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Received: 20 March 2017 | Revised: 30 May 2017 | Accepted: 27 June 2017

DOI: 10.1111/cen.13412


Maternal thyroid function, prepregnancy obesity and

gestational weight gain—The Generation R Study: A
prospective cohort study

Fernanda M. Collares1,2,3 | Tim I.M. Korevaar1,4,5 | Albert Hofman3 | Eric A.P. Steegers1,6 |
Robin P. Peeters4,5 | Vincent W.V. Jaddoe1,2,3 | Romy Gaillard1,2,3

The Generation R Study Group, Erasmus
University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Summary
The Netherlands Objective: Maternal prepregnancy obesity and excessive gestational weight gain are
Department of Paediatrics, Erasmus
associated with pregnancy complications. Thyroid function is related to differences in
University Medical Center-Sophia Children’s
Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands body mass index (BMI) in adult populations. We examined the associations of maternal
Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus thyroid function in early pregnancy with maternal BMI and weight gain during
University Medical Center, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus Design and methods: In a population-­based prospective cohort study among 5726
University Medical Center, Rotterdam, mothers, we measured maternal TSH and FT4 levels at 13.5 weeks of gestation (95%
The Netherlands
range: 9.7-­17.6 weeks). Maternal weight was assessed before pregnancy and in each
Rotterdam Thyroid Center, Erasmus
University Medical Center, Rotterdam, trimester.
The Netherlands Results: Higher maternal TSH levels were associated with higher prepregnancy BMI
Department of Obstetrics and
(difference: 0.18 kg/m2 [95% CI: 0.01, 0.36] per SD increase in maternal TSH level)
Gynaecology, Erasmus University Medical
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and higher total gestational weight gain (difference: 0.02 kg/wk [95% CI: 0.01, 0.03]
per SD increase in maternal TSH level). Higher maternal FT4 levels were associated
Romy Gaillard, The Generation R Study with lower prepregnancy BMI (difference: −0.44 kg/m2 [95% CI: −0.63, −0.26] per SD
Group (Na2918), Erasmus Medical Center,
increase in maternal FT4 level) and lower total gestational weight gain (difference:
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Email: −0.01 kg/wk [95% CI: −0.02, −0.01] per SD increase in maternal FT4 level). The asso-
Funding information ciations of maternal thyroid function with weight gain in early pregnancy were stronger
The Generation R Study is made possible by than those with weight gain in mid and late-­pregnancy. Maternal hypothyroidism was
financial support from the Erasmus Medical
Center, Rotterdam, the Erasmus University associated with higher prepregnancy BMI and early pregnancy weight gain, whereas
Rotterdam and the Netherlands Organization opposite effects were observed for maternal hyperthyroidism (P<.05).
for Health Research and Development.
Furthermore, this research has received Conclusions: Higher maternal TSH level and lower FT4 level in early pregnancy are
funding from the Netherlands Organization associated with higher prepregnancy BMI and higher gestational weight gain. Further
for Health Research and Development
NWOZonMw-­VIDI 016.136.361 to VWVJ; studies are needed to explore maternal and foetal consequences.
and a clinical fellowship project number
90700412 to RPP and the European KEYWORDS
Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
gestational weight gain, maternal prepregnancy body mass index, thyroid function
(FP7/2007-­2013), project Early Nutrition
under grant agreement no. 289346.

1 | INTRODUCTION higher BMI in adults.1,2 Differences in thyroid function may also influ-
ence the risk of overweight and obesity among women of reproduc-
Variations in thyroid function are related to differences in body mass tive age and subsequently affect maternal and childhood outcomes.
index (BMI). Higher TSH levels and lower FT4 levels are related to a Maternal obesity is associated with increased risks of gestational

Clinical Endocrinology. 2017;87:799–806.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 799
800 | COLLARES et al.

hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes, stillbirth and large size as the following groups: overt hypothyroidism (TSH>4.04 mU/L and
for gestational age infants. In addition to maternal obesity, exces- FT4<10.4 pmol/L; n=23), subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH>4.04 mU/L
sive gestational weight gain also adversely affects maternal and foetal and FT4>10.4 and FT4<22 pmol/L; n=188) and overt hyperthyroidism
pregnancy outcomes.4,5 Thus far, not much is known about the cor- (TSH<0.03 mU/L and FT4>22 pmol/L, n=50). We combined overt hy-
relations of maternal thyroid function during pregnancy with maternal pothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism in one category to study
prepregnancy overweight and obesity and gestational weight gain. A the effects of abnormal lower thyroid activity.
prospective cohort study among 1035 women showed that lower FT4
levels but not TSH levels are related to a higher maternal BMI through-
2.3 | Maternal anthropometrics and weight gain
out pregnancy.7 Also, lower FT4 levels at mid-­pregnancy were related
during pregnancy
to an increased risk of excessive gestational weight gain.7 However,
this previous study did not extensively adjust the analyses for potential Maternal anthropometrics were assessed in early (gestational age
confounders and was unable to explore the effects of maternal thyroid <18 weeks), mid (gestational age 18-­25 weeks) and late-­pregnancy
function on maternal weight gain during specific periods of pregnancy. (gestational age >25 weeks). Maternal height (cm) and weight (kg)
Therefore, we examined in a population-­based prospective cohort were measured without shoes and heavy clothing in each pregnancy
study among 5726 pregnant women the associations of maternal TSH period, and BMI (kg/m2) was calculated. Information about maternal
and FT4 levels in early pregnancy with maternal prepregnancy BMI weight just before pregnancy was obtained by questionnaire. As enrol-
and weight gain in early, mid and late-­pregnancy. ment in our study was in early pregnancy, we were not able to meas-
ure maternal weight before pregnancy. However, in our population for
analysis, 63% of all women were enrolled before a gestational age of
14 weeks. Correlation of prepregnancy weight, obtained by question-
naire, and weight measured at enrolment was 0.95 (P<.001) (regression
2.1 | Study design
coefficient for this correlation: 0.93 [95% CI 0.93, 0.94]). Prepregnancy
This study was embedded in the Generation R Study, a population-­ BMI was categorized into four categories: underweight (<20 kg/m2),
based prospective cohort study from foetal life onwards in Rotterdam, normal weight (20-­24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25-­29.9 kg/m2) and obe-
the Netherlands. It has been approved by the Medical Ethical sity (≥30 kg/m2). Weight gain until a gestational age of 30 weeks was
Committee of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam (MEC measured and available for 5428 mothers. Period-­specific weight gain
198.782/2001/31). All mothers gave written consent. Pregnant was calculated.14 Information about maximum weight during preg-
women with an expected delivery date from April 2002 to January nancy was available in a subgroup of 2751 mothers and was assessed
2006 were enrolled in the study. In total, 8879 women were enrolled by questionnaire two months after delivery. According to Institute of
during pregnancy, of whom TSH and FT4 measurements in early preg- Medicine guidelines, we defined excessive gestational weight gain in
nancy (<18 weeks) were available in 6013 subjects. As our interest relation to maternal prepregnancy BMI (for underweight and normal
was in the effect of thyroid hormones within the normal variation in weight mothers: total weight gain >16 kg; for overweight mothers: total
low risk pregnancies, we excluded women with known thyroid disease weight gain >11.5 kg and for obese mothers: total weight gain >9 kg).15
or thyroid medication usage, fertility treatment and nonsingleton live
birth (n=284). Women without data about weight before or during
2.4 | Covariates
pregnancy available were excluded (n=3). Thus, the population for
analysis included 5726 women (Fig. S1). Information about maternal age, parity, educational level, ethnicity,
smoking, alcohol consumption and folic acid supplement use was
assessed by questionnaires.8 Total serum hCG levels were deter-
2.2 | Thyroid parameters
mined from blood samples drawn from the women at enrolment in
As previously described, maternal serum samples were obtained in the study.16 First trimester maternal nutritional information was ob-
early pregnancy (median 13.5 weeks; 95% range: 9.7-­17.6 weeks).9 tained by food frequency questionnaire.17 Information on pregnancy
Maximally 3 h after sampling, plain tubes were centrifuged and serum complications (gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and gestational
was stored at −80°C.10 TSH, FT4 and TT4 were determined in mater- diabetes), gestational age at birth and birthweight was obtained from
nal samples using chemiluminescence assays (Vitros ECI; Ortho Clinical medical records. Details of these procedures have been described
Diagnostics, Rochester, NY, USA). The intra-­ and interassay coefficients more specifically elsewhere.18
of variation were <4.1% for TSH at a range of 3.97-­22.70 mIU/L, <5.4%
for FT4 at a range of 14.3-­25.0 pmol/L and <6.4% for TT4 at a range of
2.5 | Statistical analyses
94.0-­151.0 nmol/L.11 As advocated by international guidelines, we used
population-­specific thyroid parameter reference ranges, details which We used logistic regression models to assess the associations of ma-
have been reported previously and applied to this same sample.9,12,13 ternal TSH and FT4 levels with the risks of maternal prepregnancy un-
Maternal reference ranges were 0.03-­4.04 mU/L for TSH and 10.4-­ derweight, overweight and obesity and excessive gestational weight
22 pmol/L for FT4.9 We defined abnormal maternal thyroid function gain. Next, we used linear regression models to assess the associations
COLLARES et al. | 801

of maternal thyroid hormone levels with maternal prepregnancy BMI, TABLE 1 Maternal characteristics (N=5726)a
total gestational weight gain and gestational weight gain in different pe-
Characteristics Value
riods of pregnancy in further detail. These regression models were first
Age, mean (SD), years 29.7 (5.0)
only adjusted for gestational age at thyroid function measurement, and
subsequently additionally adjusted for maternal socio-­demographic Height, mean (SD), cm 167.5 (7.4)

characteristics (maternal age, parity, educational level and ethnicity) Education, n (%)

and lifestyle-­related characteristics (maternal smoking, diet and folic Primary 514 (9.7)
acid intake during pregnancy; prepregnancy BMI was included in ges- Secondary 2406 (45.3)
tational weight gain models only). Models with gestational weight gain Higher 2391 (45)
as outcomes were also adjusted for pregnancy-­related characteristics Race/Ethnicity, n (%)
(pregnancy complications and birth characteristics). For all analyses, Dutch or European 3340 (60.8)
we assessed the associations per standard deviation change in ma- Surinamese 477 (8.7)
ternal TSH and FT4 levels. Finally, we used similar models to assess
Turkish 448 (8.2)
the associations of clinically abnormal maternal thyroid function with
Moroccan 330 (6.0)
maternal prepregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain. Sensitivity
Cape Verdean or Dutch Antilles 390 (7.1)
analyses using maternal TT4 levels instead of FT4 levels and maternal
Others 510 (9.3)
BMI measured at enrolment, instead of maternal prepregnancy BMI,
Parity: no. of nulliparous (%) 3260 (57.4)
were performed. We also performed a sensitivity analysis in which we
additionally adjusted the analyses for total hCG to assess if the ob- Folic acid supplement use, n (%) 3247 (74.6)

served associations were influenced by this hormone. Missing data of Diet

the covariates were imputed using multiple imputation. The percent- Total energy intake, mean (SD), kcal 2039 (564)
ages of missing values within the population for analysis were lower Smoking, n (%) 1430 (28.1)
than 15%, except for information about folic acid supplementation use Pregnancy complications
(24%). All analyses were performed using the Statistical Package of Gestational hypertension, n (%) 98 (2.0)
Social Sciences version 21.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Preeclampsia, n (%) 97 (1.7)
Gestational diabetes, n (%) 58 (1.1)

3 | RESULTS Thyroid hormones measures

TSH, median (95% range), mIU/L 1.4 (0.03, 4.5)
3.1 | Subject characteristics FT4, median (95% range), pmol/L 14.8 (9.4, 22.2)
Weight measures
Characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. Median
values (95% range) for TSH and FT4 were 1.4 mIU/L (0.03, 4.5) and Prepregnancy body mass index, mean (SD), kg/m2 24.5 (4.4)

14.8 pmol/L (9.4, 22.2), respectively. The mean (SD) prepregnancy Prepregnancy weight, mean SD, kg 68.7 (13.0)

BMI was 24.5 kg/m² (4.4), and total weight gain during pregnancy was Maximum weight gain (SD), kg 15.2 (5.6)
15.2 kg (5.6). Early pregnancy weight gain, mean (SD), kg/wk 0.17 (0.27)
Mid-­pregnancy weight gain, mean (SD), kg/wk 0.49 (0.24)
Late-­pregnancy weight gain, mean (SD), kg/wk 0.57 (0.39)
3.2 | Maternal thyroid function and the risks of
maternal prepregnancy underweight, overweight and Birth characteristics

excessive gestational weight gain Sex, male % 50.6

Gestational age, median (95% range), weeks 40.1 (35.6, 42.3)
Figure 1 shows that a higher maternal TSH level in early pregnancy
Birthweight, mean (SD), g 3413 (564)
was associated with a lower risk of maternal prepregnancy under-
weight (P<.05), but not with the risk of maternal overweight or obe- Values are means (standard deviation), medians (95% range) or numbers
sity. A higher maternal TSH level was associated with a higher risk of
excessive gestational weight gain (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.28 [95% CI: 1.13,
1.45] per SD increase in maternal TSH level). A higher maternal FT4
level in early pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of prepreg-
3.3 | Maternal thyroid function, prepregnancy body
nancy underweight, and with a lower risk of prepregnancy overweight
mass index and weight gain during pregnancy
or obesity (OR 1.30 [95% CI: 1.15, 1.46] and OR 0.83 [95% CI: 0.75,
0.92], respectively, per SD increase in maternal FT4 level). A higher Table 2 shows that a higher maternal TSH level was associated with
maternal FT4 level in early pregnancy was associated with a lower risk a higher maternal prepregnancy BMI in the model adjusted for socio-­
of excessive gestational weight gain (OR 0.83 [95% CI: 0.73, 0.94], per demographic and lifestyle-­related characteristics (difference: 0.18 kg/m2
SD increase in maternal FT4 level). [95% CI: 0.01, 0.36] per SD increase in TSH level). A higher maternal TSH
802 | COLLARES et al.

F I G U R E 1 Maternal thyroid function

and the risks of prepregnancy underweight,
overweight and excessive gestational
weight gain. Associations of maternal TSH
and FT4 levels in early pregnancy with the
risk of maternal prepregnancy underweight,
overweight or obesity and excessive
gestational weight gain, as compared to
maternal normal weight and nonexcessive
gestational weight gain, respectively.
Results are based on logistic regression
models and show the risks of the adverse
maternal outcomes per increase in standard
deviation of maternal TSH and FT4 levels in
the basic models

level was also associated with a slightly higher total gestational weight fully adjusted model), whereas hyperthyroidism was associated with
gain and early pregnancy weight gain (differences: 0.02 kg/wk [95% CI: a lower prepregnancy BMI (difference −1.79 kg/m2 [95% CI: −3.11,
0.01, 0.03] and 0.03 kg/wk [95% CI: 0.01, 0.04] per SD increase in TSH −0.47] in the fully adjusted model). Maternal hypothyroidism was
level). These associations were not explained by socio-­demographic, life- associated with higher early pregnancy weight gain, while hyperthy-
style and pregnancy-­related characteristics. No associations were pre- roidism was associated with lower early pregnancy weight gain (dif-
sent between maternal TSH level and late-­pregnancy weight gain. ferences 0.06 kg/wk [95% CI: 0.02, 0.10] and −0.23 kg/wk [95% CI:
Table 3 shows that, in the basic model, a higher maternal FT4 level −0.31, −0.15] as compared to women with a normal thyroid function,
was associated with a lower prepregnancy BMI (difference: −0.54 kg/ in the fully adjusted models, respectively). Abnormal maternal thyroid
m [95% CI: −0.72, −0.35] per SD increase in FT4 level). Additional function was not related to total gestational weight gain and mid-­ or
adjustment for socio-­demographic and lifestyle-­related characteris- late-­pregnancy weight gain.
tics did not explain these associations. A higher maternal FT4 level
was associated with a lower total gestational weight gain and early
pregnancy weight gain in the basic model (differences: −0.02 kg/wk 4 | DISCUSSION
[95% CI: −0.02, −0.01] and −0.04 kg/wk [95% CI: −0.05, −0.03], per
SD increase in maternal FT4 level). These associations remained signif- In this prospective cohort study, we observed that a higher maternal
icant after adjustment for socio-­demographic, lifestyle and pregnancy-­ TSH level in early pregnancy was associated with a higher prepreg-
related characteristics. No associations of maternal FT4 with mid-­ or nancy BMI and an increased risk of excessive gestational weight gain,
late-­pregnancy weight gain were present. whereas a higher maternal FT4 level was associated with a lower
Table S1 shows the associations of TT4 with maternal prepreg- prepregnancy BMI and lower risk of excessive gestational weight gain.
nancy BMI and gestational weight gain. Similar results were present Associations of maternal thyroid function with gestational weight gain
when we used maternal TT4 level instead of FT4 level. When we used were strongest for early pregnancy weight gain. These associations
maternal BMI measured at enrolment instead of maternal prepreg- were not explained by maternal socio-­demographic characteristics,
nancy BMI, similar results were present (results not shown). Tables S2 lifestyle-­related characteristics or pregnancy-­related characteristics.
and S3 show that additional adjustment for maternal hCG level in early
pregnancy did not explain the observed associations of maternal TSH
4.1 | Methodological considerations
and FT4 level with maternal weight outcomes.
One of the strengths of this study was the prospective data collec-
tion from early pregnancy onwards. To our knowledge, this is the first
3.4 | Abnormal maternal thyroid function,
study that examined the associations of maternal thyroid parameters
prepregnancy body mass index and weight gain
in early pregnancy with detailed maternal weight measurements
during pregnancy
throughout pregnancy. We had a large sample size of 5726 pregnant
Table 4 shows that, as compared to mothers with a normal thyroid women. The response rate at baseline for participation in the study
function, maternal hypothyroidism was associated with a higher cohort was 61%.8 Pregnant women who participated were higher
prepregnancy BMI (difference 0.66 kg/m [95% CI: 0.03, 1.29] in the educated, healthier and more frequently of Dutch origin than were
COLLARES et al. | 803

T A B L E 2 Associations of maternal TSH level with maternal weight tends to be underestimated, so some misclassification might
prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gaina have occurred. However, we observed similar results when we

Differences in maternal weight used maternal BMI measured at enrolment instead of self-­reported
measures (95% confidence prepregnancy BMI. In addition, several cohort studies have shown
interval [CI]) per SD change in that assessment of maternal prepregnancy BMI by questionnaire is
maternal TSH level
a valid method with an adequate concordance of prepregnancy BMI
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2) with measured BMI at the first study visit.20-22 Maternal prepregnancy
Basic Model 0.01 (−0.17, 0.19) BMI and maternal thyroid function were assessed at enrolment in the
Adjusted Model c
0.18 (0.01, 0.36)* study. Due to this cross-­sectional design, we were not able to draw
Total gestational weight gain (kg/wk) conclusions about directions and causality of these observed associa-

Basic Model b
0.02 (0.01, 0.02)* tions. We had detailed information about a large number of potential
confounding factors in this study, but as in any observational study,
Adjusted Modelc 0.02 (0.01, 0.03)*
residual confounding due to other socio-­demographic and lifestyle-­
Mediator Modeld 0.02 (0.01, 0.02)*
related determinants might still be an issue.
Early pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Basic Modelb 0.02 (0.01, 0.04)*
Adjusted Modelc 0.03 (0.01, 0.04)* 4.2 | Interpretation of main findings
Mediator Model 0.03 (0.01, 0.04)* Studies among nonpregnant populations have reported that higher
Mid-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk) TSH and lower FT4 levels are associated with a higher weight and
Basic Modelb 0.01 (0.00, 0.02) higher BMI.1,2,23-26 Lower FT4 levels within the normal range have also
Adjusted Model 0.01 (−0.01, 0.02) been associated with higher waist circumference, waist-­to-­hip ratio,
Mediator Model d
0.01 (−0.01, 0.02) total body fat mass and abdominal subcutaneous fat mass.2,24,27-29
Late-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk) Less information is available about the associations of thyroid
Basic Model b
0.02 (0.00, 0.04) function with prepregnancy obesity and gestational weight gain. A
recent study from Pop et al. among 1035 women found a significant
Adjusted Modelc 0.02 (−0.01, 0.04)
correlation between lower FT4 level in early pregnancy and higher pre-
Mediator Modeld 0.02 (0.00, 0.05)
pregnancy BMI (r=−.14, P<.001).7 The same study did not observe a
Results are from linear regression analyses; values are regression coeffi-
correlation between TSH levels and prepregnancy BMI. A study among
cients (95% CI) and reflect the differences in maternal prepregnancy BMI
(kg/m2), maternal total gestational weight gain (kg/wk) and maternal 9209 euthyroid women and 306 treated hypothyroid women with
weight gain in early, mid and late pregnancy (kg/wk) per standard deviation singleton pregnancies showed that higher second-­trimester maternal
change of maternal TSH level. FT4 level was related to a lower maternal weight.30,31 These effects
Basic model is adjusted for gestational age at thyroid measurement.
were not present for maternal TSH level. We observed that higher
Adjusted model is additionally adjusted for socio-­demographic character-
maternal TSH and lower maternal FT4 levels in early pregnancy were
istics (maternal age, parity, educational level and ethnicity) and lifestyle
characteristics (maternal smoking, diet and folic acid intake during preg- associated with a higher maternal prepregnancy BMI. These associa-
nancy). For gestational weight gain models, prepregnancy BMI is also in- tions were independent of a large number of socio-­demographic and
cluded in lifestyle-­related characteristics. lifestyle-­related characteristics. In line with these previous studies, our
Mediator model is additionally adjusted for pregnancy-­related character-
observed associations of maternal FT4 levels in early pregnancy with
istics (pregnancy complications and birth characteristics).
*P<.05. prepregnancy BMI were stronger and more consistent as compared to
the associations for maternal TSH levels.
The same study from Pop et al. showed that higher median TSH
and lower median FT4 levels in all trimesters were correlated with a
those who did not participate.8 The nonresponse would lead to biased higher amount of total weight gain during pregnancy. Women with
effect estimates if the associations were different between those in- higher FT4 levels during mid-­gestation had a lower total weight
cluded and not included in the analyses. This seems unlikely because gain.7 In line with this study, we found that higher maternal TSH
biased estimates in large cohort studies mainly arise from loss to and lower maternal FT4 levels in early pregnancy were associated
follow-­up rather than from nonresponse at baseline. However, the with an increased risk of excessive gestational weight gain during
nonresponse may have led to the selection of a more healthy popula- pregnancy.
tion and may affect the generalizability of our results. Maternal thy- Gestational weight gain is a complex trait, which reflects multi-
roid parameters were assessed only once during pregnancy. As our ple components, including maternal nutritional status, fat storage,
study population is a relatively healthy and low risk population, the fluid expansion and growth of the foetus, placenta and uterus.5,14,15
variation in maternal thyroid parameters was relatively small as com- This also partly depends upon the timing of gestational weight gain.
pared nonpopulation-­based studies. Maternal prepregnancy BMI was Maternal weight gain in early pregnancy largely reflects maternal fat
assessed by questionnaire at enrolment in the study. Self-­reported deposition, whereas weight gain in mid-­ and late-­pregnancy reflects
804 | COLLARES et al.

T A B L E 3 Associations of maternal FT4 level with maternal T A B L E 4 Associations of maternal abnormal thyroid function
prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational weight gaina with maternal prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and gestational
weight gaina
Differences in maternal weight
measures (95% confidence Differences in maternal weight measures
interval [CI]) per SD change in (95% confidence interval [CI]) for maternal
maternal FT4 level hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2) Maternal abnormal thyroid function

Basic Modelb −0.54 (−0.72, −0.35)*
Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
Adjusted Modelc −0.44 (−0.63, −0.26)* n=211 n=50
Total gestational weight gain (kg/wk)
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2)
Basic Modelb −0.02 (−0.02, −0.01)*
Basic Modelb 0.39 (−0.25, 1.04) −1.61 (−2.94, −0.28)*
Adjusted Modelc −0.01 (−0.02, −0.01)* c
Adjusted Model 0.66 (0.03, 1.29)* −1.79 (−3.11, −0.47)*
Mediator Modeld −0.01 (−0.02, −0.01)*
Total gestational weight gain (kg/wk)
Early pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Basic Modelb 0.01 (−0.02, 0.04) −0.05 (−0.11, 0.01)
Basic Modelb −0.04 (−0.05, −0.03)*
Adjusted Modelc 0.01 (−0.01, 0.04) −0.05 (−0.11, 0.01)
Adjusted Modelc −0.02 (−0.04, −0.01)* d
Mediator Model 0.02 (−0.01, 0.05) −0.04 (−0.09, 0.02)
Mediator Modeld −0.02 (−0.04, −0.01)*
Early pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Mid-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Basic Modelb 0.04 (0.00, 0.08) −0.24 (−0.33, −0.16)*
Basic Modelb −0.01 (−0.02, 0.00)
Adjusted Modelc 0.06 (0.02, 0.10)* −0.24 (−0.32, −0.15)*
Adjusted Modelc −0.01 (−0.03, 0.00) d
Mediator Model 0.06 (0.02, 0.10)* −0.23 (−0.31, −0.15)*
Mediator Modeld −0.01 (−0.03, 0.00)
Mid-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Late-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Basic Modelb 0.00 (−0.04, 0.03) 0.01 (−0.06, 0.08)
Basic Modelb −0.01 (−0.03, 0.01)
Adjusted Modelc 0.00 (−0.03, 0.04) 0.03 (−0.05, 0.11)
Adjusted Modelc −0.01 (−0.04, 0.01) d
Mediator Model 0.00 (−0.03, 0.04) 0.04 (−0.03, 0.12)
Mediator Modeld −0.01 (−0.04, 0.02)
Late-­pregnancy weight gain (kg/wk)
Results are from linear regression analyses; values are regression coeffi- Basic  Modelb 0.02 (−0.06, 0.10) −0.09 (−0.25, 0.07)
cients (95% CI) and reflect the differences in maternal prepregnancy BMI
Adjusted Modelc 0.02 (−0.06, 0.10) −0.09 (−0.27, 0.09)
(kg/m2), maternal total gestational weight gain (kg/wk) and maternal
weight gain in early, mid and late pregnancy (kg/wk) per standard deviation Mediator Model 0.02 (−0.06, 0.10) −0.06 (−0.24, 0.11)
change of maternal FT4 level. a
b Results are from linear regression analyses; values are regression coeffi-
Basic model is adjusted for gestational age at thyroid measurement.
c cients (95% CI) and reflect the differences in maternal prepregnancy BMI
Adjusted model is additionally adjusted for socio-­demographic character-
(kg/m2), maternal total gestational weight gain (kg/wk) and maternal
istics (maternal age, parity, educational level and ethnicity) and lifestyle
weight gain in early, mid and late pregnancy (kg/wk) among different ab-
characteristics (maternal smoking, diet and folic acid intake during preg-
normal maternal thyroid function groups compared to euthyroid mothers.
nancy). For gestational weight gain models, prepregnancy BMI is also in- b
Basic model is adjusted for gestational age at thyroid measurement.
cluded in lifestyle-­related characteristics. c
d Adjusted model is additionally adjusted for socio-­demographic characteris-
Mediator model is additionally adjusted for pregnancy-­related character-
tics (maternal age, parity, educational level and ethnicity) and lifestyle charac-
istics (pregnancy complications and birth characteristics).
teristics (smoking, diet and folic acid intake). For gestational weight gain
models, prepregnancy BMI is also included in lifestyle-­related characteristics.
Mediator model is additionally adjusted for pregnancy-­related character-
istics (pregnancy complications and birth characteristics).
maternal and amniotic fluid expansion and growth of foetus, pla- *P<.05.
centa and uterus.15 Previous studies have shown that abnormal
maternal thyroid function during pregnancy is associated with an in- The direction and the mechanisms underlying the associations of
creased risk of gestational hypertensive disorders and adverse birth maternal thyroid function with maternal weight gain during pregnancy
outcomes, such as low birthweight and small size for gestational age are unclear. A bidirectional effect has been proposed. Alterations in
at birth.32,33 We observed that additional adjustment for gestational thyroid function influence the basal metabolic rate, which may lead to
hypertensive disorders, birthweight and gestational age at birth did changes in energy expenditure and body weight.2,34 Although thyroid
not explain the observed associations of maternal thyroid function function has a clear influence in metabolism, it has also been sug-
with gestational weight gain. In addition, we observed the stron- gested that weight gain may lead to altered thyroid function. Recently,
gest associations of maternal thyroid function with maternal weight a study among 3014 children using a Mendelian Randomization ap-
gain in early pregnancy. These findings suggest that maternal thy- proach showed that children with a genetically higher BMI had higher
roid function may be related to maternal fat accumulation during FT3 but not FT4 levels, which suggests that a higher BMI may caus-
pregnancy. ally lead to alterations in thyroid function.35 It has been proposed that
COLLARES et al. | 805

alterations in leptin levels related to weight gain may influence thy- CO NFL I C T O F I NT ER ES T
roid function via stimulation on the hypothalamus-­pituitary-­thyroid
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article: Collares FM, Korevaar TIM, Hofman
29. Shin JA, Mo EY, Kim ES, Moon SD, Han JH. Association between A, et al. Maternal thyroid function, prepregnancy obesity and
lower normal free thyroxine concentrations and obesity phenotype in gestational weight gain—The Generation R Study: A
healthy euthyroid subjects. Int J Endocrinol. 2014;2014:104318. prospective cohort study. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2017;87:799–
30. Haddow JE, Craig WY, Neveux LM, et al. Implications of high free
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