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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

E-Books Store
A Project Report
Submitted to

Department of Computer Application

Lumbini City College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer


Submitted By

Anil Parajuli

Nabin Galami

Under the Supervision of

Bishnu Pd Chaudhary
Table of contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement..................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives.................................................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Scope and Limitations...............................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Scope:................................................................................................................................................................2
1.4.2 Limitations.........................................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND STUDY AND LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................4
2.1 Background Study.....................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Literature Review.....................................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN......................................................................................................................5
3.1 Methodology............................................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Functional Requirements...................................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements...........................................................................................................................5
3.2 Use Case Diagram.....................................................................................................................................................6
3.3 System Flowchart.....................................................................................................................................................7
3.4 ER-Diagram...............................................................................................................................................................8
3.5 Level 0 DFD diagram.................................................................................................................................................9
3.6 Level 1 DFD diagram...............................................................................................................................................10
3.7 Feasibility Study......................................................................................................................................................11
3.7.1 Technical Feasibility.........................................................................................................................................11
3.7.2 Operational Feasibility.....................................................................................................................................11
3.7.3 Economic Feasibility........................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 4. Tools and Technology.....................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 5. Activities Performed.......................................................................................................................................13
5.1 List of activities performed in this project..............................................................................................................13
User Activities..............................................................................................................................................................13
Admin activities............................................................................................................................................................14
6. GANTT CHART..............................................................................................................................................................15
7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................16

8. APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................................. 17
9. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................. 18


E-Books store is an online web-based application that acts as an intermediate platform for people who are
searching for book users can explore, purchase, and instantly access a vast array of literary works from
the comfort of their own homes or on the go. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores, online
bookstores offer unparalleled convenience and accessibility, providing readers with a seamless and
personalized shopping experience tailored to their preferences and interests. By leveraging cutting-
edge technology and innovative features such as advanced search algorithms, personalized
recommendations, and secure payment gateways, online bookstores have revolutionized the way
books are discovered, purchased, and enjoyed.
This introduction delves into the evolution and significance of online bookstores, examining their
impact on readers, authors, and the broader publishing industry, while also highlighting the unique
features and benefits they offer in the modern age of reading and literary consumption. nline
bookstores transcend the limitations of physical space, providing users with an unparalleled wealth
of reading material that spans genres, authors, and languages From timeless classics to
contemporary bestsellers, these platforms cater to diverse tastes and preferences forestring a dynamic
ecosystem where literary exploration knows no bounds with intuitive interfaces, personalize recommendation.
1.2 Problem Statement

Online bookstores face a myriad of challenges in catering to the diverse needs and preferences of readers in
the digital age. Firstly, limited accessibility hampers the ability of certain populations, such as those in rural or
underdeveloped areas, to fully engage with online book platforms due to inadequate internet infrastructure or
digital literacy. Additionally, the abundance of titles available on these platforms can lead to information
overload, making it challenging for users to discover books that align with their interests and preferences.
Quality control is another concern, as ensuring the accuracy of book descriptions, presents a significant
challenge for online bookstores, potentially resulting in mismatches between reader expectations and actual
content. Furthermore, the threat of digital piracy looms large, undermining the sales of legitimate eBooks and
posing a significant risk to authors' livelihoods. Pricing disparities, accessibility issues for individuals with
disabilities, security concerns regarding personal and financial information, and the environmental impact of
book production and distribution are among the other pressing challenges facing online bookstores.
Additionally, monopolistic practices and technological barriers further compound these challenges,
highlighting the complex landscape in which online bookstores operate.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of addressing the challenges faced by online bookstores are manifold. Firstly, enhancing
accessibility aims to ensure that all demographics, including those in rural or underdeveloped areas, can readily
access and benefit from the offerings of online book platforms.

 Enhance accessibility
 Improve browsing experience and recommendations
 Address pricing disparties

1.4 Scope and Limitations

1.4.1 Scope:

 Global Reach
 Convenience
 Vast Selection
1.4.2 Limitations:

 Digital Divide
 Dependency on Technology
 Limited interactivity

2.1 Background Study

Online bookstores have fundamentally altered the landscape of book retailing, offering a convenient and
accessible platform for readers to discover, purchase, and access a wide array of literary works. Initially
pioneered by companies like Amazon, these digital storefronts have evolved into sophisticated e-commerce
ecosystems, leveraging advanced algorithms to provide personalized recommendations tailored to individual
preferences. This level of customization, couple with the global reach of online platform has democratized access
to literature, allowing readers from diverse background and locations to explore a vast selection of books in
various format.

2.2 Literature Review

Online bookstores have garnered significant attention in academic literature, reflecting their transformative
impact on the publishing industry and reading habits Scholars have explored various aspects of online
bookstores, including their business models, user experience, and societal implications. The user
experience of online bookstores has been a focal point of research, with studies investigating factors
influencing user satisfaction, loyalty, and purchase intentions. Scholars have explored the role of website
design, personalized recommendations, and social interaction features in enhancing the browsing and
purchasing experience for online book shoppers.

3.1 Methodology

This platform uses the waterfall model as development methodology. This model is a linear and sequential
approach to project management, which is suitable for this project's scope and objectives. The project's
development process involves the following stages: requirements gathering and analysis, design,
implementation, testing, and maintenance. Each stage is completed before moving on to the next stage. The
developers are responsible for all aspects of the project development process, from requirements gathering to
maintenance. It is ensured that the requirements are clear, and that the implementation meets the project's
quality standards. The project has also been tested in implementation thoroughly to ensure that the final
product meets the requirements and expectations of the stakeholders.

3.1.1 Functional Requirements

 User Registration
 Browsing and Searching
 Book Listing
 Shopping cart

3.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements

 Scalability
 Security
 Reliability
 Usability
 Compatibility
 Maintainability
3.2 Use Case Diagram

Fig : Use Case of E-Books store

3.3 System Flowchart

Fig : System Flowchart of E-Books store

3.4 Level 0 DFD diagram

Fig: Level 0 DFD Diagram of FindMejob

3.5 Level 1 DFD diagram

Fig : Level 1 DFD Diagram of FindMejob

3.6 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study includes different aspects. Some aspects are as follows:

3.6.1 Technical Feasibility

The project is technically feasible as it is built using the existing available technologies. The technology like
laptop,internet connection,etc. required by E-Books is available easily and hence it is technically feasible.

3.6.2 Operational Feasibility

The project is operationally feasible for a user with basic computer and Internet knowledge. If any user uses it,
no special administration is required, and no special training is required.

3.6.3 Economic Feasibility

This system is economically feasible to implement. The economic feasibility of the proposed system is
evaluated by considering the costs involved in implementing and maintaining the system. This includes
hardware and software costs, website design and development costs, and ongoing maintenance and support
costs. The development cost is very low, and the users can use it at a very low cost, so the application is
economically feasible.

Chapter 4. Tools and Technology

Some of the tools and technologies that will be used in this project are listed below:
1) Visual Studio Code – VS Code

➢ React js
➢ Tailwind Css
➢ JS (Java Script)
➢ Firebase

Chapter 5. Activities Performed

5.1 List of activities performed in this project

User Activities

 Homepage
Homepage is the first page the user sees when they enter our website. Our homepage allows users to view all
posted books by admin. It also allows the user to understand the interface of the website. Users can also
choose to login from this page.

 Login page
Login page is the page where user inputs the credentials they have used to register as a user in our website.
Login page consists of email and password and after entering the email and password the user has previously
used to register the user is finally able to login to the website. After user logs in the user can buy books go to
cart page.

 Register page
The register page allows users to register for the first time on our website. After the user provides the valid
credentials to register the user is now capable of logging in to the website anytime. It includes username,
email, password. A user can use only one email to register, and that email cannot be used for registration

 Searching
The user can search the specific books or authors using the search functionality enabling them to quickly find
what they are looking for

 Adding to Cart
Users can add books they are interested in their shopping cart for later purchase.

 Managing Cart
Users can view the contents of their shopping cart, update quantities, remove items or proceed to checkout to
complete their purchase.

 Viewing Order History

Users can view their order history, including past purchase and their order status.

 Purchasing Books
Users can securely purchase books using various payment methods.

 Logout
Users can logout anytime they want from the website by clicking on the logout button.

Admin activities

 Login
Admin needs to login to the website through his/her respective admin credentials to access the admin
functionalities. After logging in to the website admin can see all posts done by users, the list of users on the
website and contacts made by users to the admin.

 Edit and delete posts

Admin can edit or delete posts made by users for security and decency reasons. They have full control over
the posts made by the users on the websites.

 Managing Books
Admin can add new books to the platform edit existing book listings and books that are no longer available.

 Managing Orders
Admin can view and manage orders placed by users, including processing orders, and handling any order
related issues.

 Logout
Admin can logout anytime they want from the website by clicking on the logout button.


Activity W W W W W W W W W W W W
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


In conclusion, online bookstores have transformed the landscape of book retailing, providing users with
unparalleled access to a vast selection of titles, personalized recommendations, and convenient shopping
experiences. Despite facing challenges such as digital piracy and security risks, these platforms continue to
evolve, leveraging emerging technologies and innovative business models to enhance user engagement and shape
the future of the publishing industry. Looking ahead, there are several key recommendations for the future of
online bookstores. These include enhancing personalization through advanced machine learning algorithms,
integrating emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive.



[1] Booksmandla books store
[2] “10 Key Features Every Online Bookstore Should have by Marry Walton(Forbes).
[3]"The State of E-commerce in 2022: Trends and Statistics" by Neil Patel (


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