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(100 MARKS)
Subject Number: P052
Thursday, 07 March, 2024 Time allowed: 2𝟏⁄𝟒 hrs
8:00 – 10: 15 am
Name of Candidate: ________________________________________________________________________
(Surname first)

Name of School: ___________________________________________________________________________

Instructions Question Tick if Do not write in

1. This paper contains 8 pages. Please check. Number answered these columns
2. Write your Name and Name of Your School in the spaces provided
above and your Examination number on top of each page of the
question paper. 3
3. This paper consists 4 sections: A, B, C, and D.
4. You are expected to answer one question only from section A. Your
composition should be between 100 and 150 words. You should
answer all questions in sections B, C, and D. 7

5. The first 10 minutes are for reading the questions and choosing the 8
questions to answer from Section A. 9

6. Write all your answers to the questions in sections A, B, and C in the 10

space provided on the question paper. In section D encircle the letter 11
representing to the right answer to each question.
7. In the table provided on this page, tick against the question number 13
you have answered apart from question 14 to 53.
14 – 26
8. Hand in your worked question paper to the invigilator when time is 27 – 39
called to stop writing.
40 – 44
45 – 46
47 – 48
49 – 53

Turn over
EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________


 Answer one question from this section on the 2. You have read an advertisement that appeared
provided space in Tikhonza newspaper in which Chisomo
 Write between 100 and 150 words. Company is looking for a shopkeeper. Write a
letter applying for a job using the following
EITHER address; The General Manager, Chisomo
1. Imagine that your area has been affected by Company, Post Office Box 219, Chokwanira.
cholera outbreak. An officer from your District In your letter, you may include the following
Hospital want to come to address people on points.
dangers of the outbreak. Write a speech that
you will make on that day. In your speech use Paragraph 1
the following points.  The date you read the advertisement.
 Indicate whether you are male or female.
Paragraph 1  Indicate your age.
 Address the people who are present on how  The qualification you have.
the disease started.
 When the outbreak started. Paragraph 2
 Two reasons why you want the job.
Paragraph 2  The responsibility you had at school.
 What assistance do you want urgently?
 How you are you going to use the assistance. Paragraph 3
 Things you like doing when you are fine.
Paragraph 3  Two things you promise to do for the company
 What have you done to assist people who have when you start the job.
been affected by the outbreak?


3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows

Gasten was a leaner at Katawa Primary School. The school was far from Dedza Township. One day the head teacher
on an assembly day announced “the Ministry of Education is planning to conduct a cross country championship next
month in Dedza.

Gasten went home and after eating meal he decided to meet Chikanda the Wiseman. He explained everything about
the race. “I want to be the fastest runner in the school. He said to the Wiseman. The Wiseman gave Gasten a
necklace to wear around his neck. “It is full of magic. For you to make it strong, get up at four o’clock every
morning. Run six kilometres from the chief house to chamkutu tarmac road and make sure you are back before the
sun rise, the Wiseman advised him.

The following morning he decides to run to the tarmac road. It is a long way. His legs a chest and even his feet had
sores, He ran back to the village before the rising of the sun. He repeated this for many days

The day of the race at school level was a long race His two friends ahead of him got tired and he passed them. I have
won. The boy was excited to know that he will go to compete in Dedza.

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EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________

Gasten went back to the Wiseman. Will the magic work in Dedza. He asked. “Yes Chikanda responded. Work up at
four and continue with your training and don’t forget to come back before the sun rises he added. Although it was
dark, Gasten continued his training. The magic grew stronger.

As the day for the cross-country championship approached, his father, Mr Domoya gave him K500 to buy food.
Gasten could not sleep. He was excited. He travelled by minibus to Dedza town where he met with other runners.
Upon arrival in the city a strange man welcomed them. He told them that the winner will go to Tanzania for African
cross-country championship. This added a smile in his face because he knew that he would fly to Tanzania by an
aero plane. “I have magic necklace and I must win, Gasten thought.

Unfortunately he lost K500 together with the magic necklace. He had no hope of winning. After winning the
competition he realized that his success was due to frequent practices not the magic necklace.


a) Name the School where Gasten was learning?

________________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
b) Who made Gasten Gather Courage to take part in a competition?
________________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

c) What are the two things that happened to Gasten when he was practicing running on the first day?
i. _________________________________________________________________________(1mark)
ii. _________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

d) Explain how gasten prepared for the competition?

________________________________________________________________________________ (2mark)
e) Give one reason why Gasten didn’t sleep as the day of the race approached?
________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
f) Mention one thing that gave Gasten confidence that he would fly to Tanzania?
________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
g) Which time did the Wiseman advised Gasten to start training?
________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
h) Where Gasten did got the money for food?
_________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
i) Explain one factor that made Gasten win the competition?
_______________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________

j) Find a word in the passage that means

(i) Competition (paragraph 2)
________________________________________________________________________________ (2mark)
(ii) Next (paragraph 3)
________________________________________________________________________________ (2 mark)
(iii) Victory (paragraph
_________________________________________________________________________________ (2mark)
k) Give the tittle for the story
________________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

SECTION C (10 Marks)

Make sentences with each of the following words to show that you understand their meanings
4. attack __________________________________________________________________________(1mark)
5. both ___________________________________________________________________________(1mark)
6. possible ________________________________________________________________________(1mark)
7. neatly __________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
8. hunter __________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

Punctuate each of the following sentences correctly. Write your correctly punctuated sentences in the spaces

9. He bought beans vegetables oranges and cabbages

__________________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
10. Who is your new teacher? She asked.
__________________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
11. by the time the three elephants reached the river a full moon was shining
12. “Help me” the man shouted.
__________________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)
13. Maria is your friend’s sister isn’t she
________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________


Question 14 to 26. In each of the following, choose

the correct parts of speech for each of the 25. Chisomo often meet his brother
underlined words A. adverb C. adjective
B. conjunction D. preposition
14. The day it rained, I was in class
A. noun C. verb 26. He is the first born in his family
B. adverb D. adjective A. pronoun C. preposition
B. adjective D. adverb
15. She had a big smile on her face
A. verb C. conjunction Question 27 to 39. Choose the word that best
B. noun D. adverb completes the sentences

16. All will have to walk to the market 27. Tandwe is suffering _____ malaria.
A. article C. noun A. with C. for
B. pronoun D. adverb B. from D. of

17. Remember to feed the baby while I am away. 28. There are interesting books ___ the library
A. preposition C. Conjunction A. at C. in
B. adjective D. adverb B. on D. over

18. Honestly protects citizens in a country 29. This is the happiest day ____ my life
A. noun C. adverb A. at C. for
B. adjective D. preposition B. of D. with

19. Lukapo has a lovely voice 30. They are going ____ a walk on Sunday
A. adjectives C. adverb A. for C. on
B. verb D. preposition B. in D. to

20. Have you sent someone to the party? 31. She is happy ____ you
A. conjunction C. adverb A. with C. about
B. adjective C. pronoun B. at D. of

21. I will go if you tell me what to do 32. I saw a _____ of bees in a hive
A. pronoun C. preposition A. crowd C. collection
B. adverb D. conjunction B. heap D. swam

22. Alas! He was my only friend. 33. They turned ____the television at midnight
A. preposition C. interjection A. away C. off
B. conjunction D. adjective B. down D. over

23. Austrina went to school before she was six 34. The football competition was won ___ an
years African team
A. verb C. conjunction A. against C. for
B. preposition D. adverb B. by D. with

24. I heard shouts and clapping of hands in the 35. The nurse always ____ in the hospital
hall A. works C. has worked
A. verb C. noun B. work D. worked
B. adverb D. adjective
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EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________

36. The dog _____ bitten me if i had not seen it 46. My father is as brave as ______
A. should have C. may have A. a lion C. a hare
B. will have D. would have B. king Solomon D. a dog

37. By the time he comes, his mother ____ gone Questions 47 and 48. Choose the word that best
A. will have C. would have complete the proverb
B. is D. was
47. Half a ______ is a better the none
38. If i had money, I _____ buy a house A. bread C. loaf
A. can C. could B. doughnut D. slice
B. will D. would
48. An apple a day keeps the ____ away
39. My father ____ for the visitors since morning A. patient C. nurse
A. is waiting B. matron D. doctor
B. has been waiting
C. had been waiting Question 49 to 53 choose the answer that gives the
D. was waiting correct type of clause and its function. The clause
has been underlined
Question 40 to 44, choose the correct question tag
for the statement 49. This is a dog I bought
A. noun clause, object of ‘is’
40. I am like a sister to her ______? B. adjective clause, qualifying ‘dog’
A. i am C. aren’t i C. noun clause, complements of ‘is’
B. i an I D. cant i D. adverb clause, modifying ‘is’

41. Our examinations will start next year ____? 50. This is the place where Alick was buried
A. aren’t they C. isn’t it A. adjective clause, qualifying ‘place’
B. will they D. won’t they B. adverb clause, modifying ‘is’
C. noun clause, object of ‘is’
42. He often preaches on the radio_______? D. noun clause in apposition to ‘place’
A. doesn’t he? C. does he
B. isn’t he? D. is he 51. What he did surprised sister
A. noun clause, subject of ‘surprised’
43. I will never go to school again_____? B. adjective clause qualifying ‘sister’
A. will I C. would I C. adverb clause, modifying ‘surprised’
B. wouldn’t I D. won’t I D. noun clause in apposition to ‘sister

44. My brother rarely brushes his teeth_____? 52. The machine which I bought last year has a
A. wasn’t he C. doesn’t he fault
B. does he C. did he A. adverb clause, modifying ‘has fault’
B. noun clause, object of ‘has a fault’
Question 45 to 46 choose word that best completes C. adjective clause in apposition to
the simile ‘machine’
D. adjective clause, qualifying ‘machine’
45. The ground was as slippery as
A. a slick mud C. an eel 53. Hide the book where children cannot find it
B. oil spill D. wet soap A. adjective clause, qualifying ‘books’
B. noun clause, object of ‘hide’
C. adverb clause, modifying ‘hide’
D. noun clause, in apposition to ‘book’

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EXAMINATION NUMBER ______________________________________

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