FFT-M1 Post Task

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Describe how useful food technology in your future work as Nutritionist Dietitian, cite at

least 5 situations where your knowledge on it will be utilized.

As a future nutritionist-dietitian, these are the following scenarios in which I can use my
understanding of food technology:

- We can apply it in food preparation, knowing the procedures that are helpful for
everyone to keep safe. Examples are the preservation of food, for which we know how
long it can last, the processing of a product for preservation, and packaging.
- There are different methods to preserve a food that will be handled in a restaurant, at a
market, and in other places like our home. We can use the canning, freezing, salting, and
smoking of a food item to prevent any unwanted contamination.
- As I have mentioned, when packaging is used in the processing of food, it can be useful
to know how properly food items are being packed. It is also to keep it safe, preserve it,
and distribute it safely to food consumers. The meals that will be prepared for the
consumers must be both nutritious and beneficial.
- In the future, I can apply my knowledge to build and set up nutrition information that
will contribute to the growth of future technology and improve food. It may boost
efficiency, help with maintaining clients and patients’ security, and support nutrition and
good health.
- Due to advances in food technology, companies can become more flexible and promptly
meet the expectations and opinions of consumers/customers to our service. Also, it can
be a food product that is one of the final products of the food service and that has a big
impact on the customer experience and will leave an excellent review that may affect the
business, which makes an improvement.

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