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Indonesian students are rarely educated about financial experience. They tend to have an
entrepreneur lesson theoretically. It gives an impact on their capability of financial skills.
Nowadays, entrepreneur skills are crucial to be one of the important lessons to encourage the
students in order to become independent in finance in the future.
Based on the phenomenon above, Santa Ursula Junior High School has an innovative
program to support entrepreneurship among the students. ……. A plan that will help students to
activate their skills such as planning, budgeting, producing, marketing, and sales. The writer
made a business program that sold various of F&B (Foods & Beverages), stationary and

We made the account first. The username is @marvalaand. We use the logo we’ve made
before as the profile picture. Then, we make the poster for us to post. We had some struggles to
make the poster, because we hadn’t bought the items yet. We hadn’t even tried to make ebi furai
nor the sky bread. But we handled it successfully.
Before the bazaar starts, let's arrange the items. After several discussions, we made the
table layout into the letter L. We arrange the items so that we put the goods in the middle, and
the food near the cashier, so that it can be seen by the buyers. The first item that sold out was
Spiderman beanie, even before the first break started, because it was bought by another group
member. The second one sold out was sky bread, because he only had 3 in stock and the teacher
bought all of them because he was curious about 'blue bread'. During the first break there were
seconds where it was very busy, then it gradually subsided. There aren't many visitors to the city,
maybe because the layout of the city looks smaller than the others. In the last few moments, there
have been several elementary school children who came just to look around, asked the price,
then left. It continued like that, until the parents came and helped finish off the stock. At the end
of the day, the only stock remaining was stickers, the rest was around 85-95 pieces.
We did face some challenges. One of them is setting a schedule. As Santa Ursula’s
students, it is not impossible for our schedule to be filled with extra lessons. We had difficulty
finding a suitable schedule. Also, the keychain that we wanted to sell was also sold out at the
vendor's shop. Not just that, the vendor of our stickers was offline when we wanted to buy them.
When making sky bread, butterfly pea tea also didn't really give a blue effect to the bread. Apart
from that, on the last day, we tried to make our own bread stock, but failed. The decoration
planning was also not implemented well. Apart from that, we still have a lot of stickers left after
the bazaar ended. It was very chaotic.
But every challenge comes with a solution, we just need to find it, and we did. We
changed the keychain into another one. About the schedule, we ended up with the decision that
not everybody has to come, just some of us, so we can teach our teammates. About the pigment
of the bread, we added some food coloring, but also added some butterfly pea tea for the flavor.
We didn’t sell the one we made on the last day, since it was too shapeless to be sold. So we sold
the last remaining stocks from our practice, which was only 3 left. About the sticker vendor, we
decided to wait till monday, perhaps he was just having a holiday. About the decorations, we
asked our friends if they have extra decorations that we can use. We also made some painted
cardboard pieces to decorate our stand. We didn’t have time to sell the last remaining stock of
the stickers, so we just kept it. As an evaluation, we need to estimate how many stickers will be

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