Lecture Note1telko

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Lecture Notes.

Marina Artiyasa

Telecommunication Systems Engineering

Introduction : Introduction to
Telecommunication Systems
Telecommunication is technique delivery or delivery information distance far from _ something
place to place other . information the Can in the form of writing, sound , images , or object
other .

Broadly speaking , telecommunications _ Already There is since 18th century and now Already
develop with very fast . Generally technology This can differentiated become a number of kind ,
like telegraph , telephone , television , and more Lots Again other .

Telecommunication has play role important in connection social . However so , device like
system phone at first advertised with emphasis on dimensions practical devices ( eg ability For
do business or order service home ) which is contradictory with dimensions social . It was not
until the late 1920s and 1930s that dimensions social device become theme main in
advertisement telephone . Promotion new start interesting emotion consumers , stressed
importance conversation social and permanent connected with family and friends . Since That
role telecommunication in connection social become the more important . In a number of year
Lastly , the popularity of networking sites social has increase dramatically . These sites possible
user For each other communicate as well as send photos , events and profiles For seen by others.
Profile can include age , interests , preferences sexual , and relationship status somebody . With
method these , these sites can play role important in all thing , start from arrange involvement
social until in a relationship .

In matter culture , telecommunications has increase ability public For access music and films.
With television , people can watched the movie yet Once they watch previously at home they
Alone without must go to the video store or cinema . With radio and the internet, people can
listen music yet _ Once they hear previously without must go to the music store .

1. Introduction
Telecommunications is an integral part of modern life , allows exchange information
between individuals , devices , and systems around the world. With development
technology , telecommunications has become bone back digital infrastructure ,
facilitating communication voice , data and multimedia efficient . Knowledge about
Telecommunication Systems Engineering to be key For understand and develop
technologies This more carry on .

2. Importance Telecommunication Systems

Engineering Study
In today's digital era This , where connectivity is fast and reliable become primary need ,
understanding principles the basis of Telecommunications Systems Engineering is the
more important . Students and professionals in the field This need own strong
understanding _ about various aspect , start from basics communication until
technologies up to date like 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT).

3. Goals and Benefits Material This

Material This aim For give comprehensive understanding _ about Telecommunication
Systems Engineering to reader . Through in -depth discussion about concepts basics ,
technologies current , and future trends , are expected reader can :

 Understand principles base communications and systems telecommunications .

 Control technologies main used _ in telecommunications .
 Identify and analyze challenge as well as opportunity in industry
telecommunications .

4. Structure Material
Material This consists of five parts The main ones include :

1. Introduction : Providing description general about telecommunications and its

importance Telecommunications Systems Engineering studies .
2. Theoretical Basics Communication : Discuss principles the basis becomes
foundation in system telecommunications .
3. Telecommunication Networks : Explaining about various type network
telecommunications and architecture used . _
4. Technology Communication Wireless : Review development latest in
technology communication wireless like network cellular and Wi-Fi.
5. Future Trends : Discuss _ future trends and developments _ in industry
telecommunications .
5. Methodology Learning
Learning in material This will done through combination lecture , discussion , study
cases , and practicals . Student will confronted with theories conceptual supported by
examples _ applicable in the real world . Besides That , students will too given chance
For do exploration more carry on through research and projects practical .

Absenteeism : 10 percent . ( which Can improvement and an A grade roll call full )

ASSIGNMENT : 20 percent

UTS. : 30 Percent

UAS: 40 Percent

There is also simulation by Matlab or proteus etc … related with telecommunication

6. Conclusion
With deep understanding _ about Telecommunication Systems Engineering , it is hoped
reader can become competent and innovative professionals _ in solve challenges faced
by the industry telecommunications . Material This expected can give solid foundation _
for development abilities and knowledge in very field _ important This .

1. Soemantri , A. (2019). Telecommunications Basics. Jakarta: Publisher Erlangga .
2. Widianto , A. (2020). Network Communication : Theory and Practice . Bandung:
Informatics .
3. Sutrisno , A. (2018). Technology Communication Wireless . Yogyakarta: ANDI.
4. Susanto, B. (2021). Trends Telecommunications Technology in the Future .
Surabaya: Publisher Jember .
5. Stallings, William. (2013). "Data and Computer Communications." Pearson.
6. Proakis , John G., & Salehi, Masoud. (2008). "Communication Systems
Engineering." Pearson.
7. Rappaport, Theodore S. (2011). "Wireless Communications: Principles and
Practice." Pearson.
8. Smith, John, & Johnson, Adam. (2020). "Fundamentals of Telecommunication
Systems." Wiley.
9. Andrews, Jeffrey G., et al. (2020). "5G NR: The Next Generation Wireless Access
Technology." Cambridge University Press.

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