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Rule 1: The Teams

There will be teams of 2 or 3 students.

Rule 2: The presentation

Each member’s intervention should at least last 5mn. Use powerpoint to show the outline
and some slides to make your presentation more interesting. You should know your part
well. You can take a look at your notes but not read them. The more you read, the lower
your grades will be. Remember half of the grade is based on collective work, and the other
half on individual work and performance.

Rule 3: Remember non-verbal communication is also important

Try to engage with the audience. Do not present with crossed arms, use eye contact to
connect with audience members.

Rule 4: The topic

You have to present your app and include the following details:

- Its name and logo

- Target audience
- What programming language(s) will you use and why
- Price or subscription fee . How do you intend to make money out of it?
- The problem(s) that it solves
- What users do in the app
- Who are its competitors>? How is it better than other apps or why should people
choose to download it?

Rule 5: Language skills

As your presentation is in English
- Use the right verb tenses,
- Pay attention to subject-verb agreement (S with verbs with he/she/it.
- Use comparatives ( short adj/er + than …/ more+ long adj + than …),
superlatives (the + short adj/est of … / the + most + long adj +of or
- Use modals like such as (tels que), should (conseil), could (pourrait) and
manage to/ succeed in doing (parvenir à )

Teach 4 new words or just words that allow to better understand your topic. Give the
definition or synonym(s) in English that you have obtained from a monolingual English-
English dictionary (like the Free Dictionary or Cambridge). Show the words embedded on
the slide where you use the word. Pause and point to the word on the slide as you read the

SLIDES: Do NOT use too much text on your slides (no more than 4 points). They should be
easy to read. Use key words, no full sentences allowed. Use a telegraphic style. Do NOT
use full sentences that you are just reading. Your slides should be like notes.
Power Point is more visual than verbal, so combine some text with an image, graph,
cartoon or video.
Ask one question to the audience at the end.

Rule 6: The audience and the Q&A

Students who aren’t presenting must prepare questions and be inquisitive.

BOMBER B! is an effective way to structure your presentation:

- Bang! have an attention grabber to create a relationship with your audience,

to get them curious about what you will talk about (a surprising fact or
statistic, a quote, an anecdote, an image, a video clip, a cartoon, a role play, a
rhetorical question – “did you know that…?” “have you ever…?”). You can
have the others guess what you will talk about on the basis of your statistic or
- Opening - a slide presenting your problematic as a question, followed by an
outline slide (4 points you will cover)
- Message - your content slides should be more visual than verbal – no more
than 4 points to a slide, no whole sentences. Try to combine an image, cartoon
( for example), video clip, graph, chart or table with some text
- Bridge - make sure your message answers the questions “so what?” and “why
is this important?” so people understand how your topic is relevant to them
- Examples - use plenty of concrete examples to illustrate your message
- Recap - have a recap slide wherein you recap in 60 seconds the most
important information (say 4 points) you want people to remember: “what’s
the takeaway?”
- Bang! go out with another bang!

BIBLIOGRAPHY SLIDE (after recap slide): Present 4 sources you used to inform your
presentation. 2 must be written (articles from the press: go on the websites of the English
press to find articles); the other 2 can be visual (graphs, video clips, images, cartoons). Do
not just copy the link. Include the name of the author(s), the name of the article, the name
of the source and the date.

DISCUSSION & DEBATE: Then, lead a debate of the topic with the class. Your last slide
(after the bibliography slide) should contain your discussion question. Be also prepared to
answer questions from the audience.

DOs & DON’Ts:

 DO support the presentation with a powerpoint document.

 DO TIME YOURSELF. Practice your presentation with a clock.

 DO make your subject interactive.

 DO include statistics, facts and figures where possible.

 DO try to have a dynamic opening to your presentation.

 DON’T write in full sentences and paragraphs on the slides.

DO NOT have a “script” for your presentation – bullet points and key words
only. In other words, do not read out your presentation either from the slides
or from notes.


02/06 : not more than 3 groups

Valentin / Youri
Kevin / Noa / Rayan
Djamal / Marina / Noah

16/06 : not more than 2 groups or pairs

Badr / Maxème / Maha
Vivien / Killian / Agustin

In-class test (during the second half of the session

30/6 : 2 or 3 groups or pairs

Reda / Anthony / Miguel
Walid / Hicham
Bahya / Lyès

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