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G afternoon ,today I would like to talk about this blog post on globalisation.

author seems pretty relaxed about it, focusing on the good stuff like connecting
with friends, enjoying favorite foods, and unlimited downloads. Now, that's cool
and all, but let's look at the bigger picture. Sure, globalisation opens great
opportunities for cultural exchange and access to intense things, but we can't
ignore the other side of it. Globalisation has also negative consequences and lots
of people struggle from it . Now, when we talk about globalisation, it's not just
about sharing cool things. It also means different cultures coming together. While
this can be amazing, sometimes it leads to challenges. Some regional traditionals
and local languages might face the risk of fading away. And then came the
pandemic, in our case, COVID-19. This global health crisis made an inormous
influence into the interconnected world. Suddenly, the borders we thought were
less relevant became vital again. It affected not only our health but also our
economies and daily lives. Industries faced disruptions, and the injustice in
healthcare and economic systems became more relevant on a global scale. You
know, the job market takes a hit. Jobs can move to places with cheaper labor,
leaving some people without jobs or with not enough work. Downloading your
favorite shows is awesome, but let's not forget the impact on industries and
workers. The easy sharing of information worldwide can lead to more
competition, and not everyone can keep it up. It's like a digital race where the
fastest get the prize, and others might get left behind .Local businesses might
struggle against big international companies, and that's not always fair. The little
buisnesses face problems in this global arena. And let's not forget job security.
With globalisation, job markets become more connected. When a company has
problems on one side of the globe, it can affect jobs on the other side. Economic
issues can spread quickly, affecting jobs everywhere. So, while connecting with
friends and enjoying global cuisine is fantastic, let's be aware of the not-so-
glamorous side of globalisation. It's a balancing act, and we need to find ways to
make sure everyone gets a fair chance in this connected world. Cheers to a global
community, but let's follow the challenges it brings to our local job markets.

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