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Study the following paragraphs, and discover the basic qualities that they possess.

Also, identify
whether the topic sentence in each paragraph is implied or expressed. Write your answers in the
boxes provided.

1. He who holds information holds power. This statement appears evident at present, especially
with the advent of digital technology. Data and information have become good commodities for
business models and economies of numerous government instrumentalities, non-government
institutions, research entities, businesses, and private companies as these are one of the keys to
their growth and progress. To a great extent, its seamless and continuous flow is also vital to
nation-building. - Eduard M. Riparip, 'Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases': Does it
violate the Data Privacy Act? (2020)

QUALITY: Coherence/Unity


TOPIC SENTENCE: Data and information have become good commodities for business
models and economies of numerous government instrumentalities, non-government
institutions, research entities, businesses, and private companies as these are one of the
keys to their growth and progress.

2. In a study conducted by SINTEF, one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations,

90% of all the data in the world has been generated. In a 2016 report by IBM Marketing Cloud,
around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day. The statistics reveal that data
have become readily available anytime in one click away. Personal information is all over the
Internet, database, and social media. Some of this information is handled by companies. Given
this paradigm shift to information and data systems for the past few years, there is a great need to
modify the way institutions manage data to ensure the protection and confidentiality of data and
information. - Eduard M. Riparip, 'Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases': Does it violate
the Data Privacy Act? (2020)

QUALITY: Unity/Emphasis


TOPIC SENTENCE: In a study conducted by SINTEF, one of Europe’s largest

independent research organizations, 90% of all the data in the world has been generated.
3. In this connection, the Philippines, through the legislature, enacted the Data Privacy Act of
2012, a landmark piece of legislation that protects the data and information of people, be they
natural or juridical. The said law takes into account the fundamental human right to privacy of
the people because of the growing ways and means to access, generate, and acquire personal
data. Section 2 of the said Act states that “it is the policy of the State to protect the fundamental
human right of privacy, of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote
innovation and growth.” It also added that “the State recognizes the vital role of information and
communications technology in nation-building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal
information in information and communications systems in the government and the private
sector are secured and protected.” - Eduard M. Riparip, 'Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable
Diseases': Does it violate the Data Privacy Act? (2020)

QUALITY: Unity/Coherence/Emphasis


TOPIC SENTENCE: In this connection, the Philippines, through the legislature, enacted
the Data Privacy Act of 2012, a landmark piece of legislation that protects the data and
information of people, be they natural or juridical.

4. Mission and vision statements play an essential role in the success of an organization. Mission
acts as a “North Star,” providing direction that is to be followed by the organization, while the
vision provides the goal to be reached by following this direction. To be clear, they are not just
reiterations of what a company is and will be. They are not just phraseology that needs to be
posted on the strategic place in a company for everyone to read. They are not mere formalities.
More importantly, they should not be dismissed as empty words because they are as
indispensable as the people of the organization. - Eduard Riparip, Role of Mission and Vision

QUALITY: Coherence/Unity/Emphasis


TOPIC SENTENCE: Mission and vision statements play an essential role in the success of
an organization.

5. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immense challenges in the education sector in the
Philippines. One of these is the implementation of purely remote online learning, which is the
optimal highlight of the educational experience of the students and their parents, the teachers,
and the academic leaders amidst this health crisis. - Eduard Riparip, An Assessment of Academic
Heads' Leadership Behaviors during the Pandemic (2021)



TOPIC SENTENCE: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immense challenges in the
education sector in the Philippines.

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