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How do you feel today? How much energy do you have these days?

English: I feel good today. My energy level is high.

Arabic: ‫ مستوى طاقتي مرتفع‬.‫أشعر بتحسن اليوم‬.

Are you a healthy person? How often do you get sick?

English: Yes, I consider myself healthy. I rarely get sick.
Arabic: ‫ نادرًا ما أصاب بالمرض‬.‫ أعتبر نفسي بصحة جيدة‬،‫نعم‬.

What are the best ways to avoid getting sick?

English: Washing hands frequently and eating nutritious foods.
Arabic: ‫غسل اليدين بانتظام وتناول األطعمة الغنية بالعناصر الغذائية‬.

Do you take vitamins? Do they really help people, or do they just have a placebo
English: Yes, I take vitamins occasionally. Sometimes they help.
Arabic: ‫ تساعد بعض األحيان‬.‫ أحيانًا أتناول الفيتامينات‬،‫نعم‬.

How often do you get a medical check-up? How often should people get a check-up?
English: Once a year. It's recommended annually.
Arabic: ‫ ُيوصى بها سنويًا‬.‫مرة واحدة في السنة‬.

Do you ever wear a face mask in public? Do you wear it to protect yourself or
English: Yes, to protect myself.
Arabic: ‫ للحماية الشخصية‬،‫نعم‬.

What healthy habits do you have (such as washing your hands before eating)?
English: Washing hands before meals and exercising regularly.
Arabic: ‫غسل اليدين قبل األكل وممارسة الرياضة بانتظام‬.

Have you ever broken a bone? What happened?

English: No, I haven't broken a bone.
Arabic: ‫ لم أكسر عظًم ا‬،‫ال‬.

Kids get injured often and seem to recover quickly. How well do you recover from
bumps and bruises these days?
English: Recovering well.
Arabic: ‫يتعافى بشكل جيد‬.

Do you trust doctors? Completely? Why or why not?

English: Yes, I trust doctors.
Arabic: ‫ أثق باألطباء‬،‫نعم‬.

Who is the healthiest person you know? What do they do to stay healthy?
English: My grandmother. She eats healthily and exercises daily.
Arabic: ‫ تتناول طعاًم ا صحًيا وتمارس الرياضة يومًيا‬.‫جدتي‬.

What is more important to take care of: mental health or physical health?
English: Both are important, but mental health is crucial.
Arabic: ‫ لكن الصحة العقلية أكثر أهمية‬،‫كليهما مهم‬.

People sometimes say that 'laughter is the best medicine.' What do you think this
means? Do you agree?
English: It means laughter can improve mood and health. Yes, I agree.
Arabic: ‫ أوافق‬،‫ نعم‬.‫يعني أن الضحك يمكن أن يحسن المزاج والصحة‬.

In your country, which traditional remedies or herbal medicines are popular?

English: Various herbal remedies are popular.
Arabic: ‫العديد من العالجات العشبية شائعة االستخدام‬.
Acupuncture, a treatment in which thin needles are inserted into the skin, is
common in traditional Chinese medicine. Have you tried it? If so, did it help you?
If not, would you like to try it?
English: No, I haven't tried it.
Arabic: ‫ لم أجربها‬،‫ال‬.

Have you ever been faced with a medical emergency? What did you do?
English: Yes, I have. I called emergency services.
Arabic: ‫ اتصلت بالخدمات الطبية الطارئة‬.‫ فعلت‬،‫نعم‬.

How do you feel when you see blood?

English: Uncomfortable.
Arabic: ‫غير مريحة‬.

Some people oppose vaccinations because they believe they are risky. Do you believe
in being vaccinated?
English: Yes, I believe in vaccinations.
Arabic: ‫ أؤمن بالتطعيمات‬،‫نعم‬.

How do you feel about surgery? Would you consider having surgery that isn't
completely necessary, like plastic surgery?
English: It depends on the situation.
Arabic: ‫يعتمد على الحالة‬.

What foods are good for your health? How important is healthy food to staying
English: Fruits and vegetables.
Arabic: ‫الفواكه والخضروات‬.

Lifespans are getting longer. How long do you expect your generation will live on
English: Probably longer than previous generations.
Arabic: ‫ربما أطول من األجيال السابقة‬.

How do companies in your country treat sick workers? Do employees receive paid sick
days to help with recovery from sickness?
English: They usually offer paid sick leave.
Arabic: ‫غالًبا ما تقدم إجازة مرضية مدفوعة األجر‬.

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