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‭Media and Information Literacy‬

‭ nit 8: Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of Media and Information‬

‭Lesson 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Media and Information‬

‭Name:‬ ‭Date:‬

‭Section: ‭Teacher:‬ ‭Score:‬

‭Watch Out for Cyber Crimes‬ ‭60 minutes‬

‭This‬ ‭activity‬ ‭aims‬ ‭for‬ ‭you‬ ‭to‬ ‭research‬ ‭another‬ ‭form‬ ‭of‬ ‭cybercrime‬ ‭aside‬ ‭from‬
‭cyberbullying, educate others about it, and teach them how to avoid it.‬

‭1.‬ ‭Using reliable sources, look up another form of cybercrime besides cyberbullying.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Create a brochure that describes the following:‬
‭●‬ ‭the nature of the cybercrime‬
‭●‬ ‭how to tell if one could be a victim of the crime‬
‭●‬ ‭how to prevent falling victim to the crime‬
‭3.‬ ‭You may include additional details as needed.‬
‭4.‬ ‭Be creative to encourage others to read it.‬
‭5.‬ ‭Include a reference section listing your sources at the end or back of the brochure.‬

‭Media and Information Literacy‬
‭ nit 8: Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of Media and Information‬
‭Lesson 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Media and Information‬


‭Media and Information Literacy‬
‭ nit 8: Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of Media and Information‬
‭Lesson 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Media and Information‬

‭Suggested Rubric‬

‭Performance Levels‬

‭Criteria‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭‬
5 ‭Score‬
‭Beginning‬ ‭Average‬ ‭Advanced‬
‭Proficiency‬ ‭ roficiency‬
P ‭Proficiency‬

‭Clarity and‬ ‭The brochure‬ ‭The brochure‬ ‭The brochure‬

‭Completeness‬ ‭describes an‬ ‭describes a‬ ‭completely‬
‭of the‬ ‭incomplete and‬ ‭vague and weak‬ ‭describes a clear‬
‭Brochure‬ ‭irrelevant‬ ‭example of a‬ ‭and relevant‬
‭example of a‬ ‭cybercrime.‬ ‭example of a‬
‭cybercrime.‬ ‭cybercrime.‬

‭Quality of‬ ‭Information is‬ ‭Information is‬ ‭Information is‬

‭Information‬ ‭poorly‬ ‭established, but‬ ‭well established,‬
‭established and‬ ‭there is no‬ ‭with adequate‬
‭provides‬ ‭adequate‬ ‭support for‬
‭inadequate‬ ‭support for‬ ‭enriching the‬
‭support for‬ ‭illustrating the‬ ‭learner’s ideas.‬
‭illustrating the‬ ‭learner’s ideas.‬
‭learner’s ideas.‬

‭Creativity and‬ ‭The brochure‬ ‭The brochure‬ ‭The brochure‬

‭Organization‬ ‭does not show‬ ‭shows little‬ ‭shows excellent‬
‭of the‬ ‭any creativity or‬ ‭creativity and‬ ‭creativity and‬
‭Presentation‬ ‭organization,‬ ‭organization of‬ ‭organization,‬
‭leading to the‬ ‭the presented‬ ‭leading to the‬
‭poor quality of‬ ‭information.‬ ‭exceptional‬
‭the presented‬ ‭quality of the‬
‭information.‬ ‭presented‬

‭Total Possible Score‬ ‭15‬


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