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I have learned that it is highly essential that we should throw questions from

time-to-time in order to maintain the students’ attention to the class

considering that we are in thevirtual classroom setting and that we cannot
directly observethem if they are paying attention to the class discussion.
b.) Reminding the students from time-to-time of their own responsibilities to
increase their engagement and ownership of learning; they will develop the
autonomy in learning

Make sure to equally call the

students to participate so
that everyone will be given the
chance to answer and also for
others not to stay complacent
that they will not be called.
Make sure to equally call the students to participate sothat everyone will be given the chance to answer
and also for theothers not to stay complacent that they will not be called.
I’ve learned that teacher needs to correct themisconception that has been inculcated to the mind
of thestudents for a long time. Using this misconception willactually lead to misunderstanding
or worst in conflict. Asteacher, it is truly part of the duty that we correct all themisconception that our
students have been doing/using fora long time. Not because everyone is practicing it, it doesnot mean it’s
correct/proper.b.) As a teacher, we do not just simply providestudents with knowledge, we do
not just feed theirminds to become individual who are intelligent andcompetent. However, it is truly our
duty to provideholistic transformation to our students and that isthrough integrating values, biblical
passages andvirtues in every class discussion. In every end of the discussion, it is very importantthat
they learn something valuable thing that theycan bring to their own lives, things that is beyondthe
concepts, formulas and theories that are taughtin the class.c.) Lastly, not because we have been in
the teachingprofession for quiet so many years, it does not mean thatwe can just put education and our
students at stake. As ateacher, we have to be always reminded that we should bealways prepared and
guided with our learning objectivesfor the day so that we are directed as to what are
thethings that we should accomplish. We cannot just go insidethe classroom and consume all the
time in talkingunrelated topics, this instance defeats the purpose of thestudents of going to your classes

eek! I am excited for more teaching strategies and learning methods in the next
week. Stay tuned! My Journal – Week Two Hello! This is my second week of doing
my Field Study II. I finally met my Cooperating Teacher, Ma’am Janet she schedule
our meeting and made some rules and regulations during our observation as she
is a modular teacher who had twice chance to do online classes in one quarter.
Also, Ma’am Joy and my Co- FSS had a “Kumustahan” which I really like about
being deploy in Bajet-Castillo High School in a reason that Ma’am Joy is very
accommodating and approachable. She always ask how our day spent well or
what feeling we had in a moment and especially she motivates me in be strong in
life as aspirant educator. This week I successfully observed Ma'am Maessie and
Ma'am Joy Fernando which I feel so glad and amaze. They are both excellent in
terms of communicating to their students and expand the use of technology in
the new normal educational settings. I learned a lot this week and I am looking
forward to learn more and meet the other Araling Panipunan Teachers in Bajet-
Castillo High School. Stay tuned! See you next week.
My Journal – Week Three Hello! This is my third week of doing my Field Study II.
Ma'am Irene had a successful observation. She is a cheerful and approachable
teacher. I also notice that Ma'am Irene is the type of teacher who can kill dead air
during a discussion because she is a jolly teacher who is passionate about what
she doing definitely teaching. I like how she communicates with her
students and how she wanted to become acquainted with them. Her teaching
techniques and strategies would be extremely beneficial to me in classes held in
the afternoon, when students are less likely to listen and participate. Also, this
week me and my cooperating teacher had a meeting and discuss the things that
we can do to assist her doing as a modular teacher in Bajet-Castillo High School. A
wonderful week happened again, see you next week! Stay tuned. My Journal –
Week Four Hello! This is my fourth week of doing my Field Study II. Ma'am Joy
called a meeting for a "Kumustahan Class". She also inquired about our
perspectives and realizations as Field Study Students who had faced many
challenges in a variety of ways. And I realized that during this period,
UNDSERSTANDING is crucial because I believe that if we can understand one
another, we would be able to take steps to fill the void. Also, this week I
organized and created files for the answer sheets of Grade 7 and 8 handled by
Ma’am Janet as help to mitigate her task and to assist her as a modular teacher in
terms of checking. It is great experiences to check modules with the use of
devices and record it on the google drive that I made. A productive week just
happen, I have learned a lot and see you next week. Stay tuned. My Journal -
Week Five Hello! This is my fifth week of doing my Field Study II. This week is a
heavy week in a reason that I and my colleague John Joy Pareno need to check lot
of modules of Grade 7 and 8 as it is the favor of our Cooperating Teacher. I am
genuinely happy to help my Cooperating Teacher because it is my way of doing
my designated task as a Field Study Student. Also, while doing the task I realized
that checking is more difficult when it was done in cellphone. By this you should
need and editor to help you to check all the answer sheets of the students and
also after checking I recordedand compile by grade and section. This week is
amazing week due to I have opportunity to experiences difficulties in terms of
checking and at the same time recording. See you next week, stay tuned!

Reflective Journal on Field Study I


Activity: Electric Power; Series & Parallel Circuits

First day of observation – The lesson is about electric power. The teacher
assimilates the topic on daily life and the students participate. Some students
throw humor while discussing but the teacher still has control over her
students. When it is time to discuss she makes sure that the students are
listening. She also evaluates her students by giving activities after discussion.
She gives incentives on students who do their lecture.


The teacher taught the lesson well. To be honest, I understand the lesson
better when she discussed it rather than when I was in high school. Maybe
because I don’t have the attention span I had then, so if the learners only
listen to the teacher they would pass the activities and quiz that she gave to
them. Although she gives extrinsic motivation to the students she makes sure
that the lesson is thoroughly discussed by assimilating it to our daily life. I
think that the teacher did that so the students would easily catch the principles
and can participate in class.


Activity: Examination Day

The teacher prepares the classroom by arranging the chairs. He makes sure
that the room is neat and ready for the exam. He also told the students that
we, the student teachers will have an incentive if we caught anyone cheating.
The professor also roams inside the classroom while the exam is ongoing


The statement of the teacher made a mindset to the students to avoid cheating
because they will have a huge chance of getting caught since the professor
and three student observers are guarding the students. The professor also
roams inside the classroom while the exam is ongoing. I believe that it’s the
way to make the students avoid cheating since they might get caught or they
might not know that the professor is already watching them.

c.) When the teacher feel that the class is quiet, the teachertries to encourages all
the students to speak up by callingall their names and ask to answer a
question or giveexamples with regards to the topic.
I have realized that in every class, the samestudents repeatedly
participated during classes and mostof them are from the females, boys rarely
participate inthe class only if they are asked to. This type of classroomset up,
other students especially those who do notactively participate will be likely
to be left behind by theothers especially in class performances because they
willnot be recognized by the teachers. If other will be so quitduring classes it will
hinder them to develop their fullestabilities and skills most especially in
terms incommunication skills.

In response to the problem on student’s participation in theclassroom,

I have come to two plans to at least improve thesituation.a.) Allow

students to work independently in some part of thelesson. This is to give
equal chance to everyone toparticipate in the class discussions such as letting
them doa reporting, oral recitation and etc.
b.) List down or take note of those students who do notparticipate in
the class and by your next classes, call themfrom time to time to answer
your questions or explainsome part of the lesson so that they will have
participation because we didn’t know that these students might be
introvert students, so by that they can at least developtheir self-confidence
as well as their communication and social skills.
Allow students to work independently in some part of thelesson. This is to give equal chance to
everyone toparticipate in the class discussions such as letting them doa reporting, oral recitation and etc.

List down or take note of

those students who do not
participate in the class and by
your next classes, call them
from time to time to
answer your questions or
some part of the lesson so that
they will have participation
because we didn’t know
that these students might
List down or take note of those students who do notparticipate in the class and by your next
classes, call themfrom time to time to answer your questions or explainsome part of the lesson
so that they will have participationbecause we didn’t know that these students might be
I have realized that the class is more interactiverather than monotonous when the teacher
gives thestudents the opportunity to give their own examples withregards to the topic that they are
tackling. For instance,they are asked to give a noun word which can be used asverb when the stress is put
at the second syllable. Whenstudents give their individual answer, the class becomesso active and the
free flow of ideas is very high andevident. All the students will really try their best to
beimmersed especially those who are not quite participativebecause they are all expected to take part of
the wholeteaching-learning process

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