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2 Small group discussion: Which transportation mode suits the

Which transportation mode suits the scenario?

• What did the company do incorrectly during this time? Why do you think so?

Although Rail and Ocean transport is great for bulk transportation and cost effective, the lead times on
delivery and the process through which it goes is time consuming. As this was a pandemic these orders
should have reached the customers in lighting speed due to the situation. Costs were saved and orders
were secured but due to the demand they failed on delivery.

• How could the situation have been better managed?

As there were large orders to fill and orders secured for this period, I would have flown the first batch in
to be able to sustain the demand while the other orders were shipped in. I would have taken it a step
further. Locals were also producing PPE at this time I would have sourced locally still saving costs with a
quicker turnaround time. Keeping the customers supplied and keeping up with the demand.

• What would you have done to increase your competitive advantage and win back your former

With PPE now in full swing and supply is keeping up with demand. I would entice the client with the
value-added service they were given and double up on customer service, offer incentives with product
purchased, and high light the changes and improvements you have made with shipping, sourcing and
turnaround times.

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