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GROUP : 627

A patient with ovarian cancer classified as T3c N1 M1, indicating an advanced tumor (T3c), involvement
of nearby lymph nodes (N1), and distant metastasis to the lung (M1), presents a challenging clinical
scenario. Treatment options aim to control the primary tumor, manage metastases, and improve overall
survival while considering the patient's individual circumstances.

1. **Systemic Therapy:**

- **Chemotherapy:** Typically the backbone of treatment for advanced ovarian cancer,

chemotherapy drugs such as carboplatin and paclitaxel are commonly used. Other drugs may include
liposomal doxorubicin, gemcitabine, or topotecan.

- **Targeted Therapy:** If the tumor is positive for specific molecular markers such as BRCA
mutations, targeted therapies like PARP inhibitors (e.g., olaparib, niraparib) may be used alone or in
combination with chemotherapy.

2. **Surgery:**

- **Debulking Surgery:** Aimed at removing as much of the tumor as possible, debulking surgery may
involve removing the primary tumor, any visible metastases, and affected lymph nodes. In some cases,
surgery may not be feasible due to the extent of disease or other factors.

- **Palliative Surgery:** In cases where complete removal of the tumor is not possible, surgery may be
performed to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

3. **Radiation Therapy:**

- **Palliative Radiation:** Used to target specific areas of metastatic disease, such as metastases to
the lung, to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

4. **Clinical Trials:**

- Participation in clinical trials may offer access to novel treatments or combination therapies that have
the potential to improve outcomes beyond standard approaches.

5. **Supportive Care:**
- **Palliative Care:** Focuses on symptom management, pain relief, and improving quality of life,
especially for patients with advanced disease.

- **Genetic Counseling:** Given the potential hereditary component of ovarian cancer, genetic
counseling and testing may be recommended to assess the patient's risk and guide treatment decisions.

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