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Reported Speech

He said, ‘I walked a lot’ – He said (that) he had walked a lot.


1.- Pronouns

They change according to the speaker’s point of view.

E.g. ‘I’ll send you a card, Sue’, said Ann.
a) Ann told Sue (that) she would sender her a card. (said by anyone)
b) Ann said/told me (that) she would send me a card (if I were Sue).
c) I told Sue (that) I would send her a card. (said by Ann)

2.- Tenses

NOTE: You can’t change the tense if the introductory verbs are in present or future simple:
E.g. Jim says, ‘I have read that book and I don’t understand it.’
Jim says (that) he has read that book and doesn’t understand it.’

With the rest:

- simple present ------------------------ simple past
- present continuous ------------------ past continuous
- simple past ---------------------------- past perfect
- past continuous ---------------------- past perfect continuous
- present perfect ----------------------- past perfect
- present perfect continuous -------- past perfect continuous
- past perfect --------------------------- doesn’t change
- past perfect continuous ------------ doesn’t change

- must ------------------------------------ had to

- shall ------------------------------------ should
- will ------------------------------------- would
- can ------------------------------------- could
- may ------------------------------------ might

- Modals in past or conditionals (could, might, would, ought to, etc)

don’t change.
- Modals Perfect (must have, could have, ought to have, etc) don’t
3.- Adverbs

- now ------------------------------- immediately / then

- ago -------------------------------- before / earlier
- today ----------------------------- that day
- tonight --------------------------- that night
- tomorrow ----------------------- the next day / the following day
- yesterday ----------------------- the previous day / the day before
- last night ------------------------ the previous night / the night before
- next Monday ------------------- the following Monday
- this week ------------------------ that week, the same week
- this afternoon ------------------ that afternoon, the same afternoon
- the day before yesterday ---- two days before
- the day after tomorrow ------ in two days’ time


- here ------------------------------ there

- this ------------------------------- that
- these ----------------------------- those

Introductory verbs: say, tell (+object), explain, suggest, insist (on), promise, warn, admit,
agree, remind, claim, complain, reply.


a) WH- QUESTIONS (what, where, who, etc)

First, we write the introductory verb + Wh- Word + statement.
E.g: ‘When did you go there?’, she asked.
She asked (us) when we had gone there.

b) YES/NO QUESTIONS (be, have, do/does/did, modals)

First, we write the introductory verb + IF/WHETHER + statement.
E.g: ‘Have you seen John recently?’
She asked (me) / wondered / wanted to know if/whether I
had seen John recently.

First, we write the introductory verb + TO/ NOT TO + infinitive.
E.g: He said to me, ‘Don’t talk’
He told me not to talk

Introductory verbs: warn, tell, ask, advise, order, command, etc.

a) Verb + (not) + to + infinitive
Agree(estar de acuerdo), promise(prometer), offer (ofrecer), refuse (rechazar),
threaten(amenazar), claim (afirmación).

E.g: She agreed to come with me.

She promised not to tell anyone.

b) Verb + object +(not) + to + infinitive

Advise (aconsejar), ask (preguntar), command (orden), demand (exigir), invite (invitar a)
,order (ordenar), remind (recordó), request (pedir), tell,warn (advertir), beg (rogar a), forbid
(prohibir), persuade.

E.g: He advised me TO go to bed early.

He ordered us NOT TO smoke in there.

c) Verb + gerund (ing)

Apologise for (disculparse), insist on, suggest, admit, deny, recommend.

E.g: Paul apologised FOR BEING so rude.

d) Verb + (object) +(that) + clause

Admit, assume, confirm, decide, deny, explain, insist, mention,
point out (mostrar), promise, realise (darse cuenta de), think, announce, report.

E.g: He admitted that he had stolen the purse.

They promised they wouldn’t do it again.

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