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* Rong rve hap cycle the diode fs on ge Pe TORE UAE veekftie, Tc a Ofppes information 1¢ taken’ at cutpue) a Por. Ship Ging of abt pave: Tech uw’ lp aa Usiniping # Dutput OF [hat waves recfren = pubrating Je” ¢ Olp &% not lqrusay, Tek be there Wi | distarbanw cotled pple factor zs tp find eMount oF be some 4 Hormonia fr -fouse Series wise present WY Squads De power supply: : : ‘ olp (ws Lege Dave) |, ae 5 Hie Beer etden te haga SINT, ptepigiaded DN Ssatdy adgeurt PUPE £ # ~ de 5 i 7 if | nw k aS factor for Emocthing Of UHVe o | nef cae ie \ Sy wo? sO fe ve ont) RB en tee ve ond i tequlete ' i toe | The weg Spaets.n ; cuply ~ +B: Voliace S I ee Jewe supply Ne = Ne vg Ns need pytmaty wirdings should Be more than’ Seconday windings tn Sep down scransforrny, pred ui 7 Hayy wave rectifier & 0 Series thpex Tw mor Longe Isnt To. 9 Vi cence! q sSee) ve. Vain Tae, Yor. fe ve Yea a Pars Pos, Irmy at Yip. doctor tv) “How much Ac comport present in bE ofp, i Piva peak Tnverse Voltage 5 max voltage dice con withstand ® mt © uiides | R-Be before, Tyrducr aWlouy PL Votky Ac CSen'ey) getting capacitor aniown Ac Valores BL Cparaliat) reat # effrcenuy (x) = Poe Poe t 2 Pacs Ing PL woe oa = Doe foe = Thc ee Reng [ Oe To gel efficiency 50/. we ned ate sPTees blocks Ac ctlows De Csenier) Inductor — Hcapattor = blow DC allows Ac Cpasattet) Ripe Tae. i = Doe AL . a Repple factor (¥)= se > Ve, Troe mer toe Cotes ari 2 Truth Wave Rect ion - ke 2 2 O81 2 RID QS Bf, {-2ay2s-1 sii oye DE gf 023025" = 0. UROS aul wave veckitiers are two types: tr conctre. taped) 2 Bridge reckeies¢— Habe wave rectifrer Full wave veckfiey | Teens oo oa ion 40-6 /. area, | v a 0 48 | pv Vw aoe | Badge veekifiers comiste of 4 diodes which tourer aplenty Chippers N Seiten clnpesss ‘he Hp. 4 | tos | vn 1 + — ard whe yrevp 9 dioole rE" 7 x TM eam Series cLipper above ae ne veferenee level who Verve diode ts off UDoty Mae SV dia the blp tr . otlousry “the ‘Ip a | frente Chasacteristies = Sertey clipper with Chipping below reference lever \yeug - diode Off _% Ye Ne- >t Viovg- diode oN! ane a + ues =, wv ‘eh hy, / op Zener diodk 0d 0 volleys Yequlator es ~ “Ty 2 <+ Ne TN Yo aw % a Na Yo Sonik % ' Nes requtedicr] sears eg obeb or Posaliel. Azpperss ' wih (m : Ni — ' ,; . “| h yw yt a Wee elgg ot dete ens dp 4 vi i >—1. , LT vt Ny Yor Ye. “Ww wony clippere : —w - { = TL During -ve half cycte uP tong os Vi7Ve both diodes woill be in RB TT? cap. uf te Mev, Dy is TY RB & De tn FB I hs chong ay de woh * Adding fitters 2 : wh Ar | * clampes + clampen Be used when he ogres holding 1 at a totain position is piturd ard “the Capacitor Ts added to a cinenit, in a Suh. vy te que charged to reach @ feak, value ‘P De. ‘ . Ses L \ T* = . Me 4 , ¢, 1 at we 7. Mo y Vmstuet During +ve hate cycle the capacitor gel charged Anvough FB of the diode Upt» the maximum valine Of Vy of the npub signal vi she Capacitor Chas ging 4s alynost “instaneous which fs posible by selecting Proper verlues + Rand C+ “the Capadter one charged 2 Vm acte as @ battery of voltage Vm . “Ag input) voltage decreases efter aktaining ih 1 | | | Deka Bie he es vate Ym» the Capacitor changed Ye Ym ord | dhe diode recom R-B- ie Ng = VieVen No = -Vm for W=0 Nor 0 for Viz Von Nps -2¥m for Ven Daring -ve att eyele the disde becomes RB we dasing, capactton -fiter : Nae = Veer — 2 able ed as [ =O —— Homogensous & -Heterogencous Taniow PN Tandon fc homoqentous juncitony, trekdogentouy Tunttiony are wade wth different materralr- Ga As fi a in oye is yndre than diane , «tt Jttas Th sede: 1 . aa > PB fe alee caged ; “Nae = VW > Woy 2 TAT 2 Winey 5 F pep eg F duc A: Oe ate da bey . ‘a & fue = Lebh.+ | Ver et } es Nq = dae eC ge Ste 05" [Toes var] oe a oe. Vaes vn fata dt z : ; Vae= Vou pes | i 2) — Vue Fe) vm. # Ta G Mae v Fe BFC OG | Vee Vae haa 3 coupling capactior + cove lp Mo Li Papen cpator Poe L ohnck. asin chor Sreut cpatiters facto affecting —Hanietoy D Temperature thermal wunrcay) De 3 \eakage car rence » UB changes Hun Tyechorges) vottagt * OUP Waveform. OF a full wave veckiffer colth Capacitor Filho, Ce A400 HE Pind Maer Fae, RE, Catpple fouty) Noce 03:5 Vie 85598 = nna ' Vera 2 MEF a 26 88 pt . Vou RE oy pent We QFE R Tepe. apeme PC . sy Norte Ven ERE 5 Yor: Wat > FFERL Now WY J 3 tz 2 aaesv aie PL. Noe = Vee Q he RL ~b BRAN YONI "x RExfe apni xfe > 835 aux? A335 so" | aes x10 os auy 50 5 leasxto = laste a2 Ves ORE Lg, Ty See FE jas, = (OIRO ¢ 1 - iC fe Se eee Eg 10s a oe : WaxSoRUTNE’ x IAS 9 90,19, 200 sehlete Basing : Gnordy t wake traniigtor to perf dittesense vegion: of cpuation biosing ie required: apigng kui in tbe base che Vc @Tgke ~Yae <0 caleutabion Nee -Tete Vee 20 point dedsicnines the region 8§ Gpeiaon’ of 'sheanuetn Te Should be Comtant -for better Steubilt aleve) thal oe Neg = Ve-YE = Me / NBG2 VBS Ye 2 Np Un th obs Aeraperabure” aftecty tne Gain Vee Beke Wer “Tek Yo = Vee To Know the Gability of the Circuit biarings He Yequived Fase collectow bias : wes : + ¥ cs vo ash 7 ( Moz WiESY Nig = 8045: ASV Gwrension of Carriers -tarbes place the smn amount of voltage tarsies for eating channel “s tp. he. Aithesert wash apple VSS nequired catted inve d 2 point Re pt at! udticho’ wid aii’ aplication takes place (cy bor ale eyes) eK ee Aber ee the a —frexwall Rinwwauy compensation -fechntquis. a7 theamistor , Cenetttor. vue tov ao Fe se 4B, Te, Veg | VB, Ve # Vac. ev we” Ngee 5 Bets ty Neen Nee 7 | 1 = by 7 ‘ rant as Grate kvk © collettoy circuit: ° Vee~ Tee ~VOE | Vee~ Te Rp -VaE=0 Wee=. Vee- Teke i Tg s Vue-YBe Vee? Te, 10-07% we BBox10% Vee = Ve - Ve 4-8 ged 2 A x Vez Vee a0 ve ~ Ver = o-croni® ba orally = 00M We 404 HA Bae Vee = Ve-N Tez BB mF = SOX OOUAIO | c QXId? = RMA =D Qoama, Meee lo AxLaxOHe = lo- ay = FEV. ZaS%V Veg = Ve= OAV Nex VOR: H6V 5) a Sa6v Vee = Ve-Ve = 0 +8 68ev Nees ISV. pe [oo - Rp Be kL Roz Qka Res iki Kye \ee- TRB -Y8G —TeRe =0 Re (pr) Re . ate et > ib Tee Pig > aqune'kt0 = 3-3 mA Se ve *o “collector Circa ad vee Bebe Vee ~Teke D . 2 3 3 ce Vee SVCe-TeRe -TeRe 2 IS- SS*IOX AKIO - x10 X B-Baxle : 2) (Ws - 6-6 833 = 199 SOR 25 Donnoty = = 18 a bm Re Mee eS _ vid Frm (Gro) , & R ee : 26 Ran FR o88 = tL porps = LOXS 2 wD. 0 ae TS is 3 46g bane” ctrl Tp = ke- VBE TerTe, ves, VB, Vo # VBC Ve = Bandy Be x18 = WiGaroet) B-33r 1s- OF > = Bare e (OOM ITS —15'(gantet) 481 KL tm base chy wit Vee~TBRth- Vas ~ TeRe =o Vib-Vpe = TAR + (BD TaR, Vth- V8 & Rrb+(PHOR € collector civeutt + Tee KL Vee - TeRe- Vee “Te Re=0 Neg = Voc ~IeRe = Te Re Io_ 9. & = 07 bona Wall + (106) 40 : See. ofl, aa za at) 5B se = > 3 3 | + URK 0% ue (o8( lor tut gerd “Blges (es) e fan \s\ : : = 0,05231x)0° a =. 583 10D % S2°3 Mer Tes Tette ws ss gece ca > ar 2 ooss+s-22) Vee: lo~ G23 x10 x IND & Gop xinscuaa, F2exi0F ot eH S923 — Sagxuyee = lo-S23 ~ 2u8 clo-F91 = aogy cove tapped F — Uhonnel potential e~ re 1 eu Fipple foctor ota & uhih edt Hex Ly | Sawer length ot anne 4s \oaynnaies Qs = Woon WWex-Vrh,) Woon copadtane por unit lengite Ca ~ Witor (Neu Yodan) Tr Qav +, VeHe 2-8 Joe Ty = Ween [Mae ¥ O- Vah| Ay f Pode . (conta [Yas ved YA Jd y | aieo | or Hacon (2) [(ves-vrn) vos -Gyve) ten E) | 2B “Transco nduckance- ae ue ave, ge change fu dyaim Current sti. reaped to gah io thos gp De qv Senstevity of davtee | anplifitehion :- for Smal changer i afi]p these voit! be lange fmpace on OP ty = £ (Van) Ata 28) avqg 4 Dio {es } av \Vps aVas Wee Busta BVgg= Vas AVas = dg For low frequencies coupling capacitor Shoutd be “short citrentited) De voltae Sountes Should be short cireitited Comngor Louse amptettert : ‘pp rn oo Fit Yo a ea ts] Equivalent clradt for cominchn. fountt nh) pins etary Zo atthe + Vte0 vis Bake Mee Nye a ae : Yeo Sunee fy Vo o> Rp \ No = ~genYys (sallRp) But vio Vgs We gangsta) No=-gGen Vi (out! Ro) : = Mee! Gan’ (sty HR) Wwel dice Seve Tudkadiy out of phage we Yoivence region e “ait dade ebsites M | Ateavily doped pr jumctfon | Srepusdty comuntration ts y gust in l09 ay cornpand ty L pot in 18k ta p-njunction dincle- Mede up of Ge ond Gans | Be shows chenneting 9 on yy coho. ener ati. Serco uduckor Ney vavtly doped cemieovductor | the yen -no- of dbarge considers ase oceepy, the Slates bho fumienesgy level & conduction band Therefore TH acth oO Sem. rasa + w % VG) snentasea ond thay ; she thikns of depletion cuidth Te Very low Cna) a rT \ OH Mive cleetio wus - Negadave panty toner reafion. ghaet cirenit all Covpaurter i kG Zor oa llRe * Bye nm JmRp fe ‘ ere anche Wed “Frequency Prad bias & Sabb bla ane fart eats Satugaction - amipltfior- Prode — Uneas veyirbo™ - Posiskore sniper eager = | Nop es | ‘h °a fs ides pypee Niger Vos VQ igh = Mp Hany =Vgvt gm gel Vos Cis gore) = UM BRD Urges)” Fppbyjng Kv op eruit No = (Zan prvys)atg + NS Pepyng kL top tke (cow \ TaRs)4 ag No = Td Jose Ps + Rep No 1 o> No = tg + (IF H)Rs Ta ZozzNnRo _ geovas ta + TaRs | Nos Vi- Ta ks gub Vi tp Ve v2 {54-4r (Bas eM ARE No cz Factd- grossa + gro Deford and Mow Sang =m +H Rg Re ats . Now ~ Tae * -Takp + Tadd ~ qmVivld +4M Ta Red + Ta Rs Td Rp td tm NgRetPs F grvisia = Taee _GmvrSld E 2 Ppt Nd AGm Ma Pe ARs ‘Vo = IDR» Noe ~ImvViNG Rp oe | ee ye Rp telat 9m Tq Rs +Re Pye ORD l+gmRs + Rp +Re aa A T ap C e tov : so & > ip ole ' ce> 8 oe $72 g ° 7 ceo e€ © c4y Ss OD , cca 8 © o274 + eoeamer Anain amplitien (Source follower) 2 putput follows Tpit ieee eee “the Voltage gant wT} Cob wax) MY ~ i sve 00 ampthction tak law so TH yCin be ued ay loutzes Luntagad ~ Nop > Cr Vee 3I - eg Ee 4 3, 8 tog. i? fre cnalipic ad low Frequind® a Sptealnd. Gees'® : 2G > 4 Se ; t a 1 role a ie the i bee 9M Sade -te- Lvs . = Ne Tie Ry Moe TOPS ye MY u Zp asthe Nye, Yk at uk Loop Mpg MIVoae Woe, o. ‘ester Ip ap. Bibs Reve b Te Triode vegion Motper. att a Sivtas, ower dhisipalien i ys 0% Fer Fer 2 Voltage enutrolled duvice- ag Diode connected logic ~ Short ctreuiting tn gabe % drain. Aimivals having Sarne- potential 0 a. eort eh Curt How Hough Citoturai on) pe dasgining currents wren. woven transistor openly WH dokdsaxon “€ . OF be 1 seploced fy constant currenk Source - toe . : qnve etd = Ti+ Tr a ae 2D Mb Rs e : fe eee Cling All my ‘ . : 1 alee d+Lten =\o [ka ta te gnl-Vel = (ites - 7 4 Ve zor BIR 7 Ne 1 & «(sn 7} na | ium “on Saunton [ae =f Wier) = GraNas (sigllRD> a Ney +No = Vi-Vo ‘gral ve -Vo) (sa IRs) Woe Qi Galles) — qroVol sales) “Noe No (14 qr CrallPs) J > IVI Oa! Br) Bus Yo 2 dralrall i) “r \1gm Cras) Wy he altered Fa ot Ys FIOM Bye Ye 5 gus Wi tagmes YA? 108 j mmo amplifiabién to ttiviy OF Voltage. te FH ate ay a bil yoy. wes goes me Current Mirrors Corrent Mirrors _ Np we w Coys geeuit {FT eof eee Soaks COU yee sh tetews thos |) Owjor ( ouaes bits (52 ),Cv 6 Sf Fe printer 2A eV (142 M065) 2 Nip * . i > ef VID Ro yy ond Re 2 Pesueent.s Ym = ene ly Het eedecp rr) awe > WORR (step va Qamprdeaghs i wer Rags IME Zo = WIRD = loka MHsokn oe = 10°50 * \orso GF Wisden z SBxso 2500 BEY og OF co . Sonn D450 04300 B59 + B qm Rp 5 -QXSokN = 100M ’ “dm MaPe = aX aatPD : zie, Ave ~amR> TAK SOKA te grnts + we [etna + We ten = Qoe Rox [org +4mRg at Rs) Ro MPP po x04 1 = ——__,—_ zee eo PL T= axrob) + ixid+Scxm rt ox <= —tovx103 \-axios soe 3 vie we : = = to0xto> —Jakp We lox - Ad FIR a+ PatRd = =A SOKO a 3 3 tonld + QDS 1Ox1d + 10+ Soxto a. 3 = corte too x to 18 [10 + Roxie™+14-50] iw [61Faoni® aoa EHX IS onto? | ee Lora 80000 _| ‘ =i 20061 F euvent oiivrort a)~ Ly te = Oy ee . My Ma Foor coreunk imvors “D Vas) = VAs / Do. = (Wh Tree Sy> Seek (4b, & Cascade current miirrove [rust tage amglatres our pat inpalaow should be low cascode, : cox code. cs cq "foe pote ee nl = Va, a Ed ey, | = yom). ‘ “oe § (ude) 2 end, 4 Ds ian x-porame Np = Zarfy + 222 T,_ | gbstd we pl Bn%2) | dete) ee . rE D, thar Sera re Lone | e,20 sy ha Caevoue Ss qn hay oe elye « 20 hg Cforwaig curred jain) boas fn : E10 he (conductance) Nye bite Wave he Dyr bos, For CE Hani stor :— Noe = Vp = hie By + haeVe. Bes hgeTy + heeVe Wz Va = ~Tate Nye biLyeb ave tp bobo Bgedee c 2, = bivhn, * ; eae bith Agee (are) (Ma as ss ¢ SS ape Aierhoe Ate e s a het hae Ag = cB oye. hin + habArze yt bei + he C222) 5,0 Ci+boze ). | Ae pucentton ate unc for low fren ueney entalyste tor Bir carcott g~ Op Tropetonu . Ay "Dy \oltage gain. i aye ole TIpv pre “ta i vin = tar pye chte bialisho-hAO RL eye “PERL We BRL, . odivibtane as WED thov, k Te = het pho ve Va Ye = to HR Yor ~hehA h, a ra TARE ehorhy SL ia x hot-hest a) be 2 > & ee FRegyehyDythrv, =O (Reeth B= hea, Pasiamnekers zy or Ri bia hy ote hierhre Aa% os one Thoe eb - poz e cbgebve. hoe Bie + PS 2-4 °°” Yo YS Py azrtRs ong uae Rene iS | Mae = hy as HAly 25 Helv 0-49 Halv | % vee oka ou ho wi | g DE Restokm and Rss Ke Find Rr, Ro, Ae, Av, An, a, | for ce tramistor amplition ; y z / poc-To Meg 2 3 i = “veh \asxio | 3 Og : ._— | oe Ba noose eo {I er tf Westhre dg Re . = -40 | no 2 ine E asni@! xcyn) xox - | Wao — &SKYO Fi i 2! le yyoo -106- Fe) 1e00 = pK | : (tye AER , -tonton goo = 3 . tus AVR 2 400K op x zs = -an 10 410% Pe rp es ON, ba axys hehe = 50% RSX eye RIE oe + RSX I bo Mey 103 = = sox ue nto =6 | $ ES R10: cerk nee rer Ar, : a ee 0 a bBo WORT 4 genie ® any — = 54-5 anid Facnide | x 58 [psasaxi! +25] 2 wb s152+25] Aeron ght ana Hl “gst b= posaexw’ Yo = Saoke coneetert | Conuman -bease, a as al Ae RelokM Rez tke Por Thee ort ; Lebo | 7 | eC 5 e pollen == tole —- Ve asridextonie Rip =hipt Wty ACR 2 | WRI FR ANE-B) HK loxie? vane BOS AI = Votre Ho-9x 10" 2 yottin 4g | = og ke nye xB, yoexiont os yogel AI? wort a STRATA gaqaione? a ooTeoearTr_ Youixto + to? 108 (4oa-t +i) = YOF-FF2% | lot Di br eee yore x10" aes Retr 7 weryorine Wek xt 18(14409-1) = aca cue] = 19S ve = Poh hey Win tks — xd ae i 19 io = HOSE) gc gio SL gasxio’ , Sixidyrsxio KH Berd Beet = QU ARIO AS KU 0 BW pu-24 + oad] = ay SISRIY ay. 3i aly Conamo cohectors— ¥ au-31 aie eee nec cebpe le ete) _ jaboe PL - Troua nib 10X12 | = ode _ 0:98 Le ouaxl H+ 0-0049 = 0.48 100414 = 0-935 Riv = hie thre APL = Wet e.anib xo ASX oxi = ALG+ WHER se al-4y2ae tL. 3 Pee, O49SK AIO Lg oaaqrxio & AYUAG te gaaey pogo Pw RE 2 BATA QUd3 4750-013 RT cig Rete aqyeygr 10? 102% 43 ve weed oy ae wpe ee by = he= © TWypicad, W- parameters Parone ten: CE. oct ror gh? hue br Verka Vk 7 ne =hr | °. 2 3 hoe PE oe 7 ] ce cB ce re, Ar, ao e Hbhete a Yo ° ° a = ° Zo bi ° : Ay 2 ys Putt ere 2r+Ry Sat. Zype Rs ‘ ADs peeks Rote Ristok® Rgztk cet os ae pe abie = FI KH Ap: —hfe = —50 | : | py 2 ARRL - ~S2kORO . “300 usu. 54 Vix? wy page Ae REL HUSHSU UIA -ususYA! 999.09 Rake Vine toe 21 Pry s PBR, 2 7 SOE ih 50 2 -a3-81 pot Ri oP trixie? ay Commen Bare Ree Wb = abe Pa~ hy, = — (0-98) = 0-98 : / bys PERL _ os@BxtOxIO™ gg xi” LO NSBINICY « s TRE RE REG gr BE ys3-4 wee uss xara. ININMZ g.5qg OG + 10? tol 6 3 = ‘ 0:48x10 1800-4593 arene YORI gore Seuss: . pre bic = MHRA ou, ape ~Wte = = ESD SI re pve fEPET A: SIXION™ year ey Re vik ie E 1 fvg eek ubpuuxtane? 5 10-00ux 19 = PeRi ye $10 0OURIE ReeRS VARIG I> oie prproadmation Can be don when | Woekt <2) | a CE ornpl en ax tov Fres, Un ponamneter vwodleh ) paneer! © (Gein BW). =comstate OT US Sect boek Gosia. deentaves =, BWY Tootare | __wihous Fe An inden a j rhechoo Fog > - ache uneven output % due te point vari {vad Mune. | paepree — uoseer” pie Vo. Wiel HOWDEOTHPL ig + Usb gD PL Th (Ties tite + Urhye JRC] — appreotanatian D pproaimation te eedtel ublhin. carsceding ey amglttions my AY, fa rk, fal mo) a Ro | Ay 2 AM: Ao: AY Dre case at low -frequencien Wht Stages are Connect | bp a wire whidh is cated diveck couplings. Bibi tgher cFrequnag, the Sopactor tte Should be Commidnred | Milles Theorem The arertetor, can be Spite “he Cowplentiy of the creat 1s vectuceat” athe current Cam be divideol usith Tepeut ch referente a tee Vola ck » lee reduce . itt be er trea tree a tit ey Ms yee, wR, oe, teu Lok! loan. fila d8) = Roleg Fy 0 (Sed gopley ieee . the vepome of Ce Haniictor at lod“ feaiveneter acts ar co Wigh pox filter. fet) f Tronter pusher 2° [uber ht eee ee + ' ‘ne tidy ableg eve) aoleg GHBD-aoleg ue) » |B Fmpreve the charackenistes ap connection GRO | can” dimples = concading CE, Cf) connection bie different amplifiers — concode Cce , ce) La Compute fy, aa fus, Ri and Re or 80 Slage , es tie, | bre = 8 XTS hfe 2505 Gs Tbe eas tal =. Gee. | * TE we contidty PrnalySs shout stare from lark stage eter 1 Stoge Ane input aenpedance of gh stage ie also considered as load eos stage. | § o, Poye, for, Identical warnisioy all We pararnctets aie . toniides, “as | core , . Pas MSE 8 40K “i Rac = bie + hype Ree sees > vik (asx) ® (-us:5) xLuk) = she tow Input mpedane of the cE Stage.» The Vottage gain oF the Secor is obtained ay ays Pe Pp = Cass)aMK ta Rie tors kK Gist stage . Rye 15k W3GK I aR I Wek = O-aRE Ais 50 aq py 082 eKe Yok ot 7 + ony Rc rk +(ogetot) 2b 49-1) wil0396.0 = Igo'5 A “ pre CHI) x a = 344 Jono. = pay 2 IKINADOK N 10K = 4p0-- Yo = Moy - bfebre, hye &5, cL Soxlesx i) ig bik + odosk 2 Omg ~ eoka. ee Fp olee « py eK lca ak. Oy O-O18E a RS ~ 333k NT SEN BK Hues ISK or Mons hoe? hgehre nid dante, Wer, ote Jagat sae : ay . eo = SOKA sg OM rw to eae tac Comm alee . srs, He olf Tepeconte Gesfctane), of" the! “cceaidl stoge J = by Poem ger Toate = MOK Foe the entire amps. ruil ovina witiage gain te giver ley Pre Away, = (34-90 %CI2) ~ boon overall ofp yestielanct Rye Roy ll UK = YokIluK = 3 “yk Ip trpedance 83 Pic Rg lok Hook. = tore 66 Nok MN ae0k. Over alt voltage. gain. by Taking sourts, creictane % | Age fy BL. = Goo x Rit Bree over abl cxarvent gain. Ags fe Ty 5 er oletes: = AvRet ieooaN | ey Rio be Oven ak turrent gain by taking Ry info conidercton nv. by Avs @ Pt by B+ Re — Ave Vs(p2 fs (eit Fi) fa, ee) we Te] +s) oy fst High 4 input Resistance Gi | Inputs vesictane “6 htgh ce amplifier So caxcading pp te mpi; to gee high tp yaere rads carcoding Sf Ce amnplifi eae — dastingtn part Peslington. -poky have high tp vexistana © current gate Bootsrasing: te the potential eck one end is. sane oes ed. Corman Collector (eniitter follower. Mee : & by S| yf 7 Binding TS peers Ze. zn” to Hanease th |. vesitone @ ooo! Fedak Angltiion 2 e i ae beak We nccesaty for cdabtlity redecces but Banduvidth theeeases au amples ane iudepaudunt OF) Rye g Ree Gdeat voltage amplter hag tntnite Inpat ‘vesistane op Vo lp resistante Noleage RB cee Poel | Ave Seed loack amplifies :- Thee i no Pounce te tH and biasing is the tounge OF for ave fed back > Currete areplet ei Rpee Rs Roo? Pp wet Beal cusert amnpliftn has” sao ‘IP revictcinte g Teenie olp vesitane. Traconduitants + Fivrbs Rod > PL Teal: Up & ofp resistance ose infwste (4) Testrustevane +-(¥) Rieety Ryce Ry Tally Sp & Ip rextstanes one U0. Fedor coourt + wee, Paste arnp lie, luo forus Perdback Corset ¢ oe % | ines, 1 pate amin 4 a nlw forum trans |G) ye : = wns pot | Signak / ounce SQ) rs | | | Neqative Feed lbauk, arnpliter q r Noikage or CHtrewe SarapGing = Ce arp gece ample, 1S a cunnenh amp Advantages of fedlback : SE . mice can be reduced , Gabili ty Inccaxd Fedvack ampltitn Mramten Gain® with ferd bat Fd sri ars Fe Res Pro Xo = AX = AURAL) Xe = ACKe-BRe) (+ pB %o= AAS a xe Fla pe % Be input TE add ay High paw AR g lewat te ack os tow pam titer y with: PR [with ow FB gain | bandwisth $ TWansa Gain Lrewe tanviasion) 1 Vee aqoat volkage cesuit Caurrent Current stage 5 . corres chant x Voltage Voltage canteat t a caver Venta ge xe Vottiage cuaryent bas * an Voltage vatlage Curent Kd" vettage voltage Convent a AEs hits ya AV ae P- ake tre ABBY ty, amplifier has an open teop gain of (00%. and, | -Retanck? ratio’ on oof) ie at “open [loop gan change by to, due, be “kemperativve «find + the spencer tage change in gio oF the amplifien with feed laa Az 1000, B= 004* MEA by toy. hen Change in Avy In (7) Ree AL Bae hae VB fh changes by 0/. New value of Ax 100 Apcnud) = Feu . Lfinua BY gis A100, eo flo 19D 11100 (0-04) true. = QU 44 us ye Md, = Md ey [4 1000K0-04 roty Upon re change in Ayly) = Ares AF eto. c Rau — BUA ae » O434 a oie = owe 2 An amplifies “Se” voltage gain, of too" uth 6 negative : feodbark. te gain reducws > 10. caleutati the fraction of the outs that te gan ay a fendlmck bo thE Anput ; vei eefe Se ~ tong. e~ Her 0g = teres --P LB) aa a ne : = 1ORQ_ tone te weet (hoop 1 Gea Lob TAR be ngy sie pees or a Auge to fy py < Pe = reve jr loooR = 100 | yooop = 14 | pe a } iooe L 0-04 2p olp Vottiage arnplisien: sThevenins Thevening current . Nortorks Noctans Ramcondutkante Thevertne Nortony, Trangresfviance Dortans Theveria 2 gAennoade wlio C tata, deeneases) th cal of negasb Je feed ak auroplition > Depending on type OF amplitien olp ¥ voltage or current sarnpling Un. } 2D Ip is sesdes or Shunt mix For Seiey — Up fs “Theverivs equivalent fer shunt - Alp is rortanls equiv alan ortaige Cen les shawst For Tdentitying type of amplifier Cornpanector | Miter Netuork s- Gue itth shunt yr gone para . 1 © ‘es | ; . a {14 . . , ; ~ oa ft ae Lon vonage amplifies... usith. sesdes feedback * , Carcenb amplifier ustt’ “Cumerth Ghurth . . 5 at, crroraresttzane. amp Wb Vortage shunt fexdbale Te a a Ve Eppes OF Feedback, on lp ond lp ro Ir voltage amplifier ‘with Seder feed hack. nh Ro No = Py-Vr Vg = TRE +BY Ngo GRi+ RAV No = Rp 4 PAV GR Noe GR Crp ty) kat ok tp Vs > TyRi+ BY Nyed = pvp = D2; Jo No = tw Be Por RL Nols eEee Rot PL 4 Ay Pye Ale a No penciruuit Rote, Vorage 120 Utthout FB & Rcret cont D a OPE Volinge Gain witout EB and taking: Pe . Considetion p (aortivity) = I Ave depen RD Te v- Pw g T ev -AvBw) — oN Gre) Crvev) pattagp Current Sevier Geadbach fepitian: Cnnns Ye ple we = Rig = T -pppying Kyi tn the ‘inputs Grenit Ng TyRp-Ng =O Ri + ple — ©. Toe Give Re 2 aay; —-q [1 Gee 8 Roth : Sub fe in © Ns = D@7 + BS mit = UB Ge) oe % -Gmbo eee | Poy = Roll ips) “1 Sipps Roy = Pe * poe ROP la a * Pore 1 ~ Rot RL tBAVR | aa AL een pare men RovPL PP 7 Ro = RollRL. "SCS ped, Gain ditterenttal anplitiar | “openadtonal, amplsen “has + Sages, | a “digpeccnital | sonpltttor | kewel chigten , otter (uirusl hott” | ee pill —_ ® tw . % “iH : aT rn Loe . i Drteapades py: oftttereuti a1 Sweating opoatowel anglition Wis PE 5 invetig anplin Rt 80 Fe tka utphanc ‘enthfp fel 29 00 tovertirg, ample. Inphone rdloHonileip “OP KOMP — Voltage conbyoiled voltage. 2e To lave voitage: opin neil - lp watseia %& ossis Yoardustasth’ ae Op, redaction Ty : pppling Kvk in ‘the ‘mph Graal Ng - TyRp-Vg =o Ng 2 Gri +plo —O. Tos Gir Re Gave -G [Gees Smee) RotRL, > entre) Sub fy in @ : Ns = Opt + BSmni TRr + UB Gry) On the putpu kb e chet) DD Te. We sGeth 6 Wen Ves PR | Ro - Le Vo GaP Eo Bo mf Buk Tye-2 9 T+ x =GmBD, Dee gag) = Refs Bop NP. Poy : Ral Gime) ewhue fo = Rolle 1 Sp Sim SP Nattage chant ferdbach cumple : : by —w—> ; h,.t J olp ent Vor Bie « Fd}. Rot Pu Sub Vo iO” Re +p Rady TPR) 76 | | a= a : | ‘> pve ' Pop = Po Po = PolfPe a “ep Ri Pye Boke Ret ho Fosttive feedback ampli-tres, Yoox gain “nentarer 2% Stability decreases ter > Ap > gee Ap =\ <> suained ociuahonm LY [ | reer = |, one Oscillakors SS ov Sirusoidall Non Sinusoidal 4 ead = Stews, one, Lode: Sette gor q v | Re Weénbrilge Hantly yy sey Calpitts | Phase ocetlator con got he ae covditions tm produce oxetlatore {Ban thawson 7t'*) tb phose shtdd wutltipls of 2tF of 0 91 Ste 2 pot Lmee-D loop qeine-1 > MBit > | A forvoascl fran fers Re aevense tranmdty Pe phase oleti’.’ 1 CH amplifier quit low par 4tit te Mom plese batt by ao" wun 68 plas Nera Sager ab Q¢ % Leyaat auittatert is weged many" pak Te by Mite, Re phase shift oscillator Ne ercitledions hye = 4K+23+24, ke _| ame aes dite fos, win value Of “ke Re phase st oscitiatet ic a Fine excitlakpr ® Find te Capadtor ¢ 5, he fer he, transistor te Provide 0 “ternwout Frequanuy of Io ku, rs a Avandictovia pose Shift otcillaton Atsume R= 2SK Pps SKM Re FIRM Re cook , ie oh B RL ' ame Ree Pull a Ml hie. RykPs =P Pge R- Ry! DoEM 9.2164 ee alka ~ Pea RR By = SUA tou kn) \ lokez = —————— . air (a tkn) C\4(2-21 69 ee +6 3 pe _ QTR AARIOKC KATIE ERAS G 1 c- 3 a e RA UU-Seexio Kiorio'x eta Hiss gt ce ie : = = xt +4 3u) 7 et 5 Zelootl x exis (V4 OOD 1 : os Boiwoxt x 19° (2-8) suqaaxn ts a: 2922x489 Sextet Se Cmax s 13 87 PE Us to 02) C = 2.2 ¢ 5 Gx yRORS AIP XTEN IX VOZNTO all ~* 339862105 SAsu39 ge . } Qayxwoxre “ty 298 PF Colpets oscillator cys SUPP eps KONE Lr 5oMH ' 4° amfeqr as Ceqc texto x SX) (soxte J+ Genre 4 . > 228X 10 - qasxte 13" (isoxio'r 5.) Lo wiots+ts) ee . 2a po ace! 13 3Gxto | 136-3BL PP p 1 . ar j foltine & Tra hasty estate hielo | Ce 50 pF - | Cadeutale to for a freq of vee EM the mutual tadudona ee m= OME i : a ad Ye | a Mee: | 1 lex = : art [heat nox Yea \ ta = ie - oy, 2 | etaie) 2g = ipa _ 2824.18 TT xsoxie lonaxne <6 X10 _peneesale, lee 18* x10 ie In oa colptt . orciNato y= 0-001 ME cps OOTP L= 1ouH tend Prequnty » ferdback , voltage go0 HQ Ber Pvn? Ave bre |ppl=! pe Be jal . ss par fleqb te ol e = me ne onl Paine K WE KIRIN ary Fig fe VALINE < ee. By 10 : oe 20) : B ce i jet + 10 La a ys x ae x15 values ef induces § Capacities = one = bbe 16baZ PE 9 Tn ow ONpIHS oscillator the taok Grade Le uomtt C1 = lov pe ec ‘SODpE - tnd Df WW : = $F KHZ ty fined the veel Of for que ie a E 5 ww Find frequency OF oxitlator “ith new Sy Gs SUPE tye SOOPR RF Yom 1 pe Le 2m [oP son 7" 1B (oSD) . ( fe Sa ‘| 2 Toe 110 = uoxid> So 550. ! | ae . IS | fe Seusxidx[Bh & atrescipexortat ' I = o.nexioe 1186 KHZ. | ub toeistor af : ints ey ay ae Fjansteht ae hale frequention the a of opens Showlt also be considered \ As BIT operates in active region Carp lifier) digqasion Copadtenw ~ PB i Transition capacitonu. ~ RS % Pt Te flame 4m = Somnly ser vals one stvdip tbe = loo . "OF Heeigency le = vee Y Haase coer op Abc > UMD Co-pere (20. gue to the lange width of depliion tn “exer Wave 7‘ * te is osethan Ce: Vee. qe = are Vice: patent awe eo ee for Te te eve region — xate Wee | auto L Tee sosiey Ens “ie | ! doviee a Mave : Te Dele -! = 2s Mr | ET Gem) ~ aL IBexin J. <= k- bot mo. Comra Wr TH Temp > se0k “4 rox <9 9 Chasge -3, al baxtbexrexie” =. ie ; VBE xix 360 a = we Rose 1d ce = g02.xib sia! . Ym. © Sooo mtAfy Tipe condudanc, £ 1 vi Cb), 8 a 1 eater fF” consid Vee= 0 Nge = Tpoibe Tez AMWe = qwTEWe | ; We = 1F) (zeman) i > Vrbfe |¥ Bow - Spreading ‘raistane , ie = Mp + ve | - Fetdloak wonducctanet gsc’) | Nue = Vee One sive +e hoevte = Me ote = aie + 0bC haend et bare apie = Ve haere = (bre owe Maes Ci-nHe) Me a Tec Vee pgm Yee mle + Me Sderoue owermde faire 2 + grows | l Vee wee Oper webcerode v . de 8) gee = hoe ~ (14 bee) gy) ulsbs WE es Short cireutt current gain ABE PL hm = Cel gem rh Seat zrvtbe View ceq Cé lH gmk) = em with Pee ce Me dd juocen, : 4 Yweey, = ple Irjwowe eo Vyes Tee ' We + Th.swe , ore jwade Coy, Ws gmake Ujw oie Cea, Ak fey 4 [Ale it frequency i= _bfe Jit Vilgpyts 201 (0 tquare 0 We? Titven, ) all aipe “4, Aye geo . aie 1» ten = tle a Ce776e oe coq ete pice a dena, Caribe Output Heme consist ce /P tee Capacttane sgascode . 109e 2. ee cs g cq Sage Breage aonitd of A ction Siege yor swell votbages , cemzerty “4 Tuduatiol ouctomakion + cemaing Toveuting amp Be . % eu be wy yok 4 : ee Mia Ve BT Aye vo 2 ~ n wR e Tay eockit Lifiont 5 Kon Taveding amples ple Pyeu Ri : 4 Vn so then Me Yo e | | oe Vy i So % acts as Voltage boueffes. i] | PE | 8 = bee sentialor ules ae © Seale changer] Foverbet 1 | oy | Prony fo reduc cbttet in practical cir a rerigtor Te andl EReomp’) which fs cobttel compensed yr (> vi01 Some addinenel verteyr Fc clots) E kK ty mutetty the, Hse 0) Reomp 2 RrlIRy Rus-k Reempe Pr) Ro llRasll Rp A odd, ot ‘7 -toplyting kel OM yO=Va "yg ome es tS gh + vaca 20 “ + és Mw ay EME 1 2M te ee ae hes Pi Pe RS Vif aie "2lea is ) ceo we eR RE) : ES &*é, is) No + ai- le ee + 7 $ Se Be Rec Rg R= Pty, 2 PE Noe. (ur vetys) § ® Basic Atbtenene amplifier ts a subtra Gor tractors Bubtre.d0"s e No-N I pe - pe to orden to fine! © Paying’ reauperras, bpplying smpeian heoren; sith v2,<-0 do With wcd ae see yy pL. ® Adder - Subtrator » Ph, jee V wFenlug 2 3 sey 8 ‘Vo, . ee (FEE Ma ya ys (a? ft) M Nog = V3 —.. —_——. -.- | My whe fev o | a | Vous Yy Vo = Yert+Voq4-Voq 4-Voy © NAVs 13 4 My Ve = i) — (ti) [> Add 2 atm Sultan y: Y Differential | dittereou amplifies = hE mode “a Spply ke eo Va War 20 DD (g-3;3 bp a Pprly Kel ot mabe "b+ + cp 2) M4MB -Mi-o -@ fe es 0@ “2 tM cM mR Re + (W-v2) = Mo H (-¥) = He “oo Modes (= comuaan meade & differential mede : rate ae chesaTinigtieg Ag ehasaetenrtis ut OF ge ecient Shes vette Fip ctf est voltage “hawt ole Ge rrt~—tS— eee SN eeEE_-———t—“‘OeésOSOSOSOSOSCS:S ay coe : | i by (S40) | anh 44 4 My HAWS | wo pL. j SA” Ye | Reeenp RF Ms deo) ~ Conditions ¢ Nnto AL peels ph q “duh tle Re Nyt ~CrRp dM . Ga terms of “8 gonain “ees Vow) > Rp SG-¥4s) : NS) Ry Ser Vi ° - Gromer fordkon & Nols) | - gay = corf-c, vs) Packiead diffeunbiotor: a2 dif fase bs pa | Mo awe {Ret Ciayato ‘a 1 prackical ft dead KR “a ft Vier a Fe {i (eo, Niffocatial “Aral ffeown en Argh fer

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