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Chandan Kumar

(201) 844 0025 ▪ ▪

Key Technologies : Golang, Serverless(AWS Lambda), AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Helm, Kafka,
NoSQL, Python, Java, Distributed systems, Rest apis.

Senior Software Engineer Mar 2020 - present
Reseller Engineering: Working on integrating Twilio Sendgrid to external marketplaces like azure, gcp, heroku.
▪ Leading our Heroku marketplace integration, gathering requirements(product and engineering), design,
implementation, planning, SLO estimations, chaos engineering and estimated project completion.
▪ Worked with various parts of our business like our finance team to ensure we are getting the right billing data
from heroku and ensure sendgrid is getting paid the expected amount.
▪ Lead our Azure marketplace implementation, estimated project completion and completed on time.
▪ Designed and worked on cookie cutter/reusable code bases that could be used with different marketplaces, thus
reducing our time to market on new integrations, cutting time from 14 months to 4 months.
▪ Designed our DynamoDB model to work with every marketplace.
▪ Designed and built our metrics and alarms system using cloud watch and go-kit metrics.
▪ GO API’s on AWS lambdas using terraform.
▪ Prioritized and got stories assigned, learnt to deal with emergent work.
▪ Enjoyed working as Project Owner while being an IC, planned and negotiated incoming work up to 3 quarters
ahead, learnt that most of the time planning that far out did not work that well.
▪ Love to think and discuss ideas with people on and outside our team on how we can make our systems better.
▪ Mentored and managed interns, junior engineers, helped onboarding new engineers, focused on setting team
culture, setting expectations and going through 90 day plans.

Sendgrid (acquired by Twilio)

Senior Software Engineer Mar 2019 - Mar 2020
Anti Abuse: Worked to prevent abuse of our systems.
▪ Built a distributed system using GO on which policies could be added that will block abusive users.
▪ Worked on machine learning model generation for our phish detection system.
▪ Worked on using clustering algorithms to detect user account takeovers from large distances through IP.
▪ Was highly available with SLO of 99.999, sustained high throughput of 30,000 transactions per second.
▪ Designed and built our metrics, alarms and dashboard using Prometheus, Grafana and Alert manager, this
helped in issues being easily diagnosable and key metrics were easily viewable to stakeholders.
▪ The app was containerized, used Kubernetes and CI/CD using Buildkite, deployed using Terraform and Helm.
▪ Used Envoy as a sidecar to create a small service mesh for our applications.

Pearson Jan 2018 - Mar 2019

Software Engineer
Data Analytics : Worked on a machine learning based student risk calculation engine.
▪ Breaking a monolith into separate components improving our ability to maintain and debug.
▪ Performance tuning spark operations to run on a cluster of 10 nodes, processing 100’s of GB in data.
▪ Created Jenkins groovy pipeline to run the spark jobs, and ansible playbooks for deploying.
▪ Used random forests to create machine learning models.
▪ Created a dashboard to keep us up-to-date on the completion of spark transformations done.

Pearson Jul 2016 - Jan 2018

Software Engineer
Data Streaming : Worked on developing an inter application data pipeline and data storage application.
▪ Designed and implemented several light weight java sdks and apis, focused on fault tolerance and scalability.
▪ Assisted in architecting our fault tolerant and scalable micro services strategy.
▪ Consistently pushed for quality and ensure high code coverage, and fully automated deploys.
▪ Used AWS services like kinesis, sns, sqs, lambda, firehose, s3, athena, dynamodb and aurora.
▪ Used the ELK stack for easier debugging, believe in creating highly debuggable software.
▪ Successful in getting the application to process flawlessly at 15,000 requests per second.

Pearson - Associate Software Engineer Jan 2015 - Jul 2016

Pearson - Software Quality Engineer Jul 2013 - Jan 2015
Various internships Apr 2012 - Jul 2013

Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ May 2013
Master of Science in Computer Science,

University of Pune, India July 2010

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

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