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The verses of ayat ul kursi,surah al anaam,surah fussilat,surah as shura and surah ikhlas follows the

fundamental theme of Allahin himself.The verses of these surahs highlight Allahs omnipotence and his
unique attributes whuch distinguishes him from his creation .Through the recitation of these surahs
muslims are guided about the straight path and they are given validity of the day of
jugdement.furthermore these surahs expresses Allahs unbounded knowledge and his power overall the
creation.A reoccuring theme of tauhid and oneness of Allah is being seen.say there is no god but
he,Allah the only one worth worship.

The verses of ayat ul kursi goes into details about Allah unique attributes as it says ''no slumber can sieze
him nor sleep'',this gives us the idea of Allah being the most distinctive and superior of all,he does not
feel tired and hence does not have to sleep,''he does not feel fatigue'',furthermore the ayat ul kursi has
also been given the name of verses of thrones as it discusses in detail about Allahs authority and
ownership of both the heavens and the earth as it says in the ayat''his throne extends over the heavens
and the earth''.Lastly Ayat ul kursi also highlighs Allahs unmatchable knowledge''he knows whats
before,after and behind them''

The verses of surah fussilat also underlines Allahs being and his miracles and blessing .it dates back to
the time of hazrat ibrahim who used to wonder who the creator of the universe was and he closely
observed the signs of Allah.Surah fussilat highlights the fact that the sun and the moon are nothings but
reflection of Allahs power and authority and they should not consider them 'God''as it is said in suarah
fussilat'amoung his signs are the nightand the day,adore not the sun or the moon,but adore Allah''

suarah ikhlas also follows the fundamental theme of Allah in himself and it shines light of the tawhid,the
believe in one lord,''he is Allah the one and only''furthermore it regets the chritain beleifs of Allah having
any son as it says ''he beget,not nor is he begotten.'' It explains the fact that Allah has no partners,nor
any children and he is free of all relations.this tells us abouts Allahs distinctive attributes and emphasizes
Allahs unique existence.Lastly it underlines the fact that there is no one like him.

These surahs together are the perfect source of knowledge for those muslims who want to learn about
Allahs superior attributes.

Surah Naas,surah baqrah,surah iqra,surah zulzal, and surah fateha follows the theme of Allahs
relationship with the created highlights our responsibilities and duties in order to get better in
our life.The surahs underlines Allahs unmatchable attriutes and his blessingsover the created world.It
underlines the fact that Allah is the most gracious,and the most mercifull.He taugh men everything they
know and its our duty to learn and try to gain as much knowledge as also underlines the
validity of the day of judgement and urges muslims to work towards following the right path,the path of
Allah in order to go into paradise.

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