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Obaidul Haque | (+880) 1315721444

@obidulHaque Code - EnthusiasT /Md-obidul-Haque


❖ Java (basic)
❖ HTML, CSS, Javascript
❖ React | NodeJS | mongoDB | mongoose | JavaScript | Github | Git
❖ Bootstrap
❖ Diploma in Engineering

Institute: Polytechnic Institute, Rangpur

Pass Year: 2023
Concentration/Major: Computer Science & Engineering
Result: CGPA 3.47 (Out of 4)

❖ Dakhil (Madrasah)

Institute: Dhap Satgara Baitul Mukarram Model Kamil Madrasah

Pass Year: 2018
Concentration/Major: Science
Result: CGPA 4.78 (Out of 5)

EXPERIENCE (0.6 Years)

❖ Data Entry Operator ( Part time)

Experience (Years): 7 months

Company: Land gov bd

❖ I am working on it…
Training Summary
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

Institute: e-Learning & Earning Ltd.

Duration: 3 months

● Coding

● Learning new things


Why did we hire you?

If you visit my YouTube Channel, you will find your answer.

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