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to learn
Your reflective journal
and additional resources
We’re delighted you’ve chosen to continue your professional development
with TeachingEnglish training and look forward to learning with you over the
coming weeks.

In this workbook you’ll find additional learning materials to complement your

course, places to note ideas of interest, encouragement and guidance in
applying them in your support of teacher learning. Whether you prefer to save
and update it on your device, to keep handwritten notes, or use it as a prompt
for your on-the-go reflection, do what works for you. We hope you and the
teachers you work with find it beneficial.

If you haven't signed up for the free course, go to the course training page to

Happy learning.

The British Council open learning team.

Foreword…………………………………………………………………………… 02

Your learning goals, your course………………………………. 04

Your learning tools…………………………………………………………. 05

Module 1: Understanding teacher learning and training

Overview and additional learning resources………….. 06

Your learning: Notes, plans and reflections……………..08

Module 2: Facilitating collaborative learning

Overview and additional learning resources…………….10

Your learning: Notes, plans and reflections………………11

Module 3: Supporting teacher autonomy and self-directed learning

Overview and additional learning resources……………13

Your learning: Notes, plans and reflections………………15

Your action plan……………………………………………………………….17

Your learning goals, your course
Discover how to support teachers in their professional development by planning and
delivering effective training. Find out how to set up and support communities of practice to
facilitate collaboration and learn how to encourage all types of self-directed learning.

During this TeachingEnglish training, you’ll engage with learning content in four modules,
supported by a series of live events and extra learning content in our Facebook community.
You’ll find practical support and encouragement from course tutors and other members of
the British Council courses for teachers global learning community as you work to
introduce new ways of helping teachers to learn.

Your learning journey is unique, so ensure you’re heading in the right direction by
reflecting upon and noting your reasons for taking this course and reaching your learning
goals. Keeping these in mind will help you focus on the most beneficial content and
discussions for you.

Your goals and reasons for learning

Introduce yourself and your learning goals by replying to the welcome post.

Your learning tools
Online learning modules
After completing the introductory Getting started module, work through three modules,
each exploring a different area of teacher learning. Involving an average of 12 hours of
study, this course blends theory, practical suggestions and case studies that explore
ways of supporting teachers to develop professionally. Repeat, return to and review
activities as often as you like before the end of your course. Learn how to access the
online learning modules by visiting the courses page on TeachingEnglish.

Courses for teachers community

Join course tutors and other teachers and teacher educators working on their
professional development in our supportive, Facebook-based learning community. Gain
access to a wide selection of additional learning resources and engage in
developmental discussions while getting the support and encouragement you need to
successfully implement ideas from the course. Access all the discussions and content
related to your specific course in the Guides section on the community Facebook page.

Live events
Attend live community events and webinars led by expert educators, or watch the
recordings on the community Facebook page. Focusing on different aspects of your
course, these sessions provide you with an opportunity to seek answers to your
questions - and share your own expertise and insights. Recordings of all live
sessions are available on TeachingEnglish and on the community Facebook page.

Use this workbook to record useful course and community content, questions you’d like
to ask in the community, links to resources, or to note ideas from any of the extra
resources or recorded events. Save a version online or print the workbook - or both.

Module 1: Understanding teacher
learning and training
The aim of this module is to help you better understand teacher learning and how you
can support teachers in their professional development by planning and delivering
effective training.
By the end of the module, you'll be able to:
• analyse how teacher beliefs and motivation impact teacher learning
• identify tools and techniques to analyse teacher needs
• identify effective learning objectives to meet teacher needs
• select delivery modes and inclusive, engaging content appropriate for teacher
needs and their context
• assess techniques to manage training pace, time and interaction effectively during
• identify strategies to monitor teacher understanding and use formative
assessment techniques during training.

Further reading, teaching, and learning resources

Type Resource description (tap/click to open)

Article about building teacher and institutional profiles through needs analysis
Read Carl Rogers’ theories about facilitating learning and change.
Read Formative assessment principles and techniques
Read Guidance about how to teach hybrid sessions
Read How to structure a workshop
Read How to organise jigsaw activities (in teaching or training)
Read Possible ideas for workshop themes and materials
Read Pros and cons of workshops for the professional development of teachers

Read Resources to use in a pronunciation workshop
Read Summary of Europe’s data privacy and security law - the GDPR
Read The interpersonal relationship in the facilitation of learning.
Read Theory behind formative assessment
Use British Council CPD Framework for Teachers
Use British Council CPD Framework for Teacher Educators
Use Write SMART learning objectives using action verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy
Watch Classroom video clips and teachers talking about what they do
Watch How to set up a hybrid classroom

Your learning
Which new ideas in Module 1 are most useful for you? Note them here together with any
questions you’d like to ask in the British Council courses for teachers learning community.

Describe three things you learned from…

Your online module

Resources you found and discussions in the course community

Extra resources and recorded events

Plan it

Describe one thing you will change in how you help teachers to learn.
Why have you chosen it?

What problems might happen when you try to make this change?

What could you do to solve those problems?

Share your plans in the Facebook community in this post.

Do it

Try it out and come back here to reflect on the experience. What did
you learn?

Share your reflections in the Facebook community in this post.

Module 2: Facilitating collaborative

The aim of this module is to help you better understand the benefits of communities
of practice for teachers and how you can set these up to facilitate collaborative

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

• describe the benefits of teacher communities of practice

• identify opportunities to develop communities of practice in your context
• contrast facilitation and training techniques
• choose strategies for facilitating collaborative learning for small groups of
• describe the process required to set up a community of practice (CoP)
• identify how to maintain a successful CoP.

Further reading, teaching, and learning resources

Type Resource description (tap/click to open)

Read Etienne and Beverly Wenger Trayer’s website about communities of practice
Read Facilitating a discussion group
Read Teacher activity groups review research
Use Tool for creating community guidelines
Watch Webinar - Measuring success of a CoP
Watch Webinar - teacher activity groups (TAGs)
Watch What is a community of practice?

Your learning
Which new ideas in Module 2 are most useful for you? Note them here together with any
questions you’d like to ask in the British Council courses for teachers learning community.

Describe three things you learned from…

Your online module

Resources you found and discussions in the course community

Extra resources and recorded events

Plan it

Describe one thing you will change in how you help teachers to learn.
Why have you chosen it?

What problems might happen when you try to make this change?

What could you do to solve those problems?

Share your plans in the Facebook community in this post.

Do it

Try it out and come back here to reflect on the experience. What did
you learn?

Share your reflections in the Facebook community in this post.

Module 3: Supporting teacher
autonomy and self-directed
In this module you’ll learn about the concept of self-directed learning and the skills
needed to achieve this.
By the end of this module, you'll be able to:
• identify the importance of self-directed learning
• understand more about what self-directed and autonomous learning involves
• evaluate your own professional development needs using the British Council
Teacher Educator Self-Assessment Tool
• identify self-directed learning activities
• create SMART learning goals
• identify ways to engage with learning resources
• identify how to support teachers with reflection
• recommend ways for teachers to self-assess and select appropriate learning
• describe ways to make the most out of peer observations.

Further reading, teaching, and learning resources

Type Resource description (tap/click to open)

Read A mindful way to reflect: rose, thorn, and bud

Read Article about self-directed learning
Read Boud’s reflection model
Read Getting started with reflective practice
Read Gibbs' reflective cycle
Read Guide to continuing professional development: peer observation
Read Peer observation

Read Reflecting on reflection: a habit of mind
Read Reflective teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice
Read Ways to continuing professional development
Use Curated resource list for teacher educators
Use Learning pathway builder
Use Teacher educator Self-Assessment Tool (TESAT)

Your learning
Which new ideas in Module 3 are most useful for you? Note them here together with any
questions you’d like to ask in the British Council courses for teachers learning community.

Describe three things you learned from…

Your online module

Resources you found and discussions in the course community

Extra resources and recorded events

Plan it

Describe one thing you will change in how you help teachers to learn.
Why have you chosen it?

What problems might happen when you try to make this change?

What could you do to solve those problems?

Share your plans in the Facebook community in this post.

Do it

Try it out and come back here to reflect on the experience. What did
you learn?

Share your reflections in the Facebook community in this post.

Your action plan
Make an action plan focused on applying learning from this the course. Complete any
sentences that help you do this. Come back and reflect on what happened in class.

In the next two weeks, I am going to...

Over the next two months, I’m going to...

Before the end of the school year, I’m going to...

Next school year, I want to...

Well done — you’ve made it to the end of the course! We hope you’ve
found it useful, and you’ll join us on another very soon.

Learn more about our professional development opportunities and learning

resources for teacher educators at:


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