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Lexical fields are no as items wich to allow us think about the explanation of Woods as for as the mearings are
concerned. Among them, we can consider :
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Homonyms
- Homophons
- Paronyms …

1. Synonyms (mots ou expressions de sens identique ou très voisin)

Synonyms are words are phrases wich the said meaning or nearly or another un the same langage.
Same of them are : reply = answer ; to amuze = to entertain ; to allow = to permit ; old = ancient ;
custom = habit ; trip = journey ; famous = notorious ; error = mistake ; to clap = to appand ; to begin = to start ;
sick = ill ; glad = happy.

2. Antonyms (mots de sens opposés)

Antonyms are words opposite in meanings to others. Are example we have : good ≠ bag ; to open ≠ to close ;
over ≠ inder ; thick ≠ slim ; off ≠ on ;success ≠ failure ; lecturer ≠ student ; landlord ≠ tenant ; quick ≠ slow ;
oral ≠ written ;
3. Homonyms (mot ou nom qui a plusieurs significations)

Homonym ils a words spelt and pronouns like another but wich différent meaning.
Example : like ; to ; for ; watch ; catch ; can ; will ; nice, miss ; right ; lie ; period ; …

4. Homophons (mots qui ont la même prononciation. Ex : eau et haut)

Homophon ils a word pronounced like another word but with a différent meaning or spelling.
Examples : I and eye ; our and hour ; know and no ; peace and pièce ; blew and bleu …

5. Paronyms (mots de sens différent mais de forme relativement voisine)

A Paronym ils a word which looks like another in a form but with a différent meaning.
Example : preposition and proposition ; collision and collusion ; mainly and manly ; morning and mourning.


1. Back ground information

Plant are on of the most is essential leving organism on earth. They are immensely beneficial to both animals
and human beings.
Historically peaking, the earliest plant are thought to have evolved in the ocean from a green algal ancester.
Plant were among earliest organism to leave the water and colonize land.
Plant are speciol because they all have green parts withim their cells called chlorophyll that heps them turn
sunlight (energy) and carbone dioxyde into oxygen and sugar. This process is know as photosynthesis.
Plant ground and mountains, valley, desert, in fresh and salt water, almost every where on the planet. They
came on all shapes and sizes from the smollet seedlings to the towering Giant sequoias.

2. Définition

The word plant can be definite in many ways. If it is considered as an organism the is not a animal especially
an organism capable of photosynthesis, in one hand, it also conceived as any living créature that grows on soil
or similar surfaces in the other hand.
In addition, plant are living organisms that caver much of the lands of planet easth. There fore, grass, trees,
flowers, bushes, are oll types of plants.

3. Parts of the plant

The basic parts of plants are : roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds.

Each part has a set of jobs to do in order to keep the plant healthy. The fonction of each is given bellow :

- Roots : roots anchor the plant in the soil so that they don’t fall over and absorb nutrients and water,
that are needing for the rest of the plant. needeed by the rest of the plant. They also store extra food
for future use.

- Stems : they support the upper parts of the plant and act as a transport system for nutrients, water,
sugar and starches. They act like the plant's plumbing system, conducting water and nutrients from
the roots and food in the form of glucose from the leaves to other plant parts.

- Leaves : leaves are the plant where photosynthesis usually occurs chappens in other words, it's
where food for the plant is made. The green substance chlorophylle captures light energy and uses it
to convert water and carbone dioxyde (CO2) into plant food and oxygen.

- Flowers : they are reproductive parts of the plants. They oftem have showy petals and fragrances to
a showy petals and to attract pollinators surch as : birds, bees, and insects. Flowers contains pollen
and tiny eggs called ovules. After pollination of the flower and fertilization of the ovule, the ovule
develops into a fruit.

- Fruits : fruits are the fleshy substance that usually surround seeds. The protect the seeds and attract
animals to eat them.
- Seeds : seeds contains plant material that can develop into another plant ; this plant material is called
an embryon. Seeds are convert with a protected seed coat and have one or two cotyledons.
Cotyledons are the food for the baby plant until it can make its own food from light.

4. Plant structure

The turn plant refers to the living thing that usually can produce, its own food reproduce but can not move
around. Plants include trees, shrubs, herbs and vines. The basic plant structure comprises two majors organ
systems no as shoot system and root system.
The shoot system is made up of those parts of the plants normally found above the ground such as leaves,
buds, branches and talls. In flowering plants, flowers and fruits are also parts of the shost. The root system
comprises those parts of the plants normally find below the ground and includes roots, tubers and rhizomes.

To grow a plant successfully you must balance the following ressources carefully : good seeds, good stems
cutting fertilizers, weed and pest killing chemicals.
Un order to grow, survive and reproduce plants need five things : sunlight, air, water, space and nutrients.
This five things are provided by the natural or artificial environment where the plant lives.

5. Benefits of the plant

Plants and plant communities are very important to humains and their environment. They are the primary
source of foodstuff for humain population.
Many cereals, légumes, roots and tubers, fruits, mikes, leaves and young shoots of plants provide valuable
and fondamental diets for humain conception and well-being.

Plants are also a source of foodstuff for livestock including wild life population. Most feeds are product from
crops at the ferme and consuned by animals sometime later. Plants are made into materials used to build
both the exterior and interior of differents kinds of shelters. Some of this materials are woods, timbers and
bamboo used in making roofs and walls both in local and sophisticated houses.
Furniture is commonly composed of wood and clothes made from plant fibers. Much humain clothes is
made from materials that come directly or indirectly from plants. Cotton is the main plant used for clothing
manufacture. Plants also help to improve air quality. Indeed, while humains need oxygen to survive, plants
absorb a gas we don’t need and combine it with water and light to produce energy in a process called
photosynthesis …
Hence, the oxygen in the air we breathe comes from the photosynthesis of plants.
There is a general a greements among that plant improve the indoor environment and are usefull in fighting
the modal phenomenal of sick building syndrom. No specific cause of sick building syndrom as been
indentified but poor air quality, excessive back ground noise and inadequate control of light and humanity are
allsaw to be important factors.
Some experts argue that adding plants to the work environment can help to reduce the sick of SBS (the sick
building syndrom).
Plants also provide foods, medecine shelters and oxygen we need the breath. In fact, everything we eat
comes directly or indirectly herbivores and omnivores depend on plants for survivor. Ever carnivores depend
on plants because they often prey on animals that eat plants.

Our richess soil also need plants. When plants died they be composed and provide top soil that is rich in
nutrients and help seeds to germinate and grow into seedling. In other words, the dead reamains of plants
when decomposed add to the fertility on the soil by to releasing the important elements they contain : carbon
and nitrogen.
They also help to slow erosion because their roots hold the soil in place. Fuel root is almost the only
domestic fluel, not only in the rural areas but in some urbanized areas as well. Coal and natural gas are fuels
used for heating and cooking. Each of them as an ougin from plant.
To conclude, let us say that for humain use, plant supply many product like fuewood, timber, fruits and
vegetale. Building material clothing medecienes, oesthetus, recreation, pesticide …. They provice shelters to
many reading orgasm like speccies of ites, worms, mammal, but and reptiles.


1. Définition and Importance of the garding

The worsd garning can be defined differenthy according to the contex. First of all, gardening is typically a
small-scale activity that is done for to produit a small amount of food for houschold consumption.
The laying out of a small plant of land and growing of different type of fruits, flawers, herbs and vegetables
on it. Growing vegetable is in tropical area, the creation and inprevenant of many garden is a neccessary state
of offirm, in this way, gardening is usefull for sernid reasean : first, gardening provide good food. Vegetable
and fruits are needed for health food.
Thanks to them, the medes health a variety excites the appetite and provides a balenced diet. However.
When you eat well, you work better and neccessary live better. Hence, good food means good health.
Secondly garning improve endurance and strength, reduces, stress levels and promostes relaxation.
Gardining also allows managing maney. By working hard and well, the gardenes can you more vegetable and
fruits. Feed nowsh his family. The simples is often sols got.

- Finally, gardening is an important element for développement, as such, praticing gardening is not only
improving your oun living standant it olso raising that of your country. With gardening chores like
planting, watering, weeding and harvesting.
2. Gardener's tools

Gardeners tools they are designed to make a job is here and inable you to make more efficienthy, thus working
in the garden in good condition requières the knowdedge of a humbers of tods and their. Actually, the
gardener really neads them as they will reduce his pain. While enabling to work paster in thus yulding better

3. Site selection

Starting a successful garden begins with the choice of the right land. In fact, the choice of the land should not
be made at random. The ideal area should be :
✓ Near the house since monitoring and procurement are easier,
✓ On a permeable field so as to facilitate root penetration and growth,
✓ On a plot sheltered from the prevailling winds. Land where corps are exposed to the winds, the
solution is to protect them by shrubs or fences. However, gardeners should avoid a stony land or clay
and a slight slope land.

4. Planning of the garden

Once the boundaries and location of the future garden is determined, the gardener can plan his garden while
dividing it into sectors. In this way, planning a garden consists in marking on a grid sheet the different
constituent of the garden including the boundaries of the land, the water point, driveways, location of fruits
trees, the nursery, the garden entrance, the shelter of tools, the boards of vegetables …

5. The clearing of the garden

The future garden needs to be cleared of vegetation that covers it. For this, some operations are to be
considered :
✓ The land clearing : this is necessary because trees, shrubs, weeds harbor pests. Through their roots,
they feed at the expense of vegetables. The foliage of some trees is too thick shodow and troubles or
hinders the development of crops.
✓ Stumping or eradication : the surface of the garden must not only be cleared but also uprooted. Then,
to stumping consists in identifying the roots by removing the earth all around and cutting them with
axes, pickaxes, and machete.
✓ Digging : it involves turning the soil before sowing or planting. The goal of digging is multiform : to
loosen the soil and facilitate (encourage) root penetration and growth, and to make it permeable to

6. The theory of land improvement

The growth of plants depends on the quality of food they receive. To be developed, plants need food. They
have it through their leaves and roots, the leaves absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air while the
roots get from the soil other essential elements such as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium found in the soil
in the form of mineral salts.

Soil are rarely rich enough to properly nourish the plants during their growth. This requires that the gardener
improves the soil in his garden by putting missing nutrients. To do that, organic and mineral fertilizers are
used a number of operations are often led among which : amendment, and crops rotation.
Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived from animal matter, human execrate or vegetable matter (manure,
compost). They are made of raw material (decomposing wasters). However, mineral organic, also known as
chemical fertilizers are not fully built on natural materials because they emerge after a chemical process.
Fertilizers are primarily valued for their ability to supply nutrients.
Soil amendments consist in adding any material to the soil to improve its physical properties or anything mixed
into topsoil to promote healthy plant growth. The reason for soil amendment is to provide a better
environment for roots and plant growth.
Crops rotation however, is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in succession (or in
sequenced seasons) on the same land. It is in simplest words the changing of crops grown in a field, usually
season after season.

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