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You are to create a UWP app interacting with the database system discussed in class .

Option 1 (marked hardest)

An online store /online restaurant (note, you will not actually be connecting online for this
project) . Users must be able to make purchases from a variety of items from a variety of
categories. There will be 3 types of users. Admin will use the GUI to perform a variety of
CRUD tasks. Non Members (guests) can purchase items. Members can purchase items and
receive some form of discount. Non members can register if they like.

Option 2 (marked second hardest).

A movie ticket / hotel room reservation. (note, you will not actually be connecting online for
this project) .
Users must be able to make reservations from a variety of categories. To make things
easier , just make reservations for a 1 week time frame. There will be 3 types of users.
Admin will use the GUI to perform a variety of CRUD tasks. Non Members (guests) can
make reservations. Members can make reservations and receive some form of discount.
Non members can register if they like.

Option 3 (I will be lenient)


Make sure you use COP, inheritance , have code in different folders.
Make sure your app does not allow impossible situations.
Make sure your app does not fail or crash.
Failure to meet the above will result in deductions.

Functionality 50%
Aesthetics 50%

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