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UHID: 107236720 Sex : Male

Patient Name : MR. Srajal Tiwari Sample Received Date : 16-Jan-2024 11:22 AM
Age : 18Y Department : Endocrinology
Lab Name: Dept of Laboratory Medicine Lab Sub Centre: Smart Lab New OPD Block
Reg Date : 16-Jan-2024 11:22 AM Sample Collection Date: 16-Jan-2024 08:43 AM
Recommended By: Dr. Nikhil Tandon(HOD) Lab Reference No: 2413440628
Sample Details : LH1601240117 Sample Type : Whole Blood

Test Name (Methodology) Result UOM Reference

Hb (SLS-photometry) 15.40 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0

Hematocrit (Direct Measure) 45.50 % 40 - 50

RBC count (Impedance) 4.04 10^6/µL 4.5 - 5.5

WBC count (Fluo. flow cytometry) 10.15 10³/µl 4.0 - 10.0

Platelet count (Impedance) 243.00 10^3/µL 150 - 410

MCV (Calculated) 112.60 fL 83 - 101

MCH (Calculated) 38.10 pg 27 - 32

MCHC (Calculated) 33.80 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5

RDW-CV (Calculated) 12.60 % 11.6 - 14

Neutro (Fluo. flow cytometry) 65.10 % 40-80%

Lympho (Fluo. flow cytometry) 27.40 % 20-40%

Eosino (Fluo. flow cytometry) 1.20 % 1-6%

Mono (Fluo. flow cytometry) 5.90 % 2-10%

NRBC 0 %

Baso (Fluo. flow cytometry) 0.40 % 0-1%

Neutro - Abs (Calculated) 6.61 10³/µl 2.0-7.0

Lympho- Abs (Calculated) 2.78 10³/µl 1.0-3.0

Eosino - Abs (Calculated) 0.12 10³/µl 0.02-0.5

Mono - Abs (Calculated) 0.60 10³/µl 0.2 - 1.0

Baso - Abs (Calculated) 0.04 10³/µl 0.02 - 0.1

Remarks: Macrocytic blood picture. Adv: 1. S.folate/Vitamin B12 assay 2. Reticulocyte count 3. Kindly
correlate clinically with drugs history.

-----End of Report-----

Dr. Sudip Kumar Datta Dr. Tushar Sehgal Dr. Suneeta Meena Dr Tushar Sehgal DM
(Biochemistry & Immunoassay) (Hematology & Coagulation) (Serology) (Hematopathology)
16-Jan-2024 15:13

Generated On 16-Jan-2024 15:16:10 339.3598 This is a computer generated report signature not required. Page 1 of 1

Attention: Please collect blood samples by puncturing the rubber cap of the vacutainers. Manual opening of caps and filling it must be
avoided strictly. Lab reports are subjected to pre-analytical errors due to inappropriate patient preparation, phlebotomy practices, storage
and transport. Please inform SMART Lab in case of any discrepancies with the expected results on the same day on 2526

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