Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PHD - End AIDS (Orthomolecular Medicine Vitamins Nutrition) - Break The Chains of Pharmaceutical Colonialism (2020, Mathias Rath) - Libgen - Li

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Cover_02.qxp 10.08.

2007 12:39 Seite 1

This book documents the historic battle that is currently being

waged in Africa to liberate this continent from the shackles of phar -
maceutical colonialism.
Taking a litigation launched by anti-retroviral drug (ARVs) promoting orga-
nisations against the Government of South Africa, the Dr Rath Foundation
and others, as a starting point, this book reveals the strategies of today’s
pharmaceutical colonialism in Africa. It shows how the AIDS epidemic is
being used as a gate-opener to create economic dependency and monop-
olise health care across the developing world.
However, to reach this goal, the pharmaceutical multinationals need to
overcome a strategic obstacle: They must silence the huge amount of sci-
entific evidence establishing micronutrients and other science-based natu-
ral approaches as essential in the fight against AIDS epidemic and other
The Dr Rath Foundation is a global leader in the field of research and edu-
cation of science-based natural health. It is represented in this legal battle by
two South African attorneys also known for their social commitment beyond
the African continent.
The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) was
created in 1992 as an umbrella organisation for over 2,000 affiliated
local organisations and a voice for poor communities. Today it is the
most important community based organisation in South Africa.

ISBN 9789076332567
R 45.00 This book is part of a community education programme.
All profits from the sales of this book support SANCO South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)
community projects.
Discounts for community organisations are available.
Dr Rath Health Foundation Africa
Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 1




South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)

Dr Rath Health Foundation Africa
Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 2

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

CHAPTER 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

CHAPTER 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment
Business With Disease

CHAPTER 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The Pharmaceutical Investment Business
With the AIDS Epidemic

CHAPTER 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

CHAPTER 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies
– The Scientific Evidence –

CHAPTER 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies
– Support from WHO / UNICEF and other UN-Organisations –

CHAPTER 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

ISBN/EAN 9789076332567
1st Edition

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 3

CHAPTER 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical
Experiments in the Nazi Concentration Camps

CHAPTER 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar
of Apartheid South Africa

CHAPTER 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Apartheid Laws Protecting the Pharmaceutical Investment
Business Across Africa

CHAPTER 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business
in Democratic South Africa

CHAPTER 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
The Historical Parallel of the TAC

CHAPTER 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
The SAMA / TAC Lawsuit Brought against Dr Rath
and the Government of South Africa

CHAPTER 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa

CHAPTER 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Blueprint For a Healthy Nation: Overcoming Health Illiteracy

© 2007. Published and Distributed by the South African National

Civic Organisation and the Dr Rath Health Foundation Africa.
The contents of this book or parts of it may be copied and used for
educational purposes, i.e. schools, communities and all level of gov-
ernment. Complete reproduction of this book requires the written per-
mission of the publishers.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 4

A last ”Good Bye” on the Student White Board

at MEDUNSA for a teacher and role model
Prof. Samson “Sam” Mhlongo (1940 – 2006)

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 5


This book is dedicated to the memory of Professor Samson “Sam”

Mhlongo, head of the Department of Family Medicine and
Primary Health Care at the Medical University of Southern Africa

For decades, Sam Mhlongo had been fighting Apartheid regime at

home and in exile. After his return to South Africa he continued to
fight a new enemy: the devastating impact of pharmaceutical
“business with disease” in South Africa.

He was a member of the Presidential Aids Advisory Panel, where

he explored and embraced viable alternatives to cope with this
epidemic especially for the poor and marginalized.

In spring 2004, Prof. Mhlongo undertook the task to organise the

first clinical study in South Africa to document the health benefits
of vitamins and nutritional medicine in fighting Aids. However, for
more than two years, he was obstructed and attacked by stake-
holders of pharmaceutical colonialism – even from some of his
colleagues at MEDUNSA.

In the evening of October 6, 2006, Sam left the university campus

of MEDUNSA in his car to drive home. At the exit of the campus,
he was ran over by a truck and killed.

At Sam’s funeral, his family invited Dr Rath to reflect on Sam’s

struggle against pharmaceutical interests entrenched in South
Africa and his vision of a new health care system for all people.

Dr Rath shared Sam’s conviction that the liberation from Apartheid

was only a first step. While South Africa today enjoys political free-
dom, it is still been kept hostage by global economic interests,
namely pharmaceutical colonialism. Without the liberation from the
shackles of this deadly form of colonialism, that has already cost the
lives of millions of South Africans, there can be no real freedom.

This book is dedicated to this liberation struggle and to the memory

of Prof. Sam Mhlongo.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 6

This book documents the background of a court case that is sched-

uled for trial in the High Court of Cape Town in late 2007.

The case is about the basic right of free access to natural health.
Seeking to restrict this right are the promoters of the multi-billion
Rand business with ARVs, such as the board of “South African
Medical Association” and the ARV pressure group “Treatment
Action Campaign.”

Defending this fundamental right of free access to natural health

for the people of South Africa are the Dr Rath Foundation and the
Government of South Africa.

The significance of this case was immediately recognised by the


Long before the trial even starts, “The Cape Times” on May 11,
2007, published an article extensively covering the background
of this case.

Excerpts from this article are documented on the opposite page:

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 7

May 11, 2007
Apartheid regime 'part
of global drug firms' plot'
… [Dr Rath] said in an affidavit filed with the Cape High Court:
"This regime was the political arm to turn South Africa into a bridge-
head of the pharmaceutical interests with the goal to conquer and con-
trol the entire African continent."

Rath also said the operations of the Treatment Action Campaign

(TAC) were "almost a copy" of Hitler's Brownshirt storm troopers in
the 1930s and 1940s. …

In his affidavit, which runs to 320 pages and is accompanied by eight

files of documents, Rath says that, after eliminating competition from
the field of natural health and consolidating their world position dur-
ing World War 2, pharmaceutical interests dedicated the second half
of the 20th century to cementing their global monopoly on health.

"The apartheid regime in South Africa was part of this global strate-
gy," he said. "The apartheid regime became its political stakeholder."

Rath claims that after the war, thousands of high-ranking Nazi party
members used the "corporate channels" of the huge German chemical
manufacturing conglomerate IG Farben to find safe haven in South
Africa, where IG Farben had established subsidiaries.

Also seeking refuge in this country were thousands of IG Farben

managers who had participated in war crimes, he says.

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry became the economic pil-

lar of the apartheid regime, and South Africa became a stronghold for
pharmaceutical companies. …

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 8
Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 9



The pharmaceutical business with disease is one of the world’s

most profitable investment industries. From the perspective of this
investment industry, diseases and epidemics are multi-billion Rand
market place for patented drugs. Promoting and expanding dis-
eases increases profits for this industry. In contrast, eradicating dis-
eases destroys their very market places and, eventually, will
destroy the industry itself. Thus, the stakeholders of this industry
will do everything to prevent that from happening.

These obvious business laws are also the governing principles for
the pharmaceutical industry’s approach to the AIDS epidemic in
Africa and the developing world. Adhering to these laws is the
basis for the expanding multi-billion Rand business with anti-retro-
viral drugs (ARVs).

Since ARV drugs are known to be no cure for AIDS and since
financial resources in the developing world are scarce, the phar-
maceutical multinationals depend on organisations that promote
ARV drugs and push the governments of Africa to pay for these
drugs. Under the deceptive veils of “charity” and “modern medi-
cine” the AIDS epidemic is being developed into a gold mine for
the drug industry.

From a scientific point of

view, promoting ARV
drugs to AIDS patients as
a “cure” or as “life-sav-
ing” is a fraud. Moreover,
the dimension of human
suffering and death from
the widespread use of
these harmful drugs has
reached genocidal pro-

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 10


Over recent years this fraudulent business with the AIDS epidem-
ic has been publicly criticised by a growing number of scientists,
health organisations and even governments. This criticism has also
exposed those organisations that are actively promoting ARVs in
South Africa. Now, two of these organisations have chosen to
launch a counter-attack – apparently in a desperate effort to dis-
tract from their questionable activities. The so-called “Treatment
Action Campaign (TAC),” a group notorious for “organising rented
crowds for the drug industry” has teamed up with executives of the
“South African Medical Association” (SAMA) with close ties to
drug interests. The background of both these organisations is
detailed in this book.

Not surprisingly, the targets of these furious legal attacks were

those organisations and individuals – including members of the
South African government – who had publicly criticised the phar-
maceutical investment business with the AIDS epidemic and had
promoted science-based natural health approaches.

The South African government, in particular its Minister of Health,

Dr Tshabalala-Msimang, are pioneers in promoting natural and
nutritional health as part of public health policies. Dr Rath, his
research team and his Foundation are pioneers in establishing the
health benefits of vitamins and micronutrients in the fight against
immune deficiencies and other diseases.

These two components, the scientific facts about natural health

approaches and the political determination to use them for the
benefit of the people, are an explosive combination – and they are
the greatest threat to the multi-billion Rand ARV business with the
AIDS epidemic. This combination of science and politics is also a
precondition to help control the AIDS epidemic.

With their legal attack on the position of the South African govern-
ment and the work of the Dr Rath Health Foundation, the TAC and
SAMA have launched a public debate in South Africa that is long
overdue: The need to break the chains of pharmaceutical colonial-
ism in order to save millions of lives.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 11



The AIDS Epidemic – a Human Tragedy

The AIDS epidemic is one of the greatest tragedies in human his-

tory. Particularly devastating is the fact that this disease takes its
victims predominantly in Africa, a continent that has already been
victimised by centuries of colonialism and oppression. Other relics
of colonialism – above all hunger and malnutrition – create a per-
fect breeding ground for the unrestrained spread of immune defi-
ciencies, including AIDS.

In Southern Africa alone, hun-

dreds of thousands of people
have already become victims
of this epidemic and the eco-
nomic basis of many African
nations is being threatened by
the pharmaceutical drug cost
of combating this disease. But
the AIDS epidemic is not just a
threat to the people and gov-
ernments of Africa. It is – at the
same time – a giant business

Exposure of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

in South Africa

The AIDS epidemic is the basis for a multi-billion Rand business

conducted by multi-national drug companies primarily headquar-
tered in the former colonial countries: the United Kingdom,
France, Germany and the United States.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 12


The fact that these ARV drugs do neither cure HIV infections nor
AIDS is well known to the manufacturers of these drugs. The only
condition under which government authorities around the world –
including South Africa – allow these drugs into their countries is if
they contain an explicit warning note on every single package of
ARV pills stating: “This drug is not a cure for HIV infection!”

The manufacturers of ARV drugs also know about the severe and
often deadly side effects of these chemical drugs on the human
body. These side effects include damage to such vital organs as the
liver, brain, heart and, most significantly, the bone marrow – the
production site of immune defence cells. These severe side effects
are also part of a mandated warning message that comes with
every box containing ARV pills.

It does not require a degree in biology or medicine to realise the

absurdity of any claim to cure immune efficiency conditions like
AIDS with toxic chemicals that actually target and destroy the
immune system. It is immediately obvious to any person with a
logical mind that such drugs cannot cure or restore a person’s
immune deficiency condition – but will, rather, aggravate it.

For the multinational pharmaceutical companies manufacturing

ARV drugs the inability of these drugs to cure HIV or AIDS – the
very disease they are marketed for – obviously poses a problem.
To overcome it, the ARV producers have used billions of Rand to
finance organisations promoting ARV drugs in Africa and around
the world – which in most cases pose deceptively as “independ-
ent” from the drug industry.

With the help of these ARV drug pushers and their related propa-
ganda machinery, the drug makers overtly bypass the government
imposed warnings about the lack of any curative properties and
about the severe toxicity of their ARV merchandise. Moreover,
these ARV promoters within medicine, media and other strategic
areas of society are used to deceive the public and create the false
perception that these drugs are “life-saving“ or the “only proven
therapy for AIDS.”

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 13


With the help of these ARV promoters and their influence on the
public, the pharmaceutical multinationals have been able to turn
the AIDS tragedy in South Africa and other countries into a global
ARV market worth hundreds of billions of Rand.

The Role of the Government of South Africa

The Government of South Africa is a global leader in reducing the

detrimental economic consequences of pharmaceutical colonial-
ism to the benefit of the entire developing world. Moreover, this
Government has steadfastly resisted the onslaught of the pharma-
ceutical multinationals
that wanted to flood
South Africa with toxic
ARV drugs and turn the
AIDS-epidemic in South
Africa into a “field of dia-
monds” for its global
investment business.

At the same time, the

Government of South
Africa has made it clear
that traditional and nutri-
tional medicine are part
of their comprehensive
national health plan to
help control the AIDS
“Our view is that good nutrition does not
only promote good health but it is also a
In particular, the Minister
critical component of a comprehensive
of Health Dr Tshabalala response to diseases.”
Msimang, has been pro-
Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang on April 10, 2005,
moting vitamin rich at the WHO Consultation on Nutrition and HIV
fruits, vegetables and and AIDS, Durban

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 14


nutrition in general as key elements to strengthen the immune sys-

tem. Her recommendations are based on the scientific fact that
vitamins are the most effective substances known to biology to
boost the human immune system.

Moreover, by promoting a higher intake of fruits and vegetables,

she implemented the official recommendations of the Food and
Agricultural Organisation and other United Nations organisations.
For decades, these UN organisations have been promoting,
amongst other things, community and school gardening as strate-
gic public health measures to improve the immune system for mil-
lions of people – and to help fight immune deficiencies – especial-
ly in the developing world.

For promoting vitamin-rich nutrition as a science-based, safe and

affordable public health measure, Dr Tshabalala-Msimang as well
as the President of South Africa have been relentlessly attacked by
the stakeholders of the pharmaceutical business with ARV drugs.
Without any scientific proof for the superiority of ARVs over micro-
nutrients in the fight against AIDS, the promoters of the multi-bil-
lion Rand ARV business had only one option left: personal attacks
and public defamation of the Minister and the President.

This book documents the economic motives for these scientifical-

ly unjustified and ethically undignified attacks.

The Dr Rath Health Foundation

More than a decade ago, Dr Rath was the first to publicly reveal the
true nature of the pharmaceutical investment business. This indus-
try promises health to millions of people, but its entire existence is
based on the exact opposite – the continuation of diseases.

Amazingly, never before had this sobering analysis been publicly

made that the pharmaceutical industry – the industry that for
decades had built a worldwide monopoly as the “exclusive pur-

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 15


veyor of health” – that

this very industry is the
biggest obstacle to
achieving human health!

While common diseases

are already attractive
“markets” for the pharma-
ceutical investment busi-
ness, wide-spread dis-
eases like the AIDS epi-
demic are nothing short of
a gold mine for this indus-
try. Moreover, this gold mine is constantly being expanded with the
help of a trick: The ARV marketing scheme promotes toxic ARV
chemicals that attack and weaken the immune system – under the
false pretext of trying to strengthen it and fight AIDS! With the help
of this deceptive marketing scheme, the multi-billion Rand ARV
business with the AIDS epidemic has become the centrepiece of
pharmaceutical colonialism across the developing world.

It is noteworthy that the AIDS epidemic is not the first global dis-
ease where the pharmaceutical industry has developed a multi-bil-
lion Rand business based on sustaining and promoting a disease –
under the false pretext of fighting it. As documented in this book,
the marketing campaign of drug multinationals with the AIDS epi-
demic is merely a copy of its campaign to build a global market
with the cancer “epidemic” by promoting highly toxic chemicals –
known to actually cause cancer – as so called “chemotherapy” to
millions of cancer patients. Not surprisingly, after half a century of
“chemo” drugs used to fight cancer, this disease is still spreading in
epidemic proportions. Recently, decades of “chemotherapy” falla-
cy have been publicly summarised a “Toxic Procedure Without
Benefits” by Europe’s largest news journal. This multi-trillion Rand
global marketing scam – allegedly fighting cancer with cancer-
causing drugs – did not bring any cure and has cost the lives of hun-
dreds of millions of cancer patients over the past decades.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 16


And now the same scam is being applied to the AIDS epidemic.
Dr Rath not only exposed the deceptive nature of the pharmaceu-
tical business with disease. Together with colleagues at his research
institute, he developed science-based natural health approaches to
help control today’s most common diseases – including cardiovas-
cular diseases, cancer and immune deficiencies. The details of this
comprehensive natural health research can be studied on the web
site of the Dr Rath Research Institute at

Obviously, the fact that Dr Rath not only exposed the unscrupu-
lous nature of the pharmaceutical business with disease, but also
developed effective, safe and affordable natural health approach-
es and initiated a world-wide natural health education campaign,
made him and his Foundation a primary target of the stakeholders
of pharmaceutical colonialism.

The Dr Rath Health Foundation in South Africa

In the spring of 2004, Professor

Anthony MBewu, who today
heads the Medical Research
Council (MRC) of South Africa,
invited Dr Rath and his col-
leagues to hold a scientific sym-
posium on natural health at the
MRC in Cape Town. Based on
the scientific information at this
symposium, Prof. MBewu sug-
gested intensified research in
this area – including clinical
studies – with the goal to apply
this knowledge to the benefit of
the people of South Africa. But all these efforts were blocked by the
stakeholders of pharmaceutical interests.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 17


These interest groups immediately realised that the medical

advances focussing on non-patentable natural health are a mortal
threat to the multi-billion Rand pharmaceutical investment busi-
ness based on patented drugs. And they reacted.

Suddenly, during the spring of the same year, the stakeholders of

the pharmaceutical interests abroad channelled no less than 4.2
billion Rand (R 4,200 000 000) to the very same MRC in Cape
Town, exclusively designated for studies with ARVs and other
patented pharmaceutical drugs. This was the single largest amount
of drug money ever to arrive on the African continent and the tim-
ing of the payment, coinciding with the announcement of our
symposium, left no doubt about its strategic purpose: From the
perspective of the drug industry, the implantation of natural health
science into the health care system of South Africa had to be
stopped by all possible means! The details of this remarkable trans-
action – and how the drug industry even made the tax-payers of
Europe pay for it – are documented in this book.

The stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry in South Africa

reacted too. For two years, they successfully blocked the start of a
clinical study at the Medical University of Southern Africa
(MEDUNSA) in which AIDS patients would have received vitamins
and other micronutrients to study the related health improvements.
The doctor who was eager to conduct this study for the benefit of
millions of people in Africa was Prof. Sam Mhlongo, the man to
whom this book is dedicated. The mechanisms of how the stake-
holders of the drug business fought Prof. Mhlongo and tried to block
this important clinical study are also documented in this book.

One year later, the Dr Rath Health Foundation decided to donate

micronutrients to the South African National Civic Organisation
(SANCO) who distributed them to the people affected by AIDS in
Khayelitsha and other townships. The participants of this commu-
nity vitamin programme filled out questionnaires about the status
of their condition before and after taking vitamins for several
weeks. The improvements in their conditions and the quality of
their lives were so significant that they will have important impli-

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 18


cations for the global fight against AIDS. The results of this com-
munity health programme are also documented in this book.

The Promoters of ARV Drugs Try to Silence the Truth

At the risk of their own demise, the pharmaceutical investment

business and the promoters of ARV drugs have to make sure that
the fraudulent nature of the ARV business with the AIDS epidemic
is not exposed. Moreover, they have to actively fight any and all
attempts that could document any health approach – other than
their ARV merchandise – as being equally effective or even supe-
rior to these drugs. Thus, even the free distribution of vitamins to
the poor communities around Cape Town – and the documenta-
tion of the results in the form of questionnaires – had to be seen
from their perspective as a massive threat to the multi-billion Rand
ARV market.

Consequently, for the past two years the promoters of ARVs in

South Africa have tried to use every trick and every opportunity to
stop the distribution of vitamins to people affected by AIDS. These
mechanisms included attempts to coerce patients, SANCO offi-
cials and even government authorities with the goal of obstructing
or terminating the community vitamin programme.

Unable to reach their goals, these organisations tried to impose a

censorship of natural health information across the country,
depriving millions of South Africans of the opportunity to improve
their health naturally. After this strategy failed too, the ARV pro-
moting organisations resorted to the same public defamation tac-
tics they had already used against the Government of South Africa.
These erratic efforts are documented in this book too.

In a last desperate move to achieve their goals, the TAC and SAMA
have now decided to launch the current litigation. The price for
this move is high: After all, in such litigation there can be no more
hiding behind institutions, organisations or behind anonymity. The

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 19


TAC and SAMA were so desperate that they lifted all the curtains.
The lengthy complaint they filed reads like a “who’s who” of drug
promoters in South Africa.

“The Trojan Horses” of the Multi-Billion Rand

ARV Business Expose Themselves

During the decades of Apart-

heid, stakeholders of the phar-
maceutical industry in South
Africa were sitting at the cabi-
net tables of that brutal
regime. In fact, as document-
ed in this book, the pharma-
ceutical multinationals became
the economic pillars of the
Apartheid system.
ARV Promoters

In democratic South Africa, this was no longer possible. The stake-

holders of the pharmaceutical “business with disease” were forced
into opposition or even underground. Entrenched in their hideouts
and hidden behind masks of anonymity, these stakeholders strategi-
cally infiltrated many sectors of society like “Trojan horses,” includ-
ing medicine, media and even certain trade unions and churches.

The current litigation – amazingly brought about by ARV promot-

ers themselves – exposes the entire “cast of characters.” This book
documents the names of organisations and individuals directly
and indirectly involved in this – thus far largely covert – network
of pharmaceutical colonialism in South Africa.

Removing these individual and organisational masks of anonymity

and presenting these characters in the clear light of day to the peo-
ple of South Africa, is an important purpose of this book. For it is
only then that the people of South Africa can act and – should they
decide to do so – end pharmaceutical colonialism in South Africa.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 20


Why the TAC and SAMA Launched this Litigation

As mentioned above, the main reason why the TAC and SAMA fig-
ure heads launched this litigation is to protect the multi-billion
Rand market of ARV drugs. Apparently it is the idea of these organ-
isations that the scientific truth can be outlawed by extending their
fierce attacks and their defamation campaigns from the streets to
the court rooms of South Africa. Their obvious goal: outlaw any
public health information about non-patented natural approaches
to prevent it from reaching the people – and thereby cementing the
monopoly of the multi-billion Rand business with ARV drugs.

Their primary goal of banning the scientific facts about the health
benefits of vitamins in fighting AIDS and other diseases is further
evident from the fact that the same organisations that launched
this litigation, have been publicly advocating legislation across
South Africa that would essentially outlaw the dissemination of
health information about any natural health approaches.

The TAC and SAMA are trying to blur this goal by presenting their
so called “witnesses” – many of them with lists of affiliations and
publications. Not surprisingly, however, most of these “characters”
have a common denominator: They are economically or profes-
sionally dependent on the survival of the pharmaceutical business
with ARV drugs.

This book provides an insight into the breathtaking mechanisms by

which pharmaceutical multinationals have already infiltrated the
South African Medical Association and other health care organisa-
tions in the country.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 21


The Need for an International Tribunal to Terminate

the ARV Business with the AIDS Epidemic

The figure heads of SAMA and the TAC who started this litigation
must be aware that the promotion of ARV drugs as “cures” and
“life-saving” is not sustained by any scientific proof. In fact, from
a scientific point of view, such representations constitute fraud.
Moreover, any effort of publicly discrediting and legally blocking
new non-pharmaceutical approaches to AIDS endangers the
health and lives of millions of people in South Africa and beyond.

These organisations should know that, sooner rather than later, the
people victimised by them will no longer stay silent. They will hold
the perpetrators of this fraud responsible – both individuals and

TAC and SAMA should also

know that millions of people
in South Africa and beyond
have paid for this large scale
fraud with their health and
their lives. In fact, the dimen-
sion of this fraud in Africa
alone borders on genocide.
The TAC and SAMA should
know that genocide and simi-
lar grave human rights viola-
tions are ultimately tried by
Executives of the world’s largest International Criminal Courts
pharmaceutical company were or Tribunals.
sentenced for crimes against
humanity including slavery and
The TAC and SAMA should be
mass murder in the Nuremberg
Tribunal in 1948. aware of the fact that during
the largest international tribu-
nal in history – the Nuremberg World War II War Crimes Tribunal
– the executives of the largest pharmaceutical company at that
time – Germany’s IG Farben – were sentenced among other
charges to “genocide”. Moreover, half a dozen doctors, some of

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 22


them on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies, were sen-

tenced to death and executed for their role as accomplices in
using ineffective and toxic chemicals as drugs – among them the
precursors of today’s ARVs.

The TAC and SAMA must be aware that – in connection with their
irresponsible promotion of toxic ARVs to millions of South
Africans – they could be held responsible for organising or assist-
ing genocide. It is apparently with this background that these
organisations attempted to compare the distribution of vitamins in
the poor communities with the illegal experiments conducted by
pharmaceutical companies and their medical and political stake-
holders in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

These desperate allegations made by the TAC and SAMA evident-

ly invite a historical clarification. Thus, a great part of this book is
dedicated to the criminal history of the pharmaceutical/chemical
industry; its role in financing the rise of Nazi Germany; its role in
launching WWII during which 60 million people died; its role in
building up another dictatorship in South Africa – the Apartheid
regime – and its role in conducting the unscrupulous and unethi-
cal business with the AIDS epidemic today.

Accusing the pharmaceutical industry of profiting from the busi-

ness with the AIDS epidemic at the expense of millions of lives is
a severe accusation. However, a look back documents that
throughout history this industry has been involved in the largest
crimes ever committed against humanity – including the darkest
decades of South African history. Documenting these historical
facts is a further important purpose of this book.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 23


About This Book

This book contains the answering affidavit provided by Dr Rath

and his colleagues to allegations made by the TAC and SAMA. Dr
Rath's legal team which included Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza and
Christine Qunta assisted in the drafting of the answering affidavit
especially the legal arguments therein.

It should be noted that the content of this book is the information

contained in Dr Rath’s sworn testimony. It has only been altered
for brevity to fit the format of a pocket book and slightly edited to
change legal terms into the language of a popular book.

The complete answers to the attacks by the TAC and SAMA

by Dr Rath and his colleagues are documented online at The representatives of the
Government of South Africa have filed their own response, which
is on public record with the High Court of Cape Town.

Throughout this book you will find a star symbol at the end of cer-
tain paragraphs. This indicates that there is an additional document
further explaining the contents of this paragraph. In order to keep
the format of a pocket book, these “annexures” are not included;
they are, however, documented as links to the online document and
can be online or downloaded from the website of the Foundation.

The historical facts documenting the decisive role of the pharma-

ceutical / chemical multinationals behind the entire Second World
War are documented on the online archive of the Nuremberg War
Crimes Tribunal at

We trust that the information in this book will encourage students,

teachers, politicians, health practitioners, union members, church
members, as well as the general public to learn more about the
impact of pharmaceutical colonialism on every single life and take
the appropriate action.

Dr Rath Health Foundation

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 24


Message by the President of the

South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)

I am confident that the decision we took as the South African

National Civic Organisation to support the work of Dr Rath was a
correct one. We recognised that as a community organisation we
were not medical experts. But we equally recognised that the eco-
nomic superstructures are not in favour of the poor, especially
those in Africa. Therefore, although we remain ambivalent on the
efficacy of anti-retrovirals (ARVs), we are in full agreement with
the facts that Dr Rath presents.

When initially confronted with the extensiveness of his empirical

evidence, we asked, “Why are South Africans not aware of these
matters?” Sadly, the only conclusion we have arrived at is that
when these debates occurred in the late eighties and early nineties
in Europe and United States, as South Africans we were only con-
cerned with defeating the fascist system of apartheid. Therefore we
remained oblivious to the issues of the fascist origin of the global
pharmaceutical industry, the self-same industry’s involvement in
supporting the apartheid regime, and the nature of the immoral
business strategy of the pharmaceutical industry.

Today, for our support of Dr Rath’s work, we are under attack by

the alleged progressive structures in South Africa, such as the
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). Ironically, the media in South
Africa, the majority of which did not support the struggle against
apartheid, also support groups like the TAC. We remain convinced
though that the work and views of Dr Rath are not just necessary
for some idealistic notion of debate. The facts he presents on the
pharmaceutical industry are not facts he has deduced or interpret-
ed, rather, they are facts that have been accepted since the
Nuremberg trials.

Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 25


Further, to our knowledge, Dr Rath does not possess an iota of the

resources available to the pharmaceutical industry and we cannot
understand why this industry pays so much attention to him and
his words. Unless, of course, because he presents facts they wish
would rather go away.

For SANCO, this book represents an opportunity for South Africans

to learn what we have learned about the role, nature and objec-
tives of the pharmaceutical industry. We are convinced that once
the South African public realises that this industry has its roots in
fascism, has deliberately and consciously assisted the building of
fascist movements, and continues to truck in keeping people ill for
profit – then this industry will be appropriately regulated and its
business practice obliterated.

Finally, we thank Dr Rath for having the moral conviction and

strength to work towards bringing truth and enlightenment in con-
ditions of abuse and insult. As SANCO, our support for his work is
an issue of morality and not strategy.



Introduction.qxp 10.08.2007 11:47 Seite 26

The promoters of the ARV drug business – here the South African
Medical Association (SAMA) and the so-called Treatment Action
Campaign (TAC) – argue that the pharmaceutical multinationals
are benefactors of mankind and are saving millions of lives,
especially in the developing world.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 27
Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 28


While AIDS has been a serious health problem from its first appear-
ance a quarter of a century ago, it has been strategically developed
into a global health epidemic by the very interest group that pre-
tends to fight it – namely the pharmaceutical investment business.

The pharmaceutical multinationals promote the AIDS epidemic

particularly in the developing world for two main reasons: First,
they depend on the continuation and expansion of this disease as
a multi-billion Rand marketplace for their patented ARVs.
Secondly, by forcing the governments of the developing world to
spend an ever increasing amount of their national budgets to be
paid to pharmaceutical multinationals – thereby cementing eco-
nomic dependency of the poor nations from the rich.

Pharmaceutical multinationals have replaced the colonial empires of

previous centuries. Their economic power, however, remains the same.
The market value of the two largest pharmaceutical multinationals –
Pfizer (USA) and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK, UK) – is 340 Billion Dollars.
This is more than the gross national product (GNP) of almost the entire
African continent – i.e. 48 out of 53 nations.



Pharmaceutical colonialism is the expansion of the pharmaceuti-

cal investment business with disease to the developing world. The
market of pharmaceutical colonialism is the human body of bil-
lions of people living in the developing world and the diseases it
harbours. These diseases are the marketplace for a multi-billion
Rand business with patented drugs.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 29

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism


This map shows pharmaceutical colonialism on the African continent.

In the countries with green colours pharmaceutical companies play an
insignificant role. The countries with light red colours have some level
of pharmaceutical business activity (up to 8 international drug compa -
nies). Only one country – South Africa – is the operative basis for more
than 10 pharmaceutical multinationals. The most important ones are:

• Abbott • Merck, Sharp & Dohme

• Bayer • Novartis
• Boehringer-Ingelheim • Pfizer
• Bristol-Myers Squibb • Roche
• GlaxoSmithKline • Sanofi-Aventis
• Johnson & Johnson • Wyeth

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 30


This marketplace of pharmaceutical colonialism in the developing

world is a particularly rapid growing one, because the health of
the people in these countries is already severely compromised by
malnutrition, poverty and other relics of the colonialism of earlier
centuries. These preconditions are being strategically used by the
pharmaceutical investment business to conquer and expand these
markets for their patented drugs.

Since the people in the developing world are – as a result of pre-

vious forms of colonialism – generally poor and unable to pay for
the patented drug merchandise, the stakeholders of pharmaceuti-
cal colonialism developed strategies to force the governments of
the developing nations to use its revenues to provide for the
“return on investment” for this industry.

Towards this end, pharmaceutical colonialism – through its stake-

holders inside and outside the country – continuously increase the
pressure on the governments of these developing nations and
coerces them to pay their “tributes” to the pharmaceutical invest-
ment business. In order to enforce these tribute payments, pharma-
ceutical colonialism establishes specific “pressure groups” inside
these countries that – under the pretext of fighting for “health
rights” – use defamation, intimidation, coercion and even violence
to reach its goals.

Pharmaceutical colonialism in the developing world today has

strategically replaced the colonialism of earlier centuries. This
form of colonialism no longer knows any national boundaries, and
the colonial armies have been replaced by the power of interna-
tional financial trusts.

The “tribute” payments to the pharmaceutical investment business

from the developing world – compelled by the instruments of
pharmaceutical colonialism – are financing the global reign of one
of the most profitable and most unscrupulous investment business
ever, with annual revenues surpassing the gross national product
of the 100 poorest nations of the world.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 31

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism



A Drug
A: From its home base in a
few industrialised coun -
tries, the drug cartel con -
trols more than 80% of the
global drug market – and
Africa at the same time the
Developing dependency of 200
World nations.

B: Now Africa, in particu-

200 Countries Are Kept Dependent
lar South Africa, has taken
the lead to build its health

B Drug care on effective, safe and

Cartel affordable natural health
approaches. This decision
saves millions of lives –
but it threatens the multi-
billion dollar ‘fraud busi-
ness with diseases’ by the
drug cartel across Africa.

Global Natural Health Liberation C: In order to prevent the

Starts in Africa collapse of their global
fraud business the drug
C Drug
cartel is purring billions
into Africa trying to bribe
the governments of Africa.
‘Debt relief’ and economic
$$$$/£££/€€€ aid will only be granted to
governments that continue
to import toxic AIDS
drugs, and turn away from
life-saving natural health
solutions. This is the back-
The drug Cartel and the ”G8” coerce entire ground of the ‘G8 Plan for
continents to continue supporting the multi- Africa.’
billion dollar business with toxic ARV drugs

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 32




Pharmaceutical colonialism is particularly insidious because it

lacks all visible characteristics of brutal colonialism. To the con-
trary, pharmaceutical colonialism is being deceptively presented
to millions of people in Africa and the developing world under the
veil of “charity for people in need” and disguised as “help for peo-
ple suffering from diseases.”

Pharmaceutical colonialism is hard to recognise because it is

deceptively camouflaged. As opposed to the openly brutal appear-
ance of the colonialism of past centuries, today’s pharmaceutical
colonialism comes in disguise and has – largely unrecognised by
the people – infiltrated government bodies, corporate structures
and civil society in many countries.

However, as perfectly disguised as these interests of pharmaceuti-

cal colonialism may be operating within any society, they can be
recognised by their common denominator: they all seek to cement
and expand the monopoly of the investment business with patent-
ed pharmaceutical drugs on global health.

Pharmaceutical colonialism seeks to expand its global rule just

like the colonialism of previous centuries. In countries where the
pharmaceutical investment interests do not directly control the
government they will not rest until they have reached this goal by
political, economic, and other means. Towards this end the stake-
holders of pharmaceutical interests are being placed in all strate-
gic sectors of society, including politics, media, pharmaceutically-
oriented medicine and civil organisations.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 33

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism



The stakeholders of pharmaceutical colonialism are masters of

“deception and confusion”, a tool they strategically use to “divide
and conquer”. In order to cement its control within a society it

The pharmaceutical multinationals push their marketing campaigns in

South Africa with the help of lobby organisations, opposition political
parties and pressure groups. Through them, they infiltrate so-called
civil societies, including trade unions and churches. With the help of
certain media, they promote the multi-billion dollar ARV business and
push the government to pay for it.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 34


passes all boundaries of social class, religion and colour. The spe-
cific strategic instruments used to cement this control are the
shares of drug companies.

While in the developing world, only a minority of people have the

financial resources to buy stock of pharmaceutical companies, the
stakeholders of pharmaceutical colonialism are strategically lob-
bying the investments of “institutional investors” such as the pen-
sion funds of trade unions and similar financial resources from
civil society organisations.

Largely unbeknown to the members of these civil organisations,

their leaders are thereby strategically co-opted to become servants
of pharmaceutical colonialism and instruments of cementing its
continuous reign. Most significantly, millions of poor members of
mass organisations, like trade unions, are thereby unwillingly
forced to finance the continuation of pharmaceutical colonialism
with their own money. Thus, millions of people belonging to such
an organisation are harmed twice: they are robbed of their own
money that is being used to finance the “business with disease” of
pharmaceutical colonialism that feeds of their own bodies as well
as diseases spread among their families and communities.

In a similar way, the stakeholders of pharmaceutical colonialism

are strategically infiltrating other sectors of civil society, including
churches. In this case, the influence is being bought by “dona-
tions” from churches and charitable organisations – mostly locat-
ed within the leading pharmaceutical export nations.

Unbeknown to millions of believers in developing countries, these

charitable organisations abroad are frequently set up or financed by
the pharmaceutical industry and some of their leaders – including
some church leaders abroad – have close relations to these inter-
ests. By means of these “donations,” frequently allocated to finance
the purchase of drugs by churches and communities in the devel-
oping world, pharmaceutical colonialism even abuses religious
organisations. This is a particularly malicious instrument, because it
violates the beliefs and sincerity of millions of church members.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 35

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism



Under this "Samaritan" cover, pharmaceutical colonialism has

developed into one of the most deadly forms of colonialism ever.
Drug multinationals use the immune deficiency disease AIDS and
other diseases as a multi-billion rand export markets for their toxic
and largely ineffective drugs.

To consistently expand their AIDS markets and create ever more

economic dependency, the pharmaceutical multinationals are
using unscrupulous marketing schemes: They promote to patients
suffering from immune deficiency diseases, toxic drugs that further
damage the immune system, rendering their bodies susceptible to
new infectious diseases and, thereby, creating new drug markets.

Through its “business with AIDS” and other diseases, pharmaceu-

tical colonialism takes the lives of people across Africa and the
developing world in genocidal proportions and the economies of
entire continents are being kept in shackles.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 36


Moreover, pharmaceutical colonialism is one of the most impor-

tant strategic tools used today by the former colonial powers to
maintain the economic dependency of their former colonies and
to cement economic injustice and dependency between the devel-
oping and industrialised world. Two out of three leading pharma-
ceutical export nations today are identical with the colonial
empires of the previous century, namely Great Britain and



It is a sobering analysis that the escalating AIDS crisis is not driven

by a lack of ARV drugs but by it is the consequence of pharmaceu-
tical colonialism strategically promoting these toxic drugs. The
sooner this analysis is being accepted by the people and govern-
ments of the world, the sooner the AIDS epidemic can be halted
and ultimately controlled.

Since the AIDS epidemic has been developed as a strategic tool of

pharmaceutical colonialism to cement the economic imbalance
between the industrialised and the developing world, controlling
and ultimately ending the AIDS epidemic is a key to overcome this
global injustice. The termination of pharmaceutical colonialism
has become a precondition for the independent economic pro-
gress for the developing countries.

The implementation of micronutrients and other science based

natural health approaches into public health policies is a strategic
tool to reach this goal and terminate pharmaceutical colonialism
as well as its devastating consequences on human lives and the
economies of developing nations.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 37

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

Nutritional medicine is a major threat to pharmaceutical colonialism.

It is safe, affordable, and can be used anywhere without any “tribute
payments” to pharmaceutical multinationals for their patented drugs.
Above all, it is highly scientific: the molecular structure of its ingredi-
ents – vitamins and other micronutrients – is described in every text-
book of biology.
Anyone trying to discredit nutritional medicine as unscientific dis -
qualifies himself. No less than 9 Nobel Prizes have been awarded
for the discovery of the health benefits of vitamins.

Towards this end, those countries determined to liberate them-

selves from pharmaceutical colonialism must take advantage of
science based natural health. It is an undisputed scientific fact that
optimum nutrition, particularly vitamins and other micronutrients
improve the immune function in the human body and they are the
basis of any effective and sustainable national and international
health policies to prevent the development of AIDS and to improve
the quality of life and life expectancy of people living with AIDS.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 38


Centuries of colonialism left millions of Africans poor, malnourished

and susceptible to epidemics. Pharmaceutical colonialism is feeding
from these diseases.

The implementation of these basic facts of biological science into

public health strategies will provide valuable time until ultimate
cures, including vaccines, will be found to ultimately eliminate
AIDS and other diseases. The sooner this path is taken by the coun-
tries of the developing world, the sooner the economies of African
and other developing nations will recover from the strangulating

After the liberation from apartheid, the next challenge is the liberation
from the “business with disease”.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 39

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

burden of “tribute” payments to pharmaceutical multinationals for

the import of ineffective, harmful and expensive drugs. In this way,
hundreds of billions of Rand will become available for food pro-
grammes, education, job creation and other urgent social needs in
Africa and across the developing world

The end of the AIDS epidemic means the end of the pharmaceuti-
cal business with this epidemic. There is no question that the drug
multinationals will do everything in their power to prevent these
multi-billion Rand losses – including litigation to block the
advance of natural health.

But now, with this comprehensive background information being

part of public awareness, the interests of pharmaceutical colonial-
ism can no longer win this battle. Now it is up to the people, to
defend their constitutional right to health and life.

The liberation of mankind from the yoke of the pharmaceutical

‘business with disease’ is the largest liberation movement of all
time. This battle is being fought and will be won to the benefit of
this generation and all generations to come.

Terminating pharmaceutical colonialism is a precondition for elimi -

nating diseases and building a healthy nation.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 40



(Source FAO)


This is the ”World Hunger Map” published by the United Nation’s

Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). From green to yellow to
red this map lists the countries with the highest rates of malnutrition
and hunger. The African continent – especially Sub-Saharan Africa –
is the region with the highest percentage of people suffering from
hunger and malnutrition.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 41

The Hallmarks of Pharmaceutical Colonialism


(Source UNAIDS/WHO )


Above is the world map for the frequency of HIV infections as published
b y t h e W o r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i sa t i o n ( W H O ) a n d t h e U N - o r g a n i s a t i o n f o r
AIDS (UNAIDS). Again, the region of the world hardest hit is Sub-
Saharan Africa. While the comparison of these two maps, of course,
does not establish a causal relationship between malnutrition and HIV-
infections, it strongly suggests that malnutrition is an important con -
tributing factor to the frequency of infectious diseases as well as immune

Fighting hunger and malnutrition is an important step towards eliminating

diseases and, thereby, terminating pharmaceutical colonialism.

Chapter_01b.qxp 10.08.2007 11:52 Seite 42

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that the

pharmaceutical industry is a health industry driven by
the health needs of the people around the world.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 43
Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 44



In order to understand such inconsistent action and to elucidate

the goals of an organisation that focuses on the promotion of ARV
drugs and organises rented crowds for the drug industry, it is criti-
cal to address the basic principles of the pharmaceutical invest-
ment business.

The pharmaceutical business principles can be

summarised as follows:

1. The industry is not a health industry, but an invest-

ment business based on the return on investment
from patented synthetic drugs.

2. The marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry is

diseases and their continuation and expansion are a
precondition for the continuation of this invest-
ment business.

3. Prevention and eradication of diseases narrow or

eliminate these multi-billion Rand disease markets
for the drug industry and are therefore being
actively fought by these interests.

4. Micronutrients and other science-based natural –

but non-patentable – health approaches that help
correct diseases at the cellular level are the single
biggest threat for the survival of the multi-billion
Rand investment business and are therefore the tar-
get of its most vicious attacks.

In order to mask its deceptive nature – pretending to fight diseases

whilst actually being dependant on their expansion – the pharma-
ceutical stakeholders use their profits to finance one of the largest
and most comprehensive army of lobbyists influencing essentially
all parts of society.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 45

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

Sectors of

The pharmaceutical investment industry is not a naturally grown

business. It has been artificially created more than a century ago by
financial circles, which defined the human body as the marketplace
for synthetic, patented drugs. The billions of Rands this investment
business raked in over decades from diseases were strategically re-
invested to infiltrate key sectors of society in most countries of the
world. These sectors include medicine, media, trade unions, church -
e s , a n d m a n y o t h e r s , wh i c h w i l l b e d e s c r i b e d t h r o u g h o u t t h i s b o o k .

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 46




The first Respondent has been among the first to expose the phar-
maceutical business with disease and its business principles char-
acterised above. In the meantime, profound criticism of the
unscrupulous business practices of the pharmaceutical investment
industry has increased exponentially and has become the subject
of many best-selling books.

Particularly revealing has been the criticism from within the med-
ical profession. A case in point is the book written by Dr Marcia
Angell, M.D., the former editor in chief of the “New England
Journal of Medicine”, the most influential medical journal in the
world. Her book entitled: “The Truth About the Drug Companies –
How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It” analyses the per-
vasive influence of the pharmaceutical industry on medicine and
society at large and is annexed to this response.*

Of particular interest in this book are the following aspects:

a. For more than two decades of work at the “New England

Journal of Medicine,” including as editor in chief of this most
influential medical journal in the world, Dr Angell has been
a firsthand “eye witness” of the coercion of medicine by cor-
porate greed on the part of the pharmaceutical industry.

b. The harsh criticism of Dr Angell in her book about the busi-

ness practices of the pharmaceutical industry has been trans-
lated in many languages and awarded, among others, the
“Polk Award,” one of the most coveted awards in journalism
in the USA. Moreover, it has received wide support from
leading newspapers, including the “New York Times.”*

c. In the introduction of her book Dr Angell clearly states: ”This

book will expose the real pharmaceutical industry – an
industry that over the past two decades has moved

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 47

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

Crown Witness
Dr Marcia Angell, the for-
mer editor in chief of the
world’s most influential
medical journal, the
“New England Journal of
Medicine”, describes the
pharmaceutical industry
as a global fraud.

very far from its original high purpose of discovering and

producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing
machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit this industry uses its
wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand
in its way, including the U.S. Congress, the Food and Drug
Administration, academic medical centres and the medical
profession itself. Most of its marketing efforts are focused on
influencing doctors, since they must write the prescriptions.”
This statement bears particular relevance in light of the back-
ground to be revealed below about the current leadership of
the South African Medical Association.

The significance of Dr Angell’s book about the unethical business

practices of the drug companies has a particular significance for
this case: Dr Angell’s “insider” report describes organisations, mech-

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 48


anisms and financial schemes which, as will be detailed in this

response, are the hallmarks of organisations and individuals present-
ed throughout this Application, including many of the “witnesses”.

The following chapters of Dr Angell's book are particularly


• “The $200 billion colossus”

This chapter characterising the pharmaceutical investment

business corrects the perceived view of it as a “health indus-
try” and describes the multinational drug companies as “vast
marketing machines with unprecedented control” over med-
icine, media, politics and – through this influence – on mil-
lions of people.

• “The Hard Sell … Lures, Bribes and Kickbacks”

This chapter details the mechanisms by which this industry

buys and coerces its influence on doctors and other health
professionals to promote their often questionable drug mer-

• “Marketing Masquerading as Education”

This important chapter describes the ruse applied by drug

companies to cover their multi-billion rand drug marketing
expenses as “medical education” efforts, including the use of
“third party” organisations “conducting this education”
seemingly independent of the drug influence. This is particu-
larly relevant for this Application in light of the funding of
organisations in South Africa like the “Foundation for
Professional Development” which will be elucidated below
in the context of documenting the background of the current
leadership of the South African Medical Association.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 49

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease


• The deadly side effects of pharmaceutical drugs have

become the fourth leading cause of death in the United
States and other industrialised countries, only surpassed by
heart attacks, cancer and stroke?
• 80 % of the drugs currently manufactured do not cure dis-
eases, rather cover symptoms?
• U.S. drug companies spent more than a billion dollars over
the past years in campaign donations and lobbying that
have produced favourable laws and tens of billions of dol -
lars in extra profits?
• The political leaders of the leading pharmaceutical export
nations (G8) announced in 2007 to take 60 billion Dollar –
more than 430 billion Rand – from the tax money of their
citizens, to subsidise the ARV business in Africa, conduct-
ed by the pharmaceutical multinationals headquartered in
their respective countries?

• Marketing Masquerading as Research

A second ruse beside “Education” that is being strategically

used by the pharmaceutical industry to mask its drug market-
ing efforts is “research.” As we shall see, millions of rand are
also channelled to South Africa and other developing coun-
tries to promote ARV drugs under the pretext of “charity” and
supporting medical research.

• Buying Influence – How the Industry Makes Sure

It Gets Its Way”

This chapter details the influence of the pharmaceutical

investment business on many parts of society.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 50




There is a close connection between the interests of the pharma-

ceutical industry and this Application. In fact this litigation is part
of an ongoing effort by pharmaceutical interests to maintain its
monopoly on patented drugs. This corporate influence on individ-
uals and organisations named in the Application is documented in
detail in part B of this response. The following paragraphs merely
provide an introduction to this background.

The Treatment Action Campaign (“TAC”):

The connection between the “TAC,” the first applicant in this liti-
gation, and the pharmaceutical industry has been the object of
previous litigation at the High Court of Cape Town, Case number

Even though the Court in its ruling on March 6, 2006, stated we

could not – yet – conclusively prove that the “TAC” operates as a
front for the pharmaceutical industry, the Court did not object –
among others – the following statements characterising the
“TAC’s” activities:

1. “The TAC organises rented crowds for the drug


2. “The TAC pays people to participate in its demon -


3. “The TAC encourages medicine which is harmful to

them and will kill them.”

4. “The TAC forces the government to spend millions

of Rand on toxic drugs.”

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 51

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

Kayelitsha Our Government

“The TAC forces the
government to spread
disease and death
wn Ex TAC “The TAC pays people among the people of
ss to participate in its South Africa.”

Free ARVs for All CE


“The TAC organises

rented crowds for Al
the drug industry” at

“The TAC forces the government “The TAC encourages people to

to spend millions of rand on take medicine which is harmful
toxic drugs.” to them and will kill them.”

Once before, the TAC tried to use the court to prevent the exposure of
its business practices. After careful deliberations, the High Court of
Cape Town explicitly allowed most revealing statements about this
organisation to be published, including the fact that “the TAC organ -
ises rented crowds for the drug industry”. The above picture, drawn by
an artist, connects the statements allowed by the court.

The South African Medical Association (SAMA).

SAMA, the second applicant, is represented in this litigation by its

board. As will be detailed below, the leading SAMA board mem-
bers are connected to the pharmaceutical investment interests
through their professional careers and positions they hold in
organisations heavily sponsored by the drug industry.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 52


While the careers of most board members of SAMA remain

dependent on the survival of pharmaceutical dogmas – explaining
their adamant hostility towards nutritional and traditional medi-
cines – it is a well known fact that a growing number of general
practitioners and other doctors in South Africa consider these nat-
ural health approaches as a part of their daily practice.

The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) of South Africa.

The ASA is being extensively used in this Application as an “expert

witness.” Thus, the following facts needs to be documented:

The ASA is a private company, led by business tycoon Mervin King,

was co founded by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Association
of South Africa. To this day, this lobby group remains a financier
and stakeholder within the ASA representing the interests of phar-
maceutical multinationals in South Africa. This means that the ASA
is not an independent, unbiased organisation and cannot be relied
upon to exercise independent judgement on an issue that is likely
to affect the interests of its financiers and members.

Moreover, under the pretext of protecting ‘standards’ in the

media,’ the ASA is being used as a privately run “censorship” body
to protect the business interests of its founding members. With the
help of the ASA the pharmaceutical industry tries to eliminate any
threats to its multibillion Rand market with patented AIDS drugs,
e.g. by science based natural health approaches. In order to cope
with this threat the ASA simply tries to ban the publication of the
health benefits of non-patentable micronutrients across South
Africa! This fact is documented by the ASA “ruling” - referred to in
this Application – that tries to ban even textbook knowledge of
biology about nutrition and micronutrients from being printed in
South African Media and from reaching millions of people.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 53

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

Willem Daniel Francois Venter

The witness Dr Venter is head of the

HIV Clinicians Society, a so-called
“special interest group” that focuses
on the promotion of ARVs. By that very
nature he serves the interests of the
pharmaceutical investment business in
the AIDS market. Moreover, as docu-
mented in the “publication list” Dr Francois Venter
attached to his affidavit, Dr Venter’s
entire academic career is dependent on the validity of the ARV
dogma: essentially all his publications serve the promotion of
ARVs, while not a single one of Venter’s publications serves to doc-
ument the key role of micronutrients to improve immune function.
Thus, while in his Affidavit Venter portrays himself as a representa-
tive of the “scientific” truth about AIDS, in his ARV focused career
he fails to address the most basic facts of biological science: the
essential role of micronutrients for optimum immune function – a
fact taught in the first years of the university curricula in biology
and other life sciences the world over.

Robert Edwin Dorrington

The witness Professor Dorrington has, according to the curriculum

vitae attached to his own affidavit, for a number of years served as
head of the UCT Retirement Fund. According to the UCT Website,
the fund invests in “companies that have the best growth prospects
in the world. For example, there are very few South African com-
panies in the rapidly growing pharmaceutical and health care sec-
tor – internationally the Fund can get exposure to the best compa-
nies in this sector.”*

These are just a few examples of the connection between pharma-

ceutical interests and this case. A more comprehensive list of indi-
viduals and organisations named in this Application and their spe-
cific background is documented later in this book.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 54


In addition to the above information, the public nature of this case

requires the following clarification:

Foreign-owned media

Even though not part of this litigation, some South African media
have openly taken sides with the promoters of ARVs and have tried
to pre-try this case in the court of public opinion. Considering the
fact that some of the largest media in South Africa are part of
media conglomerates held by national and international invest-
ment groups, this biased reporting is no surprise either.*

So-called “Civil society”

In a similar way, the SAMA functionaries and the TAC continue to

justify their action against me and the other Respondents as being
in the interest of “civil society.” They are promoting coalitions of
common interests with certain segments of this “civil society.” A
closer look at these segments reveals the nature of these common

• The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).

COSATU has pension funds in the range of billions of Rand.

Among the investments made by the COSATU pension funds
are huge direct and indirect investments in the pharmaceuti-
cal industry. Hence, some COSATU leaders have become
outspoken promoters of ARV drugs because they have a
financial interest therein.*

• The South African Council of Churches (SACC).

More than one quarter of the annual budget of the South

African Protestant church comes from the Protestant church
of Germany (Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands, EKD) and its

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 55

The Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease

affiliates. Germany is one of the few countries in the world

where the churches are funded by state taxes, essentially
abandoning any separation between churches and state.*

One of the most outspoken promoters of

ARVs within Cosatu is its Western Cape rep-
resentative Tony Ehrenreich. He uses his
function as a union leader to create the pub -
lic impression that millions of trade union
members support the distribution of toxic
ARVs in South Africa. This is, of course, not
the case. In May 2006, Ehrenreich was
arrested in connection with street riots in
Cape Town.

Germany is not only a leading export nation of pharmaceutical

drugs but the German churches also play a role in the promotion
of pharmaceutical drugs especially in the developing world and
some church leaders have particular connections to this industry.
A case in point is the current head of the Protestant Church in
Germany (Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands, EKD), Dr Huber,
who had parts of his academic career financed by the “Eli Lilly
Foundation”, the tax-shelter of one of the largest pharmaceutical
companies in the world.*

It is the very same EKD church of Dr Huber that finances more

than one third of the annual budget of the Protestant church in
South Africa. For more details I refer to Section II of this affidavit.

Chapter_02.qxp 10.08.2007 11:53 Seite 56

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that their

merchandise – patented ARV drugs – are the answer
to the AIDS epidemic.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 57
Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 58




The “TAC” and the “South African Medical Association” represent

to the High Court that ARV drugs are a scientifically proven thera-
py to treat HIV infection and AIDS. These statements are false.

Witness after witness in this Application make representations to

the effect that ARV drugs prevent the development of AIDS,
increase survival time, and can potentially even cure AIDS. All
these statements are equally false.

The assertions that ARVs can prevent the development of AIDS in

HIV-infected patients or even cure AIDS is so provably false that
none of the pharmaceutical companies producing ARV drugs are
allowed or even dare to make such unsubstantiated claims.

It takes organisations like the “TAC” and the “South African

Medical Association” to make such unproven claims. The only
explanation for such irresponsible action is that the SAMA func-
tionaries and the TAC until now essentially ignored the risk of
product liability lawsuits from patients harmed by taking ARVs,
which the manufacturers of these drugs cannot.

Remedy for such irresponsible action can only come if new legisla-
tion is passed that not only binds the manufacturers of drugs, but
also anyone promoting their merchandise to be held legally respon-
sible for any claims made, both to patients and publicly.

Because of the objective scientific facts about ARV drugs, namely

a). the high toxicity of these drugs, and b). the inability of these
drugs to prevent or cure neither HIV infections nor the develop-
ment of AIDS, there exists an objective interest on behalf of the
pharmaceutical companies manufacturing ARVs to promote these
controversial drugs with the help of other organisations.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 59

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The TAC organises rented crowds for the drug industry: In this rally, in
2006, the TAC pushes for the registration of yet another toxic ARV
drug unable to cure either HIV or AIDS. The primary beneficiaries of
this ARV promotion campaign are not the people of South Africa, but
the ARV-producing drug companies.

In light of the fact that both Applicants, the “TAC” and the “South
African Medical Association”, are heavily involved in promoting
ARV drugs, their statements have to be particularly scrutinised as
to their scientific accuracy and their credibility.

In the context of this litigation it must be avoided at all costs that

judges are mislead by deceptive representations of ARV-promoting
organisations – such as the SAMA functionaries and the TAC – in
making rulings on the therapeutic value of ARV drugs which not
even the manufacturers of these drugs can scientifically substanti-
ate or are allowed to make.

This is particularly important since once before the “TAC” has used
this ruse to have a South African Court make a ruling – entirely
outside the scientific facts of the ARV manufacturers – based sole-

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 60


ly on the “pseudo expertise” of ARV promoting organisations and

individuals. That highly publicised case had far-reaching implica-
tions for the people of South Africa, for it forced the Government
of South Africa to roll out ARVs without any proven efficacy to
treat HIV or AIDS to tens of thousands of South African people.

In the current Application the ARV promoting “TAC” is being offi-

cially joined by the board of the “South African Medical
Association” in trying to use this ruse a second time in a South
African Court by – once again – representing ARVs in a false,
deceptive and malicious manner as the only scientifically proven
method to prevent and treat and even cure AIDS.

In light of the necessity not to let any “pseudo-scientific” opinions

by organisations promoting ARVs affect the fact finding during this
litigation it is important to review the official statements made by
the manufacturers of ARV drugs about their products. Following
are just a few examples taken from the official product information
of the manufacturers:

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• NEVIRAPINE (“Viramune”)
Manufacturer: Boehringer-Ingelheim (Germany/USA)

“VIRAMUNE is not a cure for HIV-1 infection; patients may con-

tinue to experience illnesses associated with advanced HIV-1 infec-
tion, including opportunistic infections. Patients should be advised
to remain under the care of a physician when using VIRAMUNE.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• TIPRANAVIR (“Aptivus”)
Manufacturer Boehringer-Ingelheim (Germany/USA)

“Patients should be informed that APTIVUS is not a cure for HIV-

1 infection and that they may continue to develop opportunistic

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 61

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

not a cure
for HIV-1 infection;
patients may continue
to experience illnesses
associated with
advanced HIV-1
infection, including

Original Product
Information for

There is no scientific evidence that any of the ARVs currently sold

can cure either HIV or AIDS. Therefore, the manufacturers of ARV
drugs around the world are required by law to warn patients:
“This product is not a cure for HIV infection.”

infections and other complications associated with HIV disease.

The long-term effects of APTIVUS are unknown at this time.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• ZIDOVUDINE (“Retrovir”)
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

“RETROVIR is not a cure for HIV infection, and patients may con-
tinue to acquire illnesses associated with HIV infection, including
opportunistic infections. Therefore, patients should be advised to
seek medical care for any significant change in their health status.”*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 62


No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!


Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

“COMBIVIR is not a cure for HIV infection and patients may con-
tinue to experience illnesses associated with HIV infection, includ-
ing opportunistic infections. Patients should be advised that the use
of COMBIVIR has not been shown to reduce the risk of transmission
of HIV to others through sexual contact or blood contamination.“*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• ABACAVIR (“Ziagen”)
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

“ZIAGEN is not a cure for HIV infection and patients may con-
tinue to experience illnesses associated with HIV infection,
including opportunistic infections. Patients should remain under
the care of a physician when using ZIAGEN. Patients should be
advised that the use of ZIAGEN has not been shown to reduce the
risk of transmission of HIV to others through sexual contact or
blood contamination.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• ABACAVIR + LAMIVUDINE (“Kivexa/Epzicom[US]”)

Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

“EPZICOM is not a cure for HIV infection and patients may con-
tinue to experience illnesses associated with HIV infection, includ-
ing opportunistic infections. Patients should remain under the care
of a physician when using EPZICOM. Advise patients that the use
of EPZICOM has not been shown to reduce the risk of transmission
of HIV to others through sexual contact or blood contamination.”*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 63

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

not a cure
for HIV-1 infection
and patients may
continue to acquire
illnesses associated
with HIV infection,
including opportunistic

Original Product
Information for
Zidovudine (“Retrovir”)

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• FOSAMPRENAVIR (“Telzir/Lexiva[US]”)
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline (UK)

“Patients should be informed that LEXIVA is not a cure for HIV

infection and that they may continue to develop opportunistic
infections and other complications associated with HIV disease.
The long-term effects of LEXIVA are unknown at this time. Patients
should be told that there are currently no data demonstrating that
therapy with LEXIVA can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 64


No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• ENFUVIRTIDE (“Fuzeon”)
Manufacturer: Roche (Switzerland)

“FUZEON is not a cure for HIV infection or AIDS. FUZEON does

not prevent the transmission of HIV. People taking FUZEON may
still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that can hap-
pen with HIV infection.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• SAQUINAVIR (“Invirase”)
Manufacturer: Roche (Switzerland)

“Patients should be informed that INVIRASE is not a cure for HIV

infection and that they may continue to acquire illnesses associated
with advanced HIV infection, including opportunistic infections.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• NELFINAVIR (“Viracept”)
Manufacturer: Pfizer (USA) / Roche (Switzerland)

“VIRACEPT is not a cure for HIV infection or AIDS. People tak-

ing VIRACEPT may still develop opportunistic infections or other
conditions associated with HIV infection. Some of these condi-
tions are pneumonia, herpes virus infections, Mycobacterium
avium complex (MAC) infections, and Kaposi’s sarcoma.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• DELAVIRDINE (“Rescriptor”)
Manufacturer: Pfizer Inc. (USA)

“Patients should be informed that RESCRIPTOR is not a cure for

HIV-1 infection and that they may continue to acquire illnesses

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 65

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

“Patients should be
informed that
not a cure
for HIV-1 infection
and that they may
continue to acquire
illnesses associated
with HIV-1 infection,
including opportunistic

Original Product
for Delavirdine

associated with HIV-1 infection, including opportunistic infec-

tions. Treatment with RESCRIPTOR has not been shown to reduce
the incidence or frequency of such illnesses, and patients should
be advised to remain under the care of a physician when using
RESCRIPTOR. Patients should be advised that the use of RESCRIP-
TOR has not been shown to reduce the risk of transmission of

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!


Manufacturer: Abbott Pharmaceuticals (USA)

“Patients should be informed that KALETRA is not a cure for HIV

infection and that they may continue to develop opportunistic
infections and other complications associated with HIV disease.
The long-term effects of KALETRA are unknown at this time.”*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 66


No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• RITONAVIR (“Norvir”)
Manufacturer: Abbott Pharmaceuticals (USA)

“Patients should be informed that NORVIR is not a cure for HIV

infection and that they may continue to acquire illnesses associat-
ed with advanced HIV infection, including opportunistic infec-
tions. Patients should be told that the long-term effects of NORVIR
are unknown at this time.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• ATAZANAVIR (“Reyataz”)
Manufacturer: Abbott Pharmaceuticals (USA)

“Patients should be informed that REYATAZ is not a cure for HIV

infection and that they may continue to develop opportunistic
infections and other complications associated with HIV disease.
Patients should be told that there are currently no data demonstrat-
ing that therapy with REYATAZ can reduce the risk of transmitting
HIV to others through sexual contact.”*

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

• EFIVARENZ (“Sustiva”)
Manufacturer: Abbott Pharmaceuticals (USA)

“Patients should be informed that SUSTIVA is not a cure for HIV-

1 infection and that they may continue to develop opportunistic
infections and other complications associated with HIV-1 disease.
Patients should be told that there are currently no data demonstrat-
ing that SUSTIVA therapy can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV
to others through sexual contact or blood contamination.”*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 67

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!


Manufacturer: Bristol-Meyers Squibb

“ATRIPLA is not a cure for HIV infection and patients may con-
tinue to experience illnesses associated with HIV infection, includ-
ing opportunistic infections. Patients should remain under the care
of a physician when using ATRIPLA.”*

In light of these factual statements about the inability of ARVs to

prevent or cure HIV or AIDS by the pharmaceutical companies
who researched, developed, patented and market these products
globally it is evident that the “TAC” and the “South African Medi -
cal Association” build their entire Application on an outright lie:
the non-existing ability of ARVs to prevent or treat HIV or AIDS.

In light of the sobering information about AIDS drugs provided by

those companies that developed these drugs it is inexcusable that
a South African company - that was not involved in the develop-
ment of these drugs but merely licenses them - tries to market toxic
ARV drugs with the misleading promise that the ARV drugs may
“improve your condition.” The following product information
statements of “Aspen Pharmacare Pty Ltd.” about its leading ARV
drugs “Nevirapine” and “Staduvine” have no scientific basis and
are deliberately misleading the public:

No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

Manufacturer: Aspen Pharmacare Pty. Ltd.

“Aspen Nevirapine 200 mg may improve your condition, but it is

not a cure for your HIV infection. HIV infection is a disease
spread by contact with blood or sexual contact with an infected
individual. Treatment with Aspen Nevirapine 200 mg has not been
shown to reduce the risk of passing HIV infection on to others by
sexual contact or by blood transfer.”*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 68


No Cure
Cure For
HIV or
or AIDS!

Manufacturer: Aspen Pharmacare Ltd. Pty.

“Aspen Zidovudine 300 mg may improve your condition, but it is

not a cure for your HIV infection. HIV infection is a disease spread
by contact with blood or sexual contact with an infected individ-
ual. Treatment with Aspen Zidovudine 300 mg has not been shown
to reduce the risk of passing HIV infection on to others by sexual
contact or by blood transfer. Therefore, you must continue to take
appropriate precautions to avoid giving the virus to others.”*

This deceptive labelling of “Aspen’s” ARV products is a fraud on

the public. Without having been involved in the development of
these ARV drugs, “Aspen” makes false and deceptive health claims
about the possible efficacy of ARVs, that none of the pharmaceu-
tical companies that actually developed them is allowed to make.
Thus, there is an immediate need for the respective government
authorities to intervene and to hold “Aspen” responsible for violat-
ing the “Medicines Control Act” and other South African laws. This
intervention is particularly important, since “Aspen Pharmacare
Pty. Ltd.” is not only promoting its ARVs to thousands of people in
South Africa, but also exports them to other African countries with
these fraudulent claims.

In summary, the comprehensive list of statements by the pharma -

ceutical companies that actually developed these ARV drugs
unequivocally documents that none of these drugs has been
proven to prevent or cure HIV or AIDS and none of these drugs are
allowed to be marketed anywhere in the world with such claims.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 69

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The fact that none of the ARV products currently marketed in South
Africa and beyond can cure HIV or AIDS is a little known fact. This
gap of knowledge has two main reasons:
1. The pharmaceutical multinationals invest millions of Rand in
organisations promoting ARVs – despite their inability to cure.
2. Moreover, hardly any of the patients taking ARV pills receives this
product information – mandated by law – because in many doc -
tor’s offices and hospitals ARV pills are deliberately removed from
the manufacturer’s box containing the warning long before the
patients receive the ARV pills.
The pharmaceutical multinationals support special organisations,
which infiltrate the hospitals in the developing world under the veil of
charity. A main function of these organisations is, to take the ARV pills
out of the manufacturers box and “repackage” them in colourful daily
supply boxes – removing any product information and warning notice.
One of these “repackaging” organisations is called “Médecins Sans
Frontières”, MSF (Doctors Without Borders). The picture above is
taken from an MSF brochure. It shows how ARV pills are “repack-
aged” from the original containers (upper right hand corner) into a
patient box, which no longer contains the warning notice – but instead
the colourful logo of MSF.
Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 70



Over the past decades, pharmaceutical colonialism did not differ

much from other forms of corporate colonialism. High priced products
– in this case patented drugs – were exported from the manufacturing
sites of multinational drug companies, generally located within lead -
ing industrialised nations, such as USA, UK, Germany and France.

Since the African people could not afford these drugs, the drug multi -
nationals had to push the governments of Africa to use millions of
Rand of taxpayers’ money to pay for the mass import of these drugs.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 71

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic


As a result of increasing criticism of the pharmaceutical multination-

als, they thought of new, cunning models of marketing their drugs
across Africa. The pharmaceutical investment circles were the eco -
nomic motors launching pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in
South Africa, such as Aspen. The PR effect of ARV pills “manufactured
in South Africa” was several fold. First, it decreased the negative pub-
licity about open pharmaceutical colonialism. Second, the fact of an
African production site for these drugs was used as a strategic adver -
tising claim to expand the market for ARVs and other drugs across
Africa. The economic benefits from the “Aspen Scheme” for the for-
eign drug investors surpassed all their expectations.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 72




Considering these facts, it is of utmost concern that the SAMA

functionaries and the TAC and their witnesses throughout their
Application simply ignore these facts and rather allege the oppo-
site to be true. In order to cover up the fact that ARV drugs have
never been shown to prevent or cure HIV or AIDS, the SAMA func-
tionaries and the TAC filed several witness statements by South
African doctors. These doctors are apparently trying to blind the
Court about the unproven efficacy of ARV drugs with the help of
their academic titles and list of publications.

Of course, none of these doctors listed by the SAMA and the TAC
as ”witnesses” is able to change the scientific facts provided by the
manufacturers of these drugs themselves. Moreover, these experts
now need to be held responsible for making false and misleading
statements to the public about unproven health benefits of ARVs.

Thus, most of the witnesses listed by SAMA and the TAC as

“experts” on ARVs have in common that

1. they are economically or academically dependent on the

pharmaceutical business with patented ARV drugs,

2. they try to impress the High Court with ARV-promoting pub-

lications published in journals or presented at conferences
supported by the pharmaceutical industry,

3. they do not have any scientific record in the area of micronu-

trient research or nutritional therapies, while – at the same
time – allowing themselves to cast false judgements even on
the most basic facts of biological sciences,

4. with their statements to the Court these witnesses try to

establish ARV drugs as the only scientifically proven therapy
for AIDS,

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 73

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

This figure summarises the strategy of pharmaceutical multinationals

to market their ARV drugs despite the inability of these drugs to cure
AIDS and despite their extreme toxicity. These drug companies simply
bypass the ban on any claim that ARVs can cure AIDS, by supporting
organisations, certain media, and even opposition political parties in
the country, which largely ignore these facts in their ARV promotion
campaigns. By doing so, they act highly irresponsibly towards AIDS
victims and the public.

5. with their witness statements openly contradict the official

product information by the manufacturers of these drugs that
they can neither treat HIV nor AIDS.

By presenting these obviously false facts in this Application these

doctors have been identified as “pseudo-experts” and have dis -
qualified themselves as credible witnesses. The key facts of their
statements about ARVs are evidently false and their affidavits can
no longer be considered relevant.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 74




In the following paragraphs I address the business strategy behind

the promotion of toxic ARVs – as AIDS chemotherapy – by the
pharmaceutical industry. In brief, the pharmaceutical response to
AIDS is to treat this epidemic as a global market and a multibillion
Rand opportunity to increase its return on investments in patented
ARV drugs.

ARVs are the most common pharmaceutical approaches to AIDS.

Most ARVs are derivatives of drugs used in the “chemotherapy” of
cancer. The underlying therapeutic mechanism of these drugs is to
damage or destroy the cells of the body in the hope to also impair or
destroy cancer cells or – in the case of AIDS – virus containing cells.

It is basic knowledge that the primary target organ of these toxic

chemotherapeutic drugs is the bone marrow in the human body.
Moreover, the first cells toxically damaged are the fastest repro-
ducing cells, i.e. the blood cells deriving from the bone marrow.
This inevitably leads to the impaired production and function of
almost all subtypes of white blood cells and other cells that deter-
mine immune function in the body.

AIDS, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is by definition

an immune deficiency condition – i.e. a disease characterised by
an impaired function of the immune system. A 13-year old under-
stands that a toxic agent that damages the immune cells cannot
cause the immune system to improve and correct immune defi-
ciencies – rather than achieving the opposite – further aggravating
this condition.

Over the past two decades the AIDS epidemic has become a
multibillion Rand market for the pharmaceutical investment indus-
try with ARVs being essentially supplied from three drug exporting
countries, the US, the UK and Germany.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 75

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The continued growth and expansion of the global ARV market is

essentially achieved by responding to the epidemic of immune
deficiencies with the promotion of chemotherapeutic drugs –
ARVs – that aggravate immune deficiencies. Through this market-
ing strategy, existing markets for ARVs and other drugs are being
continuously expanded and markets for newly generated diseases
are constantly being created.

This aggressive marketing strategy exposes patients taking ARV

drugs to compromise their immune systems and becoming suscep-
tible to tuberculosis and other bacterial, viral and fungal disease.
Even leprosy increases among patients taking ARV drugs, a fact
that has not only alerted the scientific community, but the public at
large as documented by a recent article in the “New York Times.”*

The New York Times October 24, 2006

“Worrisome Link: AIDS Drugs and Leprosy”

“... Dr Gilla Kaplan, a professor at the University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey and one of the first to study connections between
AIDS and leprosy, agreed. Antiretroviral treatment, she said, “is going to
flush out the silent leprosy by making it symptomatic...”

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 76



Step-wise Drug Marketing Scheme by Pharmaceutical Stakeholders

I and II are I Under the false pretext describing ARVs as a cure for AIDS,
key steps drug companies and their stake holders in medicine and
to launch media are pushing to test every South African for HIV tests.
the drug
marketing II These lobbyists of drug multinationals pressure tens of
spiral thousands of HIV infected South Africans – even without
any signs of AIDS – to take highly toxic ARV drugs

While ARV drugs can neither cure HIV nor AIDS, they in
fact destroy the immune system and cause inflammation,
organ damage and other side effects – creating the market
for even more drug sales.

ARV drugs weaken the immune system of everyone.

These drugs do not prevent immune deficiencies, but in
fact cause them and render the body susceptible to fungal
and other common infections – creating the market for
even more drug sales.

The continued intake of ARVs weakens the immune sys-

tem so much that severe infectious diseases, including
tuberculosis, leprosy and others, appear and also spread in
epidemic proportions – creating the market for even more
drug sales.

The mass supply of chemical drugs cause ever new and

even more aggressive strains of micro-organisms appear –
creating the market for even more sales of drugs and new
“drug combinations”.

for People and Millions of People Die National Economies Drained

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 77

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The AIDS-Epidemic is the door opener for the phar-

maceutical investment business and its political stake-
holders to keep Africa – and the entire developing
world – in a stranglehold. Their strategic goal: Create
new diseases as new multi-billion rand markets for
their patented drugs that drain the national

ARV Drugs

+ Pain relievers,
Anti-inflammatory Drugs

+ Antimicrobial Drugs

+ High Dose Antibiotics

+ Combination of Antibiotics
and Chemotherapy

Drug Multinationals Developing Nations
Make Billions from Are Kept Economically
Business With Disease Dependent

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 78


Particularly alarming are the toxic side effects of so-called highly

active anti-retroviral treatments (HAART) which have been accom-
panied by an increase in deaths attributable to cancer, especially
lung cancer.* For more detailed information about the adverse
effects of ARVs I refer the honourable Court to the affidavit of the
sixth Respondent.

The accusation that the pharmaceutical industry responds to dis-

eases by promoting drugs that do not cure these diseases, rather
than further aggravating them, is serious and is not made easily.
One may even reject such a serious accusation for the simple fact
that it violates all ethical standards as well as national and interna-
tional laws. The fact is, however, that such marketing schemes by
the pharmaceutical industry are widely used and are in no way
limited only to ARV drugs and the AIDS epidemic.

For more than a half a century chemotherapeutic agents have been

promoted by drug companies as a “treatment of choice” in the fight
against cancer. The ineffectiveness of chemotherapy in the global
fight against cancer is evidenced by the fact that until today cancer
has remained the third leading cause of death in the industrialised
world. While this failure has been highly publicised, the reasons
for it have not. Hardly anyone knows that many chemotherapeutic
agents promoted by drug companies as cancer “treatments” are
actually well-established “human carcinogens”, as documented by
the Merck Manual and the official US-“Report on Carcinogens.”
These carcinogens include such widespread cancer agents as
Cyclophasphamide, Tamoxifen, Melphalan and others.*

The pharmaceutical marketing scheme to sell drugs that are

known to cause cancer to millions of cancer patients –, and to pro-
mote drugs that are known to damage the immune system of mil-
lions of AIDS patients – is rather daring. This marketing scheme
only works under one condition: that both cancer and AIDS are
being upheld as “untreatable” and essentially “death verdicts.”

This sobering scientific analysis has far-reaching economic conse-

quences. Should those millions of patients affected by cancer or

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 79

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The marketing of ARV drugs to immune deficient AIDS patients is a

mere copy of the marketing scheme used by drug multinationals for
decades to profit from the global cancer epidemic.

• Cancer: Toxic chemical drugs are being promoted to millions of

cancer patients with the false promise to expand or even save their
lives. Yet, the most frequent side effects of these chemical drugs is
damage to millions of cells and the triggering of new cancer –
which further increase drug sales.

• AIDS: In a similar way, toxic chemical drugs (ARVs) are being pro-
moted to millions of AIDS patients with the false promise to cure
or save their lives. However, the scientific facts about these drugs
are different: They destroy the immune system, cause more
immune deficiency and thereby pave the way for the development
of many other infectious diseases, including tuberculosis and other
bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. These diseases, too, are multi-
billion Rand drug markets.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 80


those affected by AIDS ever learn that science-based and safe

health approaches are available to effectively help control these
diseases, the global market of chemotherapeutic drugs will
inevitably collapse.



It goes without saying that the pharmaceutical investment interests

are trying to do everything to keep the multibillion Rand investment
market with patented ARV drugs alive. Worse, as an investment
industry they do everything to expand this ARV drug market – i.e. to
expand the AIDS epidemic under the pretext of fighting it.

The marketing strategy behind this pharmaceutical approach to

AIDS as well as the devastating global consequences are well doc-
umented, but little known: The World Health organisation (WHO)
defined AIDS in an official conference in Bangui, Central Africa, as
the occurrence of five typical “AIDS-defining symptoms.” They are:
fever, diarrhoea, persistent cough, weight loss and TB symptoms.

To expand their global markets with AIDS drugs, the pharmaceuti-

cal industry has consistently tried to reduce the problem of AIDS
to a simple equation, the infection with the human immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV). It is currently vigorously debated whether the
pharmaceutical equation HIV=AIDS is a scientific fact or a market-
ing strategy for the promotion of ARV drugs.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 81

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

The answer to this question is surprisingly simple and comes from

WHO data as recently as 2001.* The statistical evaluation of these
unique global data show that:

• From all people infected with HIV statistically less than 20 %

develop the immune deficiency condition AIDS – even after
13 years.

• This means that after more than a decade over 80 % of all

HIV-infected individuals remain AIDS free.

• If HIV were the highly pathogenic micro-organism that it is

being promoted to be by pharmaceutical medicine, AIDS-
symptoms would occur in about 100 % of the cases – and
within a relatively short time.

• While HIV may be present in AIDS patients it cannot be the

only cause of AIDS.

On the other hand, the statistical evaluation of large scale clinical

studies using ARV drugs in HIV-positive patients show a distinctly
different picture:*

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 82



– Based on Global Data* –

More than 80 %
of HIV infected people
develop AIDS

*The data used are based on

global AIDS cases
from WHO reports in 2001.

An analysis of worldwide data from AIDS patients, published by the

World Health Organisation (WHO), shows that within a period of thir -
teen years, less than 20 % of HIV positive people develop AIDS.

These data clearly show that HIV cannot be the general or only cause
of AIDS, otherwise every HIV infection would automatically cause

Moreover, if more than 80 % of HIV-infected people are still alive

after thirteen years – even without taking ARVs – HIV cannot be the
aggressive virus that necesserally kills people within months or a few
years. These WHO data do not exclude that HIV can contribute to
AIDS, but it cannot be its sole cause.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 83

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic


– Based on ARV drug studies** –

The drug industry

recommends ARV
drugs to every HIV-
infected person.

** Data based on AIDS mortality

rates from studies with people
on ARV drugs.
Palella et al., New England
Journal of Medicine, 1998;
Hogg et al., Journal of the American
Medical Association, 2003.

In sharp contrast, the evaluation of two of the largest clinical studies

in which AIDS patients took ARV drugs show, that almost all people
taking ARV drugs eventually develop AIDS and die at a high rate. It
can be calculated that all patients taking ARVs would develop full
blown AIDS and die from it in less than thirteen years.

The pharmaceutical industry knows these facts. Thus, they have an

interest to artificially create the equation “HIV = AIDS = Death”. For it
is only with this equation that they can justify the promotion of toxic
and ineffective drugs to HIV-infected people – even without any signs
of the AIDS disease.

The above data also show that the drug companies have an incentive
to promote ARV drugs, because they obviously expand the AIDS epi -
demic and thereby the multi-billion Rand drug market.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 84


• The death rate from AIDS among HIV-positive patients taking

ARVs is statistically at least 7 % each year.

• This means that almost 100 % of those patients taking toxic

ARVs have developed AIDS and have died after 13 years.

Several important conclusions can be drawn from these facts

which are summarised in the attached graph:*

1. While the majority of HIV-positive patients not taking ARVs

have an 80 % chance to survive 13 years AIDS free, the sta -
tistical chances to survive this period for patients taking
ARVs are close to zero.

2. The promotion of ARV drugs to all HIV positive patients is

not based on scientific facts nor does it help the patients. It
is solely built on marketing strategies of pharmaceutical
companies selling ARVs and looking to expand their drug

3. The only way to cause AIDS symptoms in about 100 % of

HIV infected people is to promote toxic ARVs to them –
immediately after they have been diagnosed as HIV positive.

Considering these facts the need for effective, safe and affordable
alternatives is paramount. Even if they are not cures for HIV either,
the minimum they can accomplish is to strengthen the immune
system of patients affected by immune deficiencies / AIDS – and
not aggravate these conditions.

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 85

The Pharmaceutical Investment Business With the AIDS Epidemic

Chapter_03.qxp 10.08.2007 11:55 Seite 86

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that

natural vitamins and nutritional medicine endanger
the lives of AIDS patients.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 87
Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 88


This chapter summarises the results of the community vitamin pro-

gramme conducted by the South African National Civic Organi-
sation (SANCO) in Khayelista. This report is also an official part of
the court proceedings.



Matthias Rath, M.D., Maud August, M.D., Raxit Jariwalla, Ph.D.,

and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D.

Vitamins and other micronutrients are essential for the adequate
production and optimum function of white blood cells, hormones
and other factors essential in determining optimum immune
response. In particular the critical role of vitamin C, vitamin A, vita-
mins B-5, B-6, B-12, folic acid as well as certain trace elements
such as iron, zinc, selenium, copper and others have been an inte-
gral part of textbook knowledge in all fields of biology for decades.*

Amazingly, this basic scientific knowledge has not been promoted

by health policy makers to fight immune deficiencies, including
the AIDS epidemic. Thus far, only a limited number of clinical
studies have been conducted to test the health benefits of
micronutrients in AIDS patients. Despite the fact that several of
these micronutrient studies showed encouraging health benefits,
none of them has been translated into public health policies to
fight the AIDS epidemic.*

The neglect of micronutrient research in relation to developing

global strategies to control AIDS is even more remarkable, since
from the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, researchers noticed
micronutrient abnormalities in AIDS patients. This was not surpris-
ing since chronic diarrhoea, anorexia, malabsorption, impaired
* For further reference please check annexures of
the affidavit at

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 89

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

In Khayelitsha, the biggest township just outside Cape Town, around

2 million people live in the most impoverished conditions. Many of
them are affected by AIDS. It is here that the micronutrient programme
was implemented.

nutrient storage, increased energy demands – all of which are

symptoms occurring in AIDS – are known to be associated with
and further aggravate these nutritional deficiencies.*

An additional reason why micronutrients should have been used

long ago in the fight against AIDS is the fact that the cellular mech-
anisms by which they strengthen the immune system are well
understood. Beside the basic scientific fact that micronutrients are
essential for optimising white blood cell production and immune
function, specific cellular mechanisms have been identified on
how micronutrients can help fight AIDS.

One of the theories about AIDS is that this disease is caused by the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A combination of vitamin
C and the natural amino acid lysine represents a therapeutic
option to block viruses from spreading through the connective tis-
sue of our body by inhibiting the secretion of collagen-digesting
enzymes. In addition, vitamin C and other nutrients can almost
completely inhibit the multiplication of HIV and induce cell death
(apoptosis) in virus-induced malignant cells.*

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 90


These findings are significant, since they establish micronutrient

supplementation as an effective approach to fight AIDS – irrespec-
tive whether AIDS is caused by HIV or not. Thus, while the scien-
tific debate about the causes of AIDS continues, the lives of AIDS
patients are no longer compromised by it.*

The need for effective, safe and affordable public health approach-
es to the AIDS epidemic is particularly compelling given the failure
of pharmaceutical options. Despite representations by the manu-
facturers of ARVs and some media, these drugs can not cure AIDS.
In fact, nowhere in the world have ARVs been allowed to be regis-
tered as a cure for AIDS. While ARVs are known not to cure AIDS,
they are associated with severe side effects. One of the target
organs of ARVs is the bone marrow where they exert direct dam-
age to the production site of immune cells, causing or aggravating
immune deficiencies. As a direct result, patients taking ARVs are
prone to other infectious diseases, including tuberculosis and
opportunistic infections. These diseases develop in addition to
other frequent side-effects of ARVs related to their cytotoxicity,
including failure of the liver, heart, kidneys and other organs.*

Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions of

the world, the neglect of micronutrients as an effective, safe and
affordable approach in the fight against AIDS continues to threaten
the lives of millions of people and the economies of entire nations.

Given the urgency of this situation, a comprehensive approach

utilising a nutritional intervention is required to help control AIDS
and – if possible – improve the health and life-expectancy of AIDS
patients. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of a
science-based micronutrient programme as the foundation of an
affordable public health strategy to combat AIDS. We were partic-
ularly interested in the potential health benefits of micronutrient
supplementation in people with AIDS who were HIV positive and
who did not take ARV medication.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 91

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

The improvements in the well-being of the participants in the commu-

nity vitamin programme was so significant that many of them wanted
to speak out publicly. On June 15, 2005, they decided to share their
experiences with the national and international press at a press con-
ference in Cape Town, in the hope of helping others affected by this
epidemic. The picture shows some of the participants with the repre-
sentative of SANCO, Mzwanele Ndibongo.

Here we document the comprehensive health benefits of people

living with AIDS from short-term micronutrient supplementation
provided as part of a community health programme in South Africa.


Programme settings. In the community health education pro-
gramme conducted by the South African National Civic organisa-
tion (SANCO) in Khayelitsha, a township of Cape Town, HIV pos-
itive people with AIDS were identified by community health pro-

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 92


One hundred HIV positive men and non-pregnant women were

included in the programme. They were over 13 years of age, had
advanced AIDS symptoms (CDC stage 2 or 3) including ulcers,
lymph swelling, skin rashes, joint pain, wounds and sores, colds and
flu, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, depression, headache and numb-
ness or tingling in the hands or feet. People who were currently tak-
ing or had been taking ARVs in the past were not included in this
evaluation because their immune system was already compromised
by the immune-suppressing effect of these drugs.

Of the 100 participants who initially started this programme, 56

completed all three examinations and questionnaires. This is a
remarkable number considering the obstacles of conducting such
documentation as a part of an open community health programme
in a township. Specific challenges came from special interest groups
promoting ARV drugs who tried to dissuade the patients from partic-
ipating in this health programme.

The community health programme conducted by SANCO

Khayelitsha is based on a broad educational approach about the
role of nutrition and micronutrients in helping to improve health
in general and immune function in particular. Those members of
the community affected by AIDS were offered a micronutrient
programme that had been donated to SANCO Khayelitsha by the
Dr Rath Health Foundation. In addition to the general education-
al material the participants received an information sheet detailing
the role of micronutrients in the body.

Micronutrient programme. The nutritional supplement pro-

gramme consisted of a defined combination of micronutrients:
vitamins: vitamin C (ascorbate), vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-
2 (riboflavin), vitamin B-3 (nicotinate), vitamin B-5 (pantothenate),
vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin), folic
acid, biotin, beta-carotene, vitamin D (cholecalciferol), vitamin E
(alpha-tocopherol); minerals and trace elements: magnesium, cal-
cium, potassium, phosphate, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium,
chromium, molybdenum; amino acids: L-lysine, L-proline, L-argi-
nine, L-carnitine, L-cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, taurine; as well as

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 93

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

other micronutrients: green tea leaf extract, citrus bioflavonoids,

inositol, coenzyme Q-10.

Health and nutritional assessment. Upon entry into the nutrition-

al programme, the participants were examined by a physician. In
addition, their health status was further assessed with the aid of a
bi-lingual questionnaire grading their symptoms on a scale of 0 to
4 (0 = no symptoms, 1 = mild, 2 = medium, 3 = advanced, 4 =
severe). The symptoms included fever, diarrhoea, cough, weight-
loss, TB, and opportunistic infections associated with AIDS-defin-
ing diseases for Africa. Among other physical symptoms assessed
were: swollen glands, joint pain, numbness in the hands or feet,
nausea or vomiting, headache, bloating, irregular heart beat, oral
sores and discomfort, gum bleeding, loose teeth, eyes burning or
itching, eyes sensitive to light, blurred vision, wounds that would
not heal, dry or itchy skin, skin bruises, muscle cramps, cold hands
or feet, sweating without work or exertion, unusual thirst, and
colds. Indicators of general well-being recorded were: nervous-
ness, irritation, anxiety, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite,
fatigue, dizziness, memory loss.*

At 4 and 8 weeks participants were re-examined by a physician.

Their current health status was reasessed on the graded question-
naire described above. The participants were also questioned
about the composition and frequency of their daily meals. These
included among others corn, white bread, brown bread, rice, noo-
dles, milk, fish, chicken, red meat, cereals, hot chips, sweets,
sweet potatoes, green peppers, salads, lemons, oranges, tomatoes,
bananas, apples, grapes and nuts.

The daily micronutrient supplementation was associated with a
statistically significant decrease of fever, diarrhoea, persistent cough,
weight loss and TB symptoms. This is a highly significant fact since
these five symptoms were defined by the 1985 WHO reference
conference in Bangui, Central Africa, as “AIDS-defining”.*

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 94


Micronutrient supplementation was associated with a rapid and statistical-

ly significant reduction (p=0.0001) in the severity of fever, chills and exces-
sive sweating which decreased by 52 % after 4 weeks and continued
throughout the 8 week period. These findings are summarized in Figure 1.

Daily intake of micronutrient supplements decreased diarrhoea by 50 %

after 4 weeks and 51 % after 8 weeks, which was also statistically signifi-
cant (p=0.003). These results are documented in Figure 2.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 95

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

As shown in Figure 3, weight-loss in people with AIDS who supplement-

ed their daily diet with micronutrients was significantly reduced by up to
70 % after 8 weeks of intake (p= 0.0001).

Micronutrient supplementation was associated with a significant decrease

in the severity of coughs by 33 % after 4 weeks and by 39 % after 8 weeks
(p= 0.007) as presented in Figure 4.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 96


In those participants who were also infected with TB (18 patients), the
daily intake of micro-nutrients decreased the severity of TB-related symp-
toms by 40 % after 4 weeks and 61 % after 8 weeks (Figure 5), which was
also a statistically significant result (p=0.02).

In addition, fungal and other opportunistic infections frequently accompa-

nying AIDS were present in 9 participants of the micronutrient programme.
Severity of these opportunistic infections was 76% lower after 4 weeks and
89% lower after 8 weeks of micronutrient intake. This result too was statisti-
cally significant (p= 0.009), as represented in Figure 6.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 97

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

The specific results for each of these symptoms were as follows:

The severity of colds decreased by 45 % after 4 weeks and 35 %

after 8 weeks of vitamin intake (p=0.001). Lymphadenopathy
(swelling of lymph nodes) decreased by 57 % after 4 weeks and by
67 % at the end of 8 weeks of nutritional supplementation. This
change was statistically significant (p= 0.006).

AIDS is also accompanied by mental health problems, especially

depression, fatigue, as well as frequent headaches. The results pre-
sented in Table 1 indicate that all these symptoms improved after
4 and 8 weeks on the vitamin programme. After 4 and 8 weeks of
micronutrient supplementation the severity of depression
decreased by 48 % and 47 % respectively (p< 0.0001). Occurrence
of fatigue decreased by 60 % after 4 weeks and 68 % after 8 weeks
on the micronutrient programme. These results were statistically
significant as well (p<0.0001). Headaches decreased by 38% after
4 weeks and 35% after 8 weeks on the micronutrient programme.

Signs of neuropathy, such as pain and numbness in the fingers and

feet was scored lower after 4 and 8 weeks on the micronutrient pro-
gramme (54 % and 56 % respectively) compared to the programme
entry (p<0.0001). Also joint pain score was lower by 49 % and 54%,
respectively after 4 and 8 weeks of vitamin supplementation and
these changes too were statistically significant (p<0.0001).

During micronutrient supplementation there was a notable effect

on the healing of wounds and sores that had persisted for months
prior to entering the vitamin programme. The severity of these
lesions decreased after 4 weeks of taking micronutrients by 59 %
and after 8 weeks by 84 %, which was a statistically significant dif-
ference (p=0.004). In addition, the severity and appearance of
skin rashes decreased by 37 % already after 4 weeks and by 64 %
after 8 weeks on the programme, which also reached statistical
significance (p=0.04).

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 98


Table 1:
Changes in Severity of Other AIDS-Related Symptoms Before,
After 4 Weeks and 8 Weeks of Taking Nutritional Supplements

Symptom Symptom Severity

Number of Severity After Taking Nutritional
Participants Before Taking Supplementation of
Affected Nutritional
4 Weeks 8 Weeks

Symptom Score % Score % Score % p-value

Colds and Flu 39 2,25 100 1,25 45 1,50 35 0,001

Swollen Glands 13 2,24 100 1,50 57 1,43 67 0,006

Skin Sores 6 3,00 100 1,75 59 1,42 84 0,004

Skin Rashes 13 1,92 100 1,51 37 1,25 64 0,04

Depression 47 2,65 100 1,30 48 1,41 47 < 0,001

Fatigue 45 2,75 100 1,18 60 0,90 68 < 0,001

Headache 44 2,45 100 1,55 38 1,62 35 0,06

43 2,70 100 1,23 54 1,20 56 < 0,001
in extremities

Joint Pain 37 2,80 100 1,40 49 1,31 54 < 0,001

Other AIDS related symptoms – outside those of the Bangui defini-

tion – also significantly improved under the micronutrient pro-
gramme. These results are summarized in Table 1.

Column one documents the number of participants associated with

each symptom. Column two reflects the average severity of these
AIDS related symptoms expressed as the average values of the symp-
tom scores as assessed in the questionnaire and described in the sec-
tion Materials and Methods. Column three shows the percentage
decrease in severity of AIDS-related symptoms after 4 weeks and 8
weeks of taking nutritional supplements. The last column shows the
statistical analysis from the evaluation of the improvements of symp-
toms from the beginning of the programme to week 8. Values with
p<0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 99

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha

The healing of AIDS related wounds during the micronutrient pro-

gramme was a particularly obvious and objective observation.
Figure 7 documents the changes of such an AIDS-related wound
– an infected ulcer on the neck of a woman living with AIDS –
before and after 4 weeks of vitamin supplementation.

The results of the community nutrition programme presented in
this report show that a daily supplementation of vitamins, miner-
als and other essential nutrients significantly reversed all the symp-
toms that define AIDS, namely fever, weight loss, diarrhoea, and
persistent coughs, and it decreased the severity of tuberculosis.

This nutritional health programme also helped to improve other

AIDS related symptoms including fungal and other opportunistic
infections, sores, colds, nausea, fatigue, depression, headache, skin
rashes, swollen glands, joint pain and numbness in hands or feet.

Figure 7:
Micronutrient supplementation and wound healing: These pictures
document the neck ulcer of a young woman living with AIDS before
(left) and after 4 weeks (right) on the micronutrient programme. The
wound infection (white area in the left picture) had completely disap-
peared after 4 weeks of vitamin intake. The wound itself, visible as a
deep hole (left), had almost completely closed (right). No such effect
has been documented with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs).

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 100


Previous intervention studies with vitamins and other micronutri-

ents in AIDS patients have used single vitamins or a combination
of a few micronutrients. Notably, in certain studies a combination
of vitamins C and E was shown to reverse the damaging effects of
ARVs in HIV infected adults. The same combination of vitamins
was shown to reduce viral load and the damage from oxidative
stress in AIDS patients.*

In another nutritional study, vitamin C in combination with N-

acetyl cysteine – a bio-available form of the amino acid cysteine –
was reported to improve the immune response and lower the viral
load in patients with advanced AIDS.*

Other studies conducted in Durban, South Africa examined the

effects of vitamin A supplementation on the morbidity and mortal-
ity of HIV infected mothers with AIDS and their children. Among
all children, those receiving vitamin supplements had a 30 %
lower overall morbidity – i.e. a 30 % lower risk to develop diar-
rhoea, lower and upper respiratory tract infections and rashes –
compared to the control group (5).

The health programme documented here differs from the above

studies in the use of a defined combination of micronutrients tar-
geting AIDS-defining symptoms. Since these symptoms determine
the quality of life of people living with AIDS as well as their life
expectancy, the findings reported here have a potential to halt the
otherwise deadly course of this disease.

The findings of this community health programme are even more

important, since no study with ARVs or any other pharmaceutical
drug has ever shown the reversal of AIDS-defining symptoms.
Thus, in the absence of pharmaceutical drugs that can cure AIDS,
the encouraging health benefits of this pilot nutrient programme
have important implications for the control of AIDS.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 101

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha


Micronutrient supplementation offers an effective, safe and

affordable approach towards the global control of AIDS. In
developing countries micronutrients combined with general food
programmes should form an essential part of public health strate -
gies to successfully fight immune deficiencies, including AIDS.

The immediate implementation of these findings by national gov -

ernments as well as the WHO and other international organisa -
tions will save millions of lives – and it provides valuable time for
the international research community to find a lasting solution to
end AIDS.

This report about the community vitamin programme in

Khayelitsha is – neccesarily presented as a summary report. But
behind every number and every graph are human lives that have
benefitted from this programme. On the following pages two of the
participants will tell their story – on behalf of many others.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 102



“My name is Boniswa. I am

from Khayelitsha. I was preg-
nant in 2000. That's when I
discovered that I am HIV positive.
I was taken to the medical centre and
I was
given vitamin B. When they tested
it, they
discovered that my CD4-count has
down dramatically.
At that particular stage I felt so sick
I started to
wonder what is best for me, but I was
totally afraid of ARV's. Fortunately
for me I got
information from friends that there
is another
way of getting better. When I started
to use the
vitamin pills, things started to improve
As I can tell you right now, all thos
e symptoms
diminished and I am continuing with
my vita-
mins and I am feeling better. I am not
saying I
am cured but I am feeling better. I
want to deliv-
er this message to the community arou
nd me
who know that I am a person who
is suffering
from HIV/AIDS.
In fact I will continue to preach in my
ty the fact that they need to take the
right route
and not being intimidated by the hoo
ligans that
are being paid by the TAC.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 103

The Vitamin Community Programme in Khayelitsha



L. N.
mins and my health
I was HIV positive when I took vita
ach and I was weak
has improved. I had a running stom
now I am feeling better.
and did not have strength, but
all over my body have
Skin problems (rash) that was
I am feeling much better.
decreased and fading and
Even the terrible headache I had is
after usin g vitamins, I start-
I did not have appetite, but
. I lost weig ht but after taking
ed eating again till to date
my weight now.
vitamins I am beginning to recover

I was having a skin pro P. M.

blem, having rash all ove
body. I had problems wit r my
h my eyes, couldn’t see
something that is far bu
t now I am feeling much
better, I can even write.
I used to feel tired and
my body was sore but
there is a big difference. now
I was sweating at night
I am sleeping. I had he when
adache that does not sto
Now, I can walk a long p.
distance and don’t get
easily. In all, I am feeling tired
much better. Vitamins are
very helpful to us.

S. N.
g at night but
I was having a problem of sweatin
now I feel much better.
walking a long
I had a problem of headache. Even
sleep during
distance is okay for me, I do not even
I feel very
the day, I used to feel tired but now
much better than before.
I have also regained my appetite.

Chapter_04.qxp 10.08.2007 12:04 Seite 104

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that

natural vitamins and nutritional medicine have no scientific
basis and should be outlawed.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 105
Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 106



The pathological basis of AIDS is a dysfunctional immune system

clinically indicated by abnormally low levels of white blood cells.
It is an established scientific fact documented in science that the
following micronutrients are essential and indispensable for blood
cell formation: vitamin B-3, vitamin B-5, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12,
vitamin C, folic acid, iron and others.

By questioning these scientific facts throughout this Application, the

current leadership of South African Medical Association openly
defies basic scientific knowledge documented in the textbooks of
biology, biochemistry, cell physiology and other biological sciences.*

This is even more worrying, since it is an established medical fact

that vitamin deficiency is not only compromising the formation
and function of white blood cells, but also those of red blood cells.
More than half a century ago, vitamin deficiency has been estab-
lished as a primary cause of anaemia, the inability of the bone
marrow to produce enough properly functioning oxygen-carrying
red blood cells. For decades doctors have used vitamin supple-
ments to correct this imbalance and even to treat severe disorders
such as megaloblastic anaemia.*

In the course of the 20th century, no less than nine Nobel Prizes
have been awarded for the discovery of vitamins and in particu-
lar their role in providing optimum immune function in the body.
Until this day, the Nobel Prize committee considers this fact so
significant that it maintains a separate web site documenting the
Nobel Prizes in biology, chemistry as well as physiology and
medicine awarded for elucidating the role of vitamins in health
and disease.*

* For further reference please check annexures of

the affidavit at

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 107

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies

Albert Szent-Györgyi

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1937

“for his discoveries in connection with the
biological combustion process, with special
reference to vitamin C”.

Christiaan Eijkman

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1929

“for his discovery of the antineuritic
vitamin” (VVitamin B1).

Walter Norman Haworth

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937

“for his investigations on carbohydrates
(Sugars) and vitamin C”.

Moreover, the online service of the US Library of Medicine, the

world’s largest medical online library, lists more than 8000 refer-
ences documenting the essential role of micronutrients for opti-
mum function of the immune system.*

It is a remarkable fact that this basic knowledge of biology – and

life itself – has been largely barred from entering the textbooks of
medicine and its various disciplines including internal medicine,
immunology, tropical medicine and others.

This censorship of life saving information obviously did not hap-

pen in the interest of patients or doctors. It happened primarily in
the interest of the pharmaceutical investment business, for which

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 108


these highly effective but non-patentable therapeutic approaches

represent a debilitating economic threat.

Contrary to the 640 page long efforts by the SAMA functionaries

and the TAC to question an entire century of biological and bio-
chemical research – including 9 Nobel Prizes – the connection
between micronutrients and optimising immune function is firmly
established and no credible scientist can challenge it without risk-
ing their reputation.

It therefore comes as no surprise that micronutrients effectively

improve the immune function and well-being of people living with
AIDS. Our Foundation – the second Respondent – has supported
a community health programme in South Africa during which
micronutrients were given by community representatives to peo-
ple affected by AIDS. During the course of this nutritional pro-
gramme the reversal of AIDS-symptoms including such severe
conditions as advanced skin ulcers and lymph node swelling was
observed.* The details of this community health programme will
be discussed below in detail.

Micronutrients are not a cure for AIDS. But in the absence of an

effective cure or a vaccine for this epidemic – and in face of the
extreme toxicity of ARVs – they are an effective and affordable way
to halt progression and even reverse the symptoms of the AIDS dis-
ease and to improve the quality of life of AIDS patients. Moreover,
the implementation of micronutrients as public health strategies
will allow the international research community to win decisive
time until a cure is found.

In addition to the scientific documentation about the general role

of micronutrients in improving immune function a growing num-
ber of studies have been published documenting the health bene-
fits of micronutrients in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Following is a selection from these studies:

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 109

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies


High Concentrations of Vitamin C

Almost Completely Inhibit
of the HI-Virus The Multiplication of HIV
(Measured by activity
of key enzyme

Vitamin C concentration (µg / ml)

In a landmark study published in the official journal of the U.S.

Academy of Sciences, Dr Harrakeh, Dr Jariwalla and Dr Pauling
showed that high-dose vitamin C was able to block the multiplication
of HIV by more than 99%!
These dramatic results obtained with natural and affordable
approaches were published one and a half decades ago – but were
ignored and even suppressed in the interest of the multi-billion Rand
business with patented ARV drugs.
Dr Pauling was the recipient of two Nobel Prizes. He died in 1994. Dr
Jariwalla is today the head of virology research at the Dr Rath Research

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 110


Vitamin C can block the multiplication of HIV

by more than 99%!

More than a decade ago, a study by the

research group of Dr Raxit Jariwalla and
co-authored by two-time Nobel Prize
winner Linus Pauling, was published in
the “Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, USA,” the official
journal of the US National Academy of
Sciences. The study, established that vita-
min C alone can block the replication of
HIV by 99%.*
Dr R. Jariwalla

• The relevance of this study in the fight against HIV and AIDS
cannot be overestimated. No chemical substance and certain-
ly no currently promoted ARV drug has been shown to have
such a pronounced effect on inhibiting the key enzyme for the
multiplication of the HIV virus namely reverse transcriptase.

• The clinical relevance of this landmark research is supported

by the fact that the vitamin C concentrations effective in
blocking HIV replication are attainable in human blood by
an optimal daily intake of this vitamin.*

• Even more significantly, further studies showed that – as

opposed to ARV drugs such as AZT – vitamin C can prevent
HIV infection and also decrease the viral load in chronically
HIV infected cells. In contrast, AZT is unable to inhibit virus
production in chronically HIV infected cells.*

Dr Jariwalla, the principal investigator of this study, today heads the

virology research at the Dr Rath Research Institute which is being
headed by Dr Alexandra Niedzwiecki, who had co-authored some
of this early research on micronutrients and AIDS. Dr Jariwalla has
dealt with this and other evidence in his affidavit in more detail.

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 111

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies

Similar significant results were obtained

with the nutritional supplements glu-
tathione and N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
which are biologically active antioxi-
dants. These findings are particularly rel-
evant because the SAMA and the TAC
challenge both the health benefits and
the safety of NAC as a core argument of
their Application. The research data pub-
Dr A. Niedzwiecki
lished in leading international scientific
journals show exactly the opposite

• In a study published in the official Journal of the US National

Academy of Sciences, a research group from the Stanford
University in California showed that NAC inhibits the multi-
plication of HIV. The researchers summarise their findings
that NAC “can be administered orally without known toxic-
ity in humans.”*

• In a similar study researchers from the US National Institutes

of Health also published in the “Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences” concluded about the nutritional sup-
plements glutathione and NAC that – based on their research
findings – they “may be of value in the treatment of HIV.”*

It is inconceivable, that the “TAC” and the board of the “South

African Medical Association” are filing this Application to essen -
tially prohibit the people of South Africa to take advantage of
NAC, a substance that is effective and safe, all the while they are
continuing the promotion of toxic, and controversial ARVs.

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 112


Daily Doses of Multivitamins

Slow Down the Risk of Developing AIDS

A clinical study documenting the effectiveness of multivitamins in

fighting the AIDS epidemic has been published in the “New
England Journal of Medicine” on July 1, 2004, and reported in the
“New York Times” the very same day.*

The fact that this clinical study was prominently featured in the
“New York Times” reflects the global implications of this study for
improving human health and its potential to save millions of lives.

The Harvard study, conducted in Tanzania over a period of eight

years, involved more than a thousand HIV-positive pregnant
women. It was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conform-
ing to the highest standards for clinical studies. The study showed
that inexpensive multivitamin treatment is effective in staving off
the development of the AIDS disease among HIV-positive women.


The following vitamins and other micronutrients have been
shown in research and clinical studies to have benefits for
patients with HIV and AIDS:

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin B
• Folic acid
• Vitamin E
• Beta-Carotene
• N-Acetylcysteine
• Gluthatione
• Certain mineral and trace elements
• Multivitamin composition

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 113

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies

The key findings documented in the “New England Journal of

Medicine” from this large scale study with micronutrients in
HIV / AIDS patients are:

1. The progression of AIDS to stage 4 (according to the World

Health Organisation grading), which corresponds to full-
blown manifestation of the disease, was reduced by 50 % in
patients receiving multivitamins.

2. The relative risk for patients to die from AIDS was lowered by
27 % in patients receiving multivitamins.

3. The study found that "Multivitamins also significantly

reduced all signs of complications" including:

• Oral lesions (ulcers) reduced by 48 %

• Lip infections reduced by 56 %

• Difficult, painful swallowing reduced by 53 %

• Diarrhoea reduced by 25 %

• Fatigue reduced by 24 %

The most important findings of this study were summarised by

major news agencies around the world. MSNBC wrote: ”The study
found that daily doses of multivitamins slow down the disease and
cut the risk of developing AIDS in half.”*

Moreover, an editorial accompanying the publication of this impor-

tant clinical study in the “New England Journal of Medicine” stat-
ed: “The credibility of these data is supported by sound study
design and methods, appropriate analyses, and compatibility with
the limited existing data, such as those showing decreased mortal-
ity among HIV-infected Thai adults who received multivitamins.”*

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 114


We have repeatedly quoted this study conducted by Harvard

researchers. After one such quote published in “The New York Times”
the Harvard researchers – apparently under pressure – decided to dis-
tance themselves from the reference to their study. This remarkable
fact was eagerly picked up by the Applicants in their continued effort
trying to discredit us and was made part of this Application.

The fact is, however, that the above statements are taken directly from
this publication in the “New England Journal of Medicine” and – how-
ever great the pressure on the Harvard researchers – any attempt to dis-
tance themselves from their own published records will inevitably
destroy their credibility.

This accompanying editorial in the “New England Journal of

Medicine” leaves no doubt about the global implications of this
study for human health. Acknowledging the dramatic situation in
Africa specifically, the editors stated: “Nutrition will have to be
addressed in the treatment of HIV disease and AIDS.”

Finally, the following fact deserves particular attention: The above-

mentioned study was conducted over eight years and it is the only
long-term clinical study available to this day – whether with mul-
tivitamins or ARVs – that shows any extension of survival of
patients infected with HIV / AIDS.

The same group of researchers published a similar report entitled:

“Randomized trial of the effects of vitamin supplements on preg-
nancy outcomes and T-cell counts in HIV-1-infected women in
Tanzania” in the medical journal “The Lancet”. This study showed
the effectiveness of a micronutrient combination composed of
vitamin A (Betacarotene), vitamin B-complex, vitamin C as well as
folic acid on pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, still-
birth, fetal death, preterm birth, low birth weight and others. This
clinical study concluded: “Multivitamin supplementation is a low-
cost way of substantially decreasing adverse pregnancy outcomes
and increasing T-cell counts in HIV-1-infected women.”*

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 115

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as a Safe and Effective

Nutritional Supplement for HIV-Infected People

An international clinical study using the biologically active form of

the natural amino acid cysteine, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in HIV
infected people entitled “N-acetylcysteine replenishes glutathione
in HIV infection” was published in the “European Journal of
Clinical Investigation” in 2000. Following are the significant facts
about this important study:*

The study established that: “NAC treatment for 88 weeks safely

replenishes whole blood GSH [the natural antioxidant
Glutathione] and T cell GSH in HIV infected individuals. Thus
NAC offers useful adjunct therapy to increase protection against
oxidative stress, improve immune system function and increase
detoxification of acetaminophen and other drugs.”

This study was conducted by an international group of doctors and

medical scientists from such renowned institutions as Stanford
University Medical School (USA), University of California, Berkley
(USA), National Institutes of Health (USA), Medical Institute (India),
University of Tokyo and Institute of Viral Research, Kyoto (Japan).

The nutritional supplement used in this international study was N-

acetylcysteine, the biologically active form of the natural amino
acid Cysteine and the precursor of an important antioxidant,
Glutathione – precisely the micronutrient that plays a specific role
in the argumentation of the SAMA functionaries and the TAC.

While the they try to portray the NAC supplement as an alleged-

ly “dangerous drug”, the researchers of this international study
come to a completely different conclusion: “N-acetylcysteine
(NAC), the commonly used source of cysteine in clinical settings,
safely replenishes GSH in GSH-deficient HIV-infected subjects
[emphasis added].”

With respect to the safety of NAC – another point raised by the

SAMA and the TAC – this international research team established:
“We found no adverse consequences of NAC ingestion at high

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 116


doses even for relatively long periods (larger than 5 grams per day
for 14 to 24 weeks). Five grams of NAC is an amount of NAC
equalling more than 330 times the amount of NAC in one tablet of
the vitamin formula “Vitacell.”

Other Clinical Studies Documenting the Health

Benefits of Micronutrients in HIV/AIDS Patients:

The clinical relevance of vitamins and micronutrients in the fight

against immune deficiencies and AIDS has been established
beyond doubt. Following is a selection of the available clinical
studies documenting the value of micronutrients in the prevention
and treatment of HIV / AIDS:

• ”A randomized trial of the impact of multiple micronutrient

supplementation on mortality among HIV-infected individu-
als living in Bangkok” was published in one of the leading
AIDS research journals “AIDS” by Dr Jiamton and his col-
leagues. This clinical study showed that multivitamin supple-
mentation significantly lowered the mortality rate among
HIV-infected patients by up to 74 %.*

• A clinical study report "Effects of micronutrient intake on sur-

vival in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection"
was published in the prestigious “American Journal of
Epidemiology” by Dr A. Tang and colleagues. This clinical
study found that supplementation with various forms of vita-
min B in HIV infected patients was associated with a signifi-
cantly improved patient survival of up to 55 %.*

• A clinical study report entitled ”Effects of Vitamin E and C

Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Viral Load in HIV-
Infected Subjects” published in the scientific journal “AIDS”
in 1998 found that “Supplements of vitamin E and C reduce
oxidative stress in HIV and produce a trend towards a reduc-
tion in viral load.”*

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 117

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiencies

Scientific Reviews Related to the Health Benefits

of Micronutrients in HIV/AIDS Patients

The specific effects of micronutrient deficiency on the immune

system and its clinical implications with a focus on HIV and AIDS
are also summarised in various scientific reviews:

• “Vitamins and Immunomodulation in AIDS” by Dr Chandra

et al. This scientific review describes in detail the impact of
micronutrients on immune cell activity, their growth, differ-
entiation, proliferation and on optimum release of cytokines
and growth factors. This review also highlights the important
fact that deficiencies of vitamins A, B-3, B-6, B-12, and C
occur despite consumption at or above the levels established
by so-called “official guidelines.”*

• Another review article entitled “Micronutrients and the

Pathogenesis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection”
was published in the “British Journal of Nutrition” in 1999 by
Dr Semba and Dr Tang from the John Hopkins University
Medical School in Baltimore, USA. They summarised their
review as follows: “Low levels or intakes of micronutrients
such as Vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, Zn [Zinc] and Se
[Selenium] have been associated with adverse clinical out-
comes during HIV infection, and new studies are emerging
which suggest that micronutrient supplementation may help
reduce morbidity and mortality during HIV Infection.”*

Further reviews and recommendations about nutrition and micronu-

trients for HIV and AIDS are discussed in the next chapter.

Chapter_05.qxp 10.08.2007 12:05 Seite 118

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that

the United Nations and its sub-organisations FAO, WHO,
UNICEF are opposing vitamin supplementation and nutritional
medicine in the global fight against AIDS.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 119
Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 120




The SAMA functionaries and the TAC repeatedly refer to an alleged

position of the World Health Organisation (WHO) purportedly dis-
couraging the use of vitamins in the global fight against immune
deficiencies and AIDS. Moreover, the SAMA functionaries and the
TAC rowdies portray themselves as the implementers of WHO
policies in South Africa when promoting toxic ARV drugs and
when fighting the use of micronutrients in the battle against AIDS.
This representation by SAMA and the TAC is false too.

The WHO was founded in 1948 with the goal to achieve the max-
imum level of health for people worldwide. One of the ways to
achieve this goal engraved in the WHO constitution is “to promote
the improvement of nutrition.” The commitment of the WHO to its
constitution is documented by the following facts:


“The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attain-
ment of peace and security and is dependent upon the
fullest co-operation of individuals and States. (...)

To promote, in co-operation with other specialised agen-

cies where necessary, the improvement of nutrition, hous-
ing, sanitation, recreation, economic or working condi-
tions and other aspects of environmental hygiene.”

The WHO Constitution was signed on July 22, 1946 by the representa-
tives of 61 States and entered into force on April 7, 1948.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 121

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences

The WHO established a joint WHO / FAO “Expert committee on

nutrition” that by 1962 had published no less than six comprehen-
sive reports within the official “World Health Organisation
Technical Report Series”. These reports marshalled by experts
around the world specified everything from the improvement of
general nutrition to the use of vitamins and other micronutrients.

This table of contents of the 1962 FAO / WHO report leaves no

doubt about the significance of nutrition in the global fight against
malnutrition, “infections” and other diseases. One year later, in
1963, the pharmaceutical interests began their counter offensive:
For almost half a century since, they have tried to abuse the UN
organisations to suppress this life-saving information.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 122


It also included recommendations for community gardening and

other measures to raise vitamin rich nutrition.*

The WHO reports placed a special focus on the role of nutrition

and micronutrients in the fight against immune deficiencies and to
improve resistance against infectious diseases. For example the
“World Health Organisation Technical Report No. 405” was enti-
tled “Nutritional Anaemia.” This WHO report was specifically ded-
icated to the close connection between micronutrient deficiency
and the impaired production and function of white blood cells,
causing of immune deficiencies. The report highlighted the neces-
sity of various micronutrients as being essential for optimum
immune function, among others B vitamins, folic acid and iron.
The report even included “therapeutic trials” from various coun-
tries, e.g. showing a significant decrease of anaemia with micronu-
trient therapy.*

It would go far beyond the scope of this affidavit to discuss the

comprehensive list of publications by the WHO on the use of
micronutrients on immune deficiencies. A complete list of these
reports can be found in the WHO library.

Thus, while the WHO has acknowledged the important role of

micronutrients in fighting anaemia and immune deficiencies
decades ago, this basic knowledge of biology is still being ques-
tioned by SAMA functionaries and the TAC street pushers today.
Considering these facts, the allegations made by these ARV pro-
moters about the position of the WHO on micronutrients are
highly deceptive.

Over the past decades, the pharmaceutical interests have infiltrat-

ed the World Health Organisation and have been continuously
trying to abuse this world body for the promotion of patented
drugs and for sidelining micronutrients as effective and safe – but
non-patentable – alternatives to drug therapy. A case in point is the
so-called, “Codex Alimentarius” commission, an effort by the
pharmaceutical lobby to abuse the WHO to ban natural therapies
worldwide, which will be described below in more detail.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 123

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences

This WHO report about “Nutritional Anaemias,” dating back to

1968, documents that already by then the connection between vita-
min deficiencies and anaemias – including immune deficiencies –
had been fully recognised. These facts were also the object of many
studies around the world – from India to Venezuela. It is high time
that health professionals and governments today finally incorporate
this life-saving knowledge into public health policies around the

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 124


To this end, the WHO also recruited staff from around the world
who had previously been active in protecting pharmaceutical
interests in their countries. One case in point is Precious Matsoso,
the former head of the Medicines Control Council (“MCC”) of
South Africa, an organisation
that until recently had essen-
tially operated beyond any
democratic control with even
its member list not being pub-
licly accessible. In late 2004,
after having tried to push
through legislation for a ban
on natural health information
in South Africa, she left her job
at the “MCC” and became a
“coordinator” at the WHO in
Geneva. The role of Matsoso
and the “MCC” under her
leadership will be discussed in
Precious Matsoso greater detail below.

Both the SAMA functionaries and the TAC street pushers had
closely cooperated with Matsoso and the previous “MCC”. With
Matsoso’s departure to assume a staff position at the WHO in
Geneva they now had a “direct line” to the staff level at this and
other UN bodies. In this context, it is noteworthy that all the state-
ments submitted by SAMA and TAC as “official statements” by the
WHO in an effort to discredit me, were essentially press releases
or statements worked out by WHO staffers. The deceptive nature
of these “prepared statements” is immediately obvious to every-
one who compares them with the position of the governing bod-
ies of the WHO.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 125

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences

The highest authoritative and decision taking body of the WHO is

the annual World Health Assembly (WHA). The last WHA took
place in Geneva in May 2006 with government representatives
from 190 countries, among them presidents and ministers of
health. The topic of AIDS was a top priority. In stark contrast to the
representations made by SAMA and TAC figure heads about the
“official” position of the WHO, this highest authoritative world
body of the WHO did not “condemn” micronutrients. To the con-
trary, the WHA made specific recommendations for the integra-
tion of nutritional interventions and micronutrients in the global
fight against AIDS.*

It is also noteworthy that Prince Charles, had been invited to give

the key note lecture to the very same World Health Assembly in
Geneva. On May 20, 2006, Prince Charles told the government
officials and health representatives of the entire world about the
necessity for global political support for the advances in science-
based natural health. Prince Charles urged the world’s health
leaders to incorporate the use of nutritional and natural health
approaches in fighting today’s global diseases, including AIDS.*

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 126


WHO-Reports on Vitamins and Immune


The World Health Organisation in a comprehensive review enti-

tled "Nutrient Requirements for People Living with HIV / AIDS" rec-
ommends for the people of the world affected by HIV and AIDS:*

• “HIV infected 6-59 month-old children living in resource-

limited settings should receive periodic vitamin A supple-

• “To prevent anaemia, WHO recommends daily iron-folate

supplementation during six months of pregnancy.”

• “Adequate micronutrient intake is best achieved through an

adequate diet. However, in settings where these intakes and
status cannot be achieved, multiple micronutrient supple-
ments may be needed in pregnancy and lactation.”

In April 2001, the United

Nations held a special sympo-
sium in Nairobi, Kenya, entitled
“Nutrition and HIV / AIDS.” The
recommendations of this expert
meeting specifically included
food fortification as well as
nutritional supplementation
with vitamins.*

The deceptive and misleading

statements presented by the
“TAC” and SAMA were not
confined to the WHO but
included also other internation-
al bodies that allegedly spoke
out against micronutrients in
the global fight against AIDS
and other diseases.

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 127

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences


A particularly important state-

ment was issued as a “global
alarm” by the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF). This
2002 UNICEF report entitled
“Vitamin and Mineral De-
ficiency – A Global Damage
Assessment” highlights that
two billion people – i.e. every
third man, woman and child
on our planet – suffer from vita-
min and mineral deficiency.*

Following are just a few quotes

from this UNICEF “Vitamin and
Mineral Deficiency” document
that challenge the very basis of
this Application:

• The summary on the cover page of this UNICEF report reads:

“Vitamin and mineral deficiencies affect a third of the
world’s people – debilitating minds, bodies, energies, and
the economic prospects of nations. But for once the world is
confronted by a problem which could be brought under con-
trol in a relatively short time and at a relatively low cost.”

• This UNICEF report reads further: “In May 2002, the General
Assembly of the United Nations agreed that the elimination
or reduction of vitamin and mineral deficiencies should be
one of the principal development goals to be achieved in the
early years of the new millennium.”

• Despite the achievements, the fact remains that few nations

have moved decisively against vitamin and mineral deficien-
cy by deploying the full range of known solutions on a sys-
tematic, nationwide scale. If the goals set by the United

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 128


Nations are to be achieved, action against vitamin and min-

eral deficiency will therefore have to move onto a new level.

• At the end, this UNICEF report makes specific recommenda-

tions for immediate global action. Major challenges listed in
the report are, among others: Building a New Awareness;
Forming National Alliances; Monitoring Progress.“ All of
these steps encourage the implementation of this knowledge
into national health care policies.

• The addressees of this important UNICEF report are clearly

defined: “This summary is being submitted to political lead-
ers and major media in the belief that controlling vitamin
and mineral deficiency is an affordable opportunity to
improve the lives of two billion people and to strengthen the
pulse of economic development.”

These facts from official reports and public policies of leading

international bodies challenge not only the validity of the allega-
tions made by SAMA and TAC functionaries, but the very scientif-
ic, moral and ethical basis of their accusations.

Beside the WHO and UNESCO, other UN organisations also

acknowledge the importance of vitamins and other micronu-
trients in the global fight against AIDS. One of them is the
Food And Agricultural Organisation (FAO). The opposite page
documents excerpts of a comprehensive list of “Important
vitamins and minerals for people living with HIV/AIDS”.

The full list is documented on the FAO at

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 129

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 130


The pharmaceutical investment business has gained a devastat-

ing influence on the WHO, UNICEF and other UN organisa-
tions and uses them as political instruments to protect its multi-
billion Dollar global markets with patented drugs.
Despite this pressure from the drug business, independent sci-
entists and government representatives – especially from the
developing world – have fought for UN policies that include the
use of science-based natural health, especially micronutrients.
Over recent years, various UN organisations have published a
series of studies and reports that leave no doubt about the sig-
nificance of vitamins and other micronutrientrs in the global
fight against AIDS. These reports were complemented by train-
ing manuals, e.g. for ”Home Gardens” and “School Gardens.”
Following are just a few of these publications. Most of them
can be accessed online through the web sites of the different UN

Guidelines for Training
Community Health Workers

Manual on Nutritional Care and
Support for People With AIDS

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 131

Micronutrients Help Improve Immune Deficiences

Guidelines on Food Fortification
With Micronutrients

Vitamin A Supplements
A Guide to Their Use

Improving Nutrition
Through Home Gardening

Setting Up and Running
A School Garden

Chapter_06.qxp 10.08.2007 12:07 Seite 132


This picture shows a community garden project in Tanzania where

young community members grow nutritious, vitamin-rich vegetables.
During the 1970s, UN organisations used such pictures to promote
community and school gardening as effective strategies to fight mal -
nutrition, strengthen the immune system and fight infectious diseases
for millions of people.
For more than a quarter of a century, these life-saving strategies were
neglected and suppressed in the interest of drug multinationals –
because vitamin-rich food competed with their patented drugs.
Starting a home or community garden is the most practical and the
most effective way for any reader to immediately implement the mes-
sage of this book to improve family and community health.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 133


Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 134

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that

the pharmaceutical industry grew into a multibillion-dollar
industry by meeting the health interests of the people.

The facts on the following pages correct this myth.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 135
Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 136



SAMA and TAC characters allege that I am acting against the poli-
cies of the WHO and other UN organisations while – in fact – I am
helping to implement them. Even worse, this Application accuses
me of such serious crimes as endangering the health of people and
even killing them while – in fact – I am helping to improve the
quality of lives and in many cases saving them.

Even more significant, these allegations are being made by organ-

isations that – themselves – are compromising the health and risk-
ing the lives of millions of people by promoting the mass applica-
tion of highly toxic ARV drugs while at the same time publicly
attacking textbook knowledge of biology about the preventive and
therapeutic value of micronutrients in the control of AIDS.

The “TAC” and the “South African Medical Association” are accus-
ing us – a non-profit organisation – of deceiving and harming mil-
lions of people out of profit motives, while at the same time they
themselves promote toxic drugs from pharmaceutical investment
companies, the entire future of which are based on maximising the
return on their financial investments.

The only logical explanation for these remarkable allegations is

that both, the SAMA functionaries and the TAC street pushers, are
trying to distract from the business practices and motives of the
drug companies, whose merchandise they promote. This sobering
analysis is, of course, a profound accusation and it should not be
made without substantiation.

Above all, with millions of lives at stake, it is not enough to

respond to malicious allegations with counter allegations or to
meet attacks with counter attacks. The seriousness of the issues at
stake here require a deeper analysis of the background of this case.
The allegations made by SAMA and the “TAC” can only be prop-
erly understood and judged with an understanding of the history
of interests behind this case and, in particular, as they relate to

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 137

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) was the “Godfather” of the phar-

maceutical investment business and its principle architect. He used
his oil billions as “seed money” to launch the business with patent -
ed drugs and take control of global health care.

South Africa. This “bigger picture” of the current Application is

being dealt with in this section of my response.

As explained above, the pharmaceutical industry is not primarily

an industry driven by health concerns but rather by investment
interests. The pharmaceutical business is not a naturally grown
industry, but rather an artificially designed and constructed global
investment business. A century ago, the Rockefeller group
(Standard Oil) in the US invested billions of oil revenues to system-
atically promote the global market of synthetic patented drugs.

The launch of this investment business had dark roots. John D.

Rockefeller had become a billionaire by unscrupulously shaping
the Standard Oil Cartel (in short S.O. or EXXON today), the largest

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 138


oil company in the world. On May 15, 1911, the Supreme Court
of the U.S. found John Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Trust guilty
of corruption, illegal business contact and racketeering. As a result
of this decision, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust, the world’s largest
corporation, was sentenced to be dismantled.*

In order to disperse public and political pressure on him and other

“robber barons,” Rockefeller channelled the illegal gains from his
oil business to launch the Rockefeller Foundation. This tax haven
was used to strategically take over the health care sector in the
U.S. and beyond.

The Rockefeller Foundation was the front organisation for a new

global business venture for Rockefeller and his accomplices. This
new venture was called the pharmaceutical investment business.
Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to medical
schools and hospitals, which had become missionaries of patent-
ed pharmaceutical drugs, developed by a new breed of companies
that manufactured patented, synthetic drugs. These birth hours of
the pharmaceutical investment business are all matters of histori-
cal record and – among others – are documented in the book
“Rockefeller Medicine Men” by Richard Brown.*

This was also the time, when the first vitamins were discovered. It
soon became clear, that these natural molecules had life-saving
health benefits and were able to prevent many chronic health
problems. Thousands of scientific articles and books were pub-
lished documenting scientific research on the health benefits of
vitamins and other micronutrients and several Nobel Prizes were
awarded in this new field of biology and medicine.

These newly discovered natural molecules had only one disadvan-

tage: they were non-patentable. Thus, already in its first decades of
existence, the pharmaceutical investment business faced a mortal
threat: vitamins and other micronutrients promoted as public
health programmes would have prohibited the development of
any sizable investment business based on patented synthetic
drugs. The elimination of this unwanted competition from

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 139

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

Controlling Influence Controlling Influence

on Banking, Oil, and on Pharmaceutical
Media Multinationals Multinationals

David Rockefeller,
Rockefeller Trust

Less than 100 years after Rockefeller’s Standard Oil trust was ruled by
U.S. Courts to be a criminal organisation, this very same interest group
has expanded its reign to control other key industries, including bank-
ing, media, and, above all, the global pharmaceutical investment busi-
ness. Above are just a few examples.

micronutrients and other natural therapies became a question of

survival for the young pharmaceutical investment business.

To promote public acceptance of his “new medicine” as the phil-

anthropic umbrella of the newly created pharmaceutical invest-
ment industry with patented drugs – the Rockefeller controlled
media used the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, to start a campaign
against all forms of non-patented medicine and discredit them as
“unscientific.” Within the next 15 years essentially all medical

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 140


schools in the U.S., all influential hospitals and, most significant-

ly, the American Medical Association became part of this strategy
to align the entire health care sector under the control of the phar-
maceutical investment business.

Disguised as a charitable global health mission, the “Rockefeller

Foundation” was also used as a front to conquer foreign countries
and entire continents for the subsequent pharmaceutical invest-
ment business. This global expansion strategy happened in much
the same way as Rockefeller’s global strategy with his petrochem-
ical investment business a few decades earlier.*

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in Germany, the first

chemical / pharmaceutical cartel was founded in 1925 with the
goal to compete with the quest for control of the global drug mar-
ket by the Rockefeller Trust. Lead by German multinationals
“Bayer”, “BASF” and “Hoechst”, the “IG Farben” cartel was found-
ed with a total number of employees already surpassing 80,000.
The name “IG Farben” stood for “Interessen-Gemeinschaft“
(German for “interest union“ (i.e. cartel) and “Farben“ (German for
“dyestuffs”). This name reflecting the global economic importance
of the company’s patented synthetic dye business which became
the financial basis for the development of the pharmaceutical mar-
ket with patented drugs.*

On November 29, 1929, representatives of Rockefeller’s Standard

Oil cartel (U.S.A.) and of the “IG Farben” cartel (Germany) decid-
ed to divide the entire world into interest spheres with respect to
the oil (petrochemical) and chemical/pharmaceutical businesses.
The essence of this unique arrangement of territorial claims for the
emerging oil and drug/chemical markets was: Standard Oil’s “ter-
ritory” was the US and the petrochemical business in the rest of
the world and “IG Farben’s“ territory was Central Europe and the
chemical/pharmaceutical business for the entire rest of the globe.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 141

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

Prepares for World War

to Gain Control of Global Markets in
Chemicals, Drugs, Oil and Mining

In order to compete with the U.S. based Rockefeller trust for world
dominance, German multinationals BAYER, BASF and HOECHST
united and in 1925 formed the ”IG Farben” cartel. This cartel soon
became the world’s largest chemical/pharmaceutical corporation.
By bringing the unscrupulous NAZI regime to power, IG Farben
decided to militarily cement their global dominance of the
chemical/pharmaceutical markets and also win control over the world
markets in petrochemicals by military force.

But this agreement about the global claims of the oil and drug car-
tels did not last long. 18 years later the Nuremberg War Crimes
Tribunal established that the “IG Farben” executives were not sat-
isfied with their part. Their plans for the global conquest of the
chemical and pharmaceutical business developed with precision.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 142




The following facts have been established during the Nuremberg

War Crime Tribunal from 1946 – 1948 and are part of public record:

• By 1930 – one year after the “global claims conference” with

Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, “IG Farben” had developed a
detailed plan for its own “New economic order for Europe
and the world” that foresaw “IG Farben’s” control of all the
world’s markets in oil, drugs, chemicals and other markets.
This, obviously, was only achievable through a global mili-
tary conquest, a war that should become known as World
War II.

• In order to reach their global goals the “IG Farben” cartel,

decided to support Hitler as their political arm. By early 1933
Bayer, BASF and other German chemical / pharmaceutical
corporations had become the single largest corporate donors
for the Nazi party and financed their rise to power. The estab-
lishment of a ruthless dictatorship in Germany was the pre-
condition to launch a conquest war of global dimensions.

• To destabilise and ultimately topple the preceding democrat-

ically elected German government, “IG Farben” financed the
“brown shirts,” an organisation of “storm troopers” that –
under the pretext of creating “order” – organised riots and
spread terror in the streets and communities across the coun-
try which will be discussed in detail later. With the support
of mass media – also controlled by “IG Farben” interests –
they successfully blamed the turmoil and fear they them-
selves had escalated within society, as a sign of failure of
German “democracy.”

• “IG Farben” executives were the economic “architects” of

World War II and its CEO Carl Krauch had already relocated
to Berlin by 1936, three years before the war, to head the

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 143

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

economic planning office for World War II as “plenipoten-

tiary” in close collaboration with Hitler’s deputy, Hermann
Goering. Consequently, after Hitler’s army had invaded half
of Europe, in each and every country the chemical, petro-
chemical and pharmaceutical industries were taken over by
the “IG Farben” Cartel.

• In all the countries occupied, hundreds of thousands of inno-

cent people were captured and forced to work as slave
labourers for “IG Farben” or to serve as “human guinea pigs”
in medical experiments to test the patented drugs of “Bayer,”
“Hoechst” and other “IG Farben” companies.

• “IG Farben” was the architect and 100% owner of “IG

Auschwitz” – at 24 km² the largest industrial plant in wartime
Europe. Financed by “IG Farben” and its house bank,
“Deutsche Bank”, the nearby concentration camp (KZ) was
expanded to be the largest slave labour camp of WWII and
turned into the largest extermination camp in history where
an estimated 6 million people from dozens of nations were
gassed, shot, slain or died of starvation.

• According to the records of the Nuremberg War Crime

Tribunal, “IG Farben” workers who were too weak to work,
or were sick longer than two weeks were sent to the gas
chambers of the KZ Auschwitz. Such was the respect to
human life paid by the largest chemical/pharmaceutical con-
cern in the world portraying itself in coloured prospectuses
as the saviour of mankind from diseases.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 144



WW II was by far the most devastating war
in the history of mankind

• 70 million people were killed

• Among them were about 50 million civilians (this is more
than the entire population of South Africa today)
• A total of 20 countries were invaded, attacked, conquered or
coerced in other ways to subjugate to the Nazi regime
• The people of these countries were suppressed and its indus-
tries stolen – largely by IG Farben

With brutal military force, the Nazi army (Wehrmacht) attacked the other
countries of Europe. This page merely provides an impression of the bru -
tality. Above: the bombing of Paris (left) and London (right)

During World War II, millions of bombs were dropped on European cities
causing tens of millions of civilian casualties. At the same time, tens of
thousands of Nazi tanks invaded country after country.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 145

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism


The devastation caused by Nazis in London (above left), Stalingrad,

Russia (above right) and Rotterdam, the Netherlands (below left).

The retaliation by the countries attacked eventually destroyed many German

cities, too, including Cologne (above right) and Dresden (below left). Ulti -
mately entire cities such as Hiroshima, Japan (below right) were wiped out.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 146



While the facts from the previous pages are
generally known, the facts from these pages
here are not. Telford Taylor, the U.S. Chief
Prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes
Tribunal, summarised the responsibility for
the Second World War as follows: “Without
IG Farben, the Second World War would not
have been possible.” He continued: “These
corporate executives – not the Nazi hooligans
– were the real culprits. If the crimes they
committed are not brought to the light of the
day, they will commit even bigger crimes in
future generations.” This time has come.

From their headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, the IG Farben concern

strategically planned World War II. The Nazis were used as political pup-
pets: IG Farben CEO Schmitz meets Hitler (above right).

A precondition for World War II was to turn German democracy into a

dictatorship. To accomplish that, IG Farben financed the “brown shirt”
storm troopers (above left). On February 27, 1933, they also transferred
several million Rands to the Nazi party. The same day, the Nazis inciner-
ated the German parliament – and blamed it on political opponents, as a
pretext for activating dictatorial laws.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 147

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism


To produce synthetic gasoline and rubber, the Nazis constructed the

largest industrial plant at that time in the city of Auschwitz (Poland).
Prisoners from all over Europe were brought by train to the nearby con-
centration camp (above right) and separated into slave workers (below
left) and those who were immediately killed in the gas chambers. IG
Farben even produced the gas chemical – Zyklon B (below right).

Several executives of IG Farben (below right) were sentenced in the War

Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany (below left) for mass murder,
slavery and other crimes against humanity.

Over the past 60 years, Bayer, BASF, and the other war criminals spent bil -
lions of Rand to destroy any evidence connecting them to these crimes
with one goal: to “commit even bigger crimes in future generations.” This
lawsuit will help to stop this plan.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 148



Many people around the world have asked themselves where the
extreme brutality of the South African Apartheid regime had its
roots. The suppression and humiliation of the African people had
a century long tradition. The Apartheid regime, however, that start-
ed soon after the Nazis had lost WW II, brought an entirely new
dimension of violence and cruelty to the country.

This physical brutality of human beings against one another was a

hallmark of the sophisticated training programme of the Nazi /
IG Farben coalition in war-time Germany for their elite. The partic-
ipants were put through a rigorous training that had the target of
destroying every trait of human emotion. The human soul was sys-
tematically replaced by instincts; and these instincts were trained
to be unleashed on command by
those who tried to create the global IG
Farben / Nazi Empire by brutal force.

The embodiment of Nazi / IG Farben’s

disrespect for human life was the con-
centration camp Auschwitz, men-
Trained Nazi brutality was ... tioned before. The term ”concentra-
tion” camp was already flattering:
Auschwitz was in fact an extermina-
tion camp where people either were
worked to death on the construction
side of the IG Farben plant, were shot,
hanged or beaten to death in the
camp or were sent directly to the gas
... tought to Apartheid police
chambers upon arrival in cattle wag-
ons. In only 4 years, between 1.5 and
2.5 million people from all over Europe were killed in Auschwitz.

The dimension of the genocide organised by the coalition of the

IG Farben oil and drug cartel and the Nazis in Auschwitz is docu-
mented in the following statement by its Commander made during
the War Crimes Tribunal in 1946.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 149

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

Rudolph Hoess,

the Commandant of the Auschwitz con-

centration and extermination camp from
May 4, 1940, to November of 1943, made
the following statement about the opera-
tion of Auschwitz during the War Crimes
Tribunal in Nuremberg:

”Another improvement we made [in the Auschwitz concentration

camp] was that we built our gas chambers to accommodate 2,000
people at one time. ...
The way we selected our victims was as follows: we had two SS
doctors on duty at Auschwitz to examine the incoming transports
of prisoners. The prisoners would be marched by one of the doc-
tors who would make spot decisions as they walked by.
Those who were fit for work were sent into the Camp. Others were
sent immediately to the extermination plants. Children of tender
years were invariably exterminated, since by reason of their youth
they were unable to work.
Still another improvement we made [in the Auschwitz concentra-
tion camp] was that in other concentration camps the victims
almost always knew that they were to be exterminated and at
Auschwitz we endeavoured to fool the victims into thinking that
they were to go through a delousing process.
Of course, frequently they realised our true intentions and we
sometimes had riots and difficulties due to that fact. Very frequent-
ly women would hide their children under the clothes but of
course when we found them we would send the children in to be
We were required to carry out these exterminations in secrecy but
of course the foul and nauseating stench from the continuous
burning of bodies permeated the entire area and all of the people
living in the surrounding communities knew that exterminations
were going on at Auschwitz.”

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 150


• In order to cement its leadership in the global pharmaceuti-

cal market, with patented drugs, “IG Farben” tested their
patented pharmaceutical substances on innocent inmates of
“Auschwitz”, “Buchenwald,” “Dachau,” and other concen-
tration camps. This aspect will be elaborated in more detail
below in response to the remarkable allegations made by
Leslie London in his affidavit in support of the SAMA and
TAC allegations.

All these facts were established during the Nuremberg War Crime
Tribunal’s trial against 24 executives of “Bayer” and other “IG
Farben” companies – the so-called “Farben Case” – who were
accused of crimes against humanity. Many executives of this
chemical/pharmaceutical concern were sentenced in Nuremberg
for such grave crimes as “slavery” and “mass murder”.

After months of hearings, US Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor sum-

marised the ultimate responsibility for the horror of WWII by stat-
ing in his final pleading that without IG Farben the Second World
War would not have been possible. He concluded that the main
facilitators and benefactors of WWII – with a death toll of over 60
million people the single largest crime ever committed – was a
chemical/pharmaceutical concern.

The sources for these sobering facts are the public records of the
Nuremberg War Crime Tribunals. These records were later
reviewed in historical books by US Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor
and others. A comprehensive review was also published by Joseph
Borkin in “The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.” Borkin was
Chief of the Patent and Cartel Section of the Antitrust Division of
the US Department of Justice in Washington DC. Between 1938
and 1946 he was responsible for the wartime investigation and
prosecution of the cartels dominated by “IG Farben.”*

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 151

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

After the German oil-and drug cartel lost the military con-
quest of the world – it began its global economic conquest

While the top executives of “IG Farben” were tried in the

Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal thousands of “IG Farben” man-
agers who participated in these war crimes escaped. They fled
Europe using the existing corporate network of “IG Farben” sub-
sidiaries particularly in South America and Africa. The Nuremberg
War Crime records document that even before the Second World
War “IG Farben” had established subsidiary companies in three
commercial centres in Africa, two of them in South Africa,
Johannesburg and Cape Town.*

Initially, the plan of the US and the allied forces was to dismantle
the “IG Farben” cartel as well as its house bank, “Deutsche Bank”.
But with the “cold war” beginning, the interests of the US and the
UK shifted and they decided to reinforce Germany as a frontier
state in this ideological, political and economic war against the
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The shares and the control of
“Bayer”, “BASF” and “Hoechst” largely went to US and UK invest-
ment groups, the former competitors of the “IG Farben” trust,
namely “Rockefeller” and “Rothschild” trusts.

As part of this new “cold war” strategy the old “IG Farben” exec-
utives were soon released from prison and reinstated in their old
functions. By 1956, only 8 years after he had been sentenced to
jail in Nuremberg for mass murder and slavery, Fritz Ter Meer – the
“IG Farben” Executive responsible for Auschwitz – was appointed
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Bayer,” one of the newly
defined “successor” companies of “IG Farben.” All three chemi-
cal/pharmaceutical giants “Hoechst”, “BASF” and “Bayer” were
run until the late 1970s by executives who had been members of
the Nazi Party or had had close ties to them.

In 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany was founded. This was

the first time in history that the constitution and society of an
industrialised nation was planned and modelled as a bastion of
global economic interests, namely the pharmaceutical investment

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 152


In this book, the executives of pharmaceutical multinationals are

accused of risking the health and lives of millions of people in Africa
to boost the profits from their multi-billion Rand ARV-markets. These
accusations are not made easily and the question arises, whether lead-
ers of this industry are capable of such conduct. The picture above
answers this question: it shows the executives of the largest pharma-
ceutical company in the world 60 years ago, who were sentenced for
mass murder / genocide, slavery and other crimes against humanity.

The pharmaceutical industry and their executives and financiers have a

long tradition of unscrupulously placing profits above health.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 153

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

business. Steered by the controlling investment bodies primarily in

the US – Nelson Rockefeller had been appointed “Special
Assistant to the US President for Foreign Affairs” – the Federal
Republic of Germany became the world’s leading pharmaceutical
export nation for a quarter of a century. All parts of German soci-
ety – from the chancellery to the media were aligned to protect
and promote the pharmaceutical investment business to become
the largest and most profitable investment business on our planet.

Even the German churches have become part of this global strate-
gy of drug promotion and export. Until this day Germany is the
only country in the world where the State “collects” the church
membership fees from millions of people in the form of “taxes.”
Thus, with budgets of billions of dollars/Euros the German
Protestant and Catholic churches are the richest churches in the
world and principle financiers of the Vatican and its Protestant
counterpart, the “World Council of Churches” (“WCC”).

Under this influence, the “WCC” established global drug promo-

tion programmes called the “Ecumenical Pharmaceutical
Network” (EPN) and the “Ecumenical HIV/AIDS Initiative”
(EHAIA), both with the goal to export pharmaceutical drugs espe-
cially to developing countries as part of an “ecumenical” charity
mission of caring for the poor. Significantly, most “executives” of
these drug promotion programmes are citizens of Germany and
other drug exporting nations.*

...until today

German Chancellor Kohl – who rose to the Chancellery from the

ranks of a simple employee of “IG Farben” successor BASF –
became the political “coordinator” of pharmaceutical interests on
the global level for nearly two decades. The role of the German
government in connection with the Apartheid regime in South
Africa will be described below in more detail.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 154


Even though today the US and the UK have surpassed Germany as

leading drug exporters, the German Government is still a major
political executor of the globally operating pharmaceutical inter-
ests. Under the current German Chancellor Merkel – publicly des-
ignated by Kohl as “my girl,” i.e. his political heiress – the German
government continues to spearhead global efforts to eliminate
vitamins and other natural, non-patentable therapies as threats to
the pharmaceutical investment business with patented drugs.

As a particular significant example of its global role as the politi-

cal arm of the pharmaceutical business, the German government
for more than four decades has had the auspices of the so-called
“Codex Alimentarius” Commission. With the pharmaceutical
patented drug business as benefactor, this UN-sponsored commis-
sion is trying to – among other things – outlaw preventive or ther-
apeutic statements about the health benefits of vitamins and other
natural, non-patentable health approaches on a worldwide scale.
Under the pretext of “consumer protection” they are used to pre-
pare “global legislation” that serves only one purpose – to protect
the global pharmaceutical investment business based on patented
drugs particularly from competition in the form of effective and
safe micronutrients.

The parallels of this remarkable global plan to the current

Application are obvious.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 155

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

The largest industry in a country has a significant influence on build -

ing up its political representatives. In Germany, until recently the
world’s largest pharmaceutical drug export nation, the chancellors tra-
ditionally had close links to this industry. In some cases, as with ex-
chancellor Helmut Kohl, this industry invested in the political career
of their own employees, bringing them to the highest political offices.
These political stakeholders of corporate interests are also responsible
to “breed” their own successors early on. The above black and white
picture from 1991 shows German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (right) with
a young and inexperienced Angela Merkel (left), whom he appointed
to his cabinet.
Today, years later, Angela Merkel herself has become a political “ring
master” of the global interests of the pharmaceutical investment busi-
ness. And she has not disappointed these interests: as the host of the
G8 summit 2007 – the coordinating meeting of the political leaders
from the eight largest industrial nations – she committed more than
420 billion (!) Rand as subsidies to the drug companies.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 156


This litigation required the documentation of the history of the pharmaceutical

industy – including its responsibility for the genocide and opther the crimes against
humanity committed during World War II. The most comprehenmsive authentic doc-
umentattion is contained in the records of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal
against the oil and drug cartel IG Farben.

Telford ”The crimes with which these men are charged

Taylor, were not committed in rage or under the stress of
sudden temptation. One does not build a stupen-
dous war machine in a fit of passion nor an
US Chief Auschwitz factory during a passing spasm of bru-
at the tality. Their purpose was to turn the German nation
Nuremberg into a military machine so it could impose her domi-
War Crimes nion on Europe and other nations beyond the seas.
Tr i b u n a l
against the executives of the oil and
They were the beginning and end of the dark mantle
drug cartel, IG Farben of death that settled over Europe.”

Tens of Thousands of Historical Documents

Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal

Oil and Drug Cartel

After six decades of silence, the historic • Bayer, BASF and the other IG Farben com-
records of the key war crimes tribunal that panies financed the rise to power of the
determined the responsibility for WWII is Nazi party and the transformation of
finally being made available to a world German democracy into a dictatorship.
audience. Currently, history books teach • The Nazi/IG Farben coalition’s plan for
that WWII was launched by a lunatic dicta- world domination had three stages: first, the
tor, Hitler, and his ruthless Nazi henchmen. conquest of the Eurasian continent; second,
However, tens of thousands of historical docu- the take-over of Great Britain and all of its
ments from the Nuremberg Tribunal – newly colonies; third, the military defeat of the
released online – unequivocally document that: USA and the rest of the world.
• WWII – a war that cost the lives of more As everybody knows, the Nazi/IG Farben
than 60 million people – was planned and coalition’s plan for world domination was
financed by the world’s largest chemical/ destroyed by the efforts of the great majori-
pharmaceutical cartel at that time, ty of nations of the world and the extraordi-
Germany’s IG Farben (Bayer, BASF, nary sacrifices they made.
Hoechst and others) While this victory was important for all
• The driving force behind WWII was IG mankind, the newly emerging post-war order
Farben’s ambition to achieve control of the was already influenced by the oil and drug
global oil and drug markets and eliminate, interests from the victorious countries:
by force, any competition.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 157

The Origin of Pharmaceutical Colonialism

On July 20, 2007, after more than six dacades of silence, the “Online Academy”
with over 40,000 pages of authentic records from the Nuremberg War Crimes
Tribunal against the oil and drug cartel IG Farben was introduced to the world in the
‘THE NEW YORK TIMES’ (see below). This historic information can now also be
used by schools and academic institutions across Africa.

The fact that this information was buried in This online archive has been made possible
international archives and is not part of any by the Dr Rath Health Foundation, a non-
history book is no coincidence. profit organisation.

The interest groups that kept this critical

knowledge hidden for six decades will now
have to answer many questions. Whatever
their reaction to the online opening of these
The Authentic Records from the
archives will be – the truth is now out and Nuremberg Tribunal Against
these facts will be common knowledge to the Oil and Drug Cartel
this and all future generations.

Online for the First Time: THE NEW YORK TIMES

July 20, 2007
Records Reveal:

Behind WWII
1. The shares of the IG Farben cartel went to The executives of this cartel, according to
their economic competitors in the victori- the chief US prosecutor, Telford Taylor,
ous countries. were the main war criminals – without
2. The corporate executives of the IG Farben whom WWII would not have been possible.
cartel – after a mere ”reprimand” at It is inconceivable and intolerable that
Nuremberg – were soon reinstated by the mankind should continue to be left in the
new owners of the IG Farben shares in the dark about the ultimate responsibility for
USA and the UK to help them consolidate WWII – the greatest crime thus far com-
the oil and drug cartel at a global level. mitted on this planet.
However, these important facts have essential- The online academy ”Profit Over Life” is
ly been concealed from the people of the an educational resource for the benefit of
world, who were made to believe that with the the people of the world. Students, teachers,
first Nuremberg trial – against the military and academic researchers, politicians and mil-
political stakeholders – the ”main war crimi- lions of people worldwide are invited to use
nals” had been brought to justice. this archive as the basis for better under-
This was, of course, not the case. Beside this standing history.
first trial there were 12 further trials that made This is particularly important because
up the Nuremberg Tribunal. The most impor- multi-national corporate interests continue
tant among them was the case against the oil to this day to use military force to reach
and drug cartel, IG Farben. their global goals.

Chapter_07.qxp 10.08.2007 12:10 Seite 158

The promoters of the ARV drug business argue that

the free distribution of natural vitamins to people
living with AIDS is a crime comparable to the unethical
medical experiments in Nazi concentration camps.

The facts on the following pages correct

this outrageous statement.
Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 159
Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 160




The SAMA functionaries and TAC characters have used almost 70

pages trying to justify this legal attack by comparing our handing
out of vitamins to the poor communities in South Africa with the
criminal, inhumane experiments conducted in the WWII concen-
tration camps more than six decades ago – on behalf of pharma-
ceutical multinationals.

By repeatedly describing “Dr Rath” in their Application as a “Ger-

man doctor” and accusing him of conducting “illegal experiments”
on people, the SAMA and TAC functionaries directly or indirectly
refer to the fact that the unethical experiments in Auschwitz and
other concentration camps were conducted by German doctors as
part of the Nazi machinery during WWII. By giving this line of argu-
ment more than 10 % of the entire length of their complaint, the
SAMA and TAC figureheads show that this allegation is an impor-
tant part of their “collateral” strategy for this case.

By building such an extensive line of “arguments” on this particu-

lar issue, the SAMA and TAC figureheads try to portray themselves
as the guardians of international laws and the protectors of human
rights. Here, as throughout this Application, the opposite is true.
With this malicious comparison and these false allegations, the
legal attack launched by some SAMA and TAC figureheads make a
principle and detailed clarification necessary.

Genocide on Behalf of Pharmaceutical Multinationals

The Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal records provide an excellent

basis to clarify the historic facts. They are as follows:

* For further reference please check annexures of

the affidavit at

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 161

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

• The unethical experiments in the concentration camps of

WWII were not conducted with vitamins, but with patented
pharmaceutical drugs.

• These experiments were conducted on behalf of, commis-

sioned by and paid for by German pharmaceutical multina-
tionals in particular “Bayer” (Leverkusen), “Hoechst”
(Frankfurt), “Behringwerke” (Marburg) and other companies
of the world’s largest chemical / pharmaceutical cartel at that
time – the already described “IG Farben.”*

The names of the doctors directly or indirectly involved in these

unethical and criminal experiments on behalf of these pharmaceu-
tical companies are also documented in the Nuremberg War
Crime Tribunal records as well:

• BAYER Chemical/Pharmaceutical Company:

1. Fritz Ter Meer – Senior Scientist on the supervisory Board

of “Bayer” / ”IGFarben;”

2. Dr Anton Mertens – Head of the entire Pharmaceutical

Division I-IV of “IG Farben;”

3. Dr Karl Koenig – Head of the Pharmaceutical Research

Division II, where most patented drugs used in these
unethical experiments were developed;

• HOECHST Chemical/Pharmaceutical Company

1. Dr Julius Weber, Head of the Chemo-Pharmaceutical and

Sero-Bacteriological Division of “Hoechst” corporation,
also part of “IG Farben;”

2. Dr Max Bockmuehl – Head of the “Chemotherapeutic”

Laboratory of “Hoechst;”

• BEHRING WERKE Pharmaceutical Company

Albert Demnitz – Head of the Production Unit for phar-

maceutical products at this member company of the “IG
Farben” cartel.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 162



IG Farben, the world’s largest pharmaceutical multinational at that time,
used thousands of innocent inmates of concentration camps to test their
patented chemical drugs. Tens of thousands of people, including children,
were used as human guinea-pigs and killed during these inhumane exper -
While Bayer, Hoechst and other pharmaceutical companies of the IG
Farben cartel were presenting themselves as the “saviours of mankind”,
their executives and many of their doctors were involved in mass murder
and other crimes against humanity.

Bayer, Hoechst, Behringwerke, and other IG Farben companies tested

dozens of drugs and untested – but patented – chemicals on children (above
left) and adults. The victims were selected in humiliating procedure as rein-
acted in Steven Spielberg’s movie “Schindler’s List” (above right).

But reality was worse than any Hollywood movie pictures. Thousands of
victims were artificially infected with harmful bacteria and other microor-
ganisms (above left) in order to test the patented drugs of Bayer (above
right). Death was preprogrammed.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 163

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments


Many of the Bayer chemicals were experimental drugs and were used
under a code name like “Be 1034” (above left) to protect its patents. The
victims exposed to these drugs died or were mutilated (above right). These
are pictures from the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal.

The test drugs were shipped directly from the headquarters of Bayer and
other IG Farben companies to their doctors in the concentration camps.
Vice versa, the results of these often deadly experiments were sent back
directly to the heads of the IG Farben research departments.

Thousands of victims, killed during these experiments, were immediately

burned. The distressing pictures (above left) taken after the liberation of the
concentration camps give an impression of the dimension of these crimes.
Above right: Dr Rath and Dr Niedzwiecki with one of the survivors in front
of the crime scene in Auschwitz in 2006.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 164



Both, the doctors, who conducted these criminal experiments, as
well as the executives of the pharmaceutical companies that pro-
vided the patented drugs to be tested, were tried in the Nuremberg
War Crimes Tribunal.
In their defence, the doctors claimed that they were instructed to
provide these toxic drugs to the patients and invoked the scientific
“experts” of the pharmaceutical companies. To no avail – many of
the doctors were sentenced to death and hanged, while the execu-
tives of Bayer, Hoechst and other drug companies involved
received “only” prison terms.

Carl Krauch (above left), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hermann

Schmitz (middle) was Chairman of the Managing Board (CEO), and Fritz
Ter Meer (right), who was in charge of the chemical plant in Buna near
Auschwitz, were sentenced for mass murder, slavery and other crimes
against humanity.

Karl Brandt ( a b o v e l e f t ) , Hitler’s personal physician and Reich

Commissioner for Health, Joachim Mrugowsky (middle), the Chief hygeni-
est and Karl Gebhardt (right), Chief Surgeon and President of the German
Red Cross were all found guilty for their participation in organising inhu-
mane experiments and other crimes against humanity.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 165

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments


Telford Taylor, Chief Counsel for the Prosecution (above left) and a victim
identifying the doctors, who conducted the experiments (above right) dur-
ing the “doctor’s trial” in Nuremberg.

Above left: Walter B. Beals, the presiding judge, reading the sentence.
Seven of the accused doctor’s, among them Dr Brandt, Dr Gebhardt and
Dr Mrugowsky (above right, hearing the verdict), were all sentenced to
death and subsequently hanged on June 2, 1948 (below).

These pages show that the very

same industry that is promot -
ing toxic ARV drugs to millions
of people – the pharmaceutical
industry – have a long tradition
of sacrificing the lives of peo -
ple to increase their profits.
Any doctors carelessly promot -
The showing of this picture must not be ing toxic drugs should be
interpreted as support for the death penal-
ty. It is documented here as a matter of aware of the events document -
historic record and to underscore the ed on these pages.
severity of the crimes committed.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 166


These are only the most important individuals within these drug
companies responsible for the development and testing of the
patented synthetic drugs used in the concentration camp experi-
ments. The actual experiments in the concentration camps were
conducted by doctors employed by these pharmaceutical compa-
nies while working for the SS and their peers.

Above is a copy of an authentic letter, sent by Bayer (see letter head) to

Dr Vetter (arrow) in the concentration camp. Accompanieing this letter
were “250 packages” of the patented chemical drug “3582”.

“Bayer”, “Hoechst” and “Behringwerke” supplied the pharmaceu-

tical drugs to the concentration camps, paid the doctors and the SS
for the conduct of these “studies,” regularly received the “results”
of these criminal experiments and evaluated them in order to de-
fine the marketing strategies for these drugs and the overall corpo-
rate decision taking.*

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 167

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

Bayer Employees Become SS Doctors

and Mass Murderers

One of the “executing doctors” who actually carried out these

criminal experiments in the concentration camps was Dr Hellmuth
Vetter. Vetter was an employee of “Bayer” / “IG Farben”
(Pharmaceutical Division II) and reported to Dr Koenig (see above).

As a Bayer employee and in his simultaneous function as an SS-

officer Vetter organised a comprehensive series of criminal exper-
iments in different concentration camps by using “IG Farben’s”
patented drugs. During the entire period of time of his activities in
the concentration camps he acted on behalf of and was paid by
“Bayer” / “IG Farben.” *

In order to test newly developed “chemotherapy” drugs, Vetter and

his colleagues – among others Dr Ding-Schuler (concentration
camp (KZ) Buchenwald), and Drs Entress and Wirth (KZ Au-
schwitz) – infected thousands of concentration camp inmates
deliberately with micro-organisms that cause typhoid fever and
other infectious diseases. Many of them died immediately in
tremendous pain.

Thousands of Innocent People Sacrificed

for Experiments with Patented Drugs and
Profits of Pharmaceutical Companies

The Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal records against “IG Farben”

document in great detail these criminal experiments on innocent
victims. Many of these “therapeutic experiments” were conducted
with the chemotherapeutic agents “Acridine” and “Rutenol.” In
these “human experiments” innocent concentration camp inmates
were deliberately infected with typhoid infected blood. Then some
of them received “Acridine”, “Rutenol” or other patented chemi-
cals as “chemotherapy” while other KZ inmates served as controls.
Many of these victims died during these “experiments.” Despite

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 168


the failure of many of these “chemotherapy” drugs, the experi-

ments were continued, ultimately costing the lives of many thou-
sands of victims.*

The fees for conducting these inhumane studies were transferred

directly from the bank accounts of “Bayer”, “Hoechst” and other
“IG Farben” companies to the bank accounts of the SS, who oper-
ated the concentration camps.

The results of these criminal experiments with concentration camp

victims were even published in established medical journals. A case
in point was a study published by “SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer
Dozent Dr Dr Mrugowsky” in the “Medizinische Klinik” Nr. 9,
1940, on 27 February 1942, a medical journal published in Berlin,
Vienna and Prague. In this publication categorised as “Original
Work” and entitled “Typical and atypical development of typhus
disease” Mrugowsky reports about the human experiments in the
concentration camps in the following remarkable manner:

Above is a facsimile of the cover page of this “scientific” article docu -

menting the concentration camp “experiments” in a reputable medical
journal entitled “Medical Clinic”. Such publications gave these crimi -
nals an almost professional appearence.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 169

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

This letter
shows the direct
connection be -
tween BAYER /
IG Farben and
the doctors con -
ducting the
deadly experi -

It was sent from

the ”Personnel
Department” of
Farben to their
employee Dr
Vetter. In this
letter BAYER
that they owe
Vetter, 375
vacation com -

The address ”Dr Vetter, SS-Standortarzt, K.L. Arbeitsdorf” documents

that these ”doctors” had a dual role: While on the payroll of the phar -
maceutical multinational BAYER, Vetter was the leading SS physician
(SS-Standortarzt) in the concentration camp (”K.L.” is the German
abbreviation for Konzentrations-Lager) were he conducted deadly
experiments with the patented drugs of his employer BAYER and other
IG Farben drug makers.

The above letter is a copy from the official records of the Nuremberg
War Crimes Tribunal against IG Farben in 1946/47. These records
have been hidden away from the public for more than six decades
Now tens of thousands of pages (mostly in English) from this
Nuremberg Pharma Tribunal have been made available online – for
the people of the world – especially the young generation – to learn
from history.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 170


“In the past months, we had the opportunity to see and to examine
several hundred patients with typhus in different regions of Central
Europe. These were Germans, Poles and Jews, man and women,
mostly adults.”*

The concentration camp “Auschwitz” was located in the middle of

“Central Europe” and the primary prisoners of this camp were polit-
ically opposing “Germans”, conquered “Poles” and “Jews” as part
of the Nazi extermination plan.

In 1947 Dr Vetter, his colleague Mrugowsky and many other

doctors involved in these crimes were sentenced to death by the
US Military Tribunal and were subsequently hanged.

Concentration Camp Experiments by Drug

Companies – Precursors of Experiments with
Cancer and AIDS Drugs

Obviously, the doctors executed for conducting these criminal ex-

periments were not the primary economic beneficiaries of these
experiments. These beneficiaries were those, who owned the
patents and therefore the commercial rights to chemotherapy
drugs tested, including “Acridine” and “Rutenol” (a combination
of “Acridine” with arsenic).

Acridine was first patented by Werner Schulemann, Fritz Schoen-

hofer and August Wingler – all three scientists employed by
“Bayer” / ”IG Farben.” The first patent on this substance in
Germany was filed on December 20, 1926, and in the US on
December 16, 1927. The US patent was issued on May 20, 1930
and carries the US patent number 1,760,781. The same group of
scientists from the drug laboratories of “Bayer” / “IG Farben” file a
myriad of subsequent patents for pharmaceutical drugs obtained
from modifying the original structure of the Acridine molecule.*

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 171

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

As part of their corporate strategy of “disguise and control” de-

scribed in detail in the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal records,
“Bayer” assigned their US patents to the “Winthrop Chemical
Company”, a New York corporation. Winthrop, in turn, was con-
trolled by another “IG Farben” subsidiary in the US, “General
Dyestuffs Inc.”.

Thus, the historic records show unequivocally that the economic

beneficiaries of this medical genocide in the concentration camps
were the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies at that time.

It is a remarkable fact that today, more than six decades after these
“chemotherapy” drugs were responsible for the death of thousands
of concentration camps victims, the very same substances,
“Acridine” and its patented derivatives are being prepared for new
“markets” today – the victims of viral diseases including HIV.*

From Agents of Chemical War Fare to Cancer

and AIDS Drugs

In the same way, another class of “chemo” drugs had its origin in
the laboratories of Bayer and IG Farben. During World War One,
mustard gas was being produced by Bayer and used on the battle-
fields of Europe killing tens of thousands of soldiers and disabling
many more during the First World War.

During and after WWII, these agents of chemical warfare were

modified by IG Farben to increase the chemical warfare arsenal.
After WWII, derivatives of mustard gas were being developed into
a new class of “chemotherapeutic agents” with the marketing
promise to treat cancer.

Over the next 4 decades these derivatives of chemical warfare

agents called “nitrogen mustards” (e.g. Chlorambucil, Cyclo-
phosphamide, Ifosfamide and others) were strategically developed
to become pharmaceutical merchandise in a multi-billion Rand

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 172


global cancer market. These toxic substances have been promoted

to millions of cancer patients as therapy – “chemotherapy” –
despite their known toxicity and their inability to cure cancer.

This deceptive marketing strategy with “chemotherapy” was par-

ticularly profitable for the pharmaceutical business because the
drug companies earned twice: from selling high-priced “chemo-
therapy” and from selling even more drugs to cope with the severe
side-effects caused by these toxic substances – including pain
killers, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-depressants etc..

After the Second World War, the business with cancer

“chemotherapy” became an extremely lucrative market for the
pharmaceutical industry in the US, Europe and many other parts
of the world. Moreover, the same “marketing scheme” would soon
be applied to boost the pharmaceutical markets with other dis-
eases, including AIDS.

In 2004 – half a century later – “Der Spiegel”, one of Europe’s

leading weekly magazines summarised half a century of pharma-
ceutical “chemotherapy” of cancer in a lead article entitled: “Toxic
procedure without benefits.” The articles revealed what neither
pharmaceutical companies nor pharmaceutically-oriented med-
ical professionals want to publicly admit: “chemotherapy” agents
have failed as a cure for cancer and have caused more harm than
benefit to millions of patients.*

Of course, it did not take this article to make this conclusion. The
fact that almost all forms of cancer continue to spread in epidem-
ic proportions confirms that conventional cancer “chemotherapy”
failed to treat this disease.

These facts show that the genocide organised by the pharmaceu-

tical interests was not only confined to the unethical experiments
in the concentration camps of WWII. The promotion of highly
toxic “chemotherapy” drugs to millions of cancer patients with the
false promise of a “cancer cure” surpassed the death toll in the
concentration camps by an order of magnitude.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 173

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

Thus, the concentration camps of World War II were the large-

scale “testing grounds” for new generations of toxic “chemother-
apy” drugs. These new drugs were either chemically or concep-
tually related to these first generation of “chemotherapy,” i.e by
the same mechanism of drug action in the body – damaging all
cells of the body though their toxicity.

Thus pharmaceutical marketing strategies turned the cancer epi-

demic into a business opportunity that created billions of dollars
in wealth for the drug companies – whilst, most importantly, with-
out eliminating the cancer disease as the basis for the continued
stream of revenues. After this economic success the pharmaceuti-
cal interests went on to apply the same principles to other diseases
including AIDS. Again, to mask the inability of these toxic chemi-
cal substances to actually cure any viral diseases, they were given
the deceptive marketing name “anti-retrovirals.”

Over the decades the beneficiaries of this marketing strategy for

toxic patented drugs have remained the same: the globally operat-
ing pharmaceutical investment business.



A third group of chemical substances creates a direct link between

the organisers of the Auschwitz concentration camp half a centu-
ry ago, and the global ARV market today.

Between 1935 and 1939 scientists from “Bayer” / “IG Farben” filed
no less than six US-Patents on new chemically active molecules
called “azo” compounds. Their basic structure is remarkably simple
in that essentially combines two nitrogen (NN) molecules with a dou-
ble bond (N N-N). The patents filed by the “Bayer” scientists specifi-
cally referred to the “bacterizidal” action of these compounds.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 174


Thus, beside the compounds described above, the scientists of

“Bayer” / “IG Farben” had launched a new group of chemical
agents that would ultimately interchangeably be marketed as can-
cer drugs as well as “antiretrovirals.”

Over the past decades this class of chemotherapy drugs was fur-ther
modified to improve its “effectiveness.” In a “Lego block” fashion
the drug companies added to the toxic “Azo” group (N N-N, i.e. two
nitrogen molecules) another nitrogen molecule to turn it into an
even more toxic “Azido” group (N N-N-N, i.e. three nitrogen mole-
cules). This highly toxic active molecule was subsequently chemi-
cally coupled to a nucleic acid, a building block of DNA. This was
done to make sure that the toxic Azido-group enters every cell in
the organism it is given to.


• The natural nitrogen molecule (N) is symbolised as N

• The toxic BAYER drugs tested in Auschwitz
linked together two N molecules N N
The combination of two nitrogen molecules connected
by a chemical bond is a toxic compound, called “Azo”
compound. Drugs containing this “Azo” group were test-
ed in the Nazi concentration camps as “chemotherapy”.

• Highly toxic ARV drugs promoted today

to millions of AIDS patients simply link
three N molecules N N N
The combination of three nitrogen molecules connected
by chemical bonds is a highly toxic compound, called
“Azido”. This “Azido” group is the active ingredient of
azido-thymidine (”AZT” or ”zidovudine”) – the ARV drug
most widely marketed by drug companies across Africa.

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 175

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

This new class of toxic chemicals included the substance “azido-

thymidine” – better known under its abbreviation “AZT.” AZT
was originally tested as a cancer drug, but was quickly aban-
doned due to its extreme toxicity and severe side-effects particu -
larly for the immune system.

Remarkably, this toxic substance AZT was re-introduced into

medicine with the advent of the immune deficiency disease
AIDS. Driven by a patent that suggests the use of this substance
to treat HIV and AIDS, AZT was reborn. Driven by unprecedent-
ed marketing machinery, AZT, a toxic substance known to harm
and destroy the immune system is now being offered as an option
to treat immune deficiency disease AIDS.

Today, this toxic molecule “AZT,” has been promoted into the
number one selling drug in the global HIV/AIDS market with glob-
al annual sales surpassing billions of Rand – without any clinical
proof that it in fact can treat HIV or AIDS.

Just as in the cancer market, the chemotherapy drugs for the HIV
AIDS business had their origins in the laboratories of “IG Farben”,
the corporate beneficiaries of slave labour and “medical experi-
ments” with concentration camp victims.

The common goal of the “TAC” and the South African Medical
Association, is the promotion of these and other toxic “anti-retro-
viral” drugs to fight HIV. It speaks for itself that the figureheads of
these organisations – while promoting precisely those “chemother-
apy” drugs – are fighting me for my pioneering research into effec-
tive and safe natural health approaches that would have rendered
these drugs obsolete in the first place.

A particularly deceptive and heinous effort on the part of the Ap-

plicants is the fact that they try to portray me as a “criminal” who
– just like his German predecessors risks the lives of innocent peo-

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 176


ple – while it is the SAMA and TAC characters themselves who are
in the business of doing just that: risking the health and lives of
millions of people with the promotion of highly toxic ARV drugs.

The historical facts marshalled in this part of my affidavit nullify

the allegations made by the SAMA and TAC figureheads in con-
nection with “unethical experiments” and turn them against the
authors of these false allegations.

Most importantly, these facts justify the urgent question: who pro-
tects the people of South Africa and the world today from becom-
ing victims of the next genocide conducted on a much bigger
scale and driven by the same motives – the greed of the pharma-
ceutical investment business?

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 177

The Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the Medical Experiments

Chapter_08.qxp 10.08.2007 12:14 Seite 178

The promoters of the ARV drug business strictly hide

the devastating role of the pharmaceutical industry
during the Apartheid years.

The facts on the following pages correct this deficiency..

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 179
Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 180




Througout the 20th century, South Africa has played an important

role in the global strategy of pharmaceutical interests. After eliminat-
ing any competition from the field of natural health and consolidat-
ing its global interests during WWII, the second half of the 20th cen-
tury was dedicated to cementing its global monopoly on health.

The Apartheid regime in South Africa was part of this global strat-
egy. This regime was the political arm to turn South Africa into a
bridgehead of the pharmaceutical interests with the goal to con-
quer and control the entire African continent. And the Apartheid
regime became its political stakeholder.

Already before and during WWII the global chemical / pharma-

ceutical interests including “IG Farben” were anchored in South
Africa. The records of the Nuremberg War Tribunal document
powerful subsidiaries of this global cartel in South Africa, such as
“Bayer South Africa Pty. Ltd.” and “Taeuber and Corssen Pty. Ltd.”
(T&C). Both corporations had major offices and plants in the coun-
try’s commercial centres, Cape Town and Johannesburg.*

According to the same historic records, all subsidiaries of IG

Farben served during WWII as centres of “espionage” as well as
“propaganda,” lobbying Nazi ideology to the political and eco-
nomic elite in every country. After WWII was lost for “IG Farben”
thousands of its managers – who had participated in war crimes
and tried to escape punishment – used the existing corporate glob-
al network of “IG Farben” subsidiaries to escape. Their preferred
destinations were South America and South Africa. Through the
same “corporate channels” thousands of high ranking members of
the Nazi Party, including its “storm troopers” and street thugs
organised in the SA and SS, chose South Africa as a “safe haven.”

These decision takers of the Nazi regime who escaped the War
Crimes Tribunal became the architects and the political as well as

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 181

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid

This copy of an authentic map used in the Nuremberg War Crimes

Tribunal against IG Farben, shows the global scope of this company as
early as 1936. Each dot on this map marks a subsidiary of this multi -
national company. By 1936 IG Farben had three subsidiaries on the
African continent, one in Egypt and two in South Africa – Cape Town
and Johannesburg. The Nuremberg Tribunal also showed, that these
subsidiaries were strategically used as centers of global espionage and
propaganda for the Nazi regime.

economic advisors of the next dictatorship: the Apartheid Regime

in South Africa. Together with their ongoing economic interests –
namely chemical / pharmaceutical business interests – they
brought their extensive “know how” in building and “managing” a
totalitarian regime to South Africa. Much the same as previously in
Europe, their goal was to establish a dictatorship serving these cor-
porate interests while keeping the majority of the population
“under control.”

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 182


This is a copy of an authentic protocol of the “commercial commit-

tee” of IG Farben held on November 11, 1938. The location of the
meeting was the IG Farben liaison office “Berlin NW 7”, which
became known during the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal as the
center of global espionage, conducted under the cover of the IG
Farben corporation for the Nazi/Ig farben coalition.
The topic of this high level meeting was, among others, the report by
IG Farben representatives about a recent visit to South Africa, as part
of an official delegation by the Nazi government. The IG Farben
“commercial committee” defines the so-called “colonial” markets of
Africa as high priority. It is recommended to send young IG Farben
professionals, among others to South Africa. Their assignment: to
collect comprehensive information about the country with the help
of liaison officers from their subsidiaries. The efforts are to be coor -
dinated by the spy centre “Berlin NW 7”.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 183

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid



Thus in many areas the South African Apartheid regime became a

“copy” of the Nazi regime in Germany:

1. In both cases, the dictatorial regime was the political stake-

holder of globally operating corporate interests, namely the
pharmaceutical and chemical industries including petro-
chemicals and mining.

2. In both cases, racial ideology was used to discern a small

“political elite” from the rest of the population. The ideology
of the superiority of the “Aryan Race” in Germany became
the ideology of the superior “White Race” in South Africa.

3. In both cases, the population of the “inferior race” needed to

be controlled. Towards this end the Nazi regime established
“ghettos” all over Europe and the Apartheid regime organ-
ised its own infamous “ghettos” and “homelands”.

4. In both cases, resistance to the dictatorial regime needed to

be eliminated. Political dissidents during the Nazi regime
were imprisoned and murdered in “Auschwitz” and other
concentration camps. In South Africa the opposition was
incarcerated and often perished on “Robben Island” and
other special Apartheid prisons.

5. In both cases the laws providing a “legitimation” to the regime

and to stabilise it were much the same. Enabling legislation,
establishing the dictatorship, was followed by a myriad of spe-
cific “laws” subjugating every sector of society under this
regime. Many of the laws of the Nazi regime were simply
copied and applied by the Apartheid regime in South Africa.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 184



In order to establish the reign of the Nazi / IG Farben coalition all over
Europe – and later the rest of the world – the Nazi’s used the ideological
propaganda of the Aryan supremacy. The people of other European coun-
tries were considered inferior and – in order to oppress and control them,
the Nazis built thousands of ghettos across Europe.

A precondition for the reign of the Nazi / IG Farben regime was the elim-
ination of their opposition. For that purpose, may built a network of con -
centration and extermination camps all over Europe. Political opposition
leaders, Jews, ethnic minorities, prisoners of war and people from occu-
pied countries were deported there – most of them died.

”Jews are not wanted in our forests,” reads this poster in Nazi Germany.
In a series of racial laws, the Nazi supremacy ideology was given legal sta-
tus not only in Germany, but in all countries conquered by the Nazi / IG
Farben coalition.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 185

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid


The group Area Act of April 27, 1950, was the legal basis to set up a sim-
ilar ghetto system in Apartheid South Africa – this time to control the black
majority. By that time the Nazi / IG Farben political and corporate figure
heads, who had escaped their sentencing as war criminals in Europe, had
become the architects of the Apartheid regime.

For the brutal Apartheid regime too, the precondition for survival was the
elimination of any political opposition. Again, the advisors of the
Apartheid regime used their experiences from Auschwitz and other Nazi
concentration camps to set up Robben Island and other barbaric
Apartheid prisons.

While racial segregation had existed before, the Apartheid regime gave it
an unprecedented legal framework. Again, the advisors of the Apartheid
regime brought all the experience to draft the inhuman Apartheid laws
with the goal to cement the rule of whites over blacks.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 186



Defined the separation between These laws essentially copied the
the white race (Germans, “Ar - Nuremberg Racial Laws to South
yans”) and “subhumans” (all Africa with the goal to separate
other races, particularly Jews). the white race from people with
other skin colours and established
These laws established the superi- its superiority and political rule.
ority of the white race in all areas
of society and deprived Jews and Immediately following World
other “subhumans” of basic War II the following racial laws
human rights, including: were enacted in South Africa:
• Ban of Citizenship • Prohibition of Mixed
• Ban of marriage and sexual Marriages Act (1949)
intercourse • Immorality Amendment Act
• Ban of voting right (1950)
• Ban of employment in the • Population Registration Act
public sector (1950)
• Group Areas Act (1950)
It should be noted that these
“racial laws” were just a subset of • Seperate Representation of
legislation by which the dictatori- Voters Act (1951)
al Nazi regime tried to give itself and many more.
a legal platform.

A case in point were the Nazi “Racial Laws of 1936” banning any
relationship or marriage between Germans (“Aryans”) and Jews.
This comprehensive set of inhumane laws was replicated to prohib-
it any relationship between “Whites” and members of other races in
South Africa.

This transfer of legal “know how” for the Apartheid regime was facil-
itated even after WWII had ended. It was possible because – with
the beginning of the “cold war” – many Nazi bureaucrats were re-
appointed to top political positions in the post-war government of
the Federal Republic of Germany. Leading among those was Dr
Hans Globke who in post-war Germany rose to the position of
“Minister of the Chancellery,” the right-hand man of Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer. During the Nazi era Globke had been the co-
author of the “Racial Laws” in 1936 and masterminded the legal
framework for establishing the Nazis as new rulers in those
European countries conquered by Hitler.*

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 187

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid



The particularly brutal Apartheid regime outlasted the colonial

regimes of most other African nations by more than a generation.
This was no coincidence. It reflected the particularly well
entrenched economic interests in this country and the determi -
nation of its political stakeholders to maximise the time of eco -
nomic exploitation.

Leading among those economic interests were the global chemi-

cal/pharmaceutical interests and their resolve to make South
Africa a bridgehead for its “investment business with diseases”
across the African continent.

Dr Hans Globke (right) and

Dr Wilhelm Stuckart (below)

Hans Globke and Wilhelm Stuckart wrote the legal justification to the
Nuremberg Racial Laws. Stuckart also participated in the infamous
“Wannsee Conference” were the extermination of 11 million (!) Jews
across Europe was determined.
Globke escaped punishment at the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal
and – with the regrowing power of the successors of IG Farben (Bayer,
BASF, etc.) – became the head of the chancellors office under the first
Chancellor of West Germany after World War II. For more than a
decade, he combined his war “experience” and his new power as an
architect of German policy – including close relations with Apartheid
South Africa.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 188


The chemical/pharmaceutical industry became the economic pil -

lar of the Apartheid regime and, conversely, South Africa became
an economic stronghold for pharmaceutical companies.

In no other African country were so many subsidiary corporations

of pharmaceutical multinationals established than in South Africa.
Besides “Bayer” and other “IG Farben” companies, drug manufac-
turers like Johnson & Johnson (1930), Aventis (1931), Schering-
Plough (1934), Wyeth (1937) and Abbott (1940) had already estab-
lished production and distribution facilities in South Africa before
and during World War II.

But the real “explosion” of new pharmaceutical settlements in

South Africa came immediately after WWII with the arrival of
pharmaceutical multinational giants like Novartis (1946), Roche
(1947) GlaxoSmithKline (1948), Merck (1949), Boehringer
Ingelheim (1966) and Merck (1970). The arrival of these pharma-
ceutical multinationals in South Africa virtually paralleled the
political cementation of the Apartheid regime.

Without the economic

and political help of the
leading pharmaceutical
export nations the
Apartheid regime could
not have survived. A lead-
ing promoter of invest-
ments in Apartheid South
Africa was Herman Josef
Abs, Head of “Deutsche
Openheimer (Anglo-American) and Abs Bank.” On September 16,
(Deutsche Bank), 16 September, 1958. 1958, he signed a bank
The war crimes investigation records loan of 50 Million
about Deutsche Bank and Abs German Marks (more than
fill volumes. 200 Million Rand) to
Anglo-American Corporation in South Africa, thus setting the stage
for the long-term economical survival of this regime. For the
record: “Deutsche Bank” was the house bank of “IG Farben” and

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 189

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid

was a major financier of Hitler’s war – including the construction

of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Abs himself sat on the
Board of “IG Farben.”

The support of the German government for the Apartheid regime

continued for almost four decades. All other countries in the world
had already isolated the Apartheid regime – including leading indus-
trial nations like the USA and the UK – while the government of
Helmut Kohl was still backing this regime until the very end. This
reflects the particularly close political and economic ties between
the government of Germany as the largest pharmaceutical export
nation at that time and the South African Apartheid regime.



That South Africa was the

last African nation to
liberate themselves
from the shackles of
open colonialism
and Apartheid was
no coincidence.
While most African
nations gained their
independence in the
1950’s and 1960’s, the people
of Southern Africa had to wait more
than a generation longer for their
political freedom. The political
“expertise” in constructing the bru-
tal Apartheid dictatorship came from
the Nazi henchman who fled to South
Africa after World War II. The econom-
ic support for the Apartheid regime came
from the oil/drug and mining cartel that had
already used the Nazis as their puppets.

Millions of South Africans – an entire generation – paid the price.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 190



The Medical University of Southern

Africa (MEDUNSA), now renamed
University of Limpopo, is one of the
largest medical schools on the African
continent. Its campus hosts several mon -
uments (left) , e a c h o f t h e m c a r r i e s m e t a l
plates, featuring the ”Major Donors” of

One would assume that the donors to such an important academ-

ic institution, that has trained generations of doctors to serve in
South Africa and beyond, would reflect a broad spectrum of com-
panies and organisations. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Drug multinational promoting ARV drugs in Africa

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 191

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid

Drug multinational promoting ARV drugs in Africa

While there are are a few other sponsors to this medical school,
the great majority of the ”Major Donors” are pharmaceutical
multinational companies headquartered in Europe and the US.

Drug multinational promoting ARV drugs in Africa

But these were not pharmaceutical companies who uncondition-

ally donated to support medical education and health care on the
African continent. All of the pharmaceutical multinationals listed
here are marketers of ARVs and are directly profiting from the
multi-billion Rand ARV drug business across the African continent.

Drug multinational promoting ARV drugs in Africa

For these drug companies their ”donation” to MEDUNSA” is, in

fact, an ”investment” into this academic institution with the goal
to accustom future generations of doctors to prescribe the drug
merchandise of these and other pharmaceutical companies.

Among the list of ”Major Donors” to MEDUNSA there is only one sin-
gle foreign government listed that has also ”invested” into this impor -
tant medical institution: The ”Federal Republic of Germany” – at that
time the world’s leading exporter of pharmaceutical drugs – and a
colonial power now and then.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 192



Hereros captured
and put in irons
by German sol-
diers in Namibia
in 1905. One of
them poses at
far right.

The original description of

this picture read: ”A crate
with Herero skulls was re-
cently packaged by troops
in German South-West Af-
rica. It was sent to the
”Pathological Institute” in
Berlin for scientific studies.
The skulls are from hanged
and shot Hereros and
were separated from the
flesh with shards of glass
by Herero women prepa-
ring them for shipping.”

These inhuman pictures are taken from an authentic 1905 war

report from ”German South-West-Africa” – today’s Namibia.
Almost 80% of the Herero people perished during this genocide
committed on behalf of German colonial interests. As seen here,
this genocide was sometimes even justified with collecting African
skulls - for medical and scientific research in Europe.
Today, ”pharmaceutical colonialism” in Southern Africa – deceptive-
ly masked as charity – is threatening to surpass this death toll from a
century ago. The massive promotion of toxic drugs to millions of peo-
ple – on behalf of German drug companies – threatens to cost the
lives of people in Africa again in genocidal proportions.

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 193

The Pharmaceutical Industry As an Economic Pillar of Apartheid

Chapter_09.qxp 10.08.2007 12:16 Seite 194

The promoters of the ARV drug business painstakingly hide

the fact that the pharmaceutical industry in correlation
with the apartheid regime passed a series of laws securing
its multibillion Rand market of patented drugs in South Africa
and beyond.

The facts on the following pages expose these facts.

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 195
Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 196




By 1963 the pharmaceutical interests had again taken firm control

over the Federal Republic of Germany. Under the leadership and
auspices of the German government, an international effort was
undertaken to protect the global pharmaceutical markets from the
rising threat of science based natural health, namely the advances
in vitamin research. Abusing the United Nations and its World
Health Organisation (WHO) as well as the Food and Agricultural
Organisation (FAO) the German government began to spearhead
the so-called “Codex Alimentarius Commission” – and continues
to do so until today.

Under the pretext of setting international “food standards” and

“consumer protection” the focus of this “Codex” Commission has
been to protect the global health “monopoly” for pharmaceutical
drugs by outlawing any preventive or therapeutic health state-
ments in relation to vitamins and other natural health approaches
– for all member countries of the United Nations, i.e. worldwide.

Other nations in which the pharmaceutical interests control the

government followed suit. In 1965 the South African Apartheid
regime passed the so-called “Medicines and Related Substances
Act 101 of 1965,” legislation that – whilst purported to be for
“consumer protection” – effectively protected the market monop-
oly of patented drugs on behalf of the pharmaceutical investment
business in South Africa.

The provisions of this legislation provide no scientific rationale

why the people of South Africa should be “protected” from natu-
ral, nutritional and other non-toxic health approaches – while, at
the same time, they continued to be exposed to toxic chemicals,
promoted to them in the form of “chemotherapy” and other ques-
tionable pharmaceutical drugs.

It is precisely this “drug protection” legislation, the “Medicines

and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965,” which is being used as

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 197

Apartheid Laws Protecting the Pharmaceutical Investment Business Across Africa


Pharmaceutical Cartel

WHO / FAO Key Regional Countries

Germany, USA
International: UK, France
Global Ban on
Natural Health:

The biggest threat to the pharmaceutical investment business are vita-

mins and other microinutrients documented in every text book of biol -
ogy as essential for life. Already during the 1960s the pharmaceutical
cartel started a global effort trying to outlaw the dissemination of nat-
ural health information. Towards this end they have been abusing the
United Nations and its suborganisations WHO and FAO. In addition,
protectionist legislation was passed in key countries for the pharma-
ceutical export business – like Germany, France and South Africa.

the basis for this Application. By doing so, the SAMA and the TAC
functionaries, both active in the promotion of “chemotherapy”
drugs for AIDS – are using a “protectionist” pharmaceutical law
from 1965 in order to fight off the threat of micronutrients for the
multi-billion Rand pharmaceutical investment business with ARVs.

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 198


During the Apartheid regime South Africa was in fact, built into a
“fortress” of the globally operating pharmaceutical investment
business. The South African society was equipped with all the
“instruments” previously developed by the pharmaceutical cartel
in other countries and needed to control its health monopoly
based on patented drugs. These “instruments” included tight con-
trol over the registration of medicines (“MCC”), medical research
(MRC), influence on medical education, medical practice (SAMA),
on the media and many other sectors of society.

Through these “control instruments” of the pharmaceutical busi-

ness, South Africa was, in fact, turned into a “bridgehead” for the
pharmaceutical export business throughout Africa. Generally
speaking, if a drug was “registered” in South Africa, it was export-
ed into most other African countries without any further “drug
approval” process required. Thus, “Apartheid South Africa” served
as a “clearing house” for the conquest of the African continent by
the globally operating pharmaceutical interests.

Until the end of the Apartheid regime in 1994, the stakeholders of

the pharmaceutical investment business sat at the cabinet table of
the Apartheid regime and used it as political arm to promote its
interests. The advent of democratic South Africa in 1994 marked a
cut in this close relationship. In democratic South Africa the phar-
maceutical stakeholder no longer had direct access to the execu-
tive level of government.

It is no surprise that the pharmaceutical stakeholders observed the

advent of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa with great concern.
Our Foundation had already established a track record to publicly
address the nature of the pharmaceutical “business with disease” and
its stake holders in the US, Europe and other parts of the world, i.e.
the “home turf” of this export dependent investment industry.

Only 3 months after I and our researchers had been invited by Prof.
Anthony MBewu to give a seminar at the MRC in Cape Town on the
advances in micronutrient research in the area of cardiovascular dis-
ease, cancer and immune deficiencies, the “Trojan horses” of the

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 199

Apartheid Laws Protecting the Pharmaceutical Investment Business Across Africa



Drug Cartel



The pharmaceutical drug cartel was an economic pillar of the

apartheid regime. This is reflected by t he fact that the entire health
sector was tightly controlled by rigid instruments that had one goal
only: to secure the monopoly of the drug industry on health care in
S o u t h A f r i c a . T h e M e d i c i n e s C o n tr o l C o n s u l ( M C C ) w a s t u r n e d i n t o a
”gate keeper” for health products, allowing only patented drugs as
medicines. The Medical Research Council (MRC) was turned into a
drug testing facility for the drug cartel. All this was only possible,
because the drug cartel was sitting at the cabinet table of the
Apartheid regime.
Today, in democratic South Africa, the drug cartel is hiding behind
so-called opposition parties, namely the Democratic Alliance (DA).

pharmaceutical industry in South Africa positioned themselves.

Leading the attack was the “Medicines Control Council” (“MCC”)
of South Africa under its then chairwoman Precious Matsoso.
Without the support of the South African Government the “MCC”
on its own proposed “protection laws” to shield the multi-billion
rand market of patented drugs in South Africa against the serious

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 200


threats inevitably associated with the dissemination of public

health information about the advances in vitamin research and
other science-based natural health information.

Towards this end Matsoso and “her” “MCC” prepared legislation

which the pharmaceutical stakeholders in other countries had
tried before with doubtful results: In July 2004 the “MCC” – not the
South African government (!) – officially proposed the so-called
“Amendment of the Regulations to the Medicines and Related
Substances Act.” Hidden behind this innocent title was the fiercest
legal attack on natural health approaches in the history of South
Africa. So afraid were the pharmaceutical investment business
about loosing their multi-billion rand business with ARVs and
other patented drugs that it seriously tried to impose a ban on the
dissemination of information about the preventive and therapeutic
health benefits of vitamins and other science based non-
patentable natural health approaches.

Under the pretext of “protecting” the people of South Africa from

allegedly harmful side-effects of natural health approaches the
“MCC” tried to protect the multi-billion rand market with ARVs
and other toxic patent-based drugs from effective, safe, non-
patentable vitamins and other natural health approaches. This ruse
is yet another example of the deceptive and heinous nature of the
pharmaceutical business. If these unscrupulous business interests
are not exposed, they will cause health damages to the people of
South Africa and beyond in genocidal proportions.

Since the Dr Rath Foundation had been exposing similar ruses of

the pharmaceutical “business with disease” in other countries
before, the natural thing for us to do in the summer of 2004 was
to publicly reveal the interests behind the “MCC’s” so called
“Amendment of the Regulations to the Medicines and Related
Substances Act.” Through newspapers and media we helped to ini-
tiate the necessary public debate about this legislative proposal by
the “MCC” under Matsoso.

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 201

Apartheid Laws Protecting the Pharmaceutical Investment Business Across Africa

With the following legislative proposals made by the stakeholders of

the pharmaceutical cartel in July 2004 they intended to protect their
drug markets in South Africa:

Suggested Amendment to the

Medicines and Related Substances Act
1. Vitamins, food supplements and traditional medicines
would be arbitrarily classified in the same category as
toxic pharmaceutical drugs.
2. Access to information about the health benefits of vita-
mins and other forms of nutritional and traditional med-
icine would be restricted for millions of South Africans.
3. The violation of this malicious act would be a criminal
offence and the practitioners in natural health and tradi-
tional medicine would risk prison.

Most significantly, this devious legislative proposal in 2004 was not

prepared by the government of South Africa or with the intend to pro-
tect the health interests of the South African people. This deceitful leg-
islation was prepared by the stakeholders of the pharmaceutical multi-
nationals in South Africa in order to protect the multibillion rand busi-
ness with ARVs and other patented, synthetic drugs.

Moreover, on October 14, 2004, we sent a public “Submission to

the Minister of Health” on behalf of the Dr Rath Health Foundation
concerning the proposed “Amendment of the Regulations to the
Medicines and Related Substances Act.”* The opening paragraph
of this letter read:

“It is the position of the Dr Rath Health Foundation

that the ban on natural health and traditional medi-
cine proposed by the Medicines Control Council
must be rejected and replaced with legislation that
makes unrestricted access to natural health and tra-
ditional medicine a constitutional right for the people
of South Africa.”

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 202


Now under intense public scrutiny, Matsoso left her post as head
of the “MCC” in late 2004. She immediately assumed a new role
as a staff member and “coordinator” at the WHO headquarters in
Geneva, Switzerland, one of the cities with the highest density of
pharmaceutical lobbyists.

It would not have been necessary to make Precious Matsoso a sub-

ject of this response if there were not the – yet unexplained –
“statements” by the WHO against micronutrients, about the work
of our Foundation in the global fight against AIDS. These alleged-
ly “official statements” – made part of this litigation by SAMA and
TAC figureheads – were written by WHO “staff” people and, as
documented above in detail, openly contradict the emphasis on
nutrition and micronutrients in the global fight against AIDS by the
WHO’s highest governing body, the World Health Assembly.

This restructuring paved the way for the “MCC” – previously an

“instrument” of the pharmaceutical interests embedded inside
democratic South Africa – to become democratised and finally
serve the interests of the South African People.

Nothing documents this historic shift of the “MCC” to become a

democratically controlled body within the South African govern-
ment better than the fact that the “TAC” and the “South African
Medical Association” – previously allies of the old “MCC” – now
filing this Application against the chairperson of the new “MCC”.
In other words, as long as the “MCC” served as an instrument of
the “pharmaceutical business with disease” it was a staunch ally
of the SAMA and TAC functionaries, but after the pharmaceutical
cartel lost its control over the “MCC”, this body is now being
brought to court by its old allies.

With the “MCC” no longer serving as an “instrument” of the phar-

maceutical interests inside South Africa, other individual and
organisational stakeholders of the pharmaceutical investment
business had to speak out and make themselves known to the peo-
ple of South Africa.

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 203

Apartheid Laws Protecting the Pharmaceutical Investment Business Across Africa

If the pharmaceutical interests had been successful with their

“Amendment of the Regulations to the Medicines and Related
Substances Act” and had been able to ban vitamins and other nat-
ural health approaches across South Africa – this Application
would not have been filed and this litigation would not take place.

In light of these facts it is no surprise that the functionaries of

SAMA and the TAC

• use the same deceptive and insidious arguments (i.e. “con-

sumer protection”), and

• try to reinterpret or “amend” the “Medicines and Related

Substances Act”

to reach precisely the same goal as that of Matsoso and her “MCC”
in 2004: To obstruct the dissemination of life-saving, effective, safe
and affordable natural health approaches for one purpose only –
to protect the multi-billion Rand pharmaceutical markets with
patented drugs.

Just as it was important to publicly expose the background of the

previous “MCC” as a stakeholder of pharmaceutical interests, so
does this litigation expose the background of those individuals and
organisations named in this Application – because their goals are
the same.

More importantly, by providing this important background infor-

mation not only to the High Court, but also to the people of South
Africa, they are enabled to initiate the necessary changes to the
benefit of this and future generations.

Chapter_10.qxp 10.08.2007 12:18 Seite 204

The promoters of the ARV drug business create the impression

that they are acting independently of the multibillion Rand
pharmaceutical drug business in South Africa.

The facts on the following pages reveal these connections.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 205
Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 206




During the Apartheid regime, the pharmaceutical interests had

been sitting at the “cabinet table” for four decades. In democratic
South Africa the pharmaceutical interests were forced to take other
measures in order to protect their economic interests. The pharma-
ceutical stakeholders reorganised their strategy, now trying to pro-
mote their interests through organisations like the old “MCC”,
deeply embedded in the new structures of democratic South Africa
for almost a decade.

As exemplified above, the advent of the Dr Rath Health

Foundation in South Africa in 2004 challenged these hidden inter-
ests. They now had to articulate themselves in order to protect the
“business with disease” on which they had become economically
or career wise – directly or indirectly – dependent.

This Application brought about by the “TAC” and the current

“SAMA” leadership is a historic document for it features all those
individuals and organisations currently active in democratic South
Africa on behalf of the “business with disease” and unites them
behind one goal: Eliminate natural health as a threat to the patent-
ed drug business. This Application is also a valuable document for
it reads like a “who‘s who“ of these organisational and individual


The “South African Medical Association” (SAMA) is the organisa-

tion responsible for medical practice in South Africa, but its lead-
ership is almost exclusively focused on pharmaceutically-oriented
medicine. So determined was the ”SAMA” leadership to cement
the pharmaceutical monopoly to the AIDS epidemic that every
single member of the “SAMA” board personally signed to launch
this court case against natural health approaches!

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 207

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

A closer look at the background of these ”SAMA” individuals doc-

uments that most of them are directly or indirectly linked to the
promotion of ARV drugs and their careers are dependent on the
continuation of the pharmaceutical investment business. The fol-
lowing paragraphs describe these connections in detail:


Among the members of the “South African Medical Association”

who personally launched this legal attack on natural health are:

Prof. AA Stulting, Free State University

Prof. AA Stulting, Free State University,

acted as a consultant for the “Essential
Drug List” for South African hospitals. At
the same time he is “Chairman of the
Board” of the “Foundation for Professional
Development” an organisation that is pri-
marily sponsored by pharmaceutical com-
panies and will be discussed below in

Prof. Denise White

Prof. Denise White has been the Vice-Chairperson of the South

African Medical Association. She has been engaged in a cam-
paign against natural health approaches, in particular as they
relate to AIDS that borders on a “witch hunt.” On March 11,
2005, White issued a statement on behalf of SAMA directly
attacking micronutrients in the prevention and therapy of
immune deficiencies and the work of our Foundation.*

Dr LM Mogudi

Dr LM Mogudi, until recently has been the President of SAMA.

While Dr Mogudi may have expertise in the field of property

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 208


management, e.g. as Director of “Dijalo Property Services,” he

has no proven expertise in the field of micronutrient research.

Dr TKS Letlape

Dr TKS Letlape, is the current “Chairperson”

of SAMA. Together with Prof. Stulting, Dr
Letlape sits on the Board of Directors of the
pharmaceutically-sponsored “Foundation
for Professional Development” (see below)
and manages different “arms” either strate-
gically sponsored by this “Foundation” (e.g.
the “Tshepang Trust”) or even wholly owned
by it (e.g. the “Health Science Academy”).*

Dr TS Tshabangu

Dr TS Tshabangu is a “Task Team” member of the “Pharmaceutical

Industry Association of South Africa,” the decisive lobby organisa-
tion of the manufacturers of ARVS to promote their drugs through-
out South African society.*



Several members of the SAMA managing board hold strategic

positions on the Board of the “Foundation for Professional
Development,” an organisation essentially influencing all aspects
of the medical profession in South Africa. A list of the “sponsors”
of this Foundation documented on its own website reads like a
“who’s who” of ARV promotion.*

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 209

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business



Pharmaceutical companies manufacturing and distributing ARV

drugs and influencing the health care sector of South Africa

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)

GlaxoSmithKline, based in the UK, produces no less than the

seven ARV products, including the world’s best selling anti-
retroviral drug, AZT. According to GSK’s public records, the
global sales of its ARV drugs in 2005 were nearly 37 billion (!)
South African Rand, an increase of more than 10% over the
previous year.*

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 210



Pfizer, a US-based pharmaceutical multinational, is the world’s

largest drug company. Pfizer distributes at least two ARV products
each of them with global sales of hundreds of millions of Rand.*


Roche, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical multinational distributes

at least three different ARV drugs. In 2005, the global sales of
one of these drugs alone, Fuzeon, surpassed 1.5 billion South
African Rand.*

Abbott Pharmaceuticals

Abbott Pharmaceuticals, the US-based multinational drug com-

pany manufactures the ARV combination product “Kaletra”. The
total global sales of this ARV drug already in 2004 were close to
$ 900 million or R 6.5 billion (!). In order to continuously
increase the global market for its ARV drugs, the Abbott compa-
ny is simultaneously marketing a diagnostic test kit named
“OraQuick Advance” for the rapid mass diagnosis of HIV.*

Aspen Pharmacare

Aspen Pharmacare, a South African drug company specialised in

the distribution of generic ARVs is selling no less than six different
types of these drugs. One of the main shareholders of Aspen is
COSATU’s “Pharmaceutical Investment Trust” CEPPWAWU.*


Boehringer-Ingelheim, a German-based pharmaceutical multina-

tional company is the manufacturer of at least two ARV drugs,
among them the first ARV drug marketed globally, Viramune
(Nevirapine). In 2005 Boehringer’s net profits from the sales of
Nevirapine alone surpassed 2.7 billion (!) South African Rand.*

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 211

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

In summary, these Pharmaceutical Multinationals

• Support the South African “Foundation for Professional

Development” and its “educational efforts” including training
seminars of the “South African Medical Association” and other
South African health professions;

• Increase their ARV markets every time ARVs become part of

these seminars in “medical education” or in “professional

• Promote the multi-billion Rand export business of ARV drugs

to Africa by influencing the health care system of South Africa

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 212


Beside the drug companies themselves, the “Foundation for

Professional Development” in South Africa is being heavily spon-
sored by organisations many of which function as promoters of
pharmaceutical drugs under the cover of education, research or
even charitable goals.



This deceptive “scheme” of drug companies to promote their mer-

chandise through “third parties” is – among others – being
described in detail in Dr Angell’s book in the chapters of
“Marketing Masquerading as Education” and “Marketing
Masquerading as Research.”

The following ”third party” organisations linked to the pharmaceu-

tical industry are listed as sponsors of the South African
”Foundation for Professional Development:”

Afrox Health Care

“Afrox Health Care” is a particularly good example for the mul-

tiple layers of interests that make it often difficult to trace back
to the real stakeholders. “Afrox”, a South African company
belongs to the “BOC” group, which has recently been acquired
by the German multinational corporation, “Linde AG.”

Chairman of the supervisory board of “Linde AG” is Manfred

Schneider, an influential corporate executive, who is – at the
same time – Chairman of the supervisory board of the German
pharmaceutical multinational “Bayer.” This chain of ownerships
provides options for direct and indirect influence of “Bayer’s”
drug business on the “South African Medical Association.”*

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 213

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

The European Union

The decisive political body of the European Union (EU), its cab-
inet, is the “European Commission”. The following facts about
this Commission are relevant in this context:

The members of the “EU Commission” were not elected in a

democratic process but were appointed as political stakeholders
with close ties to corporate interests. Largely outside any demo-
cratic control they manage these interests across the European
continent and beyond. A case in point was the previous EU com-
missioner Fritz Bolkestein, who had been a prominent board
member of the pharmaceutical multinational Merck .*

Under the umbrella of “charity” and “help for the poor”, the
“EU Commission” spends – without any democratic control –
billions of Rand to promote pharmaceutical drugs across Africa
and other developing regions.

Billions in tax payer money extorted from the citizens of Europe by the
political stakeholders of the drug cartel in form of taxes turned the
rather idyllic capital of Belgium, Brussels (front), into the politbuero of
the European drug cartel (back) from where it coordinates its global
economic conquest.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 214


Since these EU billions are essentially allocated for financing the

import of ARVs and other patented drugs to Africa mainly from
European-based pharmaceutical companies, this entire scheme
represents a “subsidy programme” for European drug manufac-
turers – paid for by the people of Europe in form of taxes.

Moreover, in case of the promotion of toxic ARVs, the people of

Europe – unknowingly – are financing the expansion of diseases
and of pharmaceutical markets at the expense of the health and
lives of millions of people in Africa and beyond.

International AIDS Society (Sweden)

Another organisation that fits the description of “Marketing mas-

querading as research” is the “International AIDS Society (IAS)”
based in Sweden. The mission of this organisation is to
“Accelerate ... HIV research ... with a particular focus on the role
and responsibilities of industry as sponsors.” Towards this end the
“IAS” set up an “Industry Liaison Forum (ILF)” with the specific
goal to promote scientific and financial commitment from phar-
maceutical and diagnostic companies in low income countries.*

Ministry of Health of Lesotho

The government of Lesotho has entered into a so-called ”part-

nership” with pharmaceutical multinational “Bristol Meyer
Squibb”. On the web site of the Lesotho Ministry of Health and
Social Welfare this partnership is prominently featured. The
Lesotho government web page reads: ”The ministry has initiat-
ed a process of establishing a Communicable Disease Complex
at Bots abelo, which currently provides treatment to AIDS
patients through provision of antiretrovirals.”

A focus of Bristol Meyer Squibb’s ”partnership” with Lesotho is

to “provide support to NGOs working in AIDS. The project
duration is three years for which the total budget is 26.7 mil-
lion.” These NGOs (non-governmental organisations) are little
more than drug lobby organisations that promote ARV drugs to

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 215

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

the poor and pressuring the impoverished African nations to

spend billions for drug imports.*

The National institutes of Health (NIH), USA

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland,

are one of the largest financial resources in the field of medi-
cine globally. The AIDS research conducted at this Institute and
the grants provided by it are almost exclusively focused on
patented ARV drugs. The undue influence of pharmaceutical
companies on NIH researchers has been the object of several

US-President Bush’s so-called PEPFAR-Plan

The “Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)” is

a scheme similar to the European Union’s AIDS drug subsidy
programme. Initiated by US President George Bush, PEPFAR
allocated US$ 15 billion of
taxpayer money to pay for
exports of ARV drugs manu-
factured primarily by US-
based pharmaceutical
multinationals. This multi-
billion-Rand subsidy pro-
gramme for the US drug
industry was sold to the
people of America and
Africa alike as a programme
of “relief” and charity.
The leaders of the 3 leading drug
The official web site of PEP- export nations (from left: Ger -
many, US, UK) having a ”happy
FAR lists the South African
hour” at the 2007 summit of the
“Foundation for Professional largest industrialised countries
Development” as one of its (G8) after having succeeded to
“Prime Partners,” receiving launch a 500.000.000.000 Rand
$1.8 million or 12.8 million ARV marketing campaign in Africa
Rand in 2005 alone.* on behalf of the drug industry.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 216



This US-based organisation co-sponsored by the US govern-

ment is a primary agency by which US drug companies expand
their global markets. The official web site of USAID specifies
Pfizer Inc., the world’s largest drug company, as one of its
Public-Private Partnerships:

“Pfizer Global Health Fellows. USAID works behind the scenes

to establish assignments for Pfizer’s “Global Health Fellows
Program,” which loans personnel worldwide to NGOs and min-
istries of health for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief. Along with healthcare personnel, Pfizer loans financial
and organisational management experts who support partner
NGOs and local ministries in strengthening health systems. As
a result of Pfizer loaning a fellow with expertise in financial
management, the “Mothers to Mothers to Be“ (M2M2B) in Cape
Town, South Africa, was able to open 15 new sites and is plan-
ning 17 more.”*

This unethical programme of promoting toxic ARVs to pregnant

women and unborn babies is being promoted in South Africa by
a foreign organisation named ”Medecines Sans Frontiere
(MSF)”, i.e. ”Doctors without Borders, ” which will be
described below in detail.



The facts documented above reveal important connections

between the globally operating pharmaceutical investment busi-
ness, and the health care sector in South Africa. They are:

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 217

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

1. Pharmaceutical multinational companies – in particular the

manufacturers of ARV drugs – invest hundreds of millions of
Rand to promote their merchandise in South Africa and
throughout the developing world.

2. Important targets of these investment interests are the profes-

sional organisations within the health care sector in each coun-
try, such as the “South African Medical Association.”

3. In order to escape public scrutiny, these investments are gener-

ally not made to professional organisations like SAMA directly,
rather than to so-called intermediary “Foundations” that appear
as non-profit organisations. Under the umbrella of “education,”
“professional training,” “research” and other socially accept-
able goals these “Foundations” serve as vehicles to promote the
merchandise of its sponsors, namely patented ARV drugs. The
“disguise” of pharmaceutical drug promotion as “education” is
a pervasive global marketing scheme used by pharmaceutical
multinationals and correctly characterised as “Marketing
Masquerading as Education” by Dr Angell.*

4. To make sure that these ARV promoting “Foundations” are serv-

ing the interests of their sponsors, they maintain close ties with
the professional organisations – often through selected individ-
uals. A case in point is the intimate connection between the
ARV promoting “Foundation for Professional Development”
and the “South African Medical Association.” The alignment of
the goals of both “organisations” is assured by the fact that the
Chairman of the ARV promoting “Foundation,” Dr Stulting, sits
also on the Board of Directors of SAMA. Vice versa, the Chairman
of SAMA, Dr Letlape, sits on the Board of the pharmaceutically
sponsored “Foundation for Professional Development.”

5. Through this ruse, the globally operating pharmaceutical inter-

ests – namely the promoters of toxic ARV drugs – are directly
influencing medical education and training in South Africa and
affect the decision taking of tens of thousands of doctors and
other health professionals in the country.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 218


6. The great majority of general practitioners, family doctors and

other health professionals responsible for providing primary
health care in the country are unaware of this commercial
impact of pharmaceutical interests on their profession. These
health professionals faithfully rely on the recommendations of
the leadership of professional organisations like SAMA unaware
of any bias.

7. Most significantly, this “alignment of interests” between the

pharmaceutical investment business and the SAMA leadership
is depriving tens of thousands of doctors and other health pro-
fessionals in South Africa of objective medical and scientific
information – including science-based natural health – to ben-
efit their patients and to help control AIDS and other diseases.

8. These ruses have been designed and implemented by the phar-

maceutical multinationals all over the world. Due to their
deceptive nature they are equally hard to recognise for, profes-
sionals and the public alike. It takes extraordinary circum-
stances – such as this lawsuit – to reveal these mechanisms and
thereby help to abolish them.

In the context of this Application it is particularly significant that,

while most of the SAMA executives backing this Application have
a track record in pharmaceutically oriented medicine – some of
them even with vested interests – the accessible public records do
not show any research or publication in the field of nutritional or
traditional medicine for any of them.

This is particularly remarkable since the “Objects of Association”

of the ”South African Medical Association” lists as a specific goal
of this organisation: ”To promote involvement in medical educa-
tion, research, … understanding of alternative practices, e.g.
traditional healing.“*

Projekt1 16.08.2007 14:50 Seite 1

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

The questions are justified:

1. On the basis of which qualifications did these SAMA execu-

tives launch their litigation aimed at discrediting science-
based natural health approaches to the AIDS epidemic ?

2. How long will the many thousands of doctors of South Africa

– and SAMA members – tolerate the abuse of their organisa -
tion by a handful of SAMA functionaries closely connected to
the economic interests of pharmaceutical industry ?

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 220


The ”Medicines Control Council of South Africa” (“MCC”)

As discussed above, the role of the “MCC” as a “key instrument”

to protect the monopoly of pharmaceutical medicine has been
cemented during the Apartheid regime and has had this function
until recently. Today, the “MCC” is a democratically controlled
regulatory body and has become another good example of the
people of South Africa taking control of their destiny.

The ”Advertising Standards Agency of South Africa” (“ASA”)

As discussed above, the “ASA” is a private company, co-found-

ed by the “Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Association of South
Africa,” with the goal to protect its market monopoly of patent-
ed drugs. Masking its primarily self-serving (“self-regulatory”)
purpose, the “ASA” deceptively parades as a democratically
controlled and “authoritative” organisation. This is clearly not
the case.

The “ASA’s “ alleged power derives from reprimands, bans and

other coercive tools towards its member media which “volun-
tarily” submit themselves to this rule. More details about the
ASA ”censorship” organisation were documented in previous
paragraphs of this document.

“Médecins Sans Frontières” (“MSF”)

“MSF” is an international organisation deceptively featured by

SAMA and the TAC as a charitable organisation working in the
poor townships of South Africa to allegedly help the needy.

This description could not be further from the truth:

• ”MSF” is located in Geneva (the seat of the WHO) and Brussels

(the seat of the EU) where also most of the pharmaceutical
lobby organisations are located. Under the veil of a charitable

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 221

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business



• Re-Packing of
• Promotion of ARV drugs ARV pills
to the public
• Re-Labeling of
"Free ARVs For All"
ARV packages
• Forcing Government • Removal of
to pay billions information about
for toxic drugs ‘No Cure’ and toxic
side effects

The drug multinationals not only use South African ”cover” organisa-
tions to promote their business, but also foreign entities. One of them
is the notorious Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), with its home base in
the drug lobby capitals of the world, Brussels and Geneva.
MSF collects money from drug companies (e.g. GlaxoSmithKline,
GSK) and related special interests (e.g. Rockefeller) and uses it to pro-
mote the drug business in the developing world. MSF has been a
prominent sponsor of the TAC. Another MSF activity is the systematic
re-packaging and re-labelling of ARV drugs – in order to hide their tox-
icity – a despicable activity that is described in detail in chapter 3 of
this book.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 222


operation, “MSF” attracts good-willed young doctors from all

over the world and uses them as promoters of pharmaceutical
drugs – without providing adequate training in science based
nutritional medicine.

• The influence on the “MSF” operation by the global pharma-

ceutical investment business with ARV drugs is provided
through its donors as well as the “MSF” Board. The most promi-
nent member of “MSF’s” Board of Advisors is Richard
Rockefeller, the son of David Rockefeller Sr., and an influential
member of the Rockefeller Trust, the world’s largest pharma-
ceutical investment group.*

• Simultaneously, one of the largest donors to “MSF” is the foun-

dation of the investment bank “Lehmann Brothers” with
Christopher Gent, the CEO of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as its
most prominent Board member.* As detailed above, GSK is the
world’s second largest drug company and the largest manufac-
turer of ARV drugs.

• As mentioned above, the “MSF Coordinator” in South Africa

listed in the SAMA/TAC complaint as a ”witness” for their ARV
promotion business, is an individual by the name of Martha
Darder. Darder is the “Coordinator” of an ARV drug promotion
campaign, deceptively named “Access to essential medicines
campaign” with its base in Khayelitsha.

The term “essential medicines” is yet another term masking the

mere promotion of toxic ARV drugs. Nowhere in their affidavits
does Darder or any other “MSF” witness refer to the obvious:
The use of micronutrients as biologically “essential” to enhance
the immune system of patients suffering from immune deficiency
diseases (AIDS).

Particularly appaling is the fact that Darder seems to take pride

in the fact that “MSF” is promoting highly toxic ARVs not only
to pregnant women, but – through the mothers’ blood circula-
tion – to the unborn babies in the mother’s womb. Covering

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 223

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business



Kouchner Sarkozy

Less than two months after the global exposure of ”MSF” in this affi -
davit, the drug cartel expanded its global power grip. Backed by the
pharmaceutical industry, Nicolas Sarkozy became president of
France. Significantly, one of his first acts was to appoint Bernard
Kouchner as his minister of foreign affairs – one of the founding mem -
bers of ”MSF”.
The political agenda of these two men became soon obvious: their key
assignment is to protect the multibillion dollar drug markets in Africa
on behalf of drug multinationals. Their task: to avoid at all costs a
domino effect of African countries liberating themselves from the
shackles of pharmaceutical colonialism.
Towards this end the current French government is pursuing a strate-
gy of rapid militarisation of the entire African continent. Under the
pretext of ”charity”, it became the driving force behind the deploy -
ment of tens of thousands of foreign troops to Darfur – ignoring all
reservations from the African Union. Moreover, through massive arms
deals the nuclear power France is expanding its strategic control over

such unethical “marketing campaigns” for toxic ARVs under

deceptive terms like “Mother to child transmission prevention
programme” is a hallmark of “MSF” and similar organisations.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 224


Willem Daniel Francois Venter

As detailed above, Dr Venter is head of the

“HIV Clinicians Society of Southern Africa”,
a special interest group that also focuses on
promotion of ARVs. Dr Venter’s entire aca-
demic career is dependent on the uphold-
ing the fallacy that ARVs are a cure for HIV
or AIDS. Essentially all of Venter’s publica-
tions serve the promotion of ARVs, while not a single one of his
publications addresses the key role of micronutrients to improve
immune function. Dr Venter has no record of any basic scientific
research in the fields of biology, biochemistry, cell physiology or
molecular biology. The list of his publications does not include any
specific studies of basic scientific research either.

Despite that fact, he parades as an “expert” in the field of basic sci-

entific research in viral diseases, namely HIV infections, arrogant-
ly discrediting the research of those who actually worked as scien-
tists over decades in this field.

Dr Venter’s role as a credible independent witness is fundamental-

ly challenged by the fact that he is president of the so called
“Southern African HIV Clinicians Society”, an organisation that
promotes almost exclusively ARVs as the only answer to HIV and
AIDS – ignoring their toxicity and in their inability to cure either

The true nature and function of this ARV promoting “Society” is

documented in the newsletters of this organisation, called
“Transcript.” The 27 February, 2006, edition of this newsletter is
just one example how shameless the name “Southern African HIV
Clinicians Society” is being used as a wholesale outlet for ARVs.

Venter’s Newsletter Transcript blatantly advertises the following

drug promotion facts among the doctors and health professionals
across Southern Africa:

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 225

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

• Aspen Pharmacare, one of the largest manufacturers of ARV

drugs on the African continent “donated R75,000 to the socie-
ty in 2005 and R100,000 in 2006 for the purpose of sponsor-
ing or part-sponsoring up-and-coming HIV doctors;” – the
“Society” being the “Southern African HIV Clinicians Society”,
presided by Dr Venter, the “up-and-coming HIV doctors” sup-
posedly young South African doctors being hired for the pro-
motion of “Aspen Pharmacare Pty. Ltd.’s” merchandise, i.e.
ARV drugs.

• The newsletter announces in bold letters to the “up-and-com-

ing HIV doctors” that “Sponsorships [are] available to local and
international HIV/AIDS conferences – through Aspen
Pharmacare Fund” ... “How to apply [for this travel expense
sponsorship to international ARV sales shows ]” etc.

• The last two pages of this newsletter by Venter’s “Clinician

Society” are largely occupied by the advertising of no less than
64 [sixty four] ARV products. Under the headline of “The latest
anti-retroviral (ART) prices (private sector)” – obviously written
for marketing purposes – Venters “Clinicians Society” promotes
to its members the whole range of ARV products including drug
specifications like “Strength,” “Nappi Codes,” “[Manufacturing]
Company,” “Quantity,” “Price Inc. VAT” and “GSK Access Price
Inc. VAT” [!] – GSK standing for “GlaxoSmithKline”, the world’s
largest manufacturer of ARV products.

• To fence off any legal claims for openly promoting the sales of
toxic ARV merchandise in their official “newsletter”, the read-
er finds a small disclaimer on the last page, stating that the
views of this “official” newsletter of the “Clinician’s Society”
does not necessarily reflect the views of the society!

Such is the quality of “expert witnesses” invoked by SAMA and the

TAC in a case that is a matter of life and death for millions of South

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 226



This catalogue page is taken from the newsletter

”Transcript” published by the so-called ”HIV Clinicians
Society of Southern Africa” under Dr Venter (left). Since
Dr Venter is listed as an ARV ”expert,” it is important to
document what kind of ”expertise” he has. Under the
cover of ”information” for ”clinicians” Dr Venter and
his ”Society” are part of an outrageous marketing
machinery of ARV merchandise in South Africa.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 227

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business


These pages from Dr Venter’s ”newsletter” inform the doctors of South

Africa how to make money from prescribing ARV drugs. The columns list
the following information: 1. ARV name, 2. Dosage, 3. National Pharma-
ceutical Products Index (NAPPI) Code, 4. Drug Maker, 5. Quantity per Unit
sold, 6. Price including VAT and 7. Discount to the prescribing doctors, paid
by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the world’s largest ARV manufacturer . Thus
Venter’s “Society” is using this newsletter to incentivise prescription of
ARV drugs by doctors – in return for money!

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 228


Robert Edwin Dorrington

As detailed above, Professor Dorrington

has served for a number of years as head
of the University of Cape Town Retirement
Fund that invests in highly profitable com-
panies, namely in the “rapidly growing
pharmaceutical and health care sector”.

Andrew Loft Gray

Dr Gray is a lecturer in pharmacy and a

member of the South African Pharmacy
Council. Significantly, Gray avoided
including any curriculum vitae about his
medical research but public research data
document that he is yet another promoter
of ARV drugs. Gray is the co-author of a
book “HIV/AIDS in South Africa.” Gray himself contributed a
specific chapter entitled “Challenges of ARVs” – exclusively
dealing with AIDS chemotherapy in the form of ARVs and their
promotion in the developing world. None of the 35 chapters of
this almost 600 page book deals with micronutrients and other
natural health approaches.*

Leslie London

Dr London is Director of Human Rights at

the University of Cape Town. His 70 page
long affidavit containing unfounded alle-
gations about “unethical experiments“
and his remarkable reinterpretation of the
historic facts was dealt with in a previous
section of this affidavit entitled “The
Pharmaceutical Industry Behind the
Medical Experiments in Nazi Concentration Camps.”

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 229

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

Kevin Rebe

Dr Rebe is a doctor at GF Jooste Hospital

in Cape Town. He indicates that he has
recently received a “diploma in HIV med-
icine”. According to his affidavit, his main
function is to deal with HIV infected
patients and promote ARV drugs to these
patients as therapy. Nowhere in his entire
affidavit does he acknowledge the essen-
tial role of micronutrients for optimum immune function. Nor
does Dr Rebe mention that the recommendation for proper
nutrition and micronutrients should be an integral part of any
“consultation” of AIDS patients by a responsible physician –
and any training course for any “diploma in HIV medicine”.

WJ Du Plooy

Dr Du Plooy has been Professor of

Pharmacology at the Medical University of
Southern Africa (MEDUNSA). He is chair-
man of the so-called “ethics committee”
there, a group of individuals who decides
which clinical studies they will allow to be
conducted. The members of this “ethical
committee” did not hesitate to allow the Dr DuPlooy was a key
player in obstructing
distribution of toxic ARVS to thousands of
the MEDUNSA study
patients at MEDUNSA, and to allow clini- by Prof. Sam Mhlongo
cal studies with such harmful substances. (see page 5).

At the same time this committee has not allowed a single clin-
ical study with science-based natural health approaches like
micronutrients – despite their well-established safety record.
Thus, this so-called “ethical” committee is apparently used as a
“censorship instrument” – installed as “gatekeepers” of pharma-
ceutical interests at MEDUNSA and other clinics – in order to
prevent the gathering of further clinical evidence for the health
benefits of nutritional and other natural and safe therapies.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 230


It was Dr DuPlooy who blocked for two years the clinical study
with micronutrients in AIDS patients at MEDUNSA – the study of
which Prof Sam Mhlongo was the principal investigator. For
details please read the ”Dedication” at the beginning of this book.



In addition to the witnesses above SAMA and the TAC have ”enlist-
ed” certain other individuals as ”witnesses” who also promote
toxic ARV drugs to the poor as ”life-saving” – deliberately ignoring
the fact that these drugs do neither cure HIV nor AIDS. The bigger
goal of these subversive ”operatives” is to use the AIDS epidemic
as a tool to attack the South African government and its policies.

Mark Heywood,
The so-called “AIDS Law Project” (“ALP”), Witwatersrand

Heywood is head of “ALP” and has been the “National Secretary of

the “TAC.” The “ALP” and the “TAC” also share much the same for-
eign financiers, mainly from organisations based in drug exporting
nations. The ALP provides legal support and “protection” for the
“storm troopers” of the “TAC.” This includes the channelling of for-
eign nationals into the country who perform services for the “ALP”.

Together with certain media the “ALP” is part of the scheme to

“terrorise” South African society with legal assaults with the same
goal as the ”TAC”, namely to “force the government to spend mil-
lions of Rand on toxic drugs.” These legal assaults are being staged
to bully the courts and public opinion into the false perception of
ARVs as effective therapies for AIDS – and thereby hiding the non-
existing scientific proof for the efficacy of ARV drugs.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 231

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

Jonathan Berger,
”The AIDS Law Project”

Berger is one of many foreign nationals who are ”operatives” in

South Africa. Financed by foreign founders, these ”operatives” coor-
dinate subversive activities in South Africa targeted at undermining
government policies.

Dianne Kohler-Barnard,
“Democratic Alliance”(DA)

The “DA” is a political party in South Africa that uses “TAC” slogans
for its election campaigns, including such irresponsible demands as
“Free ARVs for all!” The “DA” has consistently refused to reveal the
founders and financiers of its party activities. It has been described
two years ago as “a political party that would not be in parliament
without the financial support of the pharmaceutical industry” – a
statement that has remained unchallenged since.

Eric Goemaere,

Goemaere is another foreign ”operative” with his base in

Khayelitsha. The connections of his “MSF” founders with foreign
pharmaceutical interests have been described in detail above.

Further ”Operatives” Promoting Toxic ARV Drugs

to the People of South Africa

• Peter Saranchuk, ”MSF,” foreign national, temporarily Khayelisha.

• Andrew Boulle, foreign national, temporarily Khayelitsha.
• Greg Hussey, foreign national, temporarily Khayelitsha.
• Rodney Ehrlich, foreign national, temporarily Khayelitsha.
• Gilles van Cutsem, foreign national, temporarily Khayelitsha.
• David Pienaar, Tableview
• Khopotso Bodibe, journalist
• Terrence Albert Bell, journalist

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 232




Most of the organisations and individuals listed in the SAMA/TAC

complaint belong to a network of ARV promoters – until now
entrenched in South African society. They can be characterised by
the following common denominators:

1. They have direct or indirect economic or professional interests

in the promotion of ARV drugs.

2. They have consistently mislead the public by deceptively rep-

resenting ARV drugs as being able to effectively prevent and
treat HIV and AIDS.

3. Many of these individuals are foreign nationals, channelled into

South Africa under the pretext of “charity work” by foreign organ-
isations with links to the pharmaceutical investment business.

4 None of them has ever done any significant scientific research

or gathered comprehensive clinical experience with science-
based natural health and in particular the application of

5. None of them has ever promoted micronutrients in a clinically

effective way to improve the immune system of patients suffer-
ing from immune deficiencies and AIDS.

6. None of them qualifies to assess, let alone challenge, our

research expertise in the area of micronutrients and science-
based natural health.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 233

Stakeholders of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business

The list of individuals mentioned above should be taken as the

starting point for an immediate and comprehensive education pro-
gramme in basic biology with a focus on the key role of micronu-
trients in optimising the function of the immune system. Allowing
them to maintain their current position on ARVs and to continue
promoting these toxic drugs as the only solution to AIDS will
severely compromise public health in South Africa.

The Missing Link

Knowing about the severe toxicity and the high costs of ARVs, the
globally operating pharmaceutical interests knew that it would be
close to impossible to develop profitable marketing strategies for
these drugs especially in the developing world. In order to solve
this “problem” and organise public pressure on the government of
South Africa to spend billions of Rand to mass import these drugs,
they had to develop special strategies.

This was the birth hour of “pressure groups” disguising behind

“charitable motives” but operating like ordinary street thugs with
the goal to attack the government domestically and trying to dis-
credit it internationally.

Chapter_11.qxp 10.08.2007 12:19 Seite 234

The promoters of the ARV drug business – here the TAC –

create the impression that they act in the interest of
AIDS patients and operate as a new type
of “freedom fighters” for health rights.

The facts on the following pages correct this lie.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 235
Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 236


This South African pressure group is the first applicant, the “TAC”.
In a recent court case, the High Court of Cape Town did not find
any objection in the following characterisation of the “TAC’s”
activities: “It organises rented crowds for the drug industry” and “it
forces the government to spend millions of Rand on toxic drugs.”*

Thus, in the middle of South African society, there exists an or-

ganization, the “TAC”, that attacks the democratically elected gov-
ernment of South Africa and its health policy with the goal to force
the mass import of toxic ARV drugs. Since ARVs cannot cure AIDS
and in many cases cause severe harm, the only beneficiaries of
this promotion strategy are the drug companies.

From the perspective of the globally operating pharmaceutical in-

terests, the developing world does not yield the same profits as the
health markets in the industrialised world, due to the low average
income of the people. In order to turn the developing world into
another lucrative market for the drug business, the governments of
these countries are pressured to spend a substantial part of their
budget to pay for these drugs.

For antibiotics and other useful drugs, no pressure is needed

because any responsible government will voluntarily do its utmost
to provide them to those who need them. Not so, of course, with
toxic ARVs. These highly controversial drugs can only be pushed
into a country with the help of organisations that organise rented
crowds for the drug industry and force the government to spend
millions of Rand on toxic drugs.

It is therefore important to evaluate the activities of the “TAC” or-

ganization and unmask its deceptive nature. Most importantly, the
question has to be answered: Is there an historical parallel of such
a subversive operation coercing and even trying to destabilise a
government on behalf of special interest groups? Such an historic
parallel exists.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 237

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

The operation of the “TAC” is almost a copy of the activities of the

“brown shirt” organisation in pre-WWII Germany, also known as
“Sturm-Abteilung,” “SA” (i. e. “storm troopers”). As detailed in the
Nuremberg War Crime Tribunals and other historic records, this
organisation was founded during the early Nazi movement in the
1920s with the goal to destabilise German democracy and replace
it with the Nazi dictatorship.*

As detailed above, the primary economic beneficiaries of this dic-

tatorship were the chemical/pharmaceutical corporations. Thus, it
was not surprising that these corporations were the main financiers
for the build-up of the “brown shirt” organisation.



The obvious parallels between the “TAC” and the “brown shirts”
goals and activities are documented in the following paragraphs:

1. Then the goal of the “brown shirts” was to destabilise a demo-

cratically elected government (Germany) on behalf of corpo-
rate interests and their political stake holders.

Today, the goal of the “TAC” is to attack the South African gov-
ernment, destabilise the political situation and split the ruling
party with the goal to establish a new political leadership that
is voluntarily “spending millions of Rand for toxic drugs.”

2. Then, the financiers of the “brown shirts” and the primary ben-
eficiaries of their success in bringing down democracy were
“IG Farben,” the largest chemical and pharmaceutical multina-
tional at that time. The records of the Nuremberg War Crimes
Tribunal detail the channelling of immense amounts of money
from “IG Farben” to the “brown shirts” through third parties
and other obscure channels.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 238



In the 1930s the oil and drug cartel
sponsored the ”brown shirts” with
the goal to destroy German democ-
racy and replace it by a dictatorship
of its political puppets. Under the
deceptive pretext of securing ”law
and order” (see picture) these street
thugs organised riots and open
street terror aimed at toppling the
democratically elected government.
They succeeded.

In the 1930s tens of thousands of

poor and unemployed young
Germans were being lured into the
”brown shirt” organisation with the
promise of a free ”brown uniform”
as well as a ”sausage and a beer”
(see picture). In return for this
bribe they were instrumentalised to
act against it’s own people, against
its own government – and against
their very own interests.

In the 1930s the ”brown shirts”

organised transport for tens of
thousands of young Germans – now
fed and uniformed – from the sub-
urbs to the city centers in order
rally against the democratic gov-
ernment, causing civil unrest,
demolishing property and spread-
ing fear and terror. This ”propagan-
da show” of the ”brown shirts”
could only work, because certain
media – also controlled by oil and
drug money – deceptively present-
ed these street thugs as ”fighters” for law and order.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 239

The Historical Parallel of the TAC


70 years later these very same
methods are being strikingly copied
by the TAC in South Africa. Under
the deceptive humanitarian pretext
of providing ”free ARVs for all”
these street thugs organise not
only rallies (see picture) but open
street riots calling for a ”revolu-
tion” against its own democratical-
ly elected government.
They must not succeed!

70 years later, thousands of hungry

and poor young South Africans are
being lured into the ”TAC” organi-
sation with the promise of a free T-
shirt as well as a sandwich and a
Coke (see picture). In return for
this bribe they are being instrumen-
talised to act against it’s own peo-
ple, against its own government –
and against their very own health
and life interests.

70 years later, the ”TAC” is organ-

ising transport for thousands of
young South Africans – fed and
dressed in ”HIV positive” T-shirts –
from the townships to the city cen-
ters in order rally against its own
government, causing civil unrest,
demolishing property and spread-
ing fear and terror. This ”propa-
ganda show” of the ”TAC” can
only work, because certain media
– also controlled by oil and drug
money – deceptively present these street thugs as ”fighters” for the right
to health.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 240


Today, the “TAC” receives almost all its financial support from
abroad. Tens of millions of Rand each year originate from vari-
ous sponsor organisations from the leading export nations of
pharmaceutical products.

3. Then, the cover for the “brown shirts” to mask their real goals
was the slogan of “law and order.” Dressed in brown uniforms
these street thugs spread propaganda and terror in the streets,
demolishing Jewish stores, attacking the government and ago-
nizing society – all the while being portrayed by certain media
as the “ordering element.”

Today, the “TAC” is masking its real goals to “force the govern-
ment to spend millions of Rand for toxic drugs” and trying to
discredit the position of the present political leaders under the
deception of “helping people” and fighting for “ARVs for all!”

4. Then, the methods used by the “brown shirts” street thugs were
propaganda and open street terror.

Today, the methods used by the “TAC” street thugs are “ARV
propaganda,” including attacks on government representatives
and “street terror” including violent demonstrations and
destruction of property.

5. Then, the strategy of the “brown shirts” thugs would not have
worked without the protection by media close to the chemi-
cal/pharmaceutical investment interests who played an active
role in disseminating the “brown shirts” propaganda and
deceptively portraying its activities as the “ordering element”
in the “new Germany”.

Today, the “TAC’s” propaganda is echoed by certain media in

South Africa which are controlled by international media con-
glomerates and investment houses with ties to the globally
operating chemical/pharmaceutical interests. In a complete

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 241

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

distortion of the facts, the “street terror” of the “TAC” thugs is

being portrayed by these media as “civil courage” and the
“fight for human rights.”

6. Then, the origins of the “brown shirts” were in the sport and
“physical exercise” clubs of the 1920s, until being a split off as
an independent organisation with a new set of goals to use
“physical exercise” for street terror – made possible with abun-
dant financial support from special interest groups.

Today, the “TAC” was deliberately split off from the National
Association of People Living with AIDS (NAPWA), with new
goals, namely to “campaign for drugs” (hence the name
Treatment Action Campaign) in the interest of special interest

7. Then, the “brown shirts” organisation was led by ruthless and

highly compromised individuals, while the followers were
mainly unemployed and impoverished victims of the economic
crisis in the 1920s who were lured into the “brown shirts”
organisation with a “beer, a sausage and a brown shirt” – cour-
tesy of IG Farben – in return for their participation in street riots.

Today, the “TAC” is led by a handful of unscrupulous individ-

uals luring unemployed and inexperienced juveniles from the
poor townships of South Africa into buses with the promise of
a “coke a sandwich and a T-shirt” – courtesy of the “TAC” spon-
sors – bussing them to the nearby cities to demonstrate against
their own government and promoting pharmaceutical drugs by
demanding “Free ARVs for All!”

For reference, the strategies and activities of “brown shirts”, their

connection to the “IG Farben” sponsors and their role in sabotag-
ing democracy is detailed in the records of the Nuremberg War
Crime Tribunal at as well as other offi-
cial records and review books.*

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 242




In the context of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals historians

had to answer two important questions about the role of the
“brown shirts” in connection with its attacks on democracy, which
bear relevance to the role of the “TAC” in South Africa today:

The first question was, how could it be that major parts of socie -
ty – including doctors and other intellectual people – could fall
prey to the propaganda of “brown shirts”-like street thugs?

The answer was sobering:

• At that time a global economic crisis threatened to affect all

parts of society and this “fear factor” was particularly pro-
nounced in the economically more privileged who feared to
loose their privileges. The deceptive “brown shirt” propaganda
deliberately promoted this “fear factor” and used the ensuing
crisis to blame the democratically elected government for it. By
this “ruse” major parts of society were lured into attacking their
own government and call for “a strong man.” This “strong man”
came and created a dictatorship on behalf of globally operat-
ing corporate interests.

• The propaganda tactics of the “TAC” today copies these decep-

tive propaganda strategies of the “brown shirts” from decades
ago. In South Africa a health crisis is being used by the “TAC”
to attack the government to buy more ARV drugs – but the
“TAC’s” goals are much broader. The constant attacks on the
government and the relentless civil unrest the “TAC” creates,
enhances the climate of a “political crisis” and fear. Just like
decades ago in Germany, in South Africa today the economical-
ly more privileged parts of society are particularly susceptible to
this “fear factor” and are, therefore, vulnerable for falling prey to
the radical propaganda of the “TAC” and its street thug methods.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 243

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

• By this same “ruse” major parts of South African society today

are being lured into attacking their own government and call
for “a strong man.” As was the case decades ago in Germany
and during the Apartheid years in South Africa, this new
“strong man” – most likely – would likely be a political stake-
holder of global pharmaceutical interests.

The second question that had to be answered by lawyers and his-

torians during the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal was: What
was the consequence of German society tolerating this kind of
provocation of the government and society – without openly con-
demning it.

The answer to that question became soon obvious too:

• The “brown shirts” were an organisation deliberately pro-

moted to overthrow the democratically elected government. In
order to achieve this goal they used such “methods” as propa-
ganda, riots, demolition of property and physical violence
against anyone opposing them. After they had achieved their
goal to challenge the government and had installed their own
political leaders, they translated the same methods used in the
streets before to a totally new level: Local civil unrest became
the political destabilisation of entire nations and street violence
in the cities became the military conquest of dozens of coun-
tries that ultimately destroyed half of Europe, and cost the lives
of 60 million people. Such was the prize the people of
Germany and the world had to pay for the leniency towards the
rise of the “brown shirts.”

• The “TAC” receives tens of millions of Rand annually from for-

eign donors that are being used not only for propaganda, but
also for threats towards members of government representa-
tives, intimidation and defamation of scientists, doctors, and
lay people alike – in short anyone with opposing views. The
street thug methods the “TAC” adopted from the “brown shirts”
included street riots, demolition of property and other strate-

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 244


gies causing civil unrest. The lessons of history teach us: any
organisation modelled after the “brown shirts,” is being “invit-
ed” by leniency to expand its subversive activities. It will pur-
sue its goals across any border with all means available – to the
physical and economic detriment of millions of people in
Africa and beyond.


There are, however, effective strategies to stop such organisations.

The first step towards stopping these organisations is to open up
the “veil of deception” under which these organisations are oper-
ating. With this Application and the necessary response, the veil of
the “TAC” has been opened up. The exposure of the parallels
between the origins, the goals and the methods of the “TAC” and
the “brown shirts” exposes are so compelling that they will enable
anyone to see through the deceptive rhetoric of this organisation.

The Dr Rath Foundation has been known for unmasking the

nature of the pharmaceutical “business with disease” and unveiling
organisations that promote its merchandise. This was also known to
organisations in South Africa, like the TAC, that have been in the
business of “organising rented crowds for the drug industry.”

Since the arrival of our Foundation in the country in 2004, the

“TAC” has embarked on a crusade to silence the public education
about natural health as well as the “business with disease” through
a frenzy of activities, including

• Defamation of the Dr Rath Foundation’s work

in “TAC” publications

• Defamation of our work in other media

• Coercion of the “Advertising Standards Agency” and other media

to ban the dissemination of our public health information

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 245

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

• Attempts to coerce the government authorities to outlaw

micronutrients and other natural health approaches
• Attempts to coerce government agencies to seize
the vitamins we donate to SANCO

• Attempts to coerce law enforcement through paid rallies

• Abduction of a person that helped to distribute information

leaflets in the townships and his forced interrogation inside
a “TAC” office

• Paid rallies against the work of our Foundation

in the townships

• Paid rallies against the work of our Foundation in cities

It is immediately apparent that this Application is merely an exten-
sion of this long list of efforts by the “TAC” to block the dissemina-
tion of science-based natural health information and the exposure
of the “business with disease.”

This unrestrained aggression against the educational work of our

Foundation corroborates with more and often violent “activities” of
the “TAC” in South Africa all of which are matters of public record.
This list of “TAC” “activities” includes, but is by far not limited to:

• Public attacks on the Minister of Health, the President and

other democratically elected officials by calling them “mur-
derers” and using other hate language

Young South Africans incensed

by TAC street thugs, calling the
Minister of Health, Dr Manto
Tshabalala Msimang and Dr
Rath ”murderers.” The only
purpose of these accussations
is to divert public attention
away from the genocidal con-
s e q u e n c e s o f t h e A R V drug

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 246


• Intentional destruction of property, such as the exhibits

of the South African government at a conference in Toronto

• Organising meetings and rallies with frequently paid

supporters indoctrinating them with slogans against
the government

• Publicly calling for a “Revolution” in South Africa

• Causing civil unrest

• Trespassing government property. Several “TAC” leaders

were actually being charged for this offence
(the charges were later dropped).

In contrast, the goal of the Dr Rath Foundation has never been to

fight the “TAC”, let alone by using aggression or violence. Our focus
is public education in the field of science-based natural health and
the exposure of those economic interests that for nearly a century
have prevented this information from becoming common place.

This very document outlining the goals and methods of the “TAC”
– in particular their historic analogy to the “brown shirts” – may
cause fierce reactions on behalf of the “TAC.” They may try to
block its publication and any other way of this information becom-
ing public knowledge. But whatever they undertake, it can not
alter the facts documented here.

Interestingly, it is the “TAC’s” own litigation – the unethical attempt

to prevent life-saving natural health approaches from being used
by millions of South Africans – that made this comprehensive
analysis about the “TAC” organisation necessary. Moreover, the
documentation of these facts is a precondition to terminate such
unscrupulous activities.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 247

The Historical Parallel of the TAC


The members of the “TAC” organisation named in this Application

and responsible for its contents are:

• Abdurrazack Achmat, Muizenberg

• Mark Heywood, Secretary “TAC,”
head of the “AIDS Law Project” (“ALP”)
• Nathan Geffen, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town


• Jo Ford
• Sipho Mthathi, Cape Town
• Arthur Jokweni
• Mandla Majola, Khayelitsha

None of the “TAC” members listed in this publication has any

background in medical or scientific research, nor do they make
such representations. Thus, it is obvious that this Application, for
which the “TAC” is the First Applicant – has to have goals beyond
science and medicine. These goals are summarised in the follow-
ing paragraphs:

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 248




It is obvious that the “TAC” and the Board of the “South African
Medical Association” are trying to use this Application as a politi-
cal instrument to reach their goals. These goals are:

Support for unsustainable claims about ARV drugs.

The manufacturers of ARV drugs have no scientific basis to pro-

mote their drugs with the claim that they prevent or cure HIV or
AIDS. Ignoring these scientific facts, the “TAC” and the board of
the “South African Medical Association” are making precisely
these claims in their representations to the High Court.

Apparently the SAMA and TAC functionaries have no scruples to

hide the facts about ARVs officially provided by the manufacturers
of these drugs and – instead – are making false representations to
the High Court and even wrapping them in academic titles and
publication lists of “pseudo-experts.” Thus, it is obvious that the
SAMA and TAC figureheads are trying to instrumentalise the High
Court to support their unsustainable claims.

Banning of non-patentable vitamins as threat to the pharma-

ceutical investment business with patented ARV drugs

In a similar way, it is the obvious intention of the ARV pushing

SAMA and TAC to outlaw vitamins and other micronutrients as
effective, safe and affordable approaches to the AIDS epidemic.
While micronutrients are no cure for AIDS, they can improve the
quality of life and often reverse even severe symptoms of the AIDS
disease. If this basic health information spreads particularly in the
developing world, it will inevitably threaten the multibillion Rand
market of controversial ARV drugs.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 249

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

Thus, the SAMA and TAC figureheads seek to instrumentalise the

High Court in order to outlaw vitamins and micronutrients as sci-
ence-based, effecttive and safe approaches to the AIDS epidemic,
and a fundamental threat to the multibillion Rand ARV market.



As happened before, any ruling by the High Court that would es-
sentially “approve” ARVs for the treatment of HIV and AIDS,
would immediately be used by the pharmaceutical stakeholders to
make claims that no manufacturer of ARV drugs is allowed to
make due to the lack of scientific evidence of these drugs as being
effective to prevent or cure HIV or AIDS.

In a similar way, any interdict by the High Court to distribute vita-

mins and micronutrients to patients affected by AIDS or the scien-
tific information about the established health benefits of micronu-
trients would be used by the SAMA and TAC functionaries in order
to try to discredit the knowledge about the essential role of micronu-
trients established in every textbook of biology and biochemistry.

It is for this reason, the possibly global implications of this Applica-

tion, that I took great care in providing detailed background infor-
mation about the interests associated with this litigation.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 250


On March 20, 2007, the affidavit that
forms the basis of this book was officially
filed with the High Court of Cape Town –
as a response to the TAC / SAMA com-

On March 26, 2007 – less than one week

later – “Zackie” Achmat, a TAC founder
and public figure head for more than a
decade, unexpectedly announced his

Achmat’s resignation stunned even for the media. The “Cape

Argus” in its March 27, 2007, edition reported that Achmat is
worn out and on anti-depressants.

The article in the Cape Argus did not reveal whether Achmats
surprise departure was connected to the litigation that triggered
this book.

There was also no mentioning in the newspapers of the possi-

bility that Achmat resignation was enforced by some of the
powerful foreign sponsors of the TAC who may have been dis-
satisfied about their devastating exposure in a litigation reck-
lessly launched by Achmat and his peers.

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 251

The Historical Parallel of the TAC

Chapter_12.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 252
Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 253
Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 254




As an average citizen, one would assume that filing a lawsuit in

any court is motivated by the desire of the filing party to achieve a
justified goal, either for an individual or an organisation.

Unfortunately, however, there are also lawsuits filed merely as a

cover up for creating the impression of legality for an otherwise
unscrupulous and unethical activity. The TAC/SAMA lawsuit is
such a case.

Both these organisations are deeply involved in the promotion of

toxic ARV drugs to millions of Africans. But even the manufactur-
ers of these drugs have to admit that they are ”no cure” for this dis-
ease and at the same time carry significant health risks for patients
taking them.

Since ARV drugs can not be sold anywhere in the world as a ”cure
for AIDS,” the drug industry needs organisations like SAMA and the
TAC who seek ”the stamp of approval” for these drugs – at least in
the public perception – by all means available. Precisely that is the
purpose of this lawsuit launched by the TAC and the Board of SAMA.

With the support of certain media – generally owned by foreign

investment groups – this coalition of interests is strategically abus-
ing the South African court system for their deceptive and sinister
marketing purposes.

But now – with this information as a background – the readers of

this book are qualified to make their own judgment on the sub-
stance of the TAC/SAMA allegations against their own government
and against the facts of science.

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 255

Unfounded Allegations Made by SAMA and the TAC

The following paragraphs are taken literally from our response to

these allegations:

• The Applicants accuse us of distributing illegal drugs or

“medicines” in South Africa.
This is false.
The fact is that the products in question are vitamins and nutri-
tional supplements, not drugs or medicines.

• The Applicants accuse us of selling these nutritional

supplements in South Africa.
This is false.
The fact is that we have never been selling our nutritional sup-
plements or any other products in South Africa. We have been
donating them to community organisations in the country with-
out receiving any remuneration whatsoever.

As reliance is being placed by the Applicants (for alleging that

we sell our nutritional supplements) on the definition of the
word to “sell” into the Act, I am advised that legal argument will
be advanced at the hearing of the case that such a definition
would be unconstitutional, and the Court would have to restric-
tively interpret it, or outrightly declare it unconstitutional, in so
far as it is interpreted to connote “donate.”

• We are being accused of mass distributing medicines

that have not been registered with the Department of
Health in South Africa.
This is false.
Fact is that the only product donated in large quantities, Vitacell,
has been registered with the Department of Health on 18 March
2004 and categorised as a “food supplement for distribution and
importation into South Africa in terms of the Foodstuffs,
Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972”.*

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 256


• The Applicants allege that we are selling unauthorised

products in South Africa that were categorised as drugs
in other countries.
This is false.
The fact is that our nutritional supplement programmes are freely
available in Europe, the US and anywhere else in the world.*

• The Applicants allege that we are maintaining illegal

clinics in South Africa.
This is false.
The fact is that we have never had nor in any way maintained
any clinic anywhere South Africa. The nutritional supplements
were distributed to community members by the South African
National Civic Organisation (SANCO) at its own locations or
through community physicians.

• The Applicants accuse us of conducting “unauthorised

clinical trials” in South Africa.
This is false.
The fact is that we have never conducted any clinical trials in
South Africa. The distribution of vitamin programmes is organ-
ised by SANCO or community physicians with the informed
consent of the participants in these programmes.

• The Applicants portray themselves as the “protectors” of

the South African people protecting the public from
allegedly illegal experiments. They even imply a comparison
with the medical experiments of “German doctors” in the
concentration camps of World War II.
This is outrageous and false.
The fact is that the inhumane medical experiments conducted
among thousands of concentration camp victims did not consist
of the voluntary distribution of vitamins and nutritional supple-

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 257

Unfounded Allegations Made by SAMA and the TAC

ments. Those criminal experiments were conducted with patent-

ed chemotherapy drugs on behalf of the “IG Farben” cartel, the
world‘s largest pharmaceutical multi-national at that time con-
sisting of Bayer, BASF and Hoechst. This class of drugs were the
precursors of chemotherapeutic drugs like ARVs, which are cur-
rently heavily promoted by the Applicants for victims of AIDS.
These important aspects will be dealt with in detail later in this

• The Applicants allege that we are deceiving the public

with false and misleading advertisements concerning the
therapeutic effects of our products in relation to AIDS
and other diseases.
This is false.
The fact is that the placements we made in newspapers and
other media contained public health information – without men-
tioning any products at all. In fact, we have never placed a sin-
gle product advertisement in the South African media. The pub-
lic health information we published provided scientific facts
about the role of vitamins and other micronutrients in relation to
health. This knowledge has been documented in the text-books
of biology for decades and has been comprehensively con-
firmed at our own Research Institute.*

• The Applicants allege that they represent the interests of

the civil society and that we would be working against
these interests.
This is false.
The fact is that our natural health approach is supported not only
by SANCO but also by the “Traditional Healer’s Organisation”
(THO), the “National Association of People Living with AIDS”
(NAPWA) and other organisations. Moreover, our approach is in
line with the national strategic plan to combat AIDS developed
by the South African government.

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 258


• The Applicants allege that our micronutrients have no

proven health benefits for people living with AIDS and
would even be harmful. They allege that the only proven
therapy for AIDS patients are ARVs.
This is false.
The fact is that nowhere in the world have ARVs been registered
to be sold as a cure for AIDS. Moreover, the extreme toxicity of
ARVs – especially to the cells of the immune system – is undis-
puted. In contrast, micronutrients are known to enhance the
immune system function, a fact that is documented in every text-
book of biology and biochemistry. Moreover, while not being a
cure, micronutrients can reverse the disease-defining symptoms
of AIDS and significantly improve the quality of life of people
living with AIDS as documented in the report from the commu-
nity programme conducted by SANCO.*

• The Applicants allege that our conduct is being driven by

profit motives and financial greed.
This is false.
The fact is that all our activities in South Africa are non-profit.
Moreover, all our organisations in Europe and other areas of the
world serve exclusively non-profit purposes. To underscore that
fact, 100 % of the shares of all our commercial entities are owned
by a non-profit foundation and used to promote research and
education in natural health to the benefit of people worldwide.

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 259

Unfounded Allegations Made by SAMA and the TAC

Chapter_13.qxp 10.08.2007 12:20 Seite 260
Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 261
Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 262


In the following part of my response, I will outline the work of the

Dr Rath Health Foundation – not only about its present projects in
Africa, but also about its history.



Following is a short description of the history of our Foundation.

After recognising the importance of my initial scientific discover-
ies about the importance of vitamins in the prevention of cardio-
vasular disease as well as cancer we approached leading pharma-
ceutical companies. Our goal was to win them for a corporation
in order to make these important discoveries available to benefit
the people of worldwide.

In the context of these efforts in the early 1990s I personally visit-

ed pharmaceutical companies including the headquarters of drug
multinationals like Hofman-LaRoche in Basel, Switzerland, and
Schering in Berlin, Germany. In both cases I gave scientific presen-
tations about these discoveries.

While the representatives of these companies explicitly acknowl-

edged the value of these discoveries they, after some considera-
tion, decided not to take advantage of them. The arguments pro-
vided were sobering: they did not want to compete with patented
products, which they had in their product “pipeline.” In recogni-
tion of the scientific value of our research, Roches offered the
financial support for a research assistant, but I decided to decline
this because, in my view, it did not reflect the global responsibili-
ty of what needed to be done.

It was only later that I realised another reason why these corpora-
tions showed no interest in a collaboration: six years later
Hofman-LaRoche and other companies it had lured into a “vita-
min cartel” pleaded guilty of criminal price-fixing charges in con-

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 263

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa


The Dr Rath Research Institute
in cellular medicine in
California is one of the world’s
leading research institutions in
the area of natural health. No
other independent research
institution has published more
breakthrough research in natu-
ral health than this Institute.

This international research

team is led by Dr Aleksandra
Niedzwiecki (centre). It is
composed of a team of inter-
nationally recognised scien-
tists and doctors, specialising
in research on cardiovascular
disease, cancer, infectious dis-
eases and other global health

More research information:

nection with vitamin C and other micronutrients and paid a fine in

the magnitude of hundreds of millions of dollars. The dates of the
origin of these price-fixing scandals – the early 1990s – coincided
with my first contacts with them. Thus, while they did not want to
support our vitamin breakthrough – for fear of endangering their
own drug markets – these drug multinationals still wanted to par-
ticipate economically from the breakthrough and the foreseeable
increase in vitamin sale.

Compelled by the disinterest of pharmaceutical companies and in

order to develop the important field of vitamin research, we found-
ed our own Research Institute. Since no other funding for natural

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 264



Already two years before the Dr Rath Foundation started its work in
South Africa, Dr Rath shared his concept of an effective, safe and
affordable health care – especially for the developing countries – with
the leaders of the world.

At the World Summit in Johannesburg in August 2002 Dr Rath pub-

lished the below document ”Health for All by the Year 2020” in the offi-
cial programme of this World Summit, which was attended by delegates
from all over the world including more than one hundred heads of state.

Health For All By The Y

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 265

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa

Cover page of the official

programme of the
Johannesburg World
Summit 2002

Year 2020

Dr Rath participating at a podium discussion

with delegates from international non govern-
mental organisations at the 2002 Summit ...

... and discussing his 10-Step-Programme with

with delegates at the World Summit

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 266


health research was available, we decided to make the research

results in natural health available to the public in form of the
micronutrient programmes. The revenues from the sales of these
products served to promote further research in this field. I was sup-
ported in these efforts by Dr Aleksandra Niedzwiecki.

By 1999 we were able to establish our own research laboratory

and immediately started to focus on the field of micronutrients in
the fight against cancer and other diseases. Today our Research
Institute comprises more than 20 scientists and scientific staff, and
is headed by Dr Niedzwiecki.

Throughout the years, we have used the profits from the sale of the
micronutrient programmes to finance our natural health research
as well as public education in this field.

By 2004 I took the decision to formalise this non-profit character

of our research and education efforts. I transferred 100 % of the
shares I owned to a non-profit foundation Inc. according to the
laws of the Netherlands.*



Over decades, malnutrition and particularly micronutrient defi-

ciency has been one of the primary causes of immune deficiencies
in the developing world. Moreover, in countless international
health reports about the poor health conditions in Africa and other
regions of the world, micronutrient deficiencies and avitaminosis
were listed among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
especially among children. The 2002 UNICEF “Damage assess-
ment Report,” concluding that more than two billion people
worldwide suffer from “vitamin and mineral deficiency,” was
already discussed in detail above.*

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa



In April 2004 Dr Rath and his team of scientists were invited by the
Medical Research Council (MRC) of South Africa to co-host a scien -
t i f i c s y m p o s i u m o n n a t u r a l h e a l t h i n C a p e T o w n . D u r i n g t h i s t h r ee
day seminar the scientific breakthroughs of micronutrients in the fight
against cardiovascular disease, cancer and infectious diseases were

The picture above was taken at this meeting. Professor Anthony Mbewu,
head of the MRC today, is at the center. He is surrounded byscientists
from the Dr Rath Research Institute, including its head, Dr Aleksandra
Niedzwiecki, as well as leading South African scientists, from the
Department of Virology at the University of Cape Town.

In light of these compelling facts, there is no reasonable explana-

tion that so few vitamin studies have been conducted to develop
effective and affordable public health strategies and to help
improve the health conditions across Africa and the developing
world. However, as discussed in detail in part II of this book, there
is an economic explanation for this failure. Vitamins and other
micronutrients are non-patentable, yield low profit margins and

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 268


gins and threaten the multibillion Rand business with patented

pharmaceutical drugs in those countries.

For years, our Foundation and our Research Institute have focused
on promoting the knowledge of science based micronutrient
research in the fight against cardiovascular disease and cancer. As
of today, I am not aware of any research institution in the world
that has published more scientific publications in these areas of
natural approaches to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Thus, we
recognised our responsibility to expand this knowledge and to
bring our research experience to help effectively fight the AIDS
epidemic as the greatest health threat in the developing world.



Towards this end, in April 2004 we were invited to participate in

a 3 day workshop at the MRC of South Africa. Immediately follow-
ing our first preparatory meeting for this event in January 2004, the
global pharmaceutical interests and their political stakeholders
reacted. Through one of the international bodies it controls – the
EU Commission in Brussels (see above) – the astonishing amount
of 4.2 billion Rand (4,200,000,000 Rand) was allocated in a sur-
prise move to the MRC, the very institution the symposium on nat-
ural health was to take place.*

This 4.2 billion Rand transaction to the MRC

• was in fact a subsidy programme for the export of patented
ARVs and other drugs from Europe to Africa,
• was covered as a “charity” to help the poor people in Africa
and therefore

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 269

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa

• was “channelled” by the EU Commission through one of its

“ruse organisations,” the “European Developing Countries
Clinical Trials Partnership (ECDTP)” deceptively named to
cover what is described in Dr Angell’s book as “Marketing mas-
querading as research,”
• was paid for by millions of taxpayers all over Europe who were
unaware of this “ruse,”
• did neither serve the people of South Africa, for whom these
toxic drugs were designated, nor the people of Europe, who
had to pay for this giant drug subsidy programme, the only
beneficiaries of this huge amount of money were the European
drug companies, who would receive most of this money in
return for exporting toxic ARVs and other controversial drugs to


Dr Quintana was the official envoy of the European drug cartel and its
cover organisation ECDTP (see text) at the World Summit in
Johannesburg in 2002. Already there he tried to lure African govern-
ments with more than 3 billion Rand of EU drug money to test patent -
ed toxic drugs in thousands of African people.
This huge EU drug bribes – originally allocated for the entire African
continent – was paid in its entirety to the MRC in South Africa, short-
ly after our first meeting there in spring 2004.

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 270


It is a significant fact that the payment of this huge amount of

“drug export subsidy” money happened on the eve of a scientific
seminar with the participation of researchers from the Dr Rath
Research Institute and marshalling the scientific facts about the
health benefits of non-patented natural health and micronutrients.
This fact documents the paramount fear of the pharmaceutical
investment business.



The work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa has two main
elements: a) public health education and b) the donation of nutri-
tional vitamin programmes to community organisations, to be
given free of charge to community members affected by AIDS. As
mentioned before, this work is being supported by the Dr Rath
Foundation in Europe.

Initially, we had thought about selling the vitamin product

“Vitacell” which we had registered with the South African
Department of Health in 2004, and use the money to support pub-
lic health measures in the countryt. But we soon decided against
it because those people with the greatest need for these nutrition-
al support programmes – the AIDS victims in the poor townships
of the country – don’t even have the money to buy food, let alone
micronutrients. Thus, in 2004, the decision was taken to donate
these vitamins to community organisations and enable them to
provide these micronutrients to those in need.

As for the work of the Dr Rath Foundation Africa into the area of
public health education, these activities comprise the distribution
of books and other public health information. This public health
information contains general information about the role of
micronutrients and other natural and nutritional health approach-

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 271

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa

es. This public health information made clear to everyone that the
Dr Rath Foundation is a non-profit organisation active in the field
of research and worldwide dissemination of science-based natural
health information.

The need for health

education informing
the general public
about the impor-
tance of nutrition
and micronutrients
for optimum health
is especially com-
pelling in South
Africa. Here
decades of Apart-
heid have heavily
promoted pharma- Across South Africa, SANCO members and
ceutical drugs and other community leaders have become
left millions of peo- health educators in their communities, teach-
ple ignorant of their ing about the health benefits of nutrition.
nutritional needs Above Mzanywa Ndibongo from SANCO
and of basic health Khayelitsha.

Since there is currently no cure for AIDS, the task at hand has been
to bridge the time until such a cure is found. It is scientifically
undisputed that ARVs cannot cure AIDS and, in addition, are asso-
ciated with severe side effects. Micronutrients are no cure for AIDS
either, but because of their undisputed ability to improve the
immune systems – especially in people suffering from immune
deficiency conditions – they have to be considered an effective
and safe approach to help control AIDS. Thus, the widespread use
of micronutrients should enable the development of effective and
affordable public health strategies and help to win valuable time
for the governments of the world until a cure for AIDS is found.

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 272


It was obvious from the beginning of our work in the field of im-
mune deficiencies that millions of people affected by AIDS would
have immediate benefits from the implementation of micronutrient
community programmes. Moreover, the private sectors and the
governments of those nations whose economies are debilitated by
the costs to fight the AIDS epidemic would also greatly benefit
from this advance in public health.

In fact, there has been only one group, which has a vested inter-
est to obstruct this advance in public health and to discredit the
implementation of micronutrients in public health programmes
fighting AIDS. As mentioned above, this special interest group is
the pharmaceutical industry and its stakeholders who make bil-
lions of Rand with the continuation of the AIDS epidemic and with
the promotion of patented ARV drugs. For them the message of sci-
ence based natural, non-patentable approaches to the AIDS epi-
demic, would be a fundamental threat to for their investment busi-
ness with patented AIDS drugs.

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 273

The Work of the Dr Rath Foundation in South Africa

Chapter_14.qxp 10.08.2007 13:25 Seite 274
Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 275
Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 276




1. Disease – the urgency. The majority of the people in the devel-

oping world die from lack of adequate nutrition, namely defi-
ciencies in micronutrients and hunger. These conditions are
caused by poverty and health illiteracy and they are preventa-
ble. The global dissemination of nutritional health information
is a precondition for the prevention and eradication of today's
most common diseases.

2. Breaking the silence. The fact that billions of people have no

basic knowledge in nutritional health and die from preventable
diseases is no coincidence. These facts are the direct result of
this essential health information being deliberately withheld
from billions of people by those who build their economic
power on keeping the people of the earth illiterate with respect
to their minds and their bodies.

3. The mission of community health eduction is to terminate

health illiteracy for this and for all future generations of
mankind. This is the precondition to eradicate today's most
common diseases, save the lives of billions of people and
enable them to lead a dignified life.

4. The teachers of community health eduction. People of all

races and religions, young and old, lay people and profession-
als have to work together to educate themselves about the crit-
ical role of nutrition and micronutrients in maintaining opti-
mum health and to become health teachers in their communi-
ties. This effort should be carried by every single individual and
supported by community organisations and governments
across Africa and beyond.

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 277

Blueprint For a Healthy Nation: Overcoming Health Illiteracy

5. The schools of community health eduction. The ‘class rooms’

of community health education are not confined to regular
schools or doctor's offices. The basic scientific health informa-
tion is so clear and logical that it can and will be spread in
every living room, community center and just everywhere that
people meet.

6. The textbooks of community health eduction. Any book

describing the role of vitamins and other micronutrients in the
metabolism of the cells of our bodies, any book or information
medium describing the health benefits of micronutrients in
optimising health and preventing diseases can serve as an edu-
cational tool. The most important teaching tool, however, is
word of mouth carrying the health information to everyone.

7. The key health mes-

sage. Any community
health education has to
focus on basic health
information that directly
affects the life of every
single person: Health
and disease are deter-
mined at the level of
millions of cells in our
body and a lack of vita-
mins and other essential
micronutrients is the
most frequent form of Everyone should become knowl -
edgeable in understanding the close
cellular malfunction
connection between nutrition and
and – therefore – the good health.
cause of today's most
Become a community health teacher!
common diseases.

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 278


8. The scientific basis of community health eduction. The scien-

tific facts about the critical role of vitamins, minerals and other
micronutrients as life-saving biological fuels (co-enzymes) have
been established for almost a century and can be studied in any
textbook of biology, biochemistry and cell physiology. While
the textbooks of natural science take this basic health informa-
tion for granted, it is a sobering fact that this critical information
is almost completely absent from the textbooks of medicine.

9. Community health eduction will terminate decades of health

illiteracy. The essential cellular function of vitamins and other
micronutrients for human health were discovered almost a cen-
tury ago. The discovery of these natural, non-patentable sub-
stances posed an immediate threat to the pharmaceutical ‘invest-
ment business with disease,’ based on patented, synthetic drugs.

The most hideous crime in human history has been the with-
holding of the life-saving information from billions of people
about the essential need for optimum nutrition.

This century long obstruction of essential health information

was deliberately taken by the interest groups behind the phar-
maceutical 'business with diseases' in order to promote dis-
eases and turn the bodies of billions of people into a market
place for the 'investment in disease' with patented drugs.
Community health education is an important first step towards
the termination of global health illiteracy that has thus far cost
the lives of billions of people.

10. The expected fierce opposition against community health

eduction from the pharmaceutical cartel. The health illiteracy
of the people of the world, organised by the pharmaceutical
cartel, is a deliberate means to continue and expand its global
business with disease. Withholding life-saving information
about natural health was the precondition for the unparalleled
growth of the pharmaceutical industry over the past century,
making it today's largest and most profitable investment busi-

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 279

Blueprint For a Healthy Nation: Overcoming Health Illiteracy

ness. Community health education threatens the very existence

of this investment business, which is likely to fight back with
all means it has available.

11. Community health eduction supports the health and econom-

ic interests of the entire developing world. From its home
base of a handful of industrialised countries the pharmaceuti-
cal cartel exerts its deadly grip on almost all nations and their
citizens. With the availability of effective and affordable natu-
ral health approaches there no longer exists the need for the
nations of the world to succumb to the pharmaceutical monop-
oly on world health.

Developing nations can now focus their scarce financial

resources on implementing public health policies based upon
effective, natural approaches and save billions. This money
becomes immediately available to meet other urgent social
needs. The citizens and governments of almost 200 countries
in the world will directly benefit from the termination of the
pharmaceutical ‘investment business with disease.’

12. The historic responsibility of Africa. During the last half-cen-

tury the nations of Africa have liberated themselves from cen-
tury long colonialism and from apartheid. These recent tri-
umphs in an unequal battle between the oppressed and their
oppressors now render a particular responsibility to the nations
of Africa to lead this liberation of human health from the yoke
of the pharmaceutical cartel. By promoting community health
education and implementing natural health programmes across
Africa, the people of Africa and their governments can take the
lead in this global movement to terminate health illiteracy.

There now exists the historic opportunity for a similar step for-
ward for all mankind: the termination of health illiteracy. By
taking the lead in promoting community health education, the
African nations can liberate huge financial resources, prosper
economically and close the gap to the industrialised world.

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 280



This book was made possible through the discussions Dr Rath had
with many people as well as contributions and support from oth-
ers. He would like to thank in particular the following individuals:

Dr Alexandra Niedzwiecki, Dr Raxit Jariwalla and Dr Maud August

for the overall research and health contributions; Dumisa Ntsebeza,
Dr Christine Quanta and their team for legal advise; Chris Fairhurst,
Helen Kura and the entire team of dedicated people from the Dr
Rath Foundation Africa as well as Thomas Wenn for technical support.

Dr Rath would like to thank Maria Mhlongo, widow of Prof. Sam

Mhlongo, to support the dedication of this book to her late husband.
He would also like to express his appreciation to the President of
SANCO, Mlungisi Hlongwane, and his team of leaders, as well as
the leadership of the National Association of People living with
AIDS (NAPWA) and the Traditional Healers Organization (THO) for
valuable discussions.

Last not least, Dr Rath would like to acknowledge the role of the
SAMA leadership and the TAC, in triggering this important public
debate which will greatly benefit the people of South Africa.

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 281

Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 282


Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 283


Chapter_15.qxp 10.08.2007 12:22 Seite 284
Cover_02.qxp 10.08.2007 12:39 Seite 1

This book documents the historic battle that is currently being

waged in Africa to liberate this continent from the shackles of phar -
maceutical colonialism.
Taking a litigation launched by anti-retroviral drug (ARVs) promoting orga-
nisations against the Government of South Africa, the Dr Rath Foundation
and others, as a starting point, this book reveals the strategies of today’s
pharmaceutical colonialism in Africa. It shows how the AIDS epidemic is
being used as a gate-opener to create economic dependency and monop-
olise health care across the developing world.
However, to reach this goal, the pharmaceutical multinationals need to
overcome a strategic obstacle: They must silence the huge amount of sci-
entific evidence establishing micronutrients and other science-based natu-
ral approaches as essential in the fight against AIDS epidemic and other
The Dr Rath Foundation is a global leader in the field of research and edu-
cation of science-based natural health. It is represented in this legal battle by
two South African attorneys also known for their social commitment beyond
the African continent.
The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) was
created in 1992 as an umbrella organisation for over 2,000 affiliated
local organisations and a voice for poor communities. Today it is the
most important community based organisation in South Africa.

ISBN 9789076332567
R 45.00 This book is part of a community education programme.
All profits from the sales of this book support SANCO South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO)
community projects.
Discounts for community organisations are available.
Dr Rath Health Foundation Africa

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