Proof - Funds-Assinado - Pt.en-En (Arrastados)

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Translated from Portuguese to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


11thJanuary 2023



Please allow us to introduce ourselves: We are SoftWrap, a financial company based in São Paulo/Brazil, with a
network of contacts in private industry, as well as in private equity and global asset management businesses.
Recently, a business opportunity was presented to us; involving an offer to purchase gold. Unfortunately,
because we are a financial company legally we cannot present bank guarantees such as BG/SBLC or RWA,
being only available to prove the financial capacity of our institution. Making it clear that the gold will be
delivered in Dubai, for assay/refining in a licensed company and that we operate in the long term.

SoftWrap is a financial company and is therefore subject to the laws and regulations of the financial system
(Central Bank and IRS). More recently, a new federal legislation was introduced – LGPD General Data
Protection Law – for privacy and fiscal and banking secrecy of its operations and clients of our institution.

For this reason, we can only provide bank statements or information on financial transactions. Otherwise, we
are exposed to regulatory bodies and the judicial system.

On the following pages we will demonstrate our information on capital, bonds, deposits and financial
assets registered with the IRS and Brazilian Central Bank. All this information is public and can be
consulted by anyone through the Brazilian government agency. Just click on the link below and insert our
Tax Id 31544347000129.

SoftWrap owns approximately USD 900 million in financial assets. As you can see in the link above. Duly
registered with the IRS and Central Bank invested in Fixed Income, Bonds and in-house Investment Funds.

In anticipation, and acceptance by the supplier, we at SoftWrap are ready to start the operation.

King Regards,


Jilvan Pinheiro de Souza Junior

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