Collegial Coaching Personal Reflection

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Coaching Reflection

Collegial Coaching Personal Reflection

Ashley Nandlal

College of Education and Behavior Science, Houston Christian University

LTDE 5330 Professional Development for Technology Integration

Dr. Katie K. Alaniz

March 17, 2024

Coaching Reflection
According to my Myers Briggs Score I am ISTP Introverted, Sensing, Thinking and

Perceiving. I scored an Introvert (50%), Sensing (1%), Thinking (3%), and Perceiving (3%). I

see this as I work with other because I often rather work silently while working in a group setting

especially when now when I work with my teaching team. This means something that I need to

be careful of especially when coaching is that I don’t become too reserved and fall back into my

proverbial shell. But this score also means that I am good at sensing the room around me and

understand and thinking through the situation and the information at hand that I am working on.

My top two learning styles are linguistic and intrapersonal which I originally overlooked and

got wrong on my discussion post one because I missed a letter. Intrapersonal is very fitting

towards me especially after scoring 50% introvert on the Myers Briggs test. I see linguistic in my

work because as a teacher I am very vocal, and I have a way with my words and this transfers

over when I have to speak with parents or present in front of meetings. Now as for being

intrapersonal it means I take my time with everything I do and I’m reflective in everything I say

and do both inside and out of the classroom. Both of these call for me to be careful because often

times I can wait too long and overthink and analyze the situation especially when it pertains to

having discussions or being vocal in public situations. I am especially good at public speaking

when I combine these two skills and take my time thoroughly think out what I would like to

present to my coworkers and audience.

I’ve learned one major thing about myself and that being an introvert who’s top learning

styles are intrapersonal and vocal are that I need to not be over analytical and that I also am a

person who thinks first but I will most likely never be a person who “strikes while the iron is

hot” and I fell that will affect my work as I get progress. I need to work on this because some
Coaching Reflection
situations require spontaneity and vocalness and I already have one piece I just need to add to the

other. I feel that as I work on this, I will become a better coach to my coachees and a better

teacher to my students. In the end these tests help me understand myself and analyze ways that I

can better my working styles.

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