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Yêu cầu cho môn Đất nước học_Kỳ 2 2023-2024

1. Tổng số nhóm thuyết trình là 12 nhóm

2. Thuyết trình theo 6 chủ đề chính (6 Unit). 2 nhóm 1 Unit
3. Thời gian nộp slide. Cụ thể:
Unit 1: 01/03/2024
Unit 2: 02/03/2024
Unit 3: 09/03/2024
Unit 4: 16/03/2024
Unit 5: 23/03/2024
Unit 6: 30/03/2024
Địa chỉ: gửi mail ( nếu cẩn thận thì gửi thêm Zalo
cho cô, nhưng vẫn gửi mail để lưu bài kiểm tra)
Subject: [Đất nước học] Lớp…._Group …_ Unit ….
4. Mỗi sinh viên đặt 2 câu hỏi có kèm phương án trả lời theo từng Unit (1 về
Anh, 1 về Mỹ). Thời gian nộp câu hỏi trên link: Trước ngày thứ 7 hàng tuần
Link cụ thể
Unit 1:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:

5. Tất cả sinh viên đều làm câu hỏi phần Review Questions ở cuối mỗi Unit để
cuối kỳ, đóng quyển nộp bài nha.
(Câu hỏi này có thể sử dụng để hỏi trong các bài thuyết trình hoặc trong bào
kiểm tra đánh giá)

6. Tất cả sinh viên đều cần phải lắng nghe, ghi chép lại các bài so sánh của các
nhóm thuyết trình, các bài so sánh này có thể sẽ xuất hiện trong các bài kiểm
tra đánh giá.
What was the prime cause of the American Civil War?
What decision by the British Parliament helped the cause of American independence,and
When Britain asked the colonists to contribute towards the cost of
maintaining the British army through centrally-raised taxes, there was serious
opposition to this ‘taxation without representation’ (the British Parliament did
not contain any Americanelected members).
After the taxes had been repealed, there was relative peace everywhere except
Boston, but when Parliament exempted the tea of the nearly bankrupt British
East India Company from import duties, numerous merchants throughout the
colonies were threatened with bankruptcy, and colonial opinion united against
the British. So, when the first cargoes of this tea arrived in Boston harbor, the
American Patriots boarded the three ships on the night of 16 December 1773
and threw the tea into the sea - the famous Boston Tea Party.
Give a brief description of The Roman period (43-410).
The Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and
Wales, where the Romans imposed their own way of life and culture, making
use of the existing Celtic aristocracy to govern and encouraging them to adopt
Roman dress and the Latin language. They never went to Ireland and exerted
an influence, without actually governing there, over only the southern part of
The remarkable thing about the Romans is that, despite their long occupation
of Britain, they left very little behind. To many other parts of Europe, they
bequeathed a system of law and administration which forms the basis of the
modern system and a language which developed into the modern Romance
family of languages.
Moreover, most of their villas, baths and temples, their impressive network of
roads, and the cities they founded, including Londinium (London), were soon
destroyed or fell into disrepair

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