Chapter 3 - Lab

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Lab Report Format for each questions:

● Cover (Print)
● Lab Question
● Introduction & Topic Theory
● Syntax and Format
○ Includes tags, attributes
● Code
● Output
Please complete following lab task and prepare lab report accordingly.

1. Write an XML file which will display the Book information.

It includes the following:

1) Title of the book
2) Author Name
3) ISBN number
4) Publisher name
5) Edition
6) Price

2. Write an XML file, which will display the Book information. It includes the
1) Title of the book
2) Author Name
3) ISBN number
4) Publisher name
5) Edition
6) Price
Write a Schema to validate the above XML file.
3. Write XML code to store at least 4 songs with details (name, singer,
compose by, length).
4. Write a valid xml to validate following details.
a. Validate record of books with (name,author,pageno,price)
b. Name have first name, middle name and last name.
c. Author can be multiple
d. And highest price limit is 600.
e. Book have isbn as an attribute
5. Write a valid xml to validate following details.

Lab Questions: BCA, BSC CSIT – XML, DTD, Schema, XSLT (Prepared by: Basanta Chapagain)
a. Validate record of students with (name, email, phone, address, age)
b. Name have first name, middle name and last name.

c. Address have permanent is required and temporary address is

d. And highest age limit is 125.
6. Write valid XML and CSS to display following output.
a. First define xml
b. Define CSS to display following details.
7. Write XML and CSS to display following output.
Display following output using XML & XSLT.

Lab Questions: BCA, BSC CSIT – XML, DTD, Schema, XSLT (Prepared by: Basanta Chapagain)
8. Display following output using XML and XSLT.

Lab Questions: BCA, BSC CSIT – XML, DTD, Schema, XSLT (Prepared by: Basanta Chapagain)

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