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In the period of modernization, some people choose to work at home instead of going to an office every

day due to up-to-date technology. Personally, working at home can give more benefits than working in
the office because of saving time, creating a good mood, and effective work.

To start with, some people say that time is more valuable, so time-saving is a crucial reason for choosing
to work at home. People don’t need to move out of their homes because it takes much time such as
traffic jams, traffic accidents, etc... In my previous job, I woke up at 5:00 a.m in order to have breakfast
and move to the company early every day. Nowadays, when I get a job working at home, I have more
time to break.

Secondly, one of the reasons is creating a good mood for workers. Some statements that working in a
better mood will more creative and intelligent. People can use most of their knowledge and hard work
without stress like working at the office. Moreover, people still have more energy to continue overtime
at home.

Last but not least, working at home will help people increase effective work. Because home is a quiet
and comfortable place to work. Additionally, it takes people more concentration to solve issues without
being influenced by anything. My best friend Mary told me that she feels full of energy when she
worked at home, so she efforted to complete assignments. As a result, she got highly rating from her
monitor last month.

To summarize, I think working at home is more benefits than going to an office. This is because working
at home will save time, create a good mood, and effective work. However, choosing to depend on a
person’s personality or type of work suits their career.

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