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Dwarka, New Delhi


Janakpuri, New Delhi

Bachelors of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of
(Batch: 2021-2024)




Dr. Meenakshi Uniyal Preeti Chauhan

Assistant Professor 00335102421
Department of JMC Semester – 5, Sec - B

I would like to express my utmost regards and gratitude to my faculty guide “ Dr. Meenakshi

Uniyal” and all the faculty members of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

who guided and motivated me throughout the completion of my “Media Research Lab”

practical file. This helped me to enhance my existing skills and get appropriate practical

exposure pertaining to the theoretical concept.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and batch mates who helped me in the

completion of this file within the limited time frame.

Preeti Chauhan

I “Preeti Chauhan”, certify that the “Media Research Lab”, BA (JMC), Subject Code

(353), batch- “2021-2024” is an authentic work carried out by me. The matter embodied in

this file has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of

my knowledge and belief.




Sl. No. Topic Faculty Signature

1 Pre-test/Evaluate a print, audio,

video and online ad programme

2 Media Research on Job

Opportunity in Print Media

Advertisement Evaluation Methods

Communication Effect Research:

• Direct Rating Method:

Consumers are asked directly to score the advertisement on a number of different Ciera,
including persuasiveness, clarity, appeal, and relevancy. Ratings can be catered online via
feedback are then demands, and surveys. The impact and Efficacy of the advertisement are
then determined by quantifying and analyzing these ratings.

• Laboratory Test:

Using this technique, consumers' physiological responses to the advertisement are monitored.
It is possible to track physiological parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, skin
conductance, and even brain activity. These answers shed important light on the ad's
effectiveness by assisting in the understanding of the audience's emotional and subconscious
reactions to it.

Sales Effect Research:

• The sales figures or performance metrics of the company after the ad campaign are
examined in order to assess the effectiveness of the advertisement. This could entail
analysing sales data prior to and following the campaign or linking particular sales peaks to
the release or airing of the advertisement. To directly connect sales to the advertisement,
other methods that may be employed include questionnaires, product surveys, toll-free
numbers, and response rates.

Analysis Tools:

• Using web analytics software to monitor customer visits, page views, dwell time, and post-
ad conversion rates. This measures the impact of the advertisement on online sales or
conversions and aids in understanding how the advertisement affects online user behavior. It
also identifies the most popular sections of the website following exposure to the

Integrated Direct Marketing

• Customers can post comments, reviews, or opinions about the advertised good or service in
response corners or feedback sections created on websites by integrated direct marketing
tools. Understanding consumer attitudes, preferences, and the success of the advertising
campaign are all made easier with the help of this real-time feedback.

Whether assessing direct customer responses, measuring physiological reactions, correlating

sales data, analyzing online user behavior, or gathering real-time customer feedback, each of
these techniques offers a different viewpoint on assessing advertisements. Combining these
methods frequently yields a thorough understanding of the influence and efficacy of an
advertisement in a variety of contexts
Pre-Test of Print at Program:

Advertisement no. 1

1) key details:

Epson EcoTank Printers

 key features like low power consumption, less e-waste, low printing cost
 Heat Free Technology
 website link
 QR code to browse product
 Contact number
Tagline: Switch to eco friendly and economical printing at home and at work
2) Reason to select:

I chose this particular ad for the Epson printer for the following reasons:

1. Eco-Friendly: I'm environmentally conscious, and the fact that this printer is advertised as
eco-friendly aligns with my values of sustainability.

2. Low Cost: The ad mentioned that this Epson printer is budget-friendly. As cost-
effectiveness is a priority for me, this was a significant reason for my choice.

3. Low Power Consumption: The focus on low power consumption in the ad is appealing
because it means I can save on energy costs and reduce my environmental impact.

4. Brand Reputation: Epson is a well-known and respected brand in the printer industry. I
trust the brand's quality and reliability, which influenced my decision.

5. Visual Appeal: The design and layout of the ad caught my eye. A well-designed ad is more
persuasive and memorable, which is why I chose it.

6. Specific Features: The ad highlighted features that are important to me, such as fast
printing, high resolution, and wireless connectivity. These features are crucial for my needs.

7. Recommendations: The ad included user testimonials and recommendations. This

reassured me that the product is well-regarded by others, making it a compelling choice.
Readership Survey:

1. Why do you use a printer?

- [ ] Printing documents for work or school
- [ ] Printing photos
- [ ] Scanning and copying documents
- [ ] Archiving important paperwork
- [ ] Other

2. How often do you use a printer for your printing needs?

- [ ] Daily
- [ ] Weekly
- [ ] Monthly
- [ ] Rarely
- [ ] Never

3. What type of printer do you currently own or use most frequently?

- [ ] Inkjet printer
- [ ] Laser printer
- [ ] All-in-one printer (scanner, copier, and printer)
- [ ] Dot matrix printer
- [ ] Other

4. What features or aspects of a printer are most important to you in your printing tasks?
- [ ] Print speed
- [ ] Print quality
- [ ] Cost of ink or toner
- [ ] Wireless connectivity
- [ ] Energy efficiency
- [ ] Other

5. How do you typically stay updated on printer-related information and technology?

- [ ] Online articles and blogs
- [ ] Printer manufacturer websites
- [ ] Technology magazines
- [ ] Social media groups/communities
- [ ] Word of mouth
- [ ] Other
Advertisement no. 2

1) key details:

Star Tour

 key features like professional tour managers, Indian meals on tour, all major
sightseeing etc.
 eco friendly budget
 website link
 QR code to learn more
 Contact number

2) Reason to select:
I chose this travel and tour ad for the following reasons:
1. Wanderlust and Adventure: I have a strong desire for travel and adventure. This ad likely
appealed to the sense of wanderlust and the opportunity to explore new places.

2. Escape and Relaxation: Traveling provides an escape from daily routines and offers a
chance to relax. This ad has promised a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

3. Dream Destination: If the ad featured a destination I've always dreamed of visiting, that
would be a compelling reason for my choice.

4. Special Offer or Discount: Travel ads often come with special offers or discounts. this ad
offered a great deal, it could be the primary reason for my selection.

5. adventure Activities: the ad mentioned exciting adventure activities or experiences, that

grab my attention.

6. Family-Friendly: this ad mentioned family trip, an ad emphasizing family-friendly

destinations and activities would be appealing.

7. Cultural Exploration: the ad focused on cultural experiences and exploration; it might align
with interest in learning about different cultures.

8.Convenience: the ad promised a hassle-free booking process or all-inclusive packages,

convenience would be a significant factor in my choice.

9. Beautiful Imagery: Captivating images of scenic landscapes, landmarks, or destinations in

the ad have played a key role in attracting attention.
Readership Survey

1. Personal Information
- Name: ______________________________
- Email: ______________________________
- Age: _______
- Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Prefer not to say

2. How often do you consider or plan trips for leisure travel or vacations?
- [ ] Several times a year
- [ ] Once a year
- [ ] Every few years
- [ ] Rarely
- [ ] First-time traveler

3. What type of travel destinations or experiences are you most interested in?
- [ ] Beach vacations
- [ ] Adventure travel (e.g., hiking, wildlife safaris)
- [ ] Cultural and historical destinations
- [ ] City breaks and urban exploration
- [ ] Wellness and spa retreats
- [ ] Other

4. Where do you typically find travel and tour advertisements?

- [ ] Magazines
- [ ] Travel websites
- [ ] Social media platforms
- [ ] Email newsletters
- [ ] Travel agencies
- [ ] Other

5. Have you booked a tour or trip as a result of seeing a travel and tour advertisement in the
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No

6. How do you usually research and plan your trips?

- [ ] Online travel agencies
- [ ] Recommendations from friends or family
- [ ] Travel forums and communities
- [ ] Travel guidebooks
- [ ] Social media travel groups
- [ ] Other

7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how influential are travel and tour advertisements in your decision to
plan or book a trip, with 1 being not influential and 5 being very influential?
Online Advertisement

This advertisement is of Dominos India . It is about their exclusive offer. The tagline of the
advertisement is 60% OFF USE CODE: NEW60. It also shows the discount on the product.
Audio Advertisement

This advertisement is of whisper about their soft pads. This is an audio advertisement. The Tagline of
this ad is skin loving softness.
Video Advertisement

This advertisement is of Loreal Parise shows information about Glycolic Bright Serum. Proving its
validated with Dermatologists.

Que1- Name
Que2- Age
Que3- Gender
Que4- Give ratings on previously shown ads.
 Print Ad -
o 1 out of 5
o 2 out of 5
o 3 out of 5
o 4 out of 5
o 5 out of 5

 Online Ad-
o 1 out of 5
o 2 out of 5
o 3 out of 5
o 4 out of 5
o 5 out of 5

 Video Ad-
o 1 out of 5
o 2 out of 5
o 3 out of 5
o 4 out of 5
o 5 out of 5

 Audio Ad-
o 1 out of 5
o 2 out of 5
o 3 out of 5
o 4 out of 5
o 5 out of 5
Que5-What was your reaction to the ads.
 Happy
 Surprised
 Satisfied with the ad
 Not satisfied with the ad

Que6- Which ad from the following is more convincing and effective to you
 Print
 Online
 Audio
 Video

Que7- Is the ad previously shown based on your personal preferences?

 Yes
 No

Que8- Were you using the products before seeing the advertisement?
 Yes
 No

Que9- have you purchase a product after seeing advertisement, On what basis
 Feature
 Sales
 Price

Que10- What are your feedback or reviews for these ads?


The landscape of print media has undergone significant transformations in recent years, raising
questions about the sustainability and growth of job opportunities within the industry. This research
project aims to delve into the current state of job opportunities in print media, examining the
challenges and prospects that college graduates may encounter. The study employs a multifaceted
approach, combining an extensive literature review with real-world insights from professionals within
the print media sector. By analysing industry reports, scholarly articles, and conducting interviews
with seasoned professionals, the research seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
dynamics influencing job opportunities. One key aspect under consideration is the impact of
digitalization on print media. As technology continues to reshape the way information is consumed,
the project investigates how this shift affects the demand for traditional print media roles. Moreover, it
explores the emergence of new positions that bridge the gap between print and digital platforms,
offering students a unique set of opportunities in the evolving media landscape.

In this research, I am using an online survey method to get people's opinions. There are a total of 11
questions. I will use Google Forms as the medium to collect the information that I need for this
research. This is a quantitative type of research. The target audience of my research is not a specified
group, but people from 16 to 60 years of aged digital platforms, offering students a unique set of
opportunities in the evolving media landscape.


1. Print Media
2. Job Opportunities
3. Media Industry
4. Digitalization
5. Skills in Media
6. Career Trajectories
7. Industry Trends
8. Internships in Media
TOPIC: Job Opportunity in Print Media

In the wake of the digital revolution, the landscape of job opportunities in print media has undergone
a profound metamorphosis, presenting a dynamic and evolving terrain for professionals entering the
field. The traditional bastion of newsprint and magazines is now juxtaposed against the digitized
realm of online content consumption, posing both challenges and novel prospects for those aspiring to
carve a career in print media. The impact of digitalization on the print media industry is a central
theme in contemporary discourse. As the digital landscape continues to reshape the way information is
disseminated and consumed, it becomes imperative to explore how these changes reverberate in the
realm of job opportunities within print media.

Moreover, the evolving nature of skill demands within the print media sector adds another layer of
complexity to the narrative. It emphasizes the need for professionals to exhibit not only the
foundational skills of traditional journalism but also a keen adaptability to navigate the digital terrain.
Research further nuances this perspective, suggesting a delicate balance between time-honored
journalistic competencies and the contemporary demand for digital literacy. While the literature
extensively addresses the impact of digitalization and changing skill demands, a lesser-explored
dimension lies in the regional disparities characterizing print media job markets. It delves into this
aspect, shedding light on how job opportunities vary across different geographical areas. This regional
lens is critical for students and professionals planning their career trajectories, offering insights into
potential hubs of growth and areas facing industry challenges.

Internships emerge as a recurring theme in the literature, recognized as a gateway to successful

careers in print media. The studies conducted emphasize the practical experiences gained through
internships as invaluable assets for job seekers. Networking, a crucial component of internships, as a
significant contributor to successful job placements, underscoring the importance of industry
connections in navigating the competitive landscape. As the following sections will delve into these
themes, this introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the contemporary
dynamics surrounding job opportunities in print media. The interplay between digitalization, changing
skill demands, regional disparities, and the role of internships forms the backdrop against which we
seek to unravel the complexities and potentials inherent in this ever-evolving sector.
Formulate the research problem:

Job Opportunity in Print media

The research problem central to this study revolves around unraveling the intricate dynamics of job
opportunities within the print media sector, particularly in the context of the transformative impact of
digitalization. As the media landscape undergoes a profound shift towards digital platforms, this
inquiry seeks to address several key facets that are pivotal for understanding the contemporary state of
employment in print media.

Significance Of the Study-

1. Adaptation to Digitalization: The study is significant in providing insights into how the print
media sector adapts to digitalization. This understanding is crucial for professionals
navigating the evolving industry landscape and for educational institutions shaping curricula
to meet industry demands.

2. Enhancing Competitiveness: By exploring the impact of digitalization on traditional roles

and the emergence of hybrid positions, the research aids aspiring professionals in aligning
their skill development with industry needs. This enhances their competitiveness and
adaptability in a rapidly changing field.

3. Addressing Regional Disparities: The study contributes to addressing regional variations in

print media job markets. This information is valuable for students planning their careers,
enabling them to make informed decisions about geographical locations and potentially
fostering regional development within the industry.

4. Practical Guidance for Job Seekers: Through the examination of internships and networking,
the research offers practical guidance for individuals navigating the competitive job market.
Identifying effective strategies, the study equips aspiring professionals with tools to actively
shape their career trajectories.

5. Bridging Academia and Industry: By delving into the practical aspects of job placement, the
study serves as a bridge between academia and industry. It provides actionable insights that
can inform educational programs, ensuring they align with the evolving needs of the print
media sector.

6. Informing Career Path Decisions: The study's findings can inform students' career decisions
by offering a nuanced understanding of where job opportunities may be concentrated. This
information empowers individuals to make informed choices about their career paths.

 The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform and guide stakeholders, providing
actionable insights for professionals, educators, and the print media industry as it navigates
the complexities of a rapidly evolving media landscape. the study's significance lies in its
comprehensive exploration, offering actionable insights for professionals, educators, and the
print media industry as they navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving media landscape.
It not only addresses current challenges but also provides a foundation for informed decision-
making and strategic planning for the future.
Main objectives of this Research are:

 To Assess the Current Landscape of Job Opportunities in Print Media.

 To Investigate the Impact of Digital Transformation on Print Media Jobs.
 To Examine Career Advancement and Sustainability in Print Media.

1. The Future of Print Media:

(Source: Brightpixel)
The world is shifting to online media and transforming into a digital place as the
technology is tightening its grip. With this, it is hard to imagine there was a time when
all this was new and the print media was the most prominent form of advertisement and
news. But with the increasing digital media do print media/advertising platforms such
as billboards, magazines or newspaper ads still, have a chance? Print media has the
advantage of providing a tangible and tactile experience that digital platforms cannot
replicate. Publishers can explore innovative printing techniques, high-quality paper, and
visually stunning designs to create a sensory experience for readers. Incorporating
interactive elements such as QR codes, augmented reality, or even microchips
embedded in pages can bridge the gap between print and digital, offering a hybrid
experience that combines the best of both worlds.

2. Effects on Print media companies:

(Source: Core.acuk)
The gradual development of print media began from Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of
movable type printing in the mid fifteenth century. The word media is the plural form of
medium, which derived from the word Medius – middle in Latin. The communication
media are the different technology process that facilitate communication between the
sender and receiver of a message. Print media refers to such communication media in
printed form Today print media covers a large range of products and items that fall into
its category – the main ones being books, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals
along with brochures and even product packaging. The focus of this paper is on
newspapers and magazines – and more precisely on companies associated with
publishing of journalistic information through these particular print media forms. The
changes in the print media industry have been closely observed by various scholars and
instances during the past decades. The research regarding this subject has been essential
as companies have tried to adapt to the new media
environment caused by the major steps taken in technological development which has
dramatically changed the whole game within the industry. The reading rates of
traditional printed newspapers and magazines have been steadily declining during the
past two decades (Picard 2004) and change has been the most notable in the younger
generation’s consumption of all the traditional media forms – print along with television
and radio. Based on this, concerns regarding print’s future customer base are justified, as
already the majority of current print subscribers in Finland represent the age group
above 50 years. The decline in readership and subscriptions has been extremely
damaging to print media companies in two major ways – causing loss of revenue from
both subscriptions and advertising. Lower rates of readership decrease the attractiveness
of a newspaper or a magazine as an advertising channel. Advertising has traditionally
been a significant source of revenue for print media companies. The negative impact on
both subscription and advertising revenues has led to a destructive cycle: decline in
readership rates makes print less attractive to advertisers, which consequently causes
decline in advertising revenue. This loss of revenue combined limits a company’s ability
to tackle the primary issue of decline in subscriptions. There is no end in sight for the
current development: according to Statistics, online advertising has been in steady
growth over last years– reflecting the also increasing share of digital media in general –
whereas the amount of print advertising continues to decline year after year.
As a result of convergence, newspapers and magazines for example are not only
competing with each other. The internet has brought an immense number of new
competitors and in its own way also intensified the existing competition over people’s
attention between print, television and radio as well (Picard 2004). The competition over
people’s attention is among the core challenges for all the media companies due to its
decreasing nature. People have an increasing number of operators in media industry
offering a wide range of choices to focus their interest on but at the same time people’s
social lives have become busier especially in modern societies (Picard 2004). Picard
(2004) reports that sleep and work alone take approximately up to two-thirds of an
individual’s time of a day, leaving only one-third for everything else, including possible
family-related responsibilities and free time activities.

3. New Media Impact on Print Media:

(Source: Caluniv.acin)

With the emergence of the television and the new media (internet), it can be argued that
newspapers are becoming irrelevant in terms of providing the latest news. However,
both media has its own importance. The longevity of written media is much more than
the electronic ones. It is the written media which has made history recordable and
accurate. The age of an old manuscript found while digging a historical site gives
information about the era in which it was written, which is not possible with electronic
media. Print media is durable. Anyone can anonymously post articles and raise their
voices. It is difficult to track the real owner of an article. With electronic media, anyone
can copy any piece of information and present it as his own; plagiarism is at its peak
these days. The information provided by a newspaper is usually more authentic and
genuine but it is not in case of electronic media. Electronic media depends mainly on
electricity. In areas with frequent power cuts or in the rural areas, it is not a viable
replacement for newspapers. Print media is easily accessible and widely read. Anyone
can buy it since it is cheaper and available in the remotest of the villages. In a country
like India, subscribing to newspapers is cheaper than taking an Internet connection. Print
media is local to the city or the region and carries information about the local events like
a play being screened in the town or an inter-school chess tournament. Many
newspapers in India and the world to some extent have started providing analysis of the
news as well and so the demand and scope of newspaper is still sustain in competitive
age. The coverage of the 2009 General Elections is the proof of that. Most newspapers
had their own supplements dedicated to the elections and they scrutinized every detail of
the elections in a way the television channels cannot provide. As of 2000, there are at
least 41,705 newspapers in India and growing every day. The media whilst flawed is one
of the most precious commodities in any democracy and as India celebrates another year
of its emancipation, the media has a lot to celebrate as well – everyday for millions all
over the country it makes this independence count substantial instead of some word
uttered as a cliché at some cocktail party. The newspapers had the information in greater
detail, depth and also had images which were not shown on TV. In the recent era, many
print media are also available in electronic forms. Shortly, the print media is now
available at global level using the internet on which information came in the print media

 My topic for this research is Job Opportunity in Print Media

 In this research I’ve tried to find the current job landscape in print media, especially in
the context of digital transformation, to provide valuable insights for career seekers
and industry stakeholders
 I’ve used Quantitative method research to conduct my research.
 Date collection tool is Online survey.
 I have used Google Forms as the medium to collect the information that I needed in
this research.
 My target audience is not a specified group but people age from 16 to 50 years and
above because in this time every age watch or listen to news frequently.
 I have prepared 13 questions in the questionnaire to get the people’s view on Media
bias in electronic media.
 Questionnaire has close ended questions. (Yes/No, or set of multiple-choice
 The total no. of respondents is 11.
Q1- Name


Q2- Age

- 18-24

- 25-34

- 35-44

- 45-54

- 55 or above

Q3- Gender

- Male

- Female

- Other

Q4- Profession


Q5- Do you currently work in the print media industry?

- Yes

- No
Q6- If yes, please specify your current job role


Q7- How long have you been working in the print media industry?

- Less than 1 year

- 1-5 years

- 6-10 years

- 11-15 years

- 16 years or more

Q8- In your opinion, how has the demand for print media jobs changed in the last five years?

- Increased significantly

- Increased moderately

- Remained stable

- Decreased moderately

- Decreased significantly

- Not sure

Q9- How has the digital transformation affected your job or career in print media?

- Positively

- Negatively

- No significant impact

- Not sure
Q10- Have you had to acquire new digital skills to adapt to the changing landscape of print

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

Q11- Do you believe there are ample career advancement opportunities within the print
media industry?

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

Q12- In your opinion, what are the primary factors influencing career advancement in the
print media industry?

- Experience

- Skills and qualifications

- Networking and connections

- Adaptability to digital tools

- Educational background

- Company or organization policies

Q13- What challenges do you perceive in sustaining a career in the print media industry

- Competition from online media

- Technological changes
- Shifting audience preferences

- Job security

- Economic challenges



 72.7% people are of 18-24 years age group

 9.1% are of 25-34 years age group
 0.0%people are of 35-44 years age group
 9.1%people are of 45-54 years age group
 9.1%people are of 55 or older age group



 10% are business man

 10% are house maker
 10%are pursuing BAJMC
 10%are printing engineer
 40%are student

 90.9% no
 9.1%yes


 66.7% less than 1 year

 33.3% 1-5 years

 30% people chose increased significantly

 20%peopole chose increase moderately
 10%people chose remained stable
 20%people chose decreased moderately
 20%people chose bot sure

 36.4% people chose positively

 27.3%people chose negatively
 18.3%people chose no significant
 18.2%people chose not sure

 81.8%people selected yes

 18.2%people selected no

 36.5%people selected yes

 27.3%people selected no
 36.4%people selected not sure

 18.2%people chose experience

 63.6% people chose skills and qualifications
 9.1% people chose adaptability to digital chose
 9.1% people chose educational background
 18.2% people chose company or organization policies

 9.1%people chose competition from online media

 36.4% people chose technological changes
 27.3% people chose shifting audience preferences
 9.1% people chose job security
 9.1% people chose economic challenges
 9.1% people chose others

In conclusion, the exploration of job opportunities in print media reveals a complex and
dynamic landscape shaped by the digital age. The literature underscores the transformative
impact of digitalization on traditional print roles, sparking debates on the future viability of
conventional positions in an era dominated by online platforms. The evolving skill demands
within the print media sector further complicate this narrative, with a delicate balance
between traditional journalistic competencies and the imperative of digital literacy.

The regional disparities in print media job markets, add another layer to the discussion,
showcasing how job opportunities vary across different geographical areas. This regional lens
becomes pivotal for students and professionals in making informed decisions about where to
focus their job search efforts or potentially relocate for better opportunities. Internships
emerge as a consistent theme, recognized as a crucial pathway to successful careers in print
media. Practical experiences gained through internships are considered invaluable assets for
job seekers, providing them with a competitive edge in a rapidly changing industry.
Moreover, networking during internships, plays a significant role in facilitating successful job
placements, emphasizing the importance of industry connections in navigating the
competitive landscape.
As we reflect on these insights, it becomes evident that job opportunities in print media are
intricately linked to the industry's ability to adapt to digital transformations, the acquisition of
a diverse skill set, the recognition of regional nuances, and the strategic leverage of internship
experiences. The synthesis of these key themes provides a holistic understanding of the
contemporary dynamics within the print media job market, offering both challenges and
opportunities for those embarking on careers in this evolving sector. Looking ahead, the
implications drawn from this literature review provide a foundation for further research and
practical considerations. As print media continues to navigate the complexities of the digital
age, professionals and educators alike can draw upon these insights to shape strategies for
career development, educational curricula, and industry practices, ensuring a symbiotic
relationship between evolving job opportunities and the individuals seeking to thrive within

References and Bibliography

Smith, M. (2019). "The Impact of Digital Platforms on Traditional Print Media: A

Comparative Analysis." Media Dynamics, P35(4), 451-468.

Johnson, A. (2020). "Navigating the Digital Shift: Transformations in Traditional Print Media
Roles." Journal of Media Studies, P15(2), 123-145.

Lalmuansangkimi,c (2015) "A Reflection on the Emergence of Print and Electronic Media

Joshi,Ajaya. (2014). "Print Media Companies in the New Media Environment". P106,

Kalombe,Caroline. (2019). "Impact of Online Media on Print Media in Developing

Countries”. P316,

Omidi.Afshin. (2022). "The Nature of Work in the Media

Inyang,Obia. (2020). "Users’ Perception pf Print Media Retention in a Digital

Phiri,Jackson. (2022)."A Study on Print Media"P178

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