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Distributed Computer Systems Page 1 of 5

Evaluate various distributed technologies to improve the quality

LO1 of distributed enterprise applications based on the given case Final Exam
study (C5, PLO1) (40%, 2 hours Exam 100 marks)

Identify the future developments in distributed systems technology Group

and standards with organizaton needs based on research. (A4, PLO6) Assignment

Propose an appropriate programming language and system facilities to Group

develop distributed and fault-tolerant applications (A5, PLO7) Assignment

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 201904

Distributed Computer Systems Page 2 of 5

Figure.1 APU SOC Systems

In the above “Fig.1” explains that APU has its own security operations center (SOC) is a facility
that houses an information security team responsible for monitoring and analyzing an
organization’s security posture on an ongoing basis. The SOC team’s goal is to detect, analyze,
and respond to cyber security incidents using a combination of technology solutions and a strong
set of processes. Security operations centers are typically staffed with security analysts and
engineers as well as managers who oversee security operations. SOC staff work close with
organizational incident response teams to ensure security issues are addressed quickly upon
discovery. Since the SOC systems not followed distributed computing also it doesn’t support
hiding of its processes and resources in across multiple computers. If it supports, then we can
understand this is a distributed system and achieve its important goal called transparency.

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 201904

Distributed Computer Systems Page 3 of 5

How a Security Operations Center Works?

The SOC team is responsible for the ongoing, operational component of enterprise information
security. Security operations center staff is comprised primarily of security analysts who work
together to detect, analyze, respond to, report on, and prevent cybersecurity incidents. Additional
capabilities of some SOCs can include advanced forensic analysis, cryptanalysis, and malware
reverse engineering to analyze incidents. The security operations center also monitors networks
and endpoints for vulnerabilities in order to protect sensitive data and comply with industry or
government regulations. The key benefit of having a security operations center is the
improvement of security incident detection through continuous monitoring and analysis of data
activity. In APU the 24/7 monitoring provided by a SOC gives organizations an advantage to
defend against incidents and intrusions, regardless of source, time of day, or attack type.

Future Recommendations

Since the current SOC in APU operating based on two tier technologies and further like to
improve into three tier technologies. For the improvement of computational speed APU has
decided to invest in virtualization and grid/cloud computing. Generally enhancing and improving
the system infrastructure is the challenging tasks in every organization.

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 201904

Distributed Computer Systems Page 4 of 5

Answer ALL FOUR (4) questions

Each question carries 25 marks

1. a) One of the main advantage about distributed systems allows various transparencies which
makes system to be more flexible and support openness. Discuss in detail about various
transparencies in distributed systems.
(21 Marks)
b) Provide why transparency is always required? (4 Marks)

2. a) In the above given case study there are several processes have been carried out in SOC
system based on client server technology. Assume a parent class called Thread and the 1st sub
class / derived class is APU and then 2 nd sub class is SOC. These two classes uses to follow five
iterations of thread execution. Write a program based on these two classes which explore the
concept of thread.
(15 Marks)
b) In APU synchronous/asynchronous distributed systems are being running with other
networking systems. Distinguish any 5 differences between synchronous and asynchronous
distributed systems.
(10 Marks)

3. a) From the given case study the security plays vital role in order to protect distributed systems
threats. Briefly explain the four (4) available security mechanisms in distributed systems.
(12 Marks)
b) In order to increase the efficiency also to reduce the cost of investment for hardware resources
the APU management decided to implement virtualization system for all its branches. In your
opinion explain more on virtualization and how does it support to APU systems?
(13 Marks)

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 201904

Distributed Computer Systems Page 5 of 5

4. a) Describe about Grid computing with its elements.

b) Since APU runs various inter-department schools and being a pioneer in IT is highly
challenging and crucial. Even then APU currently following cloud computing services
throughout the campus. Consider you are one of system administrators in the university and
discuss about cloud computing with its services.
(12 Marks)

APU Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 201904

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