maximum thrust that can be
used unlimitedly in flight. It must be selected in case of engine
failure, when TOGA thrust is no longer allowed due to time
• Climb thrust (CL): maximum thrust available during the climb

Vigilada Mineducación
phase to the cruise flight level. Note that the maximum climb
thrust is greater than the maximum cruise thrust available during
the cruise phase.
Sin Límites
Thrust Setting and EGT Limitations
The main cause of engine limitations is due to the
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) limit

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites
Takeoff Thrust Limitations

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites

• The possibility of engine failure during takeoff should always be considered, and
the crew must be provided with the appropriate means of deciding on the safest
procedure in the event of such a failure.

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites
Sin Límites

Vigilada Mineducación

Engine Failure Speed: VEF

VEF is the calibrated airspeed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail. VEF
must be selected by the applicant, but may not be less than VMCG.”

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites
Decision Speed: V1
V1 is the maximum speed at which the crew can decide
to reject the takeoff, and is ensured to stop the aircraft
within the limits of the runway.
V1 can be selected by the applicant, assuming that an
engine failure has occurred at VEF. The time which is
considered between the critical engine failure at VEF,

Vigilada Mineducación
and the pilot recognition at V1, is 1 second. Thus:

Sin Límites
Decision Speed: V1
V1 is the maximum speed at which the crew can decide
to reject the takeoff, and is ensured to stop the aircraft
within the limits of the runway.
V1 can be selected by the applicant, assuming that an
engine failure has occurred at VEF. The time which is
considered between the critical engine failure at VEF,

Vigilada Mineducación
and the pilot recognition at V1, is 1 second. Thus:

Sin Límites Hasta 5:56
Rotation Speed: VR
VR is the speed at which the pilot initiates the rotation, at the
appropriate rate of about 3° per second.
VR, in terms of calibrated air speed, may not be less than:
• V1,
• 105% of VMCA
• The speed that allows reaching V2 before reaching a height
of 35 ft above the take-off surface, or
• A speed that, if the aeroplane is rotated at its maximum

Vigilada Mineducación
practicable rate, will result in a [satisfactory] VLOF”

Sin Límites
Lift-off Speed: VLOF
VLOF is the calibrated airspeed at which the aeroplane first
becomes airborne.
Therefore, it is the speed at which the lift overcomes the
• VLOF [must] not [be] less than 110% of VMU in the all-
engines-operating condition and not less than 105% of VMU
determined at the thrust-to-weight ratio corresponding to

Vigilada Mineducación
the one-engine-inoperative condition

Sin Límites
Takeoff Climb Speed: V2

V2 is the minimum climb speed that must be reached at a height of 35 feet above
the runway surface, in case of an engine failure.

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites
Takeoff Speed Limits
Maximum Brake Energy Speed: VMBE
When the takeoff is aborted, brakes must absorb and dissipate
the heat corresponding to the aircraft’s kinetic energy at the
decision point.
• During test no more than 10% of the allowable brake wear range
• For certification purposes, this absorption capacity must be demonstrated
with worn brakes
• Brakes have a maximum absorption capacity, known as maximum brake

Vigilada Mineducación

Sin Límites
Takeoff Speed Limits
Maximum Tire Speed: VTIRE
The tire manufacturer specifies the maximum ground
speed that can be reached, in order to limit the
centrifugal forces and the heat elevation that may
damage the tire structure. Thus:

Vigilada Mineducación
For almost all Airbus aircraft models, VTIRE
is equal to 195 knots (Ground Speed).
Sin Límites
Speed Summary

Vigilada Mineducación
Sin Límites

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