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République de Djibouti Ministère de

l’Education nationale
Unité – Egalité - Paix Et de
l’Enseignement Supérieur.


Group members :


 General Introducing & Presentation.
 The meaningful of TIME.
1- The main parts and particulars of time.
2- The evolution of Time and it’s requirements.
1- The importance of time in life Time especially in Youth
2- The way that the religion considered the value of Time.
1- The main skills of Time management.
2- The benefits and results of Time management.
1- The affects of social media and procrastination.
2- The misusing and misunderstanding of Time.
1- The Previous people and their Time.
2- The Present people and their Time.
1- The recapitulation of Time meaning.
2- The solution of subject (importance & management).
3- Briefly wisdoms & Cordially Thanks.

I- General Presentation.
At the first time I would like to start my speech with the NAME of
Allah the all mighty, the creator of this Universe and which has the
most gracious and the most merciful. After that all praise and
thanks to be to our God then Peace and blessing of Allah be upon
our Prophet.
And I am greeting also all of you with the best greeting of
Islam « Peace be of Allah be upon you » and especially I am
thanking to our honnorable teacher who always with us.
Now i am going to say or to discuss something about one of this
important subject so
Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an
apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the

Time is the most precious commodity anyone has. And yet, we all waste it. A lot. We
fritter it away on things that don’t matter, on people who don’t deserve it, and on
activities that don’t bring us joy.
Time is important because we only have a set amount of it. We can always
make more money, but no matter how rich or poor we are, we can’t make
more time
Time is the most precious, non-renewal commodity anyone has. You are born with a
set amount of time, and you have no way of knowing how much time you have left on
this Earth at any given moment. That’s why it’s essential to make the most of your time
and not take it for granted.

Finaly thank you very much with your beautiful listening


 General Introducing & Presentation.

At the first time I would like to start my speech with the NAME of Allah the all mighty,
the creator of this Universe and which has the most gracious and the most merciful.
After that all prayers and blessing of Allah be upon our Prophet Mohamed.
And I am greeting also all of you with the best greeting of Islam « Peace be of Allah be
upon you » and especially I am thanking to our honorable teacher who saying thanks
you very much teacher and we hope that Allah provides you a long time life with good
deed and the highest paradise.
Now i am going to say or to discuss something about one of this important subject
“THE TIME”. Therefore the question that everyone of use must now it’s answer is:

 The meaningful of TIME.

The time is the first thing which everyone owns freely, Time is also the most precious
thing that belongs to anyone right now. In addition Time is money but more valuable
than money because you can get back money after spending for something but never

And yet, we all waste it.

Time is truly a unique resource. It cannot be accumulated like money or stockpiled like raw
A lot We fritter it away on things that don’t matter, on people who don’t deserve it,
and on activities that don’t bring us joy.

Time is

important because we only have a set amount of it. We can always

make more money, but no matter how rich or poor we are, we can’t make more time
Time is the most precious, non-renewal commodity anyone has. You are born with a
set amount of time, and you have no way of knowing how much time you have left on
this Earth at any given moment. That’s why it’s essential to make the most of your time
and not take it for granted.


Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently
irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future.
A- The main parts and particulars of time.

The past is about the time which has already passed. The present is about the time that is
happening as of now, and the future is about the time which is yet to happen.
The past is the set of all events that occurred before a given point in time. The past is
contrasted with and defined by the present and the future. The concept of the past is derived
from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through
memory and recollection

The view that the past and the future and the objects and events of the past and future exist
in just the same way as the objects and events of the present moment.
 Parts of the day: Morning, Noon, After-Noon, Evening, And Night.

B- The evolution of Time and it’s requirements


We feel the passage of time in the present, our interaction with the world in the present
creates our memories which are then relegated to the past as we venture into the unknown
future. The present gives us the most real feeling of time however almost all of what we
perceive as now is already past. The present is a fleeting moment; whatever is happening
is confined
to an

infinitesimally narrow point on the time line which is being encroached upon by the past
and the future. Present resembles the sharp point of a recording laser or needle; it may be
the mental awareness of recording of memory as it is being perceived and inscribed into
our neurons. Unlike the present we see past and future as measurable durations of time.
Past historical events, a meeting, or a wedding reception are all measurable durations or
extensions in time, just like a recorded material on tape. This similarity suggests that past is
more like a recorded memory, while future can be compared to an unrecorded tape.
Another interesting observation pointed out by philosopher Mc Taggart was that historical
events also have the same time characteristic as stories that are just creations of the human
imagination. Both stories and historical events contain the time concepts of earlier, the
later, the past the present and the future suggesting that past is nothing more than memory

events. Future appears to be a projection created by our past experiences stored in our


A- The importance of time in life time especially in Youth period.

Time plays a significant role in human life. If you understand the value of time better,
you can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time has great importance in
human life, including: Time is related to all that is going on around us, so we often
hear about the time dimension, because time is an essential element of life.

Time represents special milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries and the birth
of babies and helps us organize our daily lives and activities, so we can live a more
organized and productive life. Time is one of the most mysterious forces in the
universe. Time plays a significant role in our life. Time helps us make a good habit of
structuring and organizing our daily activities. If you understand the value of time
better, you can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time is the most
valuable resource because you cannot take it back.
Why does Time matter so much?

 Here are 10 reasons why time is so important:

1- Time acts as both a teacher and a healer. Sometimes, the only way to get a new,
healthy outlook on a situation is to give it time. Time teaches us the value of life and
makes you feel happy to be alive. A difficult or painful situation will seem less bad as
time passes.
2- Time is the one thing that you can never get back. Once time has gone, it will never
3- Nobody knows how much time they have. People can die at any age and for any
4- Every single thing in the universe is bound to time. Gradually all things start aging
and eventually decay as time progresses.
5- We are aware of three stages of time - the past, the present, and the future but the
only time we actually have is the present.
6-Time affects happiness. A person's perspective of time has a big impact on their
happiness and peace of mind.
7- Mastering our available time is essential. Managing it poorly or well has a huge
impact on life.
8- Skills development takes time, whether that skill is what you love or what you think
is best for your future, it depends on how much time you invest.
9- Relationships are made or broken due to the amount of time you invest. The
amount of time you invest is often the main difference between a deep relationship,
loyalty, and one that’s shallow.
10- Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, so no one can complain about not having
time for the things they want to do.

B- The way that the religion considered the value of time.

The time is really very expensive than everything on the world aside of our best and
precious religion has extremely honored the time for many ways.
In the holly Quran and many other sayings of our messenger “peace be upon him”.
Therefore in the holly Quran Allah had mentioned many time swearing the parts of the
time like: the morning, the day and the night …..etc.
That shows us the importance of time

While the great imam Hassan al-basri also said:

Time is truly a unique

resource. It cannot be accumulated like money or stockpiled like raw materials.
We are forced to spend it, whether we choose to or not, and at a fixed rate of 60 seconds
every minute, 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in each day. It cannot be turned on
and off like a machine or replaced like a person. It is always consumed and irretrievable.


Time been the first gift from Allah to us we must manage it in order to use it wisely
and delicately there for:
There never seems to be enough time in the day. But some people get more results in their
day. It depends on how they manage their time.
Indeed, optimizing and managing your time as well as possible, allows you to gain
productivity in many areas.


The main skills of time management

According to the Pomodoro method, method of young student at the Francesco Cirillo
University said. To manage our time we must follow 4 steps.
 First, list all the things to do. Classify tasks as urgent, important to deal with first in order to
respect the priority.
Cut them into small very precise spots of about 25 minutes. Each task must have a precise
time so as not to waste time.
 Set rest times between each task (5 to 10 minutes). This allows you to find the energy to do
the next task effectively.
 Isolate yourself and eliminate anything that may persist in your concentration and not
accepted negative influence.
After that, there are other ways to manage time. Such us:
 Planning your time, planning your time takes advantage of the whole day. To plan the time
it is necessary that create a schedule for each day that is made up of all the tasks for your
day. You must prepare this schedule as soon as you get up in the morning, respecting the
priority of the tasks.
 After creating the schedule, you have to work daily and respect the tasks in the order you
have put. If you mix things up you risk forgetting some things.

B- The benefits and results of time management

There are several advantages for time management. But the main advantages are:
 Time management allows for greater efficiency and productivity with less stress.
 When you manage your time, it’s easier to get better results and achieve bigger goals in a
simple and productive way.
 It allows you to work less and get better results.
 It improves the balance between your professional life and your private life and thus
increases your level of happiness.
 They also allow you to reduce the time spent on unimportant tasks and increase the time
spent on important tasks.


Time having a incredible value and importance there are a lot of problems which
became obstacles to know it’s value and benefit from it like:
A-The misusing and misunderstood of time (social media and

Definition of procrastination: Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks

until the last minute, or past their deadline. Some researchers define procrastination as a
"form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite
potentially negative

Social-media procrastination occurs when someone unnecessarily postpones something they

should be doing, by engaging with social media instead. For example, if a student spends
time on Facebook when they should be writing a school paper, then they’re engaging in
social-media procrastination.People can procrastinate on social media in various ways. For
example, this can involve: Checking phone notifications from a social-media app (e.g.,
Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok). Continually scrolling through a social-media platform (e.g.,
Twitter or Pinterest) in search of new content. Repeatedly refreshing a social-media website
(e.g., Reddit, Youtube, or some forum), waiting for updates on something. Different people
procrastinate on social media using different combinations of activities, and can engage with
different types of content while doing so. For example, some people engage with diverse
types of content, such as posts, photos, and memes, produced by diverse people, such as
themselves, their friends, and members of their community, in various ways, such as
uploading, viewing, and commenting on content. Conversely, some people engage mainly
with one type of content in one way, for instance by primarily watching videos produced by
specific content creators. In addition, different people procrastinate using different
combinations of social media platforms. For example, some people procrastinate using three
different platforms in roughly equal proportions, while others procrastinate using only one
platform. In some cases, the platform that people procrastinate on is reflected in the name of
their behavior, as in the case of procrastinating on Face book, which is sometimes referred to
as Face procrastination; this reflects the potential differences between different social media
platforms, which can lead to different causes and patterns of procrastination. Certain
platforms that people procrastinate on aren’t necessarily seen as social media, but
nevertheless involve many key aspects of social media. For example, multiplayer video
games are often viewed primarily as gaming platforms, but they involve many activities that
characterize social media, such as connecting, interacting, and communicating with people
via an online social network.
Procrastinating on social media can lead to various issues, including worse academic
performance, worse financial status, worse emotional wellbeing, worse mental health, worse
physical health, and delay in getting treatment for one’s issues. The specific issues that
procrastination causes depend on factors such as when and how people procrastinate. For
example, if someone procrastinates on social-media to delay working on academic
assignments, then that can cause them to fail an exam, whereas if they procrastinate on
workplace assignments, then that can cause them to get fired. Nevertheless, in both cases, the
procrastinator may also suffer from issues such as lack of sleep and increased stress. In
addition, increased time that people spend on social media can sometimes also cause or
exacerbate various issues, such as emotional exhaustion and low self-esteem. These issues
are particularly prevalent among people who are vulnerable to the potential dangers of social
media, for example because they suffer from depression or are prone to social comparisons.
Furthermore, these issues are prevalent among those who use social media in problematic
ways, for example by presenting themselves in a disingenuous manner, or by primarily
consuming information in a passive way. Something pushes them to procrastinate, and they
do it on social media. For example, this can happen when someone wants to avoid dealing
with a task that’s unpleasant, boring, or frustrating, so they turn to social media instead.
Similarly, this can happen when someone wants to improve their mood or escape reality, so
they turn to social media when they should be doing something else (e.g., getting ready for
bed). Social media pushes them to procrastinate. For example, this can happen when a
student keeps getting distracted by constant phone notifications, so they delay studying for a
test. Similarly, this can happen when someone gets caught up in posting on social media, so
they forget to do the work that they should be doing. There for The great Imam Ibn
Qayyim said:

B- The resolution of those obstacles of time.

To stop procrastinating on social media, you should first figure out when and how you do so,
and what’s causing you to do it. Once you understand the nature of your procrastination
problem, you can identify and use the most relevant anti-procrastination techniques, such as
the following: Limit your access to social media. For example, if you need to get work done,
you can do things such as block your access to social-media apps and websites using
dedicated tools, turn off the internet access on your computer, leave your phone in a different
room than the one you’re working in, or go somewhere where you can’t access social media
(e.g., the library). Make it harder to go on social media. For example, you can log out of your
favorite social-media app after each time you use it, and make logging back in as effortful as
possible (e.g., by enabling two-factor authentication and not saving your password).
Minimize the cues that trigger your social-media use. For example, you can put your phone
on mute so you won’t hear new social-media notifications, or disable those notifications
entirely. Similarly, you can put the icons to your favorite social-media apps in a folder away
from your home screen, so you won’t see them each time you open your phone. Add a time
delay before you procrastinate. If you can’t avoid procrastinating entirely, commit to having
a time delay before you indulge your impulse to do so. For example, this can involve
counting to 10 before you’re allowed to open a new tab on the social-media website that you
usually use to procrastinate. In addition, you can also use other anti-procrastination
techniques, which can help with procrastination in general, and which might therefore also
help with social-media procrastination: Set concrete goals. For example, instead of a vague
goal, such as “work on the project”, set a concrete goal, such as “work on the project today
between 7–8 and finish the outline”. Break your work into small and manageable steps. For
example, if you have a large project that feels overwhelming, such as writing a research
paper, you can break it down into a series of small steps, such as creating an outline, finding
relevant resources, and writing the introduction. Start with a tiny step. For example, commit
to writing only a single sentence or exercising for only 2 minutes, while giving yourself
permission to stop after taking that tiny first step, to reduce the pressure associated with
getting started. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. For example, if you’re writing a
paper, accept that your work won’t be perfect, especially when it comes to the first draft.
Switch between tasks. For example, if you’re stuck on a task and can’t make progress, switch
to a different task until you’re ready to go back to the first one. Prepare for future
contingencies. For example, figure out which distractions might tempt you to procrastinate,
and plan how you will deal with them. Schedule your work according to your productivity
cycles. For example, if you find it easier to concentrate on creative tasks in the morning, then
you should schedule such tasks for that time period as much as possible. Improve your work
environment. For example, if your current work environment has a lot of irritating
background noise, get noise-canceling headphones or go somewhere quieter. For example,
you can find a role model to imitate or an authority figure to hold you accountable, or you
can associate with people who motivate you to make progress while minimizing your contact
with people who make you feel stressed. Note that if you’re trying to avoid spending too
much time online and on social media, then it can be particularly beneficial to focus on
building a social-support network that’s available offline. Get enough rest. For example, if
you need to work hard on tasks that require deep concentration, make sure to take enough
breaks that you don’t get burnt out. To encourage yourself to do this, you can remind yourself
that even if getting rest might reduce your productivity in the short term, it will generally be
much better for you in the long term, in terms of both your productivity and wellbeing.
Figure out what you’re afraid of, and address your fears.
For example, if you realize that you’re worried about getting negative feedback from
someone who isn’t really important, you can tell yourself that their feedback doesn’t matter.
Deal with underlying issues.
If your procrastination is the result of a serious underlying issue, such as anxiety, depression,
or ADHD, deal with that issue, using professional help if necessary. This will help you both
with procrastination, as well as with the underlying issue itself. Develop self-efficacy.
Specifically, this is your belief in your ability to perform the actions needed to achieve your
goals. You can develop it in various ways, such as identifying the strategies that you can use
to achieve your goals, and then thinking about how you can execute those strategies
successfully. Forgive yourself for past procrastination. For example, if you need to get started
on a task that you’ve been postponing for a long time, you can say “I shouldn’t have
postponed this task in the first place, but that’s in the past, and what’s important now is to
move on and just get this done”. Develop self-compassion. Specifically, you should develop
the three components of self-compassion: self-kindness, which involves being nice to
yourself, common humanity, which involves recognizing that everyone experiences
challenges, and mindfulness, which involves accepting your emotions in a non-judgmental
manner. Acknowledge and reward your progress. For example, you can treat yourself to
some pleasant treat once you’ve managed to achieve your study goals for a week in a row.
When figuring out which anti-procrastination techniques to use and how to use them, you
might benefit from considering what advice you would give to a friend if they were in your
situation, since doing so can often help see things more clearly than when considering
directly what’s best for yourself.
In addition, you might benefit from writing down things such as your goals, tasks, or plan of
action. Doing this can help you think through the situation more clearly, remember your
reasoning, and make everything that you decide feel more concrete, all of which can be
beneficial in reducing procrastination. Finally, note that you can use a similar approach to
help someone else deal with their procrastination. For example, if you’re a parent looking to
help your child, you can sit with them to figure out what’s causing them to procrastinate, and
then help them pick and implement relevant anti-procrastination techniques.



A- The Previous people and their time.
The time’s value isn’t valuable at the same way by the people.
The previous people were differently used their time profiting as it is.
Because they understood it’s value therefore they knew that it is limited and will never been
stopped by none.
The thought of thresholds proposes a method of reflection which gives a fundamental place
to passage and change. “Solitude” is primarily a tracking tool that seeks to identify the
presence or absence of thresholds in methods or systems, whether philosophical, artistic or
scientific. “Solitude” is an invitation to a new way of seeing, an examination of existing
things and a possibility of inventing new ones. Introducing a philosophy by a method
already invites participation and immediately presents itself as an opening. Especially since
solitude is entirely based on openness and the multitude of points of view.

B- The Present people and their time.

The present generation, often referred to as the digital or millennial generation, uses time
differently than previous generations. They have access to more technology and
automation, which allows them to have more leisure time and greater flexibility in their

They place a greater emphasis on work-life balance, and often prioritize their personal lives
and well-being over their professional lives. They are more likely to take time off for travel
and personal development, and to have a more relaxed attitude towards punctuality and
They also engage in more digital forms of communication and entertainment, such as social
media, streaming services, and online gaming. They have a greater level of instant
gratification and have access to a vast array of options and information readily available,
which may lead to less focus on patience and perseverance.
The present generation is also more environmentally conscious and socially aware, and
often prioritize sustainability, social justice, and community involvement. They are more
likely to volunteer for causes and participate in community service, and to be actively
engaged in politics and social issues.
Overall, the present generation uses time differently than previous generations, placing a
greater emphasis on work-life balance, personal well-being, and digital forms of
communication and entertainment. They are more environmentally conscious, socially
aware, and actively involved in community service and social issues. They have a greater
level of access to technology and instant gratification, which may lead to less focus on
patience and perseverance.
The present generation also places a strong emphasis on personal and professional
development, and often prioritize learning new skills and expanding their knowledge. They
are more likely to invest in their own education and training, and to seek out new
experiences and opportunities. They are also more open-minded and accepting of diversity
and different lifestyles, and may have a more global perspective.
They also have more access to technology, which has greatly impacted the way they use
their time. They are able to stay connected to others at all times, and have a constant stream
of information and entertainment available to them. They may spend more time consuming
digital content, such as watching videos and scrolling through social media, which can lead
to less time spent on other activities such as reading, exercising or socializing.
The present generation also tends to be more individualistic, and may prioritize their own
goals and needs over those of the community or society. They may be more focused on
achieving personal success and recognition, rather than working towards collective goals.
In terms of work, the present generation may have a more relaxed attitude towards
punctuality and deadlines, and may be less loyal to their employers. They may also be more
inclined to change jobs or careers frequently, in search of better opportunities and higher
The present generation, also known as the digital or millennial generation, uses time
differently than previous generations. For example, they may place a greater emphasis on
work-life balance and prioritize their personal lives and well-being over their professional
lives. This can be seen in the fact that many millennials are choosing to take extended time
off for travel and personal development, such as taking a gap year before or after college, or
taking a sabbatical to pursue a personal passion.

They also engage in more digital forms of communication and entertainment, such as social
media, streaming services, and online gaming. For example, many millennials spend hours
each day scrolling through social media feeds, watching videos on YouTube, or playing
online games. This can lead to less time spent on other activities such as reading,
exercising, or socializing in person.
The present generation is also more environmentally conscious and socially aware, and
often prioritize sustainability, social justice, and community involvement. For example,
many millennials are actively engaged in environmental and social causes, such as
volunteering for organizations that work to promote sustainable living or to combat social
In terms of work, the present generation may have a more relaxed attitude towards
punctuality and deadlines, and may be less loyal to their employers. For example, many
millennials are more inclined to change jobs or careers frequently, in search of better
opportunities and higher pay, rather than staying with one employer for a long period of

Overall, the present generation uses time differently than previous generations, placing a
greater emphasis on work-life balance, personal well-being, and digital forms of
communication and entertainment. They are more environmentally conscious, socially
aware, and actively involved in community service and social issues. They have a greater
level of access to technology and instant gratification, which may lead to less focus on
patience and perseverance.


 The recapitulation of time meaning:

 The solution of subject (importance & management):

 Briefly wisdoms & Cordially Thanks.

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