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Republic of the Philippines

Calamba City School Division

Calamba City Science Integrated School
Chipeco Avenue, Barangay 3, Calamba City, Laguna

LimoTone: Utilization of D-Limonene from Orange

(Citrus x sinensis) Peels and Pure Chemical Acetone as a Liquid
Chemical Additive for dissolving Synthetic Latex Rubber

A Research Paper
Presented to the faculty of Calamba City Science Integrated School
In partial fulfillment to the requirements of Research 10

Nayah Meech D.V. Narvaez

Florence Chloe C. Sagaoinit
John Alex M. Wagan

Rowena L. Acosta
Research Adviser

May 2023

Rubber pollution is one of the reasons why the Philippines' environment is declining

with rubber tires as one of its leading sources, from automobile production. Many tires are

required to use vehicles, but the disadvantage is that they produce excess that are unlikely to

be used in the future. This study aimed to determine whether LimoTone, a product

synthesized from D-Limonene from Orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels and pure chemical

acetone as a liquid chemical additive for dissolving synthetic latex rubber, was effective.

Specifically, it investigated whether there was a significant difference in the product’s

performance between different amounts of D-Limonene and pure chemical acetone in its

effects. The experimentation procedure was divided into three set-ups, each with three trials:

nine individual test tubes containing LimoTone, to three different tests: mass assessment (g),

dissolution test (D:H:M), and elasticity test (cm). Set-up A had a ratio of 6:11 (6 mL of D-

Limonene to 11 mL of Acetone), Set-up B had a ratio of 1:2 (2 mL of D-Limonene to 4 mL

of Acetone), and Set-up C had a ratio of 1:3 (2 mL of D-Limonene to 6 mL of Acetone).

Steam distillation, product creation, and testing were all done at Calamba City Science

Integrated School (CCSIS).

Results were then analyzed using ANOVA (Single Factor). Data gathered testing

LimoTone’s ability to dissolve synthetic latex rubber was analyzed at 0.05 level of

significance, resulting in F value of 92.557 and F critical value of 5.143 for mass reduction,

and F value of 112.937 and F critical value of 3.106 for elasticity testing. For both mass

reduction and elasticity testing, the null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses

were accepted, indicating LimoTone’s effectiveness in dissolving synthetic latex rubber in

terms of mass and elasticity.

Table of Contents



Background of the Study.....................................................................................................

Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................................

Statement of the Hypotheses................................................................................................

Significance of the Study...................................................................................................

The Rubber Industry..............................................................................................

The General Public and Community......................................................................

The Environment...................................................................................................

The Future Proponents and Researchers................................................................

Scope and Limitation.........................................................................................................

Conceptual Framework......................................................................................................

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................

Review of Related Literature.........................................................................................................

An Overview on Rubber....................................................................................................

Rubber: Benefits and Beneficiaries...................................................................................

Rubber’s Environmental Impact on the World..................................................................

Rubber Pollution in the Philippines...................................................................................

Origin of Synthetic Latex Rubber......................................................................................

Synthetic Rubber................................................................................................................

Natural Rubber vs Synthetic Rubber.................................................................................



Orange (Citrus x sinensis)..................................................................................................


D- Limonene......................................................................................................................

Steam Distillation...............................................................................................................

Steam Distillation: D-Limonene........................................................................................

Dissolving Synthetic Latex Rubber...................................................................................

Other Chemicals used in Dissolving Synthetic Latex Rubber...........................................

Production of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) additive from Acetone and D-Limonene


Elasticity Test.....................................................................................................................

Indirect Weighing...............................................................................................................



Research Design.................................................................................................................

Source of Materials............................................................................................................

Location of the Study.........................................................................................................


Extraction of D-Limonene from Orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels........................

Creation of LimoTone............................................................................................

Experimentation using the Product........................................................................

Data Gathering Technique.................................................................................................

Statistical Test....................................................................................................................

Methodological Flowchart.................................................................................................

Results and Discussion..................................................................................................................

A. Quantitative Data...............................................................................................................

Mass Reduction Experiment..................................................................................

Elasticity Test (Before and After treatment)..........................................................

B. Interpretation of Data.........................................................................................................

Mass Reduction (Data Analysis)............................................................................

Elasticity Test (Data Analysis)...............................................................................

C. Qualitative Data.................................................................................................................

Source of Errors.................................................................................................................

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations.............................................................................


Summary of Findings.............................................................................................





List of Figures

Figure 1. Paradigm showing the relationship of the variables in the study...................................

Figure 2. Shows the relationship between the variables and set-ups.............................................

Figure 3. The researchers thoroughly washed four (4) oranges to remove any dirt......................

Figure 4. The researchers completely zested the oranges using graters........................................

Figure 5. Shows the distillation set-up at the head proponent’s home..........................................

Figure 6. The Research Methodology Flowchart..........................................................................

Figure 7. Trials 1-3 of the Mass Assessment Experiment After One Day....................................

Figure 8. Sample setup of recording the mass of the balloons (Day 3, Trial 1)............................

Figure 9. Recording of observations (before treatment)................................................................

Figure 10. Soaking the trial in the treatment..................................................................................

Figure 11. Trial 1, Day 1: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 12. Trial 2, Day 1: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 13. Trial 3, Day 1: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 14. Trial 1, Day 2: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 15. Trial 2, Day 2: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 16. Trial 3, Day 2: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 17. Trial 1, Day 3: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 18. Trial 2, Day 3: Close up view.......................................................................................

Figure 19. Trial 3, Day 3: Close up view.......................................................................................

List of Tables

Table 1. Mass Assessment of the three trials within three days....................................................

Table 2. Elasticity Test results of the three trials (before and after treatment)..............................

Table 3. Calculated results for F value and F critical value...........................................................

Table 4. Calculated results for F value and F critical value...........................................................

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Rubber is prevalent in our daily lives, emerging in everything from surgical gloves

and medical devices to clothing and car tires. However, the pursuit of convenience has gone

too far, and humans are wasting resources by not disposing of rubber waste effectively.

As of personal map surveying in the month of May 2023 in Calamba, Laguna, in the

approximate 9 kilometer traveling distance from Bucal to Canlubang, one can inquire about

rubber products in 21 different places. An estimated 10 of these shops are already established

corporations with prevalent names in the market industry that also have branches in different

locations in the Philippines, proving the demand for rubber. These shops offer various forms

of rubber products, ranging from rubber pads, plugs, rollers, linings, mattings, nosings,

footings, corner guards, window seals, anti-vibration pads, conveyor belts, wire stoppers,

bellows, blocks, bumpers, and some even offer custom-made rubber products and extending

to other materials, silicone-based ones.

One of its two forms, synthetic rubber, is made from petroleum. In addition to being

nonrenewable, the fossil fuel industry has significant environmental consequences such as

deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

A study conducted by World Wildlife in 2022 stated that the manufacture of synthetic

rubber contributes to the above problem by directly assisting the industry. Man-made rubber

production also contributes to air pollution because it emits toxins into the atmosphere when

heated for molding.

On the other side of the spectrum, the use of natural rubber latex in the production of

elastic medical products has also drawn a great deal of criticism due to the possibility of

allergic responses. While the percentage of the general population affected by latex proteins

is modest and the consequences are typically not severe, according to a study of published

data, it is still imperative that it is taken notice of, before this concern escalates into

something far more threatening.

Consideration of the four alternative material categories—PVC, polyurethane, nitrile

and neoprene, and styrene copolymers—results in the conclusion that these materials have

also their own known toxic and allergic effects in addition to inferior performance, which

only contribute to increasing health and safety issues. (Morris, 2013)

Modern manufacturing and application techniques have led to improved latex

production, and research into the fundamentals of latex is also advancing. Some of the newer

latexes include functional groups produced by the use of unsaturated monomers, such as

those containing amino and carboxyl groups in the polymerization system, those made from

solid rubbers using the solvent emulsion technique, and those with higher solids content, such

as agglomerated latexes that have a minimum solid content of 68% at low viscosity. Most

growing applications may include elastomer rubber that is both sulfur-cured and so-called

self-curing (non-cured). The strength of the latter comes from polar groups such as functional

groups (carboxyl) and/or have a substantial amount of styrene in them. (Howland & Brown,


Seeing as both sides of the rubber industry have their own disadvantages, the

researchers aimed to use D-Limonene, a colorless liquid hydrocarbon found in orange (Citrus

x sinensis) peels and pure chemical acetone, a hydrocarbon derivative, as a liquid chemical

additive for dissolving latex rubber. All of these elements either contain hydrocarbons or are

hydrocarbons themselves, so when they come in contact with one another, they will react

with each other—through dissolving. Through this study, the researchers used this process to

reduce rubber waste in the Philippines, specifically in their local communities in Calamba,

and Cabuyao, Laguna and possibly make products out of the dissolved latex rubber.

Statement of the Problem

Throughout the entirety of the study, the researchers aimed to answer the following


1. What is the effectiveness of using LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive for

synthetic latex rubber in terms of its:

A. Mass (g)

B. Dissolution (D:H:M)

2. Is there a significant difference in the characteristics of the synthetic latex rubber

before and after adding LimoTone in terms of its:

A. Elasticity (cm)

3. Is there a significant difference in the elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber in

proportion to the amount of time it was soaked in LimoTone by:

A. 15 minutes

B. 25 minutes

C. 35 minutes

Statement of the Hypotheses

Null Hypotheses

1. There is no significant effectiveness of using LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive

for synthetic latex rubber in terms of its:

A. Mass (g)

B. Dissolution (D:H:M)

2. There is no significant difference in the characteristics of the synthetic latex rubber

before and after adding LimoTone in terms of its:

A. Elasticity (cm)

3. There is no significant difference in the elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber in

proportion to the amount of time it was soaked in LimoTone by:

A. 15 minutes

B. 25 minutes

C. 35 minutes

Alternative Hypotheses

1. There is significant effectiveness of using LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive for

synthetic latex rubber in terms of its:

A. Mass (g)

B. Dissolution (D:H:M)

2. There is a significant difference in the characteristics of the synthetic latex rubber

before and after adding LimoTone in terms of its:

A. Elasticity (cm)

3. There is a significant difference in the elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber in

proportion to the amount of time it was soaked in LimoTone by:

A. 15 minutes

B. 25 minutes

C. 35 minutes

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to provide more data on the efficiency of LimoTone, a mixture of

D-Limonene from orange peels and acetone as a liquid chemical additive for dissolving

synthetic latex rubber. The following were benefited by the study:

The Rubber Industry

Given the unique properties of rubber materials, the overall use of rubber for a large

number of applications is constantly on the rise and becoming an ever increasing focus of

concern. Locally, the oversaturated rubber shops in Calamba, Laguna are able to utilize the

product to ethically dispose of rubber waste produced from their respective establishments.

As Calamba City is an urban-style location, Calambeños and officials alike cannot afford to

have massive rubber waste to lie round and about, especially without a safe method for long-

term management and disposal.

Currently, the only ways to dispose of rubber is through incineration and landfill, both

equally problematic in terms of efficiency and sustainability. Through this study, a new,

harmless way of processing rubber waste was made to remedy the longstanding problem of

how difficult rubber is to dispose of.

The General Public and Community

This study provided the necessary data about liquid chemicals derived from waste

materials that can dissolve rubber, specifically synthetic latex rubber. Moreover, it eliminates

the consumption of said rubber, which results in less polluted surroundings.

The Environment

Natural rubber is biodegradable because it is produced from plants. However, because

synthetic latex rubber is made from man-made polymers derived from petroleum, it will

dwell in the environment and continue to pollute it. Additionally, rubber takes 50–80 years to

break down due to its chemical components.

The development of LimoTone proved to have a significant impact on the

environment because the experimentation resulted in a cost-effective product that reduces

rubber waste. Furthermore, the resulting product also bases on waste materials that are not

harmful to the environment.

The Future Proponents and Researchers

This study also provided the necessary information for future researchers on the

effectiveness of LimoTone (D-Limonene and acetone) in dissolving synthetic latex rubber.

This also encourages the next generation to conduct research studies regarding Limonene

from citrus products and use it to benefit the people and environment. Furthermore, future

researchers may use this study as a guide to conduct research on other liquid chemicals that

can dissolve rubber, with the goal of developing a new and improved product.

Scope and Limitation

The study was conducted to see if using LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive for

dissolving synthetic latex rubber was successful in its objectives. In relation to the timeframe

and population, the study’s experimentations were conducted at the researchers’ school

campus of Calamba City Science Integrated School, namely extraction using steam

distillation and comparison of the different concentration levels on the synthetic latex

rubbers, and the task of updating the Project Data Logbook being on the researchers’ homes

as well—for the entirety of the whole research study that lasted approximately 4 to 5 months.

The study focused on the narrowed scope of the D isomer of limonene combined with

acetone in its objective to be able to dissolve synthetic latex rubber, not taking into account

the L isomer of the compound and other transformed forms of the chemical acetone. In

gathering the data needed, the efficacy of LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive in regard to

materials that are not composed of rubber were not tested.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Paradigm showing the relationship of the variables in the study.

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study, consisting of the

independent (amount of D-Limonene and Pure Chemical Acetone) and dependent (mass, rate

of dissolution, and comparison of elasticity before and after treatment along with in

proportion to the amount of time the synthetic latex rubber was soaked in LimoTone)

variables, along with other factors. The product LimoTone was affected by the amounts of

the two main constituents of the study, which then affected the significant difference overall

regarding its accuracy, potency, and efficiency.

Definition of Terms

Acetone — a manufactured chemical that is also found naturally in the environment. It is a

colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste. It evaporates easily, is flammable, and

dissolves in water. In this study, the term referred to the chemical to be mixed with D-

Limonene to create a liquid chemical additive to dissolve synthetic latex rubber, LimoTone.

Chemical — any substance composed of identical molecules consisting of atoms of two or

more chemical elements. In this study, the term referred to D-Limonene and acetone as the

main constituents of the study.

Dissolution — the action or process of dissolving. In this study, the term referred to the rate

in which the synthetic latex rubber dissolved after it reacted as it was treated with LimoTone,

measured in Days:Hours:Minutes (D:H:M).

D-Limonene — also known as R-limonene, a clear colorless mobile liquid with a pleasant

lemon-like odor. In this study, the term referred to one of the two main components of the

product, LimoTone.

Elasticity — the ability of a deformed material body to return to its original shape and size

when the forces causing the deformation are removed. In this study, the term referred to the

initial and final elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber as it was treated with LimoTone,

measured in centimeters (cm).

Hydrocarbon — any of a class of organic chemical compounds composed only of the

elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). They are the principal constituents of petroleum and

natural gas. In this study, the term referred to D-Limonene and acetone as descriptions, being

as they are aliphatic and a derivative, respectively.

Limonene — an oral dietary supplement containing a natural cyclic monoterpene, and a major

component of the oil extracted from citrus peels, with potential chemo-preventive and

antineoplastic activities. In this study, the term referred to the original compound in which the

D-Limonene is extracted from.

L-Limonene — also known as S-limonene, produced by caraway, dill, and bergamot plants;

its piney odor contributes to the flavors and aromas of the plants’ edible portions. In this

study, the term referred to one of the two main subproducts of the content produced from

citrus products, Limonene.

Mass — the quantitative measure of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. In this

study, the term referred to the initial and final mass of the synthetic latex rubber as it was

treated with LimoTone, measured in grams (g).

Natural Rubber — is obtained from latex, a milky liquid present in either the latex vessels

(ducts) or in the cells of rubber-producing plants. In this study, the term referred to one of the

two main forms of rubber, the target objective of the study.

Orange — any of several species of small trees or shrubs of the genus Citrus of the family

Rutaceae and their nearly round fruits, which have leathery and oily rinds and edible, juicy

inner flesh. In this study, the term referred to the fruit source of the compound D-Limonene

(derived from Limonene), one of the two main components of the product, LimoTone.

Rubber — an elastic substance obtained from the exudations of certain tropical plants

(natural rubber) or derived from petroleum and natural gas (synthetic rubber). In this study,

the term referred to the origin form of the material being tested for a liquid chemical additive,

synthetic latex.

Synthetic Rubber — is produced from petroleum and natural gas. It is obtained by

polymerization of 1, 3 – butadiene derivatives or by copolymerization of 1, 3 – butadiene

along with an unsaturated monomer. In this study, the term referred to one of the two main

forms of rubber, the target objective of the study.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

The researchers decided to conduct a study about utilizing organic materials such as

orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels and pure chemical acetone for dissolving synthetic latex

rubber because of the rapidly expanding trend and technological advancements in today’s

world. This chapter discusses related literature and studies that are relevant to this research.

This study was supported by literature from both local and foreign researchers. This research

has included aspects and topics pertaining to the use of D-Limonene from orange peels as an

additive solution for dissolving synthetic latex rubber. Overall, this chapter contains the

ideas, conclusions, and information needed to fully comprehend this research.

An Overview on Rubber

Rubber is one of the most commonly used materials in the world. It is generally

defined as an elastic substance that can be obtained from the exudations of certain tropical

plants (natural rubber) or derived from petroleum and natural gas (synthetic rubber). This

material is frequently seen in the tires of automobiles, aircrafts, and bicycles, but it is also

found in products such as toys and furniture. Furthermore, rubber is widely used due to its

basic properties, which include elasticity, thermal contraction, and durability.

Rubber has many properties that vary due to its various types. An example of this is

natural rubber, which as stated above, can be obtained from the exudations of tropical plants.

It is used in adhesives, flooring and roofing, gloves, and tires. Other types of rubber are

classified as synthetic rubber and silicone rubber. Additionally, Neoprene rubber, also known

as chloroprene, nitrile rubber, Buna-N, and EPDM rubber are also types of rubber. These

types provide excellent noise and thermal insulation. In addition, Styrene-Butadiene rubber

(SBR) is a type of rubber that is used in cutting boards, gaskets, and shoe soles. (Everything

You Need to Know About Different Types of Rubber: Names, Properties, and Uses, n.d.).

Rubber: Benefits and Beneficiaries

Because of its versatility as a material, rubber has set an industry standard for medical

supplies. Its numerous applications to the lifesaving and health-improving work done by all

types of doctors have benefited the medical business as a whole. Of course, rubber has use in

a variety of other industries. However, medical applications are more common and profitable.

Rubber's versatility is one of the reasons why it is useful in so many industries.

Rubber comes in a variety of forms, which means there are numerous options and types of

rubber to utilize for various treatments. Because there are many different types of rubber,

many people who are allergic to one or more types of rubber can use another type as an


Other than that, rubber is highly involved in the medical industry at is needed there in

a lot of ways. One of its prime uses for it is the fact that rubber is compatible sterilization

procedures. Dry heat, steam autoclaving, ethylene oxide, gamma radiation, and electron

beams are some of the sterilizing procedures routinely utilized for medical devices.

Vulcanized rubber components can normally survive a variety of ways. Device manufacturers

should examine sterilizing procedures to see if they are appropriate for the rubber being used.

Rubber’s Environmental Impact on the World

Humans have indeed created rubber for society but other than having human society

impact, it also leaves a huge impact on our environment. Natural rubber is one of the most

significant polymers for human society; it is a vital raw material used in the manufacture of

over 40,000 goods, including medical gadgets, surgical gloves, airplane and vehicle tires,

pacifiers, garments, toys, and so on. Regular elastic is generally viewed as a more eco-

accommodating and preferred item over manufactured elastic, however it actually presents a

few issues. Normal elastic adds to deforestation, biodiversity misfortune, contamination, and

the sky is the limit from there. Natural rubber is also under threat from disease and climate


Rubber Pollution in the Philippines

Rubber pollution, along with plastic pollution, is one of the reasons why the

Philippines' environment is declining. Rubber tires are one of the sources of rubber pollution

in the country, with automobiles being one of the products that are being produced as

technology continues to improve and grow. Many rubber tires are required in order to use a

vehicle. The disadvantage of these tires is that they produce excess tires that are unlikely to

be used in the future.

On December 28, 2012, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)

issued a press release. According to reports, Rogelio L. Singson, the department’s Secretary,

issued an order prohibiting the burning of rubber tires on public roads. In previous years,

people were seen burning rubber tires and other materials as bonfires to celebrate the New

Year. Singson called on the Philippine National Police (PNP) and local governments to

strictly enforce the prohibition on burning rubber tires on public roads.

Origin of Synthetic Latex Rubber

Synthetic rubber (EPR) was first manufactured in 1961 using broad MWD multisided

vanadium catalysts (Abd-El-Aziz, A.S. et al., 2012). According to various studies, Gustave

Boucharde discovered in 1879 that heating isoprene with hydrochloric acid produced a

rubberlike polymer, which sparked the development of synthetic rubber technology. Natural

rubber price fluctuations, according to the American Chemical Society, influenced synthetic

rubber research during the 1920s. Prices were generally low, but British export restrictions on

natural rubber from British Malaya imposed in 1922, combined with the resulting price

increase, prompted the establishment of modest synthetic rubber research programs in the

Soviet Union, Germany, and the United States between 1925 and 1932.

Synthetic Rubber

The synthetic rubber category includes several types of rubber. Synthetic rubbers,

such as buna rubbers, butyl rubbers, and neoprene, are generally developed for applications

requiring special properties.

It is widely recognized that synthetic rubber refers to any artificial elastomer.

According to the American Chemical Society, synthetic rubber accounts for 70% of rubber

used in manufacturing processes today. Numerous tasks can be done with synthetic rubber.

Tire production in the transportation industry, hoses, tubes, and elevator belts in the

construction industry, and erasers, good footwear, and sports items for consumer goods are

some of its applications. For certain uses, synthetic rubber may be preferred over natural

rubber if the price difference is not excessive.

Natural Rubber vs. Synthetic Rubber

Rubber comes in two varieties: natural rubber and synthetic rubber. When it comes to

this topic, one of the most frequently asked questions is about their differences. Natural

rubber is made from the native Brazilian plant Hevea Brasiliense. Synthetic rubber is

synthesized from a number of polymers, which give the rubber its properties. Both natural

rubber and synthetic rubber (IR) have high tensile strength, low temperature flexibility, and

tear resistance despite being produced in different ways, naturally and artificially.

Natural rubber, on the other hand, has a higher tensile strength, greater tear resistance,

and a lower odor than synthetic rubber. In general, synthetic rubber outperforms natural

rubber in terms of temperature resistance, aging resistance, and abrasion resistance. Synthetic

rubber is also less expensive to manufacture. Another factor to consider when deciding

between natural and synthetic rubber includes the fact that natural rubber contains natural

proteins that can cause allergic reactions when in contact with human skin for an extended

period of time.


Hydrocarbons are carbon and hydrogen compounds that comprise the vast majority of

crude oil, processed petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, fuel oil, and

lubricating oil), coal tar, creosote, dyestuff, and pyrolysis waste products (Treatise on

Geochemistry, 2007). The majority of hydrocarbons found in nature are found in crude oil,

which contains an abundance of carbon and hydrogen that can catenate to form seemingly

infinite chains when bonded (Penton, Kitson, & Sparkman, 2011).

The four subcategories of hydrocarbons are alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic

hydrocarbons, which can have simple or relatively complex structures. Hydrocarbon research

may contribute to shed insight into the chemistry and production of other functional groups.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which is made from hydrocarbons such as propane and

butane, is also used as a commercial fuel. Benzene, one of the most basic aromatic

hydrocarbons, is used as the primary building block in the production of many synthetic


D-Limonene is a colorless liquid hydrocarbon found in orange (Citrus x sinensis)

peels and pure chemical acetone is a hydrocarbon derivative. All these elements either

contain hydrocarbons or are hydrocarbons themselves, so when they come into contact with

one another, they will react with each other through dissolving.


Acetone is a chemical that is both manufactured and naturally occurring in the

environment. Its molecular formula is C3H6O, CH3-CO-CH3 or CH3COCH3. It is a

colorless liquid with a distinct odor and flavor. It easily evaporates, is flammable, and

dissolves in water. It is also known as dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, and beta-ketopropane.

Acetone is utilized in the production of plastic, fibers, drugs, and other chemicals.

Acetone is also used as a material dissolver. A chemical that can dissolve other

substances is called a solvent, like acetone. Because it can dissolve both polar and nonpolar

substances, acetone is a good solvent; other solvents can only dissolve one or the other.

Because acetone has elements in its chemical composition that are both polar and nonpolar, it

can be used with both organic and inorganic substances. The chemical has been identified as

the safest substance to dissolve rubber. Aside from rubber, acetone can dissolve many fats

and resins, as well as cellulose ethers, cellulose acetate, nitrocellulose, and other cellulose


Orange (Citrus x sinensis)

Citrus x sinensis, also known as navel orange, orange, or sweet orange, is an

evergreen tree in the Rutaceous family that can grow up to 30 feet tall in tropical and

subtropical climates, and its fruit is sold in supermarkets. It is a hybrid created by crossing a

mandarin orange and a pomelo, though the exact date of this creation is unknown. Its name,

however, means "from China," and most likely refers to where it was first grown and used.

(N.C. Cooperative Extension, n.d.).

Oranges provide an abundance of benefits. Oranges, as a fruit, tend to be high in

Vitamin C, which benefits the human body in a variety of ways. Naturally, vitamin C protects

the body from harm. It also helps to produce the protein collagen, which soothes the skin and

aids in wound healing. Furthermore, it reduces the fight against anemia. In addition to the

other ingredients, orange contains D-Limonene. Orange Terpenes (D-Limonene) is a 100%

biodegradable product derived from orange oil fractional high vacuum distillation. Because

of the nature of the manufacturing process, a consistent product can be produced by carefully

controlling odor, purity, moisture, and color. Orange has higher solubility, a high level of

biodegradability, and is derived from renewable resources.


Limonene is an essential oil derived from orange and other citrus fruit peels. It is

classified as a terpene, which is a group of compounds whose strong aromas protect plants by

deterring predators. Limonene is a monoterpene that has a methyl group at position 1 and a

prop-1-en-2-yl group at position 4 to substitute for cyclohex-1-ene. It plays a part as a human

metabolite. It is a cycloalkene and a p-menthadiene. Aside from that, limonene is an oral

dietary supplement containing a natural cyclic monoterpene found in citrus peel oil that may

have chemo preventive and antineoplastic properties. It has the molecular formula C10H16.

Limonene has two chemical forms: D-Limonene, which is commonly found in orange

peels, and L-limonene, which is primarily found in lemon peels. For centuries, people have

extracted essential oils such as limonene from citrus fruits. Today, limonene is commonly

used as a natural treatment for a variety of health issues and is a popular ingredient in

household items, according to health line.


Citrus Terpenes, or D-Limonene, have the primary chemical constituents found in

cold-pressed peel oils derived from all edible citrus fruits, specifically oranges, lemons, and

limes. D-Limonene has been produced and used as a flavor and fragrance additive in cleaning

and cosmetic products, food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals since 1995 (Behboudi &

Nikfar, 2014).

Since its production began in 1995, d-limonene has been utilized as a flavor and

fragrance additive in pharmaceuticals, food, beverages, and cosmetics. It is likewise

progressively utilized as a dissolvable. It is utilized in insect control, as a wetting and

dispersing agent, and in the production of resins.

D-Limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones as

a cholesterol solvent. It can also dissolve some rubber components (Kuntzleman, Schaerer, &

Talaski, 2015). Rubber, like limonene, is a hydrocarbon and thus non-polar because it is a

chemical component of limonene. Non-polar substances dissolve well in other non-polar

substances, as chemists are well aware. As a result, when limonene oil contacts the surface of

a rubber balloon in an experiment, some of the rubber balloon dissolves in the limonene. As a

result, the balloon deflates and pops.

Steam Distillation

Utilizing the immiscible mixtures' low boiling point, steam distillation is a separation

method. Distillation at temperatures below the boiling point can be achieved using this

alternative method. It is useful when the material to be distilled is chemically nonreactive

with water and immiscible (incapable of mixing). Fatty acids and soybean are two examples

of such materials. It is mostly used to separate a non-volatile contaminant from temperature-

sensitive organic molecules. The natural particle should be immiscible in water.

Steam Distillation: D-Limonene

The steam distillation process or experiment is a crucial part in collecting limonene.

To start, the steam distillation set-up for D-Limonene gathering requires apparatuses and

equipment that are eye protection, grater, Bunsen burner, heat resistant mat, tripod and gauze,

oranges, 110 °C thermometer, measuring cylinder (100 cm3), another measuring cylinder (50

cm3), distillation apparatus, 250 cm3 round bottomed flask, still head, thermometer pocket,

condenser , receiver adapter, test tubes and bungs, dropping pipette, anti-bumping granules,

and bromine water that no more than 0.2% v/v. These materials are what is generally needed

for it but there are also a fewer number of materials need if you have them available.

The steam distillation process happens by putting the grated peels of oranges in boiled

water. The oil produced by this process is the limonene however, it isn’t pure yet so the

distillate from the experiment must undergo a separation process by using a separation flask.

With this, the limonene can get separated from the oil to acquire pure D-Limonene.

Dissolving Synthetic Latex Rubber

There are plenty of methods and chemicals that can be used to dissolve rubber. An

example of that is using acetone to dissolve it as it is the safest chemical for it. A method of

continually dissolving a rubber to usually form a raw material for the synthesis of rubber-

modified polymer, by dissolving the rubber in a monomer liquid capable of interacting with

the rubber in the presence or absence of a solvent. When compared to traditional procedures,

the time required for dissolving can be reduced, and the size of a dissolution tank can be

reduced. In general, a method of batch-dissolving a rubber in a rubber dissolution tank was

used as one approach for thoroughly dissolving a rubber. (Matsuba, 1997)

Other Chemicals used in Dissolving Synthetic Latex Rubber

Other chemicals, in addition to acetone, can cause rubber to react negatively when

applied to it. Among the many industrial applications for synthetic rubber are seals and

gaskets. Thermal and chemical properties of rubber seals have high quality. However, due to

the nature of synthetic polymers, the proper rubber seal must be selected for certain chemical

services. Synthetic rubber seals (Teflon) include nitrile (Buna-N), Viton fluor elastomer,

EPDM rubber, and PTFE (Baer, n.d.). Rubber steals are an example of synthetic rubber, and

there are chemicals that may dissolve other applications of synthetic rubber.

To begin with, acids are chemical compounds with a pH less than 7.0. PH is a

measure of the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution that can attack and degrade materials.

Acetic acid is a strong organic acid that is harmful to Viton and Buna-N rubber seals.

Hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and sulfuric acid all attack and degrade Buna-N rubber

(What Chemicals are Harmful to Rubber Seals, n.d.).

Aside from acids, alkalis can be used as well for dissolving rubber. Alkalis are

chemical compounds with a pH greater than 7.0 and a high concentration of hydroxide ions in

solution. Because of this, the combination of rubber and alkali is harmful to rubber.

Magnesium and sodium hydroxide are two examples of alkalis. Alkali magnesium hydroxide

is harmful to Buna-N rubber. Sodium hydroxide is also damaging to Buna-N rubbers (at any

temperature), but particularly at high temperatures (What Chemicals Eat Through Rubber?,


Production of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) additive from Acetone and D-Limonene

Acetone is usually used for cleaning or for improving the efficiency of fuel. Fuel

additives help to maximize fuel efficiency. It also keeps rough idling, slow acceleration, and

engine stalling, as well as improving overall engine performance and thus keeping the

engines running impurity-fire. Bioethanol is one of the PMS additives used to supplement

PMS around the world, but it is also regarded as a viable energy source derived from

sugarcane, cassava, or corn. As a fuel additive, bioethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions

and global warming. In Ijeoma, I., Uchechukwu, N., Osaruyi, O. M., & Francisca’s research

study, they intended to develop a new brand of PMS additive, which is ethanol-free. Ethanol

was entirely replaced. This new formula contains acetone, D-Limonene, and synthetic two

stroke oil. Acetone is a PMS additive because it has desirable properties such as high an

octane number and flash point as competitors' ethanol. Also, unlike ethanol, acetone is not

hygroscopic. Acetone increases the octane level of the fuels in which it is used. D-Limonene,

derived from citrus fruit peels, is extremely effective in injector cleaning. D-Limonene is

used as a dispersant and has good octane boosting properties because it is combustible and

has been considered as a biofuel. It also improves the stability of PMS. It is a colorless liquid

that is derived primarily from citrus fruit peel oil.

In addition to that, the study about PMS that was conducted before— mainly focusing

on using D-Limonene and Acetone, as well, as its main components along with two synthetic

oils. According to this study, the PMS additive from acetone, D-Limonene and two stroke

synthetic oil was produced in the ration of 2:1:1. With this, the blended PMS was reported to

last a significantly higher minutes compared to pure PMS. Although Premium Motor Spirit

may possibly dissolve some rubber, the study was focused to be as a PMS— utilizing them

for improvement of fuel for engines and such. (Iljeoma et al., 2022).

Elasticity Test

Modulus of elasticity testing is an effective method for determining the resistance of

your materials to elastic deformation. When materials are subjected to tension or stress, they

can distort, resulting in incorrect goods, wasteful waste, and dissatisfied customers.

This method of testing is used to determine the behavior of a sample under an axial

stretching load. Elastic limit, tensile strength, yield point, yield strength, elongation, and

Young's Modulus are all common tensile test results. Young's Modulus is commonly

expressed as N/mm2 (lbs/in2) or MPA (psi).

On the other hand, there is another kind of elasticity test to test on the elasticity of

rubber. The greatest distinctive feature of rubber is its dynamic elastic nature. Kinetic

elasticity is affected by crystallization variables and is time and temperature dependant.

Although various variables and factors influence kinetic elasticity, the most important factor

influencing this feature is low temperature. Rubber's flexibility rapidly decreases at lower

temperatures until it disappears entirely. Because low temperatures can cause cracking,

breaking, and failure of a rubber seal, testing its elasticity at low temperatures is critical to

guaranteeing seal performance.

Indirect Weighing

Indirect weighing is a technique where usually the sample is placed in a container

(such as a weighing bottle or a watch glass), and the mass of the container is deducted from

the overall mass to obtain the mass of the sample. According to Dr. David Chesney, weighing

by difference is the most precise method for quantifying the mass of a solid sample. This

process entails weighing a weighing vial carrying a quantity of solid reagent on a regular

basis. The mass of the weighing bottle contents reduces as the solid is removed to another

vessel. A lower mass is discovered after reweighing. The difference between the two masses

shows the amount of solid reagent added to the vessel.


The information and knowledge presented in this chapter helped the researchers

improve the product’s quality. Rubber pollution, along with plastic pollution, is one of the

reasons why the Philippines' environment is declining. Rubber tires are one of the sources of

rubber pollution in the country. Automobiles are one of the products that are being produced

as technology continues to improve and grow. Many rubber tires are required in order to use

a vehicle.

D-Limonene is a colorless liquid hydrocarbon found in orange (Citrus x sinensis)

peels and pure chemical acetone is a hydrocarbon derivative. All these elements either

contain hydrocarbons or are hydrocarbons themselves, so when they come into contact with

one another, they will react with each other through dissolving.

As mentioned in this chapter, citrus fruits contain D-Limonene, which is a cholesterol

scavenger and is used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Therefore, it is

very effective in dissolving rubber. Rubber, like Limonene, is a hydrocarbon, so it is non-

polar because it is the chemical component of Limonene. The addition of pure chemical

acetone to D-Limonene, which is also used as a solvent for the substance and is cited as the

safest substance for dissolving rubber, not only improves the solvent properties of the rubber,

but also improves the product’s effectivity. According to researchers' sources, the study can

help reduce rubber pollution in the Philippines and potentially in the world.

Chapter III


This chapter presents research methodologies employed in developing the researchers’

product, LimoTone. It covers the research design, source of materials, location of the study,

research procedure, data gathering techniques, statistical test and a research methodology

flowchart estimated to complete the development of LimoTone. In addition, diagrams were

provided to further support the narrative of the study.

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to develop a liquid chemical additive made of D-

Limonene from orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels and pure chemical acetone that can be used

to dissolve synthetic latex rubber. The researchers aim to utilize organic materials such as

orange peels to reduce fruit waste and rubber pollution in the Philippines, specifically in the

researchers’ homes in Laguna. Various measuring tools and methods were used to determine

LimoTone’s ability to dissolve said rubber. The quasi-experimental research design was used

to obtain the data since it involves manipulating the effect of the independent variable(s) on

the dependent variable(s). Additionally, it is used to test casual relationships between

variables and has no random assignment. Furthermore, it contains data from both the

qualitative and quantitative research methods that were used to assess the mass, dissolution,

and elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber before and after LimoTone was added.

This study consists of three set-ups, each with three trials. The experimental group

involves nine individual test tubes containing LimoTone. This was then applied to nine

samples of black latex balloons, which were subjected to three different tests: mass

assessment (g), dissolution test (D:H:M), and elasticity test (cm). Set-up A had a ratio of 6:11

(6 mL of D-Limonene to 11 mL of Acetone). Set-up B had a ratio of 1:2 (2 mL of D-

Limonene to 4 mL of Acetone). Lastly, Set-up C had a ratio of 1:3 (2 mL of D-Limonene to 6

mL of Acetone).

The independent variables in this study are as follows: the concentration of LimoTone

per trial and the duration each balloon (in Set-up C) was soaked in LimoTone (15 minutes, 25

minutes, 35 minutes). On the other hand, the following are the dependent variables of the

study: the overall effectiveness of the product in dissolving synthetic latex rubber (in terms of

its mass and dissolution), the difference in the characteristics of the synthetic latex rubber

before and after treatment (in terms of its elasticity), and the difference in the elasticity of

each balloon based on the amount of time it was soaked in LimoTone (15 minutes, 25

minutes, 35 minutes).

Figure 2. Shows the relationship between the variables and set-ups.

Source of Materials

The following materials were obtained for this research study: 60 mL of Pure

Chemical Acetone, 25 pieces of black latex balloons, 23 pieces of oranges (Citrus x sinensis),

four dram vials, four graters, three beakers, three graduated cylinders, one liter of distilled

water (lukewarm), one distillation set-up, kitchen scale, separatory funnel (60 mL), ruler, and

12 test tubes along with its test tube rack. Materials such as the iron stand, 500 mL distillation

flask, condenser, laboratory thermometer, and magnetic stirrer were used as the major

materials for the distillation set-up.

The extraction process of D-Limonene from orange peels had an estimated amount of

23 pieces of oranges, which the researchers obtained from their local market in Mercado,

Laguna, Calamba City. The following were acquired in the researchers’ school laboratory in

CCSIS (Calamba City Science Integrated School): iron stand, three beakers, three graduated

cylinders, kitchen scale, laboratory thermometer, magnetic stirrer, and 12 test tubes along

with its rack.

The researchers’ homes contain additional supplies like the grater, ruler, and timer.

Other materials such as the 25 pieces of balloons and 1 liter of distilled water was purchased

at a local store in Calamba City. The researchers also purchased a distillation flask (500 mL),

condenser, and separatory funnel (60 mL) from Lazada. 60 mL of pure chemical acetone was

obtained via Mercury Drug in Calamba City, while four 15 mL dram vials was acquired in

Makiling Medica, Los Bañños.

Location of the Study

The study was held in the researchers’ school, Calamba City Science Integrated

School as well as the head proponent’s home in Apt. 6, Calle Brillante, Villa Remedios,

Halang, Calamba City, Laguna. This includes all stages of the experimentation process:

Extraction of D-Limonene from orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels using the steam distillation

process, creation of LimoTone, and the 3 different tests regarding the effectiveness of using

LimoTone as a liquid chemical additive for dissolving synthetic latex rubber, the difference in

the characteristics of the synthetic latex rubber before and after treatment (in terms of its

elasticity), and the difference in the elasticity of each balloon based on the amount of time it

was soaked in LimoTone (15 minutes, 25 minutes, 35 minutes). Additionally, the Project

Data Logbook (PDL) and final paper were written in the researchers’ homes.


Extraction of D-Limonene from Orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels

The researchers used a number of processes in this study. Chronologically speaking,

preparing all the necessary materials was the first step in developing this product. This

includes the following: 60 mL of Pure Chemical Acetone, 25 pieces of black latex balloons,

23 pieces of oranges (Citrus x sinensis), four dram vials, four graters, three beakers, three

graduated cylinders, one liter of distilled water (lukewarm), one distillation set-up, kitchen

scale, separatory funnel (60 mL), ruler, and 12 test tubes along with its test tube rack. The

researchers also wore laboratory equipment for safety measurements. To start the steam

distillation process, prepare the following materials for the extraction of D-Limonene from

the orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels: 23 pieces of oranges (Citrus x sinensis), four dram vials,

four graters, three beakers, one liter of distilled water (lukewarm), and one distillation set-up

(includes iron stand, 500 mL distillation flask, condenser, laboratory thermometer, and

magnetic stirrer, and separatory funnel).

In accordance with the methodology, six oranges were thoroughly washed to remove

any dirt. The oranges were then completely zested using graters in order to remove the

oranges’ outer skin, leaving the actual fruit behind. Six (6) were grated and 250 mL of water

was used for the first steam distillation session. The researchers prepared the distillation set-

up, placing the distilling flask on top of the magnetic stirrer that was attached to the

condenser and supported by the iron stand. The distillate that was produced by this process

was transferred to a single beaker under the condenser. This process lasted for six hours,

starting at 11:30 AM and ending at 4:30 PM.

Figure 3. The researchers thoroughly washed four (4) oranges to remove any dirt.

Figure 4. The researchers completely zested the oranges using graters.

Having finished all the steam distillation sessions, the researchers prepared the

materials needed to separate D-Limonene from the water. The researchers have now gathered

a total of 273 mL of distillate. The separation procedure is performed as follows: First, pour

40 mL of distillate into the separatory funnel and cover the top with its glass stopper. Then,

gently shake it back and forth horizontally. Allow the two liquids to separate by placing the

separatory funnel vertically. This must be supported by the iron stand and a beaker must be

present below the funnel in order to collect the oil. Once two layers have formed, drain the

water using the stopcock to separate the two liquids. Be careful as you may accidentally drain

the oil as well. This process was repeated a few times until the researchers acquired a total of

25 mL. Once the oil was placed inside dram vials, the researchers began the


Figure 5. Shows the distillation set-up at the head proponent’s home.

Creation of LimoTone

After collecting 25 mL worth of oil, the researchers prepared the three set-ups. Set-up

A had a ratio of 6:11. Set-up B had a ratio of 1:2. Lastly, Set-up C had a ratio of 1:3. After

mixing the two liquids, the researchers begun the first experiment, which involves testing the

effectiveness of the product in dissolving synthetic latex rubber in terms of its mass. This is

set-up A, which had a ratio of 6:11 (6 mL of D-Limonene to 11 mL of Acetone). Following

this was testing the effectiveness of the product in dissolving synthetic latex rubber in terms

of its dissolution rate. This is set-up B, which had a ratio of 1:2 (2 mL of D-Limonene to 4

mL of Acetone). Lastly was the test regarding the significant difference in the physical

properties of the synthetic latex rubber before and after treatment in terms of its elasticity.

This is set-up C, which had a ratio of 1:3 (2 mL of D-Limonene to 6 mL of Acetone). A

graduated cylinder and glass funnel was utilized in order to measure the set-ups for more

accurate results. Before the actual experiments were conducted, the following materials were

prepared before conducting the experimentations: 25 pieces of black latex balloons, three

beakers, kitchen scale, ruler, and test tubes.

Experimentation using the Product

Upon gathering the materials, the researchers begun the first experiment which is the

mass assessment. Set-up A and a beaker was used in order to determine the difference in the

balloons’ mass throughout the course of three days. This process was repeated two more

times for a total of three trials. After conducting the first trial, the researchers begun the

second trial and so on. The researchers observed the trials for three days, then measured the

mass using a method called indirect weighing. Additionally, the researchers took notes about

their observations of the experimentation for the final paper.

To begin the dissolution test, place one balloon in one beaker. Then, pour set-up B and

begin mixing the two substances for 30-40 seconds. The researchers observed the balloon’s

appearance and degradation for three days. These steps were repeated two more times.

Following the completion of the first trial, the researchers begun the second trial, and so on.

After completing the experiments, the researchers moved on to the final test. A simple

elasticity test was carried out. Using a ruler, the researchers first determined the length of one

balloon. The balloon was then pulled and measured. Following that, the balloon was pulled

50 times by the researchers. This determined the balloon's elasticity. After determining the

elasticity of the balloon before treatment, the researchers placed it inside a beaker. The beaker

was then filled with set-up C which was mixed with the balloon and soaked for 15 minutes.

The steps for obtaining the elasticity were repeated by the researchers to determine the

balloon’s elasticity after treatment. After conducting the first trial and recording the

observations, the researchers proceeded to the second trial, which was soaked for 25 minutes

and the third trial, which was soaked for 35 minutes.

Data Gathering Technique

The data gathering techniques that were used for this study is through experimentation

and observation. The effectiveness of the product in dissolving synthetic latex rubber was

tested through mass and dissolution, whilst the significant difference in the characteristics of

the synthetic latex rubber was tested through its elasticity before and after treatment.

A ruler was used to determine the elasticity of the balloon before and after treatment.

On the basis of the qualitative data, a sensory analysis test was run to track the balloon’s

appearance and degradation over the course of three days. Finally, a kitchen scale and the

indirect weighing method was employed to determine the balloon’s mass, which also lasted

three days.

Statistical Test

For this research study, ANOVA (Single Factor) was used as the main statistical test.

It was used to determine the effectiveness of the product in terms of mass assessment and

elasticity. The researchers determined that there is a significant difference in the product’s

ability to dissolve rubber in terms of mass assessment and elasticity. The mass of the balloons

(three trials) within three days was analyzed as well as the measurements of the balloons’

elasticity before and after treatment. The researchers compared the f-value to a specific value

known as the F critical value. In general, the null hypothesis must be rejected, and the

alternative hypothesis must be accepted if the calculated F value in a test is greater than the F

critical value.

Methodological Flowchart

Figure 6. The Research Methodology Flowchart

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

A. Quantitative Data

The researchers have gathered the quantitative data by presenting it through tables and

conducting the ANOVA (Single Factor) test that determined the effectiveness of the product

in dissolving synthetic latex rubber in terms of its mass assessment and elasticity.

Mass Reduction Experiment

The researchers determined the mass via the indirect weighing method. The formula

is as follows: Mass reduction (Indirect weighing using a rock and kitchen scale).

Balloons total = 19

(Rock mass + balloon's mass × 19) - (rock mass only) = mass of 19 balloons


Mass of 19 balloons altogether ÷ 19 = mass of one balloon

201 g - 170 g = 31 g

31 g ÷ 19 = 1.63 g

1.63 g = mass of one balloon before treatment

171.63 g = rock + one balloon mass

After determining the weight of one balloon, the researchers conducted the first

experiment, which involved measuring the mass of the said balloon before and after adding

LimoTone. (1) Place one latex balloon inside the beaker. (2) Pour 17 mL of LimoTone into

the beaker and gently soak and mix the two substances together. (3) The researchers observed

the balloon for a specific amount of time, then left it inside a container whilst in a safe area

within the school’s facilities. These processes were repeated an additional two times for a

total of three trials.

DAY 1 (05/16/23) DAY 2 (05/17/23) DAY 3 (05/18/23)

Trial 1 1.13 g 1.0 g 0.5 g

Trial 2 1.2 g 1.13 g 0.5 g

Trial 3 1.25 g 1.2 g 0.5 g

Table 1. Mass Assessment of the three trials within three days.

Figure 7. Trials 1-3 of the mass assessment experiment after one day.

Figure 8. Sample setup of recording the mass of the balloons (Day 3, Trial 1).

According to the researchers’ observations, the LimoTone turned a pinkish color and

had varying amounts of black and white specs as the days passed, presumably due to the

chemical reaction that occurred between the product and the rubber. It is therefore concluded

that the product was effective due to the mass reduction of the rubber.

Elasticity Test (Before and After treatment)

The researchers conducted a simple elasticity test by measuring the length of a

balloon (before and while stretching) and pulling it 50 times. After determining the elasticity,

the balloon was placed inside a beaker and 8 mL of LimoTone and was soaked in it for 15

minutes. The steps for obtaining the elasticity were repeated by the researchers to determine

the balloon’s elasticity after treatment. After conducting the first trial, the researchers

proceeded to the second trial, which was soaked for 25 minutes and the third trial, which was

soaked for 35 minutes.

Before adding LimoTone After adding LimoTone

Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement

before pulling while pulling after pulling before pulling while pulling after pulling
(cm) (cm) 50x (cm) (cm) (cm) 50x (cm)

1st trial 8.25 cm 22.86 cm 9 cm 8.73 cm 30 cm 9.4 cm


2nd 8.25 cm 24.13 cm 8.63 cm 9 cm 32.4 cm 9.7 cm


3rd 8.25 cm 23.62 cm 9 cm 9.14 cm 38.1 cm 10 cm


Table 2. Elasticity Test results of the three trials (before and after treatment).

Based on the displayed results on the table above, it is therefore concluded that the

balloons’ material softened after the addition of LimoTone due to their higher elasticity. The

time each trial was soaked also resulted in significant effects. The longer a balloon was

soaked, the more elastic and softer the material becomes.

Figure 9. Recording of observations (before treatment).

Figure 10. Soaking the trial in the treatment.

B. Interpretation of Data

Mass Reduction (Data Analysis)

F value 92.557

F critical value 5.143

Table 3. Calculated results for F value and F critical value.

After conducting the ANOVA (Single Factor) test on table 1, the F value resulted in

92.5574162679426 which is more than the F critical value of 5.14325284978472. Therefore,

the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. As a result, the

product was effective in dissolving the rubber.

Elasticity Test (Data Analysis)

F value 112.937

F critical value 3.106

Table 4. Calculated results for F value and F critical value.

After performing the ANOVA (Single Factor) test on table 2, the calculated result of

the F value is 112.936886157284 which is greater than the F critical value of

3.10587523908412. It is therefore concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected, and the

alternative hypothesis is accepted. As a result, there is a significant difference in the elasticity

of the synthetic latex rubber before and after treatment. The duration each balloon was soaked

also contributed to significant results.

C. Qualitative Data

The researchers gathered the qualitative data by performing a sensory analysis test on

the balloons’ appearance and degradation. Below are pictures of the researchers’ observations

from May 16, 2023, May 17, 2023, and May 18, 2023.

Figure 11. Trial 1, Day 1: Close up view

Figure 12. Trial 2, Day 1: Close up view

Figure 13. Trial 3, Day 1: Close up view

Figure 14. Trial 1, Day 2: Close up view

Figure 15. Trial 2, Day 2: Close up view

Figure 16. Trial 3, Day 2: Close up view

Figure 17. Trial 1, Day 3: Close up view

Figure 18. Trial 2, Day 3: Close up view

Figure 19. Trial 3, Day 3: Close up view

The figures above show the gathered data over the course of three days. As each day

passes, it can be seen that there are varying specs of black and white substances. The balloons

also had scratches and spots that have a faded color. The researchers therefore concluded that

the rubber material of the balloons degrades over a period of time.

Source of Errors

The grated orange (Citrus x sinensis) peels were not measured during the steam

distillation sessions. As a result, the researchers were unable to calculate the amount of D-

Limonene produced by four (4) oranges, let alone one. This has no bearing on the product

itself, but it is useful information that can be used in the future. Furthermore, a lack of proper

laboratory equipment may have an impact on the product. To reduce the waste of additional

distillate that could be used, the distilling flask should have a straight tube that connects

directly to the condenser.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations


Rubber is everywhere in our daily lives; it can be found in clothing and car tires to

surgical gloves and other medical equipment. However, in their pursuit of convenience,

humans waste resources by improperly disposing of rubber waste. One of its two forms,

synthetic rubber, is made from petroleum. Fossil fuel production not only depletes renewable

resources, but it also has significant environmental consequences due to greenhouse gas

emissions and deforestation. This major environmental issue prompted the researchers to

develop the topic “LimoTone: Utilization of D-Limonene from Orange (Citrus x sinensis)

Peels and Pure Chemical Acetone as a Liquid Chemical Additive for dissolving Synthetic

Latex Rubber”. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the product in terms of the

rubber’s mass, dissolution, and elasticity.

The materials used in the study are as follows: 60 mL of Pure Chemical Acetone, 25

pieces of black latex balloons, 23 pieces of oranges (Citrus x sinensis), four dram vials, four

graters, three beakers, three graduated cylinders, one liter of distilled water (lukewarm), one

distillation set-up, kitchen scale, separatory funnel (60 mL), ruler, and 12 test tubes along

with its test tube rack. Materials such as the iron stand, 500 mL distillation flask, condenser,

laboratory thermometer, and magnetic stirrer were used as the major materials for the

distillation set-up.

In accordance with the methodology, six oranges were thoroughly washed to remove

any dirt. The oranges were then completely zested using graters in order to remove the

oranges’ outer skin, leaving the actual fruit behind. Six (6) were grated and 250 mL of water

was used for the first steam distillation session. The researchers prepared the distillation set-

up, placing the distilling flask on top of the magnetic stirrer that was attached to the

condenser and supported by the iron stand. After collecting 25 mL worth of oil, the

researchers prepared the three set-ups. Set-up A had a ratio of 6:11. Set-up B had a ratio of

1:2. Lastly, Set-up C had a ratio of 1:3.

The independent variables in this study are as follows: the concentration of LimoTone

per trial and the duration each balloon (in Set-up C) was soaked in LimoTone (15 minutes, 25

minutes, 35 minutes). On the other hand, the following are the dependent variables of the

study: the overall effectiveness of the product in dissolving synthetic latex rubber (in terms of

its mass and dissolution), the difference in the physical properties of the synthetic latex

rubber before and after treatment (in terms of its elasticity), and the difference in the elasticity

of each balloon based on the amount of time it was soaked in LimoTone (15 minutes, 25

minutes, 35 minutes).

Summary of Findings

For this research study, ANOVA (Single Factor) was used as the main

statistical test. The researchers used this test to determine the effectiveness of the

product in terms of mass assessment and elasticity.

After conducting the ANOVA (Single Factor) test on table 1, the F value

resulted in 92.5574162679426 which is more than the F critical value of

5.14325284978472. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative

hypothesis is accepted. As a result, the product was effective in dissolving the rubber.

After performing the ANOVA (Single Factor) test on table 2, the calculated

result of the F value is 112.936886157284 which is greater than the F critical value of

3.10587523908412. It is therefore concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected, and

the alternative hypothesis is accepted. As a result, there is a significant difference in

the elasticity of the synthetic latex rubber before and after treatment. The duration

each balloon was soaked also contributed to significant results.

The researchers also discovered that as time passes, there are varying specs of

black and white substances. The balloons also had scratches and faded color spots. As

a result, the researchers concluded that the balloons' rubber material degrades over



Rubber is an essential material in our lives. However, if one continues to use this

resource often but refuse to dispose of it properly, these actions result in a serious

environmental problem. This is the main reason as to why the researchers conducted this

study. Using LimoTone as an additive for dissolving rubber, the world may lessen rubber

pollution. After the experimentations, the researchers therefore concluded that the product

was successful. Rubber reacted with the product accordingly, creating a chemical reaction

that led to a softer and less elastic substance, with its mass reduced, elasticity weakened, and

degradation heightened.


LimoTone, a liquid chemical additive based on D-Limonene from Orange (Citrus x

sinensis) peels and pure chemical acetone, was found to be effective in dissolving synthetic

latex rubber throughout the duration of the study.

As opposed to what was done during the experimentation process, the researchers

recommend adding more D-Limonene in the product as well as increasing the amount of

LimoTone used per trial. It is also recommended to use a more sensitive weighing scale to

determine the exact mass (in grams) lost before and after treatment.


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Appendix A & Appendix B. Screenshots of the conversation between the head proponent’s
mother and a member of the UPLP IC Laboratory. This is regarding the date of the
researchers’ experimentation period, which will take place at the said laboratory.

Appendix C. Displays the email request the researchers sent to

Appendix D. The response of the IC’s Director, Marivic S. Lacsamana, to the researchers’

Appendix E & Appendix F. 18L Megabox and its receipt. This is for storing additional
materials that the researchers used for the duration of the study.

Appendix G. The head proponent bought the following items for the specified dates: 30 mL
of Acetone (x2) in Mercury Drug, Calamba City, and 15 mL dram vials (x4) in Makiling
Medica, Los Banos. However, there was no available laboratory equipment for the
distillation set-up. The researchers decided it would be best to find the materials in the
laboratories of CCSIS and only buy them if necessary.

Appendix H. The head proponent prepared the following
materials that can be found at home: Grater (x3), Metal Ruler,
Plastic Container, Tape Measure (x2) and Timer (Phone).

Appendix I & Appendix J. The list of equipment to be used for steam distillation.

Appendix K & Appendix L. The group members ended their search for equipment as the
head proponent suggested a purchase at an online store, with the price included. As such, the
cost was divided three ways, each member paying 1,123.38 PHP. Furthermore, the head
proponent went out and acquired a deflated rubber tire from a vulcanizing shop in Calamba
City. This will be used in the researchers’ mass reduction test.

Appendix M. On March 28, 2023, the separatory funnel (60 mL) arrived at the head
proponent’s house, for a total of 978 PHP. On March 30, 2023, the 100mm glass dropper and
50cm latex tube arrived at the head proponent’s house, which had a total of 142 PHP.

Appendix N. The two (2) missing apparatus, the condenser and distilling flask, have arrived.
The researchers are now ready to begin the steam distillation.

Hour Check Temperature (° C)

1st Check (12:00 PM) 80 ° C

2nd Check (3:25 PM) 98 ° C

3rd Check (4:25 PM) 100 °

Appendix O. Table 5 shows the temperature check of the first session. The researchers were
able to acquire approximately 10 mL of distillate from the procedure done.

Appendix P & Appendix Q. Show the first ever use of the steam distillation set-up organized
by the researchers.

Appendix R. Shows the second session of the steam distillation set-up. The head proponent
replicated the set-up in her home. Four (4) oranges along with 150 mL of water went
through the same process, for seven hours. First starting at 1:30 PM in the afternoon and
ending at around 8:30 PM in the evening.
Hour Check Temperature (° C)

1st Check (2:30 PM) 86 ° C

2nd Check (3:30 PM) 91 ° C

3rd Check (4:30 PM) 96 ° C

4th Check (5:30 PM) 100 ° C

5th Check (6:30 PM) 102 ° C

6th Check (7:30 PM) 104 ° C

7th Check (8:30 PM) 107 ° C

Appendix S. Table 6 shows the temperature check of the second session.

Appendix T. Shows the total amount of distillate (50 mL) gathered from the two sessions.

Appendix U. The third session was done inside the SSG room at the same school area, with
permission from the SSG President Ma’am. Maricar Bayrante-Pamatmat.

Hour Check Temperature (° C)

1st Check (10:10 AM) 90 ° C

2nd Check (11:10 AM) 97 ° C

3rd Check (12:10 PM) 101 ° C

4th Check (1:10 PM) 103 ° C

5th Check (2:10 PM) 103 ° C

6th Check (3:10 PM) 101 ° C

7th Check (4:10 PM) 100 ° C

Appendix V. Table 7 shows the third session, which the researchers observed for seven (7)
hours. This began at 9:10 AM and ended at 4:10 PM. 43 mL of distillate was obtained from
this session.

Hour Check Temperature (° C)

1st Check (10:30 AM) 91 ° C

2nd Check (11:30 AM) 95 ° C

3rd Check (12:30 PM) 100 ° C

4th Check (1:30 PM) 102 ° C

5th Check (2:30 PM) 103 ° C

6th Check (3:30 PM) 101 ° C

7th Check (4:30 PM) 100 ° C

8th Check (5:30 PM) 101 ° C

Appendix W. Table 8 shows the fourth and last session was resumed by the head proponent
at her home. This table displays the last temperature check of the steam distillation set-up.

Appendix X. Separation of D-Limonene from water using separatory funnel.

Appendix Y. LimoTone Set-ups A-C inside test tubes.


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