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The points A, B and C have position vectors , and respectively. M is the midpoint of BC.

(a) Find the position vector of the point D such that . [3]

(b) Find the magnitude of . [3]

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2 The points A, B and C have position vectors 3i − 4j + 2k , −i + 6k and 7i − 4j − 2k respectively. M is the midpoint
of BC.

(a) Show that the magnitude of is equal to . [2]

(b) Point D is such that . Show that position vector of the point D is 11i − 8j − 6k. [3]

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3 The point A has position vector i – 2j. The point B is such that and is perpendicular to

(a) (i) Find [2]

(ii) Find the two possible directions of , giving your answers correct to the nearest degree. [2]

The point C is such that

(b) Find the maximum and minimum values of [4]

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4 Vectors a and b are defined as follows: a = 2i + 6j and b = 2i – 4j.

(a) Given that pa + qb = 6i – 7j, find the values of the constants p and q. [3]

(b) It is now given instead that |a + kb| = 5. Use the diagram below to find the two possible values of the
constant k. [4]

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OABC is a parallelogram with and . P is the midpoint of AC.

(a) Find the following in terms of a and c, simplifying your answers.

(i) [1]

(ii) [2]

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(b) Hence prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect one another. [4]

6 The points A, B and C have position vectors a, b and c, relative to an origin O, in three dimensions. The figure
OAPBSCTU is a cuboid, with vertices labelled as in the following diagram. M is the midpoint of AU.

Prove that the lines OM and AS intersect, and find the position vector of the point of intersection. [9]

7 Points A and B have position vectors a and b. Point C lies on AB such that AC : CB = p : 1.

Show that the position vector of C is .

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(a) [3]

It is now given that a = 2i + 3j − 4k and b = −6i + 4j + 12k, and that C lies on the y-axis.

(b) Find the value of p. [4]

(c) Write down the position vector of C. [1]

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The point A is such that the magnitude of is 8 and the direction of is 240°.

(i) Show the point A on the axes below. [1]

(ii) Find the position vector of point A.

Give your answer in terms of i and j. [3]

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(b) The point B has position vector 6i.

Find the exact area of triangle AOB. [2]

(c) The point C is such that OABC is a parallelogram.

Find the position vector of C.

Give your answer in terms of i and j. [2]

Points A, B, C and D have position vectors .

Find the value of k for which D is the midpoint of AC. [1]

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Find the two values of k for which . [3]


Points A and B have position vectors and respectively.

Point C has position vector and ABC is a straight line.

Find p. [2]

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Point D has position vector and angle ABD = 90°.

Determine the value of q. [3]

Simplify [2]

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The vector a is defined by where r and s are constants.

Determine two pairs of values of r and s such that a is parallel to the y-axis and |a| = 3. [5]

12(a) Points A, B and C have position vectors a, b and c relative to an origin O in 3-dimensional space. Rectangles
OADC and BEFG are the base and top surface of a cuboid.

• The point M is the midpoint of BC.

• The point X lies on AM such that AX = 2XM.

Find in terms of a, b and c, simplifying your answer. [4]

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(b) Hence show that the lines OF and AM intersect. [2]


The diagram shows the parallelogram OACB where and .

Show that cos AOB = .

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(b) Hence find the exact value of sinAOB. [2]

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(c) Determine the area of OACB. [2]


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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 a B1(AO1.

M1(AO3. soi



b B1(AO1.

M1(AO1. soi

A1(AO2. Accept 6.71



Total 6

2 a M1(AO1. Attempt to find


E1(AO2. AG


b M1(AO1.
E1(AO2. Express in
4) terms of known
E1(AO2. AG An
1) intermediate step
must be seen


Total 5

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3 a M1(AO1.
i) 2)

a ii) Direction (= tan–1(0.5)) M1(AO1.

= 27° 1a)
A1f(AO1. ft their 27°
& (180° + 27° or tan–1(–0.5)) = 1)
207° [2]

b For max & min OC, C lies on OA M1(AO2. May be implied, eg

1) by diagram
OC = OA ± 2 M1(AO3. Their OA (from (a))
1a) ±2


Total 8

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4 a 2p + 2q = 6

6p – 4q = –7 B1(AO3. Both
eg 4p + 4q = 12 Correct method to
solve and achieve
any correct
equation in either p
or q
10p = 5 M1(AO

p = 0.5, q = 2.5 A1(AO Both



b Vectors 3i + 4j and 5i shown on diagram, (AO1.2)

each starting at start point of vector a B1B1(AO or just end points
1.1) of these vectors
k = 0.5 B1(AO2.

or 1.5 B1(AO1.


Total 7

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5 ` Allow without arrows or squiggles

Examiner’s Comments

In all three parts of this question, many

candidates did not use correct vector

a (i) c–a oe B1

[1] Examiner’s Comments

Almost all candidates answered this

question correctly.

a (ii)

or M1 their (i)

or their (i)

or A1 Correct ans
(AO1.1b) without wking:
Examiner’s Comments

Most answered this question correctly. A

few made a sign error, for example

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b M1 or
or their(a)(i)


ft their (a)(i)


A1* or similar with

Must see previous line (AO1.1) or

⇒ P is midpt of OB dep*A1
or OPB is a straight line and OP = PB (AO2.1)
Hence diagonals of //m bisect one another E1 dep M1A1A1
Examiner’s Comments
This question proved challenging for a
significant majority of candidates. Many
assumed the result by starting with, for

example, , instead of
deriving this result. Some candidates
considered the modulus of some vectors.
Some candidates seemed unaware of the
meaning of the word "bisect”, in some
cases confusing it with "perpendicular".
Thus many wrote that a + c is
perpendicular to a – c, and that this
somehow proves that the diagonals bisect
one another. Perhaps the majority of
candidates did not know how to start
answering this question at all.
An example of a candidate's solution that
suggested they had no understanding of
proof by vectors was as follows:
"BO = AC. As they are the same length it
means they would both meet in the centre,
hence meaning they bisect one another."

Total 7

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6 AU = OS = b + c

OM = OA + 0.5 AU = a + 0.5(b + c) B1
AS = b + c – a B1
Let X lie on OM such that OX = μOM

Let Y lie on AS such that AY = λAS M1 One of these

(AO2.1) stated or implied
OX = μ(a + 0.5b + 0.5c)

OY = a + λ(b + c – a) A1 One correct

Let OX = OY

μ(a + 0.5b + 0.5c) = a + λ(b + c – a) M1FT their OX = their

(AO3.1a) OY, each in terms
a: μ=1–λ of a parameter

b: 0.5μ = λ

c: 0.5μ = λ A1 All three

and A1

Satisfy all three equations hence OM and E1 Statement needed

AS intersect (AO2.4)
Point of intersection has position vector

oe A1

Total 9

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7 a

M1 (AO attempted,
i.t.o. a, b and p.

M1 (AO attempted

A1 (AO Any correct

1.1) intermediate form
[3] with denominator p
+ 1, and final

b M1 (AO

2 – 6p = 0 M1 (AO
A1 (AO
–4 + 12p = 0 also satisfied by B1 (AO

c B1FT ft their p; answer

(AO 1.1) must be of form kj

Total 8

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8 a i Show A in third quadrant, with length of 8 B1(AO1. Allow any correct Condone A being
and relevant angle marked on given axes 2) angle located by correct i
[1] and j components
instead of length
and angle – could
be stated as a
coordinate or
values marked on
the axes

Examiner’s Comments

This proved to be a challenging question;

while candidates appeared to be familiar
with the term ‘magnitude’ they were less
certain about the ‘direction’ of a vector and
many treated it as a bearing, taking it
clockwise from the y-axis. Candidates
should make sure that they show sufficient
detail on any sketch; in this question both
the length of OA and a relevant angle were
expected to be labelled.

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ii x = 8cos240o= –4 M1(AO1. Attempt both Could use 60o (no

1a) components from need to consider
y = 8sin240o = magnitude of 8 and whether positive or
an angle negative for this
Allow M1 for 8cosθ
and 8sinθ
Condone a value
for θ that may not
be consistent with
their diagram
Max of M1 only, if
A incorrect on

A is – 4i – j A1(AO1. Obtain one correct Condone eg x = –4

1) component for –4i

A1(AO1. Obtain fully correct Allow 6.93, or

1) position vector
better, for
A0 if coordinate or
column vector
Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates were able to make some

attempt at finding the components of the
position vector, with some using basic
trigonometry and others setting up, and
solving, simultaneous equations using
Pythagoras’ theorem and invtan. However,
the incorrect positioning of the point A in
the previous part of the question inevitably
limited the marks gained in this part for
many of the candidates.

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b area = 0.5 × 8 × 6 × sin 120o M1(AO3. Attempt area of M0 if 240o used

1a) triangle, using Allow plausible
correct formula angle ie 30o, 60o,
120o, 150o
Allow other
incorrect angles as
long as explicit on
their diagram
Allow multi-step
methods as long
as fully correct

A1(AO1. Must be exact

1) Obtain www eg M1A0 for
from A in
second quadrant

M1A0 for
from using 60o
without justification
that sin120o =

[2] Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates were able to attempt the

area of the triangle, using what they
believed angle AOB to be. Notice that this
question explicitly asked for the ‘exact
area’; full marks would not be given for a
decimal approximation of the surd,
regardless of the number of decimal places

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c M1(AO3. Attempt 6i - (their Allow BOD for

1a) OA)
even if final answer
is not
with ‘invisible
A1(AO1. Obtain
C is Allow 6.93, or
better, for

SC B1 for

[2] or

ie a
valid parallelogram

Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates seemed unfamiliar with

the labelling convention for a polygon, and
placed the point C such that the
parallelogram being considered was
actually OACB. The more successful
candidates made good use of a diagram,
with clear calculations to justify the relevant
vectors that were being found.

Total 8

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9 a k=3 B1(AO
Examiner’s Comments
Very well attempted.

b (1 – 4)2 + (2 – k)2 = 13 M1(AO oe e.g. allow May be implied by

1.1a) consistent use of one correct value
square roots – for k
must be using
k=0 A1(AO subtraction in
1.1) brackets

k=4 A1(AO Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates made progress here,
[3] successfully setting up the required
quadratic in k. Although (k – 2)2 = 4
provides a neat solution, more often than
not the correct answers followed from k2 –
4k = 0. Some expanded the brackets
incorrectly and a few candidates thought
AD = a + d.

Total 4

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10 a Correct equation involving ratios seen.

or oe or correct, and substitute
1) y=1
or clear correct diagram drawn, from x = –3
to x = 3
p=3 A1(AO2. Allow M1A1 with unclear working or no
2a) working
Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates answered the first part

correctly although, in some cases, the
working was difficult to decipher. Some
candidates did not appear to understand
vectors, and in particular, addition and
subtraction of vectors.

b , , M1(AO3. Attempt to find vectors along 2 or 3 sides.

1a) Allow errors

(–3 – q)2 + 32 = (q – 1)2 + 1 + 16 + 4 oe M1(AO1. Their DA2 = AB2 + BD2

or ft their

q = 0.5 A1(AO2. Must follow from correct working seen

Alternative method [3]
Gradient of , gradient of BD = 2

BD is y–2 = 2(x–1) or M1
y = 2x+c & c = 0
BD is y = 2x A1
When y = 1, x = 0.5 Attempt find gradient and equation of BD.
q = 0.5 A1 Allow errors

Examiner’s Comments

In this part many were confused about the

gradients of perpendicular lines.

Total 5

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11 a B1 B1 for each element. Allow i, j notation

B1 without “squiggles”
or 15i – 12j

b 6r – s = 0 M1 Attempt |a|2 = 9, or |a| = 3; allow in terms of

s = 6r both r and s
02 + (9r)2 = 9 M1
81r2 = 9
A1 Allow just

and s = 2 or and s = –2 A1
Correctly paired

Total 7

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12 a Summary method: B1 Can be implied

M1 May be included in working, eg

or oe
or attempted in terms of a, b and
c A1
Not necessarily correct
s of Not necessarily correct
methods or equivalent simplified form
or oe using the
attempted in terms of a, b and c B1 Examples of methods using the above
Other correct methods may be seen Allow
M1 inadequate notation

Examples of methods using the above
for implied

B1 Implied


for implied
equivalent to

M1 Examiner’s Comments


A1 Misconception

Some candidates attempted “lengths” of

vectors, rather than vectors themselves.

For example, they wrote

, raher than

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b B1* Both statements needed. NB dep on B1

Hence X lies on OF, so AM and OF
B1dep Examiner’s Comments
Most candidates correctly noted that =
a + b + c, and that consequently is a
multiple of However, few went on to
make the crucial point – that this implies
that X lies on OF.

Total 6

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

13 a M1 Correct method to
= (4i – 3j) – (2i + 4j)(= 2i – (AO2.1)
7j) A1 find either or
(AO1.1) Cos AOB may not
or 53 from ±(2i – 7j) B1 be the subject, but
(AO1.1) substitutions must
M1 cao be correct for their
(AO3.1a) values
A1 Correct lengths for
(AO2.2a) OA and OB (or Condone this
[5] their squares) result from
Cos AOB = calculator without
Correct use of intermediate
cosine rule for their working.
OA, OB and AB
Cos AOB =
AG – sufficient
working must be

Examiner’s Comments

IOAI and IOBI were correctly found by

many, and often less successful attempts
could obtain AB and its length. Most
realised the triangle AOB was not right
angled and attempted the cosine rule. It is
good practice for candidates to be in the
habit of showing surd simplification even if
the calculator is used to do the relevant
work. Exact working was expected for full
credit. Those who just used AOB =
tan–1(4/2) + tan–1(¾) to get 100.3° and their
calculator with this to try and show the
given result scored 0 marks.

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b M1 Using the identity

Sin2 AOB = A1 cos2 x + sin2 X = 1
(AO1.1) with

cosX =

Or exact
equivalent –
justification not
required for taking
the positive square

Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates did not seem to

understand what exact value meant as far
as an acceptable solution was concerned.
So often we saw sin100.3° given as a
decimal only. Exact working was

Assessment for learning

Candidates should be reminded of what is

required when an exact value is requested
in a question. See section 2d of the
specification for a list of command word

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c M1 Use of A = ab sin May not use exact

(AO3.1a) C (or equivalent) values here
Area of OACB = A1 with OA and OB
22 (AO1.1) and sin AOB Condone awrt 22.0

Examiner’s Comments

Less successful attempts simply found

IOAI x IOBI. Those who found the area of
the triangle AOB sometimes struggled to
find sin AOB or forgot to double their
answer. They did not have to use exact
values in this part.

Total 9

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