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Essential Questions: Chapter 14

On the next available page in your course notebook, write a response to each of the following questions and prompts. Your responses must be written in complete sentences and should demonstrate an understanding of the course content. 1. Why is accurate to say that most Europeans lived in rural areas? 2. Why do the words of Christian theologian Thomas Aquinas the image of God is found in man, and not in woman: for man is the beginning and end of woman; as God is the beginning and end of every creature. - indicate that medieval Europe was in need of a womens rights movement? 3. What were the causes of rural poverty in Medieval Europe? 4. What is the relationship between the three-field system and the Great Famine of 1315 - 1317? 5. How did the Mongols improve / increase Western Europes trade with the East? 6. What demographic changes occurred in China and Europe, from 1200 1350? 7. What was the cause of the demographic changes that occurred in China and Europe, from 1200 1350? 8. What were the demographic and psychological effects of the Black Plague? 9. How did the Black Death improve conditions for laborers, serfs and peasants? 10. Why did the mini Ice Age and other natural disasters as well as the Black Death cause social change in Europe? 11. What impact did water wheels, windmills, and stamping mills have on the production of goods in Europe? 12. What were the environmental consequences of Europes increased use of mining, metalworking and the use of mechanical energy? 13. What aspect of medieval society was Geoffrey Chaucer describing in Canterbury Tales a master-hand at stealing grain? 14. In terms of trade, which was more successful, the Champagne Fairs or the Italian city-states like Venice? Support your response with evidence? 15. In terms of trade, which was more successful, Flanders or the Hanseatic League? Support your response with evidence? 16. What changes occurred in the textile industry in England and Florence as a result of the increased trade and competition that emerged in the late middle ages?

17. Why would the average person favor living in a trading city in Europe than in most rural places? 18. How did guilds impact the economic prospects for Western Europeans? 19. How does Peters pence represent the influence of merchant-bankers during medieval Europe? 20. Which family was more influential the Medici or the Fugger? 21. Explain why Gothic cathedrals exemplify the importance of Christianity in Western Europe. 22. What is Gothic architectures distinguishing characteristics? 23. Why were clocks popular in Europe? 24. How did the attitudes of Christian leaders towards money lending impact European Jews? 25. In what ways does the Renaissance represent a shift in European history? 26. What caused the Renaissance? 27. Describe the influence of the Christian faith on education in Europe and explain what opportunities guilds and universities provided the people of medieval Europe. 28. Describe the efforts of Thomas Aquinas to reconcile the philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome with the tenets of Christianity? 29. Why is humanism considered one of the most significant legacies to emerge from the Renaissance and what connection exists between humanism and writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer and Dante Alighieri? 30. Why was the printing press essential for the spread of humanism throughout Western Europe? 31. Why have artists like Giotto, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci shown up in your history book? 32. Which individual best represents the Renaissance; Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci, or Lorenzo the Medici? Support your choice with evidence. 33. Why is it not accurate to describe Western European monarchs as leaders with absolute power? 34. What innovations emerged during this period that reduced the effectiveness of knights? 35. Describe the conflict between the church and monarchs and explain what impact the Great Western Schism had on the power of the pope. 36. Why is the Hundred Years War considered an example of the transformation in politics and warfare that occurred during this period?

37. Why is accurate to identify the reconquest of Iberia as a religious crusade? 38. What is the Magna Carta and why do historians point to it as a step, all be it a small step, towards modern democracies? 39. Which group suffered greater inequities in medieval Europe Jews or women? Support your response with evidence.

Terms and People You Should Know [define each of the following]

bubonic Venice Erasmus Pope Nicholas V perspective realism Papacy Joan of Arc new monarchies

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