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Intestine artery supply:

1. Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA): The SMA supplies the ascending colon, the first two-thirds of
the transverse colon, and the small intestine. It gives off branches that provide blood to the
cecum, ascending colon, and the ileocecal junction.
2. Inferior Mesenteric Artery (IMA): The IMA supplies the remaining one-third of the transverse
colon, the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and the upper part of the rectum. It also gives off
the left colic artery, sigmoid arteries, and the superior rectal artery to provide blood to these

Intestine Venous drainage:

1. Superior Mesenteric Vein: This vein collects blood from the small intestine and the right side of
the large intestine (including the cecum, ascending colon, and most of the transverse colon).
2. Inferior Mesenteric Vein: This vein drains the left side of the large intestine (including the
descending colon, sigmoid colon, and upper part of the rectum).
3. Splenic Vein: The splenic vein joins the inferior mesenteric vein in the vicinity of the spleen.

Rectum artery supply :

1. superior Rectal Artery: This artery is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. It supplies the
upper part of the rectum.
2. Middle Rectal Artery: This artery usually arises from the internal iliac artery. It provides blood to
the middle portion of the rectum.
3. Inferior Rectal Arteries: These arteries originate from the internal pudendal artery, which is a
branch of the internal iliac artery. They supply the lower part of the rectum and the anal canal.

Rectum Venous drainage :

1. Superior Rectal Vein: This vein accompanies the superior rectal artery and drains the upper part
of the rectum. It ultimately joins the portal venous system.
2. Middle Rectal Vein: The middle rectal veins typically drain into the internal iliac vein, which is
part of the systemic venous system.
3. Inferior Rectal Veins: These veins accompany the branches of the internal pudendal artery and
drain the lower part of the rectum and the anal canal. They also connect with systemic veins

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