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South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183

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Assessment of genetic diversity among six populations of Rhododendron

triflorum in Tibet using ISSR and AFLP markers
J.J. Xu a, L.Y. Zhang b, B. Zhao a,⁎, H.F. Shen a
College of Landscape Architecture and Arts, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College, Tibet University, Linzhi 850400, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In order to assess genetic variations among Rhodendron trifolium populations sampled from Tibet and determine
Received 12 July 2016 the correlation among genetic variations, the geographic location of a population, and factors that influence
Received in revised form 6 September 2016 high-level genetic diversity, in total of 107 R. triflorum samples using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and
Accepted 13 October 2016
amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). All genotypes were collected from six different areas. Eleven
Available online 28 October 2016
ISSR primers and five AFLP primer pairs were screened, and 118 and 169 amplification products were produced,
Edited by J Van Staden of which, 96.61% in ISSR and 95.27% in AFLP were polymorphic. High genetic diversity was observed at the species
level: Nei's genetic diversity (H) was 0.3382 and 0.306, and Shannon's information index (I) was 0.5085 and
Keywords: 0.4642 in ISSR and AFLP, respectively. Both the coefficient of gene differentiation (GST 0.3752 in ISSR, 0.31 in
Rhododendron triflorum AFLP) and AMOVA analysis (75% in ISSR, 71% in AFLP) indicated that most genetic diversity was distributed
Genetic diversity within populations. Gene flow (Nm) was 0.8326 in ISSR and 1.1127 in AFLP. The analyze of unbiased genetic
Habitat types distances determined by an unweighted pair group method using arithmetic mean (UPGMA) phonograms
Gene flow indicated that there was a certain degree correlation between the genetic distance and the geographic distance,
Conservation strategies
which was confirmed by a principal coordinate analysis. The results maybe indicated that difference of geograph-
ical environment and variation of habitat types caused the genetic differentiation of R. triflorum. At last, some
conservation strategies for R. triflorum germplasm were put forward according to these results.
© 2016 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to use population genetics of individual species to establish strategies

for reasonable utilization and protection (Zhao et al., 2012). In addition,
The Tibetan and adjacent regions of China was one of the most determining genetic diversity can help identify the genotypes and
diverse alpine plants region in the world (Yu and Zhang, 2013). Ti- horticultural characteristics of the species, and can help to establish
betan provides the best habitat for growing azaleas and, together methods for gene transfer, which can shorten breeding programs
with Yunnan and Sichuan (Geng, 2010), forms the azalea distribu- (Okcu et al., 2015). Presently, research on genetic diversity is an impor-
tion center of the world. It is important to understand the resources tant means for protecting and utilizing germplasm, and it provides an
of Rhododendron in Tibetan. Rhodendron trifolium, the species in this important basis for breeding. Liu et al. (2012) demonstrated that life
study, is a perennial evergreen dwarf shrub inhabiting alpine re- forms, taxonomic status, and geographic locations of plants strongly
gions, and has a high ornamental value. As R. triflorum is a hardy or- impact genetic variation, and that these factors partition the genetic
namental plant that grows in the wild and has the potential to enrich diversity within and among plant populations. In studies in genetic
the alpine plant community and increase plant material for use in diversity of a wild species of sorghum, Basahi (2015) demonstrated
constructing high altitude landscapes, both Xiao et al. (2010) and that genetic diversity is influenced by human and natural factors,
Xing et al. (2011) suggested that this plant should be preferentially including altitude, soil, climate, and gene flow. Different altitudes and
developed. Guidelines of reasonable exploitation and utilization of regions may restrict gene flow between the populations in different
the germplasm resources should have been established to protect geographical locations, and then may lead to genetic differentiation
the germplasm resources of R. triflorum. (Arnaud-Haond et al., 2006). Recently, many studies of genetic diversity
Determination of genetic diversity is essential for conservation and have focused on geographic variation, such as elevation gradients
increased exploitation of genetic resources (Dvorakova et al., 2015). (Thiel-Egenter et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2012). Assessment of the genetic
Genetic diversity differs widely among species; therefore, it is necessary diversity in populations that belong to different geographic regions
could reveal gene flow and indicate strategies for utilization and
⁎ Corresponding author. A number of molecular markers have been used successfully to
E-mail address: (B. Zhao). evaluate genetic relationship (Abraha et al., 2016) and genetic diversity
0254-6299/© 2016 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
176 J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183

of natural plants (Mokhtari et al., 2013; Brandao et al., 2015; Larsen Table 1
et al., 2015; Moreira et al., 2015; Okcu et al., 2015; Basu et al., 2016; Overview of Rhododendron triflorum populations, located in different regions of Tibetan
Ngailo et al., 2016). Additionally, many molecular markers had been
used to study the genetic diversity of wild Rhododendron resources, No. Population Sample size Coordinates Altitude(m)
including horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, RAPD, ISSR (Liu et al., 1 Milin1 (M) 19 E94°00′48″ N29°11′22″ 2984
2012), SSR (Li et al., 2015), and AFLP (Tikhonova et al., 2012). Therefore, 2 Milin2 (ML) 20 E94°16′33″ N29°14′56″ 2965
it is necessary to choose the most suitable technique to assess the genetic 3 Bomi (B) 17 E95°21′47″ N29°57′52″ 2610
4 Galongla (G) 20 E95°34′39″ N29°35′06″ 3543
diversity of R. triflorum, based on cost and qualities of the techniques.
5 Sejila (S) 15 E94°43′36″ N29°49′27″ 3526
ISSR is a molecular markers technique based on inter-tandem 6 Linzhi (LH) 16 E94°19′36″ N29°40′17″ 2980
repeats of short DNA sequences (Al-Turki and Basahi, 2015), and is
widely used to determine genetic distances between organisms. ISSR
has many advantages, including simplicity, reproducibility, and low avoid sampling ramets from the same vegetative clone (Liu et al.,
cost. It does not require information about the DNA sequences 2012). Young leaves were sampled from plants of R. triflorum,
(Morshedloo et al., 2015), and it can produce a large number of frag- and dried directly in silica gel for transportation, then been frozen at
ments per primer. ISSR uses the SSR motifs anchored with 2–4 random −20 °C for storage till DNA extraction.
nucleotides as primers, which are anchored to genomic sequences to
generate either side of the targeted simple sequence repeats (Al-Turki 2.2. DNA extraction
and Basahi, 2015). Compared to RAPD, ISSR can detect a greater level
of genetic diversity (Dvorakova et al., 2015). Wolfe and Liston (1998) Total genomic DNA was extracted from 0.03 g powdered leaf mate-
demonstrated that ISSR can provide more reliable and reproducible rials using a plant genomic DNA Kit (Tiangen, Beijing, China) according
results than RAPD when using longer primers and higher annealing to the manufacturer's instructions. The purity and the quality of the
temperatures. extracted DNA were detected by 1% (w/v) agarose gel electrophoresis
Powell et al. (1996) demonstrated that AFLP is a suitable technology and a UV spectrophotometer (Liuyi, Beijing, China). The gels were
for assessing genome-wide marker distributions and estimating genetic stained with ethidium bromide (EtBr and EB) and photographed
diversity. Vos et al. (1995) also demonstrated that AFLP is a powerful using a Bio-rad gel documentation system (Bio-Rad Laboratories,
method for detecting DNA polymorphisms and marker analysis, Shanghai, China). Finally, each DNA was diluted to 50 ng μL− 1 and
because the primer combinations allow analysis of a large number of stored at −20 °C for further fingerprinting analysis.
loci and have high polymorphism as the same as reproducibility. The
primary step AFLP is the digestion step, in which the DNA is digested 2.3. ISSR amplification
into fragments by restriction enzymes without requiring sequence
information. Then, the fragments are selected and amplified. Zhang The ISSR analyses were performed according to Liu et al. (2012)
et al. (2014) proposed that AFLP markers are currently the better choice, with minor modifications. A total of 40 primers were designed by the
if sequence information is not known. University of British Columbia (UBC) and synthesized by AuGCT (Beijing,
To our knowledge, research reports of the genetic diversity of China). 11 primers, which could produce strong, clear and reproducible
R. triflorum have never been published. Moreover, although ISSR and bands, were screened from 40 primers using 6 individuals from 6 popula-
AFLP markers have never been used to study R. triflorum, they have tions and used for the amplification reactions for all samples in this study
been used to study other species, including Rhododendron aureum (Table 2). Briefly, ISSR-PCR amplification reactions were performed
Georgi (Liu et al., 2012), Rhododendron species from Far East of Russia following Xu et al. (2016), This experiment had been repeated three
(Tikhonova et al., 2012), and Rhododendron ferrugineum (Escaravage times.
et al., 1998). ISSR and AFLP are promising technologies for the estima-
tion of genetic diversity with high degrees of reliability (Zhao et al., 2.4. AFLP amplification
2012; Jena et al., 2015; Kumar et al., 2015). Furthermore, there have
been assessments of genetic diversity in other plants, based on ISSR The AFLP analyses in this study were carried out following Vos et al.
and AFLP markers (Das et al., 2015). (1995) and Xu et al. (2016) with some adjustment as. Selective amplifi-
Keeping into perspective view about the above discussed facts, the cations were performed in 20 μL volume by using 5 selected primer
present study was to clarify the genetic diversity of R. triflorum using combines (Table 2) and conducted in a gradient type PCR machine
ISSR and AFLP markers, as there is not any information of the genome with the following profile: 4 min at 94 °C; using 12 cycles of 30 s at
of this species. Moreover, the efficiency and usefulness of these two 94 °C, 30 s at 65 °C (lowering the annealing temperature by 0.7 °C
techniques in estimating genetic variation were compared. Ultimately, over each cycle) and 1 min at 72 °C; then 24 cycles of denaturation at
the results of these two techniques were compared and complemented 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 56 °C for 30 s, extension at 72 °C for 1 min;
mutually, in order to evaluate the genetic diversity of R. triflorum more extension at 72 °C for 8 min at last.
comprehensively. This analysis is expected to provide the information For estimation, the products of selective amplification, which were
needed to improve future methods for germplasm collection and to mixed with 7 μL denaturation buffer, were denatured for 8 min at
help establish reasonable strategies for the utilization, management, 98 °C and cooled on ice immediately. Each 4 μL of the denatured prod-
and conservation of R. triflorum. ucts was separated by 6% (w/v) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(PAGE) in 1 × TBE buffer using 100 bp Ladder (Cwbiotech, Beijing,
2. Materials and methods China), stained by silver staining solution ultimately.

2.1. Plant materials 2.5. Genetic analysis and construction of dendrogram

Plant materials of R. triflorum used in the present study totaled 107 For the genetic diversity analysis, ISSR and AFLP amplified fragments
and were collected from 6 locations of Tibet which were coded as which are distinct, reproducible and unambiguous were assembled into
Milin1 (M), Milin2 (ML), Bomi (B), Sejila Mountain (S), Linzhi (LH), binary matrix by manually scoring present band as (1) or absent band as
and Galongla (G). The detailed information of 6 populations is enumer- (0). The resulting binary matrix was subjected to estimate genetic
ated in Table 1. Cluster sampling method has been used to sample the parameters using the genetic software program POPGENE version 1.31
materials; samples were always at least 3 m away from each other to (Yeh et al., 1997), including observed number of alleles (Na), effective
J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183 177

Table 2
Oligonucleotide sequences, total number of bands and polymorphic bands of ISSR primers
and AFLP primer combinations.

No. Primer sequence 5′-3′ Amplification bands Polymorphism bands PPL%

1 UBC808(AG)8C 11 11 100
2 UBC810(GA)8T 13 12 92.31
3 UBC811(GA)8C 8 8 100
4 UBC817(CA)8A 6 6 100
5 UBC823(TC)8C 9 8 88.89
6 UBC827(AC)8G 9 9 100
7 UBC834(AG)8YT 13 13 100
8 UBC836(AG)8YA 10 11 90.91
9 UBC841(GA)8YC 13 12 92.31
10 UBC842(GA)8YG 15 15 100
11 UBC845(CT)8RG 10 10 100
Total 118 114 96.61

1 54–44 E-AGC/M-CTG 28 26 92.86
2 52–42 E-ACC/M-CAT 35 33 94.29
3 54–42 E-AGC/M-CAT 39 37 94.87
4 53–46 E-ACG/M-CTT 33 32 96.97
5 48–43 E-AAC/M-CTA 34 33 97.06
Fig. 1. Location of six populations of Rhododendron triflorum included in this study.
Total 169 161 95.27

69.92%. The order from the highest to lowest PPL based on ISSR was as
number of alleles (Ne), number of polymorphic fragments (P), percent follows: M N B N G N ML N S N LH, but the order based on AFLP was G N
polymorphism Loci (PPL), Nei's genetic diversity (H, Nei, 1973), M N ML N B N S N LH. The value for Nei's measure of genetic diversity
Shannon's information index (I, Lewontin, 1972), coefficient of gene (H) for the six populations was 0.3382 based on ISSR and 0.3060
differentiation (GST) and gene flow (Nm, McDermott and McDonald, based on AFLP, and Shannon's information index (I) of the species was
1993). Additionally, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used 0.5085 and 0.4642, based on ISSR and AFLP, respectively. Based on the
to calculate the population genetic variation with and among 6 popula- results from the two techniques, M exhibited the highest level of diver-
tions based on the difference of geographical region by using GENALEX sity with the H = 0.2645 (ISSR), H = 0.2467 (AFLP), I = 0.4008 (ISSR)
version 6.5 (Peakall and Smouse, 2012). Ultimately, using NTSYSpc and I = 0.3761 (AFLP). In addition, both Shannon's information index
version 2.10 (Rohlf, 2000), a matrix of Nei's unbiased genetic coefficient (I) and Nei's measure of genetic diversity (H) of M were the highest in
of 6 populations was used to construct a UPGMA dendrogram which ISSR followed by those in AFLP. The orders of I of the population, from
was used to illustrate the relationships among these populations, and the highest to lowest, were as follows: M N ML N B N G N S N LH (ISSR)
the data was also estimated using a principal coordinate analysis and G N M N ML N S N LH N B (AFLP), and the orders of H of population,
(PCO) to display the distribution of populations. from the highest to lowest, were M N ML N G N B N S N LH (ISSR) and G N
M N ML N S N LH N B (AFLP). In the calculation of ISSR, the two indicators
3. Results of B were almost equal to those of G. Thus it can be postulated that the
genetic variations in the six R. triflorum populations determined by
3.1. Genetic diversity analysis Shannon's information index (I) were consistent with those determined
by Nei's measure of genetic diversity (H), either in ISSR or AFLP; however,
The heredity of six populations was analyzed using the following the order of genetic diversity indicated some differences between ISSR
common parameters: effective number of alleles (Ne), number of poly- and AFLP.
morphic fragments (P), percent polymorphism loci (PPL), Nei's measure
of genetic diversity (H), and Shannon's information index (I). In the 3.2. Cluster analysis
present study, 118 scored bands, ranging from 2000 bp to 100 bp,
were amplified using 11 ISSR-selected primers (Table 2, Fig. 1.). The To analyze the genetic differentiation among the populations further,
number of generated bands per primer ranged from 15 (UBC842) to a UPGMA dendrogram of genetic relationship was constructed based on
six (UBC817), and the average was 10.7 bands per primer. Of the the Nei–Li coefficient matrices of the ISSR and AFLP (Figs. 3, 4.). The
bands, 114 were polymorphic fragments found among 107 individuals, genetic distance between every two populations was larger than zero,
which corresponded to 96.61% polymorphism. The number of polymor- which indicated that the six populations shared the same genetic
phic bands ranged from 15 (UBC842) to six (UBC817), with an average background. The coefficient range of the different populations was
of 10.3 bands per primer. The PPL of all individuals ranged from 100% to from 0.9242 to 0.6808, by ISSR, and from 0.9727 to 0.729 by AFLP. In
88.89% and the PPL of each population ranged from 63.56% to 82.2%, this dendrogram, all six populations were classified into two main
with an average of 72.60%. With suitable E/M primer combinations branches in both ISSR and AFLP. In the dendrogram of ISSR (Fig. 3), B
selected, AFLP was performed successfully for R. triflorum. Out of 64 and G were in one group and the other populations were in the other
primers pairs, five were used to selectively amplify 107 fragments group. Moreover, when the coefficient was equal to 0.92, the six popula-
(Table 2, Fig. 2.). Whereas the five primer pairs, 169 bands, ranging tions were clustered into three groups: one group consisted of M and ML,
from 1000 bp to 100 bp, were amplified, of which, 161 were polymor- one consisted of LH and S, and one consisted of B and G. However, LH and
phic. Based on banding pattern, the AFLP primer pair, E-AGC/M-CAT S were clustered into a group with M and ML in the dendrogram of AFLP
generated the highest number (39 fragments) of bands and the primer (Fig. 4.). The four populations who shared the same branch were
pair E-AGC/M-CTG generated the lowest number (28 fragments), with classified into three groups when the coefficient was equal to 0.96: one
an average of 33.8 fragments per primer pair. The PPL of the species group consisted of G, one consisted of B, and one consisted of M and ML.
based on different primer combinations ranged from 97.06% (E-AAC/ The Nei–Li coefficient matrix, based on ISSR and AFLP assessments,
M-CTA) to 92.86% (E-AGC/M-CTG) and the PPL of each population was subjected to principal coordinate analysis (PCO, Fig. 5a and b.).
ranged from 86.39%, for G, to 52.07%, for LH, with an average of The distribution of the six populations is shown in three dimensional
178 J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183



Fig. 2. ISSR pattern of Milin2 population obtained by the primer UBC842.

scatter plots, which provide a spatial representation among the popula- populations, based on ISSR and AFLP markers respectively, and that 25%
tions. The information about the spatial distribution of the six popula- and 29%, of genetic variation, respectively, occurred among populations.
tions was in consensus with the tree plots. The B and G populations AMOVA also indicated that a high level of genetic variation occurred
were clearly grouped apart from the others in the PCO plot of ISSR within populations. The mean values of the overall FST for individual
(Fig. 5a.), and the M and ML were grouped together. The PCO plot of loci, estimated by ISSR and AFLP, were 0.254 and 0.291, respectively.
AFLP differentiated S and LH from the remaining populations, of These values are significantly different from zero (P ≤ 0.001).
which M and ML were also grouped close to each other. To analyze genetic diversity further, the six populations were placed
into different groups, correlating with those determined by tree plots,
3.3. Genetic differentiation of populations from different geographical areas and then GST and Nm of each group were estimated by POPGENE
(Table 5). Based on ISSR, the genetic differentiation coefficient (GST)
As summarized in Table 3, the genetic differentiation coefficient ranged from 0.3662 to 0.0913 and the number of migrants (Nm) ranged
(GST) for the species, based on the six populations sampled in this from 4.9976 to 0.8653. Based on AFLP, the GST ranged from 0.2935 to
study, was estimated to be 0.3752 by ISSR, indicating that 37.52% of 0.0414, and the Nm ranged from 11.5779 to 1.2034. As summarized in
the genetic variation was distributed among the populations and Table 5, the lowest level of variation based on ISSR was Gr. (M, ML)
62.48% was within the populations. Based on AFLP, the GST of all and Gr. (S, LH), and the highest numbers of migrants (Nm) were Gr.
populations was 0.31, which indicated that 31% and 69% of the genetic (M, ML) and Gr. (S, LH). Based on AFLP, the lowest level of variation
variation was distributed among populations and within populations, indicated by GST was Gr. (M, ML), which was also the group with
respectively. In general, genetic variation was high within populations, the highest number of migrants (Nm). In general, the order of Nm is
whether tested by markers for ISSR or for AFLP. The gene flow (Nm), opposite that of GST, and the genetic variation of groups with four
calculated as Nm = 0.5 ∗ (1 − GST) / GST, was 0.8326 and 1.1127 populations was higher than that of groups with two populations.
when using the ISSR and AFLP markers, respectively. The results from
AMOVA analysis (Table 4) were consistent with Nei's genetic diversity 4. Discussion
(Table 3). AMOVA showed that 75% and 71% of variance occurred within
In the present study, we analyzed the genetic diversity of six popula-
600bp tions of R. triflorum that are found in the Himalayas and Nyainqêntanglha,
at altitudes ranging from 2610 m to 3543 m. There are previous reports on
the genetic diversity on Rhododendron; however, to the best of our knowl-
edge, research on genetic diversity of R. triflorum has not been reported.
In this study, a number of fragments and a high level of PPL were
amplified both by ISSR and AFLP primers (Table 2). PPL was found to
be 98.31% (ISSR) and 95.86% (AFLP) in species level, and I was found to
be 0.5085 (ISSR) and 0.4642 (AFLP), which were higher than that Liu
et al. (2012) used ISSR to examine the genetic diversity of R. aureum lo-
cated in the Changbai Mountain (PPB = 87.43% , I = 0.4593) and slightly
lower than the values obtained by Zhao et al. (2012) which found that
the genetic diversity of five Rhododendron species (PPL = 92.94%, I =
0.5565). These results indicated that the techniques were used success-
fully to survey the genetic diversity of six populations of R. triflorum. In
species level the Hÿwas found to be 0.3382 (ISSR) and 0.306 (AFLP)
which were higher than the average genetic diversity index (H =
0.2200) statistics by Nybom (2004). It indicated that all the sampled
R. triflorum had high level genetic diversity. In general, differences in
life-history traits likely lead to differences in the mode and speed of evo-
lution between trees and seed-propagated, selfing annuals (Cornille
et al., 2012). Moreover, it was pointed out that life form, mating system,
and environments are pivotal factors that influence genetic diversity of a
species (Liu et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2016; Dulya and Mikryukov, 2016).
R. triflorum is a long-lived, perennial, evergreen, alpine dwarf shrub with
Fig. 3. AFLP pattern Bomi population obtained by the selective primer combination a long juvenile phase and outcrossing and selfing abilities. One character-
E-ACC/M-CAT (100–600 bp). istic common to alpine plants is the ability to reproduce both sexually
J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183 179



0.71 0.77 0.83 0.90 0.96





0.78 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.97


M--Milin1,ML--Milin2, B--Bomi, S--Sejila, LH--Linzhi, G--Galongla.

Fig. 4. UPGMA dendrograms for six Rhododendron triflorum populations based on ISSR (a) and AFLP (b). M—Milin1, ML—Milin2, B—Bomi, S—Sejila, LH—Linzhi, and G—Galongla.

and asexually by sprouting prostrate stems in order to adapt to drastic opportunities for inbreeding and clonal crossing, which probably
environments (Rafii and Dodd, 1998; Liu et al., 2012). According to pre- reduces gene resources (Ellstrand and Elam, 1993). In general, inbreed-
vious research, the life form, mating system, and environment including ing and clonal crossing not only would increase opportunities for the
the influence of human activities, were used to explain the high genetic pairing and expression of recessive alleles that maybe the harmful
diversity in R. triflorum in the present study. First, different regions of alleles for the population's fitness, but also would augment gene drift.
R. triflorum populations from the Himalayas and Nyainqêntanglha have Moreover, the ability of low frequency alleles to enhance the adaptabil-
diverse ecological environments, which lead to variation in the types of ity of a population would be lost (Lande et al., 1999; Liu et al., 2012).
population habitats. The activities of humans have resulted in a signifi- Natural selection would reduce the population by eliminating unfitness,
cant reduction in the resources of most plants, including R. triflorum. and thereby reduce the genetic variation of the population. Another
Second, the long juvenile phase of R. triflorum provides increased oppor- factor related to genetic variance was environment. The difference
tunities for asexual reproduction. Abundance of natural vectors leads to a between LH and other populations was that LH was collected from a
high level of genetic diversity in populations (Hamrick and Godt, 1996; mountain that is located in a town. Human activities in the region
Zhao et al., 2012). Because of entomophilous pollination and wind inhabited by LH were higher than those in the locations of other popu-
pollination, exchange of these vectors frequently occurs between an lations, and these activities would influence the native condition of the
individual, which maintains high genetic variation. population, even destroying the wild germplasm of population LH for
The assessments using POPGENE (Table 3) indicated that the genetic market transactions. Phenotypes and genotypes that promote survival
diversity levels of populations M, ML, and G were higher than those were lost as a result of human activities, including collecting the plants
populations S, LH, and B, which have smaller sample sizes than others. for use as ornaments; consequently, this loss has impeded gene fitness
Previous studies have discussed how population size and sample size and reduced the genetic diversity of the population.
affect genetic diversity and concluded that smaller populations tend to To assess population genetic structure, the genetic differentiation
have lower genetic diversity than larger populations (Frankham, coefficient among populations (GST) was calculated using POPGENE.
1996; Godt et al., 1996; Trapnell and Hamrick, 2005; Liu et al., 2012; Both the ISSR (GST = 0.3752) and AFLP (GST = 0.31) indicated that
Andrello et al., 2016). LH, the smallest of the six populations, was dem- the genetic diversity mainly belonged within populations, which was
onstrated with the lowest genetic diversity. The results supported the further confirmed by the AMOVA results. As indicated by AMOVA, 75%
aforementioned theory and indicated that population size was a factor and 71% of variance occurred within populations based on ISSR and
related to genetic variance. Small populations tend to have increased AFLP markers, respectively, and only 25% and 29%, respectively, of the
180 J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183


M--Milin1,ML--Milin2, B--Bomi, S--Sejila, LH--Linzhi, G--Galongla.

Fig. 5. Three-dimensional plot of the principal coordinates analysis of six Rhododendron triflorum populations based on ISSR (a) and AFLP (b). M—Milin1, ML—Milin2, B—Bomi, S—Sejila,
LH—Linzhi, and G—Galongla.

Table 3
Genetic diversity of Rhododendron triflorum populations distributed in different regions, detected by ISSR and AFLP markers.

Population PPL% Na Ne H I Ht Hs GST Nm

Milin1 (M) 82.2 1.8221 1.4452 0.2645 0.4008
Milin2 (ML) 68.64 1.6864 1.3667 0.2175 0.3295
Bomi (B) 80.51 1.8051 1.3084 0.2006 0.3211
Galongla (G) 72.03 1.7203 1.3367 0.2069 0.3204
Sejila (S) 68.64 1.6864 1.2867 0.1818 0.287
Linzhi (LH) 63.56 1.6356 1.2820 0.1771 0.2773
Mean 98.31 2.0000 1.5751 0.3382 0.5085 0.3330 0.2081 0.3751 0.8326

Milin1 (M) 77.51 1.7751 1.4109 0.2467 0.3761
Milin2 (ML) 73.96 1.7396 1.3879 0.2342 0.3574
Bomi (B) 67.46 1.6746 1.2079 0.138 0.2280
Galongla (G) 86.39 1.8639 1.4098 0.2517 0.3887
Sejila (S) 62.13 1.6213 1.3932 0.2257 0.3345
Linzhi (LH) 52.07 1.5207 1.3170 0.1821 0.2706
Mean 95.86 1.9586 1.5138 0.306 0.4642 0.30 0.2131 0.3099 1.1127

Ne = Effective number of alleles (Kimura and Crow, 1964).

H = Nei's (1973) gene diversity.
I = Shannon's Information index (Lewontin, 1972).
PPL = Percentage of polymorphic loci.
Ht = average genetic diversity within species.
Hs = average genetic diversity within populations.
GST = proportion of species genetic diversity attributed to among-population variation. GST = (Ht _ Hs)/Ht.
Nm = gene flow.
J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183 181

Table 4 was located in Nyainqêntanglha, and M and ML were located in a complex

Genetic variation within and among populations of Rhododendron triflorum revealed by region between the Himalayas and Nyainqêntanglha. In short, complex
AMOVA, based on ISSR and AFLP markers.
environments resulted in variation among populations. Thus, the fact
Source of df Sum of MS Variance Percent of P-value that B and G were not clustered into groups with other populations in
variation squares component variation the AFLP-based analysis, unlike the ISSR-based analysis, can be explained
ISSR by extreme differences in altitude.
Among populations 5 517.010 103.402 4.955 25% 0.001 To further analyze the genetic diversity of the populations and to
Within populations 102 1484.749 14.556 14.556 75%
determine the reasons for genetic differentiation among populations, a
Total 107 2001.759 19.512 100%
series of genetic structure data was estimated by POPGENE and
AFLP GENEALEX. As seen in the analysis of genetic structure, the results of
Among Pops 5 903.187 180.637 8.930 29% 0.001
groups based on clustering indicated that the genetic variation within
Within Pops 101 2198.327 21.766 21.766 71%
Total 106 3101.514 30.696 100% a population was dominant. These results supported a previous study
that evaluated the genetic structure of populations from different
altitudes and indicated that genetic differentiation is consistent with
genetic variation among populations. These results are similar to those the mating system of R. aureum (Liu et al., 2012). The previous report
from previous studies (Li et al., 2015; Stout et al., 2015; Wu et al., suggested that the level of effective gene flow with more than four
2015). Geographical isolation and long-term natural selection allowed migrations per generation was enough to offset gene drift, thereby,
the local population to maintain a specific genotype, thereby increasing preventing genetic differentiation between populations (Slatkin, 1987;
the genetic differences between populations (Ng and Corlett, 2000; Li Liu et al., 2012). Assessments of two markers by using POPGENE and
et al., 2015); however, the low frequency of gene exchange, caused by GENEALEX indicated that genetic diversity among population accounts
geographical isolation, lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. Further- for approximately one third, which was much higher than that reported
more, the habitation of a small geographic region by a population makes by previous studies (Zhao et al., 2012). Analysis of the genetic structure
pollination among individuals of that population easier. Chappell et al. of whole populations indicated that the gene flow of R. triflorum was
(2008) suggested that genetic diversity within populations would be 0.8326 (ISSR) and 1.1127 (AFLP), which were similar to the gene flow
higher if vectors were limited to the pollination of only part of the in R. aureum (Liu et al., 2012). These data indicated although a certain
whole population. The populations in the present study grew in a region amount of gene exchange occurred among populations located in differ-
rich with plant species and isolated by a coniferous forest. As a result, ent areas, gene flow was not the only factor leading to high genetic
pollination among the whole population was limited, so that a high diversity. Gene flow between populations in the same group was
level of genetic variation occurred within the population. Additionally, analyzed to confirm the results based on clustering. As indicated by
Wright (1951) suggested that the genetic structure of outcrossing the analysis of groups M and ML, there was little diversity, but signifi-
species would be lower than that of inbreeding species. Thus, the cant gene flow, among populations. The gene flow between B and G
outcrossing reproductive system of R. triflorum may cause low genetic was approximately 3.9307 (ISSR) and 3.5867 (AFLP), and the GST was
variation among populations. 0.1128 (ISSR) and 0.1223 (AFLP), indicating that altitude maybe a lead-
To analyze genetic differentiation further, a dendrogram of genetic ing factor in high genetic diversity and low gene exchange between
relationships was developed, in which all the populations were separated populations. On comparing the order of GST with Nm for each group, it
into two main branches, based on both the ISSR and AFLP results. The was found that increased gene flow was associated with reduced gene
dendrogram from the ISSR results indicated that geographic distance differentiation between populations, which indicated that gene flow
significantly correlated with genetic differences among the six popula- was a significant, but not the only, factor effecting genetic diversity. An-
tions. The six populations first were divided into two main groups, other important factor influencing the distribution of genetic variation
and then were further divided into three groups based on different among populations may be the local environmental conditions.
longitude and latitude. Geographic distance also seemed to significantly The present study on the genetic diversity of R. triflorum was helpful
affect genetic clustering. The results showed that the six populations for developing effective strategies for conserving genetic resources and
were separated into different groups, in which the nearest populations for further breeding. Calculated by ISSR, the genetic diversity of M was
were grouped together, but the populations M and ML were grouped high and the others were low. Whereas the genetic diversity of M, ML,
with the distant populations, B and G. These results can be explained G and S were high and B and LH were low which were revealed by
as follows. Chen et al. (2016) suggested that the geographic distribution AFLP. Zhao et al. (2012) suggested that the genetic diversity within pop-
of species and the representative sample size could be pivotal factors in ulations should be considered for germplasm conservation and that
genetic diversity. Fewer differences in climate and environment stress populations with high diversity should be chosen first for in situ conser-
caused by shorter geographic distance might cause less variation in vation because they can maintain the greatest degree of genetic diversi-
the population, including phenotype and genotype. However, the ty. Furthermore, global climate change and the impact of the activities of
sampling region for this study was isolated by the Himalayas and the human beings are increasingly influencing the evolution and conserva-
Nyainqêntanglha Mountains, so that the climate and environment was tion of germplasm, especially in small plant populations. As proposed in
quietly diverse. B and G were located on the windward side of Himalayas, a previous study, mature individuals that maintain genetic diversity and
S was located on the eastern slope of the Sejila Mountain, which, like LH ecological adaption in populations should be first conserved to protect
reproductive fitness and evolutionary potential of those populations
(Cruse-Sanders et al., 2005, Wu et al., 2015). Because each population
Table 5 had unique genotypes and because gene flow was significant in main-
Genetic diversity of Rhododendron triflorum populations, belonging to the same group
taining heterosis of Rhododendron populations, populations from differ-
detected by ISSR and AFLP markers.
ent geographic locations should be collected for germplasm and ex/in
Ht Hs GST Nm Ht Hs GST Nm situ conservation in order to obtain healthy germplasm and to preserve
ISSR AFLP genetic diversity (Lienert, 2004, Devey et al., 2009 and Wu et al., 2015).
M, ML 0.2700 0.2410 0.1074 4.1552 0.2508 0.2405 0.0411 11.6748 Considering the results from the analyses of genetic diversity, genetic
S, LH 0.1975 0.1795 0.0911 4.9861 0.2422 0.2039 0.1581 2.6619 structure and the population size, population M should be chosen for
B, G 0.2296 0.2037 0.1128 3.9324 0.2221 0.1949 0.1225 3.5827 in situ conservation at first. Other populations, LH and B especially,
M, ML, B, G 0.3509 0.2224 0.3662 0.8654 0.2497 0.2177 0.1282 3.4016 should be chosen for in situ conservation and ex situ conservation in
M, ML, S, LH 0.2578 0.2102 0.1846 2.2080 0.3145 0.222 0.2941 1.2000
order to improve the level of genetic diversity and to prevent species
182 J.J. Xu et al. / South African Journal of Botany 108 (2017) 175–183

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