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14th February 2023


1. Action point follow up

2. Drought Cholera update

3. Regional Update

4. WASH cluster approach in IDP sites and next steps

5. AOB

WASH Cluster ETF

1. Review of action points:

date Action point In charge Deadline Status Details


31-JanShare the drought dashboard Samson 13-Feb THE GROUP

31-JanShare 2023 WASH Priority woredes Samson 13-Feb Not done

Share further information to

31-Jan partner on Activity Info Hudad 13-Feb DONE
2. Drought Update

• Ethiopia is experiencing one of the

worst droughts in forty years after
four consecutive failed rainy
• 17,056,129 people affected in 389
• The current drought is anticipated
to intensify in the coming months
2. Drought Update

2023 Financial requirement for drought

affected Woredas
Region Total Required
Afar $ 7,167,297
Amhara $ 5,175,716
Dire Dawa $ 41,525
Harari $ 38,179
Oromia $ 28,904,744
Sidama $ 967,026
SNNP $ 6,363,926
Somali $ 39,357,578
Ethiopia $ 84,937
Tigray $ 4,403,640
Total $ 92,504,568
2. Drought Update

Gap in
∙ Dawe Serer, Aga

Wayu Woredas of


∙ Awash Woreda of Afar

∙ Barey ,Charati, Elkare

/Serer , Hargele, West

Imi, Fik, Quarsadula

Woredas of Somali

∙ Mito Woreda of SNNP

Water coverage data gap in

Somali region
2. Update on Cholera

• Confirmed Cholera case in

Mandera Kenya , Neighboring to
Dolo Ado wereda of Somali

• 15 Suspected case in Dolo Ado

• WASH NFI prepositioned

• Regional level WASH cluster

meeting held
2. Cholera Response

• In Oromia, other than

Bale , Guji and West
Arsi New confirmed
Case in East Bale Zone
Update from Oromia Region
Drought Situation and major responses

• 1458 water schemes are non-Functional in 10 drought affected zone and In the last
two weeks 16 schemes rehabilitated by UNICEF, IRC, LWF and SCI benefiting
12185 population
• 4350 HH benefited from distribution of WASH-NFI including HHWTC
• Out of the needed 351 water trucks , 109 ( 31% ) deployed : 73 by government and
41 by UNICEF , IRC, WV, CISP, Help age and Action Aid and befitting 651,102
drought affected population

WASH Cluster ETF

Gaps and challenges
• Gap in water trucks to deliver water rationing for drought, IDP, CTCs and cholera affected
• Shortage of fuel and lack of commitment from water truck drivers and supervisors to follow up the
quality-of-service delivery
• Limited funding on durable WASH systems
• Market inflation to procure supplies ( pumps, pipes, fittings etc)
• Lack of cholera prevention works in adjacent zones, woredas and kebeles
• High rate of Open defecation in drought affected areas, IDP centers and cholera risk communities
• Huge gaps of WASH-NFI, Rotto tanks, EMWAT Kits, and HHWTC
• Few partners presence in Wollegas(only UNICEF,SCI, WVI and AAH)

WASH Cluster ETF


• Intensified drought response with special focus on durable systems

• Coordinated cholera response

• Attention to the neglected IDPs

WASH Cluster ETF

Update from Afar Region
Situation Update
∙ The WASH situation in Afar is changing gradually, WASH stakeholders
are involving on the Rehabilitation and restoration of the damaged water
schemes, as agreed on the cluster meeting solarization is becoming the top
priority for WASH Sector,

∙ The WASH cluster meeting held on 18th January 2023, WASH stakeholders
updated their response based on the available resource and agreed to focus
for the restoration of WASH facilities in the conflict affected woredas for

WASH Cluster ETF

• Supply and installation of 34Kw solar power system for one of the boreholes of

Chifra town have been completed by CARE, the system was operational through solar
as of 8th February 2023 and 10,500(4,950 F) individuals have benefitted from the
water supply,
∙ CARE under BHA Project supplied and installed 7.5 kw submersible pump and 13.32
kw solar power system for Hayten WSS (Erebti woreda) and the community start
using clean water after 1.5 years, the system was damaged during the conflict,
∙ Pipeline expansion and two water points construction for Magelela water supply
project at Megelela kebele of
∙ Pipeline expansion and two water points construction for Magelela water supply project at
Megelela kebele of Chifra woreda have been completed by World vision Ethiopia Afar Hub with
GAC Project, the project benefited more than 2000 people,
∙ OSD has finalized the digging of two latrine pits (1 in Yalo and 1 in Gullina) for the response of
conflict affected woredas,
∙ GOAL Ethiopia has distributed WASH NFIs in Elidar woreda in different Health facilities for
100HHs, the distribution is for the response of drought affected woredas,
∙ UNICEF dispatched 25 plastic water storage tanks with a capacity of 5,000 liter from Addis and delivered to
the RWB, the water storage tanks will be distributed to woredas based on the need to both drought and
conflict affected areas,
Key gaps
∙ All WASH services are not adequate as per the need for the returnees in the conflict
affected areas and drought affected areas,
∙ Rehabilitation of damaged water supply schemes facility in the conflict affected areas
for the returnees,
∙ Low funding in most stakeholders to address the WASH gaps.
Asks to the group
• Advocacy for funding and engagement of partners intervention in the conflict affected
areas for the returnees and for the drought affected areas,
• Electromechanical equipment(pumps, generators and fittings) support for the
rehabilitation of the water supply schemes for the conflict affected areas.

WASH Cluster ETF

Update from SNNP & SWE Region
∙ 23,387 people were able to access potable water supply through provision and installation of 4 tankers and distribution of
water treatment chemicals in Gofa zone, Siraro Badawicho woreda of Hadiya zone, Tambaro woreda of Kambata zone and
Dasenech woreda of South omo
∙ 6,250 people were received emergency WASH NFIs in Siraro Badawicho woreda of Hadiya zone and Tambaro woreda of
Kambata zone
∙ 5500 people were reached through rehabilitation of 5 water schemes in Kechi woreda of Dawuro zone and Zala and Uba
D/tsehay woredas of Gofa zone
∙ Rehabilitated 8 water schemes in Dasenech woreda of South Omo zone
∙ More than 10,500 people were received emergency WASH NFIs in Dasenech woreda of South Omo zone
∙ Constructed 12 blocks of semi-permanent latrines and addressed 4000 people with hygiene promotion in Dasenech woreda of
south omo
∙ Deployed one water trucker and continues ration of clean water for 15,515 people in Dasenech woreda of south omo zone.

WASH Cluster ETF

∙ Addressed 1845 people with hygiene promotion in Bule woreda of Gedeo zone
∙ Constructed 9 water schemes, reservoir (50m3) and generator house in karate and segen woreds of konso zone
∙ Rehabilitated 11 water schemes in konso,derashe and amaro special woredas, and Contracted 1 on spot spring in
Alle special woreda
∙ Constructed 2 blocks of semi-permanent latrines in Dasenech woreda of south omo zone
∙ Constructed 3 water points and installed one water storage tanker in Nyangatom woreda of south omo zone
∙ Deployed 2 water truckers and rationed clean water in Dasenech woreda of s/omo zone., & Rehabilitated 9 water
schemes in karate and Segen zuria woredas of konso zone

WASH Cluster ETF

⮚ Christian Aid
∙ Deployed 2 water truckers and rationed potable water in Dasenech and Nyangatom woredas of South omo zone.
∙ Rehabilitated 3 water schemes in Gnangatom, Salamago and Benastemay woredas of south omo zone
∙ Distributed WASH NFIs for 14,000 people in Dasenech, Gnangatom, Salamago and Benastemay woredas of south omo zone
∙ Constructed 2 on spot springs in Salamago woreda of south omo zone
∙ Addressed more than 20,000 people with key hygiene and sanitation messages
∙ Constructed 3 new water points and rehabilitated 2 existing water points in karate woreda of konso zone
∙ Distributed WASH NFIs for 500 people in Segen woreda of konso zone
Key gaps
∙ $75,000 required for rehabilitation of 5 water supply including pump replacement (Power 26KV, head =260m, Q=5li/sec & Power
=38 KV, head=330m & Q=8lit/sec for SWE.
∙ $200,000 allocation required for rehabilitation/expansion & drilling 10 shallow wells in Gamo zone Garda Marta woreda for
communities affected severely with drought (estimated USD 70K) for SNNPR.
Asks to the group
• Advocating fund to provide adequate support for people affected by draught and Cholera at risk in SNNPR,SWE and Sidama region

WASH Cluster ETF

Update from Amhara region
Inputs for the national WASH cluster ETF meeting
WASH situation and response at the Jara IDP Camp

• There are now 7,983 IDPs in the Jara IDP site, who have been displaced from the Oromia region.

1. Emergency water trucking

• CRS is providing water trucking service twice a day using one truck with a capacity of 18 M3.

• The minimum daily water requirement is about 59,873 liter and CRS plans to increase the number of trucks as the

number of IDPs increase; when funds are available.

• CRS plans to extend pipe from the newly constructed borehole to the camp, including solarization, when funds are


• Water storage tanks are available, but fittings must be maintained

• Water quality monitoring and testing is highly required

2. Provision of Essential hygiene/Dignity /child kits

• With UNICEF assistance, WASH NFIs distributed 1,000 Jericans, 1,000 buckets, 6,000 bars of laundry and body
soap, and 50 hand washing containers.

• Additional hygiene/dignity and child kits are required.

3. Sanitation and hygiene facilities

• There are 198 stances semi-permanent latrines available, some of which require maintenance due to damaged
sustained during the conflict.

• There are 248 shower rooms available, but they require pipe line extension and room maintenance.

• Similarly, 8 hand washing facilities available, but additional hand washing facilities and maintenance of existing
facilities are required.

• Requires hygiene promotion, campus sanitation, cleaning supplies, and training for hygiene promoters and
4. Coordination and Partners operational presence

• The zonal ICP is active, with meetings held once a week.

• Among the WASH partners, only CRS is providing water trucking service with limited capacity.

• UNICEF also provides support to WASH NFIs as well as coordination and technical assistance

• We demand more partners engagement and resource to assist IDPs in temporary shelters
Update from Tigray Region
⮚ 13,284 (72%) water supply schemes are not functional
based on water scheme damaged assessment.
⮚ 4.7 million people are out of access to safe water and
exposed to water born related diseases.
⮚ 63% of water points in schools are not functional based
on the school wash damaged assessment.
⮚ 76% of water points in health institutions are not
functional based on the health facility damaged
⮚ 1,561,255 people are in Priority one woredas for
sanitation. (Criteria: >100 people per latrine)
⮚ Desludging liquid waste remains a key priority to ensure
the functionality of latrines.
Hygiene promotions
⮚ 3,376,378 people are in priority 1 woreda for hygiene
Presence of wash partners
⮚ There are 59 wash partners but only 30 partners are
active in wash response.
TIGRAY: WASH Cluster Weekly Response
Annual Weekly Weekly Weekly Remark
WASH-Indicators Target/HR Plan Achieve.. Ach. %

# People get access to Sanitation facilities 1,561,255 21,789 13,791 63

# People get access to water through durable
solution 2,185,996 29,810 12,091 41
# People get access to water through water
trucking 668,231 31,765 11,621 37

# People provided with lifesaving WASH NFI 832,456 37,923 29,862 79

# People provided essential sanitation and

hygiene message 3,376,378 21,872 19,042 87
Key Challenges

▪ Supplies: Especially electromechanical materials (pumps, switch board, generators

& tools) and water quality kits and water treatment & consumable chemicals.
▪ Government structure is not fully functional: resuming the system is crucial to
ensure sustainability of wash services.
▪ Funding : is very limited with WASH partners
▪ Scale of response needs is significantly high as access is improving.
▪ Capacity building: Water bureau staff at Region, Zonal, Woreda and Kebelle level
to ensure sustainability through refresher trainings, provision of basic tools, water
quality kits, office equipment, furniture etc

WASH Cluster update : Feb 08 , 2023

Update on 2022 cluster achievements &
2023 HNO and HRP
Partner Operational Presence 2022
Annual Response Dashboard 2022
PIN and Target 2023 Vs 2022
HRP 2022, MYR 2022 and HRP 2023 Comparison







Total PIN 2022 Tota Target 2022 Total MYR PIN Tota MYR Target Total PIN 2023 ToTal Target 2023
2022 2022
Draft PIN and Target by Region
Funding Request
Fund requested Trend




HRP 2022 MYR 2022 HRP 2023

HRP 2022 MYR 2022 HRP 2023

WASH cluster approach in IDP sites

- Number of IDPs in Ethiopia remains high
- New displacements due to conflict and drought
- Feedback from field monitoring visits: important WASH needs in IDP sites
- Challenges: funding gaps; huge level of needs across the country

⇒ Need to make the most of existing limited funding and expand

4. WASH in IDP sites
WASH cluster approach in IDP sites

Next steps:
- The WASH cluster is working with CCCM to map the Lead WASH
partner in IDP sites
- If you are working in IDP sites, please reach out to regional WASH cluster
teams to list sites
- This list will then be made available to the group, including donors
- Cluster will advocate for sites without lead WASH partner
5. AOB

AOB from meeting participants

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