Mansi Jani - My Mother at Sixty-Six Assignment Worksheet

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New horizoN scholar’s school

Kavesar, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W)-400615

CBSE Affiliation No: 1130470
Grade: XII: Worksheet I ; English (301)
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: xx.xx.2024
Roll No: ______ Div: _______

Book Flamingo
Poet: Kamala Das

Kamala Das (1934-2009) was born in Malabar, Kerala She is recognized as one of India’s
foremost poets. Her works are known for their originality, versatility and the indigenous
flavor of the soil. Kamala Das has published many novels and short stories in English and
Malayalam under the name ‘Madhavikutty’. Some of her works in English include the novel
‘Alphabet of Lust’, a collection of short stories Padmavati the Harlot and Other Stories
(1992), in addition to five books of poetry. She is a sensitive writer who captures the
complex subtleties of human relationships in lyrical idiom. My Mother at Sixty-six is an

Background Setting of the Poem:

“My Mother at Sixty-Six” is set en route from the poet’s parents’ house to the airport. It is
during this journey that she suddenly realizes that her mother has grown old. Later the
setting shifts to the airport which is the universally recognized symbol of goodbyes and
Character Sketch of the poet Kamala Das:
She is the known to be the feminist writer. Her works eloquently captures the pleasures and
sufferings of women folk. As a true confessional poet, she takes her readers into confidence
about her private life. She has described her feelings of love and attachment towards her
ageing mother. One the poet went to visit her mother, she was on her way back to airport to
return to Cochin. She saw her mother sitting beside her dozed off to sleep open mouthed,
her face was ashen like corpse and realized with pain that her mother was ageing. She felt
sad, gloom, sympathetic, low-spirited looking at her mother so she diverted her attention
towards the car’s window pane and she saw the young trespass by, little children merrily
coming from out from their houses. It reminded her of her childhood when her mother had
been young whereas now she is encircled with the fear of losing her mother. She is feeling
anxious, worried and insecure. After the airport security check looking at her again the
poet feels the fear of separation leaving her mother as she would die of old age. She is
feeling hopeful to see her again and shows her brave front by concealing the swelling
emotions by smiling.
character sketch of kamala Das ’s mother:
The readers visualizes her mother through the eyes of the poet. The readers can understand
clearly about the relationship between the mother and the daughter. It is obvious that the
mother has been caring and loving parent to evoke such strong feelings of affection in the
daughter. When looking at her mother, who is now pale, dull, weak like a corpse and like
the cold winter ‘s moon she contrasts her mother with the young trees and the energetic
children that sees from the car window. The poet describes her pain and fear of loss
Place and Nature of Writing:
Kamala Das was born in March 31, 1934, Thrissur, Malabar Coast in Kerela. She was
British India – died in May 31,2009, Pune, India. Indian author who wrote openly and
frankly about female sexual desire and the experience of being an Indian woman. Das was
part of a generation of Indian woman. Das was part of generation of Indian writers whose
work centered on personal rather than colonial experiences, and her short stories, poetry,
memoirs and essays brought her respect and notoriety in equal measures. Das wrote both in
English (mostly poetry) and, under the pen name Madhavikutty, in the Malayalam
language of southern India. Her famous works – “A Doll for the child “,” Prostitute”,”
Alphabet of Lust” etc…She received many literary awards, including the Asian World Prize
for Literature in 1985.
Existing Theme in the poem
Ageing is a natural process-death-contrast between life and death, Subtleties of human
relationships -Expression and Emotions-responsibilities - Separation-Death-change-Phases
of life-loss -hope-helplessness-tolerance- It comprehend the transient nature of human life
-Evaluate different phases in human life using poetic device -acceptance with grace – Free
Verse Poem
Note-The whole poem is in a single sentence, punctuated by commas. It indicates a single
thread of thought interspersed with observation of the real world and the way these are
connected to the main idea.

Poetic Device-
1. “doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse”
Simile-The poet uses the expression “ashen like that of a corpse “to compare the face of
her aging mother to that of a dead corpse
Imagery – visual image of an aged person
Assonance- Use of vowel sound ‘o’, ’a’, ’e’ (doze, open- mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse)
2. “Driving from my parent’s home
To Cochin last Friday morning,”
Assonance: Here we see the uses of vowel sound that is “O”
Enjambment- The lines of the poem runs into the successive lines without any
punctuation marks.
3. She was as old as she looked
Simile- Direct comparison between the poet’s mother and her old age
4. Young Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes
Metaphor- Implied comparison between the young trees and merry children coming out
from their home
Personification- ‘Trees sprinting’ trees are given the human quality of sprinting ie. is to
run a short distance as fast as you can
5. late winter’s moon and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood fear
Simile - ‘late winter’s moon the late winter moon is compared with the old age of the
Metaphor- Implied comparison between the familiar ache and the childhood fear.
6. All I did was smile and smile and smile …….
Repetition: the word ‘smile’, is repeated in order to stress the point of helplessness
7. I looked again at her, wan, pale.
Tautology – Two meaning places side by side ‘wan’ and ‘pale’

Short Summary:
The poem “My Mother at Sixty-six” deals with the inner struggle of the poetess who
feels sad looking at the wrinkled face of her old mother. This reflects death. She is sad
and anguished as a loving daughter but prefers to concentrate on the positive aspects of
life represented by the merry children and the sprinting green trees. At the end she
leaves her mother and goes to her destination though she is anguished and sad.
Mother -daughter – Old-age- suffering-anxiety-tolerance-responsibilities- decision -sad
-happy moments-helplessness
Major Highlights of the poem

Major Highlights
Key words:

1Doze-open mouthed -face like ashen- corpse- late winter’s moon -> describes the aging mother.

2Pain of aging mother and childhood fear of losing a mother

3 Smile-

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