Iste Standards For Students

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Jabari Edwards

I can see myself using ISTE standards in lots of ways for my class. As a teacher the ISTE

standards is like a gifted class, more advanced but you'll find certain words in the standards that

align with ISTE standards. The ISTE standards give me something to compass and have a guide

to control a classroom and make it a great learning space. I also see myself using these standards

by seeking opportunities to understand new tools and pedagogies that will enhance my teaching.

This includes keeping up with advancements in educational technology research, collaborating

with peers, and taking part in seminars.

With ISTE standards I can have inclusive access to educational technology so that every

student has the tools they require for success. In addition to teaching children to be responsible

and ethical with technology I can create an environment in the classroom that encourages

students to take responsibility for their online behavior. This entails being aware of digital

footprints, practicing internet safety in the classroom while dealing with technology. As a teacher

allowing my students to use technology I can use technology to create innovative assignments

that challenge students intellectually and meet their specific learning needs. This could include

gamified learning activities, project-based learning assignments that encourage critical thinking

and problem-solving, or flipped classroom strategies.

As a history using technology could be difficult to use but I can find creative ways to use

technology in a history class. One way I can use technology is to constantly be searching for new

digital tools, like interactive timelines or virtual museum tours, to supplement traditional

teaching resources. This allows for a more engaging and immersive manner for pupils to explore
historical events and relics. Using technology is kind of important if you think about it because

just reading a textbook or looking at powerpoints aren’t going to get the students engaged. I need

something more complicated for my students. Sometimes using a textbook isn’t ideal because

students aren't going to pay attention or go along with the reading. So making it fun and having

technology involved is a great way to get the students to interact in my classroom. Doing

research projects is ideal but I’m not going to do that, I’ll do more of a technology search project

where they have to write a paper on something that happened throughout history. Students

sometimes don’t like projects so giving a paper where all they have to write is something about

history would be appealing to them in my opinion.

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